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2017-09-DRAFT Op Test
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 09/20/2017
From: Vincent Gaddy
Operations Branch IV
Union Electric Co
Download: ML17270A167 (258)



JPM No: Admin1-RO-O-001 KSA No: GEN 2.1.25 Revision Date: 04/06/2017 KSA Rating: 3.9 Job


URO Duty: Ability to interpret reference materials, such as graphs, curves, tables, etc Task


Calculate volume of water to transfer between RWST and SFP Completion Time: 20 minutes The performance of this task was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be:


Evaluator Signature: Date:

Task Performer:

Location of Performance:

Control Room Simulator/Lab Plant Classroom Method of Performance: Simulated Performed Alternate Path Time Critical RCA


OOA-BB-00003, Refuel Level Indications, Rev 14 OTA-RK-00018, Add 47D, Rev 4 OTA-RK-00022, Add 76D, Rev 3 Tools / Equipment: Calculator Page 1 of 5

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Initial Conditions: The Plant is at 100% power.

Current level indicates +3" on EC LI-39A.

Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) level is currently 96.4%.

Cask loading pit and transfer canal gates are installed.

Initiating Cues: The CRS directs you to calculate the volume of water to transfer from the RWST to the SFP to actuate the SFP level high alarm.

The CRS has authorized you to reduce RWST level below the Administrative Low Level for this evolution.

Complete the following and provide to the Examiner:

Minimum amount of water required to actuate SFP high level alarm:______

Will RWST Low Level Alarm (47D) come into alarm? Yes / No (Circle One)

Simulator Set up and/or Note(s): None Task Standard: Upon completion of this JPM, the Applicant will have determined 5053 gallons (+/- 10 gallons) of water needed to actuate the SFP high level alarm and the RWST Low Level Alarm will actuate.

Start Time:

Stop Time:

Page 2 of 5


  • 1. Determine volume of S U Candidate calculated that water required to raise 5053 gallons(+/- 10 gal) is SFP level to high alarm needed:

setpoint. Comments:

High alarm setpoint for the SFP is +8.69 as obtained from OTA-RK-00022, Add 76D

+8.69-(+3")= 5.69" rise in level.

Candidate determined from OOA-BB-00003 that the SFP contains 888 gal/in 5.69 X 888 gal/ = 5053 gallons (+/- 10 gallons)

  • 2. Determine amount that S U Candidate determined that RWST will lower if water RWST level will lower by is transferred to the SFP.

1.3% as follows:


Current RWST level is 96.4% as obtained from OTA-RK-00018, Add 47D (Admin Limit given in Initiating Cue)

RWST level conversion is 4007 gal/% as obtained from OOA-BB-00003 5053 gal ÷ 4007 gal/% =


Final Level:

96.4 (Initial Level) - 1.3%

= 95.1% (95.0% to 95.2%

is acceptable)

Page 3 of 5

  • Critical Step


  • 3. Determine if RWST S U Candidate determines that contains sufficient RWST does not contain volume to remain above sufficient volume to remain the RWST Low Level Comments above the RWST Low Alarm Level Alarm if it is used to transfer water to the SFP Current RWST level is 96.4%

96.4% - 1.3% = 95.1%

RWST Low Level Alarm is 95.3%

RWST Low Level Alarm will alarm if this transfer is made

4. Candidate communicates S U Candidate provided results of their calculation following information to examiner as requested in Comments:

Initiating Cue:

Volume of Water Transferred to bring in alarm = 5053 gallons (+/-

10 gallons acceptable)

Will RWST Level Low Alarm come into alarm?



Comments Page 4 of 5

  • Critical Step

Initial Conditions: The Plant is at 100% power.

Current level indicates +3" on EC LI-39A.

Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) level is currently 96.4%.

Cask loading pit and transfer canal gates are installed.

Initiating Cues: The CRS directs you to calculate the volume of water to transfer from the RWST to the SFP to actuate the SFP level high alarm.

The CRS has authorized you to reduce RWST level below the Administrative Low Level for this evolution.

Complete the following and provide to the Examiner:

Minimum amount of water required to actuate SFP high level alarm:______

Will RWST Low Level Alarm (47D) come into alarm? Yes / No (Circle One)


JPM Bank No: Admin1-RO-O-002 KSA No: GEN 2.1.18 Revision Date: 04/06/2017 KSA Rating: 3.6 Job




Complete RCS Inventory Balance Completion Time: 20 minutes The performance of this task was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be:


Evaluator Signature: Date:

Task Performer:

Location of Performance:

Control Room Simulator/Lab Plant Classroom Method of Performance: Simulated Performed Alternate Path Time Critical RCA


OSP-BB-00009 ADD 1, RCS Inventory Balance Excessive Leakage or Manual Calculation, REV. 04 Handouts Marked up copy of OSP-BB-00009 ADD 1, RCS Inventory Balance Excessive Leakage or Manual Calculation, REV. 04 Tools / Equipment: Calculator Page 1 of 5

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Initial Conditions: The Plant has been operating at 100% steady state for the last 100 days.

  • The Water Inventory Balance program on the PPC is not working.
  • A manual calculation using OSP-BB-00009 ADD 1, RCS Inventory Balance Excessive Leakage or Manual Calculation is required.
  • All information has been recorded on Attachments 1 and 3.

Initiating Cues: The Control Room Supervisor has directed you to determine the RCS leakage using OSP-BB-00009 ADD 1, RCS Inventory Balance Excessive Leakage or Manual Calculation.

  • The procedure has been completed up to Step 6.1.7.b.
  • Complete the calculation and inform the CRS when you are complete with the calculation.

Simulator Set up and/or Note(s): None.

Task Standard: Upon completion of the task the Candidate will have identified Total RCS leakage is 0.681 gpm, Identified RCS Leakage is 0.076 gpm, and Unidentified RCS Leakage is 0.605 gpm.

Start Time:

Stop Time:

Page 2 of 5


Review the procedure Provide operator with Candidate reviewed S U Marked up copy of procedure.

OSP-BB-00009 ADD 1, RCS Inventory Comments:

Balance Excessive Leakage or Manual Calculation 2.

Candidate fills in Candidate correctly filled in Performer, Initial/Pim. Performer, Initial/Pim. and and Time/Date blocks on Time/Date blocks on Attachment 6. Attachment 6.

(SEE KEY) 3.

Determine change in Candidate determined there S U mass of water in the has been no change in mass RCDT. of water in the RCDT.


Att 6, STEP 1.b (SEE KEY)

  • 4.

Determine the change in Candidate filled in data on S U mass if water contained Attachment 6 from in the VCT. Attachment 3 and determined Li = 51% AND Lf= 43% and Comments:

Att 6, STEP 2.a and b performed calculation in step 2.b and determined change in mass if water contained in the VCT to be 1361.032 lbm.

(SEE KEY) 5.

Determine change in Candidate determined there S U mass of water in the has been no change in mass PZR. of water in the PZR.


Att 6, STEP 3.b (SEE KEY) 6.

Determine change in Candidate determined there S U mass of water in the has been no change in mass PRT. of water in the PRT.


Att 6, STEP 4.b (SEE KEY)

Page 3 of 5

  • Critical Step


Determine change in Candidate determined there mass of water in the RCS has been no change in mass LOOPS. of water in the RCS LOOPS.

Att 6, STEP 5.b (SEE KEY)

  • 8.

Summarize RCS Candidate transferred data Leakages: from previous steps and calculated Total RCS Att 6, STEP 6.a Leakage as follows:

M(VCT) = 1361.032 lbm M(PZR) = 0 lbm M(RCS) = 0 lbm 0.681 gpm Toal RCS Leakage (SEE KEY)

  • 9.

Determine Identified RCS Candidate determined RCS Leakage. Identified Leakage is 0.076.

Att 6, STEP 6.b This information is obtained from Att 1 (SEE KEY)

  • 10.

Determine Unidentified Candidate determined RCS Leakage. Unidentified Leakage is 0.605 gpm.

Att, STEP 6.c (SEE KEY) 11.

Candidate notifies CRS Candidate notified CRS that S U that they have completed they have completed the the calculations. calculations.


12. RECORD STOP TIME S U The JPM is complete ON PAGE 2.


Page 4 of 5

  • Critical Step

Initial Conditions: The Plant has been operating at 100% steady state for the last 100 days.

  • The Water Inventory Balance program on the PPC is not working.
  • A manual calculation using OSP-BB-00009 ADD 1, RCS Inventory Balance Excessive Leakage or Manual Calculation is required.
  • All information has been recorded on Attachments 1 and 3.

Initiating Cues: The Control Room Supervisor has directed you to determine the RCS leakage using OSP-BB-00009 ADD 1, RCS Inventory Balance Excessive Leakage or Manual Calculation.

  • The procedure has been completed up to Step 6.1.7.b.
  • Complete the calculation and inform the CRS when you are complete with the calculation.

OSP-BB-00009 ADD 1 Rev. 004 Attachment 6 RCS Inventory Balance Calculations Sheet I of 8 PERFORMER (PRINT) INITIAL/PIN TIME/DATE Ci,id[di4 A!4h.tQ- czndc/ ]qI-It Date: 1e4y5 dk Time Started: (cr- 7jy1 Time Completed: cer-c./ T/tVLL-NOTE If the input data is identical for initial and final conditions, calculation of specific volumes is NOT required, since the resultant zM value will be zero.


a. SPECIFIC VOLUME: v = .01605 fi3/Lbm (Assumes 14.7 psia, 70°F)
b. AM=(Vf-V)x(Vv)

Vf and V1 are volumes in cubic feet corresponding to the final and initial levels in the RCDT, as per Attachment 7, RCDT Volume vs. Indicated Level. Record RCDT volumes to three figures to the right of the decimal point..

iM(RCDT) = ( (ft3) - (&)) x (11 __)

Vf Vi v AM(RCDT) = (+) 0 ibm (IF negative, record AM(RCDT) as zero. IF positive, record AM(RCDT) to three figures to the right of the decimal point.)

Page 28 of 45 CONTINUOUS USE

OSP-BB-00009 ADD I Rev. 004 Attachment 6 (Contd.)


a. SPECIFIC VOLUME: v = .0 1605 ft3/Lbm (Assumes 14.7 psia, 70°F)
b. AM = (2.73057 fi3/%) x (LtLf) x thy)

Lf and L1 are VCT levels in % recorded on Attachment 3, or the averaged final and initial levels in % from Attachment 4 or Attachment 5, depending on plant conditions.

AM(VCT) = (2.73057) x ( 5! % - 7-  %) X (iIOI65 Lf V AM(VCT) = (+ or ) 13& I 0 g lbm (Record AM(VCT) to three figures to the right of the decimal point.)

CrHEct( 5tp Page 29 of 45 CONTINUOUS USE

OSP-BB-00009 ADD 1 Rev. 004 Attachment 6 (Contd.)

Sheet 3 of 8

a. SPECIFIC VOLUME: Calculate the specific volumes for saturated liquid (vi) and saturated vapor (v), as interpolated from the ASME Steam Tables or Attachment 9. The interpolations are to be performed using the AVERAGE of the initial and final PZR or RCS WR PRESSURE data (from Attachment 3, 4 or 5), corrected to psia.

NOTE If data is recorded on Attachment 4 or 5, the average of all data recorded must be computed and used to obtain the average pressure for specific volume determination.

PZR or RCS WR Pressure Data Averaged Specific Final=

(psig)# * (psia) v1=

Volumes (ft3/lbm) @

Initial = v, =

Averaged = +14.7=

  1. = Use for Attachment 9
  • = Use for ASME Steam Tables

= Record Averaged Specific Volumes, vi, and v, to six figures to the right of the decimal point.

b. AM= (16.8921 ft3/%)x (L1Lf) x thy1 1/v1 Lf and L are final and initial PZR levels in % recorded on Attachment 3, or the AVERAGED levels in % computed from all recorded data from Attachment 4 or Attachment 5, depending on plant conditions. v and v, are specific volumes for saturated liquid and saturated vapor, respectively, calculated per Step 3.a.

AM(PZR) = (16.8921) x( -  %) x (1/ - 1/)

v, AM(PZR) = (+ or ) 0 lbm (Record AM(PZR) to five figures to the right of the decimal point.)

Page 30 of 45 CONTINUOUS USE

OSP-BB-00009 ADD I Rev. 004 Attachment 6 (Contd.)

Sheet 4 of 8

a. SPECIFIC VOLUME: Calculate the specific volume for saturated liquid (vi), as interpolated from the ASME Steam Tables or Attachment 10. The interpolations are to be performed using the PRT TEMPERATURE data recorded on Attachment 3, 4 or 5.

NOTE PRT PRESSURE is assumed to be at 6 psig or 20.7 psia. Specific volumes computed at any pressure within 1 psi of this value will be accurate enough for this procedure.

v1 = (ft3/lbm) (Record specific volume, v1, to five figures to the right of the decimal point.)

b. AM = (VfV1) x (1/vj)

Vf and V1 are volumes in cubic feet corresponding to the final and initial levels in the PRT, as per Attachment 8, PRT Volume vs. Indicated Level. vi is the specific volume computed per Step 4.a.

AM(PRT) = ( (ft3) - (ft3)) x (1/ )

Vf Vi vi AM(PRT) = (+) C lbm (IF negative, record AM(PRT) as zero. IF positive, record AM(PRT) to five figures to the right of the decimal point.)

Page 31 of 45 CONTINUOUS USE

OSP-BB-00009 ADD 1 Rev. 004 Attachment 6 (Contd.)

Sheet 5 of 8

a. SPECIFIC VOLUME: Calculate the specific volumes for subcooled liquid (v1), as interpolated from the ASME Steam Tables or Attachment 11. The interpolations are to be performed for the initial and final PZR or RCS WR PRESSURE data, (corrected to psia),

using the RCS AVG TAVG or RCS WR I-HOT TEMPERATURE data, from Attachment 3, 4, or 5.

NOTE If data is recorded on Attachment 4 or 5, the average of all data recorded must be computed and used to obtain the initial and final average pressures and average temperatures for specific volume determination.

If THOT is less than 212°F, the Limitations of Precaution 4.14 apply.

PZR or RCS WR Pressure Data TAVG or T-HOT (psig)# (psia)* Temperature (°F)

Final = ÷14.7 = Final =

Initial = + 14.7 = Initial =

Initial (v1) @ Final (vj) @

  1. = Use for Attacnment 11

= Use for ASME Steam Tables

= Record Specific Volumes, Vii, and vif, to six figures to the right of the decimal point

b. 5.2AM = (12,026.5 ft3) x (lIv 1/v vi and Vif are specific volumes for subcooled liquid, at initial and final conditions, respectively, calculated per Step 5.a.

AM(RCS) = (12,026.5) x (1/ - 1/ )

vii Vf AM(RCS) = (+ or) Ibm (Record AM(RCS) to five figures to the right of the decimal point.)

Page 32 of 45 CONTINUOUS USE

OSP-BB-00009 ADD 1 Rev. 004 Attachment 6 (Contd.)

Sheet 6 of 8


AM(VCT) = I 361 03-lbm (per Step 2.b)

+ AM(PZR) = 0 ibm (per Step 3.b)

+ AM(RCS) = 0 Ibm (per Step 5.b)

Total RCS Leakage = ibm x .01605 x 7.4805 =

= 163. IO gal (Record calculation results to three figures to the right of the decimal point.)

+ gal (Makeup)

(Attachment 1, Step 5)

+ 0 gal (Chemicals Added)

(Attachment I Step 6)

= .tfo gal / Test Duration (Minutes)

(Record calculation results to three figures to the right of the decimal point.)

  • = 0. gpm Total RCS Leakage (Icct-(

Sp Page 33 of 45 CONTINUOUS USE

OSP-BB-00009 ADD 1 Rev. 004 Attachment 6 (Contd.)

Sheet 7 of 8 Step 6 Contd


AM(RCDT) = 0 ibm (per Step 1.b)

+ zXM(PRT) = 0 ibm (per Step 4.b)

Identified RCS Leakage = 0 ibm x 0.0 1605 x 7.4805 =

= 0 gal (Record calculation results to three figures to the right of the decimal point.)

+ C gal (Diverted)

(Attachment I, Step 7)

+ 0 gal (Samples Taken)

(Attachment I Step 8)

+ gal (RCDT Totalizer)

= 0 gal / 2_H& Test Duration (Minutes)

Record calculation results to three significant figures.

= gpm + 0 0 7b gpm (Any other properly quantified (Attachment 1. Step 9.d) leakage)

Record calculation results to three figures to the right of the decimal point.

nn/r,rs/mrs CAUTION

. Identified RCS leakage must be less than 10.0 gpm to meet Acceptance Criteria.

.rnnirn ,.n,nrrrer

= C 07 6 gpm Total Identified RCS Leakage (Do NOT round results.)

% Cril- L Page 34 of 45 CONTINUOUS USE

OSP-BB-00009 ADD 1 Rev. 004 Attachment 6 (Contd.)

Sheet 8 of 8 Step 6 Contd


Total RCS Leakage = 6 I gpm (per Step 6.a)

Identified RCS Leakage =

° 76 gpm (per Step 6.b) rrr-r1//rs rue .r Z..7 us ru .r .Z -7 C C.SZ.C C c-.z,rr..rz.zs.rru rSr..F s.r,_sr..7rrs.. Sr CAUTION Unidentified RCS leakage must be less than 1.0 gpm to meet Acceptance Criteria.

777.- -.--,,- 7-*

Unidentified RCS Leakage = O.605 gpm (Do NOT round results.)


eCSg,orgtr,essrrrr 45.45.,,.. 45..,, rr,ss, C,Ca Cr.,, rr r. rre,rr.u,rrsrr,rrn .455 russ.

CAUTION RCS Primary to Secondary leakage must be less than or equal to 150 gpd to meet Acceptance Criteria.

- / S.777C77 .77fl - ,_,_ 7. 75777 flflZn . flfl47 RCS Primary to Secondary Leakage = L gpd (per Attachment 1, Step 9a)

C-(ck.t SfLç Page 35 of 45 CONTINUOUS USE


JPM No: Admin2-RO-S-001 KSA No: GEN 2.2.37 Revision Date: 04/10/2017 KSA Rating: 3.6 Job


URO Duty: Perform System Surveillance Task


Verify AC Sources Completion Time: 20 minutes The performance of this task was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be:


Evaluator Signature: Date:

Task Performer:

Location of Performance:

Control Room Simulator/Lab Plant Classroom Method of Performance: Simulated Performed Alternate Path Time Critical RCA


OSP-NE-00003, Technical Specifications Actions - A.C. Sources, Rev.

031 Tools / Equipment: None Page 1 of 7

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Initial Conditions: The Plant is operating at 100% power. During testing of the 'B' Emergency Diesel Generator, NE02 failed to come up to rated voltage and has been declared inoperable by the Shift Manager.

The Control Room Supervisor has directed you to perform step 6.2.3.a Initiating Cues:

of OSP-NE-00003, Technical Specifications Actions - A.C. Sources, to verify off-site sources. Provide the completed attachments to the examiner.

Simulator Set up and/or Note(s): Use any 100% IC and insert Remote Functions

/KJ/KJHS0109/Local_Manual/insert Task Standard: Upon completion of this JPM, the applicant will have verified Path B is aligned for Offsite Source #1, verified either Path A, Path B, or both Path A & B are aligned for Offsite Source #2, and determined Category 8 Alarm Status is SAT.

Start Time:

Stop Time:

Page 2 of 7


1. Within one (1) hour: CUE: All precautions, Operator initiated S U limitations, and Attachment 2 and 3
a. PERFORM both prerequisites are met.

of the following to Comments:

document the power source currently supplying Class 1E buses NB01 and NB02 (per T/S SR as required by T/S ACT 3.8.1.A.1):

  • Attachment 2
  • The applicable attachment below:
  • Attachment 3 Step 6.2.3.a
  • 2. Operator completed Path S U Complete the Offsite B for Offsite Source #1 Source #1 Table below as follows:


a. If MD52-1 is closed, complete Path A
b. If MD52-3 is closed, complete Path B

Att 2 step 1

3. Operator place kept note S U NOTE: In Step 2 below, only one path is required, however all Comments available paths should be documented. Either or both may be aligned to statisfy Source #2.

Note prior to Att 2 step 2 Page 3 of 7

  • Critical Step


  • 4.

Complete the Offsite Operator completed Path S U A, Path B, or Both for Source #2 Table for Path Offsite Source #2 A, Path B, or both Comments Att 2 step 2 S U

5. Operator utilized ENSURE proper Attachment 3 attachment is being used Comments:

for current plant status.

Att 3 step 1 S U

6. Operator place kept note.

NOTE: If the Category 8 alarm on Callaway Comments:

Switchyard is NOT in alarm and the Category 8 Alarm Set Point is greater than the lower value in the Category 8 Alarm Point column of Attachment 5 for the applicable Offsite Source Configuration, the Acceptance Criteria Status is SAT.

If the Predicted Voltage is outside of the required voltage range, the SM/CRS shall declare the offsite circuits INOPERABLE.

Att 3 Note before step 2 S U

  • 7.

IF the Category 8 Alarm Transmission Operations Operator contacted is NOT in alarm, Supervisor reports transmission for minimum Comments:

PERFORM the following: Category 8 alarm is NOT value.

in alarm. The minimum Att 3 step 2.a value is set to 333.27 kV.

Page 4 of 7

  • Critical Step


  • 8.

Using Attachment 5 Operator determined the determine the minimum minimum value for the Comments:

value for the Category 8 Category 8 Alarm set point Alarm Set Point for the is 333.0 kV applicable Offsite Source Configuration and RECORD in the table below Att 3 step 2.b S U

  • 9.

If the Category 8 Alarm Operator determined the Set Point is greater than Category 8 Alarm Status is Comments:

the minimum value in the SAT and initials.

Category 8 Alarm Point column, RECORD SAT as the status in the table below and INITIAL.

Att 3 step 2.c S U 10.

IF the category 8 alarm Operator determined step set point is less than the is N/A Comments:

minimum value, perform the following:

Att 3 step 2.d S U 11.

NOTE: Capacitor banks Operator place kept note.

are in service if no Comments:

trouble alarm is actuated for their respective ESF transformer (window 19D or 22D and computer points NBU0003A and NBU0004A).

If either LTC is in manual, the respective MCB Annunciator (Window 19D or 22D) will be lit.

Note before Att 3 step 3 Page 5 of 7

  • Critical Step


NOTE: Capacitor banks Operator place kept note.

are in service if no Comments:

trouble alarm is actuated for their respective ESF transformer (window 19D or 22D and computer points NBU0003A and NBU0004A).

If either LTC is in manual, the respective MCB Annunciator (Window 19D or 22D) will be lit.

Note before Att 3 step 3 S U 13.

If the Category 8 Alarm is Operator determined step present, Perform the is N/A Comments:


Att 3 step 3 S U 14.

Perform a call back When contacted as TD, Operator performed call verification that Category back verification and Comments:

8 alarm is set correctly Name: Vincent Jackson records information in step for current plant 4.

conditions as determined Set Point: 333.27 kV in Step 2 or Step 3 and RECORD the following for Category 8 Alarm Verification Att 3 step 4 S U 15.

In the Control Room Operator made log entry.

Narrative Log, RECORD Comments:

the Category 8 Alarm Setpoint with a brief explanation.

Att 3 step 5


Comments Page 6 of 7

  • Critical Step

Initial Conditions: The Plant is operating at 100% power. During testing of the 'B' Emergency Diesel Generator, NE02 failed to come up to rated voltage and has been declared inoperable by the Shift Manager.

The Control Room Supervisor has directed you to perform step 6.2.3.a Initiating Cues:

of OSP-NE-00003, Technical Specifications Actions - A.C. Sources, to verify off-site sources. Provide the completed attachments to the examiner.


JPM No: Admin3-RO-O-001 KSA No: GEN 2.3.12 Revision Date: 04/11/2017 KSA Rating: 3.2 Job


URO Duty: Administrative Task


Determine Estimated Dose and Make Shielding Recommendation Completion Time: 6 minutes The performance of this task was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be:


Evaluator Signature: Date:

Task Performer:

Location of Performance:

Control Room Simulator/Lab Plant Classroom Method of Performance: Simulated Performed Alternate Path Time Critical RCA


HTP-ZZ-01101, Administrative Controls For Radiation Shielding, Rev 24 Tools / Equipment: Calculator Page 1 of 4

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Initial Conditions: WPA is being planned for maintenance on EBG05, Letdown Reheat Heat Exchanger, which is located in Room 1104.

  • A dose rate reading of 80 mR/hr at 12 inches has been taken by RP at the work location.
  • The work for Operations to perform prior to maintenance is expected to take 25 minutes without shielding.
  • If shielding is installed, the dose rate will lower to 25 mR/hr but will take 15 minutes longer to complete.
  • Installation of shielding is subject to unshielded dose rate and is expected to take 15 minutes.

Initiating Cues: Determine the total expected dose for the work if shielding is not installed and total expected dose if shielding is installed.

Recommend whether or not temporary shielding should be requested.

Total Expected Dose without shielding: ___________

Total Expected Dose with shielding: ___________

Should shielding be requested (circle one): YES / NO Simulator Set up and/or Note(s): None Task Standard: Upon completion of this JPM, the applicant will have calculated total estimated dose for the work without installing shielding to be 33.3 mrem and with shielding to be 36.6 mrem. The applicant does not recommend shielding be requested.

Start Time:

Stop Time:

Page 2 of 4


  • 1. Determine expected dose Applicant determined S U without shielding. expected dose without shielding to be 33.3 mrem Comments:

80 mR/hr X 25 minutes /

60 minutes/hr = 33.3 mrem

  • 2. Determine expected dose S U Applicant determined with shielding installed.

expected dose with shielding installed to be Comments:

36.6 mrem 25 mR/hr X (15+25 min)/60 min/hr +

80 mR/hr x 15 min/60 min/hr

= 16.6 + 20 mrem = 36.6 mrem

  • 3. Determine if shielding Applicant determined that S U should be requested. the installation of shielding is NOT recommended.



Comments Page 3 of 4

  • Critical Step

Initial Conditions: WPA is being planned for maintenance on EBG05, Letdown Reheat Heat Exchanger, which is located in Room 1104.

  • A dose rate reading of 80 mR/hr at 12 inches has been taken by RP at the work location.
  • The work for Operations to perform prior to maintenance is expected to take 25 minutes without shielding.
  • If shielding is installed, the dose rate will lower to 25 mR/hr but will take 15 minutes longer to complete.
  • Installation of shielding is subject to unshielded dose rate and is expected to take 15 minutes.

Initiating Cues: Determine the total expected dose for the work if shielding is not installed and total expected dose if shielding is installed.

Recommend whether or not temporary shielding should be requested.

Total Expected Dose without shielding: ___________

Total Expected Dose with shielding: ___________

Should shielding be requested (circle one): YES / NO


JPM No: Admin1-SRO-O-001 KSA No: GEN 2.1.5 Revision Date: 06/24/2017 KSA Rating: 3.9 Job


SRO Duty: Administrative Task


Determine Shift Staffing (Fatigue Rule)

Completion Time: 15 minutes The performance of this task was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be:


Evaluator Signature: Date:

Task Performer:

Location of Performance:

Control Room Simulator/Lab Plant Classroom Method of Performance: Simulated Performed Alternate Path Time Critical RCA


APA-ZZ-00905, Limitiations of Callaway Plant Staff Working Hours, Rev 020 Tools / Equipment: None Page 1 of 4


Initial Conditions:

Due to illnesses on the crew you are required to call in an additional Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) to maintain minimum crew staffing on DAY shift.

You have been given a package of 5 potential candidates schedules to fill the SRO position for the 23rd.

Initiating Cues: Determine ALL Senior Reactor Operators that are eligible to work a 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> DAY shift on the 23rd based on their NOT exceeding the limits of the Fatigue Rule or Callaway Work hour limitations.

The shift cycle for determining days off is 4 weeks, starting the 24th of the month provided and DOES NOT REPEAT.

Individuals complete NIGHT shift on the day NIGHTS is listed.

(No waivers or exceptions are allowed, per a recent Management directive.)

Assume all hours on sheets provided are the hours that were or will actually be worked.

Inform the Shift Manager (Examiner) of the eligible individuals.

Simulator Set up and/or Note(s): None.

Task Standard: The candidate determined that only two Senior Reactor Operators are eligible:

  • Davis and Johnson are eligible.


  • Smith and Green ineligible due to not having off 10 days in the 4 week period.
  • Williams is ineligible since already worked 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> in past 6 days.

(72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> in 7 day limit)

Start Time:

Stop Time:

Page 2 of 4


1. Obtain a verified working Candidate obtained a copy S U copy of APA-ZZ-00905, of APA-ZZ-00905 and Limitations of Callaway reviewed the working hour Plant Staff Working limitations Comments:


2. Review the hours of the After reviewing the shift S U SROs given as potential schedules, the candidate candidates to fill the 12 compared the time worked hour shift. to the time allowed under Comments:

working hour limitiations

  • 3. Determine which SROs S U Candidate determined that are eligible to fill 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> two (2) candidates are watch without exceeding eligible to take the 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> overtime limitations Comments watch without exceeding overtime limitations.

Note: Selection of each Davis and Johnson are individual is a critical eligible.

step. I.e. although only listed as 1 Critical JPM Step, this step has 2 critical elements to it.

Likewise, if the candidate determines an individual to be eligible but that SRO is not, this step is UNSAT.


Comments Page 3 of 4

  • Critical Step

The Plant is operating at 100% power.

Initial Conditions:

Due to illnesses on the crew you are required to call in an additional Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) to maintain minimum crew staffing on DAY shift.

You have been given a package of 5 potential candidates schedules to fill the SRO position for the 23rd.

Initiating Cues: Determine ALL Senior Reactor Operators that are eligible to work a 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> DAY shift on the 23rd based on their NOT exceeding the limits of the Fatigue Rule or Callaway Work hour limitations.

The shift cycle for determining days off is 4 weeks, starting the 24th of the month provided and DOES NOT REPEAT.

Individuals complete NIGHT shift on the day NIGHTS is listed.

(No waivers or exceptions are allowed, per a recent Management directive.)

Assume all hours on sheets provided are the hours that were or will actually be worked.

Inform the Shift Manager (Examiner) of the eligible individuals.


JPM Bank No: Admin1-SRO-O-002 KSA No: GEN 2.1.37 Revision Date: 04/13/2017 KSA Rating: 4.6 Job




Review ECP Calculation Completion Time: 35 minutes The performance of this task was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be:


Evaluator Signature: Date:

Task Performer:

Location of Performance:

Control Room Simulator/Lab Plant Classroom Method of Performance: Simulated Performed Alternate Path Time Critical RCA


OSP-SF-00005, Estimated Critical Position Calculation, Rev. 21 Plant Curve Book Student Handout of WinPCNDR & Xenon Prediction Tools / Equipment: Calculator Page 1 of 4

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Initial Conditions: The Plant experienced a reactor trip from 100% power on 9/6/17 at 0322.

The outage is complete.

The Start-up is scheduled for 9/12/17 at 1200.

Reactor Engineering department has reported that the ECP program is not available and that the ECP will be calculated using Attachment 1 of OSP-SF-00005.

RCS Boron Concentration at the time of trip was 163 ppm. Current concentration is 621 ppm by sample.

Burnup is 406.5 EFPD.

Initiating Cues: The Shift Manager has directed you to review and approve the completed Attachment 1 of OSP-SF-00005, Estimated Critical Position Calculation, using the printouts and information provided by the Reactor engineer.

Inform the Shift Manager of any issues with the calculation.

Task Standard: Upon completion of this JPM, the Applicant will have identified the errors on Attachment 1 as follows:

  • Incorrect Critical Rod Height was recorded in step 6.13.2 as control bank D at 72 steps. Correct position is control bank D at 92 steps.
  • The Rod Insertion Limit of control bank C at 46 steps was recorded in step 6.14.2.c/d. Control bank D at 48 steps should have been recorded.
  • Incorrect Maximum Rod Height was recorded in step 6.14.3.c.2 as control bank D at 199 steps. Correct position is control bank D at 170 steps.

Start Time:

Stop Time:

Page 2 of 4


1. Provide the candidate S U with a copy of OSP-SF-00005 Estimated Critical Position Comments:

Calculation and the print outs from WinPCNDR

  • 2 Candidate reviews Applicant identified the error and S U Attachment 1 of OSP-SF- informs the Shift Manager. See 00005 Estimated Critical KEY for correct data.

Position Calculation Critical steps of the Attachment Comments:

Wrong rod position in are marked on the KEY.

step 6.13.2 Error 1 wrong rod position in step 6.13.2

  • 3. Candidate reviews Applicant identified the error and S U Attachment 1 of OSP-SF- informs the Shift Manager. See 00005 Estimated Critical KEY for correct data.

Position Calculation Critical steps of the Attachment Comments:

Wrong rod position in are marked on the KEY.

step 6.14.2.c/d Wrong rod position in step 6.14.2.c/d

  • 4. Candidate reviews Applicant identified the error and S U Attachment 1 of OSP-SF- informs the Shift Manager. See 00005 Estimated Critical KEY for correct data.

Position Calculation Critical steps of the Attachment Comments:

Wrong rod position in are marked on the KEY.

step 16.14.3.c.2 Wrong rod position in step 16.14.3.c.2

5. JPM IS COMPLETE Record Stop time on page 2.

Page 3 of 4

  • Critical Step

Initial Conditions: The Plant experienced a reactor trip from 100% power on 9/6/17 at 0322.

The outage is complete.

The Start-up is scheduled for 9/12/17 at 1200.

Reactor Engineering department has reported that the ECP program is not available and that the ECP will be calculated using Attachment 1 of OSP-SF-00005.

RCS Boron Concentration at the time of trip was 163 ppm. Current concentration is 621 ppm by sample.

Burnup is 406.5 EFPD.

Initiating Cues: The Shift Manager has directed you to review and approve the completed Attachment 1 of OSP-SF-00005, Estimated Critical Position Calculation, using the printouts and information provided by the Reactor engineer.

Inform the Shift Manager of any issues with the calculation.


JPM No: Admin2-SRO-O-001 KSA No: GEN 2.2.17 Revision Date: 05/08/2017 KSA Rating: 3.8 Job


SRO Duty: Managing maintenance activities Task


Prioritize Job and Assess Risk Completion Time: 15 minutes The performance of this task was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be:


Evaluator Signature: Date:

Task Performer:

Location of Performance:

Control Room Simulator/Lab Plant Classroom Method of Performance: Simulated Performed Alternate Path Time Critical RCA


PDP-ZZ-00023, Appendix A Priority Screening Matrix, Rev 3 EDP-ZZ-01129, Callaway Energy Center Risk Assessment, Rev 46 Tools / Equipment: None Page 1 of 5

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Initial Conditions: The Plant is operating at 100% power with the following equipment out of service:

  • 'A' Intake Pump
  • 'B' Train Safety Injection Pump
  • Intake Free Discharge Valve 'A'
  • Reactor Makeup Water Transfer Pump B Job Number 17001973 (attached) has just been written on EFHV0066, ESW UHS Cool TWR TRN B BYP HV.

Initiating Cues: The Shift Manager has requested you to review and screen Job 17001973 per PDP-ZZ-00023, Appendix A Priority Screening Matrix.

The Shift Manager has also requested you assess risk for the given condition using the Equipment OOS PRA Matrix located in EDP-ZZ-01129, Callaway Energy Center Risk Assessment.

Job 17001973 should be screened as Priority _________.

The risk color for Callaway Energy Center is _____________.

Simulator Set up and/or Note(s): None.

Task Standard: Upon completion of this JPM, the candidate will determine the Job is a Priority 1 and the current risk profile is Yellow.

Start Time:

Stop Time:

Page 2 of 5


  • 1. Determine Candidate determined S U EFHV0066 is a Priority 1 Priority Job Status per Job.

PDP-ZZ-00023 Appendix Comments:

A Attachment 1 Note: EFHV0066 is a Row 1 High Critical Component and its failure is of Column A significance since it makes the associated ESW train inoperable.

  • 2. Determine current risk Candidate determined the S U level/color. risk profile is YELLOW with Train B SI Pump and EDP-ZZ-01129 Train B of ESW OOS. Comments Attachment 1 (EM-B & EF-B)

Service Water (EA) is functional per Note 1.


Comments Page 3 of 5

  • Critical Step

Initial Conditions: The Plant is operating at 100% power with the following equipment out of service:

  • 'A' Intake Pump
  • 'B' Train Safety Injection Pump
  • Intake Free Discharge Valve 'A'
  • Reactor Makeup Water Transfer Pump B Job Number 17001973 (attached) has just been written on EFHV0066, ESW UHS Cool TWR TRN B BYP HV.

Initiating Cues: The Shift Manager has requested you to review and screen Job 17001973 per PDP-ZZ-00023, Appendix A Priority Screening Matrix.

The Shift Manager has also requested you assess risk for the given condition using the Equipment OOS PRA Matrix located in EDP-ZZ-01129, Callaway Energy Center Risk Assessment.

Job 17001973 should be screened as Priority _________.

The risk color for Callaway Energy Center is _____________.


JPM No: Admin3-SRO-O-001 KSA No: GEN 2.3.4 Revision Date: 06/30/2017 KSA Rating: 3.7 Job


URO/SRO Duty: Administrative Task


DETERMINE REPORTABILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR OVEREXPOSURE Completion Time: 15 minutes The performance of this task was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be:


Evaluator Signature: Date:

Task Performer:

Location of Performance:

Control Room Simulator/Lab Plant Classroom Method of Performance: Simulated Performed Alternate Path Time Critical RCA


APA-ZZ-00520 Reporting Requirements and Responsibilities, Rev 48 Tools / Equipment: None Page 1 of 4

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Initial Conditions: The Plant is in MODE 6. Refueling activities are in progress. An Operations Technician (OT) was sent inside the Incore Instrument Tunnel to hang WPA.

Due to an Incore Instrument Thimble being retracted, the OT received an exposure of 30 REM Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE).

Initiating Cues: You are the Control Room Supervisor. You are directed to determine the following reporting items:

1. WHO is the primary recipient of the report
2. WHAT is the time limit for the first report RECORD your answers on your CUE sheet and return it to the examiner when complete.

Simulator Set up and/or Note(s): None Task Standard: Upon completion of the task, the Candidate will have determined:

  • The primary recipient is the NRC OPERATIONS CENTER
  • The time limit for the initial report is ONE HOUR Start Time:

Stop Time:

Page 2 of 4


1. Candidate determines Provide candidate a copy Candidate determined that S U that an overexposure of APA-ZZ-00520 when an overexposure occurs occurred and refers to candidate verbalizes that and reviews APA-ZZ-APA-ZZ-00520, the event is reportable or 00520 Comments:

Reporting requirements candidate locates APA-and Responsibilities. ZZ-00520 to see if it is Note: APA-ZZ-00520, reportable ATTACHMENT 1, STEP 3.f.1)a), AND ATTACHMENT 2, ITEM 42, contain reporting information for the overexposure per 10 CFR 20.2202(a).

  • 2. Candidate determines Candidate determined the S U who is the primary NRC OPERATIONS recipient of the report CENTER is the Primary Recipient : Comments:

NRC ENS LINE (RED PHONE) IS ALSO AN ACCEPTABLE ANSWER "WHO" may also be used referring to the NRC Ops Center

  • 3. Candidate determines Candidate determined that S U the time limit for the initial the time limit for the initial report report is ONE Hour.



Comments Page 3 of 4

  • Critical Step

Initial Conditions: The Plant is in MODE 6. Refueling activities are in progress. An Operations Technician (OT) was sent inside the Incore Instrument Tunnel to hang WPA.

Due to an Incore Instrument Thimble being retracted, the OT received an exposure of 30 REM Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE).

Initiating Cues: You are the Control Room Supervisor. You are directed to determine the following reporting items:

1. WHO is the primary recipient of the report
2. WHAT is the time limit for the first report RECORD your answers on your CUE sheet and return it to the examiner when complete.


JPM No: Admin4-SRO-O-006 KSA No: GEN 2.4.44 Revision Date: 05/22/2017 KSA Rating: 4.4 Job


URO/SRO Duty: Emergency Plan Task


Determine the Protective Action Recommendation Completion Time: 15 minutes The performance of this task was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be:


Evaluator Signature: Date:

Task Performer:

Location of Performance:

Control Room Simulator/Lab Plant Classroom Method of Performance: Simulated Performed Alternate Path Time Critical RCA


EIP-ZZ-00212, Protective Action Recommendations, rev 28 CA2843, PAR Flowchart Tools / Equipment: None Page 1 of 4

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Initial Conditions: A General Emergency has been declared per HG1.1 due to an on-going terrorist attack. The intruders have gained control of the fuel building and indications of damaged spent fuel exist from elevated radiation monitor readings.

Containment radiation as read on GT RE-59&60 indicate normal.

A reactor trip and plant cooldown is in progress.

Reports over the security radio channel indicate the fight is both inside and outside the protected area.

The Dose Assessment Technician location is unknown.

Wind speed is 8 mph heading from 234° Initiating Cues: The Shift Manager has directed you to make the initial Protective Action Recommendation per EIP-ZZ-00212, Protective Action Recommendations, and complete CA2843, PAR Flowchart.

This JPM is Time Critical.

Simulator Set up and/or Note(s): None Task Standard: Upon completion of this JPM, the candidate will have recommended Sheltering within a 2 mile radius and 5 miles downwind (sectors B,C,D,E) and marked the PAR Flowchart accordingly.

Start Time:

Stop Time:

Page 2 of 4


  • 1. Considering plant and The applicant determined S U radiological data, to shelter in place 2 mile establish PARs as radius and 5 miles follows: downwind Comments:
a. Determine the appropriate PARs using CA2843, PAR Flowrate Step 5.2.3.a
  • 2. Verify which sectors The applicant determined S U

/sector segments are affected sectors are included in the PAR B,C,D,E (from 234°)


Step 5.2.3.b and 5.1.2 Note: all 4 sectors are required to complete for this step to be SAT

  • 3. Document each PAR on The applicant outlined S U a separate form CA2843, affected sectors/segments PAR Flowchart, and on CA2843. (see key) include detailed Comments justifications and basis for the PAR selected.

Step 5.2.4


Comments Page 3 of 4

  • Critical Step

Initial Conditions: A General Emergency has been declared per HG1.1 due to an on-going terrorist attack. The intruders have gained control of the fuel building and indications of damaged spent fuel exist from elevated radiation monitor readings.

Containment radiation as read on GT RE-59&60 indicate normal.

A reactor trip and plant cooldown is in progress.

Reports over the security radio channel indicate the fight is both inside and outside the protected area.

The Dose Assessment Technician location is unknown.

Wind speed is 8 mph heading from 234° Initiating Cues: The Shift Manager has directed you to make the initial Protective Action Recommendation per EIP-ZZ-00212, Protective Action Recommendations, and complete CA2843, PAR Flowchart.

This JPM is Time Critical.

PAR FLOWCHART KINGDOM INTERSTATE HW70 10 1ILES IN1 bRS t ATE HWV 70 Date: Time: Prepared By:__________________________________ PIN:

Outline Affected Sectors/Segments above indicating (E) Evacuate (S) Shelter:

Method: LI Plant Conditions LI Dose Projections Reason for type of Protective action:

Data considered:

Questionable data and impact on PAR:

Impediments considered:

Correlations of effluent monitor projections with field measurements:

K171.OO1O Page 1 of2 CA2843 urn 77 flIY)1) Ill 7

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE P1 JPM No: EOP-NLO-P-001 KSA No: 054 AA1.02 Revision Date: 04/03/2017 KSA Rating: 4.4/4.4 Job


OT/URO/SRO Duty: Auxiliary Feedwater Task


Local TDAFP Start Assuming Loss of AC and DC Power Completion Time: 25 minutes The performance of this task was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be:


Evaluator Signature: Date:

Task Performer:

Location of Performance:

Control Room Simulator/Lab Plant Classroom Method of Performance: Simulated Performed Alternate Path Time Critical RCA


EC SUPP GUIDE Attachment R, Rev 21 Tools / Equipment: DC Strobotach (Simulate) and PPE Page 1 of 6

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Initial Conditions: The Plant has entered into OTO-SK-00003, Extensive Damage Mitigation Guidelines (EDMGS), which has removed controls from the Control Room. Command and Control of the Plant is currently out of the TSC.

An Operations Technician is standing by in Area 5 to assist.

Initiating Cues: You have been instructed by the EC to perform EC Supplemental Guideline, Attachment R, Starting TDAFP on Loss of AC and DC Power.

Once the TDAFP is running contact the EC in the TSC and let him know that feedwater flow to the Steam Generators is available.

Simulator Set up and/or Note(s): Note: This JPM is written assuming the TDAFP is in its normal Standby lineup with the mechanical overspeed reset which is applicable for the cue in step #5.

Task Standard: Upon completion of this JPM, the operator will have started the TDAFP and notified the EC that flow to the Steam Generators is available.

Start Time:

Stop Time:

Page 2 of 6


1. Obtain verified copy of Provide Operator with Candidate obtained S U EC SUPP GUIDE ATT R, Procedure Copy procedure copy Starting TDAFP On Loss of AC and DC Power. Comments:
2. CAUTION: Actions to Candidate place kept S U locally Start the TDAFP caution must be completed within 50 minutes of a full power Comments:

reactor trip to prevent SG dryout.

Prior to Step R1.

3. NOTE: The Strobotach is Candidate place kept note S U used to monitor TDAFP rpm Comments:

Prior to Step R1.

  • 4. Obtain the following Note: Strobotach is Candidate obtained S U equipment: available in the TSC strobotach from the TSC Packet B.5.b. Packet. (Operator
  • DC Powered needs to locate packet and Comments:

Strobotach from the (Once located by OT, Strobotach in TSC)

TSC B.5.b. Packet simulate retrieval)

  • Portable Battery- EC has contacted Powered Flow Engineering to install and Meters (Contact setup the flow meter.

System Engineering)

Step R1.

5. Check TDAFP Cue: "The Mechanical Candidate checked S U Mechanical Overspeed - Overspeed is how you TDAFP Mechanical RESET see it". Overspeed is RESET Comments:

Step R2. Note: This JPM is written assuming the TDAFP is in its normal Standby lineup with the mechanical overspeed reset Page 3 of 6

  • Critical Step


6. CAUTION: Operation of Candidate place kept S U the TDAFP without room caution cooling can lead to adverse environmental Comments:

conditions (e.g.temperature and humidity).

Prior to Step R3.

7. NOTE: Candidate place kept S U notes
  • Closing the trip and throttle valve allows Comments:

the trip hook to engage the latch-up hook

  • The minimum SG pressure required to ensure proper performance of the TDAFP is 110 psig.

Prior to Step R3.

  • 8. Close AFP Turb Mech When FCHV0312 is Candidate demonstrated S U Trip/Throt Hv Using the declutched and the how to close FCHV0312 Manual Handwheel candidate is rotating the by:

handwheel in the Comments:

  • FCHV0312 pushing down on the clockwise direction:

declutch lever Step R3. Stem is lowering then Pause rotating handwheel in the Handwheel will no longer clockwise direction rotate

9. Check at least one of the Operations Technician in Candidate verified Open S U Following - Open Area 5 communicates ABHV0005 OR ABHV0006 that ABHV0005 indicates
  • ABHV0005, TDAFP Open Comments:

Stm Sply From MS Loop 2 OR Note: Initial cue states

  • ABHV0006, TDAFP that there is an OT in Stm Sply From MS Area 5 standing by to Loop 3 assist.

Step R4.

Page 4 of 6

  • Critical Step


10. NOTE: TDAFP speed Candidate place kept S U should be maintained notes.

less than or equal to 3850 RPM to prevent an Comments:

overspeed trip.

Prior to Step R5.

  • 11. Slowly crack open, AFP Steam flow is heard Candidate demonstrated S U Turb Mech Trip/Throt Hv, slowly cracking open to start spinning AFW FCHV0312 by rotating Pump Turbine. FCHV0312 stem is handwheel in the Comments:

slightly higher. counterclockwise direction.

  • FCHV0312 Step R5
  • 12 Monitor TDAFP Speed Strobotach indicates Candidate demonstrated S U Using Portable 1560 RPM using the strobotach to Strobotach determine TDAFP speed.


Step R6

  • 13. Slowly RAISE TDAFP To FCHV0312 is throttled in Candidate demonstrated S U 3850 RPM the open direction slowly adjusting (counterclockwise) to FCHV0312 Step R7 bring speed to 3850 RPM (counterclockwise) to Comments:

acquire TDAFP speed of 3850 RPM.

14. STABILIZE TDAFP TDAFP speed is stable at Candidate demonstrated S U Speed - AT3850 RPM 3850 RPM. slowly adjusting FCHV0312 to acquire Step R8 TDAFP speed of 3850 Comments:


15. Notify the EC that the EC acknowledges the Candidate contacted the S U TDAFP is running and TDAFP is at 3850 RPM EC.

stable at 3850 RPM and Stable.


16. The JPM is complete This JPM is Complete. S U Record Stop Time on Page 2 Comments:

Page 5 of 6

  • Critical Step

Initial Conditions: The Plant has entered into OTO-SK-00003, Extensive Damage Mitigation Guidelines (EDMGS), which has removed controls from the Control Room. Command and Control of the Plant is currently out of the TSC.

An Operations Technician is standing by in Area 5 to assist.

Initiating Cues: You have been instructed by the EC to perform EC Supplemental Guideline, Attachment R, Starting TDAFP on Loss of AC and DC Power.

Once the TDAFP is running contact the EC in the TSC and let him know that feedwater flow to the Steam Generators is available.

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE P2 JPM No: EOP-NLO-P-003(A) KSA No: 055EA2.03 Revision Date: 05/22/2017 KSA Rating: 3.9/4.7 Job


OT/URO/SRO Duty: Respond to loss of all AC Task


Manually load equipment on to an AC Bus Completion Time: 12 minutes The performance of this task was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be:


Evaluator Signature: Date:

Task Performer:

Location of Performance:

Control Room Simulator/Lab Plant Classroom Method of Performance: Simulated Performed Alternate Path Time Critical RCA


ECA-0.0, Loss of all AC Power, Rev 25 Tools / Equipment: PPE Page 1 of 6

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Initial Conditions: The Plant has experienced a loss of all AC power.

Emergency diesel generator NE01 is restored and emergency bus NB01 is energized.

Initiating Cues: CRS directs you to perform Step 29 of ECA-0.0 for NB01.

Notify the CRS when complete.

Simulator Set up and/or Note(s): Step 29 is a bulleted list which may be performed in any order. JPM guide is written for listed order.

Task Standard: Upon completion of this JPM the following equipment will be loaded on NB01 bus:

o 480V buses NG01 and NG03 o Battery chargers NK21 and NK 23 Start Time:

Stop Time:

Page 2 of 6


1. Obtain a copy of ECA- Cue: After Candidate Candidate located a S U 0.0, Loss of all AC Power locates a copy, provide procedure copy procedure.


2. Loads placed on the Candidate place kept S U energized AC emergency Caution.

bus should not exceed the capacity of the power Comments:


CAUTION before step 29

  • 3. Check following Using a pointer: Candidate observed S U equipment loaded on breaker light indication on Cue: NB0113 red light energized AC emergency NB0113 "LIT", green light buses: Comments "EXTINGUISHED"
  • NB01:

Cue: NG0101 Breaker Candidate observed

  • 480 Volt Buses: Flag in window breaker flag indication on
  • NG01 breakers "CLOSED" NG0101 NB0113 and NG0101
  • NG03 breakers Cue: NB0110 red light Candidate observed NB0110 and "LIT", green light breaker light indication on NG0301 "EXTINGUISHED" NB0110 RNO: Manually or locally LOAD equipment as necessary Cue: NG0301 Breaker Candidate observed NOTE: Starts Alternate Flag in window "OPEN" breaker flag indication on Path Step 29 and first bullet NG0301 Cue: NG0301Breaker Flag in window *Candidate at upper door "CHARGED" frame on NG0301 NOTE: There are two depressed red circle buttons to close a CLOSE pushbutton Square D 480 Volt Load Center breaker, using Cue: "Sound of spring OR either switch is discharge is heard, window flag displays *Candidate removed acceptable.

CLOSED." retaining screw on plexiglass cover on NG0301 breaker face and then depressed CLOSE pushbutton Page 3 of 6

  • Critical Step


  • 4. Check following Using a pointer: Candidate observed S U equipment loaded on breaker flag indication on Cue: NG0103 Breaker energized AC emergency NG0103 Flag in window is buses: Comments "CLOSED"
  • Battery Chargers: NOTE: See NOTE above
  • NK21 breaker concerning Square D NG0103 Candidate observed breakers
  • NK23 breaker breaker flag indication on Cue: NG0303 Breaker NG0303 NG0303 Flag in window is "OPEN" Step 29 second bullet Cue: NG0303 Breaker *Candidate depressed red Flag in window is circle CLOSE pushbutton "CHARGED" at upper door frame on NG0303 OR Cue: "Sound of spring discharge is heard, *Candidate removed window flag displays retaining screw on CLOSED." plexiglass cover on breaker face and then depressed CLOSE pushbutton on NG0303
5. Check following If Candidate proceeds to Candidate observed load S U equipment loaded on NN11 and NN13 to verify light P201 on NN01 and energized AC emergency NN01 and NN03 loaded; NN03 buses: Comments Using a pointer on P201
  • Instrumentation light on NN01 and NN03:

Candidate observed meter and controls Cue: "amber light is LIT" indication on NN01 and

  • NN01 NN03
  • NN03 Using pointer for meters:
  • 120 on AC OUTPUT meter:
  • 125 DC INPUT meter:
  • 60 Frequency meter:

Step 29 third bullet Cue: "Meter is here."

Page 4 of 6

  • Critical Step


6. Check following Using a pointer to ON: Candidate observed S U equipment loaded on breaker position.

Cue: "Handle is here" energized AC emergency buses: Comments

  • Control room emergency lighting:
  • Breaker NK51-20 Step 29 fourth bullet
7. The JPM is complete This JPM is Complete. S U Record Stop Time on Page 2 Comments:

Page 5 of 6

  • Critical Step

Initial Conditions: The Plant has experienced a loss of all AC power.

Emergency diesel generator NE01 is restored and emergency bus NB01 is energized.

Initiating Cues: CRS directs you to perform Step 29 of ECA-0.0 for NB01.

Notify the CRS when complete.

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE P3 JPM No: EG-NLO-R-001 KSA No: 008A2.02 Revision Date: 04/04/2017 KSA Rating: 3.2 / 3.5 Job


URO/SRO Duty: Respond to Off-Normal Conditions Task


Local Bypass and Isolation of CCW to the Seal Water HX Completion Time: 25 minutes The performance of this task was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be:


Evaluator Signature: Date:

Task Performer:

Location of Performance:

Control Room Simulator/Lab Plant Classroom Method of Performance: Simulated Performed Alternate Path Time Critical RCA


OTO-EG-00001, CCW SYSTEM MALFUNCTION Rev 14 Tools / Equipment: PPE Page 1 of 5


Operators are performing OTO-EG-00001, CCW System Malfunction, to isolate a CCW leak The Control Room Supervisor has determined there is a leak in the Seal Water Heat Exchanger.

Initiating Cues: CRS directs you to locally isolate the Seal Water Heat Exchanger using Step B10 of Attachment B of OTO-EG-00001, CCW System Malfunction, inform the CRS when you are complete Simulator Set up and/or Note(s): None Task Standard: Upon completion of this JPM, The operator will successfully isolate Seal Water Heat Exchanger.

Start Time:

Stop Time:

Page 2 of 5


1. Obtain a verified working Provide operator with Candidate obtained S U copy of Attachment B of procedure copy procedure copy OTO-EG-00001, CCW System Malfunction Comments:
  • 2. OPEN BG8400, CVCS After candidate Candidate manually S U Seal Water HX Bypass demonstrates how to opened valve BG8400 by Valve open valve rotating handwheel counterclockwise. Comments:

Step B10.a.1) BG8400 handwheel stops turning.

  • 3. CLOSE BG-8398A, After candidate Candidate manually S U CVCS Seal Water HX demonstrates how to closed valve BG-8398A by Inlet Isolation close valve rotating handwheel clockwise. Comments:

Step B10.a.2) BG-8398A handwheel stops turning.

  • 4. CLOSE BG-8398B, After candidate Candidate manually S U CVCS Seal Water HX demonstrates how to closed valve BG-8398B by Outlet Isolation close valve rotating handwheel clockwise. Comments:

Step B10.a.3) BG-8398B handwheel stops turning.

  • 5. CLOSE BGV0206, CVCS BGV0206 stem is up and Candidate manually S U Seal Water HX Outlet threads showing closed valve BGV0206 by CCW Return Isolation rotating handwheel After candidate clockwise. Comments:

Step B10.a.4) demonstrates how to close valve BGV0206 stem is down and no threads showing Page 3 of 5

  • Critical Step


  • 6. CLOSE EGV0085, Seal EGV0085 stem is up and Candidate manually S U Water HX CCW Inlet threads showing closed valve EGV0085 by Isolation rotating handwheel After candidate clockwise. Comments:

Step B10.a.4) demonstrates how to close valve EGV0085 stem is down and no threads showing

7. Inform the CRS when The JPM is Complete Informed the CRS task is S U complete complete Record Stop Time on Comments:

Page 2 Page 4 of 5

  • Critical Step

Initial Conditions: The Plant is in Mode 1.

Operators are performing OTO-EG-00001, CCW System Malfunction, to isolate a CCW leak The Control Room Supervisor has determined there is a leak in the Seal Water Heat Exchanger.

Initiating Cues: CRS directs you to locally isolate the Seal Water Heat Exchanger using Step B10 of Attachment B of OTO-EG-00001, CCW System Malfunction, inform the CRS when you are complete

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE S1 JPM No: BG-RO-S-001 KSA No: 004 A4.18 Revision Date: 03/30/2017 KSA Rating: 4.3/4.1 Job


URO/SRO Duty: Abnormal / Emergency Actions Task


Loss of Shutdown Margin Completion Time: 10 minutes The performance of this task was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be:


Evaluator Signature: Date:

Task Performer:

Location of Performance:

Control Room Simulator/Lab Plant Classroom Method of Performance: Simulated Performed Alternate Path Time Critical RCA


OTO-ZZ-00003, Loss of Shutdown Margin, Rev. 018 Tools / Equipment: None Page 1 of 6

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Initial Conditions: The Plant is in Mode 2 performing a reactor startup.

Reactor Engineering has determined that the reactor will go critical with control rods lower than the rod insertion limit.

A dilution event is NOT suspected to be in progress.

Initiating Cues: The CRS has directed you to initiate emergency boration per OTO-ZZ-00003, Loss of Shutdown Margin.

Simulator Set up and/or Note(s):

  • Use IC-196 on training load 1603 OR o Load Any Mode 2 IC o Pull Control Banks until 'B' is at 120 steps o Ramp Boron Concentration meter output to 1200 ppm Task Standard: At the completion of this JPM, emergency boration of the RCS will have been established from the boric acid storage tanks through BG HV-8104.

Start Time:

Stop Time:

Page 2 of 6


Obtain a verified working copy of Provide candidate with Candidate obtained OTO-ZZ-00003, Loss of procedure copy. procedure copy Comments:

Shutdown Margin

2. S U Determine if dilution event - Candidate determined a suspected or in progress dilution event is not in progress and proceeds Comments:

RNO: Go to step 3 to step 3 per step 1 RNO Step 1

3. Candidate determined at S U Check at least one BAT -

least one BAT is Available available Comments:

Step 3

4. . Candidate determined S U Check Charging System -

the charging system is Available available Comments:

Step 4

5. S U Check Charging Pumps - At Candidate determined at least one running least one charging pump is running.



  • NCP:

o BG HIS-3 Step 5 Page 3 of 5

  • Critical Step


  • 6. S U Initiate Emergency Boration: Candidate started at least one boric acid
a. Start at least one Boric transfer pump using one Comments:

Acid Transfer Pump: of the following:

  • BG HIS-5A
  • BG HIS-6A
  • BG HIS-5A OR Note: If ONLY one
  • BG HIS-6A pump is started in this By rotating the HS to the step, the step is still Step 6.a SAT as the step says right to the RUN position and observing the Red to start at least one RUN Light is LIT. Green pump light will be extinguished.
  • 7. S U Initiate Emergency Boration: Candidate opened BG HIS-8104 by depressing
b. Open emergency the OPEN PB and Comments:

boration to charging observing the Red light is pump suction: Lit and Green light is

  • BG HIS-8104 extinguished.

Step 6.b

8. Candidate checked S U Initiate Emergency Boration:

emergency borate flowrate greater than 30

c. Check emergency borate gpm on BG FI-183A Comments:

flowrate - greater than 30 gpm

  • BG FI-183A Step 6.c
10. The JPM is complete This JPM is Complete. S U Record Stop Time on Page 2 Comments:

Page 4 of 5

  • Critical Step

Initial Conditions: The Plant is in Mode 2 performing a reactor startup.

Reactor Engineering has determined that the reactor will go critical with control rods lower than the rod insertion limit.

A dilution event is NOT suspected to be in progress.

Initiating Cues: The CRS has directed you to initiate emergency boration per OTO-ZZ-00003, Loss of Shutdown Margin.

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE S2 JPM No: EN-RO-S-002A KSA No: 013 A4.01 Revision Date: 03/29/2017 KSA Rating: 4.5 / 4.8 Job




ESFAS - CSAS failure to auto actuate Completion Time: 15 minutes The performance of this task was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be:


Evaluator Signature: Date:

Task Performer:

Location of Performance:

Control Room Simulator/Lab Plant Classroom Method of Performance: Simulated Performed Alternate Path Time Critical RCA


E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection, Rev. 18 Tools / Equipment: None Page 1 of 11

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Initial Conditions: The Plant has experienced a Reactor Trip and Safety Injection from full power.

The Crew is performing E-0, Reactor Trip of Safety Injection.

Initiating Cues: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to perform E-0, Attachment A, Automatic Action Verification.

Simulator Set up and/or Note(s): Use IC-116 on 1603. Go to RUN when the operator starts the JPM. OR follow the setup info below

  • Using any Mode 1-3 IC
  • Insert the following Malfunctions:

o Malf (SB) SB029B_CSAS, Value = Block o Malf (SB) SB032B_CSAS, Value = Block o Malf (SB) SB029B_CSAS, Value = Normal, Cond = (X18I25A eq 1) AND (X18I31A eq 1) o Malf (SB) SA032B_CSAS, Value = Normal, Cond = X18I24Aeq1

  • Insert Malfunction (BB) BB001_D, value = 100,000
  • Once the Containment Pressure rises to > 27 psig, Freeze the Simulator and administer the initiating CUE.
  • GO TO RUN when the Operator starts the JPM.

Task Standard: Upon completion of this JPM, the Operator will have manually stopped all Reactor Coolant Pumps, established CCW flow to the RHR HXs, secured the SFP Cooling System, and initiated Containment Spray Actuation Signal (CSAS).

Start Time:

Stop Time:

Page 2 of 11


1. Obtain a copy of E-0 Provide candidate with Candidate obtained S U procedure copy. procedure copy Comments:

NOTE: Foldout page RCP trip criteria applies, Examinee may trip the RCPs prior to step A8.

2. Check Charging Pumps: Candidate verified the S U CCPs are BOTH
a. CCPs Both Running RUNNING and the NCP is
  • BG HIS-1A STOPPED by observing
  • BG HIS-2A Comments:

the CCP Green lights

b. STOP NCP: extinguished and the Red
  • BG HIS-3 lights Lit. The NCP's Red Note: The NCP Amber light is extinguished, light verification is due to Amber light Lit and Green a disagreement between light is Lit.

HS position and breaker position due to it being Step A1 load shed. The important item in this step is that Both CCPs are running.

3. CHECK SI and RHR OPERATOR verified the S U Pumps SI and RHR pumps are RUNNING by observing
  • SI Pumps BOTH each pumps Green light is RUNNING Comments:

extinguished and its Red

  • EM HIS-4 light is Lit.
  • EJ HIS-1
  • EJ-HIS-2 Step A2 Page 3 of 11
  • Critical Step


4. CHECK ECCS Flow At RL017/018, candidate S U verified Flow to the RCS
a. CCPs to Boron Inj Loops via:

Header Header -

Flow INDICATED CCPs - EM FI-917A and Comments:

  • EM FI-917A EM FI-917B
  • EM FI-917B
b. RCS press < 1700 Depending on current psig SI Pumps - EM FI -918 RCS pressure, flow may
c. SI Pump Discharge - and EM FI-922 or may not be indicated Flow indicated on panel.
  • EM FI-918 RHR Accum Injection
d. RCS pressure - Less Loop - EJ FI-618 and EJ than 325 psig FI-619
e. RHR Accumulator injection LOOP -

Flow indicated

  • EJ FI-618
  • EJ FI-619 Step A3
5. CAUTION: If offsite Candidate place kept S U power is lost after SI Caution.

reset, manual action may be required to restart safeguards equipment. Comments:

6. CHECK ESW Pumps - At RL019/020, candidate S U RUNNING checked BOTH ESW Pumps RUNNING by
  • EF HIS-55A observing the each pumps
  • EF HIS-56A Comments:

Green light is extinguished and its Red light is Lit.

Step A4 Page 4 of 11

  • Critical Step


7. CHECK CCW At RL019/020, candidate S U ALIGNMENT: Checks One CCW Pump running in each Loop
a. CCW Pumps- ONE CCW Pumps indicate Comments:

Running in Each running - RED LIGHT ON Train and GREEN LIGHT OFF RED Train:

  • EG HIS-21 or EG HIS-23 YELLOW Train:
  • EG HIS-22 or EG HIS-24 Step A5.a
8. CHECK CCW At RL019/020, candidate S U ALIGNMENT: checks Service Loop supplied by a running
b. CCW Service Loop CCW Pump Supply and Return Comments:

valves for one Either set of listed valves operating CCW indicate OPEN for the pump - OPEN CCW Train that is in service

  • EG ZL-15 AND EG ZL-53 OR
  • EG ZL-16 AND EG ZL-54 Step A5.b
  • 9. CHECK CCW Candidate opened CCW to S U ALIGNMENT: RHR HX Valves EG HIS-101 and 102 by
c. OPEN CCW to RHR depressing OPEN PB and HX Valves:

observed Red Light LIT, Comments:

  • EG HIS-101 Green Light off Note: Both Valves should
  • EG HIS-102 be opened for this STEP Step A5.c to be SAT Page 5 of 11
  • Critical Step


  • 10. CHECK CCW At RL019/20, candidate S U ALIGNMENT: closed Spent Fuel Pool HX OUTLET Valves EC HIS-
d. CLOSE Spent Fuel 11 and 12 by depressing Pool HX CCW Outlet Close PB and observing Comments:


the Red Light off and

  • EC HIS-11 Green light Lit.
  • EC HIS-12 Step A5.d
  • 11. CHECK CCW At RL019/20, candidate S U ALIGNMENT: stopped the running Spent Fuel Pool Cooling
e. STOP Spent Fuel Pumps(s) by rotating the Pool Cooling pumps handswitch to the Comments:


left and observing the Red

  • EC HIS-27 light off and Green light Lit.
  • EC HIS-28 Step A5.e
12. CHECK CCW Candidate recorded Time S U ALIGNMENT: SFP Cooling Pump Secured
f. Record the Time Spent Fuel Pool Monitors Time since CCW Comments:

Cooling Pump Flow isolated to SFP HX Secured

g. Monitor Time CCW Flow isolated to SFP HX - LESS THAN 4 HOURS Step A5. f & g
13. CHECK Containment Candidate checked ALL S U Cooler Fans - RUNNING Containment Cooler Fans in SLOW SPEED RUNNING - In Slow Speed by observing Slow
  • GN HIS-9 speed Red light Lit and Comments:
  • GN HIS-17 other lights off.
  • GN HIS-5
  • GN HIS-13 Step A6 Page 6 of 11
  • Critical Step


14. CHECK Containment Candidate checked ALL S U Hydrogen Mixing Fans - Containment Hydrogen Running in SLOW Mixing Fans RUNNING -

SPEED In Slow Speed by Comments:

observing Slow speed Red

  • GN HIS-2 light Lit and other lights off.
  • GN HIS-4
  • GN HIS-1
  • GN HIS-3 Step A7
  • 15 CHECK if Containment Candidate determined S U Spray should be Actuated Containment press has been > 27 psig and
a. Check the following:

performed the RNO

  • CHECK Comments:


Containment Pressure > 27 Candidate manually PSIG actuated CSAS and Note: This is the start verified pumps are running of the alternate path.

OR using SB HS-43 and SB

  • GN PR-934 HS-45, OR SB HS-44 and indicates SB HS-46 containment (The set of switches must pressure HAS be actuated together using BEEN GREATER both hands)

THAN 27 psig Candidate verified both OR Containment Spray

  • Annunciator 59A Pumps are running by CSAS-LIT observing Red light LIT and Green light OR extinguished.
b. Containment Spray Pumps - BOTH RUNNING
  • EN HIS-3
  • EN HIS-9 RNO b. Perform the following as necessary:
1) Manually actuate CSAS
  • SB HS-43 and 45
  • SB HS-44 and 46
2) Ensure both Containment Spray pumps are Page 7 of 11
  • Critical Step


Step A8.a and A8.b

16. ESFAS Status panels Candidate reviewed S U sections CSAS and CISB ESFAS Status panel lights SA066X WHITE lights - SA066X and SA066Y ALL LIT Indicate normal after Comments:

actuation (White lights SA066Y WHITE Lights -


ALL LIT Step A8.c and A8.d

  • 17. STOP ALL RCPs Candidate STOPS ALL S U RCPs by rotating each pump's handswitch to the left and observing the Red light off and Green light Comments:

Step A8.e Lit.

NOTE: Foldout page RCP trip criteria applies, Examinee may trip the RCPs prior to this step.

If so this step is SAT.

Page 8 of 11

  • Critical Step


18. CHECK if Main Steam Candidate verified all Main S U Lines should be isolated Steam lines have been Isolated by observing each
a. Check the following:

MSIV and MSIV bypass

  • Cntmt Press > 17 valve Green light is Lit and Comments:

psig Red light is extinguished.


  • GN PR-934 Alternatively, the indicates Candidate reviewed containment ESFAS Status panel lights pressure has SA066X and SA066Y been greater than Indicate normal after 17 psig actuation (White lights OR ON) for the SLIS
  • Steam line press

< 615 psig OR

  • AB PR-514 or AB PR-535 indicates steamline pressure - HAS BEEN LESS THAN 615 psig
b. CHECK MSIVs and Bypass valves -


19. CHECK ECCS Valves - Candidate reviewed S U Proper Emergency ESFAS Status panel lights Alignment SA066X and SA066Y
  • SA066X WHITE Indicate normal after Comments:

Lights - ALL Lit actuation (White lights

  • SA066Y WHITE ON)

Lights - ALL LIT Step A10

20. CHECK Containment Candidate reviewed S U Isolation Phase A ESFAS Status panel lights
  • SA066X WHITE SA066X and SA066Y Lights - ALL Lit Indicate normal after Comments:
  • SA066Y WHITE actuation (White lights Lights - ALL LIT ON)

Step A11 Page 9 of 11

  • Critical Step


21. CHECK SG Blowdown Candidate reviewed S U Isolation: ESFAS Status panel lights
  • SA066X WHITE SA066X and SA066Y Lights - ALL Lit Indicate normal after Comments:
  • SA066Y WHITE actuation (White lights Lights - ALL LIT ON)

Step A12

22. CHECK Both Trains of Candidate reviewed S U Control Room Ventilation ESFAS Status panel lights Isolation SA066X and SA066Y
  • SA066X WHITE Indicate normal after Comments:

Lights - ALL Lit actuation (White lights

  • SA066Y WHITE ON)

Lights - ALL LIT Step A13

23. CHECK Containment Candidate reviewed S U Purge Isolation ESFAS Status panel lights
  • SA066X WHITE SA066X and SA066Y Lights - ALL Lit Indicate normal after Comments:
  • SA066Y WHITE actuation (White lights Lights - ALL LIT ON)

Step A14

23. NOTIFY CRS of the Acknowledge the CSAS Candidate informed the S U Following: had to be manually CRS of having to manually actuated and RCPs were actuate CSAS and the
  • Unanticipated STOPPED need to STOP RCPs.

Manual Actions Comments:


  • Failed Equipment Status
  • Attachment A, Automatic Action Verification, completed Step A15
24. The JPM is complete This JPM is Complete. S U Record Stop Time on Page 2 Comments:

Page 10 of 11

  • Critical Step

Initial Conditions: The Plant has experienced a Reactor Trip and Safety Injection from full power.

The Crew is performing E-0, Reactor Trip of Safety Injection.

Initiating Cues: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to perform E-0, Attachment A, Automatic Action Verification.

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE S3 JPM No: BB-RO-S-002A KSA No: 010 A4.03 Revision Date: 03/31/2017 KSA Rating: 4.0 / 3.8 Job


URO/SRO Duty: Operator the Reactor Coolant System Task


Initiate Cold Overpressure Mitigation with PORV Malfunction Completion Time: 10 minutes The performance of this task was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be:


Evaluator Signature: Date:

Task Performer:

Location of Performance:

Control Room Simulator/Lab Plant Classroom Method of Performance: Simulated Performed Alternate Path Time Critical RCA


OTN-BB-00005, Pressurizer and Pressurizer Pressure Control, Rev. 015 OOA-BB-0001B, COMS Lift Setpoint for Pressurizer PORVs, Rev. 008 Tools / Equipment: None Page 1 of 5

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Initial Conditions: The Plant is in Mode 4, performing an RCS Cooldown.

Initiating Cues: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to ARM the Pressurizer Power Operated Relief Valves for Cold Overpressure Mitigation per OTN-BB-00005, Pressurizer and Pressurizer Pressure Control, Section 5.6.

Simulator Set up and/or Note(s): Use IC-115 OR use the setup info below:

  • Use Mode 4 IC prior to cooling the RCS down below 275°F
  • ME Schematic (BB) m22bb02_a, in engineering mode select bbpcv0455a valve
  • Set RC06BBPCV0455AZMANTYP to value = 1, conditional = (X21I139A eq 1) AND (X21I140A eq 1)
  • Set RC06BBPCV0455ATASTEM to value = 1, conditional = (X21I139A eq 1) AND (X21I140A eq 1)
  • Set RC06BBPCV0455AZMANTYP to value = 0, conditional = X21I149C eq 1
  • Set RC06BBPCV0455ATASTEM to value = 0, conditional = X21I149C eq 1
  • Panel RL022 'A' PORV red light HWX210149R to value = 1, conditional = (X21I139A eq 1) AND (X21I140A eq 1)
  • Panel RL022 'A' PORV green light HWX210149G to value = 0, conditional = (X21I139A eq 1) AND (X21I140A eq 1)
  • Panel RL022 'A' PORV red light HWX210149R to value = 0, conditional = X21I149C eq 1
  • Panel RL022 'A' PORV green light HWX210149G to value = 1, conditional = X21I149C eq 1 Task Standard: Upon completion of this JPM, the operator will have armed both Pressurizer PORVs for Cold Overpressure Mitigation and isolated or closed BB PV-455A after it fails open.

Start Time:

Stop Time:

Page 2 of 5


1. Obtain a verified working Provide candidate with Candidate obtained S U copy of OTN-BB-00005, procedure copy. procedure copy Pressurizer and Pressurizer Pressure Comments:


2. Review Precautions and Cue: All precautions and Candidate reviewed S U Limitations limitations are satisfied. Precautions and Limitations Comments:

Section 3.0

3. Review Prerequisites Cue: All prerequisites Candidate reviewed S U are satisfied. prerequisites.

Section 4.0 Comments:

4. NOTE: Refer to OOA- Candidate place kept note S U BB-0001A, in the control room or OOA-BB-0001B, in the simulator.


Note prior to Step 5.6.1

5. ENSURE RCS pressure Candidate ensured RCS S U is less than the low pressure is less than the PORV pressure setting. low PORV pressure setting.


Step 5.6.1

6. Check BB HIS-8000A, At RL019/20, candidate S U PZR PORV BLOCK VLV, in checked BB HIS-8000A is OPEN OPEN by observing Red light Lit and Green light off.


Step 5.6.2

7. Check BB HIS-8000B, At RL019/20, candidate S U PZR PORV BLOCK VLV, in checked BB HIS-8000B is OPEN OPEN by observing Red light Lit and Green light off.


Step 5.6.3 Page 3 of 5

  • Critical Step


8. Check BB HIS-455A, Candidate checked BB S U PZR PORV, in AUTO HIS-455A in AUTO Step 5.6.4 Comments:
9. Check BB HIS-456A, Candidate checked BB S U PZR PORV, in AUTO HIS-456A in AUTO Step 5.6.5 Comments:
  • 10. Ensure the following Cold Candidate placed BB HS- S U Overpressure Arming 8000A and BB HS-8000B Switches in ARM: in ARM by depressed the ARM portion of the
  • BB HS-8000A handswitch. Comments:
  • BB HS-8000B This is the start of the alternate path.

Step 5.6.6

11. NOTE: The PORVs are Candidate place kept note S U pilot operated valves and should open when the block valves open.


Note prior to step 5.6.7

  • 12. Check the following If CRS is notified of Candidate checked BB S U PORVs CLOSED: manual action, provide HIS-455A and finds it cue "CRS concurs" failed open.
  • BB HIS-455A
  • BB HIS-456A Candidate isolated or Comments:

closed BB HIS-455A by either depressing CLS on BB HIS-455A OR NOTE: When COMS depressing BLOCK on BB Step 5.6.7 HS-8000A and CLOSE on is armed a signal is sent BB HIS-8000A to close the to the block valve to be

'A' block valve. open. In order to close the block valve, COMS Candidate checked BB must be blocked.

HIS-456A is in Auto.

13. The JPM is complete This JPM is Complete. S U Record Stop Time on Page 2 Comments:

Page 4 of 5

  • Critical Step

Initial Conditions: The Plant is in Mode 4, performing an RCS Cooldown.

Initiating Cues: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to ARM the Pressurizer Power Operated Relief Valves for Cold Overpressure Mitigation per OTN-BB-00005, Pressurizer and Pressurizer Pressure Control, Section 5.6.

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE S4 JPM Bank No: BB-RO-S-001A KSA No: 003 A4.06 Revision Date: 03/31/2017 KSA Rating: 2.9 / 2.9 Job


URO/SRO Duty: Abnormal / Emergency Operations Task


Start Reactor Coolant Pump during RCS Natural Circulation Cooldown Completion Time: 20 minutes The performance of this task was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be:


Evaluator Signature: Date:

Task Performer:

Location of Performance:

Control Room Simulator/Lab Plant Classroom Method of Performance: Simulated Performed Alternate Path Time Critical RCA


EOP Addendum 3, Starting an RCP, R002 Tools / Equipment: None Page 1 of 10

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Initial Conditions: The Plant experienced a Reactor Trip from full power.

A Switchyard fault resulted in the loss of the Startup Transformer.

The crew is performing the actions of ES-0.2, Natural Circulation Cooldown.

The PA Busses have been re-energized and the crew has returned to ES-0.2 Step 1.

Initiating Cues: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to start a Reactor Coolant Pump in order of priority using EOP Addendum 3, Starting An RCP.

Simulator Set up and/or Note(s): Use IC-198 on load 1603 OR any Mode 1 IC and then trip the reactor, Secure the RCPs, and Insert a malfunction which prevents the RCP lift oil pump interlock from being satisfied.

Task Standard: Upon completion of this JPM, the candidate will have started either RCP

'A' or 'B'.

Start Time:

Stop Time:

Page 2 of 10


1. Obtain a verified working Provide operator with Candidate obtained S U copy of procedure copy procedure copy EOP Addendum 3, Starting An RCP Comments:
2. CAUTIONS: If RCP seal Candidate place kept S U cooling had previously caution been lost, the affected RCPs should NOT be Comments:

started prior to a status evaluation

3. NOTES: RCPs should be Candidate place kept note S U run in order of priority to provide normal PZR spray: RCP D, RCP A or Comments:


4. ESTABLISH conditions Candidate ensured S U for starting an RCP in 13.8 KV Buses PA01 and order of priority: PA02 energized by either observing, at RL015/16, 13.8 KV Buses - Comments:

volt meter or white bus ENERGIZED light is LIT.

  • PA01
  • PA02 Step 1.a
5. RCS pressure - RCS pressure is greater Candidate ensured RCS S U GREATER THAN 325 than 325 psig pressure is greater than PSIG 325 psig Step 1.b Comments:
6. Number 1 seal differential RCP D Number 1 seal Candidate ensured RCP D S U pressure - GREATER differential pressure is Number 1 seal differential THAN 200 PSID greater than 200 psid pressure is greater than 200 psid by observing
  • BB PI-150A Comments:

BB PI-150A Step 1.c Page 3 of 10

  • Critical Step


7. VCT pressure - VCT pressure is greater Candidate ensured VCT S U GREATER THAN 15 than 15 psig pressure is greater than 15 PSIG psig Comments:

Step 1.d

8. RCP seal injection flow - Candidate ensured RCP S U BETWEEN 6 GPM AND seal injection flow is 13 GPM PER RCP between 6 gpm and 13 gpm per RCP
  • BG FR-157 Comments:
  • BG FR-156
  • BG FR-157
  • BG FR-155
  • BG FR-156
  • BG FR-154
  • BG FR-155 Note: Normal RCP seal
  • BG FR-154 injection flow is between 6 gpm and 13 gpm per Step 1.e RCP
9. Number 1 seal leakoff Number 1 seal leakoff Candidate ensured S U flow - GREATER THAN flow is greater than or Number 1 seal leakoff flow OR EQUAL TO 0.2 GPM equal to 0.2 gpm is greater than or equal to 0.2 gpm
  • BG FR-157 Comments:
  • BG FR-156
  • BG FR-157
  • BG FR-155
  • BG FR-156
  • BG FR-154
  • BG FR-155
  • BG FR-154 Step 1.f
10. CCW To RCS Flow - Candidate ensured CCW S U INDICATED To RCS Flow is indicated at RL019/20 on
  • EG FI-128
  • EG FI-129
  • EG FI-128 Comments:
  • EG FI-129 Step 1.g
11. RCP CCW system RCP CCW system Candidate ensured RCP S U annunciators - CLEAR annunciators are not LIT CCW system annunciators are clear
  • 70C, RCP A Th Bar
  • 52A, CCW Lo Comments:
  • 71C, RCP B Th Bar
  • 70C, RCP A Th Bar
  • 72C, RCP C Th Bar
  • 71C, RCP B Th Bar
  • 73C, RCP D Th Bar
  • 72C, RCP C Th Bar
  • 73C, RCP D Th Bar
  • Critical Step


12. START Oil Lift Pump for Candidate started Lift S U RCP to be started: Pump for RCP D by rotating the handswitch to
  • BB HIS-44 the right (RUN position)


Step 1.i and observing the RED Light is Lit and Green light is extinguished

  • BB HIS-44
13. Oil Lift Pump oil pressure Note: RCP D Oil Lift Candidate identifies RCP S U interlock WHITE light - Pump oil pressure D Oil Lift Pump oil LIT interlock white light is pressure interlock white NOT LIT light is not lit.


Step 1.j This is the start of the alternate path.

14. TRY to establish Candidate tried to S U conditions for starting an establish conditions to RCP unless all seal start another RCP by cooling has been lost. performing step 1 for next Comments:

RCP in order of priority for IF conditions can NOT be normal PZR spray (A or established for any RCP, B).

THEN PERFORM the following:

1. IF any RCP Oil Lift Pump(s) are running, THEN STOP Oil Lift Pump(s):
  • BB HIS-41
  • BB-HIS-42
  • BB-HIS-43
  • BB-HIS-44
2. Return to procedure and step in effect.

Step 1 RNO

15. ESTABLISH conditions Candidate ensured S U for starting an RCP in 13.8 KV Buses PA01 and order of priority: PA02 energized by either observing, at RL015/16, 13.8 KV Buses - Comments:

volt meter or white bus ENERGIZED light is LIT.

  • PA01
  • PA02 Step 1.a Page 5 of 10
  • Critical Step


16. RCS pressure - RCS pressure is greater Candidate ensured RCS S U GREATER THAN 325 than 325 psig pressure is greater than PSIG 325 psig Step 1.b Comments:
17. Number 1 seal differential RCP A or B Number 1 Candidate ensured RCP A S U pressure - GREATER seal differential pressures or B Number 1 seal THAN 200 PSID is greater than 200 psid differential pressure is greater than 200 psid by
  • BB PI-153A Comments:

observing OR BB PI-153A (RCP A)

  • BB PI-152A or BB PI-152A (RCP B)

Step 1.c

18. VCT pressure - VCT pressure is greater Candidate ensured VCT S U GREATER THAN 15 than 15 psig pressure is greater than 15 PSIG psig Step 1.d Comments:
19. RCP seal injection flow - Candidate ensured RCP S U BETWEEN 6 GPM AND seal injection flow is 13 GPM PER RCP between 6 gpm and 13 gpm per RCP
  • BG FR-157 Comments:
  • BG FR-156
  • BG FR-157
  • BG FR-155
  • BG FR-156
  • BG FR-154
  • BG FR-155 Note: Normal RCP seal
  • BG FR-154 injection flow is between 6 gpm and 13 gpm per Step 1.e RCP
20. Number 1 seal leakoff RCP A or B Number 1 Candidate ensured S U flow - GREATER THAN seal leakoff flow is Number 1 seal leakoff flow OR EQUAL TO 0.2 GPM greater than or equal to is greater than or equal to 0.2 gpm 0.2 gpm
  • BG FR-157 Comments:
  • BG FR-156
  • BG FR-157
  • BG FR-155
  • BG FR-156
  • BG FR-154
  • BG FR-155
  • BG FR-154 Step 1.f Page 6 of 10
  • Critical Step


21. CCW To RCS Flow - Candidate ensured CCW S U INDICATED To RCS Flow is indicated at RL019/20 on
  • EG FI-128
  • EG FI-129
  • EG FI-128 Comments:
  • EG FI-129 Step 1.g
22. RCP CCW system RCP CCW system Candidate ensured RCP S U annunciators - CLEAR annunciators are not LIT CCW system annunciators are clear
  • 70C, RCP A Th Bar
  • 52A, CCW Lo Comments:
  • 71C, RCP B Th Bar
  • 70C, RCP A Th Bar
  • 72C, RCP C Th Bar
  • 71C, RCP B Th Bar
  • 73C, RCP D Th Bar
  • 72C, RCP C Th Bar
  • 73C, RCP D Th Bar
  • 23. START Oil Lift Pump for Candidate started Lift S U RCP to be started: Pump for RCP A or B by rotating the handswitch to
  • BB HIS-41 (RCP A) the right (RUN position)


OR and observing the RED Light is Lit and Green light

  • BB HIS-42 (RCP B) is extinguished
  • BB HIS-41 (RCP A)


  • BB HIS-42 (RCP B)

Step 1.i

24. Oil Lift Pump oil pressure Candidate ensured RCP A S U interlock WHITE light - or B Oil Lift Pump oil LIT pressure interlock white light is lit Comments:

Step 1.j Note: This time the RCPA or B Oil Lift Pump oil pressure interlock white light will be Lit Page 7 of 10

  • Critical Step


25. NOTE: SI must be reset Candidate place kept note S U prior to starting RCP C or RCP D to prevent potential shutdown Comments:

sequencer actuation on undervoltage of XNB02

26. RESET SI If Necessary: SI is reset Candidate ensured SI is S U reset
  • SB HS-43A Comments:

Step 2

27. START Desired RCP As If desired for time Candidate ensured RCP S U Follows: compression, 2 minutes A or B oil lift pump has has elapsed been running greater than CHECK associated oil lift 2 minutes pump - RUNNING Comments:


  • 28. START desired RCP: Candidate started RCP A S U using BB HIS-37 OR RCP BB HIS-37 (RCP A)

B using BB HIS-38 by OR rotating the pumps Comments:

handswitch to the right BB HIS-38 (RCP B) (START position) and observing red light lit and green light extinguished Step 3.b

29. CHECK RCP - If desired for time Candidate checked RCP A S U RUNNING GREATER compression, 1 minute or B has been running THAN 1 MINUTE: has elapsed greater than 1 minute Comments:

Step 3.c Page 8 of 10

  • Critical Step


30. STOP Oil Lift Pump: Candidate stopped RCP A S U or B Oil Lift Pump by
  • BB HIS-41 (RCP A) rotating handswitch to the
  • BB HIS-42 (RCP B) left position (STOP
  • BB HIS-44 (RCP D) Comments:

position) and observing Step 3.d the Green light Lit and Red light is extinguished.

Note: the candidate may stop the D RCP lift oil pump at any time in the RCP A or B Oil Lift Pump JPM after it is has been stopped determined the D RCP RCP D Oil Lift Pump may will not be started.

also be stopped.

31. The JPM is complete This JPM is Complete. S U Record Stop Time on Page 2 Comments:

Page 9 of 10

  • Critical Step

Initial Conditions: The Plant experienced a Reactor Trip from full power.

A Switchyard fault resulted in the loss of the Startup Transformer.

The crew is performing the actions of ES-0.2, Natural Circulation Cooldown.

The PA Busses have been re-energized and the crew has returned to ES-0.2 Step 1.

Initiating Cues: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to start a Reactor Coolant Pump in order of priority using EOP Addendum 3, Starting An RCP.

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE S5 JPM Bank No: EN-RO-S-001 KSA No: 026 A4.01 Revision Date: 03/28/2017 KSA Rating: 4.5 / 4.3 Job


URO/SRO Duty: Perform System Surveillance Task


Stroke Time Test of BNHV0004 Completion Time: 10 minutes The performance of this task was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be:


Evaluator Signature: Date:

Task Performer:

Location of Performance:

Control Room Simulator/Lab Plant Classroom Method of Performance: Simulated Performed Alternate Path Time Critical RCA


OSP-EN-V0001A, Train A Containment Spray Valve Operability, Rev 22 Tools / Equipment: Calibrated Stopwatch Page 1 of 7

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Initial Conditions: The Plant is operating at 100%.

Initiating Cues: The CRS directs you to perform a stroke time test of BNHV0004 only in accordance with OSP-EN-V001A, Train A Containment Spray Valve Operability. Position indication testing will not be performed.

Simulator Set up and/or Note(s): Any IC in which BNHV0004 has power and is initially open.

Task Standard: Upon completion of this JPM, the candidate will have stroked time tested BNHV0004 and determined that times are inside the normal stroke range (45.5 - 61.5 seconds).

Start Time:

Stop Time:

Page 2 of 7


1. Obtain a verified working Provide operator with Candidate obtained S U copy of OSP-EN-V001A procedure copy procedure copy Comments:
2. Review Acceptance Candidate reviewed S U Criteria Acceptance Criteria per Attachment 1 Comments:

Section 3.1

3. Review Precautions and Cue: All precautions and Candidate reviewed S U Limitations limitations are satisfied. Precautions and Limitations Comments Section 4.0
4. Review Prerequisites Cue: All prerequisites Candidate reviewed S U are satisfied. Prerequisites Section 5.0 Comments
5. NOTE: All handswitches Candidate place kept note S U used in Sections 6.1 and 6.2 are on RL017 Comments:

NOTE prior to step 6.1

6. Using BN HIS-4, RWST Candidate checked S U TO CTMT SPRAY PUMP A, BNHV0004 indicates open ENSURE BNHV0004 is by observing Red light Lit open and Green light Comments:


Step 6.1.1

7. If Position Indication Position indication testing Candidate determined S U Testing is required, will not be performed. step is N/A. Position perform the following... indication testing will not be performed (provided in Comments:

initial cue).

Step 6.1.2 Page 3 of 7

  • Critical Step


8. NOTE: Placing Candidate place kept note S U Containment Spray Pump in PTL makes Containment Spray Train Comments:

A inoperable per T/S LCO 3.6.6 Note prior to step 6.1.3

9. PLACE EN HIS-3, CTMT Candidate placed switch S U SPRAY PUMP A, in PULL EN HIS-3 in PULL TO TO LOCK LOCK position by rotating handswitch to the left and Comments:

pulling away from control Step 6.1.3 panel.

10. Record Containment Candidate recorded S U Spray Train A inoperable time on INOPERABLE time on Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Comments:

Step 6.1.4

11. If Position Indication Candidate determined S U Testing is required, step 6.1.5 is N/A since inform local operator position indicating testing is not required.


Step 6.1.5

  • 12. Using BN HIS-4, CLOSE Candidate started timer S U BNHV0004 and when CLOSE is pressed MEASURE the elapsed and stopped timer when time between operating red open light goes out.


the handswitch and when Time should be the open light goes out approximately 50 seconds.

Step 6.1.6

13. Record observed stroke Candidate recorded stroke S U time for BNHV0004 on time on Attachment 1.

Attachment 1.


Step 6.1.7 Page 4 of 7

  • Critical Step


14. Record Full Stroke Candidate recorded Stroke S U Remote Position of Remote Position on BNHV0004 on Attachment 1 as Attachment 1. "CLOSED".


Step 6.1.8

15. If Position Indication Candidate determined S U Testing is required, step is N/A since position perform the following indicating testing is not required.


Step 6.1.9

  • 16. Using BN HIS-4, OPEN Candidate started timer S U BNHV0004 and when OPEN is pressed MEASURE the elapsed and stops timer when time between operating green closed light goes Comments:

the handswitch and when out.

the closed light goes out.

Time should be approximately 50 seconds.

Step 6.1.10

17. Record observed stroke Candidate recorded stroke S U time for BNHV0004 on time on Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Comments:

Step 6.1.11 Page 5 of 7

  • Critical Step


  • 18. EVALUATE observed Candidate determined the S U stroke time against the observed stroke time is Normal Stroke Time within both the Normal Range and the Maximum Range and Maximum Comments:

Allowable Stroke Time Allowable Stroke Time.

and DETERMINE if valve Candidate determined a retest is required for retest is not required.


a. IF observed stroke time for BNHV0004 does NOTE meet Acceptance Criteria, NOTIFY SM/CRS
b. IF retest is required, PERFORM the retest per CA2716, Valve Retest Instructions.

Step 6.1.12

19. If Section 6.2 is NOT Candidate recorded S U being performed, restored position of PERFORM the following: "OPEN" on Attachment 1.
a. Record the Restored Candidate placed EN HIS- Comments:

Position of 3 in Normal After Stop.

BNHV0004 on Candidate recorded Attachment 1.


b. PLACE EN HIS-3 in Attachment 1.

Normal After Stop

c. Record Containment Spray Train A OPERABLE time on Attachment 1 Step 6.1.13
20. The JPM is complete This JPM is Complete. S U Record Stop Time on Page 2 Comments:

Page 6 of 7

  • Critical Step

Initial Conditions: The Plant is operating at 100%.

Initiating Cues: The CRS directs you to perform a stroke time test of BNHV0004 only in accordance with OSP-EN-V001A, Train A Containment Spray Valve Operability. Position indication testing will not be performed.

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE S6 JPM No: NB-RO-S-001 KSA No: 062 A4.01 Revision Date: 04/03/2017 KSA Rating: 3.3/3.1 Job


URO/SRO Duty: Station Blackout Task


Energize NB Bus from AEPS diesel generators Completion Time: 15 minutes The performance of this task was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be:


Evaluator Signature: Date:

Task Performer:

Location of Performance:

Control Room Simulator/Lab Plant Classroom Method of Performance: Simulated Performed Alternate Path Time Critical RCA


EOP Addendum 39, Alternate Emergency Power Supply, Rev 010 Tools / Equipment: None Page 1 of 7

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Initial Conditions: A Loss of All AC Power is in progress. ECA-0.0 is being implemented to restore power. Transmission Dispatch has just notified the crew off-site power is NOT available.

Initiating Cues: The CRS has directed you to perform EOP Addendum 39, Alternate Emergency Power Supply, to energize NB01 Simulator Set up and/or Note(s): Use IC-117 on load 1603 OR perform the following below

  • Load Any Mode 1-4 IC
  • Place a WIP Tag on the B ESW Pump Handswitch and place the handswitch in PTL
  • Insert a Loss of Offsite power
  • Insert Remote Function to Trip the A EDG, NE01,
  • Verify PB05 energized from AEPS diesels Task Standard: Upon completion of this JPM, the operator will have established AEPS power to NB01.

Start Time:

Stop Time:

Page 2 of 7


Obtain a copy of EOP Provide candidate with Candidate obtained Addendum 39 procedure copy. procedure copy Comments:

2. Candidate place kept S U CAUTION: The Diesels caution from the AEPS are designed to support only Comments:

one AC emergency Bus at a time. Central Electric Power Reform Substation may be able to supply apower to both AC Emergency Buses depending on power reserves.

Caution prior to Step 1

3. Candidate place kept note S U NOTES:

Figure A, AEPS One Line Comments:

Diagram, is available for reference.

Attachment F, AEPS Diesel Generator Alarms and Trips, is available for reference.

Note prior to Step 1

4. . Candidate reviewed plant S U EVALUATE Plant Status status and proceeded to to Determine Which AC step 2 as candidate was Emergency Bus to directed to energize NB01 Comments:


from initial cue.

Step 1 Page 3 of 7

  • Critical Step


  • 5. S U IF Required, ALIGN Train Candidate placed the 4 A for Alternate 4160v breakers in PTL Emergency Power position by rotating each Comments:

Supply by placing in PTL: handswitch to the left position and pulling away from control board panel .

Note: for this step to be NB0111 via NE HIS-SAT, the candidate must 25 These are the Normal, place all 4 HS in the PTL Alternate, Emergency, &

position NB0109 via NB HIS- AEPS supply breakers for 3 NB01.

NB0112 via NB HIS-2 NB0114 via NB HIS-67 Step 2a-d

6. Candidate determined that S U If required, align Train B step is N/A.

AC Emergency Bus for Alternate Emergency Comments:

Power Supply Step 3

7. S U Perform Applicable Candidate proceeded to Attachment as Attachment A for NB01 Necessary:

. Comments:

NB01 - Attachment A NB02 - Attachment B Step 4

8. Candidate place kept S U CAUTION: Starting an caution.

ESW pump with less than three AEPS DGs OR less Comments:

than 6 MW power from Central Electric Power Reform Substation may trip supply breakers.

Caution prior to Step A1 Page 4 of 7

  • Critical Step


9. S U NOTE: Candidate place kept note.

Each AEPS DG is rated Comments:

for continuous 2000 KW The limiting component for power is breraker PA50101. The overcurrent device will trip PA50101 at 660 Amps (15 MW)

Note prior to Step A1

10. Candidate determined S U Check Bus PB05 -

PB05 is energized from Energized the AEPS DGs and per the RNO proceeded to step Comments:


Step A1

11. S U Place ESW Pump A in Candidate placed ESW Pull-To-Lock Pump A in PTL by rotating handswitch (EF HIS-55A)


to the left position and pulling away from control board panel.

Step A2

  • 12. S U Using PBXY0001 CLOSE At PBXY0001, candidate AEPS FDR BKR PB0503 closed PB0503 by to NB0114 selecting PB0503 using the touch screen and Comments:
  • PB0503 selecting close and then confirming the action.

Step A3 Page 5 of 7

  • Critical Step


13. S U NOTE: Handswitch NB Candidate place kept note.

HIS-67 must be held in the CLOSE position for a Comments:

minimum of 3 seconds to allow the Undervoltage relay to reset.

Ensure NB01 Auto-sequenced equipment has been placed in PTL position prior to re-energization Note prior to Step A4

  • 14. S U Close NB01 AEPS Candidate closed NB0114 SPLY BKR NB0114 by taking NB HIS-67 from using: PTL to the full right position (CLOSE) and held Comments:
  • NB HIS-67 it in the CLOSE position for at least 3 seconds to Step A4 ensure NB01 stayed Note: the time the energized. breaker is held in the close position is not critical
15. The JPM is complete This JPM is Complete. S U Record Stop Time on Page 2 Comments:

Page 6 of 7

  • Critical Step

Initial Conditions: A Loss of All AC Power is in progress. ECA-0.0 is being implemented to restore power. Transmission Dispatch has just notified the crew off-site power is NOT available.

Initiating Cues: The CRS has directed you to perform EOP Addendum 39, Alternate Emergency Power Supply, to energize NB01

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE S7 JPM No: SP-RO-S-001 KSA No: 073 AA4.01 Revision Date: 03/30/2017 KSA Rating: 3.1/3.2 Job


URO/SRO Duty: Perform System Surveillances Task


Radiation Monitor Source Check Completion Time: 20 minutes The performance of this task was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be:


Evaluator Signature: Date:

Task Performer:

Location of Performance:

Control Room Simulator/Lab Plant Classroom Method of Performance: Simulated Performed Alternate Path Time Critical RCA


OSP-SP-00001, Radiation Monitors Sorce Check, Rev 016 Tools / Equipment: None Page 1 of 7

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Initial Conditions: The Plant is operating at 100%. Maintenance has been completed on GH-RE-10B.

Initiating Cues: Perform post maintenance test of GH-RE-10B by performing applicable steps of OSP-SP-00001, Radiation Monitors Source Check, for GH-RE-10B channels only.

Simulator Set up and/or Note(s): None Task Standard: Upon completion of this JPM, the candidate will have successfully source checked all three channels for GH-RE-10B (105, 108, 109).

Start Time:

Stop Time:

Page 2 of 7


Obtain a verified working Provide candidate with Candidate obtained copy of OSP-SP-00001. procedure copy. procedure copy Comments:

2. Candidate reviewed S U Review Acceptance Acceptance Criteria per Criteria Attachment 1 Comments:

Section 3.0

3. All precautions and Candidate reviewed S U Review Precautions and limitations are satisfied. Precautions and Limitations Limitations Comments:

Section 4.0

4. All prerequisites are Candidate reviewed S U Review Prerequisites satisfied. prerequisites.


Section 5.0

5. Candidate place kept note S U NOTE: Source checks are performed on RM-11 computer console with a Comments:

display and printer message.

Monitors may be checked in any order as long as steps specific to performing a source check are performed in order.

Note prior to step 6.1 Page 3 of 7

  • Critical Step


6. Candidate place kept note S U NOTE: After one (1) minute the check source test will end, the CHECK Comments:

SOURCE indicating lights will go off, and the status display will clear the channel CHECK SOURCE ENERGIZED.

The test is SAT unless the status display indicates channel CHECK SOURCE TEST FAILED. In addition to status display indications, failure of the test will be indicated by a printer message ALM CHECK SOURCE TEST FAILED.

Attachment 2 provides instruction for performing the source check if needed.

Note prior to step 6.1.1

  • 7. S U Source Check Channel On RM-11 panel, GH-RE-10B, Channel candidate keyed in 105 105 RW Bldg. Vent Lo and SELECT. The Comments:

Range candidate observed a white box around channel 105.

Candidate pressed Step 6.1.1 CHECK SOURCE key and checked the following:

  • Indicating light above CHECK SOURCE is ON
  • RM-11 indicates CHECK SOURCE ENERGIZED Candidate verified check source is completed SAT.

Page 4 of 7

  • Critical Step


  • 8. S U Source Check Channel On RM-11 panel, GH-RE-10B, Channel candidate keyed in 108 108 RW Bldg. Vent Mid and SELECT. The Comments:

Range candidate observed a white box around channel 108.

Candidate pressed Step 6.1.1 CHECK SOURCE key and checked the following:

  • Indicating light above CHECK SOURCE is ON
  • RM-11 indicates CHECK SOURCE ENERGIZED Candidate verified check source is completed SAT.
  • 9. S U Source Check Channel On RM-11 panel, GH-RE-10B, Channel candidate keyed in 109 109 RW Bldg. Vent Hi and SELECT. The Comments:

Range candidate observed a white box around channel 109.

Step 6.1.1 Candidate pressed CHECK SOURCE key and checks the following:

  • Indicating light above CHECK SOURCE is ON
  • RM-11 indicates CHECK SOURCE ENERGIZED Candidate verified check source is completed SAT.
10. Candidate circled SAT for S U Upon test sequence applicable channels on completion, Circle SAT or Attachment 1.

UNSAT for the applicable Comments:

channel on Attachment 1.

Step 6.1.2 Page 5 of 7

  • Critical Step


11. Candidate determined S U IF any channel is step is N/A.

UNSAT, Refer to OTA-SP-RM011, Radiation Comments:

Monitor Control Panel RM-11.

Step 6.1.3 12 The JPM is complete This JPM is Complete. S U Record Stop Time on Page 2 Comments:

Page 6 of 7

  • Critical Step

Initial Conditions: The Plant is operating at 100%. Maintenance has been completed on GH-RE-10B.

Initiating Cues: Perform post maintenance test of GH-RE-10B by performing applicable steps of OSP-SP-00001, Radiation Monitors Source Check, for GH-RE-10B channels only.

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE S8 JPM No: GT-RO-S-001 KSA No: 029A2.03 Revision Date: 04/04/2017 KSA Rating: 2.7 / 3.1 Job


URO/SRO Duty: Containment Purge Task


Reinitiate Containment Purge following CPIS Completion Time: 15 minutes The performance of this task was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and determined to be:


Evaluator Signature: Date:

Task Performer:

Location of Performance:

Control Room Simulator/Lab Plant Classroom Method of Performance: Simulated Performed Alternate Path Time Critical RCA


OTN-GT-00001, Containment Purge System, Rev 32 Tools / Equipment: None Page 1 of 12

CALLAWAY ENERGY CENTER JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Initial Conditions: The Plant is in Mode 3. A containment mini-purge was in progress to reduce noble gas concentrations prior to a containment entry.

Thirty minutes ago, a CPIS occurred due to an instrument spike on GT RE-22, CTMT PURGE EXH GAS DETECTOR.

The cause of the spike on GT RE-22 has been determined and corrected. Control Building HVAC has been realigned.

The Shift Manager has determined that Containment Purge may be reinitiated on the same Gaseous Radwaste Release Permit.

Initiating Cues: You have been directed to REINTIATE containment mini-purge per OTN-GT-00001, Section 5.6.

Inform the Control Room Supervisor when the containment mini-purge supply dampers are open and supply fan is running.

Simulator Set up and/or Note(s): Use IC-189 on load 1603 OR perform the below actions

  • Use any Mode 3 IC
  • Place Containment Mini-Purge in service
  • Manually Actuate CPIS
  • Hang Blue tags on GTRT22 and GTRT33 "Purge in progress, do not bypass."
  • Ensure procedure copy provided to student has section 5.1 place kept as complete.

Task Standard: At the completion of this JPM, the operator will have established containment mini-purge intake and exhaust for both trains.

Start Time:

Stop Time:

Page 2 of 12


1. Obtain a verified working After Candidate locates a Candidate obtained a S U copy of OTN-GT-00001 working copy, provide working copy of the procedure. procedure Comments:
2. Review precautions and All precautions and Candidate reviewed S U limitations. limitations are satisfied precautions and limitations Section 3 Comments:
3. Review prerequisites All prerequisites are Candidate reviewed S U satisfied prerequisites Section 4 Comments:
4. CAUTION: As a normal Candidate place kept S U operational practice, a caution.

containment purge or vent should not be Comments:

stopped and restarted without terminating the Gaseous Radwaste Release Permit.

However, under special conditions and at SM discretion, a containment purge may be stopped and restarted without terminating the permit.

Caution before step 5.6

5. ENSURE time between CPIS occurred 30 Candidate verified less S U stopping and restarting minutes ago. than 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> since purge purge will NOT exceed was stopped.

two hours. Comments:

Step 5.6.1 Page 3 of 12

  • Critical Step


6. Request Count Room The Count Room Candidate contacted count S U Technician ensure Technician has ensured room technician to ensure alarm/trip setpoints for setpoints correct per the setpoints are correct.

the following are correct release permit Comments:

per Gaseous Radwaste Release Permit:

  • GTRE0021B
  • GTRE0022
  • GTRE0033 STEP 5.6.2
7. If readings on any of the Candidate marked step S U monitors in Step 5.6.2 N/A since readings are are greater than Hi-Hi less than Hi-Hi alarm alarm setpoint, request setpoint. Comments:

Count Room Tech Step 5.6.3

8. NOTE: Bistable Candidate place kept note. S U identification number is located below bistable potentiometer Comments:

Note prior to step 5.6.4

9. IF any bistable trip lights Cue: No Bistable Trip Candidate checked all S U are lit on SA036D or light is Lit. bistable trip lights reset on SA036E, perform the SA036D and SA036E.

following: Comments:

a. RECORD which bistable trip lights are lit in Control Room Log.
b. DEPRESS affected bistable trip lights to reset Step 5.6.4 Page 4 of 12
  • Critical Step


  • 10. If Control Room Vent If asked, SM/CRS grants Candidate determined S U Isolation or Containment permission to reset CPIS containment purge Purge Isolation are isolation is actuated on actuated on SA066X, SA066X Comments:

Obtain SM/CRS permission and PRESS Operator pressed RESET applicable RESET: on SA HS-11

  • SA HS-9, CRVIS A
  • SA HS-11, CPIS A Step 5.6.5
  • 11. If Control Room Vent If asked, SM/CRS grants Candidate determined S U Isolation or Containment permission to reset CPIS containment purge Purge Isolation are isolation is actuated on actuated on SA066Y, SA066Y Comments:

Obtain SM/CRS permission and PRESS Operator pressed RESET applicable RESET: on SA HS-15

  • SA HS-13, CRVIS B
  • SA HS-15, CPIS B Step 5.6.6
12. IF CPIS or CRVIS lights Candidate determined S U are lit on ESFAS Status CPIS lights are lit on Panels, RESET using the ESFAS Status following: Comments:

Operator reset ESFAS

  • SA HS-23, SA066X Status Panel Lights using
  • SA HS-24, SA066Y SA HS-23 and SA HS-24:

Step 5.6.7 Candidate rotated SA-HS-23 to RESET and released.

Candidate rotated SA-HS-24 to RESET and released.

13. ENSURE the following Candidate ensured S U annunciators are CLEAR: annunciators 59D and 63A are CLEAR
  • 59D, CPIS Comments:
  • 63A, CRVIS Step 5.6.8 Page 5 of 12
  • Critical Step


14. REALIGN Control Candidate determined S U Building HVAC, as Control Building HVAC required, per OTN-GK- has already been aligned.

00001, Control Building (Provided in cue) Comments:

HVAC System Step 5.6.9

15. Reinitiate activity, as Candidate proceeded to S U applicable: section 5.2
  • Mini-Purge per Comments:

Section 5.2 Step 5.6.10

16. NOTE: Containment Candidate place kept note. S U Mini-Purge is normally used in MODES 1-4 to reduce noble gas Comments:

concentrations and establish conditions for containment entry. Mini-Purge may be placed in operation in Mode 5, Mode 6 and No Mode when Shutdown Purge in not available.

Operation of Mini-Purge to Raise or Lower Containment pressure is normally performed using OTN-GT-00001 ADD 1 Note prior to step 5.2

17. ENSURE Section 5.1 has Cue: "SECTION 5.1 OF Candidate ensured section S U been performed. OTN-GT-00001 HAS 5.1 has been performed BEEN PERFORMED."

Step 5.2.1 Comments:

Page 6 of 12

  • Critical Step


18. ENSURE Shutdown Candidate ensured S U Purge System is NOT in Shutdown Purge System service is NOT in service.


Step 5.2.2 This could be performed by the Candidate observing GT HIS-34 green light LIT, red light EXTINGUISHED

19. IF in MODES 1-4 OR Cue: Covers are in place Candidate observed S U preparing to enter MODE GTRT22 switch with cover 4 from MODE 5, Ensure in place one of the following: Comments:

Candidate observed

a. Ensure the following GTRT33 switch with cover are in OPERATE with in place "CONTIANMENT PURGE IN PROGRESS DO NOT BYPASS" covers in place over the switches:
  • GTRT22
  • GTRT33
b. IF T/S 3.3.6 Action B was entered for GTRE22 and/or GTRE33, PERFORM the following:

Step 5.2.3

20. IF in MODES 5 or 6 AND Candidate determined this S U NOT preparing for entry step is N/A into MODE 4, ENSURE the following are in Comments:


Step 5.2.4

21. NOTE: MINIVENT time Candidate place kept note S U trend may be used.

Note prior to step 5.2.5 Comments:

Page 7 of 12

  • Critical Step


22. Monitor the following Candidate monitored S U instrumentation: instrumentation.
  • GTRE0021B
  • GTRE0022 Comments:
  • GTRE0033
  • Plant computer point GTD0040 Step 5.2.5
23. RECORD containment CRS reports containment Candidate determined S U pressure as read on GT pressure has been containment pressure and PDI-40 or plant computer recorded. reported to CRS to record point GTD0040 on on release permit. Comments:

Gaseous Radwaste Release Permit Step 5.2.6

  • 24. Using GT HIS-20, CTMT Candidate rotated GT HIS- S U MINI PURGE EXH FAN 20 to the right until the red

& DAMPER, START light LIT and the green CGT02. light EXTINGUISHED and Comments:


Step 5.2.7

  • 25. Using GT HIS-11, CTMT Candidate depressed the S U MINI PURGE EXH OPEN pushbutton on GT INNER CTMT ISO, HIS-11 until the red light OPEN GTHZ0011. LIT and released. Comments:

Step 5.2.8 NOTE: It is acceptable to not hold the open button depressed until the green light extinguishes.

  • 26. Using GT HIS-12, CTMT Candidate depressed the S U MINI PURGE EXH OPEN pushbutton on GT OUTER CTMT ISO, HIS-12 until the red light OPEN GTHZ0012. LIT and released. Comments:

Step 5.2.9 Page 8 of 12

  • Critical Step


  • 27. Using GT HIS-28, CTMT Candidate depressed the S U PURGE EXH DAMPER, OPEN pushbutton on GT OPEN GTHZ0028. HIS-28 until the red light LIT and released. Comments:

Step 5.2.10

  • 28. Using GT HIS-29, CTMT Candidate depressed the S U PURGE EXH DAMPER, OPEN pushbutton on GT OPEN GTHZ0029. HIS-29 until the red light LIT and released. Comments:

Step 5.2.11

29. Record date and time CRS reports date and Candidate reported to the S U dampers were opened on time have been recorded CRS date and time Gaseous Radwaste dampers were opened on Release Permit gaseous radwaste release Comments:


Step 5.2.12

30. NOTE: It is permissible Candidate place kept note. S U to continue with the remainder of this section while Step 5.2.13 is in Comments:


Note prior to Step 5.2.13

31. NOTIFY Count Room Count Room Technician Candidate reported time of S U Technician of time of acknowledges purge initiation to Count purge initiation. Room Technician Comments:

Step 5.2.13 Page 9 of 12

  • Critical Step


  • 32. WHEN containment Candidate depressed and S U pressure is less than 10.0 held GT HIS-41 OPEN in. H20, OPEN the pushbutton until red light following using GT HIS- LIT and green light Comments:


  • 33. WHEN containment Candidate depressed and S U pressure is less than 4.25 held GT HIS-26 OPEN in. H20 as read on GT pushbutton until red light PDI-40, CTMT DP, or LIT and green light Comments:

plant computer point EXTINGUISHED GTD0040, CTMT-AUX BLD DIFF PRESS, PERFORM the following:

Candidate depressed and

  • Using GT HIS-26, held GT HIS-27 OPEN CTMT PURGE SYS pushbutton until red light AIR SPLY LIT and green light DAMPER, OPEN EXTINGUISHED GTHZ0026.

Step 5.2.15 Page 10 of 12

  • Critical Step


PURGE AIR SPLY UNIT, should be running Comments:

anytime CGT02, CTMT MINI PURGE EXH FAN, is running and Equipment Hatch is closed to prevent drawing excessive vacuum in Containment and creating a personnel hazard.

CAUTION before Step 5.2.16

  • 35. Using GT HIS-23, CTMT Candidate rotated GT HIS- S U MINI PURGE AIR SPLY 23 to RUN until red light UNIT, START SGT02. LIT and released.


STEP 5.2.16

  • 36. Using GT HIS-5, CTMT Candidate depressed and S U MINI PURGE AIR SPLY held GT HIS-5 OPEN CTMT ISO, OPEN pushbutton until red light GTHZ0005. LIT and green light Comments:


  • 37. Using GT HIS-4, CTMT Candidate depressed and S U MINI PURGE AIR SPLY held GT HIS-4 OPEN CTMT ISO, OPEN pushbutton until red light GTHZ0004. LIT and green light Comments:


38. MAINTAIN containment Candidate place kept. S U pressure +41.5 to -8.35 in. H20 as read on GT PDI-40 or plant computer Comments:

point GTD0040 Step 5.2.19


that mini-purge is in service.


Page 11 of 12

  • Critical Step

Initial Conditions: The Plant is in Mode 3. A containment mini-purge was in progress to reduce noble gas concentrations prior to a containment entry.

Thirty minutes ago, a CPIS occurred due to an instrument spike on GT RE-22, CTMT PURGE EXH GAS DETECTOR.

The cause of the spike on GT RE-22 has been determined and corrected. Control Building HVAC has been realigned.

The Shift Manager has determined that Containment Purge may be reinitiated on the same Gaseous Radwaste Release Permit.

Initiating Cues: You have been directed to REINTIATE containment mini-purge per OTN-GT-00001, Section 5.6.

Inform the Control Room Supervisor when the containment mini-purge supply dampers are open and supply fan is running.

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Callaway Scenario No.:1 , Rev 0 Op-Test No.: 2017-1 Examiners: ____________________________ Operators: _____________________________

Initial Conditions: 100%

Turnover: No equipment out of service.

Event Malf. No. Event Event No. Type* Description Trip of the Normal Charging Pump.

1 PBG04 RO (C)

OTO-BG-00001, Pressurizer Level Control Malfunction SRO (C)

Condensate Pump 'A' Trips.

2 PAD01A RO (C)

OTO-AE-00001, Feedwater System Malfunction BOP (C)

Power Range Channel N43 fails high.


OTO-SF-00001, Rod Control Malfunctions 3 SEN0043 RO (I)

OTO-SE-00001, Nuclear Instrument Malfunction BOP (I)

(Tech Spec 3.3.1)

SRO (R) Tube Leak in Steam Generator 'D' 4 EBB01D RO (R) OTO-BB-00001, Steam Generator Tube Leak BOP (R) (Tech Spec 3.4.13)


Tube Rupture in Steam Generator 'D' 5 EBB01D RO (M)

E-3, Steam Generator Tube Rupture BOP (M)

Safety Injection Pump 'A' fails to start.

6 PEM01A_2 RO (C) E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection, Attachment A, Automatic Action Verification

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Target Quantitative Attributes (Per Scenario; See Section D.5.d) Actual Attributes
1. Total malfunctions (5-8) 6
2. Malfunctions after EOP entry (1-2) 1
3. Abnormal events (2-4) 4
4. Major transients (1-2) 1
5. EOPs entered/requiring substantive actions (1-2) 1
6. EOP contingencies requiring substantive actions (0-2) 0
7. Critical tasks (2-3) 2 Page 1 of 36

Scenario #1 Event Description Callaway 2017-1 NRC ES-D-1, rev. 0 The plant is stable at 100% with no equipment out of service.

After the reactivity brief is complete the Normal Charging Pump trips. The RO should perform the Immediate Actions of OTO-BG-00001, Pressurizer Level Control Malfunction, to start a CCP.

After immediate action verification is complete, Condensate Pump 'A' Trips. The crew should respond per OTO-AE-00001, Feedwater System Malfunction, by reducing power to less than 97% per Attachment A, Load Reduction.

Once power is stabilized, Power Range Nuclear Instrument Channel N43 fails high causing an automatic rod insertion. The crew should respond to the rod insertion by performing the immediate actions of OTO-SF-00001, Rod Control Malfunctions. Following verification of immediate actions the crew will enter OTO-SE-00001, Nuclear Instrument Malfunction, to bypass channel N43 and restore control rods to desired position. Tech Spec 3.3.1 applies.

Once the crew has initiated restoration of control rod positions, a 20 gpm tube leak develops in Steam Generator 'D'. The crew should enter OTO-BB-00001, Steam Generator Tube Leak, and quantify the leak to be greater than 150 gpd. The crew should initiate a load reduction to below 50% within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> using OTO-MA-00008, Rapid Load Reduction. Tech Spec 3.4.13 applies.

Once the crew has reduced power below 90%, the tube leak becomes a rupture. The crew will trip the reactor and actuate safety injection and enter E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.

Safety Injection pump 'A' fails to start on the LOCA sequencer. The crew should start the pump per E-0 Attachment A, Automatic Action Verification. The crew should also monitor Steam Generator 'D' Level and isolate AFW flow to the ruptured Steam Generator when level rises above 7% NR per the Foldout Page Actions of E-0.

The crew should transition to E-3, Steam Generator Tube Rupture, and isolate the ruptured SG.

Once SG 'D' is isolated, the crew should initiate a cooldown at maximum rate to below the target temperature for maintaining RCS subcooling following RCS depressurization and SI termination.

The scenario is complete when the crew has completed the RCS cooldown.

Page 2 of 36

Scenario #1 Event Description Callaway 2017-1 NRC ES-D-1, rev. 0 Critical Tasks:

Critical Tasks Isolate feedwater flow into and steam flow from the ruptured SG before a transition to Establish/maintain an RCS temperature so that transition from E-3 does not occur ECA-3.1 occurs. because the RCS temperature is in either of the following conditions:

  • Too high to maintain minimum required subcooling OR
  • Below the RCS temperature that causes an extreme (RED path) or a severe (ORANGE path) challenge to the subcriticality and/or the integrity CSF EVENT 5 5 Safety Isolating the ruptured SG maintains a differential pressure between the ruptured SG and Failure to establish and maintain the correct RCS temperature during a SGTR leads to a significance the intact SGs. The differential pressure (250 psi) ensures that minimum RCS transition from E-3 to a contingency ERG. This failure constitutes an incorrect subcooling remains after RCS depressurization. performance that necessitates the crew taking compensating action that would complicate the event mitigation strategy....

Cueing All of the following: All of the following:

  • Indication and/or annunciation of SGTR in one SG
  • Indication and/or annunciation of SGTR in one SG o Increasing SG water level o Increasing SG water level o Radiation o Radiation
  • Indication and/or annunciation of SI
  • Indication and/or annunciation of SI
  • Indication of ruptured SG pressure greater than minimum required pressure Performance Manipulation of controls as required to isolate the ruptured SG Manipulation of controls as required to establish and maintain RCS temperature indicator
  • Close Steam line low point drain valve from ruptured SG
  • Steam dump valve position lamps and/or indicators indicate closed o AB HIS-10 (SG D)
  • SG PORV valve position lamps and/or indicators indicate closed
  • Stop feed flow to ruptured SG o CLOSE AL HK-5A and AL HK-6A Performance Crew will observe the following: Indication of steam flow rate greater than zero feedback
  • Indication of stable or increasing pressure in the ruptured SG
  • Indication of RCS temperature decreasing
  • Indication of decreasing or zero feedwater flow rate in the ruptured SG OR
  • Indication of RCS temperature less than target value Justification for When the crew cannot maintain the 250 psi differential, the ERGs require a transition to Terminating the RCS cooldown before reaching the target temperature prevents the chosen contingency ERG ECA-3.1. This transition unnecessarily delays the sequence of actions achieving the minimum RCS subcooling. Failure to achieve the required RCS performance limit leading to RCS depressurization and Sl termination. subcooling results in a condition that forces the crew to transition to contingency ERG ECA-3.1, thereby delaying the RCS depressurization and SI termination. Such a delay allows the excessive inventory increase of the ruptured SG to continue until the SG overpressure components release water or until SG overfill occurs.

Terminating the cooldown too late challenges either the subcriticality CSF or the integrity CSF. Because the crew is directed to cool down at the maximum rate, late termination of cooldown could force the RCS temperature low enough to challenge the integrity CSF. The crew must then transition to one of the integrity FRGs. The transition also delays RCS depressurization and SI termination.

PWR Owners CT-18, Isolate the Ruptured SG CT-19, Control initial RCS cooldown Group Appendix Page 3 of 36

Scenario Procedure References Callaway 2017-1 NRC Scenario #1, rev. 0 References OTO-BG-00001, Pressurizer Level Control Malfunction OTO-AE-00001, Feedwater System Malfunction OTO-SF-00001, Rod Control Malfunction OTO-SE-00001, Nuclear Instrument Malfunction OTO-BB-00001, Steam Generator Tube Leak OTO-MA-00008, Rapid Load Reduction E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection E-3, Steam Generator Tube Rupture Tech Spec 3.3.1 Tech Spec 3.4.13 ODP-ZZ-00025, EOP/OTO User's Guide PRA Systems, Events or Operator Actions

1. SG Tube Rupture Page 4 of 36

Scenario Setup Guide Callaway 2017-1 NRC Scenario #1, rev. 0 Scenario #1 Setup Guide:

Establish the initial conditions of IC-166 on load 1603, MOL 100% power:

  • Rod Control Bank D 215 steps, Other banks 228 steps

Safety Injection Pump 'A' fails to start

  • Insert Malfunction (EM) PEM01A_2, Value = 1
======= EVENT 1 ============================

Trip of the Normal Charging Pump

  • Insert Malfunction (BG) PBG04, Value = Trip
======= EVENT 2 ============================

Condensate Pump 'A' Trips

  • Insert Malfunction (AD) PAD01A, Value = Trip
=======EVENT 3 ============================

Power Range Channel N43 fails high

  • Insert Malfunction (SE) SEN0043, Value = 200
=======EVENT 4 ============================

Tube Leak in Steam Generator 'D'

  • Insert Malfunction (BB) EBB01D, Value = 20
=======EVENT 5 ============================

Tube Rupture in Steam Generator 'D'

  • Insert Malfunction (BB) EBB01D, Value = 300, Ramp = 60 sec
=======EVENT 6=============================

Safety Injection Pump 'A" fails to start

  • See PRELOADS Page 5 of 36

Scenario#1 Simulator Lesson Plan Callaway 2017-1 NRC Scenario #1, rev. 1 Page 6 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 1 Page 7 of 36 Event


Trip of the Normal Charging Pump Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator:

  • TRIGGER step NCP Trip
  • Respond as Primary OT if contacted to investigate pump trip.
  • After 5 minutes, report nothing abnormal at the NCP and B CCP is running normal
  • Respond as Secondary OT if contacted to investigate NCP breaker.
  • After 5 minutes, report the breaker shows an instantaneous overcurrent relay is dropped.

Indications Available 41A - SEAL INJ TO RCP FLOW LO 42A - CHG LINE FLOW HILO 42E - CHARGING PMP TROUBLE OTO-BG-00001, Pressurizer Level Control Malfunction CRS Implement OTO-BG-00001 (Step 1) CHECK Charging Pumps - At Lease One Running RO

  • NCP is tripped and CCPs are in standby Step 1 is an immediate action step (Step 1 RNO) Perform the following:
a. ENSURE CCP Recirc valves OPEN
  • BG HIS-8110 (CCP A) is open
  • BG HIS-8111 (CCP B) is open
b. ENSURE CCP or NCP suction is aligned to VCT or RWST
  • BG HIS-112B and BG HIS-112C are open from VCT
c. START one CCP:


  • BG HIS-1A
  • BG HIS-2A
d. IF CCP can NOT be started (N/A)
e. ENSURE CCW Pump is running in the same train as the CCP that was started
  • EG HIS- or EG HIS- (Train A)
  • EG HIS- or EG HIS- (Train B)
f. IF a charging pump can not be started, then isolate letdown (N/A)

Step 1 is an immediate action step Page 7 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 1 Page 8 of 36 Event


Trip of the Normal Charging Pump Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTO-BG- (Step 2) VERIFY at least ONE method of RCP Seal Cooling to All RCPs 00001 in progress RO

  • Seal Injection
  • CCW to Thermal Barrier Heat Exchanger RO (Step 3) CHECK for Failed PZR Level Indicator - Indicators are normal (Step 3 RNO) PERFORM the following:

RO a) IF PZR Level Master Controller is malfunctioning (N/A) b) Go to Step 23 (Step 23) CHECK Charging Header Flow for Proper Charging alignment RO

  • BG FI-121A RO (Step 24) MAINTAIN RCP Seal Injection Flow between 8-13 gpm RO (Step 25) CHECK Instrument Air - IN SERVICE RO (Step 26) CHECK Letdown - IN SERVICE RO (Step 27) CHECK Letdown Relief Valve (BG8117) Normal NOTE At Lead Examiners discretion move to the next Event after one of the CCPs is started Page 8 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 2 Page 9 of 36 Event


Condensate Pump 'A' Trips Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator:

  • TRIGGER step Condensate Pump Trip
  • Respond as Secondary OT if contacted to investigate pump trip.
  • Respond as transmission and other departments when notified of load reduction.

Indications Available 120B - MFP A SUCT PRESS LO 123B - MFP B SUCT PRESS LO OTO-AE-00001, Feedwater System Malfunction CRS Implement OTO-AE-00001 OTO-AE- (Step 1) CHECK BOTH Main Feed Pumps Tripped BOP 00001 Step 1 is an Immediate Action Step BOP (Step 1 RNO) Go to Step 2 Step 1 is an Immediate Action Step BOP (Step 2) CHECK ONE Main Feed Pump Tripped Step 2 is an Immediate Action Step BOP (Step 2 RNO) End of Immediate Actions. Go to step 10 Step 2 is an Immediate Action Step BOP (Step 10) MAINTAIN MFP Suction Pressure > 240 psig BOP (Step 11) CHECK DFWCS Operator Station on RL005 AVAILABLE BOP (Step 12) CHECK MFP Speeds controlling in auto & stable BOP (Step 13) CHECK If MFW REG Valves - IN SERVICE BOP (Step 14) CHECK MFW Reg Valves Controlling in AUTO BOP (Step 15) CHECK If MFW Reg Valve Bypass - In Service Page 9 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 2 Page 10 of 36 Event


Condensate Pump 'A' Trips Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTO-AE-BOP (Step 15 RNO) Go To Step 17 00001 BOP (Step 17) CHECK Condensate Pump Tripped (Step 18) CHECK Reactor Power > 45%.

RO a. If less than two condensate pumps are running, then perform the following (N/A)

RO (Step 19) CHECK Reactor Power < 97%

(Step 19 RNO) Using Attachment A, reduce reactor power to less CRS than 97% Reactor Power.

(Step A1) PLACE Rod Control in Auto RO

  • SE HS-9 (Step A2) MANAGE Reactivity:
a. PERFORM Reactivity Management Brief:


  • Discuss Amount and Rate of Turbine Load reduction
  • Determine amount of boric acid needed Page 10 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 2 Page 11 of 36 Event


Condensate Pump 'A' Trips Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTO-AE- (Step A3) Reduce Turbine load at < 5% per minute using any of 00001 the following:

  • Using the Loading Rate:
a. Slowly lower load using the DECREASE LOAD pushbutton until all of the following are met:
  • Load Limit Limiting Light - EXTINGUISHED
  • Decrease Loading Rate "OFF" Light - LIT BOP
  • Loading Rate Limit &/MIN "1/2" Light - LIT
b. ROTATE Load Limit Set potentiometer fully clockwise
c. SELECT Decrease Loading Rate - ON
d. SET Loading Rate Limit %/Min to desired value
e. LOWER load set MW toward desired load using the DECREASE LOAD pushbutton OR
  • REDUCE Turbine Load using the Load Limit Potentiometer Page 11 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 2 Page 12 of 36 Event


Condensate Pump 'A' Trips Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTO-AE- (Step A4) BORATE from the BAST using:


  • BORATE using OTN-BG-00002 Attachment 8 OR
  • BORATE to the VCT
a. PLACE RCS Makeup Control in STOP (BG HS-26)
b. PLACE RCS Makeup Control Selector to BORATE:
  • BG HS-25
c. Set Boric Acid Flow Controller to the desired flow rate
d. PLACE BG FK-110 in AUTO
e. RESET Boric Acid Counter to 000:
  • BG FY-110B)
f. SET BG FY-110B for the desired gallons of boric acid to be added
g. PLACE BG HS-26 in RUN RO h. WHEN desired boration is complete, THEN PLACE BG HS-26 in STOP
i. REPEAT Boration as necessary OR
  • BORATE using Emergency Boration:
a. START at least one Boric Acid Transfer Pump
  • BG HIS-5A
  • BG HIS-6A
b. OPEN Emergency Borate To Charging Pump Suciton:
  • BG HIS-8104
c. CHECK Emergency Borate Flowrate > 30 gpm
  • BG FI-183A
d. WHEN desired boration is complete, THEN:
  • CLOSE BG HIS-8104
e. REPEAT Boration as necessary Page 12 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 2 Page 13 of 36 Event


Condensate Pump 'A' Trips Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTO-AE- (Step A5) INITIATE Boron Equalization:

00001 a. ENERGIZE at least one set of PZR backup heaters

  • BB HIS-51A RO
  • BBHIS-52A
b. PLACE BB PK-455A in MAN
c. LOWER BB PK-455A output to 38-42%
d. PLACE BB PK-455A in AUTO (Step A6) NOTIFY Power Dispatcher
  • Load reduction is in progress CRS
  • Rate of load reduction
  • Amount of load reduction (Step A7) NOTIFY Chemistry, RP, Radwaste, & Count Room of CRS load reduction RO (Step A8) Check Rod Control maintaining T ave /T ref within 3°F NOTE At Lead Examiners discretion move to the next Event after the load reduction is initiated.

Page 13 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 3 Page 14 of 36 Event


Power Range Channel N43 fails high Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator:

  • TRIGGER step Power Range NI Failure
  • When contacted, respond as I&C. Acknowledge the request to investigate the instrument/channel failure.
  • When contacted, respond as DUTY MANAGER. Acknowledge entry into the OTO.

Indications Available ANN 78A, PR CHANNEL DEV ANN 82A, PR OVER PWR ROD STOP ANN 83C, RX PARTIAL TRIP OTO-SF-00001, Rod Control Malfunctions Crew may utilize OTO-SF-00001 due to inadvertent rod motion.

CRS Implement OTO-SF-00001 OTO-SF- (Step 1) Check both of the following are met for indication of 00001 multiple dropped rods:


  • Rod Bottom Lights for greater than one rod - LIT RNO: Go to Step 3 Step 1 is an immediate action (Step 3) Check Main Turbine Runback or Load Reject in progress RO RNO: Go to Step 5 Step 3 is an immediate action RO (Step 5) Place Rod Control in MANUAL using SE HS-9 Step 5 is an immediate action RO (Step 6) Check Control Rods Motion Stopped Step 6 is an immediate action (Step 7) Check instruments indications NORMAL:
a. RCS Tavg RO b. HP Turbine First Stage Pressure
c. Power Range Nuclear Instruments. N43 is failed.

(RNO c.) Go to OTO-SE-00001, NI Malfunction Page 14 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 3 Page 15 of 36 Event


Power Range Channel N43 fails high Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTO-SE-00001, Nuclear Instrument Malfunction CRS Implement OTO-SE-00001 OTO-SE-RO (Step 1) CHECK Power Range Nuclear Instruments - NORMAL 00001 (Step 1 RNO)

a. Ensure Rod Control in MANUAL
b. IF any MFW Reg Valve Bypass Valves are in-service (N/A)
c. Go to Attachment A, PR Instrument Malfunction RO (Step A1) STOP Any Main Turbine Load Changes (Step A2) MAINTAIN RCS Tavg within 1.5°F of Tref using manual RO control rods.

(Step A3) CHECK the following permissives are in the correct state within one hour of the NI failure per Attachment H

  • P-8
  • P-9
  • P-10 (Step A4) SELECT an operable channel on NIS Recorder:


  • SE NR-45 Page 15 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 3 Page 16 of 36 Event


Power Range Channel N43 fails high Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTO-SE- (Step A5) BYPASS the malfunctioning PR Channel by selecting 00001 the affected channel on the following switches:

a. On the Detector Current Comparator drawer:
  • PLACE Upper Section switch to N43
  • PLACE Lower Section switch to N43
  • PLACE Rod Stop Bypass switch to N43
  • PLACE Power Mismatch Bypass switch to N43
b. On the Comparator and Rate Drawer, PLACE Comparator Channel Defeat switch to N43
c. ENSURE the following annunciators are extinguished:
  • 78A, PR Channel Dev
  • 78B, PR Upper Detector Flux Dev
  • 78C, PR Lower Detector Flux Dev
  • 82A, PR Over Pwr Rod Stop BOP d. DELETE computer point from processing for the Bypassed Channel in order to maintain the AFD Monitor OPERABLE:
1) At a PPC terminal with a security level 0-3, TYPE "DFP" - Select OK.
2) ENSURE the "Delete From Processing" dialog box is displayed.
3) ENTER the computer point ID for the bypassed channel in the "Point ID" field:
4) N43 - REN0051A
5) ENTER your initials in the "Modified by" field.
6) ENTER "OTO-SE-00001" in the "Reason" field.
7) CLICK the "Execute" button.
8) CLICK the CANCEL button to close the "Delete From Processing" dialog box.
9) At the PPC terminal, TYPE "SHOW REN0051A" and verify the value displayed is "DEL".

NOTE: Step A5 must be completed before continuing CRS (Step A6) CHECK Control Rod Insertion From Instrument Failure CRS (Step A7) RESTORE Control Rods as determined by CRS Page 16 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 3 Page 17 of 36 Event


Power Range Channel N43 fails high Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTO-SE-RO (Step A8) CHECK Tavg to Tref within 0.3°F 00001 RO (Step A9) RESTORE Rod Control to AUTO: SE HS-9 BOP (Step A10) CHECK any SG Level being controlled by MFRVBVs CRS (Step A10 RNO) Go to step A11 RO (Step A11) CHECK Reactor Power > 10%

(Step A12) TRIP the protective bistables for the failed channel per CRS Attachment D, Tripping Power Range Protective Bistables, within the time limit specified in the applicable Tech Spec The CRS should enter T/S 3.3.1.A, D, E, S, T and FSAR 16.2.1 and 16.2.2 NOTE At Lead Examiners discretion move to the next Event Page 17 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 4 Page 18 of 36 Event


Tube Leak in Steam Generator 'D' Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator:

  • TRIGGER step Tube Leak
  • Respond as chemistry if directed to sample/determine leak rate
  • Respond as Field Supervisor/ OT if directed to start the aux boiler Indications Available ANN 61A, PROCESS RAD HIHI ANN 61B, PROCESS RAD HI OTO-BB-00001, Steam Generator Tube Leak CRS Implement OTO-BB-00001 OTO-BB- (Step 1) CHECK if PZR Level Can Be Maintianed 00001 a. Control charging flow as necessary to maintain PZR RO level
b. CHECK PZR level - Stable or Rising (Step 2) CHECK if VCT level can be maintained > 5% by normal RO makeup (Step 3) NOTIFY Chemistry to perform CTP-ZZ-02590, Primary to BOP Secondary Leakrate Determination BOP (Step 4) TRY to identify affected SG (Step 5.a) Determine SG Tube Leak Rate
  • Use trends of VCT and/or PZR level RO
  • Compare charging and letdown flows
  • Plant computer trends group display "SGTL"
  • Plant computer trends group display "SG17" RO (Step 5.b) Leak rate - less than 50 gpm Page 18 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 4 Page 19 of 36 Event


Tube Leak in Steam Generator 'D' Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CHECK if Plant Should be shutdown. With > 75 gpd, perform CRS actions of Attachment D (Step D1) EPRI Action Level 3 - leakage > 75 gpd in any one SG.

Initiate Step 7 and Commence a controlled shutdown to Mode 3.

CRS Reduce power to < 50% within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, and be in Mode 3 within next 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> (total of 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />).

  • Perform applicable procedures: OTO-MA-00008 (Step 7) Initiate action to minimize Secondary Contamination:
a. Locally close TDAFP Manual isolation from affected SG (N/A)
b. Start Auxiliary Boiler
c. Ensure auxiliary steam is supplying main turbine seals per OTN-CA-00001
d. Close condensate reject AD LIC-79A, bypass BOP condensate demins, and transfer auxiliary steam to the auxiliary boiler
e. Refer to Tech Specs & EALs
  • EIP-ZZ-00101 for EALs The CRS should enter T/S 3.4.13.B OTO-MA-00008, Rapid Load Reduction RO (Step 1) Place Rod Control in AUTO using SE HS-9 (Step 2) Manage Reactivity. Discuss amount and rate of load RO reduction and amount of boric acid needed.

Page 19 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 4 Page 20 of 36 Event


Tube Leak in Steam Generator 'D' Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTO-MA- (Step 3) Reduce turbine load at < 5%/min using pot or load set:


  • Reduce load using %/min loading rate:
a. Slowly lower load using DECREASE LOAD pushbutton until all of the following are met:
  • Load limit limiting light - extinguished
  • Decrease loading rate "OFF" light - LIT
  • Loading Rate Limit %/min "1/2" light - LIT BOP
b. Rotate load limit set potentiometer fully clockwise
c. SELECT decrease loading rate - ON
d. Set loading rate limit %/min to desired value
e. LOWER load set MW toward desired load using the DECREASE LOAD pushbutton OR
  • REDUCE turbine load using the Load Limit Potentiometer Page 20 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 4 Page 21 of 36 Event


Tube Leak in Steam Generator 'D' Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTO-MA- (Step 4) BORATE from the BAST using:


  • BORATE using OTN-BG-00002 Attachment 8 OR
  • BORATE to the VCT
a. PLACE RCS Makeup Control in STOP (BG HS-26)
b. PLACE RCS Makeup Control Selector to BORATE:
  • BG HS-25
c. Set Boric Acid Flow Controller to the desired flow rate
d. PLACE BG FK-110 in AUTO
e. RESET Boric Acid Counter to 000:
  • BG FY-110B)
f. SET BG FY-110B for the desired gallons of boric acid to be added
g. PLACE BG HS-26 in RUN RO h. WHEN desired boration is complete, THEN PLACE BG HS-26 in STOP
i. REPEAT Boration as necessary OR
  • BORATE using Emergency Boration:
a. START at least one Boric Acid Transfer Pump
  • BG HIS-5A
  • BG HIS-6A
b. OPEN Emergency Borate To Charging Pump Suciton:
  • BG HIS-8104
c. CHECK Emergency Borate Flowrate > 30 gpm
  • BG FI-183A
d. WHEN desired boration is complete, THEN:
  • CLOSE BG HIS-8104
e. REPEAT Boration as necessary Page 21 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 4 Page 22 of 36 Event


Tube Leak in Steam Generator 'D' Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTO-MA- (Step 5) INITIATE Boron Equalization:

00008 a. ENERGIZE at least one set of PZR backup heaters

  • BB HIS-51A RO
  • BBHIS-52A
b. PLACE BB PK-455A in MAN
c. LOWER BB PK-455A output to 38-42%
d. PLACE BB PK-455A in AUTO (Step 6) Check MFP Turbine Speed Control - IN AUTO BOP
  • FC SK-509C CRS (Step 7) Notify Power Dispatcher of load reduction CRS (Step 8) Notify on-site departments of load reduction (Step 9) Check Rod Control system responding to RCS Tavg/Tref BOP within 3°F NOTE When the crew has reduced load below 90% or at the direction of the lead evaluator, input the next event.

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Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 23 of 36 Event


Tube Rupture on Steam Generator 'D' / Safety Injection Pump 'A' fails to start.

Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator:

o TRIGGER Tube Rupture Indications Available 32C - PZR LO LEV DEV OTO-BB-00001, Steam Generator Tube Leak OTO-BB- (Foldout Page) SI Acutation Criteria trip breakers open 00001 IF all the conditions listed occurs, then TRIP the reactor, VERIFY reactor trip, and ACTUATE SI, and go to E-0, Reactor Trip or RO Safety Injection:

  • Normal charging is maximized from one pump
  • Letdown is isolated
  • Pressurizer level is lowering E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection E-0 (Step 1) CHECK Reactor Trip:
  • Rod Bottom Lights - ALL LIT RO
  • Neutron Flux - LOWERING Step 1 is an immediate action (Step 2) CHECK Turbine Trip:


  • All Turbine Stop valves - CLOSED Step 2 is an immediate action (Step 3) CHECK Power to AC Emergency Buses:

BOP a. AC emergency buses - AT LEAST ONE ENERGIZED

b. NB01 & NB02 are both energized Step 3 is an immediate action Page 23 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 24 of 36 Event


Tube Rupture on Steam Generator 'D' / Safety Injection Pump 'A' fails to start.

Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-0 (Step 4) Check SI Status:

a. Check if SI is actuated
  • 88D Lit
  • SB069 SI Actuate Red light is lit RO
  • LOCA Sequencers alarms 30A & 31A
b. CHECK both Trains of SI-Actuated
  • 30A lit
  • 31A lit
  • SB069 SI Actuate Red light lit solid Step 4 is an immediate action RO (Step 5) PERFORM Attachment A E-0 (Step A1) Check Charging Pumps:


d. CCPs - Both Running A
  • BG HIS-1A RO
  • BG HIS-2A
e. Stop NCP
  • BG HIS-3 (Step A2) CHECK SI and RHR Pumps:
  • EJ HIS-1
  • EJ HIS-2 RO (Step A2 RNO) START SI Pump A using EM HIS-4 Page 24 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 25 of 36 Event


Tube Rupture on Steam Generator 'D' / Safety Injection Pump 'A' fails to start.

Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-0 (Step A3) CHECK ECCS flow:


a. CCPs to Boron Inj Header - FLOW INDICATED A


  • EM FI-917A
  • EM FI-917B
b. RCS pressure - Less than 1700 psig: RNO go to step A4 (Step A4) CHECK ESW Pumps - BOTH RUNNING RO
  • EF HIS-55A
  • EF HIS-56A (Step A5) CHECK CCW Alignment:
a. CCW Pumps - one running in each train
  • Red Train: EG HIS-21 or EG HIS-23
  • Yellow Train: EG HIS-22 or EG HIS-24
b. CCW Service Loop Supply and Return valves for one operating CCW pump - OPEN
  • EG ZL-15 and EG ZL-53
  • EG ZL-16 and EG ZL-54
c. OPEN CCW to RHR HX valves:


  • EG HIS-101
  • EG HIS-102
d. CLOSE Spent Fuel Pool HX CCW Outlet Valves:
  • EC HIS-11
  • EC HIS-12
e. STOP Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Pump(s):
  • EC HIS-27
  • EC HIS-28
f. RECORD the time spent fuel pool cooling pump secured
g. MONITOR time CCW flow isolated to SFP HX < 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> Page 25 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 26 of 36 Event


Tube Rupture on Steam Generator 'D' / Safety Injection Pump 'A' fails to start.

Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-0 (Step A6) CHECK Containment Cooler Fans running in slow Attachment

  • GN HIS-9 A


  • GN HIS-17
  • GN HIS-5
  • GN HIS-13 (Step A7) CHECK Containment H2 Mixing Fans in slow
  • GN HIS-2 RO
  • GN HIS-4
  • GN HIS-1
  • Containment Pressure > 27 psig
  • GN PR-934 indicates ctmt pressure has been > 27 psig RO
  • Annunciator 59B CISB LIT RNO: Go to step A9 (Step A9) CHECK if Main Steamlines should be Isolated
  • Containment pressure > 17 psig
  • GN PR-934 indicates ctmt pressure has been > 17 psig RO
  • Steamline pressure < 615 psig
  • AB PR-514 or 535 shows pressure has been < 615 psig RNO: Go to Step A10 (Step A10) CHECK ECCS Valves in proper alignment
a. ESFAS Status Panels SIS sections:


  • SA066X WHITE lights - ALL LIT
  • SA066Y WHITE lights - ALL LIT Page 26 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 27 of 36 Event


Tube Rupture on Steam Generator 'D' / Safety Injection Pump 'A' fails to start.

Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-0 (Step A11) CHECK Containment Isolation Phase A:


a. ESFAS status panels CISA sections:


  • SA066X WHITE lights - ALL LIT
  • SA066Y WHITE lights - ALL LIT (Step A12) CHECK SG Blowdown Isolation:
a. ESFAS status panels SGBSIS sections:


  • SA066X WHITE lights - ALL LIT
  • SA066Y WHITE lights - ALL LIT (Step A13) CHECK Both Trains of CRVIS
a. ESFAS status panels CRVIS sections:


  • SA066X WHITE lights - ALL LIT
  • SA066Y WHITE lights - ALL LIT (Step A14) CHECK Containment Purge Isolation:
a. ESFAS status panels CPIS sections:


  • SA066X WHITE lights - ALL LIT
  • SA066Y WHITE lights - ALL LIT (Step A15) NOTIFY CRS of the following:
  • Unanticipated manual actions taken: Started SI Pump A RO
  • Failed Equipment Status
  • Attachment A completion E-0 (Step 6) CHECK Generator Output Breakers - OPEN BOP
  • MA ZL-3A (V55)
  • MA ZL-4A (V53)

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Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 28 of 36 Event


Tube Rupture on Steam Generator 'D' / Safety Injection Pump 'A' fails to start.

Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-0 (Step 7) CHECK Feedwater Isolation:

a. MFPs Tripped
  • ANN 120A, MFP A Trip - LIT
  • ANN 123A, MFP B Trip
b. Main Feedwater Reg Valves - CLOSED
  • AE ZL-510
  • AE ZL-520
  • AE ZL-530
  • AE ZL-550
  • AE ZL-560
  • AE ZL-570
  • AE ZL-580
d. Feedwater Isolation Valves - CLOSED
  • AE HIS-39
  • AE HIS-40
  • AE HIS-41
  • AE HIS-42 (Step 8) CHECK AFW Pumps:
  • AL HIS-23A
  • AL HIS-22A
b. TDAFP -Running if Necessary Page 28 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 29 of 36 Event


Tube Rupture on Steam Generator 'D' / Safety Injection Pump 'A' fails to start.

Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior (Step 9) CHECK AFW Valves - proper emergency alignment

  • MD AFP Flow Control Valves - THROTTLED
  • TD AFP Flow Control Valves - FULL OPEN BOP
  • TD AFP Loop Steam Supply Valves - BOTH OPEN IF NECESSARY
  • AB HIS-6A BOP (Step 10) CHECK Total AFW Flow > 285,000 lbm/hr (Step 11) CHECK PZR PORVs and Spray Valves:
  • BB HIS-455A
  • BB HIS-456A
b. PZR PORVs - Both in AUTO
  • BB HIS-455A BOP
  • BB HIS-456A
c. PORV Block Valves - BOTH OPEN
  • BB HIS-8000A
  • BB HIS-8000B
d. Normal PZR Spray valves - CLOSED
  • BB ZL-455B
  • BB ZL-455C Page 29 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 30 of 36 Event


Tube Rupture on Steam Generator 'D' / Safety Injection Pump 'A' fails to start.

Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior (Step 12) CHECK if RCPs should be stopped:

c. RCS Pressure < 1425 psig. RNO: Go to step 13 (Step 13) CHECK RCS Temperatures:


  • Any RCP Running - RCS Tavg stable at 557°F or trending to 557°F (Step 14) CHECK if any SG is faulted:
a. Check pressures in all SGs:


  • Any SG pressure lowering in an uncontrolled manner or completely depressurized.

RNO: Go to step 15 (Step 15) CHECK if SG Tubes are intact: The D SG is ruptured BOP based on level rising in an uncontrolled manner and N16 alarms.

RNO: Go to E-3 E-3, Steam Generator Tube Rupture E-3 (Step 1) CHECK if RCPs should be stopped:

  • SI Pump RCS Pressure < 1425 psig. RNO: Go to step 2 Page 30 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 31 of 36 Event


Tube Rupture on Steam Generator 'D' / Safety Injection Pump 'A' fails to start.

Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-3 (Step 2) IDENTIFY Ruptured SG(s):

  • Unexpected rise in any SG narrow range level OR
  • High radiation from any SG sample RO/BOP OR
  • High radiation from any SG steamline OR
  • High radiation from any SG blowdown line sample (Step 3) ISOLATE flow from ruptured SG(s):
a. ADJUST ruptured SG(s) ASD controller setpoint to 1160 psig:
b. CHECK ruptured SG(s) ASD - CLOSED
c. Local CLOSE TDAFP steam supply from ruptured SG:


d. Check Blowdown CIV from ruptured SG closed RO/BOP
  • BM HIS-4A
e. CLOSE steamline low point drain valve from ruptured SG(s)
f. CHECK C-9A interlock lit:
g. CLOSE MSIV and MSIV bypass valve from ruptured SG(s)
  • AB HIK-15 CRITICAL Isolate feedwater flow into and steam flow from the ruptured TASK RO/BOP SG before a transition to ECA-3.1 occurs.

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Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 32 of 36 Event


Tube Rupture on Steam Generator 'D' / Safety Injection Pump 'A' fails to start.

Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior (Step 4) CHECK Ruptured SG Level:

a. Narrow range level > 7%
b. STOP feed flow to ruptured SG(s):


  • CLOSE Associated MD AFP Flow Control Valves(s):
  • CLOSE Associated TD AFP Flow Control Valves(s):
  • AL HK-6A CRITICAL Isolate feedwater flow into and steam flow from the ruptured TASK RO/BOP SG before a transition to ECA-3.1 occurs.

RO/BOP (Step 5) CHECK Ruptured SG(s) Pressure > 340 psig Page 32 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 33 of 36 Event


Tube Rupture on Steam Generator 'D' / Safety Injection Pump 'A' fails to start.

Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-3 (Step 6) INITIATE RCS Cooldown:

a. CHECK RCS pressure < 1970 psig
  • P-11 light - LIT
b. BLOCK Steamline Pressure SI:
c. Determine required core exit temperature from table
d. DUMP Steam to condenser from intact SG(s) at maximum rate:
1) CHECK Condenser available
  • C-9 interlock Lit
2) PLACE Steam Dump Select switch in STM PRESS:


  • AB US-500Z
3) Rapidly OPEN the Steam Dumps in MANUAL in approximately 20% increments to 40-42% on AB UI-500
4) WHEN the P-12 Interlock has Actuated:

a) Place Steam Dumps in Bypass/Interlock:

  • AB HS-64 b) ENSURE Group 1 steam dumps fully open to establish maximum cooldown rate
e. Core exit TCs - less than required temperature:

RNO: When core exit TCs are less than required temperature, then perform steps 6.f and 6.g CRITICAL Establish/maintain an RCS temperature so that transition TASK from E-3 does not occur because the RCS temperature is in either of the following conditions:

  • Too high to maintain minimum required subcooling RO/BOP OR
  • Below the RCS temperature that causes an extreme (RED path) or a severe (ORANGE path) challenge to the subcriticality and/or the integrity CSF Page 33 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 34 of 36 Event


Tube Rupture on Steam Generator 'D' / Safety Injection Pump 'A' fails to start.

Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-3 (Step 7) CHECK Intact SG Levels:

a. Narrow range levels > 7%


b. CONTROL feed flow to maintain narrow range levels between 22% and 52%

(Step 8) CHECK PZR PORVs and Block Valves:

a. Power available to block valves:
  • BB HIS-8000A
  • BB HIS-8000B
  • BB HIS-455A
  • BB HIS-456A
c. Block Valves - BOTH OPEN
  • BB HIS-8000A
  • BB HIS-8000B (Step 9) RESET SI:


  • SB HS-43A (Step 10) RESET CIS-A and CIS-B
  • CIS-A
  • SB HS-53 RO/BOP
  • CIS-B
  • SB HS-55 Page 34 of 36

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 1 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 35 of 36 Event


Tube Rupture on Steam Generator 'D' / Safety Injection Pump 'A' fails to start.

Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior (Step 11) ESTABLISH Instrument Air to Containment

a. CHECK if ESW to Air Compressor valves - OPEN
  • EF HIS-43
  • EF HIS-44 RO/BOP b. START Air Compressor(s):
c. OPEN Instrument Air Supply CIV
  • KA HIS-29 (Step 12) CHECK if RHR Pumps should be stopped:
a. RHR Pumps running with suction aligned to RWST
b. RCS pressure > 325 psig RO/BOP c. STOP RHR Pumps and PLACE in standby:
  • EJ HIS-1
  • EJ HIS-2
d. MONITOR RCS pressure (Step 13) CHECK if RCS Cooldown Should be stopped:
a. Core exit TCs - Less than required temperature RO/BOP
b. STOP RCS cooldown
c. MAINTAIN core exit TCs less than required temperature The crew should not proceed until the target temperature is reached.

RO/BOP (Step 14) CHECK Ruptured SG(s) Pressure stable or rising RO/BOP (Step 15) CHECK RCS Subcooling > 50°F The scenario can be terminated at the discretion of the Lead Examiner Page 35 of 36

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Callaway Scenario No.: 2 , Rev 0 Op-Test No.: 2017-1 Examiners: ____________________________ Operators: _____________________________

Initial Conditions: 100%

Turnover: Service Water Pump 'A' is out of service for maintenance.

Event Malf. No. Event Event No. Type* Description SRO (C) Battery Charger NK21 loss 1 NG0103 RO (C) OTO-NK-00001, Failure of NK Battery Charger BOP (C) (Tech Spec 3.8.4)

Pressurizer Level Channel BB LI-461 fails high SRO (I) 2 BBLT0461 OTO-BG-00001, Pressurizer Level Control Malfunction RO (I)

(Tech Spec 3.3.1)

SRO (C) Service Water Pump 'B' trips 3 PEA2101B BOP (C) OTA-RK-00014 Addendum 12A, Service Water Pump Lockout SRO (R)

Turbine Vibration requiring load reduction 4 ACYE0017 RO (R)

OTO-AC-00002, Turbine Vibration BOP (R)


AE002 Feedwater break in containment with auto reactor trip failure 5 RO (M)

SF006 E-2, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation BOP (M)

FWIV 'B' Failure to close 6 AEFV40 BOP (C)

E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Target Quantitative Attributes (Per Scenario; See Section D.5.d) Actual Attributes
1. Total malfunctions (5-8) 6
2. Malfunctions after EOP entry (1-2) 1
3. Abnormal events (2-4) 4
4. Major transients (1-2) 1
5. EOPs entered/requiring substantive actions (1-2) 1
6. EOP contingencies requiring substantive actions (0-2) 0
7. Critical tasks (2-3) 2 Page 1 of 31

Scenario #2 Event Description Callaway 2017-1 NRC ES-D-1, rev. 0 The plant is stable at 100% with Service Water Pump 'A' out of service.

After the reactivity brief is complete, battery charger NK21 is lost. The crew should use OTO-NK-00002, Failure of NK Battery Charger, to select away from NN01 powered instrumentation and to direct placing the swing charger NK25 into service in the field. Tech Spec 3.8.4 applies.

Once Tech Specs have been determined pressurizer level channel BB LI-461 fails high. The crew should enter OTO-BG-00001, Pressurizer Level Control Malfunction, to restore pressurizer level to program in manual, select away, and restore automatic control. Tech Spec 3.3.1 applies.

Service Water Pump 'B' Trips leaving the crew with 1 pump supplying all plant loads. The crew should perform the OTA-RK-00014 Addendum 12A, Service Water Pump Lockout, actions and start both trains of Essential Service Water using OTN-EF-00001, Essential Service Water System.

Once both trains of ESW are in manual, a turbine vibration develops. The crew should enter OTO-AC-00001, Turbine Vibration, and perform a load reduction while monitoring vibration levels.

Once the crew has reduced load 5-10% the 'B' Loop feedwater line breaks inside containment with no automatic reactor trip. The crew should manually trip the reactor and enter E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.

The crew should close the 'B' FWIV and perform foldout page criteria for Faulted SG Isolation Criteria to Fast Close MSIVs and stop auxiliary feedwater flow to the 'B' SG. The crew should transition to E-2, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation, and complete isolation of the 'B' SG.

The scenario is complete when the crew has transitioned out of E-2 to ES-1.1, SI Termination.

Page 2 of 31

Scenario #2 Event Description Callaway 2017-1 NRC ES-D-1, rev. 0 Critical Tasks:

Critical Tasks Manually trip the reactor before ALL intact SG levels lower to 10% WR (dryout). Isolate faulted SG 'B' before transition out of E-2 EVENT 5 5&6 Safety Failure to manually trip the reactor causes a challenge to the subcriticality CSF beyond Failure to isolate a faulted SG that can be isolated causes challenges to CSFs (Integrity, significance that irreparably introduced by the postulated conditions. Additionally, it constitutes an Subcriticality, & Containment) beyond those irreparably introduced by the postulated incorrect performance that necessitates the crew taking compensating action that conditions.

would complicate the event mitigation strategy and demonstrates the inability of the crew to recognize a failure or an incorrect automatic actuation of an ESF system or component.

Cueing Indication and/or annunciation that plant parameter(s) exist that should result in Both of the following:

automatic reactor trip but reactor does not automatically trip Steam pressure and flow rate indications that make it possible to identify 'B' SG as

  • Annunciator 85A, SG LEV LOLO RX TRIP faulted AND Valve position and flow rate indication that AFW continues to be delivered to the 'B' SG Performance Manipulation of control room reactor trip switches (SB HS-1 or SB HS-42) as required to CLOSE AL HK-9A & AL HK-10A to isolate AFW flow to faulted SG indicator trip the reactor. Close SG B low point drain valve AB HIS-9
  • Reactor trip and bypass breakers indicate open Fast Close all MSIVs and Bypass Valves using AB HS-79 or AB HS-80 Close FWIV AE-HS-40 Performance Indications of reactor trip Indication of the following feedback
  • Any depressurization of intact SGs stops
  • Neutron flux decreasing
  • AFW flow rate indication to faulted SG of zero Justification for Not tripping the reactor prior to SG reaching dryout conditions when it is possible to do before transition out of E-2 is in accordance with the PWR Owners Group Emergency the chosen so forces an immediate extreme challenge to the subcriticality CSF, availability of the Response Guidelines. It allows enough time for the crew to take the correct action while performance limit heat sink, and containment. Additionally, the incorrect performance of failing to trip the at the same time preventing avoidable adverse consequences.

reactor necessitates the crew taking compensating action that seriously complicates the event mitigation strategy. This misoperation constitutes a significant reduction of safety margin beyond that irreparably introduced by the scenario.

PWR Owners CT-1, Manually Trip the Reactor CT-17, Isolate Faulted SG Group Appendix Page 3 of 31

Scenario Procedure References Callaway 2017-1 NRC Scenario #2, rev. 0 References OTO-NK-00002, Failure of NK Battery Charger OTO-BG-00001, Pressurizer Level Control Malfunction OTA-RK-00014 Addendum 12A, Service Water Pump Lockout OTN-EF-00001, Essential Service Water System OTO-AC-00001, Turbine Vibration E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection E-2, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation ES-1.1, SI Termination PRA Systems, Events or Operator Actions

1. ATWS (12% of contribution to Core Damage Frequency)

Steam Line Breaks (5% of contribution to Core Damage Frequency)

Page 4 of 31

Scenario Setup Guide Callaway 2017-1 NRC Scenario #2, rev. 0 Scenario #2 Setup Guide:

Establish the initial conditions of IC-166 on load 1603, MOL 100% power:

  • Rod Control Bank D 215 steps, Other banks 228 steps

Service Water Pump 'A' is out of service for maintenance

  • Insert ME Schematics, System = EA, Schematic = x8600x88562_a, Breaker = 152PB12104, Malfunction = EA09PB12104TA_PKPOS, Value = 3 Automatic Reactor Trip Failure
  • Insert Malfunction (SF) SF006, Value = Auto_Mode FWIV 'B' Failure to close
  • Insert Malfucntion AEFV40_A, Value = Fail_False
  • Insert Malfunction AEFV40_B, Value = Fail_False
  • Insert Malfunction AEFV40_C, Value = Fail_False
  • Insert Malfucntion AEFV40_D, Value = Fail_False
  • Insert Malfunction AEFV40_E, Value = Fail_False
  • Insert Malfunction AEFV40_F, Value = Fail_False
======= EVENT 1 ============================

NK21 charger loss

  • Insert ME Schematics, System = NG, Schematic = e21ng01_a, Breaker = NG0103, Malfunction =

NG0103_RMTTC_ELEC, Value = 0

======= EVENT 2 ============================

Pressurizer Level Channel BB LI-461 fails high

  • Insert Malfunction (BB) BBLT0461, Value = 209.1
=======EVENT 3 ============================

Service Water Pump 'B' trips

  • Insert Malfunction (EA) PEA2101B, Value = Trip
=======EVENT 4 ============================

Turbine Vibration requiring load reduction

  • Insert Malfunction (AC) ACYE0017, Value = 9
=======EVENT 5 ============================

Feedwater break in containment with auto reactor trip failure

  • Insert Malfunction (AE) AE002, Value = 2000
  • Auto Trip Failure PRELOADED
=======EVENT 6=============================

FWIV 'B' Failure to close

  • See PRELOADS Page 5 of 31

Scenario#2 Simulator Lesson Plan Callaway 2017-1 NRC Scenario #2, rev. 0 Page 6 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 1 Page 7 of 31 Event


Battery Charger NK21 loss Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator:

  • TRIGGER NK21 charger loss
  • Respond as Secondary OT if contacted. Report after 5 minutes local alarms for NK21 charger failure and NK21 supply breaker NG0103 is tripped.
  • When directed to place swing charger NK25 into service to NK01, TRIGGER Swing Charger NK25 to NK01. Report back when complete (15 minutes)
  • Respond as Electrical Maintenance/Duty Manager when contacted.

Indications Available ANN 25C - NK01 TROUBLE OTO-NK-00001, Failure of NK Battery Charger CRS Implement OTO-NK-00001 OTO-NK- (Step 1) CHECK Associated NN Bus - ENERGIZED 00001 BOP

  • Annunciator 25C, NK01 TROUBLE, is not extinguished RNO: Go to Attachment A, Actions for NK01 (Step A1) Direct Operations Technician to perform actions of BOP OTA-NK-00001 Page 7 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 1 Page 8 of 31 Event


Battery Charger NK21 loss Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTO-NK- (Step A2) ENSURE the following components are NOT Selected:

00001 (Select Away from Red Train Channels)

  • AB FT-512, SG Steam Flow Channel Selector
  • AB LT-512, SG Level Channel Selector
  • AB FT-522, SG Steam Flow Channel Selector
  • AE LT- 529, SG Level Channel Selector


  • AB FT-532, SG Steam Flow Channel Selector BOP
  • AE LT-539, SG Level Channel Selector
  • AB FT-542, SG Steam Flow Channel Selector
  • AE LT-554, SG Level Channel Selector
  • Pressurizer:
  • BB PT-455, PZR Pressure Control Selector
  • BB LT-459, PZR Level Control Selector
  • AC PT-505, HP Turbine First Stage Pressure (Step A3) Press SELECT on STEAM FLOW and Level for ALL BOP Steam Generators on AE SS-500, SG Level Control Input Selection (Step A4) PLACE BB TS-411F, T Defeat Switch in T411 RO Position.

(Step A5) PLACE BB TS-412T, Rod Control Tave Input Channel RO Defeat Switch in T412 Position.

(Step A6) CHECK Battery Charger Lineup

  • CHECK breaker NG0103 closed BOP RNO: Place NK25 Swing Charger in service per OTN-NK-00001 BOP (Step A7) CHECK NK01 Bus Voltage > 105 VDC Page 8 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 1 Page 9 of 31 Event


Battery Charger NK21 loss Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTO-NK- (Step A8) CHECK Charger Connected to the NK01 Bus 00001 BOP RNO: CONSIDER transferring the associated NN inverter to an alternate power supply per OTN-NN-00001 (Step A9) Contact Electrical Maintenance to inspect the affected CRS charger per MTE-ZZ-QB0002, Battery Charger Troubleshooting CRS (Step A10) REVIEW Applicable Technical Specifications The CRS should enter Tech Spec 3.8.4.A NOTE At Lead Examiners discretion move to the next Event Page 9 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 2 Page 10 of 31 Event


Pressurizer Level Channel BB LI-461 fails high Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator:

  • TRIGGER BB LI-461 Failure
  • Respond as Duty Manager or I&C if contacted.

Indications Available ANN 32D - PZR HI LEV DEV HTRS ON ANN 83C - RX PARTIAL TRIP OTO-BG-00001, Pressurizer Level Control Malfunction CRS Implement OTO-BG-00001 OTO-BG- (Step 1) CHECK Charging Pumps - At Least one running.

RO 00001

  • NCP is running (Step 2) VERIFY at least ONE method of RCP Seal Cooling to ALL RCPs in progress RO
  • Seal Injection OR
  • CCW to Thermal Barrier Heat Exchanger (Step 3) CHECK Pressurizer Level Indicator failed:


  • BB LI-461 is failed high (Step 4) CHECK Pressurizer Level RO
  • Trending to or at program level (Step 4 RNO) Perform the following:
a. Stabilize Pressurizer Level:


  • Place master level controller BB LK-459 in manual OR
b. RESTORE Pressurizer Level to Program Level Page 10 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 2 Page 11 of 31 Event


Pressurizer Level Channel BB LI-461 fails high Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTO-BG- (Step 5) TRANSFER Pressurizer Level Control Selector to remove 00001 RO failed channel from control

  • BB LS-459D (Step 6) CHECK Pressurizer Heater Control Group C ON RO
  • BB HIS-50 RO (Step 7) CHECK Letdown - In Service (Step 8) CHECK Pressurizer Level Within One of the following:


  • Trending to Program Level OR
  • At Program Level (Step 9) WHEN Pressurizer Level is at program level:
  • Place Pressurizer Level Master Controller in AUTO RO
  • BB LK-459 OR
  • PLACE NCP discharge FCV in AUTO
  • BG FK-124 (Step 10) CHECK Operable Pressurizer Level Channel used for Recorder RO
  • BB LS-459E RNO: Select alternate channel as input to recorder CRS (Step 11) Review Applicable Tech Specs The CRS should enter T/S 3.3.1.A & M RO (Step 12) Review Attachment A for effects of failure NOTE At Lead Examiners discretion move to the next Event Page 11 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 3 Page 12 of 31 Event


Service Water Pump 'B' trips Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator:

Indications Available ANN 12A - SERV WTR PMP LOCKOUT ANN 12E - SERV WTR VLV TROUBLE OTA-RK-00014 Addendum 12A, Service Water Pump Lockout BOP Implement OTA-RK-00014 Addendum 12A OTA-RK-(Step 3.1) IF Standby Service Water Pump did not auto start, start 00014 BOP the standby service water pump. No pumps are available.

Add 12A (Step 3.2) IF the Service Water System can NOT be restored, BOP START both ESW trains and isolate from Service Water in accordance with OTN-EF-00001, Essential Service Water System (Step 3.3) DISPATCH an Operator to the Circ & Service Water BOP Pump House to determine cause of pump trip.

(Step 3.4) ENSURE the discharge valve on the tripped pump is BOP CLOSED: VEA2101B (Step 3.5) IF only one Service Water Pump is running, PERFORM the following:


  • IF required, START both ESW trains and isolate from Service Water in accordance with OTN-EF-00001 OTN-EF-00001, Essential Service Water System Section 5.1 aligns 'A' Train. Section 5.8 aligns 'B' Train.

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Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 3 Page 13 of 31 Event


Service Water Pump 'B' trips Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTN-EF-00001 BOP (Step 5.1.1) ENSURE EF HIS-51 is OPEN

'A' Train BOP (Step 5.1.2) ENSURE EF HIS-59 is CLOSED.

(Step 5.1.3) Using EF HIS-55A start PEF01A and check pump is running as indicated by the following:


  • EF FI-53, ESW PUMP A DISCH FLOW BOP (Step 5.1.4) Close EF HIS-23 and EF HIS-25 BOP (Step 5.1.5) Open EF HIS-37 BOP (Step 5.1.6) Close EF HIS-39 and EF HIS-41 (Step 5.1.8) If this is the second pump started for manual operation BOP AND two (2) SW pumps are supplying only TB Loads: N/A (Step 5.1.9) Check ESW train A is operating within the following parameters:


  • Pressure is approx. 145 psig as read on EF PI-1
  • Flow is approx 7.6 x 106 lbm/hr as read on EF FI-53
  • Temperature is less than 89°F as read on EF TI-61 B Train BOP (Step 5.8.1) Ensure EF HIS-52 is OPEN BOP (Step 5.8.2) Ensure EF HIS-60 is CLOSED Page 13 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 3 Page 14 of 31 Event


Service Water Pump 'B' trips Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTN-EF- (Step 5.8.3) Using EF HIS-56A, start PEF01B and check pump is 00001 running as indicated by the following:


  • EF FI-54, ESW PUMP B DISCH FLOW BOP (Step 5.8.4) CLOSE EF HIS-24 and EF HIS-26 BOP (Step 5.8.5) OPEN EF HIS-38 BOP (Step 5.8.6) CLOSE EF HIS-40 and EF HIS-42 BOP (Step 5.8.7) OPEN EF HIS-50 (Step 5.8.8) IF this is second ESW pump started for manual BOP operation and two (2) SW pumps are supplying TB loads: N/A (Step 5.8.9) Check ESW train B is operating within the following parameters:


  • Pressure is approx. 135 psig as read on EF PI-2
  • Flow is approx. 7.6 x 106 lbm/hr as read on EF FI-54
  • Temperature is less than 89°F as read on EF TI-62 BOP (Step 5.8.10) Dispatch OT to determine SW discharge pressure NOTE At Lead Examiners discretion move to the next Event Page 14 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 4 Page 15 of 31 Event


Turbine Vibration requiring load reduction Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator:

  • TRIGGER Turbine Vibration
  • Respond as OT if contacted to investigate turbine vibration. The #5 bearing sounds louder than normal.

Indications Available ANN 119B - TURB VIB/SYS ALERT OTO-AC-00001, Turbine Vibration CRS Implement OTO-AC-00002 OTO-AC-BOP (Step 1) CHECK Main Turbine is online 00002 BOP (Step 2) MONITOR Main Turbine Vibration less than 12 MILS (Step 3) MONITOR time main turbine vibration remains greater BOP than 10 MILS less than 15 minutes.

(Step 4) PLACE rod control in Auto RO

  • SE HS-9 (Step 5) Manage reactivity. Discuss amount and rate of load RO reduction and amount of boric acid needed.

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Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 4 Page 16 of 31 Event


Turbine Vibration requiring load reduction Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTO-AC- (Step 6) Reduce turbine load at < 5%/min using pot or load set:


  • Reduce load using %/min loading rate:
a. Slowly lower load using DECREASE LOAD pushbutton until all of the following are met:
  • Load limit limiting light - extinguished
  • Decrease loading rate "OFF" light - LIT BOP
  • Loading Rate Limit %/min "1/2" light - LIT
b. Rotate load limit set potentiometer fully clockwise
c. SELECT decrease loading rate - ON
d. Set loading rate limit %/min to desired value
e. LOWER load set MW toward desired load using the DECREASE LOAD pushbutton OR
  • REDUCE turbine load using the Load Limit Potentiometer Page 16 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 4 Page 17 of 31 Event


Turbine Vibration requiring load reduction Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTO-AC- (Step 7) BORATE from the BAST using:


  • BORATE using OTN-BG-00002 Attachment 8 OR
  • BORATE to the VCT
a. PLACE RCS Makeup Control in STOP (BG HS-26)
b. PLACE RCS Makeup Control Selector to BORATE:
  • BG HS-25
c. Set Boric Acid Flow Controller to the desired flow rate
d. PLACE BG FK-110 in AUTO
e. RESET Boric Acid Counter to 000:
  • BG FY-110B)
f. SET BG FY-110B for the desired gallons of boric acid to be added
g. PLACE BG HS-26 in RUN RO h. WHEN desired boration is complete, THEN PLACE BG HS-26 in STOP
i. REPEAT Boration as necessary OR
  • BORATE using Emergency Boration:
a. START at least one Boric Acid Transfer Pump
  • BG HIS-5A
  • BG HIS-6A
b. OPEN Emergency Borate To Charging Pump Suciton:
  • BG HIS-8104
c. CHECK Emergency Borate Flowrate > 30 gpm
  • BG FI-183A
d. WHEN desired boration is complete, THEN:
  • CLOSE BG HIS-8104
e. REPEAT Boration as necessary Page 17 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 4 Page 18 of 31 Event


Turbine Vibration requiring load reduction Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior (Step 8) INITIATE Boron Equalization:

a. ENERGIZE at least one set of PZR backup heaters
  • BB HIS-51A RO
  • BBHIS-52A
b. PLACE BB PK-455A in MAN
c. LOWER BB PK-455A output to 38-42%
d. PLACE BB PK-455A in AUTO (Step 9) CHECK MFP Turbine Speed Control in auto BOP
  • FC SK-509C BOP (Step 10) CHECK Main Turbine Vibration stable or lowering (Step 11) CHECK Elapsed time from time recorded in step 3 less BOP than 15 minutes NOTE When the crew has reduced load 5-10% or at the direction of the lead evaluator, input the next event.

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Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 19 of 31 Event


Feedwater break in containment with auto reactor trip failure / FWIV 'B' Failure to close Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator:

o TRIGGER Feedwater Break o Respond as primary operator when directed to close ABV0085.

TRIGGER Close ABV0085 and notify control room when complete.

o Respond as chemistry when contacted to sample SGs o Respond as Radiation Protection when contacted to survey steam lines.

Indications Available ANN 60E - CTMT SUMP A/B LEV HI ANN 60F - CTMT SUMP C/D LEV HI ANN 109C - SG B LEV LO ANN 109D - SG B FLOW MISMATCH ANN 85A - SG LEV LOLO RX TRIP E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection E-0 (Step 1) CHECK Reactor Trip:

  • Rod Bottom Lights - ALL LIT RO
  • Neutron Flux - LOWERING RNO: Manually TRIP Reactor.

Step 1 is an immediate action step.

CRITICAL Manually trip the reactor before ALL intact SG levels lower to TASK RO 10% WR (dryout).

(Step 2) CHECK Turbine Trip:


  • All Turbine Stop valves - CLOSED Step 2 is an immediate action (Step 3) CHECK Power to AC Emergency Buses:

BOP a. AC emergency buses - AT LEAST ONE ENERGIZED

b. NB01 & NB02 are both energized Step 3 is an immediate action Page 19 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 20 of 31 Event


Feedwater break in containment with auto reactor trip failure / FWIV 'B' Failure to close Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-0 (Step 4) Check SI Status:

a. Check if SI is actuated
  • 88A thru 88D Lit
  • SB069 SI Actuate Red light is lit RO
  • LOCA Sequencers alarms 30A & 31A
b. CHECK both Trains of SI-Actuated
  • 30A lit
  • 31A lit
  • SB069 SI Actuate Red light lit solid Step 4 is an immediate action RO (Step 5) PERFORM Attachment A Foldout Faulted SG Isolation Criteria:

Page IF any SG pressure is lowering in an uncontrolled manner or is completely depressurized, then perform the following as desired:


  • Manually CLOSE or locally isolate any failed open ASD(s)
  • ISOLATE feed flow to faulted SG(s)
  • MAINTAIN total feed flow > 285,000 lbm/hr until narrow range level is > 7% [25%] in at least one SG.

Crew may secure AFW flow to 'B' SG & Fast Close MSIVs using foldout page.

E-0 (Step A1) Check Charging Pumps:


a. CCPs - Both Running A


  • BG HIS-1A
  • BG HIS-2A
b. Stop NCP using BG HIS-3 Page 20 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 21 of 31 Event


Feedwater break in containment with auto reactor trip failure / FWIV 'B' Failure to close Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior (Step A2) CHECK SI and RHR Pumps:

  • EJ HIS-1
  • EJ HIS-2 (Step A3) CHECK ECCS flow:
a. CCPs to Boron Inj Header - FLOW INDICATED RO
  • EM FI-917A
  • EM FI-917B
b. RCS pressure - Less than 1700 psig: RNO go to step A4 (Step A4) CHECK ESW Pumps - BOTH RUNNING RO
  • EF HIS-55A
  • EF HIS-56A Page 21 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 22 of 31 Event


Feedwater break in containment with auto reactor trip failure / FWIV 'B' Failure to close Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-0 (Step A5) CHECK CCW Alignment:


a. CCW Pumps - one running in each train A
  • Red Train: EG HIS-21 or EG HIS-23
  • Yellow Train: EG HIS-22 or EG HIS-24
b. CCW Service Loop Supply and Return valves for one operating CCW pump - OPEN
  • EG ZL-15 and EG ZL-53
  • EG ZL-16 and EG ZL-54
c. OPEN CCW to RHR HX valves:


  • EG HIS-101
  • EG HIS-102
d. CLOSE Spent Fuel Pool HX CCW Outlet Valves:
  • EC HIS-11
  • EC HIS-12
e. STOP Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Pump(s):
  • EC HIS-27
  • EC HIS-28
f. RECORD the time spent fuel pool cooling pump secured
g. MONITOR time CCW flow isolated to SFP HX < 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> (Step A6) CHECK Containment Cooler Fans running in slow
  • GN HIS-9 RO
  • GN HIS-17
  • GN HIS-5
  • GN HIS-13 (Step A7) CHECK Containment H2 Mixing Fans in slow
  • GN HIS-2 RO
  • GN HIS-4
  • GN HIS-1
  • GN HIS-3 Page 22 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 23 of 31 Event


Feedwater break in containment with auto reactor trip failure / FWIV 'B' Failure to close Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-0 (Step A8) CHECK if Containment Spray should be actuated Attachment A

  • Containment Pressure > 27 psig
  • GN PR-934 indicates ctmt pressure has been > 27 psig RO
  • Annunciator 59B CISB LIT RNO: Go to step A9 (Step A9) CHECK if Main Steamlines should be Isolated
a. Check the following:
  • Containment pressure > 17 psig RO
  • GN PR-934 indicates ctmt pressure has been > 17 psig
  • Steamline pressure < 615 psig
  • AB PR-514 or 535 shows pressure has been < 615 psig
b. CHECK MSIVs and Bypass valves - CLOSED (Step A10) CHECK ECCS Valves in proper alignment
a. ESFAS Status Panels SIS sections:


  • SA066X WHITE lights - ALL LIT
  • SA066Y WHITE lights - ALL LIT (Step A11) CHECK Containment Isolation Phase A:
a. ESFAS status panels CISA sections:


  • SA066X WHITE lights - ALL LIT
  • SA066Y WHITE lights - ALL LIT (Step A12) CHECK SG Blowdown Isolation:
a. ESFAS status panels SGBSIS sections:


  • SA066X WHITE lights - ALL LIT
  • SA066Y WHITE lights - ALL LIT Page 23 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 24 of 31 Event


Feedwater break in containment with auto reactor trip failure / FWIV 'B' Failure to close Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-0 (Step A13) CHECK Both Trains of CRVIS Attachment

a. ESFAS status panels CRVIS sections:


  • SA066X WHITE lights - ALL LIT
  • SA066Y WHITE lights - ALL LIT (Step A14) CHECK Containment Purge Isolation:
a. ESFAS status panels CPIS sections:


  • SA066X WHITE lights - ALL LIT
  • SA066Y WHITE lights - ALL LIT (Step A15) NOTIFY CRS of the following:
  • Unanticipated manual actions taken RO
  • Failed Equipment Status
  • Attachment A completion E-0 (Step 6) CHECK Generator Output Breakers - OPEN BOP
  • MA ZL-3A (V55)
  • MA ZL-4A (V53)

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Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 25 of 31 Event


Feedwater break in containment with auto reactor trip failure / FWIV 'B' Failure to close Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-0 (Step 7) CHECK Feedwater Isolation:

a. MFPs Tripped
  • ANN 120A, MFP A Trip - LIT
  • ANN 123A, MFP B Trip
b. Main Feedwater Reg Valves - CLOSED
  • AE ZL-510
  • AE ZL-520
  • AE ZL-530
  • AE ZL-540
c. Main Feedwater Reg Bypass Valves - CLOSED BOP
  • AE ZL-550
  • AE ZL-560
  • AE ZL-570
  • AE ZL-580
d. Feedwater Isolation Valves - CLOSED
  • AE HIS-39
  • AE HIS-40: failed open
  • AE HIS-41
  • AE HIS-42 (Step 7 RNO d) Fast Close FWIVs using AE HS-80 or AE HS-81.

May also close using AE HIS-40.

(Step 8) CHECK AFW Pumps:

  • AL HIS-23A
  • AL HIS-22A
b. TDAFP -Running if Necessary Page 25 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 26 of 31 Event


Feedwater break in containment with auto reactor trip failure / FWIV 'B' Failure to close Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior (Step 9) CHECK AFW Valves - proper emergency alignment

  • MD AFP Flow Control Valves - THROTTLED
  • TD AFP Flow Control Valves - FULL OPEN BOP
  • TD AFP Loop Steam Supply Valves - BOTH OPEN IF NECESSARY
  • AB HIS-6A BOP (Step 10) CHECK Total AFW Flow > 285,000 lbm/hr (Step 11) CHECK PZR PORVs and Spray Valves:
  • BB HIS-455A
  • BB HIS-456A
b. PZR PORVs - Both in AUTO
  • BB HIS-455A BOP
  • BB HIS-456A
c. PORV Block Valves - BOTH OPEN
  • BB HIS-8000A
  • BB HIS-8000B
d. Normal PZR Spray valves - CLOSED
  • BB ZL-455B
  • BB ZL-455C Page 26 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 27 of 31 Event


Feedwater break in containment with auto reactor trip failure / FWIV 'B' Failure to close Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior (Step 12) CHECK if RCPs should be stopped:

c. RCS Pressure < 1425 psig. RNO: Go to step 13 (Step 13) CHECK RCS Temperatures:


  • Any RCP Running - RCS Tavg stable at 557°F or trending to 557°F (Step 14) CHECK if any SG is faulted:
a. Check pressures in all SGs:


  • Any SG pressure lowering in an uncontrolled manner or completely depressurized.
b. Go to E-2, Faulted SG Isolation Step 1 E-2, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation E-2 BOP (Step 1) CHECK MSIVs and Bypass Valves CLOSED (Step 2) CHECK if any SG Secondary Pressure Boundary is Intact BOP
c. Check pressures in all SGs - any stable or rising (Step 3) IDENTIFY Faulted SG(s): B SG is Faulted
a. CHECK Pressures in all SGs:


  • Any SG Pressure lowering in an uncontrolled manner OR
  • Any SG completely depressurized Page 27 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 28 of 31 Event


Feedwater break in containment with auto reactor trip failure / FWIV 'B' Failure to close Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-2 (Step 4) ISOLATE Faulted SG(s):

a. ISOLATE AFW flow to f aulted SG(s):
  • CLOSE associated MD AFP Flow Control Valve(s):
  • CLOSE associated TD AFP Flow Control Valve(s):
b. CHECK ASD from faulted SG(s) - Closed
c. Locally close TDAFP steam supply manual isolation from faulted SG B:
  • AE ZL-520
  • AE ZL-560
  • AE HIS-40
e. CHECK SG Blowdown Containment Isolation valve from faulted SG(s) - Closed
  • BM HIS-2A
f. Close Steamline Low Point Drain valve from faulted SG:
  • AB HIS-8 CRITICAL TASK BOP Isolate faulted SG 'B' before transition out of E-2 BOP (Step 5) CHECK CST to AFP suction header pressure > 2.75 psig Page 28 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 29 of 31 Event


Feedwater break in containment with auto reactor trip failure / FWIV 'B' Failure to close Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-2 (Step 6) CHECK Secondary Radiation:

a. Perform the following:
  • Perform EOP Addendum 11 to restore SG sampling
  • Direct Chemistry to periodically sample SGs for activity
  • Direct RP to survey steamlines in Area 5 as necessary
b. Check unisolated secondary radiation monitors
  • SG Sample radiation: SJL 026 BOP
  • AB RIC-111
  • AB RIC-112
  • AB RIC-113
  • AB RIC-114
  • FC RIC-385
c. Secondary Radiation Normal
d. Levels in all SGs - none rising in an uncontrolled manner (Step 7) CHECK if ECCS flow should be reduced:
  • RCS Subcooling - greater than 30°F [50°F]
  • Secondary heat sink:


  • NR level in at least one intact SG > 7% [25%]


  • Total feed flow to intact SGs > 285,000 lbm/hr
  • RCS pressure stable or rising
  • PZR level > 9% [29%]

RO (Step 8) RESET SI using SB HS-42A and SB HS-43A (Step 9) STOP all but one CCP RO

  • BG HIS-1A OR
  • BG HIS-2A CRS (Step 10) Go to ES-1.1, SI Termination, Step 3 Page 29 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 2 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 30 of 31 Event


Feedwater break in containment with auto reactor trip failure / FWIV 'B' Failure to close Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ES-1.1, SI Termination ES-1.1 (Step 3) RESET Containment Isolation Phase A and Phase B

  • Phase A (CISA):
  • Phase B (CISB):
  • SB HS-55 (Step 4) Establish Instrument Air to Containment:
a. CHECK if ESW to Air Compressor Valves - OPEN
  • EF HIS-43
  • EF HIS-44 RO b. START Air Compressor(s):
c. OPEN Instrument air supply to containment isolation valve:
  • KA HIS-29 RO (Step 5) CHECK RCS Pressure Stable or Rising (Step 6) ISOLATE Boron Injection Header:
a. CCP - Suction aligned to RWST
b. RESET CCP Recirc Valves
  • BG HS-8110
  • BG HS-8111
c. CHECK CCP Recirc valves - open RO
  • BG HIS-8110
  • BG HIS-8111
d. CLOSE Boron Injection Header Inlet Valves:
  • EM HIS-8803A
  • EM HIS-8803B
e. CLOSE Boron Injection Header Outlet Valves:
  • EM HIS-8801A
  • EM HIS-8801B The scenario can be terminated at the discretion of the Lead Examiner Page 30 of 31

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Callaway Scenario No.: 3 , Rev 0 Op-Test No.: 2017-1 Examiners: ____________________________ Operators: _____________________________

Initial Conditions: Mode 3 with shutdown banks withdrawn Turnover: No equipment out of service. The crew is directed to dilute the RCS to desired ECP boron concentration.

Event Malf. No. Event Event No. Type* Description Dilute RCS to ECP boron concentration SRO (N) 1 NA OTN-BG-00001, Reactor Makeup Control and Boron Thermal RO (N)

Regeneration system Source Range Channel N31 fails high to 700 cps SRO (I) 2 SEN0031 OTO-SE-00001, Nuclear Instrument Malfunction RO (I)

Tech Specs 3.3.1 and 3.3.9 SFP Cooling Pump 'B' Trips SRO (C) 3 PEC01B OTA-RK-00022 Addendum 76E, Spent Fuel Pool Cooling BOP (C)

Pump B Trip Atmospheric Steam Dump 'D' fails open with manual control SRO (C) 4 ABPV0004 OTO-AB-00001, Steam Dump Malfunction BOP (C)

Tech Spec 3.7.4 A 25 gpm RCS leak develops.

SRO (C) 5 BB001_C OTO-BB-00003, RCS Excessive Leakage RO (C)

Tech Spec 3.4.13 SRO (M)

Small break LOCA 6 BB001_C RO (M)

E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant BOP (M)

EFHV0037 fails to open on Safety Injection 7 EFHV0037 RO (C)

E-0 Attachment A, Automatic Action Verification

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Target Quantitative Attributes (Per Scenario; See Section D.5.d) Actual Attributes
1. Total malfunctions (5-8) 6
2. Malfunctions after EOP entry (1-2) 1
3. Abnormal events (2-4) 4
4. Major transients (1-2) 1
5. EOPs entered/requiring substantive actions (1-2) 1
6. EOP contingencies requiring substantive actions (0-2) 0
7. Critical tasks (2-3) 2 Page 1 of 31

Scenario #3 Event Description Callaway 2017-1 NRC ES-D-1, rev. 0 The plant is stable in Mode 3 with shutdown banks withdrawn. The crew has been directed to dilute the RCS to the desired Estimated Critical Position boron concentration per step 5.3.10.a of OTG-ZZ-00001, Plant Heatup Cold Shutdown to Hot Standby, using OTN-BG-00002, Reactor Makeup Control and Boron Thermal Regeneration System. The crew will begin a RCS dilution that will last 25 minutes.

Once the dilution has been initiated, a failure of Source Range Channel N31 high occurs. The failure will cause a charging pump suction swapover from the VCT to the RWST on flux doubling and a high flux at shutdown alarm. The crew should respond per OTO-SE-00001, Nuclear Instrument Malfunction, to stop the RCS dilution evolution and restore the charging pump suction to the VCT. Tech Specs 3.3.1 and 3.3.9 apply.

Once Tech Specs have been determined, SFP Cooling Pump 'B' trips. The crew should respond per OTA-RK-00022 Addendum 76E, Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Pump B Trip. The crew should start a Train 'A' CCW pump and start the Train 'A' SFP Cooling Pump using OTN-EC-00001, Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System.

Once Train 'A' SFP Cooling is in-service, the 'D' Atmospheric Steam Dump fails open. The BOP operator should close the dump valve using manual control. The crew should enter OTO-AB-00001, Steam Dump Malfunction. Tech Spec 3.7.4 applies.

A 25 gpm RCS leak develops. The crew should enter OTO-BB-00003, RCS Excessive Leakage, to quantify the leakage. Once letdown is isolated, the leak becomes a Small Break LOCA. The crew should take action per foldout page to trip the reactor and safety inject when it is determined that pressurizer level can not be maintained. Tech Spec 3.4.13 applies.

When SI actuates, a NB02 bus fault occurs causing a loss of Train 'B' equipment. In addition, ESW return valve EF HV-37 fails to open on the LOCA sequencer causing a loss of containment cooling. The crew will enter E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection, and should open EF HV-37 when performing Attachment A. Also, the crew will need to secure RCPs when RCP Trip Criteria is met.

The scenario is complete when the crew has transitioned out of E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant, and then to ES-1.2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization.

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Scenario #3 Event Description Callaway 2017-1 NRC ES-D-1, rev. 0 Critical Tasks:

Critical Tasks Manually actuate containment cooling by establishing 'A' Train ESW flow by opening Trip all RCPs within 5 minutes of meeting RCP trip criteria.

EFHV0037 prior to completion of Attachment A of E-0.

EVENT 7 6 Safety If one train of containment cooling is not actuated, the FSAR assumptions and results Failure to trip the RCPs under the postulated plant conditions leads to core uncovery significance are invalid. Because compliance with the assumptions of the FSAR is part of the facility and to fuel cladding temperatures in excess of 2200°F, which is the limit specified in the license condition, failure to manually actuate at least one train of containment cooling ECCS acceptance criteria. Thus, failure to perform the task represents misoperation or under the scenario conditions and when it is possible to do so constitutes a violation of incorrect crew performance in which the crew has failed to prevent degradation of...{the the license condition. fuel cladding} ...barrier to fission product release and which leads to violation of the facility license condition.

Cueing Indications of all the following:

Indication and/or annunciation that containment cooling is required

  • SBLOCA Indication and/or annunciation that the minimum required complement of containment
  • Safety Injection cooling equipment is not entirely available.
  • Only one train of safety injection pumps actuated RCP Trip Criteria are met Performance Opening EFHV0037 Manipulation of controls as required to trip all RCPs indicator
  • RCP breaker position lights indicate breaker open Performance EFHV0037 open light and Flow established to UHS as indicated by EF FI-53 Indication that all RCPs are stopped feedback
  • RCP breaker position lights
  • RCP flow decreasing
  • RCP motor amps decreasing Justification for before completion of Attachment A of E-0 is in accordance with the PWR Owners In a letter to the NRC titled Justification of the Manual RCP Trip for Small Break LOCA the chosen Group Emergency Response Guidelines. It allows enough time for the crew to take the Events (OG-117, March 1984) (also known as the Sheppard letter), the WOG provided performance limit correct action while at the same time preventing avoidable adverse consequences. the required assurance based on the results of the analyses performed in conjunction with WCAP-9584. The WOG showed that for all Westinghouse plants, more than two minutes were available between onset of the trip criteria and depletion of RCS inventory to the critical inventory. In fact, additional analyses sponsored by the WOG in connection with OG-117 conservatively showed that manual RCP trip could be delayed for five minutes beyond the onset of the RCP trip criteria without incurring any adverse consequence.

PWR Owners CT-3, Manually actuate containment cooling CT-16, Manually Trip RCPs Group Appendix Page 3 of 31

Scenario Procedure References Callaway 2017-1 NRC Scenario #3, rev. 0 References OTG-ZZ-00001, Plant Heatup Cold Shutdown to Hot Standby OTN-BG-00002, Reactor Makeup Control and Boron Thermal Regeneration System OTO-SE-00001, Nuclear Instrument Malfunction OTA-RK-00022 Addendum 76E, Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Pump B Trip OTN-EC-00001, Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System OTO-AB-00001, Steam Dump Malfunction OTO-BB-00003, RCS Excessive Leakage E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant ES-1.2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization EOP Addendum 26, SIS Status Panel Alignment PRA Systems, Events or Operator Actions Small Break LOCA (36% of contribution to CDF)

Page 4 of 31

Scenario Setup Guide Callaway 2017-1 NRC Scenario #3, rev. 0 Scenario #3 Setup Guide:

Establish the initial conditions of IC-190, MOL, Mode 3 (may set an exam specific IC)

  • Shutdown Banks Withdrawn

Establish desired Boron Concentration

  • Insert Plant Parameters (BB) TAHIBO, Value = 1500 NB02 Bus lockout B CCP start
  • Insert Malfunction (NB) NB02_F, Value = fault, conditional = "hwx01o147r eq 1" EFHV0037 failure to open on sequencer
  • Insert ME Schematics, (EF) e23ef06, 42 O relay, Malfunction EF15RL_42_OTVSP = 0
  • Insert EF15RL_42_OTVSP, value = -1, conditional = "X19i261o eq 1"
======= EVENT 1 ============================

Dilute RCS to ECP boron concentration

======= EVENT 2 ============================

Source Range Channel N31 fails high to 700 cps.

  • Insert Malfunction (SE) SEN0031_1, Value = 700
=======EVENT 3 ============================

SFP Cooling Pump 'B' Trips

  • Insert Malfunction (EC) PEC01B, Value = Trip
=======EVENT 4 ============================

Atmospheric Steam Dump 'D' fails open with manual control

  • Insert Malfunction (AB) ABPV0004A_1, Value = 1
=======EVENT 5 ============================

A 25 gpm RCS leak develops

  • Insert Malfunction (BB) BB001_C, Value = 25
=======EVENT 6=============================

Small Break LOCA

  • Insert Malfunction (BB) BB001_C, Value = 1000
=======EVENT 7=============================

EFHV0037 fails to open on Safety Injection

  • See preloads Page 5 of 31

Scenario#3 Simulator Lesson Plan Callaway 2017-1 NRC Scenario #3, rev. 0 Page 6 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 1 Page 7 of 31 Event


Dilute the RCS to ECP boron concentration Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator:

  • none Indications Available OTN-BG-00002, Reactor Makeup Control and Boron Thermal Regeneration System CRS Implement OTN-BG-00002 OTN-BG- (Step 5.2.1) Determine the desired dilution volume and flow rate 00002 using the following (as applicable)


  • Curve book Figure 7-5
  • 3171 gallons of dilution required to reach desired ECP concentration Attachment 6 is utilized for nominal 120 gpm dilutions Attachment 6 RO (Step 1) PLACE BG HS-26 in STOP RO (Step 2) PLACE BG HS-25 in DIL RO (Step 3) RESET BG FY-111B to 000 (Step 4) ENSURE BG FY-111B is set to deliver the desired RO amount of makeup water. Set to 3171 gallons.

RO (Step 5) PLACE BG HS-26 in RUN (Step 6) WHEN the desired amount of water has been added, RO PLACE BG HS-26 in STOP NOTE Once the dilution is initiated or at discretion of lead examiner, move on to the next event.

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Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 2 Page 8 of 31 Event


Source Range Channel N31 fails high to 700 cps Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator:

  • TRIGGER SR failure
  • When contacted as I&C to put normal/test switch for N31, TRIGGER Normal Test switch (2 phi) to Test Indications Available ANN 57A - SR FLUX DOUBLED OTO-SE-00001, Pressurizer Level Control Malfunction CRS Implement OTO-SE-00001 OTO-SE-RO (Step 1) CHECK Power Range NIs normal 00001 RO (Step 2) CHECK Intermediate Range NIs normal (Step 3) CHECK Source Range NIs normal:

RO RNO: Go to Attachment C, Source Range Instrument Malfunction (Step C1) CHECK Reactor Power greater than P-6:

RO RNO: Go to Step C5 RO (Step C5) CHECK High Flux at Shutdown in alarm (Step C6) CHECK Plant Personnel - Inside Containment RO RNO: Go to Step C9 RO (Step C9) CHECK plant status. The plant is in Mode 3.

RO (Step C10) Check one source range indication operable (Step C11) Suspend Operations Involving Positive Reactivity RO Additions Page 8 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 2 Page 9 of 31 Event


Source Range Channel N31 fails high to 700 cps Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior The crew should stop the RCS dilution.

OTO-SE-RO (Step C12) CHECK Rod Control System - Capable of withdrawal 00001 (Step C13) RESTORE Inoperable Source Range Channel within RO 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> (Step C14) CHECK plant in Mode 6 CRS RNO: Go to Step C17 RO (Step C17) CHECK annunciator 57A, SR FLUX DOUBLED, LIT (Step C18 & RNO) CHECK annunciator 57A extinguished RNO: RESTORE charging lineup

a. On module NM107 of the affected SR Drawer, DIRECT I&C to place the Normal/Test switch, in TEST.
b. PRESS BLOCK on the SR Doubled Block/Reset pushbuttons:
c. PRESS RESET on the SR Doubled Block/Reset pushbottons:


e. OPEN VCT outlet valves:
  • BG HIS-112B
  • BG HIS-112C
f. CLOSE CCP Suction From RWST Valves:
  • BN HIS-112D
  • BN HIS-112E
g. UPDATE Status Board for current Boron Concentration in charging pumps.

(Step C19) SELECT an operable channel on NIS recorder RO

  • SE NR-45 Page 9 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 2 Page 10 of 31 Event


Source Range Channel N31 fails high to 700 cps Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTO-SE-CRS (Step C20) Place Inoperable Source Range Channel in the EOSL 00001 CRS (Step C21) REVIEW Applicable Technical Specifications The CRS should enter T/S 3.3.1.A & K and T/S 3.3.9.A for the inoperable NI channel NOTE At Lead Examiners discretion move to the next Event Page 10 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 3 Page 11 of 31 Event


SFP Cooling Pump 'B' Trips Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator:

  • TRIGGER Trip SFP Cooling Pump
  • Respond as primary OT to perform the following as directed:

o Stop B Train Room Cooler using GGHS0079 o ECV0009 is 36 & 1/2 turns open o ECV0001 is open o ECV0009 is throttled and flow is 1.75 x 106 lbm/hr Indications Available ANN 76E - SFP COOL PMP B TRIP OTA-RK-00022 Addendum 76E, Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Pump B Trip BOP Implement OTA-RK-00022 Addendum 76E OTA-RK- (Step 3.1) Refer to OTN-EC-00001, Fuel Pool Cooling and 00022 BOP Cleanup System, and PERFORM Fuel Pool Cooling System Add 76E Shutdown for Train B (Step 3.2) IF SFP Cooling is required and Train A is not running, BOP Refer to OTN-EC-00001, Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System, and PERFORM Fuel Pool Cooling System Startup for Train A.

(Step 3.3) NOTIFY appropriate Maintenance personnel to BOP investigate and correct the problem.

BOP (Step 3.4) Refer to FSAR 9.1.3 OTN-EC-00001, Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System Section 5.2 performs system shutdown. Section 5.1 performs system startup.

OTN-EC- (Step 5.2.1) Using the applicable switch, STOP running Fuel Pool 00001 BOP Cooling pump(s):

  • EC HIS-28, SFP COOL PUMB B Page 11 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 3 Page 12 of 31 Event


SFP Cooling Pump 'B' Trips Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior (Step 5.2.2) Using the applicable pushbutton, STOP both Spent BOP Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Room Coolers:

  • GGHS0079 (Local at NG04CEF1)

OTN-EC- (Step 5.1.1) ENSURE Fuel Pool Cooling Train to be started is filled BOP 00001 and vented (Step 5.1.2) MONITOR current plant heat loads and CONSIDER starting idle train of Component Cooling Water/Spent Fuel Pool BOP cooling in accordance with OTN-EG-00001, Component Cooling Water System if necessary.

OTN-EG-00001, Component Cooling Water System OTN-EG- (Step 5.7.1) ENSURE that SW/ESW cooling water is in service to BOP 00001 the A CCW Heat Exchanger (Step 5.7.2) If either CCW pump A or C is running, PERFORM the following:

BOP a. ENSURE the A CCW Surge Tank level is > 50%

b. Using the following, determine the pump with the least run time on the major equipment log
c. Using EG HIS-21 or EG HIS-23, START a CCW pump (Step 5.7.3) If shifting service loop from train B to train A, perform BOP the following:

Shifting the service loop is not required, but may be performed.

OTN-EC- (Step 5.1.3) ENSURE the following valves are throttled 00001 BOP approximately 36-1/2 turns OPEN:


  • ECV0009, FUEL POOL HX A TO SFP ISO (Step 5.1.4) ENSURE suction valve for oncoming pump is OPEN:


  • ECV0001, FUEL POOL COOL PMP A SUCT ISO Page 12 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 3 Page 13 of 31 Event


SFP Cooling Pump 'B' Trips Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior (Step 5.1.5) Using applicable switch below, START oncoming Fuel BOP Pool Cooling Pump:

  • EC HIS-27, SFP COOL PUMP A (Step 5.1.6) THROTTLE oncoming train's valve to obtain flow BOP between 1.65 x 106 and 1.95 x 106 lbm/hr on listed indicator:
  • ECV0009, FUEL POOL HX A TO SFP ISO (Step 5.1.7) THROTTLE oncoming train's valve below to control Fuel Pool Hx outlet temperature less than or equal to value listed in Curve Book, Table 8-8b or less than alarm limit (Annunciator 75D) during normal operations, while maintaining CCW flow between BOP 100,0000 and 3.0 x 106 lbm/hr on indicator shown:
  • EC HIS-11, SFP HX A CCW OUTLET VLV, (observing flow locally on EGFI0079, CCW TO FUEL POOL COOLING HX A FLOW IND, or on Computer Point EGF0079, CCW FLO SFP COOL HX A)

NOTE At Lead Examiners discretion move to the next Event Page 13 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 4 Page 14 of 31 Event


Atmospheric Steam Dump 'D' fails open with manual control Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator:

  • TRIGGER 'D' ASD fails open
  • Respond as Count Room when contacted about ASD opening Indications Available ANN 109B - SG PORV OPEN OTO-AB-00001 Crew may attempt closure prior to OTO entry CRS Implement OTO-AB-00001 OTO-AB-RO (Step 1) CHECK Reactor Power < 100% by NIs and Ts 00001 BOP (Step 2) CHECK at least one SG ASD failed open (Step 3) PLACE the affected SG ASD controller in manual and BOP close the valve:
  • AB PIC-4A (Step 4) NOTIFY count room technician of opening and closing BOP times of the SG ASD CRS (Step 5) Go to Step 17 CRS (Step 17) Initiate actions to repair the failed component CRS (Step 18) Review Technical Specification 3.7.4 The CRS should enter T/S 3.7.4.A NOTE At the direction of the lead evaluator, input the next event.

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Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 5, 6, & 7 Page 15 of 31 Event


25 GPM RCS Leak / Small break LOCA / EFHV0037 fails to open on Safety Injection Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator:

o TRIGGER RCS Leak when directed o TRIGGER LOCA once letdown is removed from service o Respond as Chemistry to perform sampling when directed o Respond as RP to survey steamlines when directed.

o Secure B EDG Locally when directed. TRIGGER Secure NE02 o Respond as OT when directed to close EOP Addendum 8 Breakers.

o Respond as OT when directed to place diesels in standby.

o TRIGGER Close EGHV16/54 when contacted to close EGHV0016/54 Indications Available ANN 61B - PROCESS RAD HI OTO-BB-00003, RCS Excessive Leakage OTO-BB- (Step 1) CHECK if pressurizer level can be maintained:

00003 RO

  • Control charging flow as necessary to maintain PZR level
  • CHECK pressurizer level stable or rising RO (Step 2) CHECK Pressuizer Level stable or rising BOP (Step 3) EVACUATE NON-Essential Personnel in Containment (Step 4) CHECK if VCT level can be maintained greater than 5%

RO by normal makeup (Step 5) Determine if plant trip is required:

a. Determine leak size and rate of change using any of the following:


  • Use trends of VCT level and PZR level
  • Compare charging and letdown flows
  • Utilize "GD SG17" on plant computer
b. Leak rate less than 50 gpm (Step 6) Check Pressurizer Pressure at or trending to band of 2220 RO to 2250 psig.

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Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 5, 6, & 7 Page 16 of 31 Event


25 GPM RCS Leak / Small break LOCA / EFHV0037 fails to open on Safety Injection Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTO-BB- (Step 7) CHECK SG Tubes - Intact 00003 a. SG Steam Flow/Feed Flow trends

b. Condenser Air Removal Radiation RO
  • GEG 925
c. SG Blowdown and Sample Radiation Monitors
  • BML 256
  • SJL 026
d. SG Steamline N16 Radiation (Step 8) CHECK Containment Conditions normal
  • Containment Radiation
  • GTG 313
  • GTG 323
  • GTA 591
  • GTA 601
  • Containment Pressure
  • GN PI-934
  • GN PI-935
  • GN PI-936 RO
  • GN PI-937
  • GN PR-934
  • Containment Normal Sump Level
  • LF LI-9
  • LF LI-10
  • Containment Area Radiation Monitors
  • Instrument Tunnel Sump Level
  • LF LI-79 Page 16 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 5, 6, & 7 Page 17 of 31 Event


25 GPM RCS Leak / Small break LOCA / EFHV0037 fails to open on Safety Injection Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTO-BB- (Step 8 RNO) If normal letdown is/was in service, then perform the 00003 following:

1) CLOSE Letdown Throttle Isolation Valves:
  • BG HIS-8149AA
  • BG HIS-8149BA RO
  • BG HIS-8149CA
2) CLOSE RCS Letdown to Regen HX isolation Valves:
  • BG HIS-459
  • BG HIS-460
3) IF Leakage is stopped, then establish Excess letdown per Attachment G The CRS should enter T/S 3.4.13.A Once Tech Spec is determined or at discretion of lead evaluator, input the next event.

Foldout SI Actuation Criteria (Trip Breakers Closed):

Page IF ALL the conditions listed occur, then TRIP the reactor, VERIFY reactor trip, ACUATE SI, and go to E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety RO Injeciton step 1:

  • Normal Charging is maximized from one pump
  • Letdown is isolated
  • Pressurizer Level is lowering E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection E-0 (Step 1) CHECK Reactor Trip:
  • Rod Bottom Lights - ALL LIT RO
  • Neutron Flux - LOWERING Step 1 is an immediate action (Step 2) CHECK Turbine Trip:


  • All Turbine Stop valves - CLOSED Step 2 is an immediate action Page 17 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 5, 6, & 7 Page 18 of 31 Event


25 GPM RCS Leak / Small break LOCA / EFHV0037 fails to open on Safety Injection Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior (Step 3) CHECK Power to AC Emergency Buses:

a. AC emergency buses - AT LEAST ONE ENERGIZED BOP b. NB01 is energized. NB02 has bus lockout.

RNO: Try to restore power to deenergized AC bus as time permits. Bus is locked out.

Step 3 is an immediate action E-0 (Step 4) Check SI Status:

a. Check if SI is actuated
  • 88D Lit
  • SB069 SI Actuate Red light is lit BOP
  • LOCA Sequencers alarms 30A & 31A
b. CHECK both Trains of SI-Actuated
  • 30A lit
  • 31A lit
  • SB069 SI Actuate Red light lit solid Step 4 is an immediate action FOLDOUT RCP Trip Criteria:

PAGE RO/ IF BOTH conditions listed below occur, then TRIP all RCPs:


  • CCPs or SI Pumps - At Least One Running
  • RCS pressure less than 1425 psig CRITICAL RO/

TASK Trip all RCPs within 5 minutes of meeting RCP trip criteria.

BOP RO (Step 5) PERFORM Attachment A Only Train 'A' Equipment will be available. Applicable RNOs are listed.

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Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 5, 6, & 7 Page 19 of 31 Event


25 GPM RCS Leak / Small break LOCA / EFHV0037 fails to open on Safety Injection Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-0 (Step A1) Check Charging Pumps:

Attachment a. CCPs - Both Running A


  • BG HIS-1A
  • BG HIS-2A
b. Stop NCP
  • BG HIS-3 (Step A2) CHECK SI and RHR Pumps:
  • EJ HIS-1
  • EJ HIS-2 (Step A3) CHECK ECCS flow:
a. CCPs to Boron Inj Header - FLOW INDICATED
  • EM FI-917A
  • EM FI-917B RO b. RCS pressure - Less than 1700 psig
c. SI Pump Discharge - Flow indicated
d. RCS Pressure less than 325 psig RNO: Go to step A4 (Step A4) CHECK ESW Pumps - BOTH RUNNING
  • EF HIS-55A
  • EF HIS-56A RO RNO c: If any DG is running with no cooling water, then stop the affected DG(s):
  • IF DG(s) can NOT be stopped, then locally trip affected DG(s)

Since the DG can not be stopped due to UV signal, direction should be given to locally secure the 'B' Train EDG.

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Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 5, 6, & 7 Page 20 of 31 Event


25 GPM RCS Leak / Small break LOCA / EFHV0037 fails to open on Safety Injection Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-0 (Step A5) CHECK CCW Alignment:

Attachment a. CCW Pumps - one running in each train A

  • Red Train: EG HIS-21 or EG HIS-23
  • Yellow Train: EG HIS-22 or EG HIS-24
b. CCW Service Loop Supply and Return valves for one operating CCW pump - OPEN
  • EG ZL-15 and EG ZL-53
  • EG ZL-16 and EG ZL-54 RNO: Align CCW valve(s) as necessary. Open EG ZL-15 and EG ZL-53.

RO c. OPEN CCW to RHR HX valves:

  • EG HIS-101
  • EG HIS-102
d. CLOSE Spent Fuel Pool HX CCW Outlet Valves:
  • EC HIS-11
  • EC HIS-12
e. STOP Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Pump(s):
  • EC HIS-27
  • EC HIS-28
f. RECORD the time spent fuel pool cooling pump secured
g. MONITOR time CCW flow isolated to SFP HX < 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> (Step A6) CHECK Containment Cooler Fans running in slow
  • GN HIS-9 RO
  • GN HIS-17
  • GN HIS-5
  • GN HIS-13 Page 20 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 5, 6, & 7 Page 21 of 31 Event


25 GPM RCS Leak / Small break LOCA / EFHV0037 fails to open on Safety Injection Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-0 (Step A7) CHECK Containment H2 Mixing Fans in slow Attachment A

  • GN HIS-2 RO
  • GN HIS-4
  • GN HIS-1
  • Containment Pressure > 27 psig
  • GN PR-934 indicates ctmt pressure has been > 27 psig RO
  • Annunciator 59B CISB LIT RNO: Go to step A9 (Step A9) CHECK if Main Steamlines should be Isolated
a. Check the following:
  • Containment pressure > 17 psig RO
  • GN PR-934 indicates ctmt pressure has been > 17 psig
  • Steamline pressure < 615 psig
  • AB PR-514 or 535 shows pressure has been < 615 psig
b. CHECK MSIVs and Bypass valves - CLOSED (Step A10) CHECK ECCS Valves in proper alignment
a. ESFAS Status Panels SIS sections:
  • SA066Y WHITE lights - ALL LIT RNO: Align SIS component as necessary. Refer to EOP Addendum 26, SIS Status Panel Alignment, as necessary. Press OPEN on EF HIS-37.

CRITICAL Manually actuate containment cooling by establishing 'A' TASK RO Train ESW flow by opening EFHV0037 prior to completion of Attachment A of E-0.

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Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 5, 6, & 7 Page 22 of 31 Event


25 GPM RCS Leak / Small break LOCA / EFHV0037 fails to open on Safety Injection Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-0 (Step A11) CHECK Containment Isolation Phase A:


a. ESFAS status panels CISA sections:


  • SA066X WHITE lights - ALL LIT
  • SA066Y WHITE lights - ALL LIT (Step A12) CHECK SG Blowdown Isolation:
a. ESFAS status panels SGBSIS sections:


  • SA066X WHITE lights - ALL LIT
  • SA066Y WHITE lights - ALL LIT (Step A13) CHECK Both Trains of CRVIS
a. ESFAS status panels CRVIS sections:
  • SA066X WHITE lights - ALL LIT
  • SA066Y WHITE lights - ALL LIT RNO: 3) IF any CRVIS Train can not be fully aligned RO
  • IF CRVIS Train B can NOT be fully aligned, then place the following equipment in Pull to Lock a) Control Room Pressurization Fan B:
  • GK HIS-83 b) Control Room Filtration Fan B:
  • GK HIS-30 c) Control Room AC Unit B:
  • GK HIS-40 (Step A14) CHECK Containment Purge Isolation:
a. ESFAS status panels CPIS sections:


  • SA066X WHITE lights - ALL LIT
  • SA066Y WHITE lights - ALL LIT (Step A15) NOTIFY CRS of the following:
  • Unanticipated manual actions taken RO
  • Failed Equipment Status
  • Attachment A completion Page 22 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 5, 6, & 7 Page 23 of 31 Event


25 GPM RCS Leak / Small break LOCA / EFHV0037 fails to open on Safety Injection Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-0 (Step 6) CHECK Generator Output Breakers - OPEN BOP

  • MA ZL-3A (V55)
  • MA ZL-4A (V53)

(Step 7) CHECK Feedwater Isolation:

a. MFPs Tripped
  • ANN 120A, MFP A Trip - LIT
  • ANN 123A, MFP B Trip
b. Main Feedwater Reg Valves - CLOSED
  • AE ZL-510
  • AE ZL-520
  • AE ZL-530
  • AE ZL-550
  • AE ZL-560
  • AE ZL-570
  • AE ZL-580
d. Feedwater Isolation Valves - CLOSED
  • AE HIS-39
  • AE HIS-40
  • AE HIS-41
  • AE HIS-42 (Step 8) CHECK AFW Pumps:
  • AL HIS-23A
  • AL HIS-22A
b. TDAFP -Running if Necessary Page 23 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 5, 6, & 7 Page 24 of 31 Event


25 GPM RCS Leak / Small break LOCA / EFHV0037 fails to open on Safety Injection Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-0 (Step 9) CHECK AFW Valves - proper emergency alignment

  • MD AFP Flow Control Valves - THROTTLED
  • TD AFP Flow Control Valves - FULL OPEN BOP
  • TD AFP Loop Steam Supply Valves - BOTH OPEN IF NECESSARY
  • AB HIS-6A BOP (Step 10) CHECK Total AFW Flow > 285,000 lbm/hr (Step 11) CHECK PZR PORVs and Spray Valves:
  • BB HIS-455A
  • BB HIS-456A
b. PZR PORVs - Both in AUTO
  • BB HIS-455A BOP
  • BB HIS-456A
c. PORV Block Valves - BOTH OPEN
  • BB HIS-8000A
  • BB HIS-8000B
d. Normal PZR Spray valves - CLOSED
  • BB ZL-455B
  • BB ZL-455C Page 24 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 5, 6, & 7 Page 25 of 31 Event


25 GPM RCS Leak / Small break LOCA / EFHV0037 fails to open on Safety Injection Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-0 (Step 12) CHECK if RCPs should be stopped:

c. RCS Pressure < 1425 psig

TASK Trip all RCPs within 5 minutes of meeting RCP trip criteria.

BOP (Step 13) CHECK RCS Temperatures:


  • Any RCP Running - RCS Tavg stable at 557°F or trending to 557°F (Step 14) CHECK if any SG is faulted:
a. Check pressures in all SGs:


  • Any SG pressure lowering in an uncontrolled manner or completely depressurized.

RNO: Go to Step 15 (Step 15) CHECK if SG Tubes Are Intact:


  • Levels in all SGs: No NR level rising in uncontrolled manner and Radiation is Normal Page 25 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 5, 6, & 7 Page 26 of 31 Event


25 GPM RCS Leak / Small break LOCA / EFHV0037 fails to open on Safety Injection Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-0 (Step 16) CHECK If RCS Is Intact:

  • Containment Pressure - NORMAL
  • GN PI-934
  • GN PI-935
  • GN PI-936
  • GN PI-937
  • GN PR-934
  • Containment Normal Sump Level - Normal BOP
  • LF LI-9
  • LF LI-10
  • Containment Radiation - Normal before isolation
  • GTG 313
  • GTG 323
  • GTA 591
  • GTA 601 RNO: Go to E-1 ,Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant, Step 1 E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant E-1 (Step 1) CHECK if RCPs should be stopped:

RO a. RCPs - Any Running:

RNO a. Go to step 2. OBSERVE NOTE prior to Step 2 (Step 2) CHECK if any SG is faulted:

a. Check pressure in all SGs:


  • Any SG depressurizing in an uncontrolled manner
  • Any SG completely depressurized RNO: Go to Step 3 (Step 3) CHECK Intact SG Levels:

BOP a. NR levels > 7% [25%]

b. CONTROL feed flow to maintain level 7% [25%] and 52%

Page 26 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 5, 6, & 7 Page 27 of 31 Event


25 GPM RCS Leak / Small break LOCA / EFHV0037 fails to open on Safety Injection Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-1 (Step 4) CHECK Secondary Radiation - Normal

a. PERFORM the following:
  • EOP Addendum 11, Restoring SG Sampling After SI Actuation
  • DIRECT Chemistry to sample SGs for activity
  • DIRECT RP to survey steamlines in Area 5
b. CHECK unisolated Secondary radiation monitors:
  • SJL 026
  • AB RIC-111
  • AB RIC-112
  • AB RIC-113
  • AB RIC-114
  • FC RIC-385
c. Secondary Radiation - Normal (Step 5) CHECK PZR PORVs and Block Valves:
a. Power to Block Valves:
  • BB HIS-8000A
  • BB HIS-8000B RO b. PZR PORVs - Closed
  • BB HIS-455A
  • BB HIS-456A
c. Block Valves - BOTH OPEN
  • BB HIS-8000A
  • BB HIS-8000B (Step 6) CHECK If ECCS flow should be reduced:
  • RCS subcooling greater than 30°F [50°F]
  • Secondary Heat Sink:
  • NR level in at least one intact SG > 7% [25%]


  • Total feed flow to intact SGs > 285,000 lbm/hr
  • RCS pressure stable or rising RNO: Go to Step 7 Page 27 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 5, 6, & 7 Page 28 of 31 Event


25 GPM RCS Leak / Small break LOCA / EFHV0037 fails to open on Safety Injection Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-1 (Step 7) CHECK if Containment Spray should be Stopped:


  • Spray Pumps - any running. None are running.

RNO: Go to step 8 (Step 8) CHECK if RHR Pumps should be stopped:

a. CHECK RCS pressure:

RO 1) Pressure > 325 psig

2) Pressure - Stable or rising RNO: Go to step 9 The crew may secure RHR pumps if pressure has stabilized (Step 9) CHECK SG and RCS Pressures:


  • CHECK pressure in all SGs - stable or rising
  • CHECK RCS pressure - stable or lowering Note: SG pressures may be lowering slowly due to RCS Cooldown from injection flow.

(Step10) CHECK if DGs Should be stopped:

a. AC emergency buses - energized by offsite power
  • NB01
b. RESET SI if necessary:
  • SB HS-43A BOP c. LOAD equipment on AC emergency bus(es) as necessary using EOP Addendum 8. (Perform for 'A' Train Equipment)
d. STOP any unloaded DG(s) and place in standby
  • KJ-HS-8A
2) PUSH STOP button:
  • KJ HS-8A
3) Perform EOP Addendum 9 to place DGs in standby Page 28 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 5, 6, & 7 Page 29 of 31 Event


25 GPM RCS Leak / Small break LOCA / EFHV0037 fails to open on Safety Injection Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-1 (Step 11) CHECK UHS Normal:

a. NG07 and NG08 Bus annunciators - CLEAR
  • 30E, NG07 Bus UV/OV
  • 31E, NG08 Bus UV/OV RNO: If alarm is due to undervoltage, secure the affected train using EOP Addendum 17
b. Determine ESW Return Temperature:
  • Computer Point EFT0067A, UHS Cool TWR in Temp A
c. CHECK UHS Cooling Tower Bypass Valve
1) COMPARE UHS Cooling Tower Bypass Valve Position to ESW Return Temperature:
  • IF return temperature is < 78°F, the cooling BOP tower bypass valve is open
2) UHS Cooling Tower Bypass Valves - NORMAL
  • EF HIS-65A
d. CHECK UHS Cooling Tower Fans Speeds
1) Compare UHS Fan Speed to ESW Return Temperature
  • If ESW return temperature is > 95°F both cooling tower fans are on in slow speed
  • If ESW return temperature is restored to <

102.5°F both cooling tower fans are on in slow speed

  • If ESW return temperature is restored to <

92.5°F both cooling tower fans are off.

2) UHS Cooling Tower Fan Status - Normal Page 29 of 31

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 3 rev.0 Event # 5, 6, & 7 Page 30 of 31 Event


25 GPM RCS Leak / Small break LOCA / EFHV0037 fails to open on Safety Injection Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-1 (Step 12) Initiate Evaluation of Plant Status:

a. CHECK Cold leg recirculation capability:
  • Train A - Available
  • CCW Pump A or C
  • RWST to RHR Pump A Suction (BN HIS-8812A)
  • Containment Recirc Sump to RHR Pump A Suction (EJ HIS-8811A)
b. CHECK Auxiliary Building radiation - NORMAL RO
  • Aux Building Process Radiation monitor
  • GLP 604
  • Aux Building Area Radiation monitors
c. OBTAIN Samples:
1) Direct chemistry to initiate post-accident sampling
2) Place hydrogen analyzers in service using EOP addendum 16
3) Consult Plant Engineering Staff for assessing additional sampling requirements for fuel damage
d. Evaluate Plant Equipment for long term recovery as necessary
e. Start additional plant equipment to assist in recovery as directed by SM/CRS (Step 13) CHECK if RCS Cooldown and Depressurization is Required:

RO a. RCS pressure > 325 psig

b. Go to ES-1.2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressization, Step 1 The scenario can be terminated at the discretion of the Lead Examiner Page 30 of 31

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Callaway Scenario No.: 4 , Rev 1 Op-Test No.: 2017-1 Examiners: ____________________________ Operators: _____________________________

Initial Conditions: The plant is stable at 80%.

Turnover: No equipment out of service Event Malf. No. Event Event No. Type* Description RWST Level Channel BN LI-931 fails low 1 BNLT0931 SRO (I) OTO-BN-00001, RWST Level Channel Malfunction Tech Spec 3.3.2 Turbine impulse pressure channel AC PT-505 fails low SRO (I)

OTO-SF-00001, Rod Control Malfunctions 2 ACPT0505 RO (I)

OTO-AC-00003, Turbine Impulse Pressure Channel Failure BOP (I)

Tech Spec 3.3.1 SRO (C) CCW flow to containment isolated by EG HV-71 closure 3 EGHV0071 BOP (C) OTO-EG-00001, CCW System Malfunction BBPCV045 SRO (C) Loop 1 spray valve fails 50% open 4

5B RO (C) OTO-BB-00006, Pressurizer Pressure Control Malfunction SRO (M)

Loss of Off-Site Power and plant trip 5 LOOP RO (M)

E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection BOP (M) 6 PAL02_1 BOP (C) TDAFP fails to auto-start. Total loss of AFW flow.

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Target Quantitative Attributes (Per Scenario; See Section D.5.d) Actual Attributes
1. Total malfunctions (5-8) 6
2. Malfunctions after EOP entry (1-2) 1
3. Abnormal events (2-4) 4
4. Major transients (1-2) 1
5. EOPs entered/requiring substantive actions (1-2) 1
6. EOP contingencies requiring substantive actions (0-2) 1
7. Critical tasks (2-3) 2 Page 1 of 19

Scenario #4 Event Description Callaway 2017-1 NRC ES-D-1, rev. 1 The plant is stable at 80% power with no equipment out of service.

Following the reactivity brief RWST Level Channel BN LI-931 fails low. The crew should enter OTO-BN-00001, RWST Level Channel Malfunction. Tech Spec 3.3.2 applies.

Once Tech Specs have been determined and level control is in automatic, a failure of turbine impulse pressure AC PT-505 occurs causing control rods to insert into the core. The crew should utilize the immediate actions of OTO-SF-00001, Rod Control Malfunctions, to place rods in manual , and then enter OTO-AC-00003, Turbine Impulse Pressure Channel Failure, to select away and restore rods at or near the original position and restore rod control to automatic. Tech Spec 3.3.1 applies.

CCW flow is lost to containment when EG HV-71 fails closed. The crew should enter OTO-EG-00001, CCW System Malfunction, and re-establish CCW flow to containment by energizing and opening bypass valve EG HV-126. This action must be accomplished within 10 minutes to prevent damage to RCPs.

Once CCW flow is re-established to containment, the loop 1 pressurizer spray valve BB PCV-455B fails 50% open. The crew should take manual control of the loop 1 spray valve and close it using OTO-BB-00006, Pressurizer Pressure Control Malfunction.

When pressurizer pressure has stabilized, a reactor trip occurs from a combination of partial loss of off-site power and turbine trip. The crew will respond per E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection, and transition to ES-0.1, Reactor Trip Response.

A complete loss of auxiliary feedwater flow occurs due to motor driven AFW pump discharge valve malfunctions, a loss of NB02, and the turbine driven AFW pump fails to auto-start. The crew should transition to FR-H.1, Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink, to start the turbine driven AFW pump.

The loss of NB02 is due to feeder breaker NB0209 failure to open preventing the B EDG from energizing the bus. NB01 remains energized for 5 minutes post trip, and then is lost when the final off-site line de-energizes. The crew should enter ECA-0.0, Loss of all AC Power, and start the 'A' EDG to re-energize NB01. The crew should then transition back to procedure and step in effect.

The scenario is complete when the crew has transitioned out of ECA-0.0 and established a minimum required feedwater flow rate (>285,000lbm/hr).

Page 2 of 19

Scenario #4 Event Description Callaway 2017-1 NRC ES-D-1, rev. 1 Critical Tasks:

Critical Tasks Restore one AC power source to NB01 within 15 minutes of NB01 power loss. Establish 285,000 lbm/hr to the SGs before all SG WR levels indicate less than 10%.

EVENT 5 6 Safety In the scenario, failure to energize at least one ac emergency bus results in the Failure to establish the minimum required feedwater flow rate, under the postulated significance needless continuation of a situation in which the pumped ECCS capacity and the plant conditions, results in adverse consequences or significant degradation in the emergency power capacity are both in a completely degraded status, as are all other mitigative capability of the plant. In this case, the minimum required feedwater flow rate active safeguards requiring electrical power. Although the completely degraded status is can be established by performing the appropriate manual action.

not due to the crew's action (was not initiated by operator error), continuation in the completely degraded status is a result of the crew's failure to energize at least one ac emergency bus.

Cueing Indication and/or annunciation that all ac emergency buses are de-energized Indication and/or annunciation of the following:

  • Circuit breaker position Secondary Heat Sink is required
  • Bus voltage
  • Total feedwater flow rate indicates less than the minimum required
  • Total AFW flow rate indicates less than the minimum required
  • AFW valve position indication that a flow path is not established to at least one SG Performance Manipulation of controls as required to energize at least one ac emergency bus from Manipulation of controls in the control room as required toestablish the minimum indicator NE01: required feedwater flow rate to the SGs:
  • Press START/RESET on KJ HS-8A
  • Press OPEN on FC HIS-312A Performance Indication that NB02 is energized
  • Indication that at least the minimum required feedwater flow rate is being feedback
  • NB02 bus energized light delivered to the SGs
  • NB02 bus voltage
  • Indication of increasing SG levels Justification for Failure to perform the critical task would result in an unnecessary Emergency Action Because the secondary heat sink is required but not satisfactorily provided, the RCS the chosen Level declaration of a Site Area Emergency. Failure to the perform the critical task also heats up. If feedwater flow rate commensurate with core decay heat is not established, performance limit results in needless degradation of any barrier to fission product release, specifically of the heat sink CSF is eventually challenged. With continued insufficient feedwater flow, the RCS barrier at the point of the RCP seals. the SGs dry out, causing an RCS pressure increase that opens the pressurizer PORVs.

The open PORVs create a small-break LOCA that eventually challenges the core cooling CSF. Ultimately, the fuel matrix/clad (a fission-product barrier) is challenged.

PWR Owners CT-24, Energize at least one ac emergency bus CT-45, Establish minimum required feedwater flow rate to SGs before SG dryout Group Appendix Page 3 of 19

Scenario Procedure References Callaway 2017-1 NRC Scenario #4, rev. 1 References OTO-BN-00001, RWST Level Channel Malfunction OTO-SF-00001, Rod Control Malfunctions OTO-AC-00003, Turbine Impulse Pressure Channel Failure OTO-EG-00001, CCW System Malfunction OTO-BB-00006, Pressurizer Pressure Control Malfunction E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection ES-0.1, Reactor Trip Response ECA-0.0, Loss of all AC Power FR-H.1, Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink PRA Systems, Events or Operator Actions Station Blackout (contribution to CDF is 9%).

Scenario addresses failures in 3 of the top 10 risk important s ystems: AFW (3), EDGs (5), CCW (8)

Page 4 of 19

Scenario Setup Guide Callaway 2017-1 NRC Scenario #4, rev. 1 Scenario #4 Setup Guide:

Establish the initial conditions of IC-11, MOL 80% power: (may set an exam specific IC)

  • Rod Control Bank D 215 steps, Other banks 228 steps

TDAFP fails to auto-start

  • Insert Malfunction (AL) PAL02_3, Value = 1 Train 'A' EDG failure to start in auto
  • Insert Malfunction (KJ) DGBLOCK_1, Value = Block Adjust stroke time of EGHV0126 to prevent thermal barrier isolatin
  • Insert ME Schematic (EG) m22eg03, HV126 motor, EGHV0126_MCTOPEN, Value = 30 NB0209 failure to open
  • Insert ME Schematic (NB) e23n14, 152/TC relay, NB08RL152_TCTTVSP, Value = 0
  • Insert ME Schematic (NB) e23n14, 152/TC relay, NB08RL152_TCACTIVE, Value = 1
======= EVENT 1 ============================

RWST Level Channel BN LI-931 fails low

  • Insert Malfunction (BN) BNLT0931, Value = 0
======= EVENT 2 ============================

Turbine Impulse pressure channel AC PT-505 fails low

  • Insert Malfunction (AC) ACPT0505, Value = 0
=======EVENT 3 ============================

CCW flow to containment isolated by EG HV-71 closure

  • Insert ME Schematic (EG) HV71 valve, EGHV0071ZMANTYP, Value = 1
  • Insert ME Schematic (EG) HV71 valve, EGHV0071TASTEM, Value = 0, Delay = 1 sec
  • Insert from Panel, EG HIS-71 close pushbutton, X19I213C, Value = 1
=======EVENT 4 ============================

Loop 1 spray valve fails 50% open

  • Insert Malfunction (BB) BBPCV0455B_1, Value = 5, Ramp = 2 sec
=======EVENT 5 ============================

Loss of Off-Site Power and plant trip

  • Insert Malfunction (MD) MDCB1, Value = 1
  • Insert Malfunction (MD) MDLC1, Value = 1
  • Insert Malfunction (MD) MDMT7, Value = 1, delay = 5 min
  • Insert Malfunction (MD) MDMT8, Value = 1
  • Insert Malfunction (MD) MDGEN, Value = 1
  • Insert Remote (MD) MDV81, Value = trip
=======EVENT 6=============================

TDAFP fails to auto-start. Total loss of AFW flow.

  • See PRELOADS for TDAFP malfunction
  • AL HV-9 & 11 fail closed
  • Insert ME Schematic (AL) m22al01, HV9, ALHV0009ZMANTYP, Value = 1
  • Insert ME Schematic (AL) m22al01, HV9, ALHV0009TASTEM, Value = 0
  • Insert ME Schematic (AL) m22al01, HV11, ALHV0011ZMANTYP, Value = 1
  • Insert ME Schematic (AL) m22al01, HV11, ALHV0011TASTEM, Value = 0 Page 5 of 19

Scenario#4 Simulator Lesson Plan Callaway 2017-1 NRC Scenario #4, rev. 1 Page 6 of 19

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 4 rev.0 Event # 1 Page 7 of 19 Event


RWST Level Channel BN LI-931 fails low Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator:

  • TRIGGER BN LI-931 fails
  • Respond as Inside OT if contacted to investigate RWST Level Instruments. No obvious failure locally.

Indications Available ANN 47A - RWST EMPTY ANN 47B - RWST LEV LOLO 2 ANN 47D - RWST LEV HILO OTO-BN-00001, RWST Level Channel Malfunction CRS Implement OTO-BN-00001 OTO-BN- (Step 1) CHECK RWST Level Instruments indications reading 00001 BOP abnormal

  • BN LI-931 is abnormal (Step 2) DISPATCH Equipment Operator to the RWST Valve BOP House to inspect RWST level instruments (Step 3) REVIEW applicable Technical Specifications. Refer to CRS Attachment A The CRS should enter T/S 3.3.2.A & K (Step 4) PERFORM Notifications per ODP-ZZ-00001 Addendum CRS 13 Shift Manager Communications CRS (Step 5) Place inoperable channel in the EOSL CRS (Step 6) Initiate action to repair the failed component NOTE At Lead Examiners discretion move to the next Event Page 7 of 19

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 4 rev.0 Event # 2 Page 8 of 19 Event


Turbine Impulse pressure channel AC PT-505 fails low Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator:

  • TRIGGER AC PT-505 failure Indications Available ANN 65E - T REF / T AUCT LO OTO-SF-00001, Rod Control Malfunctions Crew may utilize OTO-SF-00001 due to inadvertent rod motion.

CRS Implement OTO-SF-00001 OTO-SF- (Step 1) Check both of the following are met for indication of 00001 multiple dropped rods:


  • Rod Bottom Lights for greater than one rod - LIT RNO: Go to Step 3 Step 1 is an immediate action (Step 3) Check Main Turbine Runback or Load Reject in progress RO RNO: Go to Step 5 Step 3 is an immediate action RO (Step 5) Place Rod Control in MANUAL using SE HS-9 Step 5 is an immediate action RO (Step 6) Check Control Rods Motion Stopped Step 6 is an immediate action (Step 7) Check instruments indications NORMAL:
a. RCS Tavg RO b. HP Turbine First Stage Pressure. AC PT-505 is failed (RNO b.) Go to OTO-AC-00003, Turbine Impulse Pressure Channel Failure OTO-AC-00003, Turbine Impulse Pressure Channel Failure OTO-AC-CRS Implement OTO-AC-000003 00003 Page 8 of 19

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 4 rev.0 Event # 2 Page 9 of 19 Event


Turbine Impulse pressure channel AC PT-505 fails low Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTO-AC-RO (Step 1) PLACE Rod Control in MANUAL using SE HS-9 00003 (Step 2) CHECK HP Turbine First Stage Pressure Indicator BOP FAILED. AC PI-505 is failed.

(Step 3) Select HP Turbine First Stage Pressure Selector to BOP Operable Channel: AC PS-505Z to P506 CRS (Step 4) CHECK Control Rod Insertion from instrument failure RO (Step 5) RESTORE Control Rods as determined by CRS CRS (Step 6) CHECK RCS Tavg to Tref within 0.3°F RO (Step 7) RESTORE Rod Control to AUTO using SE HS-9 (Step 8) PLACE Steam Dump Bypass Interlock Switches to OFF/RESET BOP

  • AB HS-64 (Step 9) CHECK the following permissives are in the correct state within one hour of the channel failure per Attachment B, BOP Permissives:
  • P-7
  • P-13 (Step 10) REVIEW applicable Technical Specifications. Refer to CRS Attachment C, Technical Specifications The CRS should enter T/S 3.3.1.A & T NOTE At Lead Examiners discretion move to the next Event Page 9 of 19

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 4 rev.0 Event # 3 Page 10 of 19 Event


CCW flow to containment isolated by EG HV-71 closure Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator:

  • TRIGGER EGHV0071 fail
  • Respond as OT when dispatched for administrative controls.

Indications Available ANN 52A - CCW TO RCP FLOW LO ANN 74A - RCP MTR CCW FLOW HILO ANNs 70C, 71C, 72C, 73C - RCP THRM BAR CCW FLOW OTO-EG-00001, CCW System Malfunction BOP Implement OTO-EG-00001 OTO-EG- (Step 1) CHECK one CCW Pump Running for each operating train:

00001 BOP

  • B CCW Pump is running in the operating train (Step 2) CHECK CCW Flow - Reduced or Lost BOP
  • EG FI-128 and EG FI-129 indicate no flow to containment CRS (Step 3) Record time CCW lost to the RCPs (Step 4) VERIFY at least one method of RCP Seal Cooling to all RO RCPs in progress
  • Seal Injection is in service (Step 5) Check CCW Lost to RCPs greater than 10 minutes RNO: When time since CCW was lost to RCPs is greater than CRS 10 minutes, then perform steps 5.a through 5.d.

Continue with step 6 Page 10 of 19

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 4 rev.0 Event # 3 Page 11 of 19 Event


CCW flow to containment isolated by EG HV-71 closure Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OTO-EG- (Step 6) CHECK CCW Flow to Containment - NORMAL OR HIGH 00001 FOR PLANT CONDITIONS.

RNO: Perform the following:

a. ENSURE all CCW to Containment Inner and Outer Isolation BOP valves are open:
  • EG HIS-71 is not open
b. IF any valve(s) fail to open, THEN OPEN the associated bypass valve using Attachment E, CCW Containment Isolation Valves.
c. Ensure CCW Flow to Containment is restored.

Attachment (Step E1) PLACE Administrative Controls for any OPEN E

Containment Isolation CCW Bypass Valve:


  • Station a local dedicated operator and designate a control room dedicated operator (Step E2) EGHV0071 actions:


  • Place EG HIS-126A in NON ISO
  • Press OPEN on EG HIS-126 OTO-EG- (Step 7) CHECK CCW to RW & RCS Flow normal or high for plant BOP 00001 conditions on EG FI-55A (Step 8) CHECK CCW Surge Tank Level(s) lowering
  • EG LI-1 (Tank A)


  • EG LI-2 (Tank B)

RNO: Perform the following:

a. IF level is stable, then go to step 13.

CRS (Step 13) REVIEW Technical Specifications 3.6.3 and 3.7.7 No Tech Specs apply. EGHV0071 is not a containment isolation valve.

NOTE At Lead Examiners discretion move to the next Event Page 11 of 19

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 4 rev.0 Event # 4 Page 12 of 19 Event


Loop 1 spray valve fails 50% open Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator:

  • TRIGGER PZR Spray Valve Fails open Indications Available ANN 33C - PZR PRESS LO HTRS ON OTO-BB-00006, Pressurizer Pressure Control Malfunction CRS Implement OTO-BB-00006 OTO-BB- (Step 1) CHECK Pressurizer Pressure Indicator - FAILED 00006 RO RNO: Go to Step 19 RO (Step 19) CHECK Pressurizer Pressure less than 2235 psig (Step 20) CHECK Both Pressurizer Spray Valves closed
  • BB ZL-455B indicates open RNO: PERFORM the following:
a. PLACE the affected Pressurizer Spray Loop Controller in MANUAL and CLOSE the valve:


  • BB PK-455B
b. Energize PZR Backup Heaters as necessary to stabilize pressurizer pressure:
  • BB HIS-51A
  • BB HIS-52A
c. IF pressurizer pressure continues to lower in an uncontrolled manner (N/A)

(Step 21) CHECK pressurizer pressure > 2250 psig RO RNO: Go to step 23 RO (Step 23) CHECK PZR Pressure 2220 - 2250 psig NOTE When pressure has been restored within band or at the discretion of the Lead Examiner, move on to the next Event.

Page 12 of 19

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 4 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 13 of 19 Event


Loss of Off-Site Power and plant trip / TDAFP fails to auto-start. Total loss of AFW Flow Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator:

o TRIGGER Loss of Off-Site Power o Respond as OT if directed to investigate NB0209 breaker.

o Respond as OT if directed to investigate AL HV-9 & 11 o Respond as OT when dispatched to investigate TDAFP start failure.

If running, report back the pump looks normal If not running, report back no obvious reason it shouldn't start.

Indications Available ANN 86C - RCP UV RX TRIP E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection E-0 (Step 1) CHECK Reactor Trip:

  • Rod Bottom Lights - ALL LIT RO
  • Neutron Flux - LOWERING Step 1 is an immediate action step.

(Step 2) CHECK Turbine Trip:


  • All Turbine Stop valves - CLOSED Step 2 is an immediate action (Step 3) CHECK Power to AC Emergency Buses:
a. AC emergency buses - AT LEAST ONE ENERGIZED
b. NB01 & NB02 are both energized RNO b. TRY to restore power to deenergized AC emergency BOP bus as time permits:
1) Depress START/RESET pushbutton for any stopped Diesel Generator. The 'B' EDG is running.
2) If DG started AND output breaker did NOT close, then close DG output breaker
  • NE HIS-26 Step 3 is an immediate action. The B EDG diesel output breaker will not close since the normal feeder is still closed.

Page 13 of 19

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 4 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 14 of 19 Event


Loss of Off-Site Power and plant trip / TDAFP fails to auto-start. Total loss of AFW Flow Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-0 (Step 4) Check SI Status:

a. Check if SI is actuated
  • 88A thru 88D Lit
  • SB069 SI Actuate Red light is lit
  • LOCA Sequencers alarms 30A & 31A RNO a. CHECK if SI is required:


  • PZR pressure less than or equal to 1849 psig OR
  • Any SG pressure less than or equal to 615 psig OR
  • Containment pressure greater than or equal to 3.5 psig IF SI is required, then manually ACTUATE SI. Not required IF SI is not required, then go to ES-0.1 Step 4 is an immediate action ES-0.1, Reactor Trip Response FOLDOUT RCS Temperature Control Criteria:

PAGE BOP IF a Loss of Offsite Power has occurred, THEN CLOSE MSIVs Crew should fast close MSIVs using AB HS 79 & 80 ES-0.1 (Step 1) CHECK RCS Temperature Control:

a. Check RCPs - ANY RUNNING RNO a. TRANSFER Condenser Steam Dump to Steam Pressure Mode.

BOP 1) Check Condenser Available:

  • C-9 interlocks LIT
b. CHECK RCS temperature response - NORMAL
  • RCS Cold leg temperatures stable at or trending to 557°F if no RCP running FR-H.1, Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink The crew should transition to FR-H.1, Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink, when RED path is identified.

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Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 4 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 15 of 19 Event


Loss of Off-Site Power and plant trip / TDAFP fails to auto-start. Total loss of AFW Flow Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior FR-H.1 (Step 1) CHECK if Secondary Heat Sink is Required:

a. RCS Pressure greater than any non-faulted SG pressure RO b. Check the following:
  • RCS Temperature > 350°F OR
  • RCS Pressure > 360 PSIG (Step 2) CHECK if RCS Bleed and Feed - Required
a. SG WIDE RANGE level in any 3 SGs less than 27%

BOP RNO a. Continue with Step 3. Observe CAUTION prior to Step 3.

(Step 3) TRY to Establish AFW Flow to at Least One SG

a. Check SG blowdown isolation:
  • SG Blowdown Containment Isolation Valves CLOSED
  • BM HIS-1A, 2A, 3A, and 4A
  • SG Sample Outer Containment Isolation Valves CLOSED
  • BM HIS-65, 66, 67, 68
b. CHECK Control Room indications for cause of Auxiliary BOP Feedwater failure:
  • TD AFW pump steam supply
  • AFW valve alignment: Refer to EOP Addendum 18
c. TRY to restore AFW flow
d. CHECK total AFW flow to SGs < 285,000 lbm/hr
e. Establish Non-Safety Auxiliary Feedwater Flow:
f. Perform EOP Addendum 38, Non Safety Auxiliary Feedwater Pump while continuing with this procedure.

NOTE: If operators utilize the Non Safety Auxiliary Feedwater Pump, flow is limited to 280,000 lbm/hr. `

CRITICAL Establish 285,000 lbm/hr to the SGs before all SG WR levels TASK BOP indicate less than 10%.

NOTE: When the crew loses AC power, a transition to ECA-0.0 should occur. Step 4 of ECA-0.0 starts the TDAFP.

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Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 4 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 16 of 19 Event


Loss of Off-Site Power and plant trip / TDAFP fails to auto-start. Total loss of AFW Flow Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ECA-0.0, Loss of ALL AC Power ECA-0.0 (Step 1) CHECK Reactor Trip:


  • Neutron Flux - LOWERING Step 1 is an immediate action (Step 2) CHECK Turbine Trip:


  • All Turbine Stop valves - CLOSED Step 2 is an immediate action (Step 3) CHECK if RCS is isolated:
a. Letdown isolation valves CLOSED
1) Letdown Throttle Isolation valves:

a) BG HIS-8149AA b) BG HIS-8149BA c) BG HIS-8149CA

2) RCS Letdown to Regen HX valves:

d) BG HIS-459 e) BG HIS-460 RNO: CLOSE valve(s) as necessary

  • BB HIS-455A
  • BB HIS-456A
c. RCS to Excess Letdown HX valves - CLOSED
  • BG HIS-8153A
  • BG HIS-8154A
  • BG HIS-8153B
  • BG HIS-8154B
d. Reactor Head Vent Valves - CLOSED
  • BB HIS-8001A
  • BB HIS-8002A
  • BB HIS-8001B
  • BB HIS-8002B Page 16 of 19

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 4 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 17 of 19 Event


Loss of Off-Site Power and plant trip / TDAFP fails to auto-start. Total loss of AFW Flow Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ECA-0.0 (Step 4) CHECK AFW Flow greater than 285,000 lbm/hr RNO: PERFORM the following:

1. CHECK TDAFW Pump running IF TDAFW Pump is NOT running, THEN START TDAFW Pump:

a) OPEN AFP Turbine Loop Steam Supply vavle(s):

  • AB HIS-6A b) OPEN TDAFW Pump Mechanical Trip/Throttle valve:
  • FC HIS-312A c) IF TDAFW Pump trips or fails to start (N/A)
2. ENSURE TDAFW Pump Valves in proper emergency BOP alignment:

a) TDAFW pump Flow Control Valves are OPEN or THROTTLED

  • AL HK-6A b) ESFAS status panel SA066X AFAS section WHITE valve light is LIT:
  • AP-V015 (15C) c) IF AFW flow greater than 285,000 lbm/hr for the AFW normal source can NOT be established or maintained (N/A) d) IF AFW suction header pressure lowers to 11.5 psig (N/A)

CRITICAL Establish 285,000 lbm/hr to the SGs before all SG WR levels TASK BOP indicate less than 10%.

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Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2017-1 Scenario # 4 rev.0 Event # 5&6 Page 18 of 19 Event


Loss of Off-Site Power and plant trip / TDAFP fails to auto-start. Total loss of AFW Flow Proc /Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior (Step 5) TRY to restore power to any Any AC Emergency Bus:

a. ENERGIZE AC emergency bus with diesel generator:
1) Check both DGs - RUNNING
  • KJ HS-8A
  • KJ HS-108A RNO: Manually Start DG(s)
2) CHECK AC emergency buses - AT LEAST ONE ENERGIZED
  • NB02
b. CHECK AC emergency buses - AT LEAST ONE ENERGIZED
  • NB02
c. CHECK ESW Pump associated with energized AC emergency bus(es) - RUNNING
  • EF HIS-55A
d. Return to procedure and step in effect and IMPLEMENT Functional Restoration Procedures as necessary.

CRITICAL Restore one AC power source to NB01 within 15 minutes of TASK RO NB01 power loss.

Return to procedure and step in effect and IMPLEMENT Functional CRS Restoration Procedures as necessary.

The scenario can be terminated at the discretion of the Lead Examiner Page 18 of 19