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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20078R04615 February 1995Forwards Sections 4 & 5 of Rept NUREG/CR-2574, BWR Refill- Reflood Program,Task 4.7 - Model Development,TRAC-BWR Component Models, in Response to Item 9 of Attachment 2 to GE Re Closure of Items Related to GE Sbwr Tapd
ML20078R64610 February 1995Forwards Responses to Questions from 950112 417th ACRS Meeting Re Capability of Isolation Condenser to Withstand Loadings Resulting from Tube Rupture & Issue of Mitigation of Consequences of Break in RWCU Line
ML20078S03616 February 1995Forwards Sbwr Drywell to Wetwell Vacuum Breaker Valve White Paper, in Response to Item 42 in Attachment 2 to GE ,Presenting Addl Info Re Exemption of Sbwr Vacuum Breakers from Single Failure Criteria
ML20078S14014 February 1995Forwards Description of Nrc/Acrs Issue Closure Process Re GE Sbwr Testing & Analysis Program Document & List of Addl Work from NRC 12/94 - 1/95
ML20078S17515 February 1994Requests That Je Quinn Title Be Corrected to Read, Projects Manager,Lmr & Sbwr Programs, in Docket 52-003 & 52-004 Svc List
ML20080A6847 November 1994Forawrds Panda Facility Schematics Requested by J Kudrick at Readiness Assessment Meeting on 941019-21.W/oversize Drawing Encl
ML20080A86717 November 1994Provides Comments on BNL Abstracts
ML20080C0048 November 1993Forwards Request for Addl Copies of Giraffe Test Rept. Attached Affidavit Previously Transmitted Applicable to Request for Addl InfoAffidavit
ML20080C01114 April 1993Forwards NRC Request for Tracg Computer Code Input Parameters for Giraffe Test Facility.Listing of Command File Used to Generate save-set & Listing of save-set Encl Also for InfoAffidavit
ML20080G9458 February 1994Responds to Je Leatherman Request to Change Svc List
ML20080H53815 February 1995Forwards Giraffe Test Spec 25A5677,Rev 0.Document Specifies Requirements for Tests Re post-accident DHR from Containment of Sbwr to Be Performed in Giraffe Test Facility
ML20080K07017 February 1995Forwards Rev 1 of Drawing 24.02.31, Vent Tank Air Sys 8 Discharging Line, in Response to NRC RAIs on Sbwr PANTHERS- Pcc Test Facility.W/One Oversize Drawing
ML20080K49121 February 1995Forwards Table Entitled, Sbwr Test Submittals, Listing Sbwr Test Submittals & Relating Submittals to Item Number in Attachment 2 to GE Re Approach to Achieve Closure of Items Related to GE Sbwr Tapd
ML20080Q19127 February 1995Provides Responses to NRC Requests for Addl Info on Sbwr Design Re Topical Repts NEDE-32176P,NEDE-32177P & NEDE-32178P.Encl Withheld (ref10CFR2.790)Hydrostatic
ML20081B0338 March 1995Forwards Nonproprietary Presentation Charts Used During 950308 & 09 Meetings Between NRC & GE to Discuss Giraffe Testing & Tracg Computer Code
ML20081B1791 March 1995Forwards Audit Rept ARP 95-1, QA Audit of Sbwr Giraffe Test Program by Svc & Projects Quality 950124-26. Audit Rept Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790Affidavit
ML20081B2008 March 1995Forwards Proprietary Presentation Charts Used During 950308 & 09 Meetings Between NRC & GE to Discuss Giraffe Testing & Tracg Computer Code.Encl WithheldAffidavit
ML20081B4707 March 1995Responds to NRC Re Impact of Delays at Passive DHR & Depressurization (Panda) Test Facility on Review Schedule for Sbwr Design
ML20081B85827 February 1995Responds to NRC Comments & Recommendations Re Realignment of Simplified BWR Design Certification ReviewProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20081E17616 March 1995Forwards Proposed Changes to PANTHERS-IC Test Matrix
ML20081K14720 March 1995Forwards Response to Request for Addl Info on Sbwr Design, Addressing Details of Tests Intended to Confirm Structural & Functional Integrity of Certain ComponentsNondestructive Examination
Flow Induced Vibration
Water hammer
ML20082H35713 April 1995Forwards Proprietary Rev B to NEDC-32391P, Licensing Topical Rept Simplified BWR Test & Analysis Program Description. Rept WithheldAffidavit
ML20082J15513 April 1995Forwards Rev B to NEDO-32391, Licensing Topical Rept Sbwr Test & Analysis Program Description
ML20082J17813 April 1995Forwards Nonproprietary Version of GE Audit Rept ARP 95-1, QA Audit of Sbwr Giraffe Test Program by Svcs & Projects Quality 950124-26, as Requested by NRC
ML20082J52714 April 1995Forwards Proprietary Rev 0 to Siet 00393RP95, Thermal- Hydraulic Data Rept of PANTHERS-PCC Tests. Proprietary Data Tapes Encl.Rev 0 to Siet 00393RP95 Rept & Data Tapes Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)Affidavit
ML20082J91513 April 1995Forwards Nonproprietary Version of GE Audit Rept ARP 95-2, QA Audit of Sbwr Panda Test Program by Svcs & Projects Quality 950131-0202
ML20082K38117 April 1995Forwards Proprietary Audit Rept ARP 95-2, QA Audit of Sbwr Panda Test Program by Svcs & Projects Quality,950131-0202. Audit Rept ARP 95-2 Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)Affidavit
ML20082M17618 April 1995Forwards Nonproprietary Rept, Thermal-Hydraulic Data Rept of PANTHERS-PCC Tests, in Partial Satisfaction of Items 28 & 33 of Attachment 2 of GE & Completes Item 48 of Attachment to GE
ML20082S30221 April 1995Forwards Nonproprietary Version of GE Audit Rept ARP 95-3, QA Audit of Sbwr Panthers Test Program by Svcs & Projects Quality 950206-08, as Requested by NRC
ML20083A18928 April 1995Transmits Panthers Test Spec 23A6999 Rev 4.Specification Was Revised to Conform W/Changes to IC Test Matrix
ML20083A39728 April 1995Forwards Sbwr Minutes of Telcon W/Nrc on 950406
ML20083C92915 May 1995Forwards Document Entitled PANTHERS-IC Test Procedures, in Response to RAI Re Sbwr Panthers Test Facility
ML20083L51311 May 1995Forwards Table of Contents to Application of Tracg Model to Sbwr Licensing Safety Analysis
ML20083L52510 May 1995Provides Update to Table of Sbwr Test Documentation Submittals & Table A.2-2 of Attachment to
ML20083L52611 May 1995Forwards Revised Schedule for Review of Sbwr Technology ProgramLicense Renewal
ML20083L65611 May 1995Forwards Apps A-E to Thermal Hydraulic Data Rept of PANTHERS-PCC Tests
ML20083R42324 May 1995Forwards Markup Pages of Subsection A.3.1.7, Giraffe/Sit (Systems Interaction Test) & Tables A.3-21 & A.3-23 of Sbwr Test & Analysis Program Description,NED-32391,Rev BHydrostatic
ML20084K7562 June 1995Requests Written NRC Concurrence W/Scope of Giraffe Sys Interaction Test
ML20084U1799 June 1995Provides Sbwr Updated Affidavit for Encl to GE Ltr Mfn 039-95Affidavit
ML20085G27114 June 1995Proposes to Respond to RAIs on GE TR NEDE-32177P, Tracg Computer Code Qualification, Dtd Jan 1993 in Three Groups as Indicated in Attachment
ML20085K07920 June 1995Submits Encl to Replace Affidavits for Encls to GE Ltrs Mfn 034-95 & 63-95Affidavit
ML20085L07023 June 1995Forwards Responses to Giraffe Sys Integral Testing RAIs 900.96-900.101
ML20086A40620 June 1995Submits GE Perspective on 950619 Mgt Video Conference W/Ge & EPRI at GE Facility in San Jose,Ca & NRC & DOE & DOE Facility in Germantown,Md.Visual Aids Used at San Jose Facility EnclLicense Renewal
Exemption Request
ML20086A61328 June 1995Provides Authorization for Energy Research Foundation to Release Panda RELAP5/MOD3 Deck to NRC
ML20086D2385 July 1995Forwards pre-test Analysis for PANTHERS-IC Tests
ML20086D2636 July 1995Forwards Proprietary Analysis Rept Re PANTHERS-PCCAffidavit
ML20086F22911 July 1995Forwards Responses to Open Items Noted in NRC Re Summary of 950308 & 09 Meetings,Covering Giraffe/Helium Test Conditions & Basis,Giraffe Facility Characterization Tests & GIRAFFE-non-condensable Gas MeasurementsFuel cladding
ML20086H46013 July 1995Forwards Revised Response to Request for Addl Info Re Sbwr Design - Sys Integral Testing at Giraffe Test Facility
ML20086H48714 July 1995Forwards Rev 1 to 25A5677, Giraffe Helium Test Spec Legend or Description of Groups
ML20086H70014 July 1995Forwards Proprietary Rev 0 to TOGE110-T07, Giraffe Heat Removal Performance Tests,Test Plan & Procedures. Proprietary Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)Affidavit