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Shine Medical Technologies, Inc., Application for Construction Permit Response to Environmental Requests for Additional Information, Enclosure 2 Attachment 26 - Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report (Janesville), Rev 3
Person / Time
Site: SHINE Medical Technologies
Issue date: 08/03/2012
Golder Associates, SHINE Medical Technologies
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML13303A887 List:
113-81051, SMT-2013-034
Download: ML13309B618 (185)


184 pages follow ENCLOSURE 2 ATTACHMENT 26


SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. APPLICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT RESPONSE TO ENVIRONMENTAL REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT JANESVILLE, WISCONSIN REVISION 3, AUGUST 3, 2012 Golder, Golder Associates and the GA globe design are trademarks of Golder Associates Corporation Aworld ofcapabilitiesdeliveredlocally PRELIMINARYGEOTECHNICALENGINEERINGREPORTJANESVILLE,WISCONSIN SubmittedTo:RichardVannBynum,COOSHINEMedicalTechnologies8123ForsythiaSt.,Suite140Middleton,WI53562SubmittedBy:GolderAssociatesInc.4438HainesRoadDuluth,MN55811USA


ProjectNo.113 81051ReportNo.GolderRepor t6 ,Rev3,A ug ust3,2012 PRELIMINARYGEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT August2012ES 1ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx EXECUTIVE


This report presents the geotechnical engineering review for the SHINE Medical Technologies (SHINE) proposed medical isotope production facility. The proposed site is located in Rock County, Wisconsin. Specifically, the building site is located in south Janesville about 0.75 miles south of East Avalon Road between North Riverside Drive and Prairie Street. This is directly east of the Southern Wisconsin Regional Airport. Golder Associates Inc (Golder) was contracted by SHINE to provide geotechnical engineering, seismic review and hydrology analyses services for the proposed facility. Golder's Quality Assurance Program Description (Golder, 2012e), based on guidance in Regulatory Guide 2.5 and ANSI/ANS 15.8-1995, provides a description of the quality assurances program under which these services were provided. Our review of the proposed site included performing a site reconnaissance and geotechnical investigation. Field and laboratory efforts were performed in strict conformance with Golder's Duluth Office Field and Laboratory Quality Manual (Golder, 2011a). Golder was approved as a vendor for these services following a supplier assessment performed by SHINE in October/November, 2011. The supplier assessment of Golder was performed in accordance with SHINE's Quality Assurance Program Description (SHINE 2011), based on guidance in Regulatory Guide 2.5 and ANSI/ANS 15.8-1995. The site reconnaissance was performed to review the site for potential geohazards. No geohazards were noted. The project site is presently an agricultural field with a center-pivot irrigation system. Based on our field observations, corn and soybeans were the crops raised during the 2011 growing season. The crops had been harvested at the time of our investigation. Surface topography of the area slopes gently to the southwest towards the Rock River, which is located 2 miles west and flows north to south. The ground surface across the proposed building area slopes gently to the northwest with grades dropping up to 7 feet across the site. The geotechnical investigation involved drilling 15 boreholes (including ten geotechnical boreholes) and a 100-foot-deep cased borehole for Vertical Seismic Profile (VSP) testing, and installing four groundwater monitoring wells.

August2012ES 2ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx The SHINE site in Rock County, Wisconsin, has been influenced strongly by Pleistocene (1.8 million years to 10,000 years ago) glacial erosion and deposition, and subsequent post-glacial erosional and depositional processes. The site is covered by a mantle of well-drained loamy soils underlain by stratified sand and gravel (USDA SCS, 1974; Fullerton et al., 2003; RCGIS, 2012). These sands and gravels represent late Wisconsin to possibly Holocene age glaciofluvial outwash deposits, transported from the Wisconsin-age glacial moraines related to the Green Bay Ice lobe of the Laurentide Ice Sheet to the north (Attig et al., 2011). Depth to bedrock at the Janesville site may be as deep as 300 feet (Mudrey et al., 1982; WGNHS, 1983), supported by geotechnical boreholes for this investigation completed to 221-foot depths without encountering bedrock. Bedrock consists of Cambrian and Ordovician sedimentary bedrock (conglomerate, dolomite, limestone, sandstone, shale) with estimated shallow to horizontal dips, underlain by Proterozoic bedrock (Mudrey et al., 1982; Cannon et al., 1999). The geotechnical investigation revealed mostly clean sandy soils to a depth of 221 feet. Lab testing showed the soils to be primarily clean (SP) sandy soils with occasional gravel layers. Based on SPT N values, density of the sand increases with depth. Sandy soils observed down to approximately 60 to 80 feet below ground surface (bgs) were classified compact to dense except at or near water table in some boreholes which were classified loose. Below approximately 80 feet sandy soils were dense to very dense. A 10- to 18-foot stratum of clayey silt classified as hard was observed approximately 180 to 185 feet bgs in the three deeper borings. The deeper borings were terminated in very dense sandy soil. Groundwater was observed at a depth of 50 - 65 feet bgs. N values are displayed on the Record of Borehole Figures for both Monitoring Well and Geotechnical Boring Logs located in Appendix A and B, and density/consistency classifiers in Figure 5. VSP testing was performed to determine the Site Soil Classification. Based on the parameters measured, seismic shear wave velocities ranged from 459 feet per second at ground surface to 1,804 feet per second at depths from 94.5 of 103.5 feet bgs. Also, an average shear-wave velocity (Vavg) in the upper 100.5 feet was calculated as 1,081 feet per second. This Vavg value indicates a soil Site Class D, stiff soil, based on Table 20.3.1 of ASCE, 2006 (Publication 7-05, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures). Hydraulic conductivity (slug) tests were performed in three of the four monitoring wells. The field results of this testing are shown in Appendix E, and interpretation of the field results are provided inGolder's Preliminary Hydrological Analyses (Golder, 2012c).

August2012ES 3ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx Our geotechnical review indicates the sandy subsoil is suitable for supporting the new structure, spread footing foundations, and slabs-on-grade. Foundations bearing on the native sandy soils or compacted fill for the building structure and the Mo99 generators can be designed for bearing pressures of between 4,000 and 8,000 pounds per square foot. The higher bearing capacity can be used for footings placed greater than 12 feet below the existing ground surface. These bearing capacities are designed for a six foot wide footing with factor of safety to 3.0 and a tolerance for settlement of less than 1 inch. If significantly larger foundations, such as mats are used to support the Mo-99 generators, lower net allowable bearing pressures may be warranted to limit settlement to 1 inch. Calculations were performed considering both shear and settlement using Terzahi's Theory, with soil density of 118 pounds per cubic foot from the max-min laboratory test results in Figures C12 - C14, a cohesion value of zero, and an assumed friction angle of 34 degrees for sandy soils. Building perimeter footings should be placed a minimum of 48 inches below the ground surface to protect them against impacts associated with seasonal frost penetration. Because groundwater is observed at a depth of 50 to 65 feet, it should not be encountered in excavations, provided the depth of the construction table is above this elevation. We therefore, conclude construction dewatering and permanent dewatering will not be needed. The sandy soils will also provide good support for the access roadways and parking lots associated with the facility. The ground surface after completion of construction should be graded to promote positive drainage away from the building and paved surfaces. Surface water should be directed toward stormwater catchment basins or other drainage courses.

August2012iProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx Table of Contents



............. 11.1ProjectLocation...........................................................................................................................11.2ProposedDevelopment...............................................................................................................12.0SITE RECONNAISSANCE ...........................................................................................................

.... 23.0FIELD INVESTIGATION ...........................................................................................................

........ 33.1SubsurfaceDrilling.......................................................................................................................33.2SampleCollection........................................................................................................................33.3MonitoringWells.........................................................................................................................43.4GeotechnicalBuildingBorings.....................................................................................................53.5SeismicProfilingTestBorehole....................................................................................................63.6SiteSurvey...............................................................................................................................

.....64.0LABORATORY TESTING ............................................................................................................

..... 85.0SITE CONDITIONS ...............................................................................................................

............ 95.1SiteSurfaceGeology....................................................................................................................95.2SubsurfaceConditions.................................................................................................................95.2.1Soil...............................................................................................................................

.............95.2.2Groundwater..........................................................................................................................105.3GeologicHazards........................................................................................................................116.0FIELD TESTING .................................................................................................................

............ 136.1Shear WaveVelocityProfile......................................................................................................136.2HydraulicConductivityTesting..................................................................................................147.0GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW

............................................................................................................. 167.1ProjectInformation....................................................................................................................167.2Foundations...............................................................................................................................177.2.1BuildingFoundations.............................................................................................................177.2.2Mo 99GeneratorFoundations..............................................................................................187.2.3BelowGradeWalls.................................................................................................................197.2.4ConcreteFloorSlabs..............................................................................................................197.3Excavations...............................................................................................................................


.208.0Seismic hazards ...............................................................................................................

............... 218.1SeismicHazardAssessment.......................................................................................................218.2SoilSiteClassification.................................................................................................................21 August2012iiProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx 8.3InternationalBuildingCodeSeismicDesignParameters...........................................................218.4LiquefactionPotentialandOtherSeismicallyInducedGroundFailures...................................228.4.1QualitativeReviewofLiquefactionPotential........................................................................228.4.2QuantitativeReviewofLiquefactionPotential......................................................................239.0USE OF REPORT .................................................................................................................

.......... 2510.0CLOSING .......................................................................................................................

................. 26



............ 27List of Tables (in text)

Table3.6 1MonitoringWell,Borehole,andVSPTestHoleLocationsandElevationsTable4.2.2 1WaterLevelReadingsTable6.2 1SlugTestResultsforMonitoringWellsSM GW1A,SM GW2A,SM GW3ATable8.3.12009IBC ASCE7 05SeismicParametersList of Figures Figure1VicinityMapFigure2SiteMapFigure3BoreholeLocationMapFigure4ProposedFloorPlanFigure5SoilClassificationLegendAppendix A - Monitoring Wells FigureA1RecordofBoreholeSM GW1AFigureA2RecordofBoreholeSM GW2AFigureA3RecordofBoreholeSM GW3AFigureA4RecordofBoreholeSM GW4AAppendix B - Logs of Geotechnical Borings FigureB1RecordofBoreholeG11 01FigureB2RecordofBoreholeG11 02FigureB3RecordofBoreholeG11 03FigureB4RecordofBoreholeG11 04FigureB5RecordofBoreholeG11 05FigureB6RecordofBoreholeG11 06FigureB7RecordofBoreholeG11 07FigureB8RecordofBoreholeG11 08FigureB9RecordofBoreholeG11 09FigureB10RecordofBoreholeG11 10FigureB11RecordofBoreholeVSP 01 August2012iiiProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx Appendix C - Laboratory Testing Results TableC 1SummaryofLaboratoryTestResultsFigureC1 C10GrainSizeDistributionFigureC11AtterbergLimitTestResultsFigureC12C14RelativeDensity(Max/Min)Appendix D - Site Soil Classification for Seismic Design GolderReportGR1,Revision5,August3,2012AttachmentAVerticalSeismicProfilingTestResults(GolderReportGR3,Rev3,August3,2012)AttachmentB-Calculations of Soil Site ClassAppendix E - Field Hydrology Testing Results TROLL500DateLoggerInformationfromSlugTestsinWellSM GW1ATROLL500DateLoggerInformationfromSlugTestsinWellSM GW2ATROLL500DateLoggerInformationfromSlugTestsinWellSM GW3AAppendix F - Results of Liquefaction Analysis FigureF1PlotofCorrectedBlowCountsandLiquefactionPotentialFigureF2PlotofShearWaveandLiquefactionPotential-BoreholeVSP 01TableF 1CorrectedSPTDataandLiquefactionPotentialG11 01TableF 2CorrectedSPTDataandLiquefactionPotentialG11 02TableF 3CorrectedSPTDataandLiquefactionPotentialG11 03TableF 4CorrectedSPTDataandLiquefactionPotentialG11 04TableF 5CorrectedSPTDataandLiquefactionPotentialG11 06TableF 6aCorrectedSPTDataandLiquefactionPotentialG11 06TableF 6bCorrectedSPTDataandLiquefactionPotentialG11 06(continued)TableF 7CorrectedSPTDataandLiquefactionPotentialG11 07TableF 8CorrectedSPTDataandLiquefactionPotentialG11 08TableF 9CorrectedSPTDataandLiquefactionPotentialG11 09TableF 10CorrectedSPTDataandLiquefactionPotentialG11 10 August20121ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx


This report presents the geotechnical subsurface investigation and en gineering review for the proposed SHINE Medical Technologies (SHINE) isotope production facility in Rock County, Wisconsin. Golder Associates Inc (Golder) was contracted by SHINE (October 12, 2011) to provide geotechnical engineering, seismic review and hydrology analyses services. These services are to assess the suitability of the site for the proposed development and provide specific sections in the Safety Analysis Report (SAR) for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) facility license permit application. 1.1 Project Location The proposed SHINE Medical Technologies facility project site is located in Rock County, Wisconsin, about 0.75 mile south of East Avalon Road between North Riverside Drive and Prairie Street. This is directly east of the Southern Wisconsin Regional Airport (see Figure 1 and Figure 2). 1.2 Proposed Development The proposed SHINE production facility will produce molybdenum-99 (Mo-99) for use in medical diagnostic testing. The production facility will be comprised of a single building having an irregular footprint of approximately 167 feet in the east-west direction by 415 feet in the north-south direction and an estimated floor to roof deck height of 86 feet for a portion of the facility with a 33 feet roof deck height for approximately two-thirds of the facility. The general footprint of the building, Seismic boundary and production cells are indicated in Figure 4. The majority of the building will be constructed with an at-grade finished floor elevation near the existing ground surface. The entire facility will be classified as a radiological facility. Additional details about the proposed development, including description of support facilities, are included in Section 7.1, Project Information.

August20122ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx 2.0 SITE RECONNAISSANCE The location and topography of the site are depicted in Figure 1. On October 20, 2011, a site reconnaissance was performed to observe visible and potential geohazards at the site and surrounding area. A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment was performed in accordance with ASTM procedure 1527, the results of which are included in Golder, 2012b. The project site is presently an agricultural field with a center-pivot irrigation system. Based on our observations, corn and soybeans were the crops raised during the 2011 growing season. The crops had been harvested at the time of our investigation. No surficially dumped or uncontrolled fill, existing structures, or remnants of prior development (such as foundations) were observed. Generalized surface topography of the area slopes gently to the southwest towards the Rock River, which is located 2 miles west and flows north to south. The ground surface across the proposed 316-foot-square building area slopes gently to the northwest with grades dropping about 7 feet from the southeast to the northwest corners. The site was visually reviewed for geohazards as part of the site reconnaissance. We looked for faulting, landslides, erosion, sediment deposits from rivers or lakes, karst features or mining activity, ground subsidence, and soil shrinking or swelling. There was no evidence of geohazards as noted above in our field review. Further detail of the geologic hazard review is presented in Section 5.0, Site Conditions.

August20123ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx


INVESTIGATION 3.1 Subsurface Drilling Our subsurface exploration consisted of drilling and sampling 14 boreholes at locations shown in Figure 2. An additional borehole was drilled, but not sampled; this borehole has a 2-inch-diameter PVC casing installed for seismic profile testing to be performed at a later date. Four boreholes (SM-GW1A, SM-GW2A, SM-GW3A and SM-GW4A) were completed as groundwater monitoring wells. The remaining ten boreholes were drilled for the geotechnical investigation within the proposed building area. The boreholes were drilled by Twin Ports Testing, under the direction of a Golder geologist. Boreholes were advanced by Hollow Stem Auger (HSA) method or a combination of HSA followed by mud rotary method for the 3 deeper geotechnical borings. The deeper borings extended well beyond groundwater level and the drilling method was switched to mud rotary to counteract the soil-heaving potential of water-bearing sandy soils. Golder recorded the borehole locations with a Garmin global positioning system (GPS) hand held unit. After completion of the field drilling program, Ayres surveyed the borehole locations. The horizontal survey datum used was NAD/1983/91 Harn, US Survey Feet. The vertical datum is NAVD88 (2007) Geoid 09. 3.2 Sample Collection Representative samples of the soils encountered in the borehole were obtained by driving a split-spoon sampler ahead of the augers in accordance with ASTM Designation D1586, generally known as the Standard Penetration Test (SPT). Drive samples were collected at 5- and 10-foot intervals to boring completion using a 2-inch outside diameter split-spoon sampler. The sampler was driven a depth of 24 inches for each test in the monitoring well boreholes and the continuously sampled portion of one of the deeper geotechnical boreholes. The sampler was driven 18 inches for the remainder of this and all other geotechnical boreholes. Length of sample recovery was measured and recorded along with driving length on boring logs located in Appendix A and B. Prior to driving the split-spoon, the exposed segment of the drill rod was measured to verify sampler depth and/or check for sand heave in the auger. Although no soil heaving was detected in borehole checks during drilling, loose sandy soils were observed close to the groundwater levels in 6 of 11 boreholes advanced by the HSA method. Such loose soils were not observed in boreholes advanced by the mud rotary method, which suggests water-bearing soils may have experienced disturbance prior to a SPT in some boreholes advanced exclusively by the HSA method. However, the SPT results were not discounted in the geotechnical review. The sampler was driven vertically in measured intervals for each test using a 140-pound automatic drop hammer free-falling for 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler each 6-inch interval of the sampling attempt is recorded on the borehole logs. In addition, the total number of blows required August20124ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx to advance the sampler through the 6- to 18-inch sampling interval is presented as "N" on the borehole logs; this total is commonly referred to as a blow count. The blow counts shown on the borehole logs are field values that have not been corrected for overburden, sampler size, or other factors. Bulk samples of auger cuttings for maximum/minimum density testing were obtained from the three deeper boreholes. Samples were collected from a depth of 9 to 11 feet below ground surface (bgs) and are noted on borehole logs located in Appendix B. 3.3 Monitoring Wells The hydrology analyses included hydrological and hydrogeological assessments of the project site. A hydrogeological investigation was advanced beginning with the installation of four groundwater monitoring wells at the site between October 18 and 21, 2011. Golder selected the well locations shown in Figure 2, which were proposed to SHINE and AMEC on October 13, 2011, and formally approved on October 31, 2011. The monitoring wells were installed by Twin Ports Testing, under the direction of a Golder geologist. Drive samples of soil were collected at 5-foot intervals in monitoring wells SM-GW1A and SM-GW2A, and at 10-foot intervals in monitoring wells SM-GW3A and SM-GW4A. Consistency of subsurface conditions in the 5-foot drive samples from the first two boreholes prompted the second two boreholes to be collected at 10-foot intervals. A similar consistency was observed in drive samples from geotechnical borings. The wells consisted of 2-inch-diameter PVC pipe with 15- to 20-foot-long slotted screens. Screen elevations were determined based on the elevation of groundwater encountered while drilling, and are summarized in Table 6.2.1 of this report. The monitoring wells extend approximately 3 feet above grade within protective casing having locking covers. Three protective pipe bumpers were installed around each well. The wells were developed by Golder following installation, on October 22 and 23, 2011. AMEC will be measuring monthly groundwater elevations and providing the data to Golder. Monitoring well logs were generated by a Golder engineer who reviewed the driller's field logs and recovered samples. Recovered soil samples were visually classified according to the Unified Soils Classification System (USCS) that is summarized in Figure 5. The USCS information in Figure 5 was adapted from ASTM 2487-11, "Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System)", which is listed in the Reference section. The monitoring well logs are presented in Appendix A as Figures A1 through A4.

August20125ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx

3.4 Geotechnical

Building Borings The subsurface exploration consisted of drilling and sampling ten boreholes (G11-01 to G11-10) within the proposed building footprint, as shown in Figure 3. The borehole locations were selected by Golder on October 18, 2011 and approved by SHINE on October 20, 2011. The number of boreholes and their required depth were determined in accordance with Appendix D of NRC Regulatory Guide 1.132, Site Investigations for Foundations of Nuclear Power Plants, Revision 2, October 2003. Because the project is in the conceptual and licensing phase, preliminary design information-including estimated building loads -has not yet been determined. Using Appendix D of the guide, Golder determined the required depth or d max = 60 feet as follows: Assume density of in-place soils (overburden) is 100 pcf (which is based on the occurrence of groundwater deeper than 50 feet and a conservative unit weight). Assume allowable foundation soil bearing pressure of 6,000 pounds per square foot (psf); this assumption is conservative. Calculate effective overburden stress at 60 feet below grade = 60 feet X 100 pcf = 60,000 psf. Calculate 10% of effective stress = 0.10 X 60,000 psf = 6,000 psf. Golder drilled 10 boreholes within the 100,000-square-foot proposed building area, to achieve one boring per 10,000 square feet. Three borings (30%) are considered principal borings, as defined in Appendix D of NRC 1.132, and seven are considered non-principal borings. A depth of 70 feet for non-principal borings was selected because this depth allows the following: Extends 33 feet below the anticipated primary building foundation elevation and 13 feet below the anticipated lowest foundation elevation Extends below anticipated water table Meets dmax = 60, and allows for 10 feet of surface elevation irregularity Golder's original proposal was to extend the three principal borings 20 feet into bedrock. However, they were drilled to a depth of 220 feet below the existing ground surface without encountering bedrock. Extending the borings to depths of 220 feet is appropriate based on the following considerations of this depth: 150 feet deeper than dmax Standard penetration tests yield blow counts greater than 50 per 6 inches, which is usually taken to be "Refusal" (UFC 3-220-03FA; see References) Meets requirements for Golder's seismic analysis of the site August20126ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx The boreholes were drilled by Twin Ports Testing, under the direction of a Golder geotechnical engineer between October 21 and November 2, 2011. Drive samples of soil in geotechnical boreholes were collected at 2-foot intervals to a depth of 10 feet below grade then sampled at 5-foot intervals to a depth of 50 feet, and 10-foot intervals after a depth of 50 feet. Continuous sampling was planned for one principal boring, G11-06. Due to consistency of soil type and SPT values in the upper 50 feet, sampling was reduced to a 10-foot interval below 50 feet. Drive samples of soil in monitoring well boreholes were collected at either 5-foot or 10-foot intervals the entire depth. No drive samples were collected in the seismic borehole. Upon completion, boreholes were filled and sealed with quick grout. Borehole abandonment was performed in strict accordance with Chapter NR 141 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code (WIS DNR, 2011). Borehole logs were generated by a Golder engineer who reviewed the driller's field logs and recovered soil samples. Recovered soil samples were visually classified according to the USCS that is summarized in Figure 4. The borehole logs are presented in Appendix B, Figures B1 through B10. 3.5 Seismic Profiling Test Borehole Preparation for seismic profile testing at the site required drilling and casing a borehole (VSP-01). This borehole was not sampled and was drilled by HSA method near the center of the proposed building area by Twin Ports Testing on November 3, 2011. The borehole was cased with 2-inch-diameter PVC to a depth of 103.5 feet and grouted in place with a Portland cement and water mixture to produce a similar density as the insitu soil, which is suggested in ASTM D7400. The grout was tremied through a tube inserted to the bottom of the hole within the casing sidewalls as the HSA was carefully and slowly backed out to minimize disturbance. The grout tube was inserted in the borehole similar to Figure 3B in ASTM D7400. 3.6 Site Survey Using a Garmin GPS unit, Golder personnel located the four groundwater monitoring wells and ten building boreholes relative to the proposed building area. Upon completion, the monitoring well and building borehole locations were surveyed by Ayres Associates (Ayres), a professional surveyor licensed in the state of Wisconsin, on November 11, 2011. The horizontal survey datum used was NAD/1983/91 Harn, US Survey Feet. The vertical datum was NAVD88 (2007) Geoid 09. Table 3.6-1 lists the location (northing and easting) and ground surface elevation of the monitoring wells, boreholes and VSP test hole.

August20127ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx Table3.6 1MonitoringWell,BoreholeandVSPTestHoleLocationsandElevationsBoring Number Depth (ft)Surface Elevation (ft)Northing (ft)Easting (ft)G11-01 71.0 819.10 N 247840.73 W 492616.87 G11-02 71.0 822.32 N 247841.97 W 492747.78 G11-03 71.0 824.92 N 247840.42 W 492878.48 G11-04 71.0 821.87 N 247715.32 W 492617.65 G11-05 221.0 824.55 N 247713.41 W 492705.26 G11-06 221.0 825.87 N 247715.17 W 492787.45 G11-07 71.0 826.35 N 247713.00 W 492874.76 G11-08 71.0 824.74 N 247584.69 W 496919.89 G11-09 221.0 824.99 N 247586.51 W 49274832 G11-10 71.0 826.18 N 247584.88 W 492874.74 SM-GW1A 71.5 825.78 N 248568.86 W 492655.35 SM-GW2A 67.0 819.23 N 246973.23 W 492635.32 SM-GW3A 71.5 827.31 N 247753.86 W 493372.93 SM-GW4A 60.0 811.72 N 247756.93 W 931904.43 VSP-01 103.5 825.14 N 247712.04 W 492747.73 Notes: ThehorizontalsurveydatumusedwasNAD/1983/91Harn,USSurveyFeet.TheverticaldatumwasNAVD88(2007)Geoid09.

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TESTING Upon completion of the field investigation, soil samples were transported to Golder's Duluth office. SPT samples were transported in tightly sealed glass jars, and bulk samples in tightly sealed 5-gallon plastic buckets. A complete list of samples was generated, and a proposed testing program to measure index properties and engineering properties of the subsurface soils within the proposed development area was submitted to SHINE Medical Technologies on November 5, 2011. Moisture content and grain size tests were completed between November 5 and 27, 2011. Moisture content tests were conducted on all the SPT samples according to procedures described in ASTM procedure D2216. Grain size distribution tests were performed on 40 SPT samples in accordance with ASTM procedures C136 and C117. Specific gravity tests were performed on 10 SPT samples in accordance with ASTM procedure D854. Maximum and minimum density tests were performed on three bulk samples in accordance with ASTM procedures D4253 and D4254. Water-Soluble sulfate tests were performed on ten SPT samples in accordance with ASTM Procedure C1580. Results are discussed in Section 5.2.1. The results of all laboratory testing are summarized in Appendix C.

August20129ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx 5.0 SITE CONDITIONS 5.1 Site Surface Geology The SHINE site in Rock County, Wisconsin, has been influenced strongly by Pleistocene (1.8 million years to 10,000 years ago) glacial erosion and deposition, and subsequent post-glacial erosional and depositional processes. The site is covered by a mantle of well-drained loamy soils underlain by stratified sand and gravel (USDA SCS, 1974; Fullerton et al., 2003; RCGIS, 2012). These sands and gravels represent late Wisconsin to possibly Holocene-age glaciofluvial outwash deposits, transported from the Wisconsin-age glacial moraines related to the Green Bay Ice lobe of the Laurentide Ice Sheet to the north (Attig et al., 2011). Depth to bedrock at the Janesville site may be as deep as 300 feet (Mudrey et al., 1982; WGNHS, 1983), supported by geotechnical boreholes for this investigation completed to 221 feet deep without encountering bedrock (see Record of Boreholes G11-05, G11-06 and G-11-09 in Appendix B). Bedrock consists of Cambrian and Ordovician sedimentary bedrock (conglomerate, dolomite, limestone, sandstone, shale) with estimated shallow to horizontal dips, underlain by Proterozoic bedrock (Mudrey et al., 1982; Cannon et al., 1999). Within Rock County, two east-striking faults are identified within Cambrian to Ordovician sedimentary bedrock (Mudrey et al., 1982). The Janesville fault (also named the Evansville fault) consists of an approximately 19-mile-long (31 km), east-striking fault with north side down (DPC, 2010) located approximately 6 miles (10 km) north of Janesville. This fault is identified as the predominant fault segment, with a second segment striking to the north (DPC, 2010). The project site is located on the Wisconsin Arch, which trends south from Wisconsin into Illinois and is at least 124 miles (200 km) long. The Wisconsin Arch describes a zone of gently uplifted and warped basement rocks. Within Rock County, two east-striking faults have been mapped within the Cambrian to Ordovician sedimentary bedrock units. An approximately 1.6-mile-long fault is located about 1.9 miles north of Janesville, and an approximately 19-mile-long normal fault (north block down) is located about 6 miles north of Janesville. 5.2 Subsurface Conditions 5.2.1 Soil The subsurface conditions encountered at the site are depicted in detail on the Record of Boreholes displayed in Appendix A and B. The soil conditions comprise about one foot of topsoil and crop residue overlying a relatively clean, fine to coarse grained, sand occasionally with gravel that extends to 180 to 185 feet bgs. Laboratory gradation tests classified the layer primarily as poorly graded sand, with gravel and silt in some of the layers. Moisture contents in the upper 50 feet ranged from 2.0 to 11.3 percent, and moisture contents below this depth ranged from 9.5 to 25.4 percent. Soluble-sulfate in soil at sample August201210ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx depths between 10 and 40 feet bgs exhibited "negligible sulfate exposure" levels for concrete (less than 0.10% by mass) as defined in ACI 350-06, "Code Requirements for Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures and Commentary". Below the sand is a 10- to 18-foot-thick stratum of clayey silt that is underlain by sand or silty sand to the borehole termination depth of 221 feet bgs. Laboratory testing indicated the clayey silt had liquid limits of 18 to 19, and plastic limits of 13 to 14. Boreholes G11-05, G11-06 and G11-09 were the only boreholes extended to this greater depth. Based on SPT N values, density of the sand increases with depth. In general, sandy soils observed down to a depth of approximately 60 to 80 feet were classified compact to dense except near the apparent water table. Although no soil heaving was observed during drilling, 6 of the 14 borings included one SPT classified loose at or just below the observed water level. While a review of the data suggests a possibility of heave-related soil disturbance, the blow counts were not discounted in the geotechnical or liquefaction analysis. Below approximately 80 feet, sandy soils were classified as dense to very dense. The 10- to 18-foot-thick stratum of clayey silt located approximately 180 to 185 feet bgs in the three deeper borings was classified as hard. Results of hand penetrometer tests corroborate the SPT results and are included on borehole logs G11-05 and G11-06 in Appendix B. The groundwater monitoring well and remaining geotechnical boreholes terminated at depths between 60 and 71.5 feet bgs. Bedrock was not encountered during drilling, although sampler refusal (known as practical refusal) was experienced with increasing frequency in all three of the deep boreholes at depths below 80 feet. Based on drive sample recovery and visual soil classification, the high blow counts do not appear to be related to gravel blockage.

5.2.2 Groundwater

Groundwater was encountered in all of the boreholes during drilling at elevations ranging from about 754 to 766 (about 50 to 65 feet below grade) as indicated in Table 5.2.2-1. Groundwater levels can be expected to fluctuate seasonally and annually with changes in local and regional precipitation patterns. Groundwater flow direction and gradient are provided in Golder's Preliminary Hydrological Analysis (Golder, 2012c).

August201211ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx Table5.2.2 1WaterLevelReadingsBoreholeNumberSurfaceElevation(ft)WaterElevation(ft)G11 01819.10754.1G11 02822.32763.8G11 03824.92765.9G11 04821.87763.4G11 05824.55ODFG11 06825.87ODFG11 07826.35761.4G11 08824.74765.7G11 09824.99ODFG11 10826.18761.2SM GW1A825.78763.8SM GW2A819.23762.2SM GW3A827.31764.8SM GW4A811.72761.7Notes:Allmeasurementswereobtainedwhiledrilling.ODFObscuredbydrillingfluidinboreholesG11 05,G1106,andG11 09.5.3 Geologic Hazards We reviewed available reports and maps describing the following geologic hazards for the SHINE Janesville site in Rock County: landslides, land subsidence, karst features, and swelling clays. The findings are summarized below. Based on the landslide overview map of the conterminous United States (Radbruch-Hall, 1982; Godt and Radbruch-Hall, 1997), the project site is located in a zone of low landslide incidence, defined as less than 1.5 percent of area involved in landsliding. The Rock County Hazard Mitigation Plan (Vierbicher, 2010) indicates that "-no significant landslides-have been reported in Rock County in recent years." The Hazard Mitigation Plan indicates that while the potential for landslide formation is low in Rock County, this does not rule out the potential occurrence of small-scale, localized landslides.

August201212ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx The Rock County Hazard Mitigation Plan (Vierbicher, 2010) indicates that "subsidence has not been an issue in Rock County" and that the risk is not considered high. The Rock County Hazard Mitigation Plan notes that tilling for agriculture and pumping of groundwater could result in localized settlement and subsidence. Rock County contains carbonate bedrock susceptible to dissolution or karst formation (WGNHS, 2009). The Rock County Hazard Mitigation Plan (Vierbicher, 2010) indicates that the county has a potential to form karst features, particularly in the eastern third of the county. The project site is located approximately in the central third of Rock County. According to the Hazard Mitigation Plan, no significant sinkholes have been reported in Rock County in recent years. Based on the swelling clays map of the conterminous United States (Olive et al. 1989), the project site is located in a unit identified as containing little or no swelling clay. The Rock County Hazard Mitigation Plan (Vierbicher, 2010) does not comment on soils with high shrink-swell potential, expansive soils, or swelling clays. From our geotechnical investigations (Appendices A and B), highly plastic clays were not observed in any of the samples obtained during the subsurface investigation. These general hazard overviews and Rock County Mitigation Plan concur with the site-specific information obtained from subsurface investigations of the Janesville site. Because the site is essentially flat and underlain by more than 200 feet of dense to very dense sand, sandy silt and silty sand, we consider that geological hazards related to landslide occurrence, subsidence, karst formations and swelling clays are insignificant at the site. Seismic geo-hazards are summarized in Section 8 of this report and discussed in more detail in Golder's Seismic Hazard Assessment Report (Golder, 2012d).

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TESTING 6.1 Shear-Wave Velocity Profile Casing for the Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP) test was installed by Twin Ports Testing under the direction of a Golder geotechnical engineer on November 3, 2011. VSP testing was performed by a Golder geophysicist and senior engineering technician on November 29, 2011. Measured seismic shear wave velocities ranged from 459 feet per second at the surface to 1,804 feet per second at depths ranging from 94.5 to 100.5 feet. The test methods and results of the VSP test are detailed in a Technical Memorandum of Vertical Seismic Profiling Test Results (Golder Report No. 113-81051 GR3, Revision 3, August 3, 2012). This Technical Memorandum is presented as Attachment A to Golder's Site Soil Classification Memo (Golder Report No. 113-81051 GR1, Revision 5, August 3, 2012), included as Appendix D of this report. The estimated bulk density presented in Table A-1 (see Attachment A of Appendix D) was estimated over the entire depth of the borehole based on Golder's analysis and interpretation of soil conditions as observed in the field. Estimates of dynamic engineering properties (Poisson's ratio, Shear modulus, Deformation modulus, Bulk modulus) are also presented in Table A-1, and are based on the shear and compression wave velocities and the estimated bulk densities. These initial dynamic engineering properties were developed to support any preliminary engineering analyses that required these parameters, and if used, have been superseded by subsequent analyses.

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6.2 Hydraulic

Conductivity Testing Slug test hydraulic conductivity testing was performed at three monitoring wells (SM-GW1A, SM-GW2A and SM-GW3A) by a Golder geologist on December 22, 2011. Slug tests were carried out according to ASTM Standard D4044 - 96(2008) Standard Test Method for (Field Procedure) for Instantaneous Change in Head (Slug) Tests for Determining Hydraulic Properties of Aquifers. At each well, static water levels were measured, and then an In-Situ, Inc. LevelTROLL 500 data logger was placed in the well. After ensuring that the water level has recovered to the static water level, Golder performed hydraulic conductivity (slug) tests, which involved near-instantaneous introduction (or removal) of a solid object of known volume into the water column. Both falling and rising head tests were conducted. For the falling-head (slug-in) test, the slug was inserted into the well displacing a volume of water equal to the volume of the slug, causing the water level in the well to rise. Once the well returned to static conditions, a rising-head (slug-out) test was performed by rapidly removing the slug. LevelTROLL 500 data logger data for each of the slug tests carried out in the three wells are provided in Appendix E. Tests conducted are summarized in Table 6.2-1. Hydrogeologic interpretation is provided in Golder's Preliminary Hydrological Analyses (Golder, 2012c). A permeability of 0.004 feet per second (1.2 millimeters per second is estimated for the sand deposit over the sandy silt and silty sand.

August201215ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx Table6.2 1ConstructionDetailsandSlugTestResultsMonitoringWellsSM GW1A,SM GW2A,andSM GW3AWellTestTestHead 1Ho(ft)InitialHead 2H(ft)WellCoordinates 3Easting(ft)WellCoordinates 3Northing(ft)Aquiferthickness 3,4b(ft)Depthtotopofwellscreen 3d(ft)Lengthofwellscreen 5 L(ft)TransducerDepth(ft)GW1ASlugIn#17.5407.110W492655.35N248568.86100+5020(6.94)69GW1ASlugOut#16.8667.110W492655.35N248568.86100+5020(6.94)69GW1ASlugIn#27.6107.110W492655.35N248568.86100+5020(6.94)69GW1ASlugOut#26.8577.110W492655.35N248568.86100+5020(6.94)69GW2ASlugIn#16.5395.695W492635.32N246973.23100+5015(8.51)66GW2ASlugOut#15.2845.695W492635.32N246973.23100+5015(8.51)66GW2ASlugIn#26.4675.695W492635.32N246973.23100+5015(8.51)66GW2ASlugOut#25.1515.695W492635.32N246973.23100+5015(8.51)66GW2ASlugIn#36.6625.695W492635.32N246973.23100+5015(8.51)66GW2ASlugOut#35.3355.695W492635.32N246973.23100+5015(8.51)66GW3ASlugIn#15.8435.346W493372.93N247753.86100+5515(5.50)70GW3ASlugOut#15.1085.346W493372.93N247753.86100+5515(5.50)70GW3ASlugIn#26.1885.346W493372.93N247753.86100+5515(5.50)70GW3ASlugOut#25.0925.346W493372.93N247753.86100+5515(5.50)701HeadmeasuredinTrolldataloggerduringtestconductedon12/22/11."TestheadHo"isthedisturbedheadduetosluginsertionorremoval.2HeadmeasuredinTrolldataloggerduringslugtestconductedon12/22/11."InitialHeadH"istheheadbeforetesting,andalsodepthfromthephreaticsurfacetopiezometer.3 Wellcoordinates,aquiferthickness,depthtotopofwellscreenandlengthofwellscreenweredeterminedfromwellcompletionrecords.4Totalthicknessofaquiferisexpectedtobeover100feet,includingaquiferbelowbottomofwell.5Lengthofwellscreen:TotalLength(SaturatedLength).

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REVIEW 7.1 Project Information SHINE Medical Technologies is in the very preliminary design phase of this project. Preliminary site investigation has been performed to evaluate the site for suitability for the proposed development and to assist in the licensing application of the facility. Because of the preliminary nature of the project, little is known about the actual building layout and design. Therefore, we are making assumptions in conjunction with what is known in regard to the building design (Figure 4) and site layout as follows: The production facility will be a single building having a footprint of approximately 167 feet by 415 feet and an estimated building height of 86 feet with a stack height of 96 feet. The production facility building envelope will be predominantly poured in place concrete clad with decorative insulated composite metal wall panels to meet or exceed the applicable energy codes. The building will be constructed with an at grade finish floor elevation near the existing ground surface. This is currently estimated to be near elevation 825 feet. To reduce the overall height of the structure above the existing ground surface, a portion of the building housing the vessel farm and process shells may extend as much as 32 feet below grade. Accounting for a structural slab and mud slab would extend the excavation to as much as 38 feet below grade. The floor elevation of the vessel farm is estimated to be near elevation 787 feet. A secure depressed loading dock will be provided at the north end of the production facility for receiving and at the south end of the facility for shipping. The vessel farm within the production facility will consist of up to eight Mo-99 generators (TSV cells). Each generator is approximately 10 feet in diameter by 20 feet high. The vessels are surrounded by 5 foot to 6 foot thick concrete shielding walls. The height of these walls is approximately 32 feet. The high bay area above the vessel farm is proposed to be spanned by a bridge crane anticipated to be set at a height of 70 feet above the at grade finished floor elevation. The design will include eight shielded process cells. The building is proposed to be constructed in two phases:

o Phase 1 will construct the entire production facility shell, walls, shielding with space for eight Mo-99 generators, but only two generators may be installed and operated in Phase 1. o Phase 2 will install the remaining generators and construct the Administration Building indicated below. Foundation loads are unknown at this time. However, it is anticipated that column pad, strip footing and large thickened concrete slab type foundations will be utilized in construction of the facility. Site development will include the following elements in addition to the building:

o Paved access roadways for both heavy trucks and light vehicle traffic.

o Paved parking lot(s).

o Light poles o Storm water management basins August201217ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx o A Support Facility Building approximately 150 feet by 100 feet o A future Administration Building approximately 120 ft. by 80 ft.

o A Waste Staging and Shipping Building approximately 100 ft. by 50 ft.

o A Diesel Generator Building approximately 50 ft. by 30 ft.

o A small security guard shack to control access to the building.

o The support facilities will also be clad in insulated composite metal wall panels to be compatible with and complimentary to the aesthetics of the production facility.

The above assumptions are based on the Preliminary Design (Merrick Layout 3, 2012). As the building design progresses we expect the foundation types and their associated loadings will become available. At that time we request the opportunity to review our recommendations relative to the proposed foundation design.

7.2 Foundations

7.2.1 Building

Foundations Our geotechnical investigation of the site indicates shallow spread footings can be used to support the proposed building on the native sandy soils observed. Although foundation dimensions and loadings aren't known at this time, we anticipate square or rectangular column pad and strip footings will be used to support the building. The proposed facility is located near the Southern Wisconsin Regional Airport and adjacent to the zoned runway approach area. Therefore, consideration is being given to designing a portion of the building up to 32 feet below grade to reduce its overall height. Accounting for a structural slab and mud slab would extend the excavation to as much as 38 feet below grade. To prepare the site for foundation construction, all crop residue and topsoil should be removed from beneath footing areas. Excavations should expose native sand soils which are recommended to be surface compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum Modified Proctor Dry Density (ASTM D1577) prior to placing the foundations. If fill is required beneath footings, a clean non-frost susceptible (NFS) clean sand or gravel soil should be placed in maximum loose lifts of 8 inches and also compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the Maximum Modified Proctor value. The excavation width and length should be oversized a minimum of 2 feet greater than the slab dimensions to provide sufficient fill placement and soil compaction beneath the entire slab. We recommend footings placed near the ground surface be designed for a net allowable bearing pressure of up to 4,000 psf for two foot wide strip footings and 6,000 psf for six foot wide spread footing pads. Footings placed 22 feet (elevations 798 to 803) or more below grade may be designed with a net bearing pressure of up to 8,000 psf. These bearing capacities are designed with factor of safety to 3.0 and a tolerance for settlement of less than 1 inch. Calculations were performed considering both shear and settlement using Terzahi's Theory, with soil density of 118 pounds per cubic foot from the max-min August201218ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx laboratory test results in Figures C12 - C14, a cohesion value of zero, and an assumed friction angle of 34 degrees for sandy soils (Golder 2012a). Building perimeter and exterior foundations should be protected against frost. To accomplish this, footings should be placed at a depth equal to or greater than the local seasonal frost penetration depth. For southeastern Wisconsin maximum frost penetration is 48 inches according to the Wisconsin DOT Bridge Manual (WisDot, 2010). Interior footings of heated buildings may be placed at shallower depths. Groundwater was observed at depths of 50 - 65 feet below the existing ground surface. For this reason, groundwater is not expected to be encountered in foundation excavations at this site. Stormwater that may enter excavations should readily drain into the sandy subsoils. Water that does collect in excavations should be promptly removed and upon drying the sandy subsoils should be recompacted prior to placing footings. 7.2.2 Mo-99 Generator Foundations The Mo-99 generators and other equipment within the facility can also be supported on spread footing foundations. It is expected the Mo-99 generators will be supported on larger thickened concrete reinforced slab type foundations. It is possible several Mo-99 generators may be supported on a single foundation. Because of the size of the Mo-99 generators and the surrounding 6-foot-thick concrete shielding walls, foundation loads could be relatively high. The area beneath the Mo-99 generator foundations needs to be cleared of all crop residue and topsoil. The exposed sandy subsoils should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the Maximum Modified Proctor Dry Density value. We estimate the sandy soils prepared in this manner can support foundations designed for a net bearing pressure of up to 4,000 psf for two foot wide strip footings and 6,000 psf for six foot wide spread footing pads. Increased bearing capacity can be obtained by lowering the bearing elevation of the foundation beneath the existing ground surface. Spread footing pads placed 22 feet (elevation 798 to 803) or more below grade may be designed with a bearing pressure of up to 8,000 psf. As the facility design is developed, it is recommended the actual foundation design and bearing pressure it exerts on the soils be reviewed. Foundations with larger dimensions influence soils to a greater depth. Therefore, this review is necessary to assure that potential settlement associated with these heavily loaded thickened slab foundations is tolerable. Again, groundwater was observed at depths of 50 to 65 feet below the existing ground surface. Therefore, groundwater is not expected to be encountered in foundation excavations at this site. Because of the sandy soils at this site, any stormwater entering the excavations should readily drain into August201219ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx the subsoils. Water that does collect in excavations should be removed promptly, and upon drying the sandy subsoils should be recompacted prior to placing the foundations. 7.2.3 Below Grade Walls It is possible a portion of the building may be constructed nearly 32 feet below the sites present ground surface. In this case, below grade walls will need to be designed to withstand lateral earth pressures exerted on them by the surrounding soils. We recommend that a free draining granular fill be used to backfill foundation walls, and the following estimated soil parameters be used in design of the walls: Soil Dry Density 118 pcf (pounds per cubic foot) Friction Angle () 34 degrees Lateral Earth Pressure RatioAt-Rest Ko = 0.44 Active Ka = 0.28 Passive K p = 3.54 Cohesion 0 The at-rest value, Ko, would be appropriate for 6 feet thick walls, as as noted in the SHINE preconceptual design report.

Because the observed groundwater level is 50 - 65 feet below the existing ground surface, wall design will not need to account for this. We do recommend that all below grade walls be moisture proofed to minimize the potential for moisture migration through the wall over time. 7.2.4 Concrete Floor Slabs To prepare the site for construction of concrete floor slabs cast on grade, all crop residue and topsoil should be removed. Excavations should expose native sandy soils which are recommended to be surface compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the Maximum Modified Proctor Dry Density. The site should be filled and leveled. On site sandy soils free of crop residue and other organic matter are suitable for use as fill. The final layer of fill beneath floor slabs should consist of a minimum 3-inch-deep layer of clean coarse sand or gravel material to create a capillary break between the underlying subsoils and the concrete slab.

7.3 Excavations

The sandy soils at this site are classified as "Type C" as defined by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) excavation standard 29 CFR Part 1926. To provide unsupported safe and stable excavations according to the standard in this type of soil, excavation slopes should not exceed 1.5V:1H for a maximum depth of 20 feet. Any excavations deeper than 20 feet need to be designed by a licensed engineer.

August201220ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx Excavated on-site soils free of crop residue and other organic matter should be suitable for use as fill and backfill. When placed as fill or backfill, on-site soil should be placed in maximum 8-inch-thick loose lifts and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum modified Proctor Dry Density value. 7.4 Roadways and Parking Lot The proposed facility will require access roadways and a parking lot. At this time it is not known the number or type of trucks that will service the facility. Therefore, we limit our discussion to subgrade preparation. Roadway areas for the facility should be cleared of all crop residue and organic soil. The exposed subsoils should be compacted to a minimum 95 percent of the Maximum Modified Proctor Dry Density value prior to placing fill and bringing the roadway to grade. Final road grade should be raised a minimum of 1 foot above the surrounding ground surface. Shallow ditches should be excavated on each side of the road to intercept site surface water run-off and collect roadway water run-off, routing it away from the roadway. As a minimum we recommend the roadway centerline be 2 feet above the ditch bottom. The road embankment edge slopes should be sloped at 1V:4H between the road edge and ditch bottom to facilitate maintenance. The parking lot area should also be cleared of all crop residue and organic soil. Surface grades should be set to promote good surface drainage toward storm water catch basins or a catchment area. The sandy soil subsoils should provide good support for the pavement structural section. The relatively clean sandy soils in addition to a deep groundwater table result in a very low potential for frost heave of the subgrade soils. Foundations for light poles should be extended a minimum of 48 inches below the ground surface. The site soils have low potential for frost heave. However, consideration should be given to the potential for frost jacking of the foundations, causing them to rise out of the ground and possibly tip. We recommend placing low friction sleeves around foundations to minimize this potential issue. 7.5 Site Grading Site grading should promote good surface drainage away from the building and paved areas. This should include the ability to handle flows from large impermeable areas such as the building roof and pavements. Poor drainage adjacent to the building and pavements can cause serious damage and greatly reduce the design life of these facilities.

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HAZARDS 8.1 Seismic Hazard Assessment Golder completed a detailed Seismic Hazard Assessment (Golder, 2012d). 8.2 Soil Site Classification Golder completed a technical memorandum outlining the determination of Site Soil Classification for this site, which is included as Appendix D of this report. As described in the memorandum, the site was reviewed for seismic hazard potential and site soil classification using the provisions of Chapter 20 of ASCE 7-05 and VSP testing measured by Golder. Soil Site Class is determined in accordance with ASCE 7-05 Section 20.3 and Table 20.3-1 based on the average shear-wave velocity of the upper 100 feet (30 meters) of the soil profile. The six soil site classes range from Site Class A to Site Class F. Average shear-wave velocity in the upper 100 feet, Vsavg, was calculated for the SHINE Janesville site in accordance ASCE 7-05 Section 20.4.1, equation 20.4-1 using a total of 35 layers over 103.5 feet. The Vs for the soil profile measured in VSP-01 is 1,081 ft/s. This Vs value indicates a soil Site Class D "stiff soil," based on ASCE 7-05 Table 20.3-1. 8.3 International Building Code Seismic Design Parameters Seismic parameters suitable as a basis for design using 2009 IBC-ASCE 7-05 procedures, as provided in Golder's Site Soil Classification Memo in Appendix D, are summarized in Table 8.3-1. Seismic provisions within the 2009 IBC Chapter 16 and ASCE 7-05 Chapter 11 are based on spectral accelerations for a maximum considered earthquake (MConE) with a return period of 2,475 years (2% probability of exceedance in 50 years).

August201222ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx Table8.3 12009IBCASCE7 05SeismicParametersParameter Value S S 0.129 g S 1 0.050 g Site Class D S MS 0.206 g S M1 0.119 g F a 1.6 F v 2.4 Notes: 1. Parameters based on SHINE Janesville project location of 42.624136°N, 89.024875°W.

2. S S and S 1 are for Site Class B, for S MS and SM1 for Site Class D. 8.4 Liquefaction Potential and Other Seismically Induced Ground Failures The potential for soil liquefaction at the site was reviewed in accordance with NRC Regulatory Guide 1.198 "Procedures and Criteria for Assessing Seismic Soil Liquefaction at Nuclear Power Plant Sites".

The subsurface investigation revealed no soils considered to be potentially liquefiable. Further, there is no potential for other seismically-induced ground failures (such as settlement, lateral spreading, slope instability/landsliding, or surface-fault rupture) to occur at this site. 8.4.1 Qualitative Review of Liquefaction Potential Our review has deemed the soils at this site pose no potential liquefaction hazard to the project for the following reasons: Liquefaction occurs only in saturated or near saturated soils. The soils at the site are unsaturated to a depth of about 58 to 65 feet below the ground surface and thus not liquefiable. Soils below these depths are generally considered non-liquefiable (even under higher seismic loads) due to the high effective stress confining the soil. Liquefaction occurs generally in loose soils. The relative density of the sandy soils in the upper 100 feet are generally compact to dense, and therefore considered non-liquefiable under the design seismic ground motions. To our knowledge, there have been no historically recorded cases of liquefaction in the state of Wisconsin, and the site is located in one of the lowest seismic hazard regions in the conterminous United States. The seismic design ground motions associated with this low seismic hazard are of insufficient scale and duration; the resulting seismic cyclic stresses are incapable of producing excess pore water pressure and thus insufficient to trigger liquefaction.

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8.4.2 Quantitative

Review of Liquefaction Potential Methodology of Liquefaction Analysis Golder conducted a deterministic liquefaction analysis to assess the liquefaction hazard potential and compute potential settlement due to liquefaction based on the Standard Penetration Test (SPT). The state-of-practice "simplified method," based on the original work by R.B. Seed and later updated by Idriss and Boulanger et al. (2008) was utilized. In general, this method employs the effective stress, relative density, and fines content (passing the No. 200 sieve) of the soils to determine resistance or susceptibility of soil to liquefaction. Relative density was estimated based on correlations to corrected SPT (N 1)60 values. Specifically, these inputs are used to calculate the Cyclic Resistance Ratio (CRR) that indicates the capacity of the soil to resist liquefaction. The CRR is compared to the seismic "demand" on the soil, which is expressed in terms of the Cyclic Stress Ratio (CSR) and is a function of the design seismic event. The factor of safety (FS) against liquefaction is the ratio of these two values (CRR/CSR). Correlations are also computed using shear wave velocities measured at the site. Liquefaction-induced volumetric strain of each potentially liquefiable soil layer was estimated using three empirical based procedures: Ishihara (1996), Idriss and Boulanger (2008), and Tokimatsu and Seed (1987) as modified by Lee (2007). These formulations also include possible volumetric strain due to seismic cyclic loading where full liquefaction is not triggered. In both cases, no settlement is predicted. In this study, the liquefaction triggering analysis was performed for the 4,975-year return period design seismic event with the following parameters: Peak Ground Acceleration PGA = 0.13g This includes a ground amplification factor of 1.6 applied to the 0.08g PGA predicted for Site Class B "soft rock" Moment Magnitude Mw=5.8 Please refer to Golder's Seismic Hazard Assessment Report (Golder, 2012d) for further detail and explanation of these seismic design motions. Also note that this return period exceeds the return period considered in the Safe Shutdown design earthquake event. For seismic design purposes, a high groundwater design case was considered in the liquefaction analysis. The depth to high groundwater was estimated at 30 feet below the ground surface to conservatively represent water levels higher than estimated during the 500-year flooding event in Golder's Preliminary Hydrological Analysis (Golder, 2012c).

August201224ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx SPT Corrections The field blow counts were adjusted for various factors that might differ from standard SPT sampling procedures, including the following: hammer weight and drop height, split spoon sampler size, borehole diameter, rod length, sample set-up and liner, and energy ratio (ER) efficiency relative to 60 percent theoretical energy efficiency. To account for the increased efficiency of the automatic hammer, an ER factor of 72% was utilized (i.e., 20% more energy efficient). Twin Ports Testing performed hammer energy measurements on a separate project in March 2009 with energy transfer ratios ranging between 81% and 91%; thus our chosen 72% ER is considered conservative. Blow counts were also normalized to a common reference effective overburden stress (100 kiloPascals, or approximately 1 ton/sq. ft). The product of these factors determines corrected SPT (N 1)60 values. Results of Liquefaction Analysis Results of the liquefaction analysis demonstrate that there is no potential for liquefaction to occur at this site. The factor-of-safety against liquefaction ranges from 2 to 30, and in most cases exceeds 3. The median factor of safety against liquefaction is 5.3. Factors of Safety greater than 1.4 are considered "high", and in those cases "soil elements would suffer relatively minor cyclic pore pressure generation" (NUREG/CR-5741, U.S. ACOE, 2000, ADD PROPER REF). Factors of Safety less than or equal to 1.1 are considered "low" and liquefaction would expect to be triggered, whereas "intermediate" ranges are between 1.1 and 1.4.

PlotsofcorrectedSPT(N 1)60blowcountsandFactors of SafetyagainstliquefactionareprovidedinAppendixFinbothgraphicalandtabularform.AplotofshearwavevelocitymeasuredinVSP 01andcorrespondingFactors of SafetyagainstliquefactionbasedonthisdataisalsoincludedAppendixF,FigureF 2.

August201225ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx 9.0 USE OF REPORT This data report was prepared for the exclusive use of SHINE Medical Technologies for design of the proposed Mo-99 production facility. We understand that SHINE will provide Golder with additional information about the proposed facility to assist us in preparing geotechnical recommendations for the project. We may be contacted after the design progresses, to review our conclusions and recommendations in light of any proposed changes and provide written correspondence addressing modification or verification of the changes. The subsurface conditions at this site appear relatively consistent between the boreholes. However, there is always the possibility of variations in subsurface conditions between the boreholes and also with time. We highly recommend inspection and testing be performed by a qualified geotechnical engineer during construction to verify that conditions encountered are similar to those upon which our recommendations are based, and to provide corrective recommendations if conditions are different than expected or have changed. Unanticipated soil conditions are commonly encountered that cannot fully be determined by a limited number of explorations or soil samples. Such unexpected conditions frequently result in additional project costs in order to build the project as designed. Therefore, a contingency for unanticipated conditions should be included in the construction budget and schedule. The work program for this project followed the standard of care expected of professionals undertaking similar work in the State of Wisconsin under similar conditions, and adhering to the requirements in Golder's Quality Assurance Program Description (Golder, 2012e). No warranty expressed or implied is made.

August 2012 26 Project No.113-81051 10.0 CLOSING This report is respectfully submitted to SHINE Medical Technologies. If you have questions or require additional information , please contact Golder at (218) 724-0088. Sincerely , GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC. p: lproje ct s\20111113

-81051 s hin e\geotechnica l\113-81051 shin e g eo t ec hnical report rev 3 august 3 docx r!/JGold,er Assoaates August201227ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx


1. ANSI/ANS, 1995.American National Standards Institute Inc., American Nation Standard ANSI/ANS 15.8-1995, Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Research Reactors, Reaffirmed September 14, 2005.
2. ASCE 7-05, 2006. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers/Structural Engineering Institute, 2006.
3. ASTM C117 - 04. Standard Test Method for Materials Finer than 75-m (No. 200) Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washing.
4. ASTM C136 - 06. Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates.
5. ASTM D854 - 10. Standard Test Methods for Specific Gravity of Soil Solids by Water Pycnometer.
6. ASTM D1527 - 99(2005). Standard Specification for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80.
7. ASTM D1557 - 09. Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lb/ft 3 (2,700 kN-m/m 3)).8. ASTM D1586 - 11. Standard Test Method for Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils.
9. ASTM D2487-11. Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System), by ASTM International. 10. ASTM D2488-09a. Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure), by ASTM International. 11. ASTM D2216 - 10. Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass.12. ASTM D4044 - 96(2008). Standard Test Method for (Field Procedure) for Instantaneous Change in Head (Slug) Tests for Determining Hydraulic Properties of Aquifers.13. ASTM D4253 - 00(2006). Standard Test Methods for Maximum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils Using a Vibratory Table.

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14. ASTM D4254 - 00(2006) e1. Standard Test Methods for Minimum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils and Calculation of Relative Density.15. ASTM D4972 - 01(2007).

Standard Test Method for pH of Soils.16. ASTM D7400 - 08. Standard Test Methods for Downhole Seismic Testing.17. Attig, J.W., Bricknell, M., Carson, E.C., Clayton, L., Johnson, M.D., Mickelson, D.M., and Syverson, K.M., 2011. Glaciation of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, Educational Series 36 [fourth edition], 4 p. 18. Cannon, W.F., Kress, T.H., and Sutphin, D.M., 1999. Digital Geologic Map and Mineral Deposits of the Lake Superior Region, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan. U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 97-455 (Version 3, Nov. 1999) [1], accessed 12/18/2011. 19. CEUS SSC, 2012. Central Eastern United States - Seismic Source Characterization for Nuclear Facilities, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, United States Department of Energy, Electric Power Research Institute, Website: http://www.ceus-, Date accessed: March 27, 2012.20. Charpentier, R.R., 1987. A summary of petroleum plays and characteristics of the Michigan basin, United States Geological Survey, Open File Report 87-450R, 33 p. 21. Clayton, L., and Attig, J.W., 1997. Pleistocene Geology of Dane County, Wisconsin. Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, Bulletin 95, 64 p., 2 sheets. 22. DPC, 2010. La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor - Decommissioning Plan Revision, November 2010, Document Date 12/28/2010, Dairyland Power Cooperative, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Accession Number ML110190592, Website: http://, Date accessed: April 24, 2012. 23. Fullerton, D.S., Bush, C.A., and Pennell, J.N., 2003. Map of surficial deposits and materials in the eastern and central United States (east of 102 degrees West longitude). U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Investigation Series I-2789, Version 1.0 [2], accessed 1/17/2012.

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24. Godt, J.W., and Radbruch-Hall, D.H., 1997. Landslide Overview Map of the Conterminous United States, Digital Compliation of Landslide Overview Map of the Conterminous United States, Dorothy H. Radbruch-Hall, Roger B. Colton, William E. Davies, Ivo Lucchitta, Betty A. Skipp, and David J. Varnes, 1982. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-289 [3], accessed 1/19/2012. 25. Golder, 2011a. Duluth Office Field and Laboratory Quality Manual (FLQM), RL 0, October 17, 2011. 26. Golder, 2011b. Work Plan, October 18, 2011.27. Golder 2012a, Geotechnical Calculations, Golder Report 8, Project No.11381051,Rev1,GolderAssociatesInc.August3,2012.28. Golder, 2012b. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Golder Report 4, Project 113-81051, Revision 1, April 27, 2012. 29. Golder, 2012c. Preliminary Hydrological Analyses, Janesville, Wisconsin, Golder Report 7, Project No. 113-81051, Rev 3, Golder Associates Inc., August 3, 2012. 30. Golder, 2012d. Seismic Hazard Assessment Report, Janesville, Wisconsin, Golder Report 5, Project No. 113-81051, Rev 4, Golder Associates Inc., August 3, 2012
31. Golder, 2012e. Quality Assurance Program Description (QAPD), GAI DUL D02 01/2012 RL1, Project No. 113-81051, Golder Associates Inc., January 12, 2012.32. Merrick & Company, 2013. Preliminary Design Report Molybdenum-99 Production Facility, Prepared for SHINE Medical Technologies. Layout 3, 2012. 33. Merlin G. Spangler and Richard L. Handy, 1982. Soil Engineering, Fourth Edition, 1982.34. Mudrey, Jr., M.G., Brown, B.A., and Greenberg, J.K., 1982. Bedrock Geologic Map of Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin-Extension Geological and Natural History Survey, scale 1:1,000,000.35. NEID, 2012. Earthquake Intensity Database Search 1638-1985, National Geophysical Data Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Website: http://, Date accessed: January 10, 2012. 36. Olive, W.W., Chleborad, A.F., Frahme, C.W., Schlocker, J., Schneider, R.R., and Schuster, R.L., 1989. Swelling Clays Map of the Conterminous United States. U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-1940, 1 sheet, scale 1:7,500,000 [4], accessed 1/20/2012.

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37. Radbruch-Hall, D.H., Colton, R.B., Davies, W.E., Lucchitta, I., Skipp, B.A.. and Varnes, D.J., 1982. Landslide Overview Map of the Conterminous United States. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1183 [5], accessed 1/19/2012. 38. RCGIS, 2012. Rock County Geographic Information System. Rock County, State of Wisconsin [6], accessed 1-16-2012. 39. SHINE, 2011. Quality Assurance Program Description (QAPD), Revision - 0 (RL 0), based on guidance in Regulatory Guide 2.5 and ANSI/ANS 15.8-1995, July 14, 2011. 40. Stover, C.W. and Coffman, J.L., 1993. Seismicity of the United States, 1568-1989 (Revised), United States Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1527, 418 p. 41. UFC, 2004. Unified Facilities Criteria 3-220-03FA, Soils and Geology Procedures for Foundation Design of Building and other Structures, January 16, 2004. 42. USDA SCS, 1974. Soil Survey of Rock County, Wisconsin. United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, in cooperation with University of Wisconsin Department of Soil Science, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, and the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, July 1974, 160 p. ed_surveys/state.asp?state=W isconsin&abbr=WI], accessed 1/16/2012. 43. U.S. Department of Defense, 2004. UFC 3-220-03FA, Soils and Geology Procedures for Foundation Design of Building and Other Structures (Except Hydraulic Structures) January 16, 2004. 44. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities.¹ 45. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 100, Reactor Site Criteria.¹ 46. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, 1996a. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Guidelines for Preparing and Reviewing Applications for the Licensing of Non-Power Reactors.¹ 47. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, 1996b. NUREG-1537, Part 2, Guidelines for Preparing and Reviewing Applications for the Licensing of Non-Power Reactors.¹ August201231ProjectNo.113 81051p:\projects\2011\113-81051 shine\geotechnical\113-81051 shine geotechnical report rev 3 august 3.docx

48. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, 1999. NUREG/CR-5741, Technical Bases for Regulatory Guide for Soil Liquefaction,¹ 49. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, 1998. Regulatory Guide 4.7, General Site Suitability Criteria for Nuclear Power Stations, Revision 2, April 1998.¹ 50. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, 2003a. Regulatory Guide 1.132, Site Investigation for Foundations of Nuclear Power Plants, Revision 2, October 2003.¹ 51. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, 2003b. Regulatory Guide 1.198, Procedures and Criteria for Assessing Seismic Soil Liquefaction at Nuclear Power Plant Sites, November 2003. 52. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, 2007.

Regulatory Guide 1.208, A Performance-Based Approach to Define the Site-Specific Earthquake Ground Motion, March 2007.¹ 53. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, 2003c. Regulatory Guide 1.138, Revision 2, Laboratory Investigations of Soils and Rocks for Engineering Analysis and Design of Nuclear Power Plants, December 2003. ¹ 54. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, 2010.

Regulatory Guide2.5, Revision 1, Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Research and Test Reactors, June 2010. ¹ 55. Vierbicher, 2010. Rock County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update. Prepared by Vierbicher in cooperation with the Rock County Emergency Management and Rock County Planning Economic and Community Development Agency, 145

p. [7], accessed 1/20/2012. 56. WGNHS, 1983. Thickness of Unconsolidated Material in Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin-Extension Geological and Natural History Survey df/thickness_uncons olidated.pdf, accessed 12/16/2011. 57. WGNHS, 2009. Karst and Shallow Carbonate Bedrock in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, 2 p. [8], accessed 1/20/2012. 58. WISDNR, 2011, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Administrative Code, Chapter NR141, March 2011.

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59. WISDOT, 2010, Wisconsin Department of Transportat ion Manual, Bridge Manual, Chapter 12, Abutments, July 2010.

Note 1: Documents are available at:



0 PROJE CT N o. 113-81051 REV. JANESVILLE I SHN I WI 1 G11-08 G11-09 G11-10 G11-07 G11-06 G11-05 G11-04 G11-01 G11-02 G11-03 SM-GW2A SM-GW3A SM-GW1A SM-GW4A VSP-01 2J:\2011 Jobs\113-81051 SHINE Medical Technologies, Wisconsin\CAD\Janseville_Site_GT_HARN-W-WI-SF.dwg l 7/20/2012 4:22 PM l AGarrigus l JANESVILLE--------APG7/20/12TR7/20/12TK7/20/1227/20/12 FIG.113-81051 SITE_MAP_HARN-W-WI-SG.DWG JANESVILLE / SHN / WI SITE MAP SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIESJANESVILLE,WISCONSIN 1.) AERIAL IMAGERY DISTRIBUTED BY CITY OF JANESVILLE AND PROVIDED BY CLIENT.









TITLE AS SHOWN REV.VSP-01 BOREHOLE LOCATION WITH 2 INCH PVC INSTALLED FOR SEISMIC TESTING AND DESIGNATOR SCALE 0400400 FEET PROPOSED BUILDING BOUNDARY PLAN G11-08 G11-09 G11-10 G11-07 G11-06 G11-05 G11-04 G11-01 G11-02 G11-03 VSP-01J:\2011 Jobs\113-81051 SHINE Medical Technologies, Wisconsin\CAD\Proposed_building_layout_FINAL_Boreholes.dwg l 7/20/2012 4:33 PM l AGarrigus l JANESVILLE SCALE 0 FEET 100 100 3--------AG7/20/12TR7/20/12TK7/20/1227/20/12 FIG.113-81051 Proposed_layout.dwg JANESVILLE / SHN / WI BOREHOLE LOCATION MAP SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIESJANESVILLE,WISCONSIN CHECK REVIEW DESIGN CADD SCALE FILE No.PROJECT No.






f <: "' a: 8 u: i i "§ .;; " '8' 0 c "li {!!. "iii " UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION (adapted from ASTM 02487)




1 I I v (/) .,_50 (OH, OL)tt .o --' 0(J)W LIQUID LIMIT <50 <( LLro w n _ 1 CH ML SILT J: LL (not dned) s * * "t> 'g a. (J)W> (.) . i [.,: .. , *r 1-_ ! m O(J)W 0 OL ORGANIC CLAY OR SILT I'! w 8. W(J)(ii >-z 1 i 1-(3 0 CL' CH FAT CLAY 8 i SILTS AND CLAYS i= MH It i i i <.?:5o 5 WAZ C/) CL.10-ML " l z LIQUID LIMIT ::5 7 MH ELASTIC SILT l; g u:: CL*"-0-"

  • I!* 'a; 0 0.. 00 ! r% 1 0 20 30 70 eo 90 1 00 OH ORGANIC CLAY OR SILT HIGHL ORGANIC SOILS I PRIMARILy' with 5% to 12% fines require dual GN<<. GP<<. u 0 10 I -sc. SP-sM. SP.SC) and add "with silr to group name. W fines classify as SCSM. or SM , use dual or c 0 10 x 0 60 CRITERIA FOR DESCRIBING MOISTURE CONDITION (adapted from ASTM 02488) DRY ABSENCE OF MOISTURE. DUSTY. DRY TO THE TOUCH MOIST DAMP BUT NO V IS IBLE WATER WET VISIBLE FREE WATER. USUALLY SOI L IS BE LOW WATER TABLE COMPONENT DEFINmONS BY GRADATION COMPONENT SIZE RANGE BOULDERS ABOVE 12in. COBBLES 3 in. to 12 in. GRAVEL 3 in. to #4 (4.76 mm) COARSE GRAVEl 3 in. to 3/4 i n. FINE GRAVEL 3/4 i n. to No.4 (4.76 mm) SAND #4 (4.76 mm) to #200 (0.074 mm) COARSE SAND #4 (4.76 mm) to #10 (2.0 mm) MEDIUM SAND #10 (2.0 mm) to #40 (0.42 mm) FINE SAND #40 (0.42 mm) to #200 (0.074 mm) SILT AND CLAY SMALLER THAN #200 (0.074 mm) SILT 0.074 mm to 0.005 mm CLAY LESS THAN 0.005 mm DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY FOR PERCENTAGES (adapted from ASTM 02488) :ODOR PT PEAT RELATIVE DENSITY I CONSISTENCY ESTIMATE USING STANDARD PENETRATION TEST (SPl) VALUES (adapted from Terzaghi and Peck 1967) COHESIONLESS SOILS 1*> COHESIVE SOILst*> N ONFINED u c COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (TSFj<'> RELATIVE DENSITY (N ,)so (blows/1!)

1'> VERY LOOSE 0-4 LOOSE 4-10 COMPACT 10-30 DENSE 30-50 VERY DENSE OVER 50 CONSISTENCY VERY SOFT SOFT FIRM STIFF VERY STIFF HARD (N ,).. (blowslft r 0-2 2-4 4-8 8-15 15-30 OVER30 0-0.25 0.25-0.50 0.50-1.0 1.0-2.0 2.0-4.0 OVER4.0 (a) Soil s c onsisling of grawl, sand. and silt, either separately or in combination possessing no characteristics of plasticity.

and exhlblling drained behallior. (b) Solis possessing the charac1erlslics of plasticity , and exhlbning undrained behavior. (c) Refer to AS1M D1586 for a definition of N value. (N,J.o is theN value c orrected for hammer energy and overburden pressure.

and Is detailed In AS1M 06066. N values may be affected by a number of factors including:

material size. sampler size. hammer weigh1 and type , dep1h, drilling me1hod , and borehole disturbance. N values are only an _.,xi mate guide for fruzen soli or cohesive soil. (d) Undrained shear strength.

s,= 112 unconfined compression strength. U ,. Note that Torvane (TV) measures s , and pocket penetrometer (PP) measures U , SAMPLER ABBREVIATIONS SS SPT Sampler (2 in. OD. 140 lb hammer) SSO Oversize Split Spoon (2.5 in. OD , 140 lb typ.) HD Hea-.y Duty Split Spoon (3 in. OD, 300/340 lb typ.) BD Bulk Drive (4 in. OD, 300/340 lb hammer typ.) CA Continous Core (Soil in Hollow-Stem Auger) GS Grab Sample from Surface I Testp i t LABORATORY TEST ABBREVIATIONS C Core (Rock) TW Thin Wall (Shelby Tube) MS Modified Shelby GP Geoprobe RC Air Rotary Cuttings AG Auger Cuttings DESCRIPTIVE RANGE OF Con Consolidation P200 Percent Fines (Silt & Clay) SpG Specific Gravity Comp Proctor Compaction (D698/D1557) pH Soil pH TC Thaw Consolidation/Strain Dd Dry Density PID Photoionization Detector TV Torvane K Thennal Conduct i vity PM Modified Proctor TX Unconfined Compression MA Sieve and Hydrometer Analys i s pp Pocket Penetrometer We Liquid Limit (LL) NP Non-plastic PTLD Point Load w. Plastic Limit (PL) ou Organic Loss SA Sieve Ana l ys i s n So i l Resistivity TERMS PROPORTION TRACE 0*5% FEW 5-10% LITTLE 10-25% SOME 30-45% MOSTLY 50-100% :g TIT LE UJ z 5: CIJ ; .. .g .., F I LE No. Proposed Floor Plan.dwg PROJECT N o. SCALE DESIGN CAOO CHECK REVIEW REV. AS SHOWN APG 6/18112 JDU 6/18112 TK 6118112 6118112 SOIL CLASSIFICATION



Appendix A Monitoring Wells

Appendix B Logs of Geotechnical Borings

Appendix C Laboratory Testing Results June 2012 TABLE C-1


OF LABORATORY TESTING RESULTS PAGE 1 OF 3 113-81051GravelSandSilt/ClayTopBottom+ #4#4 to #200- #200SiltClayMaxMinG11-0112.03.511. SP49.511.02.2514.516. SP619.521.02.6 724.526.03.131.463. 829.531.03.8 2.706934.536.02.82.794.82.4 SP1039.541.03.9 0.04*1144.546. SP1249.551.03.2 1359.561.015.71469.571.013.7G11-0212.03.53.424.56.03.4 49.511.03.325.170.84.1 SP514.516.03.4619.521.02.512.485.52.1 SP724.526.02.8 2.696829.531.03.731.565. 934.536.03.4 0.04*1039.541.02.92.496.11.5 SP1144.546.03.31249.551.03.2 1359.561.017.72.894.32.9 SP1469.571.013.9G11-0312.03.53.524.56.03.441.551.96.6 SP-SM37.08.53 49.511.02.624.972.13.0 SP514.516.02.6 2.699619.521.05.554.542. 0.03*829.531.03.10.697.12.3 SP934.536.03.71039.541.03.7 0.02*1144.546.03.123.472.83.7 SP1249.551.03.21359.561.021.2 1469.571.09.6G11-0412.03.53.624. SP49.511.03.4 0.02*512.013.52.715.680.73.7 SP614.516.02.6 0.03*719.521.06.9 824.526.04.0929.531.03.318.777.14.2 SP1034.536.02.7 1139.541.03.716.480. 1244.546.02.7 2.6981349.551.02.41459.561. SP-SM1569.571.017.4G11-0512. 37.08.53BULK G11- 514.516. SP-SM619.521.02.4 724.526.02.9829.531.02.8934.536.03.1 0.04*1039.541. SP1144.546.011.3 Borehole Number Moisture Content (%)

Grain Size (%)

Hydrometer Sample Number USCS (2)Sample Depth (feet)

Specific Gravity Relative Density (pcf)Sulfate (% by Mass)*Testresultatorbelowreportablelowerlimit June 2012 TABLE C-1


OF LABORATORY TESTING RESULTS PAGE 2 OF 3 113-81051GravelSandSilt/ClayTopBottom+ #4#4 to #200- #200SiltClayMaxMin Borehole Number Moisture Content (%)

Grain Size (%)

Hydrometer Sample Number USCS (2)Sample Depth (feet)

Specific Gravity Relative Density (pcf)Sulfate (% by Mass)1249.551.010.11359.561.020.9 1469.571.022.71579.581.020.41689.591. SP-SM1799.5101.09.3 18109.5111.019.6 19119.5121.019.320129.5131.021139.5141.016.8 2.68922149.5151. 23159.5161.018.1 24169.5171.017.6 25179.5181.012.626189.5191.013.1 CL-ML27199.5201. SP-SM28219.5221.020.5G11-0610.02.014.822.04.04.434.06.02.446.08.02.4 G11- SP916.018.02.71018.020.05.8 1120.022.02.5 0.03*1222.024.02.21324. SP1426.028.03.5 1528.030.02.9 1630.032.04.81732.034.03.41824.036.02.3 1936.038.02.716.180.83.2 SP2038.040.03.3 2140.042.04.5 2242.044.03.22344.046.03.62446.048.02.6 2548. 2659.561.018.5 2.6732769.571.018.42879.581.025.42989.591.023.3 3099.5101.09.542.752.05.3 SP-SM31109.5111.012.1 32119.5121.010.9G11-0712. SP49.511.02.5 514.516. SP619.521.01.6 2.684724.526.03.538.456. 829.531.01.6 0.01934.536.03.131.565.03.5 SP1039.541.04.61144.546.03.81.593.74.8 SP1249.551.02.4 1359.561.012.6 1469.571.019.3G11-0812.03.52.424.56.02.937.08.52.4 49.511.02.810.586.72.9 SP514.516.01.9

  • Testresultatorbelowreportablelowerlimit June 2012 TABLE C-1


OF LABORATORY TESTING RESULTS PAGE 3 OF 3 113-81051GravelSandSilt/ClayTopBottom+ #4#4 to #200- #200SiltClayMaxMin Borehole Number Moisture Content (%)

Grain Size (%)

Hydrometer Sample Number USCS (2)Sample Depth (feet)

Specific Gravity Relative Density (pcf)Sulfate (% by Mass)619.521.02.520.477.62.0 SP724.526.02.5 0.03*829.531.05.5934.536.03.819. 1144.546. SP1249.551.03.8 1359.561.013.71469.571.014.9G11-0912. SW-SM37.08.57.7BULK G11- SP724.526.02.0 829.531.03.0 934.536.03.91039.541.03.71144.546.02.7 1249.551.02.5 1359.561.021.27.787.35.0 SP1469.571.018.71579.581.023.91689.591.019.4 1799.5101.010.9 18109.5111.010 19119.5121.07.820129.5131.020.0 2.68921139.5141.012.017.873. 22149.5151.017.5 23159.5161.020.1 24169.5171.015.325179.5181.012.926189.5191.010.5 CL-ML27199.5121.019.1 28209.5211.016.9 29219.5221. SMG11-1012.03.52.724. SP-SM37.08.52.1 49.511.02.455.636.97.4 GP-GM514.516.02.1 2.692619.521.02.832. 0.04*829.531. SP934.536.02.11039.541.03.423.272.74.1 SP1144.546.03.91249.551.03.91359.561.017.9 1469.571.025.5

  • Testresultatorbelowreportablelowerlimit



Bulk DEPTH: 9-11'MOLD DATA Initial Mold Volume (V i), ft 3: 0.1002 Mold Area (A), ft 2: 0.1963 Load Plate Thickness (T), in 0.5043 MINIMUM DENSITY DETERMINATIO N Moisture Content Determinatio nTrial Number:123TareN6J10 Weight Mold & Soil, g:10,178.010,193.810,184.3 Wt. of Wet Soil + Tare300.761119.20 Weight Mold, g:4,825.24,825.24,825.2 Wt. of Dry Soil + Tare300.681056.90Weight Soil, g:5,352.85,368.65,359.1Wt. of Tare27.9984.85Moisture Content (%)0.03%6.4%

Minimum Density , D mi n , =Average Weight Soil, g:5,358.6Average Soil Weight, lb

=117.9pc fAverage Weight Soil, lb:11.82Mold Volume, ft 3 MAXIMUM DENSITY DETERMINATIO N Dial 1 Final Dial Reading, in:

(0.064)Final Mold Volume , V f , =Dial 2 Final Dial Reading, in:

(0.121)V i - (R f +T/ 12) x A=0.0943 ft 3 Dial 3 Final Dial Reading, in:

(0.173)Dial 4 Final Dial Reading, in:

(0.206)Average Dial Reading (R f), in: (0.141)Maximum Density , D ma x , =Weight Wet Soil & Tare, g:

13,078.8 W s=142.2pcf Weight Dry Soil & Tare, g:

12,690.0 V f Weight Tare, g:

6,611.9Weight Water, g:388.8Weight Dry Soil, g:6,078.1 Weight Dry Soil (W s), lb:13.40Moisture Content, %:6.4 RELATIVE DENSITY RESULT S Lab Work RJM Minimum Densit y117.9pc f Date 12/2/2011 Checked MB Maximum Densit y142.2pc f*Maximum Density test performed on wet material Shine Medical Technologies - Janesville, WI 113-81051 Golder Associates Inc.



Bulk DEPTH: 9-11'MOLD DATA Initial Mold Volume (V i), ft 3: 0.1002 Mold Area (A), ft 2: 0.1963 Load Plate Thickness (T), in 0.5043 MINIMUM DENSITY DETERMINATIO N Moisture Content Determinatio nTrial Number:123TareQ-4Matt Weight Mold & Soil, g:10,178.810,155.710,176.7 Wt. of Wet Soil + Tare311.466743.70 Weight Mold, g:4,822.14,822.14,822.1 Wt. of Dry Soil + Tare311.326378.60Weight Soil, g:5,356.75,333.65,354.6Wt. of Tare27.31544.60Moisture Content (%)0.05%6.3%

Minimum Density , D mi n , =Average Weight Soil, g:5,345.7Average Soil Weight, lb

=117.6pc fAverage Weight Soil, lb:11.79Mold Volume, ft 3 MAXIMUM DENSITY DETERMINATIO N Dial 1 Final Dial Reading, in:

0.073 Final Mold Volume , V f , =Dial 2 Final Dial Reading, in:

0.053 V i - (R f +T/ 12) x A=0.0924 ft 3 Dial 3 Final Dial Reading, in:

(0.141)Dial 4 Final Dial Reading, in:

(0.092)Average Dial Reading (R f), in: (0.027)Maximum Density , D ma x , =Weight Wet Soil & Tare, g:

12,893.9 W s=141.1pcf Weight Dry Soil & Tare, g:

12,520.0 V f Weight Tare, g:

6,608.8Weight Water, g:373.9Weight Dry Soil, g:5,911.2 Weight Dry Soil (W s), lb:13.03Moisture Content, %:6.3 RELATIVE DENSITY RESULT S Lab Work RJM Minimum Densit y117.6pc f Date 12/2/2011 Checked MB Maximum Densit y141.1pc f*Maximum Density test performed on wet material Shine Medical Technologies - Janesville, WI 113-81051 Golder Associates Inc.



Bulk DEPTH: 9-11'MOLD DATA Initial Mold Volume (V i), ft 3: 0.1002 Mold Area (A), ft 2: 0.1963 Load Plate Thickness (T), in 0.5043 MINIMUM DENSITY DETERMINATIO N Moisture Content Determinatio nTrial Number:123TareQ-1DT Weight Mold & Soil, g:10,165.110,169.510,172.9 Wt. of Wet Soil + Tare279.071455.30 Weight Mold, g:4,822.14,822.14,822.1 Wt. of Dry Soil + Tare278.831367.20Weight Soil, g:5,343.05,347.45,350.8Wt. of Tare24.9783.87Moisture Content (%)0.09%6.9%

Minimum Density , D mi n , =Average Weight Soil, g:5,342.0Average Soil Weight, lb

=117.6pc fAverage Weight Soil, lb:11.78Mold Volume, ft 3 MAXIMUM DENSITY DETERMINATIO N Dial 1 Final Dial Reading, in:

(0.409)Final Mold Volume , V f , =Dial 2 Final Dial Reading, in:

(0.320)V i - (R f +T/ 12) x A=0.0935 ft 3 Dial 3 Final Dial Reading, in:

0.221 Dial 4 Final Dial Reading, in:

0.138 Average Dial Reading (R f), in: (0.092)Maximum Density , D ma x , =Weight Wet Soil & Tare, g:

13,102.7 W s=143.4pcf Weight Dry Soil & Tare, g:

12,685.0 V f Weight Tare, g:

6,608.8Weight Water, g:417.7Weight Dry Soil, g:6,076.2 Weight Dry Soil (W s), lb:13.40Moisture Content, %:6.9 RELATIVE DENSITY RESULT S Lab Work RJM Minimum Densit y117.6pc f Date 12/2/2011 Checked MB Maximum Densit y143.4pc f*Maximum Density test performed on wet material Shine Medical Technologies - Janesville, WI 113-81051 Golder Associates Inc.

Lakewood, Colorado6/18/2012Figure C14


<'/I Golder Associates TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Date: August 3 , 2012 Project No.: 113-81051 To: From: cc: Company: SHINE Medical Technologies Address: 8123 Forsythia St. Suite 140 Middleton , WI 53562 Golder Report No. 113-81051 GR1 , Revision 5 , 8/03/12 RE: SITE SOIL CLASSIFICATION FOR SEISMIC DESIGN APPENDIX D OF GOLDER REPORT 113-81051 GR 6, REVISION 3, 8/03/12 (PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNCIAL ENGINEERING REPORT) This technical memorandum revises and supersedes the soil Site Cia ssification Technical Memorandum issued to SHINE Medical Technologies by Golder January 6 , February 13 , May 18 , June 18 , and July 23 , 2012. The technical memorandum provides a soil site classification for the SHINE Medical Technologies proposed medical isotope production site located in , Rock County, Wisconsin. Soil site classification was completed using the provisions in Chapter 20 of the American Society of Civil Engineers Standard 7-05 (ASCE Standard 7-05) and downhole shear wave velocity measured by Golder Associates Inc. (Golder) on November 29 , 2011. Golder (2012a) provides the description of the quality assurance program under which this technical memorandum was prepared.


Golder has been contracted by SHINE Medical Technologies to perform geotechnical , hydrological , and seismic services for the proposed m edical isotope production facility investigation site near Janesville , Wisconsin. Part of the work contracted includes a soil site classification for the application of the seismic design requirements of the 20091nternational Building Code (IBC 2009) and ASCE Standard 7-05. Golder has advanced 15 soil borings (1 0 geotechnical borings , one cased boring for vertical seismic profiling and four additio nal borings , which were converted to groundwater monitoring wells) at the Janesville site. Boring depths range from 60 feet (18m) to 221 feet ( 67 m) below ground surface (bgs). The locations and Records of B oreholes are presented in Golder's preliminary geotechnical report (Golder 2012b). The Record of Cased Hole VSP-01 , other site Records of 8 oreholes and grain size distributions indicate that in general the upper 100 feet (30m) of the site soils are compact to very dense , brown , moist to wet , fine to medium grained sand with little gravel (Golder 2012b). As part of th e field investigation program , Golder also undertook downhole velocity profiling in cased borehole VSP-01 to support classification of the site soil conditions for the evaluation of soil Site Class required for application of ASCE Standard 7-05. Because ASCE Standard 7-05 defines soil Site Class p transfer 8-3-12\113-81051 updated srte e la n memo 3 8U Q USt 2Q12.dOCX\113-8105 U PDATED Site Class Memo Golder Associates Inc. 230 Commerce , Suite 200 Irvine , CA 92602 USA Tel: (7 14) 508-4400 Fax: (7 14) 508-4401 Golder Associates

Operations in Africa , Asia , Australasia , Europe, North America and South Amer i ca Golder , Golder Associates and the GA globe design are trademarks of Golder Assoc i ates Corporat i on Richard Vann Bynum SHINE Medical Technologies 2 113-81051 August 3, 2012 based on the average geotechnical properties for the 1 00 feet (30 m) of soil below the ground surface , only the upper 100 feet (30 m) are described and evaluated in this memorandum. Vertical seismic profiling was performed on site by Go lder personnel on November 29 , 2011. The meth odology and results of the downhole velocity profiling tests are provided in Attachment A. Calcul ations of soil Site Class are provided in Attachment B. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK Golder selected to use average shear wave velocity to develop the soil Site Class because this parameter is the one most closely linked to the likely response of the soil to earthq uake ground shaking. Average shear wave velocity is one of the four methods listed in ASCE Standard 7-05 , Chapter 20 , Section 20.4 that are applied to classify soils within the upper 100ft (30 m). Shear wave velocity data were collected from the downhole velocity profiles as shown in Table A-1 of Attachment A. The average shear wave velocity was calculated by entering the incremental shear wave velocity values into a Microsoft ExcelŽ spreadsheet , and using a mathematical function in accordance with ASCE Standard 7-05 , Chapter 20 , Section 20.4.1. Equation 20. 4-1 was used to evaluate the soil Site Class (Table B-1 in Attachment B). The result was verified via calculations by hand (Attachment B). We note that the maximum depth of the evaluated shear wave field data is 100.5 ft (30.6 m). Although this depth exceeds the parameter of 100ft (30.5 m) specified in ASCE Standard 7-05 by half a foot (0.1 m), any potential slight variation in average velocity due to these additional six inches are considered negligible for the purpose of this study. In addition , the soil Site Class was substantiated by calculating the average standard penetration resistance for cohesion less soil layers by entering the incremental N-values into a Microsoft ExcelŽ spreadsheet and using a mathematical function in accordance with ASCE Standard 7-05, Chapter 20, Section 20.4.2. Equation 20.4-3 was used to determine the soil Site Class (Tables B-2 and B-3 in Attachment B). values were as reported in the Records of Borehole G11-05 and G11-06 (Golder 2012b) that are reproduced in Attachment Bas Figures B-1 and B-2 , respectively. 2.1 SITE SOIL CLASSIFICATION Soil Site Cia ss was determined in accordance with ASCE Standard 7-05 , Chapter 20 , Section 20.3 including Table 20.3-1 based on the average shear wave velocity of the up per 100ft (3 0 m) of the soil profile. The six soil Site Classes range from Site Class A to Site Class F. Average shear wave velocity (ils) in the upper 100.5 feet (30 m) wa s calculated in accordance with ASCE Standard 7-05 , Chapter 20 , Section 20.4.1, equation 20.4-1: (equation 20.4-1) where v 5 is the average shear wave velocity in ft/s ctJGolder Associates Richard Vann Bynum SHINE Medical Technologies 3 d; is the thickness (ft) of any layer between 0 and 100ft (0 and 100.5 ft for this study) Vs; is the shear wave velocity in ft/s and .Li=1 d; is equal to 100ft (1 00.5 ft for this study) 113-81051 August 3, 2012 The soil Site Class was further substantiated by calculating the average standard penetration resistance for cohesionless soillaye rs in accordance with ASCE Standard 7-05 , Chapter 20 , Section 20.4.2 , equation 20.4-3: N ch di t=lNi (equation 20.4-3) where N c h is the average standard penetration resistance for cohesionless soil layers in blows/ft d; = d 5 where d 5 is the total thickness (ft) of cohesion less soil layers in the top 100ft d; is the thickness (ft) of any layer between 0 and 100ft N; is the standard penetration resistance in blows/ft N-values from the upper 100 feet (30m) provided in the Records of Borehole G11-05 and G11-06 were evaluated to determine soil Site Class. Thes e boreholes are both located about 50ft from VSP-01 (Golder 2012b). Data and calculated average N-values are shown in Tables B-2 and B-3 of Attachment B , and are based on th e standard penetration resistance as directly measured in the field without corrections. 3.0 RESULTS The ifs for the soil profile measured in VSP-01 is 1 , 081 ft/s (330 m/s) based on a total of 34 layers over 100.5 feet (30.6 m) as shown in Table B-1 of Attachment B. This ifs value lies between 600 and 1 , 200 ft/s (183 and 366 m/s), indicating a soil Site Class D, stiff soil , based on ASCE Standard 7-05 , Chapter 20 , Section 20.3 , Table 20.3-1. Calculations made by hand verify that the ifs for the soil profile measured in VSP-01 is also 1 , 081 ft/s (330 m/s) and are included in Attachment B. The average standard penetration resistances for cohesionless soil layers for boreholes G11-05 and G11-06 are 29.3 blows /ft (Table B-2) and 25.5 blows/ft (Table B-3), respectively , as also shown in Attachment B. These calculated values for the average standard penetration resistance for cohesionless soil layers are both betwee n 15 and 50 blows/ft that additionally indicate that the site soil is Site Class D , stiff soil , based on ASCE Standard 7-05 , Chapter 20 , Section 20.3 , Table 20.3-1. lA\ Golder \2JIAssoaates Richard Vann Bynum SHINE Medical Technologies


4 113-81051 August 3 , 2012 ASCE Standard 7-05. 2006. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures , Reston , VA: American Society of Civil Engineers/Structural Engineering Institute 7-05 , 388 pp. Golder (Golder Associates Inc.). 2012a. Quality Assurance Program Description (QAPD), prepared for SHINE Medical Technologies , dated January 12. Duluth MN: Golder. Golder (Golder Associates Inc.) 2012b. Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report , Janesville , Wisconsin , Golder Report 6 , Project No. 113-81051 , Rev 3 , Golder Associates Inc., August 3 , 2012. IBC 2009 (International Building Code). 2009. International Code Council , Inc., International Building Code (IBC), USA , 676 pp. 5.0 APPENDICES ATTACHMENT A: Vertical Seismic Profiling Test Results ATTACHMENT B: Calculations of Soil Site Class for Proposed SHINE Medical Technologies Site ATTACHMENT A VERTICAL SEISMIC PROFILING TEST RESULTS

.Golder Associates TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM DATE July 23 , 2012 TO FROM cc PROJECT NO. COMPANY ADDRESS GOLDER REPORT NO. 113-81051 SHINE Medical Technologies 8123 Forsythia St. Suite 140 Middleton , WI 53562 113-81051 GR3 , Revision 3 , 8/3/12 RE: VERTICAL SEISMIC PROFILING TEST RESULTS ATTACHMENT A OF GOLDER REPORT GP1, REVISION 5, 8/3/12 (SITE SOIL CLASSIFICATION FOR SEISMIC DESIGN) This technical memorandum presents the results of the vertical seismic profile (VSP) testing performed at the proposed SHINE Medical Technologies Proposed Medical isotope Production Facility Investigation site located at Rock County , Wisconsin. VSP testing was completed in VSP-01 on November 29 , 2011. VSP-01 was cased with a PVC pipe and grouted in place. Adjacent borehole and water well logs , as well as soil laboratory tests , indicate that the subsurface soil consists of compact to very dense sand throughout the borehole. Methodology For the VSP method , seismic energy is generated at the ground surface by an active seismic source and recorded by a geophone located in a nearby borehole at a known depth (Figure A-1 ). The active seismic source can be either compression or shear-wave. The tim e required for the energy to travel from the source to the receiver (geophone) provides a measurement of the average compression or shear-wave seismic velocity of the medium between the source and the receiver. Data obtaine d from different geophone depths are used to calculate ad etailed vertical sei smic velocity profile of the subsurface in the immediate vicinity of th e test borehole. The high resolution results of a VSP surv ey are commonly used to classify the site soil conditions as part of many national building codes and engineering design standards. Golder Associates ltd. 2390 Argentia Road. Mississauga , Ontario , Canada L5N 5Z7 Tel: +1 (905) 567 444 4 Fax: +1 (905) 567 6561 Golder Associates

Operations In Africa, Asia , Australasia , Europe , North America and South America Golder , Golder Associates and the GA globe design are trademarks of Golder Assoc i ates Corporation. . )

Richard Vann Bynum SHINE Medical Technologies Figure A-1: Layout and resulting time traces from a hypothetical VSP survey Field Work 113-81051 August 3 , 2012 The field work was completed on November 29 , 2011 by personnel from the Golder Mi ssissauga , Ontario and Duluth , Minnesota offices. Both compression and shear wave seismic sources were used , and both sources were located in close vicinity to VSP-01. The seismi c source for the compression wave test consisted of a 12 pound (5.5 kil ogram) sledge hammer vertically impacted on a metal plate. The plate was located 4.8 feet from VSP-01. The seismic source for the shear-wave test consisted of the same 12 pound sledge hammer horizontally impacted on alternate ends of a wooden beam to induce polarized shear-waves. The wooden beam , 8 feet long by 6 inches square , was located 4.8 feet from the VSP-01, and coupled to the ground surface by parking a vehicl e on top of it. Test measurements started at 1.5 feet below the ground surface. Data we re recorded in the borehole with a 3-component receiver spaced sequentially at 3-foot intervals below the g round surface , and extended to the maximum depth of the casing in VSP-01 (1 03.5 feet). The seismic records collected for each source location were stacked a minimum of 1 0 times to minimize the effects of ambient background seismic noise on the collected data. The data wa s sampled at 2. 08 x1 o-2 millisecond intervals. A total time window of 0.341 seconds was collected for each seismic shot record. -. 2/6 -Golder Associates Richard Vann Bynum SHINE Medical Technologies Data Processing Processing of the VSP test results consisted of the following main steps: 113-81051 August 3 , 2012 1) Combination of seismic records to present seismic traces for all depth intervals on a single plot for each seismic source and for each component

2) Low Pass Filtering of data to remove spurious high frequency noise 3) First break picking of the compression and shear-wave arrivals 4) Calculation of the average compression and shear-wave velocity to each tested depth interval Processing of the VSP data was completed using the Seislmager/SW software package (Geometries Inc. -Version -January 24 , 2011 ). The plots of the seismic records are presented in Figures A-2 and A-3. These figures show the fi rst break picks of the compression wave and shear wave arrivals overlaid on the seismic waveform traces recorded at the different ge ophone depths. The arrivals were picked on the vertica I component for the compression source and on the two horizontal components for the shear source. 3/6 f!!JJ Golder \Z7i\ssociates Richard Vann Bynum SHINE Medical Technologies Source= O.Oft T i me (ms) -10 10 30 50 70 90 1 10 130 0 5 10 15 v \. \, 20 25 30 35 40 45 g 50 1\. 1\. r---\ \ \ \ !A. \ r------.,....


\. v V' !A. \ \ Q) 55 0 c 60 <<l r 1\ .,.... ..... 65 (/) 0 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 \ (!;;{ 0 \. Y>>; VM /'lv /' /'v /'

"'"' l/\::: J'< _,../\ ...._.. 150 113-81051 August 3 , 2012 Figure A-2: First brea k pi c ks o f compre s sion wave arrivals (purple) along the seismi c traces recorded at each receiver depth 4/6 =K_c:* I?JJ_. Golder \2P Associates Richard Vann Bynum SHINE Medical Technologies g Q) 0 c: l1l -(/) 0 Source= O.Oft -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 30 50 Time (ms) 70 90 110 130 150 1 13-81051 August3 , 2012 Figure A-3: First break picks of shear wave arrivals (red) along the seismic traces recorded at each receiver depth Results The VSP results from VSP-01 are summarized and listed in Table A-1. The shear wave and compression wave layer velocities were calculated in 3-foot intervals by best-fitting a theoretical travel time model to the field data collected. The depths presented on the tables are relative to the ground surface at the time of measurement. The estimated dynamic engineering moduli , based on the calculated wave velocities , are also listed in Table A-1. The engineering moduli were calculated using an estimated bulk density based on borehole logs from adjacent boreholes , but a detailed geotechnical investigation would be necessary to determine a more accurate density for each layer. A bulk density of 118.6 lbstte was estimated over the entire depth of the borehole. See the attached record of cased hole for additional information regarding borehole VSP-01 (Figure A-4). 5/6 lfll __ Golder \Z7 Associates Richard Vann Bynum SHINE Medical Technologies Closure 113-81051 August 3 , 2012 Golder trusts that these results meet your current needs. If you have any questions or require clarification of the information provided , please contact the undersigned at your convenience. GOLDER ASSOCIATES L TO. Attachments

1. Figure A-4-Record of Cased Hole VSP-01 2. Table A-1-VSP Survey Results-Borehole VSP-01 \\dul1-s-fs1-vmlprojectslprojects\20111113-81051 shinelseismicla1

-appendix a geophys i cal vsp survey (revised).docx 6/6

April 2012TABLE A-1VSP SURVEY RESULTS - BOREHOLE VSP-01SHINE PROJECTJANESVILLE, WISCONSIN 113-81051TopBottomCompression Wave (ft/s)Shear Wave (ft/s)

Poissons RatioShear Modulus (MPa)Deformation Modulus (MPa)Bulk Modulus (MPa)01.5886459118.60.323798891.54.51148525118.60.37491331684.57.51640820118.60.33119317317 7.510.519691050118.60.3019550642510.513.522971181118.60.3224665060313.516.522971083118.60.3620756265516.519.523951050118.60.38195537753 19.522.523951050118.60.38195537753 22.525.51476820118.60.28119303226 25.528.517391115118.60.15220505241 28.531.517391115118.60.15220505241 31.534.518041115118.60.19220523282 34.537.519691148118.60.24233578374 37.540.519691148118.60.24233578374 40.543.519691148118.60.24233578374 43.546.519691148118.60.24233578374 46.549.519691148118.60.24233578374 49.552.520671148118.60.28233594444 52.555.522971148118.60.33233621621 55.558.524611148118.60.36233633758 58.561.524611148118.60.36233633758 61.564.524611148118.60.36233633758 64.567.524611148118.60.36233633758 67.570.523621148118.60.3523362667570.573.542651148118.60.46233680290073.576.542651148118.60.462336802900 76.579.549211148118.60.472336853964 79.582.552491148118.60.472336864553 82.585.552491148118.60.472336864553 85.588.555771148118.60.48233688518088.591.562341312118.60.483048986453 91.594.562341476118.60.4738511316345 94.597.562341804118.60.4557516726092 97.5100.562341804118.60.4557516726092100.5103.562341804118.60.4557516726092Layer Depth (ft)Dynamic Engineering PropertiesEstimated Bulk Density (lbs/ft 3)0.10Average Wave VelocityNotes1. Depth presented relat ive to ground surface.2. This Table to be analyzed in conjunction with the accompanying report.

0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 Time (s)

Depth (ft)Field ShearModel ShearField CompressionModel CompressionGolder Associates

Site Classification for Seismic oesign SHINE Proposed Medical Isotope Facility (after American Society of Civil Engineers

[ASCE) Standard 7 ..()5 Chapter 20, Sections 20.3 and 20.4.1) Shear Wave VelOCities ( Ps) From VSP.01 Site Class Determination of VSP.01 us1ng equation :.<U.4* or '-'napteuu,

.<U.4. 1n A:>'-'t:

r-u:.: Top Bottom Layer Depth Depth (ft) Thickness (It) (It) 0 1.5 1.5 1.5 4.5 3 4.5 7.5 3 7.5 10.5 3 10.5 13.5 3 13.5 16.5 3 16.5 19.5 3 19.5 22.5 3 22.5 25.5 3 25.5 28.5 3 28.5 31.5 3 31.5 34.5 3 34.5 37.5 3 37.5 40.5 3 40.5 43.5 3 43.5 48.5 3 48.5 49.5 3 49.5 52.5 3 52.5 55.5 3 55.5 58.5 3 58.5 61.5 3 61.5 64.5 3 64.5 67.5 3 67.5 70.5 3 70.5 73.5 3 73.5 76.5 3 76.5 79.5 3 79.5 82.5 3 82.5 85.5 3 85.5 88.5 3 88.5 91.5 3 91.5 94.5 3 94.5 97.5 3 97.5 100.5 3 Vs (ftls) 459 525 820 1 , 050 1 , 181 1,083 1050 1050 820 1,115 1115 1,115 1148 1148 1148 1148 1148 1 ,1 48 1148 1148 1,148 1148 1148 1,148 1,148 1148 1 , 148 1148 1 1 48 1148 1,312 1476 1804 1804 ...tlere -I:f=t dt V s = ---;;-ci;" Lt=l Vst (equation 20.4-1) Vs i s the average shear wave velocity in ftls dt i s the thickness of any layer between 0 and 100.5 ft V s t i s the shear wave ve l ocity I n ft/s I d 1 is equal to 100.5 fl. or the sum of layer thicknesses

  • -* V s = 1,081 ft/s The soli Is S i te Class D because the average shear wave velocity lies I n the appropriate range listed below: S i mplified Site Classification teken from Table 20.3-1 of Chapter 20 , Section 20.3 1 n ASCE Stendard 7-05: SHe Class A >5000flls 8 2 500to 5 000 fils c 1.200 to 2,500 fils D 600 to 1,200 fils E <600flls Table B-1 Golder Associates ( JOb No.

8'1C>S' I Made by li ' Date o 3 .;2..9 ?..01 :4 1 1 Site Classification for Seismic Desian SHINE Proposed Medical Isotope Facility (after American Sociely of Civil Engin88fS (ASCE) Standard 7-05 Chapter 20, Sections 20.3 and 20.4.2) N*Values Determined From Record of Borehole G11-05 Depth Layer N (ft) (blowslft)

Oto 1 1 20 1102 1 20 2 to3 1 20 3104 1 20 4 to5 1 26 5 loS 1 26 6to7 1 26 7to8 1 26 8to9 1 26 91010 1 20 10to11 1 20 11 to12 1 20 t2to13 1 20 131014 1 19 141015 1 19 15to16 1 19 16to 17 1 19 171018 1 19 181019 1 30 19to 20 1 30 2010 21 1 30 21 to22 1 30 22 to 23 1 27 23 to 24 1 27 24 to 25 1 27 25to26 1 27 26 to 27 1 27 27 to 28 1 27 28 to 29 1 24 2910 30 1 24 3010 31 1 24 31 to 32 1 24 32 to 33 1 24 33 to 34 1 32 34 to 35 1 32 35 to 36 1 32 36 to 37 1 32 37 to 38 1 32 38 to 39 1 30 39 to 40 1 30 401041 1 30 41to42 1 30 42 to 43 1 30 431044 1 21 44 to 45 1 21 45 to 46 1 21 46 to 47 1 21 4710 46 1 24 48 to 49 1 24 49 to 50 1 24 50 to 51 1 24 51 to 52 1 24 52 to 53 1 24 53 to 54 1 24 54 to 55 1 24 55 to 56 1 46 56 to 57 1 46 57 to 58 1 46 58 to 59 1 46 59to60 1 46 60to61 1 46 61 to62 1 46 62 to 63 1 46 63to64 1 46 64 to 65 1 46 65to66 1 34 66 to 67 1 34 67 to 68 1 34 68to69 1 34 691070 1 34 70to71 1 34 71 to72 1 34 72 to 73 1 34 7310 74 1 34 74 to 75 1 34 75 to 76 1 24 76 to 77 1 24 77 to 78 1 24 78 to 79 1 24 79 to 80 1 24 80to81 1 24 81 to82 1 24 82to 83 1 24 83to84 1 24 84 to85 1 24 85 to86 1 100 86 to87 1 100 87 to88 1 100 88to 89 1 100 89to90 1 100 90to91 1 100 91 to92 1 100 92to93 1 100 93 to 94 1 100 94to95 1 100 95 to 96 1 43 96to97 1 43 97 to 98 1 43 981099 1 43 9910100 1 43 Silo Class Detonnlna11on of Borahote G11-05 Using equation 20.4-3 of Chapter 20, Section 20.4.2 in ASCE Standard 7 ..05: (equation 20.4*3) where Nch is the average standard penetration resistance for cohesionless soil layers (blows/ft) t d, = ds where ds is the total thickness of coheslonless soil layers in the top 100ft (30m} d, is the layer thictmess (ft) Nl is the standard penetration resistance (btowslft)

N ch= 29.3 blows/It The soli Is Site Class 0 because the average standard pen-lon resistance lies in the appropriate range listed below: Slmplfied Site Cfassifatlon taken from Table 20.3-1 of Chapter 20, Section 20.3 in ASCE Standard 7-05: Site Class N,. A NIA B N/A c >SO 0 15to50 E < 15 (iilch lnbiOwslft)

Table B-2 Site Classification for Seismic Deslan SHINE Proposed Medical Isotope Facility (after American Society of Civil Engineers

[ASCE) Standard 7.05 Chapter 20, Sections 20.3 and 20.4.2) N*Values Determined From Record of Borehole G11-06 Depth Layer N Thickness (ft) (ft) (blows/It)

Oto1 1 6 1to2 1 6 2to3 1 21 3 to4 1 21 4to 5 1 40 5to6 1 40 6to 7 1 40 7to 8 1 40 8to9 1 23 9to 10 1 23 tOto 11 1 17 lito 12 1 17 12to 13 1 19 13to 14 1 19 14to 15 1 18 t5to 16 1 18 16to 17 1 22 17to 18 1 22 18to 19 1 17 19to20 1 17 20to 21 1 17 21 to22 1 17 22to 23 1 20 23to 24 1 20 24to 25 1 21 25to26 1 21 26to 27 1 17 27to 28 1 17 28to29 1 17 29to 30 1 17 30to 31 1 27 31to 32 1 27 32to 33 1 35 33to 34 1 35 34to 35 1 29 35to 36 1 29 36to 37 1 25 37to36 1 25 38to39 1 25 39to 40 1 25 40 to41 1 29 41to42 1 29 42to 43 1 31 43 to44 1 31 44to 45 1 31 45to46 1 31 46 to 47 1 31 47to 48 1 31 48to 49 1 26 49to50 1 26 50 to 51 1 26 51 to 52 1 26 52 to 53 1 26 53 to 54 1 26 54 to 55 1 26 55 to 56 1 26 56 to 57 1 26 57 to 56 1 26 58 to 59 1 26 59 to 60 1 26 60to61 1 26 61to62 1 26 62to 63 1 26 63to64 1 26 64to65 1 26 65to66 1 24 66to 67 1 24 67to 68 1 24 68to69 1 24 69to 70 1 24 70to 71 1 24 71 to 72 1 24 72to 73 1 24 73to 74 1 24 74to 75 1 24 75to 76 1 48 76 to 77 1 48 77to 78 1 48 78to 79 1 48 79to 80 1 48 80to81 1 48 81to82 1 48 82to 83 1 48 83to 84 1 48 84to85 1 48 85to86 1 78 86to87 1 78 87to 88 1 78 86to89 1 78 89to 90 1 78 90to91 1 78 91 to92 1 78 92to 93 1 78 93to94 1 78 94to95 1 78 95 to 96 1 28 96to 97 1 28 97to 98 1 28 98to99 1 28 99to 100 1 28 Stte Class Determination of Borehole G11-06 Using equation 20.4-3 of Chapter 20, Section 20.4.2 In ASCE Standard 7.05: (equation 20.4-3) -re Nch is the average standard penetratton resistance for cohesiontess soil layers (bfowslft) t ds = ds where ds is the total thk:kness of coheskmless soil layers in the top 100ft (30m) d, is the layer thicl<ness (ft) Ni is the standard penetration resistance (blows/ft) lii ch= 25.5 blows/11 The soli Is Site Class D because the average standerd penetration resistance lies In the appropriate range llstad below: Simplified Site Classification taken from TabS& 20.3-1 of Chapter 20, Section 20.3 in ASCE Standard 7..05: Site Class N,, A NIA B NIA c >so 0 15to50 e < 15 Table B-3

Appendix E Field Hydrology Testing Results TROLL 500 DATA LOGGER INFORMATION FROM SLUG TESTS IN WELLS SM-GW1A, SM-GW2A, and SM-GW3A SM-GW1A Report Date: 1/10/2012 14:35:46 Report User Name: bdershowitz

Report Computer Name: SEA1-L-BDERSH

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version: Log File Properties:

File Name: MW-1.wsl

Create Date: 12/22/2011 11:40:42 Device Properties:

Device: Level TROLL 700

Site: Shine Janesville

Device Name:

Serial Number: 135443

Firmware Version: 2.07 Hardware Version: 3 Device Address: 1

Device Comm Cfg: 19200,8,Even,1,(Modbus-RTU)

Used Memory(%): 100

Used Battery(%): 20 Log Configuration Log Name: MW-1

Created By: SHeuer

Computer Name: WOO1-L-SHEUER

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Create Date: 12/22/2011 8:21:12 Pacific Standard Time Log Setup Time Zone: Central Standard Time Notes Size(bytes): 4096

Overwrite when full: Disabled

Scheduled Start Time: Manual Start

Scheduled Stop Time: No Stop Time

Type: Fast Linear Interval: Days: 0 hrs: 00 mins: 00 secs: 00.250 Level Reference Settings At Log Creation Level Measurement Mode: Depth Specific Gravity: 0.999 Other Log Settings Depth of Probe: 0.094504 (ft)

Head Pressure: 0.282196 (kPa)

Temperature: 20.1856 (C)


Log Notes:

Date and Time Note


12/22/2011 8:21:18 Sensor SN: 135443 Factory calibration has expired.: 8/19/2009 3:59:36

12/22/2011 8:21:18 Used Battery: 20% Used Memory: 92% User Name: SHeuer

12/22/2011 11:13:22 User Note: "MW-1 in 1" 12/22/2011 11:17:05 User Note: "MW-1 out 1" 12/22/2011 11:19:04 User Note: "MW-1 in 2" 12/22/2011 11:36:20 Manual Start Command 12/22/2011 11:39:58 Used Battery: 20% Used Memory: 92% User Name: SHeuer 12/22/2011 11:39:59 Manual Stop Command


Log Data:

Record Count: 875

Sensors: 1 1 - 135443: Pressure/Temp 30 PSIG (21m/69ft)

Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time Sensor: Pres(G) 69ft Sensor: Pres(G) 69ft Elapsed Time SN#: 135443 SN#: 135443

Date and Time Seconds Depth (ft) Pressure (kPa)

------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

12/22/2011 11:36:20.998 0.000 7.114 21.244 12/22/2011 11:36:21.248 0.250 7.113 21.241

12/22/2011 11:36:21.498 0.500 7.117 21.252

12/22/2011 11:36:21.748 0.750 7.116 21.249 12/22/2011 11:36:21.998 1.000 7.116 21.249 12/22/2011 11:36:22.248 1.250 7.116 21.248 12/22/2011 11:36:22.498 1.500 7.113 21.239 12/22/2011 11:36:22.748 1.750 7.116 21.250

12/22/2011 11:36:22.998 2.000 7.113 21.239

12/22/2011 11:36:23.248 2.250 7.113 21.241

12/22/2011 11:36:23.498 2.500 7.113 21.239

12/22/2011 11:36:23.748 2.750 7.114 21.243 12/22/2011 11:36:23.998 3.000 7.481 22.340 12/22/2011 11:36:24.248 3.250 7.540 22.515

12/22/2011 11:36:24.498 3.500 7.285 21.753

12/22/2011 11:36:24.748 3.750 7.233 21.598

12/22/2011 11:36:24.998 4.000 7.207 21.522

12/22/2011 11:36:25.248 4.250 7.191 21.471 12/22/2011 11:36:25.498 4.500 7.173 21.419 12/22/2011 11:36:25.748 4.750 7.164 21.392

12/22/2011 11:36:26.108 5.110 7.135 21.305

12/22/2011 11:36:26.328 5.330 7.140 21.322

12/22/2011 11:36:26.551 5.553 7.146 21.339

12/22/2011 11:36:26.783 5.785 7.141 21.324 12/22/2011 11:36:27.002 6.004 7.121 21.263 12/22/2011 11:36:27.248 6.250 7.123 21.270

12/22/2011 11:36:27.498 6.500 7.127 21.282

12/22/2011 11:36:27.748 6.750 7.127 21.282 12/22/2011 11:36:27.998 7.000 7.125 21.275 12/22/2011 11:36:28.248 7.250 7.121 21.263

12/22/2011 11:36:28.498 7.500 7.127 21.281 12/22/2011 11:36:28.748 7.750 7.121 21.264 12/22/2011 11:36:28.998 8.000 7.119 21.257

12/22/2011 11:36:29.248 8.250 7.121 21.264

12/22/2011 11:36:29.498 8.500 7.116 21.250

12/22/2011 11:36:29.748 8.750 7.120 21.262 12/22/2011 11:36:29.998 9.000 7.122 21.267 12/22/2011 11:36:30.248 9.250 7.118 21.256 12/22/2011 11:36:30.498 9.500 7.120 21.260

12/22/2011 11:36:30.748 9.750 7.117 21.253

12/22/2011 11:36:30.998 10.000 7.116 21.249

12/22/2011 11:36:31.248 10.250 7.116 21.249

12/22/2011 11:36:31.498 10.500 7.113 21.240 12/22/2011 11:36:31.748 10.750 7.117 21.250 12/22/2011 11:36:31.998 11.000 7.114 21.243

12/22/2011 11:36:32.248 11.250 7.112 21.237

12/22/2011 11:36:32.498 11.500 7.113 21.241

12/22/2011 11:36:32.748 11.750 7.110 21.232

12/22/2011 11:36:32.998 12.000 7.111 21.235 12/22/2011 11:36:33.248 12.250 7.108 21.226 12/22/2011 11:36:33.498 12.500 7.113 21.241

12/22/2011 11:36:33.748 12.750 7.112 21.237

12/22/2011 11:36:33.998 13.000 7.110 21.232

12/22/2011 11:36:34.248 13.250 7.111 21.235

12/22/2011 11:36:34.498 13.500 7.109 21.228 12/22/2011 11:36:34.748 13.750 7.110 21.231 12/22/2011 11:36:34.998 14.000 7.114 21.242

12/22/2011 11:36:35.248 14.250 7.114 21.242

12/22/2011 11:36:35.498 14.500 7.113 21.239

12/22/2011 11:36:35.748 14.750 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:36:35.998 15.000 7.110 21.232

12/22/2011 11:36:36.248 15.250 7.108 21.226 12/22/2011 11:36:36.498 15.500 7.112 21.238 12/22/2011 11:36:36.749 15.751 7.114 21.242

12/22/2011 11:36:36.999 16.001 7.110 21.232

12/22/2011 11:36:37.249 16.251 7.108 21.224

12/22/2011 11:36:37.499 16.501 7.107 21.221

12/22/2011 11:36:37.749 16.751 7.108 21.225 12/22/2011 11:36:37.999 17.001 7.107 21.221 12/22/2011 11:36:38.249 17.251 7.112 21.237

12/22/2011 11:36:38.499 17.501 7.111 21.233

12/22/2011 11:36:38.749 17.751 7.112 21.236

12/22/2011 11:36:38.999 18.001 7.114 21.243

12/22/2011 11:36:39.249 18.251 7.113 21.238 12/22/2011 11:36:39.499 18.501 7.109 21.228 12/22/2011 11:36:39.749 18.751 7.110 21.230

12/22/2011 11:36:39.999 19.001 7.109 21.227 12/22/2011 11:36:40.249 19.251 7.110 21.231 12/22/2011 11:36:40.499 19.501 7.110 21.230

12/22/2011 11:36:40.749 19.751 7.110 21.231

12/22/2011 11:36:40.999 20.001 7.109 21.229 12/22/2011 11:36:41.249 20.251 7.113 21.239 12/22/2011 11:36:41.499 20.501 7.108 21.226

12/22/2011 11:36:41.749 20.751 7.107 21.222

12/22/2011 11:36:41.999 21.001 7.109 21.228 12/22/2011 11:36:42.248 21.250 7.107 21.222 12/22/2011 11:36:42.498 21.500 7.109 21.227 12/22/2011 11:36:42.748 21.750 7.110 21.230 12/22/2011 11:36:42.998 22.000 7.110 21.232

12/22/2011 11:36:43.248 22.250 7.111 21.234

12/22/2011 11:36:43.498 22.500 7.111 21.235

12/22/2011 11:36:43.748 22.750 7.108 21.226

12/22/2011 11:36:43.998 23.000 7.110 21.231 12/22/2011 11:36:44.248 23.250 7.109 21.227 12/22/2011 11:36:44.498 23.500 7.115 21.246

12/22/2011 11:36:44.748 23.750 7.106 21.220

12/22/2011 11:36:44.998 24.000 7.112 21.236

12/22/2011 11:36:45.248 24.250 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:36:45.498 24.500 7.110 21.230 12/22/2011 11:36:45.748 24.750 7.110 21.232 12/22/2011 11:36:45.998 25.000 7.110 21.232

12/22/2011 11:36:46.248 25.250 7.111 21.235

12/22/2011 11:36:46.498 25.500 7.112 21.238

12/22/2011 11:36:46.748 25.750 7.110 21.230

12/22/2011 11:36:46.998 26.000 7.112 21.236 12/22/2011 11:36:47.248 26.250 7.110 21.230 12/22/2011 11:36:47.499 26.501 7.112 21.238

12/22/2011 11:36:47.749 26.751 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:36:47.999 27.001 7.108 21.226 12/22/2011 11:36:48.249 27.251 7.110 21.231 12/22/2011 11:36:48.499 27.501 7.110 21.230

12/22/2011 11:36:48.749 27.751 7.109 21.229 12/22/2011 11:36:48.999 28.001 7.110 21.230 12/22/2011 11:36:49.249 28.251 7.110 21.230

12/22/2011 11:36:49.499 28.501 7.113 21.239

12/22/2011 11:36:49.749 28.751 7.110 21.232

12/22/2011 11:36:49.999 29.001 7.111 21.235 12/22/2011 11:36:50.249 29.251 7.113 21.239 12/22/2011 11:36:50.499 29.501 7.111 21.233 12/22/2011 11:36:50.749 29.751 7.111 21.233

12/22/2011 11:36:50.999 30.001 7.114 21.243

12/22/2011 11:36:51.249 30.251 7.113 21.240

12/22/2011 11:36:51.499 30.501 7.110 21.231

12/22/2011 11:36:51.749 30.751 7.111 21.234 12/22/2011 11:36:51.999 31.001 7.108 21.224 12/22/2011 11:36:52.249 31.251 7.111 21.233

12/22/2011 11:36:52.499 31.501 7.111 21.233

12/22/2011 11:36:52.749 31.751 7.111 21.233

12/22/2011 11:36:52.998 32.000 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:36:53.248 32.250 7.108 21.226 12/22/2011 11:36:53.498 32.500 7.110 21.231 12/22/2011 11:36:53.748 32.750 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:36:53.998 33.000 7.110 21.232

12/22/2011 11:36:54.248 33.250 7.111 21.234

12/22/2011 11:36:54.498 33.500 7.112 21.237

12/22/2011 11:36:54.748 33.750 7.112 21.236 12/22/2011 11:36:54.998 34.000 7.107 21.223 12/22/2011 11:36:55.248 34.250 7.110 21.231

12/22/2011 11:36:55.498 34.500 7.107 21.223

12/22/2011 11:36:55.748 34.750 7.110 21.231

12/22/2011 11:36:55.998 35.000 7.109 21.228

12/22/2011 11:36:56.248 35.250 7.110 21.230

12/22/2011 11:36:56.498 35.500 7.109 21.228 12/22/2011 11:36:56.748 35.750 7.107 21.223 12/22/2011 11:36:56.998 36.000 7.109 21.228

12/22/2011 11:36:57.248 36.250 7.109 21.227

12/22/2011 11:36:57.498 36.500 7.108 21.224

12/22/2011 11:36:57.748 36.750 7.111 21.234

12/22/2011 11:36:57.999 37.001 7.111 21.234 12/22/2011 11:36:58.249 37.251 7.111 21.233 12/22/2011 11:36:58.499 37.501 7.112 21.237

12/22/2011 11:36:58.749 37.751 7.111 21.235

12/22/2011 11:36:58.999 38.001 7.110 21.231

12/22/2011 11:36:59.249 38.251 7.110 21.232

12/22/2011 11:36:59.499 38.501 7.108 21.225 12/22/2011 11:36:59.749 38.751 7.112 21.238 12/22/2011 11:36:59.999 39.001 7.111 21.235

12/22/2011 11:37:00.249 39.251 7.111 21.234 12/22/2011 11:37:00.499 39.501 7.113 21.240 12/22/2011 11:37:00.749 39.751 7.116 21.249

12/22/2011 11:37:00.999 40.001 7.110 21.230

12/22/2011 11:37:01.249 40.251 7.114 21.242 12/22/2011 11:37:01.499 40.501 7.111 21.235 12/22/2011 11:37:01.749 40.751 7.111 21.233

12/22/2011 11:37:01.999 41.001 7.110 21.231

12/22/2011 11:37:02.249 41.251 7.114 21.242 12/22/2011 11:37:02.499 41.501 7.112 21.236 12/22/2011 11:37:02.749 41.751 7.115 21.245 12/22/2011 11:37:02.999 42.001 7.112 21.236 12/22/2011 11:37:03.249 42.251 7.109 21.228

12/22/2011 11:37:03.498 42.500 7.112 21.236

12/22/2011 11:37:03.748 42.750 7.110 21.230

12/22/2011 11:37:03.998 43.000 7.111 21.234

12/22/2011 11:37:04.248 43.250 7.112 21.237 12/22/2011 11:37:04.498 43.500 7.110 21.232 12/22/2011 11:37:04.748 43.750 7.108 21.226

12/22/2011 11:37:04.998 44.000 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:37:05.248 44.250 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:37:05.498 44.500 7.111 21.235

12/22/2011 11:37:05.748 44.750 7.110 21.232 12/22/2011 11:37:05.998 45.000 7.108 21.224 12/22/2011 11:37:06.248 45.250 7.109 21.227

12/22/2011 11:37:06.498 45.500 7.111 21.235

12/22/2011 11:37:06.748 45.750 7.110 21.231

12/22/2011 11:37:06.998 46.000 7.110 21.232

12/22/2011 11:37:07.248 46.250 7.109 21.227 12/22/2011 11:37:07.498 46.500 7.109 21.228 12/22/2011 11:37:07.748 46.750 7.108 21.226

12/22/2011 11:37:07.998 47.000 7.111 21.234

12/22/2011 11:37:08.248 47.250 7.109 21.228 12/22/2011 11:37:08.498 47.500 7.107 21.223 12/22/2011 11:37:08.749 47.751 7.110 21.230

12/22/2011 11:37:08.999 48.001 7.112 21.238 12/22/2011 11:37:09.249 48.251 7.109 21.227 12/22/2011 11:37:09.499 48.501 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:37:09.749 48.751 7.107 21.221

12/22/2011 11:37:09.999 49.001 7.110 21.232

12/22/2011 11:37:10.249 49.251 7.108 21.226 12/22/2011 11:37:10.499 49.501 7.110 21.230 12/22/2011 11:37:10.749 49.751 7.108 21.225 12/22/2011 11:37:10.999 50.001 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:37:11.249 50.251 7.107 21.223

12/22/2011 11:37:11.499 50.501 7.108 21.226

12/22/2011 11:37:11.749 50.751 7.108 21.226

12/22/2011 11:37:11.999 51.001 7.108 21.225 12/22/2011 11:37:12.249 51.251 7.110 21.232 12/22/2011 11:37:12.499 51.501 7.110 21.230

12/22/2011 11:37:12.749 51.751 7.110 21.230

12/22/2011 11:37:12.999 52.001 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:37:13.249 52.251 7.110 21.232

12/22/2011 11:37:13.499 52.501 7.108 21.225 12/22/2011 11:37:13.749 52.751 7.110 21.230 12/22/2011 11:37:13.999 53.001 7.110 21.232

12/22/2011 11:37:14.248 53.250 7.104 21.214

12/22/2011 11:37:14.498 53.500 7.108 21.226

12/22/2011 11:37:14.748 53.750 7.107 21.223

12/22/2011 11:37:14.998 54.000 7.109 21.227 12/22/2011 11:37:15.248 54.250 7.108 21.224 12/22/2011 11:37:15.498 54.500 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:37:15.748 54.750 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:37:15.998 55.000 7.108 21.226

12/22/2011 11:37:16.248 55.250 7.108 21.226

12/22/2011 11:37:16.498 55.500 7.109 21.227

12/22/2011 11:37:16.748 55.750 7.107 21.223 12/22/2011 11:37:16.998 56.000 7.110 21.231 12/22/2011 11:37:17.248 56.250 7.110 21.230

12/22/2011 11:37:17.498 56.500 7.111 21.233

12/22/2011 11:37:17.748 56.750 7.106 21.219

12/22/2011 11:37:17.998 57.000 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:37:18.248 57.250 7.110 21.232 12/22/2011 11:37:18.498 57.500 7.110 21.232 12/22/2011 11:37:18.748 57.750 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:37:18.998 58.000 7.108 21.226

12/22/2011 11:37:19.249 58.251 6.922 20.668

12/22/2011 11:37:19.499 58.501 6.952 20.759

12/22/2011 11:37:19.749 58.751 7.056 21.069 12/22/2011 11:37:19.999 59.001 7.096 21.190 12/22/2011 11:37:20.249 59.251 7.024 20.973

12/22/2011 11:37:20.499 59.501 7.114 21.243 12/22/2011 11:37:20.749 59.751 6.992 20.878 12/22/2011 11:37:20.999 60.001 6.866 20.501

12/22/2011 11:37:21.249 60.251 6.912 20.640

12/22/2011 11:37:21.499 60.501 6.967 20.803 12/22/2011 11:37:21.749 60.751 7.007 20.924 12/22/2011 11:37:21.999 61.001 7.033 21.000

12/22/2011 11:37:22.249 61.251 7.048 21.047

12/22/2011 11:37:22.499 61.501 7.063 21.090 12/22/2011 11:37:22.749 61.751 7.068 21.105 12/22/2011 11:37:22.999 62.001 7.077 21.133 12/22/2011 11:37:23.249 62.251 7.084 21.153 12/22/2011 11:37:23.499 62.501 7.083 21.151

12/22/2011 11:37:23.749 62.751 7.089 21.169

12/22/2011 11:37:23.999 63.001 7.094 21.183

12/22/2011 11:37:24.249 63.251 7.097 21.191

12/22/2011 11:37:24.499 63.501 7.100 21.200 12/22/2011 11:37:24.748 63.750 7.099 21.197 12/22/2011 11:37:24.998 64.000 7.099 21.198

12/22/2011 11:37:25.248 64.250 7.100 21.202

12/22/2011 11:37:25.498 64.500 7.101 21.203

12/22/2011 11:37:25.748 64.750 7.100 21.201

12/22/2011 11:37:25.998 65.000 7.102 21.208 12/22/2011 11:37:26.248 65.250 7.103 21.210 12/22/2011 11:37:26.498 65.500 7.105 21.215

12/22/2011 11:37:26.748 65.750 7.103 21.210

12/22/2011 11:37:26.998 66.000 7.103 21.209

12/22/2011 11:37:27.248 66.250 7.103 21.211

12/22/2011 11:37:27.498 66.500 7.104 21.213 12/22/2011 11:37:27.748 66.750 7.105 21.217 12/22/2011 11:37:27.998 67.000 7.104 21.214

12/22/2011 11:37:28.248 67.250 7.103 21.211

12/22/2011 11:37:28.498 67.500 7.104 21.213 12/22/2011 11:37:28.748 67.750 7.105 21.215 12/22/2011 11:37:28.998 68.000 7.104 21.214

12/22/2011 11:37:29.248 68.250 7.106 21.218 12/22/2011 11:37:29.498 68.500 7.106 21.218 12/22/2011 11:37:29.749 68.751 7.105 21.216

12/22/2011 11:37:29.998 69.000 7.107 21.223

12/22/2011 11:37:30.248 69.250 7.106 21.219

12/22/2011 11:37:30.498 69.500 7.107 21.221 12/22/2011 11:37:30.748 69.750 7.106 21.219 12/22/2011 11:37:30.998 70.000 7.107 21.223 12/22/2011 11:37:31.248 70.250 7.106 21.219

12/22/2011 11:37:31.498 70.500 7.106 21.219

12/22/2011 11:37:31.748 70.750 7.107 21.223

12/22/2011 11:37:31.998 71.000 7.108 21.224

12/22/2011 11:37:32.248 71.250 7.107 21.221 12/22/2011 11:37:32.498 71.500 7.106 21.220 12/22/2011 11:37:32.748 71.750 7.104 21.213

12/22/2011 11:37:32.998 72.000 7.105 21.216

12/22/2011 11:37:33.248 72.250 7.105 21.215

12/22/2011 11:37:33.498 72.500 7.106 21.218

12/22/2011 11:37:33.748 72.750 7.104 21.214 12/22/2011 11:37:33.998 73.000 7.104 21.214 12/22/2011 11:37:34.248 73.250 7.107 21.223

12/22/2011 11:37:34.498 73.500 7.105 21.217

12/22/2011 11:37:34.748 73.750 7.107 21.222

12/22/2011 11:37:34.998 74.000 7.107 21.222

12/22/2011 11:37:35.248 74.250 7.107 21.221 12/22/2011 11:37:35.498 74.500 7.108 21.224 12/22/2011 11:37:35.748 74.750 7.105 21.216

12/22/2011 11:37:35.998 75.000 7.107 21.221

12/22/2011 11:37:36.248 75.250 7.107 21.223

12/22/2011 11:37:36.498 75.500 7.105 21.217

12/22/2011 11:37:36.748 75.750 7.107 21.222

12/22/2011 11:37:36.998 76.000 7.106 21.220 12/22/2011 11:37:37.248 76.250 7.106 21.218 12/22/2011 11:37:37.498 76.500 7.105 21.216

12/22/2011 11:37:37.748 76.750 7.105 21.217

12/22/2011 11:37:37.998 77.000 7.107 21.221

12/22/2011 11:37:38.248 77.250 7.106 21.218

12/22/2011 11:37:38.498 77.500 7.106 21.219 12/22/2011 11:37:38.748 77.750 7.108 21.226 12/22/2011 11:37:38.998 78.000 7.103 21.211

12/22/2011 11:37:39.248 78.250 7.109 21.227

12/22/2011 11:37:39.498 78.500 7.106 21.219

12/22/2011 11:37:39.748 78.750 7.107 21.221

12/22/2011 11:37:39.998 79.000 7.105 21.215 12/22/2011 11:37:40.248 79.250 7.107 21.223 12/22/2011 11:37:40.499 79.501 7.109 21.228

12/22/2011 11:37:40.749 79.751 7.106 21.219 12/22/2011 11:37:40.999 80.001 7.105 21.216 12/22/2011 11:37:41.249 80.251 7.109 21.228

12/22/2011 11:37:41.499 80.501 7.107 21.221

12/22/2011 11:37:41.749 80.751 7.104 21.212 12/22/2011 11:37:41.999 81.001 7.106 21.219 12/22/2011 11:37:42.249 81.251 7.110 21.231

12/22/2011 11:37:42.499 81.501 7.103 21.210

12/22/2011 11:37:42.749 81.751 7.107 21.221 12/22/2011 11:37:42.999 82.001 7.105 21.215 12/22/2011 11:37:43.249 82.251 7.107 21.222 12/22/2011 11:37:43.499 82.501 7.106 21.218 12/22/2011 11:37:43.749 82.751 7.105 21.217

12/22/2011 11:37:43.999 83.001 7.107 21.221

12/22/2011 11:37:44.249 83.251 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:37:44.499 83.501 7.106 21.219

12/22/2011 11:37:44.749 83.751 7.104 21.213 12/22/2011 11:37:44.999 84.001 7.107 21.223 12/22/2011 11:37:45.249 84.251 7.106 21.219

12/22/2011 11:37:45.499 84.501 7.106 21.220

12/22/2011 11:37:45.749 84.751 7.104 21.214

12/22/2011 11:37:45.998 85.000 7.104 21.214

12/22/2011 11:37:46.248 85.250 7.107 21.222 12/22/2011 11:37:46.498 85.500 7.107 21.222 12/22/2011 11:37:46.748 85.750 7.104 21.213

12/22/2011 11:37:46.998 86.000 7.110 21.230

12/22/2011 11:37:47.248 86.250 7.107 21.222

12/22/2011 11:37:47.498 86.500 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:37:47.748 86.750 7.107 21.222 12/22/2011 11:37:47.998 87.000 7.106 21.218 12/22/2011 11:37:48.248 87.250 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:37:48.498 87.500 7.107 21.223

12/22/2011 11:37:48.748 87.750 7.107 21.222 12/22/2011 11:37:48.998 88.000 7.109 21.227 12/22/2011 11:37:49.248 88.250 7.107 21.221

12/22/2011 11:37:49.498 88.500 7.102 21.208 12/22/2011 11:37:49.748 88.750 7.107 21.222 12/22/2011 11:37:49.998 89.000 7.108 21.224

12/22/2011 11:37:50.248 89.250 7.108 21.226

12/22/2011 11:37:50.498 89.500 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:37:50.748 89.750 7.108 21.225 12/22/2011 11:37:50.998 90.000 7.107 21.223 12/22/2011 11:37:51.248 90.250 7.106 21.219 12/22/2011 11:37:51.498 90.500 7.105 21.217

12/22/2011 11:37:51.748 90.750 7.110 21.230

12/22/2011 11:37:51.998 91.000 7.106 21.219

12/22/2011 11:37:52.248 91.250 7.107 21.223

12/22/2011 11:37:52.498 91.500 7.109 21.227 12/22/2011 11:37:52.748 91.750 7.104 21.214 12/22/2011 11:37:52.998 92.000 7.105 21.216

12/22/2011 11:37:53.248 92.250 7.106 21.218

12/22/2011 11:37:53.498 92.500 7.108 21.224

12/22/2011 11:37:53.748 92.750 7.105 21.215

12/22/2011 11:37:53.998 93.000 7.108 21.224 12/22/2011 11:37:54.248 93.250 7.109 21.227 12/22/2011 11:37:54.498 93.500 7.108 21.224

12/22/2011 11:37:54.748 93.750 7.107 21.222

12/22/2011 11:37:54.998 94.000 7.107 21.222

12/22/2011 11:37:55.248 94.250 7.105 21.216

12/22/2011 11:37:55.498 94.500 7.108 21.226 12/22/2011 11:37:55.748 94.750 7.107 21.223 12/22/2011 11:37:55.998 95.000 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:37:56.248 95.250 7.105 21.215

12/22/2011 11:37:56.498 95.500 7.107 21.221

12/22/2011 11:37:56.748 95.750 7.107 21.221

12/22/2011 11:37:56.998 96.000 7.106 21.218

12/22/2011 11:37:57.248 96.250 7.106 21.219 12/22/2011 11:37:57.498 96.500 7.109 21.227 12/22/2011 11:37:57.748 96.750 7.106 21.219

12/22/2011 11:37:57.998 97.000 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:37:58.248 97.250 7.106 21.218

12/22/2011 11:37:58.498 97.500 7.105 21.217

12/22/2011 11:37:58.748 97.750 7.107 21.221 12/22/2011 11:37:58.998 98.000 7.109 21.228 12/22/2011 11:37:59.248 98.250 7.107 21.221

12/22/2011 11:37:59.498 98.500 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:37:59.748 98.750 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:37:59.998 99.000 7.106 21.219

12/22/2011 11:38:00.248 99.250 7.108 21.225 12/22/2011 11:38:00.498 99.500 7.108 21.226 12/22/2011 11:38:00.748 99.750 7.108 21.226

12/22/2011 11:38:00.998 100.000 7.108 21.224 12/22/2011 11:38:01.248 100.250 7.107 21.223 12/22/2011 11:38:01.498 100.500 7.110 21.230

12/22/2011 11:38:01.748 100.750 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:38:01.998 101.000 7.108 21.225 12/22/2011 11:38:02.249 101.251 7.110 21.232 12/22/2011 11:38:02.499 101.501 7.109 21.228

12/22/2011 11:38:02.749 101.751 7.108 21.226

12/22/2011 11:38:02.999 102.001 7.109 21.229 12/22/2011 11:38:03.249 102.251 7.111 21.233 12/22/2011 11:38:03.499 102.501 7.110 21.231 12/22/2011 11:38:03.749 102.751 7.111 21.233 12/22/2011 11:38:03.999 103.001 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:38:04.249 103.251 7.110 21.231

12/22/2011 11:38:04.499 103.501 7.112 21.236

12/22/2011 11:38:04.749 103.751 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:38:04.999 104.001 7.109 21.228 12/22/2011 11:38:05.249 104.251 7.109 21.229 12/22/2011 11:38:05.499 104.501 7.110 21.232

12/22/2011 11:38:05.749 104.751 7.111 21.233

12/22/2011 11:38:05.999 105.001 7.109 21.228

12/22/2011 11:38:06.249 105.251 7.111 21.233

12/22/2011 11:38:06.499 105.501 7.107 21.222 12/22/2011 11:38:06.749 105.751 7.107 21.223 12/22/2011 11:38:06.999 106.001 7.110 21.232

12/22/2011 11:38:07.249 106.251 7.109 21.227

12/22/2011 11:38:07.499 106.501 7.110 21.230

12/22/2011 11:38:07.749 106.751 7.110 21.231

12/22/2011 11:38:07.998 107.000 7.109 21.229 12/22/2011 11:38:08.248 107.250 7.108 21.225 12/22/2011 11:38:08.498 107.500 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:38:08.748 107.750 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:38:08.998 108.000 7.108 21.224 12/22/2011 11:38:09.248 108.250 7.109 21.228 12/22/2011 11:38:09.498 108.500 7.109 21.228

12/22/2011 11:38:09.748 108.750 7.110 21.230 12/22/2011 11:38:09.998 109.000 7.107 21.223 12/22/2011 11:38:10.248 109.250 7.104 21.214

12/22/2011 11:38:10.498 109.500 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:38:10.748 109.750 7.111 21.233

12/22/2011 11:38:10.998 110.000 7.108 21.226 12/22/2011 11:38:11.248 110.250 7.106 21.218 12/22/2011 11:38:11.498 110.500 7.110 21.232 12/22/2011 11:38:11.748 110.750 7.108 21.226

12/22/2011 11:38:11.998 111.000 7.108 21.224

12/22/2011 11:38:12.248 111.250 7.107 21.223

12/22/2011 11:38:12.498 111.500 7.108 21.226

12/22/2011 11:38:12.748 111.750 7.107 21.223 12/22/2011 11:38:12.999 112.001 7.110 21.232 12/22/2011 11:38:13.249 112.251 7.120 21.262

12/22/2011 11:38:13.499 112.501 7.112 21.237

12/22/2011 11:38:13.749 112.751 7.110 21.230

12/22/2011 11:38:13.999 113.001 7.107 21.222

12/22/2011 11:38:14.249 113.251 7.109 21.227 12/22/2011 11:38:14.499 113.501 7.108 21.225 12/22/2011 11:38:14.749 113.751 7.106 21.220

12/22/2011 11:38:14.999 114.001 7.106 21.220

12/22/2011 11:38:15.249 114.251 7.109 21.227

12/22/2011 11:38:15.499 114.501 7.107 21.221

12/22/2011 11:38:15.749 114.751 7.109 21.229 12/22/2011 11:38:15.999 115.001 7.112 21.237 12/22/2011 11:38:16.249 115.251 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:38:16.499 115.501 7.105 21.217

12/22/2011 11:38:16.749 115.751 7.108 21.226

12/22/2011 11:38:16.999 116.001 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:38:17.249 116.251 7.107 21.223

12/22/2011 11:38:17.499 116.501 7.105 21.217 12/22/2011 11:38:17.749 116.751 7.110 21.230 12/22/2011 11:38:17.999 117.001 7.107 21.223

12/22/2011 11:38:18.249 117.251 7.108 21.224

12/22/2011 11:38:18.498 117.500 7.108 21.224

12/22/2011 11:38:18.748 117.750 7.107 21.221

12/22/2011 11:38:18.998 118.000 7.104 21.214 12/22/2011 11:38:19.248 118.250 7.106 21.220 12/22/2011 11:38:19.498 118.500 7.105 21.217

12/22/2011 11:38:19.748 118.750 7.107 21.223

12/22/2011 11:38:19.998 119.000 7.108 21.226

12/22/2011 11:38:20.248 119.250 7.107 21.222

12/22/2011 11:38:20.498 119.500 7.106 21.218 12/22/2011 11:38:20.748 119.750 7.107 21.221 12/22/2011 11:38:20.998 120.000 7.105 21.217

12/22/2011 11:38:21.248 120.250 7.104 21.214 12/22/2011 11:38:21.498 120.500 7.107 21.221 12/22/2011 11:38:21.748 120.750 7.109 21.227

12/22/2011 11:38:21.998 121.000 7.106 21.218

12/22/2011 11:38:22.248 121.250 7.107 21.221 12/22/2011 11:38:22.498 121.500 7.108 21.226 12/22/2011 11:38:22.748 121.750 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:38:22.998 122.000 7.109 21.228

12/22/2011 11:38:23.248 122.250 7.109 21.227 12/22/2011 11:38:23.499 122.501 7.109 21.229 12/22/2011 11:38:23.749 122.751 7.107 21.221 12/22/2011 11:38:23.999 123.001 7.104 21.213 12/22/2011 11:38:24.249 123.251 7.107 21.223

12/22/2011 11:38:24.499 123.501 7.107 21.223

12/22/2011 11:38:24.749 123.751 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:38:24.999 124.001 7.108 21.226

12/22/2011 11:38:25.249 124.251 7.109 21.229 12/22/2011 11:38:25.499 124.501 7.109 21.228 12/22/2011 11:38:25.749 124.751 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:38:25.999 125.001 7.109 21.227

12/22/2011 11:38:26.249 125.251 7.106 21.219

12/22/2011 11:38:26.499 125.501 7.107 21.223

12/22/2011 11:38:26.749 125.751 7.112 21.236 12/22/2011 11:38:26.999 126.001 7.109 21.227 12/22/2011 11:38:27.249 126.251 7.104 21.213

12/22/2011 11:38:27.499 126.501 7.107 21.221

12/22/2011 11:38:27.749 126.751 7.107 21.222

12/22/2011 11:38:27.999 127.001 7.105 21.217

12/22/2011 11:38:28.249 127.251 7.109 21.227 12/22/2011 11:38:28.499 127.501 7.109 21.228 12/22/2011 11:38:28.749 127.751 7.106 21.220

12/22/2011 11:38:28.999 128.001 7.107 21.221

12/22/2011 11:38:29.248 128.250 7.109 21.227 12/22/2011 11:38:29.498 128.500 7.108 21.226 12/22/2011 11:38:29.748 128.750 7.108 21.224

12/22/2011 11:38:29.998 129.000 7.106 21.219 12/22/2011 11:38:30.248 129.250 7.105 21.216 12/22/2011 11:38:30.498 129.500 7.109 21.228

12/22/2011 11:38:30.748 129.750 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:38:30.998 130.000 7.106 21.218

12/22/2011 11:38:31.248 130.250 7.106 21.219 12/22/2011 11:38:31.498 130.500 7.109 21.228 12/22/2011 11:38:31.748 130.750 7.107 21.221 12/22/2011 11:38:31.998 131.000 7.111 21.234

12/22/2011 11:38:32.248 131.250 7.110 21.232

12/22/2011 11:38:32.498 131.500 7.107 21.222

12/22/2011 11:38:32.748 131.750 7.610 22.725

12/22/2011 11:38:32.998 132.000 7.483 22.344 12/22/2011 11:38:33.248 132.250 7.271 21.712 12/22/2011 11:38:33.498 132.500 7.236 21.609

12/22/2011 11:38:33.748 132.750 7.213 21.538

12/22/2011 11:38:33.998 133.000 7.191 21.473

12/22/2011 11:38:34.249 133.251 7.163 21.390

12/22/2011 11:38:34.499 133.501 7.158 21.375 12/22/2011 11:38:34.749 133.751 7.144 21.331 12/22/2011 11:38:34.999 134.001 7.138 21.315

12/22/2011 11:38:35.249 134.251 7.131 21.294

12/22/2011 11:38:35.499 134.501 7.125 21.277

12/22/2011 11:38:35.749 134.751 7.126 21.278

12/22/2011 11:38:35.999 135.001 7.123 21.270 12/22/2011 11:38:36.249 135.251 7.125 21.275 12/22/2011 11:38:36.499 135.501 7.118 21.255

12/22/2011 11:38:36.749 135.751 7.117 21.251

12/22/2011 11:38:36.999 136.001 7.112 21.237

12/22/2011 11:38:37.249 136.251 7.119 21.257

12/22/2011 11:38:37.499 136.501 7.118 21.254

12/22/2011 11:38:37.749 136.751 7.109 21.229 12/22/2011 11:38:37.999 137.001 7.115 21.246 12/22/2011 11:38:38.249 137.251 7.114 21.242

12/22/2011 11:38:38.499 137.501 7.112 21.236

12/22/2011 11:38:38.749 137.751 7.114 21.243

12/22/2011 11:38:38.999 138.001 7.110 21.231

12/22/2011 11:38:39.249 138.251 7.110 21.231 12/22/2011 11:38:39.499 138.501 7.112 21.236 12/22/2011 11:38:39.748 138.750 7.112 21.237

12/22/2011 11:38:39.998 139.000 7.109 21.228

12/22/2011 11:38:40.248 139.250 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:38:40.498 139.500 7.110 21.230

12/22/2011 11:38:40.748 139.750 7.111 21.233 12/22/2011 11:38:40.998 140.000 7.111 21.235 12/22/2011 11:38:41.248 140.250 7.111 21.233

12/22/2011 11:38:41.498 140.500 7.111 21.234 12/22/2011 11:38:41.748 140.750 7.106 21.219 12/22/2011 11:38:41.998 141.000 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:38:42.248 141.250 7.110 21.230

12/22/2011 11:38:42.498 141.500 7.110 21.231 12/22/2011 11:38:42.748 141.750 7.107 21.221 12/22/2011 11:38:42.998 142.000 7.109 21.228

12/22/2011 11:38:43.248 142.250 7.108 21.226

12/22/2011 11:38:43.498 142.500 7.107 21.221 12/22/2011 11:38:43.748 142.750 7.109 21.227 12/22/2011 11:38:43.998 143.000 7.109 21.228 12/22/2011 11:38:44.248 143.250 7.108 21.226 12/22/2011 11:38:44.498 143.500 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:38:44.749 143.751 7.112 21.236

12/22/2011 11:38:44.999 144.001 7.106 21.218

12/22/2011 11:38:45.249 144.251 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:38:45.499 144.501 7.107 21.223 12/22/2011 11:38:45.749 144.751 7.109 21.227 12/22/2011 11:38:45.999 145.001 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:38:46.249 145.251 7.106 21.220

12/22/2011 11:38:46.499 145.501 7.106 21.218

12/22/2011 11:38:46.749 145.751 7.107 21.223

12/22/2011 11:38:46.999 146.001 7.107 21.223 12/22/2011 11:38:47.249 146.251 7.108 21.226 12/22/2011 11:38:47.499 146.501 7.107 21.222

12/22/2011 11:38:47.749 146.751 7.110 21.230

12/22/2011 11:38:47.999 147.001 7.110 21.232

12/22/2011 11:38:48.249 147.251 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:38:48.499 147.501 7.108 21.226 12/22/2011 11:38:48.749 147.751 7.106 21.220 12/22/2011 11:38:48.999 148.001 7.107 21.221

12/22/2011 11:38:49.249 148.251 7.108 21.226

12/22/2011 11:38:49.499 148.501 7.111 21.233 12/22/2011 11:38:49.749 148.751 7.109 21.228 12/22/2011 11:38:49.999 149.001 7.109 21.228

12/22/2011 11:38:50.249 149.251 7.108 21.224 12/22/2011 11:38:50.498 149.500 7.108 21.226 12/22/2011 11:38:50.748 149.750 7.105 21.217

12/22/2011 11:38:50.998 150.000 7.106 21.220

12/22/2011 11:38:51.248 150.250 7.109 21.228

12/22/2011 11:38:51.498 150.500 7.106 21.218 12/22/2011 11:38:51.748 150.750 7.104 21.213 12/22/2011 11:38:51.998 151.000 7.107 21.223 12/22/2011 11:38:52.248 151.250 7.105 21.217

12/22/2011 11:38:52.498 151.500 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:38:52.748 151.750 7.104 21.214

12/22/2011 11:38:52.998 152.000 7.108 21.224

12/22/2011 11:38:53.248 152.250 7.103 21.209 12/22/2011 11:38:53.498 152.500 7.108 21.224 12/22/2011 11:38:53.748 152.750 7.110 21.232

12/22/2011 11:38:53.998 153.000 7.106 21.220

12/22/2011 11:38:54.248 153.250 7.104 21.214

12/22/2011 11:38:54.498 153.500 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:38:54.748 153.750 7.108 21.226 12/22/2011 11:38:54.998 154.000 7.108 21.226 12/22/2011 11:38:55.248 154.250 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:38:55.499 154.501 7.109 21.227

12/22/2011 11:38:55.749 154.751 7.118 21.256

12/22/2011 11:38:55.999 155.001 7.109 21.228

12/22/2011 11:38:56.249 155.251 7.105 21.216 12/22/2011 11:38:56.499 155.501 7.108 21.226 12/22/2011 11:38:56.749 155.751 7.108 21.224

12/22/2011 11:38:56.999 156.001 7.106 21.220

12/22/2011 11:38:57.249 156.251 7.107 21.221

12/22/2011 11:38:57.499 156.501 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:38:57.749 156.751 7.110 21.232

12/22/2011 11:38:57.999 157.001 7.108 21.225 12/22/2011 11:38:58.249 157.251 7.104 21.213 12/22/2011 11:38:58.499 157.501 7.108 21.226

12/22/2011 11:38:58.749 157.751 7.106 21.220

12/22/2011 11:38:58.999 158.001 7.108 21.224

12/22/2011 11:38:59.249 158.251 7.109 21.228

12/22/2011 11:38:59.499 158.501 7.108 21.226 12/22/2011 11:38:59.749 158.751 7.108 21.225 12/22/2011 11:38:59.999 159.001 7.104 21.214

12/22/2011 11:39:00.249 159.251 7.108 21.226

12/22/2011 11:39:00.499 159.501 7.105 21.217

12/22/2011 11:39:00.749 159.751 7.106 21.220

12/22/2011 11:39:00.998 160.000 7.104 21.213 12/22/2011 11:39:01.248 160.250 7.106 21.218 12/22/2011 11:39:01.498 160.500 7.107 21.221

12/22/2011 11:39:01.748 160.750 7.107 21.222 12/22/2011 11:39:01.998 161.000 7.108 21.226 12/22/2011 11:39:02.248 161.250 7.105 21.215

12/22/2011 11:39:02.498 161.500 7.111 21.234

12/22/2011 11:39:02.748 161.750 7.106 21.218 12/22/2011 11:39:02.998 162.000 7.108 21.226 12/22/2011 11:39:03.248 162.250 7.107 21.221

12/22/2011 11:39:03.498 162.500 7.108 21.224

12/22/2011 11:39:03.748 162.750 7.108 21.224 12/22/2011 11:39:03.998 163.000 7.104 21.212 12/22/2011 11:39:04.248 163.250 7.108 21.224 12/22/2011 11:39:04.498 163.500 7.106 21.218 12/22/2011 11:39:04.748 163.750 7.110 21.232

12/22/2011 11:39:04.998 164.000 7.109 21.228

12/22/2011 11:39:05.248 164.250 7.107 21.223

12/22/2011 11:39:05.498 164.500 7.105 21.216

12/22/2011 11:39:05.748 164.750 7.106 21.219 12/22/2011 11:39:05.999 165.001 7.107 21.222 12/22/2011 11:39:06.249 165.251 7.109 21.228

12/22/2011 11:39:06.499 165.501 7.107 21.223

12/22/2011 11:39:06.749 165.751 7.105 21.216

12/22/2011 11:39:06.999 166.001 7.110 21.232

12/22/2011 11:39:07.249 166.251 7.107 21.223 12/22/2011 11:39:07.499 166.501 7.108 21.226 12/22/2011 11:39:07.749 166.751 7.107 21.223

12/22/2011 11:39:07.999 167.001 7.109 21.228

12/22/2011 11:39:08.249 167.251 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:39:08.499 167.501 7.107 21.222

12/22/2011 11:39:08.749 167.751 7.106 21.219 12/22/2011 11:39:08.999 168.001 7.108 21.224 12/22/2011 11:39:09.249 168.251 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:39:09.499 168.501 7.107 21.222

12/22/2011 11:39:09.749 168.751 7.108 21.224 12/22/2011 11:39:09.999 169.001 7.105 21.216 12/22/2011 11:39:10.249 169.251 7.110 21.232

12/22/2011 11:39:10.499 169.501 7.107 21.222 12/22/2011 11:39:10.749 169.751 7.109 21.229 12/22/2011 11:39:10.999 170.001 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:39:11.249 170.251 7.107 21.223

12/22/2011 11:39:11.499 170.501 7.107 21.222

12/22/2011 11:39:11.748 170.750 7.106 21.220 12/22/2011 11:39:11.998 171.000 7.109 21.228 12/22/2011 11:39:12.248 171.250 7.105 21.217 12/22/2011 11:39:12.498 171.500 7.108 21.224

12/22/2011 11:39:12.748 171.750 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:39:12.998 172.000 7.105 21.217

12/22/2011 11:39:13.248 172.250 7.107 21.222

12/22/2011 11:39:13.498 172.500 7.106 21.219 12/22/2011 11:39:13.748 172.750 7.109 21.227 12/22/2011 11:39:13.998 173.000 7.107 21.222

12/22/2011 11:39:14.248 173.250 7.106 21.220

12/22/2011 11:39:14.498 173.500 7.105 21.217

12/22/2011 11:39:14.748 173.750 7.108 21.224

12/22/2011 11:39:14.998 174.000 7.108 21.225 12/22/2011 11:39:15.248 174.250 7.104 21.212 12/22/2011 11:39:15.498 174.500 7.106 21.220

12/22/2011 11:39:15.748 174.750 7.106 21.218

12/22/2011 11:39:15.998 175.000 7.105 21.215

12/22/2011 11:39:16.248 175.250 7.107 21.221

12/22/2011 11:39:16.498 175.500 7.107 21.222 12/22/2011 11:39:16.749 175.751 7.105 21.217 12/22/2011 11:39:16.999 176.001 7.121 21.264

12/22/2011 11:39:17.249 176.251 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:39:17.499 176.501 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:39:17.749 176.751 7.108 21.225

12/22/2011 11:39:17.999 177.001 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:39:18.249 177.251 7.110 21.231 12/22/2011 11:39:18.499 177.501 7.108 21.224 12/22/2011 11:39:18.749 177.751 7.109 21.227

12/22/2011 11:39:18.999 178.001 7.107 21.222

12/22/2011 11:39:19.249 178.251 7.109 21.227

12/22/2011 11:39:19.499 178.501 7.106 21.220

12/22/2011 11:39:19.749 178.751 7.109 21.227 12/22/2011 11:39:19.999 179.001 7.106 21.218 12/22/2011 11:39:20.249 179.251 7.100 21.202

12/22/2011 11:39:20.499 179.501 7.105 21.215

12/22/2011 11:39:20.749 179.751 7.104 21.214

12/22/2011 11:39:20.999 180.001 7.103 21.210

12/22/2011 11:39:21.249 180.251 7.107 21.222 12/22/2011 11:39:21.499 180.501 7.107 21.223 12/22/2011 11:39:21.749 180.751 7.106 21.219

12/22/2011 11:39:21.999 181.001 7.103 21.210 12/22/2011 11:39:22.248 181.250 7.108 21.225 12/22/2011 11:39:22.498 181.500 7.109 21.229

12/22/2011 11:39:22.748 181.750 7.107 21.221

12/22/2011 11:39:22.998 182.000 7.105 21.217 12/22/2011 11:39:23.248 182.250 7.108 21.224 12/22/2011 11:39:23.498 182.500 7.106 21.218

12/22/2011 11:39:23.748 182.750 7.106 21.218

12/22/2011 11:39:23.998 183.000 7.105 21.217 12/22/2011 11:39:24.248 183.250 7.104 21.212 12/22/2011 11:39:24.498 183.500 7.105 21.217 12/22/2011 11:39:24.748 183.750 7.102 21.208 12/22/2011 11:39:24.998 184.000 7.105 21.217

12/22/2011 11:39:25.248 184.250 7.101 21.204

12/22/2011 11:39:25.498 184.500 7.103 21.210

12/22/2011 11:39:25.748 184.750 7.104 21.213

12/22/2011 11:39:25.998 185.000 7.105 21.216 12/22/2011 11:39:26.248 185.250 7.104 21.213 12/22/2011 11:39:26.498 185.500 7.105 21.216

12/22/2011 11:39:26.748 185.750 7.107 21.221

12/22/2011 11:39:26.998 186.000 7.104 21.214

12/22/2011 11:39:27.249 186.251 7.106 21.220

12/22/2011 11:39:27.499 186.501 7.106 21.220 12/22/2011 11:39:27.749 186.751 7.106 21.219 12/22/2011 11:39:27.999 187.001 7.107 21.223

12/22/2011 11:39:28.249 187.251 7.106 21.219

12/22/2011 11:39:28.499 187.501 7.106 21.218

12/22/2011 11:39:28.749 187.751 7.105 21.215

12/22/2011 11:39:28.999 188.001 7.105 21.217 12/22/2011 11:39:29.249 188.251 7.104 21.212 12/22/2011 11:39:29.499 188.501 7.104 21.213

12/22/2011 11:39:29.749 188.751 7.105 21.215

12/22/2011 11:39:29.999 189.001 7.104 21.212 12/22/2011 11:39:30.249 189.251 7.102 21.209 12/22/2011 11:39:30.499 189.501 7.102 21.208

12/22/2011 11:39:30.749 189.751 7.102 21.206 12/22/2011 11:39:30.999 190.001 7.105 21.215 12/22/2011 11:39:31.249 190.251 7.104 21.212

12/22/2011 11:39:31.499 190.501 7.106 21.219

12/22/2011 11:39:31.749 190.751 7.104 21.213

12/22/2011 11:39:31.999 191.001 7.107 21.221 12/22/2011 11:39:32.249 191.251 7.106 21.218 12/22/2011 11:39:32.499 191.501 7.105 21.215 12/22/2011 11:39:32.749 191.751 7.104 21.212

12/22/2011 11:39:32.998 192.000 7.101 21.205

12/22/2011 11:39:33.248 192.250 7.102 21.207

12/22/2011 11:39:33.498 192.500 7.104 21.213

12/22/2011 11:39:33.748 192.750 7.105 21.217 12/22/2011 11:39:33.998 193.000 7.104 21.212 12/22/2011 11:39:34.248 193.250 7.105 21.217

12/22/2011 11:39:34.498 193.500 7.106 21.220

12/22/2011 11:39:34.748 193.750 7.106 21.218

12/22/2011 11:39:34.998 194.000 7.105 21.217

12/22/2011 11:39:35.248 194.250 7.102 21.206 12/22/2011 11:39:35.498 194.500 7.104 21.212 12/22/2011 11:39:35.748 194.750 7.102 21.207

12/22/2011 11:39:35.998 195.000 6.962 20.789

12/22/2011 11:39:36.248 195.250 6.918 20.658

12/22/2011 11:39:36.498 195.500 6.891 20.577

12/22/2011 11:39:36.748 195.750 6.947 20.746 12/22/2011 11:39:36.998 196.000 7.014 20.946 12/22/2011 11:39:37.248 196.250 7.172 21.416

12/22/2011 11:39:37.498 196.500 7.047 21.043

12/22/2011 11:39:37.748 196.750 6.857 20.474

12/22/2011 11:39:37.999 197.001 6.899 20.602

12/22/2011 11:39:38.249 197.251 6.970 20.813

12/22/2011 11:39:38.499 197.501 7.001 20.907 12/22/2011 11:39:38.749 197.751 7.029 20.990 12/22/2011 11:39:38.999 198.001 7.045 21.037

12/22/2011 11:39:39.249 198.251 7.057 21.071

12/22/2011 11:39:39.499 198.501 7.068 21.105

12/22/2011 11:39:39.749 198.751 7.074 21.124

12/22/2011 11:39:39.999 199.001 7.079 21.138 12/22/2011 11:39:40.249 199.251 7.082 21.148 12/22/2011 11:39:40.499 199.501 7.083 21.152

12/22/2011 11:39:40.749 199.751 7.088 21.165

12/22/2011 11:39:40.999 200.001 7.089 21.167

12/22/2011 11:39:41.249 200.251 7.093 21.180

12/22/2011 11:39:41.499 200.501 7.094 21.184 12/22/2011 11:39:41.749 200.751 7.098 21.195 12/22/2011 11:39:41.999 201.001 7.097 21.191

12/22/2011 11:39:42.249 201.251 7.094 21.184 12/22/2011 11:39:42.499 201.501 7.096 21.189 12/22/2011 11:39:42.749 201.751 7.098 21.196

12/22/2011 11:39:42.999 202.001 7.097 21.193

12/22/2011 11:39:43.249 202.251 7.098 21.195 12/22/2011 11:39:43.498 202.500 7.100 21.200 12/22/2011 11:39:43.748 202.750 7.101 21.203

12/22/2011 11:39:43.998 203.000 7.097 21.191

12/22/2011 11:39:44.248 203.250 7.101 21.204 12/22/2011 11:39:44.498 203.500 7.100 21.202 12/22/2011 11:39:44.748 203.750 7.102 21.206 12/22/2011 11:39:44.998 204.000 7.101 21.205 12/22/2011 11:39:45.248 204.250 7.102 21.209

12/22/2011 11:39:45.498 204.500 7.102 21.206

12/22/2011 11:39:45.748 204.750 7.100 21.201

12/22/2011 11:39:45.998 205.000 7.103 21.211

12/22/2011 11:39:46.248 205.250 7.099 21.198 12/22/2011 11:39:46.498 205.500 7.103 21.211 12/22/2011 11:39:46.748 205.750 7.099 21.197

12/22/2011 11:39:46.998 206.000 7.100 21.200

12/22/2011 11:39:47.248 206.250 7.103 21.209

12/22/2011 11:39:47.498 206.500 7.100 21.202

12/22/2011 11:39:47.748 206.750 7.102 21.208 12/22/2011 11:39:47.998 207.000 7.096 21.189 12/22/2011 11:39:48.249 207.251 7.100 21.201

12/22/2011 11:39:48.499 207.501 7.102 21.206

12/22/2011 11:39:48.749 207.751 7.104 21.212

12/22/2011 11:39:48.999 208.001 7.101 21.203

12/22/2011 11:39:49.249 208.251 7.103 21.209 12/22/2011 11:39:49.499 208.501 7.102 21.206 12/22/2011 11:39:49.749 208.751 7.100 21.201

12/22/2011 11:39:49.999 209.001 7.103 21.210

12/22/2011 11:39:50.249 209.251 7.103 21.209 12/22/2011 11:39:50.499 209.501 7.104 21.213 12/22/2011 11:39:50.749 209.751 7.102 21.207

12/22/2011 11:39:50.999 210.001 7.098 21.196 12/22/2011 11:39:51.249 210.251 7.101 21.205 12/22/2011 11:39:51.499 210.501 7.101 21.205

12/22/2011 11:39:51.752 210.754 7.098 21.194

12/22/2011 11:39:51.999 211.001 7.102 21.207

12/22/2011 11:39:52.249 211.251 7.103 21.210 12/22/2011 11:39:52.499 211.501 7.099 21.199 12/22/2011 11:39:52.749 211.751 7.102 21.206 12/22/2011 11:39:52.999 212.001 7.103 21.211

12/22/2011 11:39:53.249 212.251 7.103 21.209

12/22/2011 11:39:53.499 212.501 7.104 21.213

12/22/2011 11:39:53.749 212.751 7.101 21.203

12/22/2011 11:39:53.999 213.001 7.104 21.213 12/22/2011 11:39:54.249 213.251 7.105 21.215 12/22/2011 11:39:54.499 213.501 7.103 21.211

12/22/2011 11:39:54.749 213.751 7.102 21.208

12/22/2011 11:39:54.999 214.001 7.104 21.212

12/22/2011 11:39:55.249 214.251 7.099 21.199

12/22/2011 11:39:55.499 214.501 7.103 21.209 12/22/2011 11:39:55.749 214.751 7.102 21.206 12/22/2011 11:39:55.999 215.001 7.103 21.211

12/22/2011 11:39:56.249 215.251 7.104 21.213

12/22/2011 11:39:56.499 215.501 7.102 21.207

12/22/2011 11:39:56.749 215.751 7.102 21.207

12/22/2011 11:39:56.999 216.001 7.104 21.212 12/22/2011 11:39:57.248 216.250 7.104 21.213 12/22/2011 11:39:57.498 216.500 7.105 21.215

12/22/2011 11:39:57.748 216.750 7.102 21.208

12/22/2011 11:39:57.998 217.000 7.103 21.210

12/22/2011 11:39:58.248 217.250 7.100 21.201

12/22/2011 11:39:58.498 217.500 7.101 21.203

12/22/2011 11:39:58.748 217.750 7.099 21.199 12/22/2011 11:39:58.998 218.000 7.101 21.205 12/22/2011 11:39:59.248 218.250 7.101 21.203

12/22/2011 11:39:59.498 218.500 7.107 21.221 SM-GW2A Report Date: 1/10/2012 14:35:52 Report User Name: bdershowitz Report Computer Name: SEA1-L-BDERSH Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version: Log File Properties:

File Name: MW-2.wsl Create Date: 12/22/2011 12:54:28 Device Properties:

Device: Level TROLL 700

Site: Shine MW-3 Device Name:

Serial Number: 135443

Firmware Version: 2.07

Hardware Version: 3

Device Address: 1

Device Comm Cfg: 19200,8,Even,1,(Modbus-RTU)

Used Memory(%): 93 Used Battery(%): 20 Log Configuration Log Name: Actually MW-2

Created By: SHeuer Computer Name: WOO1-L-SHEUER Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Create Date: 12/22/2011 12:43:23 Pacific Standard Time

Log Setup Time Zone: Central Standard Time

Notes Size(bytes): 4096

Overwrite when full: Disabled Scheduled Start Time: Manual Start Scheduled Stop Time: No Stop Time

Type: Fast Linear

Interval: Days: 0 hrs: 00 mins: 00 secs: 00.250 Level Reference Settings At Log Creation Level Measurement Mode: Depth

Specific Gravity: 0.999 Other Log Settings Depth of Probe: 5.68222 (ft)

Head Pressure: 16.9675 (kPa)

Temperature: 9.7001 (C)


Log Notes:

Date and Time Note


12/22/2011 12:43:28 Sensor SN: 135443 Factory calibration has expired.: 8/19/2009 3:59:36 12/22/2011 12:43:29 Used Battery: 20% Used Memory: 95% User Name: SHeuer 12/22/2011 12:44:24 Manual Start Command

12/22/2011 12:53:40 Used Battery: 20% Used Memory: 95% User Name: SHeuer

12/22/2011 12:53:41 Manual Stop Command


Log Data:

Record Count: 2230

Sensors: 1 1 - 135443: Pressure/Temp 30 PSIG (21m/69ft)

Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time Sensor: Pres(G) 69ft Sensor: Pres(G) 69ft Elapsed Time SN#: 135443 SN#: 135443

Date and Time Seconds Depth (ft) Pressure (kPa)

------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

12/22/2011 12:44:24.505 0.000 5.696 17.008

12/22/2011 12:44:24.755 0.250 5.693 17.001 12/22/2011 12:44:25.217 0.712 5.693 16.999 12/22/2011 12:44:25.438 0.933 5.695 17.007

12/22/2011 12:44:25.657 1.152 5.693 17.001 12/22/2011 12:44:25.881 1.376 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:44:26.099 1.594 5.691 16.992

12/22/2011 12:44:26.318 1.813 5.692 16.997

12/22/2011 12:44:26.537 2.032 5.689 16.988 12/22/2011 12:44:26.756 2.251 5.691 16.995 12/22/2011 12:44:27.005 2.500 5.690 16.991

12/22/2011 12:44:27.255 2.750 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:44:27.505 3.000 5.688 16.985 12/22/2011 12:44:27.755 3.250 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:44:28.005 3.500 5.690 16.990 12/22/2011 12:44:28.255 3.750 5.688 16.985 12/22/2011 12:44:28.505 4.000 5.689 16.986

12/22/2011 12:44:28.755 4.250 5.691 16.995

12/22/2011 12:44:29.005 4.500 5.686 16.980

12/22/2011 12:44:29.255 4.750 5.687 16.982

12/22/2011 12:44:29.505 5.000 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:44:29.755 5.250 5.695 17.005 12/22/2011 12:44:30.005 5.500 6.539 19.525

12/22/2011 12:44:30.255 5.750 5.971 17.830

12/22/2011 12:44:30.505 6.000 5.802 17.324

12/22/2011 12:44:30.755 6.250 5.754 17.182

12/22/2011 12:44:31.005 6.500 5.754 17.183 12/22/2011 12:44:31.255 6.750 5.744 17.153 12/22/2011 12:44:31.505 7.000 5.736 17.128

12/22/2011 12:44:31.755 7.250 5.721 17.085

12/22/2011 12:44:32.005 7.500 5.714 17.062

12/22/2011 12:44:32.255 7.750 5.701 17.024

12/22/2011 12:44:32.505 8.000 5.703 17.029 12/22/2011 12:44:32.755 8.250 5.700 17.021 12/22/2011 12:44:33.005 8.500 5.695 17.006

12/22/2011 12:44:33.255 8.750 5.697 17.011

12/22/2011 12:44:33.505 9.000 5.694 17.004 12/22/2011 12:44:33.755 9.250 5.692 16.996 12/22/2011 12:44:34.009 9.504 5.689 16.988

12/22/2011 12:44:34.255 9.750 5.692 16.997 12/22/2011 12:44:34.505 10.000 5.690 16.991 12/22/2011 12:44:34.755 10.250 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:44:35.005 10.500 5.689 16.988

12/22/2011 12:44:35.255 10.750 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:44:35.505 11.000 5.690 16.992 12/22/2011 12:44:35.755 11.250 5.686 16.980 12/22/2011 12:44:36.005 11.500 5.690 16.990 12/22/2011 12:44:36.255 11.750 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:44:36.505 12.000 5.690 16.991

12/22/2011 12:44:36.755 12.250 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:44:37.005 12.500 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:44:37.255 12.750 5.689 16.989 12/22/2011 12:44:37.505 13.000 5.688 16.985 12/22/2011 12:44:37.755 13.250 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:44:38.005 13.500 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:44:38.255 13.750 5.689 16.988

12/22/2011 12:44:38.505 14.000 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:44:38.755 14.250 5.688 16.985 12/22/2011 12:44:39.005 14.500 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:44:39.255 14.750 5.687 16.983

12/22/2011 12:44:39.505 15.000 5.686 16.979

12/22/2011 12:44:39.755 15.250 5.690 16.992

12/22/2011 12:44:40.005 15.500 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:44:40.255 15.750 5.690 16.991 12/22/2011 12:44:40.505 16.000 5.692 16.996 12/22/2011 12:44:40.755 16.250 5.690 16.991

12/22/2011 12:44:41.005 16.500 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:44:41.255 16.750 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:44:41.505 17.000 5.687 16.983

12/22/2011 12:44:41.755 17.250 5.686 16.980

12/22/2011 12:44:42.005 17.500 5.688 16.985 12/22/2011 12:44:42.255 17.750 5.689 16.987 12/22/2011 12:44:42.505 18.000 5.686 16.977

12/22/2011 12:44:42.755 18.250 5.686 16.978

12/22/2011 12:44:43.005 18.500 5.690 16.991

12/22/2011 12:44:43.255 18.750 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:44:43.505 19.000 5.685 16.976 12/22/2011 12:44:43.755 19.250 5.691 16.992 12/22/2011 12:44:44.005 19.500 5.691 16.992

12/22/2011 12:44:44.255 19.750 5.690 16.992

12/22/2011 12:44:44.505 20.000 5.695 17.006

12/22/2011 12:44:44.755 20.250 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:44:45.005 20.500 5.688 16.986 12/22/2011 12:44:45.255 20.750 5.687 16.982 12/22/2011 12:44:45.505 21.000 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:44:45.755 21.250 5.687 16.981 12/22/2011 12:44:46.005 21.500 5.688 16.985 12/22/2011 12:44:46.255 21.750 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:44:46.505 22.000 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:44:46.755 22.250 5.688 16.986 12/22/2011 12:44:47.005 22.500 5.688 16.984 12/22/2011 12:44:47.255 22.750 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:44:47.505 23.000 5.687 16.980

12/22/2011 12:44:47.755 23.250 5.688 16.986 12/22/2011 12:44:48.005 23.500 5.685 16.977 12/22/2011 12:44:48.255 23.750 5.689 16.988 12/22/2011 12:44:48.505 24.000 5.686 16.980 12/22/2011 12:44:48.755 24.250 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:44:49.005 24.500 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:44:49.255 24.750 5.685 16.977

12/22/2011 12:44:49.505 25.000 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:44:49.755 25.250 5.692 16.998 12/22/2011 12:44:50.005 25.500 5.687 16.983 12/22/2011 12:44:50.255 25.750 5.687 16.980

12/22/2011 12:44:50.505 26.000 5.686 16.979

12/22/2011 12:44:50.755 26.250 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:44:51.005 26.500 5.685 16.976

12/22/2011 12:44:51.255 26.750 5.688 16.986 12/22/2011 12:44:51.505 27.000 5.685 16.975 12/22/2011 12:44:51.755 27.250 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:44:52.005 27.500 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:44:52.255 27.750 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:44:52.505 28.000 5.687 16.982

12/22/2011 12:44:52.755 28.250 5.687 16.981 12/22/2011 12:44:53.005 28.500 5.686 16.978 12/22/2011 12:44:53.255 28.750 5.683 16.969

12/22/2011 12:44:53.505 29.000 5.684 16.973

12/22/2011 12:44:53.755 29.250 5.685 16.974 12/22/2011 12:44:54.005 29.500 5.689 16.989 12/22/2011 12:44:54.255 29.750 5.686 16.978

12/22/2011 12:44:54.505 30.000 5.687 16.982 12/22/2011 12:44:54.755 30.250 5.684 16.973 12/22/2011 12:44:55.005 30.500 5.685 16.977

12/22/2011 12:44:55.255 30.750 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:44:55.505 31.000 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:44:55.755 31.250 5.688 16.984 12/22/2011 12:44:56.005 31.500 5.690 16.990 12/22/2011 12:44:56.255 31.750 5.687 16.983 12/22/2011 12:44:56.505 32.000 5.686 16.978

12/22/2011 12:44:56.755 32.250 5.685 16.975

12/22/2011 12:44:57.005 32.500 5.684 16.972

12/22/2011 12:44:57.255 32.750 5.682 16.967

12/22/2011 12:44:57.505 33.000 5.686 16.979 12/22/2011 12:44:57.755 33.250 5.688 16.984 12/22/2011 12:44:58.005 33.500 5.683 16.970

12/22/2011 12:44:58.255 33.750 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:44:58.505 34.000 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:44:58.755 34.250 5.689 16.988

12/22/2011 12:44:59.005 34.500 5.689 16.988 12/22/2011 12:44:59.255 34.750 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:44:59.505 35.000 5.687 16.981

12/22/2011 12:44:59.755 35.250 5.685 16.975

12/22/2011 12:45:00.005 35.500 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:45:00.255 35.750 5.684 16.972

12/22/2011 12:45:00.505 36.000 5.686 16.978 12/22/2011 12:45:00.755 36.250 5.687 16.980 12/22/2011 12:45:01.005 36.500 5.685 16.977

12/22/2011 12:45:01.255 36.750 5.684 16.973

12/22/2011 12:45:01.505 37.000 5.685 16.975

12/22/2011 12:45:01.755 37.250 5.686 16.980

12/22/2011 12:45:02.005 37.500 5.683 16.971

12/22/2011 12:45:02.255 37.750 5.685 16.976 12/22/2011 12:45:02.505 38.000 5.683 16.971 12/22/2011 12:45:02.755 38.250 5.686 16.978

12/22/2011 12:45:03.005 38.500 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:45:03.255 38.750 5.687 16.983

12/22/2011 12:45:03.505 39.000 5.686 16.980

12/22/2011 12:45:03.755 39.250 5.686 16.980 12/22/2011 12:45:04.005 39.500 5.684 16.972 12/22/2011 12:45:04.255 39.750 5.686 16.978

12/22/2011 12:45:04.505 40.000 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:45:04.755 40.250 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:45:05.005 40.500 5.686 16.979

12/22/2011 12:45:05.255 40.750 5.686 16.979 12/22/2011 12:45:05.505 41.000 5.686 16.979 12/22/2011 12:45:05.755 41.250 5.691 16.992

12/22/2011 12:45:06.005 41.500 5.690 16.990 12/22/2011 12:45:06.255 41.750 5.688 16.984 12/22/2011 12:45:06.505 42.000 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:45:06.755 42.250 5.690 16.992

12/22/2011 12:45:07.005 42.500 5.691 16.994 12/22/2011 12:45:07.255 42.750 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:45:07.505 43.000 5.686 16.978

12/22/2011 12:45:07.755 43.250 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:45:08.005 43.500 5.681 16.964 12/22/2011 12:45:08.255 43.750 5.686 16.978 12/22/2011 12:45:08.505 44.000 5.690 16.990 12/22/2011 12:45:08.755 44.250 5.686 16.979 12/22/2011 12:45:09.005 44.500 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:45:09.255 44.750 5.687 16.983

12/22/2011 12:45:09.505 45.000 5.686 16.979

12/22/2011 12:45:09.755 45.250 5.686 16.980

12/22/2011 12:45:10.005 45.500 5.686 16.980 12/22/2011 12:45:10.255 45.750 5.687 16.981 12/22/2011 12:45:10.505 46.000 5.684 16.972

12/22/2011 12:45:10.755 46.250 5.685 16.977

12/22/2011 12:45:11.005 46.500 5.685 16.975

12/22/2011 12:45:11.255 46.750 5.686 16.980

12/22/2011 12:45:11.505 47.000 5.690 16.989 12/22/2011 12:45:11.755 47.250 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:45:12.005 47.500 5.690 16.991

12/22/2011 12:45:12.255 47.750 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:45:12.505 48.000 5.687 16.983

12/22/2011 12:45:12.755 48.250 5.685 16.975

12/22/2011 12:45:13.005 48.500 5.685 16.976 12/22/2011 12:45:13.255 48.750 5.685 16.976 12/22/2011 12:45:13.505 49.000 5.686 16.978

12/22/2011 12:45:13.755 49.250 5.685 16.975

12/22/2011 12:45:14.005 49.500 5.687 16.982 12/22/2011 12:45:14.255 49.750 5.684 16.973 12/22/2011 12:45:14.505 50.000 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:45:14.755 50.250 5.686 16.978 12/22/2011 12:45:15.005 50.500 5.687 16.982 12/22/2011 12:45:15.255 50.750 5.686 16.980

12/22/2011 12:45:15.505 51.000 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:45:15.755 51.250 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:45:16.005 51.500 5.691 16.995 12/22/2011 12:45:16.255 51.750 5.685 16.976 12/22/2011 12:45:16.515 52.010 5.686 16.978 12/22/2011 12:45:16.755 52.250 5.687 16.982

12/22/2011 12:45:17.005 52.500 5.686 16.979

12/22/2011 12:45:17.255 52.750 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:45:17.505 53.000 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:45:17.755 53.250 5.688 16.985 12/22/2011 12:45:18.005 53.500 5.687 16.981 12/22/2011 12:45:18.255 53.750 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:45:18.505 54.000 5.686 16.979

12/22/2011 12:45:18.755 54.250 5.684 16.974

12/22/2011 12:45:19.005 54.500 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:45:19.255 54.750 5.688 16.983 12/22/2011 12:45:19.505 55.000 5.691 16.992 12/22/2011 12:45:19.755 55.250 5.685 16.974

12/22/2011 12:45:20.005 55.500 5.687 16.981

12/22/2011 12:45:20.255 55.750 5.686 16.979

12/22/2011 12:45:20.505 56.000 5.686 16.980

12/22/2011 12:45:20.755 56.250 5.689 16.989 12/22/2011 12:45:21.005 56.500 5.686 16.980 12/22/2011 12:45:21.255 56.750 5.683 16.970

12/22/2011 12:45:21.505 57.000 5.685 16.975

12/22/2011 12:45:21.755 57.250 5.687 16.981

12/22/2011 12:45:22.005 57.500 5.685 16.975

12/22/2011 12:45:22.255 57.750 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:45:22.505 58.000 5.686 16.978 12/22/2011 12:45:22.755 58.250 5.684 16.974 12/22/2011 12:45:23.005 58.500 5.684 16.972

12/22/2011 12:45:23.255 58.750 5.685 16.975

12/22/2011 12:45:23.505 59.000 5.686 16.979

12/22/2011 12:45:23.755 59.250 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:45:24.005 59.500 5.687 16.981 12/22/2011 12:45:24.255 59.750 5.685 16.975 12/22/2011 12:45:24.505 60.000 5.690 16.989

12/22/2011 12:45:24.755 60.250 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:45:25.005 60.500 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:45:25.255 60.750 5.686 16.979

12/22/2011 12:45:25.505 61.000 5.690 16.992 12/22/2011 12:45:25.755 61.250 5.688 16.984 12/22/2011 12:45:26.005 61.500 5.686 16.980

12/22/2011 12:45:26.255 61.750 5.684 16.972 12/22/2011 12:45:26.505 62.000 5.686 16.980 12/22/2011 12:45:26.755 62.250 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:45:27.005 62.500 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:45:27.255 62.750 5.692 16.997 12/22/2011 12:45:27.505 63.000 5.689 16.989 12/22/2011 12:45:27.755 63.250 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:45:28.005 63.500 5.685 16.976

12/22/2011 12:45:28.255 63.750 5.685 16.975 12/22/2011 12:45:28.505 64.000 5.687 16.981 12/22/2011 12:45:28.755 64.250 5.684 16.972 12/22/2011 12:45:29.005 64.500 5.681 16.965 12/22/2011 12:45:29.255 64.750 5.690 16.991

12/22/2011 12:45:29.505 65.000 5.688 16.983

12/22/2011 12:45:29.755 65.250 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:45:30.005 65.500 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:45:30.255 65.750 5.687 16.981 12/22/2011 12:45:30.505 66.000 5.687 16.981 12/22/2011 12:45:30.755 66.250 5.689 16.986

12/22/2011 12:45:31.005 66.500 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:45:31.255 66.750 5.683 16.971

12/22/2011 12:45:31.505 67.000 5.685 16.975

12/22/2011 12:45:31.755 67.250 5.686 16.979 12/22/2011 12:45:32.005 67.500 5.687 16.981 12/22/2011 12:45:32.255 67.750 5.686 16.980

12/22/2011 12:45:32.505 68.000 5.687 16.980

12/22/2011 12:45:32.755 68.250 5.686 16.977

12/22/2011 12:45:33.005 68.500 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:45:33.255 68.750 5.688 16.986 12/22/2011 12:45:33.505 69.000 5.687 16.982 12/22/2011 12:45:33.755 69.250 5.685 16.977

12/22/2011 12:45:34.005 69.500 5.687 16.982

12/22/2011 12:45:34.255 69.750 5.686 16.980 12/22/2011 12:45:34.505 70.000 5.688 16.984 12/22/2011 12:45:34.755 70.250 5.686 16.979

12/22/2011 12:45:35.005 70.500 5.687 16.982 12/22/2011 12:45:35.255 70.750 5.688 16.986 12/22/2011 12:45:35.505 71.000 5.687 16.982

12/22/2011 12:45:35.755 71.250 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:45:36.005 71.500 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:45:36.255 71.750 5.689 16.987 12/22/2011 12:45:36.505 72.000 5.687 16.980 12/22/2011 12:45:36.755 72.250 5.688 16.986 12/22/2011 12:45:37.005 72.500 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:45:37.255 72.750 5.687 16.982

12/22/2011 12:45:37.505 73.000 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:45:37.760 73.255 5.687 16.982

12/22/2011 12:45:38.005 73.500 5.683 16.971 12/22/2011 12:45:38.255 73.750 5.509 16.450 12/22/2011 12:45:38.505 74.000 5.284 15.777

12/22/2011 12:45:38.755 74.250 5.612 16.757

12/22/2011 12:45:39.005 74.500 5.524 16.494

12/22/2011 12:45:39.255 74.750 5.786 17.278

12/22/2011 12:45:39.505 75.000 5.595 16.707 12/22/2011 12:45:39.755 75.250 5.505 16.440 12/22/2011 12:45:40.005 75.500 5.479 16.362

12/22/2011 12:45:40.255 75.750 5.538 16.536

12/22/2011 12:45:40.505 76.000 5.575 16.647

12/22/2011 12:45:40.755 76.250 5.599 16.720

12/22/2011 12:45:41.005 76.500 5.615 16.768 12/22/2011 12:45:41.255 76.750 5.629 16.809 12/22/2011 12:45:41.505 77.000 5.643 16.851

12/22/2011 12:45:41.755 77.250 5.651 16.876

12/22/2011 12:45:42.005 77.500 5.661 16.903

12/22/2011 12:45:42.255 77.750 5.665 16.916

12/22/2011 12:45:42.505 78.000 5.666 16.919

12/22/2011 12:45:42.755 78.250 5.670 16.932 12/22/2011 12:45:43.005 78.500 5.670 16.932 12/22/2011 12:45:43.255 78.750 5.673 16.940

12/22/2011 12:45:43.505 79.000 5.670 16.932

12/22/2011 12:45:43.755 79.250 5.672 16.936

12/22/2011 12:45:44.005 79.500 5.670 16.932

12/22/2011 12:45:44.255 79.750 5.676 16.949 12/22/2011 12:45:44.505 80.000 5.673 16.939 12/22/2011 12:45:44.755 80.250 5.677 16.951

12/22/2011 12:45:45.005 80.500 5.656 16.890

12/22/2011 12:45:45.255 80.750 5.639 16.839

12/22/2011 12:45:45.505 81.000 5.642 16.846

12/22/2011 12:45:45.755 81.250 5.651 16.876 12/22/2011 12:45:46.005 81.500 5.657 16.892 12/22/2011 12:45:46.255 81.750 5.663 16.910

12/22/2011 12:45:46.505 82.000 5.666 16.918 12/22/2011 12:45:46.755 82.250 5.666 16.918 12/22/2011 12:45:47.005 82.500 5.670 16.931

12/22/2011 12:45:47.255 82.750 5.670 16.931

12/22/2011 12:45:47.505 83.000 5.675 16.946 12/22/2011 12:45:47.755 83.250 5.673 16.940 12/22/2011 12:45:48.005 83.500 5.676 16.949

12/22/2011 12:45:48.255 83.750 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:45:48.505 84.000 5.673 16.941 12/22/2011 12:45:48.755 84.250 5.677 16.951 12/22/2011 12:45:49.005 84.500 5.676 16.949 12/22/2011 12:45:49.255 84.750 5.676 16.949 12/22/2011 12:45:49.505 85.000 5.675 16.945

12/22/2011 12:45:49.755 85.250 5.677 16.953

12/22/2011 12:45:50.005 85.500 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:45:50.255 85.750 5.677 16.951

12/22/2011 12:45:50.505 86.000 5.675 16.945 12/22/2011 12:45:50.755 86.250 5.673 16.941 12/22/2011 12:45:51.005 86.500 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:45:51.255 86.750 5.676 16.948

12/22/2011 12:45:51.505 87.000 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:45:51.755 87.250 5.675 16.947

12/22/2011 12:45:52.005 87.500 5.675 16.945 12/22/2011 12:45:52.255 87.750 5.677 16.951 12/22/2011 12:45:52.505 88.000 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:45:52.755 88.250 5.677 16.951

12/22/2011 12:45:53.005 88.500 5.677 16.953

12/22/2011 12:45:53.255 88.750 5.677 16.953

12/22/2011 12:45:53.505 89.000 5.676 16.948 12/22/2011 12:45:53.755 89.250 5.676 16.950 12/22/2011 12:45:54.005 89.500 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:45:54.255 89.750 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:45:54.505 90.000 5.678 16.955 12/22/2011 12:45:54.755 90.250 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:45:55.005 90.500 5.675 16.947

12/22/2011 12:45:55.255 90.750 5.678 16.956 12/22/2011 12:45:55.505 91.000 5.677 16.951 12/22/2011 12:45:55.755 91.250 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:45:56.005 91.500 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:45:56.255 91.750 5.674 16.943

12/22/2011 12:45:56.505 92.000 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:45:56.755 92.250 5.678 16.955 12/22/2011 12:45:57.005 92.500 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:45:57.255 92.750 5.675 16.947

12/22/2011 12:45:57.505 93.000 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:45:57.755 93.250 5.675 16.946

12/22/2011 12:45:58.005 93.500 5.676 16.949

12/22/2011 12:45:58.255 93.750 5.678 16.956 12/22/2011 12:45:58.505 94.000 5.677 16.953 12/22/2011 12:45:58.755 94.250 5.674 16.942

12/22/2011 12:45:59.008 94.503 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:45:59.255 94.750 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:45:59.505 95.000 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:45:59.755 95.250 5.678 16.955 12/22/2011 12:46:00.005 95.500 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:46:00.255 95.750 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:46:00.505 96.000 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:46:00.755 96.250 5.674 16.942

12/22/2011 12:46:01.005 96.500 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:46:01.255 96.750 5.676 16.949 12/22/2011 12:46:01.505 97.000 5.679 16.958 12/22/2011 12:46:01.755 97.250 5.674 16.943

12/22/2011 12:46:02.005 97.500 5.677 16.953

12/22/2011 12:46:02.255 97.750 5.677 16.953

12/22/2011 12:46:02.505 98.000 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:46:02.755 98.250 5.676 16.949

12/22/2011 12:46:03.005 98.500 5.677 16.951 12/22/2011 12:46:03.255 98.750 5.677 16.952 12/22/2011 12:46:03.505 99.000 5.678 16.954

12/22/2011 12:46:03.755 99.250 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:46:04.005 99.500 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:46:04.255 99.750 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:46:04.505 100.000 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:46:04.755 100.250 5.679 16.958 12/22/2011 12:46:05.005 100.500 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:46:05.255 100.750 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:46:05.505 101.000 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:46:05.755 101.250 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:46:06.005 101.500 5.678 16.954 12/22/2011 12:46:06.255 101.750 5.681 16.965 12/22/2011 12:46:06.505 102.000 5.678 16.954

12/22/2011 12:46:06.755 102.250 5.678 16.955 12/22/2011 12:46:07.005 102.500 5.675 16.947 12/22/2011 12:46:07.255 102.750 5.677 16.951

12/22/2011 12:46:07.505 103.000 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:46:07.755 103.250 5.678 16.955 12/22/2011 12:46:08.005 103.500 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:46:08.255 103.750 5.678 16.954

12/22/2011 12:46:08.505 104.000 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:46:08.755 104.250 5.678 16.955 12/22/2011 12:46:09.005 104.500 5.679 16.958 12/22/2011 12:46:09.255 104.750 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:46:09.505 105.000 5.689 16.988 12/22/2011 12:46:09.755 105.250 5.683 16.971

12/22/2011 12:46:10.005 105.500 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:46:10.255 105.750 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:46:10.505 106.000 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:46:10.755 106.250 5.676 16.950 12/22/2011 12:46:11.005 106.500 5.681 16.964 12/22/2011 12:46:11.255 106.750 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:46:11.505 107.000 5.682 16.967

12/22/2011 12:46:11.755 107.250 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:46:12.005 107.500 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:46:12.255 107.750 5.680 16.962 12/22/2011 12:46:12.505 108.000 5.677 16.951 12/22/2011 12:46:12.755 108.250 5.674 16.943

12/22/2011 12:46:13.005 108.500 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:46:13.255 108.750 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:46:13.505 109.000 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:46:13.755 109.250 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:46:14.005 109.500 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:46:14.255 109.750 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:46:14.505 110.000 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:46:14.755 110.250 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:46:15.005 110.500 5.680 16.962 12/22/2011 12:46:15.255 110.750 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:46:15.505 111.000 5.676 16.950 12/22/2011 12:46:15.755 111.250 5.678 16.956 12/22/2011 12:46:16.005 111.500 5.676 16.950

12/22/2011 12:46:16.255 111.750 5.671 16.935

12/22/2011 12:46:16.505 112.000 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:46:16.755 112.250 5.679 16.958 12/22/2011 12:46:17.005 112.500 5.678 16.955 12/22/2011 12:46:17.255 112.750 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:46:17.505 113.000 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:46:17.755 113.250 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:46:18.005 113.500 5.678 16.954

12/22/2011 12:46:18.255 113.750 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:46:18.505 114.000 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:46:18.755 114.250 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:46:19.005 114.500 5.677 16.953

12/22/2011 12:46:19.255 114.750 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:46:19.505 115.000 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:46:19.755 115.250 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:46:20.005 115.500 5.681 16.965 12/22/2011 12:46:20.255 115.750 5.676 16.948 12/22/2011 12:46:20.505 116.000 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:46:20.755 116.250 5.682 16.967

12/22/2011 12:46:21.005 116.500 5.683 16.970

12/22/2011 12:46:21.255 116.750 5.676 16.950

12/22/2011 12:46:21.505 117.000 5.677 16.953 12/22/2011 12:46:21.755 117.250 5.678 16.956 12/22/2011 12:46:22.005 117.500 5.677 16.953

12/22/2011 12:46:22.255 117.750 5.678 16.954

12/22/2011 12:46:22.505 118.000 5.682 16.967

12/22/2011 12:46:22.755 118.250 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:46:23.005 118.500 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:46:23.255 118.750 5.683 16.969 12/22/2011 12:46:23.505 119.000 5.681 16.964 12/22/2011 12:46:23.755 119.250 5.677 16.951

12/22/2011 12:46:24.005 119.500 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:46:24.255 119.750 5.678 16.954

12/22/2011 12:46:24.505 120.000 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:46:24.755 120.250 5.679 16.958 12/22/2011 12:46:25.005 120.500 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:46:25.255 120.750 5.677 16.951

12/22/2011 12:46:25.505 121.000 5.678 16.954

12/22/2011 12:46:25.755 121.250 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:46:26.005 121.500 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:46:26.255 121.750 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:46:26.505 122.000 5.675 16.945 12/22/2011 12:46:26.755 122.250 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:46:27.005 122.500 5.677 16.953 12/22/2011 12:46:27.255 122.750 5.676 16.950 12/22/2011 12:46:27.505 123.000 5.677 16.952

12/22/2011 12:46:27.755 123.250 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:46:28.005 123.500 5.678 16.956 12/22/2011 12:46:28.255 123.750 5.679 16.958 12/22/2011 12:46:28.505 124.000 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:46:28.755 124.250 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:46:29.005 124.500 5.681 16.965 12/22/2011 12:46:29.255 124.750 5.683 16.969 12/22/2011 12:46:29.505 125.000 5.681 16.964 12/22/2011 12:46:29.755 125.250 5.683 16.970 12/22/2011 12:46:30.005 125.500 5.683 16.970

12/22/2011 12:46:30.255 125.750 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:46:30.505 126.000 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:46:30.755 126.250 5.692 16.997

12/22/2011 12:46:31.005 126.500 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:46:31.255 126.750 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:46:31.505 127.000 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:46:31.755 127.250 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:46:32.005 127.500 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:46:32.255 127.750 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:46:32.505 128.000 5.677 16.953 12/22/2011 12:46:32.755 128.250 5.681 16.965 12/22/2011 12:46:33.005 128.500 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:46:33.255 128.750 5.683 16.969

12/22/2011 12:46:33.505 129.000 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:46:33.755 129.250 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:46:34.005 129.500 5.683 16.969 12/22/2011 12:46:34.255 129.750 5.682 16.968 12/22/2011 12:46:34.505 130.000 5.683 16.971

12/22/2011 12:46:34.755 130.250 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:46:35.005 130.500 5.682 16.967 12/22/2011 12:46:35.255 130.750 5.682 16.966 12/22/2011 12:46:35.505 131.000 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:46:35.755 131.250 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:46:36.005 131.500 5.677 16.951 12/22/2011 12:46:36.255 131.750 5.682 16.967

12/22/2011 12:46:36.505 132.000 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:46:36.755 132.250 5.682 16.967

12/22/2011 12:46:37.005 132.500 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:46:37.255 132.750 5.681 16.964 12/22/2011 12:46:37.505 133.000 5.682 16.966 12/22/2011 12:46:37.755 133.250 5.684 16.974

12/22/2011 12:46:38.005 133.500 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:46:38.255 133.750 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:46:38.505 134.000 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:46:38.755 134.250 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:46:39.005 134.500 5.677 16.953 12/22/2011 12:46:39.255 134.750 5.678 16.954

12/22/2011 12:46:39.505 135.000 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:46:39.755 135.250 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:46:40.005 135.500 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:46:40.255 135.750 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:46:40.505 136.000 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:46:40.755 136.250 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:46:41.005 136.500 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:46:41.255 136.750 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:46:41.505 137.000 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:46:41.755 137.250 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:46:42.005 137.500 5.682 16.966 12/22/2011 12:46:42.255 137.750 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:46:42.505 138.000 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:46:42.755 138.250 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:46:43.005 138.500 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:46:43.255 138.750 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:46:43.505 139.000 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:46:43.755 139.250 5.678 16.954 12/22/2011 12:46:44.005 139.500 5.677 16.953

12/22/2011 12:46:44.255 139.750 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:46:44.505 140.000 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:46:44.755 140.250 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:46:45.005 140.500 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:46:45.255 140.750 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:46:45.505 141.000 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:46:45.755 141.250 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:46:46.005 141.500 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:46:46.255 141.750 5.678 16.954

12/22/2011 12:46:46.505 142.000 5.678 16.955 12/22/2011 12:46:46.755 142.250 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:46:47.005 142.500 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:46:47.255 142.750 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:46:47.505 143.000 5.678 16.954 12/22/2011 12:46:47.755 143.250 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:46:48.005 143.500 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:46:48.255 143.750 5.680 16.962 12/22/2011 12:46:48.505 144.000 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:46:48.755 144.250 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:46:49.005 144.500 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:46:49.255 144.750 5.678 16.954 12/22/2011 12:46:49.505 145.000 5.677 16.953 12/22/2011 12:46:49.755 145.250 5.676 16.949 12/22/2011 12:46:50.005 145.500 5.677 16.952 12/22/2011 12:46:50.255 145.750 5.678 16.954

12/22/2011 12:46:50.505 146.000 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:46:50.755 146.250 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:46:51.005 146.500 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:46:51.255 146.750 5.681 16.964 12/22/2011 12:46:51.505 147.000 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:46:51.755 147.250 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:46:52.005 147.500 5.693 16.999

12/22/2011 12:46:52.255 147.750 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:46:52.505 148.000 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:46:52.755 148.250 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:46:53.005 148.500 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:46:53.255 148.750 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:46:53.505 149.000 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:46:53.755 149.250 5.677 16.952

12/22/2011 12:46:54.005 149.500 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:46:54.255 149.750 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:46:54.505 150.000 5.676 16.950 12/22/2011 12:46:54.755 150.250 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:46:55.005 150.500 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:46:55.255 150.750 5.683 16.971 12/22/2011 12:46:55.505 151.000 5.680 16.962 12/22/2011 12:46:55.755 151.250 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:46:56.005 151.500 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:46:56.255 151.750 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:46:56.505 152.000 5.683 16.970

12/22/2011 12:46:56.755 152.250 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:46:57.005 152.500 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:46:57.255 152.750 5.682 16.968 12/22/2011 12:46:57.505 153.000 6.467 19.311 12/22/2011 12:46:57.755 153.250 6.112 18.250 12/22/2011 12:46:58.005 153.500 5.789 17.288

12/22/2011 12:46:58.255 153.750 5.731 17.113

12/22/2011 12:46:58.505 154.000 5.736 17.127

12/22/2011 12:46:58.755 154.250 5.740 17.141

12/22/2011 12:46:59.005 154.500 5.726 17.100 12/22/2011 12:46:59.255 154.750 5.721 17.085 12/22/2011 12:46:59.505 155.000 5.712 17.058

12/22/2011 12:46:59.755 155.250 5.709 17.047

12/22/2011 12:47:00.005 155.500 5.700 17.022

12/22/2011 12:47:00.255 155.750 5.696 17.009

12/22/2011 12:47:00.505 156.000 5.693 17.001 12/22/2011 12:47:00.755 156.250 5.687 16.983 12/22/2011 12:47:01.005 156.500 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:47:01.255 156.750 5.686 16.979

12/22/2011 12:47:01.505 157.000 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:47:01.755 157.250 5.685 16.975

12/22/2011 12:47:02.005 157.500 5.683 16.970 12/22/2011 12:47:02.255 157.750 5.682 16.967 12/22/2011 12:47:02.505 158.000 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:47:02.760 158.255 5.683 16.970

12/22/2011 12:47:03.005 158.500 5.683 16.970

12/22/2011 12:47:03.255 158.750 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:47:03.505 159.000 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:47:03.755 159.250 5.682 16.968 12/22/2011 12:47:04.005 159.500 5.682 16.967 12/22/2011 12:47:04.255 159.750 5.683 16.971

12/22/2011 12:47:04.505 160.000 5.683 16.969

12/22/2011 12:47:04.755 160.250 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:47:05.005 160.500 5.683 16.970

12/22/2011 12:47:05.255 160.750 5.682 16.966 12/22/2011 12:47:05.505 161.000 5.677 16.953 12/22/2011 12:47:05.755 161.250 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:47:06.005 161.500 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:47:06.255 161.750 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:47:06.505 162.000 5.682 16.967

12/22/2011 12:47:06.755 162.250 5.682 16.968 12/22/2011 12:47:07.005 162.500 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:47:07.255 162.750 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:47:07.505 163.000 5.678 16.955 12/22/2011 12:47:07.755 163.250 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:47:08.005 163.500 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:47:08.255 163.750 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:47:08.505 164.000 5.676 16.949 12/22/2011 12:47:08.755 164.250 5.677 16.953 12/22/2011 12:47:09.005 164.500 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:47:09.255 164.750 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:47:09.505 165.000 5.677 16.952 12/22/2011 12:47:09.755 165.250 5.679 16.958 12/22/2011 12:47:10.005 165.500 5.675 16.945 12/22/2011 12:47:10.255 165.750 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:47:10.505 166.000 5.678 16.954

12/22/2011 12:47:10.755 166.250 5.676 16.950

12/22/2011 12:47:11.005 166.500 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:47:11.255 166.750 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:47:11.505 167.000 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:47:11.755 167.250 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:47:12.005 167.500 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:47:12.255 167.750 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:47:12.505 168.000 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:47:12.755 168.250 5.676 16.948

12/22/2011 12:47:13.005 168.500 5.678 16.956 12/22/2011 12:47:13.255 168.750 5.682 16.968 12/22/2011 12:47:13.505 169.000 5.677 16.953

12/22/2011 12:47:13.755 169.250 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:47:14.005 169.500 5.683 16.969

12/22/2011 12:47:14.255 169.750 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:47:14.505 170.000 5.681 16.964 12/22/2011 12:47:14.755 170.250 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:47:15.005 170.500 5.682 16.967

12/22/2011 12:47:15.255 170.750 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:47:15.505 171.000 5.681 16.964 12/22/2011 12:47:15.755 171.250 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:47:16.005 171.500 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:47:16.255 171.750 5.680 16.962 12/22/2011 12:47:16.505 172.000 5.676 16.948 12/22/2011 12:47:16.755 172.250 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:47:17.005 172.500 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:47:17.255 172.750 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:47:17.505 173.000 5.682 16.966 12/22/2011 12:47:17.755 173.250 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:47:18.005 173.500 5.682 16.967 12/22/2011 12:47:18.255 173.750 5.678 16.954

12/22/2011 12:47:18.505 174.000 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:47:18.755 174.250 5.682 16.967

12/22/2011 12:47:19.005 174.500 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:47:19.255 174.750 5.681 16.964 12/22/2011 12:47:19.505 175.000 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:47:19.755 175.250 5.677 16.953

12/22/2011 12:47:20.005 175.500 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:47:20.255 175.750 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:47:20.505 176.000 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:47:20.755 176.250 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:47:21.005 176.500 5.681 16.965 12/22/2011 12:47:21.255 176.750 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:47:21.505 177.000 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:47:21.755 177.250 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:47:22.005 177.500 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:47:22.255 177.750 5.676 16.950 12/22/2011 12:47:22.505 178.000 5.676 16.950 12/22/2011 12:47:22.755 178.250 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:47:23.005 178.500 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:47:23.255 178.750 5.683 16.969

12/22/2011 12:47:23.505 179.000 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:47:23.755 179.250 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:47:24.006 179.501 5.678 16.955 12/22/2011 12:47:24.255 179.750 5.679 16.958 12/22/2011 12:47:24.505 180.000 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:47:24.755 180.250 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:47:25.005 180.500 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:47:25.255 180.750 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:47:25.505 181.000 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:47:25.755 181.250 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:47:26.005 181.500 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:47:26.255 181.750 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:47:26.505 182.000 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:47:26.755 182.250 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:47:27.005 182.500 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:47:27.255 182.750 5.678 16.955 12/22/2011 12:47:27.505 183.000 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:47:27.755 183.250 5.681 16.965 12/22/2011 12:47:28.005 183.500 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:47:28.255 183.750 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:47:28.505 184.000 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:47:28.755 184.250 5.680 16.962 12/22/2011 12:47:29.005 184.500 5.684 16.972 12/22/2011 12:47:29.255 184.750 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:47:29.505 185.000 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:47:29.755 185.250 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:47:30.005 185.500 5.681 16.965 12/22/2011 12:47:30.255 185.750 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:47:30.505 186.000 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:47:30.755 186.250 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:47:31.005 186.500 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:47:31.255 186.750 5.677 16.953

12/22/2011 12:47:31.505 187.000 5.677 16.953

12/22/2011 12:47:31.755 187.250 5.680 16.962 12/22/2011 12:47:32.005 187.500 5.678 16.956 12/22/2011 12:47:32.255 187.750 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:47:32.505 188.000 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:47:32.755 188.250 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:47:33.005 188.500 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:47:33.255 188.750 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:47:33.505 189.000 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:47:33.755 189.250 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:47:34.005 189.500 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:47:34.255 189.750 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:47:34.505 190.000 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:47:34.755 190.250 5.678 16.956 12/22/2011 12:47:35.005 190.500 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:47:35.255 190.750 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:47:35.505 191.000 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:47:35.755 191.250 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:47:36.005 191.500 5.678 16.954 12/22/2011 12:47:36.255 191.750 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:47:36.505 192.000 5.678 16.955 12/22/2011 12:47:36.755 192.250 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:47:37.005 192.500 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:47:37.255 192.750 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:47:37.505 193.000 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:47:37.755 193.250 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:47:38.005 193.500 5.678 16.956 12/22/2011 12:47:38.255 193.750 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:47:38.505 194.000 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:47:38.755 194.250 5.682 16.967

12/22/2011 12:47:39.005 194.500 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:47:39.255 194.750 5.677 16.953

12/22/2011 12:47:39.505 195.000 5.677 16.952 12/22/2011 12:47:39.755 195.250 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:47:40.005 195.500 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:47:40.255 195.750 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:47:40.505 196.000 5.677 16.951

12/22/2011 12:47:40.755 196.250 5.677 16.953

12/22/2011 12:47:41.005 196.500 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:47:41.255 196.750 5.682 16.967 12/22/2011 12:47:41.505 197.000 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:47:41.755 197.250 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:47:42.005 197.500 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:47:42.255 197.750 5.677 16.952

12/22/2011 12:47:42.505 198.000 5.677 16.951 12/22/2011 12:47:42.755 198.250 5.680 16.962 12/22/2011 12:47:43.005 198.500 5.677 16.951

12/22/2011 12:47:43.255 198.750 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:47:43.505 199.000 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:47:43.755 199.250 5.677 16.952

12/22/2011 12:47:44.005 199.500 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:47:44.255 199.750 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:47:44.505 200.000 5.678 16.954 12/22/2011 12:47:44.755 200.250 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:47:45.005 200.500 5.677 16.952

12/22/2011 12:47:45.255 200.750 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:47:45.505 201.000 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:47:45.755 201.250 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:47:46.005 201.500 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:47:46.255 201.750 5.678 16.954

12/22/2011 12:47:46.505 202.000 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:47:46.755 202.250 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:47:47.005 202.500 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:47:47.255 202.750 5.677 16.952 12/22/2011 12:47:47.505 203.000 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:47:47.755 203.250 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:47:48.005 203.500 5.678 16.955 12/22/2011 12:47:48.255 203.750 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:47:48.505 204.000 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:47:48.755 204.250 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:47:49.005 204.500 5.678 16.954 12/22/2011 12:47:49.255 204.750 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:47:49.505 205.000 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:47:49.755 205.250 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:47:50.005 205.500 5.682 16.967 12/22/2011 12:47:50.255 205.750 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:47:50.505 206.000 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:47:50.755 206.250 5.677 16.953 12/22/2011 12:47:51.005 206.500 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:47:51.255 206.750 5.676 16.949

12/22/2011 12:47:51.505 207.000 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:47:51.755 207.250 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:47:52.005 207.500 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:47:52.255 207.750 5.679 16.958 12/22/2011 12:47:52.505 208.000 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:47:52.755 208.250 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:47:53.005 208.500 5.676 16.948

12/22/2011 12:47:53.255 208.750 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:47:53.505 209.000 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:47:53.755 209.250 5.685 16.974 12/22/2011 12:47:54.005 209.500 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:47:54.255 209.750 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:47:54.505 210.000 5.677 16.953

12/22/2011 12:47:54.755 210.250 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:47:55.005 210.500 5.678 16.954 12/22/2011 12:47:55.255 210.750 5.678 16.956 12/22/2011 12:47:55.505 211.000 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:47:55.755 211.250 5.691 16.993

12/22/2011 12:47:56.005 211.500 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:47:56.255 211.750 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:47:56.505 212.000 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:47:56.755 212.250 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:47:57.005 212.500 5.679 16.958 12/22/2011 12:47:57.255 212.750 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:47:57.505 213.000 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:47:57.755 213.250 5.674 16.944

12/22/2011 12:47:58.005 213.500 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:47:58.255 213.750 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:47:58.505 214.000 5.678 16.956 12/22/2011 12:47:58.755 214.250 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:47:59.005 214.500 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:47:59.255 214.750 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:47:59.505 215.000 5.685 16.976

12/22/2011 12:47:59.755 215.250 5.682 16.966 12/22/2011 12:48:00.005 215.500 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:48:00.255 215.750 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:48:00.505 216.000 5.678 16.954

12/22/2011 12:48:00.755 216.250 5.677 16.951

12/22/2011 12:48:01.005 216.500 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:48:01.255 216.750 5.677 16.952 12/22/2011 12:48:01.505 217.000 5.682 16.966 12/22/2011 12:48:01.755 217.250 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:48:02.005 217.500 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:48:02.255 217.750 5.676 16.949

12/22/2011 12:48:02.505 218.000 5.675 16.947

12/22/2011 12:48:02.755 218.250 5.677 16.952 12/22/2011 12:48:03.005 218.500 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:48:03.255 218.750 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:48:03.505 219.000 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:48:03.755 219.250 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:48:04.005 219.500 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:48:04.255 219.750 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:48:04.505 220.000 5.682 16.967 12/22/2011 12:48:04.755 220.250 5.680 16.962 12/22/2011 12:48:05.005 220.500 5.678 16.954

12/22/2011 12:48:05.255 220.750 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:48:05.505 221.000 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:48:05.755 221.250 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:48:06.005 221.500 5.679 16.958 12/22/2011 12:48:06.255 221.750 5.679 16.958 12/22/2011 12:48:06.505 222.000 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:48:06.755 222.250 5.682 16.967

12/22/2011 12:48:07.005 222.500 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:48:07.255 222.750 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:48:07.505 223.000 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:48:07.755 223.250 5.682 16.966 12/22/2011 12:48:08.005 223.500 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:48:08.255 223.750 5.679 16.958 12/22/2011 12:48:08.505 224.000 5.676 16.949 12/22/2011 12:48:08.755 224.250 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:48:09.005 224.500 5.674 16.944

12/22/2011 12:48:09.255 224.750 5.151 15.380 12/22/2011 12:48:09.505 225.000 5.559 16.599 12/22/2011 12:48:09.755 225.250 5.530 16.513

12/22/2011 12:48:10.005 225.500 5.686 16.978

12/22/2011 12:48:10.255 225.750 5.646 16.859 12/22/2011 12:48:10.505 226.000 5.449 16.270 12/22/2011 12:48:10.755 226.250 5.482 16.370 12/22/2011 12:48:11.005 226.500 5.535 16.529 12/22/2011 12:48:11.255 226.750 5.574 16.645

12/22/2011 12:48:11.505 227.000 5.600 16.723

12/22/2011 12:48:11.755 227.250 5.620 16.781

12/22/2011 12:48:12.005 227.500 5.633 16.820

12/22/2011 12:48:12.255 227.750 5.641 16.845 12/22/2011 12:48:12.505 228.000 5.651 16.875 12/22/2011 12:48:12.755 228.250 5.655 16.887

12/22/2011 12:48:13.005 228.500 5.660 16.901

12/22/2011 12:48:13.255 228.750 5.657 16.893

12/22/2011 12:48:13.505 229.000 5.664 16.915

12/22/2011 12:48:13.755 229.250 5.669 16.928 12/22/2011 12:48:14.005 229.500 5.669 16.927 12/22/2011 12:48:14.255 229.750 5.670 16.931

12/22/2011 12:48:14.505 230.000 5.672 16.937

12/22/2011 12:48:14.755 230.250 5.674 16.943

12/22/2011 12:48:15.005 230.500 5.676 16.950

12/22/2011 12:48:15.255 230.750 5.674 16.943 12/22/2011 12:48:15.505 231.000 5.676 16.948 12/22/2011 12:48:15.755 231.250 5.674 16.944

12/22/2011 12:48:16.005 231.500 5.675 16.946

12/22/2011 12:48:16.255 231.750 5.677 16.951 12/22/2011 12:48:16.505 232.000 5.678 16.955 12/22/2011 12:48:16.755 232.250 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:48:17.005 232.500 5.690 16.990 12/22/2011 12:48:17.255 232.750 5.678 16.954 12/22/2011 12:48:17.505 233.000 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:48:17.755 233.250 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:48:18.005 233.500 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:48:18.255 233.750 5.676 16.949 12/22/2011 12:48:18.505 234.000 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:48:18.755 234.250 5.681 16.965 12/22/2011 12:48:19.005 234.500 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:48:19.255 234.750 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:48:19.505 235.000 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:48:19.755 235.250 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:48:20.005 235.500 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:48:20.255 235.750 5.678 16.954 12/22/2011 12:48:20.505 236.000 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:48:20.755 236.250 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:48:21.005 236.500 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:48:21.255 236.750 5.684 16.973

12/22/2011 12:48:21.505 237.000 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:48:21.755 237.250 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:48:22.005 237.500 5.683 16.971

12/22/2011 12:48:22.255 237.750 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:48:22.505 238.000 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:48:22.755 238.250 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:48:23.005 238.500 5.678 16.956 12/22/2011 12:48:23.255 238.750 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:48:23.505 239.000 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:48:23.755 239.250 5.683 16.969

12/22/2011 12:48:24.005 239.500 5.676 16.948

12/22/2011 12:48:24.255 239.750 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:48:24.505 240.000 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:48:24.755 240.250 5.682 16.968 12/22/2011 12:48:25.005 240.500 5.682 16.966 12/22/2011 12:48:25.255 240.750 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:48:25.505 241.000 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:48:25.755 241.250 5.683 16.969

12/22/2011 12:48:26.005 241.500 5.686 16.979

12/22/2011 12:48:26.255 241.750 5.683 16.969 12/22/2011 12:48:26.505 242.000 5.677 16.953 12/22/2011 12:48:26.755 242.250 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:48:27.005 242.500 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:48:27.255 242.750 5.683 16.969

12/22/2011 12:48:27.505 243.000 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:48:27.755 243.250 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:48:28.005 243.500 5.677 16.953 12/22/2011 12:48:28.255 243.750 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:48:28.505 244.000 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:48:28.755 244.250 5.685 16.977 12/22/2011 12:48:29.005 244.500 5.683 16.969

12/22/2011 12:48:29.255 244.750 5.683 16.970

12/22/2011 12:48:29.505 245.000 5.683 16.969 12/22/2011 12:48:29.755 245.250 5.684 16.973 12/22/2011 12:48:30.005 245.500 5.683 16.971

12/22/2011 12:48:30.255 245.750 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:48:30.505 246.000 5.681 16.965 12/22/2011 12:48:30.755 246.250 5.681 16.965 12/22/2011 12:48:31.005 246.500 5.681 16.965 12/22/2011 12:48:31.255 246.750 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:48:31.505 247.000 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:48:31.755 247.250 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:48:32.005 247.500 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:48:32.255 247.750 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:48:32.505 248.000 5.683 16.971 12/22/2011 12:48:32.755 248.250 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:48:33.005 248.500 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:48:33.255 248.750 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:48:33.505 249.000 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:48:33.755 249.250 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:48:34.005 249.500 5.682 16.966 12/22/2011 12:48:34.255 249.750 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:48:34.505 250.000 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:48:34.755 250.250 5.683 16.971

12/22/2011 12:48:35.005 250.500 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:48:35.255 250.750 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:48:35.505 251.000 5.683 16.970 12/22/2011 12:48:35.755 251.250 5.682 16.966 12/22/2011 12:48:36.005 251.500 5.677 16.953

12/22/2011 12:48:36.255 251.750 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:48:36.505 252.000 5.681 16.964 12/22/2011 12:48:36.755 252.250 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:48:37.005 252.500 5.677 16.951

12/22/2011 12:48:37.255 252.750 5.681 16.964 12/22/2011 12:48:37.505 253.000 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:48:37.755 253.250 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:48:38.005 253.500 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:48:38.255 253.750 5.685 16.977

12/22/2011 12:48:38.505 254.000 5.683 16.970 12/22/2011 12:48:38.755 254.250 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:48:39.005 254.500 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:48:39.255 254.750 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:48:39.505 255.000 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:48:39.755 255.250 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:48:40.005 255.500 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:48:40.255 255.750 5.683 16.970 12/22/2011 12:48:40.505 256.000 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:48:40.755 256.250 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:48:41.005 256.500 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:48:41.255 256.750 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:48:41.505 257.000 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:48:41.755 257.250 5.682 16.966 12/22/2011 12:48:42.005 257.500 5.681 16.964 12/22/2011 12:48:42.255 257.750 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:48:42.505 258.000 5.683 16.970

12/22/2011 12:48:42.755 258.250 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:48:43.005 258.500 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:48:43.255 258.750 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:48:43.505 259.000 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:48:43.755 259.250 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:48:44.005 259.500 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:48:44.255 259.750 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:48:44.505 260.000 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:48:44.755 260.250 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:48:45.005 260.500 5.677 16.953 12/22/2011 12:48:45.255 260.750 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:48:45.505 261.000 5.678 16.954

12/22/2011 12:48:45.755 261.250 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:48:46.005 261.500 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:48:46.255 261.750 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:48:46.505 262.000 5.680 16.962 12/22/2011 12:48:46.755 262.250 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:48:47.005 262.500 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:48:47.255 262.750 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:48:47.505 263.000 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:48:47.755 263.250 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:48:48.005 263.500 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:48:48.255 263.750 5.677 16.951 12/22/2011 12:48:48.505 264.000 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:48:48.755 264.250 5.683 16.969 12/22/2011 12:48:49.005 264.500 5.682 16.967 12/22/2011 12:48:49.255 264.750 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:48:49.505 265.000 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:48:49.755 265.250 5.682 16.967 12/22/2011 12:48:50.005 265.500 5.679 16.958 12/22/2011 12:48:50.255 265.750 5.677 16.952

12/22/2011 12:48:50.505 266.000 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:48:50.755 266.250 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:48:51.005 266.500 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:48:51.255 266.750 5.682 16.966 12/22/2011 12:48:51.505 267.000 5.679 16.958 12/22/2011 12:48:51.755 267.250 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:48:52.005 267.500 5.677 16.953

12/22/2011 12:48:52.255 267.750 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:48:52.505 268.000 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:48:52.755 268.250 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:48:53.005 268.500 5.682 16.968 12/22/2011 12:48:53.255 268.750 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:48:53.505 269.000 5.683 16.969

12/22/2011 12:48:53.755 269.250 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:48:54.005 269.500 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:48:54.255 269.750 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:48:54.505 270.000 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:48:54.755 270.250 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:48:55.005 270.500 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:48:55.255 270.750 5.683 16.971

12/22/2011 12:48:55.505 271.000 5.678 16.954

12/22/2011 12:48:55.755 271.250 5.678 16.956 12/22/2011 12:48:56.005 271.500 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:48:56.255 271.750 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:48:56.505 272.000 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:48:56.755 272.250 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:48:57.005 272.500 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:48:57.255 272.750 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:48:57.505 273.000 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:48:57.755 273.250 5.679 16.958 12/22/2011 12:48:58.005 273.500 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:48:58.255 273.750 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:48:58.505 274.000 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:48:58.755 274.250 5.680 16.962 12/22/2011 12:48:59.005 274.500 5.682 16.966 12/22/2011 12:48:59.255 274.750 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:48:59.505 275.000 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:48:59.755 275.250 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:49:00.005 275.500 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:49:00.255 275.750 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:49:00.505 276.000 5.680 16.962 12/22/2011 12:49:00.755 276.250 5.682 16.967 12/22/2011 12:49:01.005 276.500 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:49:01.255 276.750 5.683 16.969

12/22/2011 12:49:01.505 277.000 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:49:01.755 277.250 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:49:02.005 277.500 5.680 16.962 12/22/2011 12:49:02.255 277.750 5.682 16.966 12/22/2011 12:49:02.505 278.000 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:49:02.755 278.250 5.683 16.969

12/22/2011 12:49:03.005 278.500 5.683 16.970

12/22/2011 12:49:03.255 278.750 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:49:03.505 279.000 5.679 16.958 12/22/2011 12:49:03.755 279.250 5.679 16.958 12/22/2011 12:49:04.005 279.500 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:49:04.255 279.750 5.682 16.967

12/22/2011 12:49:04.505 280.000 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:49:04.755 280.250 5.677 16.951

12/22/2011 12:49:05.005 280.500 5.684 16.973

12/22/2011 12:49:05.255 280.750 5.678 16.955 12/22/2011 12:49:05.505 281.000 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:49:05.755 281.250 5.677 16.953

12/22/2011 12:49:06.005 281.500 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:49:06.255 281.750 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:49:06.505 282.000 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:49:06.755 282.250 5.677 16.952 12/22/2011 12:49:07.005 282.500 5.682 16.966 12/22/2011 12:49:07.255 282.750 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:49:07.505 283.000 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:49:07.755 283.250 5.683 16.969

12/22/2011 12:49:08.005 283.500 5.678 16.954

12/22/2011 12:49:08.255 283.750 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:49:08.505 284.000 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:49:08.755 284.250 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:49:09.005 284.500 5.681 16.965 12/22/2011 12:49:09.255 284.750 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:49:09.505 285.000 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:49:09.755 285.250 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:49:10.005 285.500 5.682 16.967 12/22/2011 12:49:10.255 285.750 5.683 16.969 12/22/2011 12:49:10.505 286.000 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:49:10.755 286.250 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:49:11.005 286.500 5.682 16.968 12/22/2011 12:49:11.255 286.750 5.683 16.970 12/22/2011 12:49:11.505 287.000 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:49:11.755 287.250 5.681 16.964 12/22/2011 12:49:12.005 287.500 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:49:12.255 287.750 5.682 16.967

12/22/2011 12:49:12.505 288.000 5.675 16.947

12/22/2011 12:49:12.755 288.250 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:49:13.005 288.500 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:49:13.255 288.750 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:49:13.505 289.000 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:49:13.755 289.250 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:49:14.005 289.500 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:49:14.255 289.750 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:49:14.505 290.000 5.682 16.967 12/22/2011 12:49:14.755 290.250 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:49:15.005 290.500 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:49:15.255 290.750 5.683 16.969

12/22/2011 12:49:15.505 291.000 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:49:15.755 291.250 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:49:16.005 291.500 5.682 16.967 12/22/2011 12:49:16.255 291.750 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:49:16.505 292.000 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:49:16.755 292.250 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:49:17.005 292.500 5.682 16.966 12/22/2011 12:49:17.255 292.750 5.685 16.975 12/22/2011 12:49:17.505 293.000 5.684 16.974

12/22/2011 12:49:17.755 293.250 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:49:18.005 293.500 5.684 16.974 12/22/2011 12:49:18.255 293.750 5.682 16.967

12/22/2011 12:49:18.505 294.000 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:49:18.755 294.250 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:49:19.005 294.500 5.679 16.958 12/22/2011 12:49:19.255 294.750 5.677 16.953 12/22/2011 12:49:19.505 295.000 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:49:19.755 295.250 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:49:20.005 295.500 5.683 16.969

12/22/2011 12:49:20.255 295.750 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:49:20.505 296.000 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:49:20.755 296.250 5.691 16.992 12/22/2011 12:49:21.005 296.500 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:49:21.255 296.750 5.682 16.967

12/22/2011 12:49:21.505 297.000 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:49:21.755 297.250 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:49:22.005 297.500 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:49:22.255 297.750 5.682 16.968 12/22/2011 12:49:22.505 298.000 5.680 16.962 12/22/2011 12:49:22.755 298.250 5.683 16.971

12/22/2011 12:49:23.005 298.500 5.683 16.971

12/22/2011 12:49:23.255 298.750 5.684 16.972

12/22/2011 12:49:23.505 299.000 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:49:23.755 299.250 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:49:24.005 299.500 5.682 16.967 12/22/2011 12:49:24.255 299.750 5.683 16.971

12/22/2011 12:49:24.505 300.000 5.677 16.953

12/22/2011 12:49:24.755 300.250 5.684 16.973

12/22/2011 12:49:25.005 300.500 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:49:25.255 300.750 5.683 16.970

12/22/2011 12:49:25.505 301.000 5.682 16.966 12/22/2011 12:49:25.755 301.250 5.683 16.969 12/22/2011 12:49:26.005 301.500 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:49:26.255 301.750 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:49:26.505 302.000 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:49:26.755 302.250 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:49:27.005 302.500 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:49:27.255 302.750 5.681 16.965 12/22/2011 12:49:27.505 303.000 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:49:27.755 303.250 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:49:28.005 303.500 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:49:28.255 303.750 5.678 16.956

12/22/2011 12:49:28.505 304.000 5.682 16.967 12/22/2011 12:49:28.755 304.250 5.682 16.968 12/22/2011 12:49:29.005 304.500 5.683 16.970

12/22/2011 12:49:29.255 304.750 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:49:29.505 305.000 5.677 16.951 12/22/2011 12:49:29.755 305.250 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:49:30.005 305.500 5.678 16.954

12/22/2011 12:49:30.255 305.750 5.682 16.966 12/22/2011 12:49:30.505 306.000 5.681 16.964 12/22/2011 12:49:30.755 306.250 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:49:31.005 306.500 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:49:31.255 306.750 5.681 16.965 12/22/2011 12:49:31.505 307.000 5.681 16.965 12/22/2011 12:49:31.755 307.250 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:49:32.005 307.500 5.681 16.965 12/22/2011 12:49:32.255 307.750 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:49:32.505 308.000 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:49:32.755 308.250 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:49:33.005 308.500 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:49:33.255 308.750 5.682 16.966 12/22/2011 12:49:33.505 309.000 5.683 16.970 12/22/2011 12:49:33.755 309.250 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:49:34.005 309.500 5.684 16.972

12/22/2011 12:49:34.255 309.750 5.685 16.975

12/22/2011 12:49:34.505 310.000 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:49:34.755 310.250 5.684 16.972 12/22/2011 12:49:35.005 310.500 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:49:35.255 310.750 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:49:35.505 311.000 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:49:35.755 311.250 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:49:36.005 311.500 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:49:36.255 311.750 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:49:36.505 312.000 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:49:36.755 312.250 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:49:37.005 312.500 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:49:37.255 312.750 5.681 16.964 12/22/2011 12:49:37.505 313.000 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:49:37.755 313.250 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:49:38.005 313.500 5.677 16.953 12/22/2011 12:49:38.255 313.750 5.680 16.962 12/22/2011 12:49:38.505 314.000 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:49:38.755 314.250 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:49:39.005 314.500 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:49:39.255 314.750 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:49:39.505 315.000 5.673 16.940 12/22/2011 12:49:39.755 315.250 5.683 16.970 12/22/2011 12:49:40.005 315.500 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:49:40.255 315.750 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:49:40.505 316.000 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:49:40.755 316.250 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:49:41.005 316.500 5.681 16.965 12/22/2011 12:49:41.255 316.750 5.681 16.964 12/22/2011 12:49:41.505 317.000 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:49:41.755 317.250 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:49:42.005 317.500 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:49:42.255 317.750 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:49:42.505 318.000 5.682 16.966 12/22/2011 12:49:42.755 318.250 5.680 16.962 12/22/2011 12:49:43.005 318.500 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:49:43.255 318.750 5.677 16.953

12/22/2011 12:49:43.505 319.000 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:49:43.755 319.250 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:49:44.005 319.500 5.680 16.962 12/22/2011 12:49:44.255 319.750 5.682 16.967 12/22/2011 12:49:44.505 320.000 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:49:44.755 320.250 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:49:45.005 320.500 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:49:45.255 320.750 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:49:45.505 321.000 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:49:45.755 321.250 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:49:46.005 321.500 5.683 16.971 12/22/2011 12:49:46.255 321.750 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:49:46.505 322.000 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:49:46.755 322.250 5.677 16.952

12/22/2011 12:49:47.005 322.500 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:49:47.255 322.750 5.684 16.972 12/22/2011 12:49:47.505 323.000 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:49:47.755 323.250 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:49:48.005 323.500 5.684 16.973

12/22/2011 12:49:48.255 323.750 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:49:48.505 324.000 5.682 16.967

12/22/2011 12:49:48.755 324.250 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:49:49.005 324.500 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:49:49.255 324.750 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:49:49.505 325.000 5.681 16.964 12/22/2011 12:49:49.755 325.250 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:49:50.005 325.500 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:49:50.255 325.750 5.675 16.945

12/22/2011 12:49:50.505 326.000 5.682 16.967 12/22/2011 12:49:50.755 326.250 5.678 16.955 12/22/2011 12:49:51.005 326.500 5.675 16.947

12/22/2011 12:49:51.255 326.750 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:49:51.505 327.000 5.678 16.955 12/22/2011 12:49:51.755 327.250 5.679 16.958 12/22/2011 12:49:52.005 327.500 5.683 16.969 12/22/2011 12:49:52.255 327.750 5.681 16.965 12/22/2011 12:49:52.505 328.000 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:49:52.755 328.250 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:49:53.005 328.500 5.683 16.970

12/22/2011 12:49:53.255 328.750 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:49:53.505 329.000 5.678 16.954 12/22/2011 12:49:53.755 329.250 5.683 16.969 12/22/2011 12:49:54.005 329.500 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:49:54.255 329.750 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:49:54.505 330.000 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:49:54.755 330.250 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:49:55.005 330.500 5.680 16.960 12/22/2011 12:49:55.255 330.750 5.682 16.968 12/22/2011 12:49:55.505 331.000 5.684 16.972

12/22/2011 12:49:55.755 331.250 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:49:56.005 331.500 5.682 16.967

12/22/2011 12:49:56.255 331.750 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:49:56.505 332.000 5.685 16.975 12/22/2011 12:49:56.755 332.250 5.681 16.964 12/22/2011 12:49:57.005 332.500 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:49:57.255 332.750 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:49:57.505 333.000 5.679 16.958 12/22/2011 12:49:57.755 333.250 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:49:58.005 333.500 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:49:58.255 333.750 5.682 16.967 12/22/2011 12:49:58.505 334.000 5.679 16.957 12/22/2011 12:49:58.755 334.250 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:49:59.005 334.500 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:49:59.255 334.750 5.680 16.961

12/22/2011 12:49:59.505 335.000 5.678 16.954 12/22/2011 12:49:59.755 335.250 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:50:00.005 335.500 5.678 16.956 12/22/2011 12:50:00.255 335.750 5.678 16.954

12/22/2011 12:50:00.505 336.000 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:50:00.755 336.250 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:50:01.005 336.500 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:50:01.255 336.750 5.683 16.971 12/22/2011 12:50:01.505 337.000 5.681 16.963 12/22/2011 12:50:01.755 337.250 5.683 16.969

12/22/2011 12:50:02.005 337.500 5.678 16.955

12/22/2011 12:50:02.255 337.750 5.677 16.953

12/22/2011 12:50:02.505 338.000 5.683 16.970

12/22/2011 12:50:02.755 338.250 5.682 16.966 12/22/2011 12:50:03.005 338.500 5.682 16.968 12/22/2011 12:50:03.255 338.750 5.690 16.991

12/22/2011 12:50:03.505 339.000 5.679 16.958

12/22/2011 12:50:03.755 339.250 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:50:04.005 339.500 5.681 16.963

12/22/2011 12:50:04.255 339.750 5.680 16.961 12/22/2011 12:50:04.505 340.000 5.682 16.968 12/22/2011 12:50:04.755 340.250 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:50:05.005 340.500 5.683 16.971

12/22/2011 12:50:05.255 340.750 5.680 16.960

12/22/2011 12:50:05.505 341.000 5.679 16.959

12/22/2011 12:50:05.755 341.250 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:50:06.005 341.500 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:50:06.255 341.750 5.684 16.973 12/22/2011 12:50:06.505 342.000 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:50:06.755 342.250 5.683 16.971

12/22/2011 12:50:07.005 342.500 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:50:07.255 342.750 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:50:07.505 343.000 5.684 16.974 12/22/2011 12:50:07.755 343.250 5.681 16.965 12/22/2011 12:50:08.005 343.500 5.680 16.962

12/22/2011 12:50:08.255 343.750 5.682 16.966

12/22/2011 12:50:08.505 344.000 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:50:08.755 344.250 5.685 16.975

12/22/2011 12:50:09.005 344.500 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:50:09.255 344.750 5.679 16.958 12/22/2011 12:50:09.505 345.000 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:50:09.755 345.250 5.680 16.962 12/22/2011 12:50:10.005 345.500 5.680 16.962 12/22/2011 12:50:10.255 345.750 5.684 16.973

12/22/2011 12:50:10.505 346.000 5.681 16.965

12/22/2011 12:50:10.755 346.250 5.681 16.964 12/22/2011 12:50:11.005 346.500 5.683 16.970 12/22/2011 12:50:11.255 346.750 5.679 16.957

12/22/2011 12:50:11.505 347.000 5.682 16.968

12/22/2011 12:50:11.755 347.250 5.679 16.959 12/22/2011 12:50:12.005 347.500 5.680 16.962 12/22/2011 12:50:12.255 347.750 5.678 16.954 12/22/2011 12:50:12.505 348.000 5.677 16.952 12/22/2011 12:50:12.755 348.250 5.682 16.967

12/22/2011 12:50:13.005 348.500 5.683 16.969

12/22/2011 12:50:13.255 348.750 5.685 16.975

12/22/2011 12:50:13.505 349.000 5.686 16.980

12/22/2011 12:50:13.755 349.250 6.662 19.894 12/22/2011 12:50:14.005 349.500 5.574 16.645 12/22/2011 12:50:14.255 349.750 5.769 17.227

12/22/2011 12:50:14.505 350.000 5.768 17.223

12/22/2011 12:50:14.755 350.250 5.757 17.190

12/22/2011 12:50:15.005 350.500 5.742 17.146

12/22/2011 12:50:15.255 350.750 5.735 17.125 12/22/2011 12:50:15.505 351.000 5.723 17.091 12/22/2011 12:50:15.755 351.250 5.718 17.075

12/22/2011 12:50:16.005 351.500 5.708 17.045

12/22/2011 12:50:16.255 351.750 5.706 17.039

12/22/2011 12:50:16.505 352.000 5.709 17.047

12/22/2011 12:50:16.755 352.250 5.701 17.024 12/22/2011 12:50:17.005 352.500 5.698 17.014 12/22/2011 12:50:17.255 352.750 5.700 17.022

12/22/2011 12:50:17.505 353.000 5.697 17.012

12/22/2011 12:50:17.755 353.250 5.697 17.011 12/22/2011 12:50:18.005 353.500 5.693 17.000 12/22/2011 12:50:18.255 353.750 5.694 17.003

12/22/2011 12:50:18.505 354.000 5.692 16.996 12/22/2011 12:50:18.755 354.250 5.693 17.000 12/22/2011 12:50:19.005 354.500 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:50:19.255 354.750 5.690 16.991

12/22/2011 12:50:19.505 355.000 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:50:19.755 355.250 5.691 16.995 12/22/2011 12:50:20.005 355.500 5.693 17.000 12/22/2011 12:50:20.255 355.750 5.692 16.996 12/22/2011 12:50:20.505 356.000 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:50:20.755 356.250 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:50:21.005 356.500 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:50:21.255 356.750 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:50:21.505 357.000 5.686 16.980 12/22/2011 12:50:21.755 357.250 5.688 16.985 12/22/2011 12:50:22.005 357.500 5.690 16.991

12/22/2011 12:50:22.255 357.750 5.690 16.991

12/22/2011 12:50:22.505 358.000 5.686 16.979

12/22/2011 12:50:22.755 358.250 5.689 16.988

12/22/2011 12:50:23.005 358.500 5.689 16.989 12/22/2011 12:50:23.255 358.750 5.687 16.981 12/22/2011 12:50:23.505 359.000 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:50:23.755 359.250 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:50:24.005 359.500 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:50:24.255 359.750 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:50:24.505 360.000 5.703 17.030 12/22/2011 12:50:24.755 360.250 5.688 16.985 12/22/2011 12:50:25.005 360.500 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:50:25.255 360.750 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:50:25.505 361.000 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:50:25.755 361.250 5.690 16.991

12/22/2011 12:50:26.005 361.500 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:50:26.255 361.750 5.692 16.997 12/22/2011 12:50:26.505 362.000 5.688 16.984 12/22/2011 12:50:26.755 362.250 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:50:27.005 362.500 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:50:27.255 362.750 5.687 16.981

12/22/2011 12:50:27.505 363.000 5.687 16.982

12/22/2011 12:50:27.755 363.250 5.691 16.994 12/22/2011 12:50:28.005 363.500 5.692 16.997 12/22/2011 12:50:28.255 363.750 5.686 16.980

12/22/2011 12:50:28.505 364.000 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:50:28.755 364.250 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:50:29.005 364.500 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:50:29.255 364.750 5.689 16.989 12/22/2011 12:50:29.505 365.000 5.685 16.975 12/22/2011 12:50:29.755 365.250 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:50:30.005 365.500 5.687 16.982 12/22/2011 12:50:30.255 365.750 5.688 16.985 12/22/2011 12:50:30.505 366.000 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:50:30.755 366.250 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:50:31.005 366.500 5.687 16.981 12/22/2011 12:50:31.255 366.750 5.688 16.984 12/22/2011 12:50:31.505 367.000 5.687 16.983

12/22/2011 12:50:31.755 367.250 5.691 16.992

12/22/2011 12:50:32.005 367.500 5.689 16.989 12/22/2011 12:50:32.255 367.750 5.688 16.986 12/22/2011 12:50:32.505 368.000 5.689 16.989 12/22/2011 12:50:32.755 368.250 5.688 16.986 12/22/2011 12:50:33.005 368.500 5.686 16.979

12/22/2011 12:50:33.255 368.750 5.686 16.979

12/22/2011 12:50:33.505 369.000 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:50:33.755 369.250 5.687 16.980

12/22/2011 12:50:34.005 369.500 5.687 16.981 12/22/2011 12:50:34.255 369.750 5.689 16.987 12/22/2011 12:50:34.505 370.000 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:50:34.755 370.250 5.690 16.992

12/22/2011 12:50:35.005 370.500 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:50:35.255 370.750 5.689 16.988

12/22/2011 12:50:35.505 371.000 5.689 16.989 12/22/2011 12:50:35.755 371.250 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:50:36.005 371.500 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:50:36.255 371.750 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:50:36.505 372.000 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:50:36.755 372.250 5.690 16.992

12/22/2011 12:50:37.005 372.500 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:50:37.255 372.750 5.688 16.984 12/22/2011 12:50:37.505 373.000 5.687 16.981

12/22/2011 12:50:37.755 373.250 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:50:38.005 373.500 5.690 16.990 12/22/2011 12:50:38.255 373.750 5.688 16.984 12/22/2011 12:50:38.505 374.000 5.689 16.988

12/22/2011 12:50:38.755 374.250 5.690 16.990 12/22/2011 12:50:39.005 374.500 5.687 16.981 12/22/2011 12:50:39.255 374.750 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:50:39.505 375.000 5.690 16.992

12/22/2011 12:50:39.755 375.250 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:50:40.005 375.500 5.688 16.986 12/22/2011 12:50:40.255 375.750 5.688 16.986 12/22/2011 12:50:40.505 376.000 5.689 16.988 12/22/2011 12:50:40.755 376.250 5.691 16.993

12/22/2011 12:50:41.005 376.500 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:50:41.255 376.750 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:50:41.505 377.000 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:50:41.755 377.250 5.691 16.995 12/22/2011 12:50:42.005 377.500 5.686 16.979 12/22/2011 12:50:42.255 377.750 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:50:42.505 378.000 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:50:42.755 378.250 5.687 16.981

12/22/2011 12:50:43.005 378.500 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:50:43.255 378.750 5.687 16.981 12/22/2011 12:50:43.505 379.000 5.689 16.987 12/22/2011 12:50:43.755 379.250 5.686 16.979

12/22/2011 12:50:44.005 379.500 5.687 16.981

12/22/2011 12:50:44.255 379.750 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:50:44.505 380.000 5.689 16.988

12/22/2011 12:50:44.755 380.250 5.688 16.984 12/22/2011 12:50:45.005 380.500 5.688 16.985 12/22/2011 12:50:45.255 380.750 5.687 16.983

12/22/2011 12:50:45.505 381.000 5.690 16.991

12/22/2011 12:50:45.755 381.250 5.693 16.999

12/22/2011 12:50:46.005 381.500 5.687 16.981

12/22/2011 12:50:46.255 381.750 5.687 16.981

12/22/2011 12:50:46.505 382.000 5.686 16.980 12/22/2011 12:50:46.755 382.250 5.691 16.994 12/22/2011 12:50:47.005 382.500 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:50:47.255 382.750 5.690 16.991

12/22/2011 12:50:47.505 383.000 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:50:47.755 383.250 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:50:48.005 383.500 5.688 16.984 12/22/2011 12:50:48.255 383.750 5.689 16.988 12/22/2011 12:50:48.505 384.000 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:50:48.755 384.250 5.690 16.992

12/22/2011 12:50:49.005 384.500 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:50:49.255 384.750 5.687 16.981

12/22/2011 12:50:49.505 385.000 5.690 16.990 12/22/2011 12:50:49.755 385.250 5.687 16.982 12/22/2011 12:50:50.005 385.500 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:50:50.255 385.750 5.688 16.984 12/22/2011 12:50:50.505 386.000 5.688 16.984 12/22/2011 12:50:50.755 386.250 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:50:51.005 386.500 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:50:51.255 386.750 5.690 16.992 12/22/2011 12:50:51.505 387.000 5.691 16.994 12/22/2011 12:50:51.755 387.250 5.690 16.992

12/22/2011 12:50:52.005 387.500 5.686 16.979

12/22/2011 12:50:52.255 387.750 5.688 16.986 12/22/2011 12:50:52.505 388.000 5.690 16.991 12/22/2011 12:50:52.755 388.250 5.687 16.982 12/22/2011 12:50:53.005 388.500 5.690 16.990 12/22/2011 12:50:53.255 388.750 5.686 16.979

12/22/2011 12:50:53.505 389.000 5.687 16.981

12/22/2011 12:50:53.755 389.250 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:50:54.005 389.500 5.687 16.980

12/22/2011 12:50:54.255 389.750 5.686 16.979 12/22/2011 12:50:54.505 390.000 5.687 16.982 12/22/2011 12:50:54.755 390.250 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:50:55.005 390.500 5.689 16.988

12/22/2011 12:50:55.255 390.750 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:50:55.505 391.000 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:50:55.755 391.250 5.688 16.986 12/22/2011 12:50:56.005 391.500 5.692 16.996 12/22/2011 12:50:56.255 391.750 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:50:56.510 392.005 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:50:56.755 392.250 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:50:57.005 392.500 5.692 16.998

12/22/2011 12:50:57.255 392.750 5.689 16.989 12/22/2011 12:50:57.505 393.000 5.689 16.987 12/22/2011 12:50:57.755 393.250 5.691 16.995

12/22/2011 12:50:58.005 393.500 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:50:58.255 393.750 5.690 16.992 12/22/2011 12:50:58.505 394.000 5.688 16.985 12/22/2011 12:50:58.755 394.250 5.687 16.981

12/22/2011 12:50:59.005 394.500 5.689 16.989 12/22/2011 12:50:59.255 394.750 5.687 16.982 12/22/2011 12:50:59.505 395.000 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:50:59.755 395.250 5.687 16.982

12/22/2011 12:51:00.005 395.500 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:51:00.255 395.750 5.688 16.985 12/22/2011 12:51:00.505 396.000 5.689 16.989 12/22/2011 12:51:00.755 396.250 5.690 16.992 12/22/2011 12:51:01.005 396.500 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:51:01.255 396.750 5.686 16.979

12/22/2011 12:51:01.505 397.000 5.687 16.983

12/22/2011 12:51:01.755 397.250 5.685 16.977

12/22/2011 12:51:02.005 397.500 5.685 16.977 12/22/2011 12:51:02.255 397.750 5.689 16.988 12/22/2011 12:51:02.505 398.000 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:51:02.755 398.250 5.685 16.976

12/22/2011 12:51:03.005 398.500 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:51:03.255 398.750 5.687 16.983

12/22/2011 12:51:03.505 399.000 5.688 16.986 12/22/2011 12:51:03.755 399.250 5.689 16.987 12/22/2011 12:51:04.005 399.500 5.686 16.977

12/22/2011 12:51:04.255 399.750 5.689 16.988

12/22/2011 12:51:04.505 400.000 5.684 16.972

12/22/2011 12:51:04.755 400.250 5.689 16.988

12/22/2011 12:51:05.005 400.500 5.688 16.986 12/22/2011 12:51:05.255 400.750 5.688 16.984 12/22/2011 12:51:05.505 401.000 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:51:05.755 401.250 5.687 16.981

12/22/2011 12:51:06.005 401.500 5.687 16.982

12/22/2011 12:51:06.255 401.750 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:51:06.505 402.000 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:51:06.755 402.250 5.686 16.979 12/22/2011 12:51:07.005 402.500 5.693 17.001 12/22/2011 12:51:07.255 402.750 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:51:07.505 403.000 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:51:07.755 403.250 5.690 16.991

12/22/2011 12:51:08.005 403.500 5.687 16.983

12/22/2011 12:51:08.255 403.750 5.689 16.987 12/22/2011 12:51:08.505 404.000 5.687 16.982 12/22/2011 12:51:08.755 404.250 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:51:09.005 404.500 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:51:09.255 404.750 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:51:09.505 405.000 5.690 16.991

12/22/2011 12:51:09.755 405.250 5.690 16.992 12/22/2011 12:51:10.005 405.500 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:51:10.255 405.750 5.690 16.991

12/22/2011 12:51:10.505 406.000 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:51:10.755 406.250 5.695 17.005 12/22/2011 12:51:11.005 406.500 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:51:11.255 406.750 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:51:11.505 407.000 5.691 16.992 12/22/2011 12:51:11.755 407.250 5.688 16.984 12/22/2011 12:51:12.005 407.500 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:51:12.255 407.750 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:51:12.505 408.000 5.686 16.980 12/22/2011 12:51:12.755 408.250 5.689 16.987 12/22/2011 12:51:13.005 408.500 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:51:13.255 408.750 5.689 16.989 12/22/2011 12:51:13.505 409.000 5.689 16.988

12/22/2011 12:51:13.755 409.250 5.690 16.992

12/22/2011 12:51:14.005 409.500 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:51:14.255 409.750 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:51:14.505 410.000 5.691 16.994 12/22/2011 12:51:14.755 410.250 5.687 16.982 12/22/2011 12:51:15.005 410.500 5.691 16.993

12/22/2011 12:51:15.255 410.750 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:51:15.505 411.000 5.687 16.982

12/22/2011 12:51:15.755 411.250 5.690 16.991

12/22/2011 12:51:16.005 411.500 5.689 16.989 12/22/2011 12:51:16.255 411.750 5.688 16.985 12/22/2011 12:51:16.505 412.000 5.685 16.975

12/22/2011 12:51:16.755 412.250 5.690 16.992

12/22/2011 12:51:17.005 412.500 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:51:17.255 412.750 5.687 16.983

12/22/2011 12:51:17.505 413.000 5.690 16.992 12/22/2011 12:51:17.756 413.251 5.692 16.996 12/22/2011 12:51:18.005 413.500 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:51:18.255 413.750 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:51:18.505 414.000 5.689 16.988 12/22/2011 12:51:18.755 414.250 5.688 16.986 12/22/2011 12:51:19.005 414.500 5.691 16.992

12/22/2011 12:51:19.255 414.750 5.690 16.992 12/22/2011 12:51:19.505 415.000 5.690 16.991 12/22/2011 12:51:19.755 415.250 5.689 16.988

12/22/2011 12:51:20.005 415.500 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:51:20.255 415.750 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:51:20.505 416.000 5.688 16.985 12/22/2011 12:51:20.755 416.250 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:51:21.005 416.500 5.690 16.992 12/22/2011 12:51:21.255 416.750 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:51:21.505 417.000 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:51:21.755 417.250 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:51:22.005 417.500 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:51:22.255 417.750 5.691 16.994 12/22/2011 12:51:22.505 418.000 5.689 16.987 12/22/2011 12:51:22.755 418.250 5.690 16.991

12/22/2011 12:51:23.005 418.500 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:51:23.255 418.750 5.686 16.980

12/22/2011 12:51:23.505 419.000 5.685 16.977

12/22/2011 12:51:23.755 419.250 5.688 16.985 12/22/2011 12:51:24.005 419.500 5.688 16.985 12/22/2011 12:51:24.255 419.750 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:51:24.505 420.000 5.687 16.983

12/22/2011 12:51:24.755 420.250 5.690 16.992

12/22/2011 12:51:25.005 420.500 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:51:25.255 420.750 5.690 16.991 12/22/2011 12:51:25.505 421.000 5.689 16.989 12/22/2011 12:51:25.755 421.250 5.686 16.980

12/22/2011 12:51:26.005 421.500 5.689 16.988

12/22/2011 12:51:26.255 421.750 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:51:26.505 422.000 5.690 16.991

12/22/2011 12:51:26.755 422.250 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:51:27.005 422.500 5.686 16.979 12/22/2011 12:51:27.255 422.750 5.688 16.986 12/22/2011 12:51:27.505 423.000 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:51:27.755 423.250 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:51:28.005 423.500 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:51:28.255 423.750 5.700 17.021

12/22/2011 12:51:28.505 424.000 5.693 16.999 12/22/2011 12:51:28.755 424.250 5.689 16.987 12/22/2011 12:51:29.005 424.500 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:51:29.255 424.750 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:51:29.505 425.000 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:51:29.755 425.250 5.686 16.979

12/22/2011 12:51:30.005 425.500 5.689 16.987 12/22/2011 12:51:30.255 425.750 5.690 16.991 12/22/2011 12:51:30.505 426.000 5.693 16.999

12/22/2011 12:51:30.755 426.250 5.691 16.995 12/22/2011 12:51:31.005 426.500 5.688 16.984 12/22/2011 12:51:31.255 426.750 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:51:31.505 427.000 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:51:31.755 427.250 5.688 16.986 12/22/2011 12:51:32.005 427.500 5.689 16.987 12/22/2011 12:51:32.255 427.750 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:51:32.505 428.000 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:51:32.755 428.250 5.691 16.994 12/22/2011 12:51:33.005 428.500 5.687 16.983 12/22/2011 12:51:33.255 428.750 5.684 16.974 12/22/2011 12:51:33.505 429.000 5.688 16.985 12/22/2011 12:51:33.755 429.250 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:51:34.005 429.500 5.685 16.975

12/22/2011 12:51:34.255 429.750 5.686 16.979

12/22/2011 12:51:34.505 430.000 5.689 16.988

12/22/2011 12:51:34.755 430.250 5.689 16.988 12/22/2011 12:51:35.005 430.500 5.686 16.980 12/22/2011 12:51:35.255 430.750 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:51:35.505 431.000 5.689 16.988

12/22/2011 12:51:35.755 431.250 5.691 16.993

12/22/2011 12:51:36.005 431.500 5.689 16.988

12/22/2011 12:51:36.255 431.750 5.688 16.986 12/22/2011 12:51:36.505 432.000 5.691 16.994 12/22/2011 12:51:36.755 432.250 5.693 17.000

12/22/2011 12:51:37.005 432.500 5.690 16.992

12/22/2011 12:51:37.255 432.750 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:51:37.505 433.000 5.692 16.995

12/22/2011 12:51:37.755 433.250 5.692 16.996 12/22/2011 12:51:38.005 433.500 5.688 16.986 12/22/2011 12:51:38.255 433.750 5.689 16.988

12/22/2011 12:51:38.505 434.000 5.692 16.997

12/22/2011 12:51:38.755 434.250 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:51:39.005 434.500 5.692 16.996 12/22/2011 12:51:39.255 434.750 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:51:39.505 435.000 5.692 16.997 12/22/2011 12:51:39.755 435.250 5.690 16.990 12/22/2011 12:51:40.005 435.500 5.687 16.982

12/22/2011 12:51:40.255 435.750 5.694 17.002

12/22/2011 12:51:40.505 436.000 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:51:40.755 436.250 5.693 17.000 12/22/2011 12:51:41.005 436.500 5.692 16.996 12/22/2011 12:51:41.255 436.750 5.693 17.000 12/22/2011 12:51:41.505 437.000 5.688 16.984

12/22/2011 12:51:41.755 437.250 5.693 17.000

12/22/2011 12:51:42.005 437.500 5.692 16.998

12/22/2011 12:51:42.255 437.750 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:51:42.505 438.000 5.691 16.992 12/22/2011 12:51:42.755 438.250 5.693 17.000 12/22/2011 12:51:43.005 438.500 5.689 16.987

12/22/2011 12:51:43.255 438.750 5.692 16.997

12/22/2011 12:51:43.505 439.000 5.691 16.993

12/22/2011 12:51:43.755 439.250 5.675 16.946

12/22/2011 12:51:44.005 439.500 5.335 15.932 12/22/2011 12:51:44.255 439.750 5.576 16.650 12/22/2011 12:51:44.505 440.000 5.721 17.084

12/22/2011 12:51:44.755 440.250 5.709 17.046

12/22/2011 12:51:45.005 440.500 5.686 16.977

12/22/2011 12:51:45.255 440.750 5.598 16.716

12/22/2011 12:51:45.505 441.000 5.555 16.589 12/22/2011 12:51:45.755 441.250 5.606 16.740 12/22/2011 12:51:46.005 441.500 5.628 16.804

12/22/2011 12:51:46.255 441.750 5.630 16.813

12/22/2011 12:51:46.505 442.000 5.629 16.808

12/22/2011 12:51:46.755 442.250 5.603 16.731

12/22/2011 12:51:47.005 442.500 5.573 16.641

12/22/2011 12:51:47.255 442.750 5.580 16.662 12/22/2011 12:51:47.505 443.000 5.602 16.729 12/22/2011 12:51:47.755 443.250 5.627 16.801

12/22/2011 12:51:48.005 443.500 5.638 16.836

12/22/2011 12:51:48.255 443.750 5.655 16.886

12/22/2011 12:51:48.505 444.000 5.660 16.903

12/22/2011 12:51:48.755 444.250 5.670 16.931 12/22/2011 12:51:49.005 444.500 5.669 16.928 12/22/2011 12:51:49.255 444.750 5.675 16.947

12/22/2011 12:51:49.505 445.000 5.691 16.995

12/22/2011 12:51:49.755 445.250 5.681 16.964

12/22/2011 12:51:50.005 445.500 5.686 16.978

12/22/2011 12:51:50.255 445.750 5.684 16.974 12/22/2011 12:51:50.505 446.000 5.681 16.965 12/22/2011 12:51:50.755 446.250 5.685 16.977

12/22/2011 12:51:51.005 446.500 5.687 16.983 12/22/2011 12:51:51.255 446.750 5.684 16.973 12/22/2011 12:51:51.505 447.000 5.687 16.983

12/22/2011 12:51:51.755 447.250 5.686 16.980

12/22/2011 12:51:52.005 447.500 5.687 16.983 12/22/2011 12:51:52.255 447.750 5.689 16.987 12/22/2011 12:51:52.505 448.000 5.684 16.973

12/22/2011 12:51:52.755 448.250 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:51:53.005 448.500 5.688 16.985 12/22/2011 12:51:53.255 448.750 5.688 16.986 12/22/2011 12:51:53.505 449.000 5.690 16.991 12/22/2011 12:51:53.755 449.250 5.694 17.003 12/22/2011 12:51:54.005 449.500 5.692 16.997

12/22/2011 12:51:54.255 449.750 5.693 17.000

12/22/2011 12:51:54.505 450.000 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:51:54.755 450.250 5.693 16.999

12/22/2011 12:51:55.005 450.500 5.688 16.985 12/22/2011 12:51:55.255 450.750 5.693 16.999 12/22/2011 12:51:55.505 451.000 5.690 16.992

12/22/2011 12:51:55.755 451.250 5.693 16.999

12/22/2011 12:51:56.005 451.500 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:51:56.255 451.750 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:51:56.505 452.000 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:51:56.755 452.250 5.694 17.003 12/22/2011 12:51:57.005 452.500 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:51:57.255 452.750 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:51:57.505 453.000 5.693 16.999

12/22/2011 12:51:57.755 453.250 5.688 16.986

12/22/2011 12:51:58.005 453.500 5.694 17.002 12/22/2011 12:51:58.255 453.750 5.692 16.996 12/22/2011 12:51:58.505 454.000 5.691 16.995

12/22/2011 12:51:58.755 454.250 5.692 16.995

12/22/2011 12:51:59.005 454.500 5.692 16.998 12/22/2011 12:51:59.255 454.750 5.688 16.986 12/22/2011 12:51:59.505 455.000 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:51:59.755 455.250 5.693 17.000 12/22/2011 12:52:00.005 455.500 5.690 16.990 12/22/2011 12:52:00.255 455.750 5.694 17.003

12/22/2011 12:52:00.505 456.000 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:52:00.755 456.250 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:52:01.005 456.500 5.692 16.997 12/22/2011 12:52:01.255 456.750 5.691 16.994 12/22/2011 12:52:01.505 457.000 5.689 16.989 12/22/2011 12:52:01.755 457.250 5.691 16.995

12/22/2011 12:52:02.005 457.500 5.693 17.000

12/22/2011 12:52:02.255 457.750 5.693 17.001

12/22/2011 12:52:02.505 458.000 5.692 16.998

12/22/2011 12:52:02.755 458.250 5.694 17.003 12/22/2011 12:52:03.005 458.500 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:52:03.255 458.750 5.694 17.004

12/22/2011 12:52:03.505 459.000 5.693 17.000

12/22/2011 12:52:03.755 459.250 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:52:04.005 459.500 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:52:04.255 459.750 5.693 17.000 12/22/2011 12:52:04.505 460.000 5.690 16.990 12/22/2011 12:52:04.755 460.250 5.690 16.992

12/22/2011 12:52:05.005 460.500 5.690 16.992

12/22/2011 12:52:05.255 460.750 5.690 16.991

12/22/2011 12:52:05.505 461.000 5.691 16.993

12/22/2011 12:52:05.755 461.250 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:52:06.005 461.500 5.691 16.995 12/22/2011 12:52:06.255 461.750 5.693 16.999

12/22/2011 12:52:06.505 462.000 5.693 16.999

12/22/2011 12:52:06.755 462.250 5.694 17.002

12/22/2011 12:52:07.005 462.500 5.694 17.003

12/22/2011 12:52:07.255 462.750 5.693 17.000

12/22/2011 12:52:07.505 463.000 5.693 16.998 12/22/2011 12:52:07.755 463.250 5.690 16.992 12/22/2011 12:52:08.005 463.500 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:52:08.255 463.750 5.693 16.999

12/22/2011 12:52:08.505 464.000 5.693 17.001

12/22/2011 12:52:08.755 464.250 5.693 17.000

12/22/2011 12:52:09.005 464.500 5.692 16.996 12/22/2011 12:52:09.255 464.750 5.693 17.001 12/22/2011 12:52:09.505 465.000 5.695 17.006

12/22/2011 12:52:09.755 465.250 5.692 16.997

12/22/2011 12:52:10.005 465.500 5.693 17.001

12/22/2011 12:52:10.255 465.750 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:52:10.505 466.000 5.693 16.999 12/22/2011 12:52:10.755 466.250 5.703 17.028 12/22/2011 12:52:11.005 466.500 5.693 17.000

12/22/2011 12:52:11.255 466.750 5.692 16.997 12/22/2011 12:52:11.505 467.000 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:52:11.755 467.250 5.691 16.993

12/22/2011 12:52:12.005 467.500 5.693 16.999

12/22/2011 12:52:12.255 467.750 5.695 17.005 12/22/2011 12:52:12.505 468.000 5.692 16.998 12/22/2011 12:52:12.755 468.250 5.694 17.003

12/22/2011 12:52:13.005 468.500 5.693 16.999

12/22/2011 12:52:13.255 468.750 5.697 17.011 12/22/2011 12:52:13.505 469.000 5.694 17.003 12/22/2011 12:52:13.755 469.250 5.692 16.996 12/22/2011 12:52:14.005 469.500 5.697 17.010 12/22/2011 12:52:14.255 469.750 5.693 16.999

12/22/2011 12:52:14.505 470.000 5.695 17.004

12/22/2011 12:52:14.755 470.250 5.694 17.002

12/22/2011 12:52:15.005 470.500 5.694 17.003

12/22/2011 12:52:15.255 470.750 5.693 17.001 12/22/2011 12:52:15.505 471.000 5.692 16.998 12/22/2011 12:52:15.755 471.250 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:52:16.005 471.500 5.690 16.990

12/22/2011 12:52:16.255 471.750 5.692 16.997

12/22/2011 12:52:16.505 472.000 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:52:16.755 472.250 5.690 16.991 12/22/2011 12:52:17.005 472.500 5.693 17.000 12/22/2011 12:52:17.255 472.750 5.695 17.005

12/22/2011 12:52:17.505 473.000 5.694 17.003

12/22/2011 12:52:17.755 473.250 5.694 17.003

12/22/2011 12:52:18.005 473.500 5.695 17.005

12/22/2011 12:52:18.255 473.750 5.690 16.990 12/22/2011 12:52:18.505 474.000 5.693 17.001 12/22/2011 12:52:18.755 474.250 5.695 17.005

12/22/2011 12:52:19.005 474.500 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:52:19.255 474.750 5.694 17.002 12/22/2011 12:52:19.505 475.000 5.695 17.005 12/22/2011 12:52:19.755 475.250 5.694 17.002

12/22/2011 12:52:20.005 475.500 5.694 17.004 12/22/2011 12:52:20.255 475.750 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:52:20.505 476.000 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:52:20.755 476.250 5.692 16.997

12/22/2011 12:52:21.005 476.500 5.695 17.006

12/22/2011 12:52:21.255 476.750 5.694 17.003 12/22/2011 12:52:21.505 477.000 5.698 17.014 12/22/2011 12:52:21.755 477.250 5.690 16.992 12/22/2011 12:52:22.005 477.500 5.693 16.999

12/22/2011 12:52:22.255 477.750 5.696 17.010

12/22/2011 12:52:22.505 478.000 5.693 17.000

12/22/2011 12:52:22.755 478.250 5.692 16.997

12/22/2011 12:52:23.005 478.500 5.696 17.007 12/22/2011 12:52:23.255 478.750 5.695 17.005 12/22/2011 12:52:23.505 479.000 5.698 17.016

12/22/2011 12:52:23.755 479.250 5.695 17.006

12/22/2011 12:52:24.005 479.500 5.694 17.002

12/22/2011 12:52:24.255 479.750 5.697 17.011

12/22/2011 12:52:24.505 480.000 5.694 17.001 12/22/2011 12:52:24.755 480.250 5.695 17.006 12/22/2011 12:52:25.005 480.500 5.696 17.008

12/22/2011 12:52:25.255 480.750 5.692 16.997

12/22/2011 12:52:25.505 481.000 5.697 17.013

12/22/2011 12:52:25.755 481.250 5.695 17.005

12/22/2011 12:52:26.005 481.500 5.695 17.006 12/22/2011 12:52:26.255 481.750 5.696 17.009 12/22/2011 12:52:26.505 482.000 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:52:26.755 482.250 5.692 16.998

12/22/2011 12:52:27.005 482.500 5.694 17.003

12/22/2011 12:52:27.255 482.750 5.698 17.016

12/22/2011 12:52:27.505 483.000 5.693 17.001

12/22/2011 12:52:27.755 483.250 5.693 17.001 12/22/2011 12:52:28.005 483.500 5.691 16.995 12/22/2011 12:52:28.255 483.750 5.691 16.992

12/22/2011 12:52:28.505 484.000 5.693 17.000

12/22/2011 12:52:28.755 484.250 5.694 17.002

12/22/2011 12:52:29.005 484.500 5.692 16.998

12/22/2011 12:52:29.255 484.750 5.693 16.999 12/22/2011 12:52:29.505 485.000 5.692 16.997 12/22/2011 12:52:29.755 485.250 5.692 16.998

12/22/2011 12:52:30.005 485.500 5.695 17.005

12/22/2011 12:52:30.255 485.750 5.692 16.998

12/22/2011 12:52:30.505 486.000 5.695 17.006

12/22/2011 12:52:30.755 486.250 5.692 16.997 12/22/2011 12:52:31.005 486.500 5.690 16.992 12/22/2011 12:52:31.255 486.750 5.696 17.010

12/22/2011 12:52:31.505 487.000 5.694 17.003 12/22/2011 12:52:31.755 487.250 5.697 17.011 12/22/2011 12:52:32.005 487.500 5.704 17.032

12/22/2011 12:52:32.255 487.750 5.695 17.006

12/22/2011 12:52:32.505 488.000 5.695 17.006 12/22/2011 12:52:32.755 488.250 5.693 16.999 12/22/2011 12:52:33.005 488.500 5.692 16.997

12/22/2011 12:52:33.255 488.750 5.695 17.005

12/22/2011 12:52:33.505 489.000 5.693 17.000 12/22/2011 12:52:33.755 489.250 5.690 16.992 12/22/2011 12:52:34.005 489.500 5.696 17.009 12/22/2011 12:52:34.255 489.750 5.697 17.010 12/22/2011 12:52:34.505 490.000 5.694 17.004

12/22/2011 12:52:34.755 490.250 5.696 17.009

12/22/2011 12:52:35.005 490.500 5.696 17.009

12/22/2011 12:52:35.255 490.750 5.698 17.015

12/22/2011 12:52:35.505 491.000 5.695 17.004 12/22/2011 12:52:35.755 491.250 5.696 17.008 12/22/2011 12:52:36.005 491.500 5.695 17.005

12/22/2011 12:52:36.255 491.750 5.695 17.005

12/22/2011 12:52:36.505 492.000 5.697 17.012

12/22/2011 12:52:36.755 492.250 5.694 17.003

12/22/2011 12:52:37.005 492.500 5.695 17.006 12/22/2011 12:52:37.255 492.750 5.693 16.999 12/22/2011 12:52:37.505 493.000 5.695 17.005

12/22/2011 12:52:37.755 493.250 5.693 17.001

12/22/2011 12:52:38.005 493.500 5.692 16.998

12/22/2011 12:52:38.255 493.750 5.693 17.000

12/22/2011 12:52:38.505 494.000 5.693 16.999 12/22/2011 12:52:38.755 494.250 5.692 16.997 12/22/2011 12:52:39.005 494.500 5.695 17.005

12/22/2011 12:52:39.255 494.750 5.697 17.012

12/22/2011 12:52:39.505 495.000 5.694 17.003 12/22/2011 12:52:39.755 495.250 5.698 17.016 12/22/2011 12:52:40.005 495.500 5.692 16.998

12/22/2011 12:52:40.255 495.750 5.691 16.994 12/22/2011 12:52:40.505 496.000 5.695 17.005 12/22/2011 12:52:40.755 496.250 5.692 16.998

12/22/2011 12:52:41.005 496.500 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:52:41.255 496.750 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:52:41.505 497.000 5.692 16.997 12/22/2011 12:52:41.755 497.250 5.693 16.999 12/22/2011 12:52:42.005 497.500 5.690 16.991 12/22/2011 12:52:42.255 497.750 5.693 16.999

12/22/2011 12:52:42.505 498.000 5.693 17.001

12/22/2011 12:52:42.755 498.250 5.695 17.005

12/22/2011 12:52:43.005 498.500 5.697 17.010

12/22/2011 12:52:43.255 498.750 5.695 17.007 12/22/2011 12:52:43.505 499.000 5.695 17.007 12/22/2011 12:52:43.755 499.250 5.697 17.011

12/22/2011 12:52:44.005 499.500 5.694 17.002

12/22/2011 12:52:44.255 499.750 5.694 17.003

12/22/2011 12:52:44.505 500.000 5.693 16.999

12/22/2011 12:52:44.755 500.250 5.697 17.012 12/22/2011 12:52:45.005 500.500 5.698 17.014 12/22/2011 12:52:45.255 500.750 5.697 17.010

12/22/2011 12:52:45.505 501.000 5.695 17.004

12/22/2011 12:52:45.755 501.250 5.696 17.008

12/22/2011 12:52:46.005 501.500 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:52:46.255 501.750 5.696 17.008 12/22/2011 12:52:46.505 502.000 5.694 17.002 12/22/2011 12:52:46.755 502.250 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:52:47.005 502.500 5.697 17.011

12/22/2011 12:52:47.255 502.750 5.696 17.008

12/22/2011 12:52:47.505 503.000 5.697 17.012

12/22/2011 12:52:47.755 503.250 5.695 17.006

12/22/2011 12:52:48.005 503.500 5.695 17.005 12/22/2011 12:52:48.255 503.750 5.695 17.006 12/22/2011 12:52:48.505 504.000 5.694 17.002

12/22/2011 12:52:48.755 504.250 5.693 16.999

12/22/2011 12:52:49.005 504.500 5.691 16.995

12/22/2011 12:52:49.255 504.750 5.693 17.000

12/22/2011 12:52:49.505 505.000 5.691 16.992 12/22/2011 12:52:49.755 505.250 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:52:50.005 505.500 5.694 17.004

12/22/2011 12:52:50.255 505.750 5.696 17.010

12/22/2011 12:52:50.505 506.000 5.696 17.008

12/22/2011 12:52:50.755 506.250 5.694 17.002

12/22/2011 12:52:51.005 506.500 5.694 17.001 12/22/2011 12:52:51.255 506.750 5.694 17.002 12/22/2011 12:52:51.505 507.000 5.693 17.001

12/22/2011 12:52:51.755 507.250 5.694 17.001 12/22/2011 12:52:52.005 507.500 5.692 16.997 12/22/2011 12:52:52.255 507.750 5.693 17.000

12/22/2011 12:52:52.505 508.000 5.695 17.005

12/22/2011 12:52:52.755 508.250 5.691 16.995 12/22/2011 12:52:53.005 508.500 5.693 17.001 12/22/2011 12:52:53.255 508.750 5.707 17.043

12/22/2011 12:52:53.505 509.000 5.696 17.010

12/22/2011 12:52:53.755 509.250 5.695 17.007 12/22/2011 12:52:54.005 509.500 5.696 17.009 12/22/2011 12:52:54.255 509.750 5.693 17.001 12/22/2011 12:52:54.505 510.000 5.692 16.996 12/22/2011 12:52:54.755 510.250 5.699 17.017

12/22/2011 12:52:55.005 510.500 5.691 16.995

12/22/2011 12:52:55.255 510.750 5.695 17.006

12/22/2011 12:52:55.505 511.000 5.697 17.012

12/22/2011 12:52:55.755 511.250 5.697 17.012 12/22/2011 12:52:56.005 511.500 5.695 17.006 12/22/2011 12:52:56.255 511.750 5.698 17.015

12/22/2011 12:52:56.505 512.000 5.694 17.004

12/22/2011 12:52:56.755 512.250 5.694 17.003

12/22/2011 12:52:57.005 512.500 5.694 17.002

12/22/2011 12:52:57.255 512.750 5.696 17.009 12/22/2011 12:52:57.505 513.000 5.694 17.001 12/22/2011 12:52:57.755 513.250 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:52:58.005 513.500 5.696 17.009

12/22/2011 12:52:58.255 513.750 5.697 17.012

12/22/2011 12:52:58.505 514.000 5.693 16.999

12/22/2011 12:52:58.755 514.250 5.695 17.004 12/22/2011 12:52:59.005 514.500 5.693 17.000 12/22/2011 12:52:59.255 514.750 5.693 17.000

12/22/2011 12:52:59.505 515.000 5.691 16.993

12/22/2011 12:52:59.755 515.250 5.695 17.006 12/22/2011 12:53:00.005 515.500 5.693 17.001 12/22/2011 12:53:00.255 515.750 5.695 17.004

12/22/2011 12:53:00.505 516.000 5.696 17.008 12/22/2011 12:53:00.755 516.250 5.696 17.009 12/22/2011 12:53:01.005 516.500 5.695 17.007

12/22/2011 12:53:01.255 516.750 5.697 17.011

12/22/2011 12:53:01.505 517.000 5.695 17.006

12/22/2011 12:53:01.755 517.250 5.695 17.005 12/22/2011 12:53:02.005 517.500 5.690 16.991 12/22/2011 12:53:02.255 517.750 5.693 17.001 12/22/2011 12:53:02.505 518.000 5.695 17.004

12/22/2011 12:53:02.755 518.250 5.696 17.007

12/22/2011 12:53:03.005 518.500 5.694 17.003

12/22/2011 12:53:03.255 518.750 5.695 17.005

12/22/2011 12:53:03.505 519.000 5.694 17.004 12/22/2011 12:53:03.755 519.250 5.696 17.010 12/22/2011 12:53:04.005 519.500 5.695 17.006

12/22/2011 12:53:04.255 519.750 5.695 17.007

12/22/2011 12:53:04.505 520.000 5.694 17.004

12/22/2011 12:53:04.755 520.250 5.696 17.009

12/22/2011 12:53:05.005 520.500 5.694 17.003 12/22/2011 12:53:05.255 520.750 5.695 17.005 12/22/2011 12:53:05.505 521.000 5.694 17.004

12/22/2011 12:53:05.755 521.250 5.696 17.009

12/22/2011 12:53:06.005 521.500 5.695 17.007

12/22/2011 12:53:06.255 521.750 5.694 17.003

12/22/2011 12:53:06.505 522.000 5.695 17.005 12/22/2011 12:53:06.755 522.250 5.694 17.002 12/22/2011 12:53:07.005 522.500 5.693 17.000

12/22/2011 12:53:07.255 522.750 5.694 17.003

12/22/2011 12:53:07.505 523.000 5.695 17.005

12/22/2011 12:53:07.755 523.250 5.694 17.001

12/22/2011 12:53:08.005 523.500 5.696 17.009

12/22/2011 12:53:08.255 523.750 5.695 17.005 12/22/2011 12:53:08.505 524.000 5.694 17.002 12/22/2011 12:53:08.755 524.250 5.696 17.010

12/22/2011 12:53:09.005 524.500 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:53:09.255 524.750 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:53:09.505 525.000 5.694 17.002

12/22/2011 12:53:09.755 525.250 5.695 17.005 12/22/2011 12:53:10.005 525.500 5.692 16.998 12/22/2011 12:53:10.255 525.750 5.694 17.002

12/22/2011 12:53:10.505 526.000 5.691 16.993

12/22/2011 12:53:10.755 526.250 5.693 17.001

12/22/2011 12:53:11.005 526.500 5.692 16.998

12/22/2011 12:53:11.255 526.750 5.695 17.005 12/22/2011 12:53:11.505 527.000 5.692 16.997 12/22/2011 12:53:11.755 527.250 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:53:12.005 527.500 5.692 16.996 12/22/2011 12:53:12.255 527.750 5.693 17.001 12/22/2011 12:53:12.505 528.000 5.694 17.004

12/22/2011 12:53:12.755 528.250 5.696 17.010

12/22/2011 12:53:13.005 528.500 5.690 16.990 12/22/2011 12:53:13.255 528.750 5.692 16.996 12/22/2011 12:53:13.505 529.000 5.693 16.998

12/22/2011 12:53:13.755 529.250 5.693 16.998

12/22/2011 12:53:14.005 529.500 5.696 17.008 12/22/2011 12:53:14.255 529.750 5.690 16.990 12/22/2011 12:53:14.505 530.000 5.705 17.037 12/22/2011 12:53:14.755 530.250 5.697 17.011 12/22/2011 12:53:15.005 530.500 5.694 17.004

12/22/2011 12:53:15.255 530.750 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:53:15.505 531.000 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:53:15.755 531.250 5.695 17.007

12/22/2011 12:53:16.005 531.500 5.696 17.007 12/22/2011 12:53:16.255 531.750 5.694 17.002 12/22/2011 12:53:16.505 532.000 5.695 17.005

12/22/2011 12:53:16.755 532.250 5.693 17.001

12/22/2011 12:53:17.005 532.500 5.689 16.989

12/22/2011 12:53:17.255 532.750 5.693 16.999

12/22/2011 12:53:17.505 533.000 5.697 17.011 12/22/2011 12:53:17.755 533.250 5.694 17.003 12/22/2011 12:53:18.005 533.500 5.693 17.001

12/22/2011 12:53:18.255 533.750 5.694 17.003

12/22/2011 12:53:18.505 534.000 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:53:18.755 534.250 5.692 16.998

12/22/2011 12:53:19.005 534.500 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:53:19.255 534.750 5.692 16.998 12/22/2011 12:53:19.505 535.000 5.694 17.002

12/22/2011 12:53:19.755 535.250 5.692 16.998

12/22/2011 12:53:20.005 535.500 5.691 16.994 12/22/2011 12:53:20.255 535.750 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:53:20.505 536.000 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:53:20.755 536.250 5.693 17.000 12/22/2011 12:53:21.005 536.500 5.693 17.001 12/22/2011 12:53:21.255 536.750 5.693 17.001

12/22/2011 12:53:21.505 537.000 5.693 16.999

12/22/2011 12:53:21.755 537.250 5.691 16.993

12/22/2011 12:53:22.005 537.500 5.693 17.001 12/22/2011 12:53:22.255 537.750 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:53:22.505 538.000 5.694 17.003 12/22/2011 12:53:22.755 538.250 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:53:23.005 538.500 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:53:23.255 538.750 5.695 17.005

12/22/2011 12:53:23.505 539.000 5.694 17.002

12/22/2011 12:53:23.755 539.250 5.693 16.999 12/22/2011 12:53:24.005 539.500 5.694 17.003 12/22/2011 12:53:24.255 539.750 5.694 17.003

12/22/2011 12:53:24.505 540.000 5.695 17.007

12/22/2011 12:53:24.755 540.250 5.694 17.004

12/22/2011 12:53:25.005 540.500 5.696 17.009

12/22/2011 12:53:25.255 540.750 5.695 17.005 12/22/2011 12:53:25.505 541.000 5.695 17.005 12/22/2011 12:53:25.755 541.250 5.696 17.007

12/22/2011 12:53:26.005 541.500 5.695 17.005

12/22/2011 12:53:26.255 541.750 5.694 17.002

12/22/2011 12:53:26.505 542.000 5.695 17.006

12/22/2011 12:53:26.755 542.250 5.693 16.999 12/22/2011 12:53:27.005 542.500 5.695 17.005 12/22/2011 12:53:27.255 542.750 5.692 16.997

12/22/2011 12:53:27.505 543.000 5.696 17.008

12/22/2011 12:53:27.755 543.250 5.696 17.010

12/22/2011 12:53:28.005 543.500 5.694 17.003

12/22/2011 12:53:28.255 543.750 5.693 16.999

12/22/2011 12:53:28.505 544.000 5.691 16.993 12/22/2011 12:53:28.755 544.250 5.694 17.002 12/22/2011 12:53:29.005 544.500 5.694 17.002

12/22/2011 12:53:29.255 544.750 5.693 17.001

12/22/2011 12:53:29.505 545.000 5.693 17.001

12/22/2011 12:53:29.755 545.250 5.693 17.000

12/22/2011 12:53:30.005 545.500 5.693 17.000 12/22/2011 12:53:30.255 545.750 5.694 17.003 12/22/2011 12:53:30.505 546.000 5.694 17.003

12/22/2011 12:53:30.755 546.250 5.691 16.993

12/22/2011 12:53:31.005 546.500 5.693 17.000

12/22/2011 12:53:31.255 546.750 5.695 17.005

12/22/2011 12:53:31.505 547.000 5.692 16.997 12/22/2011 12:53:31.755 547.250 5.693 16.999 12/22/2011 12:53:32.005 547.500 5.691 16.995

12/22/2011 12:53:32.255 547.750 5.693 16.999 12/22/2011 12:53:32.505 548.000 5.693 17.000 12/22/2011 12:53:32.755 548.250 5.691 16.993

12/22/2011 12:53:33.005 548.500 5.693 17.001

12/22/2011 12:53:33.255 548.750 5.690 16.992 12/22/2011 12:53:33.505 549.000 5.694 17.003 12/22/2011 12:53:33.755 549.250 5.693 16.999

12/22/2011 12:53:34.005 549.500 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:53:34.255 549.750 5.692 16.998 12/22/2011 12:53:34.505 550.000 5.696 17.008 12/22/2011 12:53:34.755 550.250 5.696 17.010 12/22/2011 12:53:35.017 550.512 5.692 16.998 12/22/2011 12:53:35.255 550.750 5.694 17.002

12/22/2011 12:53:35.505 551.000 5.688 16.985

12/22/2011 12:53:35.755 551.250 5.691 16.995

12/22/2011 12:53:36.012 551.507 5.694 17.004

12/22/2011 12:53:36.255 551.750 5.695 17.007 12/22/2011 12:53:36.505 552.000 5.693 16.999 12/22/2011 12:53:36.755 552.250 5.692 16.997

12/22/2011 12:53:37.005 552.500 5.693 17.001

12/22/2011 12:53:37.255 552.750 5.694 17.003

12/22/2011 12:53:37.505 553.000 5.690 16.991

12/22/2011 12:53:37.755 553.250 5.692 16.997 12/22/2011 12:53:38.005 553.500 5.693 16.999 12/22/2011 12:53:38.255 553.750 5.691 16.994

12/22/2011 12:53:38.505 554.000 5.694 17.001

12/22/2011 12:53:38.755 554.250 5.694 17.004

12/22/2011 12:53:39.005 554.500 5.695 17.004

12/22/2011 12:53:39.255 554.750 5.691 16.994 12/22/2011 12:53:39.505 555.000 5.690 16.992 12/22/2011 12:53:39.755 555.250 5.691 16.993

12/22/2011 12:53:40.005 555.500 5.692 16.998

12/22/2011 12:53:40.255 555.750 5.695 17.006 12/22/2011 12:53:40.505 556.000 5.692 16.997 12/22/2011 12:53:40.755 556.250 5.692 16.996

12/22/2011 12:53:41.005 556.500 5.693 17.001 12/22/2011 12:53:41.255 556.750 5.692 16.997 12/22/2011 12:53:41.505 557.000 5.690 16.992

12/22/2011 12:53:41.755 557.250 5.693 17.000 SM-GW3A Report Date: 1/10/2012 14:35:59 Report User Name: bdershowitz Report Computer Name: SEA1-L-BDERSH Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version: Log File Properties:

File Name: MW-3.wsl Create Date: 12/22/2011 12:17:37 Device Properties:

Device: Level TROLL 700

Site: Shine MW-2 Device Name:

Serial Number: 135443

Firmware Version: 2.07

Hardware Version: 3

Device Address: 1

Device Comm Cfg: 19200,8,Even,1,(Modbus-RTU)

Used Memory(%): 92 Used Battery(%): 20 Log Configuration Log Name: MW-2

Created By: SHeuer Computer Name: WOO1-L-SHEUER Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Create Date: 12/22/2011 12:11:54 Pacific Standard Time

Log Setup Time Zone: Central Standard Time

Notes Size(bytes): 4096

Overwrite when full: Disabled Scheduled Start Time: Manual Start Scheduled Stop Time: No Stop Time

Type: Fast Linear

Interval: Days: 0 hrs: 00 mins: 00 secs: 00.250 Level Reference Settings At Log Creation Level Measurement Mode: Depth

Specific Gravity: 0.999 Other Log Settings Depth of Probe: 5.36596 (ft)

Head Pressure: 16.0232 (kPa)

Temperature: 10.0007 (C)


Log Notes:

Date and Time Note


12/22/2011 12:12:00 Sensor SN: 135443 Factory calibration has expired.: 8/19/2009 3:59:36 12/22/2011 12:12:00 Used Battery: 20% Used Memory: 93% User Name: SHeuer 12/22/2011 12:12:43 Manual Start Command

12/22/2011 12:16:46 Used Battery: 20% Used Memory: 93% User Name: SHeuer

12/22/2011 12:16:47 Manual Stop Command


Log Data:

Record Count: 974

Sensors: 1 1 - 135443: Pressure/Temp 30 PSIG (21m/69ft)

Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time Sensor: Pres(G) 69ft Sensor: Pres(G) 69ft Elapsed Time SN#: 135443 SN#: 135443

Date and Time Seconds Depth (ft) Pressure (kPa)

------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

12/22/2011 12:12:43.841 0.000 5.377 16.057

12/22/2011 12:12:44.092 0.251 5.376 16.053 12/22/2011 12:12:44.342 0.501 5.375 16.049 12/22/2011 12:12:44.592 0.751 5.377 16.055

12/22/2011 12:12:44.842 1.001 5.375 16.051 12/22/2011 12:12:45.092 1.251 5.375 16.051 12/22/2011 12:12:45.342 1.501 5.376 16.054

12/22/2011 12:12:45.592 1.751 5.373 16.044

12/22/2011 12:12:45.842 2.001 5.374 16.047 12/22/2011 12:12:46.092 2.251 5.376 16.052 12/22/2011 12:12:46.342 2.501 5.375 16.051

12/22/2011 12:12:46.592 2.751 5.614 16.765

12/22/2011 12:12:46.842 3.001 5.834 17.421 12/22/2011 12:12:47.092 3.251 5.454 16.286 12/22/2011 12:12:47.342 3.501 5.389 16.091 12/22/2011 12:12:47.592 3.751 5.364 16.018 12/22/2011 12:12:47.842 4.001 5.389 16.093

12/22/2011 12:12:48.092 4.251 5.389 16.093

12/22/2011 12:12:48.342 4.501 5.396 16.113

12/22/2011 12:12:48.592 4.751 5.386 16.084

12/22/2011 12:12:48.842 5.001 5.380 16.065 12/22/2011 12:12:49.250 5.409 5.381 16.068 12/22/2011 12:12:49.469 5.628 5.381 16.068

12/22/2011 12:12:49.687 5.846 5.379 16.061

12/22/2011 12:12:49.906 6.065 5.378 16.058

12/22/2011 12:12:50.124 6.283 5.384 16.077

12/22/2011 12:12:50.343 6.502 5.382 16.070 12/22/2011 12:12:50.592 6.751 5.381 16.067 12/22/2011 12:12:50.842 7.001 5.382 16.071

12/22/2011 12:12:51.092 7.251 5.381 16.069

12/22/2011 12:12:51.342 7.501 5.379 16.062

12/22/2011 12:12:51.592 7.751 5.380 16.065

12/22/2011 12:12:51.842 8.001 5.378 16.060 12/22/2011 12:12:52.092 8.251 5.379 16.062 12/22/2011 12:12:52.342 8.501 5.376 16.052

12/22/2011 12:12:52.592 8.751 5.377 16.056

12/22/2011 12:12:52.842 9.001 5.378 16.058 12/22/2011 12:12:53.092 9.251 5.376 16.054 12/22/2011 12:12:53.342 9.501 5.378 16.058

12/22/2011 12:12:53.592 9.751 5.377 16.055 12/22/2011 12:12:53.842 10.001 5.376 16.053 12/22/2011 12:12:54.092 10.251 5.378 16.058

12/22/2011 12:12:54.342 10.501 5.375 16.051

12/22/2011 12:12:54.592 10.751 5.378 16.059

12/22/2011 12:12:54.842 11.001 5.375 16.051 12/22/2011 12:12:55.092 11.251 5.377 16.057 12/22/2011 12:12:55.342 11.501 5.376 16.055 12/22/2011 12:12:55.592 11.751 5.376 16.052

12/22/2011 12:12:55.842 12.001 5.378 16.058

12/22/2011 12:12:56.092 12.251 5.377 16.057

12/22/2011 12:12:56.342 12.501 5.376 16.052

12/22/2011 12:12:56.592 12.751 5.374 16.047 12/22/2011 12:12:56.842 13.001 5.376 16.053 12/22/2011 12:12:57.092 13.251 5.378 16.059

12/22/2011 12:12:57.342 13.501 5.377 16.055

12/22/2011 12:12:57.592 13.751 5.373 16.044

12/22/2011 12:12:57.842 14.001 5.375 16.050

12/22/2011 12:12:58.092 14.251 5.372 16.042 12/22/2011 12:12:58.342 14.501 5.375 16.050 12/22/2011 12:12:58.592 14.751 5.376 16.052

12/22/2011 12:12:58.842 15.001 5.375 16.050

12/22/2011 12:12:59.092 15.251 5.371 16.039

12/22/2011 12:12:59.342 15.501 5.374 16.046

12/22/2011 12:12:59.592 15.751 5.376 16.053 12/22/2011 12:12:59.842 16.001 5.375 16.049 12/22/2011 12:13:00.092 16.251 5.373 16.044

12/22/2011 12:13:00.342 16.501 5.375 16.050

12/22/2011 12:13:00.592 16.751 5.374 16.048

12/22/2011 12:13:00.842 17.001 5.374 16.046

12/22/2011 12:13:01.092 17.251 5.372 16.042

12/22/2011 12:13:01.342 17.501 5.374 16.047 12/22/2011 12:13:01.592 17.751 5.372 16.041 12/22/2011 12:13:01.842 18.001 5.372 16.041

12/22/2011 12:13:02.092 18.251 5.376 16.052

12/22/2011 12:13:02.342 18.501 5.371 16.039

12/22/2011 12:13:02.592 18.751 5.374 16.046

12/22/2011 12:13:02.842 19.001 5.374 16.047 12/22/2011 12:13:03.092 19.251 5.373 16.044 12/22/2011 12:13:03.342 19.501 5.374 16.048

12/22/2011 12:13:03.592 19.751 5.374 16.046

12/22/2011 12:13:03.842 20.001 5.375 16.049

12/22/2011 12:13:04.092 20.251 5.371 16.037

12/22/2011 12:13:04.342 20.501 5.373 16.044 12/22/2011 12:13:04.592 20.751 5.372 16.040 12/22/2011 12:13:04.842 21.001 5.372 16.041

12/22/2011 12:13:05.092 21.251 5.373 16.043 12/22/2011 12:13:05.342 21.501 5.371 16.037 12/22/2011 12:13:05.592 21.751 5.371 16.038

12/22/2011 12:13:05.842 22.001 5.373 16.044

12/22/2011 12:13:06.092 22.251 5.371 16.039 12/22/2011 12:13:06.342 22.501 5.372 16.041 12/22/2011 12:13:06.592 22.751 5.373 16.044

12/22/2011 12:13:06.842 23.001 5.373 16.043

12/22/2011 12:13:07.092 23.251 5.369 16.033 12/22/2011 12:13:07.342 23.501 5.371 16.037 12/22/2011 12:13:07.592 23.751 5.374 16.046 12/22/2011 12:13:07.842 24.001 5.372 16.040 12/22/2011 12:13:08.092 24.251 5.373 16.046

12/22/2011 12:13:08.342 24.501 5.373 16.045

12/22/2011 12:13:08.592 24.751 5.373 16.046

12/22/2011 12:13:08.842 25.001 5.371 16.038

12/22/2011 12:13:09.092 25.251 5.373 16.045 12/22/2011 12:13:09.342 25.501 5.373 16.044 12/22/2011 12:13:09.592 25.751 5.373 16.045

12/22/2011 12:13:09.842 26.001 5.371 16.037

12/22/2011 12:13:10.092 26.251 5.369 16.032

12/22/2011 12:13:10.342 26.501 5.372 16.041

12/22/2011 12:13:10.592 26.751 5.370 16.035 12/22/2011 12:13:10.842 27.001 5.370 16.035 12/22/2011 12:13:11.092 27.251 5.375 16.050

12/22/2011 12:13:11.342 27.501 5.373 16.044

12/22/2011 12:13:11.592 27.751 5.370 16.034

12/22/2011 12:13:11.842 28.001 5.373 16.044

12/22/2011 12:13:12.092 28.251 5.368 16.031 12/22/2011 12:13:12.342 28.501 5.369 16.033 12/22/2011 12:13:12.592 28.751 5.369 16.033

12/22/2011 12:13:12.842 29.001 5.372 16.042

12/22/2011 12:13:13.092 29.251 5.372 16.040 12/22/2011 12:13:13.342 29.501 5.373 16.045 12/22/2011 12:13:13.592 29.751 5.371 16.037

12/22/2011 12:13:13.842 30.001 5.369 16.031 12/22/2011 12:13:14.092 30.251 5.372 16.042 12/22/2011 12:13:14.342 30.501 5.372 16.042

12/22/2011 12:13:14.592 30.751 5.373 16.044

12/22/2011 12:13:14.842 31.001 5.368 16.029

12/22/2011 12:13:15.092 31.251 5.371 16.038 12/22/2011 12:13:15.342 31.501 5.373 16.044 12/22/2011 12:13:15.592 31.751 5.372 16.042 12/22/2011 12:13:15.842 32.001 5.371 16.039

12/22/2011 12:13:16.092 32.251 5.372 16.041

12/22/2011 12:13:16.342 32.501 5.371 16.037

12/22/2011 12:13:16.592 32.751 5.372 16.042

12/22/2011 12:13:16.842 33.001 5.374 16.046 12/22/2011 12:13:17.092 33.251 5.369 16.033 12/22/2011 12:13:17.342 33.501 5.373 16.044

12/22/2011 12:13:17.592 33.751 5.372 16.041

12/22/2011 12:13:17.842 34.001 5.374 16.047

12/22/2011 12:13:18.092 34.251 5.368 16.030

12/22/2011 12:13:18.342 34.501 5.371 16.040 12/22/2011 12:13:18.592 34.751 5.371 16.039 12/22/2011 12:13:18.842 35.001 5.370 16.034

12/22/2011 12:13:19.092 35.251 5.370 16.034

12/22/2011 12:13:19.342 35.501 5.371 16.039

12/22/2011 12:13:19.592 35.751 5.371 16.037

12/22/2011 12:13:19.842 36.001 5.372 16.040 12/22/2011 12:13:20.092 36.251 5.373 16.044 12/22/2011 12:13:20.342 36.501 5.371 16.039

12/22/2011 12:13:20.592 36.751 5.371 16.038

12/22/2011 12:13:20.842 37.001 5.371 16.038

12/22/2011 12:13:21.092 37.251 5.372 16.042

12/22/2011 12:13:21.342 37.501 5.371 16.038

12/22/2011 12:13:21.592 37.751 5.369 16.032 12/22/2011 12:13:21.842 38.001 5.372 16.040 12/22/2011 12:13:22.092 38.251 5.369 16.032

12/22/2011 12:13:22.342 38.501 5.367 16.027

12/22/2011 12:13:22.592 38.751 5.370 16.036

12/22/2011 12:13:22.842 39.001 5.372 16.043

12/22/2011 12:13:23.092 39.251 5.371 16.039 12/22/2011 12:13:23.342 39.501 5.369 16.031 12/22/2011 12:13:23.592 39.751 5.371 16.039

12/22/2011 12:13:23.842 40.001 5.370 16.036

12/22/2011 12:13:24.092 40.251 5.367 16.027

12/22/2011 12:13:24.342 40.501 5.371 16.040

12/22/2011 12:13:24.592 40.751 5.368 16.029 12/22/2011 12:13:24.842 41.001 5.371 16.039 12/22/2011 12:13:25.092 41.251 5.369 16.033

12/22/2011 12:13:25.342 41.501 5.370 16.034 12/22/2011 12:13:25.592 41.751 5.368 16.028 12/22/2011 12:13:25.842 42.001 5.370 16.035

12/22/2011 12:13:26.092 42.251 5.372 16.041

12/22/2011 12:13:26.342 42.501 5.370 16.034 12/22/2011 12:13:26.592 42.751 5.368 16.030 12/22/2011 12:13:26.842 43.001 5.370 16.036

12/22/2011 12:13:27.092 43.251 5.372 16.040

12/22/2011 12:13:27.342 43.501 5.370 16.035 12/22/2011 12:13:27.592 43.751 5.368 16.028 12/22/2011 12:13:28.810 44.969 5.374 16.048 12/22/2011 12:13:29.030 45.189 5.373 16.044 12/22/2011 12:13:29.249 45.408 5.372 16.040

12/22/2011 12:13:29.469 45.628 5.374 16.047

12/22/2011 12:13:29.688 45.847 5.372 16.042

12/22/2011 12:13:29.908 46.067 5.370 16.034

12/22/2011 12:13:30.127 46.286 5.371 16.039 12/22/2011 12:13:30.347 46.506 5.374 16.047 12/22/2011 12:13:30.566 46.725 5.371 16.039

12/22/2011 12:13:30.784 46.943 5.371 16.040

12/22/2011 12:13:31.004 47.163 5.373 16.046

12/22/2011 12:13:31.223 47.382 5.368 16.028

12/22/2011 12:13:31.442 47.601 5.368 16.029 12/22/2011 12:13:31.660 47.819 5.373 16.045 12/22/2011 12:13:31.879 48.038 5.369 16.034

12/22/2011 12:13:32.099 48.258 5.369 16.031

12/22/2011 12:13:32.317 48.476 5.372 16.040

12/22/2011 12:13:32.536 48.695 5.370 16.034

12/22/2011 12:13:32.755 48.914 5.368 16.029 12/22/2011 12:13:32.974 49.133 5.369 16.034 12/22/2011 12:13:33.193 49.352 5.371 16.039

12/22/2011 12:13:33.411 49.570 5.373 16.043

12/22/2011 12:13:33.630 49.789 5.371 16.039 12/22/2011 12:13:33.848 50.007 5.370 16.035 12/22/2011 12:13:34.066 50.225 5.369 16.033

12/22/2011 12:13:34.285 50.444 5.372 16.040 12/22/2011 12:13:34.503 50.662 5.369 16.033 12/22/2011 12:13:34.722 50.881 5.367 16.028

12/22/2011 12:13:34.940 51.099 5.371 16.037

12/22/2011 12:13:35.159 51.318 5.373 16.044

12/22/2011 12:13:35.378 51.537 5.369 16.033 12/22/2011 12:13:35.597 51.756 5.371 16.037 12/22/2011 12:13:35.842 52.001 5.368 16.029 12/22/2011 12:13:36.092 52.251 5.367 16.025

12/22/2011 12:13:36.342 52.501 5.367 16.027

12/22/2011 12:13:36.592 52.751 5.371 16.037

12/22/2011 12:13:36.842 53.001 5.369 16.033

12/22/2011 12:13:37.092 53.251 5.370 16.034 12/22/2011 12:13:37.342 53.501 5.370 16.034 12/22/2011 12:13:37.592 53.751 5.370 16.036

12/22/2011 12:13:37.842 54.001 5.370 16.034

12/22/2011 12:13:38.092 54.251 5.369 16.033

12/22/2011 12:13:38.342 54.501 5.370 16.035

12/22/2011 12:13:38.592 54.751 5.370 16.035 12/22/2011 12:13:38.842 55.001 5.371 16.038 12/22/2011 12:13:39.092 55.251 5.373 16.044

12/22/2011 12:13:39.342 55.501 5.371 16.037

12/22/2011 12:13:39.592 55.751 5.108 15.252

12/22/2011 12:13:39.842 56.001 5.248 15.671

12/22/2011 12:13:40.092 56.251 5.373 16.046 12/22/2011 12:13:40.342 56.501 5.316 15.874 12/22/2011 12:13:40.592 56.751 5.158 15.402

12/22/2011 12:13:40.842 57.001 5.212 15.564

12/22/2011 12:13:41.092 57.251 5.272 15.741

12/22/2011 12:13:41.342 57.501 5.306 15.843

12/22/2011 12:13:41.592 57.751 5.325 15.900

12/22/2011 12:13:41.842 58.001 5.335 15.932 12/22/2011 12:13:42.092 58.251 5.343 15.955 12/22/2011 12:13:42.342 58.501 5.352 15.981

12/22/2011 12:13:42.592 58.751 5.353 15.985

12/22/2011 12:13:42.842 59.001 5.358 16.000

12/22/2011 12:13:43.092 59.251 5.360 16.006

12/22/2011 12:13:43.342 59.501 5.360 16.006 12/22/2011 12:13:43.592 59.751 5.362 16.011 12/22/2011 12:13:43.842 60.001 5.360 16.005

12/22/2011 12:13:44.092 60.251 5.363 16.013

12/22/2011 12:13:44.342 60.501 5.364 16.018

12/22/2011 12:13:44.592 60.751 5.365 16.021

12/22/2011 12:13:44.842 61.001 5.367 16.027 12/22/2011 12:13:45.092 61.251 5.364 16.018 12/22/2011 12:13:45.342 61.501 5.365 16.020

12/22/2011 12:13:45.592 61.751 5.363 16.015 12/22/2011 12:13:45.842 62.001 5.367 16.025 12/22/2011 12:13:46.092 62.251 5.366 16.024

12/22/2011 12:13:46.342 62.501 5.370 16.034

12/22/2011 12:13:46.592 62.751 5.368 16.029 12/22/2011 12:13:46.842 63.001 5.368 16.029 12/22/2011 12:13:47.092 63.251 5.369 16.032

12/22/2011 12:13:47.342 63.501 5.366 16.024

12/22/2011 12:13:47.592 63.751 5.368 16.029 12/22/2011 12:13:47.842 64.001 5.370 16.035 12/22/2011 12:13:48.092 64.251 5.367 16.025 12/22/2011 12:13:48.342 64.501 5.370 16.036 12/22/2011 12:13:48.592 64.751 5.370 16.034

12/22/2011 12:13:48.842 65.001 5.365 16.021

12/22/2011 12:13:49.092 65.251 5.370 16.035

12/22/2011 12:13:49.342 65.501 5.369 16.032

12/22/2011 12:13:49.592 65.751 5.370 16.036 12/22/2011 12:13:49.842 66.001 5.367 16.025 12/22/2011 12:13:50.092 66.251 5.369 16.033

12/22/2011 12:13:50.342 66.501 5.369 16.032

12/22/2011 12:13:50.592 66.751 5.369 16.031

12/22/2011 12:13:50.842 67.001 5.366 16.024

12/22/2011 12:13:51.092 67.251 5.366 16.023 12/22/2011 12:13:51.342 67.501 5.372 16.040 12/22/2011 12:13:51.592 67.751 5.371 16.037

12/22/2011 12:13:51.842 68.001 5.367 16.027

12/22/2011 12:13:52.092 68.251 5.369 16.033

12/22/2011 12:13:52.342 68.501 5.369 16.033

12/22/2011 12:13:52.592 68.751 5.370 16.034 12/22/2011 12:13:52.842 69.001 5.372 16.042 12/22/2011 12:13:53.092 69.251 5.369 16.031

12/22/2011 12:13:53.342 69.501 5.369 16.032

12/22/2011 12:13:53.592 69.751 5.370 16.035 12/22/2011 12:13:53.842 70.001 5.371 16.037 12/22/2011 12:13:54.092 70.251 5.367 16.028

12/22/2011 12:13:54.342 70.501 5.368 16.029 12/22/2011 12:13:54.592 70.751 5.368 16.030 12/22/2011 12:13:54.842 71.001 5.369 16.032

12/22/2011 12:13:55.092 71.251 5.370 16.035

12/22/2011 12:13:55.342 71.501 5.371 16.037

12/22/2011 12:13:55.592 71.751 5.369 16.031 12/22/2011 12:13:55.842 72.001 5.372 16.041 12/22/2011 12:13:56.092 72.251 5.369 16.033 12/22/2011 12:13:56.342 72.501 5.369 16.033

12/22/2011 12:13:56.592 72.751 5.373 16.044

12/22/2011 12:13:56.842 73.001 5.370 16.034

12/22/2011 12:13:57.092 73.251 5.372 16.042

12/22/2011 12:13:57.342 73.501 5.371 16.039 12/22/2011 12:13:57.592 73.751 5.368 16.028 12/22/2011 12:13:57.842 74.001 5.368 16.029

12/22/2011 12:13:58.092 74.251 5.366 16.023

12/22/2011 12:13:58.342 74.501 5.371 16.039

12/22/2011 12:13:58.592 74.751 5.368 16.029

12/22/2011 12:13:58.842 75.001 5.369 16.033 12/22/2011 12:13:59.092 75.251 5.371 16.039 12/22/2011 12:13:59.342 75.501 5.365 16.022

12/22/2011 12:13:59.592 75.751 5.368 16.029

12/22/2011 12:13:59.842 76.001 5.372 16.040

12/22/2011 12:14:00.092 76.251 5.369 16.032

12/22/2011 12:14:00.342 76.501 5.370 16.035 12/22/2011 12:14:00.592 76.751 5.371 16.038 12/22/2011 12:14:00.842 77.001 5.373 16.045

12/22/2011 12:14:01.092 77.251 5.371 16.037

12/22/2011 12:14:01.342 77.501 5.370 16.036

12/22/2011 12:14:01.592 77.751 5.366 16.024

12/22/2011 12:14:01.842 78.001 5.368 16.029

12/22/2011 12:14:02.092 78.251 5.369 16.033 12/22/2011 12:14:02.342 78.501 5.371 16.038 12/22/2011 12:14:02.592 78.751 5.368 16.028

12/22/2011 12:14:02.842 79.001 5.371 16.037

12/22/2011 12:14:03.092 79.251 5.373 16.043

12/22/2011 12:14:03.342 79.501 5.371 16.039

12/22/2011 12:14:03.592 79.751 5.370 16.035 12/22/2011 12:14:03.842 80.001 5.369 16.031 12/22/2011 12:14:04.092 80.251 5.368 16.028

12/22/2011 12:14:04.342 80.501 5.371 16.037

12/22/2011 12:14:04.592 80.751 5.369 16.032

12/22/2011 12:14:04.842 81.001 5.370 16.035

12/22/2011 12:14:05.092 81.251 5.368 16.029 12/22/2011 12:14:05.342 81.501 5.366 16.022 12/22/2011 12:14:05.592 81.751 5.372 16.041

12/22/2011 12:14:05.842 82.001 5.371 16.037 12/22/2011 12:14:06.092 82.251 5.367 16.026 12/22/2011 12:14:06.342 82.501 5.366 16.025

12/22/2011 12:14:06.592 82.751 5.372 16.041

12/22/2011 12:14:06.842 83.001 5.370 16.035 12/22/2011 12:14:07.092 83.251 5.369 16.031 12/22/2011 12:14:07.342 83.501 5.372 16.041

12/22/2011 12:14:07.592 83.751 5.368 16.029

12/22/2011 12:14:07.842 84.001 5.371 16.037 12/22/2011 12:14:08.092 84.251 5.370 16.035 12/22/2011 12:14:08.342 84.501 5.367 16.026 12/22/2011 12:14:08.592 84.751 5.367 16.027 12/22/2011 12:14:08.842 85.001 5.367 16.027

12/22/2011 12:14:09.092 85.251 5.370 16.035

12/22/2011 12:14:09.342 85.501 5.368 16.028

12/22/2011 12:14:09.592 85.751 5.369 16.033

12/22/2011 12:14:09.842 86.001 5.367 16.027 12/22/2011 12:14:10.092 86.251 5.369 16.032 12/22/2011 12:14:10.342 86.501 5.372 16.041

12/22/2011 12:14:10.592 86.751 5.368 16.028

12/22/2011 12:14:10.842 87.001 5.371 16.037

12/22/2011 12:14:11.092 87.251 5.370 16.036

12/22/2011 12:14:11.342 87.501 5.370 16.036 12/22/2011 12:14:11.592 87.751 5.367 16.025 12/22/2011 12:14:11.842 88.001 5.369 16.031

12/22/2011 12:14:12.092 88.251 5.370 16.036

12/22/2011 12:14:12.342 88.501 5.369 16.032

12/22/2011 12:14:12.592 88.751 5.369 16.032

12/22/2011 12:14:12.842 89.001 5.368 16.030 12/22/2011 12:14:13.092 89.251 5.366 16.025 12/22/2011 12:14:13.342 89.501 5.370 16.034

12/22/2011 12:14:13.592 89.751 5.369 16.033

12/22/2011 12:14:13.842 90.001 5.368 16.028 12/22/2011 12:14:14.092 90.251 5.370 16.034 12/22/2011 12:14:14.342 90.501 5.367 16.027

12/22/2011 12:14:14.592 90.751 5.369 16.032 12/22/2011 12:14:14.842 91.001 5.367 16.025 12/22/2011 12:14:15.092 91.251 5.367 16.027

12/22/2011 12:14:15.342 91.501 5.367 16.027

12/22/2011 12:14:15.592 91.751 5.368 16.028

12/22/2011 12:14:15.842 92.001 5.369 16.033 12/22/2011 12:14:16.092 92.251 5.368 16.029 12/22/2011 12:14:16.342 92.501 5.365 16.021 12/22/2011 12:14:16.592 92.751 5.368 16.029

12/22/2011 12:14:16.842 93.001 5.368 16.029

12/22/2011 12:14:17.092 93.251 5.368 16.028

12/22/2011 12:14:17.342 93.501 5.369 16.032

12/22/2011 12:14:17.592 93.751 5.368 16.028 12/22/2011 12:14:17.842 94.001 5.367 16.026 12/22/2011 12:14:18.092 94.251 5.369 16.033

12/22/2011 12:14:18.342 94.501 5.367 16.027

12/22/2011 12:14:18.592 94.751 5.366 16.024

12/22/2011 12:14:18.842 95.001 5.365 16.019

12/22/2011 12:14:19.092 95.251 5.368 16.028 12/22/2011 12:14:19.342 95.501 5.365 16.021 12/22/2011 12:14:19.592 95.751 5.370 16.036

12/22/2011 12:14:19.842 96.001 5.370 16.034

12/22/2011 12:14:20.092 96.251 5.368 16.029

12/22/2011 12:14:20.342 96.501 5.369 16.033

12/22/2011 12:14:20.592 96.751 5.368 16.028 12/22/2011 12:14:20.842 97.001 5.368 16.029 12/22/2011 12:14:21.092 97.251 5.369 16.033

12/22/2011 12:14:21.342 97.501 5.366 16.023

12/22/2011 12:14:21.592 97.751 5.368 16.028

12/22/2011 12:14:21.842 98.001 5.372 16.043

12/22/2011 12:14:22.092 98.251 5.372 16.042

12/22/2011 12:14:22.342 98.501 5.369 16.032 12/22/2011 12:14:22.592 98.751 5.368 16.028 12/22/2011 12:14:22.842 99.001 5.371 16.038

12/22/2011 12:14:23.092 99.251 5.369 16.033

12/22/2011 12:14:23.342 99.501 5.373 16.044

12/22/2011 12:14:23.592 99.751 5.369 16.032

12/22/2011 12:14:23.842 100.001 5.371 16.039 12/22/2011 12:14:24.092 100.251 5.371 16.037 12/22/2011 12:14:24.342 100.501 5.368 16.030

12/22/2011 12:14:24.592 100.751 5.370 16.035

12/22/2011 12:14:24.842 101.001 5.370 16.035

12/22/2011 12:14:25.092 101.251 5.368 16.030

12/22/2011 12:14:25.342 101.501 5.368 16.030 12/22/2011 12:14:25.592 101.751 5.369 16.033 12/22/2011 12:14:25.842 102.001 5.369 16.032

12/22/2011 12:14:26.092 102.251 5.368 16.029 12/22/2011 12:14:26.342 102.501 5.369 16.033 12/22/2011 12:14:26.592 102.751 5.367 16.025

12/22/2011 12:14:26.842 103.001 5.366 16.025

12/22/2011 12:14:27.092 103.251 5.365 16.021 12/22/2011 12:14:27.342 103.501 5.368 16.030 12/22/2011 12:14:27.592 103.751 5.368 16.030

12/22/2011 12:14:27.842 104.001 5.366 16.024

12/22/2011 12:14:28.092 104.251 5.369 16.033 12/22/2011 12:14:28.342 104.501 5.365 16.019 12/22/2011 12:14:28.592 104.751 5.372 16.040 12/22/2011 12:14:28.842 105.001 5.367 16.027 12/22/2011 12:14:29.092 105.251 5.366 16.025

12/22/2011 12:14:29.342 105.501 5.368 16.029

12/22/2011 12:14:29.592 105.751 5.368 16.029

12/22/2011 12:14:29.842 106.001 5.370 16.036

12/22/2011 12:14:30.092 106.251 5.368 16.029 12/22/2011 12:14:30.342 106.501 5.370 16.036 12/22/2011 12:14:30.592 106.751 5.369 16.031

12/22/2011 12:14:30.842 107.001 5.367 16.025

12/22/2011 12:14:31.092 107.251 5.371 16.038

12/22/2011 12:14:31.342 107.501 5.368 16.028

12/22/2011 12:14:31.592 107.751 5.368 16.028 12/22/2011 12:14:31.842 108.001 5.369 16.032 12/22/2011 12:14:32.092 108.251 5.372 16.042

12/22/2011 12:14:32.342 108.501 5.368 16.030

12/22/2011 12:14:32.592 108.751 5.370 16.034

12/22/2011 12:14:32.842 109.001 5.370 16.036

12/22/2011 12:14:33.092 109.251 5.377 16.055 12/22/2011 12:14:33.342 109.501 6.188 18.478 12/22/2011 12:14:33.592 109.751 5.576 16.650

12/22/2011 12:14:33.842 110.001 5.316 15.875

12/22/2011 12:14:34.092 110.251 5.383 16.073 12/22/2011 12:14:34.342 110.501 5.384 16.077 12/22/2011 12:14:34.592 110.751 5.316 15.875

12/22/2011 12:14:34.842 111.001 5.369 16.031 12/22/2011 12:14:35.092 111.251 5.374 16.048 12/22/2011 12:14:35.342 111.501 5.369 16.032

12/22/2011 12:14:35.592 111.751 5.368 16.029

12/22/2011 12:14:35.842 112.001 5.364 16.018

12/22/2011 12:14:36.092 112.251 5.364 16.017 12/22/2011 12:14:36.342 112.501 5.361 16.009 12/22/2011 12:14:36.592 112.751 5.358 16.001 12/22/2011 12:14:36.842 113.001 5.359 16.004

12/22/2011 12:14:37.092 113.251 5.359 16.001

12/22/2011 12:14:37.342 113.501 5.356 15.993

12/22/2011 12:14:37.592 113.751 5.358 16.000

12/22/2011 12:14:37.842 114.001 5.353 15.983 12/22/2011 12:14:38.092 114.251 5.356 15.994 12/22/2011 12:14:38.342 114.501 5.357 15.997

12/22/2011 12:14:38.592 114.751 5.355 15.990

12/22/2011 12:14:38.842 115.001 5.354 15.987

12/22/2011 12:14:39.092 115.251 5.356 15.993

12/22/2011 12:14:39.342 115.501 5.352 15.982 12/22/2011 12:14:39.592 115.751 5.356 15.993 12/22/2011 12:14:39.842 116.001 5.355 15.989

12/22/2011 12:14:40.092 116.251 5.354 15.988

12/22/2011 12:14:40.342 116.501 5.351 15.979

12/22/2011 12:14:40.592 116.751 5.352 15.983

12/22/2011 12:14:40.842 117.001 5.352 15.981 12/22/2011 12:14:41.092 117.251 5.354 15.988 12/22/2011 12:14:41.342 117.501 5.353 15.985

12/22/2011 12:14:41.592 117.751 5.353 15.983

12/22/2011 12:14:41.842 118.001 5.354 15.988

12/22/2011 12:14:42.092 118.251 5.353 15.984

12/22/2011 12:14:42.342 118.501 5.352 15.981

12/22/2011 12:14:42.592 118.751 5.352 15.981 12/22/2011 12:14:42.842 119.001 5.353 15.985 12/22/2011 12:14:43.092 119.251 5.353 15.985

12/22/2011 12:14:43.342 119.501 5.353 15.983

12/22/2011 12:14:43.592 119.751 5.351 15.980

12/22/2011 12:14:43.842 120.001 5.352 15.982

12/22/2011 12:14:44.092 120.251 5.351 15.979 12/22/2011 12:14:44.342 120.501 5.353 15.983 12/22/2011 12:14:44.592 120.751 5.350 15.975

12/22/2011 12:14:44.842 121.001 5.349 15.974

12/22/2011 12:14:45.092 121.251 5.353 15.984

12/22/2011 12:14:45.342 121.501 5.352 15.980

12/22/2011 12:14:45.592 121.751 5.352 15.982 12/22/2011 12:14:45.842 122.001 5.352 15.982 12/22/2011 12:14:46.092 122.251 5.353 15.984

12/22/2011 12:14:46.342 122.501 5.352 15.980 12/22/2011 12:14:46.592 122.751 5.351 15.978 12/22/2011 12:14:46.842 123.001 5.349 15.974

12/22/2011 12:14:47.092 123.251 5.350 15.976

12/22/2011 12:14:47.342 123.501 5.348 15.970 12/22/2011 12:14:47.592 123.751 5.349 15.974 12/22/2011 12:14:47.842 124.001 5.353 15.983

12/22/2011 12:14:48.092 124.251 5.349 15.974

12/22/2011 12:14:48.342 124.501 5.352 15.982 12/22/2011 12:14:48.592 124.751 5.350 15.976 12/22/2011 12:14:48.842 125.001 5.353 15.984 12/22/2011 12:14:49.092 125.251 5.352 15.980 12/22/2011 12:14:49.342 125.501 5.349 15.974

12/22/2011 12:14:49.592 125.751 5.351 15.978

12/22/2011 12:14:49.842 126.001 5.352 15.981

12/22/2011 12:14:50.092 126.251 5.349 15.973

12/22/2011 12:14:50.342 126.501 5.350 15.976 12/22/2011 12:14:50.592 126.751 5.350 15.976 12/22/2011 12:14:50.842 127.001 5.348 15.971

12/22/2011 12:14:51.092 127.251 5.347 15.967

12/22/2011 12:14:51.342 127.501 5.350 15.977

12/22/2011 12:14:51.592 127.751 5.350 15.975

12/22/2011 12:14:51.842 128.001 5.350 15.975 12/22/2011 12:14:52.092 128.251 5.353 15.985 12/22/2011 12:14:52.342 128.501 5.351 15.978

12/22/2011 12:14:52.592 128.751 5.349 15.973

12/22/2011 12:14:52.842 129.001 5.351 15.979

12/22/2011 12:14:53.092 129.251 5.354 15.987

12/22/2011 12:14:53.342 129.501 5.350 15.976 12/22/2011 12:14:53.592 129.751 5.350 15.977 12/22/2011 12:14:53.842 130.001 5.351 15.977

12/22/2011 12:14:54.092 130.251 5.351 15.978

12/22/2011 12:14:54.342 130.501 5.347 15.968 12/22/2011 12:14:54.592 130.751 5.348 15.968 12/22/2011 12:14:54.842 131.001 5.349 15.973

12/22/2011 12:14:55.092 131.251 5.347 15.968 12/22/2011 12:14:55.342 131.501 5.351 15.978 12/22/2011 12:14:55.592 131.751 5.349 15.972

12/22/2011 12:14:55.842 132.001 5.347 15.967

12/22/2011 12:14:56.092 132.251 5.344 15.959

12/22/2011 12:14:56.342 132.501 5.350 15.975 12/22/2011 12:14:56.592 132.751 5.351 15.978 12/22/2011 12:14:56.842 133.001 5.351 15.979 12/22/2011 12:14:57.092 133.251 5.350 15.975

12/22/2011 12:14:57.342 133.501 5.346 15.964

12/22/2011 12:14:57.592 133.751 5.350 15.975

12/22/2011 12:14:57.842 134.001 5.349 15.974

12/22/2011 12:14:58.092 134.251 5.352 15.980 12/22/2011 12:14:58.342 134.501 5.350 15.975 12/22/2011 12:14:58.592 134.751 5.349 15.971

12/22/2011 12:14:58.842 135.001 5.349 15.972

12/22/2011 12:14:59.092 135.251 5.349 15.973

12/22/2011 12:14:59.342 135.501 5.345 15.959

12/22/2011 12:14:59.592 135.751 5.350 15.975 12/22/2011 12:14:59.842 136.001 5.345 15.962 12/22/2011 12:15:00.092 136.251 5.350 15.975

12/22/2011 12:15:00.342 136.501 5.349 15.972

12/22/2011 12:15:00.592 136.751 5.348 15.969

12/22/2011 12:15:00.842 137.001 5.351 15.979

12/22/2011 12:15:01.092 137.251 5.350 15.975 12/22/2011 12:15:01.342 137.501 5.348 15.970 12/22/2011 12:15:01.592 137.751 5.350 15.974

12/22/2011 12:15:01.842 138.001 5.348 15.970

12/22/2011 12:15:02.092 138.251 5.348 15.969

12/22/2011 12:15:02.342 138.501 5.350 15.976

12/22/2011 12:15:02.592 138.751 5.352 15.980

12/22/2011 12:15:02.842 139.001 5.351 15.978 12/22/2011 12:15:03.092 139.251 5.347 15.967 12/22/2011 12:15:03.342 139.501 5.349 15.973

12/22/2011 12:15:03.592 139.751 5.348 15.969

12/22/2011 12:15:03.842 140.001 5.349 15.974

12/22/2011 12:15:04.092 140.251 5.349 15.973

12/22/2011 12:15:04.342 140.501 5.347 15.967 12/22/2011 12:15:04.592 140.751 5.347 15.966 12/22/2011 12:15:04.842 141.001 5.349 15.974

12/22/2011 12:15:05.092 141.251 5.346 15.965

12/22/2011 12:15:05.342 141.501 5.349 15.973

12/22/2011 12:15:05.592 141.751 5.351 15.979

12/22/2011 12:15:05.842 142.001 5.351 15.979 12/22/2011 12:15:06.092 142.251 5.349 15.971 12/22/2011 12:15:06.342 142.501 5.348 15.970

12/22/2011 12:15:06.592 142.751 5.349 15.972 12/22/2011 12:15:06.842 143.001 5.346 15.965 12/22/2011 12:15:07.092 143.251 5.348 15.970

12/22/2011 12:15:07.342 143.501 5.347 15.966

12/22/2011 12:15:07.592 143.751 5.351 15.980 12/22/2011 12:15:07.842 144.001 5.348 15.971 12/22/2011 12:15:08.092 144.251 5.348 15.970

12/22/2011 12:15:08.342 144.501 5.347 15.967

12/22/2011 12:15:08.592 144.751 5.346 15.962 12/22/2011 12:15:08.842 145.001 5.349 15.972 12/22/2011 12:15:09.092 145.251 5.348 15.969 12/22/2011 12:15:09.342 145.501 5.348 15.968 12/22/2011 12:15:09.592 145.751 5.345 15.960

12/22/2011 12:15:09.842 146.001 5.345 15.961

12/22/2011 12:15:10.092 146.251 5.348 15.969

12/22/2011 12:15:10.342 146.501 5.350 15.975

12/22/2011 12:15:10.592 146.751 5.348 15.971 12/22/2011 12:15:10.842 147.001 5.347 15.966 12/22/2011 12:15:11.092 147.251 5.348 15.970

12/22/2011 12:15:11.342 147.501 5.347 15.966

12/22/2011 12:15:11.592 147.751 5.348 15.969

12/22/2011 12:15:11.842 148.001 5.349 15.972

12/22/2011 12:15:12.092 148.251 5.347 15.968 12/22/2011 12:15:12.342 148.501 5.348 15.968 12/22/2011 12:15:12.592 148.751 5.349 15.973

12/22/2011 12:15:12.842 149.001 5.348 15.971

12/22/2011 12:15:13.092 149.251 5.344 15.958

12/22/2011 12:15:13.342 149.501 5.346 15.964

12/22/2011 12:15:13.592 149.751 5.347 15.968 12/22/2011 12:15:13.842 150.001 5.349 15.973 12/22/2011 12:15:14.092 150.251 5.349 15.971

12/22/2011 12:15:14.342 150.501 5.344 15.959

12/22/2011 12:15:14.592 150.751 5.346 15.963 12/22/2011 12:15:14.842 151.001 5.349 15.972 12/22/2011 12:15:15.092 151.251 5.348 15.969

12/22/2011 12:15:15.342 151.501 5.349 15.973 12/22/2011 12:15:15.592 151.751 5.348 15.971 12/22/2011 12:15:15.842 152.001 5.348 15.969

12/22/2011 12:15:16.092 152.251 5.350 15.976

12/22/2011 12:15:16.342 152.501 5.345 15.961

12/22/2011 12:15:16.592 152.751 5.348 15.971 12/22/2011 12:15:16.842 153.001 5.350 15.975 12/22/2011 12:15:17.092 153.251 5.348 15.969 12/22/2011 12:15:17.342 153.501 5.352 15.981

12/22/2011 12:15:17.592 153.751 5.349 15.972

12/22/2011 12:15:17.842 154.001 5.348 15.971

12/22/2011 12:15:18.092 154.251 5.351 15.977

12/22/2011 12:15:18.342 154.501 5.347 15.968 12/22/2011 12:15:18.592 154.751 5.347 15.966 12/22/2011 12:15:18.842 155.001 5.346 15.963

12/22/2011 12:15:19.092 155.251 5.349 15.972

12/22/2011 12:15:19.342 155.501 5.352 15.980

12/22/2011 12:15:19.593 155.752 5.347 15.968

12/22/2011 12:15:19.842 156.001 5.351 15.979 12/22/2011 12:15:20.092 156.251 5.347 15.966 12/22/2011 12:15:20.342 156.501 5.349 15.972

12/22/2011 12:15:20.592 156.751 5.347 15.967

12/22/2011 12:15:20.842 157.001 5.347 15.967

12/22/2011 12:15:21.092 157.251 5.349 15.973

12/22/2011 12:15:21.342 157.501 5.345 15.962 12/22/2011 12:15:21.592 157.751 5.348 15.970 12/22/2011 12:15:21.842 158.001 5.344 15.957

12/22/2011 12:15:22.092 158.251 5.349 15.971

12/22/2011 12:15:22.342 158.501 5.346 15.964

12/22/2011 12:15:22.592 158.751 5.347 15.966

12/22/2011 12:15:22.842 159.001 5.347 15.965

12/22/2011 12:15:23.092 159.251 5.349 15.972 12/22/2011 12:15:23.342 159.501 5.350 15.974 12/22/2011 12:15:23.592 159.751 5.349 15.971

12/22/2011 12:15:23.842 160.001 5.344 15.957

12/22/2011 12:15:24.092 160.251 5.349 15.971

12/22/2011 12:15:24.342 160.501 5.348 15.969

12/22/2011 12:15:24.592 160.751 5.350 15.976 12/22/2011 12:15:24.842 161.001 5.347 15.967 12/22/2011 12:15:25.092 161.251 5.350 15.977

12/22/2011 12:15:25.342 161.501 5.346 15.962

12/22/2011 12:15:25.592 161.751 5.347 15.967

12/22/2011 12:15:25.842 162.001 5.346 15.964

12/22/2011 12:15:26.092 162.251 5.348 15.969 12/22/2011 12:15:26.342 162.501 5.349 15.972 12/22/2011 12:15:26.592 162.751 5.346 15.965

12/22/2011 12:15:26.842 163.001 5.349 15.973 12/22/2011 12:15:27.092 163.251 5.350 15.975 12/22/2011 12:15:27.342 163.501 5.346 15.965

12/22/2011 12:15:27.592 163.751 5.347 15.966

12/22/2011 12:15:27.842 164.001 5.350 15.974 12/22/2011 12:15:28.092 164.251 5.348 15.969 12/22/2011 12:15:28.342 164.501 5.347 15.968

12/22/2011 12:15:28.592 164.751 5.347 15.967

12/22/2011 12:15:28.842 165.001 5.348 15.968 12/22/2011 12:15:29.092 165.251 5.346 15.963 12/22/2011 12:15:29.342 165.501 5.346 15.964 12/22/2011 12:15:29.592 165.751 5.348 15.969 12/22/2011 12:15:29.842 166.001 5.347 15.968

12/22/2011 12:15:30.092 166.251 5.348 15.971

12/22/2011 12:15:30.342 166.501 5.344 15.959

12/22/2011 12:15:30.592 166.751 5.346 15.962

12/22/2011 12:15:30.842 167.001 5.348 15.970 12/22/2011 12:15:31.092 167.251 5.346 15.965 12/22/2011 12:15:31.342 167.501 5.347 15.967

12/22/2011 12:15:31.592 167.751 5.347 15.968

12/22/2011 12:15:31.842 168.001 5.348 15.970

12/22/2011 12:15:32.092 168.251 5.348 15.970

12/22/2011 12:15:32.342 168.501 5.346 15.962 12/22/2011 12:15:32.592 168.751 5.345 15.960 12/22/2011 12:15:32.842 169.001 5.347 15.966

12/22/2011 12:15:33.092 169.251 5.346 15.962

12/22/2011 12:15:33.342 169.501 5.349 15.972

12/22/2011 12:15:33.592 169.751 5.348 15.970

12/22/2011 12:15:33.842 170.001 5.347 15.967 12/22/2011 12:15:34.092 170.251 5.348 15.969 12/22/2011 12:15:34.342 170.501 5.347 15.966

12/22/2011 12:15:34.592 170.751 5.344 15.959

12/22/2011 12:15:34.842 171.001 5.344 15.959 12/22/2011 12:15:35.092 171.251 5.349 15.973 12/22/2011 12:15:35.342 171.501 5.345 15.960

12/22/2011 12:15:35.592 171.751 5.347 15.965 12/22/2011 12:15:35.842 172.001 5.349 15.973 12/22/2011 12:15:36.092 172.251 5.346 15.963

12/22/2011 12:15:36.342 172.501 5.349 15.971

12/22/2011 12:15:36.592 172.751 5.221 15.591

12/22/2011 12:15:36.842 173.001 5.092 15.205 12/22/2011 12:15:37.092 173.251 5.314 15.868 12/22/2011 12:15:37.342 173.501 5.251 15.680 12/22/2011 12:15:37.592 173.751 5.389 16.093

12/22/2011 12:15:37.842 174.001 5.299 15.824

12/22/2011 12:15:38.092 174.251 5.224 15.599

12/22/2011 12:15:38.342 174.501 5.192 15.504

12/22/2011 12:15:38.592 174.751 5.200 15.527 12/22/2011 12:15:38.842 175.001 5.233 15.625 12/22/2011 12:15:39.092 175.251 5.275 15.751

12/22/2011 12:15:39.342 175.501 5.298 15.819

12/22/2011 12:15:39.592 175.751 5.311 15.860

12/22/2011 12:15:39.842 176.001 5.317 15.878

12/22/2011 12:15:40.092 176.251 5.327 15.907 12/22/2011 12:15:40.342 176.501 5.329 15.914 12/22/2011 12:15:40.592 176.751 5.334 15.927

12/22/2011 12:15:40.842 177.001 5.334 15.927

12/22/2011 12:15:41.092 177.251 5.336 15.935

12/22/2011 12:15:41.342 177.501 5.341 15.948

12/22/2011 12:15:41.592 177.751 5.340 15.946 12/22/2011 12:15:41.842 178.001 5.337 15.938 12/22/2011 12:15:42.092 178.251 5.341 15.950

12/22/2011 12:15:42.342 178.501 5.338 15.939

12/22/2011 12:15:42.592 178.751 5.342 15.953

12/22/2011 12:15:42.842 179.001 5.341 15.948

12/22/2011 12:15:43.092 179.251 5.343 15.956

12/22/2011 12:15:43.342 179.501 5.340 15.947 12/22/2011 12:15:43.592 179.751 5.345 15.960 12/22/2011 12:15:43.842 180.001 5.343 15.954

12/22/2011 12:15:44.092 180.251 5.346 15.963

12/22/2011 12:15:44.342 180.501 5.343 15.955

12/22/2011 12:15:44.592 180.751 5.344 15.957

12/22/2011 12:15:44.842 181.001 5.343 15.955 12/22/2011 12:15:45.092 181.251 5.343 15.955 12/22/2011 12:15:45.342 181.501 5.345 15.962

12/22/2011 12:15:45.592 181.751 5.345 15.961

12/22/2011 12:15:45.842 182.001 5.348 15.969

12/22/2011 12:15:46.092 182.251 5.344 15.959

12/22/2011 12:15:46.342 182.501 5.346 15.965 12/22/2011 12:15:46.592 182.751 5.345 15.961 12/22/2011 12:15:46.842 183.001 5.345 15.961

12/22/2011 12:15:47.092 183.251 5.345 15.959 12/22/2011 12:15:47.342 183.501 5.343 15.953 12/22/2011 12:15:47.592 183.751 5.346 15.962

12/22/2011 12:15:47.842 184.001 5.348 15.968

12/22/2011 12:15:48.092 184.251 5.345 15.961 12/22/2011 12:15:48.342 184.501 5.344 15.959 12/22/2011 12:15:48.592 184.751 5.345 15.962

12/22/2011 12:15:48.842 185.001 5.344 15.958

12/22/2011 12:15:49.092 185.251 5.346 15.962 12/22/2011 12:15:49.342 185.501 5.346 15.964 12/22/2011 12:15:49.592 185.751 5.346 15.962 12/22/2011 12:15:49.842 186.001 5.346 15.963 12/22/2011 12:15:50.092 186.251 5.346 15.964

12/22/2011 12:15:50.342 186.501 5.348 15.970

12/22/2011 12:15:50.592 186.751 5.348 15.970

12/22/2011 12:15:50.842 187.001 5.346 15.965

12/22/2011 12:15:51.092 187.251 5.345 15.960 12/22/2011 12:15:51.342 187.501 5.347 15.966 12/22/2011 12:15:51.592 187.751 5.344 15.957

12/22/2011 12:15:51.842 188.001 5.348 15.968

12/22/2011 12:15:52.092 188.251 5.348 15.970

12/22/2011 12:15:52.342 188.501 5.346 15.963

12/22/2011 12:15:52.592 188.751 5.345 15.962 12/22/2011 12:15:52.842 189.001 5.347 15.966 12/22/2011 12:15:53.092 189.251 5.349 15.972

12/22/2011 12:15:53.342 189.501 5.347 15.965

12/22/2011 12:15:53.592 189.751 5.347 15.965

12/22/2011 12:15:53.842 190.001 5.346 15.964

12/22/2011 12:15:54.092 190.251 5.345 15.962 12/22/2011 12:15:54.342 190.501 5.346 15.964 12/22/2011 12:15:54.592 190.751 5.346 15.964

12/22/2011 12:15:54.842 191.001 5.345 15.960

12/22/2011 12:15:55.092 191.251 5.347 15.965 12/22/2011 12:15:55.342 191.501 5.345 15.960 12/22/2011 12:15:55.592 191.751 5.348 15.970

12/22/2011 12:15:55.842 192.001 5.345 15.960 12/22/2011 12:15:56.092 192.251 5.349 15.974 12/22/2011 12:15:56.342 192.501 5.348 15.969

12/22/2011 12:15:56.592 192.751 5.346 15.964

12/22/2011 12:15:56.842 193.001 5.350 15.976

12/22/2011 12:15:57.092 193.251 5.346 15.964 12/22/2011 12:15:57.342 193.501 5.345 15.960 12/22/2011 12:15:57.592 193.751 5.348 15.969 12/22/2011 12:15:57.842 194.001 5.346 15.963

12/22/2011 12:15:58.092 194.251 5.348 15.969

12/22/2011 12:15:58.342 194.501 5.346 15.965

12/22/2011 12:15:58.592 194.751 5.349 15.971

12/22/2011 12:15:58.842 195.001 5.346 15.963 12/22/2011 12:15:59.092 195.251 5.347 15.965 12/22/2011 12:15:59.342 195.501 5.349 15.971

12/22/2011 12:15:59.592 195.751 5.348 15.970

12/22/2011 12:15:59.842 196.001 5.344 15.959

12/22/2011 12:16:00.092 196.251 5.348 15.970

12/22/2011 12:16:00.342 196.501 5.347 15.967 12/22/2011 12:16:00.592 196.751 5.345 15.961 12/22/2011 12:16:00.842 197.001 5.346 15.964

12/22/2011 12:16:01.092 197.251 5.348 15.970

12/22/2011 12:16:01.342 197.501 5.347 15.965

12/22/2011 12:16:01.592 197.751 5.347 15.966

12/22/2011 12:16:01.842 198.001 5.349 15.972 12/22/2011 12:16:02.092 198.251 5.347 15.967 12/22/2011 12:16:02.342 198.501 5.346 15.965

12/22/2011 12:16:02.592 198.751 5.347 15.967

12/22/2011 12:16:02.842 199.001 5.346 15.962

12/22/2011 12:16:03.092 199.251 5.345 15.960

12/22/2011 12:16:03.342 199.501 5.346 15.965

12/22/2011 12:16:03.592 199.751 5.348 15.970 12/22/2011 12:16:03.842 200.001 5.347 15.968 12/22/2011 12:16:04.092 200.251 5.347 15.965

12/22/2011 12:16:04.342 200.501 5.349 15.971

12/22/2011 12:16:04.592 200.751 5.349 15.971

12/22/2011 12:16:04.842 201.001 5.348 15.968

12/22/2011 12:16:05.092 201.251 5.346 15.964 12/22/2011 12:16:05.342 201.501 5.346 15.963 12/22/2011 12:16:05.592 201.751 5.348 15.969

12/22/2011 12:16:05.842 202.001 5.344 15.958

12/22/2011 12:16:06.092 202.251 5.347 15.965

12/22/2011 12:16:06.342 202.501 5.348 15.968

12/22/2011 12:16:06.592 202.751 5.346 15.965 12/22/2011 12:16:06.842 203.001 5.347 15.968 12/22/2011 12:16:07.092 203.251 5.350 15.976

12/22/2011 12:16:07.342 203.501 5.349 15.972 12/22/2011 12:16:07.592 203.751 5.349 15.972 12/22/2011 12:16:07.842 204.001 5.346 15.965

12/22/2011 12:16:08.092 204.251 5.347 15.968

12/22/2011 12:16:08.342 204.501 5.349 15.974 12/22/2011 12:16:08.592 204.751 5.349 15.971 12/22/2011 12:16:08.842 205.001 5.348 15.970

12/22/2011 12:16:09.092 205.251 5.350 15.976

12/22/2011 12:16:09.342 205.501 5.349 15.972 12/22/2011 12:16:09.592 205.751 5.348 15.970 12/22/2011 12:16:09.842 206.001 5.348 15.971 12/22/2011 12:16:10.092 206.251 5.348 15.970 12/22/2011 12:16:10.342 206.501 5.349 15.974

12/22/2011 12:16:10.592 206.751 5.347 15.966

12/22/2011 12:16:10.842 207.001 5.347 15.967

12/22/2011 12:16:11.092 207.251 5.346 15.963

12/22/2011 12:16:11.342 207.501 5.349 15.973 12/22/2011 12:16:11.592 207.751 5.348 15.968 12/22/2011 12:16:11.842 208.001 5.351 15.978

12/22/2011 12:16:12.092 208.251 5.348 15.970

12/22/2011 12:16:12.342 208.501 5.349 15.972

12/22/2011 12:16:12.592 208.751 5.347 15.967

12/22/2011 12:16:12.842 209.001 5.345 15.961 12/22/2011 12:16:13.092 209.251 5.348 15.970 12/22/2011 12:16:13.342 209.501 5.346 15.963

12/22/2011 12:16:13.592 209.751 5.344 15.959

12/22/2011 12:16:13.842 210.001 5.344 15.957

12/22/2011 12:16:14.092 210.251 5.345 15.961

12/22/2011 12:16:14.342 210.501 5.348 15.970 12/22/2011 12:16:14.592 210.751 5.346 15.962 12/22/2011 12:16:14.842 211.001 5.346 15.965

12/22/2011 12:16:15.092 211.251 5.349 15.972

12/22/2011 12:16:15.342 211.501 5.347 15.967 12/22/2011 12:16:15.592 211.751 5.345 15.960 12/22/2011 12:16:15.842 212.001 5.348 15.969

12/22/2011 12:16:16.092 212.251 5.347 15.966 12/22/2011 12:16:16.342 212.501 5.345 15.960 12/22/2011 12:16:16.592 212.751 5.345 15.962

12/22/2011 12:16:16.842 213.001 5.351 15.978

12/22/2011 12:16:17.092 213.251 5.348 15.969

12/22/2011 12:16:17.342 213.501 5.348 15.969 12/22/2011 12:16:17.592 213.751 5.346 15.964 12/22/2011 12:16:17.842 214.001 5.345 15.962 12/22/2011 12:16:18.092 214.251 5.348 15.969

12/22/2011 12:16:18.342 214.501 5.347 15.968

12/22/2011 12:16:18.592 214.751 5.348 15.971

12/22/2011 12:16:18.842 215.001 5.349 15.971

12/22/2011 12:16:19.092 215.251 5.346 15.962 12/22/2011 12:16:19.342 215.501 5.346 15.964 12/22/2011 12:16:19.592 215.751 5.348 15.969

12/22/2011 12:16:19.842 216.001 5.347 15.967

12/22/2011 12:16:20.092 216.251 5.349 15.973

12/22/2011 12:16:20.342 216.501 5.344 15.958

12/22/2011 12:16:20.592 216.751 5.348 15.969 12/22/2011 12:16:20.842 217.001 5.346 15.965 12/22/2011 12:16:21.092 217.251 5.344 15.957

12/22/2011 12:16:21.342 217.501 5.351 15.977

12/22/2011 12:16:21.592 217.751 5.347 15.968

12/22/2011 12:16:21.842 218.001 5.347 15.968

12/22/2011 12:16:22.092 218.251 5.350 15.974 12/22/2011 12:16:22.342 218.501 5.345 15.962 12/22/2011 12:16:22.592 218.751 5.348 15.971

12/22/2011 12:16:22.842 219.001 5.350 15.975

12/22/2011 12:16:23.092 219.251 5.349 15.973

12/22/2011 12:16:23.342 219.501 5.344 15.956

12/22/2011 12:16:23.592 219.751 5.349 15.973

12/22/2011 12:16:23.842 220.001 5.345 15.960 12/22/2011 12:16:24.092 220.251 5.348 15.969 12/22/2011 12:16:24.342 220.501 5.348 15.970

12/22/2011 12:16:24.592 220.751 5.347 15.968

12/22/2011 12:16:24.842 221.001 5.343 15.956

12/22/2011 12:16:25.092 221.251 5.349 15.974

12/22/2011 12:16:25.342 221.501 5.346 15.965 12/22/2011 12:16:25.592 221.751 5.346 15.964 12/22/2011 12:16:25.842 222.001 5.344 15.957

12/22/2011 12:16:26.092 222.251 5.349 15.971

12/22/2011 12:16:26.342 222.501 5.351 15.977

12/22/2011 12:16:26.592 222.751 5.348 15.969

12/22/2011 12:16:26.842 223.001 5.347 15.965 12/22/2011 12:16:27.092 223.251 5.345 15.960 12/22/2011 12:16:27.342 223.501 5.346 15.963

12/22/2011 12:16:27.592 223.751 5.346 15.965 12/22/2011 12:16:27.842 224.001 5.345 15.960 12/22/2011 12:16:28.092 224.251 5.344 15.959

12/22/2011 12:16:28.343 224.502 5.346 15.965

12/22/2011 12:16:28.592 224.751 5.347 15.968 12/22/2011 12:16:28.842 225.001 5.346 15.964 12/22/2011 12:16:29.092 225.251 5.349 15.972

12/22/2011 12:16:29.342 225.501 5.348 15.969

12/22/2011 12:16:29.592 225.751 5.349 15.972 12/22/2011 12:16:29.842 226.001 5.344 15.957 12/22/2011 12:16:30.092 226.251 5.348 15.970 12/22/2011 12:16:30.342 226.501 5.346 15.964 12/22/2011 12:16:30.592 226.751 5.348 15.971

12/22/2011 12:16:30.842 227.001 5.344 15.959

12/22/2011 12:16:31.092 227.251 5.346 15.965

12/22/2011 12:16:31.342 227.501 5.345 15.962

12/22/2011 12:16:31.592 227.751 5.343 15.956 12/22/2011 12:16:31.842 228.001 5.348 15.971 12/22/2011 12:16:32.092 228.251 5.346 15.964

12/22/2011 12:16:32.342 228.501 5.347 15.966

12/22/2011 12:16:32.592 228.751 5.346 15.964

12/22/2011 12:16:32.842 229.001 5.347 15.965

12/22/2011 12:16:33.092 229.251 5.350 15.975 12/22/2011 12:16:33.342 229.501 5.346 15.964 12/22/2011 12:16:33.592 229.751 5.350 15.976

12/22/2011 12:16:33.842 230.001 5.345 15.961

12/22/2011 12:16:34.092 230.251 5.347 15.966

12/22/2011 12:16:34.342 230.501 5.347 15.967

12/22/2011 12:16:34.592 230.751 5.347 15.968 12/22/2011 12:16:34.842 231.001 5.346 15.964 12/22/2011 12:16:35.092 231.251 5.347 15.968

12/22/2011 12:16:35.342 231.501 5.347 15.967

12/22/2011 12:16:35.592 231.751 5.345 15.960 12/22/2011 12:16:35.842 232.001 5.346 15.964 12/22/2011 12:16:36.092 232.251 5.349 15.972

12/22/2011 12:16:36.342 232.501 5.348 15.970 12/22/2011 12:16:36.592 232.751 5.345 15.961 12/22/2011 12:16:36.842 233.001 5.350 15.975

12/22/2011 12:16:37.092 233.251 5.349 15.973

12/22/2011 12:16:37.342 233.501 5.344 15.959

12/22/2011 12:16:37.592 233.751 5.349 15.972 12/22/2011 12:16:37.842 234.001 5.346 15.962 12/22/2011 12:16:38.092 234.251 5.347 15.967 12/22/2011 12:16:38.342 234.501 5.344 15.958

12/22/2011 12:16:38.592 234.751 5.344 15.959

12/22/2011 12:16:38.842 235.001 5.349 15.973

12/22/2011 12:16:39.092 235.251 5.346 15.965

12/22/2011 12:16:39.342 235.501 5.349 15.971 12/22/2011 12:16:39.592 235.751 5.348 15.970 12/22/2011 12:16:39.842 236.001 5.346 15.965

12/22/2011 12:16:40.092 236.251 5.349 15.971

12/22/2011 12:16:40.342 236.501 5.345 15.961

12/22/2011 12:16:40.592 236.751 5.348 15.970

12/22/2011 12:16:40.842 237.001 5.345 15.962 12/22/2011 12:16:41.092 237.251 5.351 15.977 12/22/2011 12:16:41.342 237.501 5.347 15.967

12/22/2011 12:16:41.597 237.756 5.347 15.967

12/22/2011 12:16:41.842 238.001 5.345 15.959

12/22/2011 12:16:42.092 238.251 5.343 15.954

12/22/2011 12:16:42.342 238.501 5.347 15.968 12/22/2011 12:16:42.592 238.751 5.344 15.959 12/22/2011 12:16:42.842 239.001 5.347 15.965

12/22/2011 12:16:43.092 239.251 5.347 15.967

12/22/2011 12:16:43.342 239.501 5.347 15.966

12/22/2011 12:16:43.592 239.751 5.347 15.967

12/22/2011 12:16:43.842 240.001 5.346 15.963

12/22/2011 12:16:44.092 240.251 5.349 15.973 12/22/2011 12:16:44.342 240.501 5.348 15.969 12/22/2011 12:16:44.592 240.751 5.347 15.968

12/22/2011 12:16:44.842 241.001 5.346 15.965

12/22/2011 12:16:45.092 241.251 5.346 15.963

12/22/2011 12:16:45.342 241.501 5.347 15.967

12/22/2011 12:16:45.592 241.751 5.348 15.971 12/22/2011 12:16:45.842 242.001 5.345 15.960 12/22/2011 12:16:46.092 242.251 5.349 15.971

12/22/2011 12:16:46.342 242.501 5.349 15.972

12/22/2011 12:16:46.592 242.751 5.345 15.962

12/22/2011 12:16:46.847 243.006 5.347 15.968

12/22/2011 12:16:47.092 243.251 5.348 15.971 Appendix F Results of Liquefaction Analysis Notes:1)Factors of safety against liquefaction is calculated based on "Simplified Method." The empirical basis for this method islimited to about 50 to 60 ft depths below ground surface. 2)Soils below 50 to 60 ft depths are generally considered non-liquefiable (under the design seismic loads) due to the high effe ctivestress that confines the soil and provides resistance to liquefaction.3)Existing ground surface at the boreholes ranges between elevations 819 and 826 ft.

4)SHINE / SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES / JANESVILLE, WI PROJECT NO.: 113-81051 PROJECT FILE: SHINE_LiqPotandSettle.xlsx BY: TER DATE: 07/20/12Plot of Corrected Blow Count s and Liquefaction Potential Corrected Blow Counts and Factor of Safety Against Liquefaction - Boreholes G11-01 thru G11-10Figure F-1 Factor of Safety greater than 1.4 is considered "high" and "soil elements would suffer relatively minor cyclic porepressure generation" (NUREG/CR-5741, U.S. ACOE, 2000).720725 730735740 745750755760765770775780785790 795 800805810 815820825 8300102030405060Elevation(ft)(N 1)60CorrectedBlowCounts(blowsperfoot)G11 01G11 02G11 03G11 04G11 05G11 06G11 07G11 08G11 09G11 101.41.1720725730735740745750 755760765770775780785790795800805810815 82082583000.511.522.53Elevation(ft)FactorofSafety>3 Notes:1)Factors of safety against liquefaction is calculated based on "Simplified Method." The empirical basis for this method islimited to about 50 to 60 ft depths below ground surface. 2)Soils below 50 to 60 ft depths are generally considered non-liquefiable (under the design seismic loads) due to the high effe ctivestress that confines the soil and provides resistance to liquefaction.3)Existing ground surface at BoreholeVSP-01 is elevation 825 ft.SHINE / SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES / JANESVILLE, WI PROJECT NO.: 113-81051 PROJECT FILE: SHINE_LiqPotandSettle.xlsx BY: TER DATE: 07/20/12Shear Wave Velocity and Factor of Safety Against Liquefaction - Borehole VSP-01Figure F-2 Plot of Shear Wave Velocity and Liquefaction Potential - Borehole VSP-01 1.11.4720725730735 740745750 755 760 765770775780785 790 795 800805810815820 825 83000.511.522.53Elevation,ftFactorofSafety 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95100720725730 735740745 750755760765770 775780785790795800805810815 82082583005001,0001,5002,000Depthbelowgroundsurface,ftElevation,ftShearWaveVelocity,ft/s VSP 01>3 Spoon OD (in.) =2.0Energy Ratio (ER) =72%Return Period =4,975yearsSpoon ID (in.) =1.375Hole Dia (I.D. for HSA) =83(65-115, 150 or 200) mmMw =5.80Hammer weight (lb) =140Sampler Lined (Y/N) =N/APGA =0.13gHammer Drop (in.) =30PGA ROCK =0.08gHammer Type =

FPGA =1.6Drilling Method =Standard SPT Spoon OD (in.) =2.0Standard SPT Spoon ID (in.) =1.375Depth GW =30ft819.1ftStandard SPT Hammer weight (lb) =140Standard SPT Hammer Drop (in.) =30Surcharge:0psfHeight of Surcharge:0ft G11-01non-standardenergy SampleFinesoverburdensampler sizesampleratiorod lengthborehole(based on FS LIQ FS LIQPotentiallyDepthElevationSoilbulk NFieldCommentsContent v'vfactor& hammerliner factorfactorfactordia. factor N 60 (N 1)60 Drsurcharge, k=(N 1)60 CS r dCSR CR R7.5 MSF K s CRR(as(asLiquefiable?(ft)(ft)Type(pcf)(blows/ft)(Heave, etc.)(%)(psf)(psf)

C N C HS C s C ER C R C B(blows/ft)(blows/ft)%0.4(blows/ft)calculated)plotted)2.5816.6Sand1051532632631.701.>3No5814.1Sand1052635255251.701.>3No7.5811.6Sand1053137887881.591.>3No10809.1Sand1052331,0501,0501.381.>3No 15804.1Sand1051421,5751,5751.>3No 20799.1Sand1052032,1002,1000.981.>3No 25794.1Sand1052252,6252,6250.871.>3No 30789.1Sand1051633,1503,1500.801.>3No 35784.1Sand1052223,6753,3630.771.>3No 40779.1Sand1053734,2003,5760.751.>3No45774.1Sand1053944,7253,7890.731.>3No50769.1Sand1052735,2504,0020.711.>3No 60759.1Sand1054636,3004,4280.671.>3No 70749.1Sand1051337,3504,8540.641. lim F max vSettlementDr vSettlement (N 1)60cs CS R vSettlement(%)(%)(%)(inches)

FSLIQ %(%)(inches)(blows/ft)(%)(inches)Legend0.1130.350.0000.00%0.0005.14640.00%0.000230.0830.00%0.000DepthDepth of sample (ft)0.009-0.790.0000.00%0.00024.42850.00%0.000400.0820.00%0.000Soil TypeDominate soil type: Gravel, Sand, Silt, or Cla y0.003-1.150.0000.00%0.00024.77900.00%0.000440.0810.00%0.000bulk Bulk unit weight of soil (pcf)0.0560.010.0000.00%0.0008.81720.00%0.000290.0790.00%0.000 NFieldUncorrected field blowcounts0.2440.710.0000.00%0.0003.48540.00%0.000160.0770.00%0.000Fines ContentApproximate percent of fines (minus No. 200)0.1230.390.0000.00%0.0005.02630.00%0.000220.0740.00%0.000v Total vertical stress0.1280.410.0000.00%0.0004.95630.00%0.000220.0710.00%0.000'vEffective vertical stress0.2890.770.0000.00%0.0003.37510.00%0.000150.0670.00%0.000 EREnergy ratio (efficiency) for the hammer and sampling system (%)0.1530.500.0000.00%0.0004.39610.00%0.000200.0700.00%0.000Depth GWGroundwater level below ground surface (ft)0.029-0.310.0000.00%0.00015.03780.00%0.000330.0710.00%0.000 C NOverburden correction for blowcounts0.026-0.360.0000.00%0.00016.88780.00%0.000340.0720.00%0.000 C EREnergy Ratio correction (ER/60); relative to 60% theoretical energy of standard SPT sampling0.1140.360.0000.00%0.0004.88640.00%0.000230.0720.00%0.000 C BBorehole diameter correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.015-0.590.0000.00%0.00028.67820.00%0.000370.0700.00%0.000 C RRod length correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.4720.910.0000.00%0.0002.53430.00%0.000100.0670.00%0.00 0 C SSampler liner correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods C HSSampler size and hammer energy correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods C HS =W H (ODspt^3 - IDspt^3)(for cohesionless soil only)Wspt Hspt (OD^3 - ID^3)

C HS =Rs(spt) / RsRs and Rs(spt)Burmistor's input energy and sampler size correction factorRs =OD^3 - ID^3S =0.00inS =0.00inS =0.00inS =0.0in144 W HDiaBorehole diameter (mm)


Sampler LinedSampler lined or unlined1Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes, I.M. Idriss, and R.W. Boulanger, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Monograph No. MNO-12, 2008.GSEGround surface elevation (feet)2Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Deposits Following Earthquakes, Ishihara, K. and Yoshimine, M., Soils and Foundations, Vol.32, No.1, pp.173-188, 1992. (N 1)60SPT blowcount corrected for all factors (SSC Liao and RV Whitman 1986)3Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Due to Earthquake Shaking, Tokimatsu, K. and Seed, H.B., Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 113, No. 8, pp. 861-878, 1987.(N 1)60 CSSPT blowcount corrected for fines content4Earthquake-Induced Settlements in Saturated Sandy Soils, Lee, C.Y., ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 6-13, 2007.

DrRelative Density, % (max of 90% utilized in this analysis)5Foundation Engineering Handbook, Fang, H.Y., 2nd ed., 1990, and reference to Burmister's (1948) input energy and sampler size correction.

r dStress reduction factor CS RCyclic Stress Ratio (seismic demand)

CR R7.5Cyclic Resistance Ratio (soil capacity) normalized for a Mw = 7.5 earthquakeDONE BY:TER MSFMagnitude scaling factor FS LIQFactor of Safety against liquefaction being triggered. FS<=1.1 is considered "low", FS= 1.1 to 1.4 is "intermediate", and FS>=1.4 is considered "high". DATE: 7/20/2012Mw: Earthquake moment magnitudePGA & PG AROCKPeak ground acceleration, horizontal, at ground surface and at the rock surface, respectively (g)CHECK: TGKPGA = FPGA

  • PGA ROCK FPGASite coefficient to account for amplification or attenuation of PGA ROCK seismic motions in rock to the ground surfaceDATE: 7/20/2012FILE NAME: SHINE_LiqPotandSettle.xlsx PROJECT NUMBER: 113-81051SHINE / SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES / JANESVILLE, WITABLE F-1Total Settlement 1Total Settlement 2Total Settlement 3,4Total Settlement (average)CORRECTED SPT DATA AND LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL - BOREHOLE G11-01 SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIESBorehole =CYCLIC LOADING VOLUMETRIC STRAIN AND LIQUEFACTION INDUCED SETTLEMENTIdriss and Boulanger, 2008 1Ishihara, 1992 2Tokimatsu and Seed, 1987 3 as modified by Lee, 2007 4SPT BLOW COUNT CORRECTIONS AND LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL 1Input Parameters:Hammer / Split SpoonEarthquake MotionAutomatic4.25" HSAGroundwaterGround Surface Elevation Spoon OD (in.) =2.0Energy Ratio (ER) =72%Return Period =4,975yearsSpoon ID (in.) =1.375Hole Dia (I.D. for HSA) =83(65-115, 150 or 200) mmMw =5.80Hammer weight (lb) =140Sampler Lined (Y/N) =N/APGA =0.13gHammer Drop (in.) =30PGA ROCK =0.08gHammer Type =

FPGA =1.6Drilling Method =Standard SPT Spoon OD (in.) =2.0Standard SPT Spoon ID (in.) =1.375Depth GW =30ft822.3ftStandard SPT Hammer weight (lb) =140Standard SPT Hammer Drop (in.) =30Surcharge:0psfHeight of Surcharge:0ft G11-02non-standardenergy SampleFinesoverburdensampler sizesampleratiorod lengthborehole(based on FS LIQ FS LIQPotentiallyDepthElevationSoilbulk NFieldCommentsContent v'vfactor& hammerliner factorfactorfactordia. factor N 60 (N 1)60 Drsurcharge, k=(N 1)60 CS r dCSR CR R7.5 MSF K s CRR(as(asLiquefiable?(ft)(ft)Type(pcf)(blows/ft)(Heave, etc.)(%)(psf)(psf)

C N C HS C s C ER C R C B(blows/ft)(blows/ft)%0.4(blows/ft)calculated)plotted)2.5819.8Sand1052932632631.701.>3No5817.3Sand1052635255251.701.>3No7.5814.8Sand1051537887881.591.>3No10812.3Sand1051941,0501,0501.381.>3No 15807.3Sand1051131,5751,5751. 20802.3Sand1051822,1002,1000.981.>3No 25797.3Sand1052132,6252,6250.871.>3No 30792.3Sand1052233,1503,1500.801.>3No 35787.3Sand1052633,6753,3630.771.>3No 40782.3Sand1051624,2003,5760.751.>3No45777.3Sand1051934,7253,7890.731.>3No50772.3Sand1052535,2504,0020.711.>3No 60762.3Sand1052636,3004,4280.671.>3No 70752.3Sand1052637,3504,8540.641.>3No lim F max vSettlementDr vSettlement (N 1)60cs CS R vSettlement(%)(%)(%)(inches)

FSLIQ %(%)(inches)(blows/ft)(%)(inches)Legend0.003-1.140.0000.00%0.00024.11900.00%0.000440.0830.00%0.000DepthDepth of sample (ft)0.009-0.790.0000.00%0.00024.42850.00%0.000400.0820.00%0.000Soil TypeDominate soil type: Gravel, Sand, Silt, or Cla y0.1340.440.0000.00%0.0004.80620.00%0.000220.0810.00%0.000bulk Bulk unit weight of soil (pcf)0.1050.320.0000.00%0.0005.62650.00%0.000240.0790.00%0.000 NFieldUncorrected field blowcounts0.3550.840.0000.00%0.0002.87480.00%0.000130.0770.00%0.000Fines ContentApproximate percent of fines (minus No. 200)0.1590.520.0000.00%0.0004.36600.00%0.000200.0740.00%0.000v Total vertical stress0.1440.470.0000.00%0.0004.66620.00%0.000210.0710.00%0.000'vEffective vertical stress0.1590.520.0000.00%0.0004.51600.00%0.000200.0670.00%0.000 EREnergy ratio (efficiency) for the hammer and sampling system (%)0.0990.290.0000.00%0.0005.57660.00%0.000240.0700.00%0.000Depth GWGroundwater level below ground surface (ft)0.2950.780.0000.00%0.0003.11510.00%0.000140.0710.00%0.000 C NOverburden correction for blowcounts0.2320.690.0000.00%0.0003.44550.00%0.000170.0720.00%0.000 C EREnergy Ratio correction (ER/60); relative to 60% theoretical energy of standard SPT sampling0.1390.450.0000.00%0.0004.40620.00%0.000210.0720.00%0.000 C BBorehole diameter correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.1430.470.0000.00%0.0004.38620.00%0.000210.0700.00%0.000 C RRod length correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.1590.520.0000.00%0.0004.26600.00%0.000200.0670.00%0.00 0 C SSampler liner correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods C HSSampler size and hammer energy correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods C HS =W H (ODspt^3 - IDspt^3)(for cohesionless soil only)Wspt Hspt (OD^3 - ID^3)

C HS =Rs(spt) / RsRs and Rs(spt)Burmistor's input energy and sampler size correction factorRs =OD^3 - ID^3S =0.00inS =0.00inS =0.00inS =0.0in144 W HDiaBorehole diameter (mm)


Sampler LinedSampler lined or unlined1Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes, I.M. Idriss, and R.W. Boulanger, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Monograph No. MNO-12, 2008.GSEGround surface elevation (feet)2Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Deposits Following Earthquakes, Ishihara, K. and Yoshimine, M., Soils and Foundations, Vol.32, No.1, pp.173-188, 1992. (N 1)60SPT blowcount corrected for all factors (SSC Liao and RV Whitman 1986)3Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Due to Earthquake Shaking, Tokimatsu, K. and Seed, H.B., Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 113, No. 8, pp. 861-878, 1987.(N 1)60 CSSPT blowcount corrected for fines content4Earthquake-Induced Settlements in Saturated Sandy Soils, Lee, C.Y., ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 6-13, 2007.

DrRelative Density, % (max of 90% utilized in this analysis)5Foundation Engineering Handbook, Fang, H.Y., 2nd ed., 1990, and reference to Burmister's (1948) input energy and sampler size correction.

r dStress reduction factor CS RCyclic Stress Ratio (seismic demand)

CR R7.5Cyclic Resistance Ratio (soil capacity) normalized for a Mw = 7.5 earthquakeDONE BY:TER MSFMagnitude scaling factor FS LIQFactor of Safety against liquefaction being triggered. FS<=1.1 is considered "low", FS= 1.1 to 1.4 is "intermediate", and FS>=1.4 is considered "high". DATE: 7/20/2012Mw: Earthquake moment magnitudePGA & PG AROCKPeak ground acceleration, horizontal, at ground surface and at the rock surface, respectively (g)CHECK: TGKPGA = FPGA

  • PGA ROCK FPGASite coefficient to account for amplification or attenuation of PGA ROCK seismic motions in rock to the ground surfaceDATE: 7/20/2012FILE NAME: SHINE_LiqPotandSettle.xlsx PROJECT NUMBER: 113-81051SHINE / SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES / JANESVILLE, WITABLE F-2Total Settlement 1Total Settlement 2Total Settlement 3,4Total Settlement (average)CORRECTED SPT DATA AND LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL - BOREHOLE G11-02 SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIESBorehole =CYCLIC LOADING VOLUMETRIC STRAIN AND LIQUEFACTION INDUCED SETTLEMENTIdriss and Boulanger, 2008 1Ishihara, 1992 2Tokimatsu and Seed, 1987 3 as modified by Lee, 2007 4SPT BLOW COUNT CORRECTIONS AND LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL 1Input Parameters:Hammer / Split SpoonEarthquake MotionAutomatic4.25" HSAGroundwaterGround Surface Elevation Spoon OD (in.) =2.0Energy Ratio (ER) =72%Return Period =4,975yearsSpoon ID (in.) =1.375Hole Dia (I.D. for HSA) =83(65-115, 150 or 200) mmMw =5.80Hammer weight (lb) =140Sampler Lined (Y/N) =N/APGA =0.13gHammer Drop (in.) =30PGA ROCK =0.08gHammer Type =

FPGA =1.6Drilling Method =Standard SPT Spoon OD (in.) =2.0Standard SPT Spoon ID (in.) =1.375Depth GW =30ft824.9ftStandard SPT Hammer weight (lb) =140Standard SPT Hammer Drop (in.) =30Surcharge:0psfHeight of Surcharge:0ft G11-03non-standardenergy SampleFinesoverburdensampler sizesampleratiorod lengthborehole(based on FS LIQ FS LIQPotentiallyDepthElevationSoilbulk NFieldCommentsContent v'vfactor& hammerliner factorfactorfactordia. factor N 60 (N 1)60 Drsurcharge, k=(N 1)60 CS r dCSR CR R7.5 MSF K s CRR(as(asLiquefiable?(ft)(ft)Type(pcf)(blows/ft)(Heave, etc.)(%)(psf)(psf)

C N C HS C s C ER C R C B(blows/ft)(blows/ft)%0.4(blows/ft)calculated)plotted)2.5822.4Sand1053032632631.701.>3No5819.9Sand1054975255251.701.>3No7.5817.4Sand1053637887881.591.>3No10814.9Sand1051531,0501,0501.381.>3No 15809.9Sand1052531,5751,5751.>3No 20804.9Gravel1052942,1002,1000.981.>3No 25799.9Sand1051232,6252,6250.871. 30794.9Sand1051423,1503,1500.801.>3No 35789.9Sand1053833,6753,3630.771.>3No 40784.9Sand1052234,2003,5760.751.>3No45779.9Sand1052844,7253,7890.731.>3No50774.9Sand1052435,2504,0020.711.>3No 60764.9Sand1052136,3004,4280.671.>3No 70754.9Sand105837,3504,8540.641. lim F max vSettlementDr vSettlement (N 1)60cs CS R vSettlement(%)(%)(%)(inches)

FSLIQ %(%)(inches)(blows/ft)(%)(inches)Legend0.002-1.260.0000.00%0.00024.11900.00%0.000460.0830.00%0.000DepthDepth of sample (ft)0.000-3.750.0000.00%0.00024.42900.00%0.000750.0820.00%0.000Soil TypeDominate soil type: Gravel, Sand, Silt, or Cla y0.000-1.720.0000.00%0.00024.77900.00%0.000520.0810.00%0.000bulk Bulk unit weight of soil (pcf)0.1850.590.0000.00%0.0004.07580.00%0.000190.0790.00%0.000 NFieldUncorrected field blowcounts0.0550.000.0000.00%0.0008.93720.00%0.000290.0770.00%0.000Fines ContentApproximate percent of fines (minus No. 200)0.034-0.240.0000.00%0.00014.22760.00%0.000320.0740.00%0.000v Total vertical stress0.3830.860.0000.00%0.0002.85470.00%0.000120.0710.00%0.000'vEffective vertical stress0.3520.840.0000.00%0.0003.06480.00%0.000130.0670.00%0.000 EREnergy ratio (efficiency) for the hammer and sampling system (%)0.021-0.450.0000.00%0.00022.43800.00%0.000350.0700.00%0.000Depth GWGroundwater level below ground surface (ft)0.1640.530.0000.00%0.0004.12600.00%0.000200.0710.00%0.000 C NOverburden correction for blowcounts0.0950.270.0000.00%0.0005.45660.00%0.000240.0720.00%0.000 C EREnergy Ratio correction (ER/60); relative to 60% theoretical energy of standard SPT sampling0.1530.500.0000.00%0.0004.19610.00%0.000200.0720.00%0.000 C BBorehole diameter correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.2230.670.0000.00%0.0003.54550.00%0.000170.0700.00%0.000 C RRod length correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.5000.950.0000.00%0.0002.02330.00%0.00060.0670.00%0.000 C SSampler liner correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods C HSSampler size and hammer energy correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods C HS =W H (ODspt^3 - IDspt^3)(for cohesionless soil only)Wspt Hspt (OD^3 - ID^3)

C HS =Rs(spt) / RsRs and Rs(spt)Burmistor's input energy and sampler size correction factorRs =OD^3 - ID^3S =0.00inS =0.00inS =0.00inS =0.0in144 W HDiaBorehole diameter (mm)


Sampler LinedSampler lined or unlined1Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes, I.M. Idriss, and R.W. Boulanger, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Monograph No. MNO-12, 2008.GSEGround surface elevation (feet)2Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Deposits Following Earthquakes, Ishihara, K. and Yoshimine, M., Soils and Foundations, Vol.32, No.1, pp.173-188, 1992. (N 1)60SPT blowcount corrected for all factors (SSC Liao and RV Whitman 1986)3Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Due to Earthquake Shaking, Tokimatsu, K. and Seed, H.B., Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 113, No. 8, pp. 861-878, 1987.(N 1)60 CSSPT blowcount corrected for fines content4Earthquake-Induced Settlements in Saturated Sandy Soils, Lee, C.Y., ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 6-13, 2007.

DrRelative Density, % (max of 90% utilized in this analysis)5Foundation Engineering Handbook, Fang, H.Y., 2nd ed., 1990, and reference to Burmister's (1948) input energy and sampler size correction.

r dStress reduction factor CS RCyclic Stress Ratio (seismic demand)

CR R7.5Cyclic Resistance Ratio (soil capacity) normalized for a Mw = 7.5 earthquakeDONE BY:TER MSFMagnitude scaling factor FS LIQFactor of Safety against liquefaction being triggered. FS<=1.1 is considered "low", FS= 1.1 to 1.4 is "intermediate", and FS>=1.4 is considered "high". DATE: 7/20/2012Mw: Earthquake moment magnitudePGA & PG AROCKPeak ground acceleration, horizontal, at ground surface and at the rock surface, respectively (g)CHECK: TGKPGA = FPGA

  • PGA ROCK FPGASite coefficient to account for amplification or attenuation of PGA ROCK seismic motions in rock to the ground surfaceDATE: 7/20/2012FILE NAME: SHINE_LiqPotandSettle.xlsx PROJECT NUMBER: 113-81051SHINE / SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES / JANESVILLE, WITABLE F-3Total Settlement 1Total Settlement 2Total Settlement 3,4Total Settlement (average)CORRECTED SPT DATA AND LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL - BOREHOLE G11-03 SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIESBorehole =CYCLIC LOADING VOLUMETRIC STRAIN AND LIQUEFACTION INDUCED SETTLEMENTIdriss and Boulanger, 2008 1Ishihara, 1992 2Tokimatsu and Seed, 1987 3 as modified by Lee, 2007 4SPT BLOW COUNT CORRECTIONS AND LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL 1Input Parameters:Hammer / Split SpoonEarthquake MotionAutomatic4.25" HSAGroundwaterGround Surface Elevation Spoon OD (in.) =2.0Energy Ratio (ER) =72%Return Period =4,975yearsSpoon ID (in.) =1.375Hole Dia (I.D. for HSA) =83(65-115, 150 or 200) mmMw =5.80Hammer weight (lb) =140Sampler Lined (Y/N) =N/APGA =0.13gHammer Drop (in.) =30PGA ROCK =0.08gHammer Type =

FPGA =1.6Drilling Method =Standard SPT Spoon OD (in.) =2.0Standard SPT Spoon ID (in.) =1.375Depth GW =30ft821.9ftStandard SPT Hammer weight (lb) =140Standard SPT Hammer Drop (in.) =30Surcharge:0psfHeight of Surcharge:0ft G11-04non-standardenergy SampleFinesoverburdensampler sizesampleratiorod lengthborehole(based on FS LIQ FS LIQPotentiallyDepthElevationSoilbulk NFieldCommentsContent v'vfactor& hammerliner factorfactorfactordia. factor N 60 (N 1)60 Drsurcharge, k=(N 1)60 CS r dCSR CR R7.5 MSF K s CRR(as(asLiquefiable?(ft)(ft)Type(pcf)(blows/ft)(Heave, etc.)(%)(psf)(psf)

C N C HS C s C ER C R C B(blows/ft)(blows/ft)%0.4(blows/ft)calculated)plotted)2.5819.4Sand1051232632631.701.>3No5816.9Sand1052035255251.701.>3No7.5814.4Sand1051547887881.591.>3No10811.9Sand1051731,0501,0501.381.>3No12.5809.4Sand1051841,3131,3131.>3No15806.9Sand1051731,5751,5751.>3No 20801.9Sand1052732,1002,1000.981.>3No 25796.9Sand1053732,6252,6250.871.>3No 30791.9Sand1052543,1503,1500.801.>3No 35786.9Sand1053033,6753,3630.771.>3No40781.9Sand1051834,2003,5760.751.>3No45776.9Sand1052634,7253,7890.731.>3No 55766.9Sand1051435,7754,2150.691. 65756.9Sand1053766,8254,6410.661.>3No 70751.9Sand105937,3504,8540.641. lim F max vSettlementDr vSettlement (N 1)60cs CS R vSettlement(%)(%)(%)(inches)

FSLIQ %(%)(inches)(blows/ft)(%)(inches)Legend0.1910.600.0000.00%0.0003.88580.00%0.000180.0830.00%0.000DepthDepth of sample (ft)0.043-0.130.0000.00%0.00011.00740.00%0.000310.0820.00%0.000Soil TypeDominate soil type: Gravel, Sand, Silt, or Cla y0.1340.440.0000.00%0.0004.80620.00%0.000220.0810.00%0.000bulk Bulk unit weight of soil (pcf)0.1400.460.0000.00%0.0004.74620.00%0.000210.0790.00%0.000 NFieldUncorrected field blowcounts0.1590.520.0000.00%0.0004.37600.00%0.000200.0780.00%0.000Fines ContentApproximate percent of fines (minus No. 200)0.1670.540.0000.00%0.0004.23590.00%0.000200.0770.00%0.000v Total vertical stress0.046-0.090.0000.00%0.00010.32740.00%0.000300.0740.00%0.000'vEffective vertical stress0.016-0.570.0000.00%0.00028.33820.00%0.000370.0710.00%0.000 EREnergy ratio (efficiency) for the hammer and sampling system (%)0.1170.370.0000.00%0.0005.33640.00%0.000230.0670.00%0.000Depth GWGroundwater level below ground surface (ft)0.0630.060.0000.00%0.0007.63710.00%0.000280.0700.00%0.000 C NOverburden correction for blowcounts0.2430.710.0000.00%0.0003.41540.00%0.000160.0710.00%0.000 C EREnergy Ratio correction (ER/60); relative to 60% theoretical energy of standard SPT sampling0.1170.370.0000.00%0.0004.84640.00%0.000230.0720.00%0.000 C BBorehole diameter correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.3980.870.0000.00%0.0002.66460.00%0.000120.0710.00%0.000 C RRod length correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.052-0.030.0000.00%0.0008.43730.00%0.000290.0680.00%0.0 00 C SSampler liner correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.5000.950.0000.00%0.0002.12350.00%0.00070.0670.00%0.

000 C HSSampler size and hammer energy correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods C HS =W H (ODspt^3 - IDspt^3)(for cohesionless soil only)Wspt Hspt (OD^3 - ID^3)

C HS =Rs(spt) / RsRs and Rs(spt)Burmistor's input energy and sampler size correction factorRs =OD^3 - ID^3S =0.00inS =0.00inS =0.00inS =0.0in144 W HDiaBorehole diameter (mm)


Sampler LinedSampler lined or unlined1Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes, I.M. Idriss, and R.W. Boulanger, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Monograph No. MNO-12, 2008.GSEGround surface elevation (feet)2Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Deposits Following Earthquakes, Ishihara, K. and Yoshimine, M., Soils and Foundations, Vol.32, No.1, pp.173-188, 1992. (N 1)60SPT blowcount corrected for all factors (SSC Liao and RV Whitman 1986)3Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Due to Earthquake Shaking, Tokimatsu, K. and Seed, H.B., Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 113, No. 8, pp. 861-878, 1987.(N 1)60 CSSPT blowcount corrected for fines content4Earthquake-Induced Settlements in Saturated Sandy Soils, Lee, C.Y., ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 6-13, 2007.

DrRelative Density, % (max of 90% utilized in this analysis)5Foundation Engineering Handbook, Fang, H.Y., 2nd ed., 1990, and reference to Burmister's (1948) input energy and sampler size correction.

r dStress reduction factor CS RCyclic Stress Ratio (seismic demand)

CR R7.5Cyclic Resistance Ratio (soil capacity) normalized for a Mw = 7.5 earthquakeDONE BY:TER MSFMagnitude scaling factor FS LIQFactor of Safety against liquefaction being triggered. FS<=1.1 is considered "low", FS= 1.1 to 1.4 is "intermediate", and FS>=1.4 is considered "high". DATE: 7/20/2012Mw: Earthquake moment magnitudePGA & PG AROCKPeak ground acceleration, horizontal, at ground surface and at the rock surface, respectively (g)CHECK: TGKPGA = FPGA

  • PGA ROCK FPGASite coefficient to account for amplification or attenuation of PGA ROCK seismic motions in rock to the ground surfaceDATE: 7/20/2012FILE NAME: SHINE_LiqPotandSettle.xlsx PROJECT NUMBER: 113-81051SHINE / SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES / JANESVILLE, WITABLE F-4Total Settlement 1Total Settlement 2Total Settlement 3,4Total Settlement (average)CORRECTED SPT DATA AND LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL - BOREHOLE G11-04 SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIESBorehole =CYCLIC LOADING VOLUMETRIC STRAIN AND LIQUEFACTION INDUCED SETTLEMENTIdriss and Boulanger, 2008 1Ishihara, 1992 2Tokimatsu and Seed, 1987 3 as modified by Lee, 2007 4SPT BLOW COUNT CORRECTIONS AND LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL 1Input Parameters:Hammer / Split SpoonEarthquake MotionAutomatic4.25" HSAGroundwaterGround Surface Elevation Spoon OD (in.) =2.0Energy Ratio (ER) =72%Return Period =4,975yearsSpoon ID (in.) =1.375Hole Dia (I.D. for HSA) =83(65-115, 150 or 200) mmMw =5.80Hammer weight (lb) =140Sampler Lined (Y/N) =N/APGA =0.13gHammer Drop (in.) =30PGA ROCK =0.08gHammer Type =

FPGA =1.6Drilling Method =Standard SPT Spoon OD (in.) =2.0Standard SPT Spoon ID (in.) =1.375Depth GW =30ft824.6ftStandard SPT Hammer weight (lb) =140Standard SPT Hammer Drop (in.) =30Surcharge:0psfHeight of Surcharge:0ft G11-05non-standardenergy SampleFinesoverburdensampler sizesampleratiorod lengthborehole(based on FS LIQ FS LIQPotentiallyDepthElevationSoilbulk NFieldCommentsContent v'vfactor& hammerliner factorfactorfactordia. factor N 60 (N 1)60 Drsurcharge, k=(N 1)60 CS r dCSR CR R7.5 MSF K s CRR(as(asLiquefiable?(ft)(ft)Type(pcf)(blows/ft)(Heave, etc.)(%)(psf)(psf)

C N C HS C s C ER C R C B(blows/ft)(blows/ft)%0.4(blows/ft)calculated)plotted)2.5822.1Sand1052032632631.701.>3No5819.6Sand1052635255251.701.>3No7.5817.1Sand1052637887881.591.>3No10814.6Sand1052031,0501,0501.381.>3No 15809.6Sand1051961,5751,5751.>3No 20804.6Sand1053032,1002,1000.981.>3No 25799.6Sand1052732,6252,6250.871.>3No 30794.6Sand1052433,1503,1500.801.>3No 35789.6Sand1053233,6753,3630.771.>3No 40784.6Sand1053054,2003,5760.751.>3No45779.6Sand1052134,7253,7890.731.>3No50774.6Sand1052435,2504,0020.711.>3No 60764.6Sand1054636,3004,4280.671.>3No 70754.6Sand1053437,3504,8540.641.>3No 80744.6Sand1052438,4005,2800.621.>3No 90734.6Sand1055089,4505,7060.591.>3No99725.6Sand10543310,3956,0890.571.>3No lim F max vSettlementDr vSettlement (N 1)60cs CS R vSettlement(%)(%)(%)(inches)

FSLIQ %(%)(inches)(blows/ft)(%)(inches)Legend0.043-0.130.0000.00%0.00010.86740.00%0.000310.0830.00%0.000DepthDepth of sample (ft)0.009-0.790.0000.00%0.00024.42850.00%0.000400.0820.00%0.000Soil TypeDominate soil type: Gravel, Sand, Silt, or Cla y0.015-0.600.0000.00%0.00024.77820.00%0.000370.0810.00%0.000bulk Bulk unit weight of soil (pcf)0.0900.240.0000.00%0.0006.18670.00%0.000250.0790.00%0.000 NFieldUncorrected field blowcounts0.1290.420.0000.00%0.0004.89630.00%0.000220.0770.00%0.000Fines ContentApproximate percent of fines (minus No. 200)0.028-0.320.0000.00%0.00017.16780.00%0.000330.0740.00%0.000v Total vertical stress0.0700.120.0000.00%0.0007.27700.00%0.000270.0710.00%0.000'vEffective vertical stress0.1300.420.0000.00%0.0005.03630.00%0.000220.0670.00%0.000 EREnergy ratio (efficiency) for the hammer and sampling system (%)0.049-0.060.0000.00%0.0009.34730.00%0.000300.0700.00%0.000Depth GWGroundwater level below ground surface (ft)0.0700.110.0000.00%0.0006.82700.00%0.000270.0710.00%0.000 C NOverburden correction for blowcounts0.1920.600.0000.00%0.0003.76580.00%0.000180.0720.00%0.000 C EREnergy Ratio correction (ER/60); relative to 60% theoretical energy of standard SPT sampling0.1530.500.0000.00%0.0004.19610.00%0.000200.0720.00%0.000 C BBorehole diameter correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.015-0.590.0000.00%0.00028.67820.00%0.000370.0700.00%0.000 C RRod length correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.0770.160.0000.00%0.0006.40690.00%0.000260.0670.00%0.00 0 C SSampler liner correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.2050.630.0000.00%0.0003.87570.00%0.000180.0650.00%0.000 C HSSampler size and hammer energy correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.019-0.500.0000.00%0.00024.19810.00%0.000360.0630.00%0.000 C HS =W H (ODspt^3 - IDspt^3)(for cohesionless soil only)0.049-0.060.0000.00%0.0009.11730.00%0.000300.0620.00%0.000Wspt Hspt (OD^3 - ID^3)

C HS =Rs(spt) / RsRs and Rs(spt)Burmistor's input energy and sampler size correction factorRs =OD^3 - ID^3S =0.00inS =0.00inS =0.00inS =0.0in144 W HDiaBorehole diameter (mm)


Sampler LinedSampler lined or unlined1Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes, I.M. Idriss, and R.W. Boulanger, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Monograph No. MNO-12, 2008.GSEGround surface elevation (feet)2Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Deposits Following Earthquakes, Ishihara, K. and Yoshimine, M., Soils and Foundations, Vol.32, No.1, pp.173-188, 1992. (N 1)60SPT blowcount corrected for all factors (SSC Liao and RV Whitman 1986)3Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Due to Earthquake Shaking, Tokimatsu, K. and Seed, H.B., Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 113, No. 8, pp. 861-878, 1987.(N 1)60 CSSPT blowcount corrected for fines content4Earthquake-Induced Settlements in Saturated Sandy Soils, Lee, C.Y., ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 6-13, 2007.

DrRelative Density, % (max of 90% utilized in this analysis)5Foundation Engineering Handbook, Fang, H.Y., 2nd ed., 1990, and reference to Burmister's (1948) input energy and sampler size correction.

r dStress reduction factor CS RCyclic Stress Ratio (seismic demand)

CR R7.5Cyclic Resistance Ratio (soil capacity) normalized for a Mw = 7.5 earthquakeDONE BY:TER MSFMagnitude scaling factor FS LIQFactor of Safety against liquefaction being triggered. FS<=1.1 is considered "low", FS= 1.1 to 1.4 is "intermediate", and FS>=1.4 is considered "high". DATE: 7/20/2012Mw: Earthquake moment magnitudePGA & PG AROCKPeak ground acceleration, horizontal, at ground surface and at the rock surface, respectively (g)CHECK: TGKPGA = FPGA

  • PGA ROCK FPGASite coefficient to account for amplification or attenuation of PGA ROCK seismic motions in rock to the ground surfaceDATE: 7/20/2012FILE NAME: SHINE_LiqPotandSettle.xlsx PROJECT NUMBER: 113-81051SHINE / SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES / JANESVILLE, WITABLE F-5Total Settlement 1Total Settlement 2Total Settlement 3,4Total Settlement (average)CORRECTED SPT DATA AND LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL - BOREHOLE G11-05 SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIESBorehole =CYCLIC LOADING VOLUMETRIC STRAIN AND LIQUEFACTION INDUCED SETTLEMENTIdriss and Boulanger, 2008 1Ishihara, 1992 2Tokimatsu and Seed, 1987 3 as modified by Lee, 2007 4SPT BLOW COUNT CORRECTIONS AND LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL 1Input Parameters:Hammer / Split SpoonEarthquake MotionAutomatic4.25" HSA/Mud Rotary GroundwaterGround Surface Elevation Spoon OD (in.) =2.0Energy Ratio (ER) =72%Return Period =4,975yearsSpoon ID (in.) =1.375Hole Dia (I.D. for HSA) =83(65-115, 150 or 200) mmMw =5.80Hammer weight (lb) =140Sampler Lined (Y/N) =N/APGA =0.13gHammer Drop (in.) =30PGA ROCK =0.08gHammer Type =

FPGA =1.6Drilling Method =Standard SPT Spoon OD (in.) =2.0Standard SPT Spoon ID (in.) =1.375Depth GW =30ft825.9ftStandard SPT Hammer weight (lb) =140Standard SPT Hammer Drop (in.) =30Surcharge:0psfHeight of Surcharge:0ft G11-06non-standardenergy SampleFinesoverburdensampler sizesampleratiorod lengthborehole(based on FS LIQ FS LIQPotentiallyDepthElevationSoilbulk NFieldCommentsContent v'vfactor& hammerliner factorfactorfactordia. factor N 60 (N 1)60 Drsurcharge, k=(N 1)60 CS r dCSR CR R7.5 MSF K s CRR(as(asLiquefiable?(ft)(ft)Type(pcf)(blows/ft)(Heave, etc.)(%)(psf)(psf)

C N C HS C s C ER C R C B(blows/ft)(blows/ft)%0.4(blows/ft)calculated)plotted)0.1825.8Sand1056311111.701.>3No 4821.9Sand1054034204201.701.>3No 6819.9Sand1054036306301.701.>3No 8817.9Sand1052338408401.541.>3No10815.9Sand1051731,0501,0501.381.>3No 12813.9Sand1051931,2601,2601.>3No 14811.9Sand1051851,4701,4701.>3No 16809.9Sand1052231,6801,6801.>3No18807.9Sand1051731,8901,8901.>3No20805.9Sand1051732,1002,1000.981.>3No 22803.9Sand1052032,3102,3100.931.>3No 24801.9Sand1052132,5202,5200.891.>3No 26799.9Sand1051732,7302,7300.861.>3No 28797.9Sand1051732,9402,9400.821.>3No 30795.9Sand1052733,1503,1500.801.>3No32793.9Sand1053533,3603,2350.791.>3No 34791.9Sand1052933,5703,3200.781.>3No 36789.9Sand1052533,7803,4060.771.>3No 38787.9Sand1052533,9903,4910.761.>3No40785.9Sand1052934,2003,5760.751.>3No42783.9Sand1053134,4103,6610.741.>3No 44781.9Sand1053134,6203,7460.731.>3No 46779.9Sand1053134,8303,8320.721.>3No 48777.9Sand1052645,0403,9170.711.>3No 60765.9Sand1052636,3004,4280.671.>3No 70755.9Sand1052437,3504,8540.641.>3No 80746Sand1054838,4005,2800.621.>3No90736Sand1055039,4505,7060.591.>3No100726Sand10528510,5006,1320.571.>3NoDONE BY:TERDATE: 7/20/2012CHECK: TGKDATE: 7/20/2012Borehole =CORRECTED SPT DATA AND LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL - BOREHOLE G11-06 SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIESFILE NAME: SHINE_LiqPotandSettle.xlsx PROJECT NUMBER: 113-81051SHINE / SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES / JANESVILLE, WITABLE F-6aSPT BLOW COUNT CORRECTIONS AND LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL 1Input Parameters:Hammer / Split SpoonEarthquake MotionAutomatic4.25" HSA/Mud Rotary GroundwaterGround Surface Elevation Spoon OD (in.) =2.0Energy Ratio (ER) =72%Return Period =4,975yearsSpoon ID (in.) =1.375Hole Dia (I.D. for HSA) =83(65-115, 150 or 200) mmMw =5.80Hammer weight (lb) =140Sampler Lined (Y/N) =N/APGA =0.13gHammer Drop (in.) =30PGA ROCK =0.08gHammer Type =

FPGA =1.6Drilling Method =Standard SPT Spoon OD (in.) =2.0Standard SPT Spoon ID (in.) =1.375Depth GW =30ft825.9ftStandard SPT Hammer weight (lb) =140Standard SPT Hammer Drop (in.) =30Surcharge:0psfHeight of Surcharge:0ft G11-06Borehole =SPT BLOW COUNT CORRECTIONS AND LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL 1Input Parameters:Hammer / Split SpoonEarthquake MotionAutomatic4.25" HSA/Mud Rotary GroundwaterGround Surface Elevation lim F max vSettlementDr vSettlement (N 1)60cs CS R vSettlement(%)(%)(%)(inches)

FSLIQ %(%)(inches)(blows/ft)(%)(inches)0.5000.930.0000.00%0.0002.30410.00%0.00090.0840.00%0.0000.034-0.230.0000.00%0.00013.57760.00%0.000320.0830.00%0.000 0.000-2.530.0000.00%0.00024.29900.00%0.000610.0820.00%0.0000.000-2.530.0000.00%0.00024.55900.00%0.000610.0810.00%0.0000.035-0.220.0000.00%0.00013.61760.00%0.000320.0810.00%0.0000.1400.460.0000.00%0.0004.74620.00%0.000210.0790.00%0.000 0.1330.430.0000.00%0.0004.83620.00%0.000220.0780.00%0.000 0.1350.440.0000.00%0.0004.76620.00%0.000210.0770.00%0.000 0.0940.260.0000.00%0.0005.91670.00%0.000240.0760.00%0.000 0.2020.630.0000.00%0.0003.84570.00%0.000180.0750.00%0.000 0.1800.570.0000.00%0.0004.09590.00%0.000190.0740.00%0.000 0.1390.450.0000.00%0.0004.71620.00%0.000210.0730.00%0.000Legend0.1370.450.0000.00%0.0004.77620.00%0.000210.0710.00%0.000DepthDepth of sample (ft)0.2320.690.0000.00%0.0003.68550.00%0.000170.0700.00%0.000Soil TypeDominate soil type: Gravel, Sand, Silt, or Clay0.2470.710.0000.00%0.0003.60540.00%0.000160.0690.00%0.000bulk Bulk unit weight of soil (pcf)0.0940.260.0000.00%0.0006.06670.00%0.000250.0670.00%0.000 NFieldUncorrected field blowcounts0.038-0.180.0000.00%0.00012.10750.00%0.000310.0690.00%0.000Fines ContentApproximate percent of fines (minus No. 200)0.0690.110.0000.00%0.0007.15700.00%0.000270.0700.00%0.000v Total vertical stress0.1130.350.0000.00%0.0005.13650.00%0.000230.0700.00%0.000'vEffective vertical stress0.1170.370.0000.00%0.0004.97640.00%0.000230.0710.00%0.000 EREnergy ratio (efficiency) for the hammer and sampling system (%)0.0780.170.0000.00%0.0006.30690.00%0.000260.0710.00%0.000Depth GWGroundwater level below ground surface (ft)0.0650.080.0000.00%0.0007.14710.00%0.000270.0720.00%0.000 C NOverburden correction for blowcounts0.0680.100.0000.00%0.0006.88700.00%0.000270.0720.00%0.000 C EREnergy Ratio correction (ER/60); relative to 60% theoretical energy of standard SPT sampling0.0700.120.0000.00%0.0006.66700.00%0.000270.0720.00%0.000 C BBorehole diameter correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.1220.390.0000.00%0.0004.70640.00%0.000220.0720.00%0.000 C RRod length correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.1430.470.0000.00%0.0004.38620.00%0.000210.0700.00%0.00 0 C SSampler liner correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.1880.600.0000.00%0.0003.92580.00%0.000180.0670.00%0.000 C HSSampler size and hammer energy correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.020-0.470.0000.00%0.00022.15800.00%0.000350.0650.00%0.000 C HS =W H (ODspt^3 - IDspt^3)(for cohesionless soil only)0.020-0.470.0000.00%0.00022.47800.00%0.000360.0630.00%0.000Wspt Hspt (OD^3 - ID^3)0.1740.560.0000.00%0.0004.25590.00%0.000190.0620.00%0.000 C HS =Rs(spt) / RsRs and Rs(spt)Burmistor's input energy and sampler size correction factorRs =OD^3 - ID^3S =0.00inS =0.00inS =0.00inS =0.0in144 W HDiaBorehole diameter (mm)


Sampler LinedSampler lined or unlined1Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes, I.M. Idriss, and R.W. Boulanger, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Monograph No. MNO-12, 2008.GSEGround surface elevation (feet)2Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Deposits Following Earthquakes, Ishihara, K. and Yoshimine, M., Soils and Foundations, Vol.32, No.1, pp.173-188, 1992. (N 1)60SPT blowcount corrected for all factors (SSC Liao and RV Whitman 1986)3Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Due to Earthquake Shaking, Tokimatsu, K. and Seed, H.B., Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 113, No. 8, pp. 861-878, 1987.(N 1)60 CSSPT blowcount corrected for fines content4Earthquake-Induced Settlements in Saturated Sandy Soils, Lee, C.Y., ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 6-13, 2007.

DrRelative Density, % (max of 90% utilized in this analysis)5Foundation Engineering Handbook, Fang, H.Y., 2nd ed., 1990, and reference to Burmister's (1948) input energy and sampler size correction.

r dStress reduction factor CS RCyclic Stress Ratio (seismic demand)

CR R7.5Cyclic Resistance Ratio (soil capacity) normalized for a Mw = 7.5 earthquakeDONE BY:TER MSFMagnitude scaling factor FS LIQFactor of Safety against liquefaction being triggered. FS<=1.1 is considered "low", FS= 1.1 to 1.4 is "intermediate", and FS>=1.4 is considered "high". DATE: 7/20/2012Mw: Earthquake moment magnitudePGA & PG AROCKPeak ground acceleration, horizontal, at ground surface and at the rock surface, respectively (g)CHECK: TGKPGA = FPGA

  • PGA ROCK FPGASite coefficient to account for amplification or attenuation of PGA ROCK seismic motions in rock to the ground surfaceDATE: 7/20/2012FILE NAME: SHINE_LiqPotandSettle.xlsx PROJECT NUMBER: 113-81051SHINE / SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES / JANESVILLE, WITABLE F-6bTotal Settlement 1Total Settlement 2Total Settlement 3,4Total Settlement (average)CORRECTED SPT DATA AND LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL - BOREHOLE G11-06 SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES (continued)CYCLIC LOADING VOLUMETRIC STRAIN AND LIQUEFACTION INDUCED SETTLEMENTIdriss and Boulanger, 2008 1Ishihara, 1992 2Tokimatsu and Seed, 1987 3 as modified by Lee, 2007 4

Spoon OD (in.) =2.0Energy Ratio (ER) =72%Return Period =4,975yearsSpoon ID (in.) =1.375Hole Dia (I.D. for HSA) =83(65-115, 150 or 200) mmMw =5.80Hammer weight (lb) =140Sampler Lined (Y/N) =N/APGA =0.13gHammer Drop (in.) =30PGA ROCK =0.08gHammer Type =

FPGA =1.6Drilling Method =Standard SPT Spoon OD (in.) =2.0Standard SPT Spoon ID (in.) =1.375Depth GW =30ft826.4ftStandard SPT Hammer weight (lb) =140Standard SPT Hammer Drop (in.) =30Surcharge:0psfHeight of Surcharge:0ft G11-07non-standardenergy SampleFinesoverburdensampler sizesampleratiorod lengthborehole(based on FS LIQ FS LIQPotentiallyDepthElevationSoilbulk NFieldCommentsContent v'vfactor& hammerliner factorfactorfactordia. factor N 60 (N 1)60 Drsurcharge, k=(N 1)60 CS r dCSR CR R7.5 MSF K s CRR(as(asLiquefiable?(ft)(ft)Type(pcf)(blows/ft)(Heave, etc.)(%)(psf)(psf)

C N C HS C s C ER C R C B(blows/ft)(blows/ft)%0.4(blows/ft)calculated)plotted)2.5823.9Sand1051632632631.701.>3No5821.4Sand1054635255251.701.>3No7.5818.9Sand1053347887881.591.>3No10816.4Sand1052131,0501,0501.381.>3No 15811.4Sand1051221,5751,5751.>3No 20806.4Sand1052832,1002,1000.981.>3No 25801.4Sand1053552,6252,6250.871.>3No 30796.4Sand1051333,1503,1500.801. 35791.4Sand1052543,6753,3630.771.>3No 40786.4Sand1053434,2003,5760.751.>3No45781.4Sand1053354,7253,7890.731.>3No50776.4Sand1053335,2504,0020.711.>3No 60766.4Sand1051536,3004,4280.671. 70756.4Sand1051637,3504,8540.641. lim F max vSettlementDr vSettlement (N 1)60cs CS R vSettlement(%)(%)(%)(inches)

FSLIQ %(%)(inches)(blows/ft)(%)(inches)Legend0.0950.260.0000.00%0.0005.76670.00%0.000240.0830.00%0.000DepthDepth of sample (ft)0.000-3.330.0000.00%0.00024.42900.00%0.000700.0820.00%0.000Soil TypeDominate soil type: Gravel, Sand, Silt, or Cla y0.001-1.370.0000.00%0.00024.77900.00%0.000470.0810.00%0.000bulk Bulk unit weight of soil (pcf)0.0780.170.0000.00%0.0006.87690.00%0.000260.0790.00%0.000 NFieldUncorrected field blowcounts0.3130.800.0000.00%0.0003.07500.00%0.000140.0770.00%0.000Fines ContentApproximate percent of fines (minus No. 200)0.040-0.170.0000.00%0.00012.01750.00%0.000310.0740.00%0.000v Total vertical stress0.023-0.420.0000.00%0.00022.31790.00%0.000350.0710.00%0.000'vEffective vertical stress0.3880.870.0000.00%0.0002.92460.00%0.000120.0670.00%0.000 EREnergy ratio (efficiency) for the hammer and sampling system (%)0.1110.340.0000.00%0.0005.22650.00%0.000230.0700.00%0.000Depth GWGroundwater level below ground surface (ft)0.043-0.120.0000.00%0.00010.10740.00%0.000310.0710.00%0.000 C NOverburden correction for blowcounts0.055-0.010.0000.00%0.0008.06720.00%0.000290.0720.00%0.000 C EREnergy Ratio correction (ER/60); relative to 60% theoretical energy of standard SPT sampling0.0610.040.0000.00%0.0007.37710.00%0.000280.0720.00%0.000 C BBorehole diameter correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.3760.860.0000.00%0.0002.76470.00%0.000120.0700.00%0.000 C RRod length correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.3670.850.0000.00%0.0002.87470.00%0.000120.0670.00%0.00 0 C SSampler liner correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods C HSSampler size and hammer energy correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods C HS =W H (ODspt^3 - IDspt^3)(for cohesionless soil only)Wspt Hspt (OD^3 - ID^3)

C HS =Rs(spt) / RsRs and Rs(spt)Burmistor's input energy and sampler size correction factorRs =OD^3 - ID^3S =0.00inS =0.00inS =0.00inS =0.0in144 W HDiaBorehole diameter (mm)


Sampler LinedSampler lined or unlined1Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes, I.M. Idriss, and R.W. Boulanger, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Monograph No. MNO-12, 2008.GSEGround surface elevation (feet)2Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Deposits Following Earthquakes, Ishihara, K. and Yoshimine, M., Soils and Foundations, Vol.32, No.1, pp.173-188, 1992. (N 1)60SPT blowcount corrected for all factors (SSC Liao and RV Whitman 1986)3Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Due to Earthquake Shaking, Tokimatsu, K. and Seed, H.B., Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 113, No. 8, pp. 861-878, 1987.(N 1)60 CSSPT blowcount corrected for fines content4Earthquake-Induced Settlements in Saturated Sandy Soils, Lee, C.Y., ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 6-13, 2007.

DrRelative Density, % (max of 90% utilized in this analysis)5Foundation Engineering Handbook, Fang, H.Y., 2nd ed., 1990, and reference to Burmister's (1948) input energy and sampler size correction.

r dStress reduction factor CS RCyclic Stress Ratio (seismic demand)

CR R7.5Cyclic Resistance Ratio (soil capacity) normalized for a Mw = 7.5 earthquakeDONE BY:TER MSFMagnitude scaling factor FS LIQFactor of Safety against liquefaction being triggered. FS<=1.1 is considered "low", FS= 1.1 to 1.4 is "intermediate", and FS>=1.4 is considered "high". DATE: 7/20/2012Mw: Earthquake moment magnitudePGA & PG AROCKPeak ground acceleration, horizontal, at ground surface and at the rock surface, respectively (g)CHECK: TGKPGA = FPGA

  • PGA ROCK FPGASite coefficient to account for amplification or attenuation of PGA ROCK seismic motions in rock to the ground surfaceDATE: 7/20/2012FILE NAME: SHINE_LiqPotandSettle.xlsx PROJECT NUMBER: 113-81051SHINE / SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES / JANESVILLE, WITABLE F-7Total Settlement 1Total Settlement 2Total Settlement 3,4Total Settlement (average)CORRECTED SPT DATA AND LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL - BOREHOLE G11-07 SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIESBorehole =CYCLIC LOADING VOLUMETRIC STRAIN AND LIQUEFACTION INDUCED SETTLEMENTIdriss and Boulanger, 2008 1Ishihara, 1992 2Tokimatsu and Seed, 1987 3 as modified by Lee, 2007 4SPT BLOW COUNT CORRECTIONS AND LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL 1Input Parameters:Hammer / Split SpoonEarthquake MotionAutomatic4.25" HSAGroundwaterGround Surface Elevation Spoon OD (in.) =2.0Energy Ratio (ER) =72%Return Period =4,975yearsSpoon ID (in.) =1.375Hole Dia (I.D. for HSA) =83(65-115, 150 or 200) mmMw =5.80Hammer weight (lb) =140Sampler Lined (Y/N) =N/APGA =0.13gHammer Drop (in.) =30PGA ROCK =0.08gHammer Type =

FPGA =1.6Drilling Method =Standard SPT Spoon OD (in.) =2.0Standard SPT Spoon ID (in.) =1.375Depth GW =30ft824.7ftStandard SPT Hammer weight (lb) =140Standard SPT Hammer Drop (in.) =30Surcharge:0psfHeight of Surcharge:0ft G11-08non-standardenergy SampleFinesoverburdensampler sizesampleratiorod lengthborehole(based on FS LIQ FS LIQPotentiallyDepthElevationSoilbulk NFieldCommentsContent v'vfactor& hammerliner factorfactorfactordia. factor N 60 (N 1)60 Drsurcharge, k=(N 1)60 CS r dCSR CR R7.5 MSF K s CRR(as(asLiquefiable?(ft)(ft)Type(pcf)(blows/ft)(Heave, etc.)(%)(psf)(psf)

C N C HS C s C ER C R C B(blows/ft)(blows/ft)%0.4(blows/ft)calculated)plotted)2.5822.2Sand1051832632631.701.>3No5819.7Sand1051635255251.701.>3No7.5817.2Sand1052037887881.591.>3No10814.7Sand1051431,0501,0501.381.>3No 15809.7Sand1051531,5751,5751.>3No 20804.7Sand1051222,1002,1000.981.>3No 25799.7Sand1051232,6252,6250.871. 30794.7Sand1052133,1503,1500.801.>3No 35789.7Sand1052443,6753,3630.771.>3No 40784.7Sand1053464,2003,5760.751.>3No45779.7Sand1051834,7253,7890.731.>3No50774.7Sand1052135,2504,0020.711.>3No 60764.7Sand1054036,3004,4280.671.>3No 70754.7Sand105937,3504,8540.641. lim F max vSettlementDr vSettlement (N 1)60cs CS R vSettlement(%)(%)(%)(inches)

FSLIQ %(%)(inches)(blows/ft)(%)(inches)Legend0.0650.070.0000.00%0.0007.57710.00%0.000280.0830.00%0.000DepthDepth of sample (ft)0.0950.260.0000.00%0.0005.83670.00%0.000240.0820.00%0.000Soil TypeDominate soil type: Gravel, Sand, Silt, or Cla y0.0560.000.0000.00%0.0008.79720.00%0.000290.0810.00%0.000bulk Bulk unit weight of soil (pcf)0.2120.650.0000.00%0.0003.78560.00%0.000170.0790.00%0.000 NFieldUncorrected field blowcounts0.2160.660.0000.00%0.0003.71560.00%0.000170.0770.00%0.000Fines ContentApproximate percent of fines (minus No. 200)0.3290.820.0000.00%0.0003.02490.00%0.000130.0740.00%0.000v Total vertical stress0.3830.860.0000.00%0.0002.85470.00%0.000120.0710.00%0.000'vEffective vertical stress0.1760.570.0000.00%0.0004.29590.00%0.000190.0670.00%0.000 EREnergy ratio (efficiency) for the hammer and sampling system (%)0.1240.400.0000.00%0.0004.91630.00%0.000220.0700.00%0.000Depth GWGroundwater level below ground surface (ft)0.043-0.130.0000.00%0.00010.14740.00%0.000310.0710.00%0.000 C NOverburden correction for blowcounts0.2550.730.0000.00%0.0003.29530.00%0.000160.0720.00%0.000 C EREnergy Ratio correction (ER/60); relative to 60% theoretical energy of standard SPT sampling0.2030.630.0000.00%0.0003.65570.00%0.000180.0720.00%0.000 C BBorehole diameter correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.034-0.240.0000.00%0.00012.50760.00%0.000320.0700.00%0.000 C RRod length correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.5000.950.0000.00%0.0002.12350.00%0.00070.0670.00%0.000 C SSampler liner correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods C HSSampler size and hammer energy correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods C HS =W H (ODspt^3 - IDspt^3)(for cohesionless soil only)Wspt Hspt (OD^3 - ID^3)

C HS =Rs(spt) / RsRs and Rs(spt)Burmistor's input energy and sampler size correction factorRs =OD^3 - ID^3S =0.00inS =0.00inS =0.00inS =0.0in144 W HDiaBorehole diameter (mm)


Sampler LinedSampler lined or unlined1Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes, I.M. Idriss, and R.W. Boulanger, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Monograph No. MNO-12, 2008.GSEGround surface elevation (feet)2Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Deposits Following Earthquakes, Ishihara, K. and Yoshimine, M., Soils and Foundations, Vol.32, No.1, pp.173-188, 1992. (N 1)60SPT blowcount corrected for all factors (SSC Liao and RV Whitman 1986)3Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Due to Earthquake Shaking, Tokimatsu, K. and Seed, H.B., Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 113, No. 8, pp. 861-878, 1987.(N 1)60 CSSPT blowcount corrected for fines content4Earthquake-Induced Settlements in Saturated Sandy Soils, Lee, C.Y., ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 6-13, 2007.

DrRelative Density, % (max of 90% utilized in this analysis)5Foundation Engineering Handbook, Fang, H.Y., 2nd ed., 1990, and reference to Burmister's (1948) input energy and sampler size correction.

r dStress reduction factor CS RCyclic Stress Ratio (seismic demand)

CR R7.5Cyclic Resistance Ratio (soil capacity) normalized for a Mw = 7.5 earthquakeDONE BY:TER MSFMagnitude scaling factor FS LIQFactor of Safety against liquefaction being triggered. FS<=1.1 is considered "low", FS= 1.1 to 1.4 is "intermediate", and FS>=1.4 is considered "high". DATE: 7/20/2012Mw: Earthquake moment magnitudePGA & PG AROCKPeak ground acceleration, horizontal, at ground surface and at the rock surface, respectively (g)CHECK: TGKPGA = FPGA

  • PGA ROCK FPGASite coefficient to account for amplification or attenuation of PGA ROCK seismic motions in rock to the ground surfaceDATE: 7/20/2012FILE NAME: SHINE_LiqPotandSettle.xlsx PROJECT NUMBER: 113-81051SHINE / SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES / JANESVILLE, WITABLE F-8Idriss and Boulanger, 2008 1Ishihara, 1992 2Tokimatsu and Seed, 1987 3 as modified by Lee, 2007 4Total Settlement 1Total Settlement 2Total Settlement 3,4CORRECTED SPT DATA AND LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL - BOREHOLE G11-08 SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIESTotal Settlement (average)CYCLIC LOADING VOLUMETRIC STRAIN AND LIQUEFACTION INDUCED SETTLEMENTBorehole =SPT BLOW COUNT CORRECTIONS AND LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL 1Input Parameters:Hammer / Split SpoonEarthquake MotionAutomatic4.25" HSAGroundwaterGround Surface Elevation Spoon OD (in.) =2.0Energy Ratio (ER) =72%Return Period =4,975yearsSpoon ID (in.) =1.375Hole Dia (I.D. for HSA) =83(65-115, 150 or 200) mmMw =5.80Hammer weight (lb) =140Sampler Lined (Y/N) =N/APGA =0.13gHammer Drop (in.) =30PGA ROCK =0.08gHammer Type =

FPGA =1.6Drilling Method =Standard SPT Spoon OD (in.) =2.0Standard SPT Spoon ID (in.) =1.375Depth GW =30ft825.0ftStandard SPT Hammer weight (lb) =140Standard SPT Hammer Drop (in.) =30Surcharge:0psfHeight of Surcharge:0ft G11-09non-standardenergy SampleFinesoverburdensampler sizesampleratiorod lengthborehole(based on FS LIQ FS LIQPotentiallyDepthElevationSoilbulk NFieldCommentsContent v'vfactor& hammerliner factorfactorfactordia. factor N 60 (N 1)60 Drsurcharge, k=(N 1)60 CS r dCSR CR R7.5 MSF K s CRR(as(asLiquefiable?(ft)(ft)Type(pcf)(blows/ft)(Heave, etc.)(%)(psf)(psf)

C N C HS C s C ER C R C B(blows/ft)(blows/ft)%0.4(blows/ft)calculated)plotted)2.5822.5Sand1051182632631.701.>3No5820.0Sand1053735255251.701.>3No7.5817.5Sand1052937887881.591.>3No10815.0Sand1051731,0501,0501.381.>3No 15810.0Sand1052031,5751,5751.>3No 20805.0Sand1052042,1002,1000.981.>3No 25800.0Sand1051432,6252,6250.871.>3No 30795.0Sand1051233,1503,1500.801. 35790.0Sand1053433,6753,3630.771.>3No 40785.0Sand1052034,2003,5760.751.>3No45780.0Sand1053234,7253,7890.731.>3No50775.0Sand1054435,2504,0020.711.>3No 60765.0Sand1053256,3004,4280.671.>3No 70755.0Sand1052437,3504,8540.641.>3No 80745.0Sand1055038,4005,2800.621.>3No 90735.0Sand1055039,4505,7060.591.>3No100725.0Sand10527310,5006,1320.571.>3No lim F max vSettlementDr vSettlement (N 1)60cs CS R vSettlement(%)(%)(%)(inches)

FSLIQ %(%)(inches)(blows/ft)(%)(inches)Legend0.2140.650.0000.00%0.0003.66560.00%0.000170.0830.00%0.000DepthDepth of sample (ft)0.000-2.140.0000.00%0.00024.42900.00%0.000570.0820.00%0.000Soil TypeDominate soil type: Gravel, Sand, Silt, or Cla y0.006-0.930.0000.00%0.00024.77870.00%0.000420.0810.00%0.000bulk Bulk unit weight of soil (pcf)0.1400.460.0000.00%0.0004.74620.00%0.000210.0790.00%0.000 NFieldUncorrected field blowcounts0.1130.350.0000.00%0.0005.29650.00%0.000230.0770.00%0.000Fines ContentApproximate percent of fines (minus No. 200)0.1230.390.0000.00%0.0005.02630.00%0.000220.0740.00%0.000v Total vertical stress0.3090.800.0000.00%0.0003.18500.00%0.000140.0710.00%0.000'vEffective vertical stress0.4290.890.0000.00%0.0002.77440.00%0.000110.0670.00%0.000 EREnergy ratio (efficiency) for the hammer and sampling system (%)0.038-0.190.0000.00%0.00011.90750.00%0.000310.0700.00%0.000Depth GWGroundwater level below ground surface (ft)0.2000.620.0000.00%0.0003.74570.00%0.000180.0710.00%0.000 C NOverburden correction for blowcounts0.0620.050.0000.00%0.0007.36710.00%0.000280.0720.00%0.000 C EREnergy Ratio correction (ER/60); relative to 60% theoretical energy of standard SPT sampling0.015-0.600.0000.00%0.00027.94820.00%0.000370.0720.00%0.000 C BBorehole diameter correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.0800.180.0000.00%0.0006.08680.00%0.000260.0700.00%0.000 C RRod length correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.1880.600.0000.00%0.0003.92580.00%0.000180.0670.00%0.00 0 C SSampler liner correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.016-0.580.0000.00%0.00030.27820.00%0.000370.0650.00%0.000 C HSSampler size and hammer energy correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.020-0.470.0000.00%0.00022.47800.00%0.000360.0630.00%0.000 C HS =W H (ODspt^3 - IDspt^3)(for cohesionless soil only)0.1880.590.0000.00%0.0004.11580.00%0.000190.0620.00%0.000Wspt Hspt (OD^3 - ID^3)

C HS =Rs(spt) / RsRs and Rs(spt)Burmistor's input energy and sampler size correction factorRs =OD^3 - ID^3S =0.00inS =0.00inS =0.00inS =0.0in144 W HDiaBorehole diameter (mm)


Sampler LinedSampler lined or unlined1Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes, I.M. Idriss, and R.W. Boulanger, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Monograph No. MNO-12, 2008.GSEGround surface elevation (feet)2Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Deposits Following Earthquakes, Ishihara, K. and Yoshimine, M., Soils and Foundations, Vol.32, No.1, pp.173-188, 1992. (N 1)60SPT blowcount corrected for all factors (SSC Liao and RV Whitman 1986)3Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Due to Earthquake Shaking, Tokimatsu, K. and Seed, H.B., Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 113, No. 8, pp. 861-878, 1987.(N 1)60 CSSPT blowcount corrected for fines content4Earthquake-Induced Settlements in Saturated Sandy Soils, Lee, C.Y., ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 6-13, 2007.

DrRelative Density, % (max of 90% utilized in this analysis)5Foundation Engineering Handbook, Fang, H.Y., 2nd ed., 1990, and reference to Burmister's (1948) input energy and sampler size correction.

r dStress reduction factor CS RCyclic Stress Ratio (seismic demand)

CR R7.5Cyclic Resistance Ratio (soil capacity) normalized for a Mw = 7.5 earthquakeDONE BY:TER MSFMagnitude scaling factor FS LIQFactor of Safety against liquefaction being triggered. FS<=1.1 is considered "low", FS= 1.1 to 1.4 is "intermediate", and FS>=1.4 is considered "high". DATE: 7/20/2012Mw: Earthquake moment magnitudePGA & PG AROCKPeak ground acceleration, horizontal, at ground surface and at the rock surface, respectively (g)CHECK: TGKPGA = FPGA

  • PGA ROCK FPGASite coefficient to account for amplification or attenuation of PGA ROCK seismic motions in rock to the ground surfaceDATE: 7/20/2012FILE NAME: SHINE_LiqPotandSettle.xlsx PROJECT NUMBER: 113-81051SHINE / SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES / JANESVILLE, WITABLE F-9Total Settlement 1Total Settlement 2Total Settlement 3,4Total Settlement (average)CORRECTED SPT DATA AND LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL - BOREHOLE G11-09 SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIESBorehole =CYCLIC LOADING VOLUMETRIC STRAIN AND LIQUEFACTION INDUCED SETTLEMENTIdriss and Boulanger, 2008 1Ishihara, 1992 2Tokimatsu and Seed, 1987 3 as modified by Lee, 2007 4SPT BLOW COUNT CORRECTIONS AND LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL 1Input Parameters:Hammer / Split SpoonEarthquake MotionAutomatic4.25" HSA/Mud Rotary GroundwaterGround Surface Elevation Spoon OD (in.) =2.0Energy Ratio (ER) =72%Return Period =4,975yearsSpoon ID (in.) =1.375Hole Dia (I.D. for HSA) =83(65-115, 150 or 200) mmMw =5.80Hammer weight (lb) =140Sampler Lined (Y/N) =N/APGA =0.13gHammer Drop (in.) =30PGA ROCK =0.08gHammer Type =

FPGA =1.6Drilling Method =Standard SPT Spoon OD (in.) =2.0Standard SPT Spoon ID (in.) =1.375Depth GW =30ft826.2ftStandard SPT Hammer weight (lb) =140Standard SPT Hammer Drop (in.) =30Surcharge:0psfHeight of Surcharge:0ft G11-10non-standardenergy SampleFinesoverburdensampler sizesampleratiorod lengthborehole(based on FS LIQ FS LIQPotentiallyDepthElevationSoilbulk NFieldCommentsContent v'vfactor& hammerliner factorfactorfactordia. factor N 60 (N 1)60 Drsurcharge, k=(N 1)60 CS r dCSR CR R7.5 MSF K s CRR(as(asLiquefiable?(ft)(ft)Type(pcf)(blows/ft)(Heave, etc.)(%)(psf)(psf)

C N C HS C s C ER C R C B(blows/ft)(blows/ft)%0.4(blows/ft)calculated)plotted)2.5823.7Sand1051832632631.701.>3No5821.2Sand1051655255251.701.>3No7.5818.7Sand1052037887881.591.>3No10816.2Sand1051471,0501,0501.381.>3No 15811.2Sand1051531,5751,5751.>3No 20806.2Sand1051262,1002,1000.981.>3No 25801.2Sand1051232,6252,6250.871. 30796.2Sand1052123,1503,1500.801.>3No 35791.2Sand1052433,6753,3630.771.>3No 40786.2Sand1053444,2003,5760.751.>3No45781.2Sand1051834,7253,7890.731.>3No50776.2Sand1052135,2504,0020.711.>3No 60766.2Sand1054036,3004,4280.671.>3No 70756.2Sand105937,3504,8540.641. lim F max vSettlementDr vSettlement (N 1)60cs CS R vSettlement(%)(%)(%)(inches)

FSLIQ %(%)(inches)(blows/ft)(%)(inches)Legend0.0650.070.0000.00%0.0007.57710.00%0.000280.0830.00%0.000DepthDepth of sample (ft)0.0950.260.0000.00%0.0005.83670.00%0.000240.0820.00%0.000Soil TypeDominate soil type: Gravel, Sand, Silt, or Cla y0.0560.000.0000.00%0.0008.79720.00%0.000290.0810.00%0.000bulk Bulk unit weight of soil (pcf)0.2090.640.0000.00%0.0003.81560.00%0.000180.0790.00%0.000 NFieldUncorrected field blowcounts0.2160.660.0000.00%0.0003.71560.00%0.000170.0770.00%0.000Fines ContentApproximate percent of fines (minus No. 200)0.3280.820.0000.00%0.0003.03490.00%0.000130.0740.00%0.000v Total vertical stress0.3830.860.0000.00%0.0002.85470.00%0.000120.0710.00%0.000'vEffective vertical stress0.1760.570.0000.00%0.0004.29590.00%0.000190.0670.00%0.000 EREnergy ratio (efficiency) for the hammer and sampling system (%)0.1240.400.0000.00%0.0004.91630.00%0.000220.0700.00%0.000Depth GWGroundwater level below ground surface (ft)0.043-0.120.0000.00%0.00010.10740.00%0.000310.0710.00%0.000 C NOverburden correction for blowcounts0.2550.730.0000.00%0.0003.29530.00%0.000160.0720.00%0.000 C EREnergy Ratio correction (ER/60); relative to 60% theoretical energy of standard SPT sampling0.2030.630.0000.00%0.0003.65570.00%0.000180.0720.00%0.000 C BBorehole diameter correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.034-0.240.0000.00%0.00012.50760.00%0.000320.0700.00%0.000 C RRod length correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods0.5000.950.0000.00%0.0002.12350.00%0.00070.0670.00%0.000 C SSampler liner correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods C HSSampler size and hammer energy correction factor; relative to standard SPT sampling methods C HS =W H (ODspt^3 - IDspt^3)(for cohesionless soil only)Wspt Hspt (OD^3 - ID^3)

C HS =Rs(spt) / RsRs and Rs(spt)Burmistor's input energy and sampler size correction factorRs =OD^3 - ID^3S =0.00inS =0.00inS =0.00inS =0.0in144 W HDiaBorehole diameter (mm)


Sampler LinedSampler lined or unlined1Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes, I.M. Idriss, and R.W. Boulanger, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Monograph No. MNO-12, 2008.GSEGround surface elevation (feet)2Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Deposits Following Earthquakes, Ishihara, K. and Yoshimine, M., Soils and Foundations, Vol.32, No.1, pp.173-188, 1992. (N 1)60SPT blowcount corrected for all factors (SSC Liao and RV Whitman 1986)3Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Due to Earthquake Shaking, Tokimatsu, K. and Seed, H.B., Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 113, No. 8, pp. 861-878, 1987.(N 1)60 CSSPT blowcount corrected for fines content4Earthquake-Induced Settlements in Saturated Sandy Soils, Lee, C.Y., ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 6-13, 2007.

DrRelative Density, % (max of 90% utilized in this analysis)5Foundation Engineering Handbook, Fang, H.Y., 2nd ed., 1990, and reference to Burmister's (1948) input energy and sampler size correction.

r dStress reduction factor CS RCyclic Stress Ratio (seismic demand)

CR R7.5Cyclic Resistance Ratio (soil capacity) normalized for a Mw = 7.5 earthquakeDONE BY:TER MSFMagnitude scaling factor FS LIQFactor of Safety against liquefaction being triggered. FS<=1.1 is considered "low", FS= 1.1 to 1.4 is "intermediate", and FS>=1.4 is considered "high". DATE: 7/20/2012Mw: Earthquake moment magnitudePGA & PG AROCKPeak ground acceleration, horizontal, at ground surface and at the rock surface, respectively (g)CHECK: TGKPGA = FPGA

  • PGA ROCK FPGASite coefficient to account for amplification or attenuation of PGA ROCK seismic motions in rock to the ground surfaceDATE: 7/20/2012FILE NAME: SHINE_LiqPotandSettle.xlsx PROJECT NUMBER: 113-81051SHINE / SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES / JANESVILLE, WITABLE F-10Total Settlement 1Total Settlement 2Total Settlement 3,4Total Settlement (average)CORRECTED SPT DATA AND LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL - BOREHOLE G11-10 SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIESBorehole =CYCLIC LOADING VOLUMETRIC STRAIN AND LIQUEFACTION INDUCED SETTLEMENTIdriss and Boulanger, 2008 1Ishihara, 1992 2Tokimatsu and Seed, 1987 3 as modified by Lee, 2007 4SPT BLOW COUNT CORRECTIONS AND LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL 1Input Parameters:Hammer / Split SpoonEarthquake MotionAutomatic4.25" HSAGroundwaterGround Surface Elevation At Golder Associates we strive to be the most respected global' group of companies specializing in ground engineering and env i ronmental services. Employee owned since our formation in 1960, we have created a unique culture with pride in ownership, resulting in long-term organizational stab i lity. Golder professionals take the time to build an understanding of client needs and of the specific environments i n which they operate. We continue to expand our techn1cal capabilities and have experienced steady growth with employees now operating from offices located throughout Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe, North America and South America. Golder Associates Inc. 4438 Haines Road Duluth, MN 55811 USA Tel: (218) 724-0088 Fax: (218)724-0089 Af ri ca Asia Aus t ra l asia Europe North America South America + 27 1 1 254 4800 t 852 2562 3658 + 61 3 8862 3500 + 356 21 42 30 20 + 1 800 275 3281 + 55 21 3095 9500 solu ti I'Jww.goldercom (IJGotder Associates Go l der , Golder Associates and the GA globe design are trademarks of Golder A ss ociates Corporat i on At Golder Associates we strive to be the most respected global group of companies specializing in ground engineering and environmental services.

Employee owned since our formation in 1960, we llave created a unique culture with pride in ownership, resulting in long-term organizational stability. Golder professionals take the time to build an understanding of client needs and of the specific environments in whict1 they operate. We continue to expand our technical capabilities and have experienced steady growth witll employees now operating from offices located throughout Africa, Asia. Australasia.

Europe. Nortt1 Amenca and South America. Golder Associates Inc. 4438 Haines Road Duluth, MN 55811 USA Tel: (218) 724-0088 Fax: (218) 724-0089 Africa Asia Australasia Europe North America South America + 27 11 254 4800 + 852 2562 3658 + 61 3 8862 3500 + 356 21 42 30 20 + 1 800 275 3281 +55 21 3095 9500 solutions@golder

.com Cfi'Golder Associates Golder. Golder Associates and the GA globe design are trademarks of Golder Associates Corporation