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June 05000390-08-301 Exam Final Combined Ro/Sro Written Exam with Kas, Answers, & References (Part 1 of 2)
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 06/03/2008
Download: ML081900150 (56)

See also: IR 05000390/2008301


Final Submittal

(Blue Paper)



Watts Bar Nuclear Plant

NRC Initial License Written Examination - 2008

Master Examination

Please note: The following 81 pages are the Master Examination copy for

the RO portion of the examination, including the answer key and distractor

analysis data.

RO Watts B ar 2008 NRC In itial Licens e Exam


Question Number:

KIA : 000007 EK3.01

Reactor Trip - Sta bilization - Recovery

Know ledge of the reasons for the following as the( y) apply to a reactor trip: Actions contained in EOP for

reactor trip.

Tier : 1 RO Imp : 4.0 RO Exam : Yes Cognitive Level: HIGH

Group: 1 SRO Imp: 4.6 SRO Exam: Yes Source : NEW

App licable 10CFR55 Section : 41 5/4 1.10/45 .6/451 3

Learning Objective : 3-0T-EOPOOOO Objecti ve 9: Discuss the basis for monitoring RCS temp using T-cold

when no RCPs are runn ing as directed by ES-0 .1.

References : ES-0.1 Rev. 21.

Question :

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Off-Site powe r is lost.
  • All other equipme nt has func tioned as designed.

Upon entering ES-0.1, Step 3 directs the operators to monitor for RCS temperature trending to 55T F.

Which temperature indication will the operators use and why?

A. Tavg, to ensure adequate RCS heat removal is occurring.

B. Tavg, to check for natural circula tion established .

C. Tcold, to ensure adequate RCS heat removal is occurring.

D. Tcold, to check for natural circulation established .


a. Incorrect. Plausible, since Tavg is a commonly used indication for man y aspec ts of transients, but in

this case, with a loss of offs ite power, there is no power to the RCPs , and ther efore Tavg is not a

reliable indication. Cand idate correctly recognizes that the reason for monitoring RCS tem perature at

SST F is to ensure adequate heat removal is occurring.

b. Incorrect. Plausible, since Tavg is a common ly used indicat ion for many aspects of transients, but in

this case, with a loss of offsite power, there is no power to the RCPs, and therefore Tavg is not a

reliab le indication. Checking for natural circulation is plausible since this is a goal of the proc edure, but

only towards the end, and is not the specific reason .

c. CORRECT. Tcold is the correct indication to use, per ES-0.1, and because there are no RCPs in

service, Tcold is the most accurate indication.

d. Incorrect. Plausib le, since Tcold is the correct indication to use , since there are no RCPs in service.

Checking for natural circul ation is plausible since this is a goal of the procedure, but only towards the

end, and is not the specific reason.

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC Init ial Licen se Exam


Question Nu mber: 2

KIA: 000009 EK2.03

Knowledge of the inte rrelations between the small break LOCA and the following : S/G s.

Tier : 1 RO Imp: 3.0 RO Exam: Yes Cognitive Level: HIGH

Group: 1 SRO Imp: 3.3 SRO Exam: Yes Source: DC COOK 2006 , SIG MOD

Ap plic abl e 10CFR55 Section : 41.7 /45.7

Learn ing Obje ctive: 3-0T-EOP0001 Objec tive 12: Discus s the purpose of ES-1.2 Post LOCA Cooldow n

and Depressurizat ion.

References : ES-1.2, Rev . 14.

Qu estion :

Given the follow ing plant condi tions:

  • A 200 gpm RCS leak is in progress .

Containment pressure is stable at 3 psig.

For these plant conditions, what is the MINI MUM S/G water level required in at least one S/G and why?

A. 29% . Ensures adeq uate feedwater flow or S/G inventory to ens ure a seconda ry heat sink .

B. 39% . Ensures S/G tubes are covered in order to promote reflux cooling .

C. 29%. Ensures S/G tubes are covered in order to promote reflux cooling .

D. 39%. Ensures adequate feedwater flow or S/G inventory to ensu re a seco nda ry heat sink.


a. Incorr ect. Candidate correct ly understands that a Small Break LOCA is in progress (bas ed on the

given RCS leak rate). Cand idate also realizes that for this size LOCA, the S/G is important becaus e it

provides the needed heat sink. However, cand idate fails to recognize that containment is in the

adve rse condition, and apply this knowledge to conclud e that 29% is too low to ensure an adequ ate

heat sink.

b. Incorrect. Can didate recognizes the correct minimum level for adverse conta inment, but incorre ctly

believes that reflu x cooling is need ed for heat remo val.

c. Incorr ect. Cand idat e fails to realize tha t conta inment conditions are adverse, and select s the inco rrect

required S/G level. Also incorrectly believes that reflux cooling is the heat removal mechanism for a

LOCA this size.

d. CORRECT . Candidate realizes that a containment pressur e of 3.0 psig mean s adv erse condition s

(which requir es 39% minimum level in the S/G ), and that the mechan ism for heat remo val is via the

S/G .

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC In itial License Exam


Question Number: 3

KIA: 000015/17 AK 1.04

Knowledge of the opera tional implications of the following conce pts as they apply to Reactor Coolant Pump

Malfunctions (Loss of RC Flow): Basic steady state thermody namic relationship between RCS loops and

S/Gs resulting from unbalanced RCS flow .

Tier: RO Imp: 3.0 RO Exam:Yes Cognitive Level : HIGH

Group: SRO Imp : 4.0 SRO Exam: Source : NEW

Applicable 10CFR55 Section: 41.8/41 .10/45.3

Learning Objective:


Question :

Given the following :

  • Unit 1 at 22% reactor power.
  • RCP #1 trips due to a bearing failure.

Which ONE of the following identifies the immediate effect that the RCP trip will have on Loop 1

C. T AND on SG #1 level?

Loop 1 \ T S/G #1 Level

A. Decreases Increases

B. Increases Increases

C. Decreases Decreases

D. Increases Decreases


a. Incorrect. The response of the delta T stated is correct. SG level respo nse is incorrect. SG level

decreases due to the shrink associated with the temperature reduction.

b. Incorrect. Both the delta T and SG level responses are incorrect.

c. CORRECT. Tavg (affect ed loop) dec reases to Tcold due to backflow in the loop caused by the delta P

across the reactor vessel. Delta T (affected loop) decreases due to reduction in steam generation in the

loop. Tavg (unaffected loops ) remains the same . Delta T (unaffected loops ) becomes larger. SG # 1

level drops due to "shrink" associated with the temperature reduction.

d. Incorrect. The respon se of the delta T stated is incorrect. SG level respons e is correct. SG level

decreases due to the shrink associated with the temperature reduction .

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC Initial License Ex am


Question Numb er : 4

KIA: 0000 22 G2.4 .31

Loss of Reactor Coolant Makeup

Knowledge of annunciator alarms , indications , or response proced ures .

Tier: 1 RO Imp : 4.2 RO Exam : Yes Cogn it ive Level : HIGH

Group : 1 SRO Imp : 4.1 SRO Exam : Yes Source: DC COOK 2006 , SIG


Applicabl e 10CFR55 Section : 41 .10 /45 .3

Learning Objective : Lesson Plan 3-0 T-SYS062A. Objectives 10 Explain the VCT level progr am , and 12.

Explain the automat ic actuation logic and interlocks associated with the VCT outl et valves , FCV-62-132 and

133 and the CCP suction valves from the RWST , FCV-62-135 and 136.

Refere nces: ARI 109-A VCT LEVEL HIILO, Rev. 15.

Question :

Given the following plant conditions:

  • The Unit is at 45%.
  • Letdown is in servic e at 120 gpm per Chemistry requ est.

The OAC observes the following indications on 1-M-6:

VCT level is 38% and decreasing.

  • 1-LCV-62-118 indicating light is LIT for Divert to Holdup Tank .

Assuming NO operat or actions . and based on these indications, actual VCT level will lowe r to...

A. a level which will cause eventual loss of CCP suction .

B. a level which will cause a swapover to the RWST.

C. 20% and cause auto makeup flow to mainta in 20% level.

D. 20% and cause auto make up flow to return level to 41%.


a. CORRECT. A failure of 1-LT-62-130 high causes letdown to divert to the Holdu p Tank . Auto VCT

makeup attempts to control VCT level between 20% and 41 % (makeup will not keep up with 120 gpm

letdown). Eventually, the VCT level lowers to the RWST switchover setpoint of 7%. With 1-LT-62-130

failed high , the coincidence for switchover will not be made up and level continues lowering to 0%. At

this time suction is lost to the charging pump and it will trip.

b. Incorrect. The auto swapover signa l requires multiple inpu ts. With 1-LT-62-130 failed high. swapover

does not occur. Plausible if candidate does not remembe r swapover logic.

c. Incorrect. VCT Make up is not sufficien t to replace the 120 gpm lost throu gh diversion to the Holdup

Tank. Plausible if candidate does not remember that auto makeup tlowrate is appro ximat ely 70 gpm

plus any boron. Distractor implies that makeup flow is sufficient to stabilize level once it started .

d. Incorrect VCT Makeup is not sufficient to replace the 120 gpm lost through diversion to the Holdup

Tan k. Plausible if candidate does not remember that auto makeup Ilow rate is approximately 70 gpm

plus any boron . Distractor implies that the makeup flow is greater than the 120 gpm, causing VCT

level to rise.

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.:=.- == . .=...**

RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC In itial License Exam


Qu estion Number : 5

K/A : 000025 AK3 .02

Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to the Loss of Residua l Heat Removal

System : Isolation of RHR low-pressure piping prior to pressure increase above specified level.

Tier: 1 RO Imp: 3.3 RO Exam: Yes Cognitive Level: HIGH

Group: 1 SRO Imp: 3.7 SRO Exam: Yes Source: NEW

Applicable 10CFR55 Section : 41 .5/41 .10/45.6/45 .13

Learning Objective: 3-0 T-AO I1400 , Objective 7 Demonstrate ability/knowledge of AOI, to correc tly:

a. Respond to Action steps, b. Respond to Notes & Cau tions.

References : AO I- 14, Rev. 34: ARI -109-11 5, Rev 15


Given the following plant conditions:

,If. ~~

  • Unit is in Mode's.,On*RHR cooling with Train A in service in normal alignment.
  • RCS conditions initially are:
  • Temperature at 220°F.
  • Pressure at 330 psig.
  • Pressurizer level at 30% .
  • A transient occurs causing the RCS pressure to start rising and the crew enters AO I-14, Loss of

Shutdown Cooling . The crew also notes the following annunciator is LIT :

  • Annu nciator 113E , RHR SUCT FCV-74-1, 2, 8, 9 OPEN & HI PRESS.

In response to increasi ng RCS pressure, which ONE of the following ident ifies:

(1) Why the Hot leg Loop 4 RHR suction valves , l -FCV-74-1 and l -FCV-74-2, are directed to be closed ?


(2) What are the implicatio ns of Annunciator 113E being LIT?

A. (1) To protect the RHR low pressure suction piping.

(2) At leas t one of the valves failed to close automatically when pressure reached setpo int.

B. (1) To protect the RHR low pressure suction piping.

(2) With the valve s closed , at least one of the valves could NOT be reopened .

C. (1) To ensure available ECCS makeup capacity is not exceeded if suction relief valv e opens.

(2) At least one of the valves failed to close automatically when pressure reached setpoi nt.

D. (1) To ensure available ECCS makeup capac ity is not exceed ed if suction relief valve opens.

(2) With the valves closed, at least one of the valves cou ld NOT be reopened .


a. Incorrect. The valves are closed to protect the RHR low pressure suction piping, howe ver the valves

do not close automati cally on high pressure. Plausible because the reaso n for closing the valves is

correct and high pressure did automatica lly close the valves prior to the signal rem oval. High pressure

with one of the valves open would cause the alarm.

b. CORRECT . The valves are closed to protect the RHR low pressure suction piping . If the valves are

closed and 113E annunciator is lit, then eithe r a power supply is open or a pressure switch is failed,

affecting the ability to re-open one of the valves.

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC Initial License Exam


c. Incorrect. The reason identified for closing the valves is not correct and the valves do not close

automatically on high pressur e. Plausible because in Mode 4 the ECCS pump s availa ble for injection

is reduced (1CCP and both SIPs out of service) . High pressure did automatically close the valves prior

to the signal removal and high pressure with one of the valves open would cause the alarm.

d. Incorrect. The ability to reopen one of the valves is affected if the alarm is in; however , the reason

identifi ed for closing the valv es is not correct. Plausible beca use the ability to reopen one of the valves

is affected and in Mode 4 the ECCS pump s available for injec tion is reduced (1CC P and both SIPs out

of servic e).

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC In itial Li ce nse Exam


Question Number: 6

KIA: 000026 AA1 .02

Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to the Loss of Component Cooling Wat er:

Loads on the CCWS in the cont rol room.

Ti er : 1 RO Imp: 3.2 RO Exam: Yes Cognitive Level: LOW

Group : 1 SRO Imp: SRO Exam: Yes Source : NEW

Applicabl e 10CFR55 Sectio n : 41.7,45.5

Learn ing Obj ect iv e: 3-0T-AOI1500 Objective 18 Correctly locate all control room controls and indications

associated with the Component Cooling System.

References : AOI -15, Rev. 31, ARI-241-253, Rev 9, Drawing 147W859-1 (B4).

Question :

Given the following plant cond itions :

  • Unit 1 is ope rating at 100% power.

The Component Cooling System (CCS) is in its norma l full power alignm ent.

Which of the following indications is abnormal and requires changing plant conditions to compensa te for the


A. #4 RCP Thermal Barrier Flow - 40 gpm .

B. #4 RCP Lowe r Oil Cooler Flow - 9 gpm .

C. 1A ESF Header Supp ly Flow - 1500 gpm .

D. 1B ESF Header Supp ly Flow - 5500 gpm.


a. Incorrect. Plausible, since the candi date must recall the normal range for Upper Oil Cooler Flow is 40-

50 gpm .

b. Incorrect. Plausible, since the cand idate must recall the normal range of 5-10 gpm per RCP.

c. COR RECT . For the stated alignment, the flow rate through the 1A ESF Header shou ld be -100 gpm.

A flow rate of 1500 gpm would be indicat ive of a leak. and would require that the leak be isolated and A

Train components placed in STOP -Pull-to-Iock.

d. Incorrect. Plausible, since the candidate must recall the normal flow shou ld be between 5000 -6000


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RO Watt s Bar 2008 NRC Ini ti al Lice nse Ex am


Quest ion Number: 7

KJA: 000027 AA2 .02

Ability to determine and interpr et the following as they apply to the Pressurizer Pressure Control

Malfunctions: Normal values for RCS pressure .

Tier : RO Imp: 3.8 RO Ex am : Yes Cognitive Level: HIGH

Group : SRO Imp: 3.9 SRO Exam: Yes Sou rce : NEW

Appl icabl e 10CFR55 Sectio n : 43.5/45 .13

Learning Objectiv e: Lesson Plan 3-0 T-SYS068C Objective 8: Describe the operation of the master

pressure controller.

Lesson Plan 3-0T-SYS099A, Objec tive 17: Identify the Reactor trips and give setpo ints and list logic

required for the Reactor trips .

References : AO I-18. Rev. 21.

Question :

Given the following plant condi tions :

  • A power escalation is in progress.
  • Plant is currently holding powe r at 30% for a secondar y chemistry hold .
  • Pressurizer Pressure Channel Selector Switch 1-XS-68-340 D is in the "PT-68-340 & 334" position.
  • Pressurizer Pressure Transmitter 1-PT-68-340 fails HIGH.

(1) What action is required to stabilize RCS pressure at its normal value ?


(2) If that action was unsuccessful, what will ensure that adequate departure from nucleate boiling ratio

(DNBR ) is maintained ?

A. (1) Manual ly incre asing the master controller output.

(2) Automatic Reactor trip when Pressurizer pressure lowers to SI initiation setpoint.

B. (1) Manually increasing the master controller output.

(2) Automatic Reactor trip when Pressurizer pressu re lowers to RPS trip setpoint.

C. (1) Manuall y decreasing the mast er controller output.

(2) Automatic Reacto r trip when Pressur izer pressure lowers to SI initiatio n setpoint.

D. (1) Manually decreasing the master controller output.

(2) Autom atic Reactor trip when Pressurize r pressur e lowers to RPS trip setpoint.


a. Incorrect. Increasing the maste r controller output maintains the spray valves open , worsening the

transient. Second part is correct. With power at 30% , the low Pressu rizer pressure trip is enabled.

b. Incorrect. Increasing the mas ter contro ller output maintains the spray valves open , worse ning the

transient. Low pressure trip is enabled by P-7, with reactor power > 10% (P-10) or turb ine load > 10%


c. Incorrect. Manually decre asing the output of the master cont roller closes the spray valves and turns on

PZR heaters, stopping the pres sure reduction . The reactor would trip prior to the initiation of the SI.

d. COR RECT. Manua lly decrea sing the output of the master controller closes the spray valves and turns

on PZR heaters, stopping the pressure reduction. Low pres sure trip is ena bled by P-7 , with reactor

power > 10% (P-10) or turbine load > 10% (P-13) .

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC Initial License Exam


Question Number : 8

KIA : 000038 G2.2.4 0

Stearn Generator Tube Ruptur e

Ability to apply Technical Specificat ions for a system .

Tier: 1 RO Imp: 3.4 RO Exam: Yes Cognitive Level: HIGH

Group: 1 SRO Imp: 4.7 SRO Exam: Yes Source: NEW

Applicable 10CFR55 Section : 41.1 0/43 .2/43 .5/4 5 .3

Learning Objective: 3-0T-TS0307 . Objec tive 3: Given plan t conditio ns and parameters, correctly

determine the OPERABILITY of comp onent s associated with diff erent Plan t System s in Section 7 of

Techni cal Specifications .

References : E-3, Rev. 22; WBN Tech Spec Section 3.4 Reac tor Coola nt System; 3.7 Plant Systems.


Given the followin g plant conditions:

  • A steam gen erator tube rupture is in progress.
  • The Chemi stry Lab has just inform ed the crew that the activity leve ls in #1 SIG are high , and that

samp le values have been confirmed.

  • The crew is implem enting E-3, STE AM GENERATO R TUBE RUPTURE .

As a result of actions directed by E-3, which ONE of the following requires entr y into a Technical

Specification Action statement?

A. Adjusting the # 1 SG POR V controller setpoint to 90%.

B. Closi ng the #1 SG MSI V.

C. Closing the TO AFW pump steam supp ly valve from #1 SG .

O. Cooling down to target incore temp erature of 479°F at the maximum rate.


a. Incorr ect. Plau sible, since the action is taken in E-3, but adjusting the setpoint on the SG PORV

controller to 90% doe s not render the POR V inoperable.

b. Incorrect. Plaus ible, since the action is taken in E-3, but closing the MSIV does not render the MSIV

inoperabl e

c. CO RRECT. The closure of the TO AFWP steam sup ply valve require s LCO 3.7.5 entry .

d. Incorr ect. Plausible, since the initial coold own is not greater than 100°F in an hour, but it is

acco mplished at maximum rate.

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC Initial Lic ens e Exa m


Question Number: 9

KIA: 000040 (W/E12) EA2.2

Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the (Uncontroll ed Depressurization of all

Steam Generators): Adherence to appropriate procedure s and operation within the limitations in the facility's

license and amendments.

Tier: RO Im p: 3.4 RO Exam : Yes Co g nitiv e Le ve l : HIGH

Group: SRO Imp : 3.9 SRO Exam: Yes So urce: NEW

Applicable 10CFR55 Section : 43. 5/45 .13

Learn ing Objective : 3-0 T-ECA0201, Objective: Describe the major actions of ECA-2.1 , Uncontrolled

Depressu rization of all Steam generators.

Referenc es : ECA-2.1, Rev. 9.

Qu estion:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 is initially in Mode 3 preparing for a reactor startup .
  • A steam leak downstream of the MSIV s requiring safety injec tion has occu rred .
  • Ope rators are unable to close any MSIV from the Con trol Room.
  • The applicable EOP has directed MSIV closure .
  • Attempt s to isolate an MSIV from the Auxiliary Control Room have been unsuccessful.

Which ONE of the following describes:

(1) The actions required by the procedure in effect,


(2) When that action has been taken, how will the control room operator know it was successful?

A. (1) Dispatch operator to locally isolate and bleed off the control air to the MSIVs.

(2) Requires local verification of MSIV closure.

8 (1) Dispatch operato r to locally isolate and bleed off the control air to the MSIVs.

(2) Main control room operator notes GREEN light above MSIV control switches is LIT .

C (1) Dispatch operator to attempt MSIV closure by pulling control power fuses.

(2) Requires local verification of MSIV closure.

D. (1) Dispatch operator to attempt MSIV closu re by pulling control power fuses.

(2) Main control room operator notes GRE EN light above MSIV control switches is LIT .


a. Incorrect. Plausible, since candidate may think that , as with various othe r valves in the plant, isolating

control air caus es the valve to close. However , in this case, the MSIVs have an accumu lator which

maintains the valves in position for a period of time. Additionally, this is not the presc ribed action per

the appropriate procedu re in use for these conditions.

b. Incorrect. Plausible, since candidate may think that, as with various other valves in the plant , isolating

control air causes the valve to close. However , in this case, the MSIVs have an accumulator which

mainta ins the valves in position for a period of time. Further plausib ility is due to the correct method of

determining the local action was successful (GREEN light lit in main control room).

c. Incorrect. Plausible, since the action is correct, altho ugh local verification of valve position is not

required by proced ure.

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RO Wat ts Bar 2008 NRC Initial License Ex am


d. CORR ECT . This is the corre ct action per the procedu re. and the GREEN light above each hands witch

in the main contro l room will ind icate actual MSIV position .

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RO Walls Bar 2008 NRC Initial License Exam


Question Number: 10

K/A : 000055 EA1.01

Ability to operate/mo nitor the following as they apply to a Station Blackout: In-core thermocouple


Tier: RO Imp: 3.7 RO Exam: Yes Cognitive Level: Low

Group : SRO Imp : 3.9 SRO Exam: Yes Source : NEW

Applicable 10CFR55 Section : 41 .7/45.5/45. 6

Learning Objective : 3-0 T-ECAOOOO, Objective 8: Given a set of plant conditions, use ECA-O.O, ECA-0 .1,

and ECA-0.2 to correctly diagnose and implement: Action Steps , RNO s, Notes and Cautions.

References: ECA-O .O, Rev. 19.

Question :

Unit 1 is in Mode 3 following a loss of offsite power and the failure of both the Unit 1 diesel gener ato rs to


Which ONE of the following identifies how the MCR crew will monitor Core Exit Thermo coupl es and the

effect on the post accide nt monitor ing (PAM ) instrumentation Tech Spec LCO for Core Exit Temp erature ?

A. Plasm a displays on the control board.

PAM Tech Spec LCO entry is required .

B. Plasma disp lays on the control board.

PAM Tech Spec LCO entry is NOT required.

C. Integrated Compu ter System (ICS) since the plasma displays on the control board will be unavailable.

PAM Tech Spec LCO entry is required.

D. Integrated Computer System (ICS) since the plasma displays on the control board will be unavailable.

PAM Tech Spec LCO entry is NOT required.


a. Incorrect. The plasma displays would be available during the blackout , but no PAM instrume ntation

LCO entry would be required. Plausible because the candidate could conclud e that the LCO entry

would be required due to the loss of power.

b. CORRECT. The plasma displays would be available during the blackout. The plasma displ ays are

PAM instruments and no PAM instru mentation LCO entry would be requi red.

c. Incorrect. The use of the ICS would not be required because the plasma displays wo uld be available

during the blackout, therefore no PAM instrumentation LCO entry would be required . Plausible

beca use the candidate could conclude that the LCO entry would be requir ed with the plasma display


d. Incorrect. The use of the ICS would not be required because the plasma displays would be available

during the blackout. Additionally, the second part of the distractor is correct in that no PAM

instrumentation LCO entry would be required. Plausible because the cand idate could conclude that

the LCO entry would not be required but conclude that the plasm a display would be unavailable .

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC Initial License Exam


Question Number: 11

KIA: 000057 AK3 .01

Know ledge of the reasons for the followin g respon ses as the y apply to the Loss of Vital AC Instrum ent Bus

Act ions contained in EOP for loss of vita l ac electri cal instrument bus .

Tier: 1 RO Imp : 4.1 RO Exam: Yes Cogn itive Level : HIGH

Group : 1 SRO Imp: 4.4 SRO Exam : Yes Source: NEW

App li cable 10CFR55 Section : 41.5/41 .10/45 .6/45 .13

Learni ng Objective : Lesson Plan 3-0 T-AOI2500, Objective1 : Demon strate ability to recognize a loss of

any 120V AC Vital Power Bd , including effects on equi pment and controls (SO ER 81-02) .

Referen ces : AOI-2 5.01, LOSS OF 120V AC VITAL INSTRUMENT POWE R BOAR DS 1-1AND 2-1, Rev. 27,

Appendi x A and C.

Que stion :

Given the following plant cond itions:

  • Unit 1 is at 100% power.

Alarms received indica te that an electrical board has failed.

  • All trip status lights are OFF on Panel 1-XX-55-5 (on 1-M-5).

Which ONE of the following identifies (1) which elec trical board failed and (2) the reason that manipulation of

controls in the Au xiliary Con trol Room (AC R) is required?

(1) (2)

A. 120 VAC Vital Instrum ent Board 1-1. AC R Auxiliary Feedwater Con trollers for S/G 3 and 4

have swapped to MANUAL and require adjustment

to ensure an operable heat sink is maintain ed .

B. 120 VAC Vital Instrument Board 1-11. ACR Au xiliary Feedwater Controllers for S /G 1 and 2

have swapped to MANUAL and requ ire adjustment

to ensure an ope rable heat sink is ma intained.

C. 120 VAC Vital Instrument Board 1-1. 1-FCV-62-93 and 1-FCV-62 -89 have failed OPEN and

related cont rols must be taken to the AU X position to

reestabli sh charging and RCP seal flows.

D. 120 VAC Vital Instru ment Board 1-11. 1-FCV-62- 93 and 1-FCV-62-89 have failed OP EN and

related controls must be taken to the AUX position to

reestab lish cha rging and RCP seal flows .


a. Incorrect. The board failure is correct , and the ACR AFW controllers do swap to MANUAL but the

SG AFW controllers are incorrect (Board 1-1 would shift controllers for S /G 1 and 2).

b. Incorrect. The board failure is incorr ect , and the AC R AFW controll ers do swa p to MAN UAL but the

SG AFW controllers are incorrect (Board 1-1 1would shift controllers for S /G 3 and 4).

c. CORR ECT . AO I-25 .01 stat es that the listed flow control valves will fail OPEN, and Appendi x C .

Alternate Control of Letdown and Char ging spec ifica lly addr esses placi ng the trans fer switches for 1-

FCV-6 2-93 and 1-FCV-62-89 in the AU X position on Panel 1-L-1 1B and 1-L-11 A respectively.

d. Incorrect. The boa rd failure is incorrect, and the fail positions of the flow control valves are incorrect.

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RO Watts Ba r 2008 NRC Initial Li ce nse Ex am


Qu estion Number: 12

KIA: 000 058 AK1.01

Knowledge of the operational implications of the follo wing concepts as they apply to Loss of DC Power:

Battery charger equipment and instrumentation.

Tier: RO Imp : 2.8 RO Exam: Yes Cognitive Level: High

Gro up : SRO Imp: 3.1 SRO Exam: Yes Source : SQN MODIFIED

Applicable 10CFR55 Section : 41.8/41 .10/45.3

Learn ing Obj ect ive : 3-0 T-SYS057P, Objective 1: Describ e the 125v Vital, 250v, 48v and 24v battery

systems in terms of the following :

d. Location and normal and altern ate supplies to associated batte ry chargers.

f. Normal and alternate supp lies to battery boards.

g. Typical feeds from battery boards.

Refer enc es: 45W70 0-1, Rev 24.

Qu estion:

Given the follow ing plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 is at 100% power with no Tech Spec LCO Actions in effect.
  • The 125 V DC Power System is normally aligned with the exception of the 6-S Vital Battery

Charge r being aligned to the 125v Vital Battery Board II due to scheduled maintenance on

the 125v Vital Charger II.

  • Offsite power is lost.
  • All diesel generators start and load except for the 2B-B diese l gene rato r which FAILS to

start .

Which ON E of the follow ing identifies the condition of the 125V Vital DC batte ries II and IV?

(Assume NO oper ator action is taken .)

A. Battery II is being maintained at normal voltage.

Battery IV is discha rging.

B. Battery IV is being maintained at normal voltage .

Batte ry II is discharg ing.

C. Both batte ries are being maintained at norma l voltage.

D. Both batteries are discharging .


a. COR RECT. Battery Board II has no power from an AC source and therefore Battery II is

discharging. Battery IV has no power since 2B-B DG, and therefore is not dischar ging .

b. Incorrec t. Based on 1-45W700-1, the 6-S charger receives power from 480V RX MOV

board 1B2-B. The failure of 1B-B DG results in a loss of power to the charger, and Battery II

is discha rging. Battery IV is powered from 2B-B DG through its normal feed and norma l


c. Incorrect. Battery Board II has no power from an AC source , and therefore Batte ry II is

discharging . Battery IV has power from 2B-B DG, and therefore is not discharging .

d. Incorrect. Battery Board II has no powe r from an AC source and therefore Battery II is

discharging . Battery IV has power from 2B-B DG, and therefore is not discharging.

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC In itial Licens e Exa m


Question Number : 13

KIA: 000062 AA2.02

Ability to determine and interpret the followin g as they apply to the Loss of Nuclear Service Wat er: The

cause of poss ible SWS loss.

Tier: 1 RO Imp: 2.9 RO Exam : Yes Cognitive Level: HIGH

Group: 1 SRO Imp: 3.6 SRO Exam: Yes Source : WBN BANK

Appl icable 10CFR55 Section : 43.5/45 .13

Learni ng Objective: 3-0T-AOI 1300 , Objective 5: Identify the general location of a rupture given a low hdr

pressure coincident with no strainer high :\P.



Given the following plant conditions :

  • The Unit is at 100% powe r.

ERCW system is in normal alignm ent.

The following MCR alarms are LIT on 1-M-27A:

  • Window 223-C , "ERCW HDR 1A STRA INER ,'\ P HI".
  • Window 223-8 , "ERCW PMP A-A Discharge Pressure Low".
  • Window 226-B, "ERCW PMP D-A Discharge Pressure Low".

Which ON E of the followi ng describes what has occ urred in the 1A ERCW header?

A. Supply heade r has ruptured in the Auxiliary Building.

B. Discharge header has ruptured in the Auxiliary Building.

C. Suppl y header has ruptur ed upstream of the 1A strainer.

D. Supply header has ruptured betw een the IPS and Auxiliary Bldg .


a. Incorrect. Plausib le if the candidate confuses the diagn ostics for a break in the Auxi liary Building . Per

AOI-13 , symptoms of a supp ly line break in the Auxiliary Building include a building flooded alarm,

which is not present in the stem .

b. Incorrect. Plausible if the cand idate confuses the diagnost ics for a break in the Auxiliary Building. Per

AO I-13 , symptoms of a discha rge line break in the Auxiliary Building include a building flooded alarm,

which is not prese nt in the stem

c. Incorrect. Plausible if the candidate confuses the diagnostics for a break in the Auxiliary Building. Per

AO I-13 , symptoms of a supp ly line break in the Intake Pump ing Station (IPS) include an IPS flooded

alarm , which is not present in the stem. Additionall y, a break in the IPS is characterized by the lack of

the strainer 6,P high alarm .

d. CORRECT. All indications provide d in the stem support the diag nosis of an ERCW break in the yard.

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RO Watt s Bar 2008 NRC In itial License Exam


Question Number: 14

KIA: 000065 AK3.04

Knowledge of the reasons for the following response as they apply to the Loss of Instrum ent Air : Cross- over

to back up air supplies .

Tier: 1 RO Imp : 3.0 RO Exam : Yes Cognitive Level : LOW

Group: 1 SRO Imp : 3.2 SRO Exam : Yes Source : NEW

Applicable 10CFR55 Section : 41 .5/41 .10 /45 .6 /45 .13

Lea rning Obj ectiv e: 3-0 T-SYS001A, Objective 22: Explain the operation of the atmospheric relief valve in

auto, manual , and with loss of air pressure.

References : AO I-30.2, Plant Fires Pg. 8 of 1291; WBN N3-1-4002, Rev.14, page 75 of 117.

Question :

Complete the following statement:

The reason a backup nitrogen supply is provided to the SG PORV s is to ensure that dur ing

___(1) the crew has the capability to operate them for a minimum numbe r of cycles, and the

alignment is initiated (2) _

ill ill

A. an Append ix R Fire automatically on low contro l air pressu re.

B. a Loss of Offsi te Power manuall y.

C. an Appendi x R Fire manually.

D. a Loss of Offsite Power automatically on low control air pressure.


a. Incorrect. Plausible, since the Appendix R Fire is the correct plant condition. However, the back up

nitrogen function is not initiated automatically. This aspec t is plausible because there are various other

plant compo nen ts that have automatic backu p functions, but not this one.

b Incorrect. Plausible if candidate does not differentiate between a complete loss of AC power and a

loss of offsite power . Candidate correctly recognizes that the nitroge n backup must be manuall y

aligned .

c. COR RECT . Per the supporting reference , this backup is for an Appendix R Fire, and it is initiated

manuall y.

d. Incorrect. Plausib le if candidate does not differentiate between a complete loss of AC power and a

loss of offs ite power. The auto backup aspect is plausible beca use there are various othe r plant

components that have automatic backup functions. but not this one .

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RO Wat ts B ar 2008 NRC Initial Licens e Exam


Question Number: 15

K/A : W/E04 EK3.3

Knowledge of the reasons for the following respo nses as they apply to the (LOCA Outside Containm ent)

Manipulation of controls required to obtain desired operating results during abnormal, and emergency


Ti er : 1 RO Imp: RO Exam : Yes Cognitive Level : LOW

Group: 1 SRO Imp: SRO Exam : Yes Source: NEW

Applicable 10CFR55 Section : 41.5/41. 10/45 .6/45 .13

Learning Objective : 3-0T- ECA01 01, Objective 1: Identify and explain the major actions of procedures

ECA-1.1 and 1.2.

References : ECA-1.2 , Rev 4. WOG ERG Background Docum ent ECA- 1.2, Rev. 2; Case 2 and 3.

Quest ion :

When performing ECA-1 .2, LOCA OUTSI DE CON TAINM ENT , why are RHR components addressed

BEFORE other ECCS components?

A. To maintai n suction to CCPs if containment sump swapover has alread y occurred .

B. This allows the CC Ps to maintain RCP seal injection .

C. Isolation of RHR components requires manipulations outside the MCR .

o The leak is most likely to occur in the RHR system


a. Incorrect. Plausible because RHR pumps do supp ly suction to CC Ps after swapover.

b. Incorre ct. Plausible becaus e if the RHR was the source of the leak , the RCP support conditions would

not have been unnecessarily interrupted.

c. Incorrect. Plausible, since alignment of the RHR system to establis h normal RHR cooldown flowpaths

require local valve manipulation.

d. CORR ECT . If check valve leakage occurs , low pressure piping would be exposed to RCS pressure ,

and would be a probable leak source.

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC In itial License Exam


Qu estion Number: 16

KIA : W/ E 11 EA1.3

Ability to ope rate and I or moni tor the following as they apply to the (Loss of Emergency Coo lant

Recirculation ): Desired operat ing results during abnormal and emergen cy situations.

Tier: RO Imp: 3.7 RO Exam: Yes Cognitive Level: LOW

Group: SRO Imp: 4.2 SRO Exam: Yes Source: WBN BANK

Applicable 10CFR55 Section : 4 3 .5/45.1 3

Learn ing Objective : 3-0 T-ECA0 101, Objective 1: Identify and explain the major actions of procedures

ECA-1.1 and 12.

References : ECA-1. 1, Rev. 11

Question :

Given the following plant cond itions :

  • A Large Break LOCA has occurred.
  • Containment pressure is 10.5 psig.
  • Containm ent sump level is 68%.
  • 1A RHR pump tripped due to severe damage to its motor .
  • 1-FCV-63-73, CNTMT SUMP TO RHR PMP B SUCT failed to open automatically and attempts to open

it manually have failed.

Which ONE of the following describes the proper alignment of til e Containment Spray (CS) pumps for the

existing plant cond itions while the CS pumps suction is aligned to the RWST?

A. Stop both CS pumps and place the control switches in P-T-L (Pull-To- Lock).

B. Stop both CS pumps and place the control switches in A-A uto .

C. Stop ONE CS pump and place its control switch in P-T-L (Pull-To- Lock).

D. Stop ONE CS pump and place its control switch in A-auto.


a. Incorrect. Plausible since Step 4.C. RNO directs the operator to place any CS pump not required in P-

T-L position .

b. Incorrect. Plausible since the procedure will have the handswitche s placed in A-AUTO under different

circumstances at Step 7.

c. CORRECT. With containment pressure at 10.5 psig, ECA- 1.1 requires only one CS pump in service .

Step 4.C. RNO directs the operator to place any CS pump not required in P-T-L position.

d. Incorrect. Plausible since the proc edure will have the handswitches placed in A-AUT O under different

circumstances at Step 7.

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RO Watts B ar 2008 NRC In itial Licen s e Exam


Qu estion Number: 17

KIA: W/E05 EA2.2

Ability to determine and interpret the follow ing as they apply to the (Loss of Secondary Heat Sink):

Adherence to appropriate procedures and operation within the limitations in the facilit y's license and


Tier : RO Imp : 3.7 RO Exam : Yes Cognitive Level : LOW

Group : SRO Imp: 4.3 SRO Exam: Yes Source: WBN BANK

Applicable 10CFR55 Sec tion: 43.5/45 .13

Learning Objective : FRH0001. Loss of Secondary Heat Sink

16. List the 2 conditions that define a "dry" SIG in the contex ts of procedures FR-H.1 and FR-H .5.

22. Explain the purpose for and basis of each step in FR-H.1, FR-H .2. FR-H.3, FR- HA and FR-H.5.

References : FR-H.1, Rev. 17.


Which ONE of the following is an adverse consequence of delaying bleed and feed cooling if the

conditions for initiating bleed and feed are met in FR-H .1. "Response to Loss of Seconda ry Heat


A. An over pressure challenge to the reactor vessel.

B. Inability to refill the S/Gs without damage from high thermal stresses .

C. Inability to provide sufficient injection for core cooling prior to core uncovery.

D. Steam formation in the hot legs will accelerate the degradation of natural circulation flow .


a. Incorrect. Plausible. if cand idate believes since there is no heat remo val mechanism for RCS heat

removal that pressure will rise high enough to challenge vessel integ rity. Pressure does rise. but the

real conce rn for delaying feed and bleed core cooling is the press ure being high enough to prevent

adequate safety injection leading to prolonged loss of inventory and core unco very .

b. Incorrect. Plausib le. since cand idate could correc tly recognize conditions in a dry S/G which will cause

a concern for thermal shock ing of the S/G components when refilling.

c. CO RRECT. The mass flow rate out of the pressurizer PORVs is anywhere from 50 to 100 Ibm/sec.

The charging/S I pump system can inject about 40 Ibm/se c (290 gpm), with both trains operati ng, at an

RCS pressure of 2300 psig . Since makeup flow from the charging/SI pump system will not keep up

with invento ry lost out of the pressu rizer POR Vs. the RCS will eventually dry out enough to caus e core


d. Incorre ct. Plausible, if candidate believes that steam forma tion in the hot legs is a concern during the

initial stages of a loss of heat sink event.

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Qu estion Number : 18

KIA: 0000 77 G2.1.20

Generator Vo ltage and Electric Grid Disturban ces

Ability to interpret and execu te procedure steps .

Tier: 1 RO Imp : 4.6 RO Exa m : Yes Cogn it iv e Lev el : LOW

Group : 1 SRO Imp: 4.6 SRO Exam : Yes Sou rce : NEW

Ap plic abl e 10CFR 55 Sect ion : 4 1.10/43.5/45 12

Learn ing Obj ective : 3-0 T-SYS057A, Objective 14: Describe the generator Ca pabi lity Cu rve, and how it is

used: Objective 15 Discus s how generator excitat ion affects reactive load.

Refe re nces : TI-12.15, Rev. 22; 1-PI-OPS-1-MCR, Section 5.4 , (Monit orin g Ge nerator Loading ), Rev. 39.

Question :

Given the following conditions :

  • Plant is at 100% power .
  • All sys tems norm ally alig ned .
  • The Tra nsm ission Opera tor has notified the plant that system grid vol tage is high and forecast ed to go


If the Transmi ssion Operator requests the plant to take in the maximum value of MVARs to help stabili ze the

grid, what is the maximum allo wed MVAR incoming value, and how is the adjustment made in accord ance

with 1-PI-OPS -1-MC R, Main Control Room ?


A. 100 MVARs Exciter Voltage Adjuster

B. 100 MVARs Exciter Base Adjuster

C. 200 MVAR s Exciter Vol tage Adj uster

D. 200 MVARs Exciter Base Adjuster


a. CORR ECT . The first step of 1-P I-OPS- 1-MCR , Section 5.4 for Monitoring Generator Load ing,

speci fies the Exciter Voltage Adjuster as the means for voltage contro l on the Northeast Area

Dispatcher (NEAD) schedule. In the next step, incoming Mvar loading is res tricted to less than 100

Mvars .

b. Incorrect. Cand idate correct ly recog nizes the lower limit on Mvars in, but inco rrectly belie ves the base

adju ster is the procedurally specified method of making the adju stment. Plausible, since use of the

base adjuster is allowed, but ONLY if you are already selected to the base adjuster. The conditions in

the stem , "all systems normally aligned", requires the candidate to understand that the Exciter Voltage

Adju ster is the selected method.

c. Incorrect. Candidate fails to recall that 200 Mvars is twice the allowed value for Mvar s in, per the

procedure. The correct value is - 100 Mvars. This distractor is plausible since the Exciter Voltage

Adju ster is the specified me thod of making vars adjustments for the given cond itions .

d. Incor rect. Cand idate fails to recall that 200 Mvars is twice the allowed value for vars in, per the

procedure . The corr ect valu e is - 100 Mvars. Distracto r is plausible since the Exciter Base Adju ster is

the correct method, but ON LY if you are already selected to the base adjus ter. Th e conditions in the

stem, "all systems normall y aligned ", requires the candidate to understand tha t the Excite r Voltage

Adjuster is the selected method.

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC Initial License Exam


Question Number: 19

KIA : 000001 AK2.01

Knowledge of the interrelations between the Continu ous Rod Withdrawal and the following: Rod bank step


Tier: 1 RO Imp: 2.9 RO Exam: Yes Cognitive Level: HIGH

Group: 2 SRO Imp: 3.2 SRO Exam: Yes Source: SQN BANK

Applicable 10CFR55 Section: 41.7/45.7

Learning Objective: 3-0T-SYS085A, Objective 23: Given a failure of the con trollin g input instrumentation

for rod control and no operator action, descri be the effects of rod motion on the plant, if any.

References : FSAR Section 7.7.1, Tech Spec 3.1.8.


Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 is at 50% power.
  • Rod control is in AUT O with Bank 0 at 176 steps.
  • Tavg auctioneering unit fails LOW.
  • Bank 0 grou p 2 step counter fails to move.

As a result , rods will _ _(1)_ _ and the Bank 0 control rod CERPI indications must be matched within

_ (2)_ .

(1) (2)

A. Insert +/- 12 steps of each othe r (highest to lowest rod ).

B. Insert +/- 12 steps of the of the Group 1 step counter.

C. Withdraw +/- 12 steps of each other (highest to lowest rod).

D. Withdraw +/- 12 steps of the of the Group 1 step count er.


a. Incorre ct. With the auctioneering unit output failed low, Tavg will appear to be lower than Tref. This

error signal will cause rods to withdraw at maxim um speed . Plausible since the rod misma tch given is


b. Incorrect. Wrong direct ion , wron g allowable differen ce.

c. CORRECT. Wit h the auctio neering unit out put failed low, Tavg will appear to be lower than Tref. This

error signal will cause rods to withdraw at maximum speed . The maximum difference allowed between

CERPI and Group Step counters of +/-12 steps is correct.

d. Incorrect. Correct direct ion, wrong allowable difference.

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC Initial Lice ns e Ex am


Qu estion Number : 20

KIA : 000028 AK1 .01

Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to Pressurizer Level

Cont rol Malfunction s: PZR reference leak abnormalities.

Tier : 1 RO Imp : 2.8 RO Exam : Yes Cognitive Level : HIGH

Group : 2 SRO Imp : 3.1 SRO Exam: Yes Source: COMANCHE PEAK


App licable 10CFR55 Section : 41 .8/41 .10/45 .3

Learn ing Objective : 3-0T-SYS068C , Objecti ve 15: Describe the response to a deviat ion from pressur izer

level program.

Ref erences : 1-47W611 -68-2 , Rev. 7

Question :

Given the following plan t conditions :

  • 1-XS-68-339E PRZ LVL CTRL CHAN SELECT is in the 339 1335 position .
  • With actual pressur izer level at 50%, 1-LT-68-339 Pressurizer Level Transmitter develops a slow leak

in the reference leg.

What is the effect on Pressurizer level and charging flow?

A. Actu al level in the Pressurizer will be increasing, causing charging flow to lower

B. Actual level in the Pressur izer will be decreas ing, causing chargi ng flow to rise.

C Indicated level on 1-LT-68-339 will be increasing, causing charging flow to lower .

D. Indicated level on 1-LT-68-339 will be decreasing, causi ng charging flow to rise .


a. Incorrect. LT-68-339 is the contro lling level channel. As far as the circui t is concerned , level will be

increasing in the pressurizer. This results in a level error signa l causing a drop in actual pressur izer

level. Plausible if the candidate confuse s ACTUAL with INDICATED level.

b. Incorrect. LT-68-33 9 is the controlling level channel. As far as the circuit is concerned , level will be

increasing in the pressurizer. This results in a level error signal causin g a drop in actual press urizer

level. Plausible if the candidate confuses ACTUA L with INDICAT ED level. Actual level cannot be

seen by the circuit due to the failure in progress .

c. COR RECT. Level indicated on 1-LT-68-339 will be increasing. Since the transmitter is selected for

control, charging flow will be decreasing, attempting to control level on program .

d. Incorrect. Plausible since this is the response that wou ld be expected of 1-LT-68-339 and charging

flow if the variable leg of 1-LT-68-339 were to deve lop a leak. With the reference leg developing the

leak the plant response is opposite .

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC Initial License Exa m


Que sti on Number: 21

KiA: 00003 2 AK2 .01

Knowledge of the interre lations between the Loss of Source Range Nuclear Instrumentation and the

following : Power supp lies, includ ing prope r switch positions .

Tie r : 1 RO Imp : 2.7 RO Exam: Yes Cognitive Level : HIGH

Group: 2 SRO Imp : 3.1 SRO Exam : Yes Source: WBN BANK

Applicable 10 CFR 55 Section : 41.7, 457

Lea rn ing Objective : 3-0T-SYS09 2A, Obje ctive 31: Describe the distribution of Instrum ent and Con trol

Power in the Nuclear Instrumentation System , including the effects of a loss of one or both suppl ies under

various plant conditions .

References : 3-0 T-SYS092A; 1-47W611- 99-2, Rev. 12.

Question :

Which ONE of the following describes the Reactor Protection System response to a loss of control power

versus a loss of instrument power to N-31 Source Range Monitor with the "TRIP BYPASS SW ITC H" in the

"BYPASS" position?

Control Power Loss Instrument Power Loss

A. Reactor trip No trip

B Reactor trrp Reactor trip

No trip No trip

No trip Reactor trip


a. CO RRECT. With the TRIP BYPASS SWITCH in BYPASS, a loss of control power will cause a reactor

trip. However, with the TRIP BYPAS S SW ITCH in BYPA SS, a loss of instru ment power will not cause

a reactor trip.

b. Incorrect. Correct response for loss of control power , incorrect response for loss of instrument power.

c. Incorrect. Incorrect response for loss of control power , correct response for loss of instrument powe r.

d. Incorrect. Incorrect response for loss of contro l power, incorrect response for loss of instrument power.

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC Initial License Exa m


Que st io n Nu mber: 22

KIA : 000059 AK3 .01

Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to the Accidental Liquid Radwaste

Release: Termination of a release of radioact ive liquid.

Tier: 1 RO Imp : 3.5 RO Exam: Yes Cogn it iv e Level : LOW

Group: 2 SRO Imp: 3.9 SRO Exam : Yes Source: WBN BANK

Appl ic able 10CFR55 Section : 41.5. 41.10 I 45.6 I 45.13

Lea rn ing Obj ective: 3-0T-AOI3100, Rev 6, Objective 3: Explain opera tor actions on abno rmal release of

radioactive material.

Ref erences : SOI-14 .03 Rev 0045 . AOI-31 Rev 22, ARI-180-187 Rev 30 .

Qu estio n :

Given the following plant condi tions :

  • Opera tors are respondi ng to an unexpected annu nciator, 182-B "TB SUM P DISCH 0-

RM-212 L1Q RAD HI.

  • The station sump pumps discharge is currently aligned to the Low Volum e Waste

Pond .

Which ONE of the followin g identifies the effect the high radiation condition has on the Station Sump pumps

and how the pumps' discharge should be aligned as a result of the alarm in accordance with AOI-31,

Abn ormal Relea se of Radioactive Materia l?

Effect on Station Sump Pump

Station Sump Pumps Discharge Aligned to

A. Pumps stop Unlined Chemical Hold up Pond


B. Pumps stop Lined Chemical Hold up Pond


C. Requi res operator action Unlined Chemical Hold up Pond

to manuall y stop pumps .

D. Requires ope rator action Lined Chemica l Hold up Pond

to manually stop pumps.


a. Incorrect. Pumps are not automaticall y stopped but the discha rge is aligned to the unlin ed pond .

Plausi ble beca use some HI RAD signals on release points to auto terminate the release and the

alignment of the discha rge is correct.

b. Incorrect. Pump s are not automatically stopped and the discharge is not align ed to the lined pond.

Plausible because some HI RAD signals on release points to auto terminate the release and the

discharge could be aligned lined pond under different conditions .

c. CORRECT . The HI RAD alarms but, will not automatically stop the pumps . AOI -31 dire cts the pumps

to be stopped and directs the alignment to the Unlined Chemical Holdup Pond. The alarm refers the

operator to AOI- 31 .

d. Incorrect. Pumps require manua l action to stop but the discharge is not aligned to the lined pond .

Plausible because the cand idate may know that manual action is required to stop the pumps and the

discha rge could be aligned lined pond under different conditions.

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC In itial License Ex am


Question Number: 23

KIA: 000067 AA 1.07

Abil ity to operate and I or monitor the follow ing as the y apply to the Plant Fire on Site : Fire alarm reset


Tier: 1 RO Imp: 2.9 RO Exam : Yes Cogn itive Level : HIGH

Group : 2 SRO Imp: 3.0 SRO Exam : Yes Source : NEW

Appl ic abl e 10CFR55 Section: 4 1.7,45.5, 45.6

Le arn ing Objective : 3-0 TAOI3000, Objec tive 2: When a valid fire is reported to the Main Cont rol Roo m

(MCR), describe the information obtained from the person repo rting the fire.

Refe re nces : 801 - 13, Fire De tecti on Sys tem , Rev 22; AO I-30 .1, Plant Fires, Rev 9.

Question :

If a loca l fire pa nel has a TROUBLE lit after being reset , which ON E of the following identifies how the main

control room panel (0-M-29) will indica te a subsequent trouble AN D a fire alarm on the same local panel ?

Subsequent Trouble Alarm

Trouble condition would clear, Alarm wou ld

A. Would be indicated . be indicated.

Trouble condit ion would mask alarm

B. Would be indicated . cond ition .

Trouble condition would clea r, Alarm would

C. Would NOT be indicated. be indica ted .

Trouble condition would mask alarm

D. Would NOT be indicated . condition.


a. Incorrect. Plaus ible, since various alarm functions throughout the pla nt do have "reflash"

feature for ann unc iating subsequ ent alarm conditions. However, for the fire panel in the

control room , it does not. Second half of distractor is correct, lending further plausibility to

overall distractor.

b. Incorrect. Plausible, since va rious ala rm functions throughout the pla nt do have "reflas h"

featur e for annunciating subsequent alarm conditions . However, for the fire panel in the

control roo m, it does not.

c CORR ECT An alarm coming IN on a panel caus es all zo ne trouble lamp s and pane l trouble

lamp to go out. It will also cause 0-M-2 9 to indicate the panel trouble is out , even if the

trouble con dition still exists . Whi le the alarm is in, no troubl es for the affected pane l will be

indicated loca lly or on 0-M -29 . Further, a trouble in on a panel w ill prevent any

subseq uen t tro ubles from be ing indicated on O-M-29 . How ever , the troubles wi ll sti ll be

indi cat ed .

d. Incorrect. Plau sible , since the first part of the d istractor is correct. Secon d (incorrect )

po rtio n of the dis tractor is pla usible for a simila r reason as that described in the first hal f

of distractor analysis for distracto r A.

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC Initial License Exam


Question Number: 24

KIA: 00006 9 (W/E14 ) EA2.1

Abilit y to dete rmine and interpret the following as they apply to the (High Contain men t Pressure ):

Facility cond itions and selection of appropriate procedures during abnormal and emergency operations.

Tie r : 1 RO Imp : 3.3 RO Ex am : Yes Cognitive Level: HIGH

Gro up : 2 SRO Imp : 3.8 SRO Exa m : Yes Sou rce: NEW

Applicable 1OCFR55 Section : 43.5,45.13

Learning Objective : 3-0 T-FRZ0001, Objectiv e 1: Given a set of plant condit ions, use the FR-Z status tree

to determine which. if any. Containm ent Function Restoration Procedure should be implemented.

References : FR-O. Rev. 13, FR-Z 1, Rev. 10. FR-Z .2 Rev. 6. TI-12.04. Rev. 6.

Qu estio n:

A large brea k LOCA is in progress . Wh ich ONE of the following identifies conditions that require entry into

FR-Z.1 High Containment Pres sure ?

Conta inment Pressure Containment Sp ray Pumps

A. 3.0 psig No pumps running

B. 6.0 psig 1 pump running

C. 9.0 psig 1 pump running

D. 12.0psig 2 pumps running


a. CORRECT Per FR-O Containment Status Tree. with contai nment pressure above the Phase B

isolation setpoint of 2.8 psig one containmen t spray pump is required to be in service. Containment

press ure at 3 psig and NO pumps running requires entry into FR-Z.1 due to an ORA NGE status.

b. Incorrect. Plausible since prior revision to FR-O and FR-Z.1 require d entry into FR-Z .1 if pressure was

above Phase B setpo int rega rdless of the number of spray pumps in service .

c. Incorrect. Plausible since prior revision to FR-O and FR-Z .1 required entry into FR-Z.1 if pressure was

above Phase B setpoint regard less of the numbe r of spray pumps in service .

d. Incorrect. Plausi ble if the candidate believes that a RED path condition exists with containment

press ure at 12 psig .

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC Initial Lic ens e Exam


Quest ion Number : 25

KIA : 000076 G2.2.3 8

High Reactor Coolant Activity

Know ledge of conditions and limitations in the facility licen se.

Tier : 1 RO Imp : 3.6 RO Exam : Yes Cog nitive Level : LOW

Group : 2 SRO Imp : 4.5 SRO Exam : Yes Sou rce : SQN BANK

Applicable 10CFR55 Section : 4 1.7,4 1.10, 43.1, 45.13

Learn ing Objective : 3-0 T-T/ S03 04, Objective 4: Given plant condit ions and paramet ers correctly

determ ine the applicable Limiting Cond itions for Operations or Technical Requiremen ts for the various

components of the RCS .

Ref erences: WBN Tech Spec 3.4.16.

Question :

Unit 1 is at 100% powe r. Wh ich ONE of the following is the HIGHEST of the below listed values for Dose

Equivalent Iodine -131 (1-131) without requiring entry into the Action Statement for LCO 3.4 .16, RCS

Specific Activity?

A. 0.1 ~Cilgm .

B. 0.2 ~Ci /gm .

C. 0.3 ~C ilgm .

D. 0.4 ~ C i /g m.


a. Incorrect. Plausible since the value is less than the limit, but is not the highest value as required by the

stem .

b. CORRECT. Activity level must return to below the limit of 0.265 ~ C i /g m to meet the LCO without relying

on the action statement.

c. Incorrect. A continuance of the numerical sequence (1,2,3,4) maintains the low cognitive level of the

question. This forces the candidate to recogn ize the correct value.

d. Incorrect. A continuance of the numerical sequence (1,2,3,4) maintains the low cognitive level of the

questio n. This forces the candida te to recognize the correct value .

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Question Number: 26

KIA: W/E02 EK3.2

Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to the (SI Termination ): Normal,

abnormal and emergency operatin g procedures assoc iated with (SI Termin ation ).

Tier: 1 RO Imp: 3.3 RO Exam : Yes Cognitive Level : LOW

Group: 2 SRO Imp : 3.8 SRO Exam: Yes Source: VC SUMMER

Applicable 10CFR55 Section : 41.5/41 .10 /45 .6/4 5 .13

Learning Objective: 3-0T-EOP0 100, Objective 10: Determine the correc t procedure transition if during

the SI termination steps of ES-1.1 it is determin ed that PZR level cannot be mainta ined using the normal

charging flowpatn

References : ES-1.1, Rev. 15, WOG Background Document ES-1.1.

Question :

Given the following plant cond itions :

  • The Unit was at full power when a Small Break LOCA occurred.
  • The crew has transition ed to ES-1.1 , "SI TERMINATION ."
  • The crew has just stopped one of the charging pump s.

What IS the reason for check ing RCS pressure stable or rising at this point in ES-1.1?

A. To determine if the residual heat removal (RHR) pump s should be secur ed.

B. To confirm that a secondary heat sink is required.

C. To confirm that flow from one charg ing pump is adequate to maintain pressure.

D. To determ ine if the safety injec tion (SI) pumps should be secured.


a. Incorrect. Plausible, since a later step in ES-1.1 evaluates RHR pum p status .

b. Incorrect. RCS pressure increases if the heat sink is lost with or without the charg ing pump in service.

c. CORRECT. Per the WOG ES-1.1 Background Docum ent "RCS pressure stable or increasing confirms

that SI flow is adequate for the ope rator to maintain control using one charging/SI pump . The operator

will then be read y to align the charging l S I pump to the norma l charging flowpath. If RCS pressu re is

decreasing , then the operator will go to ES-1 .2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization for further


d. Incorre ct. Plausible, since a later step in ES-1 .1 evaluates SI pump statu s.

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC Initial License Exam


Question Number: 27

KIA : W/E13 EK2.1

Knowledg e of the interrelations betw een the (Steam Generator Overpr essure ) and the following:

Compone nts, and functions of control and safety systems. includi ng instrumentatio n, signal s, interlocks,

failure modes . and automatic and manual features

Tier: 1 RO Imp: 3.0 RO Exam : Yes Cognitive Level: HIGH

Group: 2 SRO Imp: 3.1 SRO Exam: Yes Source: INPO BANK W 2 LOOP


Applicable 10CFR55 Section: 4 1.7 /4 5 .7

Learning Objective : 3-0 T-FRH0001, Objective 22: Explain the purp ose for and basis of each step in FR-

H.1, FR-H .2, FR-H .3, FR-HA and FR-H .5.

References : FR-H .2, Rev . 5.

Question :

Given the following plant conditions:

A reactor trip concurre nt with a loss of offsite power has occu rred.

The crew has entered FR-H .2, Steam Generator Overpressure based on a YELLOW conditio n on the

Heat Sink CSF Status Tree.

  • #2 SG pressure is 1230 psig.
  • #1, #3, and #4 SG pressu res are at 1210 psig.
  • #2 SG level is 85% and slowly rising.
  • #1, #3, and #4 SG levels are 65% and slowly rising.

Which ONE of the following actions will mitigate the SG overpr essure condition?

A. Initiate blowdown flow from #2 SG.

B. Open the condenser steam dumps .

C. Open the steam supply to the Turbine Driven AFW pump .

D. Initiate minimum AFW flow to #2 SG .


a. CORRECT. Step 4 of FR-H .2 directs use of SG blowdown as a method for reducing SG pressure.

b. Incorrect. Plaus ible , since this actio n would reduce SG pressure, howeve r, due to the loss of vacuum,

the condenser dumps are unavaila ble.

c. Incorrect. Plausible since direction is given in FR-H.2 to depressurize the affected SGs, and opening

the steam supply to the TDAFW pump is a listed action. This action is applicable to only the #1 and #4


d. Incorrect. Plausible, since the addition of cool AFW could aid in depressurizing the SG . FR-H 2

isolates both main and AFW flow to the affected SG to eliminate these syste ms as the cause of the

overpressure cond ition .

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC Initial License Exam


Question Number: 28

KIA: 003 K3.04

Reactor Coolant Pump

Know ledge of the effe ct that a loss or malfunction of the RCPS will have on the following: RPS.

Tier : 2 RO Imp: 3.9 RO Exam: Yes Cognitive Level: HIGH

Group : 1 SRO Imp : 4.2 SRO Exam : Yes Source: SQN BANK

Applicable 10CFR55 Section : 4 1.7/45.6

Learning Objective: 3-0T-SYS099A Objective 17: Identify the reactor trips and give setpoints and list

logic required for the reactor trips.

References : System Description N3-99-4003, Rev. 21, Page 87 of 106.

Question :

Which ONE of the following failures associated with RCS flow transmitters cause s a reactor trip signal?

A. A single high pressure tap fails when operat ing at 50% reactor power.

B. A single low pressure tap fails when operating at 50% reactor power.

C. Two high press ure taps fail whe n opera ting at 5% reactor power.

D. Two low press ure taps fail when opera ting at 5% reactor powe r.


a. COR RECT. With power above the P-8 Permissive setpoint of 48%, 2 of 3 detectors on 1 of 4 loops will

cause a reactor trip. The failure results in 3 of 3 detect ors indicating low flow.

b. Incorrect. Plausible , sinc e a low flow conditi on on 2 of 4 loops between P-7 and P-8 causes a reactor

trip. Low flow logic is not met by 1 of 3 flow transmitters.

c. Incorrect. Plausible. since a low flow condition on 2 of 4 loops between P-7 and P-8 causes a reactor

trip. Power is less than P-7, so no low flow trips are enabled .

d. Incorrect. Plausible, since a low flow condition on 2 of 4 loops above P-8 causes a reactor trip.

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Question Number: 29

KIA : 004 K4.14

Chemical and Volume Control

Knowledge of CVCS design feature(s) and/or interlock(s) which provide for the follow ing : Control interlocks

on letdown system (letdown tank bypass valve).

Tier: 2 RO Imp : 2.8 RO Exam : Yes Cognitive Level : LOW

Gr oup : 1 SRO Imp: 3.2 SRO Exam : Yes Sou rce: NEW

Applic able 10CFR55 Sectio n : 41.7

Learning Objective: 3-0 T-SYS062A, Objective 9: Explain the function and ope ratio n of the three way

divert valve LCV-62-1 18.

References : 3-0T-SYS062A; 1-47W611-62- ; ARI 109-A, Rev . 15.

Question :

On a rising VCT level the Divert Valve is designed to .. .

A fully open at 63% and fully close when level has lowered to 41%.

B. begin modul ating open at 63% and if level conti nues to rise, will be fully open at 93%.

C fully open at 93% and will begin modu lating closed whe n level drops to 63%.

D. begin modulat ing open at 41% and will be fully open when level reaches 63%.


a. Incorrect. Plausible, since 1-FCV-62-118 begins to open at63% and an AUTOMA TIC makeup to the

VCT will STO P at 4 1%.

b. CORRECT. Per the logic , at 63% 1-FCV-62-118 will begin to open and will be fully at 93%.

c. Incorrect. Plausible since the values provided are accurate, but the actions are incorrect.

d. Incorrect. Plausible since the 41% value is assoc iated with the AUTOMATIC MAK EUP circuit , and the

63% level is the point at which the divert valve would begin to open .

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Qu estion Number: 30

KIA: 005 K5.09

Residual Heat Removal

Knowledge of the operation implications of the following concepts as they app ly (to ) the RHRS : Dilution and

boration considerations.

Tier: 2 RO Imp: 3.2 RO Exam : Yes Cognitive Level: HIGH

Group: 1 SRO Imp: 3.4 SRO Exam : Yes Source: NEW

Applicable 10CFR55 Section : 41 .5 /45 .7

Learning Objective : 3-0T-SYS074A , Objective 3: State the plant conditions including reactivity effects

that must be met prior to placing the RHR System in service in accordance with SOI-74 .01.

Refe rences: SOI-68 .02, Reactor Coolan t Pumps , Step 5, Rev 33.

Questio n :

Given the following plan t cond itions :

  • The plant is on RHR coo ling following a natural circu lation cooldown.
  • RCS temperature is 150°F.

Pressurizer pressure is 340 psig.

  • Pressur izer level is 25%.
  • Preparations for returning to Mode 4 are in progress .

In accordance with SOI-68 .02, Reactor Coolant Pumps, which ONE of the following requires an action plan

to be developed with Reacto r Engineering prior to starting the first RCP?

A. Shutdown and control rods have been withd rawn 5 steps to ensure no therma l binding .

B. Pressurizer boron concentration is 45 ppm less than RCS boron .

C. Steam Gene rator metal temperature is 105°F.

D. An RCS boration occur red during the cooldown.


a. Incorrect. Plausible , since rods could be in this position, and candidate incorrectly applies a reactivity

assoc iated manip ulation with this concern.

b. Incorrect. Plausible, since there is a limit associated with delta boron betwe en PZR and RCS ;

however , the limit is 50 ppm .

c. Incorrect . Plausible, since there can be a concern with initiation of forced flow with a SIG signif icantl y

colder than RCS. However, in this case , the tempe rature is not of conc ern .

d. CORR ECT. Per SOI-68 .02, this is the correct condition whic h requir es eva luation and a plan with

Reactor Engineering.

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Question Number: 31

KIA : 006 K6.02

Emergency Core Cooling

Knowlecqe of the effect of a loss or malfunction on the following will have on the ECCS : Core flood tanks


Tier : 2 RO Imp : 3.4 RO Exam: Yes Cognitive Leve l : HIGH

Group: 1 SRO Imp: 3.9 SRO Exam : Yes Source : NEW

Applicable 10CFR55 Section: 41.7/45 .7

Learning Objective: 3-0T-SYS063A Objec tive 24: Given a set of plan t conditions, dete rmine the correct

response of the Emergency Core Cooling System.

References : 1-47W61 1-63-7. Rev 2.

Question :

Given the following plant conditions :

  • Plant startup is in progr ess.
  • During performance of GO- 1, Unit Startup from Cold Shutdown to Hot Standby, the CLA isolation

valves were left CLOS ED with power on the valves as pressurizer pressure was raised from 900

psig to 1900 psig .

  • A manual safety injection (SI) is initiated.

Which ONE of the following identifies the position of the CLA isolation valves before the SI is initia ted and

how the MANUAL Safety injection will affect the valves?

Before SI Effect of the SI signal

A. Valves will have An open signal will be genera ted to the valves .

automa tically opened .

B. Valves will have An open signal will NOT be generated to the valves.

automatically ope ned.

C Valves will have An open signal will be generat ed to the valves.

remained closed .

D Valves will have An open signal will NOT be gene rated to the valves.

remained closed .


a. Incorrect. The valves would not have automatica lly opened prior to the SI because the P-11 permissive

has not been made . However, an open signal wou ld be generated by the SI. Plausible because the

valves do automatically open if pressure is greater than P-11 . and an SI would ge nerate an open signal.

b. Incorrect. The valves would not have automatically opened prior to the SI beca use the P-11 permissive

has not been made and an ope n signa l would be gene rated by the SI. Plausible because the valves do

automatic ally open if pressure is greater than P-11 and the cand idate could conclude that since the

valves are normally opened manu ally and power removed that the SI does not generate an ope n signal

due to the CLAs being a pass ive sub-system in the ECCS.

c. COR RECT. The valves would be closed until the pressure rose above P-11 (1970 psig). Whe n P-11

permissive was met the valves would then automatica lly open . With pressure at 1900 psig the valves

would still be closed , but wou ld open when the SI was actuated.

d. Incorrec t. The valves would have rema ined closed because the P-1 1 permissi ve has not been made

and an open signal would be generated by the SI. Plausi ble because the valves would remain closed

with the pressure less than P-11 and the candida te cou ld conclu de that since the valves are normally

opened manually and power remo ved that the Sl does not genera te an open signal due to the CLAs

being a passive sub-system in the ECCS.

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RO Wat ts Bar 2008 NRC Initial Licens e Exam


Qu estion Number: 32

K/A : 007 A 1.02

Pressurizer Relief /Quench Tank

Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parame ters (to preven t exceeding design limits) associated with

operating the PRTS controls including: Maintaining quench tank pressu re.

Tier: 2 RO Imp: 2.7 RO Exam : Yes Cognitive Level: High

Group : 1 SRO Imp: 2.9 SRO Exam: Yes Source : INPO BANK QUESTION

Appl icable 10CFR55 Section : 41.5/45 .5

Learning Obj ective: 3-0T-SYS068C, Objecti ve 21: Describe the flow path of sources of supply,

discharges , vents, drains. leakoff, and connections/penetrations that intertie this system to other systems .

References : ARI 88-C , Rev.19 .

Qu estion :

Given the following plant cond itions :

  • The plant is at 100% power .
  • Annun ciator 88C PRT PRESS HI is received .
  • PRT pressu re is 85 psig and RISING SLOW LY.

If allowed to continue, which ON E of the following describes (1) the LOWEST PRT pressure at which the

rupture disc opera tes, AND (2) the action required to restore PRT pressure?

A. (1) 50 psig.

(2) Vent the PRT to the Waste Gas Header.

B. (1) 85 psig.

(2) Vent the PRT to the Waste Gas Header.

C (1) 50 psig.

(2) Drain the PRT to the RCDT to reduce level and pressu re.

D. (1) 85 psig.

(2) Drain the PRT to the RCDT to reduce level and pressure .


a. Incorrect. Wrong value for rupture disc . Plausible since the action to reduce pressu re is cons istent

With corrective actions in the ARI.

b. CORR ECT. Rupture disc fails at 85 psig, and the action to reduce pressure is consistent with

corrective actions in the ARI.

c. Incor rect. Wrong value for ruptu re disc . Wrong action to reduce press ure, since level is in the normal

(67-80°/0) range .

d. Incorrect. Plausible since rupture disc fails at 85 psig . Wrong action to reduce pressu re, since level is

in the normal (67-80%) range.

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC Initial License Exam


Qu estion Number: 33

K/A : 008 A2 ,02

Component Coo ling Water

Ability to (a) predict the impa cts of the following malfun ction s or operations on the CCWS , and (b) based on

those predictions, use procedu res to correct , control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or

opera tions: High/low surge tank level.

Tier : 2 RO Imp: 3.2 RO Exam: Yes Cognitive Level : HIG H

Group: 1 SRO Imp: 3.5 SRO Exam : Yes Source : WBN BANK

Applicable 10CFR55 Section : 4 1.5/43 .5/45 .3/45 .13

Learning Obj ec t ive : 3-0 T-AOI15000 , Objecti ve 10: Give 3 sources of potenti al In-leakage to the CCS .

References : Reference AOI-15 , Rev. 31,

Qu estion :

Given the following plant cond itions :

  • The Unit is at 100% powe r,
  • 1-M-2 7C, Ann unciator 249A "U1 SURG E TANK LEVEL HI/LO" is in alarm .
  • The CRO report s that Surge Tank level is 73% on both 1-L1-70-63A and 1-L1-70-99A and level is rising .
  • The CRO reports that1-LCV-70 -63, U1 SURG E TANK MAK EUP LCV, is closed
  • 1-FCV-70-66A U1 Surge Tank Vent IS closed.
  • 1-PT -70-24A. CCS HX A SUP PRESS , indic ates 100 psig and stabl e.
  • All systems are in normal operational alignment.

For the above conditions, a leak in which ON E of the following components accounts for the abo ve

conditions. and what is the effect of isolating that component?

A. RCS Sample heat excha nger .

Suspension of RCS sampl ing which leads to the inabili ty to determine if RCS chemistry limits are met.

B. RCP seal water return heat exchanger.

Manual isolation of RCP seal return line results in lifting of the seal return relie f valve to the PRT ,

C CVCS letdown heat exchang er .

Manua l isolation of normal letdown flow results in loss of cleanup and leads to exceeding RCS

chemistry limits .

D. RCP therma l barr ier.

Manual isolation of the thermal barrier heat exchangers results in lifting of the relief valve .


a. Incorrect. Plausible, since the RCS sample heat exchanger is cooled by CC S. Cond itions stated in

the stem would lead to out leaka ge at the sample heat exchanger ,

b. Incorrect. RCP seal return pressure is less than the CCS pressure of 100 psig stated in the stem,

Plausible, since isolat ion of the flow path causes the relief valve to lift.

c. CORRECT, Letdown is in service and at a pressu re greater than the CCS pres sure of 100 psig stated

in the stem.

c. Incorrect. The therma l bar rier automatically isolates on differential flow, and will not cause a

continuous rise in CCS Surge Tank level.

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Question Number: 34

KIA : 010 A3.01

Pressurizer Pressure Control

Ability to monitor autom atic operation of the PZR PCS. including: PRT temperature and pressure during

PORV testing.

Tier: 2 RO Imp: 3.0 RO Exam: Yes Cogn itive Level : LOW

Group : 1 SRO Imp : 3.2 SRO Exam : Yes Source : NEW

App licable 10CFR55 Sectio n : 4 1.71 45.5

Learning Obj ective : 3-0 T-SYS068C Objective 11: Describe the indication an operator has that a PORV is

open or leaking through.

Ref eren ce s : 1-SI-68-901- A. Valve Full Stroke Exercising During Plant Operation : Reactor Coolant A-Train,

Rev 7.

Qu estion :

Given the following plan t conditions :

  • Unit 1 at 100% power .
  • 1-SI-68-901-A, Valve Full Stroke Exercising During Plant Operatio n: Reactor Coolant A-Train. is in


  • 1-FCV-68-333A, Block Valve for PORV 340A . has been closed and the strok e time recorded .
  • When the block valve is reopene d. an increas e is seen in PRT pressure and temperature.

Which ON E of the following iden tifies a condition that will cause the change in PRT condit ions and the action

required in accordance with 1-SI-68-901-A?

A. A PORV opened due to the rapid pressure RISE between the PORV and the block valve when the

block valve was reopened;

Place the PORV control handswitch to CLOSE prior to opening the block valve. then return to AUTO

after the block valve has been opened .

B. A PORV opened due to the rapid pressure RISE betwe en the PORV and the block valve whe n the

block valv e was reopened;

Place the PORV Block Valve control handswitch to CLOS E.

C The PORV opened due to the pressure REDU CTION which occurred between the POR V and the block

valve while the block valve was closed ;

Place the PORV control handswitch to CLOSE prior to opening the block valve. then return to AUTO

after the block valve has been opened .

D. The PORV opene d due to the press ure REDUCTI ON which occurred between the PORV and the block

valve whi le the block valve was closed ;

Place the PORV Block Valve control handswitch to CLOSE .


a. Incorrect. Plausible because the first part of the distractor is correct and the second part

details taking an action to prevent the valve from opening by placing the control switch in

closed then returning it to automatic.

b. CORR ECT. The Precautions and Limitatio ns B of 1-SI-68-90 1-A. state "Closing a PORV block

valve could allow pressure between the PORV and block valve to decrease due to small

accep table leaks across the PORV. When the block valve is opened . the sudden pressure rise

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could force open the PORV and make it stick." Precautions and Limitations c states "A sudde n

rise in the Press urizer Relief tank (PRT) temperature and pressure or POR V tailpipe

tempe rature wou ld indicate a PORV has ope ned and requires clos ing of the associated block


c. Incorrect. Plausible because the drop in pressure while the block valve is closed is what allows the

rapid rise in pressure to open the valve when the block valve is open ed , but the PORV does not come

open while the block valve is closed and the second part deta ils taking an action to prevent the valve

from opening by placing the control switch in closed then returnin g it to automat ic.

d. Incorrect. Plausible because the drop in pressu re while the block valv e is closed is what allows the

rapid rise in pressur e to open the valve when the block valve is opened. but the POR V does not come

open whil e the block valve is closed and the second part is correct.

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Questio n Number: 35

K/A: 0 10 K1.08

Pressurizer Pressure Co ntrol

Know ledge of the physical conne ctions and/or cause-effect relation ships between the PZR PCS and the

following systems: PZR LCS .

Tier: 2 RO Imp:3.2 RO Exam: Yes Cognitive Level : HIGH

Group: 1 SRO Imp:3.5 SRO Exam : Yes Source: NEW

Applicable 10CFR55 Section : 41 .2 to 41 .9/45 .7 to 45.8

Learning Objective : 3-0T-SYS068C, Objec tive 12: Identify the program setpoi nts, and describe any

automatic actions relativ e to the pressurizer level program .

Ref erences : 1-47W611-68-2 , -3. AO I-20, MALFUNCTION OF PRESSURIZER LEVELCON TROL

SYSTEM, Rev. 29.


Given the follow ing plan t conditions:

  • The unit is at 100% power.
  • Pressur izer Leve l Co ntro l is selected to 1-LT-68-339/335 on 1-XS- 68-339E .

If 1-LT-68-335 fails low , wha t is the impac t on the Pressurizer Press ure/Level Cont rol System?

A. Pres surizer Heater s de-energize and Letdown isolat es.

B. Pressurizer Heaters de-e nergize and Letdown does NOT isola te.

C. Pressurize r Heaters remain available and Letdown isolates.

D. Pressurizer Heaters remain avai lab le and Letdown does NOT isolate .


a. CORRECT. 1-LT-6 8-339/335 posit ion identifies 339 as the controlling channe l with 335 as the backup.

Even though 335 is the bac kup failing low would deen ergize pressurizer heaters and close selected

CVCS letdown isolation val ves thus isolating letdown .

b. Incorrect. First part correct. Second part plausible if the student believes onl y 339 (selected) cha nnel

failing low causes letdown to isolate and since 335 was the failing channel , letdown would remain in

serv ice.

c. Incorrect. First part incor rect. Plaus ible if the student believes onl y 339 (sele cted ) chan nel failing low

would cause heaters to deenergize and since 335 was the failing channel, heaters would remain in

service. Second part corr ect.

d. Incorrect. Both parts incorrect. Plausible if the student belie ves only 339 (selected) cha nnel failing low

would cause heaters to dee nergize and letdown to isolate and since 335 was the failing chan nel,

heaters and letdown wo uld remain in service .

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RO Wat ts Bar 2008 NRC Initial Licens e Exam


Question Number: 36

KIA: 012 G2.4.31

Reactor Protection System

Knowled ge of annunciator alar ms. indications, or response procedures .

Tier: 2 RO Imp: 4.2 RO Exam : Yes Cognitive Level: LOW

Group: 1 SRO Imp: 4.1 SRO Exam: Yes Sou rce : NEW

Applicabl e 10CFR55 Section: 41 .10/45. 3

Learning Objective : 3-0T-SYS099A Objective 18: Given the condition /status of the Reactor Prote ction

system/component and the app ropria te sections of Tech Specs, determine if oper ability requirements are

met and what actions, if any, are required.

Ref erenc es : WBN Tech Specs . Tabl e 3.3.1-1, ARI 114-A.

Qu est io n :

Given the following plant conditions:

  • The plant is operating at 100% power.
  • Annunc iator 114-A , SSp!\-A GENERAL WARN ING is LIT .

S ~_

Which ONE of the following (1) lists a conditio n that will cause the alarm and (2) describ es what indication

the operator dispatched locally will use to determine the cause of the alarm. in accordan ce with the ARI ?

(1) (2)

A. Reactor Trip Bypass Breaker A is Board-ed ge LED lights on the Sem i-Automatic

racked in. Tester.

B. Blown Ground Return Fuse. Board -edge LED lights on the Semi-Automati c.


C. Reactor Trip Bypass Breaker A is Status Lights on the outside of the Local Panels.

racked in.

o Blown Gro und Return Fuse. Status Lights on the outside of the Local Panels


a. Incorre ct. Plausible . since the local action is correct. Racking in the Train A bypass breaker causes a

separate alarm.

b. CORR ECT. LED lights are used to determine cause of alarm , and a blow n gro und return fuse is a

specific cause of the GENERAL WARNI NG ALARM.

c. Incorrect. Plausible, since the local action is associa ted with determin ing the caus e of a ROD

URGENT FAILURE alarm. Racking in the Train A bypass breaker causes a separate alarm .

d. Incorrect. Plausible , since the local action is assoc iated with determ ining the caus e of a ROD

URGENT FAILURE alarm, a blown ground return fuse is a specific cause of the GENERAL WARNING


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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC Initial Lice nse Exam


Qu estion Number: 37

KIA: 01 3 A4.02

Engineered Safety Features Actuation

Abi lity to manually opera te and/o r monit or in the contro l room: Reset of ESFAS channel s.

Tier: 2 RO Imp: 4.3 RO Exa m : Yes Cogn it ive Level: HIGH

Group : 1 SRO Imp: 4.4 SRO Exam: Yes Source: NEW

Applicable 10CFR55 Section : 41.7 /45 .5 to 45 .8

Learn ing Objective: 3-0T-SYS063A, Objec tive 23: Identify each system that is automatically activated

from a safety injection signal ; Objective 25: Desc ribe how to reset the safety injection signal , include P-4

inter lock, also how and when to block the Sl signa l; 3-0T-SYS 001A, Objec tive 21: List the automatic

clo sure signals for the MSIVs .

Ref erences : 1-47W6 11-63-1 ; 1-47W61 1-1-1.

Qu estion:

Given the followi ng plant conditions:

  • An inad verten t Safety Injection (SI) has occurred on Unit 1, and the crew is term inating the Safet y


  • The OAC has pressed the SI Reset pus hbuttons .

Assuming no addi tional opera tor action , wha t is the status of the following ESF signals?

Low Steam Line Pressure

Autom atic SI Main Steam Iso lation Signal

A. Enabled Disab led

B. Disabled Enabled

C. Disabled Disabled

D. Enabled Enabled


a. Incor rect. Plausible , since the automa tic Sl is not enab led until the reactor trip breakers are closed .

The low steam line pressure MS IV closu re signal is disabled (blocked) .

b. CO RRECT. The automatic Sl is not enabled until the reactor trip brea kers are closed . Th e low steam

line pressure MSIV closu re signa l is not blocked by the rese t functio n (refe r to 1-47W611 -63-1) .

c. Incorrect. The automatic SI is not enab led until the reactor trip breakers are closed . Plausible since the

low steam line pressure MSIV closu re signal is not blocked by the SI reset.

d. Incorrect. The automatic Sl is disab led until the reactor trip breakers are closed. Plausible since the

low steam line pressure MSIV closure signal is not blocked by the SI reset.

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC In it ial License Exa m


Question Number: 38

KiA: 022 A3 .01

Conta inment Cooling

Ability to monitor automatic operation of the CCS , including : Initiation of safegua rds mode of operat ion .

Tier: 2 RO Imp: 4.1 RO Exam : Yes Cog nitive Level: LOW

Group: 1 SRO Imp: 4.3 SRO Exam : Yes Source : NEW

Applicable 1OCFR55 Section: 41.7/45.5

Lea rni ng Obj ect ive : 3-0T-SYS030C, Con tainment Air Cool ing, Purge , & Continuous Vent Systems

6/8. Describe the Lower/Upper Compartment Air Cooling system including : c. Automatic starts of the fans;

d. Fan trips ; e. Numbe r of fans requ ired for normal operation .

Refe rences : System Description N3-30RB-4002 , REACTO R BUILDING VENTILATION SYSTEM

WBN Logic Diagrams 1-47W611-30-3 , -4.

Question :

Given the following plant conditions:

A main steam line ruptu re has occu rred inside containment.

  • Containment pressure peaked at 3.6 psig.
  • All engin eered safety features have actuated per design .

What is the expected status of the containment Upper Compartment Coo ling Fans (UCC F) and Lower

Compartment Cooling Fans (LCCF) 10 minutes afte r the event ?


A. Running Tripped

B. Tripped Running

C. Running Running

D. Tripped Tripped


a. Incorrect. Plausible, since upper compartment fans trip on a Phase B containment isolat ion signal.

The candidate may confu se the air return fans, which start approximately 9 minutes after a Phase B

signal, with the upper compartmen t fans.

b. Incorrect. Plausible, since lower compartment fans are required to be manua lly started between 1.5

and 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> s after a main stearn line break to ensure that no localized hot spots develop which would

interfere with PAM instrum entation response.

c. Incorrect. Plausible if candidate does not recall Phase B impact on both the upper and lower

compartment cooling fans.

d. CORRECT. The Phase B isolation causes all fans to trip and ERCW flow to related coo lers to isolate.

Candi dates may believe that the lower compartment cooling fans must be restarted this soon after a

main steam line break and discount the answer as incorrect.

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC Initial License Exam


Qu estion Number: 39

K/A : 025 A2 .05

Ice Condenser

Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfuncti ons or ope rations on the ice condenser system ;

correct, control, or mitigate the consequ ences of those malfunctions or ope ration s: Abnormal glycol

expansion tank level.

Tie r : 2 RO Imp : 2.5 RO Exam: Yes Cognitive Level: HIGH

Group: 1 SRO Imp: 2.7 SRO Exam: Yes Sou rce : NEW

App licabl e 10CFR 55 Secti o n : 41.5 /4 3.5 /4 5.3 /45 .13

Learn ing Objectiv e: 3-0T- SYS061A. , Objective 18: Discuss what provision s have been mad e for glycol

expa nsion after the glycol system is isolated from the containment.

References: ARI-138 -144 , Rev 18; 1-47W6 11-61- 1, Rev. 4; 1-47W611-61-2, Rev 6; SOI-61 01, Rev 27

Question :

Which ONE of the following Glycol Expansion Tank levels causes the conta inment glycol suppl y and return

valves 1-FCV-61-191, GLYCOL SUPPLY TO AHU s CON TAINM ENT ISOLATION, and 1-FCV-6 1-193,

GLYCO L RETURN AUX BUILDING ISOLATI ON to AUTO CLOS E, and after the isolati on how are the Glycol

Pumps and Chillers affected?

Tank Level After the isolation

A. Lo-Lo level Glycol Circ Pumps and Chillers TRIP .

B. Lo-Lo level Glycol Circ Pumps and Chillers continue to RUN.

c. Hi-Hi level Glycol Circ Pumps and Chillers TRIP.

D. Hi-Hi level Glyco l Circ Pumps and Chillers continue to RUN .


a. CORR ECT . Lo-Lo Expansion tank level causes the isolation, and then the circ pumps trip (on low

suction pressu re or high discharge pres sure) and the chillers then trip as identified in AR I- 143-B.

b. Incorrect. Lo-Lo Expansion tank level causes the isolation , and then the circ pumps trip (on low suction

pressu re or high discha rge pressure) and the chillers then trip as identified in ARI-14 3-B. Lo-Lo level

being the conditio n that causes the isolatio n and that a containment flow path still exists for the floor

cooling system makes leaving the eire pumps running plausible.

c. Incorrect. Hi-Hi Expansion tank level does NOT cause the isolation , but the eire pumps trip (on low

suction pressure or high discha rge pressure) and the chillers then trip as iden tified in ARI-14 3-B if the

containment suppl y and return valves are isolated. Plausib le because the circ pumps and chiller trip

following the conta inme nt supply and return valve isolation and if the level were going high the isolation

is plausible to prevent overflowing the tan k inside containment.

d. Incorrect. Hi-Hi Expansion tank level does NOT cause the isolat ion, but the eire pump s trip (on low

suction pres sure or high discharge pressure) and the chillers then trip as identified in ARI -143-B .

Plausib le because if the level were going high, the isolation wou ld preve nt overflowing the tank inside

containment and a containmen t flow path still exists for the floor cooli ng system, making leaving the eire

pumps running plausible.

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I RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC Initial License Exam


Question Number: 40

K/A : 026 A 1.03

Contai nment Spray

Ability to predict and/or monito r changes in parame ters (to prevent exceeding design limits) associated with

operating the CSS controls including: Containment sump level.

Tier : 2 RO Imp: 3.5 RO Exam: Yes Cognitive Level: LOW

Group : 1 SRO Imp : 3.5 SRO Exam : Yes Source: NEW

Applicable 10CFR55 Section: 41.5/43.5/45.3/45 .13

Learning Objective: 3-0T-SYS072A, Objective 16: Given a set of plant cond itions, determ ine the correct

response of the Containment Spra y System .

References : ES-1.3, Rev. 17; ECA-1.1, Rev. 11.

Qu estion:

While performing ES-1.3 Transfer to Containment Sump, the Containm ent Spray Pump

handswitches are required to be placed in Stop-PULL-TO-LOCK at which ONE of the following

setpoi nts?

A. Conta inment Sump level rises to 83%.

B Contai nment Sump level rises to 34%.

C Refueling Wate r Storage Tank level drops to 16.1%.

D. Refueling Water Storage Tank level drop s to 8%.


a. Incorrect. Plausible since the candidate may believe that stopping the cont ainment spray pumps will

reduce containment flood ing.

b. Incorrect. Plausible since the valu e provided is related to RWST level for sump swapover.

c. Incorrect. Plausible since the value provided is relat ed to containment sump level for swap over.

d. CORRECT. When RWST level is less than 8% the containment spray pumps will be place d in Stop-

PULL-TO-LOCK position regardless of contai nment pressure. The suction will be aligned to the

containment sump and then the pumps will be restarted.

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.'-"." =--

I' RO Watt s Bar 2008 NRC Initial Lice nse Exa m


Question Number: 41

KIA : 039 K5.08

Main and Reheat Steam

Knowledge of the operationa l implications of the following concepts as the( y) app ly to the MRSS : Effect of

steam removal on reactivity.

Ti er : 2 RO Imp : 3.6 RO Exam : Yes Cognitive Level : High

Group : 1 SRO Imp: 3.6 SRO Exam : Yes Sou rce : Braidwood 2001

Sig Mod .

App licable 1OCFR55 Section : 41 .5/4 5.7

Lea rn ing Objective : 3-0 T-G0 0200. Objective 8: Given conditions indicative of an erroneous Estimat ed

Critical Position (ECP) calculation during the initial pull to critical, describe what steps should be taken by the

operator and why . 3-0 T-SIP 1100, Objective 2: Describe the six variables which affect the Estimated

Critical Condition .

References : 3-0 T-G0 0200. Rev. 6; 1-SI-0-11 Rev. 12.


Given the following plant cond itions:

  • At EOL, a reactor start up is in progre ss following a 6-day outage .
  • The Reactor Engineer has provided an ECP which predict s the reactor going critical at 120 steps on

Control Bank D.

Which ONE of the following conditions will result in the critical rod height being HIGHER than the value

predicted by the ECP?

A. A dilution of 500 gallons is performed.

B. Feedwa ter flow is increased to all SGs due to a controll er malfunction.

C Steam Dump Controller 1-PIC-1-33 fails, resulting in a pres sure decreas e of 50 psig .

D. An improperly perform ed step in the Post Maintenance Test procedure results in the clos ure of all



a Incorrect. A dilution results in a positive reactivity add ition. This causes the critical rod height to be

lower than the ECP.

b. Incorrect. An increase in feedwater flow results in a drop in RCS temp erature . The drop in RCS

temperature resu lts in a positive reactivity add ition. This causes critical rod height to be lower than the


c. Incorrect. A drop in pressure result ing from the failure of 1-PIC-1-33 cause s a drop in RCS

tempe rature. The drop in RCS temperatu re results in a positive reactivity addition. This causes critical

rod heigh t to be lower than the ECP .

d. CORR ECT . The closu re of the MSIVs results in an increas e in steam pressure. and causes the SG

PORVs to lift. Th is results in an increase in RCS tempera ture, whic h resul ts in a nega tive reactivity

addition. This causes critical rod height to be HIGHER than the ECP .

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC In itial License Exam


Question Number: 42

KIA: 039 A2.03

Main and Reheat Steam

Ability to (a) predict the impa cts of the following malfunctions or ope rations on the MRSS; and (b) based on

predictions, use procedu res to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunction s or

operations: Indications and alarms for main steam and area radiation monitors (duri ng SGTR ).

Tier: 2 RO Imp : 3.4 RO Exam : Yes Cogn itive Level : HIGH

Group : 1 SRO Imp: 3.7 SRO Exam: Yes Source: NEW

Applicable 1OCFR55 Section: 41 .5/4 3 .5/4 5. 3/4 5 .13

Learning Objective: 3-0T-SYS090 A, Objec tive 14: State the purpose of the Main Steam Line Radiation


References : 3-0 T-SYS090A, Rev.13; AOI -33 Rev 32.

Question :

Given the following plant condition s:

  • The unit is at 100% power.

Unidentified leakage is 0.03 gpm .

AOI- 33, Steam Generator Tube Leakag e, Appendix A for Steam Generator Tub e Leak Mo nitor ing,

is in progress.

  • Subs equ ently, the activity in the RCS increased significantl y due to fue l failures .

NOTE: Radiation Mon itor Identification Numbe rs:

1-RM-90-10 6 - Lower Conta inm ent Radiati on Monit or

1-RM- 90-119 - Co ndenser Vacuum Pump Exhaust

1-RM-90-42 3 - #3 Steam Line Radiatio n Monitor

Which ON E of the following describes how 1-RM- 90-106 and 1-RM-90 -42 3 will respond as a result of the

failed fuel without a cha nge in the amo unt of steam generator tube leakage and the action directed in AO I-

33, App endi x A, for using radiation monitors to quant ify tube leakage?

RAD Monitor Response Action to Quantify

A. 1-RM-90-10 6 and 1-RM-90-4 23 Recalculate values for correlating 1-RM- 90-119 to SG

increase. tube leakage.

B. 1-RM -90-106 and 1-RM-90-42 3 Stop using 1-RM- 90-11 9 as the preferred indication for

increase. SG tube leak rate monitoring.

C. 1-RM-90-106 remains constant. Recalculate value s for corr elating 1-RM-90-119 to SG

l -RM- 90-423 increases. lube leakage.

D 1-RM-90-106 remain s constant. Stop using 1-RM-90-11 9 as the preferred indication for

1-RM- 90-4 23 increases . SG tube leak rate monitoring .


a. CORRECT. As identified in caution in AOI- 33, lower containment rad monitor rising concurrently with

secondary rad monitors may indicate a developing fuel defect , which could give an indication of a

SGTL The threshold values for correlati ng RM- 90-11 9 count rate to SG tube leakag e must be

recalculated if RCS activity has changed significan tly. A note in the AO I identifies 1-RM-90-119 as the

prefe rred indication for leak rate monitoring and other seconda ry rad monit ors shou ld be used for


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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC In itial License Exam


b. Inco rrect. The rad mo nitor response is correct, but use of 1-RM-90 -1 19 would not be stopped.

Plausible because the first part is correct and 1-RM-90-423 could be used to confirm, but use of 1-RM -

90-1 19 would not be stopped, its thresho ld values would be calcula ted .

c. Incorre ct . The rad monit or res ponse is NOT correct, but the action s required are correct. Plau sible

because recalculati ng 1-RM -90- 119 thresho ld values is corre ct and candidate may NOT relate a rise in

the lowe r containment background activity due to the increased activ ity in the RCS .

d. Incor rect. The rad monitor response is NOT correct and the use of 1-RM -90-119 would not be stopped .

Plausible because the candida te may NOT relate a rise in the lower containme nt back ground activity

due to the increased activ ity in the RCS and may de termine that the main steam line radiation monitor

would be used to calculate the leak rate.

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RO Watts B ar 2008 NRC In itial License Exam


Question Number: 43

KiA: 059 K4.0 5

Main Feedwater

Knowl edge of MFW design feature (s) and/or interlock(s) whic h provide for the following: Cont rol of speed of

MFW pump turbine.

Tier: 2 RO Imp : 2.5 RO Exam : Yes Cognitive Level : HIGH

Group : 1 SRO Imp: 2.8 SRO Exam: Yes Source: WBN BANK

Applicable 10CFR55 Sectio n : 41.7

Learning Objective : 3-0T-SYS000 3D, Objective 10: For a given input parameter failure to the steam

gene rators level control system . determine the effect on steam genera tor level; Obje ctive 14: For a given

input paramet er failu re to the Main Feedwater Pump speed control. determ ine the effect on main feed pump


Referen ces : 1-47W61 1-3-2. Rev. 20.

Qu estion :

Given the following plant cond itions:

  • The Unit is at 50% load. steady state.
  • All Feedwa ter valves/pumps are in automatic.
  • Standb y Feed Pump is off with its control handswitch in "auto" .
  • The contro lling steam flow (SF) transm itter on #1 S/G fails LOW.

Which ONE of the following describes the response of the Feedwater Control System to the given


A. MFP speed RIS ES; #1 S/G Feedwater regulating valve closes initiall y to match feedwate r flow to the

failed SF input.

B. MFP speed RISES ; #1 S/G Feedwater regula ting valve closes initially due to the level error signal


C. MFP speed LOW ERS ; #1 S/G Feedwater regu lating valve closes initially to match feedwater flow to

the failed SF input.

D. MFP speed LOWERS; #1 S/G Feedwater regulating valve closes initially due to the level error signal



a. Incor rect. Plausible since the failure of the controlling steam flow transmitter low causes an immediate

steam flow-f eed flow mismatch. This causes the feed reg valve to close. The failure of the steam flow

from one SG causes the DP program to change, reducing the DP required . This causes MFP speed to

decrea se.

b. Incorrect. Plausible since the level error portion of the SGW LC circuit is providing feedback to position

the MFRV. The level error signal would not be the domin ant signal howev er. Additi onally. the failure

of the steam flow from one SG causes the DP program to change. reducing the DP requ ired. This

causes MFP speed to decrease .

c. CORRECT The failure of the controlling steam flow transmitter low causes an imm ediate steam flow-

feed flow misma tch. This causes the feed reg valve to close. but not to prevent overfill. The failure of

the steam flow from one SG causes the DP program to change . reducing the DP requi red . This

causes MFP speed to decrease.

d. Incorrect. Plausible since the level error portion of the SGWLC circui t would be providing feedba ck to

position the MFRV. The level error signal wou ld not be the dominant signal howe ver. Addit ionally. the

failure of the steam flow from one SG causes the DP progr am to change. reduc ing the DP requi red.

This cause s MFP speed to lower.

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RO Walls B ar 2008 NRC In itial Lic ens e Exam


Que stion Number: 44

K/A : 06 1 K3.02

Auxiliary/Eme rgenc y Feedwater

Kno wledge of the effect that a loss or malfunc tion of the AFW will have on the following : S/G.

Tier: 2 RO Im p : 4.2 RO Exam : Yes Cogn itive Level : HIGH

Group: 1 SRO Imp : 4.4 SRO Exam: Yes Source : WSN SANK

Applicable 10C FR55 Section : 4 1.7/45 .6

Learning Objective: 3-0T-SYS003 B. Obje ctive 4 : Identify the steam gen erators that each AFW pump

supplies. Objective 11: Describe the automatic actuations that occ ur whe n an AFW pump is started.

References : 1-47W6 11-3-3 Rev. 10. -4 Rev. 17; 1-47W611-1 -3. Rev. 9

Que st ion :

Given the following plant conditions:

  • The unit is at 100% pow er .
  • The TO AFW pump is out of service to repair the Tr ip-and-Thrott le valve linkage.
  • 6.9 KV Shutd own Board 1B trips due to a diffe rential relay actua tio n.
  • An inad verten t Safety Injection occu rs.

Wtlich ONE of the follo wing describes the SGs that are receiving AFW flow and which SG

blowdown isolat ion va lves are clos ed . as a resul t of the above condi tions? (Assume no ope rator

action .)

SGs Receiving AFW flow SG SLOWDOWN Isolated

A. On ly SG 1 and 2 ALL SGs

B. Onl y SG 1 and 2 Onl y SG 1 and 3

C. Only SG 1 and 3 Only SG 1 and 2

D. Only SG 1 and 3 ALL SGs


a. CORRECT . The stem of the question describes a situation dur ing which the 1A-A MDAFWP will start .

but the 1B-B MDA FW P and the TDAFW P are unavailab le. Only #1 and #2 SGs are receiving AFW

flow from the 1A MDAFWP. The SI caused a Containment Phase A isolation signal. which in turn

cause d all of the SG blowdown isolation valves to close.

b. Incorre ct. The 1A-A MDAFWP will feed the #1 and #2 SGs , and under a normal start sequence would

cause the #1 and #3 SG blowdo wn valves to isola te .

c. Incor rect. Plau sible, since the SGs rece iving wate r from the 1A-A MDAFWP and the SG blowdown

valves that isolate on a normal start are reversed .

d. Incorrect. Plausible, since the SGs receiving wate r fro m the 1A-A MDA FWP and the SG blowdown

valves that clo se on a Cont ainment Phase A isolation are reve rsed .

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC Initial License Exam


Question Number: 45

KIA : 062 K2.01

AC Electrical Distribution

Knowledg e of bus power supplies to the following: Major system loads .

Tier: 2 RO Imp: 3.3 RO Exam : Yes Cognitive Level: LOW

Group : 1 SRO Imp: 3.4 SRO Exam: Source: NEW

Applicable 10CFR55 Section: 41.7

Learning Objective: 3-0T-SYS002A. Objecti ve 22: Describe the cond ensate booster pumps as to type,

capacity, and power supply.

References : 1-45W 760-2-1, Rev. 20, -2-2, Rev. 8; 1-45W760-3-2. Rev. 14; 1-47W7 60-6-1, Rev. 13.

Question :

Given the following plant conditions:

The unit is at 100% power.

  • All secondary condensate and feedwater pumps are in service .
  • The 10 Unit Board develops a fault and trips due to relay operation.

Which ONE of the follow ing pumps is lost as a result of this failure?

A. 1B Hotw ell Pump .

B. 1A Condensat e Booster Pump.

C. 1B #3 Heater Drain Tank Pump .

D. Standby Main Feed Pump.


a Incorrect. The 1B Hotwe ll pump is powered from the 1C Unit Board .

b. Incorrect. The 1A Cond ensate Booster Pump is powered from the 1A Unit Board.

c. Incorrec t. The 1B #3 HOT Pump is powere d from the 1B Unit Board .

d. CORRECT. The Standb y Main Feed pump is power ed from 10 Unit Board .

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RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC Initial License Exam


Question Number: 46

K/A : 063 K1.02

DC Electrical Distributi on

Knowledge of the physica l conne ction s and/or cause-effect relationships betwee n the DC electrical system

and the following systems : AC electrica l system.

Tier : 2 RO Imp : 2.7 RO Exam: Yes Cognitive Level: HIGH

Group : 1 SRO Imp: 3.2 SRO Exam: Sou rce : WBN BANK

App licable 10CFR55 Section : 41 .2 to 41.9/45 .7 to 45.8

Learning Objective: 3-0T-8Y8057C , Objective 3: Explain the 480V break er in terms of the following:

b. Mechani cal and electrical interlocks.

References : 1-45W760-63-1, Rev. 10.

Qu estion:

Given the following plan t conditions :

  • 1A-A and 1B-B 8 1Pump breakers are "Racked Up".
  • A fuse blows in the NORM AL DC Trip circuit for the 1A-A 81 Pump .
  • A safety injection (8 1) actuation occurs.

Which ONE of the following describes the response of the 8 1Pumps to the 8 1signal?

A. 1B-B 8 1Pump will auto start, but 1A-A 81 Pump will not auto start until the control power suppl y is


B. 1B-B 81 Pump will auto start, but 1A-A 8 1Pump will not auto start and mus t be started

from the MCR handswitch .

C. Both 81 Pumps will auto start, but 1A-A 81 Pump canno t be stopped from the MCR.

D. Both 81 Pumps will auto start, but 1A-A 8 1Pump will immediate ly trip due to the blown fuse .


a. Incorrect. Candidate may believe that the pump will not start with fuse blown in the trip circuit. They

may believe it is the same dc power as supplied to the pump start circuit.

b. Incorrec t. Candidate may confuse the control power supplies to the pump and the start logic.

c CORR ECT. Both pumps start automatically, however with fuses blown in the trip circuit the pump

breaker cannot be opened from any electri cal control handswi tch.

d. Incorrect. Both pumps start automatically . Candidate may believe that a blown fuse in the trip circuit

causes the trip circuit to be made up and results in the 1A-A 8 1pump tripping .

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RO Watts Bar 200 8 NRC Ini tial License Exam


Qu est io n Number: 47

KIA: 064 K2.02

Emergency Diesel Generator

Knowledge of bus power supplies to the following : Fuel oil pumps.

Tier : 2 RO Im p : 2.8 RO Exam : Yes Cognitive Level : LOW

Gr oup : 1 SRO Imp : 3.1 SRO Exam: Yes Source : NEW

Applic able 10CFR55 Section : 41.7

Learning Objective : 3-0 T-SYS-082A, Objective 5: Describe the Operation of the DG Support Systems.

References : 1-45W760-82-2B Rev. 8; 1-45W760 -82-4B Rev. 6.


Which ONE of the following is the power supply for the 2A-A Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Priming pump?

A 480v AC from Diesel Generator Auxilia ry Board 2A1-A.

B. 480v AC from Diesel Generator Auxiliary Board 2A2-A.

C. 125v DC from the 125v DC Vital Ball ery Board 2-1.

D. 125v DC from the 125v DC 2A-A Diesel Battery Distributi on Panel.


a. Incorre ct. Plausible because some of the 2A-A Diesel Generator auxiliary equipment is powe red from

this board .

b. Incorre ct. Plausible because some of the 2A-A Diesel Generato r auxiliary equipment is powered from

this board.

c. Incorrect. Plausible because this board supplies power for the 2A-A DG output break er control and for

relays in its start circuit and the actual power supp lies are from a supply feed ing the control circuit on

the DG.

d. CORRECT. The priming pump is powered from the 125v Diesel Generator battery system.

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RO Wa tts Ba r 2008 NRC Initial Licens e Exam


Qu estion Number : 48

KIA : 064 K4.05

Emergency Diesel Generator

Knowledge of ED/G system design featu re(s) and/or interlock(s) which provide for the following:

Incomplete-start relay.

Tier: 2 RO Imp: 2.8 RO Exam : Yes Cognitive Level: HIGH

Group : 1 SRO Imp: 3.2 SRO Exam : Yes Source: WBN BANK

App licable 10CFR55 Section : 41.7

Learning Obj ective : 3-0 T-SYS082A, Objective 10: Given a set of plant conditions, det ermine the correct

response of the Diese l Generator or Diesel Gener ator Support Systems .

References : 1-45W760-82-2 thru 6.

Qu est ion :

After a reactor trip and safety inject ion on Unit 1, the following condi tions are observed for 1A-A Diesel

Generat or (DG):

  • 1-M-26A , Window 198A , "DG START /RUN FAILURE" alarm - LIT.
  • Green "DG Run" light - ON .
  • Red "DG Run" light - OFF.
  • Red "DG Abo ve 40 rpm" light - ON .
  • Diesel Gene rator 6.9 KV breake r - OPEN.
  • Diesel Gene rator voltage - ZERO .

From the above indications, the ope rating crew knows that 1A-A Diesel Generator start ed and.

A. shutdow n after 10 seconds .

B. engine speed did not rise above 550 rpm .

C. engine speed excee ded 550 rpm but did not rise above 850 rpm.

D. shutdown due to insufficient air in the receiver.


a. Incorrect. Indicating lights show that the diese l is still running.

b. CORR ECT . Based on the information provided , the engine is runn ing but since there is no indication

that the field flashed , it can be assumed that speed did not reach 550 rpm .

c. Incorrect. If DG speed had exceeded 550 rpm the generator field would have flashed. The information

in the stem does not indicate that this has happened .

d. Incorre ct. Plausible, since the D/G tried to start, which meant sufficient air to start. Howe ver, the stem

states that an emerg ency start was generated, and the indicating lights show that the diesel attem pted

to start .

52 of 81

RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC Initial License Exam


Qu estion Number: 49

KIA: 073 K3.01

Process Radiation Monitoring

Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunctio n of the PRM system will have on the following: Radioactive

effluent releases.

Tier: 2 RO Imp: 3.6 RO Exam : Yes Cog nitive Level : LOW

Group: 1 SRO Imp: 4.2 SRO Exam : Yes Source: WBN BANK

Applicable 10CFR55 Section: 41 .7/45.6

Learn ing Objective : 3-0 T-SYS015A Objective 5: Describe the automatic response of the Steam

Generator Blowdown System to a high radia tion signal detected by the blowdown radiation monitor (RM-90-

120, 121).

References : 1-47W611-15-1 Rev . 14, ARI-173-179 Rev 38.


The Turbine Building NAUO has placed 1-HS-15-44, SG Blowdown Disch to CTBD, (Cooling Tower

Blowdown) , in OPEN per SOI-15.01, in order to direct SGB D flow to CTBD.

Which ONE of the following will occur if radiation monitor 1-RM-90-120 loses flow through the monitor?

A. Blowdown will be isolated to the CTBD resulting in loss of blowdown flow .

B. Blowdown will be isolated to the CTB D and automa tically be redirec ted to the condensate heade r.

C. Blowdown will continue to the CTBD but will isolate if 1-RM-90-12 1 reac hed the HI RAD setpoint.

D. Blowdown will continue to the CTBD and will NOT isolate if 1-RM-90-121 reac hed the HI RAD setpoint.


a. Incorrect. Blowdown flow path to the CTBD wou ld not be isolated but an instrumen t malfunction alarm

wou ld be generated.

b. Incorrect. Blowdown flow path to the CTB D would not be isola ted, thus redirect ion to the condensate

header would not occur.

c. COR RECT. The loss of flow would cause an instrument malfunction alarm, but the flow to the CTBD

would continue. If 1-RM-90- 121 sensed a hi rad condit ion the CTB D flow path would be isolated and

the SGBD redirecte d to the condensate header.

d. Incorrect. Blowdown flow path to the CTB D wou ld contin ue howeve r while it takes both blowdown

radia tion moni tors normal to open the valve, either one in High RAD will cause isolat ion.

53 of 81

RO Watts Bar 2008 NRC In itial License Exam


Question Number: 50

K/A : 073 G2.4.35

Process Radia tion Monitoring

Know ledge of local auxiliary ope rator tasks duri ng an emergency and the resu ltant operationa l effects.

Tier : 2 RO Imp : 3.8 RO Exam : Yes Cognitive Lev el : LOW

Group: 1 SRO Imp : 4.0 SRO Exam: Yes Source : NEW

Applic able 10CFR55 Section : 4 1.10 / 43.5 / 45 .13

Learni ng Objective: 3-0T-SYS088A, Objec tive 9: Given a set of plant condi tions , determine the correct

response of the Containment Isolation System .; 3-0 T-SYS090A, Objective 7: Determine Interlocks and/or

cause-effect relationships betwe en the Rad Monitoring Systems (ARM & Process) and the areas they

monitor. Include HVAC systems and area isolations .

References: SOI-90 .02, Gaseo us Process Radia tion Monitors, Rev 45, Precaution C.

ARI-173-179, U-I Radiation Detectors, Rev 44.

SOI-8 8.01, Containment Isolation System, Rev 16.

1-47W 611-88-1 r23.

Question :

Given the follow ing plant conditions :

  • Unit 1 experienced a Reactor Trip/Safety Injection due to a LOCA inside containment.
  • When checking annunciators following the trip and SI, the CRO notes that the following

annunciators are in alarm :

1738 , LWR CNTM T AIR 1-RM- 106 RAD HI.


Assuming all componen ts respond as designed , which ONE of the followi ng actio ns will the NAUO take due

to the above conditions?

A. Reope n the radiation moni tor isolation valve which restores flow throu gh the monitor to restore Tech

Spec operability.

B. Restart the radiation monitor pump which restores flow through the mon itor to restore Tech Spec


C Stop the radiation monitor pump to prevent damage to the pump due to the monitor being isolated as a

result of the safet y injection .

D. Close the radiation monitor isolation valves to isolate monitor due to the pump being tripped as a result

of the safety injec tion.


a. Incorrect. The valves automatically isolated due to the CVI signal , however they shou ld not be

reopened. The pum ps need to be stopped as identified in SO I*90.01 Precaution C and in ARI 1730 to

prevent damage to the pumps. Plausible beca use opening the valves restores flow and the monit or is a

Tech Spec required monitor.

b. Incorrect . The pump will be running. The valves automatically isolated due to the CVI signal, however

the pump does not auto stop. The pumps need to be manua lly stopped as identified in SOI-90.01

Precaution C and in AR I 1730 to prevent dama ge to the pumps . Plausible, because if starting the

pumps were to re-estab lish flow, the Tech Spec monitor could be restored.

c. CORRECT. The radia tion monitor is isolated due to the CVI signal gener ated by the safet y injection.

The pumps do not stop and are running with no flow. The pumps need to be stopp ed as identified in

SOI-90.01 Precaution C and in AR I 1730 to prevent damage to the pumps.

d. Incorrect. The pumps need to be stopped as identified in SO I-90 .01 Precaution C and in ARI 1730 to

prevent damage to the pumps . The valves automatically isolate due to the CVI signa l.

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