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 Issue dateTitle
ML0205303988 January 2002Attachment to the 01/08/2002 Mtg with NEI, Southern Nuclear Operating Company (Snc), Florida Power and Light Company (Fpl), Virginia Electric and Power Company (Vepco), Duke Energy Corporation (Duke), and Exelon Generation Company (Exelon)
ML09132011112 May 2009Meeting Summary, Category 3 Open House Annual Assessment Meeting - Turkey Point Nuclear Plant
ML10132007812 May 2010Summary of Public Meeting with Florida Power and Light Company Annual Performance Assessment of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant with the Public for the Period of January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2009
ML1013201166 May 2010Public Meeting - Turkey Point - Attendees
ML1013201266 May 2010Annual Assessment Meeting Presentation
ML15069A6269 March 2015Press Release-II-15-007: NRC Schedules Open House to Discuss Annual Assessment of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant
ML16084A32423 March 2016LTR-16-0160 Thomas Saporito, Senior Consultant, Saprodani Associates, E-mail Petition Seeking Enforcement Action Against Florida Power & Light Company Turkey Point Nuclear Plant, Units 3 and 4
ML18109A51716 May 2018Federal Register Notice - Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Turkey Point SLR
ML18109A51814 May 2018Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement and Conduct Scoping Process for Turkey Point Nuclear Plant Units 3 and 4
ML18114A20224 May 2018Request for Scoping Comments Concerning the Environmental Review of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant, Units 3 and 4 Subsequent License Renewal Application-ACHP
ML18114A20424 May 2018Request for Scoping Comments Concerning the Environmental Review of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant, Units 3 and 4 Subsequent License Renewal Application-Miami Dade
ML18114A20624 May 2018Request for Scoping Comments Concerning the Environmental Review of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant, Units 3 and 4 Subsequent License Renewal Application-SHPO
ML18114A38124 May 2018Request for Scoping Comments Concerning the Environmental Review of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant, Units 3 and 4, Subsequent License Renewal Application-Tribal Letters
ML18183A48226 June 2018Comment (111) E-mail Regarding T.P. 3&4 SLR EIS Scoping
ML19007A0221 April 2019FRN - Notice of Availability of the Draft Supplement 5, Second Renewal, to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Regarding Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 3 and 4
ML19066A3003 April 2019Notice of Availability of the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Subsequent License Renewal of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant, Units 3 and 4 for Public Comment - County
ML19066A3013 April 2019Notice of Availability of the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Subsequent License Renewal of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant, Units 3 and 4 for Public Comment - Achp
ML19066A3023 April 2019Notice of Availability of the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Subsequent License Renewal of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant, Units 3 and 4 for Public Comment - Shpo
ML19066A3033 April 2019Notice of Availability of the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Subsequent License Renewal of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant, Units 3 and 4 for Public Comment - Tribal
ML19091A1281 April 2019NRC to NMFS, Request for Concurrence with Nrc'S Not Likely to Adversely Affect Determination for Turkey Point 3 and 4 License Renewal
ML19091A1311 April 2019NRC to NMFS, NRC Issuance of Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Turkey Point 3 and 4 and Opportunity for Public Comment
ML19092A1671 April 2019SLR - Fyi: Turkey Point SLR Consultations with NMFS
ML19148A47122 May 201905/01/19 Summary of Public Meetings to Receive Comments on the Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Florida Power & Lights Subsequent License Renewal Application
ML20211L71627 July 20207-27-20 Petitioner Statutory Addendum (DC Cir.)(Case No. 20-1026)
ML20323A03213 November 202011-13-20 Petitioners Statutory Addendum to Final Brief (DC Cir.)(Case No. 20-1026)
ML24052A0958 September 2023News Release-23-058: NRC Seeks Input; Offers Hearing Opportunity on Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Turkey Point Subsequent License Renewal
PMNS20230969, Public Meeting to Receive Comments on the Draft Site-Specific Turkey Point Environmental Impact Statement7 September 2023Public Meeting to Receive Comments on the Draft Site-Specific Turkey Point Environmental Impact Statement
Press Release-09-063, NRC Meeting April 23 in Homestead, Fla., to Discuss Review Process for Expected New Reactor Application7 April 2009Press Release-09-063: NRC Meeting April 23 in Homestead, Fla., to Discuss Review Process for Expected New Reactor Application
Press Release-10-106, NRC Seeks Environmental Scoping Comments Regarding Turkey Point New Reactor Application, Meeting July 1516 June 2010Press Release-10-106: NRC Seeks Environmental Scoping Comments Regarding Turkey Point New Reactor Application, Meeting July 15
Press Release-18-019, Corrected - NRC to Hold Meeting on Environmental Review for Turkey Point Subsequent License Renewal22 May 2018Press Release-18-019: Corrected - NRC to Hold Meeting on Environmental Review for Turkey Point Subsequent License Renewal
Press Release-II-09-023, NRC Schedules Open House to Answer Questions on 2008 Performance of Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant22 April 2009Press Release-II-09-023: NRC Schedules Open House to Answer Questions on 2008 Performance of Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant
Press Release-II-10-035, NRC Schedules Open House to Discuss 2009 Performance of Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant26 April 2010Press Release-II-10-035: NRC Schedules Open House to Discuss 2009 Performance of Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant
Press Release-II-10-054, NRC Schedules Meeting for Public to Comment on Proposed New Turkey Point Reactors6 July 2010Press Release-II-10-054: NRC Schedules Meeting for Public to Comment on Proposed New Turkey Point Reactors
Press Release-II-11-027, NRC Schedules Public Meeting to Discuss 2010 Performance of Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant21 April 2011Press Release-II-11-027: NRC Schedules Public Meeting to Discuss 2010 Performance of Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant
Press Release-II-13-038, NRC Schedules Open House to Discuss Annual Assessment of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant20 May 2013Press Release-II-13-038: NRC Schedules Open House to Discuss Annual Assessment of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant
Press Release-II-15-007, NRC Schedules Open House to Discuss Annual Assessment of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant9 March 2015Press Release-II-15-007: NRC Schedules Open House to Discuss Annual Assessment of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant
Press Release-II-15-026, Update: NRC Schedules Meetings to Receive Public Comments on Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed Turkey Point Nuclear Units 6 and 715 April 2015Press Release-II-15-026: Update: NRC Schedules Meetings to Receive Public Comments on Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed Turkey Point Nuclear Units 6 and 7
Press Release-II-16-011, NRC Schedules Open House to Discuss Annual Assessment of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant23 March 2016Press Release-II-16-011: NRC Schedules Open House to Discuss Annual Assessment of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant
Press Release-II-17-031, NRC to Conduct Open House to Discuss 2016 Performance of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant9 May 2017Press Release-II-17-031: NRC to Conduct Open House to Discuss 2016 Performance of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant
Press Release-II-18-016, NRC to Hold Open House to Discuss 2017 Performance of Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant19 April 2018Press Release-II-18-016: NRC to Hold Open House to Discuss 2017 Performance of Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant
Press Release-II-19-011, NRC Schedules Open House to Discuss Performance of Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant4 April 2019Press Release-II-19-011: NRC Schedules Open House to Discuss Performance of Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant