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Request for Amendment Facility Operating License DPR-70 Unit No. 1. Proposed Changes to the Environmental Technical Specification (Appendix B)
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 12/21/1977
From: Librizzi F
Public Service Electric & Gas Co
To: Lear G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
LCR 77-12
Download: ML19030A881 (47)


PS~G. IEGll.ATIJi'tV DOCKET FILE\,y Public Service Electric and Gas Company 80 Park Place Newark, N.J. 07101 Phone 201 /622-7000 Ref. LCR 77-12 December 21, 1977 l

Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Attention: Mr. George Lear, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #3 Division of Operating Reactors Gentlemen:

REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE DPR-70 UNIT NO. 1 SALEM GENERATING STATION DOCKET NO. 50-272 In accordance with the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the regulations thereunder, we hereby transmit copies of our request for amendment to Facility Operating License DPR-70 for Salem Generating Station, Unit No. 1.

This request consists of proposed changes to the Environmental Technical Specifications (Appendix B).

This submittal includes three (3) signed originals and forty (40) copies.

Very truly yours, Frank P. Librizzi General Manager -

Electric Production 77:312(l27~=*

The Energy People 95*2001 (400M) 6-76

  • U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION DOCKET NO. 50-272 PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE NO. DPR-70 NO. 1 UNIT SALEM, NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION Public Service Electric and Gas Company hereby submits proposed changes to Facility Operating License No. DPR-70 for Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit No. 1. This change request relates to Appendix B of the Operating License, Environmental Technical Specifications.

Respectfully submitted, PUBLr::L::t~N~

BY: ~ ~~



) SS. :


FREDERICK W. SCHNEIDER, being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says:

I am a Vice President of Public Service Electric and Gas Company, and as such I signed the request for change to FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE NO. DPR-70.

The matters set forth in said change request are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.


REDERiCKW. SCHNEIDER Subscribed and sworn before me this ,) ,J tr tv?i day I

f 27 Notary Publi/c of New Jersey





My commission expires J




SECTION TITLE REMARKS/JUSTIFICATION 1.1 DEFINITIONS Clarification to reflect (page 1.1-1, latest terminology.

1.1-2, and Arnperometric Titration 1.1-5) Chlorine Demand Combined Chlorine Residual Total Chlorine Residual 2.1.1.b MAXIMUM .!lT ACROSS CON- Recognition that a circulating (page 2~1-3) DENSER DURING PUMP OUTAGE water pump may be inoperable and 2.l-3a) due to the failure of inter-related equipment.

Cor~ection to System Descrip-tion 2 .1. 3 RATE OF CHANGE OF Time limitation on moni-(page 2 .1-8) DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE toring discharge tempera-ture every 15 minutes.

Monitoring Requirement Bases 2.2.1 BIOCIDES Clarification of monitoring (pages 2.2-1 requirements to reflect through 2.2-3a) Specification Monitoring simultaneous chlorination of Requirement Bases three intakes.

Clarification to reflect latest terminology.

Corre~tion to chlorine monitor accuracy and to erroneous ASTM references.

P77 78 24

  • ~*





2. 2. 2 SUSPENDED SOLIDS Program assessment and (page 2.2-4 potential reduction a~ter and 2.2-4a) Monitoring Requirement one year.

Bases Table 2.3-1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID Additional footnote ng" to (Pg . 2

  • 3 - 2 0 ) SAMPLING ANALYSIS clarify the fact that even though the two waste hold-up tanks are not designated monitoring tanks, they can be and will be sampled and monitored in accordance with the type of analysis and sampling frequency specified on this table. Increased operating efficiency and flexibility without affect-ing design objectives or safety margins. This path-way identical to-all other liquid radwaste discharges in that it contains contin-uous radiation flow monitor-ing, automatic isolation, flow monitoring and contin-uous recording.

Table 2.3-3 SYSTEM STATION LIQUID Changes as indicated to

.(Pg. 2.3-22) WASTE SYSTEM clarify that, al though the LOCATION OF PROCESS A..~D waste hold-up tanks aie EFFLUENT MONITORS AND not technically designated SAMPLERS REQUIRED BY -monitoring tanks, they TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS will receive the same sampling and monitoring prior to release as other tanks containing liquid radwastes.

P77 78 25


} '





(Second Set)

REMARKS/JUSTIFICATION SECTION TITLE LOCATION OF PROCESS AND Deletion of required radia-Table 2.3-4 tion detector from condenser (Page 2. 3-23) EFFLUENT MONITORS AND SAMPLERS REQUIRED BY air removal system since it is TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS not a final effluent release point into the env.ironment.

GAMMA AND BETA DOSE Revision of columns 4 and 5 Table 2.3-5 to correct erroneous Table.

(page 2. 3-24) FACTORS Specification of sample 3.1.1.l CHLORINE depths to coincide with (page 3.1-1 balance of program ..

and 3.1-la) Objective Specification

~larification to reflect Bases latest terminology.

Program reduction to monthly field sampling due to continuous chlorine monitoring of the dis-charge to the fact that other abiotic field sur-veillance programs are on a monthly basis.

DISSOLVED GASES Sample depth clari£ica- tion.

(page 3.1-2)

Specification Reporting Requirement Allowance for new EPA approved analytical methods for dissolved oxygen.

P77 78 26







(page 3.1-3)

Specification OTHER CHEMICALS Sample depth clarifica- tion.

{page 3.1-5)

GENERAL ECOLOGICAL Sampling frequency clari- fication.

(pages 3.1-10 SURVEY and 3.1-lOa) Allowance for new EPA Specification (Phytoplankton) approved analytical methods for dissolved oxygen.

Specification Clarification of sampling

{page 3.1-lOa)

(Ichthyoplankton) location.

Specification Sampling frequency clari-

{page 3.1-13 fication.

ana 3.1-14) (Fish)

Changes in sampling gear to reflect technique appropriate to sampling area.

Limitation on sexing to anadrornous species in spring due to difficulty with other species and at other seasons.

Elimination of weighing due to non-random sarnplin inherent in gill netting Specification Sampling schedule clari-(page 3.1-14 (Diamondback fication.

ana 3.l...:14a)


P77 78. 27




SECTION TITLE REMARKS/JUSTIFICATION Table 3.1-1 WATER QUALITY Revision to reflect (page 3.1-22) ANALYSIS PARAMETERS latest EPA Storet terminology.

Elimination of nReducing Substances" as a non-standard test, unnecessary

  • .:}* .<*-~*
  • to characterize Delaware River water quality.

Deletion of filtrable residue (dissolved solids) from list as required by ETS Section

Table 3.1-2


OF AQUATIC Corrections to reflect (page 3.1-23) TERRESTRIAL, AND AERIAL problems in gill netting SAMPLING PROGR..?\MS north of Mile 6.5, to reflect the Diamondback Terrapin which is not a mammal, and to conform with inclement weather provisions used else-where in the ETS.

4.1 EXPERIMENTAL ENTRAIN- Revisions of experimental (pages 4.1-1 MENT STUDIES holding periods and water and 4.1-2) Specification collection procedures to reflect standardization of experimental procedures.

(pages 4.l-2a Specification Correction of typographical ana 4.1-3) error.

P77 78 28

,....--~J..*.- ... ~*-** . ~ ....... *---- ......... _.---..... *-~* -----------------*----- **-**-.






and_ 4. 2-31) 5.1.1 RESPONSIBILITY Changes to PSE&G internal (page 5.1-1) organization.

5.2.1 ORGANIZATION Changes to PSE&G internal (page 5.2-1) organization.

Figs. 5. 2-1 ORGANIZATION CHARTS Substitution of updated thru 5.2-2 charts, -**including. consolida-(pages 5.2-2 tion of two figures into one.

thru 5. 2-3)

DEC :peg 8/29/77 P77 78 24/29



1. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Temperature of the river unaffected by localized waste heat discharge: temperature of the river out-side the designated mixing zone.
2. AMPEROMETRIC TITRATION Specific adaptation of polarographic principles which are used to measure the total tesidual chlo-I rine or to differentiate between the free available and combined chlorine residual.
3. CALIBRATION Use of a known quantity of a measured parameter to determine the accuracy of the measuring instrument.
4. CHLORINE DEMAND The amount of chlorine required to oxidize substances in the water which reduce free available chlorine.


5. COMBINE~LORINE RESIDUAL Residual consisting of mono-, di-, and trichloramines.
6. CONDENSER Shall include the three condenser shells utilized in ~he Circulating Water System for each unit.
7. CONDENSER OUTLET TEMPERATURE The average condenser outlet circulating water temperature of those condenser. sections in service measured as per DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE.
8. CONDENSER SHELL A single heat exchanger in the Circulating Water System which includes two inlet and outlet water boxes and two tube bundles.

9.* CONTROL STATION Sample location that is far enough away from the station that it will not be*affected by radiological emissions or other station releases.


21. NORMAL ~RATION Steady operation at any power level; includes operation with up to 10% of condenser tubes blocked.
22. REPORT LEVEL The numerical level of an environmental parameter below which the environmental impact is considered reasonable based on available information.
23. SPECIAL STUDY PROGRAMS Environmental study programs designed to evaluate the impact of station operation on an environmental parameter.
24. TOTAL RESIDUAL CHLORINE Sum of free available and combined chlorine residuals.


.* "2 * . The maximum "9 across the condenser sha19not exceed 0

16.5 F for more than 72 consecqtive hours for reasons of pump failure, or inoperability due to failure of inter-related equipment.


3. At no time will the AT across the condenser exceed 27.5 F.

In the event that either specification is exceeded; correc-tive action shall be taken to reduce theAT to within specification. Such corrective action could include clean-ing condenser wate~ boxes or reduction of limit power level, unless an emergency need for power exists.

Monitoring Requirement The temperature differential across the condenser shall be monitored every hour utl izing the computer pr in tout of the intake and discharge temperatu*re measurements. *The intake temperature is measured at each of the two inlets to each condenser shell.

'The discharge temperature is ~easured at a point downstream of the condenser in each *of the six 84-inch ID discharge lines

  • from the condenser shell water boxes. The* range of this instru-e o mentation is 0 - 150 F ahd the system accuracy is~ 0.5 p; If the plant computer is out of service, the intake and discharge temperatures shall be monitored every two hours utilizing local readi°ng'.*instrumentation until the. plant computer is returned to service.


.* Bases The condenser cooling water system was designed to operate at aAT that would minimize therm~l sttess to organisms. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has set a limit of 0

27.5 as a maximum AT permitted under the NPDES 2.l-3a

    • ' . ***r---- * -*

Monitoring Reoui&cnts Same as Specification 2.1.2; except that the discharge temperature shall be monitored.every 15 minutes during power reductions at a rate of greater than 25% of full J

power per hour.

Bases All organisms have lower lethal temperatures. In t~mperate latitudes, such lethal temperatures are generally reached only when the ambient water temperature approaches freezing.* The phenomenon of "cold shock" has been found to be most severe during the period of low 0

ambient water temperature~ (£40 F). The likelihood of reaching lower lethal temperatures can be minimized by maintaining a heated discharge during the period when 0

ambient temperatures are ~40 F. The .Potential for cold shock and its effects will be minimized since the thermal effluent from one unit will compensate for possible shutdown of the other unit.

Normal plant power reduction rate is less than 25% of full power per hour. Hourly discharge temperature monitoring for nor~al power reductions is adequate in view of the potentially long periods involved.



2. 2 CHEMICAL e 2.2.1 BIOCIDES Objective To insure that the chlorine residual released from the Circulating Water and Service water Systems is controlled and will not have an adverse effect on the natural aquatic environm~nt of the receiving waters.


1. The concentration of free available chlorine in the Cir-culating Water System and Service Water System shall not be greater than 1.0 mg/liter at the outlet of the final heat exchanger.

If this specification is exce~ded, the chlorine addition rate shall be reduced as necessary to operate within the specification.

~- Circulating Water and Service Water pump intakes shall not be chlorinated more than 3 times per day. Chlorination periods shall not exceed thirty minutes. Chlorination of moie than 3 Circulating Water pump intakes at one time shall not be permitted.


' ~'

Monitorino Reauirement Three of the twelve intakes are chlorinated simultaneously as a group. One outlet water box associated with each of the two groups for Unit 1 and each of the two groups for Unit 2 shall be continuously monitored for free available chlorine residual during treatment. The Service Water System shall be monitored at the 30-inch supply header to the turbine generator area during treatment.

The continuous monitoring (during treatment) shall be per-formed using a free chlorine residual analyzer equipped with a strip chart recorder. The Circulating Water System and the Service Wat~r System each have a separate free chlorine residual analyzer.

The chlorine monitors shall be calibrated once per month with an amperometric titrator using ASTM Methods D-1253 and D-1427.* }

If the chlorine monitors are inoperable, free available chlo-rine residual shall be determined by manual analysis of a grab sample taken during the chlorination cycle.

  • For a discussion of prec1s1on and accuracy obtainable through arnperornetric titration, see Standard Methods, 14th edition, pp. 310-313.


  • Bases The Water Quality Certificate issued by the Delaware River Basin Commission for Salem Nuclear Generating Station limits.

the free chlorine residual in circulating water discharged from the plant to maximum of 0.1 mg/liter. This also con-forms to EPA-NPDES requirements of 0.2 to 0.5 mg/liter.

I InterJittent treatment of cooling circuits *in fresh and brackish water environments with a biocide (chlorine, sodium hypochlorite) is a reliable method for maintaining these circuits free from fouling.

It has been determined from past experience that treatment with chlorine at a concentration of 0.5 mg/liter free avail-able chlorine residual at the heat exchanger outlet (e.g.,

condenser) *for 30 mihutes three times a day is usually sufficient for maintaining system cleanliness although higher concentrations in the heat exchangers may be need periodically.

The discharge will be diluted sufficiently, however, to main-tain the fuee chlorine residual discharged to the river at 0.1 mg/liter or less.

The circulating water will be chlorinated by controlled in-jection of soaium hypochlorite into the intake water to the condensers. Three of the twelve intakes are chlorinated at a time as a group. The period of chlorination will be no greater than 30 minutes and will be done 3 times per day. The rate of 2.2-3

.. sodium hypochlorite addition is controlled to maintain a 1.0 mg/liter free available chlorine residual or less at the condenser outlet. The discharge is diluted with unchlorinated water and the free chlorine residual of the dis~harge to.the river will therefore be less than 0.1 mg/liter.

Three of the twelve intakes are chlorinated as a group. The free chlorine residual of simultaneous samples recently taken from condenser tailpipes llA, 12A, 13A and condenser tailpipes llB, 12B, and 13B showed slight but nominal differences arnor.g the three outlet condensers, on the same order as instrument accuracy.

Therefore, for the purpose of maintaining 1.0 mg/l free available chlorine residual or less at the condenser outlets it will be ade-quate to monitor only one of the three discharges in each group.

The service water system will be chlorinated at a frequency not to exceed three times a day for periods of not greater than 30 minutes, and not at the same time as the Circulating Water System. The concentration of free. available chlorine residual at the outlet of the final heat exchanger will be determined and shall be maintained at 1.0 mg/liter or less.

Consequently, the concentration at the discharge to the river will* be less than 0.1 mg/liter.

2. 2-3a


2.2.2 SUSPENDED 'LIDS Objective To insure that suspended solids released from Non-Radio-active Chemical Waste Disposal System are controlled and will not have an adverse effect on the natural aquatic environment of the receiving waters.

Specification The average suspended solids concentration in the effluent from the Non-Radioactive Chemical Liquid Waste Disposal System shall not exceed 25 mg/liter on an annual basis.

Monitoring Requirement A grab sample shall be taken once per day from the collecting basin discharge pipe and analyzed for suspended solids using a method which is acceptable to EP~. The sample shall be taken at the in-line pH monitoring probe in the discharge pipe. Samples shall be taken during periods of actual discharge and only on days when the collecting basin is discharged.

At the conclusion of the first full calendar year following Unit 1 initial criticality, the suspended solids data for both the discharge and the ambient river will be analyzed.

The feasibility of increasing the allowable average effluent suspended solids concentration and ot decreasing 2.2-4

the sampling f r e . c y will be investigated. 9uggestea changes to either will be submitted for review ana approval by the NRC staff prior. to implementation.

Bases The non-radioactive chemical liquid waste basin is licensed to operate under permits issued for Industrial Waste Treatment Plants by the State of New Jersey. The suspended solids limitation.of 25 mg/l is that which is required by the permits, but represents only a small percentage of what has been found naturally in the Delaware River in the vie ini ty of Ar tif ic ial Is land during .. the Licensee's preoperational monitoring. (Ref er to Salem Environmental Specifications, Table 3.1-3). Furthermore, the effluent limitation is not contained in the current NPDES permit. A reduction in sampling frequency to once per week may be recommended if it can be shown that no appreciable harm to the environment due to suspended solids results from the collecting basin discharge and that daily variations in the effluent suspended solids concentration are moderate, particularly after plant startup-related conditions stabilize.



LiQuid Sampling Frequency Typ1 of Ii Concen11;itions

$ooJtC:d and Analysis Acti11iry Analysii lriC1/mlP Release~ g b

A. Monitor Tank. Each Batch Principal Gamma Emitters 5 x 10-'7 One Batch/Mon th Di~solved Gases f 10-s

' Weekly Compositec: Ba-La-140, 1*131 *10_.

Monthly Compositec: H-3 10-s


.. io-7 Gross c: -.

Quarterly Compositec: Sr-89, Sr-90

.. I 5 x 10-a

8. Primary Cool.:int . Weeklyd I 1*131, 1-133 10~


c. Steam Gt?ncrator 610*.--Jdown Weck lye Princip31 Gamma Emitters I 5 x 10-*

.. Ba-L.:i-140: l-131 10-6 I

One Sampie/i.lonth I Di~solvcd G.:ises f 10-s

.. Monthly Compositce H-3 10-s

. Gross a* io-1 Quarterly Compositee Sr-89, Sr-90 s x io-g aThe detectability limits for activity analysis arc b11scd on the technical feasibility and on the potential signific:.1nce in the environment of the ou~ntitics relea~cd. For some nucii<Jes. lower dc\ection lir.iits may be readily achievable, Jnd when nuclides are measured below the stated limits, they shou1'd also be reported.

bFor mrtain mixtures of gnmma emitters, it may not be possible to measure radionuclides in concentrations near thei~

sensitivity limits when other nuc:lides are present in the sample in much greater concentrations. Under these circum*

stances, it will lie more appropriate to c.itCulate the concentrations of such radionuclides using measured ratios with those radionuclic.les which are routinely identified and measured.

c A 'composite sample is one in which the c. ;antity of liquid s.:impled is proportional to the quilntity of liquid waste ciischargcd.

dThc power level and cleanup or purification flow r:itc at the sample time shall also be reported.

  • To be representative of the average quantities and concentrations of r;,cJio.ictive materials in liquid effluents. s:im;:ilcs should be collected in proportion to the rate of flow of the effluent stream. Prior to an.:ilyses, all samples taken for the composite should be thoroughly mixed in order for the composite sample to be representative of the average effluent release.

f For dissolved noble gases in water, assume a MPC of 4 x io- 5 µCi/ml of water.

9rncludes w_aste holdup tanks~.

- .. -

  • ___......::~ -_.lnr..._,.._
2. 3-20

TABLE 2. 3-3 .


  • S;1111ple holopoc liquKt Radiation Auto Con1rol 10 Gron O"solvcd Process Stream or Ae.lco\I! Point Alarm lsololion Valv11 Cont lnuous S1.111on AclivilV l Gases Alpha tf*l Analyiis lhtl Honl tor Al.:irm a x x x x x x Htscellaneou' Tanks I

Primary Coolant System x x

.w N

liquid Aadwaste Discharge Pipe x x x )( .


N Steam Gcncrat~r Blowdown System )( x x x x x x x x Outdoor Storage Tanks (potentially radioactive)

Primary Water Storage Tank * -.

1.~ x x )(

Refueling Water Storage Tank Component Cooling Systems x x )( e Turbine Building Sumps (Floor Drolns)

xt x x x
a. Includes Waste .M:Jnitor Tanks, Waste _lt>nitor I-ioldup Tanlc, CVCS Monitor Tanks, Waste Holdup Tanks, Chenical Drain
  • '.Fanks, Laundry and Hot Sh<:Mer Tanks.

b *. Gr~ sample . to be trucei: and anlayzed each '11 * ~urs~* ~.,flerl.ever *1'tonk leakage exists.

c. G'iab sample to ~ taken ~ analyzed each ff h, ~1henever 'the gross activity in the secondafy coolant systEin exceoos io-S uCi/ml °(Except H-3r ~ . ... . ' *' . --* -.. -' 0

TABLE 2.3-4 SALEH STATION GASEOUS WASTE SYSTEM LOCATION OF PROCESS AND EFFLUENT MONITOns /\ND SAi\.lPLE 11S REQUIRED av TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Gr ah Radhtton Aulo Co1111ol 10 Continuous Samplo Mca1urernenl Process Strenm or Release Point Alarm lsolarion Vi!lvl! Monitor Srarrun Nol,le Gns Paniculate H-J Alpha I

Waste Gas Decay Tanks x x x x x x l Condenser Air Removal System a x x x x x x x I J

Plant Vent x xh x x x x x x e Building Ventilation Systems Reactor Containment Building (whenever there is flo\\') x x xd x x x x x x N Auxiliary Building and Radwaste Area 4 Xe x x x x x.

w I

N w

Fuel Handling & Storage Building' Xe x x x x x Turbine Gland Seal Condenser a Xe x x x x ex Waste Gas Discharge Line x x x

  • S!nc**th*** proce11 1treuu or buildina ventilation 1yatea1 are rout~ to the plant v~nt, the need for a continuou1 1111>nitor at the 1nd1vidual d11-charge point to the main exhaust duct ie eliminated, One continuou1 aonitor at th* flnal r1lea&e polnt la euffic1en~.

b Contlnuoudy monitored. Aleo incluclee contlnuou11 iodine, noble gaa and particulate monitoro \lhlch are in aervlce durlng \Ulete gae decay tenlt rehan1 and containment purging operations.

c Greb umple 1tation1 frot1 vhlch monthly g111 B1111plen (Table 2,3-2) are to be tali.en. A110, grab eomplee ohould ba taken end measured to deteruiio* th**

proce11s 11tream or building ventlht1on ayatem 1ouTce whenever an unexplained lncruue h indicated by th* plant vent 1111pl*r-monitor1.

    • -* * * *--- .. ~*1.~r th no vnnte 1lr.cny tnnk releo11e11 and containment purgln11 opernt!on11,


X/Q = l.2E ~ 6 sec/m @ 1270 Meters, North Dose Factors for Vent K. L.lV M. N.

iv . lV iv Total Body Skin Beta Air Gamma Air Noble Gas (rem/yr) (rem/yr) (rad/yr) (rad/yr)

Radionuclide (Ci/sec) (Ci/sec) (Ci/sec) (Ci/sec)

Kr-83rn 8.6 E -5 0 0.35 0.043 Kr-85m 0.97 1. 8 2.4 1.0 Kr-85 0.012 1. 6 2.3 0.012 Kr-87 3.0 12 12 3.1 Kr-88 7.4 2.8 3.5 7.8 Kr-89 1.3 12 13 1.4 Xe-13lrn 0.34 0.57 1. 3 0. 43*

Xe-133m 0.26 1.2 1.8 0.36 Xe-133 0.31 0.37 I 1.3 0.38

  • Xe-135rn 1.2 0.85 0.89 1.3 Xe-135 1. 4 2.2 2.9 1.5 Xe-137 0.18 15 15 0.19 Xe-138 2.9 5*.o 5.7 3.0 2.3-24 Amend 1

3.1 NON R~D~GICAL SURVEILLANCE 3.1.1 ABIOTIC Chlorine Obiective To determine the concentration of free available and total residual chlorine in the station effluent water in an effort to maintain an optimum chlorination program for prevention of heat exchanger fouling while minimizing the environmental impact on the receiving waters.

Specification Grab samples shall be taken monthly (weather permitting) during a chlorination cycle and analyzed for free available and combined residual chlorine. The samples shall be taken at the intake structure (10 ft. below the surface), the outfall of the discharge (8 ft. felow the surface), and at a point outside and downstream of the mixing zone (18 ft. below the surface)

  • Reporting Requirement In the event the analysis of the sample taken from the point outside and downstream of the discharge water mixing zone indicates that the total residual chlorine at the point exceeds the ambient total residual chlorine level in the river by 0.1 mg/liter, a report shall be made in accordance with Specification 5.6.2.


I' Bases This monitoring*program will determine the magnitude and extent of free available and total residual chlorine concentration increases over ambient within and outside the mixing zone. These parameters vary due to changes in chlorination level, tidal conditions, and the chlorine demand of the receiving water.

Chlorine monitoring specified in this section should demonstrate ~hat reduction in chlorine residual occurs in the mixing zone through dilution and the satisfaction of chlorine demand in the receiving water.

Finally, this monitoring is of considerable value in maintaining an optimal chlorination program to prevent heat exchanger fouling. Chlorine demand in the ambient water and the concentration of fouling organisms may be inferred from the quantity of chlorine required to produce a given residual at the condenser outlet.



,3.l.1.2 Dissolvectlases

  • Objective To ascertain that the dissolved*oxygen level is not depressed to the extent that it may be harmful to the indigenous population of the receiving waters as a result of station operation.

Specification The dissolved oxygen levels shall be monitored once per month (weather permitting) utilizing a method which is acceptable to the EPA. Grab samples shall be taken at the intake structure (10 ft. below the surface), the out-fall of the discharge (8 ft. below the surface), and at a point outside and downstream of the mixing zone (18 ft.

below the surface).

Reporting Requirement If dissolved oxygen level is found to be less than 6 mg/l at the discharge, a comparison study of the intake, discharge ana downstream dissolved oxygen levels shall be conducted to determine if the oxygen depression has been caused by station operation. If it is so determined, a report shall be made in accordance with Specification 5.6.2.

3.1-2 t.

'Bases Monthly analyses of dissolved oxygen will aid in differentiating between normal seasonal fluctuations ana* changes due to station operation.

The 6 mg/liter ~imitation is required by the Water Quality Certificate issued by the Delaware River Basin Commission. The EPA recognizes more than one analytical method; therefore none is specified herein. Suspended Solids Objective To determine the effect of plant operation on suspended solids in* the receiving waters.

Specification Suspended solids shall be monitored once per month (weather permitting). Grab samples shall be taken at the intake structure (10 ft. below the surface), the* outfall of the discharge (8 ft. below the surface) , and at a point outside and downstream of the mixing zone (18 ft. below the surface).

These samples shall be analyzed for suspended solids by means of a method* acceptable to EPA. Dissolved solids shall not be monitored.


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_. . ,___,,,-c.,.........,..,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

0 Soec if ici3 t ion Grab samples shall be taken once per month (weather perrni~ting) and analyzed for th~ parameters listed in Table 3.1-1. The samples shall be taken at the intake structure (10 ft. below the surface), the outfall of the discharge (8 ft. below the surface), and at a point outside and downstream 6f the mixing zone. These samples shall be analyzed for the parameters listed in Table 3.1-1 by a method acceptable to EPA.

Reoorting Requirement Reporting levels will be developed after the initial phases of plant operation. Post-operational data will be related to preoperational data to yield norms from which report levels will be established.

Bases This monitoring program will serve to determine the effect of station operation on the quality of the receiving water. An evaluation of the program, after six months of full power operation, will be performed and those parameters which can be shown to be not significantly affected by station operation will be eliminated from the monitoring progra~ subsequent to NRC staff review and approval. This program is in conformance with NPDES requirements.

The utilization of tests prescribed by EPA will insure the employment of current, state-of-the-art methods and accuracies.

3.1-5 I

~~:;--;1!':~.'*~*~.--*"*---*-------*** *-*-._...,--

  • -*** .... ----.-~*--~-.-*-*~..........,.~~****---

e .. '

  • to monthly (weather permitting (Apr i 1 thr ou9'9 September) ana monthly to quarterly (October through March) within the stud~ area illustratea in Figure 3.1-1. (See Table 3.1-2 also).

These samples shall be examined quantitatively for ...._

chlorophyll ~ using the spectrophotometric methoa of

( 1}

Lorenzen. The standard error of chlorophyll a analysis at the 5 ug level is~ 0.18 ug for the mean

(.3) of two determinations.

Gener.ic identification and enumerations shall be conducted. Distributions exhibited by the dominant taxa shall be emphasized.

A productivity study shall be perf6rmed bimonthly (M~y through September} to quarterly (October through April), weather permitting, at appropriate control and thermally affected stations along with chlorophyll ~ analysis. (See Table 3.1-2).

Dissolved oxygen concentrations shall be determined.

A dissolved oxygen probe shall be used to determine dissolv~d oxygen levels in both light and dark bottles as well as in control samples.


'In the event of a lobe* mal furic ti on, the az ia&oa if ica ti on

( 4) of the Winkler Method shall be usea to measure DO levels.

a. Ichthvoplankton Ichthyoplankton samples shall be collected monthly (weather permitting) within the study area illustrated in Figure 3.1-1. Surface and near-bottom samples shall be collected at all stations. In adaition, mia-water samples shall be I

collectea at offshore stations where depth exceeds 30 ft.

at mean low water (MLW). Replicate samples shall be taken at selected stations.


Poniir grab sample'!which samples an area o.o~ 2 to a depth of approximately 15 cm. Most benthic organisms shall be identified to species. For specimens damaged in sampling, identification shall be to the lowest possible taxonomic level. The organisms shall be counted, dried, and weighed.

f. Blue Crab
  • Commercial crabbers shall be censused throughout the crabbing season (usually May through Noyember) by means of daily questionnaires which ask data on the number of pots checks, number of bushels of hard -

crab, and number of individual moulting crab taken. The numbers of soft crab, mating crab, and egg-bearing female crab observed in pot catches are also noted.

Additionally data on blue crab shall be collected monthly by interviewing and accompanying selected crabbers during their operations. Crab are also collected in the course of the fisheries *sampling programs.

g. Fish Fishes will be samples by seine, trawl, and gill net within the area illustrated in Figure 3.1-1. Sites shall be sampled on a biweekly to quarterly schedule (weather permitting) throughout the year. Appropriate stati6ns 3.1-13
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.and zones shall b~ampled during daylight an6t night.

Trawl hauls in the river zones shall be of 10-minute duration, 5 minutes in Sunken Ship Cove and 20 minutes in the river channel zon~s with a 16 ft. semi-balloon otter trawl. In the creeks they shall be of 5 minute duration with a 9 ft. semi-balloon otter trawl. Trawl hauls shall be made at a uniform spee.d, traveling with the tide. Seine collections shall be made parallel to the shore line. Seines may be used in combination and may include a 1/4 inch mesh, 25 ft. bag peine; a 1/4 inch mesh, 10 ft. flat seine; a 1/8 inch ~esh, 10 ft. flat seine; and a 1/2. inch mesh, 225 ft. seine. Fishes .. shall be identified and enumerated by species and representative subsamples shall be measured for length.

Gill nets shall be fished in the spring to sample popu-lations of anadromous fishes. Gill nets of stretched mesh sizes 5-1/2 inches and 3-1/8 inches shall be drifted after being set perpendicular to the current. Anadromous specimens shall be identified to species, ~exed, and


measured to the near es ,mill imeter.S,."


2. Terrestrial Studies Studies of the Terrestrial Environment shall include:
1. Seasonal monitoring (June through November, weather permitting) of nesting by the diamondback terrapin on Sunken Ship Cove Beach and . in reg ions outside the thermal plume.

3.1-14 l

,l f

~"'--..--- ------.------ - ---..----- -------

. e* .

  • and zones shall be sampled during daylight night.

Trawl hauls in the river zones shall be of 10-minute duration, 5 minutes in Sunken Ship Cove and 20 minutes in the river channel zones with a 16 ft. semi-balloon otter trawl. In the creeks they shall be of 5 minute duration with a 9 ft. semi-balloon otter trawl. Trawl hauls shall be made at a uniform speed, traveling with the tide. Seine collections shall be made parallel to the shore line. Seines may be used in combination and

  • may include a 1/4 inch mesh, 25 ft. bag ~eine; a 1/4 inch rneih, 10 ft. flat seine; a 1/8 inch mesh, 10 ft. flat seine; and a 1/2 inch mesh, 225 ft. seine. Fishes* shall be identified and enumerated by species and representative subsamples shall be measured for length.

Gill nets shall be fished in the spring to sample popu-lations of anadromous fishes. Gill nets of stretched mesh sizes 5~1/2 inches and 3-1/8 inches shall be drifted after being set perpendicular to the current. Anadromous specimens shall be identified to species, sexed, and measured to the nearest five millimeters."

2. Terrestrial Studies Studies of the Terrestrial Environment shall include:


1. Seasonal monitoring (June through November, weather permitting) of nesting by the diamondback terrapin on Sunken Ship Cove Beach and in regions outside the thermal plume.


' I' 2.


A monthly (weather permitting) bir~ s* ~ey in the area of Artificial Island.

3. Monitoring of occurrence and nesting of the osprey and southern bala eagle within a general 5-mile raaius of the station.


I "'4t

  • TABLE 3.1-1 WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS PARAMETERS mg/l as Parameter Residue, Total Nonfilterable (Suspended)

Residue, Total Volatile Ca Calcium, Total (Ca) Mg Magnesium, Total (Mg) Na Sodium, Total (Na) K Potassium, Total (K) Fe Iron, total (Fe) Cu Copper, total (Cu) Mn Manganese, Total (Mn) Zn Zinc, total (Zn) Cr Chromium, Total (Cr) N Nitrogen, Ammonia (N) N Kjeldahl Nitrogen (N)


~ni~£~ge,~6 1 ~ Si~ 2 Silica, Dis~olved (Si0 2 )

N Nitrogen, Nitrate Specific Conductance {urnhos/crn)

Turbidity (FTU) COD Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) TOC Organic . Carbon, Total (TOC)

Cl 2

  • chlorine Demand, 30 seconds Cl 2 Chlorine Demand, 3 minutes Chlorine Residual, ambient river, free available Cl 2 Chlorine.Residual, ambient river, combined Cl 2 BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Phenols Phenols **

co 2 Carbon Dioxide, Free (CO 2 )

Sulfide, Total (S) s DO Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

CaC0 Alkalinity, Phenolphthalein 3 Caco Alkalinity, Methyl Orange 3 pH p Total Phosphorus (P) 3.1-22

. .... """; ..*-. ..... --"-* *------~------------*-*-----------------------

~----*- - *-* . -* .

  • l TABLE 3.1-2


OF AQUATIC, TERRESTRIAL AND AERIAL SAMPLING PROGRAM Area Sampled Sampling Relative to Sample Method Frequency

  • Station (Mile 0)

Aauatic North South Phytoplankton Water bottles and Biweekly to to 7.5 mi. to 5.0 mi.

other gear as quarterly appropriate Zooplankton Metered filter pump Monthly 7.5 5.0 system fitted to plankton net Benthos Ponar grab Monthly to 4.5 5.0 bimonthly Blue Crab Trawl haul, Biweekly to 8.5 9.0 commercial quarterly crabbers Fisheries Seines (Estuary Biweekly to 6.5 4.0 monthly Trawls (Estuary) Biweekly to 8.5 9.0 monthly Trawls (Creek) Biweekly to 5.0 2.0 monthly Gill nets (E~tuary) Biweekly to 6.5 9.0 quarterly Seines (Creek) Biweekly to 5.0 o.o quarterly Ichthyoplankton Metered plankton Monthly 7.5 5.0 net Terrestrial and Aerial Diamondback Visual Seasonal o.o 3.0 Terrapin observations Birds Visual Biweekly to Within 3-5 mile observations quarterly radius of site

  • In the appropriate season,. weather permitting 3.1-23

,, I*

  • I
  • 4. 0 e


Objective To estimate the effect of rapid temperature and pressure changes in the Circulating Water system on ichthyoplankton and zoopl~nkton.

Specification Responses to short duration increases in temperature and pressure which closely approximate those in the Circulating Water Systems will be determined for the more common entrainable organisms in the vicinity of Artificial Island.

The following species of fishes and crustaceans will be tested (contingent upon their availability) : white perch, Morone americana; striped bass, Merone saxatilis; alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus; blu~back herring, Alosa aestivalis; scud, Gamrnarus sp.; opossum shrimp, Neomysis arnericana; sand shrimp, Cr angon septemspinosa; *and gr ass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio. Other species will be tested as they are available and as scheduling permits. Size range of test organisms will be between 2 and 50 mm (0.07 and 1.96 inches) total length.

Organisms will be considered acclimated to ambient field

  • conditions at their point of capture an*d will be held under similar conditions for at least 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> prior to 4.1-1

.._..... ------------***:-**~---- *--* **-** .. --

' I :testing, a period ~ich has been found more t~ sufficient to eliminate specimen~ in poor physical condition.

Larval fishes will be hatched in the laboratory under conditions similar to those in the spawning areas.

Tests will be conducted in a rigid transparent PVC apparatus in which the effects of temperature and pressure can be evaluated independently and concurrently.

Temperature will be measured with a standardized mercury 0

thermometer (precision, 0.5 C) within the test chamber and pressure with a Robertshaw test gauge (precision, 1/2 mm Hg) connected to the atmosphere in the test chamber.

Other variables monitored will include salinity, pH, and oxygen content. Salinity of the water will be measured with a sal inorneter (pr ec is ion, 0 .1 ppt) prior to testing.

Determination of pH will be made with a pH meter (precision, 0.1 pH unit) before testing. Oxygen content of the water will be verified with an oxygen meter (precision, 0.1 mg/l) prior to testing.

Test organisms and water will be collected simultaneously to. assure a water sample representative of the physical chemical parameters experienced by the test organism prior to its collection.

Test organisms will be exposed to various combinations of test conditions. Acclimation temperature will vary seasonally 0 0 0 within the range -5 to 30 C (4-1-86 F). Test salinities will 4.1-2

. : . ) ,.

' L

~ be e*

appropriate levels within the range 0 to l . p t , pH between 7.0 and 8.0, and oxygen content near air*saturation. Tem-o perature increases for test ortjanisms will be from 7.5 to 15 0 C (13.5-27 0 F) above ambient (acclimation). Test orgaDisms will be exposed to.pressure~ from 69 to 180 cm Hg absolute

(-1. 4 to 20. l ps ig) in a sequence simulating passage through the consenser cooling system.

A general control group will be placed in a holding container. ~*handling control will receive standard handling in the.apparatus, but will not be exposed to changes in either temperature or pressure. Test organisms will be exposed to one of three experimental conditions:

pressure changes only, temperature changes only, or both temperature and pressure changes concurrently. Observations will'be made on the test organisms during and immediately after testing and at appropriate intervals* through a 96-hour period to determine immediate and long-term effects.

These studies will be conducted for a peri6d of 1 year after

  • unit 1 becomes operational.

Reporting Requirements Results of these studies shall be reported in accordance wit-h Specification 5.6.1.

4. l-2a

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' )I 0 I I r.. pases These studies and subsequent data analyses will aid in determining whether the temperature and pressure conditions in the Circulating water system will have a deleterious effect on entrainable organisms.

4.1-3 I


"4.2.3 e*

TEMPERATURE AND CHEMICAL AVOIDANCE STUDIES The avoiaance aesign to be employed in these studies is a mooification of the design employed first by Shelford and

( 1)

Allee. In this modified design a control and a replicate are determined simultaneously. The apparatus is constructed such that, in thermal tests, water of differing temperatures flows into the opposing ends of a divided trough and then drains at the center. In chemical tests, various. concentrations of the compound are substituted for the temperature increas~. Due to the sharp gradient at the center drain the apparatus is effectively divided into quadrants. The water temperature (or chemical composition) is the same in diagonally opposed quadrants, but different in tho~e directly opposed. One set of diagonally opposed quadrants is designated as experimental, the other set as control. Temperatures in the directly opposed quadrants are increased in step gradients, with 0 0 the experimental quadrants being 3 to 5 F higher than the control quadrants. In the chemical tests, only the chemical concentration in the experimental quadrant is increased. Equal numbers of specimens are placed in each quadrant. The length of time spent by each specimen in each respective quadrant is continuously mea.sured over a 5- to 15-rninute test period. This results in a frequency distribution which is then analyzed by a ratio procedure to determine the significance of the response to the chemical 4.2-3

r I ?oncentration or t.erature increase. Tests ~in at ambient temperature ana continue through the step graaient until a significant avoiaance response is given in both subtroughs. Responses to chlorine (both free and combined states) will be determined. Responses to other chemical compounds will be determined as needed or r ecomrnended.

Oxygen and pH will be monitored throughout all tests. The precision of the oxygen measurements is 0.1 rng/l; that of pH is 0.1 pH unit. Free and combined chlorine residuals will be determined by amperometric titration or an equivalent method. The precision of these measurements is 0.01 ppm and the limit of 4.2-3a



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- S.1.1 The-implementation oe the surveillance programs external to the plant, including sampling, s~mple analysis, evalua-tion of results and the preparation of required reports is the responsibility of the Licensing and Environment Department in the Engineering and Construction Department. This Department is responsible for the assignment of personnel to the above functions, for assurance that appropriate written procedures, as described in Section 5.5.1, - are utilized in the surveillance program activities and for .. assuring the quality of surveillance progra~ results; as described in Section S.5.3.

S. l. 2 The Station Manager or his delegated alternate is re-sponsible for operating the plant in compliance with the limiting conditions for operation as specified in the Environmental Technical Specifications and for the in-plant monitoring necessary to ensure such operation. His re-sponsibility "includes assurance that plant activities are conducted in such a manner a~ to ptovide continuing pro-tection to the environment and that personnel performing such activities use appropriate written procedures as described in Section S.S.

5.1-1 I..

  • JSZQ;__ ~. "'.-~* - . . . . .,"'IM99, QPi. 'e'\ c; el_.,. *. ~ ... - Z -GSll A . ... _____, .._____.._..____ ~--~--~---------

5.2 Organization 5.2.1 Figure 5.2~1 identifies the corporate relationship between the Licensing and Environmental Department and the station Manager and also shows the organization of the Licensing and Enviromment Department. Figure 6.2.2 of the Radiological Safety Technical Specifications identifies the Production Department Station Organization.

5.2.2 *The Nuclear Review Board (NRBj and Station Operations Review Committee (SORC) are shown in Figure 5.2-1.

They are advisory groups to the Vice President -

Production and the station Manager respectively.

P77 24 20/48 5.2-1



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