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 SiteStart dateTitleDescription
05000219/LER-1982-042, Forwards LER 82-042/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis EnclOyster Creek16 August 1982Forwards LER 82-042/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Encl
05000219/LER-1982-045, Forwards LER 82-045/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis EnclOyster Creek11 November 1982Forwards LER 82-045/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Encl
05000219/LER-1982-049, Forwards LER 82-049/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis EnclOyster Creek24 September 1982Forwards LER 82-049/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Encl
05000219/LER-1983-005, Forwards LER 83-005/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis EnclOyster Creek4 March 1983Forwards LER 83-005/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Encl

On November 11, 2001, a 4160 VAC cable failure de-energized the 1B2 Unit Substation of the 480 VAC system. Due to the equipment which was declared inoperable, it was determined that a reactor shutdown would be required. On November 12, 2001, at 3:33 am, the reactor was placed in the COLD SHUTDOWN CONDITION.

The cause of the cable failure was determined to be a localized insulation weakness aggravated by water intrusion into the cable conduit.

The safety significance of this occurrence was determined to be minimal. Although the 1B2 Unit Substation of the 480 VAC system was lost, the redundant electrical division remained fully operable at all times. At no time during this event did a functional failure of any safety system occur. The plant remained within Technical Specifications limits at all times, and achieved a COLD SHUDOWN CONDITION within the allowed time limits.

The failed portion of the cable was replaced, the plant was restarted and resumed POWER OPERATION. Long term actions include evaluating a new design cable and possible rerouting of the cable run.

05000219/LER-2003-002I 1 OF 3

On May 20, 2003, at 0030 hours, 4160 VAC bus IC Iccked out due to a ground fault. The plant continued operating at full power. Due to the equipment Made inoperable by the loss el power to bus 10, Technical Specification requited the reactor to be placed In the COLD SHUTDOWN CONDITION. The reactor was manually scrammed at 0943 hours. llie COLD SHUTDOWN CONDITION was reached at 1913 Tom .. _.

_ The safety significance of this event is considered minimal. The redundant 4160 VAC bus remained to service and redundant safety-related equipment remained operable. The plant remained witNn Technical Specification limits and achieved SHUTDOWN and COLD SHUTDOWN within the allowed time limits.

Previous experience has shown this type d cable Is subject to accelerated degradation from water at the site of any defects in the Insulation.

Ni cables in this run were replaced with cables of a afferent rnaradacture. Corrective action included confirming that all burled cable powering safety-related equipment was net of the typo that failed.

NRC FORM ass (1-2M1)

05000219/LER-2007-001Oyster Creek7 January 2007Automatic Reactor Scram Following Trip of Reactor Feed Pump

On July 17, 2007 at 05:21 while operating at 100% power, an automatic reactor scram occurred due to low reactor water level following a trip of the "C" Reactor Feed Pump (RFP). The cause of the "C" RFP trip is attributed to an electrical fault internal to the motor. This transient led to an automatic scram on

  • low reactor water level and subsequent reactor isolation on a low-low reactor level.

There were no safety consequences impacting plant or public safety as a result of this event. .

This event is being reported pursuant to 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv)(A) due to the automatic reactor protection system and subsequent ECCS actuations.

05000244/LER-1976-024, Updated LER 76-024/01O-1:on 761008,accumulation of Borated Water Found Near Valve in Safety Injection Sys Piping Between Boric Acid Tanks & Safety Injection Pumps.Caused by Chloride Stress Corrosion CrackingGinna8 June 1977Updated LER 76-024/01O-1:on 761008,accumulation of Borated Water Found Near Valve in Safety Injection Sys Piping Between Boric Acid Tanks & Safety Injection Pumps.Caused by Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking
05000244/LER-1982-016, Forwards LER 82-016/03L-0Ginna21 August 1982Forwards LER 82-016/03L-0
05000244/LER-2003-003Ginna11 November 1111 JLThis information is reported voluntarily appropriate to the guidance provided in NUREG 1022, "Event Reporting Guidelines 10 CFR 50.72 and 50.73," revision 2, section 2.7 "Voluntary Reporting." On September 18, 2003, with the reactor in Mode 5 for a refueling outage, investigations determined that potential flow paths existed larger than allowed by design basis (greater than 1/4-inch openings) into the containment Sump B that bypass the sump inner screen. Upon initial evaluation, it was postulated that debris generated by a design basis loss of coolant accident inside containment could have potentially bypassed the emergency sump inner screen and affected both independent Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) trains, due to both trains requiring suction from the emergency sump during the recirculation phase of operation. This had the potential to prevent both trains of ECCS from removing residual heat from the reactor. Also, further investigations determined an existing limited amount of debris inside containment Sump B and a question regarding the size of the openings in the inner screen. However, since that time, RG&E has performed an extensive evaluation and determined that equipment required to mitigate the event, though found to be in a degraded condition, would perform their required functions. Corrective actions included modifications to the containment Sump B to restore it to design conditions and enhancements to the containment inspection procedure, including training of involved personnel.
05000244/LER-2006-003GinnaInoperability of Two Channels of Flow Instrumentation

On July 25, 2006 during the review of planned maintenance work packages, it was discovered that the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) to Safety Injection (SI) flow transmitters required by the Technical Specification post accident monitoring (PAM) instrumentation have as one of their power sources the opposite diesel generator train as the RHR pump whose flow they monitor. A potential loss of electrical power scenario could have caused a loss of the "A" RHR Pump and flow indication for the "B" RHR Pump. The same condition existed for the "B" RHR Pump and flow indication for the "A" RHR Pump. This condition had been in place since original plant design and construction.

This report is being made under 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i)(B).

Corrective action to address the potential failure mode is outlined in Section V.

NRC FORM 366 (6-2004) PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER (1-2001) R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 05000244 2� of� 5 ;

05000245/LER-1997-035, Forwards LER 97-035-00,documenting Event That Occurred on 970826.Commitments ProvidedMillstone25 September 1997Forwards LER 97-035-00,documenting Event That Occurred on 970826.Commitments Provided
05000247/LER-2008-002Uindian Point 2450 Broadway, GSB
P.O. Box 249
Buchanan, N.Y. 1 051 1-0249Entergy Tel (914) 734-6700
J. E. Pollock
Site Vice President
May 27, 2008
Indian Point Unit No. 2
Docket No. 50-247
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
ATTN: Document Control Desk
Mail Stop O-P1-17
Washington, D.C. 20555-0001
Subject:M Licensee Event Report # 2008-002-00, "Technical Specification
Prohibited Condition Due to Exceeding the Allowed Completion Time for
an Inoperable Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System Automatic
Actuation Logic and Actuation Relay Caused by Improper Relay Wiring"
Dear Sir or Madam:
Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.73(a)(1), Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc. (ENO) hereby
provides Licensee Event Report (LER) 2008-002-00. The attached LER identifies an
event where there was a Technical Specification prohibited condition that exceeded the
Allowed Completion Time for an Inoperable Engineered Safety Feature Actuation
System Automatic Actuation Logic and Actuation Relay, which is reportable under 10
CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B) . This condition was recorded in the Entergy Corrective Action
Program as Condition Report CR-IP2-2008-01482.
There are no new commitments identified in this letter. Should you have any questions
regarding this submittal, please contact Mr. Robert Walpole, Manager, Licensing at
(914) 734-6710.
J. E. Pollock
Site Vice President
Indian Point Energy Center
cc:M Mr. Samuel J Collins, Regional Administrator, NRC Region I
NRC Resident Inspector's Office, Indian Point 2
Mr. Paul Eddy, New York State Public Service Commission
INPO Record Center
APPROVED BY OMB NO. 3150-0104UEXPIRES 8/31/2010
Estimated burden per response to comply with this mandatory information collection
request: 80 hours. Reported lessons.learned are incorporated into the licensing process
and fed back to industry. Send comments regarding burden estimate to the Records
Management Branch (T-6 E6), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DCLICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER) 20555-0001, or by internet e-mail toD, and to the Desk Officer, Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs, NEOB-10202 (3150-0104), Office of Management
and Budget, Washington, DC 20503.D If a means used to impose information collection
(See reverse for required number of does not display a currently valid OMB control number, the NRC may not conduct or
digits/characters for each block) sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, the information collection.
0 5 0 0 0 - 2 4 7 1D OF 4
4. TITLE: Technical Specification Prohibited Condition Due to Exceeding the Allowed Completion
Time for an Inoperable Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System Automatic Actuation Logic
and Actuation Relay Caused by Improper Relay Wiring

2008, (SI) unit shutdown for a refueling outage, a 480 V breaker (BKR) on Safeguards Bus 2A (ED) did not close during a surveillance test.

On March 27, during Safety Injection and Black Out testing, with the Troubleshooting discovered that SI Logic Train A, contact 17-21, when closed had high contact resistance. relay 3-2, Relay 3-2 is part of the Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System (ESFAS), whose design function is to actuate safeguards equipment required to mitigate an accident. On March 28, 2008, troubleshooting discovered relay 3-2 did not have wires associated with 23 Fan Cooler Unit (FCU) Breaker connected to it in accordance with plant design. The wires were found landed on an adjacent SI Logic Train A relay 3-3. Subsequently equivalent wires on the SI Logic Train B relays, 3-12 and 3-13, were discovered to be similarly mis-wired. The incorrect wiring associated the 23 FCU with Bus 5A rather than its assigned Bus 2A. If power was lost on Bus 5A during an SI, the mis-wiring would prevent the automatic start of the 23 FCU even though its assigned Bus 2A was energized. The apparent cause of the circuit anomaly was an improperly implemented design change by the original plant installer in 1973. The design schematic was properly revised by the design change but the wiring lists and plant were not.

The specific cause can not be determined due to the passage of time.

Corrective actions included re-wiring of relay contacts in accordance with re-verified design documents. An extent of condition was performed and no additional wiring anomalies were identified. The event had no effect on public health and safety. ,

05000247/LER-2011-003Indian Point3 October 2011Technical Specification (TS) Violation for Entry Into TS 3.0.3 for 3 Inoperable Fan Cooler Unit Trains and Failure to Correct within 1 Hour and Actions Taken for Plant Shutdown

On October 3, 2011, during performance of the quarterly surveillance test of the Containment Fan Cooler Unit (FCU) cooling water flow, all five FCUs failed to meet minimum flow requirements with the essential service water (SW) header (1/2/3 header) supplied by the 22 and 23 SW pumps. Operations entered Technical Specification (TS) 3.0.3 per TS 3.6.6.F for 3 trains of FCUs inoperable. In accordance with TS 3.0.3 operations initiated actions to place the plant in Mode 3 within 7 hours. Operations initiated turbine load reduction by approximately 5 MW and swap of the essential SW supply to the 4/5/6 header.

Upon completion of the essential header swap, operations re-performed the quarterly surveillance test on the 4/5/6 header with satisfactory results. Based on successful completion of the test, Operations exited the TS 3.0.3 action statement and commenced power ascension to 100% power. The direct cause was excessive accumulation of silt in the SW Bay that resulted in degraded inlet flow to the SW pumps. The root cause was ineffective barriers established to monitor and remove silt accumulations that would affect SW pump Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) margin failed to include predictive elements that account for changing environmental conditions. Corrective actions included sonar mapping and de-silting of the SW Bay. The sonar mapping frequency will be increased and the SW System Monitoring Plan will be revised to include alert and action levels for silt buildup. A comprehensive silt monitoring and mitigation plan will be developed to include predictive trending and monitoring methods. The event had no significant effect on public health and safety.

05000247/LER-2015-001Indian Point11 August 2015
29 August 2017
Technical Specification (TS) Prohibited Condition Due to an Inoperable Containment Caused by a Service Water Pipe Leak with a Flaw Size that Results in Exceeding the Allowed Leakage Rate for Containment
LER 15-001-02 for Indian Point, Unit 2, Regarding Technical Specification (TS) Prohibited Condition Due to an Inoperable Containment Caused by a Service Water Pipe Leak with a Flaw Size that Results in Exceeding the Allowed Leakage Rate for Containment

On August 11, 2015, during operator investigations inside the reactor containment building, a through wall leak was discovered on the 24 Fan Cooler Unit (FCU) motor cooler service water (SW) return line. The leak was in a 2 inch copper-nickel pipe near a brazed joint upstream of containment penetration SS. The leak was located within the ASME Section XI Code ISI Class 3 boundary and estimated to be approximately 2 gpm.

Since the pipe flaw was through wall and was located within the ASME Section XI boundary, it exceeds the flaw allowable limits provided per IWC-3000.

The weld leak was evaluated and determined to meet the structural requirements of ASME Code Case N-513-3.

The condition was determined to have no impact on SW cooling safety function or adverse impact on piping structural integrity. The pipe is considered a closed loop system inside containment and required to meet containment integrity.

An engineering evaluation was performed to determine the potential air leakage out of containment based on the observed SW leakage into containment.

This evaluation concluded that the leaking defect could result in post-LOCA air leakage out of containment in excess of that allowed by Technical Specification 3.6.1 (Containment) which requires leakage rates to comply with 10 CFR 50, Appendix J.

The direct cause was corrosion. The apparent cause was the length of time to implement a modification to replace the FCU motor cooler copper-nickel piping identified in 2009 per the SW mitigation strategy.

An engineered clamp was installed over the pipe defect. The pipe and affected elbow were replaced in accordance with the requirements of ASME Section XI Code during the spring refueling outage in 2016. A modification to replace piping will be processed for funding. The event had no significant effect on public health and safety.

05000247/LER-2015-004Indian Point20 December 2015
18 February 2016
Safety System Functional Failure Due to an Inoperable Containment Caused by a Flawed Elbow on the 21 Fan Cooler Unit Service Water Motor Cooling Return Pipe
LER 15-004-00 for Indian Point 2 Regarding Safety System Functional Failure Due to an Inoperable Containment Caused by a Flawed Elbow on the 21 Fan Cooler Unit Service Water Motor Cooling Return Pipe

On December 20, 2015, operator investigations identified service water (SW) leakage in containment and on December 22, 2015 discovered a through wall leak on a socket welded elbow for the 21 Fan Cooler Unit (FCU) motor cooler SW 2 inch copper-nickel return line.

The leak was located in a pipe fitting that is within the ASME Section XI Code ISI Class 3 boundary and estimated to be

  • approximately-1 gpm.

Since the pipe flaw was through wall and was located within the ASME Section XI boundary, it exceeded the flaw allowable limits provided per IWD-3000. Engineering determined that since the through wall flaw was located on a socket welded fitting, the ASME Code Case N-513-3 did not apply.

The 21 FCU was declared inoperable and Technical Specification (TS) 3.6.6 (Containment Spray and Containment FCU System), entered for one FCU train inoperable and TS 3.6.1 Condition A entered for containment inoperable.

The 21 FCU SW return line was isolated.

The pipe is part of a closed loop system inside containment and is required to meet containment integrity. Since a containment leakage evaluation was not performed, the pipe flaw -was conservatively assumed to result in post-accident containment out leakage in excess of the 10CFR50, Appendix J limits resulting in violation of the containment integrity requirements and therefore is a safety system functional failure.

The direct cause was flow assisted erosion-corrosion. The apparent cause was high SW flow conditions that caused high localized velocities and flow separation at the sharp interior edge of the socket welded fitting.

Corrective actions included replacement of the affected fitting.

The faulted fitting was sent out to a vendor for metallurgical failure analysis.

The procedure for FCU SW flow balanced will be revised to reduce the SW flow in FCU motor coolers. The event had no significant effect on public health and safety.


05000247/LER-2016-010Indian Point
Docket Number ,
28 February 2017Safety System Functional Failure Due to an Inoperable Containment Caused by a Through Wall Defect in a Service Water Supply Pipe Elbow to the 24, Fan Cooler Unit
LER 16-010-01 for Indian Point 2 Regarding Safety System Functional Failure Due to an Inoperable Containment Caused by a Through Wall Defect in a Service Water Supply Pipe Elbow to the 24 Fan Cooler Unit

On November 21, 2016, as a result of investigating an increased level rise in the Waste Hold-Up. Tank (WHUT), Operators identified a corresponding rise in containment sump level. A containment entry was made to investigate the source of the sump level rise and determined the source was a through wall leak in a Service Water (SW) supply pipe elbow to the 24 Fan Cooler Unit (FCU). The leak constituted a breach of a closed system within containment. Technical Specification (TS) 3.6.1 (Containment) was entered and containment declared inoperable. TS 3.6.6 (Containment Spray and Fan Cooler System) was entered when the 24 FCU was secured and SW to the 24 FCU was isolated. Inspections identified a through wall leak on .a SW supply pipe elbow to one of the 24 FCU water boxes.

The leak is on a 3 inch carbon steel epoxy-lined elbow.

The pipe fitting is in an ASME ISI Code Class 3, nuclear safety related piping system.

The direct cause was failure of the interior coating allowing brackish river water to corrode the carbon steel fitting. The root cause was the maintenance coating procedure requirements for post-coating inspections were inadequate. Key corrective actions included removal of the defective elbow and weld repair, recoating and re-installation.

Maintenance procedure 0-SYS-409-GEN will be revised to mandate detailed inspections and/or testing of surface preparation and applied coatings to ensure proper coverage and adhesion. The event had no effect on public health and safety.


Indian Point 2 05000-247

05000250/LER-2003-007Turkey Point
,UL 0 2 2003
10 CFR § 50.73
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Attn: Document Control Desk
Washington, D. C. 20555
Re: � Turkey Point Unit 3
Docket No. 50-250
Reportable Event: 2003-007-00
Date of Event: March 15, 2003
Containment Spray Pump Failed During Mode 5 Refueling Outage Testing
The attached Licensee Event Report 250/2003-007-00 is being submitted pursuant to the
requirements of 10 CFR § 50.73(02)(i)(B) to provide notification of the subject event.
Very truly yours,
4174f20 Pietwee/Faf -776. 3one3
Terry 0. Jones
Vice President
Turkey Point Nuclear Plant
cc: � Regional Administrator, USNRC, Region II
Senior Resident Inspector, USNRC, Turkey Point Nuclear Plant
an FPL Group company
(See reverse for required number of
digits/characters for each block)
APPROVED BY OMB NO. 3150-0104 EXPIRES 7-31-2004
Estimated burden per response to comply with this mandatory Information
collection request 50 hrs. Reported lessons learned are incorporated into the
licensing process and fed back to Industry. _Forward comments regarding
burden estimate to the Records Manalgcmrt Brar421(1-6dFr)thle.I.R. Nude:
Regulatory cpo2rerctiission, Washington,
(315 104) Office of Manage:en? and Budget,
Washingtnon, a 20503. If an 'information collection does not display a
currently valid OMB control number, the NRC may not conduct or sponsor,
and a person is not required to respond to, the Information collection.
Turkey Point Unit 3
Page 1 of 5
Containment Spray Pump Failed During Mode 5 Refueling Outage Testing

On March 15, 2003, Turkey Point Unit 3 was in Mode 5, returning to power following the planned reactor shutdown for the Cycle 20, refueling outage. During the Train B Engineered Safeguards Integrated Testing, when the 3B Containment Spray Pump (CSP) (BE:P) was started, the field Operator heard unusual noises emanating from the pump and detected an electrical odor around the motor. The 3B CSP was secured.

Investigations to determine pump failure, discovered that the pump casing wear ring was fused to the impeller wear ring and that there was a discoloration on the wear rings indicating that they had overheated. The pump was overhauled successfully, tested and returned to service on March 20, 2003.

After event analysis on May 7, 2003, it was concluded that the 3B CSP was considered to have been inoperable since the last successful Inservice Testing (1ST) performed in Mode 1 on February 6, 2003. Based on that conclusion, the failure of the 3B CSP is reportable under the requirements of 10CFR50.73 (a)(2)(i)(B) for operation or condition prohibited by Technical Specifications. The root cause for the 3B CSP failure was a loss of internal pump clearance, due to the large amount of diametrical clearance between the pullout assembly to pump casing rabbet fit. The pump was overhauled successfully, tested and returned to service on March 20, 2003. It was determined that the health and safety of the public were not affected by this event.

05000250/LER-2004-001Turkey PointTurkey Point Unit 3

Ground test devices (GTD), installed in the Unit 3 startup transformer breaker cubicles during startup transformer maintenance, would cause the Unit 3 emergency diesel generators (EDG) to respond to a loss of offsite power (LOOP) in droop mode instead of isochronous mode. In droop mode, EDG steady state output frequency would be less than that required by Technical Specification (TS) Surveillance Requirement (SR); and, therefore, both Unit 3 EDGs are considered inoperable during startup transformer maintenance. It was also determined that, with a GTD installed in the A or B Intake Cooling Water (ICW) pump or the Component Cooling Water (CCW) pump switchgear cubicle, no ICW or CCW pump would be automatically loaded during sequencer loading onto the associated EDG under LOOP conditions. Therefore, the A or B ICW or CCW pump, with the GTD device installed in its associated cubicle,' and the ICW or CCW pump on the swing D Bus switchgear, would both be considered inoperable.

The cause of this event was due to a misunderstanding of the effect of the GTD used in the 4 kV cubicles on associated EDG and 4 kV switchgear control circuits, and a procedural deficiency that did not include this precaution. Procedures have been revised to install appropriate jumpers, when GTDs are installed in associated 4 kV cubicles, prior to the next maintenance or test.


05000250/LER-2004-003Turkey Point8 October 2004Single Failure Vulnerability in Dousing Function Can Cause Emergency Containment Filters to be Inoperable

During a Unit 3 clearance review, a single failure vulnerability was identified in the dousing function of the Emergency Containment Filters (ECF). The loss of power to certain power panel breakers could inadvertently douse all three ECFs for Unit 3. A similar condition applies to Unit 4. Three ECFs are provided in each reactor containment building to remove radioactive iodine so that offsite radiation dose is maintained within regulatory guideline values during a maximum hypothetical accident. The ECF system is required to perform its safety related function of radioiodine removal, assuming a single active failure. The impact of the reduced capability of the doused ECF charcoal adsorbers to remove methyl iodide is an increase in offsite and control room dose to the thyroid. The increase in control room dose is greater than the increase in offsite dose; however, a realistic dose evaluation shows that the regulatory guideline value would not be exceeded in either case. The cause of the design deficiency is human error both in the original redesign of the dousing initiation system and in subsequent reviews of the single failure vulnerability. A modification to correct the design deficiency has been performed for both Units 3 and 4. Since no actual event occurred which relied on the ECFs to perform their safety function nor would the degraded performance of the ECFs result in doses above regulatory limits, it was concluded that the health and safety of the public were not affected by the ECF design deficiency.


05000250/LER-2006-0048 March 2006Emergency Diesel Generator Automatic Actuation due to Loss of Power to a Vital Bus

On March 8, 2006 at approximately 1553, a loss of the Unit 3 3A 4 kV electrical distribution bus occurred during restoration of the 3C load center (LC) following outage maintenance. The 3A load sequencer performed bus load stripping and a loss of offsite power to the 3A bus occurred due to a degraded voltage 1 condition that was sensed on the 3C LC. This was caused by a misaligned auxiliary switch contact on the newly refurbished 3C 480V LC feeder breaker (30302). The 3A emergency diesel generator automatically started and restored power to the 3A bus; however, the 3C LC 4 kV supply breaker (3AA14) failed to close due inadequate contact wipe on normally closed relay contacts. Core cooling was reestablished at approximately 1600 utilizing the 3B residual heat removal (RHR) pump. The cause was vendor human error during breaker refurbishment of the 3C LC breakers (30302 and 3AA14) which went undetected by the vendor test and inspection programs and Turkey Point pre-installation checks. Corrective action includes:

For breaker 30302, the breaker refurbishment standard revised the final test and inspection procedure to record as left auxiliary switch contact configuration and compare it to the as found configuration (checks to be independently verified). For breaker 3AA14, the procurement specification and applicable receipt inspection procedure for HMA relays have been revised to verify adequate contact wipe by vendor and receipt inspection personnel, respectively. The increase in risk due to loss of core cooling is judged to be very small given the availability of the redundant RHR pump and power source, and the short period for restoration of cooling.


05000250/LER-2012-002Docket Number25 June 2012Non-compliance with TS due to Manual Isolation Valve Found in Incorrect TS Configuration

On 6/25/12, Turkey Point Unit 3 was in Mode 5. The High Head Safety:Injection (HHSI) manual isolation valve, 3-867 was previously closed, but not locked, while the HHSI Cold Leg Injection Isolation valves MOV-3-843A/B were closed and de-energized. At approximately 1710, Turkey Point Unit 3 inadvertently.entered into an unplanned 4 hour Technical Specification (TS) Action for not meeting TS Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO), when during the preparations for Engineered Safeguards Testing, Equipment Clearance Order (ECO 63-62) closed the breakers for MOV-3-843A/B.

This condition was recognized on 7/1/12 at approximately 1000, while the Unit 3 Reactor Controls Operator (RCO) was reviewing Technical Specification (TS) requirements for an upcoming evolution and noted the requirement for manual valve 3-867 to be locked closed. Operations recognized that Turkey Point Unit 3 had been in TS Action (a), restored manual isolation valve 3-867 to its correct TS configuration by locking it closed. On 7/1/12 at approximately 1045, Unit 3 exited TS Action (a) and complied with TS LCO.

The root cause determined that the Engineered Safeguards Testing lacks a rigorous control process to ensure verification of manual valve 3-867 is in its required TS configuration prior to energizing MOV-3-843A/Bs.

Corrective actions include process and procedural changes to add a verification step just prior to energizing MOV-3-843A/B breakers to ensure locally that manual isolation valve 3-867 is locked closed along with procedurally disallowing the breakers from being included on the ECO.

05000250/LER-2016-001Turkey Point7 April 2016Loose Breaker Control Power Fuse Caused 3B Emergency Containment Cooler to be Inoperable Longer Than Allowed
LER 16-001-00 for Turkey Point, Unit 3 Regarding Loose Breaker Control Power Fuse Caused the 3B Emergency Containment Cooler to be Inoperable Longer Than Allowed

On February 8, 2016 at approximately 0147 hours, during a surveillance test, control room indications identified that 3B Emergency Containment Cooler (ECC) fan tripped. Troubleshooting found the control power fuse for the fan's power supply breaker was loose in its fuse holder. Investigation revealed that the fuse holder clips had been widened during work activities associated with the installation of the new breaker during the prior Unit 3 refueling and maintenance outage. The most probable cause of the loose fuse was improper insertion.

The installation procedure did not validate fuse holder gap, fuse alignment, and fuse tightness after its last removal and insertion prior to placing the new breaker in service. Inadequate contact during the surveillance test caused the fan trip. The 3B ECC would not have reliably met its safety function mission time and so was determined to be inoperable for approximately 72 days exceeding the 72 hour Technical Specification allowed outage time. In addition, on several occasions during the 72-day period one of the other two ECCs was inoperable concurrently for testing. Corrective actions include: 1) The fuse holder clips were adjusted to provide a tight fit. 2) A review determined additional similar breakers will be inspected for fuse tightness. 3) Future installation and preventive maintenance of similar breakers will check for fuse tightness and correct if necessary. Safety significance is considered low based on a risk assessment showing - Incremental Conditional Core Damage Probability and Incremental Conditional Large Early Release Probability are below the NRC acceptance criteria for minimal risk impact.

05000251/LER-2004-003Turkey PointTurkey Point Unit 4

The outboard bearing oiler for high head safety injection (HHSI) pump 4B was found empty on August 3, 2004.

Subsequent investigation determined that the previously identified minor outboard bearing oil leak experienced a step change in leak rate rendering the pump inoperable on or about June 6, 2004. Therefore, the 4B HHSI pump was unavailable for 60 days due to the oil leak, which exceeds the Technical Specification allowed outage time of 30 days. Any one of the three remaining HHSI pumps was capable of performing the intended HHSI safety function.

The cause of the oil leak was due to human performance deficiencies during the last pump overhaul assembly of the bearing housing. A contributing cause was insufficient guidance in the maintenance procedure for bearing housing work. Plant procedures have been revised to provide additional guidance in performing HHSI pump bearing maintenance. All other plant safety-related pumps have been inspected to ensure that no other similar oil leakage conditions exist. Oil addition program enhancements and trend plan development guidance for oil leak monitoring have been developed under the corrective action program to address generic implications. It was concluded that the health and safety of the public were not affected by this event.

05000251/LER-2005-00420 July 2005Foreign Material Causes Inoperability of One Emergency Containment Cooler

On July 20, 2005, Unit 4 4C Emergency Containment Cooler (ECC) fan failed to start during a scheduled monthly surveillance test. The 4C ECC fan tripped due to thermal overload during two start attempts.

Inspection during a subsequent containment entry revealed a rubber shoe cover with evidence of having been lodged between the fan stationary vanes and rotating blades. The rubber shoe cover was removed and further inspection and test operation showed no resulting damage. Three ECCs are provided in each reactor containment building to remove decay heat during a maximum hypothetical accident. The most likely cause of the rubber shoe cover entering the 4C ECC outlet ductwork is human error during the recent refueling outage which concluded on June 13, 2005. It is postulated that an individual failed to pay adequate attention when ascending or descending erected scaffolding above the 4C ECC and to report the loss of the rubber shoe cover.

The containment closeout inspection procedure will be revised to require inspection inside such components as the ECCs that have outlet areas with a potential for foreign material intrusion. In addition, enhancements to procedure 0-ADM-730, Foreign Material Exclusion Controls, will be evaluated. Since no actual event occurred which relied on the ECCs to perform their safety function and the remaining two ECCs were operable, the health and safety of the public and plant personnel were not affected.


05000251/LER-2008-002Turkey PointTurkey Point Unit 4Safety Injection (SI) cold leg injection isolation valve 4-867 to Unit 4 was discovered out of position (locked closed) on May 5, 2008 at approximately 1237 hours and placed in its correct position, locked open and backseated at approximately 1307. Valve 4-867 is required to be locked open and backseated when reactor coolant system (RCS) temperature is greater than 380 degrees F. The valve was out if its required position for approximately five hours 26 minutes, from 0741 on May 5, 2008 when RCS temperature was above 380 degrees F until the valve was repositioned at 1307. The SI System was inoperable during this time. The cause of the event is that current component alignment processes used to restore systems during outages do not contain the rigor and control necessary to maintain the proper physical configuration of the plant. Corrective actions include 1) procedure revisions to ensure mitigating system flow path verification surveillances are included, can not be waived during refueling outages and are completed prior to Shift Manager hold points, and 2) determination of safety significant systems that cannot be waived and are required to have a valve alignment performed prior to Mode changes when returning from a refueling outage. Safety significance is low due to the short period of time the valve was closed when required to be open and low decay heat levels coming out of an outage.
05000254/LER-2009-003Failure of RHR Torus Spray Isolation Valve to Open Due to Declutch Mechanism Problems

On June 4, 2009 (Discovery Date) at 2010 hours, while in Mode 1 at 100% power after startup from Forced Outage 01 F59, the MO 1-1001-37B, torus (NH) spray shutoff valve (SHV) was found inoperable, in that it would not open while using the control switch (HS) during the performance of the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) (BO) Power Operated Valve Test surveillance procedure.

Investigation into the event determined that the valve motor actuator (84) declutch lever had been inadvertently bumped into the manual mode of operation during previous outage related work activities in the vicinity of the valve. When given the open signal from the control room the valve actuator did not return to the motor mode of operation from the manual mode of operation due to increased friction caused by degraded lubricant/grease in the area of the clutch return spring and clutch keys, and possible degradation/wear of the clutch keys.

The failure of the MO 1-1001-37B valve to open, although impacting the ability to achieve flow for RHR suppression pool spray, did not create any actual plant or safety consequences, since Unit 1 was not in an accident condition requiring RHR suppression pool spray during this event. Furthermore, the containment spray (NH) function (which consists of drywell spray and suppression chamber spray) is not required for proper performance of the containment pressure suppression system. This issue was, however, determined to have resulted in a past operation or condition prohibited by the plant Technical Specifications (TS), and is reportable per 10CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), because on May 30, 2009 (Event Date) while in Mode 2, at 0225 hours during startup from 01F59, the activity of having changed modes to enter Mode 2 resulted in not meeting TS LCO for two required operable RHR suppression pool spray subSystems while in Modes 1, 2 and 3.

05000255/LER-2013-002Palisades5 May 20131 OF 3

At 0027 on May 5, 2013, the safety injection/refueling water (SIRW) tank was declared inoperable in accordance with the operational decision-making issue (ODMI) process. Water leakage from the tank had exceeded the pre-established limit of the ODMI process that directed the tank be declared inoperable.

Leakage from the tank was quantified at approximately ninety gallons per day. Technical Specification (TS) 3.5.4.B requires restoration of an inoperable SIRW tank within one hour. If the tank is not returned to an operable status within one hour, TS requires the plant be placed in Mode 3 within six hours and in Mode 5 within the subsequent thirty-six hours.

Due to the inability to repair the leak within the required one-hour time frame, a plant shutdown was initiated at approximately 0100 hours on May 5, 2013. The plant entered Mode 3 at 0457 hours on May 5, 2013. At 2358 hours on May 5, 2013, the plant entered Mode 5 to execute repairs.

Testing identified an approximate 3/16-inch through-wall crack in a nozzle reinforcing collar to floor plate weld of the tank. Follow-up analysis determined there was significant lack of fusion in the weld that resulted in the failure of the weld and subsequent water leakage. The welder that fabricated the weld did not ensure adequate fusion at the weld root.

The entire SIRW tank floor was replaced with the exception of an annulus ring around the perimeter.

Several initiatives were implemented to preclude potential weld issues during the fabrication of the new tank floor, including welder proficiency training on revised welding techniques and utilization of several types of weld testing methods.

05000259/LER-2010-003Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 0500025923 October 2010Failure of a Low Pressure Coolant Injection Flow Control Valve

On October 23, 2010, during a refueling outage for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) discovered that a Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Loop II low pressure coolant injection (LPCI) flow control valve failed to open while attempting to establish shutdown cooling (SDC) while in Mode 3. Operations personnel declared RHR Loop II inoperable for ECCS and placed RHR Loop I in service for SDC.

Unit 1 Technical Specification (TS) limiting condition for operation (LCO) 3.5.1, Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) - Operating, requires both RHR loops of LPCI to be operable in reactor Modes 1, 2, and 3. Investigation of the valve failure to open determined that the root cause was a manufacturer's defect resulting in undersized disc skirt threads at disc connection. Based on causal analysis information, the stem-to-disc separation occurred sometime before November 2008. Thus, RHR Loop II was inoperable for a period longer than the 7 days allowed by TS 3.5.1. This condition is reportable as both operations prohibited by TS and as an event or condition that could have prevented fulfillment of a safety function.

This report constitutes a Part 21 notification.

05000261/LER-2009-002Docket NumberFailure to Complete Technical Specifications Required Action Within the Allowed Completion Time

At 1611 hours EDT on June 29, 2009, with H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit No. 2, operating at approximately 100% power, Technical Specifications (TS) Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) 3.0.3 was unknowingly entered based on failure to meet the required actions of TS LCO 3.3.2, "Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System (ESFAS) Instrumentation." The condition prohibited by the TS was in effect for approximately two minutes and posed no adverse effect to the health and safety of the public. The required actions in effect at the time were associated with TS LCO 3.3.2, Conditions D and E, Required Actions D.1, D.2.1, E.1, and E.2.1, which provide actions for inoperability of one containment pressure channel.

The cause of this event was determined to be insufficient work instructions to describe the impact of the repair activities for the containment pressure channel.

During the repair, the channel was removed from the tripped condition due to interruption of power when the comparator was removed from the circuit. The channel was returned to the tripped condition within about 2 minutes by replacement of the comparator and subsequently returned to operable status. Removing the channel from the tripped condition resulted in a failure to meet the required actions associated with TS LCO 3.3.2, which is a condition prohibited by the plant's Technical Specifications.

Therefore, this condition is reportable under 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), for any operation or condition which was prohibited by the plant's Technical Specifications. .

05000266/LER-1992-002, Forwards Response to NRC 921116 Request for Info Re CCW Sys & Ccvs,Per LER 92-002-00 & GL 83-28.Info Covers Classification of Auxiliary Sys Necessary to Ensure Safe Plant ShutdownPoint Beach22 December 1992Forwards Response to NRC 921116 Request for Info Re CCW Sys & Ccvs,Per LER 92-002-00 & GL 83-28.Info Covers Classification of Auxiliary Sys Necessary to Ensure Safe Plant Shutdown
05000266/LER-1992-004, Corrected LER 92-004-00:on 920515,determined That One Svc Water Pump & One Containment Ventilation Fan Sequenced Onto EDG More Times than Listed in Fsar,Section 8.2.3.Caused by Time Delay Relay Out of Tolerence.Evaluation UnderPoint Beach9 July 1992Corrected LER 92-004-00:on 920515,determined That One Svc Water Pump & One Containment Ventilation Fan Sequenced Onto EDG More Times than Listed in Fsar,Section 8.2.3.Caused by Time Delay Relay Out of Tolerence.Evaluation Underway
05000266/LER-1997-044, Forwards LER 97-044-00 Which Describes Discovery That Inservice Test Procedure Used Dedicated Operator to Provide Operabiliity of Containment Spray Additive Sys While Both Redundant Trains Were Isolated.No New Commitments ListePoint Beach15 January 1998Forwards LER 97-044-00 Which Describes Discovery That Inservice Test Procedure Used Dedicated Operator to Provide Operabiliity of Containment Spray Additive Sys While Both Redundant Trains Were Isolated.No New Commitments Listed
05000266/LER-1998-010, Forwards LER 98-010-01,re Containment Spray Channel Functional Testing.Commitments Made within Ltr,EnclPoint Beach3 August 1998Forwards LER 98-010-01,re Containment Spray Channel Functional Testing.Commitments Made within Ltr,Encl
05000266/LER-1998-013, Forwards LER 98-013-00,describing Discovery That Root Valves for Containment Spray Pump Discharge Pressure Indicators Were Not Being Maintained in Normally Closed Configuration. New Commitments within Rept Are Indicated by ItalPoint Beach16 May 1998Forwards LER 98-013-00,describing Discovery That Root Valves for Containment Spray Pump Discharge Pressure Indicators Were Not Being Maintained in Normally Closed Configuration. New Commitments within Rept Are Indicated by Italics
05000266/LER-1999-001, Forwards LER 99-001-01,describing Discovery That Common Min Recirculation Flow Line Return to RWST for Safety Injection & Containment Spray Pumps Was Partially Frozen & Would Not Pass Flow.New Commitments Indicated in Italics iPoint Beach8 April 1999Forwards LER 99-001-01,describing Discovery That Common Min Recirculation Flow Line Return to RWST for Safety Injection & Containment Spray Pumps Was Partially Frozen & Would Not Pass Flow.New Commitments Indicated in Italics in Rept
05000266/LER-2001-001Docket Number12 January 2001

This report describes the discovery on January 12, 2001, while conducting procedural reviews for the implementation of the Improved Technical Specifications, that testing of the power range low power trip logic and the intermediate range high flux trip logic was not being conducted within 24 hours after reducing power below 10% after having operated in excess of 10% power for greater than the monthly surveillance frequency specified in TS Table 15.4.1-1, Item 44.

Although the surveillance testing of these trip logics was being accomplished prior to the next unit start up, and thus established the operability of the trips, a more conservative interpretation of the TS would have been to complete this surveillance within 24 hours of proceeding below 10% of full power. However, since the power range low power trip logic and intermediate range high flux trip logic testing can be accomplished at power, our corrective action will be to revise the plant procedures to require the monthly logic testing. The event had no impact on the health and safety of the public or the plant staff.

05000266/LER-2001-003Docket Number

This report documents our preliminary evaluation that in the event of a main steam line break accident (MSLB) with a coincident failure of a main feedwater regulating valve (MFRV) to close, the internal pressure of the containment structure may briefly exceed the FSAR design pressure of 60 psig. The MSLB with MFRV failure to close has not been previously evaluated for PBNP at the presently licensed thermal power. However, an analysis of this accident under up-rated licensed power conditions has been completed. Based on an evaluation of the information provided in that analysis, the plant may be in an unanalyzed condition. Our evaluation of this condition indicates that the integrity of the containment structure would not be challenged by this postulated event, and; therefore, the safety significance of this condition is low. We are conservatively providing this event report as a follow-on to our June 7, 2001, 10 CFR 50.72 notification.

A revised calculation for the MSLB with MFRV failure to close has been performed with the results indicating a peak containment pressure of 59.8 psig. This calculation included changes to the initial conditions for initial containment pressure and end of cycle shutdown margin which will be administratively controlled until suitable Tech Spec changes have been implemented.


response to NRC Generic Letter GL 98-04. Two significant errors were involved:

1. A correlation for head loss across a mixed fiber and particulate debris bed on a screen was improperly applied to a debris bed consisting only of coatings chips, and 2. While interpreting the resulting calculated head loss, the total submergence depth of the screens was used rather than the average submergence depth. This resulted in an erroneous conclusion that the available submergence would be sufficient to ensure adequate flow to the residual heat removal (RHR) pumps.

Since the screens would be only partially submerged, air intrusion and loss of RHR pumping function would have been the correct conclusion reached.

Further investigation found that the flow path created by a partially blocked strainer had not been considered I and that the increase in expected head loss created an additional challenge to RHR pump operability. These I errors and deficiencies in modeling and interpretation of results impact the analytical basis for demonstrating , compliance with the acceptance criteria in 10 CFR 50.46 (b)(5), 'tong-term Cooling." This condition was ' reported to the NRC via the Emergency Notification System on November 8, 2005 (EN# 42129).

An operability analysis of this condition demonstrated that adequate net positive suction head (NPSH) would be available to the emergency core cooling system (ECCS) pumps to ensure long-term cooling pending final 1 resolution of generic PWR sump screen issues.


05000266/LER-2007-001Docket Number

on the Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) to satisfy Technical Specification (TS) 3.7.9 surveillance requirements. W-14B, Control Room Charcoal Filter Fan, was declared inoperable at 1957 CST when the fan supply breaker tripped on thermal overload. Technical Specification Action Condition (TSAC) 3.7.9.A.1, with a completion time of 7 days, was entered. During follow-up extent of condition and troubleshooting activities on the W-14A fan on February 6, it was determined that the W-14A fan would not have operated under degraded grid voltage conditions with minimum design outside air temperature. The W-14A fan was declared inoperable at 1415 hours. With both fans inoperable, an 8-hour non-emergency Event Notification (EN 43149) was made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(bX3XvXD). The overload heater element size was increased for the W-14A and W-14B fans based on design basis requirements. Follow-up testing demonstrated the system to be operable and CREFS was returned to service. A root cause evaluation (RCE) determined that some process procedures in the areas of design-control, maintenance and margin management need improvement. Process and procedure corrective actions will be tracked via the site's corrective action program. Plant-specific probabilistic risk analysis modeling and the defined system safety function determined the event to be of very low safety significance.


05000266/LER-2013-002Point Beach14 April 2013Condition Prohibited by Technical Specifications

On April 13, 2013 at 23:39 PBNP Unit 1 entered Mode 4 during start up from a refueling outage. On April 14, 2013 at 0620, approximately 6 hours after entering into MODE 4, the Unit 1 sodium hydroxide tank outlet valve (1S1-831A) was found to be closed. This valve isolated the flow path for both trains of spray additive equipment and resulted in not meeting LCO 3.6.7, Spray Additive System. That mode change resulted in a violation of LCO 3.0.4.

The incorrect valve position was discovered when a senior reactor operator identified a caution tag on the 1S1-831A valve. Operations investigated the unexpected condition then immediately placed the valve in its proper position to meet the Technical Specification requirements.

This event is being reported pursuant to 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v)(D) and 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B).

05000266/LER-2016-003Point Beach2 April 2016
1 June 2016
Operation or Condition Prohibited by Technical Specifications
LER 16-003-00 for Point Beach, Unit 1, Regarding Operation or Condition Prohibited by Technical Specifications

On April 2, 2016, Unit 1 entered MODE 4 from MODE 5 without satisfying all of Technical Specification 3.6.6, Containment Spray and Cooling System Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCO) as required by LCO Applicability 3.0.4.

LCO Applicability 3.0.4 does not permit entry into a MODE of applicability when an LCO is not met, unless the associated actions to be entered permit continued operation in the MODE for an unlimited time or after performance of an acceptable risk assessment and the appropriate risk management actions have been established. After entering MODE 4, it was discovered that components were not operable, contrary to LCO 3.0.4.

This event is being reported pursuant to 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B) for operation or condition prohibited by technical specifications.

05000269/LER-2008-001Docket Number13 September 2008Gas Void Found in High Pressure Injection System Suction Piping

On 09/13/2008, while Oconee Unit 1 was operating in Mode 1 at 100% rated power, an examination being performed in response to Generic Letter (GL) 2008-01 detected a gas bubble (void)A in the suction piping to the High Pressure Injection (HPI)A At 13:46 hours,Asuction header. Engineering completed a calculation of the void volume and initiated a Problem Investigation Process report.A At 15:12 hours, Engineering and Operations concluded that the void could render the 1A HPI pump and 1A HPI train inoperable.A Operations declared lA HPI pump and lA HPI.train out of service and entered Technical Specification (TS) 3.5.2, Conditions A and C. The line was vented, and, at 16:43 Operations declared the pump and train Operable and exited the TS conditions. Additional examinations confirmed that the equivalent locations on the Unit 1B HPI train and on Units 2 and 3 did not contain voids.

No specific source or cause could be found for the void.ADuke Energy responded to GL 2008-01 by letter dated 10/13/2008 and committed to actions which are expected to permanently resolve this issue.

This event is considered to have minimal significance with respect to the health and safety of the public.

05000271/LER-2001-001On 3/19/01, Instrument and Control Technicians were performing an Average Power Range Monitoring (APRM) System Functional Test. Per the procedure, the technicians had placed the "A" APRM (APRM-A) logic in the "bypass" condition, blocking any associated protective signals from the Reactor Protection System (RPS). The balance of in-service APRM's provide the required protection system outputs during testing. When required by the test procedure, a licensed operator restored the APRM-A bypass switch to "normal" to allow the APRM-A to deliver a trip signal to the RPS. This step is intended to verify proper circuit operation by actuating half of the logic necessary to insert an automatic shutdown. Restoration of the APRM-A bypass switch resulted in an automatic insertion of all control rods. Upon observing the insertion of control rods, the licensed operator initiated a manual plant trip. The cause of the trip was a worn auxiliary contact plunger in the "B" trip system circuitry that had remained in the tripped condition following previous testing. The half trip signal inserted by the APRM-A testing, combined with the closed "B trip system contact, opened one of the backup scram valves, initiating an automatic insertion of all control rods. The worn auxiliary contact has been replaced. A temporary modification has been installed to verify that the affected auxiliary contact in the "B" trip system (as well as similar auxiliary contacts in the "A" and "B" trip systems) reset properly following future actuations. VY management has established a requirement to use the temporary modification to monitor the contacts for proper operation. Permanent configuration/process changes are being considered. The worn contact failed in the safe condition (Initiating a protective action), plant safety systems operated as designed, and the operating crew operated plants ystems in accordance with procedures bringing the plant to a stable shutdown condition. Therefore, this event caused no significant increase in risk to public health and safety.
05000272/LER-1982-024, Supplemental LER 82-024/03X-1:on 820410,svc Water Flow to Containment Fan Coil Unit 12 Discovered to Be Less than Required 700 Gpm.Caused by Valve 12SW223 Being Stuck in Closed Position.Valve ExercisedSalem17 November 1983Supplemental LER 82-024/03X-1:on 820410,svc Water Flow to Containment Fan Coil Unit 12 Discovered to Be Less than Required 700 Gpm.Caused by Valve 12SW223 Being Stuck in Closed Position.Valve Exercised
05000272/LER-1982-029, Supplemental LER 82-029/03X-1:on 820501,during Surveillance Testing,Svc Water Flow to Containment Fan Coil Unit 12 Discovered Less than Required 2,500 Gallons Per Minute for Low Speed.Caused by Stuck Flow Control ValveSalem17 November 1983Supplemental LER 82-029/03X-1:on 820501,during Surveillance Testing,Svc Water Flow to Containment Fan Coil Unit 12 Discovered Less than Required 2,500 Gallons Per Minute for Low Speed.Caused by Stuck Flow Control Valve
05000272/LER-1982-037, Forwards LER 82-037/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis EnclSalem9 June 1982Forwards LER 82-037/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Encl
05000272/LER-1982-067, Forwards LER 82-067/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis EnclSalem29 September 1982Forwards LER 82-067/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Encl
05000272/LER-1982-077, Forwards LER 82-077/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis EnclSalem20 October 1982Forwards LER 82-077/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Encl
05000272/LER-2002-002Salem Unit 1Containment Spray Additive Tank Exceeded Technical Specification Limit Allowable Outage Time

On June 3, 2002, it was identified that Salem Unit I operated with the Containment Spray (CS) system Spray Additive Tank (SAT) Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) concentration below the TS lower concentration limit of 30% weight/weight (w/w). During the performance of a scheduled Technical Specification (TS) Surveillance of the SAT on June 3, 2002, it was identified that the NaOH concentration was 29.57 % w/w. The SAT concentration was returned to appropriate TS NaOH concentration on June 4, 2002. A follow-up investigation of this event identified that the tank had been below the lower concentration limit for greater than the TS Allowed Outage Time (AOT) of 72 hours. Based on the SAT isolation valve leakrate, the SAT Sodium Hydroxide concentration could have been out of spec for as much as 95 days. The apparent cause of the concentration dilution was a combination of gradual back-leakage through the isolation valves from the RWST and inadequate SAT level trending. Corrective actions to be completed include repair of leaking isolation valve(s) and review of operational trending practices of the SAT parameters.

There were no actual safety consequences associated with this event. The identified reduced NaOH concentration (29.57 % w/w) would have had no impact on the radiological consequences of an accident. An analysis performed concluded that with a concentration as low as 28% w/w the system was capable of meeting all required design functions in the event of a Large Break Loss of Cooling Accident (LB LOCA).