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Formation and Oscillations of a Spherical Gas Bubble Under Water
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1972
AEG-Telefunken Corp, Pennsylvania Power & Light Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18026A118 (905)


mm I,'I ffl Im 5 as translatedinto ..E. N .G. I..I. S .H........ i Ct FORf'IATIOiP Ai'lD OSCILLATIOIHS OF A SPHERICAl 6AS BUBBLE hm <]


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ALLEllTOV',"I, PEC/HSYLVAfltA MASSACHUSETTS 021.72 t 617I 924-5500 >01 i DacRet 8 88~38 '7 alaarral4 rrarrr7bdl~

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0>N Q 8 54 C N A 0 Vl 0 8 N8 a$ 0 880 Sl Q

8 Prepared: /s/ (Dr. Weisshaupl, E3/E2/SA) 5 8'5 Checked: /s/ (Dr . Koch, E3/E2)

-'5Q 0 Classified: /s/ (Dr. Slegers, E3/E2/SAB)

Class ZZ

f C;

I 1

Distribution list:

E3 - Sekr etari E3/V E3/Vi E3/V2 E3/V3 E3/V4 E3/V5 E3/V4/'KKK E3/E E3/Ei E3/E 1/G K E3/E2 E3/E3 E3/Ei-LP 2 x E3/E2/SA 4 x E3/R E3/R1.

E3/R2 E3/R3 E3/R4 .

E3/R5 E3/R2-KL E3/Bibliothek Library HE/E-F PT-F E3/ER/SR E3/V4-KXZ't E3/E2/AM .

E3/V4-KlW E.3/V 4-KKB

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1. introduction
2. Oscillation of a spherical gas bubble 2.1 Equation of motion 2.2 Oscillation. of the bubble 2.2.1 Variation of the radius and bubble pressure 2.2.2 Dependence, of the freauency on the bubble's radius 2.3 Pressure distribution .in the vicinity of the pulsating gas bubble
3. Formation of the gas bubble Figures References 1-3

Xn the following report we examine'he oscillation process of a'gas bubble under water which is subjected to elevated pressure at the beginning of the process. LUe find a characteristic periodic variation of the pressure. The frequency of this oscillation is inversely proportional to the initial radius of the bubble.

The investigation of the pressure distribution in the vicinity of the pulsating gas bubble demonstrates that the overpressure amplitudes have an inversely proportional dependence on the distance and a directly proportional dependence on the initial value of the radius.

A greatly simplified model is set up for the formation of a spherical bubble by outflow of air from a pipe submerged in water.

Zt turns out that approximately 10 times the izItial volume is generally reached in a very short period of time (less than 50 ms) .


l. Introduction If a gas bubble is under elevated pressure under water, then the gas bubble tries to come into equilibrium with the surrounding pressure: the surrounding water is accelerated by the elevated pressure and thus the volume increase of the bubble reduces the pressure. Due to the water's inertia effect, the bubble expands beyond the volume corresponding to the equilibrium pressure, whereby an underpressure is produced in the bubble and the water masses are accelerated in the, opposite direction. If there is no damping, the bubble is again. compressed to the original pres-sure, expands again, is compressed again, etc.

The exact solution of this problem is extremely complicated and not possible at all in closed, form. By suitable measures, however, the problem can be simplified substantially and solved with com-paratively little computational effort. IUe shall therefore pre-suppose spherical symmetry for the following analysis. That means that we neglect the gravitational. force and consider only the moments of inertia of the water,. Ne shall further assume that the bubble does not rise to the water's surface during the oscil-lation process. (This assumption follows automatically from the neglect of gravitation. Also, the ascent toward the water's sur-face during one oscillation process is negligibly small.)

2. Oscillation of a s herical as bubble 2.1 Equation of motion Assuming spherical symmetry, the velocity field of the water 1-5

surrrounding the bubble is irrotational and the velocity potential reads /1,2/:

><<~ R'(8 where R is the bubble's radius and r is the distance of the considered field, point in the water from the center of the bubble.

R(t) is the velocity of the bubble's surface. The equation of motion reads:

(2) where p is the density of the water, p(r,t) is the pressure in the water at a distance r at time t, and p is the pressure in the water at an infinitely large distance from the. oscillating bubble (thus corresponds to the static pressure).

If we insert Eq. (1) into Eq.'I (2) we get:

I 7R." ..g~.g~ (3)

R R +(z,k)-p A. Z.

2.2 Oscillation of the bubble 2.2.1 Variation of the radius and bubble pressure For r = R we obtain from Eq. (3) the equation of motion for the bubble's surface:


(RP) -p 1-6

The velocity of the bubble',s surface is generally small compared to the speed of sound in the bubble's gas. The pressure at; the surface p(R,t) is therefore simultaneously the pressure in the bubble's interior.

Since the oscillation process proceeds rapidly enough, we can assume an adiabatic change of state. Using the adiabatic equation of state (5) we can calculate p(R,t) from the initial state (p 0 ,V0 ,T0 ) and obtain with V0 = 4mR 0 /3:


)'" (6) where p 0 = p(R,O) .

With Eq. (6) we now write the equation of motion (4) in the final form 3K This nonlinear differential equation of second order can be solved by a numerical method and, yields the time variation of the bubble's radius. The as ~ sciated pressure variation in the bubble can Je determined from Eq. (6).

That pressure variation is illustrated in Figure l for an initial radius Ro 0.5 m, an initial pressure p = 4 kg/cm (absolute) and

a static pressure p = 1.,45 kg/cm (absolute) . We again obtain the characteristic oscillation behavior of a compressed gas bubble as described previously in Report AEG E3- 2208 /3/. The frequency of the oscillation is f = 6 Hz. Figure 2 shows a parameter study Starting from the ref erence case (R0 = 0. 5 m, p 0 = 4 kg/cm 2 (absolute), p = 1.45 kg/cm 2 (absolute) ) one parameter was varied in each case while holding the other parameters fixed in order to demonstrate the influence of that quantity on the frequency, maximum radius and minimum pressure. Especially conspicuous is the strong dependence of the frequency on the bubble radius, which obeys a 1/R law: For an initial radius of 60 cm, the fre-quency,is 5 Hz; for a radius of 20 cm, it is already 15 Hz. Thus, the smaller the bubble's radius, the higher is the frequency of the oscillation. On the. other hand, the initial pressure p 0 to which the bubble is subjected has only a relatively slight effect on the frequency.

2;2.2 Dependence of the frequency on the bubble's radius The 1/R dependence of the oscillation frequency can also be seen directly from the differential equation (7) for the motion of the bubble's surface.. For that purpose, we first replace R(t)/R by x(t) and, write the equation for the variable xl(t) associated with a particular initial radius R0 A(4) dx;(4) < 8 I-~ -~~(q) p~ ~ (s)

'gz z ~g (pre) 2Lg.

We now seek the solution x2(t) belonging to the initial value R 0

(2) 1-8

where (2) . (1) 0 R (9) is to be valid.

We write the differential equation for x2(t), express R0 (2) by means of the above relation in terms of R and bring the 0

quantity a onto the left side of the equation, bringing it into the differential quotient. We obtain:


We now replace the expression t/a by t'nd thereby obtain:

We now compare the equation thus obtained with Eq. (8) for xl(t) and see that the two differential equations are identical if in Eq. (8) we replace t by t 'n a purely formal manner:

The two equations now have the same differential operators, which are applied first to xl(t') and then to x2(at') . In other words, the formal replacement t + t'n the solution xl(t) leads to the solution of the differential equation for x2 (t):



With t' t/a, we then obtain (14) or (15)

This means: If xl (t) is the solution associated with R and x2 (t) is the solution associated with 0 R, 0 then one is obtained from the other by multiplying the time axis of one solution by the ratio of the initial values of the bubble's radius.

For the oscillation frequency we therefore obtain the relation:

y Cal (16)

~( 'L)

Thus, the oscillation frequency is inversely proportional to the radius.

2.3 Pressure distribution in the vicinity of the pulsating gas bubble The water mass surrounding the oscillating gas bubble is accelerated by the overpressure and underpressure in the bubble. At a suf-ficiently large distance from the bubble, however, the water is 1-10

no longer influenced by the oscillation and the pressure pre-vailing there is determined.. by the static pressure. Thus, the pressure prevailing in the vicinity of the gas bubble decreases with increasing distance from the bubble from p (R, t) to p (or, if there is an underpressure in the bubble, increases from p,(R, t) to p ) . From eq. (3) we can now calculate this dependence of the pressure on r when we know the time variation of R:


If we insert the solution R = R (t) from Eq. (7) into the above equation, we obtain the time variation. of the pressure at any distance r from the 'bubble's center.

Because of our assumption. of spherical symmetry, the pressure in the water depends only on the distance r, and not on the polar and azimuthal angles. Also not taken into consideration in our formulation are the effects of the. surfaces bounding the water mass, since the model presupposes an air bubble in an infinitely extended medium. For that reason, the model also fails if the bubble is located near the water's surface.

If we are interested only in how the pressure amplitude decreases with increasing distance from the bubble, then a simple analytic expression for the dependence of the pressure on the distance can be obtained from Eq. (17): At the time t = 0, T, 2T, 3r, the pressure in the bubble has its highest value. Therefore, if we set t = 0 in Eq. (17) and use the initial conditions

V(o) = R (18)

R(o)= o then we first obtain from Eg. (4) z(o) =" 'R.

g . 'R.g and finally from Eg. (17):

p(~,o}=.p + (p -p ),

(20 Thus, the pressure peaks p(r,o) p. above the static value p decay inversely proportionally with the distance. ((p p ) is the pressure. peak in the bubble above the static value) . This.

relation is illustrated in. Figure 3. The value of the pressure amplitude above p has dropped to one n th at a distance corre-sponding to n times the bubble.'s radius. For example, for a bubble radius of 5 cm the overpressure amplitude at a distance of 0.5 m has dropped to one tenth, whereas for a radius of 20 cm that happens only at a distance of 2 m. Thus, these,overpressure amplitudes decay very rapidly, with the magnitude of the bubble's radius playing a -not inconsiderable role: The greater R 0 , the greater is the range (considered absolutely) at which p " p has dropped to one n th 1-12

3. Formation of the as bubble The equation of motion of the bubble's surface, Eq. (4), can also be used for an approximate calculation of bubble formation by expulsion of air through a pipe projecting into the water. The air forced out of the pipe must first overcome the inertia forces of the surrounding water in order to be able to expand. In contrast to the problem of the oscillation of a gas bubble in which the mass. of the gas enclosed by the water does not change, we must, now figure on a mass, supply extending over some period of time. This state of affairs is allowed for by assuming that the newly supplied mass just compensates the pressure reduction corresponding to the expansion. of the bubble, so that a constant pressure preva'ils during the inflation process. Although this model is certainly only a rough, approximation, it can be used to get some idea of the"time variation of the inflation process.

Ne now write Eq. (4) in the form constant (21)

By integrating this equation we obtain a relation between the propagation speed of the bubble and the instantaneous radius:


(Ra = radius at the beginning of the inflation process; corre-sponds approximately to the pipe's radius) .


From Eq. (22) we obtain as the limiting speed:


The expansion speed for R>> R a depends only on the pressure dif-ference b,p.

R (t) is illustrated in Figure 4 for a few values of hp and R The increase of the bubble's radius with time is shown in Figure 5 and the increase of the bubble's volume in Figures 6 and 7.

Depending on the pressure, about 15 to 30 ms are required to go from the initial radius R a = 0.04 m to a radius 5 times greater (R = 0.2 m) . Thus, in general, the inflation process takes place in a very short interval of time.


Ficiure 1 Pressure variation in an oscar.lating spherical gas bubble for R = 0.5 m 2

p 0 = 4 kg/cm 2

p = 1.45 kg/cm l Periode p,'0 I] 1 period I

P 08 I I


0(6 Static value I

0)l I 'statischer 5'er t I

0)2 I I

Ul 0 40 80 .l20 160 200 24 0 280 320 360 t J' s Bild 1:

Druckverlauf in einer schwingenden kugelfa'rmigen Gasblase fur R = 0,5m p =4at p- = 1,45at

Reference case: R ..= 0.5 m, p = 4 kg/cm 2 (abs.), p = 1.,45 kg/cm 2 (absI

-0 Ref.."-r z'~I'- = ."'.".':, ~:= ~ ala p = 1 45 ata 1.0 IIHz (R 2)0


Ro max 1/8 1/6 1,4

1) 2 1/ 0

,p )



. min 0,16 0/1 4 0,12 0/10

0) 08 FicCure 0

2 2

~4 6 P


/ata 0 0/05 0/1 0/15 0/2

~R,lm ~

1)2 1)4 1) p 6 1) lata 8

Variation of the frequency, maximum bubble radius and underpressure reached as a function of the system parameters R, 0 p 0 and p 00 1-16

Decrease of the pressure peaks above the static value with increasing distance from the bubble 1,0 Pl'i,o)- p p t'R)0)- p 0,9 I l


p(R,o) - p 0,8 l p(R,P )

l I


0) 7 l I'

l l p(r,o) - p I

0,5 r)RO 0/4 0,3 0,2

0) 1 8 10 12 14 16 1

Blid 3: R, Abnahme der uber dern statischen Wert li egenden Druckspi tzen mi t zunehmender Entfernung van der Blase 1-17

Time variation of the expansion speed of a gas bubble as a function of initial radius and pressure (assuming a constant bubble pressure) 32 R

mr's at = kg/cm 2 28 0) OQS appal.

( ~ era

~ re 10 .

24 )')04 rr I I rr 1 I g~ 0)1 1 I




/ = Op 2


0) 005 I (

( I I I


/ O04 I I 0)1

) I /

i I / Ra/m = oi~


) I / 0)005 I r I

~ r rr


~ r %0 ~ ~ << ~ r~ ~1 ~~ << ~ <<rrrr << <<r << ~ <<ew <<r ~

~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~



~~ ~~

~ ~ ~~

~ ~

~ ~ ~ r~ ~

"~0) 04 l;


/ I

(..r" o,r(

~ ~


R Q/~l7? -QZ J6'28.


r T2 tom Bild 4: s'er ges chwi t) dj gPei'l va/7 Ap fapgsyad(a a~a Usse l~U~ g BlaseAdrucgs )

0 at kg/cm I



R/m ~ ~ +P = 1 at / /I



~~ ~ 1 g /

I I/

0)48 Q+P 4 at /



/ / // ~

QP =10 at / //

/ / I/

0,44 /r/ /I

/ .I/ ////

/ / I/

0,40 / //

] /

/ /I

/ .

/ //

/' /I:

0) 36 I

I II II/I rr ~


/ I // .. "'.

/ / II ~

0,32 / I

0) 28



I I I /

/ I II I

/ I r r'r"

/ // .

// ///I

/I 0,24

0) 20 r


~" ~,.~


/ II I/



/ //


/ I.J I~'


,r r ~

,r' o~

r ~


0,16 / .r t I


r' r' I /

0,12 / /W I

/ r'




//// FicCure 5

0) 08 /

of t: he bubble radius during

/ the inflation process, assuming r" const:ant bubble pressure I,

0) 04 I


OI005 / .r'r' 12 . 16 20 24 28 t/ms 1-19.

Oil 10


0/005 .

ap =4at 4 kg/cm 2 ~

FicCuze 6 10 increase of bubble volume during the inflation process (assuming a constant bubble pressure) 70 76 ZC 3Z <0 ~8 56 6C t ims 1-20

Rggm = 0)2 0


0) 00S

Oil as translated into ~ p CALCULATION HODEL TO CLARIFY THE PRESSURE OSCILLATIONS IN Imp THE SUPPRESSION CHAttBER AFTER VENT CLEARING 'U p,y ~N as translated from Ic) BERECHNUNGSMODELL ZUR KLARUNG DER DRUCKSCHWINGUNGEN IN aN DER KONDENSATIONSKAMMER NACH DEM FREIBLASEN N g) A.IJVHCIR/R/ I HEIssHAUPL Ps SCHALL I g ct g g a AEG TELEFUHKEN REPQRT No e 2208 Ill 29 fhRCH 1972 ng~ (PPRL DOCUMENT NO 2) Docket 8j o-Zg p Control@ paow @y igg ~~~of DoctNlellt: 'VTC~iY g"""-r t: gp Vf%KRtlKRC4 AUGUST 1977 Xl 'C 'ii'Ool7 PAL boy p g) to PENNSYLVANIA POWER 8 LIGHT COMPANY 71 BARNARO AVENUE. WATERTOWN ALLENTOVN, PENNSYLVANIA MASSACHUSETTS 02172 (617) 924-5500 L C AEG-TELEFUNKEN Ffm., 29 March 1972 Dr. Wei/ru E 3/E 2-SI NUCLEAR. REACTORS Report: No. 2208 CALCULATION MODEL TO CLARIFY THE PRESSURE OSCILLATIONS IN THE SUPPRESSION CHAMBER AFTER VENT CLEARING 8 K q5 M 4 8 + EAA 0$ $ 0%0%0 <<4A c'o 0 A c40 Ng ccsceg N e 8 0 ld g Nrt<<6 ~ 8 4.we 0 8 chaosAmeeAo 4$ Cg 5 g'Cl AN 8 OQ'c g'N Voce 0'cO&8 o W01W~ ~ a a > Prepared: /s/ /s/ Dr. Weisshaupl/Schall E3/E 2 W.H Q 'g~~> <<g Checked: /s/ Dr. Koch, E 3/E 2-SI Classified: /s/ Kaspez, E 312 Class II 2-1 Distribution list: E g/ V 0 ZVV (Z2 x) E 3 E g/V 'E 3/E E 3/R E g/V4 E 3/V3 E3/V Z E g/V2 E3/E2 E3 /E 2-SI E 3/E Eg/R i E 3/R Z m E 3/R i- ABS E 3/R g-ABB E 3/R Z E 3/E 3 E 3/E 3-VSF Lihrarv Bibliotheca VT - F 2-2 NONLIABILITYCLAUSE This, report is based on the latest state of science and technology as achievable by our best efforts. It makes use of the knowledge and experience of AEG-TELEFUNKEN. However, AEG-TELEFUNKEN and all persons acting in its behalf make no guarantee. Xn particular, they are not liable for the correct-ness, accuracy and completeness of the data contained in this report nor for the observance of third party rights. AEG-TELEFUNKEN reserves. all rights to the technical information contained in this report, particularly the right to apply for patents. Further dissemination of this report and of the knowledge contained therein requires the written approval of AEG-TELEFUNKEN. Moreover, this report is communicated under the assumption. that it will be handled confidentially. Table of contents Pacae Introduction 2-6

2. Oscillation of the air bubble water mass system 2-8 2.1 Equation of motion 2-8 2.2 Performance of the numerical calculation 2-11
2. 2.1 Data 2-11 2.2.2 Parameter calculation 2-12
3. Discussion 2-14 4 ~ Conclusion 2-16 Figures 2-18 2-4

1 To explain. the periodic pressure. variations observed in KWW underneath the relief pipe of the suppression chamber and in GwH in the scram tank, a physical model is set up. This model consists of the assumption that during the vent clearing process in the relief pipe the air cushion situated between the outflowing steam and, the water slug is highly compressed and; when, it emerges from the pipe, begins to expand suddenly because of its over-pressure. It is then compressed again by the pressure of the water mass loading it from above, etc., thereby creating an oscillation process. The excellent qualitative and.cpxantitative agreement between the theoretical and. experimental pressure .variations allows us to conclude that the observed periodic pressure fluctuations can be described by the assumed physical model of the oscillation of .the system consisting of air bubble and water mass loading it from above. 2-5 1 .. 'Introduction I Before the steam "braid" is produced during clearing through the relief pipe, the water. slug situated in the pipe is first expelled, forming a highly compressed air cushion between the water slug and th', afterf lowing steam.. When that air cushion emerges from the pipe, it begins to expand again suddenly in order to come into equilibrium with the surrounding pressure (which is composed of the. pressure in the suppression. chamber and the hydrostatic pressure) . The suppression chamber water mass loaded by the emerging air cushion is driven upward until the influence of the gravitational force and of the.underpressure. forming in the air bubble as time passes (which is produced.. by, the continued upward movement of the water resulting from the mechanical inertia principle) leads to a reversal of the process. and. the air bubble is compressed again by downward motion..of the water mass 'hat is followed by renewed.'expansion, etc., etc.. The air bubble - water mass system under consideration thus .represents an oscillatory system whose oscillation-persists until the. air bubble has risen to the water' surface ancL breaks there or until the oscillation amplitude becomes negligibly small due to strong damping and lateral outflow of the water that is thrown upward. In the following"we now set up a highly. simplified model of this it H oscillation. process and compare the results obtained from. with 2-6 the periodic. pressure variations observed experimentally in KNN and in GwH [lj. [1] Rupp, Eismar, Pohl: . KWW Results of the relief valve tests with the special instrumentation.. AEG-E3-2160 2-7

2. Oscillation. of the. air.bubble water mass s stem 2.1 Equation of motion To calculate the oscillatory behavior of the air bubble and the water mass loading it from above, we make the following highly l

simplified assumptions: a) After emerging from the relief pipe., the air bubble has the shape of a flat- cylinder-(see Figure below) . Rc, P~ p =, pressure in, suppression chamber I Air pI ~I 7 Water guur b) The air bubble does not .the surface of the water during the, oscillation. process (the influence of this process is "taken. into consideration by a parametrization of the air bubble's submergence) . c) The air bubble expands only in the vertical direction (assuming a flat cylinder, the horizontalexpansion is approximately negligible relative to the vertical expansion) . d) The water mass lying above the bubble does not change its shape during the oscillation. process (thus, no water flows 2-8 I i away laterally during the lift, arid no water flows in from the side during the drop) . From the center-of-mass theorem we obtain the equation of motion of the water mass: The acceleration of the water mass m is maintained by gravitation, the pressure p of the air bubble on the water mass a'rove it, and the suppression chazrher pressure pK. x is the coordinate of the center of mass of the water mass, F is the boundary surface area between the air bubble and water mass. Since the oscillation. proceeds rapidly enough,. we can assume an adiabatic .change of state of the gas. Therefore, the relation between the instantaneous state (p, V, T) and the initial, state air o (p , V , T ) which prevails immediately after the expulsion of the bubble from the relief pipe reads: p (2) ~ I For air, x = 1.4. The change of the gas volume from V0 to V corresponds exactly to the lift of the water mass. Thus: r V=V +F. x, from which we obtain for the pressure from Eq. (2): 2-9 (4) lf we now express the state variable V0 in terms of the state variables p a', V for the initial state of the quantity of air which is present before the beginning of the vent clearing process: then we get for the pressure p: (6) Zf we insert this expression into the differential equation (1) we finally obtain for the equation. of. motion: in which we have set m. = pPh for the mass m of the water (p< is the density of the water, h is the submergence of the air bubble) . Zn this differential equation of second order, the variables p 2 h, F and V a appear as parameters (p a = 1 kg/cm , pK = 1 kg/cm ) . The equation can be solved readily by a numerical method. (Runge-Kutta, Euler, etc ) and leads to the center-of-mass motion of the water mass as a function of time: x = x(t) . The dependence of the pressure on time, p = p(t), can finally be determined from Eq. (6) . 2-10 1, p q 1 3 J 'I 1 2.2 Performance of the .numerica3 calculation The input quantities in Eg. (7) consist of measurable data (maximum pressure, nonaal air volume) and also of data resulting from the assumption of the calculated model. Xn order to,include cpxantitatively the effect of those calculation assumptions, parameter calculations were performed.starting from a reference case.

2. 2. 1 Data The data for the reference case were:

a) Initial pressure p0 p = 4 kg/cm 2 corresponding to a measurement of the maximum pressure b) Specific weight of the water: p = 1000 kg/m 3 c) Height of the water cushion h: h = 4.5 m The air bubble.,was assumed to be\ at the height of the end of the relief pipe.. Therefore, h submergence of the relief pipe d) Surface area of the cylindrical, steam bubble: . Zt was assumed that the steam bubble expands cylindrically as far as the edge of the suppression chamber. Therefore: 2-11 'D h I F==m 4 d2 d..=4.,8m = 2 18.2 m P e) Norma1 air volume Va The air volume in the relief pipe was determined in AEG-E3/ E2-2160 to be V a =1.3m 3 With this data we obtain for the constant: V a 1.3 m 3 0 '715 01 F 18.2 2 The numerical evaluation was accomplished by using the Runge-Kutta .method with a time sharing system. The result of the cal-culation is illustrated, in Figure 2. A, comparison with the measured pressure variation (Figure 1) reveals good qualitative agreement and thus provides the sought proof that the observed oscillations were interpreted correctly. For a quantitative interpretation it is necessary to perform several (parameter) calculations to exhibit the influence of the various influential parameters on the oscillation data. 2.2.2 Parameter. calculation The input quantities into the oscillation model are based partially on measurements and partially on assumptions concerning. the shape of the air bubble. To determine the influence of this "arbitrary" initial data, it is necessary to perform a parameter calculaf ion. 2-12 'he following quantities were varied in the parameter calculation: po Pressure ratio of the blow-out process Distance of the air bubble from the water surface V a F This quantity represents a form factor, since, in addition to the known quantity V , a'n it also contains assumption concerning the spreading of the surface area (cylindrical) . A survey of the calculations performed is given in Table 1. The variation of the pressure in the air bubble and the displace-d ment amplitude of the water layer for a half oscillation period are illustrated for the various calculations in Figures 3-11. From them we can determine the various characteristic magnitudes characterizing the oscillation: Maximum vertical displacement Minimum pressure ratio (Half) oscillation period and oscillation frequency 'I The corresponding values for the computation runs are listed in Table 1. A graphical evaluation was performed in Figure 12. 2-13

3. Discussion The frequency is of primary interest in connection with the measured pressure oscillations, since only through it is it pos-sible to confirm quantitatively the calculation results. (The maximum pressure is an input quantity into the calculation; the vertical displacement oZ the water was not measured.)

The only ",arbitrary" input quantity into the computation model was the bubble's surface area F, which contained a hypothesis con-cerning the (cylindrical) shape of the air bubble. The influence of the corresponding parameter (it involves the parameter V /F) on the frequency therefore provides an indication of a possible quantitative- agreement between calculation and measurement. As follows from Figure'2a, such agreement- does exist for a relatively flat air-bubble'hape with a diameter of d m 4, F With and 0~086 (see Figure 2 d=425m c):'-14 / This result is confirmed qualitatively by the observed rapid spreading of the air expelled during the blow-out. The bubble's submergence h decreases during the oscillation process. It follows from Figure 12a that this (as in the tests) is asso-ciated with a sharp increase of the frequency and therefore pro-vides another confirmation of the correctness of the physical model. The maximum pressure p 0 (or the ratio p o /p a ) is fixed by the blowdown process and can only be changed by design measures. As expected,, 'this quantity influences primarily the minimum pres-sure ratio and the maximum vertical displacement (Figures 12b and 12c) . 2-15

4. Conclusion The purpose. of the study was to provide computational proof that the pressure oscillations occurring in the condensation tests are related to the amount of air expelled at the beginning of the blowdown.

A physical model was set up and calculated in accordance with the concept .that the expelled air, which is at an overpressure relative to the steady-state conditions, forms a cylindrical bubble and represents an oscillatory structure together with the water layer lying above it. Using this simplified model and the measurable input- magnitudes, and assuming a particular dimension of the cylindrical air bubble, both qualitative and quantitative agreement was found between the measured and calculated oscillation mode and the frequency behavior of=theoscillation was correctly predicted. 2-16 0 Table l: Computation runs performed Tabelle 1 ! Dur eh@of iihrta Ifochon 3 au f'e Dild J'Il 0 ~V I Voriinclcrter Nr, Fig. ]s' t Paraolo or Xmas'07 2 [nag lllj Varied f5 8 C] no. arameter Referenoe cas 4 0, 0715 Ileferenzfall 0, 15 0, 115 >035 10,4 0, 107 0,092 45 3 9,2 0, 123 0, 105 4,75 6,47 0, 178 00 122 4 5 10,8 0,074 0,12 4 1 fo Pa. 00533 0,11 405 Pcr 0, 03515 Va/ 3,8 0, 149 00 082 6,1 10 001 Va/F 10, 74 0, 149 0,136 307 0,143 V /F 15,4 0, 14 0, 163 3,06 Bild 1 Gemessener Druckveriauf unterhalb des Entlastungsrohres ~Fi ure 1 Measured variation of pressure beneath the relief pipe p I'o . 1,0 0,8 0>G 0/4 0,2 0-0 0/1 0/2 0/3 0,4 s 0/5 t Bild 2: Berechneter Oruckver(auf unterhalb des Enflastungsrohres (in der Lu f tb las e ) - Ref erenzfal I Figure 2 Calculated variation of pressure beneath the relief. pipe (in the air bubble) Reference .case p 7 Period; Po I 1)0 Oq8 3,6 0~4 0,2 0 OJ2 0~3 OI4 s 0~5 '. F~z, tlz8 3 Variation of the pressure relative to the initial pressure and of the vertical displacement of the water as.a function of time I I 1,0 p h. =4,5m (7/2 =halbe Pel'iode) Po 0,8 ~o =4 i'a T t half period 2 OG ) fVa =0,0715m I. t 04 1 t 0, 10 ClTl 0 ~ 0 002 - 004 OOG 008 010 0,12 014 s 01G 2-20 f ~~ >o =4 ~a Va =007l5 m T/2 0,02 0,04 00G 008 . Of 2-21 Figure Bi Id 5 h = 3 m -4 >o P 1)0 p Vo =00715m ) Pq 0,8 O,G 04 02 10 0 002 0,0< 00'08 2-22 0,1 t~ 012 01< s Figure Bi ld 8 h= 6'm ~e ~ P P() 10 Vo =007/5 ) m 0,8 T/2 0,2 0 70 '0 0 ~ 002 00/ 0,06 008 01 012 014 s 2-23 Figure 7 Bilcf 7 h = 4)5m 1(0 =6. ~o ~a O,e 0,0715m = 0)6 T 2 0(2 12 10 cm t t L t t OI02 0) 04 Og06 0( 08 0) 10 0) 12 S'] 14 2-24 Figure 8 Bild 8 h =4,5m 2 Po Pg = 1,0 p~~, 0,0715m ~ = 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 10 cm 4 l l l OI 02 0(04 0) 06 OI08 0~ 10 Og 12 S Oj 14 t 2-25 pigure 9 Bild 9 h =4,5m 1,0 >o e~p, p 0,8 Oi03575 V~ = m O,G 0,4 O]2 10 cm 0)02 0)04 OI 06 0) 08 0)10 ')12 5 0/14 ~ 2-26 ~ Figure'10'ild 10 1/0 O)8 0)G 0,4 X 10 cm 0~02 0]04 0/06 0/08 0) 10 0/12 0) 1 4 S 0/ 16 2-27 ') 1,0 Figure 11 Bi I d 11

0) 8

.h = 4,5m 0,6 ~a 0,4 ~ = 0,143m. 0)2 16 '10 0)02 0~04 OI06 ')08 0(10 0) 12 OI14 ~ 0/16 2-28 Ref erence case o Referenzfall: h =4,5m, o =g a =0>0715m f 6,o Hz 5 c')0 4,5 (a) 40 g5 $0 2 ~~ h 4 6 m 0 4 ~Pa/Pa 6 8 002. ' 006 010 014 018ln 'e y /'p 14 Xmax max 12 cm 10 020 0 2 ~h 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 p,/p, 8 0020,06 ~ Va/8 O,1O q14 O18 01e p P pOml.n po I< dmin 0,16 0)1 2 0)10 0)08 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 Pa 6 /Pq 8 ~ y~/p 002 0060,10 0,14 0,18 t Variation of the frequency, maximum water lift and underpressure reached as a function of the'ystem parameters (h = distance of the air bubble from the water surface, p /p = reduced initial pressure, F = spreading area of the air Subile, V = initial volume of the air bubble under standard, conditions). 2-29 as translated into ..E. N. G. L .I. S .H....... 0 Ill TESTS ON f1IXED CONDElilSATION WITH f'lODEL QUENCHERS hm' II o Ct Iol ~~O r il ur Z m -CLi, as translated from Y zc) g 2 rt a~ g YERSUCHE ZUR f'lISCHKONDENSATION NIT f'lODELLDUSEN cia l,'l } Ol g 0 ~~+H~~lR/ I I'IERNERi I'IELCHIORi S!NON ~ f.- l-m m IQU TECHNICAL REPORT K)'(U/E 3 2593 !rl ci 15 f'4v 1973 Al (PPRL DOCUt1ENT NO 3) 0 g 4l ml:C DocRet 8 ~A>+> U Controi 4.78'0 "@SO>M I"'!olm p'- >7ofOocumocb a~P Vf%IKll%lk($ 5o AUGUsT 1977 ""JI,'1Y."-..Y --:;Z F;LE to m Zl g g) M )OP 71 BARNARO AVENUE WATERTOWN k ~ iVIASSACHUSETTS 02172 (617) 924-55CO ~.$ I) Kraftwerk Union Place / '15Date 7 Technical Repozt KWU/E 3 - 2593 File number E 3/E 1/GKT Dr. Me/do Authors Werner, Dr. Melchior KWU E 3/E and Department 3 E 1 Dr. Simon Countersignature /s/


Pages of text 32 Tests on mixed condensation with model Figures 26 quenchers Circuit diagrams Key words (max. 12) to identify the Diagr./oscillogr.

report's content: Tables Condensation, model tank, quenchers, Reference list perforated pipe Summary To investigate the processes in the suppression chamber of BWR power plants, blowdown and condensation tests were performed with various quencher geometries. A model tank with inside dimensions of 560 x 1600 x 3000 mm was used as the tank.

As a basis for comparison with the results obtained in other test stands, reference tests were first performed with a-pipe open at the bottom and having an inside diameter'f 24 mm. The study of different quencher geometries with differently fine subdivision of the. primary steam flow lead to the result that the imposed require-ments can be satisfied with the simple geometry of a perforated pipe.

By means of various detailed studies, relationships were found between the hole distribution density of the'ipe surface, the hole diameter and the hole configuration. The results of these studies are being incorporated into the design of the quencher geometries for tests in the GKM test stand. The influence of special tank geometz'ies and problems in measuring pressure oscillations in water are being investigated in accompanying tests.


/s/ (Werner)

/s/ (Dz. Melchior) /s/ /s/

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TUV North Germany TUV Baden TUV Bavaria XRS, Cologne IRS-PB, Dr. Lummerzheim, Cologne BMFT, Mr. Seipel, Bonn RKS Members and subcommittee "Boiling Water Reactor" 22x Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Baden-Wurtembg., Stuttgart Ministry of Economics, Baden-Wurtemberg, Stuttgart, Ministry for Labor, Social Affairs and Distribution, Kiel Ministry for Economics and Transportation, Kiel Bavarian State Ministry for Agricultural Development and Environ-mental Protection, Munich Austrian Study Company for Atomic Energy, Vienna Ministry for Health and Environmental Protection, Vienna KKB HEW, Project Management, Nuclear Power Plants KKK KKP KKI GKT 3-4

TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page Introduction 3-9 2 ~ Construction of the test stand 3-11 2.1 Mechanical construction of the model tank 3-11 2.2 Installation of the model quenchers 3-12 2.3 Steam boiler 3-12 2.4 Instrumentation and, data. acquisition 3-13 2.4.1 Determination of steam flow rate 3-13 2.4.2 Pressure and. temperature transducers in the tank 3-14 2.4.3 Determination. of the total tank load 3-15 2.4.4 Data recording 3-15 2.4.5 Optical recording of the test procedure 3-15 2.5 Test, execution 3-17

3. General characterization of the quenchers investigated 3-18 4 Investigated blowdown geometries and tests per formed



5. Results 3-24 5.1 Results for various quenchers 3-25 5.2 Optimization of hole configurations 3-27 5.3 Influence of the test tank on the measurement values 3-31 5.4 Results of the comparison studies with different pressure transducers 3-32
6. Qualitative conclusions for the design of

,quenchers 3-38

7. Outlook and problems remaining open 3-41 Figures 3-5

t List of Fi ures Figure 1 Construction and spatial configuration of the model condensation test stand. in the Nuclear Energy Experimental Facility in Grosswelzheim Figure 2 Side view and top view of the test tank Figure 3 Piping and, instrumentation diagram Figure 4 instrumentation diagram for the model tank when testing the disk nozzle Figure 5 Arrangement of instrumentation for testing the cross-shaped perforated-pipe quencher in a miniaturized water, volume Figure 6 Instrumentation diagram for testing the hole arrays Figure 7, Diagrammatic illustration of the forked nozzle with j acket Figure 8 S tepped pipe with circulating jacket Figure 9 Single slot with jacket 1 Figure 10 Single slot with jacket 2 Figure 11 Disk nozzle Figure 12 Stepped hammer

Figure 13 Per forated pipe 1 Figure 14 Perforated pipe 2 Figure 15 Perforated cross pipe Figure 16 Arrangement of perforated pipe 3 in the model tank for testing the hole arrays Figure 17 Arrangement of the hole arrays with temperature measurement points for perforated pipe 3 Figure 18 Dynamic loading of the load cells with different quenchers Figure 19 Bottom pressures bpB = pBm Bmax.


Bmin. as a function of water temperature for different auenchers Figure 20 Temperature difference between inflowing water and middle of hole array as a function. of the temperature of the inflowing water. The hole diameter is 3.5 mm for all three hole arrays.

Figure 21 Temperature difference between inflowing water and middle of hole array as a function. of the temperature of the inflowing water. The hole diameter is 6 mm for all three hole arrays.

Figure 22 Dependence of the pressures at the side wall dpS5 = pS5 S5min.

pS5 as a function of water S5max.

temperature for different occupancy densities of the hole arrays.


Figure 23 Dependence of the bottom pressures hp B = p Bmax.

p . as a function of the water temperature for the perforated cross pipe with restricted and normal water volume Figure 24 Copy of the recorder strip for comparison of pressure transducers at a water temperature of 60'C Figure 25 Copy of the recorder strip for comparison of pressure transducers at a water temperature of 70'C Figure 26 Copy of the recorder strip for comparison of pressure transducers at a water temperature of 80'C 3-8

l. Introduction The good experience achieved with the temporary aquarium test stand in the study of blowdown and, condensation processes led to the design of an enlarged, more stable and better instrumented model test stand. The purpose of that improved test stand was to confi.'rm and broaden the knowledge obtained. previously in the i

"aquarium" and to serve as a test stand for model quenchers, which were then to be tested in already optimized form in large-scale tests in GKM.

The advantages of a model test stand in comparison to a large-scale test stand are evident. If for the time being we disregard the economic aspects, we are left with greater flexibility, smaller expenditure of time and personnel for tests and reconversions, and especially the capability for optical observation.

The latter is a prerequisite for clarifying the phenomena that transpire during vent clearing and condensation. A theoretical description of them is necessary for transposition analyses. The success of the theoretical description depends primarily on whether it is based on correct physical concepts. 4 Another advantage of a model test stand is. the capability for sub-stantially optmizing quencher geometries in the model before going to large-scale tests with them. Of course, such a test stand does not, make large-scale tests superfluous, since only from a comparison of similar types of experiments at small and large scales can we 3-9

'J obtain information about the transposability of results and phenomena that were observed in the small-scale test stand to the large-scale test stand, and the reactor plant.

Sucha model test stand, as is available in the Nuclear Energy Experimental Facility of KWU in Grosswelzheim, is therefore uncon-ditionally necessary for a phenomenological clarification of the physical processes and in order to perform the large-scale tests only with previously optimized geometries, thereby keeping the costs for such large-scale tests within reasonable economic bounds.

Not least of all, information about transposability is obtained from the interplay between small-scale and large-scale test stand results.


2. Construction of the test stand The basic construction of the model test stand and its spatial configuration in the Grosswelzheim Nuclear Energy Experimental Facility is shown in Figure l.

The test stand consists of a water tank (model tank), a steam generator and the necessary piping, valves and measuring instruments.

For pure air-blowdown tests there is an additional air storage tank which can be connected optionally to the blowdown geometry.

2.1 Mechanical construction of the model tank The model tank (Figure 2) consists of a rectangular tank 3 m high, 1.6 m wide and 0.596 m deep, which is supported by a steel frame.

Up to a height of 1.5 m the tank is provided with glass d'isks on the front and back in order to be able to observe the vent clearing and condensation processes optically.

For safety reasons, the test stand is placed in a sheet-metal trough which can hold the tank's water content in the event of a break of the glass disks. The sheet-metal trough is also shielded by movable positioning walls made of Plexiglas in order to protect personnel 'and instruments from the outf1'owing hot water in the event of a glass break.

Steam is supplied from a steam boiler (see Section 2.3) via a 50 mm pipe with measuring nozzle to a membrane valve actuated by 3-11

pressurized air, with which opening times of 70-100 ms can be realized. After the valve there is a reduction of the pipe dia-meter to NW 24 for connection to the model quenchers.

At the bottom of the tank there is a twist-proof strip used for installation of measurement transducers. Screwable openings on the narrow sides of the tank are used to hold additional measure-ment sensors.

2.2 Installation of the model uenchers Beginning at the membrane valve, steam is supplied through a NW 24 pipe. This pipe is suspended independently of the test stand and normally leads into the middle of the tank. After the clamp above the test stand there is only a loose guide at an adjustable height.

By means of a screw connection, a pipe adapter and a tensioning device, connection of the individual blowdown geometries to be studied is accomplished. Different bottom distances can be adjusted by arbitrary variation of the pipe adapter.

2.3 Steam boiler As the steam generator there is available an oil-fired boiler 2

having a steam capacity of 1 t/h of saturated steam at 8 kg/cm (gauge) .

The steam boiler can be controlled either automatically in 4 stages or manually in 7 stages.


Since the boiler is designed as a single-pipe evaporator, it guar-antees a fast start-up and shutdown and also a quick adjustment of the desired steam condition. In the planned second. extension stage, the high-pressure boiler of the experimental facility is being connected to the test stand. Then it will be possible 'to inject steam flow rates of up to ca. 30 t/h at 70 bar pressure before the valve.

2.4 Instrumentation and data accruisition A thorough and sufficiently sensitive instrumentation of the test stand and diligent acquisition of all data were the conditions for determining all the parameters in the tests. In particular, it was,necessary to measure and, record pressures, temperatures, loads and steam flow rates.

The instrumentation installed permanently for all tests can be seen in the piping plan of the test stand in Figure 3. Figures 4 to 6 provide examples of the instrumentation for individual tests.

2.4.1 Determination of steam flow rate To determine the steam flow rate, a standard nozzle is installed in the line connecting the steam generator to the test stand (see Figure 3) . Two absolute pressure transducers and one differential pressure transducer are used to determine the differential pressure across the nozzle. The pressure drop up to the membrane valve and the pressure build-up in the blowdown pipe are determined by two 3-13

additional pressure transducers before the vplve and in the blow-down pipe above the test tank. Parallel to the nozzles, the steam temperatures are measured, at the same points.

2.4.2 Pressure and temaerature transducers in the tank (Figures 4-6)

To determine the pressure waves emanating from the condensation process, a row of pressure transducers is arranged along the bottom and two additional rows along one of the narrow sides of the tank.

Depending on the type of blowdown geometry and the submergence, the side pressure transducers are mounted at different heights.

Thermocouple elements are installed parallel to each pressure transducer for determination of temperature distributions.

To also be able to record the pressure and temperature at a smaller adjustable distance from the blowdown geometry, a movable instru-ment carrier was installed and outfitted with the appropriate measurement. transducers.

In accordance with the particular model quencher under consideration, additional temperature measurement points were arranged directly at the quencher so as to be able to evaluate the Crater flow to the steam outlet opening (see Figure l7).

Based on previous experience, membrane transducers with a back membrane were first, used at all pressure measurement points on the test tank. To be able to investigate the influence of different 3-14

J t


measurement techniques, membrane transducers with external mem-brane and also piezoelectric transducers were used in a series of tests in parallel with the tests described previously.

A list of all measurement transducers used is contained in Table

1. For .each measurement point it gives the abbreviated, designation, the measured magnitude and measurement position, the measurement principle, the type of measurement transducer and the measurement range.

2.4.3 Determinationcf the total tank load To determine the loads acting on the test tank, force cells were placed under the four support points of the tank (see Table 1, K 1-4) and their sum signal was recorded.

2.4.4 Data recordin All data such as pressures, temperatures and forces were recorded.

by two Visicorders (light beam oscillographs) for later evaluation.

2.4.5 0 tical recordin of the test rocedure In addition to the data recording, all important tests were recorded completely with a video tape recorder. Using the play-J back device, the test can be reconstructed optically at, any time.

In addition, special problems such as the formation and collapse of steam bubbles were studied with a high-speed camera. A special time-mark transmitter guaranteed an exact time correlation between 3-15

TABLE l Compilation of measurement transducers used VlW4JMf

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

'0 Measurement, Measurement 8-st3 b5 M ~~

'0 cAQ 0!-!tS point point SXP$ AS i tion osition rtl 09 9 k!cQstello >IeGstolle Measurement Measurement range SO~

MQA'0CN rt A S 8 '0 Ul $ '0 KUI z-

-ei chen ort technique Type M M C mN tf S 8 C

s P1'2 Dampf'- ~Rohrdruck- IIBH P 3 N 10 atu zuX'uhrung aui.nehmer Xntersonde X R 17 8 bar R3'G M CO M (A

~ ~ ~ ~

B1- 06 ~ Bodendruck Hembr an-Druckaui Dyni.sco PT 310 50 PSXG d nehmer rt&1 I". S1 S2 3 Seitondruck II Dynisco PT 310 50 PSIG 0 O'0 3 Seitendruck S'.a,tham PA 822 m0WV 50 PsxA


XC $rn 0%% rn > 13odendruck Statham PA 856 50 PSXA g! 4 C ASS 8 Bodendruck Piezo Kistler l>12 -1... + 10 atii 8 s S'2 3 Seitendruck 7 Ilembran-Druck- Statham PA 822 50 PSXA AS aulnehmer s rl.H P

Q C K 0 1 lg - 'I BehHlterbe- Piezo Kistler 902 3500 kp C4 8 lastung C

0 g Rohrloitung/ 9 Thermo- NiCr-Ni O...1OOO oC Ver such sb e- element halter

the Visicorder traces and the individual pictures.

2.5 Test execution Most of the condensation tests were performed with the maximum attainable capacity of the steam generator of 1 t/h. That steam flow rate corresponds to a mass flow density of 614 kg/m 2 s rela-tive to the NW 24 blowdown pipe. The steam flow rate was measured with a standard nozzle having a diameter of 20 mm in the NW 50 supply line.

To prepare the tests, the steam generator was run up to full power and the steam was conducted through the membrane valve (constructed as a three-way valve) into. an exhaust steam line.

The test was initiated by reversing the membrane valv . The water temperature in the test tank at the beginning of the test was generally ca. 20'C. The steam injection heated the water.

The test ended when water temperatures above 90'C were reached.

For an initial water height of 800 mm, the test duration was 7-8 minutes at maximum mass flow density.

ln tests with low mass flow densities for higher water level at

,the beginning, there were correspondingly longer test durations.

The measurement nozzle was then adapted to the particular steam flow rate.



3. General characterization of the cruenchers investi ated A common feature of all investigated quenchers in comparison to the pipe open at the bottom was the subdivision of the primary steam flow into two or more steam subflows in order to produce a greatest possible surface area for condensation and limit the maximum steam volumes at high water temperatures.

Since the main problem in condensation is to conduct sufficient quantities of cold water to the steam throughout the entire tem-perature range under consideration, the quenchers can be roughly divided into two groups, according to the type of water supply:

quenchers with circulating pipe and quenchers without circulating pipe.

In quenchers with circulating pipe, the condensation is to take place inside the circulating pipe and the water is supplied through the circulating pipe in the direction of the outflowing steam.

The water is pumped by momentum transfer from the injected steam.

In the quenchers without circulating pipe, the condensation takes place outside the blowdown geometry and the water inflow is adjusted freely in accordance with the injector action of the steam jet.

Since its length also depends on the water temperature, the out-side dimension of a circulating or mixing pipe must be designed 3-18

t for the maximum occurring water temperature in order to guarantee condensation inside the mixing pipe. For quenchers with free inflow, optimization involves a choice of the correct hole spacing as a function of the mass flow density and length of the hole rows.



4. Investi ated blowdown eometries and tests erformed 2

In accordance with the available steam capacity. of 1 t/h at 8 kg/cm (gauge), an NW 24 steam pipe (outside diameter 32 mm) was used for all tests. That resulted in a maximum mass flow density of 614 kg/m s. In a few cases, additional tests were performed with low mass flow density.

An important parameter for the behavior of a blowdown geometry during condensation is the mass flow density at the outlet cross-section, which at constant mass flow rate is characterized only by the surface area ratio of the inflow surface area to the outflow surface area F outt. This ratio is called the opening ratio in the following and is used to characterize the quenchers.

This ratio was not equal to 1 for only 2 of the geometries: 1:0.8 for the stepped pipe with circulating jacket and 1:1.7 for the stepped hammer.

In particular, the following geometries were investigated:

These tests were used to try out the test stand and instru-mentation and also for comparison with earlier aquarium tests.

Quenchers with circulatin ice:

b) Forked nozzle with 'acket: (Figure 7)

The same model was used as was used in earlier tests in the small test stand (aquarium) .


ie t

c) Ste 'ed with circulatin 'acket: (Figure 8)

Zn this model, the positive properties of a stepped pipe (see Report AEG-E3-2037) were combined with the desired water supply of a circulating jacket.

d) Sin le slot with 'acket 1: (Figure 9)

To investigate the aspiration of water in the jacket pipe for quenchers with vertical slots, a single slot was tested here.

The lateral water inflow was impeded by partition plates in order to simulate the arrangement of slots in rows in the large-scale version.

e) Sin le slot with 'acket 2: (Figure 10)

This version represents a further development of the model described above. Since the steam flowing out of the slot impedes the water inflow laterally around the slot, the steam outlet was shifted radially outward by means of baffle plates in order to guarantee the water inflow to the long sides of the slot.

Quenchers without circulatin ive:

f) Disk nozzle: (Figure 11)

Division of the steam flow over a horizontal annular gap 40 mm in diameter and 3.5 mm high.

g) Ste ed hammer: (Figure 12)

The principle of '-he stepped pipe blowing out vertically is 3-21

I modified here into two stepped pipes blowing out at small angles relative to the horizontal. The adverse properties of the stepped pipe (high pressures at, the bottom when there are high mass flow densities) are to be avoided by directing the steam jet away from the bottom.

h) Perforated iae 1: (Figure 13)

After it had been shown in earlier tests that perforated pipes with large opening ratios have unfavorable properties due to nonuniform outflow of steam through the hole area, the perforated pipe was constructed with an opening ratio of 1:1. The data obtained with that quencher was used primarily for comparison with other quenchers and to prepare for the later optimization of hole configurations.

i) Perforated ie 2: (Figure 14)

This version represents a miniaturization of the perforated pipe tested in the GEM test stand. Tests with this geometry served primarily to observe the steam-water flow at the pipe surface.

j) Perforated cross i e: (Figure 15)

To examine the influence of thin test tanks, tests were per-formed with this geometry in a narrowed water space and in a normal water space.

k) Perforated ie 3: (Figure 16)

To investigate the optimal distribution of holes on the surface 3-22

of the perforated pipe under reactor-like conditions, a short piece of pipe with a diameter of 350 mm was inserted and was provided with a replaceable perforated plate. Flow conditions corresponding to the large-scale version are produced by the large dimensions of the carrier geometry.

Table 2 contains a compilation of all 'investigated hole config-urations. With the exception of plate no. 6, they are all scpxare hole-array configurations (see Figure 17), as can be seen from the horizontal (a) and vertical (b) spacings between hole centers. In contrast, water lanes were formed between the hole rows in configuration 6 by reducing the vertical spacings.

The figures indicated in the last column indicate the distri-bution density n of the hole array.

This was defined as the ratio of the sum of all hole areas to the total area of the hole array:

n =Zz P~




d" cc9 Table 2 Com ilation of investi ated hole confi urations

.. Number-Plate 'no.

Platten Nr. d pm'och-Hole dia.

Loch g of holes zahl Z 1 31 5 7 7 49 Oi 196 2 3/5 10,5 10,5 0,087 3 3'l5 14 0,049 6 12 12 16 0,196 5 6 18 18 16 0,087 6 6 22 16 0,108 3-23

5. Results In the following we first illustrate the test results for the various blowdown geometries studied (5.1) . For the tested models of complete quenchers we are not concerned primarily with the absolute values of the measured pressure amplitudes (the transposition ratio to reactor conditions is too large for that),

but rather with a qualitative comparison in conjunction with direct observation of the condensation process.

In the optimization of hole configurations carried out subsequently (5.2) the water flow and the pressure waves emanating from the condensation were studied under conditions that. essentially correspond to the conditions in the GKM test stand and in the reactor. The results obtained there can be transposed to the conditions prevailing for reactor versions of perforated-pipe quenchers, taking into consideration the restrictions listed later.

The= actual condensation tests were accompanied -by studies of condensation in narrow test tanks (5.3) in order to estimate the influence of the special geometry of the GKM test stand on the test results.

In parallel with the tests, different types of pressure transducers were compared (5.4) . The significance of a, correct choice became clear, since pressure transducers with internal membrane are able to indicate several times the actual pressure values.


r C

5.1 Results for various auenchers Condensation tests were performed with a number of different model quenchers while recording the pressures at the tank bottom and also the total load on the tank. Because of the large transposition ratio from the model test stand to the reactor, the measured absolute values of.the pressure cannot be related to reactor conditions. However, since the model auenchers were tested under identical conditions, a qualitative comparison is permissible. The readings of the load cells and the measured bottom pressures are illustrated as a function of water temperature in'igures 18 and 19. A calm behavior up to temperatures of ca.

60'C is observed for all quenchers. Above that the pressure and load values begin to rise at different rates. If these values are related to the direct observations, then for the quenchers without=

circulating pipe we find a dependence of the pressure and load values on the method of distributing the steam in the surrounding water volume.

With perforated pipe 1, the lowest pressure amplitudes are obtained by dividing the steam flow over individual holes in the form of 4 vertical rows of holes displaced circumferentially by 90'.

It is conspicuous that from the readings of the load cells (Figure

18) the lowest load is found for the disk nozzle. This can be

'explained well by observing the flow pattern in the tank: The completely symmetrical expulsion of steam along the circumference 3-25

leads to a uniform circulation of water. Zn contrast, despite lower pressure amplitudes the flow pattern with perforated pipe 1 is more nonuniform, resulting in higher readings of the load cells.

Xf for comparison we consider the stepped hammer with its two laterally directed, larger blowdown nozzles with which the steam is divided only into two single flows, then we recognize clearly the positive influence of a greater subdivision. Expressed differently, it can be stated that a reduction of the characteristic dimensions (hole diameter, slot width) results in a reduction of the pressure amplitudes and tank loads. The fact that the trans-position of this principle to large-scale versions is subject to certain restrictions is discussed at length in Section 5.2.

For cpxenchers with a circulating jacket, the worsening of the condensation above 60'C must be explained differently. Up to that temperature there is a satisfactory condensation in the jacket pipe. There is a satisfactory aspiration and downflow of water.

A reduction of the water flow is observed at higher temperatures.

Due to the slower condensation, the outflowing steam occupies a larger and 'larger fraction of the volume in the downflow and impedes the further inflow of water. Xt can be clearly seen that at temperatures above 80-90'C the condensation takes place primarily outside the jacket.

Nith the forked nozzle and the stepped pipe with circulating jacket, 3-26

ll the flow direction was shifted in such a way that the steam also emerged upward from the jacket pipe. This phenomenon was able to be observed still more clearly in the optimization tests with single sl'ots.

The firstversion to be tested (Figure 9) exhibited a nearly com-plete halt of the water flow at higher temperatures in the cir-culating pipe, with the steam practically filling up the entire cross-section of the outlet. The second geometry with baffle plates on the steam slot (Figure 10) resulted in a distinct improvement. Water was sucked into the intake port continuously up to water temperatures of above 90'C. Of course, here also it was observed that the amount of water supplied was not sufficient for complete condensation inside the geometry itself.

Improvements would probably be possible here also by means of parameter studies. However, the tests performed up to now have already demonstrated that considerable time would still be neces-sary for further optimization of a quencher with circulating pipe.

A special problem, in such a development would be to keep within the maximum outside dimensions for quenchers corresponding to the large-scale version.

5.2 0 timization of hole confi urations As a supplement to the perforated pipe versions tested in the GKM test stand, special studies were performed in the model test stand 3-27

on. the water inflow to a variety of hole array configurations.

As already stated, a piece of pipe 350 mm in diameter was inserted in the test tank for that purpose and was provided on one side with a replaceable perforated. plate (perforated pipe 3; see Figures 6 and 17 for arrangement,) .

By varying the hole spacing and the size of the individual holes, the influence of the hole occupancy ratio holes jacket area occupied by holes was investigated. The effect of vertical lanes was analyzed with perforated plate 6. For that purpose, the horizontal spacing between the holes was increased.and the vertical s'pacing was reduced.

A special aim of the study of hole arrays was to examine the temperature distribution in the water along a lane, since the water required for condensation m the middle of a lane must flow in from the edge.

Accordingly, over and above the normal instrumentation, several thermocouple elements were'mounted closely together over the perforated plate in the space between two vertical rows of holes (see Figure 17). From the temperature distribution along the water lane it is then possible to infer uniquely the water inflow to the steam holes in the middle of the hole array.

The results of those tests are summarized in Figures 20, 21 and 22.


Por various perforated plates, Figures 20 and 21 contain a representation of the temperature difference Tmiddle ddl

'T edge the water lane as a function of the temperature of the inflowing water.

The perforated plates in Figure 20 are characterized by a hole diameter of 3.5 mm and a hole center spacing of 2, 3 and 4 times the hole diameter.

The results for plates with a hole diameter of 6 mm are illustrated in Figure 21. The two sauare arrays of holes are characterized by hole center spacings of 2 d and 3 d.

With the third perforated plate, a water lane was formed by bringing the holes closer together vertically to a hole center spacing of 1.5 times the hole diameter.

The different occupancy ratios resulting from the characteristic dimensions of the perforated plates can be seen in Table 2.

Prom the illustration. in Figure 20 we can clearly see the influence of the spacing between two rows of holes with a hole diameter of 3.5 mm on the unimpeded inflow of water. The greater the spacing between'he rows of holes, the smaller is the temperature dif-ference between middle and edge. In other words, enough cold water still reaches the central holes so that there also the condensation is ensured. However, an increase of the hole spacing from 3 d to 4 d does not result in the same improvement as does a 3-29

C change from 2 d to 3 d.

If we relate these results to the temperature differences plotted in Figure 21 for perforated plates with 6 mm holes, then'e see the influence of two independent parameters on the water flow between the rows of holes. First, as was expected from the begin-ning, the hole occupancy density n plays a role: The water inflow is improved if the spacing between adjacent holes is increased with otherwise identical conditions. If, however, we now compare the temperature difference between 'perforated plates with identical

-occupancy ratio and identical ratio of hole- spacing to hole dia-meter but, different hole diameter, then the influence of the absolute value of the spacin between two rows of holes becomes clear.

The same trend can be recognized from the pressure amplitudes illustrated in Figure 22. The corresponding pressure transducer (p 5) here was located directly in the direction of the outflowing steam jet. The influence of the wide water lanes of perforated plate 6 is clear at higher temperatures. In regard to this model it should be noted that the inflow of water from below was pre-vented by a web plate in order to simulate water lanes twice as long, so that the perforated plate 6 was more unfavorable in comparison to the other perforated plates.

If we consider that the difference between maximum and minimum pressure amplitudes is plotted because of the small values of the 3-30

absolute bottom pressures in Figure 22, then we can conclude from the test results that the condensation proceeds satisfactorily up to high temperatures for hole occupancy ratios up to n = 0.15.

A condition for that is a hole configuration that does not impede the water supply in the vertical direction, i.e., formation of water lanes. The necessary spacing between two rows of holes in the horizontal direction then depends on the length of the rows of holes and the maximum mass flow density in the individual holes.

5. 3 Influence of the test tank on the measurement values In comparison to the suppression chamber of the reactor, the test tank in the GKM test stand is characterized by very small transverse dimensions. It is obvious to conjecture that the impaired water inflow to the outlet geometry associated with the small diameter worsens the condensation and also leads to high pressures during vent clearing, but that was not the subject of these studies.

To investigate these conditions, a cross-shaped perforated pipe was inserted in the model test stand (Figure 15) and surrounded by a Plexiglas jacket (experimental arrangement in Figure 5) .

The jacket pipe was 300 mm in diameter. In that way, the ratio of steam flow rate to jacket pipe cross-sectional area was the same as the corresponding ratio in GKM (steam flow rate 100 t/h 1 t/h; diameter 3000 mm: 300 mm; areas 7.1 m:

2 . 0.071 2 m ) .


Zn performing the tests III it turned out that there was a uniform water circulation only in the lower temperature range up to about 45'C. At higher temperatures, the vertical water exchange was increasingly impeded. Above 80'C, the condensation'. became worse in the immediate vicinity of the quencher to such an extent that the water located above the quencher was thrown upward in a surge.

As a comparison test, we adjusted the same test conditions but removed the Plexiglas jacket. With the then unimpeded water inflow, the condensation proceeded calmly and uniformly up to water temperatures of about 90'C.

As a result of these tests, the difference between the maximum and minimum bottom pressure is plotted in Figure 23 as a function of the water temperature.

We see that the bottom pressures in the narrowed water space are generally higher. Furthermore, the variation of the pressure as a function of water temperature is less smooth.

5.4 Results of the comparison studies with different ressure transducers Uniform pressure oscillations in the. range of 200-600 Hz with pronounced resonance phenomena provided a motivation for studying the behavior of different types of pressure transducers. lt was obvious to. suspect that the higher pressure amplitudes occurring in that frequency range were caused by resonance phenomena in the pressure transducers having a certain type of construction.


To clarify the origin of the resonance phenomena, three different types of transducers were used:

1. Membrane transducer with internal membrane, Dynisco model PT 310-50 psig (subsequently called DA type 1).
2. Membrane transducer with external membrane, Statham model PA 850-50 psia (subsequently called DA type 2) .
3. Piezoelectric transducer, Kistler model 412.

Using these pressure transducers, the following investigations were performed in condensation tests with the perforated cross pipe:

Different types of transducers were installed in parallel.

The mechanical connection between the pressure transducers and the test stand was interrupted by mounting the transducers on a bar projecting from the roof of the building into the test stand.

- Pressure transducers were blocked off from the water space by means of a pipe which projected from the water surface.

The results of these investigations can be summarized qualitatively as follows:

An excitation of the DA by mechanical transfer of tank oscilla-tions does not occur.

DA type 1 blocked off from +he water space could not be excited when it was only filled with air. Zt could be excited when it 3-33

E was filled with water. Then the measured amplitudes were larger the higher the level of the water column above the membrane.

Comparison of DA type 1 and 2:

DA type 2 exhibited irregular oscillations with higher frequency than the other DA. While there were no essential differences in the pressure amplitudes at low temperatures, with stronger exci-tation the amplitudes of the regular oscillations of DA type 1 reached several times the amplitudes of DA type 2.

Comparison of piezoelectric transducer with DA type 1 and 2:

The piezoelectric transducer (with membrane open on top) exhibited nearly complete agreement with DA type 2 in its oscillation pattern and amplitudes.

With DA type 1 there were additional possibilities for error due to air inclusions. When the DA was inadequately vented, there were further increases of the pressure amplitudes in comparison to the phenomena described previously.

Table 3 contains a comparison of the pressures and frequencies measured in one comparison test. The frequency and maximum pressure amplitude for the three types of pressure transducers under study are. indicated in column 1 as a function of water temperature.

It is conspicuous that with DA type 1 there is only a slight variation of the frequency, and the pressure values are always greater than or equal to the values for the other two types.

.Copies of the Visicorder traces for the test evaluated in Table 3 3-34

are appended in Figures 23, 24 and 25. The substantial agreement between the pressure transducer of type 2 and the piezoelectric transducer is clearly evident despite the completely different measurement principles. For DA type l we can find no direct relation between the actual pressures and the indicated values.

It can only be ascertained qualitatively that the minimum amplitudes for DA type 1 between surges are on the same order of magnitude as the readings of the other pressure transducers.

From the results illustrated here we can draw the following con-clusions:

- Pressure transducers with internal measuring system can form an intrinsically oscillatory system.

Under suitable excitation, they exhibit pressure values that can amount to several times the pressure peaks that actually occur (see Figures 24-26).

If the use of such pressure transducers with internal membrane is unavoidable, then they can only be recommended for static pressures or low-frequency dynamic pressures.

- Only piezoelectric transducers or transducers with external membrane can be considered as pressure transducers for dynamic pressures of higher frequency such as occur during condensation.


TABLE 3 TAO ELI.E Comparison of different types of pressure transducers Vergleich verschiedener Druckaufnehmer-Typen


Temp DA Type DA Type 2 Piezo Remark C

Homer'mung Elz atU Ilz atii Ilz atii I Anfangs 30 + 0,05 30 + 0,05 30 + 0,05 stoA (/P o,o6 1. Uberlaii reung Qg 220 + 215 + 0,02 210 + 0,02 1500 + 0,01 900 + 0,01 2 Uberlagerung' 40 C 260 + 0,005 1000 +"- o,oo5 840 + 0 01 50 c 220 + 0,02 1000 + 0,01 900 + 0,03 Typ i: Schuebungen mit ~~16 Hz Qii 6o c 216 + 0,1 64o + 0,025 870 + 0,025 Typ 1: Schwebungen Typ 2 u.>>iibereinstimmende Maxima Q5 Piezo : und Hinima

~O oc 215 + 0,12 4oo + p,pl 990 + o,o45 Typ 1: deutl. Schwebungen Typ 2 u.~ iibereinstimmende Maxima QG Piezo: und Minima Go c + o,o8 170 0,025 180 + 0,02 Typ 1: deutliche Schwebungen Typ 2e hohere Frequenz iiberlagert Piezo: hohere Frequenz iiberlagert 1100 Ilz DA Typ 2 und Piezo zeigten unregelmaAiges Schwingungsverhalten, wobei beide Aufnehmer exakt ubereinstimmenden Verlauf zeigten.

DA Tyy 1 zeigt im gesamten Verlauf sinusformige Schwingungen und Schwebungen.

DA type 2 and piezo exhibited irregular oscillation behavior. Both transducers exhibited exactly the same behavior.

DA type l exhibited sinusoidal oscillations .and swells throughout the entire range.

V 11


1. kg/cm (gauge)
2. First superposition
3. Second superposition
4. Type 1: swells at ca. 16 Hz
5. Type 1, type 2 and piezo: swells, coincident maxima and minima
6. Type 1: distinct swells Type 2 and piezo: coincident maxima and minima
7. Type 1: distinct swells
8. Type 2: higher frequency superimposed
9. Piezo: higher frequency superimposed, 1100 Hz
10. Initial shock 3-37
6. Qualitative conclusions for the desi n of uenchers The following processes take place during the depressurization of a BWR with wet containment:

Due to opening of the relief valves, steam enters into the relief pipes, expels the water and air located in them and then the steam condenses in the water. The expelled, air executes oscillations in the water, leading to pressure loads on the tank walls.

In addition, formation of larger volumes of steam in the water can cause condensation hammering.

The steam outlet geometry (quencher) must therefore satisfy the following requirements:

l) Reduction of the initial shock due to distribution of the air over a larger surface area.

2) Condensation of the steam over a broad range of temperature and mass flow while avoiding condensation hammering.

For the initial shock it is a matter of not expelling the air in a single volume but rather dividing it into as many individual bubbles as possible, which then can oscillate out of phase with each other.

The central problem in the condensation of steam in water is to provide sufficient quantities of cold water to condense the steam immediately after it enters the water and to prevent the formation 3-38

of large volumes of steam which can then collapse suddenly and produce high pressure peaks.

As qualitative results of the condensation tests in the model tank we can list the following points that must be observed in t

the design of a quencher to satisfy these requirements:

Subdivision of a large steam flow into several steam / subflows.

The subdivision may not be too fine, because for a given total outlet area the range of a single steam jet depends on the characteristic dimensions of the single outlet area and water inflow problems can arise.

- Systematic arrangement of the individual steam outlet cross-sections so that there is a clear inflow of water to'he 'steam (for example, formation of rows of holes with water lanes when using perforated pipes) .

Zn no outlet opening should the mass flow density be smaller than the condensation rate of the steam, since otherwise water

'll enters into the quencher and the condensation takes place inside the blowdown geometry. Inside the quencher, the rate of con-densation goes rapidly toward zero as the ingressed water is heated up. As a result, the -water is expelled again. The steam flowing 'after it forms large'ubbles outside the quencher, which collapse suddenly when cold. water is admitted, and produce loads on the blowdown geometry and tank wall. Then water enters the quencher again and the process is repeated.


- Zn guenchers with circulating pipes, the water inflow to the steam must be ensured inside the circulating pipe. That can be accomplished by an arrangement like the one illustrated in Figure 10.

Steam jets that blow out opposite one another must have a large enough spaci'ng that there is no combining of steam into a larger volume near the boiling point.

This point is especially important for cross-shaped perforated pipes with horizontal blowdown direction.


7. Outlook and roblems remainin o en Basic information concerning the condensation behavior with model quenchers and parts of larger quenchers were obtained with the avaihble test stand. Extrapolation to the conditions existing in the reactor met with some difficulty due to the limited capa-city of the steam generator that was used.

To continue the work, the model'est stand is being connected to a high-pressure'team 'boiler. That will provide a capability for operating model quenchers with higher steam prepressures corre-sponding to reactor conditions. Zn addition, much larger parts of actual quenchers can then be used.

To optimize the configuration of hole arrays, further tests are planned with perforated-pipe quenchers in which the water flow between longer rows of holes will be studied. Of utmost importance her'e is the variation of the mass flow density in the individual holes. A possible increase relative to the values used as a basis heretofore would. permit a reduction of the required quencher dimensions.

The model test stand 'has proved very well suited for clarifying all the phenomena that occur during vent clearing and condensation, I

especially through its vd.sual observation capabilities. Zt was also possible to interpret processes for which no explanation was found initially by measurements in the GcN test stand. Further investigations will make the results found heretofore more certain and will .extend the theoretical analyses over a wider range of W

parameters. 3-41

..ucz ss/onz/ /froz/c// /f'o<<-<<j //fzsr. ';/I/s/o/on r

.'.<<'z'!'! zz'<<~',<X~<<' z: /M~l'X/WZM Support frame

--.----.-7-. ---..~ Tragrahmen /~v I



fa I~


~ Schnelbffnung ventil Test stand I Quick. opening Ivalve


. I


y slowdown pipe<

~Air line

/./~fZ:mls/zr~~~~ Ausblasel ei ung I ~

'z Dampferzeuger I.

Shut-off valve

~ z Steam z ~

generator Ab sperrventil ~, P

~ I Ai r tan)

~ ~ z ~ J ~ <<

1 e<<'Iz ~ H ~ ~ I <<P ~


~ ~ c ~ \ z ~ ~


Lufts eicher I

r wv Cg Air linez  ! Il (iu/<<<<-'z - z.z Quick opening Schneftoffnungsnntff ~

valve for air fur Luftversuche I

I tests I Pf, ')


<<Iree I: <<

<<Qp Quick opening Schnelloffnungsven til+

tests ~

I valve for f Or Da mpf v er such e Orz-steam I DazeIP/C'r -OII<<frr Steam generator Vers uchss tand i.Standard nozzle (P~i Ncrmdu5f'-steam line Test stand Dcr z>> 0 </tr lfzn IV&80 I

. p ) f II~,

M'~r) -, f-E pan sion bend

~-<<fv- <</<<. v .Sz e z I

'i I

ri:; ~ ~J ~


~ I rI

~ I


ti ~

I It

'-I.I II i ~

'I I

CI I ~ E I


~ I IE' Steel plate I'( Stahlplat te

,i} I IP

',I I I

i> I I

..( I I

.l Ir I) h ~

~ ' ~ P h Ir I j h P h tD C)



~ ~

l ~ ~



II I ~

~ $

I.r ~

Glass window ir Glasfenster f'.

'-I I

hh Section frame r'I Profilrahmen

~ I


I ~ r,l Ig < ~ Ii. j l:.>>

j r

P S trip for measurement transducers I' I Menaufnehmer - Leiste

l,j I

Model condensation I,

I P I l test stand I

Model( Kondensations-Versuchsstand s

jI I

I Bi ld 2 I Figure 2 3-43

. NIN15 NM(25 O~PR3 TR5 TR3 I NV/ 50 TR2 TR>


Dampferzeuger PoI Steam generat

- max =<OOOkg h Control Test stand air Yersuchsst and Steuerluft 3 QiCI, Eeedwater 3 kg/cm auge)

S IsQNQsser Speicher luft S+raqq. air Wat:er hVosser WBILK

~ r,.;m]g K13 l(2I /2 Circuit diagram for one-pipe tests r's T = temperature measurement points Nasserstandsmessung P = pressure measurement points iQ Nater level measurement K = load cells 8

~m~ fr%A' ltllCttf~

Model condensation test stand

'I s

s rs I

I's s

-I-I I s I

" I s s I s


j -.


i s

'"I "'


~ '


I s 's ~ ' 's j s s s

s I I s 1

I s

I I l s I I


) I I


/ I s ~

I ( j lh

/ I

~ ~



/ s s

s ~ ~

r I I ~


~ ~

s s s

) I s s



s s

st s 1


i I( '

s p//o- j s s I

.... Disk nozzle s

s jhow scale 1:1

~ s s

I 1 ~ '

s 4(sr. I I I ~ I I

.-'Water level

~ (

I before test gs I i  !

I ~ I ~

I 's i ) ~ I j I I s j I

~ ~


[ s ue--



I s s


' s I j ,I (I e s

I ' I j

Qss s

~ s


Sgr(( ~ s I


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I s

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s 'w' ~

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's I

s s


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~e3 S

~a i 27< ~.



S//o QVP.

s I I I

( I s j I s

~ ~ I

' I s j . ~ I

~ ~ I s s s s s s j I s s (

s s I s s I ~ I j l

I s

ln strument i e rung s p an de.-

I liode1ltanks beim Te t,:der

"; Tellerduse I

.i . i .

I I ' I ' I j

( I 1  !, i j

I j j ~

s I s s instrumentation diagram, for the model tank when testing

.the disk nozzle Bi'.d 4 3=45


. Figure 4

Arrangement of instrumentation for testing the cross-shaped perforated-pipe quencher in a miniaturized water volume

~ ~

e e

I I e e

I I '

t I i i t i

~ f Pg)) 3))OO I i I i i I I I i i i I I~

~ I ~ ~

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l I I i

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,I I f I I i r

e I f I I I I e

i I

e e i i I I I I ~ I I

Instal la.tion:o f:th e

'e I


cross quencher I t

e; e Kf-C frr -'i t" gr e i e I

I ..Vf rzcr.c/~ C4'r. 6'D I

I e

~<i'~'ocA,'d o /i ~ 'c'. ) I I i

>I'~<I'olaz ~a c."~';

t t

i I


~ ~ .- e Testy e

64 and '.65 e

t .

'1 I I "Test'66:.'xthc'ut ~

.pipe .'.lexiglas

)tater level ei'SW I

) test

.. r.f f'<:r.r re ~



i rc lf

'I f

i ~



I"rg Crt 4

~ e I Q 47 PICa eg r I

/re rat t))I 4'3t Plexiglas pipe '

~C Rotated b 45' 4<5

- "with.respect 3 5ft (Sg f

e 0 thi:0-~sew 4o()(-.= = . se:c,e PSi'.

I 8 et 5 G I'Ce y'C Cf I Lq ~ ~ I

~ ~ ~

e err e lII:

f, 1;~-"


~ eft))

7', TQ1 Ie8 i7s, r

~ eC) eel/


~ ~

27g r ~ 2<2 7g R Pg~+ Itpe

~F Open memb'rane


hrA fy t,ransducer'f re nM jew))e ~ t Anordnung der lnstrumentierung beim Test der kreuz- E'i ~ 4 h

forms.pen'Lochduse in cinem vcrlcleine2. ten Ii'as s err num e I t 3-46 Fk.gure 5


~ ~


Sea ske

' " of: ho1'es

~ ~

S. /4<

/ '4>L:ac

~ P ~


~ i"

'b/3 Natei level'e'f ore tes

~/'//y c.~b I

3 gg





/e I / ./ ~

I~ ~

~ ~

~j=,i -~Q7, O

CC- 68 g~ ~K

~i~ii I/75

~ Z-~~ 2'rl I

27/. + 2'b Pjg 2 i+3 I


+rag Xnstrumentation diagram for testing the hole arrays. heim Test der Lochf elder Pigure 6 3-47 Bild G

e L pape Oarrptrohr 17 x17mm Circulating pipe Ue!aufrr v 50 x 50 ni,".>




I 20 x 60iwm I

Schr,itt A - A Section A-A 5&nilt B ~

9 Sect,ion B-B GcbBIditse mit I mantel Forked nozzle with jacket Figure 7 Bild 7 3-48

l 24 0 i ~

1S,7<I I

12,2~i Stepped pipe with circulating jacket Stufen.'ohr mit Um'.aufmanLG'1 Figure 8 3ild 8 3-49

SS 324

~Q a

oe 0)

Einzelspal t rnit Mantel Single slot with jacket l Figure 9 Bi ld 9 3-50

320 67 ~

60 Baffle plate


Leitblech r.w CO CQ Single slot with jacket 2 Einze!" p":!t mit Monte! 2 Figure 10 3-51 Bi Id 10

32 40 v Disk nozzle Tel )crdQse 3-52 Figure El i 1 c}

ll 11

32 0 oQ Stepped hammer Stuf enhammer Figure 12 3-53 Bild 1!

32 0 I

holes 28 Locher 3,5 mi~ ~+

Perforated pipe 1 Lochrohr I Figure 13 3-54 Bild 13

N c Pn 0

c O

CQ 0 L c

0 o c

pl M

0 C4 0-c 0

~ rl 0

0 c

0 c Ul

~ g


8 8~

M Ogn 0

a Figure 14 Bild 14 3-55

320 holes 2B 4 mme I 1 324 Perforated cross pipe Kreuz - Lot ta,"ohr Figure l5 Bitd )5 3-56 1


Ii it

8 8 A0

'QQ0 VIJ 0 CJ I, L

.Y VO I: A 4 Q 0.0rd 3 DC 0

4 Holder 48'l 4

Halter Pipe Rohr 32 ~ 4 Blowout direction

~cl blast< cata f,< 1 Lochfeld C)

IA C4 Ilole array Pipe Rohr 4 350 400 O Lochfeld llole array Perforated pipe 3 Lochrohr 3

T Temperature of inflowing water T Additional temperature

( measurement . points T J

~T Temperature of hole array in middle Perforated pipe 3, LOG'll Oi lr 3 Plates no. i,, 2, 3 Plat ten-Nr. 1, 2,3 Temperatur e of inflowing water a I I

Temperatur zustromendes V/asser Temperature in middle of hole array Temperatur t~itte Lochfeld Web plate for plate no. 6


Stegbiech bei Plat te Nr. 6 Lo::h;ohr 3; PIatten-t!r. 4, 5, 6 Perforated pipe 3, plates no. 4,5,6 Figure 17 3-58 Bitd l7

800 Cii3 Forked nozzle with jacket x Stepped pipe with jacket

+ Stepped hammer "00 Disk nozzle I Perforated pipe 1 Masse~stre.-,.~ichte-55t'-GCQ I:g/rr2s bezogen auf Zustromrc7l.

Mass f ow dens ty ca 50-600 g/m 2

s relati eto in low pip 500 400 300 200 100 I I I 20 30 40 eo 70 80 90 t ('cl Dynomische B~io+ung der Krcitw=-,'3dc san b i vt rschiedenen DQsen Dynamic loading of the load cells with different cpxenchers Figure 18 Bi id l0 3-59


+Ps Iatcg

[kg/cm" (gauge ] 0.45 Forked nozzle with j acket Stepped pipe, with jacket

+ Stepped hammer


0,4 Disk nozzle Perforated pipe 1 Ma~se;s'.omdi&tc-~~0-6"3 I:g/m s bmc.,.icuf ."Us tromirehr  !

0,35 i%a j s flow ensity re ative t inflow pape

a. 550- 00 kg/m 0.3 0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05 / ~Q 20 I

30 40 Pressure amplitudes at bottom with different C.

cpxenchers 50 . 6A 70


80 t

90 (ocI Dl'UC!'Q&pll U Jc iR Clice BO J i3 b i ve ~.I~lcd n:-n DQsen Figure 19 Bi id )9 3-60

l Temperature difference between inflowing water and middle of hole array

)foie diameter =.3.5 mm O

0 am 40 Boiling point 8 ce


'W ~~


<<I 30 Qv

~V Ic

&P-a = 6 =10,5 mm.

10 a=b = 14mm 0

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Temperatur zustrameades Nasser Tss ('C t Temperature of inflowing water Temperaturdiffcrenz zwischen zustrornendem Wasser und Mitte Lochfeld Loch 4 = 3,5 mm

0 ll'

Temperature difference between inflowing water and middle of hole array Hole diameter = 6 mm P

CO (g

0 40 Q Vl W

~ rl ~n Boiling point.

30 - ~n K<

g' 20

~O a=b= 12mm 10 a- 22mm b =9mm a=b =18mm 0

20 30 40

~ 50 Temperaturdifferenz 60 Temperatur 70 sustromendes 80 tNasser Temperature of inflowing water.

zwischen zustromendem 90 Tse I'C ]

Wasser und Mitte Lochfetd Loch g = 6mm


~ ~

Twi'ce the amplitude pmaz pmin

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-- Hole dia.

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Docl<et 8 ~oM7 Contra) g gFO'l60/60 Iclp g

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""GUSTO'o~I(v F l.e UIj IIIII-IILIL~ AUGUsT 1977 pe IN le, g) 8



(6"i7) 624-5500 ~v 0)


Kraftwerk Union Frankfurt (Main) 10 Ma 1973 Place Date Technical Report KWU/E 3 2594 File number E 3/E 1/GKK - Hff/mu KWU/E 3/E 1 Authors Hoffmann Department Dr. Melchior Countersignature /s/


Pages of text: 30 Condensation and vent clearing tests Figures: 31 in GKM with perforated pipes Circuit, diagrams:

Key words (max. 12) to identify Diagr./oscillogr.:

the report's content: Tables:

Large-scale tests, test set-up, Reference list:

tested perforated-pipe versions, test results: loads during vent clearing and condensation, tem-perature mixing Summary:

In the event of a reactor depressurization in a boiling-water reactor, steam for condensation is conducted directly into the water pool of the pressure suppression system. Pressure loads then occur in the sup-pression chamber due to the vent clearing immediately after the response of the relief valves and also due to the steady-state condensation.

These pressure loads are reduced distinctly by using quenchers at the ends of the relief pipes projecting into the water pool. Tests with different quencher geometries were performed in the KWU condensationre-test stand in GKM to develop and try out such quenchers. From the test sults it is shown that it is possible to reliably respect the specified bottom loads during vent clearing and also during cond'ensation by using an optimized perforated-pipe quencher system. f C" COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL

/s/ (Hoffman)

/s/ (Knapp)

/s/ (Meyer)

/s/ (Waldohfer)

/s/ (Werle) (Dr. Melchior) (Grabener)

Classifier Authors'ignature Examiner Class For information Distribution list:

(cover sheet only): lx KWU/GA 19 Erl lx /PSW 22 Ffm lx /E3/Library 2x /E3/El/LP Additional distribution accordin to attached list Transmission or duplication of this document, exploitation or communica-,

tion of its content not permitted unless expressly authorized. Infringers liable to pay damages. All rights to the award of patents or registra-tion of utility patents reserved.


NONLZMILITYCLAUSE This report is based on the current technical knowledge of KRAFTWERK UNION AG. However, KRAFTWERK UNION AG and all persons acting in its behalf make no guarantee. Zn particular, they are not liable for the correctness, accuracy and completeness of the data contained in this report noz for the observance of third-party rights.

This reservation does not apply insofar as the report is delivered in fulfillment of contractual. obligations, nor with respect to licensing authorities or the experts appointed by them.

KRAFTWERK UNION AG reserves all zights to the technical informa-tion contained, in this. report, particularly the right to apply for patents.

Further dissemination of this report and. of the knowledge con-tained therein requires the written approval of KRAFTWERK UNION AG.

Moreover, this report is communicated under the assumption that it will be handled confidentially.



E 3 - E 3/V E 3/V E 3/V 2 E 3/V' E 3/V 4 E 3/V 4/KWV E 3/V 4/KKB E 3/V 4/KKK E 3/V 4/KKP E 3/V 4/KKI E 3/V 4/GKT E 3/V 5 E 3/E E 3/EE E 3/E/IP E 3/E 1 E 3/E 1/GK E 3/E 1/GKT E 3/E 1/GKK E 3/E 1/EP 2 x E 3/E 2 E 3/E 2/SA 4 x E 3/E 3 X E 3/R E 3/R 1 2 x E 3/R 2 E 3/R 2/KL E 3/R 3 E 3/R 4 E 3/R 5 2 x Herrn Goldstern, Essen 4-3


TUV North Germany TUV Baden


, TUV Bavaria IRS, Cologne IRS-FB, Dr. Lummerzheim, Cologne BMFT, Mr. Seipel, Bonn RKS Members and subcommittee "Boiling Water Reactor" 22x Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Baden-Wurtembg., Stuttgart Ministry of Economics, Baden-Wurtemberg, Stuttgart Ministry for Labor, Social Affairs and Distribution, Kiel Ministry for Economics and Transportation, Kiel Bavarian State Ministry for Agricultural Development and Environ-mental Protection, Munich Austrian Study Company for Atomic Energy, Vienna Ministry for Health and Environmental Protection, Vienna HEW, Project Management, Nuclear Power Plants KKK KKP KKI GKT 4 4

TABLE OF CONTENTS Pacae Description of essential results 4-12

2. Introduction 4-13 3 ~ Test set-up and instrumentation 4-15 3.1 Steam supply 4-15 3.2 Test stand 4-16 3.3 Test instrumentation 4-3.7 3.4 Determination of flow rate 4-18 4 ~ PERFORATED PIPE configurations 4-19 4.1 Design and operation of the PERFORATED-PIPE 4-19 guenchers 4.2 Tested versions of the PERFORATED PIPE 4-20 4.2.1 Variation .of geometrical parameters 4-21 Test results and discussion 4-26 5.1 Compilation of the tests with different 4-26 PEPZORATED PIPE versions 5.2 Pressure oscillations during VENT CLEARING 4-26 5.2.1 Influence of the most important parameters 4-27 on the air oscillations Valve opening time 4-27 Submergence 4-28 Outlet geometry 4-32 Distance from bottom 4-33 5.2.2 Pressure profile in the test tank 4-33 5.2.3 Maximum pressures during vent clearing 4-34 5.2.4 Actual recording traces from VENT CLEARING '-35 5.3 Pressure peaks at the tank bottom during 4-35 CONDENSATION 5.3.1 Pressure peaks at low mass flow densities 4-36 5.3.2 Pressure peaks at high mass flow densities 4-36 5.3.3 Pressure peaks throughout the entire range 4-37 of mass flow rate 4-5

Pacae 5.3.4 Actual recording traces made during 4-39 CONDENSATlON

6. Temperature mixing 4-41 6.1 Low mass flow density 4-42 6.2 Medium mass flow density 4-42 6.3 High mass flow density 4-42
7. Conclusion 4-44
8. Appendix 8.1 Tables 8.2 Figures 8.3 Nomenclature 8.4 References 4-6

LIST OF TABLES Table l: Characteristic features of the perforated pipe configurations Table 2: Area ratios of the perforated pipe configurations Table 3: Designation of perforated pipe configurations Table 4: List of measurement points for perforated pipe configurations Table 5: Mass flow densities Table 6: List of GKM tests with perforated pipe configurations Table 7: Vent clearing tests in GENT with perforated pipe configurations 4-7


Illustration of tested perforated pipe versions Figure 2: Hole distribution on the quencher arms Perforated pipe version 1 Figure 2.1: Ditto Perforated pipe versions 2-4 Figure 2.2: Ditto Perforated pipe versions 5-7 Figure 3: GKM test stand Figure 4: Arrangement and instrumentation in the GKM test tank Figure 5: Illustration of quencher and relief pipe to determine the enclosed volume of air Figure 6: Dependence of negative and positive pressure, amplitudes at the tank bottom on the valve opening time:

Vent clearing tests with perforated pipe version 2 Figure 6.1: Ditto:

Vent clearing tests with perforated pipe version 3 Figure 6. 2: Ditto:

Vent clearing tests with perforated pipe version 4 Figure 6.3: Ditto:

Vent clearing tests with perforated pipe version 5 Figure 6.4: Ditto:

Vent clearing tests with perforated pipe version 6 Figure 6.5: Ditto:

Vent clearing tests with perforated pipe version 7 4-8

Figure 7: Dependence of maximum pressure amplitudes at the bottom on the valve opening time Vent clearing tests at 1 m submergence with perforated pipe version 2 Figure 7.1: Ditto:

Perforated, pipe version 3 Figure 7.2: Ditto:

Perforated pipe version 4 Figure 7.3 Ditto:

Perforated pipe version 5 Figure 7.4 Ditto:

Perforated pipe version 6 Figure 7. 5 Ditto:

Perforated pipe version 7 Figure 8: Dependence of negative and positive pressure amplitudes at the tank bottom on the valve opening time Vent clearing tests with perforated pipe versions 1-5 Parameter: submergence Figure 9: Dependence of maximum negative and positive pressure amplitudes at the tank bottom on the submergence Vent clearing tests with perforated pipe version 6 Parameter: valve opening time 4-9

Figure 10: Pressure peaks in the tank during vent clearing Figure 11: Dependence of maximum pressures during vent clearing in the relief pipe on the submergence Vent, clearing tests with perforated pipe version 5 Parameter: valve opening time Figure 11. 1 Ditto:

Vent clearing tests with perforated pipe version 6 Parameter: valve opening time Figure 12: Vent clearing tests with perforated pipe version 5 (actual trace), submergence: 1 m Figure 12.1: Vent clearing tests with perforated pipe version 5 (actual trace), submergence: 3 m Figure 12.2: Vent clearing tests with perforated pipe version 5 (actual trace), submergence: 5 m Figure 13: Maximum negative and positive pressure amplitudes at the tank bottom during condensation Low mass flow density Figure 14: Max. negative and positive pressure amplitudes at the tank bottom during condensation:

High mass flow density Figure 15: Max. negative and positive pressure amplitudes at the tank bottom during condensation:

Condensation tests with perforated pipe version 5 4-10

Figure 16: Condensation test. with 'perforated pipe version 5 (Actual traces)

Low mass flow density Figure 16.1: Condensation test with perforated pipe version 5 (Actual traces)

Medium mass flow density Figure 16.2: Condensation test with perforated pipe version 5 (Actual traces)

High mass flow density Figure 17: Temperature distribution in the tank during condensation:

Perforated pipe version 5; Low mass flow density l

Figure 17. 1: Temperature. distribution in the tank during condensation:

Perforated pipe version 5; Medium mass flow density Figure 17.2: Temperature distribution in the tank during condensation:

Perforated pipe version 5; High mass flow density Figure 18: Temperature distribution in the tank during condensation:

Perforated pipe version 7; Medium mass flow density Figure 18.1: Temperature distribution in the tank during condensation:

Perforated pipe version 7; High mass flow density 4-11

Descri tion of essen'tial results This report illustrates the test. results for various PERFORATED-PjPE QUENCHERS.

Typical numerical values determined for reactor-specific sub-mergences were:

Valve opening time Pressure amplitudes at the bottom of the'est tank positive negative

<300 0.95 kg/cm 2 0.6 kg/cm 2 500 ... 600 ms 0.7 kg/cm 2 0.5 kg/cm 2

>600 ms 0.6 kg/cm 2 0.4 kg/cm 2 b) Condensation Here the measured pressure peak values throughout the entire range of utilization of the quencher system are limited with respect to steam flow rate and water tempera-2 ture to a range of approximately +0.5 and -0.3 kg/cm Based on these results, the perforated-pipe quencher was selected as a simple blow-out geometry whose quality is suffi-cient to satisfy the requirements imposed on the pressure relief system of a KNU BWR.


I 4

C t

Introduction When blowing down steam through the safety/relief valve it is necessary to distinguish between the initial load decaying in a few oscillations during the clearing of the relief pipe just after the opening of the valve and the load that occurs in the steady-state process during the condensation phase.

To reduce the pressure loads that occur then, a blow-out geometry was developed.

As indicated previously in [5], that blow-out geometry has to satisfy the following requirements:

Clearing of the pipe and quencher with a small initial shock Control of a large steam flow rate through each pipe and quencher Assurance of a large range of flow rate Assurance of a calm condensation throughout the entire range of flow rate and. temperature in the suppression chamber.

The quencher system was developed in several stages. First, several designs were tried out at laboratory scale in a model tes't stand to examine their applicability. Based on the results obtained in the model test stand [6], experimental quenchers were prepared at a linear scale of approximately 1".'2.5 (with respect to 1/4 of the reactor flow rate) for 4-13

tests in the large-scale test stand in GIGA.

Xn the following Sections, the PERFORATED-PIPE QUENCHERS tested in GKM are described and the test results are illus-trated.


Test 'set-u and instrumentation The test set-up and instrumentation described in this Section includes all GKM tests that were performed in the period from 6 February 1973 to 18 April 1973 with perforated-pipe versions 1-7.

Steam su 1 The set-up of the test stand is shown in Figures 3 and 4 (see

[3]). The test stand is connected to the steam grid of GKM via an NW 200 pipe line. Superheated steam at 20 kg/cm (gauge) and approximately 280 C can be taken from that grid.

An NW 200 repair gate-valve, which is mounted directly on the steam header, represents the beginning of the experimental section and simultaneously 'forms the boundary between the test stand and the GKM. The connection flange between the repair gate valve and the following pipe line simultaneously holds a so-called blanking disk for flow limitation in tests with flow rates smaller than the maximum. Pressurized water (ca. 130 kg/cm (gauge), 125') is added to the superheated steam via a set of nozzles adjusted to the particular super-heated steam flow rate after a path of approximately 3 m along the line against the direction of flow, in order to obtain saturated steam conditions for the tests as in the


nuclear power plant.

Since'he temperature of the superheated steam fluctuates, 4-15

'I the residual superheating of the steam supplied to .the test stand is different in the individual tests. A flow measuring orifice is installed approximately 8 m downstream. About ll m after the measuring orifice there is an actual KKB safety/

relief valve.

The last pipe bend before the relief valve was constructed as a so-called water pocket through which drainage is accomplished from the pipe and relief valve during the heating process.

The pilot valve of the relief valve can be impinged upon op-tionally via two signal lines, one at 20 kg/cm (gauge) (NN 25) 2 2 and the other at 100 kg/cm (gauge) (NW 15) . The 100 kg/cm (gauge) signal line, including a pre-throttle and bypass throttle, is used to 'obtain shorter valve-opening times.

3.2 -

Test stand The test stand itself comprises the relief valve, the relief pipe including all pipe connections and supports, and the test tank. Here also we refer to Figures 3 and 4.

The relief valve is mounted 1.98 m above the tank penetration flange (20.68 m above the lower edge of the tank) on the roof of the boiler house and is also actuated from the "control panel" set up at the same point. Directly below the relief valve there was installed a reducer into which the pipe con-nections for steam impingement, air admixture, venting and water admixture open out. and, in which a snifter valve is mounted (Figure 5).


The 14.655-mm-long relief pipe has an inside diameter of 207 mm and begins with an intermediate flange on the dome of the test tank. The same flange also serves as a suspension for the relief pipe which, after its penetration through the flange, is braced 5 times against radial deflection at the tank wall. The perforated-pipe quencher is welded to the lower end of the relief pipe and is also held in place in the region between the perforated arms and the perforated neck (Figures 4 and 5}.

The test tank is approved for operating conditions of 25 kg/cm 2 3

(gauge) and 210' and has a capacity of 120, m . The inside dimensions are a diameter of 2940,mm and a height of 18,450 mm 9.v Cpa with a wall thickness of 30 mm.

f, l'5 3.3 Test 'instrumentation .

The standard instrumentation, particularly for determination of flow rate, for recording the steam condition before and after the relief valve, for recording the control pressures, is illustrated in Figure 3. The pressure measurement points also indicated there at the bottom of the tank (P5 ... P8) and at the tank wall (P9) and also the temperature measurement points T5 ... Ts and Tl ... T , respectively, were present in all outlet geometries tested previously in GKN and can therefore be used for comparison purposes.


The instrumentation specially adapted to the perforated-pipe configuration can be seen in Figure 4 and is also listed in Table 4. In addition to the type of measurement, point (tem-perature, pressure, strain, etc.), the measurement position and special modifications or extensions of the measurement technique are also entered there.

3.4 Determination of flow rate For the condensation tests, the flow rate was determined by a flow balance calculation from the measurements of liquid level in the GEM tank.

Since an exact determination of the liquid-level variations determined for those tests by the orifice measurements in accordance with the VDI [Association of German Engineers]

flow measurement rules.

The mass flow densities calculated from the flow rates al-ways relate to the cross-sectional area of the relief pipe, unless otherwise indicated.

The mass flow densities relative to the relief pipe and the total cross-sectional area of the holes for the perforated-pipe versions 1-7 are indicated in Table 5.



'PERFORATED PIPE confi urations Desi n'nd o eration of the PERFORATED-PXPE uenchers We have already reported [1] upon the basic processes involved in mixed condensation when the steam is introduced into the water, so that the perforated pipe will only be described briefly here.

According to Figure 1, this blow-out geometry consists of several pipe arms which are provided with many small bores.

The effect of a erforated collar and a erforated neck was also to be studied. They were described as follows in [2]:

The purpose of the erforated collar at a relatively small submergence is to limit the. pressure build-up in the pipe during vent clearing by releasing a partial opening for the emergence of air at, an early time in the vent clearing process.

The purpose of the steam flowing from the erforated neck unilaterally in the power plant is to exert on the water in the suppression chamber an impulse which produces a gradual circulatory motion in the annular chamber and thus brings about a good temperature mixing in the circumferential direction.

The deep submergence of the arms bearing the main cross-sectional area of the holes provides for good vertical tem-perature mixing.


4.2 Tested versions of the PERFORATED PIPE The perforated pipe versions used in GKM were compared in Figure l.

Besides the 3 main components of the individual perforated-pipe versions (perforated collar, perforated neck, perforated arms), the following important geometrical parameters are also indicated in Figure 1:

- Diameter of the bores on the perforated collar Diameter of the bores on the perforated neck

- Diameter of the bores on the perforated arm Masking of the perforated. arms - Underside Top Gusset

- Distance from bottom Figures 2-2.2 show the distribution of holes on the perforated arms and the arm areas having no holes:

Figure 2 for perforated pipe version 1 Figure 2.1 for perforated pipe versions 2-4 Figure 2.2 for perforated pipe versions 5-7.

An informative supplement to Figures 1-2.2 can be found in Table 1 in which the characteristic features of the individual versions of the perforated pipe are summarized in detail.

Table 2 extends the overall picture by comparing the surface area ratios:


i t


Total hole area Pape cross-sectional area Collar area Total hole area Neck area Total hole area The designations of the individual perforated-pipe versions are also listed in Table 3. They are identified by the general numbers which have also been used frequently in the documents put out previously.

4. 2. 1 Variation of eometrical arameters Using Figures 1-2.2 and Tables 1 and 2 as a basis, the geomet-rical changes from version to version for versions 2-7 are listed separately in the following and their purpose is described briefly:

PERFORATED PIPE version 1 initial data Surface area ratio: Xnlet/Outlet 1:1.8 Perforated collar: 6 mm dia. holes, surface area fraction 6.72%

Perforated neck: 6 mm dia. holes, surface area fraction 7.84%

Perforated arms: 6 mm dia. holes, surface area fraction 85.44$

Arm masking: Underside 55'40 Distance from bottom: mm 4-21

II PERFORATED PIPE Version 2 Changes relative to version 1 Surface area ratio: Inlet/Outlet 1:1.3 Perforated collar: Surface area fraction 9.3%

Perforated neck: Surface area fraction 10.8%

Perforated arms: Surface area fraction 79.9%

Arm masking: Underside 155'025 Distance from bottom: mm The unsatisfactory behavior of version 1 in the condensation range, both at low and high mass flow densities, was to be improved by expanding the masking of the arm undersides from 55'o 155'nd increasing the bottom distance from 440 mm to 1025 mm. The smaller surface-area ratio resulted neces-sarily from the increased masking of the perforated arms.

PERFORATED PIPE version 3 Changes relative to version 2 Surface area ratio: Inlet/Outlet 1:1.45 Perforated collar: 9 mm dia. holes, surface area fraction 18.7%

Perforated neck: surface area fraction 9.7%

Perforated, arms: surface area fraction 71.6$

Both the vent clearing pressures and the pressures at the bot-tom were to be reduced by the larger cross-sectional area of the perforated collar and the associated greater partial release 4-22


of the enclosed air at the beginning of the clearing process.

PERFORATED PIPE version 4 Changes relative to version 3 Surface area ratio: Inlet/Outlet 1:1.18 Perforated collar: Masked Perforated neck: Surface area fraction li..95%

Perforated arms: Surface area fraction 88.05%

Since'he doubling of the cross-sectional area of the perforated collar in version 3 did not result in the sought reduction of the clearing and bottom pressures, the effect of a missing per-forated collar was to be investigated as a complement to that version.

PERFORATED PIPE version 5 Changes relative to version 4 Surface area ratio: Inlet/Outlet 1:1.79 Perforated collar: Masked Perforated neck: Surface area fraction 7.89%

Perforated arms: 10 mm dia. holes, surface area fraction 92.11-.

Arm masking: Top 70 This fifth version was designed with the following features:

a) Surface area ratio as in the version 1 4-23

Cross-sectional area of reli'ef i e 1 Total cross-sectional area of holes 1.8 b) Hole diameter < 12 mm c) Masking of the perforated collar as in version 4 d) Implementation of rows of holes and water lanes e) Quasi-symmetric outflow with small upward component by masking the arm undersides through 155', as in versions 2, 3 and 4, and masking. of the arm tops through 70')

Masking of the arm gussets The features described above can be summarized in terms of two main requirements: enlargement of the surface area ratio and improvement of the water supply. These two requirements determined the larger diameter of 10 mm for the arm bores.

Measures d) and e) are based on information that was obtained from tests on optimization of the hole array in the model test stand [6]. There was a hole spacing of 1.5 d in the hole row and a lane width of 5 d. The simultaneous masking of the arm gussets prevents impingement of the steam jets onto one another and thereby, also improves the water supply in that region.

PERFORATED PIPE version 6 Changes relative to version 5 4-24

.Surface area ratio: Inlet/Outlet 1:1.82 Perforated collar: 10 'mm dia. holes, surface area fraction 9.25%

Perforated neck: Masked Perforated arms: 90.75%

It was intended to study the influence of the perforated col-lar on the magnitude of the clearing pressure and the bottom pressures for different submergences as a function of valve opening time, especially for versions 5-7. As in version 2, the collar area fraction of the total hole area was to be approximately 9%.

PERFORATED PIPE version 7 Changes relative to version 6 Surface area ratio: Inlet/Outlet 1:1.65 Perforated collar: Masked Perforated neck: Masked Perforated arms: Surface area fraction-100%

This test series was meant. to provide information concerning the effect of the missing perforated collar on the pressure peaks in the relief pipe and at the bottom of the tank and concerning the effect of the missing perforated neck on the mixing of the water pool in comparison to versions 5 and 6.



5. Test re'suits and di'scussion 5.1 Com ilation'f the tests with different'ERFORATED PIPE versions All vent clearing and condensation tests with perforated pipe versions 1-7 (test numbers 114-231) are compiled in Table 6.

For each test number and test date we have indicated:

perforated pipe version relief pipe diameter distance from bottom

- mass flow density in relief pipe submergence (always relative to the uppermost row of the perforated collar) water level in test tank at beginning of test water temperature at beginning and end of test type of test (vent clearing test and/or condensation test, interrupted condensation test, preliminary test).

5.2 Pressure oscillations durin VENT CLEARING After opening the relief valve, steam flows into the relief pipe and compresses the air situated there. The water column in the 'pipe is expelled and the air is blown into the sup-pression chamber water at an overpressure. The air expands there so as to reach a pressure equalization with the sur-rounding water. There is overexpansion and renewed compression.

This process is described thoroughly in [3,4,5). The pressure loads that have to be borne by the bottom and walls are ended 4-26

as soon as the air has risen to the water surface and has emerged into the air space of the suppression chamber.

All vent clearing tests with perforated pipe versions 1-7 are listed in Table 7. Zn addition to the measured maximum posi-tive and negative pressure amplitudes, the last columns also

'I contain the measurement positions where the "pressure maxima" and "pressure minima" were measured. For each test the Table also'ontains. the submergence relative to the uppermost row of the perforated collar, the associated water level, the valve opening time and the steady-state mass flow density after the vent clearing process.-

5.2.1 Influence of the most im ortant arameters on the air oscillations The differences in the mass flow densities during vent clearing 2

from test to test (min. 750 kg/m 2 s and max. 1000 kg/m s) are of slight significance for the comparison of bottom pressures.

The valve'pening time is of .greater influence than the mass flow density'eached in the steady state.

This fact becomes clear in Figures 6-6.5 and 7-7.5 in which the maximum pressure amplitudes listed in Table 7 are plotted as a function of valve opening time.

5-.2.1.1 Valve o enin time For short valve-opening times less than about. 300 ms, i.e.,

less than the vent clearing time, the load is practically 4-27

1'j independent of the opening time. This property of the perfo-rated-pipe quencher prevents the possibility of an extreme load case due to a hypothetical~ jamming of a relief valve with subsequent short opening time. In contrast, there is a clear decrease of the load for longer, opening times.

5..1. ~b We note first that the indicated submergences always relate fictitiously to the uppermost row of holes on the perforated collar. When the perforated collar is masked, comparable absolute liquid levels we5re adjusted.

Since no unambiguous dependence 5

of the maximum bottom pres-sures on the submergence can be recognized from Figures 6-6.5, only the vent clearing tests with a submergence of 1 m were illustrated in Figures 7-7.5 and emphasis was placed on the submergence in Figure 8. In Figure 8 we considered only ver-sions 1-5 in order to retain some degree of clarity due to the multitude of measurement points. Nevertheless, only very rough trends with respect to the influence of the submergence can be found. A pronounced influence of the submergence on the magnitude of the pressure amplitudes can be seen from Figure 9 in which the maximum pressure amplitudes were plotted versus the submergence for version 6.

According to that, there is a maximum for a submergence of approximately 2 m. There is obviously a critical ratio between 4-28

the energy stored in the expelled air bubble ("spring") and the water mass lying above it. For a submergence of less than 2 m, this "spring/ma'ss model" leads to smaller amplitudes due to the too "small" mass. For submergences greater than 2 m, it leads to a damping due to the too "large" mass and therefore to a reduction of the maximum pressures at the bottom.

The combined pressure values for all submergences lie within a broad scatter band which is limited above by the 1 kg/cm 2 line up to an opening time of approximately 300 ms, but drops steadily and clearly after that. One exception is version 3 with a submergence of 3 m. An explanation for that is given in Section

En the following Table we first compare the results for the individual versions from Figures 6-6.5, I

i.e., the maximum pressure amplitudes as limiting values independently of the submergence.


i~maximum,pressure amplitudes at the tank bottom in the submergence range 0-5 m/

Max. Druc3auaplituden am Behalterboden im ETT-Bereich 0 ... 5 m Valve opening time . pressure amplitude Version Ventiloffnungszeit pOsitivE ne ga tivE 2

kg/cm kg/cm 2 l.,0 o,65 3 x,6 o,8 4

300 o,85 o,6 5 0~95 o,6 6 o,85 0,6 7 0~95 o,6 2 o,85 o,65 3 0~9 o,65 5oo ... 6oo 0,7 0>55 5 0,7 0,5 6 o,6 0,5 7 0~95 o,6 2 0~75 o,6 3 0~9 o,6

> 6oo ',6 o,4 5 o,6 0~5 6 o,4 0~3 7


I Zn contrast, for a submergence of 1 m we get the following result from Figures 7-7.5:

Maximum pressure amplitudes at the tank bottom for a submergence of 1 m

x. pressure amplitude Valve opening time Version V enti 1 f of nungs zei t positive. negative.

kg/cm kg/cm 2 0 95, o,65 3 o,85 o,6 4

< 300 o,85 0~55 5 oi95 o,6 6 o.6 0~5 7 0~95 0~55 2 0~5 0,4 3 o,6 0~5 4

5oo ... 6oo oi5 0~35 5 o,6 o,45 6 o,4 o,4 7 0,7 0~55 2 0 35 0~35 3

4 > 6oo 0,2. O,2 5 0~55 o,4 6

7 4-31

According to that, after 500 ms with a submergence of 1 m there are still only maximum pressure amplitudes of +0.7 and

-0.55 kg/cm 2 for versions 5 and 7 (without perforated collar) and +0.4 kg/cm for version 6 (with perforated collar).

These pressures are relative to the hydrostatic pressure in the tank. Outlet, eometr The influence of the different outlet geometries from version to version (see Figure 1) on the maximum pressure amplitudes at the bottom of the tank can be seen very well from the preceding Tables.

The higher values for version 3 with a submergence of 3 m and a valve opening time less than 300 ms can be explained as follows: Due to the high fraction of the total hole area in the perforated collar, a quantity of air that resulted in a critical primary bubble size was already released in advance.

After completion of the clearing process, this "primary bubble" probably oscillated in phase with the "secondary bubble" that was expelled from the perforated arms, so that elevated pres-sure amplitudes were produced. The effect described in Section might have entered simultaneously: for a submergence of 3 m th'ere is an optimal "spring/mass" ratio.

The most favorable values can be found for perforated pipe version 6 (Figure 6.4), but the differences relative to ver-sions 5 and 7 (Figures 6.3 and 6.5), especially with respect 4-32

to the negative pressure amplitudes, are not very great. 'i'stanc'efrom bot'tom The bottom distance was defined as in Figure 1. For version

'I 1 it was 440 mm. In all other versions it was 1025 mm. The magnitude of the influence on the reduction of the bottom pressures cannot be indicated, separately, since simultaneously with the increase of the bottom distance there was a consid-erable expansion of the masking of the arm undersides (from 55'o 155') . The latter measure might have been dominant.

5.2.2 Pressure rofile in the test tank To clarify the pressure distribution in. the tank during vent clearing, the envelopes of the measured positive and negative pressure maxima were plotted in Figure 10 as an example for a test with a submergence of 1 m and an extremely short, valve-opening time of 110 ms.

In this Figure it must be taken into consideration that the illustrated pressure measurement points are actually located in three mutually displaced planes relative to the tank's axis and are illustrated here in one plane for the sake of simplicity. Accordingly, the pressure in the entire tank beneath the quencher is nearly constant up to the height of the upper edge of the quencher.


,,T I



~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~

e e ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ 0 ~ 0

~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ll

~ ~


~ ~ J~

~ ~

o ~

~ ~

e ~

~ ~

~ ~

a ~

l l


To determine the volume of air enclosed as a function of the submergence for later computational checks of the vent clearing pressures, the quencher together with the relief pipe up to the relief valve is illustrated in Figure 5 together with the necessary dimensional data.

5.2.4 'A'ctu'al'ecordin traces from VENT CLEARING To be able to give some idea of the pr'essure variation during vent clearing, Figures 12-12.2 were compiled as an example.

They are copies of the actual traces from vent clearing tests with perforated pipe version 5. For technical reasons, reduced copies were prepared. The appropriately converted scale factor for the pressures is indicated on the Figures.

For almost identical mass flow density of approximately 980 kg/m s and identical valve opening time of 110 ms, the sub-mergence varied between 1 m (Figure 12), 3 m (Figure 12.1) and 5 m (Figure 12.2). In addition to the correlation between measured magnitude and measurement trace, the zero points are also recorded.

5.3 Pressure eaks at the tank bottom durin CONDENSATION The finely dispersed injection of steam and a water supply to 0he perforated-pipe quencher results in a calm and uniform condensation, making it possible to control the condensation process throughout a broad range of temperature and mass flow rate.


5.3.1 Pressure 'peaks at low mass flow 'de'nsiti'es The positive and negative pressure amplitudes during steady-state condensation for comparable tests with the different versions of the perforated pipe are plotted versus water temperature in Figure 13. Selected as a representative tem-perature was Tll (see Figure 4) at the tank wall 2 m above the tank bottom. As during vent clearing, here also the maximum measured pressure amplitudes were recorded independently by a special bottom pressure transducer. However, the bottom pressure transducer with external membrane was preferred (see Section 5.3.2).

The envelopes exhibit a first maximum at a water temperature of approximately 30-40', then a minimum at approximately 50-60' and a second maximum at approximately 80', and then fall off sharply again beyond that. However, the measured pressure peak values remain limited to a range of approximately

+0.3 kg/cm 2 , e.g., for version 6.

5.3.2 Pressure eaks at, hi h mass flow densities The pressure pulsations measured during steam condensation in 2

the mass flow density range > 700 kg/m s are illustrated in Figure 14. These measurements were made with membrane pres-sure transducers with external measuring membrane. These pressure transducers supply the values least affected, by measurement falsifications, since they are pivoted practically 4-36

without any liquid column and therefore form no intrinsically oscillatory system such as exists with pressure transducers having an internal measuring system I;6].

As a function of the water temperature, Figure 14 first shows the measurement results for the central bottom pressure transducer,p5 in four tests with different perforated pipe versions and then for the bottom pressure transducer p7j lying 500 mm off center for one test each with perforated pipe versions 5 and 7. Zn both cases, an envelope representation was selected.

The measured central pressure peak values are limited to the range of approximately +0.4 kg/cm, except in the immediate vicinity of the boiling point. Zn contrast, the off-center transducer p71 only displays values lying in the range between

+0.3 and -0.2 kg/cm 2 . However, the conditions are still more 2

favorable for version 7, with which a maximum of +0.1 kg/cm was measured by both pressure transducers throughout the entire temperature range.

5.3.3 Pressure eaks throu hout the entire ran e of mass flow rate Corresponding to the relief system's broad range of utiliza-tion with respect to steam flow rate and water temperature, a very broad measurement range was covered.

Figure 15 shows the positive and negative p 5 pressure ampli-tudes as a function of water temperature in 6 condensation 4-37

'I 1

tests with perforated pipe version 5 in the mass flow rate range from 16 kg/m 2 s up to 780 kg/m 2 s. This mass flow rate range can be subdivided basically into three partial ranges:

2 1st range m/F 75 kg/m s 2nd range m/F 75 ... 300 kg/m s 2

3rd range m/F 300 kg/m s (supercritical expansion into the outlet openings)

The amplitude envelopes display the following trends in the three partial ranges:

Range 1: Here the maximum of the pressure amplitudes occurs at hicih water temperatures.

In particular, we find a quasi-constant. variation of the pressures up to a water temperature of approxi-mately 60', a slow rise up to +0.2 kg/cm at approximately 90', then a drop to the initial

, values of < +0. 1 kg/cm 2 near the boiling point.

Range 2: Here there are two maxima at approximately 40-60' and at 80-90'.

2 The illustrated test with m/F < 100 kg/m s exhibited a first maximum of +0.45 kg/cm and -0.35 kg/cm at 2 2 about 40', followed by a minimum at about 60' and a second maximum of +0.3 kg/cm -at about 90',

and then a drop to +0.1 kg/cm 2.-at the boiling point.


The test with m/F = 200 kg/m s yielded a first maximum of +0.3 kg/cm at about 60', followed by a minimum at about 80' and a second maximum of

+0.4 and -0.3 kg/cm 2 at about 90', and then a drop to +0.2 kg/cm 2 at the boiling point.

Range 3: The maximum of the pressure amplitudes here was found at a low water temperature.

The envelope exhibits a steady drop from the initial

+0.3 and -0.2 kg/cm 2 to +0. 1 kg/cm 2 at about 60',

followed by a constant behavior of the positive and negative amplitudes up to the boiling point.

In the third range (m/F > 300 kg/m s), i.e., at high mass flow densities, the perforated'ipes (for example, version 5 in Figure 15) exhibit the best behavior over the entire tempera-ture range.

5.3.4 Actual recordin traces made durin CONDENSATION Figures 16-16.2 show the variation of the bottom pressures during the condensation phase with low (Figure 16), medium (Figure 16.1) and high mass flow density (Figure 16.2) for perforated pipe version 5. As for vent clearing (see Section 5.2.4), these are reduced copies made from the actual traces.

The scale factor for the pressures is indicated on the Figures.

It should also be noted that pressure transducer P 6 is polar-ized inversely in Figures 16 and 16.2.


Three tests were selected whose long-term evaluation was already shown in Figure 15. In Figures 16-16.2, the entire test duration was subdivided into three different ranges:

just after vent clearing (decaying initial oscillations) water temperature Tll between 40' and 80' water temperature Tll > 80 C.

In regard to the frequencies shown in the Figures and the amplitudes that can be read from them, it should be noted, as already mentioned previously, that only the pressure trans-ducers P and P 1 supply unfalsified values. Both cases involve pressure transducers having an external membrane.

The other pressure transducers (Pl, P6, P7 and P8) with in-ternal membrane form an intrinsically oscillatory system.

When suitably excited, they exhibit pressure values that can be a multiple of the pressure peaks that actually occur [6].

from 40 to 80', with res ect to the ressure transducers P5 and P71, are approximately 16 Hz (low mass flow density) and 160-180 Hz (medium and high mass flow density) . In the temperature range above 80', values of about 10 Hz were recorded at low mass flow density and 150-200 Hz at medium and high mass flow density. Additional frequency data are entered in Figure 15.


b I

Tem erature mixin The arrangement of the temperature measurement points and the measurement planes is shown in Figure 4. Figures 17-17.2 show the temperatures of the individual measurement points at low, medium and high mass flow density for hole version 5, while Figures 18 and 18.1 show the temperatures at medium and high mass flow density for hole version 7. In each case, the temperatures entered were the average temperatures obtained from five arbitrarily selected time intervals during the con-densation phase, which were taken from the measurement traces for the individual temperature measurement points with Tll as "control temperature" . The temperature measurement values taken from the traces at the same instants of time are con-nected by the same type of lines in Figures 17-18.2.

It can be assumed that deviations of the utilized thermocouple elements of +3' are within the measurement accuracy.

From these Figures it can be seen that there is a quite good temperature distribution in the vertical direction and that this quencher produces enough turbulence so that the supplied heat is also carried away circumferentially in the water.

h f

  • 1 )
  • d p ie version 7 (without perforated collar) can be seen from 17-18.1 (see Figure 4 for position of cut planes). In particu-lar, we see no change of the nonuniformity, so that the 4-41

61 supplemental bores on the perforated collar and perforated neck appear to have no effect with respect to the mixing based on these tests.

6.1 Low mass flow densit At low mass flow density, temperature stratifications of 1 p ie version 5. One exception is the bottom temperatures in the higher temperature range (=85'), which have a maximum dT of 20' (Figure 17) .

6.2 Medium mass flow densit Temperature stratifications of ca. 12 C are found here throughout the entire temperature range. An especially uniform curve is evident for erforated i e version 7 (Figures 17.1 and 18) .

6.3 Hi h mass flow densit As can be seen from Figure 17.2 for erforated i e version 5, maximum temperature differences of ca. 20' occur at high mass flow density both in the medium and high temperature ranges. It is especially conspicuous that the wall tempera-tures T52 and T53 which are at the height of the perforated neck, markedly lead the wall temperature T55.

In contrast, erforated i e version 7 exhibits a maximum hT of ca. 10' over the entire temperature range at high mass flow density (Figure 18.1).


I The. sometimes relatively large temperature differences might be caused by the occurrance of secondary flows due to the narrow tank in the vicinity of the quencher, by which heated water is transported back into the region of the heat source and is heated further there.


I Conclu'sion The pressure loads during vent clearing are reduced in an extremely clear way by means o f optimal perforated-pipe guenchers and the associated fine distribution of the steam flow when the steam is introduced into a water pool. Based on the test results described above, values of +1.0 and -0.6 kg/cm can be indicated as load limits for the entire range of possible opening times of the relief valves in the boiling water reactor. It also turns out that a suitable layout of the hole configuration makes possible a calm condensation throughout the entire temperature range of the water pool, practically up to the boiling point, and results in maximum pressure amplitudes. of +0.5 and -0.3 kg/cm 2 throughout the range of mass flow rate.


1 f

Characteristic features of the perforated pipe configurations ~


K V U C H A R h K T E R IS TIS C II E H E R K I) A L E 0 'E R L 0 C II R 0'll R - K 0 II f I G U R A T I0 H R N E 3/E 1/GKK

/ LOCIIROIIR - Version

?- nit Lochkragen, Bohrungen 6 l

S iiit Lochkragon,

, Bohrungen 9 ohno Lochkragen I l~~ ~

I ait Lochkragen, Bohrungen 10 nit Lochleiste, Bohrungen 6 ohne Lochleiste Lochschenkol, Bohrungen d 3'0 Lochschenkel, Bohrungen 10 Lochschenkol-4+eckung Untersoito 55 Lochschenkel-AbdlIckung I/ Untorsoite 155 schenkol-pdeckung

/Z. Oberseito 70

/3( Lochschonkol-Zvickel-R Q . Abdeckung

~ Jg I Bodonabstand MO na I

Q N ISl Bodonabstand 10?s nn IhrJ 0



1. Perforated pipe version
2. Nith perforated collar, "6 mm diameter bores
3. With perforated collar, 9 mm diameter bores
4. Without perforated collar
5. Nith perforated collar, 10 mm diameter bores
6. With perforated neck, 6 mm diameter bores
7. Without perforated neck
8. Perforated arms, 6 mm diameter bores
9. Perforated arms, 10 mm diameter bores
10. Masking of perforated arms, underside 55'l.

Masking of perforated arms, underside 155'2.

Masking of perforated arms, top 70'3.

Masking of perforated arms, gusset

14. Bottom distance 440 mm 15'. Bottom distance 1025 mm 4-46

Area ratios of the perforated pipe configurations Date: 6 April 197 KWU FLACHENVERHALTNZSSE Datum:

6.4.x973 E E 1 GKK der LOCHROHR-Konf i ationen LOCHROHR>> Gesamt e Lochflac Era enflache Leistenflache Version Rohrquerschnitt Gesamte Lochflach esamte Lochflach XSO 6,72 7,84 l30 9~3 1.45 18,7 9~7 xx8 0 ~~> 95

<79 7,89 182 9~25 0 x65



y KEY 1.


Perforated pipe version Total. hole area / pipe cross-sectional area Tah2

3. Collar area / total hole area Table 2
4. Neck area / total hole area 4-47


'I l

Designation of perforated pipe configuration Date: 2 April 1973 K V U ~

BEZET.CHNUNG Datum E 3/E 1/GKK der LOCHROHR - Koniigurationen 2. 4. 1973 DESIGNATION Perforated pipe Version 8 E Z E I C H N U N G Test No.

Perforated pipe LOCHROHR 114-122 Masked perforated pipe Ab ged e ckte s LOCHROHR 123-140 Masked perforated pipe with bored collar holes Abgedecktes LOCHROHR mit.

auf'gebohrten Kragenlochern 141-154 Masked perforated pipe with masked perforated collar Abgedecktes LOCHROHR mit abgedecktem Lochkragen 155-170 Masked perforated pipe with bored arm holes Abgedecktes LOCHROHR mit aufgebohrten Schenkellochern 171-192 Masked perforated pipe with masked perforated neck and bored collar holes 6 193-221 I

Masked perforated pipe with masked perforated neck and masked perforated collar 222>>231 Table 3 4-48

List of measurement points for-perforated pipe configurations. ~

'Date: Z2'p~l-%973 .

KVU LISTE DER HESSTELLEN PUR Loci!RO!IRXONPXGURATXONEN Datum Blatt 1 E SIE itGXX xB <.>973 Sheet 1 Temperature Pressure tiiscellaneou Measurement point Remarks Temperat ur Druck Souatijaa Meaort Bemerkung T(B) P(B)


I P(B) Bl dgQ Druck Versuchs-behalter T(1) P(1) Entl a stungsrohr 3

nach Ventil T(DE) P (DE) DGseaeintritt P (SA) SchezQce1 A P (SB) SchezQce1 B entf'a11'en ab P(SC) SchezQcel C Versuch 171 P (SD) ScherQce3. D T(A1) Schenhe1 A T(A2) SchoxQcel A T(A3) Schexdcel A T(5) P(5) Boden P(5) ab Versuch /0 141 mit au&enlie-gender Membran T(6) P(6) Boden ab Versuch 193 s.


T(7) P(7) Boden p (7) entf'a11t a)s Versuch 193 P(71) Boden ab Versuch 171 T(8) P(8) Boden ab Versuch 193 siehe p(5)

T(56) Boden T(57) P(57) Boden T(58) Boden P(9) Lanxe Tah4.1 Table 4.l




l. Orifice measurement
2. Pressure in test tank
3. Relief pipe
4. After valve
5. Quencher inlet
6. Arm AI'...
7. Bottom
8. Lance
9. Eliminated beginning with test 171
10. P (5) with external membrane beginning with test 141
11. Beginning with test, 193, see p(5)
12. p(7) eliminated beginning with test 193
13. Beginning with test 171
14. Beginning with test 193, see p(5) 4-50

List of measurement points for perforated pipe configurations Dat'e: l~pril lYT3 K VU Oattui Blat t LZSTE DER HESSTELLEH FUR LOCRROlllKOHFZGURATZOHEH E'/E 1/GXK Sheet 2 Temperature Pressure Miscellaneous Measurement point Remarks Temperatur Druc:k Soustigos Hebort Bawerkung T(10) Lanze QI T(14) Lanze T(12) Lanze T(13) Lanze T(52) P(52) Wand T(53) P.(SS) Wand T(55)

DMS (M'1) P3 Diiseaeiatritt Richtung Mannloch DMS(Q) 0 13$ versetzt zu Mi entfallen von uber Schezdcel A Vers ~ i~i - -- 17o DMS (M2) 5 Lochleiste EKch-tung Mannloch DMS (M7) ~ Behaelt erboden auSen rvischen p (7) und p (71) ab Vers. 171 neu DMS (MS ) 7 Behaelt erboden hinzu austen bei p(8)

Il eit (t) ~ 1 Hz-Frequenz BA 9 Beschleunigungs-aufnehmer am ab Vers. 141 neu

": hiaeMx "is - Vers.

Behalter 154 Hub de s Ent la-stungsventils Tab.4.2 Table 4.2




1. Lance
2. mal3.
3. Quencher inlet, direction of manhole '.

Shifted by 135'elative to H1 above arm A

5. Perforated neck, direct ion o f manhole
6. Tank bottom, outside between p (.7) and p (71)
7. Tank bottom, outside at p(8)
8. 1 Hz frequency Acceleration transducer at the tank
10. Lift of the relief valve ll. Time
12. Eliminated from test, 141-170
13. Added beginning with test 171
14. Added beginning with test 141 until 154 4-52



Sheet 1 XVU Datuzec 2 g 1/g t/GXK H A S S B N S T R 0 M D IC H T B N $ 973 Blat t 7 am- '/ m/F bezogen ~/F bezogen 9 Loch Versuchs>> auS Entlastungs auf Lo chquer- Ver 1 ohr>> neacaer rohr, stationar schnitt, statio sachs>>

'rt Bezaerkung version UbeMchla Rec ung Ub e~chla g xjar~<

kg/ra 2 s kg/Ie 2 s kg/ez s kg/n 2 s 15 17 8,3 9 115 50 30 30 116 83 So 46 45 117 182 200 10


1. W 118 1030 955 570 530 B 119 372 .4o5 2o5 225 120 1050 965 58o 54o B 121 105o 965 58o 54o B 122 io5o 985 58o 550 123 Vo'r ver s uch 124 10 30. 955 730 125 215 185 165 14o 126 388 465 295 36o 127 1030 945 79o 725 128 1o4o 975 795 75o B 129 io25 955 78o 730 B 13o io 1.5 1025 775 79o '

131 91 85 So5'o5'90 70 65 B 132 885 So5 675 62o 133 893 68o 62o geschatzt 134 893 68o '2o* Werte, da Qp ni cht angegeben B a Berechnuag der .Hassenstroezdichte Gber Blendo V a Berechaung d'or Hassenstromdichte aus Meagoabilanx a Pr eiblaserersuch X

UK a a Xondensa tionsversuch Unterbrochenor Kondansationsrersuch Tab.5.1 Table 5.1 P




4. Xg7g 2 m/F bezogen'uf'/F bezogen aui /o Entlastungsr+r Lochquerschn~tt Yer Loch rohr-Yersuchs-nummer stationar ~ stationar ~ suchs-art Oeaerkung versioa Uboi schla Ro c ung Uber~chlag Rehung kg/m 2 s kg/m 2 s kg/m s kg/m s 135 900, 805 o 690 '620 o B. geschatzte s

Verte, da 136 900 805 690 620 s B Dp nicht angegeben 900. o

'30 137 805 690 o B 138 8o5 ~

69. 620 o B

139 910 8o5 . 695 620 o B 14o 910 8o5 . '95 620 B 1060 985 725 675 1o6o 985 ~ 725 675 ' ogeschatzte Verte, da 1o6o 980 725 675 ~ Qp nicht angegeben 1o6o 98o 725 675 1o6o 98o 725 675 100 5 Hub n.1,815 s 146 '050 965 720 665 147 1050 965 720 665 148 1o6o 970 725 665 149 1o6o 945 725 65o 150 1060 945 65o 151 1060 950 720 152 86o 770 590 530 153 875 770 6oo 530 154 86o 86o 590 6oo F (VZ B o Borechnuag dor Hassenstromdichto aber Blonde

'g a Borechnuag dor Hasseastromdichte aus Hoagoabilanc o Freiblasevorsuch UK o Kondenm tionsversuch Unterbrochoaer Koadensationsversuch Tab.5.

Table 5.2



Sheet 3 KVU B y/E X/aXX MAS S EHSTROMD ZCHTEK'atuss s 11 ~ 4 ~ 197$ Blat t am- 6 9 m/F bezo n au /F bez en Ver>>

Loch Yes suchs>> Entlastungsroh chnit t auf'hquers rohr-version nurser stat@ nar ~0 st tio suohs>> Beaerkung UbeQPchla QberMhlag Rec aag kg/ss s kg/ca s kg/cc s

.155 1050 950 885 800 156 1040 880 800 157 1040 940 880 795 B 158 1030 940 875 795 159 405 370 315

'10 160 1060 955 890 161 1040 925 880 780 . F 162 1035 925 870 780 163 1035 925 870 785 164 850 780 715 660 165 99. 85 70 166 1035 945 870 800 B 167 1035 955 870 805 168 1060 975 890 825 F 169 1050 965 . 885 B

'170a 870 770 730 650 B F (ax) 170b 870 765 730 B F (UK) 170c 870 760 730 640 B F (ax) 171 15 16 9 172 50 30 25 173 90 75 ~

50 B r Berechnung der Hassenstrossdichte tiber Blends lC r Bereohaung der Hasseastroesdichte aus Hengeabilans F Freiblaseversuoh K

UK r Kondeneatioasversuch r Uaterbrochener Koadensationsversuch Tab 5.3 Table 5.3

"'[SEE 'PAGE'-60 FOR: KEY]

l ~ 't


Sheet 4 KKU / Datuel t y/t s/axx N A S S tN S T R 0 H D IC H T tH 11>> 4 ~ 197$ Blatt rn/F be en m/F be gen au 9 ~

Loch- Yorsuchs- auf'ntlastungsrohr Lo chqu'e'r s chni,t t B Yor>>

re hl'>> nuasIor stationar stationar suchs>>

art B ofsor)ning version Qv Qb or s chl a Ro cKKung Ube blat Roc kg/IR 2 s kg/Is s kg/Is s kg/n 2 s 174 200 115 110 V K 870 780 485 435 W,K 176 400 280 e 220 V K Versuchse>>

dauer nicht 177 1050 990 585 555 B F eindeutig 178 1050 990 585 B F 179 1060 1000 590 560 180 1050 990 . 585 555 B F 181 1050 970 545" B F 182 1060 1000 560 183 10$ Q 990 585 555 1050 995 585 560 .

1040 965 580 540 186 1040 985 580 550 187 1050 995 585 560 B 188

'85 1050 990 555 189 1050 995 585 560 B F 190 , 1050 990 585 555 B F 191 1050 955 585 535 192a 885 765 490 430 B F(UK 192b 885 755 490 420 B F(ax 192c 885 750 %90 420 B F(UK B e Borochnung dor Hassenstroaadfchto arbor Blonde V o Bereehuuas uer hasseustresusehte au h a>>eat>>luau Qlf F ~ Froiblasoversuch X

UK a o Kondenoa tionororsuch Untorbrochoner Kondonsationsvorsuch Tab.5A

.Table 5.4




Sheet 5 KWU Datura E 3/5 i/GKK HASSENSTROMDICHTEN 4 f973 B1 att GKH- < 6/F besogaa auf ca/F bexogon auf 9 Loch Yarsuchs-5'aal.astungyrohr Lochquorschaitt Yer-stationKr stationar suchs-rohr- aummer Baeerkuag version Q~

Oberschla Roc un@ Uberschlag Roc nung kg/Io s kg/m 2 s kg/sa s kg/m 2 s 193 1050 970 575 535 194 1050 960 575 530 B F 195 1050 930 575 196 1050 915 505 197 1050 930 F 198 1040 930 570 199 1050 935 515 B' 200 1050 930 510 201 1050 930 575 202 1050 930 575 510 203 .1050 910 575 500 204 1050 910 575 500 B p 205 1040 920 570 505 B F 206 1040 920 570 505 B F 207 1040 920 570 505 B e Berachauag der Hassonstrondichte aber Bleade W a der Hassenstromdichte aus Honganbilanx Err'erachnung F Froiblasoversuch K a Kondansationsversuch UK e Unterbrochenar Kondaasationsvarsuch Table 5.5



Sheet 6 KWU Batumi E >/g i/Gxx H A S S E H S T R 0 H D IC H T K N 3 '-73 Blatt am- Is/F'ozo gon auf 5 SI/P bexogon au." G Loch Vorsuchsr Yng.lnstungyrohr stationgr stationFIr Vo rohr- nusseor suchs BeIserkung version Q7 07 art Qberschla Rochnung Ubor schlag Rec ung 2

kg/IS d kg/IS d kg/sL 2 s kg/a s 208 1040 920 570 505 209 1050 930 575 510 210 1050 930 575 510 B 211 905 500 B 212 990 885 213 1010 900 550 F 214 1030 925 510 1030 925 510 B 216 1050 935 575 217 1040 940 570 520 218 1060 945 580 /'20 B 219 1050 935 575 220 90 85 50 50 221 65 B r Barachnung der Hassenstroaclichte aber Blends V r Berechnung dor HassonstroIsdichto aus Hengenbilanx ~//

r Fr aiblaseversuch F

r Kondenda tionsversuch r Unterbrochonor Kondendationsvorsuch 1'ah5G UK Table 5.6



Sheet 7 KWV Datum>

B ~/B S/CXX M A S S B N S T R 0 M D IC H T E N 7' '3 '.

m- sss/F be"open auf Bgtlastungyrotsr 5 m/F bozogon aui 6 Loch Versuchs Lochquorschnitt Ver-stationssr stationKr suchs Bemorkuag rohr- nusssmer

'versioa Uber O schla

. C3 O~

tJberschlag Rechnuag kg/m s kg/m 2 s kg/m"s 222 205 170 125 '05 223 380 340 230 205 224 820 755 495 . 460 225 ~040 930 630 226 X040 930 630 565 227 X040 930 630 570 228 %050 635 575 229 1050 635 B 230 '050 635 575 23 i 1050 945 635 575 B B a Borochnuag der Massonstromdichte Gber Blendo V e Borechnuag der Massenstromdichte aus Mengoabilaaa F Froiblasaver such K

UK e a Kondonsa tionsversuch Unterbrochenor Koadcasationsversuch Tab.5.7 Table 5.7



KEY FOR TABLES '5.'1-5.7

1. Mass flow densities
2. Date: 11 April 1973 2A. Date: 3 May 1973 2B. Date:*7 Nay 1973
3. Perforated pipe version
4. GKM test number
5. m/F relative to relief pipe, steady-state
6. m/F relative to hole cross-section, steady-state
7. Rough estimate
8. Calculation
9. Type of test.
10. Remarks ll. B = Calculation of mass flow density through orifice N = Calculation of mass flow density from flow rate balance F = Vent, clearing test K = Condensation test UK = Interrupted condensation test
12. Preliminary test
13. Estimated values, since hp not indicated
14. 100% lift after 1.815 seconds
15. Test duration not ceitain 4-60

Sheet 1 KVU I Bat~ 7.


~ 1973 Lochrohr>> GXH Durch Abs tend Hasson- Vassor Vassertoaperatur Yor>>

Version Yer Datua Lessor Lo chroh strool>> stand suchs-ruche>> Entl>>- dichte 11 rohr Boden su xu Beg a)s Ende art nusseer. bes.auf Beginn Entl>>

rohr /3 1973 2 kg/ls s oC oC 114 6.2. 207 0,44 4,25 32 96 K 115 6.2. 207 o,44 50 4,25 36 98 K 116 7 ~ 20 2o7 o,44 8o 99 K 117 7~2~ 2o7 o,44 4,25 10f K 118 '.2. 207 0,44 1 4)25 '" 23 120 F 119 8.2. 2o7 o,44 4o5 4,25 22 '97 K 120 2 207, o,44, 965 3 6,25 21 23 F 121 9 2~ 2o7 o,44 965 3 6,25 23 29 F f22 9~2~ 2o7 o,44 3 6 25 29 32 F 123, 14.2. 207 1,0 1 ',81 124 14.2. 207 1,0 955 4) 81 29 F 15>> 2 ~ 207 1,0 4,81.. 28 102 K 126 15 ~ 2~ 207 100 1 4,81 30 102 K 127 15 ~ 2 ~ 207 1,0 945 3 6,81 22 27 F 128 f5.2. 207 . 1 0 97.5 6,81 32 F 129 f5.2 ~ 207 1,.0 4,81 32 F 130 15 ~ 2 ~ 207 1)0 1025 o,5 4,31 94 F+K 20 2 207 110 4,81 24 '98 K 132 2f,2 ~ '07 1,0 So5 ~

3 6,81 133 21 2 207 1,0 So5 3,~ 6., 81 134 2l>>2 ~ 207 1,0 So5 1 4)81 26 F




Freiblaseversuch Kondensationsversuch Unterbrochoner Kondensationsversuch Vorversuch Qis. Table 6.1



Sheet 2

- 04 turn 2

KWU L1STE DE}t GKH VEUSUClig }!ZT By ll 3/E 1/GKK DOCUUllnKONFIGUB AT10K>>:}l 11 ~ CL ~ 1973 }~chrohr- GX}l- Durch- hbstand }lasso n- Vaasor- Vasaortomporatur Vor-V~r- messor Lochroln strom- stand 11 suchs-Vorsion suchs- Dat um En(l ~- Uodon dichta su ant xu Beg aca Endo nummc r rohr ba=.auf Entl Boginn rohr /O 1973 kg/m"s oC oC 135 21 2 207 1, 0 805 4,81 28 136 21 2 207 1, 0 805 4,81 31 137 21 2. 207 ',0 805 4,81 138 21 ~ 2 207 1, 0 805 4,81 25 139 21. 2 ~ 207 1,0 805 0,5 4, 31 28 14o 21.2. 207 1,0 805 0,5 4,31 31 141 28. 2. 207 1,0 985 3 6,81 20

28. 2. 207 1,0 98$ 3 6,81 23
28. 2. 207 1,0 980 3 6,81 26 144 28. 2. 207 1,0 980 6,81 28 145 28. 2. 207 1,0 980 3 6,81 146 28 ~ 2. 207 1, 0 965 26 147 148 28.2.

28.2. 207 207 . 1, 0 1,0 965 970 1', 4,81 81


1~30 2o7 i,o 945 8;81 18 F 150 103 ~ 207 1, 0 945 5 8,81 20 ie3 ~ 207 1,0 950 5 8,81 22 1~3~ 207 1,0 770 ~ 6,81 F (aZ) 153 1.3. 207 1,0 770 6,81 37 F (UZ) 1~ 3~ 207 150 860 . 3 6,81 45 87 F (ax) 155 8. 3. 207 1,0 950 8,81 F e Froiblasovorsuch K e Xondonsationsvorsuch UK a Untorbrochenor Kondonsationsvorsuoh TahG2 Table 6.2 [SEE PAGE 4-68 FOR'EY] 4-62

Sheet 3 KMU 3/H 1/GKK 0 LISTE DEII GKil VEIISUCHE NIT 2 Blatt E LOCH I\OUI IKON F lGUI<AT OHRV 7 11 Is ~ 1973 Lochrohr- GKH Aurcls- Abstnnd Hasson- Vaaser- Vassertemperatur Ver-Yersion Ver- Datum messer Lochrohs strom- stand suchs-suchs Entl.- Boden dichte xu xu Beg 11 am Ends art nummcr rohr bee auf Be gism Entl.-

                                                                           /C                /z         /3 1973                              kg/m 2 s                       oC.          oC 156        8.3.      207          1,0         945               8,81      27 157         8.3.      ao7          i,o         940               8,81      3o 158         8.3.      ao7          1,0         940               6,81      32 159         8.3.      ao7    .                 370         3     6 81      35          102       K 16o         8.3.      ao7          1 s 0       955.              6,81      22 161         8.3.      207          i,o         925         3     6 84      25 16a         8.3.      ao7          1,0         925         3     6,84     27                     F 163         8. 3. 207          1, 0.      925               6,84      3o 164         9 3       207          1,0        780          3    6 81       33           93 165         9.3.. 207          1,0            85            6,81      ai           loo       K 166       12 3        207          1,0        945               6,81       18 l67       12 ~ 3      207          1,0                          4,81      22 168       12 3 ~      207          is 0      '975               4,81      26" 169       12 3        207          1,0        965               4,81      3o 170a      13 3   ~    207          1,0        770               6,81                           .F (UK) 170b      13 3       ?07           1,0        765                                               F  (m) 170c      13 3.      207           1,0        760                         72                    F (UK) 171      26 ~  3:207               1,0           16             6,81      21            98      K 172      26 '    '07               iso                          6,81      21          '9 173      27.3.       207          1,0            75             6,81      23           l03      K 174      27.3.       ao7          1%   0      195               6,81      27            98      K F    e  Freiblaserersuch K    i Kondonsationsversuch                              /+

UK ~ Unterbrochenes Kondensationsvarsuch Verb.G.3 Table 6.3 [SEE PAGE 4-68 FOR KEY]


11. 4. 1gP3 Blat t IAlchrotn ~ GKH Durch Aba'tend Haesen- Vndser Wasdortemperatur Yc.-

Vel sion Vel Datum taed 5 Locln'ohl dtroel stand 5 llC 5 sllchs 1 ~- Boden dichte 11 art 01nt, cu xu Beg nuaaaor rohr box auf Be+inn am Ende Entlo-rohr ~ /5 iy 1973 2 kE/m 5 oC oC 28.3. 207 1,0 780 6,81 29 100 F,K 176 28 3 207 1,0 280 6,8f 22 177 28.3. 207 1,0 990 8,81 26 F 178 28.3. 207 . 1,0 990 8,81 30 F 179 28.3. 207 i,o 1000 8,81 180 28.3. 207 1,0 990 6,81 22 181 28. 3. 207 1, 0 970 6,81 26 182 29 3 207 1, 0 1000 6,81 183 29 3 207 1,0 990 6,81 24 29 ' '07 1,0 995 6,81 27 29 ' '07 1,0 965 6,81 30 186 29.3 207 1,0 985 4,81 34 187 29,.3 207 1,0 995 4,81 26 32 188 29+3 ~ 207 1,0 990 4,81 32 37 189 29 3 207 1 ~ 0 995 4,81 22 190 29 ' '07 1,0 990 4,81 26 29 3- 207 1,0 955 4,81 31 192a 30.3 ~ 207. 1,0 765 6,8f 21 45 (Uz) 192b 3o-3 ~ 207 1 o 755 6,81 45 70 192c 30.3. 207 1,0 750 6,81 7o 95 P e I'reibladoversuch K a Kondonsationsversuch UK e Unterbrochener Xondensationsversuch Tab 64 lSEE PAGE 4-68 FOR KEY] Table 6.4 4-64

Sheet 5 KVU I LISTE'ER - VEltSUCHE HIT 2 GKM Datum E 3/E 1/GKl'. Blatt LOCRROllRKONF ZGURATZONEH 1 1 o 4 o 1973 Lochrohr- GKH- Durch- Abstand Nnesen- Nasser Assertemperatur 'L'or Version Yer- Datum messor Lo c hro is> etrom stand suchs-suchs- Entl.- Boden dichte zu Be 11 AE t nummor rohr bex auf Belgian am Endo Entl i 1973 kg/m 2 s C oC 193 10.4. 207 1,0 970 7,04 16 194 10 '. 207 1,0 960 7,04 19 195 10.4. 207 1,0 930 3 7,04 21 196 10.4. 207 1,0 is 5 5,54 24 197 10 4. 207 1,0 930 1 'l 5 5,54 . 28 F 198 10.4. 207 1,0 930 115 199 10 '. 207 935 5,04 200 10 4. 207 1,0 930 5,04 201 10 4. 207 1,0 930 5,04 22 202 10. 4. 207 1,0 930 5,04 203 10. 4 207 1,0 910 5,04 29 204 10.4 ~ 207 1,0 910 1 5,04 205 10.4. 207 1,0 920 0,5 4,54 34 F 206 11.4. 207 1,0 920 5 9,04 16 207 11.4. 207 1,0 920 5 9,04 19 F e Freiblaseversuch K a Kondeasationsversuch UK a Unterbrochener Kondensationsversuch 7ah G.5 Table 6.5 [SEE PAGE 4-68 FOR KEY]


~ ~

Sheet '6 -. I 2 KMU LISTE DER GIN VERBUCUE HIT Datum Blat t E 3/E 1/GXK LOCUflONtKONFIGURATIONEÃ 11~ 0 297'3 Lochrohr GKH Durch Abstand Hades'- %asser 'le'assertemperatur Ver-Version Ver>> Datum messer Lochroh ETT stand 11 suchs>> suchs Entl ~- Boden dichte zu zu Beg am Ende art number rohr bez.auf Beginn Entl. rohr /3 2 oC oC 1973 kg/m d 208 207 1,0 920 9,04 16 209 207 1,0 930 0,5 4,54 22 210 11.4. 207 1,0 930 0~5 4,54 27 211 11.4. 207 1,0 905 0~5 4,54 30 F. 212 11.4. 207 1,0 885 0~5 4,54 33 213 11. 4. 207 1,0 900 0~5 4,54 36 214 11.4. 207 1,0 925 0 4,04 215 11.4. 207 1,0 925 4,04 21 216 207 1,0 935 0 4,04 24 217 11.4. 207 1,0 940 0 4,04 28 218 11.4. 207 1,0 0 4,04 32 219 11.4. 207 1,0 935 4,04 220 12.4. 207 1,0 85 7,04 99 221 12.4. 207 1,0 65 7,04 26 101 F a Freiblaseversuch K a Kondensationsversuch UK a Unterbrochener Kondensationsversuch Tab G.E'able [SEE PAGE 4-68 FOR KEY] 6.6 4-66



Sheet 7 l: N U I L1STY DElt GK>l - VENDUCUE NIT Datum 3 1/8 l/GKK B1att E LOCllllDIDlKVNFZGUNA1 j ONEN 7 0 5 0 73 Lochroht Gl8- Durch Abstand klassen- Vasser- Wassortemperatur Ver-Version Vor- Datum messer Lochroh strom E T T stand Xi suchs-suchs- Ent1. Bodon dichto xu xu B~ g am Endo art nummer rohr bex.auf Boginn Entl. rohr p /3 2 oC 1973 LK/II s C 222 17 '. 207 1,0 170 7,o4 97 K 223 17.4. 207 1,0 34o 7;o4 100 K 224 17. 4. 207 110 755. 7,o4 99 F+ K 225 18.4. 207 1,0 930 7,o4 21 226 18 4. 207 1,0 930 7,o4 23 227 18.4. 207 1,0 930 3 7,o4 26 228 18. 4. 207 1,0 5,04 28 F ~ 229 18.4. 207 1,0 945 5,o4 y2 23o 18.4. 207 1,0 5,o4 34 4 231 18.4. 207 1,0 5,o4 38 42 F e Freiblasevorsuch K a Kondonsationsversuch UK a Unterbrochenor Kondonsationsversuch Tab.G.7 [SEE PAGE 4-68 FOR KEY] Table 6.7 4-67

KEY FOR'ABLES 6. 1-6.7

1. List of GKM tests with perforated pipe configurations
2. Date 11 April 1973
3. Date 7 May 1973
4. Perforated pipe version
5. GKM test number
6. Date
7. Diameter of relief pipe
8. Distance of perforated pipe from bottom
9. Mass flow density relative to relief pipe
10. Submergence
11. Water level at beginning
12. Water temperature Tll at beginning
13. Water temperature Tll at end
14. Type of test
15. F = Vent. clearing test K = Condensation test UK = Interrupted condensation test W = Preliminary test 4-68

Sheet 1 2 K W 'll I:kL'10LABL'VIIIBUCIII'.1II GVi~l IIIT Glott 7 I; 3/B 1/GEE I.(ICIlnnlll(I;OIVIGVnATI<i'll'.u 9. (), 1973 Loch- GQI Hasson- Vcntil- max Druckspitrcn am Bchal.torbodon /0 strom- orr- lfnssor-rohr- Ver- dichta nungs- BTT ~( /2 stand poiTtiv Y version suchs- bee.aur xait gemosscn Druck- Ilema a>>on Druc]< Numma Bntl.- rohr g boi lh amplitud boi amp litud IV kg/m s at lg at 120 965 107 3 6, 25 P6,pg 0,45 0(7 121 965 115 3 6,25 PS 0;85 P6(PS 0,8 122 985 135 3 6,25 PS 0155 P6 0~7 124 955 4,81 P5,p6,P7 0,85'6 0,65 PS 945 110 6,81 P57 0~95 . 5~P6sPS 0,65 128 680 6,81 p5 pS 0~7 P5~PS 0,6 129 955 590 4'81 P5'P7'PS 0,4 5~P6iP7~ 0,4 PS~P57 132 805 645 3 6,81 p5,p6,p7 5iP6(P7~ 0~7 0,6 PS PS 805 335 3 P5 1,0 P5ip6 0,65 134 805 4,81 P5 :oi 55 6'p7'PS 0'5 135 805 392 4,81 0~ 95 6 PS 0~55 136 805 390 4,81 p5,p6,p7 0,8 5~P6~P57 0)5 PS 137 805 683 P5ip6~P7 0i35 >,P6,P7, 0~ 35 PS PS P57 138 805 687 4,81 P5 0~35 0~35 139 805 665 0,5 4.31 P6~PS 0i 35 5~P6sP7i 0~25 PS 140 805. 324 0,5 4i3 P6sp7~PS 0,6 141 985 120 6,81 P6 1,6 P7~PS 0,8 142 985 425 3 6,81 P7 0~9 P5 ~PS 143 980 345 '6, 81 P6 0,8 PS 980 755 3 6g 81 p6gp7 0,8 5~P6~P7~ 0,8 PS~P57 146 965 110 0,85 0~5 I,SEE PAGE 4-75 FOR KEY] 4-69

Sheet 2 KVU Elle] lllASEVEllSUCllE I!) CKH BIT l)at)un E 3/E 1/GKK hoclnlolmKoKpl GUnhnraKK 9~ l> 1973 Diat t g Lorh- GKH- Hnddnn- Vontil- max. Uruckdpitxen am Qohaltorbodon dtrom Ufr- Vaddor-rohr- Ver>> vardion duchd-dichto nun@A bod.nuf Zait dtand po~tiv AA.. Entl r>> gomedddn Druck- Eemdddon Druck-Nummd rohr bai Ampli tu boi amplitud I S kg;/m>>d at at ~15 147 965 308 4,8 0,8 0,6 Ps f P57 148 970 570 4,8 p , p6 Of 55 P5fP6 0,45 120 8,81 p6 Of 9 P6 Of7 945 h 395 5 S,S1 ,, Of 75 P5fP6 0,7 151 95o 475 5 P5fP6fP7 0,7 P6 0,65 Ps 770 475 3 6,81 P7 1,0 P5 0,7 153 770 670 6,8 P6 Of 75 P6f P7 Of 55 154 860 .610 6,8 P7 Of 75 Of 55 950 110 S,S1 0,6 P5 Of 35 156 945 430 8,81 p5fp6fp7 0,4 P5fp6fPS 0,25 Ps 157 940 840 8,81 P6 Of5 P5fP6fPS 0,25 940 100 6 << P5fP6.P8 0,6 P7 0,45 160 955 390 . 3 6,81 p5 Of 55 P7f Ps of 35 161 925 620 6'84 P6 Of5 Of 3

                                                                                            . Ps 162     925        580  .               6 84 P5 P6 P7              0,4                PS        0,25 925        285         3        6,84 P5,P6,P7              0,6          P5f P6fP7        Of3 Ps                              PS 164     780        425         5        6,81          Ps           0,4                P7        Of 3 166     945        120                  6,81                       0,65         P6fP7fPS        0,3 167     955                            4,81                        0,6                P6        0,4 975        340                 4,81       P5fp6            0,85         P6.P7f Ps       of 55 169     965        765                 4f81       5fp7fpS          0,2          P6fP7 PS  ~     0,2

[SEE PAGE 4-75 FOR KEY] Tab.72 4-70 Table 7.2

turn Sheet 3 K W U Ql I:IIII1III,A: t'.L I:.IISIlclll'. ill GViH 5!1T Dn 2 li .1/I f/GKK I.DCIIIIOIIIINDNIr1GI:IIAT)DXIil 9. ~s. 1973 Diat 1 3 I wc'>>- Gul )Indaon- Vontil- max. Druckdpitnon am Dc>>alterbodon dtrom- orr- 4'ad sar rohr- Vor- dic>>to nungd- C)r3 /2 version suchs~ boc..aur colt stand po sThiv no tiv Entl.- gomedden Druck- gemedsen Druck-Numme rohr boi amplitu boi amplitudr I 2 kg/m d at at

                                                                                                                                /5',4 170a    770                                 6,81          p6,p8             0,45         P7~P8 170b    765        95                                         P8            0~55                           0~3 P7 1.70c   760      100                       7 67 P5            P6IP7         0,6        6~P7~P8             0>3 P8 175      780      110                       6,81               P8            0~55        5~P6~P7            0~3 177      990     110          5             8,8          p6,                0~5             p7 p8          0 178      990     470                        8,81              P6            Oi55                           0>55 179    1000      830                        8,81              P6            0,6                            Ol 55 P5 180     990      115                       6,81                             0,45                           0 35 P71                           P6 P7 181      970     395                        6,81                            0,45                           0~35 P71 182    1000      840-                       6,81          p6,p71            0,4                            0,35 P5ep8 183      990     710                        6,81              P8            0~55                           0~3 995      370                       6,81           p5,p8             0,65       5op6~P7~            0,4 P71 185      965      110                       6,81               P8            0~5        P5~P6              0,4 186      985      110                       4,8                              0,85            P6eP7s         0~5 P8 187      995     105                        4 81          p    'p6          0~ 95                          0,6 6~P8 188      990      330                       4,81                             0,65                           0 P5                       5 P8 P71 189      995      270                       4,81                             0,65       P6~P7              0~5 190      990      650                       4 81           p 'p6             Oi55       5~P6~P7e           0~35 P8~P71 191      955      620                                                        0~55                          0,4 P6                       5~P6~P7, P8 P71 192a     765      110                       6,81                             0,45 P8lp>>1                       5~P6~P7~           Os  35 P8 P71 192b     755        97                      6,81                             0~55                          0,4 P5 lP8                           P7 192c     750        97                      6,81           P   sP6           O~ 75    Par R;R Pa)ar

[SEE PAGE 4-75 FOR KEY] Tab.73 4-71 Table 7.3

Sheet 4' l4 V FltEI QI.ASI'VEltSVCIIE I it GKFI EIXT Datum Blatt 4 l'. g/E 1/GEE LOCIIttOIIIIEONF1 GVILH I ONES poach 9 t. 1973 Loch- GEitl ~tassen- Ventil- IJruckdpitzon am Bohaltoc boden dtrom- off- Vasser-rohr- Vor- dichte nungd- dt and CrV tiv Crz0 ne ativ version ~ uchs- bez.auf zoit gemesdon Druclc- gemddden Drue k-gu'ax,

           ~T        Bntl                                           boi /3       amplitu          bei /3      ampli tu
                  +r  rohr kg/m z d                                                       at                           a't  /5 193        970      130                  7,o4          P5            o,85        P5 P6 P8         o,4 P71, 960      36o        3         7,o4          P8            0~55                         0~35 P6 195         930      600                  7,o4                        o,45        P5~P6            0~35 196        915        98      115        5    54                     o,85                         o,6 197         930     280                             P5 ~P8           0~7         P5~P6ip 198        930      525       15         554        P5~P8            0~55        P6 P8            o,45
                                                                                                   'I 199        935      100                  5,o4          P5            o,6         P8 P71           o,45 200         930      110                  5,o4       P51P8            o,6                          0,5 201         930      285                  5,o4       P5sp'6~          0~5         P5~P6~Pp         0~55 P8 P71 202         930      310                  5,o4       P5 ~P8s                      P5~P6~P7         0~5 P71 203         910      580                  5,o4       P5~P71                                        o,4 2o4         910      600                  5,p4       P5 ~P6 ~Q        o,4         P5~P8~P7         0~5 P71 205          920     105      p,5         4,54       P5               o,45                         o,45 2o6         920      115                  9,04       P5~P8            0~ 55       P5,p6 p          o.45

[SEE PAGE 4-7~ FOR KEYl Tab.7-4 4-72 Table 7.4


                                                                                                       - Sheet          5 KVU                         FNCIDLASL'VH><"VCIIE IH GKM >)IT                            2 K 3/L) 1/GXK Blat t LOCllHOIINKONFIGUAATIONLN                     9. 4. c97g Lo c'h-       GQl    klnssen-  Ycntil-                       mnr. Druckspitxen    am   Bohci)torbodon       D strom- off-                 Mnssor-rohr>>         Ver-   d$ chte                                                                           Qz version      suchs-nun@e-be):.auf xalt stand              podTciv                         ne  ntiv Kntl.-                                 gemessen         Druck-        gemessen            Druck-Numm rohr                                    bei         amplitu            boi           ampl9   tu 5          g                                                      rW                                  r 2

kfi/m s at gg at g5 207 920 370 5 9,04 p8,p71 0,45 P5 0)5 208 920 550 9)04 P5)P6) 0,5 0)5 P71 P8 P71 209 930 1.10 0,5 p 0,4 P5)P6) 0,4 P8 P71 210 930 300 0)5 4,54 P5)P6) 0)3 6'P8 . 0'4 P8 P71 P71 211 905 280 0)5 0,4 P5)p8s 0,4 P71 212 885 500 o)5 P5)P6) 0,3 P5)P6)P8 . o)3 P8)py1 P71 213 900 570 0)5 4,54 P5)P6 0)3 P8 )P71 0)3 214 925 850 0 4,04 P5 P6 0,2 P5sP6)P8 215 925 725 0 P6 P8 0,25 P5)P71 0,2 216 935 350 0 P6)P8 0,4 0) 25

                                                                                         . P5 P71 217      940        330                       P5 sp6) P8       0)5                                  0,25 P71 218      945        100       0       4)04 P5)P6)P8            0,5           P5) P6) P8             0) 3 P71 R71  '

2 19 9 35 1.00 P6 P8 0)5 P5 )P6 )P8 o)3 [SEE PAGE 4-75 FOR KEYl Tab 75 Table 7.5 4-73

Sheet g K I4 U g/ I'III'JAIASKVKIISUCIIK 1N GI'8 PIIT Aatum 3 l.och-K g/I'/GKK GVI- hlassan- Vontil-I.OCIIIIOIIIIKONfTGUI:ATTONE.'I max. Druckspitzan am 7-5 '3 DchKiturbodan Alatt 8 dtrom orr- Vassar rohr- Vor dichte vnrdion ducha-nungs-bar..aur r.eit stand n . tiv Knl.l ~- gcmadsan Druck- gomossen Arne k Nuaua a rohr boi ampli tu bai amp 1 i tu k f./m" d ms at at /S 224 755 100 7,04 0,8 0,5 P5~P6~ P71 P8 225 930 105 7,04 P5 0~95 P6 0,6 226 930 520 7,04 P8 0~9 0,6 P71 227 930 380 7,04 0~9 0,6 P71 228 945 100 5,04 P8 0~95 0~55 P5~P6e P71 229 945 360 5,04 P5~P6~ 0t 95 P6 P71~ P71 P8 230 945 440 5,04 P5~P6 0,85 0,6 P71sP8 945 525 5,04 P5sP6s 0~7 P5 P6 0,.5 P71 P8 [SEE PAGE 4-75 FOR KEY] Toh7.E'able 4 74 7.6

C 1


1. Vent clearing tests in GKM with perforated pipe configurations
2. Date 9 April 1973
3. Date 7 May 1973
4. Perforated pipe version
5. GKM test number
6. Mass flow density relative to relief pipe
7. Valve opening time
8. Submergence
9. Water level
10. Maximum pressure peaks at tank bottom ll. Positive
12. Negative
13. Measured at
14. Pressure amplitudes
15. kg/cm 2 4-75

0 Perforated co liar P

                                                                    ~ l                  Lochkrogen 0

Perforated eck Lochlelste ~ ~ o 5o

        ~,1'pf J

155 o 755 0 n O [x ~~

                                                              'I 7 0 &    ]g 0



p o lpf Perforated Lochschenkel rms Perforated pipe configuration's Lochrohrkonfigurati onen Oarstellung der get.estefen Lochrohrversi onen Illustration of tested perforated pipe versions

O r Q OJ 1+2

                               ~ Q A

M g L O> C

0) o $

V 0 ~ 9 C o~ '/. gO




Q 0 C cp g/' 'I $ 8 C C 0 4

                                                         $                    0 V) M  N     M
                                                         $   $ $ $       $ N W $

C 000 A0 OW tQ


HNnCI A ~ A Oar 0 888$ 000 ~~ Q)t" 4 0 WP4 Pl Perforated pipe configurations Lochrohrl;onr'igurati onen-Hole distribution on the quencher arms Lochhe(egung d r Ousenschenkel Perforated pipe version L ochrohr- Version

                                                           . Bitd 2 Figure       2 4-77

) ~ O)

       ~e                    o <

V 8


8 C 0 8 8 8 C 8 0 0 N 888 Ol Ql N 88tA 0) e ooo oo Irf 'U PlWPl 8 WWW ~ Fl~ co~ Q eu o Pq OOO8 ~~ N 4 4 o WWP7 Perforated pipe configurations Lochrohrkonfigurati onen-Hole distribution on the quencher arms Lochbeleguna der Ousenschenkel Perforated pipe versions 2, 3, 4 L o chr ohr- ~lersi on 2,3,4 Bi(d 2. 1 4-78 Figure 2. l

2+ 0) o A 8 C 4l g 0~ cj


C C 0 tt) SE 8 pl 0 8 8 8 C 8 0 0 8MQlN 8 N 8 8 8 N N 4 8 0 W88 0 0 0WW Woo


8 co ~ co ~ Cl AA 0 WW W CO Ch 0 Q 8 0 0 0 0 ~~ C) Ql CO CJl o 0 Perforated pipe configurations Lo chrohr Hole A onfigurati ori en-distribution on the quencher arms Lochbeteaung der Dusenschenkel Perforated pipe versions 5, 6, 7 Lochro",r-Versi on 5, G,7 Bifd 2.2 4-79 r igure 2. 2

I g 14'asser- Einspr. 07 Tg Enhvasserung

            ~o                     Pg Fn ttastrQgsventrr IVW200 Tg 20atU'-Pm  ulslt  .

lSFecksch, iV5'25 100a(u

                                >~ /m ulslt    .

Wr:Qr P~h IVW25 Z50~ innen 20atu-Oampf-Schiene

                                        ~sr.           .'t(ufoun Ansch(uO- ~l, 1VPY?5          mo'glichkeit Scfnifk/.         fu'r Luff
                                                               ~ tel Rep-                                             J schieber Qs C)             bhnometer
                                                         . 30008
                                                                                         ~IZ q     207<            LD'nge  Entlastungsrohr Innen          von +   bi s + = 18935 mm 6    " 9'14655 mm T 12 Og r Qo 000 500 5      6'         8 GKN    test stand GKM Yersuchssta-nd

[SEE HEXT PAGE FOR KEY] Gild 3 Figure 3 4-80


1. Hater injection
2. Pipe blanking disk
3. Signal line, 20 kg/cm 2 (gauge) 2
4. Signal line, 100 kg/cm (gauge}
5. Steam header, 20 kg/cm 2 (gauge}
6. Repair gate valve
7. Drain
8. Relief valve
9. Vent, 250 mm inside diameter
10. Connection capability for air
11. 207 mm inside diameter
12. Long relief pipe from
  • to * = 18935 mm
13. Depending on test condition (several struts) 4-81

Perforated pipe configurations Arrangement and instrumentation in the GKM test tank Section gghn~it H OQS M c~ gO Manhole

             'r l

PtQ9 I OVS a Arm ~~ ghtung der Schttbstrahlen Direction of thrust OMS Ml jets SCHN!TT E S EN EN Section plane Section Schnitl I Section

                                                                             ~Sehnitt TQ55 equiva-FQ53 lent "

Manhole SA T 55 SchankelA "se P/iE DMS Mt r rQs ttqNrotent stt r r~ OMS 0 tLtt ttrngett Ansicht A T 3 T42 T ~ Schenkelunter seite Underside s of arm 5 6 7 8 Lochrohrkon figura ti on en-Anordnung und I'nsfrumentierung . E; td im GYP'-PrQ fbehD (her figure 4 4-82


                              ~e NW 35 NW 250 3000 207 <innen inside dia obere Lochkragenreihe upper     row'f perfora collar tt) h I

Oorstellung von Ouse und En tlastungsrohr zur Ermi ttlung des eingeschlossenen Luftvolumens lllustratxon of quencher and relief to determine g/(Q the enclosed volume of air Figure 5 4-83

GKM test'ank GKM-Priilbeha(ter Water level 8 0 Bbsscr spilt(

    ~mat                                                 Perforated           FTT collar  Lochkragon g O                                                        Perforated ar Lochschenkel 1,0                        3 8*Op
   'U 08 06 h

E. ~ 0'q) 0,4

   ~o. o x       02
 'tS 4                 01 J      02    03      04 J     05     06    07 I     . 08J 09 J

10s Valve opening time Ventj(OffnUngS~ej t Q


F -.02

         -06            f             9 t~
         -08 Relative to perforated collar; indicated in m in the symbols above bezogen auf Lochkragen; 0      Lochrohr Version 2          E TT      in m oben in den Symbolen angegeben Perforated pipe version 2, submergence Perforated pipe configurations 1

Dependence of negative and positive pressure amplitudes at the tank bottom on .the valve opening:.time Vent clearing tests in GIGA Figure 6 4-84

QKtl test tank GKM-Priirbehol ter

                                                           'Water     level 1,6         03 0                                                        Jbsscr spilt l Perf         collar      err 14                                                 Lochkragrn Perf rated neck Lochleistc

~ a< 1,2 SO Perforated arms Lochschenkrl h 10 e~ 08 04 oO ACQ 02 Rp 0 01 02 03 04 05 06. 07 08 09 10 s ~~ C a'j -02 Valve openi g ti e Venti(offnungszei i.

       -06                                  5' 9  3
       -08          0>            0>

Relative to per'forated collar; indicated in m in the symbols above bezogen auf'ochkragen; 0 /ochrohr-Version 3 ETT in m oben in den Symbolen Perforated pipe version 3, angegeben submergence Perforated pipe configurations Dependence of negative and positive pressure amplitudes at the tank bottom on the valve opening time Vent clearing tests in GKN Figure 6.1 4-85 ai>

                                                                         .enti loffnunaszei
                                                                                                   <'alve I  . I      I     I a                                                                      5                    opening time
        -08 Relative to perforated collar;
                                                          -indicated in         m  in the symbols above bezogen auf Lochkragen; 0    Lot=hrohr Yersi on 4      ET 7 inm oben in den Symbolen Perforated pipe version 4,                  angegeben submergence Perforated pipe configurations Dependence of negative and positive pressure amplitudes at the tank bottom on the valve opening time:

Vent clearing tests in GKM Figure 6.2 4-86


G&1 test tank GKM-Priifbeholt er Water level 8'ossa spiege l Perforated , CTT collar Lochkrogen Perforated> neck Loch(ei st e 1,2 Perforated arms Lochsohen kel 1,0 08

                     ~ .   -  S: ~d.

06 X 5. 0,4 02 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Valve opening time

                                                              . 0,8      09     1,0    s VentilOffnungSZeii

-02 -04

                     'T. -   Qf

-06 -08 Relative to perforated collar; indicated in m in the symbols above bezog n auf Lochkragen; in m oben in 0 Lochrohr Perforated Version 5 pipe version 5, ETT den Symbolen submergence angegeben Perforated pipe configurations I I Dependence of negative and positive pressure amplitudes at t: he tank bottom on the valve opening time Vent, clearing tests in GKN r igure 6. 3 4-87

Gm test tank GKht.Priifbthatt or Water level Wasser spiegel( Sat Perforated collar Lachkragen Perforated neck Laahleistt 1,2 I O. Perforated arms

                                                                . Laahsahenke(

10 C~ 08 w4 06 C4 L. 6 C Z~~ 04 Q~=;.~~ ~=- w o~ Qas 02 4 0 01 02 03. 04 05 06 '7 0P 9 10 s

                                                                                  'tiloffnungszeit IM

'0 j -02 Valve opening time

        -04                                    :Qrg"
                              ",'TQi= Qs:~~~~      . s
                                                                  ~ Relative to perforated collar; indicated in m in the symbols above bezogen ouf Lochkragen; in m oben in O Lochrohr t~ersi on 6             ETT          den Symbolen Perforated pipe version 6,                             angegeben submergence Perforated pipe configurations I

Dependence of negative and,positive pressure amplitudes at the tank I bottom on the valve opening time Vent clearing tests in GEM Figure 6.4 I 4-88

I GKM test tank GEM.Priifbehalt er tt 8 Water level 0 Wasser spiege(

~at                                          Per forated collar ETT Lochkragen Perforated neck f4"                                                     Lochfeisfe

Q W 1~2 Perforated arms Lochschenkel Jo I Ql 04 Q3 e > 02 0

      -02 0, 03,,

I 02 04 05 06 07 0,8 09 Valve openin

                                                                                 ),0 s time Vent)i offnungsze] i
                                                                            ~  ~
                                                                                          ~~     ~

C p

      -08 Relative to

perforated collar; indicated in m in the symbols above bezogen auf Lochkragen; in m oben in 0 Lochrohr Version 7 E7T den Symbolen Perforated pipe version 7, angegeben submergence Perforated pipe configurations I Dependence of negative and po'sitive pressure amplitudes at the tank bottom on the valve opening time Vent clearing tests in GEM Figure 6.5 4-89

GKN test tank GKM-R iilbc'hcittrr Water level Y/asserspi egeI Perforated collar Ezr Lochkragen Perforated neck Lochlei s.'c 1,2 Perforated arms Lochschcnko( 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 02 01 J 02 03 04 J 05 06, 07 J Valve opening time J

                                                           . 08l      09    10 I     s~

Yenfi Mffnungszei f -0,6 -0,8 Q L,ochrohr -Version 2 ETT 1m (bezagen auf Lochkragenf Perforated version 2, submergence l m (relative to perforated collar) Dependence of maximum pressure amplitudes at the bottom on the I valve opening time Vent clearing tests at 1 m submergence Figure 7 4-90

GKM test tank GKM-Hriitbehaltel' Mater level 0 8'csserspieget

 ~~at                                       Perforated Lochkragen Perforated      neck Lochlei ste 0                                          Perforated arms Lochschenkel
       *10 oC 04 8

0 0 x 02 a 8 C 0 01 02 03 04 05 08 07 Valve opening time 08 09 1,0 s~ VentiloffnungSZeit '~ .c -02

      -08 Q Lochrohr-Version    3     ETT'm         (bezogen auf L.achkragenJ Perforated version 3, submergence 1 m (relative to perforated collar)

Dependence of maximum pressure amplitudes at the bottom on the valve opening time Vent clearing tests at 1 m submergence Figure 7.1 Bii d 7 i 4-91

GKM test tank GKM.R iifbetjoAer Nater level 6 Wosserspi ege I 0 Perforated collar

 ~~  at                                                    Lochkragen
                                                                           +77 Perforated neck Lochtei ste
 .g ~~     12 8

0 Perforated arms Q Lochschenke( 1,0 C Pn ~ Og o Ig 04 02 , 8 0 07 02 03 04 I 05 OG J.. 07 J 08 I 09 10 Valve opening time Ventiloffnungszei t


c -02 8 'p

         -08 Q Lochrohr - Version 4          ~rr   0
                                                          ~m (bezogen auf Lochkragen)

Perforated version 4, submergence l m (relative to perforated collar) Dependence of maximum pressure amplitudes at the bottom on the I valve opening time Vent clearing tests at 1 m submergence Figure 7.2 4-92 8i ld 72

GKM test tank GKht-Prii IbehoI ter Water level 5'osserspiegr I oaf Perforated collar ETT Lochkrogen gI} Perforated neck LochIeiste F4 a

 '8.~      1,2
     'O                                              Perforated arms a)R                                                     Lochschenkei 1,0 I    CP gJ  0,8 8

N l0 ~ 0,6 6 G4


"o cl 0,4 C} 0 02 zs M 0 01 02 03 04 05 06. 07 Valve opening time

                                                                   '0,8        09     1,0 VentilOffnungSZei f s  ~
      ~  -02
         -08 Q Lochrohr- Version 5           ET 7   1m (bezogen auf Lochkragen                J Perforated version 5, submergence      l m  (relative to perforated collar)

Dependence of maximum pressure amplitudes at the bottom on the I valve opening time l Vent clearing tests at 1 m spbmergence Figure 7.3 4-93 Bll 0

GEM test tank GKM-Prufbc halter Water level 8'asserspi ege l

>oat                                          Perforated colla&T~

Lochkragen Perforated neck Lochleiste C4 4 1,2 Perforated arms Lochschenkel 1,0 v e 8 M 6 N OG I Ul C4

   ~Z g iQ)
o. 0,4 0

02 x


Z 02 03 04 05 OG 07 0,8 09 1,0 s Valve. o ening time Venti(o'ffnungszei t'1

       -08 Q Lochrohr-Version       G       ET7'm        /bezogen auf Lochkragenf Perforated version 6, submergence       1 m   (relative to perforated collar)

Dependence of maximum pressure amplitudes at the bottom on the I valve opening time Vent clearing tests at l m submergence Figure 7.4 4-94

GKM test tank I GKM-PrG fbeho(ter I ) I Hater level 8 Wcrsserxpiege I 0 Perforated at collar Lochkragen ETT Perforated neck Lochlei ste 1,2. Perforated arms Lochsch enke I 1,0 0,8 C 06 8 0,4 0 0 02 C 8 E 0 09 4 01 02 03 04 05 06. 07 0,8 1,0 s Valve opening time pentj(OffnUngSZej t

    .~ -02
       -08 0  I ochrohr-Version 7          ETT 1m (bezogen auf Lochkragen)

Perforated version 7, submergence 1 m {relative to perforated collar) Dependence of maximum pressure amplitudes at the bottom on the I valve opening time Vent clearing tests at 1 m submergence Figure 7.5 Eii ld 7.5 4-95


I i I F7

Perforated pipe configurations Dependence of negative and positive pressure amplitudes at the

               -tank bottom on the valve opening            time Vent clearing tests in GKN

'z0 at 16 I (Parameter: submergence) 0 A 14 1,2 1,0 0 0 08 0 0 CD 0 lo 06 CPS COO 0 de 0 la h. 0 GD 04 02 Valve opening t>ze 09 I s 10 ~ 01 j 02 03 0,4 05 0,6 U7 0,8 ventiloffnungszei t 0,9 1,0

       -02 0

0 0 0 CE! 0 d

       -04        GB                    0 C3'6 CV               h.          0 S                8 0        a         0    0
       -06         0 t

0 0-0 0 cs 0 0 UD 00 0 "08 Submergence 5 m Eintauchtiefe 0 3 m Eintauchtiefe 1 m Eintauchti ef e 05 m Einfauchtiefe Loohrohrkonfigurati onen-Abhangigkeit der negativen und positiven Oruckamplituden am Beha(terboden von der Venfi(offnungszeit Freib(aseversuche im GKM (Parameter: Eintauchtiefe ) Eii id 8 4-96 Figure 8

Perforated pipe configurations ( Dependence of maximum negative and positive pressure amplitudes at the tank bottom on the submergence at Vent clearing tests with perforated pipe version 6 I L Parameter: valve opening time 1,0 08 O' I~


g,g 06 I o~a 4 B~ 0 I n a I I

 <~~ 04           J 0


      ~~          I D


       ~~ 02                I E                                                                                 ,  ~
 ~~0                     05',0 lIg t5              0                       1,5                       Sub ergen ce       5 ,'Mm Eintauchfi ef e
       ~-0 0       8 AA         I QO        QQ I


        -0,8 valve opening time 0     <aO - aa ms Ventitoffnungszeit 4     280- """0 ms    a    x     I 5~JQ- HO ms     c    e LOCI'll     Of );" 'GAt /gU/ Qi lOAGA Ai:harl,',.'gAeit d r max. negaiiven urd pasitiven 0-ucf<amp(ituden am 8 ha,'i:"rbod n von d r Eintauchticr
                          /=reiblc ev rsuch r;>it Lo hrohr-Version 6 Fararf.eter;     Y  nt!o:-inunaszei t Figure       9 8/l'(d        Si 4-97

L f

Perforated pipe configurations Pressure peaks in the tank during vent clearing Test no. 146, perforated pipe version 3, m/F = 965 kg/m s, submergence 1 m, valve opening time 110 ms',0 08 OG 04 02 l I I t I I I P~ P57 P5 P6 P7

                            - 0,4
                            '- 0,8
                            - 10 at kg/cm positive pressure posi tI've peaks Oruckspi tzen negative Oruckspi negative            tzen

pressure peaks

                      ~  c~   manhole              measurement. point in plane qO A MeOpunkt        in Ebene    I le                                               o MeOpunkt        in Ebene    II II                          II a MeOpunkt        in Ebene    III MESSEBENEN  measurement        planes Lochrohrl<onfigurcr tionen t

Orc~chspi tzen im Behalher heim Fre/ blasen Versuch Nr. 1'.6 Lo"Arel;r-Version. 3 m/F'=965 kg/m s 1m ETT i J0rns Ventilo,'~'nungsrei t 4-98 Figure 10

Perforated pipe configurations Dependence of maximum pressures during vent clearing in the relief pipe on the submergence 8 Vent clearing tests with perforated pipe version 5 Parameter: valve opening time atu 17 16 8 N L e 13 12 10 0 05 1 1,5 5m ETT +~ valve opening time submergence Ventiloffnungszeit 100 - 130 ms I~ 2Z -470 ms II 525 -850 ms Lo chrohrkonfigurationen-Abhangigkeit der max. Orucke heim Freiblasen im Entlastungsrohr von der Eintauchtiefe Freiblaseversuche mit LOCHROHR-Version 5 Parameter: VentI'lo'ffnungszei t Bild 11 4-99 Figure ll

Perforated pipe configurations Dependence of maximum pressures during vent clearing in- the relief pipe on the submergence Vent clearing. tests'with perforated pipe version 6 Parameter: valve opening time a tu 17

      ~ 15 Q

Vl 0 Q ~

      ~ 1g u

I I 8 0 8

                                //    a 10 6

0 05 1 1,5 ETT W~ valve opening time . submergence o Yen tiloffnungszei t 1'00 - 130 ms B 270 -470 ms rr'25-850 ms Lochrohrkonfigurationen, Abhangigkeit der max. Orucke bei'm Freiblasen im Entlastungsrohr von der Eintauchtiefe F'reib(aseversuche mit LOCHROHR -Version 6 Parameter: Venfiloffnungszei t Gild 11.1 4-100 Figure 11.1

t 4 <<' ~ ~ 1<< I ~ ~ ~ > e ~> ~ ~ >1 >4t& I> I I

                                                                                                                                                                                    ~ w 103 I

r 110 J M: 1mm =" 0 125 at Scale: 1 mm = O.l)5 I kg/cm

              ~ I~I          I          ~

n ~ 1~~ ~ ~~ I ~ ~h I I II r


I~ I~ I


i I'l I I (~I ~ I~~ Ilt A>I(

                                 ~                                                                !~I I~ ~ ~                       1                                                                ~I~

153 I >


t>I(I ~

                                 ~~ ~
                                      > ~~


                                                        ~      ~

I~ 1)l) ~







                                                                                              ! I I>f f

II~ It

                                                                                                                            ']I> II I

I I!

                                                                                                                                                     ~~      ~



fi I IIIIIl lt>> ~ ~ I I>l I l 1 ~ >I> ~

                       ~          ~                   ~           ~  ~                                                             ~ I      ~ ~  ~                                                           - -.                                                                           '140  v~

1-'P>i gl:: I!i!i<'iiII!iIii'. VI."I!, i I.i )I

       "'i',;I'>'I'I                             '   i)j4 ))


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           - 133
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      "-'                  'ir3-'"       NP ill mm 103 I    ~       ~

0 PpE NP 71 mm

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               .~ s  ~'t>><<..   ~ ~ te~ttlv>>t>0    '<<H ~Tl1 NP 62  mm Rj) NP t>1 mm

NP 51 mm 8 l.... ~ t " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ , I ~

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     - ~~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ~~" ~~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ~         40 t    $2 NP 40 mm
                    ...>m<<'>t><<r>...                                                    ',+(~'>I>0                                                    <<,r"'.. -~Q yg a4'k':>>>>
                                                                                     >(<<.<<>>'. '<<It>&IAQ>L,                                                                                               ~>>          .              >Il,'                    '  '                               30 NP 31 mm I
                                                                                                                                                                                                  ~TT j4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        '~e~v            p                                              Pg NP 21 mm Q)                                                                                                                                                               >N>>II                                 -      Il'I           II@.                      II) 4C w,
  ~                                                                                                                                                                                         Qv                                  ~

NP ll mm

                                                                                                                                     'I                                                                                                                                                                  1 NP  5 mm Vent.                   clearing test with perforated pipe version                                                                              I 5

Test no. 186,. m/F = 985 kg/m s I Valve opening time: 110 ms, submergence: I 1 m


                                                                                                        ~ 'WI&oP 'J            Ii  /+(                                           e..JJ
. I I

~ l ~ I ~ lj ~ s (.>~ '~ ~

                                                                                                                                                                               " 150 M: 1mm="0,125at scale:


                                                           ,r.,((,        Z
                                                                            ~ .  =.....      -I: .i              'p'            ...:                                           W Ilia-

l mm = 0.125

                                                                 ~     t                                                                                                                                              kg/cm 2
                        '1    '             I  I I                                                                                                  I          '     .~
         ~     ~  ~

f~ P;. j

                                                                                                                                                      ~  =              ~ ~  ~ ~




                                                                   +$ ll
                                                                                                            ~  ~

NP 110mm (M

r. ~

~ ~ ~ g ~,..'j, . '. ',lo J'( gg ~ phrs, ~" .:~,.qg1 "~sb~ ij .;.4

                                                                                                                                                                  ~         -


                                                                                                                                                           ~ -- -------        C1.-

NP 35mm

                                                                                                                                                           'h                     g                   7lmm PDE   NP 71 NP Glmm 52mm

8 NP

                                                             ~ ~

o S2 NP 40mm p% NP 31mm Cl NP 22mm e

                                                                                                              "- '..., O~ ',)I
                                                                                                                                            ' 'I 'I   ~~            ~%      ~      19 &

wl 4 g NP 1lmm p1 NP Gmm Vent clearing test with perforated pixie version 5 Test no. 185, jh/F = 965 kg/m 2 s Valve opening time: ll0 ms, submergence: 3 m

P I 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ~ ~


               ~       s                   ~ o   ~ ~                 <<~ ~     ot  ~ ~o  osr             ~     ~ or I, ~ ~
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ~,>to       r
                                     ~ r>>'
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ~ ~     ~ ~

o sl I  ;.,Il I@I o

                                                                                                                                                                                              ~  4 ll
                                                                                                                                                              )l4w ~r         II M:..1mm       ="

0125 ot

                                                                                                                                                            . Id3;.                                                        Scale:      1 mm =         0.125 kg/cm 2 Jt l~:,,I;lt ":l ~l            t.
                                                              )$     [


                                                                                     ."IJ   I fl .'::Jiff Jil     ij,.)f I, Io
                                                                                                          '                                         Ill I jfj';;";,fJff                                          'ri t  '       )gy .    . l
      ,I,... s.,I,j I II',I;. lg I.~ ~ Io It;:
                              >)                                                                                                                 I Jf                           ~

l II t  :.; j,Q I: I


4! 'I

     ~ ~



d".I r

                     ~ oi
                          ~ II I       Is) s IYrI IdistvoI4o
                                 ~ ~ ~       ~ ~ ~ I J ~ oi,.s I ~ I III hjl.
                                                     ~~'I I-!o" Its(~~)II(IIIII(Io


I il, IIILI4J I IIBTi/)pros c)l'< ~ I A NP 108mm I'r

                                                                                                                                         , s oiib'
        '!o r... 4I~! ..IISsrl wiN Io,,i "I.Ia(.II,. osI. I,I e L p.Ill~I ~IIfd+,'~gAp "(yl's                             'Qdt"I" l1                              oo      fo                                    ~

o CO o r ~ oforrt ro ~rrt ot POE NP 68 mm

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ~T1 NP 60 mm
                                                                           .o    ....,    ooo      .:..         '


                                                                                                                              .         fsff,.

a sVSo Is .: . zofohsfol -oooo' " ff I f~L ~n NP 58 mm P8 NP 48 mm "I

                                                                                                                                                                          ~          ~   ~ ~ r     ~

l NP 38 mm oLli I I aooo ooeeeeoow r P NP 28 mm 7

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ~ tottt r ~

NP 18 mm sits I ~:. <I" I . P5

                                                                                                                                   'fii 'f f'I,,              I '       .'llff'"""v f""

P6 NP 8 mm P1 NP 2 mm e Q. Vent clearing test with perforated piI!e version 5 b3 Test no. 177, re/P = 990 kg/m 2 s Valve opening time: 110 ms, submergence: 5 m

Perforated pipe configurations Maximum negative and positive pressure amplitudes at the. tank bottom during condensation 6 (Low mass flow density) at 06 0,5 0,4 J)',3 8

                                                           <o I~
                                                               =a ~0 e
                                                                                  ~    ersion 6 c    0,2 m

8 0,1 m L 0 0 C) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 'C o 0 O 5'assertem eratu II I 11 S} wate temp ratuge

    . -0.1 e                                           /
      -0,2                                /

I I 4o 0<

      -0,3 0   ~O t    r 8:

at'-0,4 Test perforated pipe version

               + Versuch      116   Lochrohr-Version 1 mJF= 80kms
  • Versuch 131 Lochrohr-Version 2 mr"F= 85kglms 4 Versuch 165 Lochrohr-Version 4 mr'Fi= 85k's 2 P Versuch 173 Lochrohr Version 5 m/1='= 75kg/ms 6 Versuch 220 Lochrohr-Version 6 mJF'= 85kg jms Lochrohrkonfi gurationen max. negative und posltl've Oruckampl/ lumen am Behalterboden heim Kondensieren (n/'edr1ge Massenstromdichte) Bild 13 4-104 Figure 13

P>-Druc amputuden F. '-Ot'uckamplitu en at /I Pressure amplitudes Pressure amplitudes Ar L 06 1.5atf Pat 4l at = kg/cm O

  ~ rl      w 04 Q)

E tg

  '6     0     02.                                               V   T
                                     %Y r      r 0      0     0 N

Ol Pl 20 0 20 3D 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 7 7 00 80 90 9 l00 C 20 l00 C 20 30 30 40 water temperature 40 5 50 60 6 70 70 80 80 90 Sbssertemperatur 9 100 T0 l00


C C Q o

                                     '%t       0 0

44t 00'02 o Pl 0 lQ

              -04 at Test          . perforated pipe version 4 Versuch 175 i.oohrohr Versio-n 5                  rhlF = 7Ã hgllrP>

o Versuch l64 Lochrohr-Version 4 mlF = 78D kglm2s v Versuch 154 Lochrohr-Version 3 m!F = 860kglm s o Versuch 224 Lochrohr Version 7 m/F= 755kglms hj Q) Loch rohrkonfigura tion en e Q. Perforated pipe configurations negative u positive Oruckamplituden am Behalterboden heim Kondef)sieren Negative and positive pressure amplitudes at the tank bot:tom durina condensation Die MeOwerte gelten fur Oruckaufnehmer mit auOenliegender MiOmembran

                     . The measurement values apply for pressure transducers with external measuring membrane

Water temperature 5'ass ertempera tur Tp Versuch 171 ri'F>> 16 kgXms Versuch 174 miF= 195 kgb s Test Test ~53Hz 41Hz 9Hz,4Hz o4 03

                    ~ 20Hz 1
                                             ~ 20Hz 0,1 L cu                20      40       6O      8O      1OO  C  20     40        60      8O      '1OO  'C 8        0 L         -01 V)
0) -Q2 C4
           -0,3 V) 0                   Versuch 172   miF= 44 kgims             Versuch 176'iE~ 280 kg/ms
      ~ at   0,5    Test                                     Test 04 G3                     ~20Hz ~10Hz                          ~ 160-1M Hz    ~ 150-2N Hz 02 0,1 8

0 'C V 0 40 60 100 'C 20 40 60 80 100 ~ Q 0 8 'I g, -0.1

                                             ¹ O    I    -o2 Zl           -0,3 0

Versuch 173 m/F= 75 kgb s Versuch175 ~E= 780 kg/ms 0,5 Test ~ 16Hz -~'0 Hz Test

      <a 0,4 03
                                                                       - M~80-200 Hz    - 110Hz-0,2 0,1                                                                *~¹ <<+ ~ + ~ ~

l I I 20 40 60 80 100 C 20 40 60 80 100 C I

            -0,3 1

Perforated pipe configurations Negative and positive pressure amplitudes at tank bottom during condensation (Parameter: mass flow density) Condensation tests with perforated pipe version 5 The measurement values apply for a pressure transducer with external measuring membrane arranged centrally under the perforated pipe 4-106 Figure 15

J I ~ Just after vent clearing. 'r Condensation J


kurz nach Kondensi eren Freiblasen 777 P 80 C T7'7= 80" 40 OC M: 1mm90f4 at Scale: = 0.14 kg/cm 2 py'l'iq, wy'A/YyV+)'l';~@"<'WRItyVyl'yVH'yyyy"yy P 77

   ~)g'.'.'g.f                                         g', $     -y   jp"g      'p '

Vvvv 'l'vv~v+v< P8 ca. 10..Hz i/i""P~(V<'6'vi'k'iWIVjVkR'I<'>'k'+:>'~)'h!6'" rP7 PPg-7 V I > 'fi I>~4!'I 4'"'~44i "<'kH4VN'O'N>H '

                                                                                                                                 """--ca.- 6
                                                                                                                                 %h I                                    I ll              y IyJ            I~ AA ~ I 4mb a] 4Ils )I
                        ~.            ~ ~~      ~      ~   I0 ~  I~

tyf>hyt 'I! t i't fir~'.!l~l~'l~ f il'li~lb j> fi'l~'f6 l ~l ~ ~ >s

                                                                                                                   ...~qp~qi~~~~Mv~M                                               Pg (Umgekehrt gepoltj Luftschwingungen               inversely Air oscillations                polarized r

S Zei t Time Condensation test with perforated pipe version 5 Yond. Vers-uch mit Lochrohr Vers-ion 5 Test no. 173 (low mass flow density) Versuchs-Nr.: 773 (niedrige Massenstromdi chte) Druckaufnehmer p<,p7 p8, zeigen Eigenschvvingungen ( verge. lGJ ) cers p6 p7, p8 exhibit natural oscillations (set [6])

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 < ~

Just a fter vent c 1 earing Condensation k urz n ach Kondensi ere n Frei b la s en


~ 8o oC 80-. 40 C 11 Scale: l mm= 0.aI l4kg/cm 1mm "-O.f4 P71 r 'A~'<<( '<pl~'h's'ql wf'As(4jul> l'~+'"4 'Hy<>AQ+V+a'Ng'p <~g vgygg ~qhNV~ ~ 'I~-i'A,rev i~;<l i k' '@ 44' 'p'

; P8 ~P1 P7 g s >pP>> "VP>V"::~VwviE~Vlr<<g<<.,vp>ir>Ap 4A>~ > v'Ph~pe'>>. ~1 <<w~~dyV+W ~iSQPx mVwlPIAMheAr~ < J4e~al>>vn<>>~a u> NL JUL<4~>4<><>l>';i ~gJ 6~PI >i > I "l'v< I'~+~J A>! <<<-a44>'~v~qS~C'4 ~-->>~4>>~'> ~ - -" +~~ ~ Pg Il<<"> 4, ~ l<>ill<1<><> <<><>~, ~ ~ > CO ><>LL< >4<<lL~llill<<,>><,<<>l> v ~ ><if>< >I>>l> 4>><<I' '<l<i<il<\~ ~ >>> ~ >>V4; i"<<pl<'>4Am<pl<>>i><I<<6>><I<< ><'>4><<>'I %<<><l Il >><<<ll<llll> <i':I<<ly~>l<( <~i" l <>>I I Ill< Ill ll<i<l>l~ <I.> ~ ><>Il.l<<l<!l<ll!<1<>.~ ~ >III I,I<I <<<'l<h<<<bigl<Pl<ll I>4 ~ '>>'>I<'>>>)<A gn<<'", <il<'<<': P6 Lu ftsch wing ungen Air osci 1 lations pe jt Time Condensation test with perf orated ipe version 5 Kond Ve.r such mi t Lochro r Ver-sion 5 Test no . 1 7 6 (medium mass flow density) Versuchs-Nr: 176 ( mi ttlere Hassenstromdi ch t e ) Dru ckaufn ehm er p< . p7, p8, z eig en Ei ge nsch wingungen (vergl. l6J ) transducers p6 p7 p8 exhibit natura 1 osci lations see l ( 'ressure [ 6] ) / I I Just after vent, clearing Condensation kurz nach Kondensieren Freiblasen / TT >80 'C T = TT 80-40 'C I M: fmm="O,f4 at >~~y'> 'PgyygtglgPlP'<l(f ffPf<gg 'lC" "O' P 'y ~> ~ f f~f' f lC~P'tel'i'q~j""lis< f'~7I~j'L%'rv')f",ri Scale: 1 mm = 0.14 k~/cm ~ ~ye.'jA: ~~lv fli~iiil>iYf'I fQf+t'" I II  ;:,;,g>>i';'~i yP'Igni~~,'P~r~ <P~P!,';,',P~, Jrfifrvffl]>>ajfiLQf+kP1 fglfAj+V .f q ~> I<< f8<~ I~ Vll ~ ~ I~ II~ I ~ ~ I ~ ~ II ril<<rr ITIII I lgl '" II II IIIII ~llltll/I'"I" qQ WuiflI "'gi; A~i AV l~rIroner>~lrrrrv ca ~ IL. ~ lrrrsrlrrlrli 131 Itrlfr-'L VrfIIWTr II TTTVVTTHTII<<TTITIIr1 1&0Hz ~ ~ ~ fra4 l a4,s VIA ~ ~ r I TV Py ca 1701M Pg .);:,~j'..iv:,sv'jl'>fj~7,'4)y 9v:Iy>w,"$v;,~Q'gvqi~g;,q>>v> I.'Iiarifii'..III:Iitiltlllltllllt:1iiil l !.: f'lip gV I flgIIIQ'trrriillllf"fff fly i fljr~lfff ~ "~ Vrrctf ... ">>f -.r I I 'P 1 Irior ~ I rrI'Ilf ~  % ~ Pg (umgeAehrt r F ~ g ' 'epdl) Luftschwingungen inversely Air oscillations polarized s geit Time Condensation test with perforated pipe version 5 Yond. Vers,uch mit Lochrohr-Version Test no. 175 (high mass flo>r density) Versuchs - Nr.: T75 (hohe Massenstromdichte j Druckaufnehmer p p p zeigen Eigenschwingungen (vergl.l'61) Pressure transducers p6, p7, p8 exhibit natural oscillations.(see [6]) I e ~ \ Ebene = plane 8 N &be ~s s"~ ~e 0 9 I n I 0 I l 'C 11010090 80 70 I fJe 0 GO 50 40 30 20 10 '0 fl I 20 30 40 50 70 6'0 90 100110 'C ~ Pe 10 GO '0 0 T58 8 rt ~>>bs) Ql g lg ~o Tp 8 ~ Ul fh >0 f ~ C Q J *5 f e >o <o n 0 ol o ~ ~y ~ ~+~ rt 0 ~ too ~ t1+ g C'~~~eeooor +0 o ~ t 0 >o ~ P ~oo ~<o 'R ~ Oy~ ~ yyO ~g ~~ ~ yy ~ 1~ ~y~ C) I ~ I I +x>i ~<i I4 ~Q ~ l I N ~Q ~ j ~ R ~o 8 C2) y aver Perforated pipe configurations Temperature distribution in tang during condensation Test no. 176, perforated pipe version 5 m/F='280 l<g/m~s Bifd I71 Figure 17.1 4-111 i ~ o~Q IL Q ~ P Q O ~ ~e~M> ~ I I O 4' O LC) O R O 8 g avaqp Perforated pipe configurations Temperature distribution in tank during condensation Test no. 175, perforated pipe, version 5 4-112 Figure 17.2 \' L I I ~ ( ] r 'I i Q euaqp V ~0 ~ t~ + ~ ~ '~ I I 'i /I I / O ~~o gQ I C5 C) LC) C) R 0) 8 C) I~ms Perforated pipe configurations Temperature distribution in tank during condensation I Test no. 223, perforated pipe version 7 m/F'=340/g/m s Gild 18 4-113 Figure 18 ~ aver C) R ] ~ ~~ too ~ ~ ooeoy++ (Q ~0 w"~ y4+ I Cb ~ yg ~ y I j RIBS+ Perforated pipe configurations Temperature distribution in tank during condensation Test no. 224, perforated pipe version 7 ri)IF= 7554;tm s Gild 18.f 4-114 Figure 18.1 8.3 Nomencl'ature GKM = Mannheim Central Power Plant ETT = Submergence m/P = Mass flow density, relative to cross-section of relief pipe Kond.-Versuch = Condensation test NP = Zero point = Preliminary test DAS = Pressure suppression system E-,Ventil = Relief valve 4-115 8.4 References (1( Molitor, Grabener Mixed condensation in the conventional technique and test program for specific application in the pressure suppres-sion system AEG-E 3-2415, November 1972 )2) Slegers, Becker, Zieglowski, Nowotny, Ullrich Loads and load reductions in the pressure suppression system of the KKB, KKP I and KKK 'plants AEG E 3 - 2595 )3~ Berndt, Proyer, Becker,-'Schall', Vaida, Prenkel Condensation tests in-GKM with single pipe F AEG E 3 2301, August 1972 ~4) Schnabel, Becker Air oscillations during vent clearing with single and double pipe AEG E 3 - 2327, August 1972 ~ 5 ~ Slegers, Molitor, Hoffman Outlet geometries for the pressure relief pipes in the boiling water reactor; first development results AEG E 3 - 2465, December 1972 [6I Melchior, Werner Tests on mixed condensation with model quenchers KWU E 3 - 2593, May 1973 4-116 Ttl g td >NI'J, G S I'Il P as translatedinto ~ ~ ENGL ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ SH ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p ~Q>> IHs CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGi< OF THE RELIEF SYSTE[l '(IITH a PERFORATED-PIPE QUENCHER 0 Ij tj) "-tt. C.I. as translated from G E R fI A N p l (f) >> cf AUFBAU UND AUSLEGUNG DES ENTLASTUNGSSYSTEH HIT ROHRLOCHDUSE aN gS gi r ~ ( ~Q>>tQ>>'aiL3 C if >HK3R/~M/ ."DR. BEGKER 2~ r< N~ Pg DR. KOCH rfI {9 a~~J Hgt fg V KNLI TECHNICAL REPORT E3/E2-2703 C3 cl' Ã 9 JULY j.973 zg >) (PPRL DOCUt'IENT NO>> 5) U ~ I,j r~~ \P rn. ~ g+OL Pl~a k. I Joy >> IQ c.>> PENNSYLVANIA POWER 8 LIG'I-Ir COMPANY 71 BARNARO AVENUE, WATERTOWN ALLENTO'i'IiI, PF HHSYLVAHIA MASSACHUSETTS 02172 (617) 92i'5500 0>>ch>>t>>>> - It'7 C>>>>t>>>>i >>>> 7gciiti>>>>>>>>6>>>> Date I -~ - fDocumenb AKGUMTOHYDOCKET FILE (I \ I Technical Report Construction and design of the relief system with perforated-pipe quencher KWU/E 3/E 2 27 03 Kraf twerk Union 5-1 h C Frankfurt/Main 9 Jul 1973 Place Date Technical Report File number E3/E2-2703 Author Dr. Becker KNU/E3/E2 Dr. Koch Countersignature /s/ De artment


Pages of text 38 Construction and design of the relief Figures 40 system with perforated-pipe quencher Circuit diagrams Key words (max. 12) to identify the report' Diagr./o sc illogr . content: Tables Relief system, steam injection, suppression Reference list chamber Summary To prevent loads on the pressure suppression system, the blowdown pipes of the relief lines are equipped with perforated-pipe quenchers. The construction and configuration of the relief system are described. The requirements under operating and accident conditions are described. The following quantities, which are influenced by the use of quenchers, were investigated and the values to'be expected for them in the plant are indicated: Load on bottom and walls of the suppression chamber during vent and steady-state condensation - clearing Reaction forces on the quencher Temperature mixing of the pool water Steam flow rate as a function of reactor pressure. This is done in close reliance on previous and ongoing experiments in the condensation test stand in GKH and in the model test stand in the KWU Nuclear Energy Experimental Facility in Grosswelzheim. /s/ (Dr. Becker ) /s/ (Frenkel ) /s/ (Dr. Melchior) /s/ (Dr. Koch) /s/ (Dr. Slegers) /s/ (Dr. Simon /s/ (Dr. Domin) Author's signature Examiner Classifier Class For information Distribution list: COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL (cover sheet only): lx KNU/GA 19 Erl lx /PSW 22 Ffm lx /E3/Library 2x /E3/El/LP Additional distribution according to attached list Transmission or duplication of this document, exploitation or com-munication of its content not permitted unless expressly authorized. Infringers liable to pay damages. All rights to the award of patents or registration of utility patents reserved. A

f' Distribution list (internal): E 3 - Sekretariat E 3/V E 3/V E 3/V 2 3/V 3 E 3/V 4 E 3/V 5 E 3/V 4-GET E 3/V 4-KKB E 3/V 4-KKP E 3/V 4-KKZ E 3/V 4-KKK E 3/E E 3/E i E 3/E 2 E 3/E 3 E 3/E i LP 2 x E 3/E 2 SA 4 x E 3/R E 3/R i E 3/R 2 E 3/R 3 E 3/R 4 ' 3/R 5 E

     .Library 3/Dibliothek HE/E - F

NONLZaarLZTZ CLAUSE This report is based on the current technical knowled'ge of KRAFTNERK UNION AG. However, KRAFTWERK UNlON AG and all persons acting in its behalf make no guarantee. Zn particular, they are not liable for the correctness, accuracy and completeness of the data contained in this repoit nor for the observance of third-party rights. This reservation does not apply insofar as the report is delivered in fulfillment of contractual obligations, nor with respect to licensing authorities or the experts appointed by them. KRAPTNERK UNION AG reserves all rights to the technical informa-tion contained in this report,.particularly the'right to apply for patents. Further dissemination of this report and of the knowledge con-tained therein requires the written approval of KEQZTNERK UNION AG. Moreover, this report is communicated under the assumption that it will be handled confidentially.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page introduction 5-7

2. Statement of problem 5-10 2.1 Function of the, pressure relief system 5-10 2.1.1 Relief function 5-11 2.1 ~ 2 Safety function 5-13 2.2 Operational boundary conditions 5-13 2.3 Permissible pressure loads on the suppression chamber 5-15 2.3.1 Pressure oscillations during vent clearing 5-16 2.3.2 Pressure oscillations during condensation 5-16 2.4 Test stands 5-16 3 ~ Construction of the perforated-pipe quencher and arrangement in the suppression chamber 5-18 3.1 Construction of the quencher 5-18 3.2 Arrangement of the relief pipe and quencher 5-19 Bottom load during vent clearing 5-21 Dynamic pressure load during condensation of steam 5-24 5.1 Survey o f observed condensation phases 5-24 5.2 Condensation with small mass flow density 5-26 5.2.1 Condensation in the pipe 5-26 5.2.2 Condensation with subcritical outflow 5-27 Pressure pulsations with subcritical flow 5-27 Transition range to condensation in the pipe 5-29 Steady-state phenomena 5-29 Non-steady-state phenomena 5-31 5-5

5.3 Condensation with large mass flow density 5-33 5.3.1 Pressure pulsations with supercritical flow 5-33 5.3.2 Steam bubble oscillations near the boiling point of the pool 5-34 5.4 Expected maximum pressure load in the suppression chamber 5-35 5.4.1 intermittent operation 5-35 5.4.2 Continuous operation 5-36 5.4.3 Circumferential distribution of the maximum bottom load during automatic depressurization 5-37 Reaction forces on the perforated-pipe quencher 5-39 6.1 Forces on the individual hole 5-40 6.1.1 Outflow of the water 5-4 0 6.1.2 Expulsion of the air 5-40 6.1.3 Expulsion of the steam 5-41 6.2 Calculation of total forces 5-41 6.2.1 Vent clearing 5-41 6.2.2 Steady-state blow-out of the steam 5-42

7. Flow-rate capacity with the perforated-pipe quencher at reduced, reactor pressure 5-44
8. Temperature distribution in the suppression chamber during relief processes 5-4 6 8.1 Vertical temperature distribution 5-46 8.2 Temperature distribution in the circumferential direction of the suppression chamber 5-48 Tables Figures References 5-6

J t I

1. Introduction KMJ boiling water reactors are equipped with a safety/relief system with which large quantities of steam are conducted via quick-opening valves through the blowdown pipes and condensed in the
                                     'c w p,."p suppression chamber.      These processes     have been found  to  be determinative for the design in. regard to the dynamic loads on the pressure suppression system.         'o bl reduce the loads, the blow-down pipes have been equipped with quenchers beginning with the Brunsbuttel nuclear power plant (KKB) . This construction provides the following improvements relative to the open pipe planned initially:
  -  The quantity of  steam   flowing down from one valve can be condensed through one blowdown pipe with a quencher connected after it.
  -  The dynamic pressures    that occur in the water space of the suppression chamber    are reduced both during clearing of the blowdown pipes and also       during steady-state   condensation.
  -  Calm condensation   is  made    possible at high steam flow rates and high water temperatures.

To determine suitable quencher geometries, various designs were studied experimentally in a development program /6/. That test program was carried out primarily in the Mannheim Central Power Plant (GKN) at a scale of 1:5 with respect to the flow rate. The most favorable geometry proved to be the perforated-pipe quencher, 5-7

which was studied further in an optimization phase and investigated over a broad range of parameters /2/. The purpose of this report is to describe the essential considera-tions involved, in the use of a relief system with perforated-pipe quencher in the reactor, to investigate the operationally relevant quantities and to indicate the values to be expected for them in the plant. We first describe in detail the function of the safety/ relief system using KKB as an example. The construction of the quencher, whose standard dimensions are also being used, in follow-on projects, is illustrated. It should be noted that the outside dimensions of the quencher have been fixed. However, a few quan-tities having hydrodynamic significance and also the hole distribution and the diameter of the supply pipe cannot be specified conclusively until completion of the test program still going on for optimiza-tion of the remaining parameters. The maximum pressure load on the suppression chamber during clearing of the blowdown pipes and, during steady-state condensation is determined. by direct transposition of the measurement values from the GEM test stand. Based on the previous test phase with the perforated-pipe quencher, maximum local pressure loads of +l. 0/-0. 6 kg/cm were specified. The parameter combinations listed in Section 4 make it possible to respect these specified values. The following problem areas are also discussed in this report: Reaction forces on the quencher 5-8

Temperature mixing of the pool water

 - Flow rate through the relief lines in the event of fast pressure relief for  elevated backpressure  in the suppression chamber.
These questions are examined partially by calculation and partially by experiment.


2. Statement of roblem The relief system consists of 7 main valves with connection lines.

These valves are actuated under accident conditions. One or more valves are opened simultaneously. In this Section we first describe the operation of the system and, using a diagrammatic illustration, show under what conditions individual valves are opened. We also describe the operational boundary conditions under which the 'blowdown processes proceed. Finally, we describe the load limit of, the suppression chamber, which must be respected during blowdown processes. 2.1 Function of the ressure relief s stem Each of the main valves is equipped with two separate pilot valves of which one is for the relief function and one for the safety func tion. In the safety function, the corresponding control valve is opened electromagnetically by the reactor protection system according to the. following criteria. In the safety function, the safety valves are opened with redun-dancy and diversity at a reactor pressure of 81.5 + 1.5 bar. Firstly, the control valve is opened electromagnetically for the safety function. Secondly, both control valves are opened under actuation by main steam after shedding of an additional electro-magnetic load. 5-10

1, The arrangement of the blowdown lines is illustrated diagrammatically in Figure 2.1. From the Figure it is evident that the various groups of valves are distributed uniformly over the circumference of the suppression chamber. The three valves that are actuated in the event of automatic depressurization are also distributed over the circumference. In this way, adjacent valves are never actuated simultaneously and the pool is heated up uniformly at high thermal load. 2.1.1 Relief function Main valves are opened by one of their two control valves in the following cases: Turbine tri out Because of the limited capacity of the bypass station (75% of the rated steam flow rate), 1 valve opens for 5 seconds from a reactor power of 80-90% of full load, and 1 additional valve opens for 10 seconds from a reactor power greater than 90% full load. These two valves are designated by TSS in Figure 2.1 and are actuated directly by the Geamatic. The reactor pressure is thereby maintained at 70 bar. Hi h reactor- ressure If the reactor pressure rises impermissibly due to failure of the 5-11

control system or components (e.g., in the event of a turbine tripout caused .by failure of the main condenser), then the relief valves open in a staggered manner in three groups in order to control such pressure transients. They open at the following set pressures: First group 74 + 0.5 bar 1 valve Second group 75 + 0.5 bar 2'alves Third group 75.5 + 0.5 bar 4 valves The valve groups are identified in Figure 2.1. Hold at ressure and tern erature in the event of nonavailability of the main heat sink. The decay heat after the scram is carried away by periodic opening of several valves in the first 15 seconds and one valve subse-fluently. Emergency shutdown in the event of nonavailability of the main heat sink. The reactor is depressurized, by repeated opening of one valve manually in accordance with a prescribed pressure variation in 5 hours. Automatic de ressurization in the event of loss of coolant Zn the event of a loss of coolant, one relief valve is opened automatically in any case in order to depressurize the syst: em 5-12

gradually. This happens only at sufficiently high liquid level and, at the earliest, 10 minutes after origination of the acci-dent criterion. At a reactor pressure below ll bar, three relief valves are opened in the event of a loss of coolant in order to clear a closed emergency-cooling loop (suppression chamber - pump - reactor suppression chamber) . Finally, the pressure relief system is used as a redundance for the coolant injection system. If the coolant injection system does not conduct a sufficient amount of water into the reactor when necessary, then three relief valves are opened in order to bring the low-pressure emergency cooling systems quickly into operation by means of a fast pressure drop. Performance test Each valve can be actuated individually by hand during operation. 2.1.2 Safety function In the improbable case that several valves should not open in their relief function during a reactor pressure transient, the control valves open the main valves as described above in the safety function due to a reactor pressure of 81.5 + 1.5 bar. 2.2 Operational boundary conditions In the function described above, the relief system must satisfy 5-13

4 C

several boundary conditions with respect to the reactor pressure control system and the action on the pressure suppression system. The nominal flow rate of one relief valve is 600 t/h'~at a reactor pressure of 83 bar." zn accordance with the relevant standards, this flow rate is used. as a basis for the calculation of reactor pressure transients that can be handled by the safety function. As the actual flow rate, the valve manufacturer expects a value of 590 t/h at a reactor pressure of 70 bar. The design of the pressure relief system, and particularly of the quencher, is therefore based on a value of 600 t/h at 70 bar. Furthermore, the pressure relief system is so designed that the flow down to sufficiently low reactor pressure is determined by the relief valve, so that a critical pressure ratio appears over its seat even when an accident pressure appears in the suppression chamber. The valve ooenin time must not exceed 500 ms with a dead time of 500 ms. However, shorter opening times down to 100 ms must not produce any impermissible loads. The nonuniformit of the water heatin in the pool should not exceed +5'C, apart from regions immediately contiguous to the

*Translator's note:    The  abbreviation   t stands   for a metric ton equal to 1000 kg.


quencher outlet. This difference must be respected even if the pool is heated by 20'C with one or more blowdown lines during a blowdown process and simultaneously 2 out of 4 RHR pumps are in operation. The temperature ran e of the ool water in the cgxencher's vicinity for which the blowdown can proceed at full flow rate should be at least between 35'C and 60'C. With a linearly decreasing flow rate, it must still be possible to pass through the temperature range of 60'C to 80'C in accordance with Figure 2.2. This stipu-lation is based on the assumption of a mean pool-temperature of up to 55'C for full flow rate and a maximum permissible mean pool-

   *h arms

temperature of 75'C and the above-mentioned nonuniformity of the water heating. (see Figure 3.1) suppression chamber. is 4.08 m at normal water level in the But the system must remain operational the event, of water level deviations of +0.40 and -2.00 m. The in latter might occur, of course, in the event of a greatly lowered reactor pressure; see Figure 2.3. 2.3 Permissible pressure loads on the suppression chamber A distinction is made between two, types of loads which produce pressure loads on the suppression chamber during operation of the blowdown lines. Firstly, the expulsion 'of water from the line causes pressure loads which, as the expelled air expands, cause 5-15

brief pressure oscillations at the bottom and walls of the sup-pression chamber. Secondly, pressure oscillations occur during steady-state condensation of steam. Depending on the discharge geometry and water temperature, they are attributable to the con-densation process. Both loads should be limited to the following limiting values: 2.3.1 Pressure oscillations during vent clearing For a reactor pressure / up to 83 bar and for the specified valve opening times, the air oscillations at the bottom and wall should not exceed the values 2

             + 1 00      0 . 6 kg/cm d -0.4           local 1 y under the pipe kg/cm   integrally over the bottom.

2.3.2 Pressure oscillations during condensation For the specified range of flow rate and temperature, the pressure amplitudes at the bottom and wall should be maintained below

             +  0.5 kg/cm 2   locally under the pipe
             +0.4 kg/cm 2    integrally over the bottom.
2. 4 Test stands To obtain empirical information relating to the various require-ments imposed on the safety/relief system, numerous tests were performed. in two test stands. The purpose of this report is to make inferences from the measurement results to the expectation values in the nuclear power plant.


I Large-scale tests on pressure relief were performed in the con-densation test stand. in GKM at a scale of 1:5 with respect to the flow rate. That test stand, is illustrated in Figure 2.4. Results are contained in /2/. Supplementary measurements were performed in the model test stand (Figure 2.5) in the KWU Nuclear Energy Experimental Facility in Grosswelzheim at a scale up to approximately 1:100. Because of its smaller dimensions, that test stand is much more flexible than the GKM test stand. Xt is always preferable when large variations of the parameters are necessary. Another advantage is that the dimensions of the pool relative to the experimental quencher are approximately ten times larger than in GKM and therefore more closely approximate the conditions in the suppression chamber. Thus, information about the long-range effect can also be obtained there. Experimental results are illustrated in /4/. 5-17

3. Construction of the perforated-pipe quencher and arrangement, in the su ression chamber 1n this Section we describe the quencher that was designed for plant conditions. Although the constxuction and dimensions of the quencher are already stipulated, parameters that directly affect the quencher's operation and the loads on the bottom of the sup-pression chambez are to be considered provisionally as starting values for the confirmation tests in GKM. Those quantities will be stipulated finally only after conclusion of the GKN test program.

Table 3.1 contains a compilation of the most important data for the relief system with perforated-pipe quencher. The quantities not yet finally stipulated are provided with an asterisk in that Table. 3.1. Construction of the uencher The quencher with. the connection for the blowdown pipe is illus-trated in Figure 3.1. The transition member between the blowdown pipe and quencher arms is a ball. The angles between the arms are so selected that favorable installation conditions are achieved in the suppression chamber (see Figure 3.6) . The quencher hole dis-tribution at the present stage of planning is illustrated in Figure 3.1 and 3.2. The quencher has a total of 3152 holes which clear an outlet cross-sectional area of 0. 248 m 2 Previous tests /2/ have shown that, care must be taken to obtain a controlled inflow of water to the steam. For that reason, a uniform 5-18

I distribution of holes over the entire area of the arms of the quencher is not suitable, because the water would then have to flow in a direction opposite to the steam's blow-out direction. Accordingly, the steam is conducted into the pool through hole arrays which are distributed over the 4 quencher arms and 2 quencher ends. The water can arrive at these hole arrays from all sides. As shown in Figure 3.2, the 10-mm-diameter holes within a hole array (as in GKM) .are arranged in rows with a distance between hole centers of 1.5 d = 15 mm. With 22 holes per row, we obtain a total of .17 rows per hole array. The distance between hole centers is then 5.d = 50 mm from row to row. This distribution has proved, to be the most favorable configuration of holes in a large number of tests. Zn t.wo of the four arm ends, 80 holes are provided in corre-spondingly constructed hole arrays. These holes generate a thrust in the suppression chamber's circumferential direction in order to improve the temperature mixing during blowdown of individual quenchers. 3.2 Arran ..ement of the relief ie and auencher Connected to each valve is a blowdown pipe which is led downward through a vent pipe into the water space. The vent pipe serves as a protective tube and prevents steam from entering into the air space of the suppression chamber in the event of a leak in the blowdown pipe. The diameter of the blowdown pipe is still 5-19

being optimized for the clearing process; cf. Section 4. The guide of the blowdown pipe is shown in Figure 3.3. The pipe is not connected directly to the protective tube, but rather is held independently at two points. At the top the blowdown pipe is anchored to the valve, which is rigidly mounted to the erection platform in the upper annulus. At the bottom, the quencher con-nected rigidly to the pipe is guided into a mount at the bottom of the suppression chamber (Figure 3.4) . It allows axial motions of the quencher due to thermal expansion of the pipe by up to 30 mm. Transverse and rotational motions of the quencher, however, are limited by guidance in two mutually perpendicular planes. In addition, the lower mount is so constructed that the flow around the quencher arms is not impaired. The dimensions of the quencher relative to the suppression chamber are shown in Figure 3.5. The narrowest configuration of two blowdown pipes is illustrated there. The smallest distance between adjacent quenchers is 1.20 m; the smallest distance from the inner wall is 0.70 m. The distances are large in comparison to the steam braid [sic] length of ca. 15 cm. All 7 quenchers are drawn to scale in Figure 3.6. The numbers designate the valve group. Ne see that. adjacent quenchers are not actuated simultaneously. 5-20

4. Bottom load durin vent clearin Tests were performed in the GEM test stand to determine the loads during vent clearing. They are described, in detail in /2/. In the test series performed most recently (perforated pipe version 7 in /2/), the following parameters were identical to those in the reactor:
                 - perforated pipe with      4  arms hole diameter:     10 mm arrangement    of holes in    rows with a row separation of 50  mm  and a hole separation   of  15 mm in the row mean   distance of the quencher from the bottom: 1.2 m steady-state    steam mass flow density, relative to the total cross-sectional area of the quencher holes valve characteristic submergence At the test scale used in GKN, the nominal steam flow density is reached when saturated steam at only ca. 18 kg/cm 2 (absolute) appears before the actual valve. During vent clearing in most of the tests, there occurred transiently a pipe pressure which restricted the flow rate toward the end of the process. This phenomenon is corrected computationally in the transposition of results.

The valve opening time and submergence were varied in the tests. In addition, tests were performed with different quencher outlet 5-21

't areas. The previous vent clearing tests in the GKM test stand of relevance for the reactor design resulted in maximum pressure oscillations of +1.0/-0.6 kg/cm at the tank bottom. These pres-sure oscillations are influenced not only by the valve opening time and quencher outlet area, but also by the volume of air enclosed in the pipe. In the current test series, the influence of the volume of air enclosed in the pipe will also be studied by varying the pipe's diameter with a true-to-scale reactor quencher. The purpose of these confirmation tests with the true-to-scale quencher is to determine the associated bottom pressures in GKl4, which then can be transposed directly to the plant (except for the calculated correction for the flow rate during clearing) and which should not exceed the numerical values indicated above. Therefore, the limiting values from the GKM tests were taken over for the specification of the bottom load on the suppression chamber during vent clearing. That means that a bottom pressure of +1.0/-0.6 kg/cm 2 is assumed directly beneath the quenchers. Using suitable combinations of parameters (pipe diameter and quencher outlet area), there are sufficient ways to achieve that goal. No statement can be made yet concerning the decrease of pressure in the meridional direction. Accordingly, we conservatively assume a constant pressure at the bottom of the suppression chamber. The same pressure is also assumed at the side walls 5-22

up to the outlet height of the vent pipes. From there, it decreases linearly to the water surface. A distinct decrease in pressure from the maximum value beneath the pipe was measured in the circumferential direction during the KWW blowdown tests. A correspond'ng pressure decrease will also occur during blowdown with quenchers. It will even be steeper, because the center of oscillation is deeper due to the greater submergence of the quenchers. Therefore, following a loss-of-coolant accident, when the pressure suppressi;on system is already loaded, a smaller load occurs as the total load. for the inner bearing. A maximum of '3 relief valves open in such an accident. If the pressure load is integrated in .accordance with the most unfavorable valve configu-ration (Figure 4.1), then we find P mean = 0.5 P , i.e., +0.5/-0.3 profile in Figure 4.1 was based on a pressure distri-

        . The bution described by a 1/r law, as described in /1/.



5. D namic ressure load durin condensation of steam Although the condensation of steam in a water pool represents an approximately steady-state process, pressure oscillations are produced which load the walls and bottom of the suppression chamber wetted by the water. The discharge quencher of the relief system in the plant has a very broad spectrum ox utilization with respect to mass flow rate and pool temperature {see Section 2) .

Xn that range, the processes involved in the condensation of steam can be subdivided into clearly separated ranges. To begin, we shall briefly list here the condensation phases observed with a perforated-pipe quencher and their most important distinguishing features. That is followed by a detailed descrip-tion of the phenomena found for the individual phases. The pres-sure amplitudes measured in the test stand are also indicated. Finally, we provide a compilation of the expected maximum pressure load in the suppression chamber due to condensation, including the expected circumferential distribution of the bottom load. 5.1 Surve of observed condensation hases The most important condensation phases of a perforated.-pipe quencher are illustrated diagrammatically in Figure 5.1. They can be observed as a function of the mass flow rate and pool temperature. Xf the steam flows out of the quencher at a critical or supexcritical pressure ratio, then the speed of sound is reached in the narrowest 5-24

( 1

cross-section. Pressure oscillations produced. outside the cpencher can therefore not have any effect on the flow to the quencher. The processes inside and outside the quencher are therefore decoupled. In the following, this phase is designated as condensation with large mass flow density. 0n the other hand, if the steam is blown into the water pool with a subcritical pressure ratio, then the processes outside and inside. the quencher can have a mutual influence. As a consequence, there can even be intermittent operation. This is discussed in greater V detail in Section Finally, if the steam flow rate is so low that the heat of con-densation delivered with the steam is carried away completely by the relief pipe cooled externally by water, then the condensation occurs only in the pipe and no longer outside in the pool. In that case, pressure oscillations due to the condensation processes are still observable only to a negligible extent outside the ~ quencher. This condensation phase is of only slight importance in practical application. It is combined with the previously described subcritical outflow as condensation with small mass flow density. That is proper.because between these phases there is a transition range in which the two ef fects are .of the same order o f magnitude. 5-25


5.2 Condensation with small mass flow densit 5.2.1 Condensation in the pipe Examples of results of measurements of condensation in the pipe are shown in Figures 5.2 and 5.3 which weza obtained in the GKH test stand (Figure 2.4) . ' 'detailed description of the different test geometries and a compilation of all tests can- be found in /2/. For the test illustrated in Figure 5.2, the condensation occurred only the in the supply pipe at a flow rate of 2 t/h for a pool temperature below 85'C. For the test illustrated in Figure 5.3, that was the case at a flow rate of 5.3 t/h for a pool temperature below 40'C, *) As a rule of thumb we note here that for the test geometry a flow rate of 1 t/h is to be understood as 1% of nominal flow rate. Since the condensation takes place completely inside a volume bounded by the pipe wall and the remaining water slug, no pressure The amount of heat dissipated along the 3-m-long pipe section between the pool water level and the perforated collar of the test geometry, and thus the amount of steam condensed along that pipe section, shall be estimated briefly: Under the assumption that the heat transfer both from the flowing steam to the pipe wall and also from the pipe to the water pool is very good (in other words, the inner surface of the pipe is heated up to the steam temperature, whereas the outer surface of the pipe assumes the water temperature), and assuming a coefficient of thermal conductivity of 45 kcal/m h'K, 1.9 t/h of steam can be condensed in the first case and 4.2 t/h in the second case. These values are only a little below the measured flow rates of 2 and 5.3 t/h, respectively. The difference can be explained by the fact that a small amount of heat is also dissipated along the 12-m-long section of the pipe lying in the air space. 5-26

pulsations are to be expected in the pool (i.e., outside that volume) due to the condensation. Xn fact, the test recordings exhibit only negligibly low amplitudes in the vicki.ty of the resolution limit of the measurement chain (see also Figures 5.2 and 5.3), which are attributable to a'hum and the temperature sensitivity of the transducers. 5.2.2 Condensation with subcritical outflow Pressure pulsations with subcritical outflow When operating a perforated-pipe quencher with subcri ical pressure ratio, regular sinusoidal-like pressure pulsations with frequencies up to nearly 200 Hz were measured at the wall and bottom of the test tank and also in the supply pipe. Examples from the measure-ment traces are shown in Figure 5.10. Pressure. amplitudes measured with the model quencher and the frequencies that occurred are illustrated in Figures 5.4 to 5.9. The frequency jumps occurring with the heating of the water during a test are conspicuous. They are associated with abrupt changes of the pressure amplitudes. Between the jump points, the frequency decreases with increasing water temperature. All signs point to the steam bubbles as the point of origin of the pressure oscillation: The heat dissipation becomes poorer with increasing water tern-perature. The surface area of the steam bubbles and thus their volume increases. But larger bubble dimensions are associated with smaller oscillation frequenci'es. This explains the frequency decrease with increasing water temperature. 5-27

I 'l

The pressure oscillations propagate both in the pool and also upstream in the supply pipe. Therefore, independently of the frequency, the pressure signals at the individual pressure trans-ducers must be shifted, in accordance with their distance from the bubbles. Whereas the signal reaches the pressure transducers at the bottom (somewhat more than 1 m away on the average) in 1 to 2 ms, it requires about 50 ms to reach the pressure measurement point 18 m upstream in the'upply pipe at a sound speed of 450 m/s and a flow speed of approximately 100 m/s. As made clear in Figure 5.10, the time difference predicted by the calculation was also confirmed by the measurements. Ne can rule out standing waves in the relief pipe, since a slow decrease of the oscillation frequency with increasing water tem-perature cannot be explained by them. The reason for the observed frequency jumps remains unexplained. The oscillation might possibly be caused by regenerative pertur-bations in the boundary layer which could also occur, for example, at air jets and also produce frequency jumps there as the parameters are varied continuously /3/. Xndependently of how the bubble oscillation is generated, the measured, pressure pulsations with a uniform frequency and also a substantially uniform amplitude indicate that .the processes trans-pire with the same frequency and phase for all steam bubbles (except in the transition regions shown in Figures 5.7 to 5.9). The 5-28

synchronization is achieved through the volume of steam flowing into the quencher and relief pipe, resulting'n a forced oscilla-tion. The highest pressure amplitudes measured with the model quencher were +0;55 kg/cm 2 Transition range to condensation in the pipe . Steady-state phenomena Zf the amount of heat necessary for condensation of the supplied steam cannot, be dissipated completely through the pipe wall, then the water level in the pipe drops so far due to a corresponding pressure build-up in the steam space that the remaining steam flows out through the released cross-sectional area of the holes and condenses outside the quencher in the pool. Zn the over-whelming number of tests, the test geometr'ies described in detail in /2/ had discharge areas in the supply pipe (perforated collar and perforated neck), which were therefore released first. For the tests already described in Section 5.2.1 in connection with condensation in the pipe (Figures 5.2 and 5.3), the first openings were cleared when higher temperatures were reached in the pool, when the temperature difference across the pipe wall was no longer sufficient for complete condensation of the steam inside the pipe. Figures 5.4 to 5.6 show measurement results for a steam flow rate of 9 to 10 t/h. At one measurement point located immediately before the inlet into the branch piece of the quencher, pressures of approximately 1.5 kg/cm 2 (absolute) and temperatures of at most 5-29

115'C were recorded throughout almost the entire test procedure (to pool temperatures.- up to more than 90'C) ., If it. is taken into consideration that both quantities can be afflicted with a measure-ment error, then these values relate both to saturated steam and also to boiling water. Since clearly superheated steam is supplied, the temperature of the steam flowing into the quencher should rise gradually with increasing temperature of the pool and associated reduction of the heat dissipation through the pipe wall. But no such trend. is discernible. This apparent contradiction can be explained by the estimate made in the footnote of the amount of steam already blown out up to the quencher inlet and condensed, in the pipe. *) Figures 5.7 and 5.8 show measurement results for tests with a supplied steam flow rate between 20 and 25 t/h. In that operating range, a considerable portion of the steam is blown- out through the model quencher itself. In these tests, the expected increase If we assume a pressure jump across the collar holes of between 1.6 kg/cm (absolute) (this is the mean value between the pressure of the supplied steam and the pressure at the quencher inlet) and 1.3 kg/cm" (absolute) (this is- the hydrostatic backpressure outside the collar), then, assuming a coefficient of post-contraction of 0.6, approximately 2.5 t/h of steam can flow out across the collar area of Version 6, whereby a discharge velocity of more than half the speed of sound is attained. In addition, assuming a temperature jump of 100'C and a coefficient of thermal conductivity of 45 kcal/m h'K, an amount of heat corresponding to a condensed steam flow rate of 4.3 t/h is dissipated through the approximately 5-m-long pipe between the pool surface and the quencher inlet. Together with the steam flowing out through the collar holes, this is approxi-mately 75% of the, steam flow rate of 9 to 10 t/h supplied through the valve. Thus, in this operating range, only a small fraction of the steam flows into the actual quencher. Because of the pre-ceding heat dissipation, it is surely not superheated. 5-30

of the steam superheating at the quencher inlet with increasing temperature in the pool is also observed. The fraction of steam condensing in the pipe- is clearly smaller than the fraction flowing out. The flow rates associated with this operating point should therefore no longer be counted as part of the tra'nsition range. . Non-steady-state phenomena For low discharge rates, the quencher is not blown free completely but rather the water slug is only moved so far that the hole cross-sectional area necessary for the discharge is released. This equilibrium position of the water level in the pipe or in the quencher is not very stable, however. If the water slug is pushed r out too far and a too large discharge area is thereby released, then a larger steam flow rate condenses than is supplied through the valve. As a result, the pressure in the relief pipe falls and water flows in through the quencher. The penetrating cold water causes a violent condensation. As shown in Figure 5.11 by means of an extract from the pressure recordings, there is then a collapse of the pressure in the relief pipe. Both in the test stand and. also in the power plant, the relief pipe is provided with a snifter valve which opens at an underpressure of h 0.05 kg/cm and allows air to flow in for pressure equalization. 2 The lowest possible pressure is therefore limited to 0.9 kg/cm (absolute) in both cases. As soon as the air reaches the water level in the quencher or in the relief pipe, the condensation comes 5-31

l 1

nearly to a standstill and pressure is built up again in the 4 relief pipe. The pressure initially rises above the steady-state value because. the water slug has to. be displaced. This process is clearly illustrated in Figure 5.11. A steady-state pressure of 1.7 kg/cm 2 (absolute) was measured in the supply pipe. A maximum of 2.7 kg/cm (absolute) was reached when the water slug was expelled, i.e., 1 kg/cm 2 more than the steady-state value. Because of the predominant influence of the pressure and inertia forces, the water motion depends solely on the pressure variation in the quencher and in the relief pipe. The variation of pressure with time depends on the ratio of the steam volume in the elief system to the discharge area of the relief system. Since a time expansion or compression of the pressure variation has 'the same effect on the inflow and outflow processes, such a parameter varia-tion has a completely neutral effect on the pressure amplitudes that occur. 'hus, as long as the pressure minimum is established by the action of the snifter valve, the pressure maximum and thus the entire sequence of motion is also established for geometrically similar quenchers. As a consequence of the water motions, pressure oscillations are observed at the bottom and at the wall of the tank. when the water enters and also when it is expelled. But those oscillations decay rapidly (Figure 5.11) . According to Figures 5.4 to 5.6, maximum 5-32

                                                                            ~j peak values  of 2 occurred aq flow densit-(

5.3 Condensation with lar e mass gin the primary operating range of the quencher, the speed of sound prevails at the outlet. For that reason, the processes inside and outside the quencher are decoupled. Therefore, the processes proceed in a much simpler manner than when there is subcritical outflow. 5.3.1 Pressure pulsations with supercritical outflow Figure 5.1$ shows a typical example of the measurement traces obtained with the bottom pressure transducers in the GKN test stand (Figure 2.4) for operation of the quencher with a super-critical pressure ratio. High-frequency pressure oscillations occur with very small amplitude and without any fixed frequency. Zt is obvious that a synchronous oscillation of the steam bubbles does not occur. The reason is probably that the steam. bubbles can only have a small mutual effect on each other by means of pressure signals across the pool. The much more effective mutual influence via the steam flowing inside the quencher is excluded because of the speed of sound occurring in the outlet cross-section. As a result, the steam condenses without appreciable pressure amplitudes occurring. The maximum pressure amplitudes measured with perforated-pipe versions 4 to 7 in the GKM test stand are plotted versus pool temperature in Figure 5.13. Zf we factor out 5-33

I the phenomena occurring just before the boiling temperature is reached in the water. pool (described in more detail in the following Section), then the pressure amplitudes are limited to a maximum of +0.2 kg/cm . That value was only reached in one test during a brief interval of time. Otherwise, pressure amplitudes of +0.15 kg/cm 2 were not exceeded. 5.3.2 Steam bubble oscillations near the boiling point of the pool Because of the arrangement of the holes for the steam outlet in rows, between which there are broad lanes for supplying water to the steam (see Figure 3.2), the pool can be heated up to the boiling point without recording any rise of the pressure amplitudes (Figure 5.13) . For alder versions of the perforated pipe which were pro-vided with a uniform distribution of holes, large steam bubbles were formed beginning at a pool temperature of about 90'C /2/. Since the water in the thin test tank at GKM was not able to escape laterally, the water column "danced" on the steam cushion. The large pressure amplitudes resulting from that motion are illustrated in Figure 5.13. Nith the hole configuration described above, this phenomenon can be eliminated completely. Studies concerning the necessary width of the water lanes were carried out in the model test stand /4/. They were used to lay out the hole distribution of the actual quencher . 5-34

5.4 Ex ected, maximum ressure load in the sum ression chamber In this Section we shall describe how pressures measured with model quenchers in the test stand can be used to deduce the maximum pres-sure load in the suppression chamber of the power plant. Because it k of the fundamentally different physical process, is appropriate to distinguish between intermittent operation of the quencher with rhythmic inflow and outflow of water, on the one hand, and con-tinuous operation with subcritical or supercritical outflow, on the other hand. 5.4.1 Intermittent operation The intermittent operation of the quencher that is possible for I low flow rates was thoroughly described in Section Water flows in and out alternately. Furthermore, a justification was presented there for the, assertion that a completely corre-sponding behavior of the processes can be expected in the model quencher and in the large-scale version because of the limitation of pressure in the pipe by the snifter valve. We can therefore assume that the pressure oscillations generated. at the quencher outlet are the same for the main quencher as for the model quencher. As is demonstrated in the analyses presented in the following two Sections, for equally large pressure, oscillations and at the openings of the quencher the pressure load on the suppression chamber can also be no greater than was measured in the GKM test stand. Therefore, for intermittent operation, a( pressure load no 5-35

greater than +0.4'g/cm can be anticipated at the walls and bottom in the suppression chamber as in the test stand. 5.4.2 Continuous oaeration Any single steam jet that emerges from the perforated-pipe quencher oscillates and thereby accelerates water rhythmically to and fro. It is only toward the top that the water space is not confined and the water can escape. However, because the acceleration of water is necessary for the decrease of the pressure signal, the unfavorable two-dimensional pressure propagation toward the bottom always occurs in this test tank. A condensation test with a small distance of the quencher from the bottom is compared in Figures 5.14 and 5.15 with two other tests which were carried out with more than twice as large a distance to the bottom. The steam flow rate is approximately the same in all tests. In addition, the hole dia-meter in the arms. is the same in Figure 5.14. In Figure 5.15, on the other hand, the entire outlet area is the same. A decrease of the pressure pulsations with distance of the quencher from the bottom cannot be observed, which should also be expected according to the discussion above. Thus, the pressures measured at the bottom of the test tank are on the safe side. We may therefore assume that the maximum pressure load measured in the test stand due to 2 condensation (+0.55 kg/cm 2 for subcritical outflow and +0.2 kg/cm for supercritical outflow) is not exceeded at any point. 5-36

5.4.3 Circumferential distribution of the maximum bottom load during automatic deoressurization The perforated.-pipe qu'encher is so designed that the outflow of steam from the quencher at reactor rated pressure occurs with a supercritical pressure ratio for which, according to the dis-cussion above, the smallest pressure loads occur. Operation of the quencher with subcritical pressure ratio and also intermittent operation for very low flow rates occur during the automatic depres-surization described in Section 2. During that operating condition, only 3 valves respond in KKB. They are distributed uniformly over the circumference (Figure 2.1) and thus are widely separated from one another. Therefore, the maximum pressure load occurs only in the close vicinity of the quencher. At a large distance from the quencher, the load decreases sharply, so'hat the total bottom load is considerably below the, peak values near the quencher. The total reduction factor shall be determined in the following on the basis of a conservative estimate. For simplification we shall think of a circular disk covered uni-formly with synchronously oscillating steam bubbles and having the radius of the quencher and a thickness a little greater than 'the thickness of the- arms (Figure 5.16). For an observer located centrally under the disk, only the disk's diameter and not its thickness is of significance. Thus, the pressure decrease in accordance with the law for an oscillating spherical bubble (p ~ r = const.) /5/ occurs for that observer in such a way as if 5-37

't a large spherical bubble with the diameter of the disk were oscillating. That bubble is also illustrated in Figure 5.16. However, in the conservative estimate being made here, the pres-sure decrease in the vertical center section shall be completely neglected. For an observer at the bottom shifted laterally in the circum-ferential direction, the pressure decrease with the circular disk is faster than with the previously described enveloping sphere because of the smaller thickness.. Accordingly, the decrease of pressure with the sphere's, radius shall be assumed conservatively in the circumferential direction. The developed circumferential distribution of the maximum bottom load calculated in this way is shown in Figure 4.1 in a normalized depiction for the two valves with the smallest separation that are actuated simultaneously during automatic depressurization (Figure 2.1) . According to that, the total pressure load on the bottom is less than 50% of the peak value. For the maximum pressure amplitudes of +0.55 kg/cm indi-cated in Section 5.2.2, the total load on the bottom is actually less than +0.3 kg/cm 2 5-38

I l 'k

6. Reaction forces on the erforated- ix>e uencher The forces exerted on the system consisting of valve, blowdown pipe and perforated-pipe quencher during blowdown of the relief valves can be divided into internal and external reaction forces.

The internal forces include pressure x area, frictional forces, the recoil on the valve, the dynamic pressure in the quencher and deflection forces inside the valve and quencher. Insofar as no resultant components occur, these forces are allowed for by a suitable wall thickness of the material. Among the external forces we must distinguish between the primary forces produced directly by the recoil action of the outflowing water, air and steam, and secondary forces due to the inflowing water. The steady-state and non-steady-state processes must be investigated for both the internal and external forces. This Chapter is limited. to the external forces. Vent, clearin rocess When the relief valve is opened, a pressure builds up in the space above the water surface in the pipe. This pressure accelerates and expels the water column. Et is followed by compressed air and then by the'team. The order in which the individual media are expelled is determined by the geometrical configuration and is made certain by experimental observations. A certain degree of mixing at the interface between 5-39

\ steam and air is probable and depends essentially on the diameter/ length ratio of the blowdown pipe. 6.1 Forces on the individual hole The forces that, now act on each outflow cross-section with area fL are the recoil tv and p f , where p is the unrelieved pressure (It is assumed that. the latter L'n the narrowest cross-section. is still inside the outflow cross-section.) Thus we find for the force K acting on an individual outflow cross-section: K = 6p fL + mLvL For subcritical outflow, we now set hp = 0 for simplicity and. for critical outflow we calculate bp from the equations of gas dynamics. 6.1.1 Outflow of the water If we assume for the final velocity of the water a realistic value of 45 m/s in the individual outflow cross-section and set bp = 0, then we get a KL of 16.2 kp. 6.1.2 Expulsion of the air The air emerges initially at the final velocity of the water and expands immediately so that the air flowing after it expands in a cavity. If we assume critical expansion and a clearing pressure 2 flow rate m = 0.22 kg/s and p F = 15 kg/cm (absolute), a mass a velocity VL = 400 m/s, then we obtain a force of KL = 15.2 kp. 5-4 0

'l 6.1.3 Ex ulsion of the steam Based on the outflow area of the quencher = 0.248 m 2 and the maximum flow rate per individual hole m = 0.066 kg/s, we obtain an individual force of 9.8 kp for the outflow of steam. 6.2 Calculation of total forces Since the hole configuration is symmetric, no resultant forces should occur, apart from those caused by fabrication inaccuracies and by nonuniform outflow of steam. Nevertheless, to obtain information for strength calculations we made assumptions such as the masking of the upper or lower half of the hole array or of an entire hole array. Due to these unrealistic assumptions that were made in determining the reaction forces and due to round-offs, a safety margin is allowed for in the calculation. To calculate the resultant forces with partially masked hole arrays, the components of each individual force in the horizontal and vertical directions are added up. 6.2.1 Vent clearin Assuming the individual force of 16.2 kp calculated for the expulsion of water, and making the assumptions described below, we obtain reaction forces Pl P4 {see Figure 6. 1) of the following order of magnitude: 5-41

With masking of the lower halves of the hole arrays on all four arms (50% of the total area) P3 = 12 Mp With masking of one hole array each on two opposite arms in the same plane (25% of the total area)

                                        = 12 Mp 2

With masking of one hole array on one arm (12.5% of the total area) P2 = 6 Mp With masking of the upper halves of the two hole arrays on one arm (12.5% of the total area) P4 = 3 Mp

6. 2. 2 Stead -state blow-out of the steam After expulsion of the water column and air cushion, a pressure fluctuating about a mean value is set up in the relief pipe. Under the assumptions made above for the masking of the hole arrays, 1

we obtain the following reaction forces for the design pressure in continuous operation at 15 kg/cm (absolute): Pl = 7.5 MP; P2 = 3.8 MP; P 3

                                                    = 7.5  MP;' P  =  1.9 MP The  application points of these forces are            shown  in Figure 6.1.

A summary of all calculated forces and of those that were indicated earlier in a specification for the cpxencher design demonstrates 5-42

that the specification values can be considered conservative, especially because of the unrealistic assumptions made in the calculation. Based on the geometrical construction of the quencher, we can now use the calculated or specified forces to calculate all possible moments that act on the quencher as a whole or on any individual . arm. These moments were all taken into consideration in preparing the Fabrication Specification. For the sake of clarity, we shall dispense with any description of those calculations here. Ne shall only indicate the computation method and the assumptions made in determining the reaction forces. 5-43

7. Flow-rate capacity with the perforated-pipe quencher at reduced reactor ressure At high reactor pressure there prevails above the seat of the safety/relief valve a critical pressure ratio. The flow rate through the valve is then determined primarily by the reactor pressure and is approximately proportional to it. Xf the reactor pressure drops to low values, then it finally falls below the critical pressu're gradient above the valve seat and the flow rate decreases more than proportionally with the reactor pressure.

Since the flow-rate capacity at reduced reactor pressure plays an important role for the case of automatic pressure relief described in Section 2, it was investigated in detail for operation of the relief system with the perforated-pipe quencher. The flow rate per relief valve for low reactor pressures is plotted 4 in Figure 7.1. The upper curve corresponds to the flow rate through the valve as indicated by the valve manufacturer. ln the plotted range of reactor pressures, these values are also appli-cable in practice for the flow rate through the relief system with a subsequently inserted perforated-pipe quencher. The reduced flow rates illustrated by the lower curve are set for a pressure of 2.8 kg/cm (absolute) in the air space of the suppression chamber. The flow rate through the relief system at reduced reactor pressure is not influenced substantially by the perforated-2 pipe quencher (for reactor pressures <" 5 kg/cm (absolute) ), but is influenced more greatly by a rise of the pressure in the suppression chamber. 5-44

The variation of 0he liquid level in the core shroud during automatic depressurization following a 44 cm leak and failure of the coolant injection system is plotted in Figure 7.2. The illustration makes it clear that there is practically no dif-ference in the time variation of the depressurization for the two flow-rate variations under consideration. The reason for this is that the difference in the flow rate is still small when the low-pressure coolant injection system responds (i.e., at a reactor pressure of l2 bar) . As the accident proceeds, heat is then dissipated. to an increasing degree through the injected cold water and an additional pressure drop is produced. 5-45

8. Temperature distribution in the suppression chamber during relief rocesses A most uniform possible temperature distribution is necessary in the water storage tank of the suppression chamber because then the heat capacity of the water is better exploited and
   - thermal stresses at the walls and bottom due to nonuniform heating are avoided.

For a detailed study of the temperature distribution during, relief processes it seems appropriate to consider separately the mixing in the vertical and circumferential directions. 8.1 Vertical tern erature distribution A uniform vertical temperature distribution is easy to achieve if the heat is supplied very deep in the water storage tank. The hot, specifically lighter water rises, mixes with the colder water above it, and we obtain a uniform heating of the pool in the vertical direction. For that reason, the perforated-pipe cpxencher is installed very deep in the water space of the suppression chamber, as is illustrated in Figure 3.3. Results of tests on vertical mixing were obtained in the GKM con-densation test stand /2/ and are also illustrated in Figure 2.4. Temperatures measured at the tank bottom and at the tank wall for the large flow-rate range of 1:10 are plotted in Figures 8.1 to 8.5. Values read off simultaneously are connected by similar types of lines. Ne see that a uniform temperature with a maximum scatter 5-46

range of +7.5'C was found up to the boiling point both beneath the quencher at the bottom and also at the tank wall. The narrowly restricted lateral geometry of the tank (Figure 2.4) has- an extremely detrimental effect on the temperature mixing. On the one hand, the warm water must rise. On the other hand, however, water must also flow downward toward the quencher. These motions counteract each other. Zn contrast, in the suppression chamber of the power plant all the water flows toward the quencher from the side. Thus, there are clear inflow and outflow conditions. For that reason, we can anti-cipate a better vertical temperature mixing there. Zt should be emphasized that the water beneath the quencher near the bottom is also heated, .although the impulse of the steam flowing out from the'erforated arms is directed entirely upward /2/. The fact that a sufficient amount of heat is nevertheless supplied to the water beneath the quencher enables us to infer an intense large-scale turbulence in the pool, which is produced by the flow and. condensation processes at the quencher. A strong turbulent mixed flow in the pool during condensation of steam through the perforated-pipe quencher was also able to be observed optically in the model test stand (Figure 2.5) . Those" tests are reported upon thoroughly in /4/. Those tests provide primary information concerning the large-scale temperature distri-bution. Accordingly, they shall be discussed in the next Section. 5-47

8.2 Temperature distribution. in the circumferential direction of the suppression chamber The distribution of relief pipes in. the suppression chamber as illustrated in Figure 3.6 makes it clear. that the valves associated with the individual valve groups, which respond jointly according to the cases described in Section 2, are distributed uniformly along the circumference. The geometrical arrangement therefore. guarantees a uniform heat supply in the circumferential direction. However, we must also consider the case that a single valve responds for a longer period of time. In that case, the steam is supplied only at one point of the suppress'an chamber ring. The heat transport described in the preceding Section due to the characteristic motion of large turbulence elements [turbulence bubbles] in the pool is more effective in the horizontal direction than downward. toward, the. bottom, since the steam is blown into the water primarily horizontally, as can be recognized from the hole distribution in Figure 3.2. Information concerning. the large-scale temperature distribution in the suppression chamber was obtained with the model test stand (Figure 2.5) . The water surface area there (relative to the pipe cross-sectional area) is about ten times greater than in the thin GKN tank. Therefore, the pool itself is also much larger compared to the quencher. The length of the test stand, in relation to the quencher corresponds to approximately half the developed circum-ference of the suppression chamber ring. Figures 8.6 to 8.9 show 5-48

examples of temperature distributions in the pool. They were recorded with two different versions of the perforated pipe and, with distinctly different mass flow rates. The uniform temperature distribution at the bottom and at the wall demonstrates the action of the turbulent mixing observed. optically: The temperature differences are at most +2'C. It may be expected that this effect will act in the same way in the suppression chamber of the power plant. The mixing in the circumferential direction can be further improved by a slightly unsymmetrical distribution of holes on the quencher, whereby a one-sided impulse is exerted on the water mass, which gradually sets the water into a slow rotary motion. In this way, the heat is carried away from the quencher and colder water is conducted to it. Such a slight unsymmetry is provided for, for example, by a hole distribution. at the ends of two arms facing in the same circumferential direction. An important active element for the mixing of the water in the suppression chamber is the closed-circuit cooling system. After exceeding an average pool temperature of 38'C, water is taken from the deepest point of the pool, cooled and distributed near the water surface along the circumference of the suppression .chamber. In that way, a recirculation of the water in the suppression chamber is accomplished every half hour by the four RHR legs shown in.Figure 2.1. These measures alone already produce a uniform temperature distribution, since, for example, an emergency shutdown 5-4 9

of the reactor extends over 5 hours, which is more than 10 times longer. Because of the many processes described above to achieve an equalization over the entire water volume of the suppression chamber, it can be assumed that the maximum deviation of the temperature in the pool of the suppression chamber does not exceed + 5'C, except in the immediate vicinity of the steam outlet.

Table 3.1 3.1.1 Relief s stem ( enera'1) Operating pressure 70 bar Nominal flow rate per valve at 83 bar 600 t/h "Actual" flow rate at 70 bar 600 t/h Valve opening time ca.300 ms Quencher submergence 4. 078 m Total opening area of the quencher 0. 248 m2

  • Mass flow density 2 *

(relative to the total opening area) 672 kg/m /s Bore diameter 10 mm Number of bores 3152

  • 3.1.2 Hole arravs on the arm ends (for thrust eneration)

Opening area of the hole arrays 0.0125 m 2

  • Area fraction 0.05 *

(relative to the total opening area) 3.1.2 Quencher Number of arms Arm diameter 406.4 mm 2 Free cross-sectional area of the arms 0.11 m Length of the arms (to the pipe axis) 1640 mm Least distance from inner cylinder 700 mm Least distance from the bottom Characterization of the hole distribution Angle range (see Figure 3. 2) 8go

  • Angle position +44.5' Hole spacing in the row 15 mm
  • Row spacing 50 mm
  • Ratio of row spacing to row length 0.154
  • Total length of the hole distribution 800 mm *
  • values not stipulated definitively 5-51

'I RHR leg

                    +rj                            90' Yo. ">~

o RHR le~ (0 O g)s

                                                          / TSS              qb Kondensationskommer Suppression chamber           Or,,

i DruckgefaO Prespu~e TSS!Q2 DE~.Q3

                                                                            +o 0                                Cy
                                      ~/                                         'cj 4p 270'HR d

0 qg

                ~Cy        4

 /   I ~

~ ~ Arrangement of the safety/relief valves 5-52

            'j UU Te rn p e r at u re.

80 ) 125 80 Oc 50, >so 40 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 . to/h Durchs atz Flow rate Bild 2.2. Durchsatz im Abbiaserohr bei steigender Pool temperatur (Notabfahren KKB ) Flow rate in the blowdown pipe with rising pool temperature (KKB emergency shutdown) Water g) 0 Normal level vel 1 Norma)stand 18,84 asser-spiegel

18) 5 1 8) 0 17)5 Flow rate in the blowdown pipe with decreasing water level (design leak in KKB suppression chamber)
17) 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 to/ h Durchsat z Flow rate Bild 2. 3.

Durchsatz im Abblaserohr bei absinkendem V!asserspiegel ( 6 I!C)nn>!ianna. Inr fr LCnr~r)~~r ~4 I~ ~I.~ I/ If

NW 200 3000 <

                                     ~g Bild 2.4 GKM - Kondensationsvetsuchsstcnd GEM  Condensation test stand           P ~


NW50 1600 Biid 2.S Modelt Versuchsstand Gwh GWH model test stand 5-55

aCOI ,4x lg 0 d)



                                                       ~'cv C14 22 bores EI i t 0 3.1.      LOCHROHRDOSE           F3    NN 400 0"    ""

(Configuration of the hole arrays will not: be specified until after the confizmation tests in GKM) 5-56

17 rows 17 Ppj!pn ~ LJ

            ~J 0

C 8 O LD 0 lachteldaus schnit t 50 a5d Extract'rom hole array 0 LA CV B i ) d 3.2 Lochbeteg~un der Diisenarrne

    .Figure 3.2        Hole distribute;on on the quencher arm 5-57
        + 27,20 V                                                         I I

l I l. l I

                                         ~ I I

i I f945 2000

       ,V I

t Q +]3,34 Bitd: 3.3. FCihrung des Abblaserohres mit LochrohrdQse (KKB) Guidance of the blowdown pipe with perforated-pipe quencher (EKB) 5-58

                                            . I I
                                     ~ I       f a

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l.~ J J I I 1 '

                                                              ~ ~




                /  tl

II' I ~ 60 r r' CD \ CD r

        ,/I' II
      / /

Biid 3./ U Bodenvercinl<erung der DQse Bottom anchor of the'quencher 5-59

              ~,gs  ~                l l
                                              /o l

l l l I I I I I I Dimensions of perforated pipe quencher F3 and arrangement in the KKB l I. / I suppression chamber I I I I I I I I I I I I I

                                          >00 I

I I. I

                             /                                   I
                            /                                   I
                           /                                   I
                         /                                    I
                 / l                                      /

l /

                                                      /     Bild 3.5.
                                                    /       Abmessungen der LochrohrdQse F 3
                                                 /          und Anordnung in der Kondensations-kammer K K B

F 4

                                                                       ~ ~
                                   ~ ~


  ~   >               ~ ~                          155 335 35' 4


    ~ ~

325'- ~


p,~~ j


285' 255'ohe' 200CRO 270 ~ Height, 0 Gruppenbezeichnvng Group designation

  • mL"

~ ~ Arrangement oZ the juenqhers'.in the 'suppression

                                                         ~  ~

chamber,.KKB 5-6l

                                                       ~ ~

1)0 Circular arc diameter P Tei lkre is dur c hm e ss er 16 890 mrn Pmax 0,8 Pressure distribution 4, Druckverteilung Mean value of pressure distribution Mittelwert der 0)6 Oruc ver t ei tun g 1< 0)4

0) 2 0

Position am Urnfang 135'osition along circumference l Bild 4.1: Umfangsverteiiung der maximalen Bodenbelastung . mit der Lochrohrduse wahrend...der Druckentlastung Normierte Darsteiiung, Erwartungswerte fur KKB Figure 4.1 Circumferential distribution of maximum bottom load with the perforated-pipe quencher during pressure relief Normalized representation, expectation values for KKB

Water temperature Wassertemper atur 100 80 Blow-out with subcritical BIow-out with pressure supercritical 60 ratio pressure ratio Condensation in the pipe Ausblasen mit Ausblasen mit Kondensation unterkritischem uberkritischem 40 Transition range im Rohr Druck verhal tnis Pruckverhaltnis 20 0 10 20. 30 40 50 60 80 100 kg/r'n s 200 300 400 600 800 1000 Massenstromdichte am Dusenaus trit t 5. Condensation phases with perforated-pipe quencher (conceptual drawing) Standard values for suppression chamber pressure of l kg/cm (absolute) (The phase boundaries are dependent to some extent. on the design and configuration of the quencher)

max.pos. und neg. vressure ampler,tudes at bottom Druck amp t t tuden am Boden Condensation in the pipe

+  0,4.                                           Kondensation kg/cm                                             irn Rohr at
+0,2 0

0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 Steam condition 2 m downstream from the valve outlet: 1.5 kg/cm 2 (abs.), 160'C Frequency of pressure oscillation Frequenz der Druckscheingung 40 30 Dampfzustand am Diiseneintritt: ca. 110 'C; ca. 1>5 ata 20 Steam condition at quencher inlet: ca. 110'C, ca. 1. 5 kg/cm (abs. ) ag 20 30 40 5 60 70 80 . 90 C 100 Wowser tempera t ur Water temperature Condensation with small mass flow density Variation of amplitude and frequency of the pressure oscillation GKM test no. 171 (perforated pipe version 5) m = 2t/h KF... = 603 cm 5-64 hole

                                                               =  9kg/m      s

rnaX. pOS. und neg. pressure amplitudes at bottom Druck a rn p L i t u den am Baden

 +04 Condensation. in the pipe Kondensation at           irn Rohr
 +02                                                       0     O~ 0~
          -0 0 ~00      0 0 0 0
                                                    ~O 0

0 Steam condition 2 m downstream from the valve outlet: 1.6 kg/cm (ab5.), 205'C Frequency of pressure oscillation Frequenz der Dru ck scheming ung 40 Hz 30 Dampfzustand am DUseneintritt ca 110 'C; ca 1,5 ata Steam condition at quencher inlet: ~ 20 ca. 110'C,~a. 1.5 kg/cm (abs.) 0~

10. O~ 0 0

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 OC 100 Wasser tempera Water temper ture tur Condensation with small mass flow density Variation of amplitude and frequency of the pressure oscillation GKM test no. 172 (perforated pipe version 5) rn = 5>3 t/h KF= 603 crn ~F,

                                                              =  24,5kg/m       s 5-65
'aX. POS. und neg. pressure amplitudes at bottom

, Druckamplituden t am Baden

    +0) 4 0     0  0 Og                                               00 0           0
    +0)2 0~0~~0~~0 Frequency of pressure oscillation
  <requenz der                                   Steam  condition 2   m  downstream from the valve outlet:      1. 7 kg/cm 2 (abs. ),

Cjruckschvringung 180'C 40 0 Quencher inlet: 0 Duseneintritt: Steam condition at 30 quencher inlet: ca. 115'C, ca. 1.5 kg/ T = 70-:110'C cm2 (abs.) {150'C ) 20 'nferred from Fluctuation at -0.5 Hz temperature in the arm Intermittent operation '0 0~ jo 0~ 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 C 100 lA/~~~ ~ 4r ar a~s ref ass e Water temperature

                       .4 Condensation with small mass flow density Variation of amplitude and frequency of the pressure oscillation GKN test no. 165 (perforated pipe version 4) 2 m  =10,3      t/h      XF, =397cm                              = 72 kg/m.s hole 5-66

I ax. poS. und neg. pressure amplitudes at bottom ruckamp 1 it unpen 'm Baden

 + 0)4        <>

Q-Q~-Q- ~W Q Q OQQO 0

  +0)2                                                   OO 0 OOOO 0   O
                                 ~Q~Q 0

Frequency of pressure Steam condition 2 m downstream from oscillation valve outlet: 1.7 kg/cm (abs.),'he 185'C "requenz der. Darnpfzus tan d 2m ruckschwin gung strornab des Ventilaustritts: 1,7 ata; 185 'C 50 Hz Quencher inlet: 40 Duseneintritt: T = 70-:115'C Dampfzustand am Duseneintritt 155'C s chwankend ca.'115'C) ca. 1,5 ata 30 mit 0)5 Hz Steam condition at quencher intermi ttierender inlet: ca. 115'C, ca. 1. 5 kg/cm (abs. ) Betrieb 20 Fluctuation at ~O

                -0.5 Hz                ex)       O~O Intermittent operation                   0
                                                               ~o jo                                                                   O~

0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 C 100 Water. temperature V/asser temperatur Fi ure 5.5 Condensation with small mass flow density Variation of amplitude and frequency of the pressure oscillation GKN test no. 173 (perforated pipe version 5) m =9,1t/h xF= 603 cm + = I 2 kg/m s hole

N QX. p QS. Un d neg pressure amplitudes at bottom Druckamplituden

am Baden
   +0) 4 00         0                                           0   0   0 0 at    0                                                       0 0 ~

0 0 0

   -0) 2

0 0 0 0 Frequency of pressure Steam condition 2 m downstream from the oscillation valve outlet: 1.7 kg/cm (abs.), temp.

 =requenz der                                    Darnpfzus tand 2 m ruckschwingung                                 stromab des VentiIaustritts:

Quencher inlet: 1) 7 at a I Temp. au s g e f. 50 DUseneintritt: Hz T= 45-:115'C Darnpf zustand schwankend am Duseneintritt 40 - mit 0>5 Hz ca.115'C; ca 1,5 ata Steam condition at quencher auSgef Fluctuation at "0.5 Hz

                               ~~ 0         inlet:   cay l15 CI ca.                 failed 1.5 kg/cm (abs.)

30 intermittierender Betrieb 20 Intermittent operation o

                                              ~     O~
                                                          ~O 10 0~

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 . 90 'C 100 Water temperature V/assertemperatur. Fi ure 5.6 Condensation with small mass flow density Variation of amplitude and frequency of the pres'sure oscillation GKM test no. 220 (perforated pipe version 6) t/h XF, 612cm m 47kg/m s m=10,3 = = hole 5-68

Bodkin mOX. POS und nag. pressure amplitudes at bottom Druc kornpli tu dan om

  +02 o-o/0 Freciyyngy    of pressure requen2',   der                     Steam   condition   2 m   downstream from Dru ck sch wingung                   the valve outlet:        2.1 kg/cm   (abs.),

70 205'C cPa 165'C Dampfzustand am Duseneintritt konstant 125'C stetig auf 165'C Constant ansteigend; ca 1,7 ata Steam condition at 30 quencher inlet rising steadily from 125'C fo 165'C, ca. 1.7 kg/cm (ab 20


10 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80- 90 C 100 W t p Water temperature Fi ure 5.7 Condensation with small mass flow density Variation of amplitude and, frequency of the pressure"oscillation GKM test no. 174 (perforated pipe version 5) m = 23 t/h KF,--- =603 cm = 109 kg/m s hole hole 5'-69'

max. pos. und neg. pressure amplitudes at bottom Druckamplituden am Boden

     +0) 6 at
     +0) 4                                                                                           I I
                                                                                                   ~ I
     +0)2 0

Fre qu enc y of pressure oscillation Frequenz der Dampfzustand 2 m Druckschwingun g stromab des Ventilaustritts: go 2)2 ata; 230'C Steam condition 2 m downstream from Hz the valve outlet: 2.2 kgjcm (abs.), 80 230'C 70 60 50 40 Rising steadily from 130'C to 160'0 Oampfzustand 130'C stetig a8 am Duseneintritt 160'C ansteigend 20 ca. 130'C; ca 1)7 ata g'~gl Constant Steam condition at th e quencher inlet ca. 13 0OC

       $ 0          ca. 1. 7 kg/cm, (abs. )                                O~

0 20 '30 40 50 60 70 80 90 C 100

            ~             A                                    Wasser temperatur t emperat are
              ~a ~   sI+

Water Condensation with small mass flow density oscillation r~M test no. m=21t/h 222 aF. =555 cm hole Variation of amplitude and. frequencv of the.pressure (Perforated Pine version 7)

                                                                      =103 kg/m's 5-70

I max. pos. und neg. pressure amplitudes at bottom Druckampiituden am Boden at 0

  +0]2 0

Fr equency o f vressure Frequenz F der oscillation Dampfzustand 2 m Druckschwingang stromab des Ventilaustritts: 200 3j6 ata; 180'C

                                      'Steam condition 2 m downstream                fromm Hz.                                the v lve        outlet..      3. 6 kg/cm   (abe. ) I 180                                                180oC 8

160 0 8 a N g


140 a 120 8

                                                    ~e                           ~ ~

EP M 100 o

                                                   .E Ol,~ 0 80                                              C   p P

M WO a s4 I g C4


M 40 20 L

                                                         ~ ee 0

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 'C 100 Nasser temp erat ur i ater temperature Condensation with small mass flow density

   ,Variation of amplitude and frequency of the pressure oscillation fh = 4 6  t/h ZFL<<h hole   'FLoch
                                 = 555  cm GKH test no. 223 (perforated pipe version 7)


                                                        ~   ~
                                                            =  233 kg/PP s

I 1 1 L ruck P5 atm Boden

                                                                                     '-Druck P 1 im Zu fuhr ungsrohr
  ,Hater temperature fA                  .. 'QVAP A'Vi'~:P f

58 o( Wasserternperatur: 65 'C Frequency of Frequenz der pressure oscillation:, 45 Time axis Druckschwingung: 36 Hz Zeitachse

                         -0 OS.s-                                                 -" --.-0.-06 z
~ w '~c-Dr uok-F%-am   8oden I ~ ~

Druck P1 im Zufiihrun srohr"', i)ruck -Pl.urn-.Zufuhrungsrohr.- M~:,P/M I j ~ - w. ~ r,'. V/assertemperatur: 72 C V/asser ternperatur: 92 'C Frequenz der Frequenz der Druckschwingung: 19,5 Hz Druckschwingung: 10,5 Hz shift. of the pressure oscillation't the bottom I'ime and in the supply pipe GKM test no. 165 (perforated-pipe version 4) rn =10)3 t/h KF= 397 cm x'F = 72 kg/I s

ata = kg/cm 2 (absolute) >> V.a. '>>.~. ~ I.

                       ~~~4>N> s~~>ffi> ~m>>la'.f> f)Ll           ~ f fr
                                                                        ~~      W   AP'A~~>>>f>il>Sill~~f>>f>flic
                                                                                                                 ~  ~
                                                                                                                                                  "~Q.                             i', M"jii '

Time axis .-"', Pressure Pl in supply pipe - i Scale Zeitachse

                                                                                                                         '. -".,'-. Pressure P5 at bottom                 1rnm. ="..:0)1: kg/cm~

A >>> > 4>>>> >f>a > 'o>>>Off 'f>>>>>>>>+,g>>>>/l>>>>>>>>>>>f >>>> 'I ~>>fw>>>> ekll>WL'~Aiba~

,>>    > ~ l>> ~


                           ~  ~     tf
                                    >f1,         ">%' .  'f"'>>'ifPP.~-'jg '

r" ~

                                                                                  "':'Fife~> '~lifinfPLi   'hfe                                                                    "~%ATE~~


                                                                                                                                                .- ~2 ) 7-afa "--':": .                   , I
~f Wl i>
                                     ~ g'~     <<~f>>>
                                                                                                      ~ )~

wham&'f' 1It

                                                                                                                                                                                        ~ ~
                                                                                                                                                                                              ~ ~

Fi ure 5.ll Intermittent operation of the quencher at low steam flow rates GKM test no. 220 (perforated .pipe version 6) Water temperature: 39'C Bild 5.11: Intermit tierender Betrieb der DOse bei kieinen Dampfraten GKM-Versuch Nr. 220 (Lochrohrversion 6 ) Wassertemperatur: 39 'C m m =10,3 t/h ~FLh = 612 cm = 47 kg/m s hole Loch hole

1s Time axis Zeitachse


r ibad-~m~iSW h A~.~~+~~hr MwN~~... r. (~~ ~c' Scale 2

                                                                ......: Bottom     pressure transducers
          ..1mm,="..0;1. kg/cm

~ I i~~~VA4V

 ~~P~~~'//   ~~                         T Q,     ~ '                        P'C-'    's- '~- .- '
                                                                                                     ~ ~

Pi ure 5.12 Pressure pulsations at the bottom during outflow with supercritical pressure atio (stochastic process) I GKM test no, 224 (perforated pipe version 7)

           ..m =    94   t/h     KF       =    555 cm KF
                                                                            =    470 kg/m s

'll Max. pos. and neg. pressure amplitudes Condensation with large mass flow density at the bottom Measured maximum pressure amplitudes (Perforated pipe version 4 to 7)


1)4, pO at kg/cm I i)2 Nithout water lanes I l ohne Wassergassen 0

1) 0- Nith water lanes l Oj8 mit V/o l 0)6 I

0)4 I 0)2 0 AO 0 00 + hx O 0 QL+ 6 0 AO

                                                                                      +   xone  o    +xh O            0 0                                                                                        0             0 0)2                        +

a ao x + a 4x oo

                                                       + g x o ad+

OA g< o>+bO xod o + B +x 0)4 NQ~ Q

  -06) 20       30       40           50          60            70          80           90     'C           joo Nassertemperatur Nater temperature 5,13:                                                                                      'ild
           . Kondensation bei groAer Massenstromdichte Gemessene    maximale Druckampiituden

( Lochrohrversionen 4 bis 7 )

l max. pos. und neg. pressure ampli:tudes at the bottom Druckamplit uden am Boden

 +0] 4 at o~o-oq 0                                          0-XQX oo X- Xj kg/cm                   a$                       x-cf x
 -0) 2 X


                              -X-C-o-o-                                      X -OX-0 Frequency       of pressure oscillation  der Frequenz Druckschwingung                                     Symbol 80                                             GKM-Vers.                  116   165  GK.4           test Hz Perforated'ipe 70 Lochrohr-'ersion version Abstand                               Distance of Duse Bod.

mm 440 1025 quencher from 60 bottom Bohrungs- I mm 6 Hole diameter durchm. 50 m tih 10,3 10)3

                                                     +FLoch             cm    605    397 40
                                              ~o X

I intermittiercnder I Betrieb X

  .20                                                  0 intermittent operation X-   W x xo~

10 ~XO

                                                                        . X~owo 0

20 30 40 50 60 ~ 70 80 90 'C 100-

           'l<<<<1<<                                          Water'emperature Zur Oruckausbreitung im Yersuchsbehalte<<r Oruckamplituden am Baden fur verschiedene Abstande Ouse-Baden Pressure propagation in. the test tank Pressure amplit:udes at t:he. bottom for                        different       dist:ances from quencher to bottom S


max, pos. und neg. pressure amplitudes at the bottom Druckamplit uden am Soden

     <<0) 4   00 00        0                                  0 0 0
                                                      -0X-X-XXq at ggcm2
     -0) 2 0

0)25 XoX 1 I I 0 ~lI)6-X 0~)

                             <X-X X X~


  'requency of pressure F ) eo@QQl~on

'ruckschwingung 80 Symbol GKM-Yers. 116 220 GKM test Lochrohr- Perforated 60 VeI S I OA pipe version'istance Abstand of p S d IYlm 440 1025 quencher from

      '50                                                                                  bottom Bohrungs-

Hole diameter 40 I I t/h 10/3 10)3 XX X cm 605 612 30 hoM intermit tierender Betrieb 0 20 lntermittent operation


10 0 20 B'l 30 5.1SI 40 50 60 '0<<W '80 a 90 'C 100 p t Water'emperature

          'ur      Druckausbreitung             im Versuchsbehalter
          'ruckamplituden am Baden.fur versehiedene Abstande Duse- Baden Pressure propagation in the test tank Pressure amplitudes, at the bottom for'different distances                              from quencher to bottom
         .16 n

Model for decrease of the bottom load in the circumferential direction during cond'ensation with the perforate&pipe quencher

                                              ~  ~

4 lG890 s Enveloping sphere II

                                                <~ einhullende         Kugel kontinuierlich mit pulsierenden I

I Dampfblasen belegte Kreisscheibe I Ca.rcular I l


I j il'- I i covered'ontinuous~

                                                     / asaeb pulsat:ing see I

bubbles t /I


r Observation point under the quencher 8eobachtungspunVt unter der Duse KKB =-suppression chamber Kondensations-

                                                                  'kammer KKB I    I I



B i id 5.'l6: ModeHvorstettung zur Abnahme der Boden-betastung in Umfangsrichtung beim Kondensieren mit der Lochrohrduse. 5-7 8'

P p .Pg

                                              '2 P3 P2                                      P2 P2                                      P2 P2         P.2 P1    HP P2 Hp      P3 Mp Vent clearing Specification Spezif'ihation      13                     3l Freiblasen Rechnung            12              12 Calculation                                   5'15 Steady-state  Specification Stationares condensation Spezifihation                         9~5 Kondensieren  Rechnung             7)5   3,'8      7I 5  1~9 Calculation Figure 6.

Bild 6 l 5-79

Flow rate per relief valve Durchsatz je Entlast un gsventil 200 180 120 Flow rate according to valve manufacturer's information 100 Durchsatz nach Angabe des Ventilh erste llers 80 60 Flow rate at a pressure of 2.8 kg/cm2 (abs. ) in the suppression Durchsatz bej einem 40 Druck in der Konden-sati ons kammer. von 2 ~8 a ta 20 Reactor pressure, kg/cm 2 (abs. ) 3 4 6 6 8 10 20 30 ata Reaktordruck Biid '7 1: Dur chsatzieistung mit der Lochrohr-

         .duse bei abgesen ktem Reaktordruck Fi ure 7.l
                                                             'I Flow rate capacity with the perforated-pipe quencher at reactor pressure                                              reduced 5-80

Liquid level height Fullstands- With flow rate at a pressure of 2.8 kg/cm 2 (abs.) hohe in the suppression chamber With flow rate according to valve manufacturer's information II) It)

                                                                                                % lh pig 10          Core upper edge Kern oberkante                                                                        t Core lower edge Kernunterkante 0

0 100 200 300 I 00 500 Time 600 after s accident. 700 Zeit nach Unfall Fi ure 7.2 Variation of liquid level in the coje shroud during automatic depressurization (44 cm leak, failure of coolant injection system) I I I I


             ~~ 0 V

0 I C) i

                                                     ~Q h,

l w ~ lg I P Ebene = plane I 8 I aueqs Bild 8.1 Temperature distribution in .the pool Te mp era turvertei lung im Po o t GKM test 173 (perforated pipe version 5) GKM- Versuch f73 ( Lochrohr-,Version 5 ) m = 9,1tlh ZFLz = 603 cm' ~FL och

                                                          =  42kglm s hole 5-82

Ebene . plane

                  'O I

p Fi ure 8.2 BI Temperature distribution in the pool Temperaturverteilung im Pool GKM test 176 (perforated pipe version 5) GYM- Versuch 176 ( L.ochrohr - Version 5 ) m = 54 fib ZFLa,p, = 603 cm ~FLoch

                                               = 250kg/nf s hole                      hole 5-83

III evacT9 C3 0 O O I I O Ebene = plane


I R l Fi ure 8.3 Bild 8.3 temperature distribution in the pool 7emperaturverteilung im I ool GKM test 175 GKM- Versuch m = 95 fib 175 ZFLI, = 603 cm hole (perforated pipe version 5) ( Lochrohr - Version 5 )

                                       + ~Loch hole
                                               =   435 kgb s 5-84
                                                           ~ 1                  ~    ~
              /// 8UK7+


                                   ~ t ~ ~+
                                            . R
               ~           0 mw,o                 (Q O


      ~+                                      I
                                                                     /      ]

1 gO b I

                           ~o I

Ebene = plane I '


R. C) t

                            +op   ~

I Q IRIS'i'ld 8.4 Temperature distribution in the pool 1'ernperaturverPeilung im Poo( test 223 (perforated pipe version

                                                                 'KM 7)

GKM- Versuch 223 . ( Lochrohr - Version 7 ) m =48 tlh zF/.<</, -555cm'F ~ F/.oc/ 233 kgb's hole hole 5-85

I III avoca

                          ~ M
                    ~ We
                                     ~ ~.

O 4( I

     +<0 z~<<l dR;

, I I Ebene. r

                                                          = plane I

R 8 Bild 8.5 Temperature distribution in the pool Temperaturverteilung im Pool GKM test 224 (perforated pipe version 7) GKM- Yersuch 224 ( Lochrohr- Version 7 ) m = 94 hah ZFL<<h - 555 cm ~FI = 470 kgb s hole och hole 5-86

I Test 21 9~0 '~sr "0 60

                           ~ <<C Figure 8.7 Bild 8.7 Temperature  distribution in the pool Temperaturverteilung im Pool test (perforated pipe Model       21                                     1)

Modell - Versuch 2f ( L,ochrohr 1 ) m = 0,17tih X/=1-- 445mm + < -106kgim s hole ~Loch hole 5-87

Test 27 TR 10 "sz, CO Bild 8.8 Temperature distribution in the pool f Temp era fur ver f eilu ng i m Po o( Model test 27 (perforated pipe l) Mode(t - Yersuch 27 (Lochrohr 1 ) m= 0,975 1'FL<<h - 445mm <+

                                                -- 610  kgb s hole 5-88

I 4 I, L

I I e I~ I II I I

II i I  ; I I l'I l

I ll Test 59 TR 10

                 ~t ~  ~ 0 I
               ~ ~~~  ~


               ~ ~ ~O
                   ~     O Bild    8.9 Temperature      distribution in the pool Temperaturvert'eilung im Poo(

Model'test 59 (perforated pipe 2) Mode(l - Versuch 59 ( Lochrohr 2 ) m= 0,88 4'h ZFL,,p= 500 mm KF hole

                                                 = 634    kgb s 5-89

REFERENCES /1/ Frenkel, Becker, Nowotny, Schnabel, Koch: Brunsbuttel nuclear power plant Pressure distribution in the suppression chamber during clearing of the relief pipes, taking into consideration KWW tests in November 1972 AEG-E3-2486, January 1973 /2/ Ho ffmann, Knapp, Meyer, Waldho fer, Wer le, Melchior: Condensation and vent clearing tests in GKM with perforated pipes KWU-E3-2594, May 1973 /3/ Wagner: Oscillation phenomena in axially symmetric free jets of high supersonic speed impinging on a wall Diss. TH Aachen, 1970 /4/ Werner, Melchior: Tests on mixed condensation with model quenchers KWU-E3-2593, May 1973 /5/ Weisshaupl, Koch: Formation and oscillation of a spherical gas bubble under water AEG-E3-2241, May 1972 /6/ Slegers, Molitor, Hof fmann Outlet geometries for the pressure relief pipes in the boiling water reactor; first development results AEG-E3-2465, December 1972 5-90

astranslatedinto . E PJ.G L.. L .S.H..., .. 0 tTI a



                                                                                                    'tl e, li p as translated from       . G Z. R    Pl. A N........           ac) rg It                                                 ~  I=I KKH  FREIBLASEN          MIT    DER LOCHROHRDUSE                                               iii ~
                                                                                                    ~Q 0



ALLEttTOVIN, PEttttSYLVANIA iblASSACHUSETTS 02172 (617) 924.5500

    > ~ An overpressure or underpressure relative to this equilibrium pressure accelerates the water layer: p-p =-yH h Zntegration of the pressure variation with respect to time from the passage through the equilibrium pressure v to the g pressure maximum v max leads to: <may C ),)gp gH hate nw'X'(), C) /l1 Cfk'f we neglect damping, then the areas Fl and F2 in Figure 3.4 must be equal when the air oscillation is developed, since in both cases the impulse corresponding to these areas acceler-ates the water mass above the air layer to the maximum velo-city. Xf now the condensation is spontaneous and complete when the steam-air mixture is expelled, i.e., if the water pool sees only the expelled air, then the kinetic energy of the oscillation See also the illustrations in Sections 4.2.4 and 4.2.5. 6-16 can have been brought into the oscillatory system only by this air and the previously expelled water. Then, if we neglect damping and remember that the steam has surely con-densed out by the time the oscillation has developed /3/, the area Fo must also be equal to Fl or F2. ln this regard it should also be pointed out that the impulse area Fo originates only to a small extent from the water expulsion pzior to the vent clearing time and is generated primarily by the air expul-sion, as can be seen without difficulty from Figuze 3.3. Table 3.1 contains evaluations of impulse axeas for tests with small volumes of air. The results are plotted in Figure 3.5 without dimensions. From the first to the third half-oscilla-tions, the impulse areas decrease practically linearly in all cases. This is a manifestation of the damping produced by friction. lf we assume that an appreciable amount of residual steam condenses out only during the first undershoot, then the area 2Fl would be enlarged by this, i.e., the oscillation would be stimulated. Now, we may assume /3/ that at a still later time the steam has surely condensed out. But the fact that the impulse areas 2F1 to 2F3 decrease linearly indicates that. such a stimulation of the oscillation does not occur, i.e., that at the time of the first undershoot no appreciable amount of steam condenses out any longer. We may therefore assume that the steam has condensed out nearly spontaneously and com-pletely. 6-17 Zt is also noteworthy in Figure 3.5 that the decrease of the impulse areas from F to F can differ distinctly for differ- .ent tests with the same test parameters. The damping in the initial phase, during which the many individual bubbles coalesce into larger units and coupled oscillations occur, obviously varies and depends on random events. Thi:s might be the reason for the relatively large scatter of the measure-ment values. illustrated in more detail in Section 4. 6-18 Vent clearin tests and discussion of results Xn the condensatien test stand in the Nannhei'm Central Power Station (GKN), very extensive tests wer'e performed with 'the 'S 1 quencher in order to investigate 'the influence of param-eter variations on the bottom pressures during vent, clearing and to find a favorable combination of parameters for the plant. All the GKN tests and, also supplementary tests in the model test facility in Grosswelzheim (Gwh) to determine of the free water area were considered in the 'evalua-the'nfluence tion. Description of the test set-up in the GKN Figure 4.1 shows the test set.-up of the model, quenche'r in the GKM test stand for two different air. volumes. ,The most impor-tant measurement points in the blowdown pipe and on the tank bottom are shown. Figure 4.2 presents a comparison of two quencher configurations in the tank with approximately equal air volumes but different lengths of blowdown pipe. It should be noted that the high quencher is provided with a central double pipe. Differences with respect to the single pipe occur only if the central pipe is submerged into the water at the beginning of the test. For the tests with the central pipe not submerged, which are the only ones used in this report, a comparison of the pressure build-up in the blowdown pipe with other arrangements is pres-ented in Figure 4.3. There is practically no difference. 6-19 Because of the .larger, distance of the quencher from the bottom with a double pipe, .the test stand is equipped with special instrumentation to measure the 'pressures below the quencher at a distance which, corresponds to the bottom distance in the tests with a single pipe. But,the pressures at the more dis-tant bottom are also recorded for comparison. At the test scale used in the GKM, the rated steam-flow density is reached when saturated steam appears before the full-size valve at only about 18 kg/cm 2 (absolute). During the vent clearing in most of the. tests, a transient pressure occurred in the pipe which limited the flow-rate toward the end of the process. For transposition to the plant, a computational cor-rection is performed for this phenomenon in the manner illus-trated in the Appendix. The model quencher corresponding to the full-size version (Figure 2..2) is shown in Figure 4.4. The various hole-array patterns are illustrated in Figure 4.5; variants 1-3 were utilized only in the preliminary tests. 4.2 Denendence of the bottom pressure on individual parameters Table 4.1 contains a chronological list of all vent clearing tests in the GK4 with the HS 1 quencher and the measurement values obtained in them. The quantities exerting an influence on the clearing process are discussed individually in the fol-lowing: 6-20 \ 4.2.1 Influence of the exhaust area At the beginning of the GKN test sex'ies'ith the HS 1 model cpxencher, tests were performed on the hole layout., The various hole-array patterns are compiled in Figure '4.5. The variation extends over the total area installed and also over the'ncli-nation of the hole arrays. The results of these tes'ts are illustrated in Figure 4.6. Measurement points for constant exhaust area but different hole-array pattern or inclination (versions 1 and 3, on the one hand, and versions. 2 and 4, on the other hand; see also Figure 4.5) are classified in ea'ch instance in a common scatter-band with 'the same maximum per-centage deviation from the mean values'. Thus, an influence is exerted only by the exhaust. area and not. by the 'hole-array I inclination. A smaller quencher exhaust area also leads to lower bottom pressures if the other parameters are unaltered. The amount of air expelled per unit time depends on the exhaust velocity, the partial pressure and the exhaust area. As is shown later in Section 4.2.6', the first two parameters do not vary. Therefore, a decrease of. the exhaust area leads to a prolongation of the expulsion time for the enclosed amount of air. Thus, it can also be seen from Figure 4.6 that the bot-tom pressures become lower with longer expulsion time. The ratio of air volume to this exhaust area Vttotal t 1/FD, which char-acterizes the expulsion time, is transposed to the plant ap-proximately unaltered. 6-21 All other. tests with .the HS 1 quencher were performed with hole-'array pattern 4. 4.2.2 Influence of the valve-opening time The influence of the valve-opening time can be determined from several groups of tests with equal submergence and equal vol-ume and with otherwise unaltered parameters. Whereas no dependence of the bottom pressures on the valve-opening time can be found for a submergence of 2 m (Figure 4.7), the pres-sure amplitudes decrease clearly with longer valve-opening time for a submergence of 4 m (Figure 4.8) . At 6 m submer-gence< the pressure amplitudes are again found to be inde-pendent of the opening time (Figure 4.9). Air-volume changes only cause changes in the magnitude of the pressure amplitudes, but do not affect the trend of the dependence on the opening time. No unambiguous overall influence of the valve-opening time on the bottom pressure can be observed. 4.2.3 Influence of the submergence The maximum pressure amplitudes at the bottom for a constant valve-opening time of 100 ms are plotted versus- the submergence in Figure 4.10. For submergences of 4 and 6 m, the measured values are at approximately the same level. For a submergence of 2 m, they are distinctly lower for approximately the same air volume. 6-22 N 4.2.4 Influence of the air volume When the air is expelled, the water above the quencher is forced into motion in the direction'f the water surface, whereas a transverse motion is prevented by the tank wall. The air bubbles emerging at the individual holes are distributed over-a large portion of the tank's cross-section. Under this assumption, the air oscillations during vent clearing in the GKM tank can be treated as a two-dimensional problem. According to Section 3.3, the impulse- of the moving water mass derives primarily from the expelled air volume. For constant tank cross-section,, the impulse to the moving water mass is proportional to the thickness of the air layer, which is thought of as being uniformly distributed. In turn, the im-pulse of the water mass is a measure. for the pressure at the bottom of the tank. Since the cross-sectional area is equally large for all tests in. the GEOL tank, the thickness of the air layer is proportional to the expelled volume of air. Thus, an increase of the expelled, volume of air results in an increase of the bottom pressure, as is confirmed by the GKM tests (4.11). Of course, it should be noted here that a change of the air volume involves a change of the expulsion time. Thus, the variation of another parameter is contained implicitly in Figure 4.11. 6-23 4.2.5 Influence of .the free water-area In the GKM test tank the dependence 'of the bottom pressure on the air-layer height could be obtained only by varying the air volume, whereby the air expulsion time was also necessarily varied. For constant air volume and thus constant expulsion time, the air-layer height can be varied by varying the cross-sectional area of the tank. Ne thus obtain the dependence of bottom pressure on tank size. Supplementary vent clearing tests were performed in the Gross-welzheim model test stand in order to be able to record this influence of the free water-area. Figure 4.12 shows a per-spective view of the test arrangement in the model tank. A cross-shaped perforated-pipe quencher was used as the blowdown geometry. The submergence was 1 m with a distance of 0.3 'm from the cross-shaped quencher to the bottom. To limit the free water area, a cylindrical pipe was- placed around the blow-down pipe with the cross-shaped quencher. It projected above the water surface, so that a coupling between the internal and external water spaces was prevented '(Figure '4.13}. A piezo-electric pressure trandsucer, which recorded the pressures during vent clearing, was mounted below the cross-shaped quencher on the bottom of the model tank. The throttle nozzle after the valve was used to adjust the '2 maximum mass flow density, which was set at 1000 kg/m s for this test. Since the rapidity of the pressure build-up in the 6-24 relief pipe is. determined by the time variation of the mass flow thr'ough 'the thr'ottle nozzle, the determinative factor is no longer the mechanical opening time 'of the valve, but rather the pressure rise time before the nozzle. Therefore, this pressure rise time before the nozzle was defined as the "fictitious" valve-opening time v-. Since the surface area of the blowdown pipe in the model test stand is very large compared to the inflowing amount of steam, n the blowdonw pipe was heated electrically between the valve and the model tank (wall temperature approximately 200' at beginning of test) in order that the tests not be falsified by too high condensation rates. The test results are illustrated in Figure 4.14 for a valve-opening time of approximately 300 ms. We recognize a distinct decrease of the maximum pressure amplitudes at the bottom as the free water area increases. We also ran tests in which the quencher had an eccentric posi-tion in the restricted water space (see Figure 4.13). But these measurements showed no difference in comparison with the central configuration, as is also evident from Figure 4.14. As was already stated in Section 4.2.4, the water column above the expelled air layer can only move in the vertical direction. The air oscillations following vent clearing in a narrow tank can be treated mathematically as a two-dimensional oscillation, problem: 6-25 I Subscript g: equilibrium state Cross-sectional area The equation of motion for the water mass reads: with PF ~V K = e h> ~x and (3) 6-26 There fore: x- pH For (x) <<~ h , g ~ ~ we'obtain as an approximation: X Xf we assume sinusoidal oscillations for small deflections: x=x ~ sinmt, then the natural frequency of the syst: em is given by The oscillation period is thus calculated as The following quantities are constant, for all the tests: p = 10 3 kg/m 3 H = 1 m 1.4 P = 1.1 kg/cm 2 ,g = 3 V 0.0082 m g Using this data, the oscillation period was calculated as a function of the free water-area F> in Figure 4.15. The 6-27 I calculation always yields a smaller. value compared to the . oscillation period measured in the model tank. This can be
    • explained by the fact. that the air does not,'fill up the entire cross-sectional area uniformly and thus the actual air-layer'hickness is larger than calculated. According to Eq. (7),
    this leads to a larger oscillation period. The oscillation period measured in the experiment can therefore only be e jual to or greater than the calculated one. As is also evident from Figure 4.15, the relative deviation of the measured oscil-lation period from the calculated oscillation period increases with increasing water area, as should also be expected. 4.2.6 Influence of the vent clearin ressure During the test series with the HS 1 quencher, we attempted to achieve short opening times, despite low control pressures, by making changes in the valve. In three consecutive tests there'as an abnormal opening behavior of the valve, which was able to be confirmed subsequently. Although these tests were run in an irregular manner, they provide important information concerning the influence of the vent clearing pressure on the bottom pressures. Figures 4.16 and 4.17 show measurement traces from two of the mentioned tests. The peculiarity is that approximately 0.7 s before the actual opening, the valve has lifted slightly for about 0.3 s and some steam has passed into the blowdown pipe. As a result, the pressure in the blowdown pipe rises and the water level is forced down. But no air emerges, as shown by 6-28 the non-responding bottom pressure transducers. The valve now opens in thi's condition. For comparison, Figure 4.18 shows the measurement trace of a "normal" test. with otherwise identical test. parameters. From the compilation of measure-ment values in Table 4.2 we can see that the vent clearing times are clearly smaller in the two "pre-impinged" tests than in the comparison tests, and the vent, clearing pressures are only about 3./3 of the comparison value. Nevertheless, bottom pressures result which are necessarily included in the scatter band of the "normal" tests (circled stars in Figure 4. 8) . This test result demonstrates that, at the very least, the vent clearing pressure can have no major influence on the bottom pressures. To better evaluate the influence of vent clearing pressure, the measured bottom pressures are plotted versus the vent clearing pressure in Figures 4.19 to 4.23 for tests with identical test parameters (quencher exhaust area, air volume, submergence). +) The vent clearing pressure was defined here as the maximum reading of the pressure P DE before the quencher at the vent clearing time. To some extent,'he measurement points form a wide scatter band, which indicates that, the vent clearing pres-sure is not a significant parameter. No clear dependence of the bottom pressure on the vent clearing pressure is discernible. A compilation of the measurement values can be found in Table 4.3. 6-29 r This distinguishes the perforated-pipe cpxencher from the plain-ended pipe, where a very clear dependence 'exists. In order to be able to recognize the influence of the. vent clearing pressure on the pressure oscillations at the bottom independently of other influential parameters, it is assumed that. in the cases considered here the degree of mixing is always the same. In other words, the mean air partial pres-sure during the expulsion of the steam-air mixture is in a fixed ratio to the air partial pressure for the limiting case of homogeneous mixing. Moreover, we assume saturated-stea'm conditions, which is surely approximately correct. Because of this last assumption, the absolute vent-clearing temperatures remain 'approximately constant in the pressure range of interest here. But since the sound speed and air par-tial pressure therefore also vary little, the air always flows out at approximately the same velocity (assuming constant degree of mixing) . Thus, the important expulsion time of the air is practically independent of the vent clearing pressure. Therefore, the vent clearing pressure as such can have influence on the bubble pressure and thus on the no'ppreciable bottom pressure. Only an indirect influence of the vent clearing pressure is conceivable. For a higher vent-clearing pressure, a larger amount of steam is expelled with the air. It was shown in Section 3.3 that at the maximum possible vent clearing pressure 6-30 of 14 kg/cm '(gauge) in the GKN test stand, no clear contribu-tion of the steam to the-'air oscillations can be observed. Thus, the problem reduces to the question as to whether the maximum possible amount of steam corresponding to the maximum vent clearing pressure in the plant can also condense out of the steam-air mixture so quickly that the steam continues to supply no appreciable contribution to the air oscillations. This problem is discussed in Section 4.3. 4.2.7 Influence of the air tern erature in the ioe Before beginning a vent clearing test, cold water was sprayed in for several minutes just below the valve in order to cool down the blowdown pipe, which was usually still hot from the preceding test, to approximately 30-35'. Then there was a flush with air, which then also assumed this temperature. Xn order to examine the influence of air, temperature on the bottom pressures, the flushing in Test 254 was performed with air but not with water. The blowdown pipe and the'ir enclosed in it were at a temperature of about 120' at the beginning of the test. As is shown by the compilation of values in Table 4.4, the condensation rate at the pipe wall is lower for the hot pipe and consequently the vent clearing is higher then in compara- 'h ble tests with a cold pipe, but the bottom pressures are clearly lower. As is shown in Table 4.4, the air partial S pressure P L for the case of homogeneous mixing in Test 254 is 6-31 clearly Lower than in the comparison tests. P Thus, both the volume of air. expelled and also (because of the lower partial pressure)'he 'amount of air expelled per unit time are lower. Both effects tend to produce lower bottom-pressures, as was described in Sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.4. In order to exclude the influence of air temperature, we con-servatively use only tests with a cold blowdown pipe when making statements concerning the bottom load in the suppression chamber. It should also be mentioned that an air partial pres-sure of 1.0 kg/cm 2 (absolute) results in the plant for homo-geneous mixing at the vent clearing time. with an initially cold pipe. This value nearly corresponds to the favorable value in the test stand for an initially hot pipe. 4.2.8 Influence of an over ressure in the blowdown ie In loss-of-coolant accidents we can conceive of operating con-ditions in which an overpressure appears in the blowdown pipe relative to the suppression chamber via the snifting valves, and the water level in the pipe has dropped. Tests were performed in the GKN with an overpressure of 0.2 kg/cm in the pipe and a submergence of 4 m. The air volume in the pipe due to the lowering of the water level by 2 m is then 0.41 m 3 . If we convert the amount of air enclosed in this volume with the pressure ratio, we obtain an air volume of 0.49 m 3 at 1 kg/cm 2 (absolute). 6-32 The maximum measured pressure amplitudes are entered in the Table below for tests with and without an overpressure in the pipe. The only essential difference in the test parameters is in the air volumes. Test No. V*L Initial pressure Pressure amplitudes in the pipe at the bottom 2 3 kg/cm 2 (absolute) kg/cm 327 0.34 1.0 +0.55 -0.35 252 0.56 1.0 +0.85 -0.55 350 0.49 1.2 +0.825 -0.45 *relative to 1 kg/cm 2 (abs-) As shown in the Table, the magnitude of the pressure ampli-tudes with elevated internal pressure in the pipe is attribut-able to the influence of the expelled volume of air. The scatter band for all comparable tests can be found from Tables 4.1 and 4.5 and Figure 4.24. 4.2.9 Influence of an elevated ressure in the tank The tests in the GE4 with elevated pressure in the tank are listed separately in Table 4.5. As shown in Figure 4.24, no dependence of the bottom pressure on the tank pressure could be found. It should also be mentioned that in Figure 4.24 only the pure air-oscillations are plotted and not high-frequency pressure peak values during air expulsion. Because f of an amplification effect related to the test stand, the latter are greater at the bottom of the tank than at the 6-33 struts- (see test set-up Figure 4.2). Therefore, the values at the bottom sometimes exceed the maximum values of the air oscillations. 4.2.10 Influence of water temperature As is made clear by Figure 4.25, the bottom pressure rises with increased pool temperature. Simultaneously the oscilla-- tion period also becomes greater (Figure 4.26). From the varying oscillation period we can infer that higher water temperatures are coupled to a larger oscillating volume of gas. The relation between gas volume and oscillation period is described, for example, in /2/ (see also Section 4.2.5) . The longer oscillation period is explained first by the fact that in a warmer pool the air is cooled down less intensely and therefore occupies a larger volume.. Secondly, we may assume that a residual amount of steam, corresponding to the saturation steam content associated with the air temperature, always remains in the air. The steam content is negligible for lower air temperature, but provides a significant contri-bution for higher temperatures (Figures 4.27) . This noncondensing steam content must be added to the quantity of air. Thus, more "effective gas" flows out in the same time for higher water temperatures, resulting in increased bottom pressures. But as shown in Figure 4.25, the effect is not. large. 6-34 The oscillation period calculated according to the two-dimen-sional model (Section 4.2.5} when the stea'm content is taken into consideration is entered in Figure '4.26. It was assumed here that the air saturated with steam has assumed the pool temperature. 4.3 Concise evaluation of the measurement results In examining the dependence of the bottom pressure, the fol-lowing parameters were found to have no influence: Submergence in the range of about 4 m under consideration - Length of the blowdown pipe - Pressure in the suppression chamber In contrast, the following parameters exert a substantial influence on the pressure amplitudes: - Quencher exhaust area Amount of air in the blowdown pipe Free water-area - Pool temperature. The bottom pressures increase with increasing quencher exhaust area, increasing amount of air in the blowdown pipe, decreasing free water-area and increasing pool temperature. In contrast to the plain-ended pipe, the following were found to be nonsignificant parameters for the perforated-pipe quencher: 6-35 n Valve-opening time Vent clearing pressure. Of course, these two quantities may be considered as a unit, f since the valve-opening time affects primarily the pressure variation in the pipe. According to the discussion in Section 4.2.6, the pressure of the steam-air mixture at the vent clearing time has no direct influence. Rather, the important question is whether in practically occurring cases the amount of steam included with the air and increasing with the vent clearing pressure can condense out of the expelled mixture so quickly that there is no substantial contribution of the steam to .the air oscilla-tions. From this discussion, the amount of steam expelled with the air is found to be another possible quantity exerting an influence on the pressure amplitudes at the bottom. The amount, of steam that can condense in a given time depends on the heat transfer at the boundary between the steam-air mixture and the water, which in turn depends on the tempera-ture difference between the two materials for otherwise con-stant conditions. Since the pressure of saturated steam increases very rapidly with temperature (as made clear in Figure 4.28), it follows that the temperature difference rela-tive to the water is always very large and therefore the heat transfer is good as long as a high partial pressure of the steam prevails in the expelled mixture. Thus, the major 6-36 l portion of the steam condenses out very quickly, independently of the amount. Therefore, the influence 'on the oscillation process is limited in any case to the amount of residual steam and thus is substantially independent of the total amount of steam admixed with the air. The vent clearing tests at high pool-temperature give a clear indication as to how well this residual amount of steam con-denses out (Section 4.2.10)., The increase of the bottom pres-sures measured there can be attributed to the amount of steam remaining in the air, which corresponds to the saturation state of the air and therefore does not. condense out anyway. A stimulation of the oscillation, which is attributable to a slower condensation of the amount of steam contained in addi-tion to that, cannot be detected from the measurements. Thus, the condensation occurs in hot water just as well as in cold water, although in hot water the heat is transferred distinctly more poorly because of the smaller temperature drop between the portion bounding the air bubbles and the rest of the pool. Accordingly, we can assume that the amount of steam admixed with this air provides only a small contribution, negligible in first approximation, to the air oscillations. Because of this, the influence of the vent clearing pressure on the oscillations can also be neglected in first, approximation. 6-37 Expected d namic ressure load in the su ression'hamber-In the preceding Section 4 we consider'ed all the GKM tests with the model quencher HS 1 in order to demonstrate the effects of parameter variations. The nozzle with the fourth variant of the hole-array size and with the small volume of air is used as a reference quencher to transpose the measurement values to the plant (second test series with NW 150 blowdown pipe and third test series with high quencher) . The large-scale version of the quencher in the power plant was matched to this reference quencher with respect to the operationally relevant parameters. Comparison of parameters in the test stand and plant In Table 5.1 the parameters of the test stand and plant are compared to each other and the transposition factors are indicated. Agreement exists for the following quantities: geometrical similarity of the quencher; characteristic dimensions of the quencher hole array; - steam flow density for steady-state condensation; vertical dimensions (submergence; length of the blowdown pipe is within the range of parameters that was found to have no influence when varied); - ratio of the air volume in the relief system to the quencher's cross-sectional area; ratio of the free water-area to the quencher's cross-sectional area. 6-38 ratio- of the total volume in. the relief syst: em at, the vent clearing time to the total aperture area of the quencher. Differences are found with respect to the following parameters: - absolute magnitude of the air volume; - abso1ute size of the quencher; absolute size of the tank; absolute exhaust area of the quencher; - vent clearing pressure. The total amount of energy brought in increases with increasing air volume. Nevertheless, the air volume cannot be an abso-lute quantity of influence. Rather we are interested in knowing what mass of water this energy is distributed over and how quickly it is delivered. Therefore, the expelled air vol- 'me is to be expressed as a ratio to other quantities. Table 5.1 shows that the horizontal dimensions of the power-plant quencher are increased by a factor of 2 relative to the model quencher (rows 9, 14 and 15 in Table S.l). The quencher's cross-sectional area increases correspondingly by a factor of 4 (row 10). Since the air volume also increases by a factor of 4 (row 2), the ratio of air volume to quencher cross-sectional area remains constant (row ll). Thus, the larger volume of air is distributed over a mass of water enlarged laterally to the same extent. Since the air oscillations ac-cording to Section 4.2.5 represent practically a two-dimensional problem, no change occurs in the oscillation process and thus 6-39 also in the bottom pressures when we make the transposition from the model quencher to the large-scale version. If we assume a free water-area enlarged in the same ratio as the quencher, then we obtain the cutaway section of the sup-pression chamber illustrated in Figure 5.1 in which the quencher is arranged somewhat eccentrically. According to the measurements described in Section 4.2.5, this eccentric configuration is of no significance. The radial boundary walls illustrated in Figure 5.1 are only 'fictitious and do not exist in reality. We may therefore assume that the air in the plant is somewhat more spread out proportionately than in the test plant, which leads to lower bottom-pressures. Zn addi-tion, the oscillation then no longer occurs exclusively in the vertical direction. The quencher ehchaust area (row 22 in Table 5.1) was adapted to the flow rate (row 26) in order to achieve a constant mass flow density (row 27). On the other hand, according to the investigation in Section 4.2.1, the exhaust area has a clear influence on the bottom pressures, with a tendency for the pressure amplitudes to decrease for a prolonged expulsion time of the air, i.e., for a reduced exhaust area of the quencher. If we assume that the air distribution in the blow-down pipe at the beginning of the expulsion process, although not known exactly, is the same in the model and in the large-scale version and that the flush process is also the same, then the air expulsion time is proportional to the ratio of the total volume of the relief system (row 6) to the quencher exhaust area (row 22}. This ratio was also held nearly con-stant (row 23). The vent clearing pressure (rows 29 and 30) still remains as a parameter which is not transposed as a constant. The pre-sentation in Section 4.2.6 shows that the vent clearing pres-sure as such cannot be a relevant parameter with the perforated pipe quencher, since the air from a given system always flows out at the same rate, independently of the vent clearing pres-sure. Only an indirect influence is conceivable, since for a higher vent-clearing pressure a larger amount of steam is expelled with the air. This additional steam must condense out quickly enough if it is to have no appreciable influence. These problems are discussed in more detail in Section 4.3. The investigations presented there make it clear that only a slight influence of the vent clearing pressure can be expected from this secondary effect. The influence of the vent clearing pressure on the pressure amplitudes at the bottom can be neg-lected in first approximation. 5.2 Transposition of measurement results to the plant On the basis of the parameter comparison performed in the preceding Section, the measurement results in the GKM test stand for, the HS 1 quencher with a total hole area of 3 358 cm 2 and an air volume of 0.37 or 0.34 m can be transposed 6-41 directly to the plant as far as the air oscillations are concerned. The maximum values'easured for a submergence of 4 m and a valve-opening time of 100 ms are used for this transposition. The following three cases are to be distin-guished: Case Designation Maximum pressure amplitudes ositive ne ative Vent clearing into cold 0.55 kg/cm 2 0.4 kg/cm 2 pool
    2. Vent clearing into hot 0.65 kg/cm 2 0.45 kg/cm 2 pool
    3. Vent clearing for initial 0.83 kg/cm 2 0.5 kg/cm 2 overpressure of 0.2 kg/cm (gauge) in the blowdown pipe In the first two cases these expectation values might be exceeded by about, 50% before they reach the desired maximum load of +1.0/-0.6 kg/cm 2 . In the third case, the exceedance limit is at 20%.
    Figure 5.2 also shows the pressure distribution for a simul-taneous response of 3 relief valves and for coherent air oscillations. The distribution curves result with the assump-tions explained in more detail in /4/. The maximum force on the bottom occurs for a uniform distribution of guenchers. The pressure acting on the average is then scarcely 50% of the peak value. 6-42 Transverse force on the uencher To determine experimentally the transverse forces that occur during condensation, we used two linear displacement trans-ducers (LVA) whose arrangement is shown in Figures 6.1 and 6.2. The measurement frame, which bears two inductive dis-placement transducers (LVA B and LVA C) separated by 90', is secured in the tank by a diagonal brace. These displace-ment transducers make it possible to measure the deflection of the quencher and of the blowdown pipe and thus to determine the load acting at the quencher. The calibration curve appli-cable for both transducers is plotted in Figure 6.3. The results of the transverse force evaluation for the GKM tests with the HS 1 perforated-pipe quencher (Tests No. 236 to 257) are compiled in Table 6.1. As the transverse force we used in each instance the resultant which resulted from the deflection of the blowdown pipe as measured by LVA B and LVA C at the most unfavorable time, i.e., the maximum value was determined. An unambiguous preferential direction of this force could be ascertained. Since no clear dependence of the measurement results on the hole-array pattern, mass flow density, valve-opening time and submergence can be ascertained for the tests compiled in Table 6.1, the determination of the transverse force on the quencher in the plant was based on the maximum resultant load that 6-43 occurred during the tests. lt was found to be 0.685 Mp in Test 243 I. The next-lower value was a load of 0.615 Mp in Test 261, i.e., about 10% less. Undex the assumption that the unsymmetry occurring in the test stand is not exceeded in the plant; the measurement value can be extrapolated to the maximum conceivable value in the plant, assuming a proportional dependence on the aperture area of the quencher and on the vent clearing pressure. With 2040 bores 10 mm 448 bores 10 4 54 F mm and 30 k /cm { au e) = 2.28, P 13.2 kg cm (gauge) we obtain "P = 7.1 Mp. Zn addition, because of the hole arrays of 2 x 59 cm 2 on two arm ends, there is a thrust force which, for a vent. clear-ing pressure of 30 kg/cm (gauge) and taking into consideration the angle of 80'etween the two arms, reaches a value of S = 3.15 Mp. Whereas the calculated thrust force corresponds to the actual maximum force occurring due to the unsymmetrical arrangement of the hole arrays on two arm ends, the values measured in the test stand are to be understood as the dynamic equivalent 1 6-44 load applicable for the test quencher. Figure 6.4 shows a measurement trace which makes it clear that the motion of the builds up in pendulum form. The maximum deflection I'uencher is therefore not the result of a constant acting force. It also contains the impulse from the preceding deflection to I the opposite side, resulting in a dynamic load factor greater than 2. Accordingly, the force actually acting is smaller than half the measurement value. Therefore, the extrapolated value must also be reduced correspondingly in order to get the force that acts in a purely static manner., The maximum occurring transverse force (sum of thrust force and force from unsymmetry) does not exceed the specified value of 9 Mp. 6-45 Table 2.1 'KB Rel'ief 'S s'tern Relief s stem ( eneral): Operating pressure ~ 70 bar Rated flow-rate per valve at 83 bar 600 t/h Actual flow-rate at 70 bar 600 t/h Valve-opening time ca. 300 ms Quencher submergence 3.975 m 2 Total aperture area of quencher 0.174 m 2 Mass flow density (relative to the total 960 kg/m s aperture area of the quencher Characterization of the blowdown i e: Diameter of blowdown pipe 406.4 x 7 mm 575 x 10 mm 2 Cross-sectional area of blowdown pipe 0.121 m 2 0.242 m 3 Air volume of blowdown pipe 1.45 m Quencher: Number of arms 4 Diameter of an arm 406.4 x 16 mm 2 Free cross-sectional area of an arm O.ll m Length of an arm (to the pipe axis) 1.640 mm Smallest distance from inner cylinder) ca. 700 mm II It bottom ) Total number of bores 2216 6-46 Table 2. 1 - Continuation Characterization of the ho'1'e 'istr'hution: Bore diameter 10 mm Angular range 63o Angular position +31.5'5 Hole spacing in the row mm Row spacing 50 mm Ratio of row spacing to row length 0.224 Total length of hole distribution: 800 mm Hole arra s on the arm ends (for thrust eneration): Number of bores 2x88 2 Aperture area of the hole arrays 0.0138 m Area fraction (relative to the total aperture 0.08 area of the quencher) 6-47 h ~ ~ I C I 4 ~ 'k 'I, , ~ ~ T ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ K V/U I Stand '-1973 '7 E3/Ei/GKK Impulsflachen der BodendruckveI lauf e beim Freiblasen (Yersuche mit ~0 100rns) 9 GKM- o F)/F . F>tF. "3 Versuch- Hr. Geometri ET tw F, 2Fi 2Fz / F. C 6 FE 'E FE 279 23,0 30 o,814 0~555 o,388 285 17,0 39" -6o 0~769 0~589 0 .2 20,6 45 - 52 21 og577 o,4oo 0~233 R 150. 28o H s1,4 19,6 69 109 70 Oe789 0,637 0<507 Vj~0,37m 28,o 68 99 71 0~ 727 0, 522 o,426 287 16,4 79 .
    93 63 o,588 0,398 o,265 Ul y td 8
    21,6 68 0,580 59 0,727 0,433 Q 289 24,o 72 '04 0,722 o,611 0~520 QW o Q G.) td Os o FE = Fiacheneinheit oo R >50 ~ Rohr P'SO KEY FOR TABLE 3.1
    1. Impulse areas of the bottom- ressure variations o om-pressure v during vent es s wrath
    ~ v-o 100 ms)
    2. Status 9/27/1973
    3. GKM Test No.
    4. Geometry
    5. Submergence
    6. FE = area unit
    7. R 150 = 150 mm dia. pipe 6-49
    Ã I Stand Zusammenstellung der Freiblaseversuche mit der Lochrohrdus e HS 1 E 3/ E] / G f(f( I 27 9 1973 Q> ALLGEMEINES PARA METER MESSERGE BNISSE Lochfeld- GKM- max. Oruckamplituden am Baden IZ R ohrge POSlt)V negat)v tW metric ausluh - Versuch- Fges VL m Fges ETl FR Hvor P1max P OEmax gemessen Ampti- gemes en AfnPli-run 6 Nr. 7 S 9 lo II )8 bei tude bei tude t/h kg/m s m ~ C 'c ms ms atii atii Iato '" at at 0 ~ ~ 240 110 550 15,5 1055 485 20,1 8)9 7)2 "6'71't 0,9 '5'?1 0,6 R 241 0)0552 0) 56 110 550 18 300 375 19,8 12,4 10,4 P?1 1,075 P5 0,65 207 242 110 550 25) 5 300 380 19)8 12) 5 10) 8 5PB 1,3 p5e ~ op8 0,65 R 243 I 100 790 37)5 12 350 370 19,6 13) 2 11,G P5 0)7 PB 0,475 207 243 II 0,0352 0,56 100 ?90 38 23)5 375 375 19) 9 13,4 11,6 P5) PG) PB 0,7 P5) PG 243 IV 100 21 350 335 19)5 11)9 11) i P5 0)9?5 "p5 0,6r I R Ul 0)0552 0,56 C) 207 243 V 95 480 26 325 335 19,6 12,0 11,2 P5 1)15 P5 0)65 ' 244 0,56 . 125 9'?0 32) 5 470 19,6 11,6 10,2 P5 0,6 P P 0,45 245 0,5G 125 970 15 335 385 19,6 12f5 11)6 P5) PG) PB 0) 55 P5 0)45 246 0,56 125 970 20 285 365- 19) 2 12)8 11)7 P5) PG 0) 775 P5 0) 525 24I 0)0358 0)49 125 970 '2,5 14 350 425 18,6 13,6 12,5 P5 PG 0)825 P5 0) 575 248 0) t,9 125 970 35 17) 5 325 390 19,0 13,6 12) 2 P5) PG 0)725 P5) PG) PB 0,5 R 249 0,49 125 970 255 350 19,2 13,8 12,0 0,75 P5 0)55 trJ P5 0)575 fu 207 250 0,49 125 970 .31 380 435 19,2 13,5 11,9 P5 PG 0,875 P5) PG 251 0,49 125 970 27 3?0 460 19,2 13,6, 12,2 p 0)85 Of 55 t)f ) I ~ P5 I .~ Ul 0 ~CI ~ O"' r0 rt~ Rohr 207 4 0 <FR>> von ~o I Ventil offnet) 0 O R 207 f) Zeitintervail O OO Iatu) ~ Hydrostati cher prus nicht berucksichtlgt R 150 = Rohr f) 150 bis zu)n Errefcf1 0 Yo I PpE)ng x 0 Rohrge Lochfeld-I Zusarnmenstellung ALLGEMEINES der FreiblaseYersuche mit PARA METER der Lochrohrduse H S1 'tand MESSER GE BNISSE max, Druckampliluden
    27. 9. 1973 am Baden /2 m pos)hv negativ metric ausfuh- Versuch- Fges VL ETT tw ro FR P Fges PHv climax DEmax gemessen Ampll- gemessen Itmpti-5 run 6 Nr. 7 9 Io lr ei tude IS ei tude m t/h kg/m 'C 'C ntu atii I atu) at at 252 o,56 125 970 24 18,8 13>0 12,0 P6 0)85 5'P6'P8 0>55 253 0>56 125 970 28,5 90 285 19,6 13,4 12,6 P6 0)8 P5 0,525 254 o,56 125 970 4 146 95 250 19,4 15) II 14,0 P6 0,7 P5> P6 o,45 255 o,56 125 970 4 31 22 520 320 19,2 (4,9) (3,1) P5> P6 0) 5?5 o,425 o,56 125 970 25 550 290 19,2 (4,2) (3,2) P5)P6)P8 0)55 0)425 P5 P6 P8 R 257 0,0358 o,62 125- 970 22 30 4zo 270 19,3 (4,6) (3,SX 0) 55 0) 375 P6 P5 P6)PS 207 258 0,49 125 970 27) 5 '18 95 280 19,4 I
    13) 3 P6 O,S P5>P6 0>525 259 0,49 124 960 6 21>5 100 275 19) 7 14,5 12,5 o,675 P5>P6'Po 0,5 P6 26o o,6z 126 975 32,5 24,5 105 220 19) 5 11) 0 9,8 P6 o,45 0>375 P5 261 o,6z 125 970 35 31,5 100 225 19) 5 10,2 0) 575 0) 45 P6 '8 262 o,56 115 890 23) 5 275 19) 0 13) 5 12> 1 0)75 0,5 P6 P5> P6 271 o,62 125 9?0 310 19>5 9)1 8,4 0 475 0) 375 P5>P6 P5>P6 2?6 0) 37 110 850 4 27,5 16 66o 370 19> 0 11)8. 10,5 P 5'6'71 o,4 P5> P?1 0,3 0)37 110 850 4 30 780 425 18,S 11) 2 9,2 0,3 0,3 P5 P6 P P P6 P?1 0,035S 278 o,41 107 830 36 16 365 285 18) 8 (1o,6) 7 4 0,25 p5>@op 0,2 P6 R 279 0,41 1o6 820 110 185 18,7 11,8 11) 0 p )p 0,2 0,2
    ~rU ~~ PS +$ > 150 280 0)37 1o6 820 32,5 20 115 . 250 18,S 13,2 12>6 '8 0,5 P5-'8 o,4 Q cn I I ~ M~ ,))I tt) I~ OS O R 207 z Rohr II 207 4 0 <FR Zeitintervall von o I Yentil offnet) )P 0 O I atu) ~ Hydrostatischer Drudge nfch't berud:slchtigt R I SO Rohr 0 ISO bis zum Erreichen von PD~ma td O/7 Stand Zusammenstetlung der Freiblaseversuche mit . der Lochrohrduse HS 1 27. 9. 1973 ALLGEMEINES PARA METER MESSERGE BNISSE 1~ max Oruckamplituden am t3oden Rohrgeo Lochleld- m pos)lrv negct) v metric ausliih - Versuch- F ges. VL m F ges. ETT FR Hvor 1max P OEmax gemessen Ampli- gemcssen Amp'li-run Nr. bei tude bei tude fn3 t/h kg(m s 'c ~ C ms atu atii lat0) at ot 0 ~ ~ 281 0) 37 1oG 820 36 115 18,8 13,6 13 0 p5o ~e pe 0)35 p5o' o pa 0)35 262 o,41 1o6 620 41 1G 505 330 1a,4 (1o,o) 5,4 PG 0) 175 '71 0)225 283 o,41 1o6 820 39 24)5 335 245 18,4 (1o,a) 8,0 PG 0)275 '8 0)25 264 0)37 1o6 820 2G 20 350 . 320 18,3 12,6 11,5 'a 0)375 Pe 0)325 0,3 0,25 265 o,41. 620 17 ,100 16o 19,0 11) 0 6"71 "6 6 P?1)PS 286 0,41 106 820 2 21 95 175 18,8 ~ 12,4 11,8 ~ PG 0) 25 P5) Pe 0)2 287 0) 33 105 810 6 20 16 105 270 18) 5 14,6 11) 7 6) P?1) Pa 0)3 P5 PG 0,3 288 0)33 105 610 6 29 22 105 270 18,') 15)2 11,4 0) 375 PG) P?1) PS o)35 P?1 289 0)33 105 810 6 32,5 24 105 265 18,5 15,2 1o,4 'a 0) 425 '91 0,375 0)0358 290 0)37 1o4 600 4 29 16,5 105 240 18,1 12;6 12,6 P5)PG)PS 0,25 PG 0,25 1?,6 13,4 13,2 '71'a o,4?5 0)375 R 291 0)37 1o4 600 32)5 39) 5 115 255 PG P?1 P 292 0)37 104 800- 4 34 58 110 250 18) 2 13,4 12,6 p5 e e e pe 0)55 PG) P?1) P 0,4 150 293 0)37 1o4 800 4 30 115 26o" 18,0 12,4 6'1' o,55 PG P? P, o,425 0)37 1o4 800 4 42 16 115 235 18,6 13,6 12,6 P?1) Pe 0)3 P5) PG) P? 0,275 295 0)37 1o4 800 4 37)5 39,5 110 230 1e,4 13,6 13,o 'a 0 4 P5) PG 0) 325 M 296 0,37 600 4 105 235 18,8 13,8 13,2 P? )Pe o,65 PG o,45 t)j P) ~~ 297 0 3? 1o4 coo 4 39 105 24o 18,8 13) 8 13,4 P5e ~ ~ Pe o,65 Pe o,45 )ct I 298 o,41 105 5 815 37,5 18 36o 300 19,4 (11,7) 8,1 0,275 P5 0)25 0 ra ~ p5o dopa A 299 0)37 105)5 815 25 16 5 290 315 16,8 13,8 1215 P5)PG 0, )25 '71'a 0)325 o,45 ')35 300 0)3? 105,5 615 3), 22 295 320 18,3 13,8 P5'P6 PB '71 KD 0$ ~ )t Q 207 e Rohr tl 207 O o rFR <<Zcitintcrvall vonra IVcnti! olfnct) 0 I atg I Hydrostatischer R O )t) e Orudc nicht berucksichtigt R 150 = Rohr 0 150 bis zum Erreichcn von POE DE max il t KWU Stand Zusammenstellung der Frelblaseversuche mit . der Lochrohrduse HS 1 27.9.>9?3 E 3/ E) / G K I( I A LLG EME INE S PARA METER MESSERGE BNISSE 0 max. Druckamptituden am Baden R ohr geo Lochfeld- positw negat<v m ausfuh- Versuch-. Fges. VL m tw FR P Ampli-metric F ges., Hyor lmax OEmox gemessen Ampli- gemessen run Nr. bei tude bel tude m t/h kg/m s 'C C atii at0 ~ iotu) at at ~ ~ ~ 301 OIH 100 775 37I5 1? I5 275 380 18,2 14,8 10,8 P5 P6 Pa OI35 I?1IPB 0,35 302 OI33 100 275 2?5 ~ 380 18,2 14IB 1 1I2 P5IP6 0,325 '6.P?1 pa 0,3 303 OIH 105I5 815 32I5 25 4?o 18,1 1I,O 12IO p5o ~ e p8 o,4 Pa OI375 304 OIH 105I5 815 26 4oo 435 18,0 13,6 10I5 P5I Pa OI4 P?1'Ps OI35 OI33 105,5 815 28 300 '95 18,0 14,7 I 10I5 P5'Pa o,4. 'a'5IP6 OI35 o,41 10? 830 4o 17 830 355 19,0 ( 8,4) 5I5 P5 . OI275 0125 R 307 o,41 107 830 32I5 46o 290 19;2 (10,6) 7,8 OI275 OI25 . P5IP6IP P5 i50 3oa, 0,0358 o,41 10? 830 . 2 32I5 29 490 290 19,0 (10,2) P,,P,,A OI3 'a 0,275 'I8'9IO OI3? 830 36,5 16,5 . 470 325 12 I 3 11,4 P5IP?1fIB OI35 P5IP6 0,325 310 OI37 107 830 2? I5 ?BO 385 -" 19IO (11,o) 10 3 OI35 p ieops 0,3 P5IPB Or37 1o6 820 22I5 26,5 550 340 19I2 12I3 11IO P5 P6 PB OI275 P? Pa OI275 ~ ~ 312 1o6 820 35 19I5 305 . 41o 18,o 14,6 1o,6 P5 P71P 0 l5 o,4 313 OIH 1o4 800 27 I 5 26i5 280 390 18 I 1 15I 1 11,8 OI375 OI325 we' P5IP6 Pa ~m U 1o4 800 28I5 380 42o 18,2 13,8 10,4 P5IP6 OI375 Pa OI35 ~ ~m ~ 315 o,H 1o4 aco 27I5 29I5 515 43o 182 13 I . 114 PB o,4 OI35 I p5e dopa I 316 OI33 1o6 820 6 25 30,5 500 44o 18,4 13 1 9,a p p OI3 '8 OI275 UIM e O ITI rO Q rl 0 207
    • Rohr fI 207 III 0 <FR Zeilinlervall von +o i Ventil offnet) 4 OO iatu)
    R ~ Hydrostatlscher Drudge nicht beriicksichtigt R 150 = Rohr ft 150 bis mum Errcichen von POf:ma< x N KEY FOR, TABLE 4.1
    1. Compilation of vent clearing tests with perforated-pipe quencher HS1
    2. Status 9/27/1973
    3. GENERAL
    5. Pipe geometry
    6. Hole-array pattern
    7. GKM Test No.
    8. ges. = total
    9. ges. = total
    10. Submergence ll. Vor = before
    12. Max. pressure amplitudes at bottom positive negative
    13. Measured at
    14. kg/cm 2 (gauge) [at = kg/cm 2 ]
    15. R 207 = 207 mm dia. pipe R 150 = 150 mm dia. pipe
    16. v FR = time interval from v 0 (valve opens) to attainment of DEmax
    17. (kg/cm 2
    (gauge)) = hydrostatic pressure not allowed for 6-54 KWU I von MeOwerten zum Einflu0 des Freiblasedrucl(es 'tand E3/Ei /GKi(. Zusammenstettung 27 <973 5' a ALlQEMEIMES Max. Druckamptitucfen am B oden 4 'ohr- Lochfeld P6 pa geome- Gusf Uh Fge VL 0 FR PlFR DEFR i~rie O rung p p neg pos. ne g. POS. neg. 04 0 nl rn ms Ns at" (atu /o at at at at at D 0,0358 o,56 4 ,520 320 4 g 3,1 og575 05425 oi 575 0,425 0,55 o,425 207 0~0358 o,56 4 550 290 4 2 .3s2 0>55 0~425 0>55 0~425 oo55 0~425 207 . R 0,0358 o,56 575 , 470 11,6 10,2 o,6 o,45 0>55 0,425 0) 55 o,45 244 207 R ~ t n~ g ' W ~ R 207 = Rohr P207 ~~ ~FR= Zeitintervall von <ot'jentiloffnetj bis zurn Erreichen von p olatu I = Hy drostatis cher Dr uci< nicht .berucl< sichtig t KEY FOR TABLE 4'.2
    1. Compilation of measurement values concerning influence of vent clearing pressure
    2. Status 9/27/1973
    3. GENERAL
    4. Max. pressure amplitudes at bottom
    5. GKM Test No.
    6. 'ipe geometry
    7. Hole-array pattern
    8. ges. = total
    9. Submergence
    = kg/cm 2 2
    10. atu (gauge), at, = kg/cm ll. R 207 = 207 mm dia. pipe
    . 12; zFR = time interval from v0 (valve opens) to attainment of DEFR
    13. (kg/cm 2 (gauge)) = hydrostatic pressure not allowed for 6-56
    i ILGWU Zusarnrnenstellung van Me Ower ten Stand E3/El jGKK ~ zurn EinfluA des Freibtasedruck es 9-10 73 > GKM- ~ Diisen- ~ Rohr- ET T' Et max p Yers.- Nr. geometric geometric positiv DE max at g (at )-" 24o 1055 0,9 7 '$2 R207 241 HS 1,1 VL=0$ 56 m 300 1,o75 1o,4 242 300 1$ 3 1o,8 243 Z HS 1,2 R 207 350 0$ 7 11,6 VL-o,56 m. 375 .0$ 7 11,6 243 jX 243 XV R 207 350 0 975. $ 11, 4. 243 V HS 153 WL=0$ 56 m 325 15 1 $ 2 100 0$ 575 10$ "- 26o R 207 105 0$ 45 9$ 8 HS 1,4 VL=0,62 m3 271 325 o,475 8 4 257 42o 0$ 55 3$ 5 253 90 o,8 12 6 $ 252 95 o,85 12,0 254 0$ 7 14,o 262 R 207 275 0 $ 75 12 1 HS 246 VL=0,56 m 285 0$ 775 11 7 $ I 335 0$ 55 11,6 255 520 0$ 575 256 550 0$ 55 3$2 575',6 10,.2 258 95 o,8 13 $ 3 259 HS 1,4. R 207 100 0, 67.5 12, 5 VL 0'49 m3 249 255 0$ 75 12,0 uber hydrostatischem Druck Tab.4.3 Btatt 1 6-57 Table 4.3 She~ 1 [SEE PAGE 6-61 FOR KEY1 I KWU ZusornrTlenstel/Ung Yon MeOwer ten Stand E3/ El/GKK zum EinfluH des FreibIasedr uc I< es 9. 10. 73 ~ GKM- " Dusen- Rohr - ETT B max p Yers.- Nr. geometric 'eometric p positiv DE max ms at (at )-- .8'~725 248 325 12 $ 2 247 R 207 350 . 0,85 12)5 Hs 1,4 0'49 m3 VL 370 0,85 12,2 250 380. 0,875 11,9 95 0,25 11,8 285 100 Os3 11,0 279 0,2 11,0 283 335 0~ 275 298 360 Oi275 HS 1,4 R 150 278 VL=0,41 m 365 0) 25 7 0 4 307 460 0,, 275 7,8 308 490 0)3 282 505 Oi 175 306 830 0, 275 280 115 0~5 12,6 281 .115 0)35 13~0 299 290 0,425 12,5 300 295 0,45 13) 0 HS 1,4 R 150 VL=0,37 m3 350 0~375 11 $5 309 470 Oi35 311 550 Os 275 11,0 276 660 0,4 10~5 277 780 oi325 9,2 dauber hydrostatisch m Druck Q~ Tab.4.3 BIGtt 2 6-58 Table 4.3 Sheet 2 [SEE PAGE 6-61 FOR KEY] K.WU QI ZUSGITIill2llS't2llUIlg YQCI l<iBI3YYBrtBn Stand z E 3I El/GKK ' 10.73. um Einf tu 0 .des Fr eib lase 1 r uc k e s 9 > GKM- Diisen- ~'ohr- 'p ETT B max Yers.- Nr. geometrie geometric o  ; positiv DE max at .8 (at 150 )="-'0, 310 HS 1)4 VL = 0)>>m 78o 0)35 3 287 105. 0)3 11,6 288 0)375 89 6 105 o,425 10,4 301 0,35 1o', 8 '02 6 275 0, 325 11) 2 313 28o 0) 375 11,8 R 150 305 HS 1,4 300 o,4 10,5 VL 0,33m 305 o,45 1o,6 38o .0)375 1o,4 3o4 6 4oo o,4 10) 5 303 12,0 '16 500 0,3 9)8 315 515 0,4 321 (100) 0)55 14,o 327 105 0)55 4 322 0)5 14,o 323 R 150 110 0)35 HS 1,4 hoch 328 L 0'34 m 120 0)55 324 16o o)55 14,o 329 275 0)55 14,4 330 330 0)55 13,8 326 4o5 0)55 13 ) + briber hydrostatischem Druck Qv Tab.l.3 'Hyatt 3 6-59 Table 4.3 Sheet 3 [SEE PAGE 6-61 FOR KEY] l I K V4U O' Zusarnrnenstellung von t teHwer ten Stand ~ z urn ~inf tu 0 des Freibtase dr uck es 9 1073 ~ GKM- < Dusen- ~ Rohr-" Yers.- Nr. geornetrie Q 8 max P 'eometrie positiv DE max ms at .t I (at j 325 450 0,4 12,6 715 0)575 10,0 R 150 356 EIS 1,4 hoch 1170 7,8 VL 0'34 m 357 1435 o) 325 7,8 354 2430 0) 225 3) 0 dauber hydrostatischem Druck 0>. Tab. t'.3 Table 4.3 Blatt Sheet, 4 6-60 4 [SEE PAGE 6-61 POR KEY] KEY FOR TABLE 4.3
    1. Compilation of measurement values concerning influence of vent clearing pressure
    2. Status 9/10/1973
    3. GKM Test No.
    4. Quencher geometry
    5. Pipe geometry
    6. Submergence
    • above hydrostatic pressure 2
    8. at = kg/cm 6-61
    n ~ U'. QJ 0 C~ Ct C0 th O C) CA ~ Ol CL 0 0 C cf IPl O C 0 0 0 CP U D U) O ~ ~ O CL CQ P' . CO Of CL 0 LU E CV Ul H tA 0 0 O Il) .Cl CL III Yi th CQ CQ O O CL 0 0 0 5 ~ Q C C.1 Ch ~ O 0 O C 4 ~ 0 0 O' CII 0 C 0 Q C V Qp 0 O CJ 0 M O ~C Q Qp ~ ~ ~ CJ Cp :O S3 II if) 'o0 ~0 lL C'r M CA C Qp Vl 0 -0 "EO E E o 0 0 0 C5 IA CQ N ~ 0 0 0 0 I QP O ~ e O C II (3 0 ~ zC~ m O. CJ CL O 'Jg - 'sJ9A Ul ~ .A>t9 Table.4.4 6-62 [SEE NEXT PAGE FOR EEYl KEY FOR TABLE 4.4
    1. Compilation of measurement values concerning influence of air, temperature in the pipe before beginning of test
    2. Status 9/27/1973
    3. GENERAL
    4. Max. pressure amplitudes at bottom
    5. GKM Test No.
    6. Pipe Geometry
    7. Hole-array pattern
    8. ges. = total
    9. Submergence
    10. atu = kg/cm 2 (gauge), at = kg/cm 2
    11. R 207 = 207 mm dia. pipe
    12. vFR = time interval from v0 (valve opens) to attainment of p
    DEmax 2
    13. (kg/cm (gauge)) = hydrostatic pressure not allowed for 6-63
    Stand Zusammenstellung von Me0werten zurn Einflu0 eines Uberdruckes irn Behalter und Abblaserohr 27~ 9 1973 ALLGEMEINES PARAMETER MESSERGE BNl SSE Loch! et d- G X M- max. Oruckampliluden am Bode lZ ausfuh- Vers.- m P P P P P positiv negativ ges. VL W Kvor ivor H vor I max OE max erne ssen Ampti- emessen Amp'll-rung Nr ges II /3 bei lude I3 bei Iude )t> O O l/h Kg/m s OC oc ms a I ii a l il at / atil natu) at at 323 o,34 111 860 37)5 21 110 2)i 0 0 0 19,5 14,6 1 i)2 prr)71)8 0)35 0,3 5,?1,8 327 0,34 114 885 32,5 105 250 0 0 19,6 1'>,6 0)55 0,35 5)?1) 0 P5,71,8 i6 o,3ti 114 '85 28 100 235 2 2 19,6 14,6 14,6 p 0,425 P 5)71)8 o,25 347 o,34 115 890 18,5 105 225 2 2 19,6 15,0 15) S P 0)375 5)51)8 P?1,s cn 1 o,41 111 860 28,5 100 165 0 0 19 4 12)2 12)2 P 0,375 0) 225 5)71)8 0,035S R 0,'i1 111 860 29 27)5 105 1?0 0 0 19)5 12,4 12)5 p 0)55 0)35 5)?1,S 150 hoch 352 0,41 . 11ii 805 105 165 2 2 19,8 14,6 14,8 P 0 3~5 5)?1 5)71)B high 353 o,41 114 885 34 105 155 2 2 19,6 14,6 14,8 p D) 425 P 0)325 5,71,8 o,41 28 110 185 Oi2 19,6 14,2 Q l>5 350 114 885 0,825 5171 351 O,l)1 113 875 21 95 165 0,2 19,6 14,o o,65 o,425 5,71,8 71)8 RR ~ 'A 3'is o,41 850 3ti 22,5 105 180 212 19,6 15 4 15) 8 O,S o,4 110 5)71 0'-3 t U a)71)8 8 Q ~v ~ ~ 3')9 0,41 114 CG5 37 2c 5 100 170 2t2 15) 1 15 6 p 5)71)8 o,65 71,S Q 1>/5 R 150 hoch " Rohr P't50 mit ho hhangender Duse /+ /7 ttt tt) 4! iotu) e = Hydrastatischer Druck nichl berllcksichtigt TFR < Zeitintervatt von C0 (Ventit ottnet) bis rum E rreichen von Pgr~ KEY FOR TABLE 4.5
    1. Compilation of measurement values concerning the influence of an overpressure in the tank and blowdown pipe
    2. Status 9/27/1973
    3. GENERAL
    5. Pipe geometry
    6. Hole-array pattern
    7. GKM Test No.
    8. ges. = total
    9. ges. = total
    10. Submergence
    11. Vor = before
    12. Max. pressure amplitudes at bottom positive negative
    13. Measured at
    14. kg/cm 2
    (gauge) [at = kg/cm 2 ]
    15. R150 high = 150 mm dia. pipe with high quencher
    16. v FR = time interval from v 0 (valve opens) to attainment of DEmax
    17. (kg/cm (gauge)) = hydrostatic pressure not allowed for 6-65
    Tabello 1 Vergloich der Parameter des Entlastungssystems im Versuchs-stand und in der Anlage ICICB Blatt 3. I Table 5. 1 Sheet, 1 [SEE PAGES 6-69 AND 6-70 FOR KEY] Lf'd. Nr B on onnung (8 Symbol '+Dimension OE G IIII tiefhiing OF GIQI. hochhang Qll Qz Anlage Ubortragungs- Bemorkungen Diis o Diis e faktor Abstand Vontil-lfasserspiegel LRL 35>29 ly 8 I(25 0,5 bis 2 9',34 Luftvolumen VL m 0>37 1, F5
    3. Eintauchtieio LE 3<975 1 Durchmessor Abblasorohr im 0,15 0,2 0-39 2 Vasserboroich R QuersclxnittsflHche Abblaserohr 2 F m 0,0376 0 0337 0 123. bis 7, itn Masscrboroich Gesamtvoluinen zum Freiblase- V ges m 0o51 0.54 2.36 zoitpunkt Zahl der Diisenschenko3.
    Schenkoldurchmess er D 0, 219 0,219 O,lf06 s Dus ondurchmesser 1,672 1,672 3,28 lV 2 DQ 10 Diisenquex schnit tsf'liiche DQ m 2 2 p 202 f Lu tvo lumen/Diis onquex's flH cho chnitts- V /F 0,168 0,154 0 171 1 O~ konnzeichnet Vertei3ung d froio Vasserfliiche (Bel>altor- Luft F M' fliicho) O 20 1 Tabollo .1 Vergleich dor Parameter dos Entlastungssysterns im Versuchs-stand und in dor Anlage KKB Blatt 2 Tahle 5.l Sheet 2 [SEE PAGES 6-69 AND 6-70 FOR KEY] Ac g) OE, Gra< 'F Gzg (g Qz. Lf'd Nr ~ Benonnung Symbol Dimension tief'hang hoclrhH~g Anlage Obortx agungs- Bomerkungen Duse Duse faktor 13 f'reio NasserflHche/Diisenquer- F> /F 3~2 p 3I3 1connzoichnet schnittsflHche BehHltor-einX'luG 14 Abstand Diisenzentrum>>Lochold- R A 0~31 0,31 0,63 ~ 2 unr f'ang 3.5 LHngo dor Lochf'oldbelegung 0.36 0.36 0.8 16 Bohrungsdurchmessex 3.0 3.0 10 17 Lochabstand in der Roihe 15 18 Reihenabstand 40 40 50 1125 RoihonlHnge 210 2,8 'm 19 75 20 RoihenlHnge/Reihenabstand 1/b 1.88 4~2 2. 24 hat Bedoutg f'tation Kondensiex er. 21 Gosamtzahl der. Bohx ungen Z ges 456 456 221,6 2 22 gosamto OX'inungsflHcho d Diiso 'D cnl 358 358 3.740 23 Gesamtvolurnen zum Froiblasozoit>>V /F 14 15 ' 13.5 O~ konnzeichn'ot punkt/gesarnto Offnungsf'lHcho AusstoGzoit d er Diis e
    d. Luf't 24 nrittloror vertikaler Abstand 1-3 Diiso>> Doden
    Tnbelle 5 1 Vergloich dor Pnrnmeter des Entlastungssystems im Vcrsuchs- = Blntt ~ ~ Table 5.1 stand und in der An3.age KKB Sheet 3. 6-69 AND 6-70 FOR KEY] SEE PAGES Q~ DF GIBi N GKM Q3 +z. Lfd Nr Benonnung Symbol Dimension ticfhHng. hochhang Anlage Ubex tx agungs- Bcmoxkungen Diis e Diis o f'aktox 25 geringster Abstand Duse o.63 o.63 0 7 Mand 26 Durclrsntz (Nonfor t) m t/h 120 120 6oo 27 Nnssonstx omdichto rll/FD kg/m s 930 930 960 28 Ventiloffnungszeit ~ 0 I rlls ~300 ~300 ~300 29 Freiblasedruck bci normalen PF atii 21 1,5 Betriobsbodingungen I 30 Freiblnscdruck (Hnx9.mals'or t PFrnnx atii 30 fur 00 bar llenktordruck und 100 rrrs Ventiloffnungszeit) KEY FOR TABLE 5.1 A. Comparison of parameters of the relief system in the test stand and in the KKP 'plant B. No, Name C. Symbol D. Dimension E. GEM, low nozzle F. GKN, high nozzle G. Plant H. Transposition factor fbis = to] I. Remarks J. Identifies air distribution K. Identifies influence of tank L. Important for steady-state condensation M. Identifies air expulsion time Distance from valve to water level
    2. Air volume
    3. Submergence
    4. Diameter of blowdown pipe in water region
    5. Cross-sectional area of blowdown pipe in water region
    6. Total volume at vent clearing time
    7. Number of quencher arms
    8. Arm diameter
    9. Quencher diameter
    10. Quencher cross-sectional area
    / Air volume quencher cross-sectional area
    12. Free water-area (tank area)
    13. Free water-area / quencher cross-sectional area
    14. Distance from quencher center to beginning of hole array
    15. Length of hole array distribution
    16. Bore diameter
    17. Hole spacing in row
    18. Row spacing
    19. Row length 6-69
    KEY POR TABLE 5.1 (continued)
    20. Row length / Row spacing
    21. Total number of bores
    22. Total aperture area of quencher 23.
    of quencher / Total volume at vent clearing time Total aperture area
    24. Mean vertical distance from quencher to bottom
    25. Minimum distance from quencher to wall
    26. Plow rate (nominal value)
    27. Mass flow density
    28. Valve opening time
    29. Vent clearing pressure under normal operating conditions
    30. Vent clearing pressure (maximum value for 88 bar reactor pressure and 100 ms valve opening time) 6-70
    J Stand 2. KwU Ergebnisse der Querkraf tauswer tung 20.9.1973 E 3/E 1/GKK 9 )0 3 GKH-Versuchs-Loch-foldaus- m/F ges 'r-. ET'I' Aus'1en- 'cung am Auslen-kung am Hesultie-1 endo Aus- rende i lte s u3.t e-Bemer kung Nr. 0 fuhrung LVA 0 LVA C lenkung Kraft kg/m s mm kp IZ 236 75 (100) 0,45 1 375 268 bei Vex such Nr 237t 238t 2140 553 1055 2 t 25 2 t 25 239, 241, 2ll2 ist die LVA-242 300 1,8 1,8 351 hiessung aus-gefallcn 2' I 789 350 1 15 3,534 2' IX 789 -375 2t1 2t39 466 2lq3 XXI 503 2t 1 2 t 25 3,07 600 2' XV 3 503 350 217 1,05 2,89 lp3 478 325 2,65 0,8 2;,76 540 M $ 70 575 1t 95 2 t 23 Cd > Q Q U 2' 970 970 285 2t3 177 0 2,62 2t '36 510 Qly8 I 2'. 970 350 1,56 3o5 w G3 268 970 325 1t5 1t 05 1,83 357 0 A ~ td (( ~ i KsU Stand Er gebnisse, der Querkr af tauswer tung 20. 9. 1973 , E3/E )/GKK tf 7 9 /0 jl GKM>> Loch- Aus1en- Ansi on ktesu1tie ltosulti e-Ver suchs- foldaus- m/F ges 0 ETT kung am l<ung am r.endo Aus- rende Bomer kung Nr. fuhr ung LVA 8 LVA C 1onkung Kraft kg/m 2 s mm mm kp 249 970 255 2 5 $ 0 2 I5 485 250 970 38o 21 15 1% 19 970 370 1,65 0 1,65 321 252 970 95 1,85 0 1,85 36o 253 970 90 2,8 0 2,8 254 .970 95 212 0 2 2 $ 429 970 .5 20 ii97 256 970 550 1 75 0~75 1,67 327 257 970 420 2 2 12 $ 413 258 970 6 ~ 0 390 td 259 962 100 2,14 tg v O Q 26o . 977 105 2 2,6 0 2,6 507 cn CA 261 970 100 21'35 2t 15 3,18 615 CO 262 892 275 2,6 i,l 7 31 6oo o 0 Stand K4U Ergobnisse dor'uorkraf'tauswortung .20-9-1973 E3/Ei/GKK lo GKhf- Loch- -Versuchs- foldaus- III/1'es ET'1' Auslon- l Aus o11-un'm Hosultio- 1(osul ti e-re11do Aus- endo 1cung am 1< 1 Domer kung Hr. fuhrung LVA 0 LVA C lenkung Kraft t$ ]cg/m" s ms mm 'm 263 970 1$ 5 1,06 362 264 737 460 4 1,6 1 $ 1 .94 378 265 335 $ 2 1,92 . 374 266 20O 2,6 0 2,6 507 267 698 320 2$5 0,9 2,65 268 4.. 62o 305 1$5 0,7 322 269. 504 28O. 0,7 2 11 413 270 271 43o 7 0 7 271 970 325 0 2,6 2,6 507 272 970 2$1 1 2 2 41 47$ . 273 225 1 $ 25 2,19 427 274 210 4 15 2'$3 45o 275 23 0 1,9 1,9 370 1f KEY FOR TABLE 6.1
    1. Results of ++he transverse-force evaluation
    2. Status 9/20/1973
    3. GKN Test No.
    4. Hole-array pattern
    5. ges. = total
    6. 3ubmergence
    7. Deflection at LVA B
    8. Deflection at LVA C
    9. Resultant deflection
    10. Resultant force ll. Remarks
    12. ent fax.led The LVA measurement in Tests No. 237, 238, 239, 241 242 6-74'
    ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ e ~ a < 1 I 0 ~ ~ A I g a ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 1 ' ~ ~ ~ 'iI ~ q ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ol I~ e ~ '. e ~ 'Ball,, 760: pm diameter. x 30 wa3;l'Uuckness ',. ". '." I ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ View ' o ANSlCHT B Section 76015Xu elx30Nd. J-'-b ~ I '.'CHMlTT C-D'. - 0
    0- 8 8 '-0 0 @0 P <80 Zpt =0 9- 0 ' 0 8-0 0' -e 0. I ~ ) 0 0 0 q

    PI . ~ ~ n ~q ~ 5P -',,/ ' ~ ~ N~ .406.4 mm outside - dia'meter-I ~ ~ Bild 2;2 , . Au fbau . der Lochrohrduse'; -. Construction 'of the perforated-pipe quencher I Figure 2.2 ' ~ l I Ball, 760 mm outside diameter t +14,9t 5 i~ ~ g ~ 't 406.4 mm diame er' 'utside l3, 615 . >o Bild 2.3 Figure 2.3, . KKB Bodenverankerung der Lochrohrdiise KKB Bottom bracing of the perforated-pipe quencher 6-7.7 Vent clearing from presssure transient (88 bar) without condensation ) 'lent 'clearing oressure Ft eiblose-dtuck otQ Vent clearing from pressure transient (88 bar) with con- /cm 2 . (gauge) densation 25 Vent clearing at reactor pressure (70 bar) without 20 condensation Vent clearing at, reactor pressure (70 bar) with condensation 0 100 300 . 500 ms 'entiloffnungszeit Valve-opening time Bild 3.1 Freiblasedr Qcke mit Lochrohrdiise Vent clearing pressures with perforated-pipe quencher 6-7,8. Pressure in blowdown pipe Druck irn Abbtaserohr 30 atu. kg/cm 2 (gauge). spezifiziertes, Druckprofil Specified pressure profile / / ~ / Druckprofi l extrapoliert mit GKM-Versuch Nr. 252 I Pressure profile extrapolated e with - GKM Test No. 252 l r j4 I Druckprofil gerechnet pigure 3.2 KKB mit Pro g ramm HOGEM Pressure profile in the blowdown pipe / Pressure profile calculated with during vent. clearing from pressure time I HOGAN program transient.(88 bar). Valve opening 100-ms. 0 100 300 ~OO = 500 ms 600 Ze..'t nach Of fnen des Venti)s r '".'I t ! .'.t Itt I: Il> ~ ~= ~ .~ ~ ~ It ~ ~ ~ t ~ >t<<<<)>> ~ ~> >>&' ~ ~' .~ I all< ~, I. I ~ t' IJ itt 'I)I i j! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ llj IIII>l' I ' I' ~ ~ ~ )! t Full lift Air expulsion time (realistic + '! ~>> l'I ~ ~ '>'1'I .'IP, ~ It'I' '!; I) t ".:il,'9 A >>I I> '.!t ..>I r ) tl, r 'I ~ CII..>/I>' >I <<Vrj'> t A ~ ~ estimate) Air expulsion time (lower estimate) ~ ~ 3000-i ~ "ss 4 t Valve lift -tAV200 II IJ/4>4laI>I> ~ ~  ! g>g ~ Lg 6>> ~ '?A. IJII -'I t i >t.j;> .> 44 I P ]pp I I 125 ms "II ~ Pressure P before nozzle ~ ~ ~ nPoE 0 ,~ g 75ms ~ ~ ' ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~= ~ ~ I "5 P6 P2) P0 t~ >I Pressure P8 at the bottom I Versuchsanordnung Test arrangement-.. --'- --! I ~ --- ------- ' r > << ~ ~ ~C kh>>kit>!4>A QH "gf,, '6 .Ia$ I't 4 g pI>* A> j~ > g ~ Ih>r > $ >E ;3 I, I S team-axr vent clearing. ~ ~ ,- GKM Test No. 252 with perforated-pipe ~ '..)<<pJr4Q, ( I r'I rWJ" vQ - ~ <V' +r f> N>>~>'>>'> V &~~\>~a ~<<<< ~ ~ 10 Po Nasser Water Air pressure Druck Time p ~rntn,~g ~max Ventit offnet Valve opened Bild 3.! ~p" isfi~c"en bei den Luitsch~vingung n Prinzipskizze> DQmpfung verncchiGssigt Impulse areas for air oscillations. Basic sketch, damping neglected l.-sa I Basic sketch Pressure , Prinzipskizze Druck F)y Zeit. Time Cp ~min ~g ~max ~, .~~" it off~-< Vaive opens I L ~ ~ 1 h Tests at 2 m submergence Tests at 4 m submergence Tests at 6 m submergence Fo I ~~ ~~ 1,0 Q) ~ 'Q Pipe 8 ~ C4 8 O g 0,8 ~ ~ Bohr <150 mm YL 0 37.',~3 1S...'3OW .m. a) 0,6 'c U "= =..:L = 8 a ~ 0,< Zf 0,2 0 2. 3. Ob Halbschwingung ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 'Half oscillation B)ld 3.5 Fi ure .3. 5 lrnpuLsfLachen der BodendruckverLaufe GKM-FreibLaseversuche rnid Lochrohrduse HS1,l, VentiLoffnungszeit =1QQ ms Xmpulse areas of the bottom pressure variations., ~ GIQi vent clearing tests with perforated-pipe quencher HS1,4 Valve opening time = 100 ms 6-82 I: >>so ., CA 207 150 ~T;Tp iPa 3000 T3 X eV T12 Cl CI T11 PDEI DE P60 T10 P5 P6 200 500 P8 1000 Pipe Pipe Rohr <207 Rohr <150 V LUf~ = 0,56 m VLUft = 0.37 Air m'ir Biid l .1 @nor dnung der Loch1ohrdCise H S1 im Gi(M-Ye1.s Uch s stand Variation des Lvftvolvmens Arrangement of the perforated-pipe quencher HSl in the GKN test stand Variation of the air volume 6-83 250 CD CO I zo I '20 Dl D1 ~150 CD 7 t'86 P2 /T2 CD 0150 CCI CD P <II j M CD a207 c CD 300Q ~ g I . I LU PD~ I 'O~ CD Pvs Pvvp CD 3 I CD CD CCI 500 '1000 CD ID I I ill CD PO~ l'DE CD P60 CD CD Pl P5 P 200~ p 50 5 71 Pl) 1000 Pipe Pipe Rohr >150 Bohr <'l50 Zdw quencher (liefhangende 00se ) t hochhangende Duse ) High quencher VLvft 0<37 m ~ VLft= 034 m'ir Air Pi u7:u I'.'2 Anordnung der Lochlohl duse HS 1 irn GKM-Vet.suchsstond Tief-Und hochhangende DUse Arrangement of the perforated-pipe quencher HS1 in the GKN test. stand Low and high quenchers 6-84 l) f Valve opens Test Pi:pe. V offnet lift 'ntil Vers. 253 Bohr <207 Test Pipe V = 0)56 m:. Pull Vollhub. Vers. 280 Bohr +>50 V = 0)37 m Test Pipe high Vers. 327 Rohr <l50 hoch V = 0)34 m Test Vers. 327 ZeitOChse ..Time axis W ~~~ Vers. 280 Vet s. 253 ~ ~ ~ ~~ '100ms kg/cm 2 2 at Bild l,.3- ' C Druckverlauf im'ohr und vor dern . pressure in pipe Druck im Rohr Ventil fUr verschiedene Abblaserohre Pressure variation in the pipe and before the valve for different blowdown pipes' Test Vers 327 PH Test / Druck vor. Yentit Vers. 280 4 <<r r >V I/' Pressure before valve Test Vers. 253 ~ ~ ~ I / ~ I ~ ~ / ~ i2191< 6 Section . Schnitt C-0 P 219,>>13 ~ CD L Dished CD EA ~ head'.'k'eoerCo4Cm 368i10 Dashed head /;' 219,)i 40 CD CV I Dished head Kl'c'c: ~Cm 368~10. Section Schnitt A- 8 368~10 ~ qC3 Qp gb ~pe 'D CC4 1 C 80'Biid 4.4 LochrOhrdQSe HS 1 Perforated pipe quencher Hsl HodetldQse f Gr GK M Versuchsstand Model quencher for GKN test stand 6-86 'I .Hole array pattern Hole array Lochfeld- Lochfeld ausfuhrung ges. = total Zg, =. 704 F,= 0,0552r ~O~~O O~0 ~ '00 4-I 4 Z= 448 l I I I I I s p P p / p p Z= 704 I F, = pp poopp i I I p p 0,0552'g= 456 F, = 0,0358r Hole diameter'ochdurchmesser '10 mm Hole spacing in row Lochabstand in der Zeile 1,5 d =15 rr,m Hole spacing Zeilenab stand 4 d=40mm Total number -of holes 'esamtzahl der Locher Zgcs Total. area of holes Gesamte Lochflache -F ges. Biid 4.5 Figure 4.5 Lochi'eldausi'uhrung 1bis 4 der Lochrohr-duse HS 1 ~ 'ole-array patterns l to 4 of perforated-pipe quencher HS1 6-87 'I z 1 2 kg/cm at 1,4 dm'@PAL>f 6 0 Y'.<"-. IJ 0 1(O) und 3 (0) 1,2 and C fff Cp IJ fJ LQ 1,0 ~ 'v Cff E. C5 M~ ~ ~ Oe s CO o~ E 0,8 0,6 OQ Hole array 'tte Q Lochfetdausf tjh rung N CJ I Ca L 2 (0) und nd 4 (t-".) 0,4 ~ Vl fJ Cff C f" 0,2 e N Ca 0 a 0 X 01 02 0, 3 04 0, 5 0, 6 07 08 09 U x E YenfijbffnJngsz ji "0,2 Valve openin tame -04 -0,6 QQii,Cf:C3-~ g.~ j~ B j jd Q. 6 Figure 4. 6 EjrjfjuA d r Dcjs jqcjustr jttsfioche Quf dje Boderjdrcjcj;e GKM-Freibjaseversuc'f~e mit Lochrohrduse j,'g ~ Rohr < 207 Eirjtcjuchti fe 4 m Tnfluence of the quencher exhaust, area on the quencher bottom pressures HSl GIGA vent clearing tests with perforated-pipe 207 mm diameter pipe Submergence 4 m 6-88 8 0 l ~ ~ ~ 8 C kg/cm ~ at E a 10 8 M 8 0(8 C4 8 > .016 Pipe C O Rohr <207 c 04 Y= 0,62 m HV'8 I C Pipe N 0 ~ Ie ~ W~ ~,VV V~I 'V ~ V ~ 'VV V ~ MW I Rohr <15/ 0 ~ ~ ee ~~ ~ ~ rr.~ ww.~ I c01 ' W 'lI(= 0,41 m~ X t5 0,1 012 0 ,3 0> 1 09 5 Ventilcffnungs it -0,2 eve'v v opening 'SGNM time ~ -04 -0,6 Bild 4'.7 Figure 4.7 Bodendriicl<e beim Freiblasen GKVi-Fre!blascversuche mii LachrohrdQse HS 1,4 Eil'll'GLlciI'i:lefe 2 m Bottom pressures during vent cleaxing GKM vent clearing tests witli'-perforated-pipe quencher HS1,4 Submergence'2, m 6-89 Ul ~ 8 PJ 4J O g,~at 8 < l(0-8 Ul 0,8 ~~~(2J 'iW~ <ll o I tn S ~',6- Pipe Rohr <207 VC i Y -056 3 ~ 'l>4+@~ Pipe C Rohr <150 Ul o M(A~+ "p Y= 0,37 ~ G4 P2 X') m',1 g E 0,2 0,3 0, O,S 0,6 0,7 0,8 ',9 s YentiSffnungs-eit y~gve - 0)2 opening gV%>~~( .(e.~' ~ ~g ~%.'l ( <, time ~ - 0,4 ~ -0,6 Bilci A.8 Bodendrucke be~m FreibIasen GKid- Freibia=cversuche rnid Lochrohrduse HS 1,4 Ell1'louch'ileTe 4 rfl Bottom pressure during vent clearing. .GKM vent clearing tests with perforated-pipe quencher HS1,4 Suubmergence 4 m 6-9O I 8 0 0 ~ ' C OJ o,Kl 8 E ~a 10 8 C ap N Roar <207 ~= 8 a. 08 'll= 0,49 m3 c>0,6 S~ Fu >>>>r W ~ rrrrrr ~ ~ >>~ ~ g>>>> erat %ikr <l50 ~ 04 . r>>>>~>>' ~ .v +V,>>>> ~ C ~A'$>>>>>>>>r>> r' >>>>>>r>>>>>>>> r>>ri>>'>>4 w ~ YL = 0,33 m.. WV I M 7r>>/>> ~ >>>>>>>> Jk>>>>>> >>k o d c4< 02 x" l5 g E 01 02 0, 3 0,4, 0 ,5 0, 6 0,7 0,8 0,9 5 VentiNffnung= -0,2 Valve ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.I ~U opening ~ ~ >>>>>>>> ~ >> r>>>>>>rrr P time OI4 "06-I ~ ~ 0 Biid 4.9 Eiod ndrUcI:e beim Freibiaeen GK!'r'i- Fl lb!c .cvel eU ia - ITii'.'oci llew'll dUse HS 1,4 Ein'.auc l!iefe 6 rn Bottom pressure during vent clearing GKM vent clearing tests with perforated-pipe quencher HSlI4 Submergence 6 m 6-91 ~ - ' 0 ~ ~ 'l V 2 a /cm 0 at 0 A. 09 8 Q) 0,8-ltJ goo gggg>gg ~ ~ N gggog JVVJJ o Ji i )Ji'Oo, ggQ Jgg'JV. J J'J J J ~pm 07-ggo OOOOOO g>>U. J'".g JVVU J J.ig')'J Ji.igi'J Ji Ji J Ooggoo UQ)lg gl)gggi O'J'J gg'J UJJJJ. JUJU'JVJJJJJJ..JJI gggggg ggggggggggUQV'gggg gggQOJ VUQU'JUVVO')JU JJ,i J,JJJ J J "JJ JJ ~ a~ ggogo Vggog Ogggg ggggg ggggg, Uggggg Qgggogggggg UQUQQ. Vggg< U~)JV'J. UJOUJ , VVU)I JVU J Jgg'J JJ J J. J JUV J U)l JU J J'J JJi'J'J J J J .J ..J'.) Ji J'J'J J J JJgi J J J.JV J .J JC .).)U Ji ..l ) J J J J.J J J( ~ 0 oOO ) $ g 0,6. gogo Jii JOU JQVVJ,J JVVV.>>gJJU'J JP J. JUUUU J JJ J 8 A~OOOOO OO~UOU'J'JJUOQ Oggog Vg Ogggog'OJVJJV'i<<>>gi JUUQQU J'JOJJ V .JQJ Oog'J'JUJQ'JJ'iggig VJQV',)JJJ )VVOUVVgUV J()U )UUU J' ~UUOV JJU JUVVV'UV'O'J gUVVV VV)l Jg )UUU Uigg ) J ') )UUV ) ) UVUVU UUUV J UU U )O'J J J, J.)',)g J J'-)J..J.)V gl))l )l VU ~ ~ O'J'J l JU'J J.UJJJIJUJ .J J J J'J J JOV J: J UUJJ JOJO'Jgi,JUJJUJ )QJ Jgi VQ'JOU J.,JVUQ'JV ~ )) UJVUJJ ,J'J J J'i JjJ JU JUV UJJOU. )'") JeJUU:.'VU))U'J. J:-)VV 'JQJJ UJJU,, J~~tJ'I+ . M'. > gJJ 'J'J UV J,). N g O 5: H zg JJJ )0 JJ J.)J.~+OVU )l )U+QJJ "l. )>>0'U>OU )+'+ ) J ) QUJ Og-'V+ Jg J~ )OU ~ a OJJ JJVJJ UJJ giigi UJJVJJ Jii'Ji, P JJJVJ JVJ') ')UVV')U UVUVU Uggggg. )))D')UV'g)) VUVUJ f4 o JJ. JJJ J;$ )+ .) )'JJ)J J'J ~ ))) J J J > J J'J J J J J.)JUJ', )l. O'JJ JU:)V JJ JJJJ> J'JUJJ- )VVI)JJ)l)VJVVUV'UUOJJVVUVUJV JJ;l UVU UUUUV VQVVUU J1)VVVV V.JVU J ~ UUUVU .l'JU. )VVVV 0,4 0 Ill .J J J') J' J J J JVJ. Uig p J.l J' VVV V lg Viiiii O .0 J J 0,3-A$ 8 g q2-0,1-0 03 0,4 .0,5 0,6 m Air volume .1 VL influence of air vol o ume on bottom pressu vent clearing tests with perforated-V l o t 300 ms, submergence 4 m MODEL CONDENSATION TEST STAND MODE LL- KONDENSATIONS VE R SUCH S STAND High-pressure connection Arrangement and instrumentation Hochdruck-Anschlu0 A nordnung und - f nstrumentierung 1595 ~lil QPIj /- Throttle nozzle Oross~ela'~s. FQ 07-02 FPoV 03 CD CD ele ktrisch e'lectricall 0, beheizt heated ll (I 'L I 'J <~I lal 0 IVV Variable insert in water space varioBer Einsatr. im WasserraLIm PBE- PBG "~ - ~io 2>624 m ~ ~ ~ 1]05 ~ Oj45'7 ~ O]265 ~ / ~ ~ ~O ~ eccentr'ic 1>05 ( exzentrisch ) / BIld l.13 EinfluA der freien IA'asser fiache Versuchsauibau irn Modeiitank in Gwh Influence of free water-area Set-up in the model tank in Gwh 6-.95 max. pos. pressure amplitudes at the bottom max. pos. . Druckamplit uden am Boden 'Tl 1000 kq)m~s . Fges Epg o ~ 300ms m = submergence 0,6 1 g/cm. 0) 009. m P-0)5 20 'C 0,4 0,3 ~ ~ 0)2 0 0 0,5 2)0 Freie ')5 Wasserflciche')0 m 3)0 ,. Free water-area Bilci 4 14 ~'- '4 Einf IUD der freien Wasserfiache znr'iuence ot'cree water-area on the bottom pressure ( Versuche im Viodeiitank in Gwh ) (Tests in the model tank in Gwh) Lacie der Disc: o. zentrisch central Position of the quencher: X exzentrisch eccentric 6-96 ~ ~ g3 .Oscillation period ~ Schmingung sdou er "~s Measured .value '+ Mel3wert 'I 00 + 80 Measurement. 60 ~s Messung '$0 + Ts Rechnung 20 Calcul'ation .. 1,0 , 1~5 . 2)0 2)5 m 3iQ ~ ~ Freie V/asser) t ach e Free water-area Bild 1.15 GegenQbersfettung van gemessen r und gerechnefer Schwingungsdauer ~ 'Comparison of measured and calculated osci,llation periods r 6-97 I L,, ~ ~ r ~ y ~ ~,.1 ~ ~ 4 1 ollhub Ful.l. li<<--.. J' r 'l'ilI I t

    .. ~(i'!:)! I!I r '.'.i,!,I li ~
    ~ I ~ ~ ill!4tf iled QiJ,) )'A I '! fIl' '4 ~ ~ r ~ ~ C 'li I' (
    • P Figure 4.16 li14. ~ ~
    ~ GKM vent clearing test n 255 ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ s ~ tjL< I ~ y Valve- opens ~ I >F Ventil offnet . .. Pressure PDH.'efore nozzle Ventilhub . JIIW liI IJ I l ' Valve lift" Ventit loftet dn Driick:pDE: vor'Duse lifts ~ Valve gtti4 N I re w a T I IIIIII I Pressure Pl in 'bio@down pipe . = - ~ ~ p~ im Abblaserohr (]mm =".02~)) at 'runk = kg/cm" A '"'." Bode n druckaufriehmer-(fmm.=" g, 05at) r'~~ l '.r".~ ~l Pal Vg!S Bott;0 m pressure transducers ~ / I'l j' <<VW 'L r ~ y, ~ I -t 'I. ~wor~~Vh> ~ $ 4 ~, 4l t ~ ~ f ~ V.A t Qo a ~ / ' J Q>>/ l I ~ ~ ~ ~ A ++ ~ O ~ 5 ~I~ $ ~% ~sit ~ I' I ~II C ~ ~ t ~ ~ r I l s:- 'P (. h'.f I ~ g.)- f (I.lit ~ ~ . ' NQ ~ I GKM I vent clearing test n 256 ~'~~~>>~ ~ ~ >>I 54M~ ((Ventit offnet. Ch I ~'li. Vr'essiire'".P~ "b'e ore .. Pi tlIL ~et f kit,.... 7 ~ ~N ~ / ~ %ft ~ ~P ) I t It ~ . 9Q  :.: .:.: "Dr.uck pDE. vor der Dijse....... =.: Ventit ( lm m -"-02 lifts I t'( I , at) Jj Nit I Valve ~ ~ ' I --- .--'0 I ~ truck- pl irn. Abloserohr.(l rnid"= 0,2 G<) .at'.= kg/cm . .~ I' ": Rr~ssureMl. in ..hlowdg>~n pipe'. ~ ~, ~ g ~ (lmm "=.0,05at).::-. --'-: h Bodendruckaufnehmer Bottom pressure transdgcers ~ r ~ ~ E '"30 ~g v' '4 '4>>>> ~ 0 ~ ~ r f X. ' iv.~ gi' J Q ~ ~ J me IVY>>7 0 I i ~ I 1 I I!,:,I'I ~ ~ ~~~+'ll'(  ;, . Full lif't .1 '!:t~~ i."' ),I 4'lit ~ r ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ I Vo~lg u ~I~"'" 1-'-":i 111) I ~ ~~ ~ tp p I ~. ..l!I fo ~ 1,LI!.li . !1iiil~~':il'i'1II::! Ii)!I '-I I !Iil~l ii 11 1 Ii, ~, ~,, ,, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (,~,4, ~ " ~ ~ ~ ' ~, ~ V 1 I 1 ll Ib" If l' i1!rl,lit1 1! Ii/ ~ II ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'I r'J << .:, 1ii.;1 ., i 'i ll I I >)III 1'PI.I1II "t ' / II Il ~ ~ I / "'ll ~ .. ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ . r AlV I v ~ ~ ~ ~ 'I " 1"1 I1 JldiL '@1k JA 1 ' lr" 1)<y1  !-";;I.lh;:, (). - h -----'-'"-'"-- ----"" ' .'.:""'; '.. ':... GKM vent clearing test no.  ! 244 r Vm-11r&J1$ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " Venting offnet I 110 " '"'< >"r", -',>P<'>~,'" 't'tR.,jP'.'.-'.. ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ Pressure P>- befor'e nozzle -"'ent~~h WW~~WIWI ~ ar ( 1rnm 0 2 at) ~ ~ ~ I ~~ ~ ~ W ~ Wl ~'W~ ~ )/I, '4n - .~g ~ .." .'.-.Pgessure.P - in blowdown pipe = j .. ~~< -:.Iiit..::Abblas erohr" (3 mm:"=..0,2at) Bodendruckauinehmer (1 rrim.==0,05 at) ..~~ .=...."~f 'ii,'0gf~ ,Pf V'g; " '"I'g1 IWW ~ a ~ ~ '!~ Xx y ~ 0 Bohr <207 mm Rohr = pipe V. = 0,56 8 F=O,0552 m2 ges. m'S'l,1 = total 0 at D Rohr > 207 mm 0 Sl 1,3 VL = 056 m HS1 - 0552 'e C 1,2 :4:>:.'I~I.'. O' rn II/ N'j~j',: i'I',I~I>':Qja'. I':.I (g o f/I I I I ~ I,I.I I I I:II i '::, :'.;ll 1,1 . I I'YI I I I.I III l/II I /III I/,I f4 a I'I / I.I.I c 1,0  : 'J Id'I I II-@44 I I
    l.l l.l.l.l '.I
    ,I: Q~ Q a n 41) ~i~~ i~ II I ~ N a. 09 o a Qe ~ 0,8 0 I/i O kg/cm 2 0 2 3 4 9 10 ll 12 13 1I/ 15 16 (at) Measured vent clearing pressure '.ner Freibtasedruck P DE max Fi ure 4.19 uber hydrostatischern*Above hydro-Dependence of bottom pressure on 4 ent clearing pressure Druck von 1,4 ata static pressure GKM vent. clearing tests with perfo rated-pipe quenchers HSl,l and HS1,3 of 1.4 kg/em~- Valve opening time 300-1055 ms, s bmergence 4 m (absolute)I I r Rohr <207 rnm Rohr = pipe 0,56 m3 HS 1,2 F =0,0352 ges. = total 8 at < Rohr > 207 mm 0 1,1 YL 0,56 rn 3 0 HS 1.4 F=0,0358 m 8 a cP1,0 ,~ C so 09 (n zE iIIN!I'a ~~ 08 ~ ~ ~ Ac<
    iII ))i
    't'ai I(( IIIIIIi J( I ]Cr '3 er r(r )I]P III i.Iiii IiiI N Q P~ f4~ 06-iI  :o- 06 ~O 04 I" S-03 No pg 02 N oe ~ AP 0,1 gX gU F.E kg/cm 2 0 S 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 vent clearing pressure (at)'easured blaeedruck. P DEmax . Uber hydrostatischerne Dependence of bottom pressure on vent clearing pressure Oruck von 1,2 ata GKM vent clearing tests with perforated-pipe ctuencher HSl,4 *Above hydrostatic pressure Valve opening time 100-420 ms, submergence 2m of l-2 kg/cm (absolute) I I 8 Rohr = 'pipe 0 0 at + Rohr < 150 mm 0,7 V, = 041 m3 8 A HS1,4 F =0,0358 m2 ges. = tot ~m 06 g a) 05 Ac 0,4 8 0,3-Q) U C4 ii'e ) I 02 o gi'P vi A o ld x 0,1 r Q 8 kg/cm-2.' 0-0 6, 7 10 11 12 14 Measured vent 15 16 (at) o clearing pressure -eiblaaedrucic P DE max uber hydrostatischem Dependence of bottom pressure on vent learing pressure Oruck von 1,2 ata, GKM vent clearing tests with perforated-pipe quencher HS1,4 *Above hydrostatic pressure Valve oPening time 95- 830 ms, submergence 2 m of 1.2 kg/cm (absolute) I f ) Pipe, 150 mm diameter ~ @ Rohr <150 mm VL= 0,37 m3 8 0 pipe, 150 mm diameter with high quencher at 4 Ro r <150 mm mit hochhangender Duse-V =034 m 0 0,7 A 8 6) "'i 06 'r rd g) 1 m o Y, .~oa 0,S ~ ca  : .':.'i<':>~? CJ 04-8 ~~E 03 g Ygj': Q Cl Io 02 ~ C3 o vi r4o gx td 0 01 8 E 2. kg/cm 0 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 (at) Measured vent clearing pressure '.ibtasedruck P DEmax Uber hydrpstatischem *Above hydro-Dependence of bottom pressure on vent clearing pressure Pruc'k ypn 1 4 at a static Pressure GKM vent clearing tests. with perforated-pipe quencher HS1,4 of 1.4 kg/cm Valve opening time 100-2430 ms, submergence 4 m epwer t zweifeih Q t (absolute) **Measurement value doubtful ~' cia = submergence kg/cm 2't N 4mETT 0 ~ 0,8 ld i O,8 04 ~ g o N 02 tank Pressur m P-0 0 2 <~~ 0,5 Air volume Submergence 0,37 4m I Valve opening ~~100 Ns I EcL time 8 'Q 03 uCi Qc '2 eC: 0) gj D 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 t00 '0 "o 0 IV rt mp tpr Water temperature a~ ~ aE 03 @N>~ ~ ~ -0,5 . Bitd t.25 Influence of water temperature on bottom pressures l EinfiuA der V<'assertemperatur auf die Bodendrucke (.< I BKM-Freibia.-ever-! echo mit Lochrohrduse HS 1,4 GKM vent clearing tests with perforated-pipe quencher HS 1,4 ms Zp, 260 IQ 0 I Qp Pipe ~150 mp 0 240- ;pc a,3V m Air volume Submergence 4m l5 CA Valve opening 100 ms ~ ~ time ,~ N ~ tn () 220 I l~ )( 200 I Calcula ed vari tion. gerechneter Verlau f. 180 q'} ( Q (QA 160 I 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 oC.. VlOSSertemperatur water temperature Bitd (.26 m s Influence of water temperature on oscillation period Einfiu0 der Vi/asserternperatur auf die Schwingungszeit GKM-Freibiaseversuche mit Lochrohrduse i-IS 1,4 GKM vent clearing tests with perforated-pipe. quencher HS1,4 Steam content . Dampf g ehaI t 500 Wp/ WL. g/kg 400 . 300 p = 3 ata 2 p = 1 kg/cm (absolute) 250 200 . 150 300 50 0 0 . 10 20 30 40 50 60 -.70 80 'C 90 Luf t temperatur Air temperature
    Bild i.27 Dampig-"halt van gesattigter Luft Steam content of saturated az.r 6-109
    Pressure '2 Druck 10 2 ota kg/cm (absolute) 2 10 --2 10 0 50 100 200 ~ C 250 TemPeratur Temperature Biid 4.28 Dampfdruck in Abhangigkeit von der'Temperatur fur Sattdampf Steam pressure versus temperature for saturated steam o Scale Fw-7m 1672'280 Fw <'7. = 28 m 2 g edachte Imaginary, Begrenzvng Model quencher. in, P odelldusc LC hA t I Klnvr e~kr reLv ~ GKM:test. stand Perforated pipe-quencher j.n KKB suppression chamber Figure 5.l Comparison of perforated-pipe quencher)in the test stand and in the KKB plant Linear magnification factor 2:1 ~ ~ '. 1)0 <PB 8 max Mean value of pressure distribution Mittelwert der Druckverteilung 0)5 0 ~ 0'20' 60 Circumference Umfang Blld S.2>>g~~e >.2 i'KB-Umfangsverteilung der ma.'<imaien Bodenbelastung KKB Circumferential distribution of maximum bottom load ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ et ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ LVA  : LvA QEI F'anhole .", 'anntM ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'r ~, 'I r. I I ~ .I 'r 'ild 6.1 ~rangement and position of the linear displacement transducers Anordnung und Lage der iangenverschiebungs-. aufnehmer {MeAebene i ) <Meaauremena plane l) I ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ( ~ ~ o, ~ ~ ~ ~ 120 ~ ~ ~p Q/~~ 'd ~ ~ Lv~ pc 0 'C) CQ LvAOe' II \ Manhole ~ ~ Mannioch ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ', r , ~ ~ ~ Blld 5.2 .Anordnung der LVA's'mit. Einbauiage der .. Lochrohrduse HS1 im GKM-Behaiter ~ Arrangement gf .the linear displ'acement transdtxcers'wigh. installation position of the perforated-"pipe quencher HS1 in the GKM tank '6-1'14 Deflection Auslenkung rnm ~ ~ ~ ~ r~ 0 0 ~ 0 100 200 300 . 400 500 600 .700.- 800 900 1000 kp Kraft in DUsenmitte Bild 6.3 Force at middle of quencher Zusammenhang zwischen der Au.".lenkung des Abblase-rohres und der auf die DGse wiri;enden Kraft Relation between the deflection of the blowdown pipe and the force acting on the quencher I of ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 o l~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ ,. ~ s>><<<<'oer<<neer>>o e roe rorrs>>>>seer >>>>rr ~ <<ee>>se Cr p ~ s<~>::, . 'Deflectio'n'".:- 'j': '- ~ I s s1 .:::.- MGOstab fur-LVA-'. lmrn = 0,1 rnm Austenkun.g::,."..". ~ ~ 'TI'.T. ~ 153 T 'osis Tg .,ml F.:.=. 970 kcjlm..s.-::::'. -:.....:,.;...'.. ir l.. 149""" (lo
    "-'.. T- =.'T ',
    I U S.. 133 ~ eo ooII v<<r r v<<<>o>> A' +e I Wl I*IIwp og ~ ~ Or>>VII M~ eieSeeor~s n III8 I VIiiSVosrils>>ISr~~, Verer ~Verve>>W VW>>WOV rso~evrroeoooseso,' oo<<os>>wos'osssvs>>eeoc>>>>seiva%w Ih ~ owr>>>>o <<~ e " i ~w ~ ~ ~ . " ~ ~ S' ~ 'Lo reee ~ ~ ceo>>s . >>s" >>"'i ~ , es o, ~ IO ~ <<e ~ ~ .~ I~ ~ Oooo ~ / ~ +Wee@>>.+'Y.~w 'I V ~ ooo ~ e +<<o oooo rV ~ ~ ~ V. Q>>r rssivooorgc~ <<~ 's!.< i~ I e ~~ ~ ~ I ~ ve VS'lo ~ ~ ~ <<r ~ << ~ 1 ooo oeeWVog'eo o ~ I IO ~ ~s ~~ ~ ~i~~ ~ ~ s ~ r Vrvpo I ~JTTII rj s..%I!11 o . ~ . w ~t bio ~ ~ ' ~ ~ v oo r>>PCe ~ ool ly ~ i ~ eoiii V 'ov ~ . go V 1, ~ I t'ai lP>>I ~ 1 J ~ 0 .IfsV \< Ql es 1 ee 70 '-:ll esr~>> Q +Lots +s 1 I ~ s ~ l'< s3. s <<er s>>se eeosvvo>>ev<<vV>>sresw<<s+'oil reise>>oe>>v<<v I fPI ~ 'I ~ T ~ Is li .\ ..ii '. ~ >> >><<r>> r>> evo re LVA: B s ~ o>> 'I' ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 e ~ ~ ~ o ~ s '4 i ~" ~:'I ~ ~ ?ei '>>l I vrie < <<<<ooo ~ .',r o'<<v e v... ~ ~ w. I, ~~ so I~ ~ ~ ) ~ ~ ~ ls .~ I . ~ ~ v >>Ir, ~ >>>>>>. e>>o\vrr'(p, ~ sroo (rr e e 'e ~ ~ I ~ Fi ure 6>> 4 ~ 'I GKM vent clearing test no. 261 I Appendix A l. Com uter model to determine the blow-'fr'ee re'ssure with er-forated- i e no'zzle To determine the maximum pressure in the blowdown pipe during the clearing of a relief system with perforated-pipe quencher, the ALGOL computer program HOGEM (HOmogenes GEMisch) [homo-geneous mixture] was prepared. It is based on the model -con-cepts of the FREI program which was developed for the clearing of a plain-ended pipe /1/. The additions and changes described in the following make it possible to examine the vent clearing tests in the GEM and also to perform a preliminary calculation of the vent clearing pres-sure in the plant for blowdown via perforated-pipe quencher. A 1.1 E ation of motion for the water column According to /1/, the motion of the water column with fric-tionless flow in a plain-ended pipe is described by the fol-lowing equation: m ~ x=m ~ g+ (P R -p) ~ F The expulsion of the water column from a plain-ended pipe is characterized by the fact that the same mean water velocity and acceleration exists in each cross-section of the pipe at the same time. For constant. pipe cross-section, the water mass to be accelerated is proportional to the length of the 6-117 water column in the pipe plus an additional length which results from the water mass to be accelerated in the pool. When the perforated-pipe quencher is used, it follows from the given construction (diameter of blowdown pipe in water region = diameter of a quencher arm with a total of 4 arms) that the water velocity in the quencher arms is only a quarter of the velocity in the blowdown pipe. Using the law of con-h servation of momentum, the nozzle can be represented by a plain-ended pipe: ET 7 6-118 with ~ Z X we obtain for the equivalentlength: L.. = a The path along the middle flow filament from the initial water surface in the pipe to the middle of the hole array in the quencher arm is assumed to be the vent clearing path L0 L = ETT + a [ETT = submergencej In analogy to the plain-ended pipe, we obtain for the length of the water column to be accelerated: k L=L+Ldd 0 add with an arm diameter being inserted for the additional length add-L = L0 + D. Whereas the motion with a plain-ended pipe can be considered as resistance-free to good approximation, the deflection and exhaust losses of the quencher can no longer be neglected. If we define a resistance coefficient g as the ratio of total 6-119 pressure loss to dynamic pressure of the flowing liquid, then we obtain for the equation of motion of the frictional flow: with P> = pipe pressure A 1.2 Pressure build-u in the ie The pressure build-up in the pipe is calculated according to the homogeneous mixing model /1/, with the saturated steam in the pipe being treated as an ideal gas. The computer program does not contain its own condensation model. However, a constant condensation rate can be set for the entire duration of the vent clearing process by reducing the steam flow rate appropriately. Condensation rate amount of steam condensin /time From the law of conservation of energy we obtain the following relation for the pressure in the pipe: 6-120 I'M~x) ~,R /(~ q-)+N,R,/(~ -<)j+. +P, I X (~,.R,x,/(~-a)+W.4x,,/<<.,-~y + +(H+x) v1.,RFI, R.,/(H,R,>h',R,) (a./(r=, ~) l/ <x ): =(W,R,+ H-R,)..(f-,-~. +Z,, ~"~,<</(z, zy) W/.= (3Z) P r = pipe pressure I; Subscripts: M = mass L = Luft = air R = gas constant D = Dampf = steam] v = adiabatic exponent H = equivalent length of air column x = path covered h = enthalpy u = internal energy F = pipe cross-sectional area A 1.3 Valve characteristic Xn the tests in the GKM, the pressure before the valve during the opening phase was not sufficiently constant. Furthermore, because of the high pressure build-up in the pipe, the pres-sure difference across the valve was so small that the steam sometimes flowed out subcritically. Accordingly, the flow rate is calculated according to the fol-lowing relation: 6-121 P// . <~~) . V( ) 'ib)(8 ($ ) Il~ g ~ (Ps (p g) with (n>) H~ steam flow rate 3 nag max. steam flow ra<e under steady-state co'nditions pressure before valve specific density of steam before valve RD +4 I', C~) p($ ) p~ c~) P> (4) The discharge coefficient a is defined as the ratio of measured to theoretical flow rate and was determined in model tests with air as a function of the valve lift (Figure A 2). As was shown by computational checks of a series og GKM tests, the pressure rise in the pipe is reproduced better by the 6-122 variation al of the discharge coefficient (Figure A 2 and A 3). The HOGEM program calculates with ul (t). Com utational check of GKM tests Several GKM vent clearing tests with the perforated-pipe quencher were checked with the computer program described in detail in Section A 4. While the pressure variation in the pipe for tests no. 228 and 254 with a pipe temperature of more than 100 C before the beginning of the tests is repro-duced well (Figures A 3 and A 4), examination of test no. 253 with initially cold pipe (ca. 30') leads to a too high clearing pressure (Figure A 5). In this case the influence of condensation on the pressure build-up is so great that it can no longer be neglected. When condensation is neglected, we conservatively calculate too high maximum pressures in the pipe. In contrast, assuming a condensation rate of 25%, the measured pressure variation is also approximated well in Figure A 5. In tests no. 228, 253, and 254 the valve opening times were approximately 100 ms. The valve opened at a constant lift velocity in each instance. For valve-opening time > 100 ms, the valve opened in steps. This lift variation is illustrated in its general form in Figure A 6, including the characteris-tic magnitudes for input into the program. 6-123 Calculations of the pressure variation with the different discharge coefficients a and al described in Section A 1.3 are compared in Figure A 3. Zn all tests examined, the measured W<<variation leads to too large clearing times, whereas the clearing pressures calculated with the two dis-charge coefficients differ by less than 1%. The best agreement of the measured and calculated vent clear-ing pressures and times occurs for a resistance coefficient r, = 0.5. As g becomes larger, the clearing pressure and clearing time become too large. However, since ( = 1 should be expected as the loss coeffi-cient, the residual condensation with a hot pipe is contained in the value of 0.5 utilized. A 3. Trans osition to the lant For transposition to the plant, the following additional as-sumptions are made: - The pressure before the valve remains constant during the vent clearing process. - The valve opens with a constant lifting velocity. - The value 0.5 is inserted for the resistance coefficient (. The initial air temperature in the pipe is 37' at a pres-sure of 1 kg/cm 2 (absolute) . 6-124 The steam flow rate is directly proportional to the reactor pressure. Reference values: 600 t/h at 70 bar. Figure 3.1 shows the maximum pressures in the pipe for differ-ent reactor pressures and valve-opening times. The vent clearing pressures for the expected condensation rate are also entered. It was determined with the estimate of 3 kg of steam in Section 3.1. Check calculations of the clearing pressure with the measured e-variation gave results which differ by less than 1% from the values obtained with al. A 4. ALGOL com uter pro ram HOGEM A listing of the HOGEM program follows after the description of the input and output quantities. Eguationa (A 1) and (A 2) form a system of differential equa-tions which is solved by the Runge-Eutta method. The steam flow rate follows from Eq. (A 3). 6-125 A 4.1 Descri tion of in ut uantities To be entered for test check: PEl kg/cm 2 (abs. ) PE2 PE3 approximate variation of the PE4 pressure before the valve TB1 s (see sketch) TB2 s TB3 s Pm PE3 Psv PEg I PEZ I I ( 0 t I eit. Time P QQ] 7g2. 7g3 kg/cm (abs. ) Steady-state pressure before valve 2 PST pK 'g cm 2 (abs. ) Pressure in suppression chamber (tank) 2 m Cross-sectional area of the pipe submerged into the water (= cross-sectional area of one quencher arm) 6-126 equivalent length of air column (air volume/F) Lgf m vent clearing path L effective length of the water column to be accelerated (L > Lg} ZD J/kg enthalpy of the inflowing steam TLg 'k initial temperature of the air in the blowdown pipe TA s valve-opening time TA1 s see Figure A 6 TA2 s TA3 s TA4 s TA5 s TA6 s TA7 s TAS s TAll s  %<flow coefficient for 50 mm valve lift u, flow coefficient for maximum valve lift max'aximum steam flow- rate (under steady-state DMDM kg/s omax'onditions) ZETA resistance coefficient 6-127 i1 For transposition calculations, the following must be entered: PEi = PE2 = PE3 = PE4 = PST TBi = TB2 = TB3 TAi = gf , TA2 = 2/7 TA TAg = TA5 = TA TAG = TA6 g/7 TA TA7 = TAS TAii A 4.2 Descri tion of out ut quantities Time Displacement of water surface Y m/s Water velocity N kg Amount of steam that flowed in PR kg/cm 2 Pipe pressure (absolute) 6-128 W ~ ~ r'Sr/ Q HOGEN 11:26 KOELN 83/10/73 IQ BEGIN REAL PE>PEl >PE2>PE3>PE4>PST>PK>P>PO>PL >PR>RD>RL> ID>UO> TL9> ll Pl >Tl > 28 N> NQ> D'lo> DilDN>ADNON>S>7>X> Y>F'>TB I > TB2> TB3>7 A> TA1> TA2> TA3> TA4> '. 38 TAS> TA6> TA7> T48> TA11 >ALS>4LN>HS>H4>PS I >PSIil> 48 DilDQ > L> LQ > H1 > lL> H > KL> KD> ZETA J ~ 98 I'VTEGc.R I > J> K J 188 REAL PROCEDURE Fl (T>PR> Y>X) J 118 VALUE T>PR>Y>XJ REAL 7>PR>Y>XS 128 BEG IN 125 K =K+IS 138 Ir T <=781 THEA 148 PE: =PE I -(PEl -PE2) <<7/TB1 J '58 7? TBI 4AO T<TB2 THEiV 'F 168 PE =PE2- (PE2-PE3 ) <<(7- TB I.) /(782" TB I ) S S 178 IF 7? =TB2 AND T<TB3 THEV 188 PE s =PE3-(PE3-PE4) <<(T "TB2) /(TB3-TB'2> J 198 IF 7? =703 THEN PE:=PE4S 228 248 IF 7<=TA2 THEV 250 DND / -4DNDN+ ( T42 7% 1 ) ( 744 TA 1 ) <<7/742 r 260 IF 7? TA2 hND T<=TA3 THEN 278 DNDJ=AONDN (7-Thl )/(Tha-TA1) J '288 IF 7? Th3 A VD T<"-745 THEV 298 DNO. =AONDN<<(7+T43)/(TA7+TAB)J 388 IF 7? TA5 AiVO 7<"-TA6 THEiV 318 D)los =ADNON<<<T-TAI 1 )/(TA6-Thl 1 ) S 328 IF T>TA6 ANO 7<TA THc.A 338 DND:=(ONiDN-ADNDN)>>(7-TA6)/(TA-TA6)+AONDNJ 34'3 IF 7? =TA THEA 358 DND DNDN 583 ONOJ=ONO>>PE/PSTS-598 HS:"-PR/PEJ CQQ IF HS? 8 ~ 577 7HEN BEGIN i 618 PSI:=SORT(HSt<2/Ko>-.H5tH4)J 628 Di lo OND>>PS I /PS I i l E'Vo J'F 638 T<TA THEN BEG IiV 648 Ns =N:)+ (DilD+DNi08)/2<<(T-71 ) J 658 EVOJ 668 . IF' =T4 THFV NJ=NQ ONDN<<<7-Tl ) J 795 Hl s =NL<<RL+N>>ROS 888 FI (H >> ( ID U'1+RD>>273' 5/(KD 1 ) )>>0 lo/(981 88<<F) 1 810 -PR>><KI <<NL*RL>>Y/(KL-1)+KO<<N>>RO>>Y/(KD-1) '28 +(H+X)<<o.lo>>RO>>NL>>RL>>(l/(Ko-1)-l/(KL-1))/Hl)> 838 /((H+X)<<(NL<<RL/('KL-1)+N<<RO/<K0"l)))J 848 IF K=4 THEiV BEG IN 858 NQ t =NJ E 868 ONDQS=ONDJ 888 K)=8 ENDJ i 898 EiVD J 1 ~ . 988 RERL PROCEDURE F2(PR>X> Y) J 918 VALUE PR X YJ REAL PR X YS 928 F2: =( (PR-PK> <<1;) t 5-X<<18 r 4-ZETA>>10 t3>> Y>> Y/2)/((L-X)<<18 t3) J 1888 'ROCEDUR RK T>PR> Y>X> Fl > F2> J 1818 'REAL S>T>PR> Y>X J REAL PROCEDURE r 1> F2J 1828 BcGIiV REAL Kl >K2>K3>K4>Ll>L2>L3>L4>i'll>N2>N3>N4S 1838 Kl s =F 1 (7>PR> Y>X)>>S J 1848 LIJ=F2(PR>X>Y)<<SJ 1858 NIS=Y<<SJ 186a K2J=F1(T+S/2>PR+Kl/2> Y+Ll/2>X+Nl/2)<<SJ 1878 L2 F2(PR+Kl/2>X+ ll/2>Y+Ll/2)<<SJ 1888 N2s=(Y+Ll/2)>>SJ ~ 1898 K3'=F1(T+S/'2>PR+K2/2> Y+L2/2>X+N2/2)<<SS 1183 L3 F'2CPR+K2/2>X+il2/2>Y+L2/2)>>SS 1118 N3: = ( Y+ L2/2 )>> S J 1128 K4s "-F'1 (T+S>PR+K3> Y+L3 >X+N3) < X+i'l3> Y+l 3) <<5 J 'l l 48 Na t =( Y+L3)<<SS 1158 PRJ=PR+(Kl+2<<K2+2<<K3+Ka)/6S 6-129 ~ p r ~ I Wl 1168 Y: = Y+ <L1 +2+L2+2~L3+L4) /6 J 1176 Xs"-X+(Nl+2+N2+2<<N3+N4)/6S 1188 ENDs 1500 READATA "(ELENENTSiPKi IDiALSnALNi 1510 PEI sPE2iPE3iPE4>PSTi" .1528 TBIiTB2iTB3i .1538 TAiTAliTA2iTA3~TA4iTASiTA6iTA7iTASiTAlli 1548 FiHi 1558 LiLSi 1566 TLOi 1570 DNDNiZETA)J 1608 DATA KLENENTSJ= 1618 li2i77 IS6s~75i 845i ~ 1620 71 '>71 4>71e4u71 4i7I 4i ~ 1638 li Ii li ~ ~ 1640 8~ liG ~8 0286iO IiG ~ 8714iSiliG 0714i 1645 1658 lili'Ii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 121'2i 1655 1668 1678 5 'iSi 318'67' 1680 '698 ~ SJ 1692 KD:=I ~ 135J 1695 PSIN-=(2/('KD+I))~(1/(KD"1))SORT((KD-I)/(KD+ 1>)s 1696 H4J=(KD+I>/KDJ 1788 S:=0 8002J~ 1710 RLJ=287J RD:=462J 17 2') US:=2 '73956J 1730 KLJ=I ~ 4J 1748 ADNDNJ=DNDN+ALS/ALNJ 1758 NL: = 9810<) +PKeM<F/(RL+TLG > J 1778 X:=Gs 17SG Y:"-GJ 17S i PE.=PEIJ 1888 PR: =PK+../10 J . 1818 N: =NO: =Os 1828 J: "-Os 1825 K 'Os . 1838 I:=9J 1835 DND =GJ 1848 DNDG:=GJ 1 1866 Hl:=iIL~RL+N~ROs 1908 PR IiVT (" PE I -PE2-PE3-PE4-PST ") J 1910 PR liVT< PE I z PE2l PE3> PERp PST) J 1928 PRINT("H L-LG")J 1938 PRINT< H L LG) J ~ 1940 PR liVT("DNON-TA".ZETA")J 1950 PRIiVT(DNDNrTAiZETA)S 1968 PR IiVT(" "> J PRINT <" ") J 1978 PR I NT <" ZE I T H20-MEG H20-GESCH'A,. DAiIPFNENGE , 1988 ROHRDRUCK ")s '1990 PPiINT(" ") J Zeit = time 2008 FOR TJ=8 2010 BEGIN STEiP S UiVTIL 18 DO Is=I+Is I Keg = displacement 2815 Tl:=Ts Ges'chw '=, velocity 2026 I'r~ I=10 THKN BEGIV Dampfmenge .= steam flo 2838 POJ=PRwN<RD/(ML+RL+NwRD)s rate 2048 PR liVT(Ti Xz Yz Nz PR) J Rohrdruck = pipe 20 S8 I:=0 ENDs pressure 2860 IF J=SG THEN SJ=S~SJ 237 0 J:=J+ls 28SS IF X+=LO THEiV BEGIN 2885 PD =PR>N+RD/<NLgRLiN~RO) 2898 PRIiVT(TiXiYiNiPR)s 2188 GOTO ENDEJ 2118 ENDs 2120 RK~ >> GKM -Versuch Nr. 253 Test;no. ETT = 4m Lo = 4)5 m t~ = 100 ms L = 4)7m Tm p.ohr ~ 30 C = 0,5 pipe 6-135 4 valve lift variation . 7Q Hubvertau f 60 '40 30 20 < ~io 0 tQ) . tQ2 tQ3 to]f ta4 top ta6 ta ta7 Bild A6 Eingabe des Hubver iaufes (aiigerneine Form j im Programm HOGEM fur Nach-rechnungen der GKM -Versuche mit Ventiioffnungszeiten >100 ms Xnput of 'the lift variation (general form) in the HOGRM program .for computational checks of the GFuM tests with valve opening times > 100 ms 6-136 REFERENCES /1/ Weisshaupl, Slegers, Koch KKB Dynamic loading of the suppression chamber during relief processes AEG-E3-2386 October 1972 /2/ Weisshaupl, Koch Formation and oscillation of a spherical gas bubble under water AEG-E3-2241 May 1972 /3/ Rumary, Smith, Smith The Efficiency of a Water Pond for the Direct Condensation of Steam Air Mixtures, presented at the one-day discussion on direct contact heat transfer at the National Engineering Laboratory on 15th January, 1969 /4/ Becker, Frenkel, Melchior, Slegers Construction and design of the relief system with perforated-pipe quencher KWU-E3-2703 July 1973 6-137 Zg ITI g I as translatedinto . E .N. G J-. I..S. H....... ~pg INVESTIGATIONS OF CONDENSATION NITH THE PERFORATED-PIPE ~ rt $ QUENCHER MITH SjlALL I,lATER COVERAGE OF THE QUENCHER ARf1S '0 p m as translated from . G .E. 8 ~.A. N......... UNTERSUCHUNGEN ZUR KONDENSATION MIT DER LOCHROHRDUSE BEI a~H GER INGER }'tASSERUBERDECKUNG DER DUSENSCHENKEL ~~@ N A L3 HIER/R/ II 'OFFMANN 1 3 BECKER + ct E g
    IQ'(U TECHNICAL REPORT OU/E 5 2840 Fll 14 DECEmER 1975 ng~
    (PPRL DOCUMENT NO) 7) Docket @ Xo-3~/ Control 478'o/Co i6'0 Hca Dgegp~tt~p of Document: REGULQQHY DOCKET FILE +KPgko3((/go- PgGLjsT jgty ~~mp PPaL 5oP, pe g) N cE PENNSYLVANIA POWER
    ~ ALLENTO)VN, PENNSYLVANIA MASSACHUSETTS 02172 I 617) 924-5500 w Ul Frankfurt 14 .December 1973 Place Date Technical Report KWU/E 3 2840 File number R 521/R 113 Author Hoffmann R 521/R 113 Department Dr. Becker Countersignature


    Pages of text 7 Investigations of condensation with the Figures 12 perforated-pipe quencher with small Circuit diagrams water coverage of the quencher arms Diagr./oscillogr.: Key words (max. 12) to identify the report's Tables 1 content: Reference list: 1 Relief system, suppression chamber, perforated-ive uencher, corn lete condensation Summary In the large-scale test stand in the Mannheim Central Power Plant (GKM), condensation tests. were performed with a perforated-pipe quencher reduced to a scale of 1:5 with the flow rate and with a mass flow density of 900 kg/m s nearly corresponding to the maximum value in the large-scale version and with very small submergences of the quencher in the water pool. In addition to the steam flow rate, the temperatures in the water and air spaces and the pressure in the test tank were also recorded. The measure-ment results indicate that for a water coverage of the quencher arms of 1 to 2 arm diameters the steam is condensed. completely in the water pool for pool temperatures up to at least 80'C. The tests are extremely. conservative because accident-related extremely small submergences in the plant are conceivable only for greatly reduced reactor pressures, i. e., for far lower mass flow densities than those in the test. COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Promotional Project IB 4 5691 RS 78/A of 20 September 1973 /s/ /s/ /s/ f (Ho fmann) (Dr. Becker) (Dr. Sobottka) Classifier Class Author's signature Examiner For information Distribution list: (cover sheet only) lx KWU/GA 19 Erl lx R 1/Ffm

                            . lx    /PSW 22 Ffm      lx    R 1/Erl lx    Librar ,Gwh Transmission or duplication of this document, exploitation or communi-cation of its content not permitted unless expressly authorized.

    Infringers liable to pay damages. All rights to the award'f patents or registration of utility patents reserved.

    NONLIABILITYCLAUSE This report is based on the. current technical knowledge of KRAFTWERK UNION AG. However, KRAFTWERK UNION AG and the Federal Minister for Research and Technology and all persons acting in their behalf make no guarantee. In particular, they are not liable for the correctness, accuracy and completeness of the data contained in this report nor for the observance of third-party rights. This reservation does not apply insofar as the report is delivered in fulfillment of contractual obligations, nor with respect to licensing authorities or the experts appointed by them. KRAFTWERK UNION AG reserves all rights to the technical information contained in this report, particularly the right to apply for patents. Further dissemination of this report. and of the knowledge contained therein requires the written approval of KRAFTWERK UNION AG. Moreover, this report is communicated under the assumption that it will be handled confidentially. 7-2

    DISTRIBUTION LIST (internal) R-Ffm RZR 2 x RS X RS 11 RS 115/GKT RS 12/KKB RS f2/KKK RS 13/1QAf RS f3/KKP 2 x RS 14/KKI RS f5 RS 2 RS 21 RS 213 2 x R f f/Ff'm R 11 /Erl R 111 2 x R 113 3 x R 213 2 x R 3 R 314 3 x R 32 R 322 R 5 R 521 5 x DISTRIBUTION LIST (external) IRS-F B, z. H. Hcrrn Dr. Lummerzheim, Koln 2 x Herrn Dr. Ziegler, Bonn 2 x BMFT, z ~ H.

    Table of contents Page Statement of the problem 7-5

    2. Test set-up and execution 7-6
    3. Discussion of the results 7-7 3.1. Heating of the pool. and, air space 7-7 3.2. Pressure rise in the test tank 7-10 3.3. Inference for the plant 7-12 Tables Figures References 7-4
    1. Statement of the roblem The perforated-pipe quencher of the relief system is submerged in the water pool of the suppression chamber of the pressure suppression system by approximately 4 m in KKB (Figure 1.1) . The submergence (ETT) differs only slightly from that value in the subsequent plants. Since the water level is regulated within the range + 5 cm and 10 cm, complete condensation of the steam that might be blown down through those quenchers is guaranteed in the normal case.

    However, it is possible to conceive of accidents in which the water level in the suppression chamber drops distinctly relative to the normal value. The function of the pressure suppression system must be maintained then. Accordingly, we investigated the smallest submergence of the quencher for which complete conden-sation of the blown-out steam in the water pool is guaranteed. 7-5

    2. Test set-u and execution The tests were performed in-the KWU condensation test stand in GKM with perforated-pipe quencher HS 1, 4 (Figure 2.1). A more detailed description of the quencher can be found in /2/. Figure 2.2 shows the utilized pipe geometries C and D. The steam flow rate in all cases corresponded to the maximum value reached in the test stand between 100 and 125 t/h. The mass flow density relative to the outlet area was approximately 900 kg/m s.

    Figure 2.3 shows the test set-up in the GKM test stand. More detailed information concerning the test atand can be found in

      /1,2/. The most important measurement values for the tests being discussed here are the water temperature 617 which is measured at the height of the center. line of the perforated arm laterally at the wall, and the temperature in the     air space, which  is measured by the measurement   transducers  8 8

    and 619 approximately 1 and 3 m above the water level, respectively, and by averaging those values. Finally, pressure changes in the air space were recorded by the measurement point P The tests were performed with submergences of 0.3 and 0.5 m. This corresponds to a water coverage of the quencher arms of 1 and 2 arm diameters, respectively (Figure 2.4). The measurement results are compiled in Table 1, Sheets 1-6. The test duration was between 3 and 30 seconds. After each test, clean initial conditions with respect to the water level and tank pressure were restored. 7-6

    3. Discussion of the results 3.1. Heating of the pool and air space In Figures 3.1 and 3.2, the variation of the water and air tem-perature versus the test time is plotted for average and higher pool temperatures and a submergence of 0.3 m. Beginning at a test time of approximately 1 second, the temperature of the air clearly exceeds that of the water.

    Tests results for comparable initial conditions but a submergence of 0.5 m are plotted in Figures 3.3 and 3.4. Beginning at a test time of approximately 2 seconds, the water and air have practically the same temperature. Another type of plot is chosen in Figures 3.5 and 3.6 in which several tests are combined for submergences of 0.3 and 0.5 m. The air temperature is plotted along the ordinate and the water tem-perature along the abscissa. The two temperatures are equal along the orientation line running at 45'n the graph. The direction of the test sequence is identified by an arrow for the chains of measurement points connected by line segments. For a submergence of 0.3 m it is again clear from Figure 3.5 that the air is heated up very quickly after the beginning of the test to a temperature approximately 15'K above the measured, water tem-perature. As the test proceeds, this temperature difference remains approximately constant. For a submergence of 0.5 m, Figure 3.6 7-7

    shows that, after an equilibrium is adjusted, the air and water have practically the same temperature. Figure 2.4 provides a scale representation of the correlation between quencher arms and pool water level. We see that the steam jets are blown out of the test quencher in the immediate vicinity of the water surface and are blown upward with an impulse componennt. According to optical observations in the model test stand in the KWU Nuclear Energy Test Facility in Grosswelzheim, for such a small I water coverage of the quencher arm we may expect. an intense movement, of the water surface with a good transfer of heat to the air space. Accordingly, water is flashed at the pool's surface, whereby the air is saturated with steam and is heated. Because of the heat transported upward with the emerging steam impulse (see Figure 2.4), a higher temperature is probably set at the water surface than laterally at. the tank wall at the height of the arm's center line, where the water temperature is measured (Figure 2.3) . ln fact, for a submergence of 0.3 m the air is heated to a higher value than would correspond to the temperature measurement point 6l7 in the water. However, since the temperature difference relative to the water remains constant and does not rise steadily further, we may conjecture that we are dealing with the temperature that is set near the surface of the pool. According to this analysis, for a submergence of 0.3 m nane of the steam emerging from the quencher breaks through the surface of the water. A break-through of the steam with a submergence of 0.5 m can be 7-8

    II ruled out with certainty. For those tests, the air temperature rises only to the temperature at the measurement point 6l7 at the height of the quencher arm. 7-9

    3.2. Pressure rise in the test tank To reinforce the conclusions drawn from the measured temperatures, we shall now consider the pressure 'rise measured in the air space during the test. It is plotted versus the test time in Figure 3.7. The measured variation is compared with the variation calculated from the measured air temperature. It was assumed in the calcu-lation that a quantity of steam corresponding to the saturation estate is contained in the air-. The calculated curve lies above the measured pressure variation, which indicates that in reality a smaller amount of steam is contained in the air. For test 369 illustrated in Figure 3.1,.in which the temperature in the air space is *clearly higher than the temperature measured in the water, we shall'also determine the amount of water flashed. S An air volume of '45 m is enclosed in the air space. At the beginning of the test, a temperature of 42'C prevails. If we assume air saturated with. steam, then this corresponds to an air

       .mass of 46 kg and a steam mass of 2.5 kg. After a test duration of  10 seconds,     the temperature has risen to 70'C. If we again assume air saturated with steam, then the steam mass is then 8.8 kg.

    From that we calculate a total pressure of the mixture of 1.35 kg/cm 2 (absolute) . This pressure is compared with a measured value of kg/cm (absolute) . Thus., as indicated above, the steam

                                                                                '.23 content was overestimated. This might be due to a partial conden-sation of the steam at the colder wall of the tank. On the other hand,  it  is also possible that in the air space there is a temperature 7-10

    gradient having a larger value near the water surface and, a smaller value in the upper region. The measurement values listed in Table 1 for 6 8 and 9 hint at such a possibility. In that case, the air temperature with an averaging from those two values I would be assumed, too high. If we use as a basis the higher calculated steam content, therr 0.6 kg/s of water is flashed from the pool during the test time interval under. consideration. In contrast, approximately 30 kg/s of steam was injected into the pool through the quencher. The two values differ by a factor of 50. From this we may conclude that, for the submergence of 0.3 m considered here also, the steam blown out of'he quencher does not break through the water surface, but rather is condensed completely inside the pool. The quantity of water emerging into the air space is flashed out, of the pool, as already described previously. 7-11

    3.3. Inference for the plant From the measurements with the experimental quencher we reach the conclusion that, beginning. with a water coverage of the quencher arms of 1 to 2 arm diameters (corresponding to a submergence of 0.3 to 0.5 m for an arm diameter of 0.2 m) with high.,flow rate (mass flow density 900 kg/m 2 s), the steam is condensed completely in the water pool for pool temperatures up to at least 80'C, i.e., there is no break-through of steam through the water surface. We may therefore assume that with the large-scale quencher installed in the plant the steam flow rate of 600 t/h blown out at the reactor rated pressure (the mass flow density corresponding approximately to that in the test stand) is also completely condensed in the water pool if the pool temperature does not substantially exceed 80'4 and there is a minimum water coverage of 1 to 2 arm diameters above the quencher arms. For an arm diameter of 0.4 m, that corresponds to a minimum submergence of 0.6 to 1 m. If the water level in the suppression chamber has dropped by 0.5 m below'he normal 1'evel (signifying a quencher submergence of ca. 3.5 m in KKB), then measures are initiated to lower the pressure in the reactor pressure vessel. 'ccording to /1/, for the design-basis leak. of the suppression chamber the flow rate through one quencher in the event of a lowering of the water level by an additional 0.5 m (in other words, for a quencher submergence of ca. 3 m) is still only about 5% of the rated flow rate. Based 7-12

    on the results obtained in the test stand with the high steam flow rate, we can expect that such low steam flow rate" are also completely condensed in the water pool when the quencher arms are covered with less water than .would correspond to an arm diameter., 7-13

    Compilation of measurement values for ~ Status evaluation of condensation with the perforated= 9 November pipe quencher HS 1,4 with small water coverage 1973 Z))sn)omen<<tellunc v<)n Hnbnrton t'ur Bene t ei lunt der Kon<len<)nt Ion Stand o)l t dnr I.nchrnhr<liine IIS 1, 4 hei Ivor!neer )i<)<<seriiherdecV))nit <Ier Ihieonschc nI<<)l 7-g 5 P nhr ch- < ~I- in- 7cit oi)ssdr>> ut'tte<eperatur  :)< halte gco I'<. 1<!- V< rsuch A'@os ~ tauch- t tce)pnra dies' Irucl' <net ri o al)slhrg 'Ir ~ A j(os ~ tiere Lul 01g ~ t/h I<g/<~ $ oC ~

                                                                                                              )0 0     ZO oss     Za 2O      20                                        002 450                      366           OOZSd'db         900           0,$

    hyh 235 3 Ii 0 O5

                                                                                   .3     2S,5                                           God 35>                oH 0    15                ZG5           2(,3               0 265                           0OZ 33                     338                Q0      3 3     2WI5                           3Z           005 fZ           007 5    329                                          OU<

    R Wso 3G7 0 0350 4l 6 5IOO 0 3 hoch Z3 io 52 <) 0 O>i3 049 9 385 5< 085'0 5g < V3 Q3 52,5 53c q 2. 0 Ii 1<1>0 hnch a Bohr li 150 e)it hnchhanronder OUse

                                                                                  ~/l II 207 hoch        a   I< >h) g "07 s)it hnchh'ingcndcr       Oijsc

    [SEE PAGE 7-20 FOR KEY.] TQb. 1 8latt 1 Table 1 Sheet 1 7-14

    Compilation of measurement values for Status evaluation of condensation with the perforated-, 9. November pipe cpxencher HS 1,4 with small water coverage 1973 of the cpxencher arms R>>snmmonstel)>>ng vnn Mnborton rur Oe>>rtoi l>>ng der K>>~din>>ation Stand K>>>U li 5P. 1 n(t der Lochrol>rdii>>o llS 1,% bel il>>rinc cr 1>'assr riihor>lr Cln>>>>t der l>>inenschrno> 1 I l>>>> r Loch- Oh.'l Fo1 t 'in. ser ufttemperatur i>vh>> tto ceo metric fold-aust'hr V>! rsuch A goo ~ A m pcs'n>> touch tiefo t temp>.ra

                                                                                    't ul l>>>ck l',

    Qp +18 +1 9 +Lm II t/h k>t/m s C C oC >>C at>i 0 Ms 065 001 rt

                                                                                       @OS't'4                                    003 480                    3 Q8        0 03Sg   486      900        0  3 hyoh                                                                                                    6+5 gg                   SP,3       0 O'2 3        gg 0        SOS o<                 Lag 5 QO5 2        VV5 ZS       VS                                       Oog gS       MGS                             5>3 042 S7,$      5'3, 5               043 1So                    36     9    Oo3sa'oo                     03                            631 &25                        o<5 hoch
       +o                                                                               46,$      6I 5'2,5                       o, a/'2,5 047
                                                                                                  $ 95      GH5 6WS       65                    0 2 g        5'v5      66                             0 21 g        5'4       70                             0ZZ 10        S~                                       0 c3 B    i>i>O hoch    s  llohr ii lgO mit hochl>onginder Uilse "0/                                                          Aa 8          hoch    a  Bohr ii 207 mit hochl>iin>tender Diiso

    [SEE PAGE 7-20 FOR KEY.] TQb. 1 Btatt 2 Table 1 Sheet 2

    Compilation of measurement values for Status evaluation. of condensation with the perforated- 9 November pipe quencher HS 1?4 with small water coverage 1973 of the quencher arms KMU 7))snmmonstel lun)g von Heborton rug Bn))rt oblong der Yonhensotlon Stand

                '52 1 ml g. dor l.ochg ohrglilde IIS l,gg bul gter Inr) r Weeds riiber)lrc).ungg )Ier IIIIso))eel) enl) el Iohr-                  3                                              5 in-I            l.och      h)i~l                                                        /oit        ed d eg'>>       uCttemporatur        :h'hg) 1 l o

    )I el)>> I'e Id- ~') rsuch A tauch- t tomprg a I)'ucl, metrio ausChrt ':r. Igos ~ A

                                                                 +os  ~     tieCe                  tur )I+                                   gI
                                                                                                                                                ~ ~

    ltg:ln)"s 'C oC vC at ii 59 50 50 0 003'16 goo 03 g? 0 So ooz

      +40                               I hoch gi                                                                                              G2,S    7V                           049 69S      gq                           0r2 I

    0 s'~s o Of gg5 56. Sos 5%3 0 5'9 S bS 6S3 00$

                                                                                                     .G9s 66      gg5                 >S       OZ Po   S'78,'d'                                 2 5'+0 W,S 371 OO35f dab                    900            0  3 hoch                                                                                              gIZ5   Z4                            0       i?

    Qo 8'3 5 oZ5 0 ?g 0 t'2 2a gtg 5 gg 0+5 9'0 92 Oa gz go 9r/I c 053 gag II Ir)O hoch e llohr g$ lrjO mit hochhÃnggonder DIIso b07 hoch 207 mi t hochl)angondor (//]'l e Igohr gl DIIso [SEE PAGE 7-20 FOR KEY.] TQt). i Blati 3 Table 1 Sheet 3

    Compilation of measurement values for Status 9 November evaluation of condensation with the perforated- 1973 pipe quencher HS 1,4 with small water coverage of the quencher arms 7usemmcnstell>>ne von N>>0nrten rur lie>>rt et lung der Rond>>nsntton Stand r t t der I.ochrolcrditse IIS l,tt bel g>>rioter V>>ss>>rltherdrcV>>net ~er tttisonsch>>>>teel 9. H4. 7Z I 5'n & t<o I.oct>- rt;~I 7.ei t

                                                                                         ~ llsser                uittemper atur                  ~ I 'ab l le

    hc';eo I'c Ld V< rsuch A tauctl t temp>>ra h uck gesa A t jel'>> tur Q+

    hrtri c' Aus I IIr tr ~ ges ~
                                                                                                            +18      ~19            +Lm               I'>>

    o uC t/h leg/m s acti 0 tcI6S 6 7 O56 7P $ 65 6C, a'2 f90 rt' 7'0 74 372 OOJSZ 03 S'og bye cd' 98 3 9S'bs 0 7y. 0 785 7ts 77 7t,'

                                                                                             'Pd;3                                  765                a pe                                       Pc',      5      Qo2 373 003s                        ZZS'             3 ISO                                                                                          s'.

    hoch dw 175 9O F8' o g5 Qo 5'2,S 93S

                                                                                                           '95S      Pg S O        Zs                     25        S     2$ '

    245 ZS5'5 2 29 ZP gd'+5'3 3 29$ 32 32,$ 0OZ

                                                                                                        '3 Zov                  Pgp 0035                 42S'70                OS                               375             30        33@             goy hych                                                                             5      355                                      3+v'                oy 7       va            Va        3'( S.

    vz Vo Mz @os VZ g v~s V2,5 o lt I >0 h>>ch>> ftohr ii 150 mit hect)hancrnder Diise

                   "07 hoch          Itohr     207 mit hochhiingcndcr Diise oa'SEE h                 a         l$

    PAGE 7-20 FOR KEY ~ ] TQb. 1 Btatt!. Table 1 Sheet 4

    Compilation of measurement., values for., Status evaluation of condensation with the perforated- 9 November pipe quencher HS 1,4 with small water coverage 1973 of. the quencher arms 7usnnnncnntc 1 l>>n>c v>>n Heflertcn ~ur Beurt cl l>>nc her Ron>le nant tin 1 SLand EMU n>(t dnr l ochrohrlliinc llS 1.>I boi !t> rinder>>'>>>n~riihor>Inc! >>n>; tier il r>n1 lViinont>c>~nl I i LIt

     /               X n


                                                                                                      'si> SO>'          Ufttem>teratur           li'Il>l1 L \'

    llo hr  ! >>C l c>ti.!- ~ 7.cit Ceo- 1'c id V n C t> U C II * >n tauch t cnq>n>'a I'uck >net ri >. a>>s 1'h>," crc

                                              >CC>$ ~                A ltos ~    t i e 1'o             Lur 5+      ~18       ~19       >Lm           I~

    A o >IC >>C l>C aLh m t/h 'kg/t> s oC 345 34 S 31 5 027>L 33 3W S 3<,5 3W 5 3< 5'og oo4 OO6

        /2 00Zs           425                      os                                       395                    0        of
     $  0$

    hach ro V6, S'~Z 0,42 5'7 gs s 5o vp S3 5 Qy c; V-0 Oo5 9rt V2 0aS'C 5 G2 G5'S QOZ oassz 125 0$ ' CP hoch 6Z5 ro 7Z O,WM 0,23 0 2g ll 1 >0 hoch n llol>r ll 1 >0 mit hnchhiinrendor Ms>t Wi) ll "07 hnch n ilnhr il 207 mit hochhi>ngcndcr 0Usc [SEE PAGE 7-20 FOR KEY.] 't Tab. E!iatt >I Table l Sheet 5

    Compilation of measurement values for Status evaluation of condensation with the perf orated- 9 .November, pipe quencher HS 1,4 with small water coverage. 1973 of the quencher arms XI<<V Xuan<<.<<<cnst <<I 1 une v<<n Hcllerter ~<<r Ae<<rt el lung rior Ken<I<<ns<<t lan Stand II S'I <<<I t <'.nr I.ochrohr<lii<<c IIS i,4 hei II<<rineer I'<<as~riiher<l< cI"nn<t 4<<r IIIisnnic<<< nk<< i 6 I <<r I.<<ch I< i.- n 7.nit nnr- uf t ten<pcratur :h'ha 1 t c ceo I e I <I- I'crouch A tauch- t t e<<<pnr<< Iruck n<ctri< au:< I'hrg '<r ~ gest A go<< ~ ticrc tur g+ 18 19 +Lm I~ n <IC

                                             <<<       t/h      I<a/r< s                          OC      C          C 43        74$                                  '036 2oZ                                 Oo3SZ        42$   '7O                OS h
        /0                                                                              rtb       a'z               7S'9,5                 o,  ~1 0       8'W                       SSS              0 0 VX gg                     S'6     S'S; 9'
        /7 307                                  ao3SZ       HZS'%a                   o5        rt      I2s     EZ       SG,5      S9,'       0      op PryoQ 2      d'3,  5 d'VS       44      d'2a 04'Z 3      a'6                        gg        o 26 4 II     I~<0  hoch    <<   Ilohr 5   I ~~0 <<<it hochhangender         Oiisn II 207 hoch        s   Ilohr fi 207    <<<i t hochhiinrnn<lnr IIIIsc

    [SEE PAGE 7-20'OR KEY. ] Tab. 1 Ettatt 6 7-19 Table 1 Sheet 6


    1. Pipe geometry
    2. Hole array pattern
    3. GKM test no.
    4. ges = total
    5. Submergence
    6. Time
    7. Water temperature 8]7
    8. Air temper'ature
    9. Tank pressure, kg/cm 2 (gauge)
    10. High
    11. R 150 high = 150 mm diameter pipe with high quencher R 207 high = 207 mm diameter pipe with high quencher 7-20

    1 KEY

    l. Safety/relief valve 5. Protective tube
    2. Pitting .with orifice. plate.. 6. Blowdown pip.e,
    3. Restraining structure 7. Perforated-pipe quencher
    4. Connection for snifter valve 8. Bottom mount (total of 2)

    Entfastun s / Sich~rhcit s venting

        ->27,200                                     . FormstUck mit Rohrbtcnde Eins annkonstruktion AnschluA fUr SchnUff~tvanti(
                                                         'insgasamt       2'tUck )

    Schutzrohr g Abb{asarohr 2000

                                                                      +]8,890 Qv   Lochrohrd Use Bodenhcl   t "rung Pi ure   1 l KKB  Pressure     relief system 7-21

    Section C-D Schnitt C- D

                                             ~ 219,1 ~13 Dished head K Icceer hodrn 3SS~l0       Dished hea<

    k~ io aria eSVW~a 219,li 10 X L Dished head KIJCP~:c~ 26o 1C Section A-B JQ8 >10 Schn]tl A- 8 r'r gQ X ~ y C) O CO I CO 1


    8 BII'I 2.1 Perforated-pipe quencher Model quencher for GKN HS l test stand Lochrchrduse HS 1 italo.':=-!'.dUse fur 6K~i.i-V="rsuchss'.and 7-22

    fnllaslun sssnbl fnllestunyssentll nsr

                                                                                                                                                                  ~I 150t SSOU O                                       107<
                                                                                      ~r 101 <

    MAP 8'g4 05 150 u Abbloserohr NONronr l4 5.4 8 $% O Abblaso-tohr a CO 0 It n

                                                                                                                                                                         ~~i' 1enlrolroht                                                                                                 Ster                                          lA sac+


                                                                                                                                                                  .'t Ql  rt rt O


                    ~ hl riel N   vh~                                                     o  ~

    n $ 50 fh th rS Etnstroscruauoe O On 0

                                                                       ~s 8

    101 4 O t' th O n es rff O ttS 0 rl-4chrehr40se NS (C

                                                                                                 ~ chrohrdase NS )C
                                                                                                                                             '                                  '0 I

    I nn '0 I ~ \ sQ Verslrehuno sut rstrehuno sur tu(hohao der oruc nutnahae der Orw

                                                                                              ~ Uthshast n

    aulnehaet Pf cs

                                                                                                                                                                    ~4 In Qo                                                                      olla burchaessat sind olla Ourchaosser ~ Ind          k4nnlech kennloch                                                                                                                 Snnendwchaessot lnnen4wchaooaet n

    O C Bohr ~150 O~ Rohr ~207 hochhangende Duse hochhQngende Duse) M { ) { Rohrgeometrie C


    Rohrgeometrie D-Anordnung der Lochrohrduse HS 1,4 im GKM-Versuchsstand


    1. Relief valve
    2. Blowdown pipe
    3. Cladding tube
    4. Central tube
    5. Centering (3 adjusting screws)
    6. Perforated-pipe quencher
    7. Bracing to hold the pressure transducers 8." Manhole
    9. Hole diameters are inside diameters
    10. 150 mm diameter pipe (high quencher)

    Pipe geometry C

    11. 207 mm diameter pipe (high quencher)

    Pipe geometry D 7-24

    19 CD CD CD CD CD

            'D CD CV CD Ul
               ~t7 L'

    V60 Y5 Vi V7 VB CD saol- CO Azrangement of perforated-pipe quencher HS 1,4 in the GKM test stand, Anor'dnung deI LOChiol.:,I-- dCise HS 'l4 im G Kl~i -V" I SUcllSStGIld Manhole I "annloch n CD Figure 2. 3 lD Bild 2.": 7-25

    Om ETT Mitte Lochschenkel Middle of perforated arm Scale depiction of the eater covering ii/igi"'tj'IiCh~ DQI'StCIIU'Ig QCI" 4QSS.'.I I.'irCi .CC.<UtIQ Biid 2.-'.- Figure 2. 4 7-26

    1 OC 100 i~ lg 90-maCL 80 Ai temp rat Lu ttempe atur 70 J

          '%0                                   0 r

    '8 a C5 oI 50 I E Vda ss e r terrIp eratur ert4 O 5 e (0. Waf era ure 30 10 0 9 10 ll. 12 s Yersuchsdauer t Test duration Luft-und 'IJ'/asser ternperatur; erlauf GI(IYI-Kor,densaiiortsversucin ~ mit Lochrohrduse I-IS 1,4 Eintauchtiefe 0,3 m Y<asser ternperatur 40... 58 'C Vers uch 369 Variation of air and. water temperature GKM condensation tests with perforate'd-pipe quencher Figure 3;1 Subm'ergence 0.3 m, water temperature 40-58'C Test 369 Biid 3.'I 7-27

    r g 100

     ~dp                                              Ai   temp    ratu Luft em eratur eZ g,a 90

    ,Ia r~CL E 0 I 70 Wass er temperatur I~ WstI pera Pa e 60 cts (g E Cl g Ih Vl 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 'll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 s Versuchsdauer t Test duration Luft-und Y~'asserteMiperaturverlauf GKi"t-Kondensotionsversuche mit LochrohrdQse HS 'i,4 Eintauchticfe 0,3 m Y'lassertemperatur 56... 83 'C Versuch 371 Variation of air and water temperature GKM condensation tests with perforated-pipe quencher HS l,4 Submergence 0.3 m, water temperature 56-83'C Test 37l Biici 3.2 Figure 3.2 7-28

    OC E a) >100


    80 90 I

    <E a.

    80 ~ g 70 t 60 Cl Wate tern eratu A A. Wassertemperatur 8>> 50 g ~ I I Lufttemperatur g,o 8 Air temp ratur 30 20-10 9 10 11 12 s Yersuahsdauer t Test duration Luft- und V/assertempera turver(au f GKl'"t-Kondensationsv t"suche mit Lochrohrduse HS 'l,l Ein toucl~ t i ef e 0,5 m . Ydass er tempera tur 37 ... 58 ' Yersuch I.05 Variation of air and water temperature GEM condensation tests with perforated-pipe quencher HS 1,4 Submergence 0.5 m, water temperature 37-58'C f3 'I ~l Test 405 Figure 3.3 7-29

    oC < ~100E eo 90 t'emp ratu e Luft emper tur 80 pl l I I 70

                                           ~Wassertem eratur Wat r tern erat c

    re go 60 Pl ~-50 Ih Vl O e 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 s Versuchsdauer t Test duration Luft-und 'Nasser temperaturverlauf GKI~'i-Iionden=ation.=.vorsuche rnit Lochrohrdi!so I-IS 'I,4. Eintouchtiefe O,S m 0'asser ternperatur 61... 82 C Versuch 406 Variation of air and water temperature GKH condensation tests with perforated-pipe cIuencher HS 1,4 Submergence 0.5 m, water temperature 61-82'C Test 406 BIId 3 '; Figure 3.4 7-30

    8 II C 100 E 90 Q) t5 80 70 60 SO 40 30 20 0 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90 100 C Wassertemperatur Mater temperature Gegenubersteltung der Luft- und <Vasser temperaturen GKVi-liodensationsversuche mit LochrohrdCiss HS 1,4 Eintauchtiefe 0,3 m Comparison of air and water temperatures GKM condensation tests with perforated-pipe quencher HS 1,4 Submergence 0.3 m Figure 3.5 Bild 7-31

    C 100 E dp 90 8 g C 80 ~


    8 > p~ Q 70 60 50 40 30 I ~ 20 p 10 0 e 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 )GO C Wasserteraperatur Water temperature GegenCIbersteHung der Luft-und V/assertemperaturen GKM -Kondonsationsvsrsuche mit Lochrohrdise HS 'l,l Eintauchtiefe 0,5 rn Comparison of air and water temperatures GKM condensation tests with perforated-pipe quencher HS 1,4 Submergence 0.5 m [3;t -I ':I. 6 Figure 3. 6 7-32

    mpari'son of measured and calculated tank pressures GKM condensation tests no. 405 kg/cm 2 (absolute) Submergence 0.5 m, water temperature 37-58'C ata Pa

       ~                                                      from ca culatio N   D L

    CJ PK us Rec nun ~:a l5 a3

                                                              .from me suremen P   us Me sung 1,0 0         1   2     3         4      5       6        7     ,  8      9       10  11    12 s Versuchsdauer Test duration Gegenubersteiiung    von gemessenem und errechnetem                     Behalterdruck C

    CL GKM- Kodensationsversuch Nr. 405 ~4) Eintauchtiefe 0,5 m V/assertemperatur 37... 58 C

    t I I'

    Ref erences /1/ Becker, Frenkel, Melchior, Slegers Construction and design of the relief system with perforated-pipe quencher KNU/E 3-2703, July 1973 /2/ Becker, Ho ffmann,. Knapp, Kraemer, Melchior, Meyer, Schnabel KKB Vent clearing with.the perforated-pipe quencher KWU/E 3-2796, October 1973 7-34



    t) f c~ I 4



