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G20060525 - Glenn Adler Ltr. Re 2.206 - South Texas Project Electric Generating Station - Comprehensive Cultural Assessments
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 05/16/2006
From: Adler G
Service Employees International Union
To: Reyes L
2.206, G20060525
Download: ML061460041 (33)


EDO Principal Correspondence Control FROM: DUE: 0.6/29/06 Glenn Adler Service Employees International Union, CLC (SEIU)EDO CONTROL: G20060525 DOC DT: 05/16/06 FINAL REPLY: Reyes, EDO FOR SIGNATURE OF : Dyer, NRR DESC:** GRN **CRC NO: ROUTING: 2.206 -South Texas Project Electric Generating Station -Comprehensive Cultural Assessments DATE: 05/25/06 Reyes Virgilio Kane Silber Dean Burns Mallett, RIV Cyr, OGC Goldberg, OGC Williams, NRR ASSIGNED TO: NRR CONTACT: Dyer SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR REMARKS: TA"\cA* .e6 Obk&6X1>s'. L>-'D1 StrongerTogte ANABURGER keMaai 1weasuir':

MAf313W HN!W 20005SO 1USE8 8.3A 9euV~ 0den TM202898348

    • dE4rt: May l6,2006 ..:- 4 diMr.Liis A. Re....... -t:.' Executive Directot for Operations United States Nuckar Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 r' * *., , .1 * ' ! * " ;,: jsi * !.3


South Texas Project ElectficGenerating Station -Petition Punuant to 10 CER 2.206 -Compirensive Cutural A sents' ' ;i ;' .i i4 ,' .'. ; , 't ,, -',,:*



I I',:* Pursuant 6t §2.206ofit10 of th Code of Federal Regulations, the Service i Employees Inational Union (SEWU) petitions the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to take enforcement action against the South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company (STPNOC), the licensee for the South Texas'Pbject E tric Generating Station (SIP).Speeffically, SEIU seek enforcement action in the form of a Demand for Information (DPI) that would require STPNOC to provide the NRC with docketed copies of:-r , :f ,, .' ' .t* any assessments of the iafety conscious work environment (SCWE) at SIP conducted since January 1, 2004;* summaries of any associated action plans and the results of any efforts to remediate problems revealed by these surveys, including documents mentioned at an August 2005 meeting apparently convened to discuss the plait's SCWE: a SWOT analysis to assess the issues and actions required and follow-up on these actions to improve station alignment, an outsourcing lessons learned, and an evaluation of IT, Supply Chain, Technical Training, and Wackenhut to assess the issues and recommended actions [see below];* summaries of any associated action plans and the results of efforts to remediate problems revealed by such surveys in 2001 and 2003.It is necessary for the NRC to obtain and review this information to assure the mainenace of a safety conscious work environment, a vital condition for the safe operation of the nuclear plant~D -G0 6 5 Page 2 164998 S1PNOC was required to conduct periodic independent surveys after the NRC found , e licensee had violated federal law by subjecting four employees to a "hostile work envment" after de employees raised safety concernsl..

  • While impvements have been made in STP's safety conscious work environment, important problems continue to plague certan entities at the plant, which appear to be impervious to remediation.

Howeverithe NRC appears not to be in possession of documents concerning these problems, STPNOC's associated action plans, and the results thereof. Without such information, NRC can scarcely undekstand these difficulties, let alone perform an effective oversight role.Comprehensive Cultural Assessmentsconducted in 2003 and in earlier years are in the NRC's possession and are publiclyavailable; the 2003 survey was released to SEIU through a FOIA request. However, any sulsequent s of teSCWE, ncluding one conducted in 2005, do not appear to be in the possession of the NRC. A document released to SEW under FOIA (2006-0052), "SouthsTexas Safety Culture Survey with slides,I describes a meeting of some 90 participants which appears to have taken place in August,2005 at which the 2005 safety culture survey was discussed.[Attached]

According to this two-page document, "The[reJ were problems with security,I&C, Design Engineers, and Ebasco-Rathyon fsic]. NO SPECIFIC DETAILS." At least two of these four entidies were singled out for fiuher atention in previous Comprehensive Cultural Assessments.

In both the 2001 and 2003 CCAs, Wackenhut and I&C were named as "Priority Organizations" for whbi formal action plans would be prepared.2 However, in a 2004 FOiA (2004.0308)

SEIU requested from the NRC any documents related to STP's promised formal action plans for Wackenhut, whether remedial action had in fact taken place, and the esults, if any, pf such remedial action.[AttachedJ The NRC's response to that request was that no agency. records subject to the request had been located.The Agency's reply leaves it xmclear whether an action plan had in fact been developed by STPNOC, whether it had been impemented, or whether the results were satisfactory.

Given that these steps had been included in STPNOC's formal response to the findings of a CCA conducted pursuant to an NRC cofimatomy order, the absence of any documentation at the NRC that the recommendations had been followed is disturbing.

As described above, the 2005 survey -as described in the "South Texas Safety Culture Survey with slides" -indicates that Wackenhut and I&C have continuing SCWE problems, suggesting that STPNOC's remediation efforts -if any -were ineffective.

'"NRC Staff Issues Coolirmatoiy Order to South Texas Pioject Requiring Improvements to Employee Concerns Programn" United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Public Affairs, Washington, DC, No. 98-87 (TuesdayJune9,1998).

2"South Texas Prject 2001 Comprehensive Cultural Assessment, December 2001." Synergy Consulting Services Corporation, pp. 9-10; "South Texas Project 2003 Comprehensive Cultural Assessment, January 2003," Synergy Consulting Services Corporation, p. 74; Letter from W.T. Cottle, Predent and Chief Executive Officer, STP Nuclear Operating Company to Ellis W. Merschoff, Regional Administrator, Region IV, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "South Texas Project Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. STN 50-498, 50-499 South Texas Project Comprehensive Cultural Assessment," April 7,2003.

Page 3 Moreover, handwritten notes, which appear to have been taken at the August, 2005 meeting, were released to SEU under the same )IA request (200-02)., The notes describe a number of concerns focusing on safety of the license's staff reductioas aqd business concerns: Trust of management forcedpa ons Outsourcing Resource [?j Adding VPs but cutting staff Focus on profit with questionable regard for employees Not appear to affect safety Not yet.Safety still seen as priority, however question commitment to staff Many comments regarding supervisor lack of comtment to e yees. Again strong[?1 of more commitment to profit than to workers Question whether time will bring more commitment to money than to safety. Does not seem ito be case currently but have bow far will profit drive station?These notes describe a potential problem in which the licensee's business concerns may trump safety. Given that SWNOC's action plans arising from previous CCAs apparently were not successful in respect of Wackenhut and I&C, it is important for the NRC to scrutinize the steps taken by STPNOC to rectify problems identified in the 2005, 2003, and 2001 cultural surveys.Some of these steps are mentioned in the "South Texas Safety Culture Survey" document from the August 2005 meeting:* a SWOT analysis to assess the issues and actions required and follow-up on these actions to improve station alignment.

v an outsourcing lessons learned* an evaluation of IT, Supply Chain, Technical Training, and Wackenhut to assess the issues and recommended actions.By obtaining tis information from STPNOC, the NRC will be better informed about the licensee's progress towards imprving the plant's SCWE. In addition, the NRC will be able to assess the effectiveness of steps taken to redress problems with Wackenhut and I&C for whom problems persist despite SWNOC's apparently repeated remediation efforts.SEIU fiurher requests that the NRC:* provide SEW with copies of all correspondence sent to STPNOC regarding this petition and the subject of the safety conscious work environment at STP;* provide SEW with advance notice of all public meetings conducted by the agency with STPNOC regarding this petition and the subject of the safety conscious work environment at STP;* provide SEW with an opportunity to participate in all relevant calls between NRC staff and STPNOC regarding this petition and the subject of the safety conscious work environment; and Page 4* provide SEIU with copies of all corpondence sent to Members of Congress, contractors, and/or Industry organizations (e.g., te Nuclear Energy Institute) regarding this petition and the subject of dte safety conscious work environment at STP.Yours truly, Glenn Adler Senior Research Analyst f ......... Q ! i , Ph: (202) 730-7426 Fax:" (202) 350)-6683 Email adlegseinogS le. 4-UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHGTON, D.C. 205001;N " t > ;.R -' -, ' ;..:7'I- -,ZV. , z4N 11 .. --I .t, tv; .-I V ,I I t.k Mr. Glenn Adler ... 7 -, -.Seniot Research Analyst Service Employees International Union 1313 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 ,. -,-IN RESPONSE REFER TO FOWPA-2006-0052

Dear Mr. Adler. ....On January 24 and Marchi .200,

1 provided records responsive to your Freedom of Information Act (FOLA) request number FOAMA-2006-O2.

Your request asked for documents related to eny, cultural assessment of the safety conscious work environment at the South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company (STPNOC) since January 1, 2004.This letter clarifes th" fct the the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Is not In possession of any cultural assesswtO esponsive to your. request..... -. Sneey Russell A. MochLs FOWPdvacy Act Officer Office of Information Services

4. *.-. ft -4f. K~ .,.FMTransmittal Sheet SOJ Reseac Deptment Fax (202)3504613 a , .....a- -zo k Stronger Together To:ax: 4 A C I Fax:30 ,o>ii513o FProm: (EFJ!LD L-F P..--ANDRW L STEM AMNA BURGER IMARY? OHDWR E%"MftftW%

TOM VVOOORUF IMEIWATOfMUMOrNCLC 1313 L SIMe N.W.Wa5ngt D.C. 20005 202.898.3200 TOO: 202.8983481 Nu of Pages (including cover): b Comments: 1. ;1!, ' ' I I .','

  • i -* '. !*I ..!, l I-.s 's I=1 ...'.Cnfiaity 14di Th ifmata cobund in i faa nmisin is mlldezml ad wtaed for iedpi s) ony. Jry-, km jecived Oi idomaion in am. please kmmeftvely nadfy us by phone to awrcftacom notalldoonmmsccived wvwVSw.og I AI-low. O r .i K t;March 14,2006 So= £ V rnger Together ANDR1VWL :1N'ANNA BURGER, GW HUDSON TOM VOORUPF WTERNArONALUMON

&FL. ...1313 L uet. N.W.Wa~shngt=n D.C. 20005 202.883200 TCV0 202.898.3481 ww! .S .ot.SER0C EMh RE: FOIAJPA APPEAL Mr. Russell A. Nichohs R)L~ Pdvac Ad OffiCer Office of Information Servies United StatesNuclearRulatoy Commission Fax no: (301)415-5130

Dear Mr. Nichols:

On Decmber.13,2005 Imade Mequest for various documents related to Comnprehensive Cultral Asses~iitk cowbducted at the South Texas Nuclear Opeating Company in Texas (FKlAA 2006A0052, see Attached).

Today, I recivd a final respse frbin the NRC, which included the last of four short documents telesed inder the reqes related io the impltation of the AssiimenX indbor-sides oetings at which the Assessment was presented.

Unfonately k 1eaise did not iiclude copies of the 2005 Ase ment itself, whichi specifically requested in my December 13,2005 l:lA submission.

This::M. Assessment clearly must exist, since It is the subject of and is clearly referenced n the presentations described in documents that were released to me.Indeed, the sponse I received today does not indicate that such a document does not exist. Nor does the response I received today explain why this document has been withheld.I hereby appeal dhe NRC's response to my FOIA submission and request tha the NRC release a copy of the 2005 Comprehensive Cultural Assessment I requested on December 13. 2M.YoursW Glenn Adler Senior Research Analyst Ph: (202) 730-7426 Fax: (202) 350-6613 Email: adlerd@seiuborg UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WAWGTN O.C .','.5'0t1 December 16,2005 FOIQA2006-0052 Glenn Adler Service Emphyees Intorational Union 1313 L St NW Washingtn, DC 20005

Dear Requester,

We recelved your Freedom of Infonnation Act/Privacy Act (FOIAPA) request on December 13, 2005.Your request has been assigned the folowing reference number that you should use In any future communications with us about your request FOlAPA 20064052 To ensure the most equitable treatment possible of all requesters, th NRC processes requests ona fastn, first-out basis, using a multiple track system based upon the estimated time It will take to process the request. Based on your descrpon of the records you are seeking, we estimate completion of your request will take 10-20 workdays (2-4 weeks). We wUl advise you of any change In the estimated fte to complete your request.For purposes of assessing fees In accordance with our regulations (10 CFR 9.33), we have placed your request In the following category.

Commercdal If appficable.

you will be charged appropriate fees for Search. Review, and Duplication of records.A sheet has been enclosed that expains In detanl the fee charges that may be applicable.

Please do not submit yp nt unless we notfy you to do so.The followong person Is fte FOAPA Specialist who has been assigned responsibility for your request: lgi Rajmllng; (301) 415S7090 If you have questions on any matters concenn yow fOINAPA request please feel free to contact the assigned FOINA Specialist or me at (301) 415.7169.Slncerely, Russell A Nichols FOWWdvacy Act Officer Office of Information Services


Incoming Request Explanation of Fees Fol: ld nobody _ t wj=ov*Date: Te. Dec 13,2005 1M PM Subject WWW Fornm S sW bn Y980 Selow is the result of ymu feedbac kfrm. lwas submited by o on Tuesday, Decembier-13 0 at 183:4.03 FimrName Glenn LastName:

Adler mpanyfAffaion:

Servnei EM0loees Intemational Unon Addressl:

1313 L St. NW Address2: C1ty WashIngton State: D0 Zip: 20005 Country. UnledStes Coun60ther.

Emet edflerg bsefuog Phone: 202-730Q7426 Desc: I requestte coa ofth foil doeuments be provided to me.: =om = Ct 7 Assessmentsoranymet i onducted to r the NRC mos ~ nWUSWO e~romel tk;I!0Csm anm .2004. as wella Dn cone ence, r

  • en ons. or Cenioranda Stween t R 1TP , and any other entity conceing such assessments.

In order to hep you determine my status for the purpose of ssessing fees, you should know that I em an employee of a labor union. I am willng to pay fees for this request up to a maxinum of $50. If you estimaethat the fees wX exceed thismIt please Worm me firt.FeeCategoyi Prlvate-Corporatlon MediaType:




ExpedftemlnenMmhnlatText ExpedfetUrgencyTolfrfomTextO

'utpos WWsl rMpoclVubcUnd~rstndlmF WafvorjrssTofubflcOrFf:

~r Watmcalner

---ronaj9i I6.i St --,:N-1's,1. j 1 ,::;!IiI. -t- -.0 I I.: I ., .1.I I -,I I I OS. ".4 -i , 44..t,I ,: , 4 .. --I I , ".1, ILF.U4i4PMI WUCiPMR O " -NUMBER..200C40 9 2*ACT (PA) REQUEST T REQUESTER PA hp r L MRMTMRIME o Requested recods aWe 6a"l Mhroug WiOWh public &itrbuo ProgrMM See Comments secUiOrL F1O A a rcords subject to to request t amelidified It te t alted appendices are already available for public peco Said copying C Public Dooznn Room Is Uctth rest tt ae Identified In Mue Wed appencices arm being made vilble for I m pu-mc'upemn r copytg heNRCPubitc Doctxnen Room a Encbed is Information on how you may otdain aeoss bo and 1ho harges frcopyn rords soated at the NRC Public Document Room. 11555 Rockv Pike. ROdIfe, MD 208278.Agency reords suject D tMe request are enclod' R' -ecosubjec to Me n t theat cVW naIn WnJonrs inaed by or of Wrest to anoter Federal agency have been.I refnedfg" Zency (see comments *oan) for a disclosure determination and direct response to you.o ae onti to process your rquest'MOtrI You will ebeid by R ft amount isted. None. Mimum fee fteshold not met.lJYou Wl receive a refund fbr th amount fsted. Feeswaived.

PART LB- IFORMATICON HOT WATE OR WITHHELD FROM DISCUSUJRE o E~agency records subjct tte ruest have been bcated.n formain the requested records being withheld fiom disclosure psuant to the exempn descibed In and for rleason stated in Part It.Ths detedlnon may be appeae whin SO days by writng to the FOJAIPA Officer, U.S. Nuclear Regulty Comm-sslon, Wsnton DC 2 1. early t on the enwelope and Ihe leertat ItIs a FOAPA Appeal.'PART LC COMMhENTS Uset d Comm'ent oi ationa IffeUred Incomng FOIPA-2006W00 request bs lated to ADAMS at ML3480087.

Breakdow of process fes: S2424 p0intsec r4 24.24 min tes e 49ir4 2AO pzsdpialn@O2/ae 530.8 TOAL SXGNtTus RE .dECMOF IOtt4ZTM PAYAMCOI Russell A. Nichols L kW .-Jn#.PR*JrED 0t4 RECYCLED PAPER 'This fomi W0S designed using InForms PR*JTM ON RECYCL FPAME TMf form vas desiln~ed US'ftg kiFoms fe s Ud/1419b IU:{ r" 4U4 ouW 641 Kftkkwf-;".I ,,I- -li II .: w 91., .l ..;; o.. .i TRA_ __ _l fs; TX REPORT s** e*tt f SJ.I2.7.NSMISSION cm I , TVRC SO CONECTION TEL S;UADDPSSS CONNMTON ID ST. TIME USAGE T FGS. SET rS. mL RESUL 0135.131 03/14 10:40 02'31 6 , OK Q14165130 WA o Stronger Together FAX"Tranittal Sheet SEWU Reeardi Dq=Waltmn Fa,-(2O2)35S6613-.,...

Date: .£, I~Fax: 21- L~i3 O ANDREW L STERN ANNABURGER GERHUDSON EU5EOLMEDtNA TOM WOODRJFF Eie~e Pteftftt -Pfone: 2Z)2L 7 .4z Numbe of Pages (including cove): Co'm'nts: ll ,lu .l R ..uv A .............................

...u 0 -0.._rd"" ..i -. W w -' .----_. ..S .1_ ._I l I .-.-- -_ r A .I r -"_ " " ---

RESPONBE TO FREEDOM OP INRM TION ACT (FOW I PRIVACY AC (PA) REQUEST., U CNJAJVA 20064)02 RE1PONSENWIER 2_= w RESPONSE iFINAL PARTmAL LUXTE WA -PZOO6M U El El El PART L. -IFOATION RELEASED No additionalagey records ubjeotto tih queuthae been boded Requested records ar avallable firough dtbuto pogram. see Comments section.Ager n ecords subject lo 9* requed th Identified In the gIted appendices are already available for J. pblic pection and copying NRC Pbic Document Room lam I] Aoen q ds b the requst ht e identified In fte Hated appendices ae being made available for I 1 I pWftic OWp NWcopying at f NRC Public Document Room Enclosed Is formation an how yu may obn acoess to and he charges for copying records located at the NRC Publc Document Room, 11555 Rockvwle Pike, Rockvllle, MD 20852-28.fAPP01] Agency records sub~ecto the request ame enclosed.Records suject to 1he request that contain ination oriinated by or of Iterest to another Federal agency have been referred to ha agency (see comments section) for a disclosure determination and dire response to you.We ae continuing to process yow request See Comments.El El El PART LA -FEES A

  • You wDlI be billed by NRC for the amount listed.$ SW j ( You will receive a refund for theamount Ksted.JSnhcomme cletf El None. Minimum bee treshold not met.[] Fees waived.I PART LB -FORMAllON NOT LOCATED OR WIM~ELD FROM DISCLOSURE

[ No agency records subject to t request have been boated.c hertain hft ion In the requested records Is being withheld fnm diclosure pursuant to the exemptions described In and for"e reasons ged hn Part 11.Tl f dedemmation may b appealed within 30 days by writing to the FOWPA Officer. U.S. Nudear Regulatory Commission.

Washn 205 0001. Clealy state on the envelope and In fe letter that Is a "FOWPA AppeaV.PART R .C COIMENTS (Use attced Comments continuation me If reaulred)Incomhng FOAA406- request Is located In ADAMS at M480DS7.Breakdowa of proesi fee: S24.24 30 4tarc @S49/r4 2 A0 112 age d ulpD l lcto n 1S. O ~ a siGssnstE .rREWCOM "FORbMAIoNACANODRIVACYACT OFFicER Russell A. Nichols L tA A -NR O M44Pr _ p.198 ,RITE ON RE Y.E P.E Thsfr a e ine usn In NRC FORM 464 PWt 1 (6-1998)PRW`rED ON RECYCLED PAPER TWs form was designed using InFoffns FOIA.20084052 APPENDIS RELEASED IN ENTIra u04 RMt 1. 8al5s5 I.5100 2. OMM00 2005 Culture Assessment Action Plan. Region IV requests that the JimnsPe review this docirtinr as we fee there Is proprietary Information (2 pages)Site Wide Cultr Assessment Slides (4 pages)I .: .1. U .I ' } " .I I-' I' ' , ' +,n..I .

2005 Culture Assessment Action Plan August 15, 2005 1. Co0mne to emphaze nclear safety as te essentil eement oward our goal of Operational and Fbiancial Excellence

-SMT 2C to invest in our culture and the faciiatve enviroment by rolling out Crucial Conversations to al managers and suevisoa -Ed 3. Revise the SMT c ncation process for the remainder of the year such that discussions oocur bween the responsible S1f member and their orgaization as opposed to all SMT members collectively nvolred in a communcion cycle. Tkg points would be agreed upon and each SMT member would set up group discussions witdn their organization over a 6-week cycl Re-eva e the strateWic ommication pulp at he en,4pft par -Ed 4. Engage the gmue the details of eac signifant stategy on a reguar basis to various d tments -Ed 5. Conduct regalar supervis w ops with managem t and spervisors to review case studies and lessons leaned lhe obective wofld be to mentor the supervisory staffom amanagementpoint ofviewtoprydide bet i t- SMT 6. SMT should conduct a ssue and actions required and follow-up on hese actions to improve staon alignment

-MleSM -September 9'7. Conduct an outsouring lessons leamned -FrnMike -Septeber 30'8. Conduct an evaluation of lT, Supply Chain, Technical Trainin, and Wackenhut in order to assess the issues and recommended actions -Ed/FrakMe with assistance from WatManagement Insights -Novemberl 5-ntiut the Vahte Coach' We process as a pat of our observaio progrm to provide feeack ou aIenl basis to our si-ErvsrU-Decembr 15"'--10. Evaae the dedision-ig process to chiuc tha we are Faing dceision st4berigb levl MkeDecember l5*

A.ll 4 VD IrriGerne mtWadon.adRsos.

ed ementat. *' ' ." _.P rostin es w M .e F. teldnan -m*X

  • r' 0wv si* S.Fin-ncial 1 < .upr 9+2..- Engineerng ehncat Support A-Makinteance 0-UOperains 144~-Outagee&Wor Control 9 ackerthut 120: Overaet xcompetieon rate was 94%-Past rates; 2003 92%, Ha 4O 9%, l81%* Received.nearly 4-200com-ments andwten data em-%'I .aaS*~~~~~ *,- * -,.
  • I -i* 6 -\* / *0 S-A.*' :X...= _. _I'Jc C"tO
    • Netrfg itOt TopoR Lee inig> STP conttnues to maintain an effective Sf Conscious Work Envirotsnentand effective Nuclear Safety;Culture;

-> Althqpgh the station stmtegy of Operat onal Eceltence and P:acatEeece n-t ytsrongiy:eng af in the iy to da cu otheom It'tbevast malority of workers agree that the -strategy Is neeect and most appear wtltlng to suppoit it * .> Trust. and. peopte-rela tedissues .are -thetop.-Work-erAym ;i-t timpOement priorities 9 Worker commitment to STP,, job atision, and oera perception of thework environment remain an organizational asset <...s.. ¢ .> The recent work force managemernt activities

.(eg., reductions and outsotitg reviews) have had a negative cuttural impact, incdtdtng an -Impact: on perceptiost SMAT credibility

> The werkforce -is eagerfor nsubstant pr ceets, especlly hr the ar of work plannir.-nd executon, -and desre anm active role in the-planning.

and implementation of the improvements

..*6 -... -£ -UOM% l'lM*IEJ""

Netti t Out: T Let +---- wm~ ---1 --I* Oerll aricpatilon rate41-14%


01. ., ., .. s-,y. ; , ,:P .: _adpero, o. S^-F-t.l prpaton rate equalsl titrate achlv unde the previous emploeesurfey,^ A Iargewtnajory ( ) ottation mmunit. bheve te.ofOpeatlonat Exceffent rand Financiatl Ex:Uene.Is&needed-sodfoundatmon on.witc to build The plant ls mintaihinn-an effective Safety. onscldinsWorli Ehwtronment (SC WE nd an, efetlvri fl Safety ut-PlhnNuclear f Fi Qttfo. Atttude, an.Abilty ti se ft1Set.rwf isernrthtop r*eCt .e,*ironment attiibate-core Nuclear SafeCtyCktur.attributesare h*ihlyratedd

-SafetyIt the, hihest rateSd re- VBiue* Plant worker appea engaged.and want etge -: prd-vtde they're anmactive.pwtof It* Overall workersexcpress:

-that the. S work enyvionment Is better than a 'typiCal'plant-good job sat and moderate to hih Cimitifl P o* Core Value suppve behaviors observed with a good.frequency* Minimal 'insfde/outside' sentiment observed.* n ink eottsutar hetpd&esodwovk-emtronment-.., ;imroemre.Io tev t I .dat ewence-tMY' a.' acIe role. , .i f, t _t Wh~elslalnstonwemetwitfttneedort

-hascatzous fftp ercetionsoI~cm ierate asitimthe bith sWtatg*.- 8.atioppoab ftw doe-notc, tpAan htatts th'~ Which S Ott .recsfnp ~trtnsexms~wsdn 5' ed A,,ce att iies-sieemti tldcaeheneed fordcose alignmen-S rae a. twm~rsift Oml'ereiMRS.

A:1vrse work eir ne of lc tr ida Nucear Safety , r actedoentcihi'iitc

  • .** ,. .. g [ y ....- .-* ~ ..Wo~er perceptons of thee Implementation of:the new st diretioand reuctn et osouc idat opotnltlesfor Impmroementin c rotrincalonts and chlange managment practices , ,,... .V A'i.t.Hg a t a: N J4' A 4 Mettn itOt Key l; As essm t-w T,..e Managent enEss, Crtty and^rust.* B as comens ..ctroug thqonaiereducos and, outsburdns hav- had a&.egtiv len ipactl tf TW escatlnsr tnI impact- workereepttns 6pfb a tan r tt influence of SM T a a time' whererA theirft c al achieving workhfte buy-4n andcorhmmn isir wtreAtegic detioe tactkat. ramifications of it. eSome key Ite mtsfe i anpngl cutF future actiont:-The reductions, outsourclig.

ari*pro'ess ir.ovements have been viewed-by some i not being consistent with SMT's-descnsof ho these -als would occur--Reductions and outsour rdt are viewebY s-oM aseifprotectog at expense of the wr ce; .some workerfeet a sense o det-achmen fro the S -T-Apparent changes in direction impact worker. perceptn offST t gulness aMC crecdbility (e.g<, Giodnight Report,: Ousow%'cgandrSAtC, an-d Performace Paft'tneri Prces _povemet r 0ttlzatl .W.r.* Reducing the amountof work to beperformed rdd ma g itmore efficient toperform are seen. as key comprnents of ac':evingfinarcateclence

  • The success of these efforts directly impct pereptions of SMTT effectveness and-commitment to the workforce ,m k![.. I .'; I u*.tIUcLEAR 19OULATORCCUMS FOWPA RESPONSE NUMBER 2006 OO 1 RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF I (R INFORMATION ACT (FOW I PRIVACY wepowsE FINL ACT (PA) UFl P GION3i 114. .t.A'PAR L -0NF0TION REMSED JAN 2 4 M OD No adllIonat agency ecords soject o The equest hae been located.aoRe quesa aropubli ditulon wcgra. See Comments seclion.AOmfn ci r Iqus t lhat are fIteetied h the fistd appenices are already available for pjibac aspecin and t NRC Pubic Document Room.o "Ned uetbo MQu V amuest that ade In hl listed appendices are being made avaible for§ I §h and copying at ft NRC Puic Document Room.c d Is hmato on how you may obtan access ro ind fte daWes for copying records located at te NRC Public Document Room, 11555 Rochvlle Pike, Rocie. MD 20852-2738.

l] Agency ecords ubject to the request are enclosed.El Records subject to he ruest tat contaln Information originated by or of Interest to anther Federal agency have been refened to that agency (see comments Section) for a disclosur deemiton and direct response to you.(i we are continuing to process your request El See Comments.PRLA FEEES[ ] You wM be billed by NRC for te amount Isted. El None. Minimum fee threshod not met You will recve a refund for the amount Isted. E Fees wa8ied.PART LB -INFORMATION NOT OCATED OR WITHHELID FROM DISCLOSURE 2 No agency ecords subject to the request hav been ocated.Certaln Informaton In th equested records Is belng whhheld fron disclosure pursuant to the exemptlons described in and for the reasons Stated In Pal tl.E This determinallon ma be led whhln 30 days by writ to he FOAPA Ofcer, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commnission, Washingn, DC 205550001.

Cearly state on the envelope and hithe letter that It is a OFOIAPA Appeal.*PART 11: COMMUENTS (e attached Comments confinuatIon oane U renuired)Incoming FOIAIPA4200640S2 request b lct I ADAMS at ML0534087.

WIGNATURE FREDOM OF rMATItA CTANDPRIVRCYAOT01TOE Russell A Nichols u* t /E NRC ____= 464l Pat (6199)PITDO E PPRTi __n wa _eige usn norm NRC FORM 464 Pon I (6-1998)PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER This form was designed using InForms FOIA200640052 No. Oato I .Undated 2 Undated APPENDX A RELESD NENniRElY oum Texas Sdty Culbe Surey M sides (2 pages)Ndet f1Usd tSouth 'TX Safety Culture (4 page).j I SolJTH l TEXAS SAFETY C:ULTURE SURVEY Background

'he STP safety cultrea v am about because df a Confimatory Order, dated June 9, 2005. The were problem With s6curt l&C, Design Enginees, nd Ebasco-Ratw.

NO SPECIFIC DETAILS ObjectIv Te obci" WAs to accurately mesure woroce perception and krnovement priorities for the foflowing areas of he SWP cAutre* Strategyahdgoals-

  • Work enviroent.
  • Nuclear safety andeafety consclous work enironment
  • Eriployeo cne program effectVernss Leadersi effectiveness,* Prraman process effectiveness, end* Organizational knterace effectiveness.

Purpose TWs survey would provide the Senior Management Team with concise reoornmended leadership actions wth e greatest likelihod of sustaining progress to date and moving organizational perfomiance to higher levels.Methodology Theethodoly was tocustomized atdy for ST's speciflo nfomaton needs. Seniors manageraIftanagers were Interviewed to kntify and understand key issues and desired scope of the study. Past survey data and past Inerviews were conducted by a Contractor

-(Management Insight)Questionnaires were createdcovering v~kpos areastorganizations:

General population, Engineering and Technical Support, Operations, Outage and Work Control, and Security (Wadeenhut).

The questionraires were design to focus toward soficing detalled perceptions.

and desired mprvenent priorities from the STP community.

Implementation and Response Show Ctatdata ,s IneightS^ 'S ctuetPmaintnaneffM eSafWConsowWorkEn nmentand effecive Nuclear Safety Culture Although the ta"on strategy of Opeaional Eioelence and Fnanclal Excellence Is rot** sbanly Ingra.fied lrtW day to day culture of e organzato fthe majori of workers agree that t ratgy Is needed and iost appear wilng lo support It.* Tn st and peqp*-rated Issuf are the top work envonment Improvement priore'ies

  • Work cornmrten to STP, job satslaotion; and overall perception of he work envnt emaln an ownizaton asset* The recent work force management acties (e.g., reductions and outsourdng reviws)have, had a negative cultural Inpact, Including pn Imact on perceptions of Senior Managent Team crediliy.* The worc Is eager for bubstantial process Improvements, especlalfy Ihn t areas of work p 1ann and executor, and desire an active role In th planning and Im reentation of the mprovements.
  • One tem tat he Senork Mamne t Team nod from the survey was at 1 ine supervisors were.more aligned wit ft worklore tan wMth mangement.

1 line supervisors were not part of t decision maidng process but had to Impement fte dions. .*: 'Notes* Involuntary layouts have ceased.* Management Is worldng on a voluntary package W is not complete yet* 2oo5 DRAFt csturo Assessment Action Plan ..-..'. --I.------- --.--..--..--...-..... .-.-.. .. : ...-..----..- .I .--.... .-.--

t* ouflth~fhll 1Of -. Unite Sttee EmtasIca Re_ f ' '* -' '\' *\E * ' -e@-4*t ,,0: , ' ., , ' .s.b S9{ .ej4 t7'* --.:!Z ..., + ..c; ~z .t$, *02.Zd9 j, ,' :'. ' ' s ..': .'.- O: ' ; -: ' '6tlaterI commus l1*9211iffl

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  • Otj'oshz0g0 10:41 AM halted States hastes, Omndms aSIdhtsE2t Pt I *. ......* t*.I.....-*: .:x .........S 9 01*/otl s mutll iksi*~6U@~O *:I@AM .l.*V.fl~~n..fl~e.&t.
  • O4*e-ea di 0. ysew* I

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--. s .' -** .wFOWPA 2004-0308 Wasnhngton, 0C20814 DearReuestei

^ -,' .4*/;We received your Freedom of information AdftvacyAct (FOLAWPA) request on July 21, 2004.Your request has been assigned the following reference number that you should use In any future 6omnunlcations wt us about youriequest FOlAIPA 2004-0308 To ensure the most eut etratmeni possible of all requesters, the NRC processes requests on a first-in, Wfs-out basis, using a multiple track system based upon the estimated time It will take to process sth requett Based on your descripton of the records you are seeking, we estimate completion of your request will take 10-20 workdays (2-4 weeks). We will advise you of any change In the estimated time to complete your request For prposes of assessing fees In accordance with our regulations (10 CFR 9.33), we have placed your request In the following category:

Commercial If applicable, you will be charged appropriate fees for Search, Review, and Duplication of records.A sheet has been enclosed that explains In detail the fee charges that may be applicable.

Please do not submit any payment unless we notify you to do so.The following person Is the FOWPA Specialist who has been assigned responsibility for your request Mary Jean PooL, 301-415-7097 I you have questions on any matters concerning your FOUJPA request please feel free to contact the assigned FOAIPA Speciarlst or me at (301) 415-7169.Sincerely, Carol Ann Reed FOlAJPrivacy Act Officer Office of the Chief Information Officer


Incoming Request Explanation of Fees I --0---- I W --i ' -UCLA -REGULATORV COMISS RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACr (FOIA I PRIVACY.ACT (PA) REqUEST 2004.03603 it~ -1 ss0NsNBE RESPOi6E -TYPE,. FINAL E PARTIAI DATE-'I,' A, ; i -, ; -- --.-! I I %. , .-.JUL 30 ?004 U El El O El El El OI El El PART L -DIFORIIIATI RELEASED No additional agency ecords bect to-the request he been lobced Requested records are avaal trugh anothr pubic distrbution program. See Comments Section.lrm"= Agency Subject to Ithe mqusat are Identified in te Ksled appendices ar already available for pl s o SW *copy NtauteWC Pubic Document Room.E .. enrecos ubeoet to the requst hat are dnfid in the listed appendices are being made available for p MOd copying at OwNRC Pubilo Documert Room.En loseLlormafor an bow you may obti access to an 9* chares or copyn records located at the NRC Public Documect Room. 2120 L Street, YW. Washinon, DC.Agency records SubJect othe request ar enclosed.Records subject to the request that Contain Information orlginated by or of interest to another Federal agency have been referred to ftat agency (see comments section) fora disclosure determination and direct response to you.Ws are continuing to process your request.see Comments.PA .A ..FEE .f1S°S" vl You wl be billed by NRIC for the amount listed.I E I El You will receive a refud for te amount listed.140"g a -0so 9 None. Minimum fee threshold not met.E Fees waived.PAWRT L -INIFORMATWI NOT LOCATED OR WIT MEW FROM DISCLOSURE No agency records subject to th request have been locate:L Certain infomation In the requested records Is being withheld from disclosure pursuant to the exemptions described In and for fo measons statd In Part IL This datennraton b apealed MMn 30 days by wrfting lo fe FOL4JPA Offcer, U.S. Nuclear Regulatoy Commission, Washington, DC 20555-001.

Cleary state on Om envelope and in the letter that It Is a "FOIPPA Apeal.PART LC CMMENTS (Use attached Cm ments continution pane If requlred)Slwa~1nwE.

FREEDOM Wp*OFrf Carol An Reed C g JM.R ..R. 46- ai ..6198 _RN E O. R C C E A E hsfm wsdsge sn no NRC FORM 464 Pad 1 (6-1998)PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER TNS form was desWW usirV InForms I ***, S ~ISI a~w,~4 S N10M."A" -- .'509R .t.Frm;To: Date: SubJect: uld no body@nrc~ovmqmv 4oiaonrcgovn.

Wed. Jul 21,2004 t434PM WWW Form Sulxbm~wo 0 RXWW:WW-MAL. 4z- ?-A -In-Ur-I .----Below Is: te Mult bf My fedl#ck form. 1t was submited by OanWedr.Ju 21,2004atI3B18 FnItName:

a s N a mte
4 t!% ;-'. .* .CmpanYtAflifIatX:

Addresst 1313 L StreetN.W.

Address2: Cltt Washiton --State: DC Zip: 20814 County United-Sttes Countrylther Email: Phone: Desc: Through FO)U I Obtained a Comprehensive Cultural Assessment conducted at the South Texas Project hI 2003. This Is now posted hI ADAMS: Letter from W. T. Cottle to Ellis Merachoff re: Final Report from Synergy Consutin Services for Comprehensive Cutturat Assessment for South Texas Project JanuWy2003.

ML04130347 In the assessment the Wackenhut Corporation was Identffied as a proy organizatlo and th Sout Texas Project Nuear Operating Compary President stated that Wackenhut and two other organizations VWII have fornal action plans prepared to address the survey resubts." Later In the attached Comprehensive Cultural Assessment (p. 74), it Is noted that "Evaluation and remedial action Is suggested in the Immedlate future.'Please provide any documents (letters, notes, email, reports, memoranda)

Indicating that such 'formal action plans- have been prepared In respect of Wackenhut's performance as assessed in the 2003 Comprehensive Cultural Assessment at 8TPNOC, or indicating that the evaluation or remedial action referred to has In fact been taken.FeeCategory.

Private.Corporation MecdiaType:

PeeCstegy..Desc"Wpon tT HoExp It ejmr n@ ihntlboati EKoJm hm rwext ExpedltejrgencyTotnormText:




WalvjmpactPubWl.ndorstanV Waja- NahreOfPubfi:


