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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML18029A39827 February 1985Responds to RM Diggs 850117 & 0211 Ltrs Re Determination of Fees for Const Extension Requests.Util Supports NRC Determination & Will Submit Fees
ML19207A76014 August 1979Forwards 790629 Ltrs from Util to SW Harvey & Jc White of EPA Re Aquatic Monitoring Programs Including Proposed Amend to EPA License
ML19207B11215 August 1979Forwards Deficiency Rept Re Unacceptable QA Documentation for Glazer Steel Matl
ML19207B14916 August 1979Forwards Final Deficiency Rept Re Defective Type GE SB-12 Auxiliary Switches in safety-related Switchgear
ML19207B96830 August 1979Forwards First Interim Deficiency Rept Re Containment Anchor Bolt Chain Weld Deficiencies
ML19207B97929 August 1979Forwards Final Deficiency Rept Re GE Design Deficiency in safety-relief Valve Control Sys
ML19207B99029 August 1979Forwards Interim Deficiency Rept Re Discrepancies in High Pressure Core Spray Diesel Generator Switchgear Wiring
ML19207C4136 September 1979Forwards Detailed Description of Reverse Fault in Soil PitEarthquake
ML19208A0117 September 1979Forwards Draft NPDES-TN0027740 Intended for Issuance Per Federal Water Pollution Control Act,As Amended
ML19208A71811 September 1979Advises of Minor Fault Discovered in Area of Intake Pumping Station,As Reported in 790904 Telcon W/B Benedict & 790904 Conference Call W/S Wastler.Fault Is Not Capable within 10CFR100,App a Meaning.Forwards Description of FaultEarthquake
ML19208B25731 July 1979Responds to NRC 790706 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-518/79-12,50-519/79-12,50-520/79-12 & 50-521/79-12. Corrective actions:CEP-2.01 Deleted from Manual,Welder Terminated & SOP-34 Drafted to Define Requirements
ML19208B32431 July 1979Responds to NRC 790711 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-553/79-07 & 50-554/79-07.Corrective Actions: Electrode Holding Oven Taken Out of Svc.Oven Thermometer Recalibr & Found within Specified Range
ML19208D13131 August 1979Responds to IE Bulletins 78-12,12A & 12B, Atypical Weld Matl in Reactor Pressure Vessel Welds. CB&I Submitted Generic Rept on 790501 & C-E Submitted Generic Rept on 790608,satisfying Required Action
ML19208D40824 September 1979Notifies That Util Does Not Plan to Conduct Any Drift Deposition Studies If NRC Concurs.Fee for Proposed Amends Is Determined to Be Class III for Unit 1 & Class I for Units 2-4.Fee Forwarded Separately
ML19208D42718 September 1979Forwards EPA & Tn Dept of Public Health Joint Public Notice Announcing Mod of NPDES Permit Application
ML19209C88811 October 1979Forwards Final Deficiency Rept Re Invalid Heat Treatment of Reactor Pressure Vessel Pedestal Studs
ML19209D1241 October 1979Forwards Final Deficiency Rept Re Faulty Welding by Lakeside Bridge & Steel on Drywell Vent Structure & Reactor Pressure Vessel Pedestal
ML19209D1751 October 1979Forwards Interim Deficiency Rept
ML19210D07513 August 1979Forwards Second Interim Deficiency Rept Re Tensile Anchor Capacities Lower than Assumed in Design Allowables
ML19210D10426 October 1979Forwards Final Deficiency Rept Re Tensile Anchor Capacities Lower than Assumed in Design Allowables
ML19210D34016 November 1979Forwards Interim Rept 1 Re Grit Blasting of Fabricated Pipe Assemblies
ML19210D42326 October 1979Responds to NRC 791005 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-518/79-22,50-519/79-22,50-520/79-22 & 50-521/79-22. Corrective Actions:Three Point Compaction Tests Performed on Soil Fill & Personnel Instructed to Perform Tests
ML19210F03315 November 1979Forwards Interim Deficiency Rept Re Brittle Rebar,Produced by Fl Steel Corp
ML19211D04617 December 1979Responds to NRC 791121 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-553/79-16 & 50-554/79-15.Corrective Actions:Test Cylinders Covered W/Burlap & Made Wet.Compressive Test Machine Reset
ML19224D48827 April 1979Submits Rept Re Incorrect Welding of Structural Steel Used in Reactor Pressure Vessel Shield Wall.Corrective Action Includes Radiographing All Joints Incorrectly Cut & Repaired by Welding
ML19241A7861 June 1979Forwards Deficiency Rept Re Spray Pond Central Support Earthfill Moisture Content Being Outside of Acceptable Limits
ML19242B5599 July 1979Forwards Supplemental Response to IE Bulletin 78-12B Concerning Atypical Weld Matl in Reactor Pressure Vessel Welds.Final Responses Will Be Provided After Util Reviews CB&I & C-E Generic Repts
ML19242D1915 July 1979Forwards First Interim Deficiency Rept Re Faulty Welding by Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co on Drywell Vent Structure & Reactor Pressure Vessel Pedestal.Final Rept to Be Forwarded by 791001
ML19249A55016 August 1979Forwards Final Deficiency Rept Re Use of non-ASME Components on Primary Containment Personnel Access Airlocks
ML19249C55110 August 1979Forwards Final Response to IE Bulletin 79-07 Re Seismic Stress Analysis of safety-related Piping.For All Five Benchmark Problems Pisys Results for Frequencies & Model Participation Are in Agreement W/Nrc Problem Definition
ML19249D90917 September 1979Advises of Intent to Implement Proposed TVA 790522 Changes Re Fire Protection Sys Design,To Resolve NRC Concerns Expressed During 790822 Meeting
ML19249E39529 June 1979Forwards Final Deficiency Rept on Breakdown in QC Program at Industrial Engineering Works Re Reactor Pressure Vessel Shield Wall.Initial & Interim Repts Submitted on 790417 & 0517,respectively
ML19250B9911 November 1979Informs That No Endangered or Threatened Plant or Animal Species Are Found in Area
ML19250C58421 November 1979Forwards First Interim Deficiency Rept Re Rebar Bending
ML19253A21427 April 1979Requests Info Re Safety & Emergency Planning Requirements
ML19253A31214 August 1979Forwards Detailed Description of Fault Discovered at Unit 2 Turbine Bldg Area.Does Not Consider Fault Capable,Per 10CFR100,App B
ML19254B20317 September 1979Forwards Geologic Foundation Rept,Descriptions of Faults 1-10.
ML19254B36830 August 1979Forwards Rept Describing Design of Cooling Tower Blowdown Minimization & Design Features Available for Operational Control of Solids Concentration Factors Per NPDES Permit TN0029301.Operational Procedures Will Be Developed
ML19254D31417 October 1979Responds to 791005 Request for Info Re Endangered Species in Vicinity of Proposed Transmission Line Const.Info Will Be Forwarded After Review by Asheville Area Ofc
ML19254D79424 October 1979Confirms 790924 Telcon Re Addl Earth Faults in Area of Unit 1 Pumping Station & Forwards Detailed Description.Three Color Photographs Encl
ML19254F26922 October 1979Discusses Deletion of Macroinvertebrate Community Monitoring from Const Effects Monitoring Program.Discontinuation Is Only for Const Phase of Project
ML19254F7399 November 1979Forwards Socio-economic Monitoring & Mitigation Rept.
ML19256A81921 December 1978Approves Design of Fish Mitigation Device.Requests Plan for Monitoring Biological Effects of Plant Intake Sys & Evaluating Mitigation Device Effectiveness by 6 Months Before Fuel Loading Date
ML19256E07324 August 1979Revises Response to Noncompliance Items in CE Murphy 790531 Ltr
ML19256E72125 October 1979Responds to IE Bulletin 79-15, Deep Draft Pump Deficiencies. Table Listing Manufacturer,Model Number,Flow & Plant Application Encl
ML19257A2776 December 1979Forwards Final Deficiency Rept Re Fuel Pool Cooling & Cleanup Lines Pressure Tested Above ACI-318-71 Limits on 791109
ML19257A2826 December 1979Forwards Final Deficiency Re Use of Incorrect Weld Acceptance Criteria on Reactor Pressure Vessel Pedestal Welds
ML19257A32712 December 1979Forwards Second Interim Deficiency Rept Re Use of Incorrect Concrete Mix in Shield Bldg Wall
ML19257A78331 December 1979Forwards Final Deficiency Rept Re Condensate Header Vortex Breakers Omitted from Piping Arrangement Drawings
ML19257B91211 January 1980Forwards Second Interim Deficiency Rept Re Containment Anchor Bolt Chair Weld