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Submits 790710 News Release Re Future of Facility.No Final Decision Has Been Made
Person / Time
Site: 05000484
Issue date: 07/12/1979
From: Baxter T
To: Salzman R
NUDOCS 7908150383
Download: ML19242D531 (2)




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s AMES YMOM AS LENMa#T July 12, 1979 a sso, aOmsTTE D sse O. C.

Richard S. Sal: man, Esquire Ivan W. Smith, Esquire Chairman Chairman Atomic Safety and Licensing Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc= mission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555 In the Matter of Northern States Power Company, et al.

(Tyrone Energy Park, Unit 1)

Docket No. STN 50-484 Centlemen-Please find enclosed a copy of a news relea- issued on July 10, 1979, by Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, with respect to the future of Tyrone Energy Park and the recommendation which the Company's Board of Directors has made to its wholly owned subsidiary, Northern States Power Company, a Wisconsin corporation.

We will keep you advised of any further developments wnich change the status of the Tyrone E:1ergy Park project.

Respectfully submitted, A /

Thomas A. Baxter Counsel for Acplicants TAB:iah Enclosure

-A cc: Service List b'w M # '

79081502&y 8

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ET AL. ) Docket No. STN 50-484


(Tyrone Energy Park, Unit 1) )

SERVICE LIST Richard S. Salran, Esqaire, Chai=an Peter A. Peshek, Escuire Atric Safety and Licensing Appeal Ecard State Public In e mncr -

U.S. N'rlear Regulatcrf Carcission 114 East, State Capitcl Washingten, D.C. 20555 Madiscn, Wisconsin 53702 Michael C. Farra , Esqaire Atric Safety a:xi Licensirg Appeal Scard Mr. Thras Galacen U.S. 2,tclear Regulatcry Carcissicn Ecute 2, Scx 64 Wah i gren, D.C. 20555 Turtle lake, Wisconsin 54889 Dr. W. R ed Johnson Jccelyn Par wangler Clsen, Escuire Atric Safety and Licensing Anceal Scard Srecit. Assistant Attorney Gene-al U.S. Nuclear Regulatcry Carcissicn Minnesota Pollution Agency Washing n , D.C. 20555 If35 W. Country Pcad 32 Reseville, Minnescta 55113 Ivan t' Snie , Esqaire, Chai.ran Atcrea.c 3afety and Lice-sirg hd Richard Ihrig, Escuire U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Ccercission c/c William Mitchell Ccliege of L2w Washington, D.C. 20555 875 Su:rit Avenue St. Paul, Mimescta 55105 Cr. George C. A-derscn Oceancgraphy reparrent, WB-10 Michael J. Cain, Esquire University of Washing = Bureau of Lecal Serrices Seattle, Washingtcn 98195 Cepar ent of Natural Re ;curces 3cx 7921 Mr. Laster Fcrnblid, Jr. Madison, Wisccasin 53707 Accntic Safety and Licensing Scard U.S. Nuclear Regulatcry Ccnrcissicn Steven M. Sc'- _, Esqaire Washing:cn, D.C. 20555 Chief Counse.

Public Se-vice Ccnrciscicn of Wisccnsin Stephen H. Lewis, Esquira ui ' l Farc State Cffice Buildi.g Office of de Executive Legal Die- 4802 Shebcygan Avenue U.S. Nuclear Regulatcry Carissicn M

  • mn, Wiscensin 53702 Washington, D.C. 20555 Mr. Stanley Cider Cccketi .g arxi Service Secticn J c/c Durand Pcst aster Office of de Secrecar! ?frcne, Wisconsin 54726 U.S. 2.tclear Regulatcrj Ccrrissicn Nashington, D.C. 20555 o

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Beth Allen gg,c2 Communications Representative V

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'10-79 7-NSP CLARIFIZS .

TYRONE FUTURE Donald W. McCarthy, Northern States Power Co. (NSP) board chairman and president, said today that no final decision has been made en the future cf the Tyrene Er.ergy Park nuclear plant proposed for western Wisccnsin.

Clarif"1ing a Julv. 10 Minneapolis Tribune article, McCarthy .

noted tha* che final decision rests with the co-cwners of the proposed 1,10C-megawatt pcwer plant. Those cwners are. NSP-u scensin of Eau Claire, W :. s c . ; Dairyland Pcwer Cooperative of La Crosse, Wisc.; Cocperative Power Associaticr of Edina, Minn.:

and Lake Superior Distric Power Cc. cf Ashland, Wisc.

McCarthy said, "The future of the facility has been under study since the Wisccnsin Publ:.c Service Commission denied the prcject's a pplic a t :.c n for a certiricate of need last " arch. . (That decision has been appealed by the co-owners in Eau Claire County Circuit Cour t . )

"The main concern in evalua ting the prc;ect "as been the .

prospects for 1 cencing and *_he plant into serv _ce when s ,

it's needed to serve the cc-cwners' custcmers, he added. .



McCarthy noted that NSP-Minnesota's Board of Directors has recommended that the NSP-Wisconsin's board authorize that ccmcanv.'s management to proceed with negotiations with the other co-cwners concerning the prcject's cancellation.

"During the past four months," McCarthy centinued, "NSP-Wisconsin, in accordance with the Wisccasin commission's order, has been study ing the possibility of a coal-fired unit to meet future elec-tric needs if the T"1rane project is not pursued. An advance plan cn future generating plants recently filed by the ccm,rany includes this proposal." (NSP-Wisconsin is a wholl.v cwned subsidiarv. of NSP-Minnesota.)

The Tyrone project's co-owners are expected to meet in late ,

July. A decisicn is expected at that time, McCarthy said.

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