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CLI-88-07, NRC Staff Response to Intervenors Motions to Reopen Record & Admit late-filed Decommissioning Contentions.* Motions Should Be Denied & Stay Imposed by Commission in CLI-88-07 Lifted16 November 1988NRC Staff Response to Intervenors Motions to Reopen Record & Admit late-filed Decommissioning Contentions.* Motions Should Be Denied & Stay Imposed by Commission in CLI-88-07 Lifted
CLI-88-08, Notice of Clarification.* Clarifies View of Commission Amend to 10CFR50.47,dtd 880923 & Commission 881007 Order Re CLI-88-08.Served on 88101312 October 1988Notice of Clarification.* Clarifies View of Commission Amend to 10CFR50.47,dtd 880923 & Commission 881007 Order Re CLI-88-08.Served on 881013
CLI-89-09, Order CLI-89-09.* Denies Intervenors 890522 Motion for Reconsideration of CLI-89-08 & Renewed Request for Delay. Motion Lacks Justification.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 89052424 May 1989Order CLI-89-09.* Denies Intervenors 890522 Motion for Reconsideration of CLI-89-08 & Renewed Request for Delay. Motion Lacks Justification.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890524
CLI-89-19, Order CLI-89-19.* Denies Applicant 890811 Application for Exemption from 10CFR50,App E,Section IV.F.1 Requirements to Conduct Onsite Emergency Plan Exercise within 1 Yr Before Issuance of License.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 89091515 September 1989Order CLI-89-19.* Denies Applicant 890811 Application for Exemption from 10CFR50,App E,Section IV.F.1 Requirements to Conduct Onsite Emergency Plan Exercise within 1 Yr Before Issuance of License.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890915Exemption Request
CLI-98-18, Order.* Grants Joint Motion Filed by Naesco,Sapl & Necnp for Two Week Deferral of Briefing Schedule Set by Commission in CLI-98-18.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 9810065 October 1998Order.* Grants Joint Motion Filed by Naesco,Sapl & Necnp for Two Week Deferral of Briefing Schedule Set by Commission in CLI-98-18.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 981006
CLI-99-06, Order.* Joint Request for ten-day Extension of Schedule Set Forth in CLI-99-06 in Order to Facilitate Parties Settlement Efforts Granted,With Exception of Date of Hearing. with Certificate of Svc.Served on 9904077 April 1999Order.* Joint Request for ten-day Extension of Schedule Set Forth in CLI-99-06 in Order to Facilitate Parties Settlement Efforts Granted,With Exception of Date of Hearing. with Certificate of Svc.Served on 990407
IR 07100005/20120171 December 1987Staff Exhibit S-1,consisting of 841121 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 111 & 105 to Licenses DPR-31 & DPR-41, Respectively.Technical Evaluation Rept TER-C5506-529 & Cover to Transcript of 871005-1217 Meetings in Concord,Nh EnclSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Control of Heavy Loads
Fuel cladding
ML17251B13715 October 1986Motion to File Response 2 Business Days Late to Applicant 860925 Motion for Decision on Pending Summary Dispositions & Establishment of Hearing Schedule on Emergency Planning. Motion Not Received Until 861015.W/Certificate of Svc
ML17265A8076 October 1998Comment on Integrated Review of Assessment Process for Commercial Npps.Util Endorses Comments Being Provided by NEI on Behalf of Nuclear Industry
ML19209B17621 August 1979Petition by New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution in Support of Seacoast Anti-Pollution League 790312 & 0502 Requests for Orders to Show Cause Why CP Should Not Be Suspended or Revoked.Certificate of Svc EnclFuel cladding
ML19211C32428 December 1979Response Objecting to NRC 791211 Opposition to 790926 Petition for Review of Seismic Design Decisions.Issue Raises Fundamental Fact & Law Questions & Involves Interpretation of NRC Seismic Regulations.Certificate of Svc EnclSafe Shutdown Earthquake
ML19224D1342 May 1979Request for Order to Show Cause Why CP for Proposed Nuclear Power Plant at Seabrook Should Not Be Suspended or Revoked.
ML19225A27411 June 1979Util Motion for Summary Disposition Re ALAB-54B.Court of Appeals Has Adhered to Sunk Costs Rule.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19241B5326 June 1979Motion by Util Requesting Summary Disposition of Issue Re Alternate Sites,Assuming Plant Is Required to Use Cooling Towers
ML19241B5416 June 1979Matl Facts Relevant to Util 790606 Motion for Summary Disposition.If Sunk Costs May Be Counted,No Superior Alternate Site Exists.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19242A38430 July 1979New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution Memo in Support of Intervenor Seabrook Anti-Pollution League Request for Show Cause Order Re CP Suspension or RevocationFuel cladding
ML19242C68811 July 1979Motion to Compel Houston Lighting & Power to Produce Certain Documents Alleged to Be Priviledged.Certificate of Svc & Supporting Documentation Encl
ML19249B19830 July 1979Motion by Intervenor New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution in Support of Intervenor Seacoast Anti-Pollution League Request for Order to Show Cause.Notice of Appearance of Kp Sheldon on Behalf of Intervenor Encl
ML19253B70611 October 1979Statement of Position Re Seacoast Anti-Pollution League 790502 Request for Show Cause Order.Requests That NRC Require Preparation & Testing of Emergency Plans Before Either Unit Placed Into Operation.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19259A94118 December 1978in Response to Aslab Order of 781208,permittees State They Are Not Aware of Agreement That an Evidentiary Hearing Is Not Needed.Permittees Will Pursue Site Issue at Any Such Hearing.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19261A40527 December 1978Answer of Permittees to New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution'S 781221 Motion to Be Excused from Evidentiary Hearings.Asserts Motion Should Be Denied on Grounds of Fairness & Procedure.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19261C3542 March 1979Seacoast Anti-Pollution League'S Argument Re Hypothetical Alternative Site Hearing.Argues NRC Has Not Made Meaningful Study of Alternative Sites.Requests Establishment of Rational Approach to Siting.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19261C6292 March 1979Supports Proposed Alternate Sites Hearing,In Case Cooling Towers Are Required at Seabrook,But Feels Phillips Cove Is non-viable Alternative.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19263B55421 December 1978Motion by Petitioner to Intervene New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution to Be Excused from 790115 Evidentiary Hearing on NRC Analysis of Alternative Sites.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19269D44722 March 1979Petition to Revoke CP
ML19270G2102 May 1979Request by Seacoast Anti-Pollution League for Order to Show Cause Re Suspension or Revocation of Cps.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19275A61426 September 1979Request Submitted by Intervenor New England Coalition on Nuclear Power That NRC Permit Filing of Memorandum in Excess of Ten Pages.Seismic Issue Cannot Be Discussed Adequately in Ten Pages
ML19275A61626 September 1979Supplemental Memorandum,Submitted by Intervenor New England Coalition on Nuclear Power,In Support of 770810 Request That NRC Review Aslab Decision Re Seismic Issue.Seismic Design Is Inadequate.Certificate of Svc EnclSafe Shutdown Earthquake
ML19290B22416 November 1979Memorandum in Support of Seacoast Anti-Pollution League 790502 Request for Order to Show Cause Re Suspension or Revocation of Facility Cps.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19309F88230 April 1980Testimony Re Util Request for General Rate Relief. Miscellaneous Financial Info Attached
ML19309F88430 April 1980Testimony Re Util Permanent Rate Request.Miscellaneous Financial Info Attached
ML19309F88530 April 1980Testimony Re Util Temporary Rate Request.Sec Form 10-K Attached
ML19312E31017 May 1980Urges That Commission Grant New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution Petition to Review Aslab Decisions on Seismic Design.Requests Review of Okrent Comments & NRC Quarterly Bulletins Supporting ActivitiesEarthquake
ML19318A51917 June 1980Response in Opposition to New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution 800611 Motion to Reopen Record & Introduce New Evidence.Chinnery Theory Ignores Geology for SSE Purposes. Urges Dismissal of Petition for Review.W/Certificate of SvcEarthquake
ML19322A14014 December 1978Answer of Permittees to Motion to Reopen to Record Re Public Svc Co of Nh Financial Qualifications,Filed by Seacoast Anti-Pollution League on 781130.Urges That League'S Motion Be Denied.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19325D54718 October 1989Intervenors Motion for Summary Disposition on Contentions JI-Onsite Ex-1 & JI-Onsite Ex-2.* Board Should Enter Summary Disposition in Favor of Contentions Filed on 890929 & 1013 on Grounds of No Genuine Issue of Matl Fact in DisputeIncorporated by reference
ML19325D56218 October 1989Memorandum of Intervenors in Support of Motion for Summary Disposition of Scope Contentions Filed in Response to 890927 Onsite Exercise.* W/Supporting Info & Certificate of SvcExemption Request
ML19325D56811 October 1989Applicant Response to Intervenors Motion to Admit Contentions on 890927 Emergency Plan Exercise.* Urges That Motion Be Denied & Proferred Contention Be Excluded.Related Info Encl.W/Certificate of SvcSafe Shutdown
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Incorporated by reference
ML19325D57216 October 1989Intervenors Motion to Amend Intervenors Motions of 890929 & 1013 to Admit Contentions on 890927 Onsite Emergency Plan Exercise.* Moves Board to Accept,Nunc Pro Tunc,Intervenors Further Legal Argument.Certificate of Svc EnclIncorporated by reference
Exemption Request
ML19325D99020 October 1989Motion for Partial Reconsideration of ALAB-922 on Behalf of Seacoast Anti-Pollution League.* Appeal Board Moved to Reconsider Holding That Emergency Planning Second Tier Safety Requirement.W/Svc List
ML19325D99820 October 1989Motion for Commonwealth of Ma Atty General for Reconsideration of ALAB-922.* Board Should Reverse Determination That Emergency Planning Considered second-tier Safety Regulation.W/Supporting Info & Certificate of SvcBackfit
ML19325E00120 October 1989Applicant Response to Intervenors Motion to Amend Intervenors Motions of 890929 & 1013 to Admit Contentions on 890927 Onsite Emergency Plan Exercise.* Issue Re Admittance Committed to Board Discretion.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19325E00720 October 1989Notice of Appeal.* Appeals Licensing Board 891012 Memorandum & Order LBP-89-28 Denying Intervenors Motions to Admit Low Power Testing Contentions & Bases or to Reopen Record & Requests for Hearing
ML19325E01620 October 1989Motion for Expedited Appeal.* Board Moved to Expedite Appeal of LBP-89-28 on Grounds of Public Policy & as Grounds to Reject Intervenors Low Power Testing Contentions.Supporting Info & Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19325E01720 October 1989Applicant Answer to Intervenors Second Motion to Admit Contentions on 890927 Emergency Plan Exercise.* Motion to Assert Addl Bases for Original Onsite Exercise Contention JI-Onsite Ex-1 Should Be Denied.W/Certificate of SvcExemption Request
ML19325E9511 November 1989Applicant Motion to Strike Necnp Notice of Appeal.* Necnp 891027 Notice of Appeal of LBP-89-28 Considered Premature & Should Be Stricken.W/Certificate of Svc
ML19325E9541 November 1989Joint Intervenors Motion to Order Board to Withhold Initial Decision on Reception Ctr Issues Pending Issuance of Appeal Board Decision on LBP-88-32 Re ALAB-905.* W/Certificate of Svc
ML19325E9661 November 1989Joint Intervenors Motion to Order ASLB to Withhold Initial Decision on Reception Ctr Issues Pending Issuance of Aslab Decision on LBP-88-32 Re ALAB-905.* W/Certificate of Svc. Served on 891102.Denied for Appeal Board on 891102
ML19325E9912 November 1989Applicant Brief Re Issue Certified to Commission by Appeal Board on 891011.* Certified Question Should Be Answered in Negative & Remainder of Appeal Board Opinion & Rulings Should Be Affirmed.Certificate of Svc EnclGrace period
ML19327B67025 October 1989Notice of Appeal on Behalf of Seacoast Anti-Pollution League.* Appeals 891013 Decision LPB-89-28 Re Low Power Testing Contentions,Bases or to Reopen Record & Requests for Hearing.Svc List Encl