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Request Submitted by Util for Denial of Intervenors Coleman 790625 Request for Reconsideration of Dismissal of Coleman Contention 7.NRC Must Remand Matter to Aslb. Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Salem PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 07/06/1979
From: Wetterhahn M
Shared Package
ML18079A830 List:
NUDOCS 7908220144
Download: ML18079A831 (6)


UNITED STATES OF A~IBRICA NUCLErlR REGULriTORY C0~1.MISSI0~1 Before the Atomic Safetv and Licensing Board In tl:e i:.1a t ter o £ PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GriS Docket ~jo. 50-272 CO.MP.'LNY, et al. (Proposed Issuance of

.~endment to Facility (Salem Nuclear Generating Operating License Station, Unit 1) No. DPR-70)


[CONTENTION] NO. S:2VEN" On June 25, 1979, the Public Advocate of New Jersey, representing Mr. and Mrs. rilfred C. Coleman, Jr. in the captioned proceeding, moved for reconsideraticn of dis~issal of the Colemans' Contention 7 by this Ato~ic Safety and


Licensing Board ("Board") . As grounds for reconsideraticn, the Public Advocate cites a decision of the c. S. Court of Appeals for the District of Col u.i-;illia Circuit, :*linnesota v.


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Q. - _', 2 o'° 9 , 78-2032, (D.C. Cir. May 23, 2.979).

discussed below, Licensee, Public Service Electric and Gas Company, et - i opposes  ::-.otio:::. reconsideration.


It is undisputed th2t ~~= Court c= ~??eals 0ist=ict o= Col~~bia Circuit has remanded the two cases pendi::g before it to the Kuclear ?.eg' tory C:Jrrtl:lis s i.o::::

( "~;?..c" or "Corrl:rnis s icr. n) fer further ac-=ion regarding a

__l1I The Board's ~-!c.~- 2~, l978 OrC.e~ ?c:..:c~.*li::g S~ecia.:.. ?.:-e-hearing Conference denied the Cole~a~s 1

?reposed Contentio::: 7.

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consider any aspect of the remanded question on its own initiati?e. Because of the remand's generic nature, it ~ay very welJ. be that the Cor:i.Inission decides net to ha'1e this illatter considered in individual adjudicatory proceedings instead, elects to have i .:..

-'- considered in an ongoing or new generic proceeding. The c. c.:..rcui t 6/

clearly leaves such an alternative open to the Commission.

In such an event, no further consideration ~y this 3oard ~av be necessary.


\'iith regard to the ":nani£est injustice" alleged ':Jy the Public Advocate, such assertions are spec~lative at l:lest. In any event, anv claim of injury and request redress must be directed to t:"1e Co.mnission, net to this Licensing 3oar*:::. To ~epeat, it is quite possi~le t~at intervenors will be required to ?Ursue this =atter through present proceeding.

6/ ~*1innesota v. ~'-JRC, slio op. at ll, """:::;;. _S_e_-=_- _a_l_s_o_ ~.rer~c:::--_:.

Yankee ~uclear Power Ccrp. v. ~RDC, ~35 G.S. 519,


n.13 (1978); Cnion of Concerned Scientists~. A~c,* ~99

?.2d 1069 (D.C. Cir. 1974); ~ader v. ~a~, 363 F.S~pp.

946 (D.C.C. 1973).

_]_/ Cols!:',a::1s' :::irie:: ==-~ ..:;.

Under these circumstances, the mo~ion for reconsidera-tion should be denied.

Respectfully submitted, CONNER, MOORE & CORBER Mark J. Wetterhah~

Counsel for ~~e Licensee July 6, 1979


1:-iUCLEAR REGUL.;:,_TORY cm~*lISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the ;;.1atter of PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC fil-iD GAS Docket ~o. 50-272 CO.MPA:::.iY, et al. (Proposed Issuance 0£ Amendment to Facility (Salem Nuclear Generating Operating License Station, Unit 1) No. DPR-70)

I hereby certi£y that copies of ~icensee 1 s Ans*..;er to 11

'Intervenors Colemans' Motion for Reconsideration of Dismissal of Colema::is' [Contention] ~l'o. Seven 11 and 11 Licensee 1 s ~-nswer to ~*lotion by In tervenors, Coleman, to Compel Suppleru.e!'lta tio::i of .?-.nswers to Interrogatories by Licensee, 11 both dated July 6, 1979, in the captioned matter, have been served upon the fol-lowing by deposit in the United States mail this 6th dav of Jllly, 1979:

Gary L. Milhollin, Esq. Chairman, Atomic Safety an~

Chairman, Atomic Safety Licensing Board Pa~el and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 1815 Jefferson Street Commission Madison, Wisconsin 53711 Washington, D.C. 20555

~=* Frederick J. Shon Barry Smith, 2sq.

Member, Atomic Safety a~d Office of t~e 2xec~tive Licensing 3oard Panel Legal Directer C.S. N~clear Reg~lat.ory U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com.mission Cc~uissior:..

Washingtcn, D.C. 20555 \*lashi:::gtcn, D. C.

Dr. James c. L~-nb, III, Atomic S2.::ety and Deputy Attor~ey General Licensi~g Board ?a:::el Depa!:"t.uent of Lar,.,..~ and 313 Woodhaven Road  :?ublic Saf et.y Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 Environraental Protection Section Chairman, Atomic Safety and 36 West State Street Licensing Appeal Board Panel Trenton, ~.J. 08625 C.S. Nuclear Reg~latory Co::i..-nission

\, D. c. 20555

Richard ?ryling, Jr., Esq. Carl Valore, Jr., Esq.

Assistant General Solicitor Valore, McAllister, Aron Public Service Electric & Wes tr:1ore lar:d

& Gas Company ~ainland Pro~essional Plaza 80 Park ?lace P. O. Box l/5 Newark, N. J. 07101 Northfield, N. ~. CS225 Keith Onsdorf=, Esq. Office of t2e Sec~2tary Assistant Deputy Public Advocate Docketing and Service Section Department of the Public Advocate U.S. ~uclear ~egulatory Division of Public Interest Cormniss ion Advocacy Washington, Q. C. 20555 Post Office Box 141 Trenton, N. J. 08601 June D. ~acArtor, Esq.

Deputy Attorney General Sandra T. ~yres, Esq. Tatnall Building, P. O. 3ox 1401 Departnent of the Public _;.dvocate Dover, Delaware 19901 520 East State Street Trenton, N. J.. 08625 Mr. Alfred C. Coleman, Jr.

Mrs. Eleanor G. Coleman 35 11 :{ 11 Drive Pennsville, ~ew Jersey 08070