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Duane Arnold Energy Center, Calc No. NEE-323-CALC-004, Revised Liquid Radiological EALs Per NEI 99-01
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Issue date: 12/15/2017
NextEra Energy Duane Arnold
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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ML17363A067 List:
NG-17-0235 Calc No. NEE-323-CALC-004
Download: ML17363A078 (43)


Deve l opme n t of EAL Thr es hol d va lues from N E E-323-CALC-004 Ca lcul ated va l ues are pro vided in C al c-00 4 as s hown be l ow. Tab l e 2 -Recomme n ded RA 1 Uqu id EA Ls Rad Monitor Eq u i p. Modes 1 , 2,3 Modes 4, 5 cps c ps GSW R E-4 767 2.32 E+4 1.04E+4 RHR S W/E SW R E-19 97 1.60 E+4 7.2 0E+3 R H R S W D il u tion li ne R E-4 2 68 2.4 2 E+4 1.0 9 E+4 The following table of thresho l d values was developed for use in t h e D A E C EAL scheme by averaging the separate Mode 1-3 and Mo d e 4-5 thresholds from Calc-004 , and then rounding the average values for ease of EA L evaluator use , as w ell as to pro v ide a step-wise progression through the emerge nc y cl a ss ifi ca t ion. M o nit o r GE SAE Alert G SW ra d m o n i t o r (R I S-4767) ----2.0 E-+04 cps :, RHRSW & ESW r ad m o n i tor (RM-1 997) -----l.OE-l-0 4 cps O" ::J RHRSW & ESW Rup t u r e O i se r ad mon i to r (RM-4 268) --2.0E-l-04 cps CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-004 ENERCON CAL C ULATION COVER SHEET REV. 00 Erceflence-Every project. Every day. P AGE NO. 1 of 23 Rev i s ed Liq uid R ad i o logical E A L s per NEI 9 9-Cl ie n t: Du ane Arnold E ne rgy Cent er Title: 01 Project Identifier

NEE-323 Item Cove r Sheet It ems Yes No 1 Do es t h is c a l cu l ation c on tain any op en assump tions , i n cluding prel im in a ry D i nf o r mation , th a t r eq uire c onfi r mat i o n? (If YES , id enti fy the assu m ption s.) 2 Do es t h is ca l c ul a t i o n serve as a n "Alterna t e C a lcu lat i o n"? (If YE S, identify th e d e s i gn D verifi e d c a lculation.) De s i g n Veri fied Calculation No. --3 Does t h is calc ul ati o n superse d e an ex i st ing C a l cula ti o n? (If YES , i dentify th e des ign D ve ri fi e d c a l c ulat i on.) Super s ed e d Calculation No. --Scope of Revi s ion: Initial Is s ue Revision Impact on Results: Initial Issue Study Calculation D Final Calculation

[gJ Safety-Related D Non-Safety-Rela t ed [gJ (Pr i nt Name and Sign) Originator:

Jay Bhatt Date: 12/12/17 Design Verifier 1 (Reviewer if NSR): Ryan S k aggs Date: 12/12/17 Approver:

Zachary Rose Date: 12/12/17 No te 1: Fo r no n-s afe t y-r e lat ed ca l c ulation , d e sign ve r ification ca n b e subst itute d by r e vie w.

I ENERCON CALCULATION CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-004 I Exceffenct-Every project. Every day. R E VISION STATUS SHEET REV. 00 C ALCULATION REVISION STATUS REVISIO N DATE DESCRIPTION 00 12/12/1 7 Initi a l I s s u e PAGE REVISION STATUS P AG E NO. REVISI ON PAGE N O. REVISION All 00 AP P E NDIX/ATTACHMENT REVISION STATUS AP PEN DIX NO. NO.OF R E V IS ION AT T ACHMENT NO.OF REVISION PAGES N O. NO. PAGES NO. A 12 00 1 4 0 2 3 0 Page 2 of 2 3 ENERCON TABLE OF CONTENTS Exceflence-Evt!ry p r oject Every day. Section 1.0 Purpose and Scope 2.0 Summary of Results and Conclusions

3.0 References

4.0 Assumptions

5.0 Design

Inputs 6.0 Methodology

7.0 Calculations

8.0 Computer

Software 9.0 Impact Assessment List of Attachments Attachment 1 -Calculation Preparation Checklist Attachment 2 -Monitor Efficiency Page 3 of 23 CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-004 REV. 00 Page No. 4 4 5 5 6 8 15 23 23 # of Pages 4 3 ENERCON Excellence-Every projecr. Every da y. N EE-323-CALC-004 CALC Revised Liquid Radiological EALs NO. >------------------< per NEI 99-01 REV. 00 1.0 Purpose and Scope The Duane Arnold Energy Center is implementing the guidance of Revision 6 to NEI 99-01 , " Development of Emergency Action Levels for Non-Passive Reactors," which is the industry-developed methodology for emergency classification for the current operating fleet. Changes to the definitions of the condition for entry into the Emergency Action Level (EAL) RA 1 result in the development of a new entry threshold value for this EAL. This calculation de t ermines the liqu i d rad i ation monitor readings that correspond to the new EAL thresholds for the release of liquid radioactivity resulting in offsite dose greater than 10 mrem Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) or 50 mrem thyroid Committed Dose Equivalent (COE) for one hour of exposure.

2.0 Summary

of Results and Conclusions A spreadsheet was used to calculate the monitor counts per second (cps) reading necessary to reach offsite dose of 10 mrem TEDE or 50 mrem child thyroid organ dose as described in Section 7.0. The output from that spreadsheet is seen below. Table 1 -Monitor Response for Liquid Radiological EAL Thresholds Rad Monitor Equip. Modes 1,2,3 Modes 4, 5 ID 2 Hour Decay 36 Hour Decay cps cps lOmrem 50 mrem lOmrem SOmrem TEDE Thyroid* TEDE Thyroid General Service Water (GSW) RE-4767 23,200 49,100 10,400 14 , 000 I Residual Heat Removal Service RE-1997 16,000 33,800 7,200 9,650 Water (RHRSW)/Essential Service I Water (ESW) RHRSW Dilution Line RE-4268 24,200 51,300 10 , 900 14,650 For a given scenario , the threshold is always met for the TEDE dose before it is met for the organ dose. The recommended RA 1 Liquid EALs are: Page 4 of 23 CALC N EE-323-CALC-004 ,J ENERCON Revised Liquid Radiological EALs NO. Excellenc~Every pro j ect. Every day. per NEI 99-01 REV. 00 Table 2 -Recommended RA 1 Liquid EALs Rad Monitor Equip. Modes 1,2,3 Modes 4, 5 cps cps GSW RE-4767 2.32E+4 1.04E+4 RHRSW/ESW RE-1997 1.60E+4 7.20E+3 RHRSW Dilution Line RE-4268 2.42E+4 1.09E+4 3.0 References 3.1 DAEC Offsite Dose Assessment Manual (ODAM), Rev. 37. 3.2 Federal Guidance Report No. 12 , External Exposure to Radionuclides in Air , Water, and Soil , 1993. 3.3 Code of Federal Regulations , 1 OCFR20 , January 2013. 3.4 NUREG-1940 , RASCAL 4: Description of Models and Methods, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response , 2012. 3.5 American National Standard Institute (ANSI/ANS).

1999. " Radioactive Source Term for Normal Operation of Light-Water Reactors ," ANSI/ANS-18.1-1999 , American Nuclear Society , La Grange Park, IL. 3.6 Plant Chemistry Procedure PCP 8.7 , Alarm Setpoints for Liquid Rad. Monitors.

3.7 NEI 99-01 , " Development of Emergency Action Levels for Non-Passive Reactors" , Rev. 6. 4.0 Assumptions 4.1 For the calculation determining the RA 1 EAL for Reactor Modes 1 , 2 and 3, the source is assumed to have decayed for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> before reaching the receptor. This decay time is appropriate to produce best estimate results for liquid effluent thresholds for the corresponding Reactor Modes. 4.2 For the calculation determining the RA 1 EAL for Reactor Modes 4 and 5, the source is assumed to have decayed for 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> before reaching the receptor.

This decay time is appropriate to produce best estimate results for liquid effluent thresholds for the corresponding Reactor Modes. 4.3 Per the ODAM , a mixing ratio of 5 is assumed when the effluent mixes with the water in the river. This correlates to a dilution ratio of 1 /5 = 0.2. While the ODAM Page 5 of 23 N EE-323-CALC-004 F. ENERCON CALC Revised Liquid Radiological EALs NO. 1-----------------1 Excellence-Every projecr. Every d ay. per NEI 99-01 REV. 00 Section 2.3 states that a dilution factor of 10 can be used for drinking water, using a mixing ratio of 5 is appropriate for determining the EAL thresholds.

5.0 Design

Inputs 5.1 Data for each of the Service Water Radiation monitors, taken from ODAM Table 1-2 and Attachment 2, is presented here: Table 3 -Service Water Radiation Monitor Design Inputs Rad Monitor Equip. Range Efficiency Efficiency ID cps/µci/ml Source Document cps GSW RE-4767 0.1-10 6 2.19E+06 Attachment 2 RHRSW/ESW RE-1997 0.1-10 6 1.51E+06 Attachment 2 RHRSW Dilution Line* RE-4268 0.1-10 6 2.29E+06 Attachment 2 I *RE-4268 was previously known as the RHRSW Rupture Disk Page 6 of 23 N EE-323-CALC-004 ENERCON CALC Revised Liquid Radiological EALs NO. 1------------p er NEI 99-01 Ex c ell ence-Every project. Ev ery d ay. REV. 00 5.2 The isotopic mixture and half-lives used in this calculation are taken or developed from NUREG-1940 Table 1-2 and Table A-4. Table 4 -Isotopic M ix ture and Half-l i ves I s otope BWR Coolant Half-lif e Isotope BWR Coolant Half-life Concentration (hr) Concentration (hr) (Ci/g) (Ci/g) Ag-110m 1.00E-12 6.00E+03 Na-24 2.00E-09 1.50E+01 Ba-140 4.00E-10 3.05E+0 2 Np-239 8.00E-09 5.66E+01 Ce-141 3.00E-11 7.80E+02 P-32 4.00E-11 5.83E+02 Ce-144* 3.00E-1 2 6.82E+0 3 Rb-89 5.00E-09 2.54E-01 Co-58 1.00E-10 1.70E+03 Ru-103 2.00E-11 9.43E+02 Co-60 2.00E-10 4.61E+04 Ru-106 3.00E-12 8.83E+03 Cr-51 3.00E-09 6.65E+02 Sr-89 1.00E-10 1.21 E+03 Cs-1 3 4 3.00E-11 1.81 E+04 Sr-90 7.00E-12 2.54E+05 Cs-136 2.00E-11 3.14E+02 Sr-91 4.00E-09 9.50E+OO Cs-137* 8.00E-11 2.64E+05 Sr-92 1.00E-08 2.71E+OO Cs-138 1.00E-08 5.38E-01 Te-129m 4.00E-1 1 8.06E+02 Cu-64 3.00E-09 1.27E+01 Te-131m 1.00E-10 3.00E+01 Fe-59 3.00E-1 1 1.07E+03 Te-132 1.00E-11 7.82E+01 1-131 2.2 0E-09 1.93E+02 W-187 3.00E-10 2.39E+01 1-132 2.20E-08 2.29E+OO Y-91 4.00E-11 1.40E+03 1-133 1.SOE-08 2.08E+01 Y-92 6.00E-09 3.55E+OO 1-134 4.30E-08 8.76E-01 Y-93 4.00E-09 1.01E+01 1-135 2.20E-08 6.60E+OO Zn-65 1.00E-10 5.86E+03 Mn-54 3.50E-11 7.51E+03 Zr-95 8.00E-12 1.54E+03 Mn-56 2.50E-08 2.57E+OO Fe-55 1.00E-09 2.37E+04 Mo-99 2.00E-09 6.60E+01 H-3 1.00E-08 1.08E+05 Ni-63 1.00E-12 8.40E+05 5.3 Dose Coefficient from Water Immersion/

Annual Limit for Intake (ALI) The dose coefficient for water immersion for each isotope are from Table 111.2 of FGR12. The Annual Limit for Intake (ALI), which represents the number of microcuries that would have to be ingested to cause a dose of 5 rem to an occupationally exposed worker is taken from 10CFR20 , Appendix B, Table 1 Column One. Page 7 of 23

.' ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. Isotope FGR 12 Svm 3 / Bq s Ag-110m 2.94E-16 Ba-140 1.87E-17 Ce-141 7.62E-18 Ce-144 1.91E-18 Co-58 1.03E-16 Co-60 2.74E-16 Cr-51 3.30E-18 Cs-134 1.64E-16 Cs-136 2.31E-16 Cs-137 1.49E-20 Cs-138 2.62 E-16 Cu-64 1.98E-17 Fe-59 1.29E-16 1-131 3.98E-17 1-132 2.43E-16 1-133 6.39E-17 1-134 2.82E-16 1-135 1.73E-16 Mn-54 8.88E-17 Mn-56 1.86E-16 Mo-99 1.58E-17 N EE-323-CALC-004 CALC Revised Liquid Radiological EALs NO . 1-------------~

per NEI 99-01 REV. 00 Table 5-FGR 12 and ALI ALI Isotope FGR 12 ALI µCi Sv m 3 / Bq s µCi 5.00E+02 Na-24 4.73E-16 4.00E+03 6.00E+02 Np-239 1.70E-17 2.00E+03 2.00E+03 P-32 1.90E-19 6.00E+02 3.00E+02 Rb-89 2.30E-16 6.00E+04 2.00E+03 Ru-103 4.89E-17 2.00E+03 2.00E+02 Ru-106 2.24E-17 2.00E+02 4.00E+04 Sr-89 1.49E-19 5.00E+02 7.00E+Ol Sr-90 1.46E-20 4.00E+Ol 4.00E+02 Sr-91 7.48E-17 2.00E+03 1.00E+02 Sr-92 1.47E-16 3.00E+03 3.00E+04 Te-129m 3.39E-18 5.00E+02 1.00E+04 Te-131m 1.52E-16 6.00E+02 8.00 E+02 Te-132 2.28E-17 7.00E+02 9.00E+Ol W-187 4.97E-17 *2.00E+03 9.00E+03 Y-91 5.44E-1 9 6.00E+02 5.00E+02 Y-92 2.81E-17 3.00E+03 3.00E+04 Y-93 1.03E-17 1.00E+03 3.00E+03 Zn-65 6.29E-1 7 4.00E+02 2.00 E+03 Zr-95 7.82E-17 1.00E+03 5.00E+03 Fe-55 O.OOE+OO 9.00E+03 1.00E+03 H-3 O.OOE+OO 8.00E+04 Ni-63 O.OOE+OO 9.00E+03 5.4 Dose transfer factors for radionuclides in effluent water for a child through the potable water pathway are taken from ODAM Appendix C, and shown in Table 9. 6.0 Methodology

6.1 General

Approach With a given mixture of radionuclides , the dose received by an individual offsite is a function of the gross activity present in the liquid mixture. The resultant dose received by an offsite receptor is dependent not only on the gross radioactivity levels of the effluent but also upon the isotopic mixture present in the Page 8 of 23 N EE-323-CALC-004

.. ENERCON CALC Revised Liquid Radiological EALs NO . 1-----------------1 per NEI 99-01 Excellencr-Every p r o j ect. Every day. REV. 00 liquid. This calculation predicts the relative contribution of each radionuclide to the gross radiation monitored by the liquid effluent monitor. For a liquid release , the only phenomenon affecting the mixture is radioactive decay. With the mixture known , a given gross output reading (cps) from a liquid effluent radiation monitor can be scaled to determine the concentration of each isotope present in the liquid effluent.

The calculation then uses liquid dilution factors as described in the Offsite Dose Assessment Manual to determine the resultant concentration of radionuclides to which an individual offsite would be exposed. Dose conversion factors are used to determine the dose (mrem) to an individual offsite due to their exposure to the liquid mixture of radionuclides.

With the given radionuclide mixture and dilution factors understood, an iterative process can be used to relate the liquid effluent monitor reading to a target offsite dose. Two types of radiation dose are calculated

  • Thyroid CO E or Committed Dose Equivalent is the radiation dose to the thyroid due to an uptake of radioactive material.

In this case, the uptake is limited to ingestion of radioactive material present in river water.

  • TEDE or Total Effective Dose Equivalent is the summation of the Effective Dose Equivalent (EDE) and the Committed Effective Dose Equivalent (CEDE): TEDE = EDE + CEDE.
  • EDE is the dose due to an individual being directly exposed (by submersion) to the radiation present in the liquid release. For this scenario, the individual is not actually immersed in the liquid , but boating above it so a correction factor is applied.
  • CEDE is the sum of the COE for each organ of the body with weighting factors applied for each organ. 6.2 Scenario The ODAM described dose pathways focus on long term ingestion of radionuclides through various food pathways.

This is in sharp contrast to the NEI thresholds which limit the exposure to one hour. To meet the prescribed one hour exposure scenario , the following scenario will be used:

  • An adult and a child are fishing from a boat on the Cedar River downstream of the facility.

While they are there, a radioactive liquid release from the facility curs. The release lasts one hour.

  • During that time frame each of the individuals ingests 500 milliliters of river water.
  • The individuals leave the area one hour after the start of the exposure when they heed the announcement from the ERO siren system. The pathways thus indicated are drinking water and boating. Page 9 of 23
  • ENERCON Excellence-Every projecr. Every day. N EE-323-CALC-004 CALC Revised Liquid Radiological EALs NO . >-----------------<

per NEI 99-01 REV. 00 6.3 Radioactive Source The gross radioactive concentration is converted from cps to µCi/ml using the monitor efficiencies from Design Input 5.1. For example , the gross radioactive concentration in the GSW system with an indication of 10000 cps from the GSW Rad. Monitor is calculated as follows: 10000 1 µCi/ml 4.57E-03 µCi/ml 2.19E+06 With the total concentration of the effluent known, given a mixture of isotopes where the relative amount of each isotope is known, the isotopic mixture in the effluent can be determined.

The isotopic mixture and half-lives used in this calculation come from Design Input 5.2. In order to determine the radiation dose to the receptor, the concentrations affecting the receptor must be known. For Plant Modes 1, 2, and 3, a source decay time of two hours is assumed to account for transit time (Assumption 4.1 ). For Plant Modes 4 and 5, a source decay time of 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> is assumed (Assumption 4.2). The NUREG-1940 source is decayed using Design Input 5.2. The Ag-110m computation is displayed (indicated as row 7) as an example: Page 10 of 23

* -----CALC N EE-323-C AL C-004 ENERCON Re v ised Liquid Radiologica l E A Ls NO. " per NE I 99-01 &cellenc~-Eve r y project. Every day. REV. 00 Table 6 -Source Decay NUREG-1940 Half-life l ambda Cone. Cone. Isotope Concentration hr hrs-1 2 Hr 36 Hr Ci/g Decay Deca y A B C D E F Ag-110m 1.00E-12 6.00E+03 =(LN(2/C7

= B7*(E XP(-D7*2}) = B7*(EXP(-D7*36}} Ag-110m 1.00E-12 6.00E+03 1.16E-04 1.00E-12 9.96E-13 Ba-140 4.00E-10 3.0SE+02 2.27E-03 3.98E-10 3.69E-10 Ce-141 3.00E-11 7.80E+02 8.89E-04 2.99E-11 2.91E-11 Ce-144* 3.00E-12 6.82E+03 1.02E-04 3.00E-12 2.99E-12 Co-58 1.00E-10 1.70E+03 4.08E-04 9.99E-11 9.85E-11 Co-60 2.00E-10 4.61E+04 1.SOE-05 2.00E-10 2.00E-10 Cr-51 3.00E-09 6.65E+02 1.04E-03 2.99E-09 2.89E-09 Cs-134 3.00E-11 1.81E+04 3.84E-05 3.00E-11 3.00E-11 Cs-136 2.00E-11 3.14E+02 2.20E-03 1.99E-11 1.85E-11 Cs-137* 8.00E-11 2.64E+OS 2.63E-06 8.00E-11 8.00E-11 Cs-138 1.00E-08 5.38E-01 1.29E+OO 7.59E-10 6.95E-29 Cu-64 3.00E-09 1.27E+Ol 5.46E-02 2.69E-09 4.20E-10 Fe-59 3.00E-11 1.07E+03 6.49E-04 3.00E-11 2.93E-11 1-131 2.20E-09 1.93E+02 3.59E-03 2.18E-09 1.93E-09 1-132 2.20E-08 2.29E+OO 3.02E-01 1.20E-08 4.16E-13 1-133 1.SOE-08 2.08E+Ol 3.33E-02 1.40E-08 4.52E-09 1-134 4.30E-08 8.76E-01 7.91E-01 8.83E-09 1.83E-20 1-135 2.20E-08 6.GOE+OO 1.0SE-01 1.78E-08 5.02E-10 Mn-54 3.SOE-11 7.51E+03 9.23E-05 3.SOE-11 3.49E-11 Mn-56 2.SOE-08 2.57E+OO 2.70E-01 1.46E-08 1.SlE-12 Mo-99 2.00E-09 6.60E+Ol 1.0SE-02 1.96E-09 1.37E-09 Na-24 2.00E-09 1.SOE+Ol 4.62E-02 1.82E-09 3.79E-10 Np-239 8.00E-09 5.66E+Ol 1.22E-02 7.81E-09 5.lSE-09 P-32 4.00E-11 5.83E+02 1.19E-03 3.99E-11 3.83E-11 Rb-89 5.00E-09 2.54E-01 2.72E+OO 2.lSE-11 1.26E-51 Ru-103 2.00E-11 9.43E+02 7.35E-04 2.00E-11 1.95E-11 Ru-106 3.00E-12 8.83E+03 7.85E-05 3.00E-12 2.99E-12 Sr-89 1.00E-10 1.21E+03 5.72E-04 9.99E-11 9.80E-11 Sr-90 7.00E-12 2.54E+OS 2.72E-06 7.00E-12 7.00E-12 Sr-9 1 4.00E-09 9.SOE+OO 7.29E-02 3.46E-09 2.90E-10 Sr-92 1.00E-08 2.71E+OO 2.56E-01 6.00E-09 1.0lE-12 Te-129m 4.00E-11 8.0 6E+02 8.6 0 E-04 3.99E-11 3.88E-11 Te-131m 1.00E-10 3.00E+Ol 2.31E-02 9.SSE-11 4.35E-11 Te-132 1.00E-11 7.82E+Ol 8.86E-03 9.82E-12 7.27E-12 W-187 3.00E-10 2.39E+Ol 2.90E-02 2.83E-10 1.0GE-10 Y-91 4.00E-11 1.40E+03 4.94E-04 4.00E-11 3.93E-11 Y-92 6.00E-09 3.SSE+OO 1.95E-01 4.06E-09 5.34E-12 Y-93 4.00E-09 1.01E+Ol 6.86E-02 3.49E-09 3.38E-10 2n-65 1.00E-10 5.86E+03 1.18E-04 1.00E-10 9.96E-11 Zr-95 8.00E-12 1.54E+03 4.SlE-04 7.99E-12 7.87E-12 Fe-55 1.00E-09 2.37E+04 2.93E-05 1.00E-09 9.99E-10 H-3 1.00E-08 1.08E+OS 6.4 0 E-06 1.0 0E-08 1.00E-0 8 l Ni-63 1.00E-12 8.40E+OS 8.25E-07 1.00E-12 1.00E-12 Pag e 11 of 2 3 .. ENERCON CALC Revised Liquid Radiological EALs NO . N EE-323-CALC-004 per NEI 99-01 >------------

< E.xcellence-Every projecr. Every day. REV. 00 6.4 TEDE Dose To determine the TEDE dose for a one hour exposure , two components are considered.

1. Direct exposure to the radioactive water present in the river is considered , commonly described as Effective Dose Equivalent (EDE). 2. Committed Effective Dose Equivalent (CEDE) is considered, which is the dose mitment due to the ingestion or inhalation of a mixture of radioactive material.

6.4.1 EDE Immersion dose is calculated with guidance provided in Federal Guidance Report 12 (FGR12). With the isotopic concent r ation at the receptor known (Table 6), the dose (mrem) at the receptor can be calculated: Dose Where r= concentration of radionuclide i present in the water at the receptor (µCi/ mP each isotope present in the liquid release factor from FGR12 for converting the liquid concentration to effective dose equivalent from Design Input 5.3 (mrem ml / sec µCi) The dose coefficients in Design Input 5.3 from FGR12 relate the radioactive concentration of a liquid to the dose received by a person who is immersed in the liquid. FGR 12 also provides this statement about the relationship between immersion dose and dose received while boating: Exposure during boating activities The dose coefficients for immersion in contaminated water in Table 111.2 assume immersion in an infinite pool and, thus , are appropriate for exposure while swimming. External exposure to contaminated water can also occur during boat i ng activities. For photon exposure, a reduction factor of 0.5 during boating activities is a reasonable value that is unlikely to underestimate external dose equivalents. 6.4.2 CEDE To calculate the Committed Effective Dose Equivalent due to the consumption of contaminated water , the ALI values from Design Input 5.3 are used. The first column of Page 12 of 23 I ENERCON N EE-323-CALC-004 CALC Revised Liquid Radiological EALs NO. 1---------------< Excellence-Every pro j ecr. £very day. per NEI 99-01 REV. 00 the table lists the ALI for each isotope. The ALI value is the Annual Limit for Intake and represents the number of microcuries that would have to be ingested to cause a dose of 5 rem to an occupationally exposed worker. Following the conversion of the ALI values to units of " mrem per µCi" the following equation can be used to determine radiation dose due to ingestion of a liquid mixture of radioisotopes. Where v= concentration of the radionuclide i present in the water at the receptor (µCi/ml) each isotope present in the gaseous release factor converting the gas concentration to effective dose equivalent (mrem/µCi) volume of water ingested (ml) 1 OCFR20 includes a statement regarding the use of Table 1 Column One values for members of the public: ... a factor of 2 to adjust the occupational values (derived for adults) so that they are applicable to other age groups. Spreadsheets are used in section 7.1 to calculate EDE and CEDE from all of the isotopes in the mixture. 6.5 Organ dose Methods to calculate Organ Dose are taken from ODAM section 2.6 titled "Accumulated Personal Maximum Dose". The guidance is provided here: Page 13 of 23 ENERCON N EE-323-CALC-004 CALC Revised Liquid Radiological EALs NO. f--------------- Excellence-Every pro j ecr. Every d ay. per NEI 99-01 REV. 00 where 6 Dtml = the dose commitment (m r em) to organ n of age group a due to the i sotopes iden ti fied i n analys i s k , whe r e the ana l yses are those requ i red by Table 7 .1-2. Thus the contribution t o the dose from gamma em i tters become avai l ab l e on a batch basis for batch releases and on a weekly basis fo r continuous releases. Si m i la r ly the contributions from H-3 is avai l able on a monthly bas i s and the contributions from Fe-55, S r-89, and Sr-90 becom e available on a , quart er ly basis. Dm , = th e dose comm i tment during the quarter-to-date to organ n , induding who l e body, of the maximally exposed person in age group a (m r e m) ~an i =t r ansfe r fact o r relat i ng a u nit re l ease of radionudide i (Ci) in a unit stream flow (gal/min) to dose commi t ment to organ n , or whole body , of an exposed pe r son in [mrem gal] age group a C i min via env i ronmenta l pathway e. Cu. = th e concentrat i on of radionuclide i i n the undiluted liquid waste r epresented by sample k to be discharg e d (µCi/m l) 6. tt = dura ti on of radioactive re le as e rep r esen t ed by sample k wh i ch occurs withi n t i me boundaries T B and TE and du ri ng wh i ch concentration C-k and f l ows F 1 k and F2k exist (m i n.) 3. 78 5

  • 10*1 = conversion constant (3785 mUga l
  • 1 o-e C i/µCi) F 11 = fl ow i n the radioactive waste release l i ne (gal/min)'

r epresented by sample k. F 21:., = flow into wh i ch r adioactive release rep r esented by samp l e k is m i xed i n the riv er at the point o f e xposu re or w i thdrawal o f wat er for use (same units as F1k)* For this calculation ,

  • Litk is set to 60 minutes
  • F1 k 1 2 ke is 0.2 per Assumption 4.3. Page 14 of 23 ENERCON N EE-323-CALC-004 CALC Revised Liquid Radiological EALs NO. ,__ ____________ ---, Excellence-Every project. Every day. per NEI 99-01 REV. 00
  • A ea ni values are taken from ODAM Appendix C (Design Input 5.4)
  • Based on the scenario , only the child thyroid organ is considered , as this bounds the adult, and is used in Iowa as the basis for Protective Action Guidelines.
  • Based on the scenario , only the drinking water pathway is considered. Spreadsheets are used in section 7.2 to calculate COE-Thyroid from all of the isotopes in the mixture. 7 .0 Calculation 7 .1 TEDE Dose A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet uses an iterative process to determine the cps output readings from each of the three monitors that correspond to a TEDE Dose of 10 mrem. Sections of the spreadsheet are presented here. This is the spreadsheet for the RHRSW/ESW Monitor. "' cu -.c "' *-"' > I n ges tion Do s e: 8.2 4 mrem + Boati n g Do s e: 1. 7 9 mrem Res u ltant T o t a l mRem: 10.0 mrem Mon i to r: RHRSW/ESW RM1997 F GR~ Un its I 3.70E+15 I C.On vem o n Factor: FGR 12 8o ating/lm'."euion Re duction F actor: L...::::J Mo n ito r c[s:! 16 , 000 Mo n ito r E ffici en cy: ! 1.51E+<6 1~ u Ci/m l Volum e C.O n sumed:! 500 !m L !cps 1 0C F R20 I ngest i on r--;--1 Ag e Coruid era tion F actor:~ D ecay Hr s:! 2 D ilutio n Facto r: ! 0.2 0 Resultant R i ver Gamma Concentration fo r the Given CPS Read i ng : 1E+06~ = 2.l l I.~03 I µC i/m l I lµC i/m l 0.2 0 The mrem values seen above are calculated in the spreadsheet on the following pages. As can be seen above, the dilution factor (0.20) is included in the efficiency equation to account for the fact that the concentration in the river will be only 20% of the concentration seen by the effluent radiation monitor per Assumption 4.3. Page 15 of 23 N EE-323-CALC-004 ENERCON CALC Revised Liquid Radiological EALs NO. >--------------------<

&cellenc~-E very project. Every d ay. per NEI 99-01 REV. 00 7.1.1 Boat in g Dose The concentrations for the i ndividual i sotopes are scaled to the gross c o ncentrat i on determined above. In this case, the va l ue is 2.12E-03 µCi/m l. The value of 2.12E-03 i s calculated based on the monitor cps reading entered by the spreadsheet use r. Thro u gh an iterat i ve process, the user enters the monitor cps necessary to determ i ne the des i red resultant total dose (in mrem). The dose coefficient for water immersion for each isotope in co l umn Bin Table 7 is taken from Design Input 5.3. FGR 12 displays dose factors in the SI units of SV m 3/ bq sec. Traditional units of mrem ml/sec µCi sec are desired. FGR 12: 1 !fi,lJ. m3 lE+OS mRem 1 1E+06 ml 8 3.70E+l5 mRem ml = sec !fi,lJ. 2.7E-11 8 m3 1E+06 µCi sec µCi The conversion factor from SV m 3/bq sec to mrem cm 3/µCi sec is 3.70E+15. The decayed mixture from column E is taken from Table 6. Note that the concentration values present in the (starting) mixture do not affect the result. It is t h e ratios of the isotopes to the gross concentration (Sect i on 7.1 -Column G) in the mixt u re that are needed. Per Section 6.4.1, a 0.5 dose-reduction factor is applied in Co l umn I. For illustrative purposes, for the isotope AG-11 Om, the ce ll formulas are displayed. Table 7 -Boating Dose Decayed FGR 12: FGR12 Mix River Immersion Boating SVm3 Unit s mrem ml µCi mrem mrem b sec Conv. Ci sec ml Fraction Ci/ml Sec Hr 2.94E-16 3.70E+l5 l.09E+O Table 6 =E2/ =F2*2.12E-3 =D2*G2 =H2*3600 l.17E-7

  • 0.5 Ag-llOm 2.94E-16 3.70E+15 l.09E+O l.OOE-12 0.00% l.81E-8 l.97E-8 3.54E-5 Ba-140 1.87E-17 3.70E+15 6.92E-2 3.98E-10 0.34% 7.20E-6 4.98E-7 8.97E-4 Ce-141 7.62E-18 3.70E+15 2.82E-2 2.99E-11 0.03% 5.41E-7 l.53E-8 2.75E-5 Ce-144* l.91E-18 3.70E+l5 7.07E-3 3.00E-12 0.00% 5.42E-8 3.83E-10 6.90E-7 Co-58 l.03E-16 3.70E+15 3.81E-1 9.99E-11 0.09% l.81E-6 6.88E-7 l.24E-3 Co-60 2.74E-16 3.70E+15 l.OlE+O 2.00E-10 0.17% 3.62E-6 3.67E-6 6.60E-3 Cr-51 3.30E-18 3.70E+15 l.22E-2 2.99E-09 2.55% 5.41E-5 6.61E-7 l.19E-3 Cs-134 l.64E-16 3.70E+15 6.07E-1 3.00E-11 0.03% 5.42E-7 3.29E-7 5.92E-4 Cs-136 2.31E-16 3.70E+15 8.SSE-1 l.99E-11 0.02% 3.60E-7 3.08E-7 5.54E-4 Cs-137* l.49E-20 3.70E+15 5.SlE-5 8.00E-11 0.07% 1.45E-6 7.97E-11 l.44E-7 Cs-138 2.62E-16 3.70E+15 9.69E-1 7.59E-10 0.65% l.37E-5 l.33E-5 2.39E-2 Cu-64 l.98E-17 3.70E+l5 7.33E-2 2.69E-09 2.29% 4.86E-5 3.56E-6 6.41E-3 Fe-59 l.29E-16 3.70E+15 4.77E-1 3.00E-11 0.03% 5.42E-7 2.59E-7 4.65E-4 1-131 3.98E-17 3.70E+15 1.47E-1 2.18E-09 1.86% 3.95E-5 5.82E-6 l.OSE-2 1-132 2.43E-16 3.70E+15 8.99E-1 l.20E-08 10.26% 2.17E-4 1.95E-4 3.52E-1 1-133 6.39E-17 3.70E+15 2.36E-1 1.40E-08 11.97% 2.54E-4 6.00E-5 1.08E-1 1-134 2.82E-16 3.70E+15 l.04E+O 8.83E-09 7.54% l.60E-4 l.67E-4 3.00E-1 1-135 l.73E-16 3.70E+l5 6.40E-1 1.78E-08 15.21% 3.22E-4 2.06E-4 3.71E-1 Mn-54 8.88E-17 3.70E+15 3.29E-1 3.SOE-11 0.03% 6.33E-7 2.08E-7 3.74E-4 Page 16 of 23 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. £very d ay. FGR 1 2: FGR12 SVm 3 U nits b sec Conv. Mn-56 l.86E-16 3.70E+l5 Mo-99 l.58E-17 3.70E+l5 N a-24 4.73E-16 3.70E+l5 Np-239 l.70E-17 3.70E+l5 P-32 l.90E-19 3.70E+l5 Rb-89 2.30E-16 3.70E+l5 Ru-103 4.89E-17 3.70E+l5 R u-106 2.24E-17 3.70E+l5 Sr-8 9 1.49E-19 3.70E+l5 Sr-9 0 l.46E-2 0 3.70E+l5 Sr-9 1 7.48E-17 3.70E+l5 Sr-92 l.47E-16 3.70E+15 Te-129m 3.39E-18 3.70E+15 Te-131m l.52E-16 3.70E+15 Te-132 2.28E-17 3.70E+15 W-187 4.97E-17 3.70E+15 Y-91 S.44E-19 3.70E+15 Y-92 2.81E-17 3.7 0E+15 Y-93 l.03E-17 3.70E+l5 Z n-65 6.29 E-17 3.70 E+15 Zr-95 7.82E-17 3.70E+15 Fe-55 0.00E+OO 3.70E+15 H-3 O.OOE+OO 3.70E+l5 Ni-63 O.OOE+OO 3.70E+15 N EE-323-CALC-004 CALC Revised Liquid Radiological EALs NO. 1----------------~

per NEI 99-01 REV. 00 Decayed Mi x Riv e r Im mersion Boating mrem ml µC i mrem mrem Ci sec ml Fraction Ci/ml Sec H r 6.88E-1 1.46E-0 8 12.43% 2.63E-4 1.81E-4 3.26E-1 5.85E-2 l.96E-09 1.67% 3.54E-5 2.07E-6 3.7 3E-3 1.75E+O 1.82E-09 1.56% 3.30E-5 5.77E-5 l.04E-1 6.29E-2 7.8 1E-09 6.66% l.41E-4 8.88E-6 l.6 0E-2 7.0 3 E-4 3.99E-11 0.0 3% 7.2 2E-7 S.07E-10 9.13E-7 8.SlE-1 2.l S E-11 0.02% 3.8 9E-7 3.31E-7 5.95E-4 l.81E-1 2.00E-11 0.02% 3.61E-7 6.53E-8 l.18E-4 8.29E-2 3.00E-12 0.00% S.42E-8 4.49E-9 8.09E-6 5.SlE-4 9.99E-11 0.0 9% l.81E-6 9.96E-10 l.7 9E-6 S.4 0 E-5 7.00 E-1 2 0.01% l.27E-7 6.84E-12 l.23E-8 2.77E-1 3.46E-09 2.95% 6.25E-5 l.73E-5 3.l lE-2 S.44E-1 6.00E-09 5.12% l.08E-4 5.90E-5 1.06E-1 1.25E-2 3.99E-11 0.03% 7.22E-7 9.06E-9 l.63E-5 5.62 E-1 9.SSE-11 0.08% l.73E-6 9.71E-7 1.75E-3 8.44E-2 9.82E-12 0.01% l.78E-7 l.SOE-8 2.70E-5 l.84E-1 2.83E-10 0.24% 5.12E-6 9.41E-7 l.69E-3 2.0lE-3 4.00E-11 0.03% 7.23E-7 1.45E-9 2.62E-6 l.04E-1 4.06E-09 3.46% 7.34E-5 7.63E-6 l.37E-2 3.81E-2 3.49E-09 2.98% 6.31E-5 2.40 E-6 4.33 E-3 2.33E-1 1.00E-10 0.09% l.81E-6 4.21E-7 7.57E-4 2.89E-1 7.99E-12 0.01% l.45E-7 4.18E-8 7.53E-5 O.OOE+O l.OOE-0 9 0.85% l.81E-5 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O 1.00E-0 8 8.53% l.81E-4 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O l.OOE-12 0.00% l.81E-8 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O 1.17E-7 100.00% 2.12E-3 9.97E-4 1.79 2.12E-3 mrem 7.1.2 Ingestion Dose Ingestion dose is calculated in the section of the spreadsheet seen below. ALis umn D) from Design Input 5.3 are converted to mrem/µCi factors (column E) as shown in the example below for Co-60 which has an ALI of 200 µCi: 5 feffi 1000 mrem 25 mRem 2E+02 µCi 1 ReFR µCi The resultant dose (in mrem) caused by ingesting 500 ml of the liquid is calculated per Section 6.4.2. The decayed mixture from column F is taken from Table 6. An example demonstrating dose caused by drinking 500 ml of water containing cobalt-60 with a concentration of 0.001 µCi/ml: Page 17 of 23 J N EE-323-CA L C-004 ENERCON CALC Re vi sed Liquid Radiologica l EALs NO. t--------------------, pe r NEI 99-01 Excellence-Every project. Every d ay. REV. 00 25 mrem 0.001 t+/-G 500 ml 12.5 mrem -----1---+----+---+----+----=

For an occupat i onally exposed worker, drink i ng those 500 mi ll i li te r s of w ater contaminated with Co-60 wou l d result in a dose of 12.5 mrem. Per Sect ion 6.4.2, t hi s i s multipl i ed by 2, generating 25 mrem. Note that there are three hard-to-detect i sotopes (HTDs) present i n the m i x t ure: Fe-55, H-3 and Ni-63. Because they do not em i t gamma rays, they are not detected by the service water radiation monitor. Therefore, they are effectively removed from the gross gamma calculation calibrating the monitor response (Columns H, I, and J). T he HTDs are then scaled back into the calculation of the app li ed dose. For i ll ustrative purposes, for the isotope Ag-110m, the cell formulas are disp l ayed. The decayed mixture from column F is taken from Table 6. Column M conta in s t h e mult i p li er for the 500 ml vo l ume consumed and the 2x mult i p l ier factor for members of the pu bli c. Table 8 -I ngestion Do se Gamma Gamma 1 0C FR20 mrem C i Ci Gamma ]dQ ]dQ ALI Ci m l Fract i o n ml Fracti o n m l ml Fraction Ag-llOm 5.00E+02 =1/ Tab l e 6 =F2*1.17E-7 =F2 =H2/ =12*2.12E-3 =J2 =K2/ (0 2/5000) 1.0GE-7 2.32E-3 Ag-llOm 5.00E+02 l.OOE+l l.OOE-12 0.0% 1.00E-12 0.0% l.99E-8 l.99E-8 0.0% Ba-140 6.00E+02 8.33E+O 3.98 E-10 0.3% 3.98E-10 0.4% 7.95E-6 7.95 E-6 0.3% Ce-141 2.00E+03 2.SOE+O 2.99E-11 0.0% 2.99E-11 0.0% 5.98E-7 5.98E-7 0.0% Ce-144* 3.00E+02 l.67E+l 3.00E-12 0.0% 3.00E-12 0.0% 5.98E-8 5.98E-8 0.0% Co-5 8 l.OOE+03 5.00E+O 9.99E-11 0.1% 9.99E-11 0.1% l.99E-6 l.99E-6 0.1% Co-60 2.00E+02 2.SOE+l 2.00E-10 0.2% 2.00E-10 0.2% 3.99E-6 3.99E-6 0.2% Cr-5 1 4.00E+04 l.25E-1 2.99E-09 2.6% 2.99E-9 2.8% 5.97E-5 5.97E-5 2.6% Cs-134 7.00E+Ol 7.14E+l 3.00E-11 0.0% 3.00E-11 0.0% 5.99E-7 5.99E-7 0.0% Cs-136 4.00E+02 l.25E+l l.99E-11 0.0% l.99E-11 0.0% 3.97E-7 3.97E-7 0.0% Cs-137* l.OOE+02 5.00E+l 8.0 0E-11 0.1% 8.00E-11 0.1% l.60E-6 l.60E-6 0.1% Cs-138 3.00E+04 l.67E-1 7.59E-10 0.6% 7.59 E-10 0.7% l.SlE-5 l.SlE-5 0.7% Cu-64 l.OOE+04 5.00E-1 2.69E-09 2.3% 2.69E-9 2.5% 5.37E-5 5.37E-5 2.3% Fe-59 8.00E+02 6.25E+O 3.00E-11 0.0% 3.00E-11 0.0% 5.98E-7 5.98 E-7 0.0% 1-13 1 9.00E+Ol 5.56E+l 2.18E-09 1.9% 2.18E-9 2.1% 4.36E-5 4.36E-5 1.9% 1-132 9.00E+03 5.56E-1 l.20E-08 10.3% l.20E-8 11.3% 2.40E-4 2.40E-4 10.3% 1-133 5.00E+02 l.OOE+l l.40E-08 12.0% l.40E-8 13.2% 2.8 0E-4 2.80E-4 12.1% 1-134 3.00E+04 l.67E-1 8.83E-09 7.5% 8.83E-9 8.3% l.76E-4 l.76E-4 7.6% 1-135 3.00E+03 l.67E+O l.78E-08 15.2% l.78E-8 16.8% 3.5 6E-4 3.56E-4 15.3% Mn-54 2.00E+03 2.SOE+O 3.SOE-11 0.0% 3.SOE-11 0.0% 6.98E-7 6.98E-7 0.0% Mn-56 5.00E+03 l.OOE+O 1.46E-08 12.4% l.46E-8 13.7% 2.91E-4 2.91E-4 12.5% Mo-99 l.OOE+03 5.00E+O l.96 E-09 1.7% l.96E-9 1.8% 3.9 1E-5 3.91E-5 1.7% Na-24 4.00E+03 l.25E+O l.82E-09 1.6% l.82E-9 1.7% 3.64E-5 3.64E-5 1.6% Np-239 2.00E+03 2.50E+O 7.81E-09 6.7% 7.8 1E-9 7.4% l.56E-4 l.56E-4 6.7% P-32 6.00E+02 8.33E+O 3.99E-11 0.0% 3.99E-11 0.0% 7.96E-7 7.96E-7 0.0% Rb-89 6.00E+04 8.33E-2 2.15E-11 0.0% 2.15E-11 0.0% 4.29E-7 4.29 E-7 0.0% Page 18 of 23 mr e m =K2*E2 *2*5 00 l.99E-04 6.62E-02 l.49E-03 9.97E-04 9.97E-03 9.98E-02 7.47E-03 4.28E-02 4.97E-03 7.98E-02 2.52E-03 2.68E-02 3.74 E-03 2.42E+OO 1.33E-0 1 2.80 E+OO 2.94E-02 5.93E-01 l.75E-03 2.91E-01 l.95E-01 4.SSE-0 2 3.89 E-01 6.64E-03 3.57 E-05 ENERCON Exce lle n ce-Every p roject. Every day. 10CFR20 ALI Ru-103 2.00E+03 Ru-106 2.00E+02 Sr-89 5.00E+02 Sr-90 4.00E+Ol Sr-91 2.00E+03 Sr-92 3.00E+03 Te-12 9m 5.00E+02 Te-131m 6.00E+02 Te-132 7.00E+02 W-187 2.00E+03 Y-91 6.00E+02 Y-92 3.00 E+0 3 Y-93 l.OOE+03 Zn-65 4.00E+02 Zr-95 l.OOE+03 Fe-55 9.00E+03 H-3 8.00E+04 Ni-63 9.00E+03 N EE-323-CALC-004 CALC Revised Liquid Radiological EALs NO. 1--------------------<

per NEI 99-01 REV. 00 Gamma Gamma mrem Ci Ci Gamma µCi !dQ Ci ml Fraction ml Fraction ml ml Fraction 2.SOE+O 2.00E-11 0.0% 2.00E-11 0.0% 3.98E-7 3.98E-7 0.0% 2.SOE+l 3.00E-12 0.0% 3.00E-12 0.0% 5.99E-8 5.99E-8 0.0% l.OOE+l 9.99E-11 0.1% 9.99E-11 0.1% 1.99E-6 l.99E-6 0.1% l.25E+2 7.00E-12 0.0% 7.00E-12 0.0% l.40E-7 l.40E-7 0.0% 2.SOE+O 3.46E-09 2.9% 3.46E-9 3.3% 6.90E-5 6.90E-5 3.0% l.67E+O 6.00E-09 5.1% 6.00E-9 5.6% l.20E-4 l.20E-4 5.2% l.OOE+l 3.99E-11 0.0% 3.99E-11 0.0% 7.97E-7 7.97E-7 0.0% 8.33E+O 9.SSE-11 0.1% 9.SSE-11 0.1% l.91E-6 l.91E-6 0.1% 7.14E+O 9.82E-12 0.0% 9.82E-12 0.0% l.96E-7 l.96E-7 0.0% 2.SOE+O 2.8 3 E-10 0.2% 2.83E-10 0.3% 5.65E-6 5.65E-6 0.2% 8.33E+O 4.00E-11 0.0% 4.00E-11 0.0% 7.97E-7 7.97E-7 0.0% l.67E+O 4.0 6E-09 3.5% 4.06E-9 3.8% 8.lOE-5 8.lOE-5 3.5% 5.00E+O 3.49E-09 3.0% 3.49E-9 3.3% 6.96E-5 6.96E-5 3.0% l.25E+l l.OOE-10 0.1% l.OOE-10 0.1% l.99E-6 l.99E-6 0.1% 5.00E+O 7.99E-12 0.0% 7.99E-12 0.0% l.59E-7 l.59E-7 0.0% 5.56E-1 l.OOE-09 0.9% l.81E-5 0.8% 6.25E-2 l.OOE-08 8.5% l.81E-4 7.8% 5.56E-1 l.OOE-12 0.0% l.81E-8 0.0% 1.17E-7 100% l.06E-07 100.0% 2.12E-3 2.32E-3 100.0% 2.12E-3 The initial HTD value is sca led to the tot a l value of the gammas present. Using those ratios, the new HTD concentrations are determined by multiplying the ratios by the revised sum of the gamma emitters. Hard-to-Detect Determination Canel }:gammas }:gammas Conc2 HTD Ci Ci Ratio HTD µCi !dQ ml ml ml ml Fe-55 1.00E-9 1.17E-07 8.53E-3 Fe-55 2.12E-3 1.81E-5 H-3 1.00E-8 1.17E-07 8.53E-2 H-3 2.1 2E-3 1.81E-4 Ni-63 1.00E-12 1.17E-07 8.53E-6 Ni-63 2.12E-3 1.81E-8 7 .2 Organ Dose The organ dose calculation is similar to the TEDE calculation above in that it uses a spreadsheet to determine the monitor cps reading necessary to reach the EAL threshold_ The calculation is also similar in that it uses liquid concentrations and dose conversion factors to determine dose. The first part of the spreadsheet is presented here showing the gross concentration developed from section 6.5. Page 19 of 23 mrem 9.96 E-04 l.SOE-03 l.99E-02 l.75E-02 l.72E-01 l.99E-01 7.97E-03 l.59E-02 l.40E-03 l.41E-0 2 6.64E-03 l.35E-01 3.48E-01 2.49E-02 7.97E-04 l.OOE-02 l.13E-02 l.OOE-05 8.24 mrem N EE-323-CALC-004 .. ENERCON CALC Revised Liquid Radiological EALs NO . >----------------< "' cu -.a ta *-1.. ta > Excellenc~-Every project. Every d ay. per NEI 99-01 REV. Child Thyroid: 5 0.0 mRem M o ni t or: R HR S W/ESW RM 1997 .2 I ODAM Conversion Factor: , 3. 785E-03 I D~cay Hours._! _ ___._ Moni t or CPS:! 33,300 ! c ps ._ __ .;.. __ _. EKposure Time (Mins_):~ Monitor Effi c,ilmty:! 1.51E+6j cps u Ci/m l Dilutton Factor: r-1 _0_.2_0--.1 Co mbining F actor:! 2.271E-Ol ! R esu ltant Ga mm a C o n ce nt ra ti o n for th e , G iv en C PS R ead in g : 3 38 00 1~ I l uCi/m l I 0.20 1.51806 = 4.48E-03 I u Ci/m l 00 The dose value seen above is calculated in the spreadsheet on the following pages. As can be seen above , the dilution factor (0.20) is included in the efficiency equation to account for the fact that the concent r ation in the r iver will be only 20% of the concentration seen by the effluent rad monitor per Assumption 4.3. The concentrations for the individual isotopes are scaled to the gross concentration determined above. In this case , the value is 4.48E-03 µCi/ml. This value is calculated based on the monitor cps reading entered by the spreadsheet user. Through an iterative process, the user enters the monitor cps necessary to determine the desired resultant total dose (in mrem). Resultant river concentrations are presented in the section of the spreadsheet seen on the next page. In this spreadsheet, all of the isotopes present in Appendix C of the ODAM (Design Input 5.4) are included. In many instances , there is no corresponding isotope available from the NUREG-1940 reference. The entire list was included to simplify the spreadsheet calculation. The decayed mixture is taken from Table 6. Note that the concentration values present in the (starting) mixture do not affect the result. It is the ratios of the isotopes to the gross concentration in the mixture that are needed. These fractions are calculated in the same way as section 7.1. As in section 7.1.2 , HTDs present in the mixture (Fe-55, H-3 , and Ni-63) are removed from the gross gamma calculation and then scaled back into the calculation of the applied dose (see below for scaling). Page 20 of 23 CALC N EE-323-CAlC-004 It: ENERCON Revised Liquid Radiological EALs NO. Excellence-Every p r oject. Eve ry d oy. per NEI 99-01 REV. 00 The ODAM Appendix C dose transfer factors for the thyroid (Design Input 5.4) are displayed on the second to last column from the right. Using ODAM calculation methods described in section 6.5, the H-3 dose component of the child thyroid pathway is calculated individually here as an example: 3.82E-04 µCi/ml

  • 2.97E+01 mrem gal/ Ci min
  • 3.785E-03 ml Ci/gal µCi
  • 60 min = 2.58E-03 mrem Where 3. 785E-03 is the conversion factor from the ODAM. 2.97E+01 is the H-3 dose transfer factor for the thyroid (Design Input 5.4). 3.82E-04 is the concentration of H-3 in the river corresponding to the monitor reading developed from Table 6 (see below for scaling).

AND the dispersion term (0.20) is not included here because it has already been included above in the concentration calculation. Table 9-Thyroid Dose Decayed River River River Dose Trans-Mix Mix Mi x Mi x Water fer Factor Gamma Gamma Thyroid ODAM Ci Qi Gamma .ld9 Gamma .ld9 (mrem gal) Isotopes qm Fract i on qm Fraction ml Fraction ml (Ci min) H 3 1.00E-08 8.53 2% ' 0.000% 0.00% 3.82E-4 2.97E+l C 14 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.00% 0.00E+O 6.19E+2 NA24 1.82E-09 1.556% l.82E-09 1.717% 7.69E-05 1.72% 7.69E-5 4.91E+2 P 32 3.99E-11 0.0 3 4% 3.99E-11 0.038% 1.68E-06 0.04% l.68E-6 O.OOE+O CR 51 2.99E-09 2.554% 2.99E-09 2.819% l.26E-04 2.82% l.26 E-4 l.23E+O MN 54 3.50E-11 0.030% 3.SOE-11 0.033% 1.4 8 E-06 0.03% l.48E-6 O.OOE+O MN 56 1.46E-08 12.432% 1.46E-08 13.720% 6.14E-04 13.72% 6.14E-4 O.OOE+O FE 55 1.00E-09 0.853% 0.000% 0.00% 3.8 2E-5 0.00E+O FE 59 3.00E-11 0.02 6% 3.00E-11 0.02 8% l.26 E-06 0.03% l.26E-6 O.OOE+O C058 9.99E-11 0.0 8 5% 9.99E-11 0.094% 4.21E-06 0.09% 4.21E-6 O.OOE+O C060 2.00E-10 0.171% 2.00E-10 0.188% 8.43E-06 0.19% 8.43E-6 O.OOE+O Nl63 1.00E-12 0.00 1% 0.000% 0.00% 3.82E-8 O.OOE+O Nl65 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.00% O.OOE+O 0.00E+O cu 64 2.69E-09 2.295% 2.69E-09 2.532% l.13E-04 2.53% l.13E-4 O.OOE+O ZN 65 1.00E-10 0.085% l.OOE-10 0.094% 4.21E-06 0.09% 4.21E-6 O.OOE+O ZN 69 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.00% O.OOE+O O.OOE+O BR83 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.00% O.OOE+O O.OOE+O BR 84 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.00% O.OOE+O O.OOE+O BR85 0.000% 0.00E+OO 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.00% O.OOE+O O.OOE+O RB 86 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.00% O.OOE+O O.OOE+O RB 88 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.00% 0.00E+O O.OOE+O RB89 2.15E-11 0.018% 2.lSE-11 0.020% 9.06E-07 0.02% 9.06E-7 O.OOE+O SR89 9.99E-11 0.0 85% 9.99E-11 0.094% 4.21E-06 0.09% 4.21E-6 O.OOE+O SR 90 7.00E-12 0.006% 7.00E-12 0.007% 2.95E-07 0.01% 2.95E-7 O.OOE+O SR 91 3.46E-09 2.950% 3.46E-09 3.255% l.46E-04 3.26% l.46E-4 O.OOE+O SR 92 6.00E-09 5.117% 6.00E-09 5.647% 2.53E-04 5.65% 2.53E-4 O.OOE+O Y 90 0.000% 0.00E+OO 0.000% 0.00E+OO 0.00% O.OOE+O 0.00E+O Y 91M 0.000% 0.00E+OO 0.000% 0.00E+OO 0.00% O.OOE+O 0.00E+O Y 91 4.00E-11 0.034% 4.00E-11 0.038% l.68E-06 0.04% l.68E-6 O.OOE+O Page 21 of 23 Thyroid Dose mrem 2.58E-3 O.OOE+O 8.57E-3 O.OOE+O 3.52E-5 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O 0.00E+O 0.00E+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O 0.00E+O O.OOE+O 0.00E+O CALC N EE-323-CA L C-0 04 Ft ENERCON Revised Liquid Radiological EALs NO. Excellence-Every pro j ect. Every day. per NE I 99-01 REV. 00 Decayed Ri v er Ri v er River Dose Trans-Mi x Mi x Mi x Mi x Water fer Factor Gamma Gamma Thyroid Thyroid ODAM Ci g Gamm a !JQ Gamma !JQ (mrem gal) Dose Isotopes am Fra c t i on am Fraction ml Fraction ml (Ci min) mrem Y 92 4.06E-09 3.465% 4.06E-0 9 3.82 4% 1.71E-04 3.82% 1.71E-4 O.OOE+O 0.00E+O Y 93 3.49E-09 2.9 75% 3.49E-09 3.283% 1.47E-04 3.28% 1.47E-4 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O ZR 95 7.99E-12 0.007% 7.99E-12 0.00 8% 3.3 7E-07 0.01% 3.3 7E-7 O.OOE+O 0.00E+O ZR97 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.00% O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O NB 95 0.000% 0.00E+OO 0.000% 0.00E+OO 0.00% 0.00E+O 0.00E+O 0.00E+O M099 1.96E-09 1.671% 1.96E-09 1.844% 8.26 E-05 1.84% 8.26 E-5 O.OOE+O O.O OE+O TC99M 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% O.OOE+O O 0.00% O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O TC101 0.000% 0.00E+OO 0.000% 0.00E+OO 0.00% 0.00E+O 0.00E+O 0.00E+O R U 103 2.00E-11 0.0 17% 2.00E-11 0.019% 8.4 2E-07 0.02% 8.42 E-7 O.OOE+O O.OO E+O RU105 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.00% O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O RU106 3.00E-1 2 0.003% 3.00E-1 2 0.00 3% 1.26E-07 0.00% 1.26E-7 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O AG110M 1.00E-12 0.001% 1.00E-12 0.001% 4.21 E-0 8 0.00% 4.21E-8 O.OOE+O 0.00E+O TE125M 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.00% 0.00 E+O 8.09E+2 0.00E+O TE127M 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.00% 0.00E+O 1.76E+3 O.OOE+O TE127 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.00% 0.00E+O 1.41E+l 0.00E+O TE129M 3.99E-11 0.034% 3.99E-11 0.0 38% 1.68E-06 0.04% 1.68E-6 3.94E+3 1.SlE-3 TE129 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.00% O.OOE+O 1.44E-5 O.OOE+O TE131M 9.55E-11 0.0 81% 9.SSE-11 0.090% 4.02E-0 6 0.09% 4.02E-6 7.52E+2 6.87E-4 TE131 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.00% O.OOE+O O.OOE+O 0.00E+O TE132 9.82E-12 0.00 8% 9.8 2E-12 0.009% 4.14E-07 0.01% 4.14E-7 1.35E+3 1.27E-4 1 13 0 0.000% 0.00E+OO 0.000% O.O OE+OO 0.00% O.OOE+O 4.32E+4 0.00E+O I 131 2.18E-09 1.864% 2.18E-09 2.057% 9.21E-05 2.06% 9.21E-5 1.3 4E+6 2.80E+l 1132 1.20E-08 10.258% 1.20E-08 11.321% 5.07E-04 11.32% 5.07E-4 1.26E+l 1.45E-3 1133 1.40E-08 11.97 3% 1.40E-0 8 13.213% 5.92E-04 13.21% 5.92E-4 1.56E+S 2.lOE+l 1134 8.83E-09 7.538% 8.83E-09 8.318% 3.72E-04 8.32% 3.72E-4 2.SSE-5 2.16E-9 1135 1.78E-08 15.2 14% 1.78E-08 16.790% 7.52E-0 4 16.79% 7.52E-4 5.73E+3 9.78E-1 CS134 3.00E-11 0.026% 3.00E-11 0.028% 1.26E-06 0.03% 1.26E-6 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O CS136 1.99E-11 0.017% 1.99E-11 0.019% 8.39E-07 0.02% 8.39E-7 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O CS137 8.00E-11 0.06 8% 8.00E-11 0.075% 3.37E-06 0.08% 3.37E-6 O.OOE+O O.OO E+O CS138 7.5 9E-1 0 0.647% 7.59E-10 0.714% 3.20E-05 0.71% 3.20E-5 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O BA139 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.00% O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O BA14 0 3.98E-1 0 0.340% 3.98E-10 0.3 75% 1.68E-OS 0.37% 1.68E-5 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O BA141 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.00% O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O BA142 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.00% O.OOE+O 0.00E+O O.OO E+O LA140 0.0 00% O.OOE+OO 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.00% O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.O OE+O LA142 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.00% O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O CE141 2.99E-11 0.02 6% 2.99E-11 0.028% 1.26E-06 0.03% 1.26E-6 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O CE143 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.00% O.OOE+O O.OOE+O O.OOE+O CE144 3.00E-12 0.003% 3.00E-12 0.003% 1.26E-07 0.0 0% 1.26E-7 O.OOE+O 0.00E+O PR143 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% 0.00E+OO 0.00% 0.00E+O O.OOE+O 0.00E+O PR144 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% 0.00E+OO 0.00% O.OOE+O 0.00E+O O.OOE+O N D 147 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.000% O.OOE+OO 0.00% O.OOE+O 0.00E+O O.OOE+O W1 87 2.83E-10 0.242% 2.83E-10 0.267% 1.19E-05 0.27% 1.19E-5 O.OOE+O 0.00E+O N P 239 7.81E-09 6.660% 7.8 1E-09 7.350% 3.29E-04 7.35% 3.29E-4 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O 1.17E-07 100.0% 1.0GE-07 100% 4.48E-03 100.0 0% 4.90E-3 1.SSE+6 5.00E+l 4.48E-3 Pag e 22 of 23 N EE-323-CALC-004 ENERCON CALC Revised Liquid Radiological EALs NO. t-----------------; per NEI 99-01 Excellence-Every project. £very d ay. REV. 00 The HTD isotopes displayed in this spreadsheet were scaled into the results as they were in the TEDE spreadsheet. Hard to Detect Determination HTD Canel Lgammas Ratio HTD Lgammas Conc2 Fe-55 l.OOE-9 l.17E-07 8.53E-3 Fe-55 4.48E-3 3.82E-5 H-3 l.OOE-8 l.17E-07 8.53E-2 H-3 4.48E-3 3.82E-4 Ni-63 l.OOE-12 l.17E-07 8.53E-6 Ni-63 4.48E-3 3.82E-8 Spreadsheet cases are run for all three monitors at decay times of 2 hours and 36 hours in consideration of EAL entry thresholds that are mode dependent. See Section 2.0 for results. 8.0 Computer Software No computer software was used in this calculation. 9.0 Impact Assessment This calculation is based on "realistic" assumptions for the purpose of declaring EALs, rather than typical conservative "bounding" type design basis analyses. The calculation results are intended to provide order of magnitude setpoints to assist Operations and Emergency Response personnel in determining the state of the three fission product barriers in accordance with NEI 99-01 Rev. 6. Page 23 of 23 CALC N EE-323-CALC-0 04 .. ENERCON NO. Appendix A E.xcellence-Every pro j ect. Every day. REV. 00 Ingestion Dose: 8.24 mrem + Boat i ng Dose: 1.79 mrem Resultant Total mRem: 10.0 mrem Monitor: GSW RIS4767 "' FGR12 un;ts I 3.70E+15 QJ Convers;on Facto" FGR12 Boating/lmi:nersion Reduction Fact o r: -.c Monitor c[s: I 23,200 ta *-'-Monitor Efficiency: I ta 2.19E+6 I £fil 10CFR20 I ngestion Age Consideration Factor: > uCi/ml Volume Consumed: I 500 I ml Decay Hrs: I 2 Dilution Factor: I 0.20 Resultant River Gamma Concentration for the Given CPS Reading: 23200 I *f}5 I µCi/ml 2.19E+06 *f}5 I 0.20 2.12E-03 I µCi/ml Page 1 of 12 I ENERCON Appendix A Excellence-Every project. (very day. CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-0 04 00 Ch il d Thyroid: 5 0.0 mRem --Monitor: GSW RIS4767 V, cu Decay Hours ! 2 -ODAM Coovmloo Facto" I 3. 785E-03 .c ta Monitor CPS: ! 49,100 *-Ii.. ta Monitor Efficiency

! 2.19E+6 I cps > uCi/ml Expos"'e Time (Mios.), 8 Dilution Factor: ! 0.20 Combining Factor: ! 2.271E-01 Resultant Gamma Concentration for the Given CPS Reading: 49100 I~ I I uCi/ml E+06 I 0.20 = 4.48E-03 I uCi/ml Page 2 of 12 lJI ENERCON I Excellence-Eve r y project. fvery day. Monitor: "' FGR12 un;ts I QJ Conve.,;on Fa,to" -..c Monitor c[s: ! ta *-I.. ta Monitor Efficiency:

! > Volume Consumed: ! CALC N EE-323-CALC-004 NO. Appendix A REV. 00 Ingestion Dose: 9.78 mrem + Boating Dose: 0.19 mrem Resultant Total mRem: 10.0 mrem GSW RIS4767 3.70E+15 FGR12 Boating/lm~ersion Reduction Factor: 10,400 2.19E+6 I ill uCi/ml 500 I ml 10CFR20 Ingestion D Age Consideration Factor: Decay Hrs: I 36 Dilution Factor: j 0.20 Resultant River Gamma Concentration for the Given CPS Reading: 10400 I~ I µCi/ml 2.19E+06 I 0.20 9.SOE-04 I µCi/ml Page 3 of 12 ENERCON Appendix A Excellence-Every pro j ecr. Every da y. CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-004 00 Child Thyroid: 49.9 mRem Monitor: GSW RIS4767 "' C1J Decay Hours I 36 -ODAM Coavm;oo Facto" I 3.785E-03 .c ta Monitor CPS: I 14,000 *-I.. ta Monitor Efficiency: I 2.19E+6 ! cps > uCi/ml Dilution Factor: I 0.20 Combining Factor: I 2.271E-01 Resultant Gamma Concentration for the Given CPS Reading : 14000 I *f}S I I uCi/ml 2.19E+06 *f}S I 0.20 = l.28E-03 I uCi/ml Page 4 of 12 CALC N EE-323-CALC-004 NO. Appendix A I ENERCON Excellence-Every projecr. Every doy. REV. 00 Ingestion Dose: 8.24 mrem + Boating Dose: 1.79 mrem Resultant Total mRem: 10.0 mrem Monitor: RHRSW/ESW RM1997 V, FGR12 un;,s I 3.70E+15 FGR12 BoaUog/lm'."e,sloo B a, Convers;on Factor, Reduction Factor: -.c Monitor c[s: j 16,000 I cps ta *-10CFR20 logestloo 0 I.. ta Monitor Efficiency: j 1.51E+6 I ill Age Consideration Factor: > uCi/ml Decay Hrs: I 2 Volume Consumed: I 500 I ml Dilution Factor: I 0.20 Resultant River Gamma Concentration for the Given CPS Reading: 16000 I *f}S I µCi/ml 1.51E+06 *f}S I 0.20 = 2.12E-03 I µCi/ml Page 5 of 12 CALC N EE-323-CALC-004 .ll ENERCON Appendix A NO . u, QJ -.c n, *-Ii.. n, > Excellence-Every pro j ect. Every da y. REV. 00 Child Thyroid: 50.0 mRem Monitor: RHRSW/ESW RM1997 ODAM Conversion Factor: I 3.785E-03 Decay Hours l.__ ___ 2 __ __,_ ________ __._ ____ ___. Monitor CPS:.__! ____ 33_,_,8_0_0 ___ __,! cps Monitor Efficiency: I 1.51 E+G ! cps uCi/ml Dilution Factor: I 0.20 Combining Factor: I 2.271E-01 Resultant Gamma Concentration for the Given CPS Reading : 33800 I *P5 I I uCi/ml E+06 *P5 I 0.20 = 4.48E-03 I uCi/ml Page 6 of 12 CALC N EE-323-CALC-0 04 ENERCON NO. Appendix A &cellence-Every projecr. £very d ay. REV. 00 Ingestion Dose: 9.82 mrem + Boating Dose: 0.19 mrem Resu l tant Total mRem: 10.0 mrem Monitor: RHRSW/ESW RM1997 V) FGR12 un;ts I 3.70E+15 FGR12 BoaUng/lm'."ee; l on B QJ Convee;;on Facto" Reduction Factor: -.c Monitor c[s: I 7,200 I cp s ca *-10CFR20 lngest;on D I.. ca Monitor Efficiency: I 1.51E+6 I ill Age Consideration Factor: > u C i/ml Decay Hrs: I 36 Volume Consumed: I 500 I ml Dilution Factor: I 0.20 Resultant River Gamma Concentration for the Given CPS Reading : 7200 I *f}S I µCi/ml 1.51E+06 *f}S I 0.20 9.54E-04 I µCi/m l Page 7 of 12 ENERCON Appendix A CALC NO. N EE-323-CALC-004 "' QJ -.c (U *-1.. (U > b ceftence-Every pro j ect. Every d ay. REV. 00 Child Thyroid: 49.9 mRem Monitor: RHRSW/ESW RM1997 ODAM Conversion Factor: I 3. 785E-03 Decay Hours 1~ __ 36 __ ~--------~----~ Monitor CPS: ~I ____ 9~,6_5_0 ___ ~1 cps E,pome Time {Ml"s.), 8 Monitor Efficiency: I 1.51 E+6 I cps uCi/ml Dilution Factor: I 0.20 Combining Factor: I 2.271E-01 Resultant Gamma Concentration for the Given CPS Reading : 9650 I *ps I I uCi/ml E+06 eps I 0.20 = l.28E-03 I uCi/ml Page 8 of 12 CALC N EE-323-CALC-004 Appendix A NO . .. ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. REV. 00 Ingestion Dose: 8.22 mrem + Boating Dose: 1.79 mrem Resultant Total mRem: 10.0 mrem Monitor: RHRSW Dilution Line RM4268 V) FGR12 un;ts I Conve'5;on Fado" 3.70E+15 FGR12 Boating/lmr_nersion Reduction Factor: QJ -..c Monitor c[s: I (ti *-'-(ti Monitor Efficiency: I > Volume Consumed: I 24,200 2.29E+6 I ill uCi/ml 500 I ml 10CFR20 Ingestion D Age Consideration Factor: Decay Hrs: I 2 Dilution Factor: I 0.20 Resultant River Gamma Concentration for the Given CPS Reading : 24200 I *f}S I µCi/ml 2.29E+06 *P5 I 0.20 = 2.llE-03 I µCi/ml Page 9 of 12 >A ENERCON Appendix A CALC NO. N EE-323-CALC-004 "' cu -.c ns *-Ii.. ns > Excellence-Every project. £very doy. REV. 00 Child Thyroid: 50.0 mRem Monitor: RHRSW Dilution Line RM4268 ODAM Conversion Factor: I 3. 785E-03 Decay Hours l..__ __ 2 __ __._ ________ __._ ____ ___. Monitor CPS: ~' ____ 51"""',_30_0 ___ ___,j cps "°'"" nme (Min,.}, 8 Monitor Efficiency: l 2.29E+6 l cps uCi/ml Dilution Factor: I 0.20 Combining Factor: I 2.271E-01 Resultant Gamma Concentration for the Given CPS Reading : 51300 I *pS I I uCi/ml E+06 tPS I 0.20 = 4.48E-03 I uCi/ml Page 10 of 12 CALC N EE-323-CALC-004 Appendix A NO. I ENERCON &cellenc~-Every projf!Ct. Every day. REV. 00 Ingestion Dose: 9.80 mrem + Boating Dose: 0.19 mrem Resultant Total mRem: 10.0 mrem Monitor: RHRSW Dilution Line RM4268 V, FGR12 un;ts I 3.70E+15 GJ Conver.,;on Facto" FGR12 Boating/lm~ersion Reduction Factor: -.a Monitor c[s: j 10,900 n, *-I.. Monitor Efficiency: j I £fil n, 2.29E+6 10CFR20 Ingestion Age Consideration Factor: L_J > uCi/ml Volume Consumed: I I ml 500 Decay Hrs: I 36 Dilution Factor: I 0.20 Resultant River Gamma Concentration for the Given CPS Reading : 10900 I~ I µCi/ml 2.29E+06 I 0.20 = 9.52E-04 I µCi/ml Page 11 of 12 sa ENERCON Appendix A CALC NO. N EE-323-CALC-004 u, OJ -.c (U *-(U > Excellence-Every projecr. Every d ay. REV. 00 Child Thyroid: 49.9 mRem Monitor: RHRSW Dilution Line RM4268 ODAM Conversion Factor: I 3. 785E-03 Decay Hours !.__ __ 3_6 __ _._ ________ ..... ____ ____, Monitor CPS: ~I ____ 14~,_65_0 ___ ~1 cps E,pomeTime(Mins.J, 8 Monitor Efficiency: I 2.29E+6 I cps uCi/ml Dilution Factor: I 0.20 Combining Factor: I 2.271E-01 Resultant Gamma Concentration for the Given CPS Reading : 14650 I *ps I I uCi/ml E+06 tps I 0.20 = 1.28E-03 I uCi/ml Page 12 of 12 ENERCON Exce ll e n c,:-Every pro j ect. fvery da y. Attachment 1 CALCULATION PREPARATION CHECKLIST CHECKLIST ITEMS 1 CALC NO. REV. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS

1. If the calculation is being performed to a client procedure , is the procedu r e being used the latest revision?

The calculation is being p repared to ENERCON's procedures. 2. Are the proper forms being used and are they the latest revision?

3. Have the appropriate client review forms/checklists been completed?

The c alculation is being p repared to ENERCON's procedures. 4. Are all pages properly identified with a cal c ulation number , calculation revision and page number consistent with the requirements of the client's procedure?

5. Is all information legible and reproducible?
6. Is the calculation presented in a logical and orderly manner? 7. Is there an existing calculation that should be revised or voided? This is a new calculation to support implementing NEI 99-01 Rev. 6 8. Is it possible to alter an existing calculation i nstead of preparing a new calculation for this situation?
9. If an existing ca l culation is being used for design inputs, are the key design inputs, assumptions and engineering judgments used in that calculation valid and do they apply to the calculation revision being performed. 10. Is the format of t he calculation consistent with applicable procedures and expectations?
11. Were design input/output documents properly updated to reference this calculation?
12. Can the calcula t ion logic , methodology and presentation be properly understood without referring back to the originator for clarification?

OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE 13. Does the calculation provide a clear concise statement of the problem and objective of the calculation?

14. Does the calculation provide a clear statement of quality classification?
15. Is the reason for performing and the end use of the calculation understood?
16. Does the calculation provide the basis for information found in the plant's license basis? 17. If so, is this documented in the calculation?
18. Does the calculation prov i de the basis for information found in the plant's design basis documen t ation? Page 1 of 4 N EE-323-CALC-004 00 YES NO N/A D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D
19. 20. 21. 22. ENERCON Excellence-Every pro j ect. Every day. Attachment 1 CALCULATION PREPARATION CHECKLIST CHECKLIST ITEMS 1 If so, i s this documented in the ca l cu l ation? CALC NO. REV. Does the calculation otherwise support information found in the plant's design basis documentation?

If so , is this documented in the calculation? Has the appropriate design or license basis documentation been revised , or has the change notice or change request documents being prepared for submittal? DESIGN I NPUTS 23. Are design inputs clearly identified?

24. Are design inputs retr i evable or have they been added as attachments?
25. If Attachments are used as design i nputs or assumptions are the Attachments traceable and verifiable?
26. Are design inputs clearly disting u ished from assumptions?
27. Does the calcu l ation rely on Attac h ments for design inputs or assumptions?

I f yes, are the attachments properly referenced in the ca l cu l ation? 28. Are input sources (including industry codes and standards) appropriately selected and are they consistent with the qual i ty classification and objecti v e of the calculation?

29. Are input sources (including industry codes and standards) consistent with the p l ant's design and license basis? 30. If applicable , do design inputs adequately address actual plant c o nditions?
31. Are input values reasonable an d c o rrectly app l ied? 32. Are design input s ou r c es appro v ed? 33. Does the calculation reference the latest revision of the design input source? 34. Were all applicab l e p l ant operating m o des considered?

ASSUMPT I O N S 35. Are assumptions reasonable/app rop riate to the objective?

36. I s a d e qu ate just i ficat i on/basis fo r a ll assumpti o ns provided?
37. Are any engineering j udgmen t s u se d? 38. A re engineering judgments clearly identified as such? 39. If en g ineering judgments are uti l ized a s design inputs, are they reasonable and can they be quantified o r substantiated b y reference to site or industry standards , engineering princi pl es, physica l l a w s or other a pp r o priate criteria?

P age 2 of 4 N EE-323-CALC-004 00 YES NO N/A D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D ENERCON Excellence-Every pro j ect. Every day. Attachment 1 CALCULATION PREPARATION CHECKLIST CHECKLIST ITEMS 1 CALC NO. REV. METHODOLOGY

40. Is the methodology used in the calculation described or implied in the plant's licens i ng basis? 41. If the methodology used differs from that described in the plant's licensing basis, has the appropriate license document change notice been initiated?
42. Is the methodology used consistent with the stated objective?
43. Is the methodology used appropriate when considering the quality classification of the calculation and intended use of the results? BODY OF CALCULATION
44. Are equations used in the calculation consistent with recognized engineering practice and the plant's design and license basis? 45. Is there rea s onable justification provided for the use of equations not in common use? 46. Are the mathematical operations performed properly and documented in a logical fashion? 47. Is the math performed correctly?
48. Have adjustment factors , uncertainties and empirical co r relations used in the analysis been correctly applied? 49. Has proper consideration been given to results that may be overly sensitive to very small changes in input? SOFTWARE/COMPUTER CODES 50. Are computer codes or software languages used in the preparation of the calculation?
51. Have the requirements of CSP 3.09 for use of computer codes or software languages , including verification of accuracy and applicability been met? 52. Are the codes properly identified along with source vendor , organization , and revision level? 53. Is the computer code applicable for the analysis being performed?
54. If applicable, does the computer model adequately consider actual plant conditions?
55. Are the inputs to the computer code clearly identified and consistent with the inputs and assumptions documented in the calculation?
56. Is the computer output clearly identified?
57. Does the computer output clearly identify the appropriate units? Page 3 of 4 N EE-323-CALC-004 00 YES NO N/A 0 IZI 0 0 0 IZI IZI 0 0 IZI 0 0 IZI 0 0 0 0 IZI IZI 0 0 IZI 0 0 IZI 0 0 IZI 0 0 0 IZI 0 0 0 IZI 0 0 IZI 0 0 IZI 0 0 IZI 0 0 IZI 0 0 IZI 0 0 IZI
58. 59. ENERCON Excellence-Every pro j ect. Every day. Attachment 1 CALCULATION PREPARATION CHECKLIST CHECKLIST ITEMS 1 CALC NO. REV. Are the computer outputs reasonable when compared to the inputs and what was expected?

Was the computer output reviewed for ERROR or WARNING messages that could invalidate the results? RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS

60. Is adequate acceptance criteria specified?
61. Are the stated acceptance criteria consistent with the purpose of the calculation, and intended use? 62. Are the stated acceptance criteria consistent with the plant's design basis , applicable licensing commitments and industry codes , and standards?
63. Do the calculation results and conclusions meet the stated acceptance criteria?
64. Are the results represented in the proper units with an appropriate tolerance, if applicable?
65. Are the calculation results and conclusions reasonable when considered against the stated inputs and objectives?
66. Is sufficient conservatism applied to the outputs and conclusions?
67. Do the calculation results and conclus i ons affect any other calculations?
68. If so, have the affected calculations been revised? 69. Does the calculation contain any conceptual, unconfirmed or open assumptions requiring later confirmation?
70. If so, are they properly identified?

DESIGN REVIEW 71. Have alternate calculation methods been used to verify calculation results? No, a Design Review was performed. Note: N EE-323-CALC-004 00 YES NO NIA 0 0 [8J 0 0 [8J [8J 0 0 [8J 0 0 [8J 0 0 [8J 0 0 [8J 0 0 [8J 0 0 [8J 0 0 0 [8J 0 0 0 [8J 0 [8J 0 0 0 [8J 0 0 [8J 1. Where required , provide clarification/justification for answers to the questions in the space provided below each question. An explanation is required for any questions answered as " No' or " N/A". Originator: Jay Bhatt 12/12/17 Print Name and Sign Date Page 4 of 4 NEE-323-CALC -004 Attachment 2 Page 1 of 3 "-1. " 3. " 4. "-5. "-, 6. "-. 7. " 8. ""'9. ""-. 10. ALARM SETPOINTS FOR LIQUID RAD MONITORS ATTACHMENT 1 Rev. 17 Page 9 of 11 Page 1 of 3 LIQUID EFFLUENT RADIOACTIVITY MONITOR SETPOINT Sample No. IS -*7195> / 2. Sample Date & Time l?..-1-lS /11 ~o"3 Stream/Monitor Description G S'u.J {9~}')'.lO(}\-r.~ Sifl-YJ(p1 \/ ' Effluent Monitor Reading (cps)_----=, 0~' _ _....-£_ __ ~.____________,. ,'---------------Effluent Flow (gpm) C O , *

  • Averag e effluent flow during time* represented by sample, F1 (gpm) N ./ Ave r age dilution (disc h arge canal) flow during ti.l!lyepresented by sample, F2 (gpm) NB. Monitor calibration factor , g, (cps/µCi/ml) ~-* '2,1°1 ec;.
  • Previous alarm value setpoint (cps) __ -7,_,_~""'""'$'._____, c='-l f~s--"'v::----------

---Fraction to apply as a safety margin , A = 0.5 Setpoint = sx[(lS)(S)(?)] + (4) (16)(6) Setpoint = s x[( 9,43 ~-> )( ;2. .I"\ e" )( "1Z C I T7. 5t.j )( WVZ. Se t point=l o x[(l S)(S)(?) x (l o)J+( 4) (16)(6) )C. ) 11. Setpoint=_9=.-..9_"2. ____ / Fractional Change = New value -Previous Value = ( 11 ) -( 9 ) = ( 5~ 2. ) -( *1ro5 ) Previous Value ( 9 ) ( -, <,; 5 ) "'-.. 12. Fractional Change = *-.. '224> *v"'" UOractional change is greater than +/-0.3, adopt a new monitor alarm setting. Continuous Monitor Hi Alarm = Setpoint 13. Monitor Hi Alarm = '7G "5 cf s / 14. Radwaste Monitor Hi Alarm= .16 (11) = .16 ( ) = N/A cps/ 24 NEE-323-CALC-004 Attachment 2 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. wlo 'f o 3 2 t7J< r; Page 2 of 3 ALARM SETPOINTS FOR LIQUID RAD MONITORS Rev. 17 Page 9 of 11 ATTACHMENT 1 Page 1 of 3 LIQUID EFFLUENT RADIOACTIVITY MONITOR SETPOINT Sample No. 1,f""-'f'jq&, 2. Sample Date & g-zq-,s-/ c;,oz 7 Stream/Monitor Description tfn,-/C/1} {/2/#J-S:~/I &sw J Effluent Monitor Reading (cps)-,-,.--=-5'...,.._.,0=------------------- Effluent Flow (gpm) ___ __,,9_.£---=l?'-D _________________ _ Average efflue nt flow during time represented by sample, F 1 (gpm)~/_z/.-['._A ______ _ Average dilution (discharge canal) flow during time represented by sample, F 2 (gpm) 111/A Monitor calibration factor, g, ( cps/µCi/ml)~-~/,=S-<-/_,.e,_~ ____________ _ Previous alarm value setpoint (cps) ___ b_,q _______________ _ Fraction to apply as a safety margin , A ::: 0.5 Setpoint:::: sx[(lS)(S)('i)] + (4) (16)(6) Setpoint=l o x[(lS)(S)(?) x(lO)]+( 4) (16)(6) -'2-/.f 0'2-[( -~ /S'le& )C v/4 >] .30 Setpoint = Sx ( )( ,v/fo ) + ( ) 15'3* */ St

  • t 5'1P1,S5" ra ,/' e poin = s, ""<, / -i!_z-q.-b Fractional Change= New value -Previous Value:::: ( 11 ) -( 9):::: ( -~) -( t:,lt../ ) Previous Value ( 9 ) ( tp I l/ ) Fractional Change= -0* o, If fractional change is greater than +/-0.3, adopt a new monitor alarm setting. Continuous Monitor Hi Alarm = Setpoint Monitor Hi Alarm = (_p I Radwaste Monitor Hi Alarm :::: .16 (11) ::: .16 ( 33 ---------------

N~E-323-CALC-004 Attachment 2 ALARM SETPOINTS FOR LIQUID RAD MONITORS ATTACHMENT 1 Rev. 17 Page 9 of 11 Page 3 of 3 Page 1 of 3 LIQUID EFFLUENT RADIOACTIVITY MONITOR SETPOINT 1. Sample No. /4--b?o4-2. Sample Date & Time 2.-\4-\4-{oo'2_J 3. Stream/Monitor Description 12-~<2...SvJ /f..51..N Ru..~Tl-<CZ..L: RV\'\ 4'2...b'o

  • 4. Effluent Monitor Reading (cps)
  • o . 5. Effluent Flow (gpm) 12\,\/LS..J

'A',.. -4~xx:;,~r=-: 1 '~-460ur.~

  • 6. Average effluent flow during time represented by sample, F 1 (gpm) N jA--F. \) 7. Average dilution (discharge canal) flow during time represented by sample, F 2 (gpm) & iA-8. Monitor calibration factor, g, (cps/µCi/ml)

__ '-="'-Z:. ..... 8._f.._(.p __ v ___ , ----------

9. Previous alarm value setpoint ( ____ e_c.o"""* ---~----'-v

___________ _ 10. Fraction to apply as a safety marg in , A= 0.5 S . [ r., K, . *.. F 2 * ] etpomt = ]Ox xg x -xA +Bkg = r.,(K 1 + WECi)

  • Fj Setpoint=1 ox[(l 5)(8)(7) x(l O)] +( 4) (16)(6) Setpoint = sx[(lS)(S)(7)]+(4) (16)(6) c:., [ :7,<:i7l-7:>

2.2."1~ )< 1-J/.4-)] Setpoint = Sx ( )( ) + ( ( i I I

  • 8 <.o )( / f>. ) ~0? v 11. Setpoint=

______ _ Fractional Change = New value -Previous Value = ( 11 ) -( 9 ) = ( ~o7) -( ~\o*3, ) Previous Value ( 9 ) ( 'o .. > ) 12. Fractional Change= *-O, 0*7 / If fractional change is greater than +/-0.3, adopt a new monitor alarm setting., Continuous Monitor Hi Alarm = Setpoint *:::t)OLb s~-r f( ct,...-...~ v"° 13. Monitor Hi Alarm = 14. RadwasteMonitorHiAlarm=.16(11) = .16( ""IA-)= ,J IP..-cps}}