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Initial Exam 2011-301 Final SRO Written Exam
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Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/02/2011
Download: ML112170234 (32)



ES401 Site-Specific SRO Written Examination Cover Sheet Form ES-401-8 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2011 HNP NRC Site-Specific SRO Writte n Examination Applicant Information Name:


Facility/Unit: Harris Nucle Region: ar Plant I lllll lvQ ReactorType


Finish Time:

Instructions Use the answer sh eets provided to do on top of the answ cument your answ er sheets. To pass ers. Staple this co the ver sheet of at least 80.00 pe ex am ina tio n you must achieve rcent overall, with a final grade if given in conjunction with the 70.00 percent or better on the SRO-only items RO exam; SRQ-only exam of 80.00 percent to s given alone requir pass. You have 8 e a final grade and 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> if you are hours to complete the combined exam only taking the SR ination, O portion.

Applicant Certification All work done on this exam ination is my own. I have neither given nor received aid.

Applicants Sign ature Results ROISRO-OnlyITotal Examination Value s

75 / 25 / 100 Points Applicants Scores I I Points Applicants Grade I I Percent

2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

76. Given the following plant conditions:

- The plant is in Mode 6

- An assembly is in the Manipulator Crane

- A 140 gpm RCS leak occurs

- The crew has adjusted Charging flow

- Reactor cavity level has been stablized at 23.2 above the Reactor Flange

- The crew has just entered AOP-020, Loss of RCS Inventory or Residual Heat Removal While Shutdown Which ONE of the following (1) describes the applicable procedure to be used for this condition AND (2) the required action to respond to this condition?

(RCS temperature will remain below 200° F)

A. (1) Remain in AOP-020; (2) Initiate flow though the BIT B. (1) Remain in AOP-020; (2) Control Charging flow though the normal charging line C. (1) Transition to AOP-031 Loss of Refueling Cavity Integrity; (2) Initiate flow though the BIT D. (1) Transition to AOP-031 Loss of Refueling Cavity Integrity; (2) Control Charging flow though the normal charging line 76

2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

77. Given the following plant conditions:

- The plant is in Mode 4

- RCS makeup capability is limited to 80 gpm

- RHR Train B has been placed in service

- RCS temperature is stable at 325° F

- RCS pressure is 320 psig and lowering

- Containment sump level is 20 inches and rising Pressurizer level is 28% and lowering The OAC responded by taking manual control of FK-1 22.1 and has increased Charging flow to 90 gpm. Pressurizer level is now stable.

Which ONE of the following describes (1) the correct procedure to address the event in progress AND (2) the mitigative actions this procedure will direct?

A. (1) AOP-016, Excessive RCS Leakage (2) Stop all running RHR pumps and isolate RHR B. (1) AOP-016, Excessive RCS Leakage (2) Establish BIT flow C. (1) AOP-020, Loss of RCS Inventory or Residual Heat Removal While Shutdown (2) Stop all running RHR pumps and isolate RHR D. (1) AOP-020, Loss of RCS Inventory or Residual Heat Removal While Shutdown (2) Establish BIT flow 77

2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

78. Given the following plant conditions:

- Reactor power is 7%

- RCS pressure is at 1900 psig and lowering

- A SG Levels are: Ll-474 = 27%, Ll-475 = 23%, Ll-476 = 23%, Ll-473 = 27%

- An automatic Reactor trip has not occurred and attempts to manually trip the Reactor from both trip switches are unsuccessful

- Immediate actions of FRP-S.1 have just been completed Which ONE of the following:

(1) Describes the Reactor Trip annunciator (Reactor first out) in alarm?

(2) If a Safety Injection occurs now is PATH-i GUIDE, Attachment 6, Safeguards Actuation Verification required to be performed at this time?


2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

79. Which ONE of the following satisfies the Tech Spec bases requirement for off-site power distribution with the plant in Mode 1?

A. The requirement can be satisfied by any two separate off-site transmission lines that can power the SUTs.

B. The requirement can ONLY be satisfied by two off-site transmission lines that feed the SUTs directly (Cary Regency Park and Cape Fear North).

C. The requirement can ONLY be satisfied by the off-site transmission lines that do not feed the respective North or South switchyard bus through a jumper.

D. The requirement is satisfied as long as the switchyard alignment is such that power is available from the off-site transmission network to both SUTs regardless of the number of transmission lines available.


2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

80. Given the following plant conditions:

- The plant is operating at 100% power

- ALB-015-4-5, Channel Ill UPS Trouble has just alarmed

- Feed flows to all SGs have not changed Which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

The Instrument Bus Ill lnvertor input has lost (1) . lAW Tech Spec the normal power supply alignment must be restored to the Inverter within (2) hours.

A. (1.) DC power ONLY.

(2) 2 B. (1) DC power ONLY (2) 24 C. (1) AC and DC power (2) 2 D. (1) AC and DC power (2) 24 80

2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

81. Given the following plant conditions:

- The plant has experienced a Reactor Trip and Safety Injection

- The crew has implemented PATH-i

- A transition was made to EPP-0i 3, LOCA Outside Containment

- The RAB radiological conditions are being evaluated by HP and currently HP will NOT allow any personnel entry Which ONE of the following parameters will be used to determine if the break is isolated lAW EPP-01 3, AND the procedure transitioned to when the leak is isolated?

  • A. RCS pressure increasing PATH-i, entry point C B. Pressurizer level increasing PATH-I, entry point C C. RCS pressure increasing EPP-Oi 2, Loss Of Emergency Coolant Recirculation D. Pressurizer level increasing EPP-012, Loss Of Emergency Coolant Recirculation 81

2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

82. Given the following plant conditions:

- The plant is operating at 100% power

- Pressurizer Level Instrument, LT-461, is isolated due to a leak on the transmitter

- A CSIP has been under clearance for electrical inspection

- Pressurizer Level Controller Selector switch is selected to 459/460 The QAC reports the following indications:

- El-222, B CSIP motor amps, indicates 45 amps

- P1-121, Charging HDR Press, indicates 2800 psig

- Pressurizer level is lowering on Pressurizer Level Instrument LT-460 Which ONE of the following describes (1) the malfunction AND (2) the required action?

A. (1) Pressurizer Level Instrumnt, LT-459, has failed high (2) Place the unit in Mode 3 within 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> B. (1) Pressurizer Level Instrument, LT-459, has failed high (2) Place Level Channel 459 in a tripped condition within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> C. (1) The B CSIP has a shaft shear (2) Place the unit in Mode 3 within 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> D. (1) The B CSIP has a shaft shear (2) Restore one CSIP to an OPERABLE status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> 82

2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

83. Given the following plant conditions:

- The plant is operating at 100% power

- Degrading Condenser vacuum was observed

- CTMP-7-1, Cooling Tower 1 Level HI/LO is in alarm

- AOP-01 2, Partial Loss of Condenser Vacuum has been entered

- lAW AOP-012, The Reactor has been tripped, PATH-I has been entered Which ONE of the following describes (I) a condition/parameter that would require the operator to continue taking actions lAW AOP-0I2, AND (2) when will it be appropriate to take those actions?

A. (I) Condenser Pit High Level alarm annunciates (2) Continue performing the actions of AOP-012 only after EPP-004 is exited.

B. (I) Condenser Pit High Level alarm annunciates (2) Continue performing the actions of AOP-012 during the performance EPP-004 as time allows C. (I) Continuous running of both Industrial Waste Sump pumps is observed (2) Continue performing the actions of AOP-012 only after EPP-004 is exited D. (1) Continuous running of both Industrial Waste Sump pumps is observed (2) Continue performing the actions of AOP-012 during the performance EPP-004 as time allows 83

2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

84. The crew is implementing FRP-J.2, Response to Containment Flooding Which ONE of the following:

(1) Describes the basis for obtaining Containment sump activity samples in FRP-J.2?

(2) Describes when a transition from FRP-J.2 to the procedure and step in effect is allowed?

A. (1) To determine if ESW to Containment Fan Coolers should be isolated.

(2) After completion of required actions in FRP-J.2 even if the associated Orange Path still exists.

B. (1) To determine if ESW to Containment Fan Coolers should be isolated.

(2) ONLY after the condition causing the associated Orange Path has been corrected.

C. (1) To determine if sump water can be transferred to tanks outside containment.

(2) ONLY after the condition causing the associated Orange Path has been corrected.

D. (1) To determine if sump water can be transferred to tanks outside containment.

(2) After completion of required actions in FRP-J.2 even if the associated Orange Path still exists.


2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

85. Initial Conditions:

- A LOCA has occurred

- The crew is performing actions of EPP-012, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation, based on plant conditions upon transition from PATH-i

- RWST level is 2.9%

Current Conditions:

- RCS Integrity CSF Status Tree indicates ORANGE Which ONE of the following describes the action and procedure usage required?

A. Stop all pumps taking suction from the RWST; Go to FRP-P.i, Response to Imminent Pressurized Thermal Shock.

B. Align the RHR pump suction to Containment Recirc Sump; Go to FRP-P.1, Response to Imminent Pressurized Thermal Shock.

C. Stop all pumps taking suction from the RWST; Remain in EPP-012 because actions in EPP-012 are expected to cause an Orange condition on Integrity.

D. Align the RHR pump suction to Containment Recirc Sump; Remain in EPP-01 2 because actions in EPP-01 2 are expected to cause an Orange condition on Integrity.


2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

86. Given the following plant conditions:

- The plant is in MODE 3

- RCS pressure is 2235 psig

- RCS Tavg is 557°F

- Chemistry reports the B SI Accumulator boron concentration is 2392 ppm Which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

(Each statement is to be evaluated independently)

The B SI Accumulator boron concentration must be restored to within Tech Spec 3.5.1 limits within (1) hour(s).

The lineup for simultaneous fill and drain of B SI Accumulator per OP-i 10, Safety Injection, will make (2) inoperable.

A. (1)1.

(2) ONLY the RWST B. (1)1 (2) BOTH the RWST and B SI Accumulator C. (1)72 (2) ONLY the RWST D. (1)72 (2) BOTH the RWST and B SI Accumulator 86

2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

87. Given the following plant conditions:

- The plant is operating at 100% power

- OST-1 01 OA, A Train Containment Cooling System Operability Test is in progress

- Containment Fan Cooling Unit AH-2 A-SA, is in operation in low speed

- Containment Fan Cooling Unit AH-2 A-SA is selected as the lead fan

- ALB-027-7-2, Containment Fan Coolers AH-2 LOW FLOW O/L has just alarmed The BOP operator reports the AH-2 A-SA control switch white light is illuminated.

Which ONE of the following:

1) Describes the required Tech Spec action?
2) Describes the action that will restore Train SA Containment Fan Cooler operability?

A. (1) Restore the inoperable train of fan coolers to operable within 7 days.

(2) Select AH-2 B-SA as the lead fan.

B. (1) Restore the inoperable train of fan coolers to operable within 7 days.

(2) Select AH-3 A-SA as the lead fan.

C. (1) Restore the inoperable train of fan coolers to operable within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

(2) Select AH-3 A-SA as the lead fan.

D. (1) Restore the inoperable train of fan coolers to operable within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

(2) Select AH-2 B-SA as the lead fan.


2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

88. Given the following intitial plant conditions:

- B Main Steam Line radiation monitor is in HIGH alarm

- The operating crew initiated a Reactor trip and Safety Injection

- Both MDAFW pumps are unavailable due to common cause motor problems

- After the Reactor Trip, one B SG safety valve stuck open

- MSIVs will not close Which ONE of the following describes:

(1) The required operation of I MS-70, MAIN STEAM B TO AUX FW TURBINE (2) Which procedure will be used to close IMS-70 A. (1) maintained open (2) EOP-EPP-014, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation B. (1) maintained closed (2) EOP-EPP-014, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation C. (1) maintained open (2) PATH-2 D. (1) maintained closed (2) PATH-2 88

2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

89. The plant is operating at 100% power. The following MCB indications exist:

Time 1000 1003 1005 A ESW Header Pl-9101A SA, A Disch Press 87 psig 84 psig 78 psig Fl-9101A1 SA, A Hdr Flow 15650 gpm 18650 gpm 20650 gpm B ESW Header Pl-9101B SB, B Disch Press 89 psig 85 psig 95 psig Fl-910181 SB, BHdrFlow 14450gpm ll76Ogpm 13380gpm NSW Header P1-9302.1, Disch Hdr Press 83 psig 79 psig 110 psig Fl-9304, WPB SW Flow 9850 gpm 8210 gpm 11820 gpm Fl-9276, Cnmt Coil Units SW Return 1800 gpm 1505 gpm 2875 gpm AOP-022, Loss of Service Water has been entered. At 1004 the immediate actions and isolation of both the ESW and NSW headers have been completed.

Which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

The Service Water line rupture is located in the (1) ESW Header and Tech Spec 3.7.4 requires at least two loops are restored to operable status within (2) hours or be in at least Hot Standby within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

A. (1)A (2) 24 B. (1)B (2) 24 C. (1)A (2)72 D. (1)B (2) 72 89

2011 HNPSRO NRC Written Exam

90. Given the following plant conditions:

- The plant is operating at 100% power

- I ED-95, Containment Sump Pump Discharge valve is OPEN

- Breaker PM is being performed with the breaker OPEN Which ONE of the following describes (1) the Tech Spec LCO that is not met AND (2) the applicable action statement?

A. (1) TS 3.3.2 for Phase A isolation is not met (2) restore isolation capability within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

B. (1) TS 3.3.2 for Phase A isolation is not met (2) restore isolation capability within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

C. (1) TS 3.6.3 for Containment Isolation Valves is not met (2) restore the valve to operable or isolate the penetration within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

D. (1) TS 3.6.3 for Containment Isolation Valves is not met (2) restore the valve to operable or isolate the penetration within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.


2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

91. Given the following plant conditions:

- Following a Main Turbine runback from 100% power, the crew is stabilizing the plant lAW AOP-015, Secondary Load Rejection

- ALB-13-8-2, Bank Low Insertion Limit and ALB-13-8-3, Bank Low-Low Insertion Limit alarms remain locked in

- Control Bank D Rods are at 93 steps

- No rod motion is possible due to a Rod Control Logic Cabinet Urgent Alarm Which ONE of the following describes the MAXIMUM permitted Reactor Power and the time to complete the power reduction lAW Tech Specs?

(Reference Provided)

A. Reduce Reactor Power to 50% in 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> B. Reduce Reactor Power to 50% in 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> C. Reduce Reactor Power to 44% in 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> D. Reduce Reactor Power to 44% in 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> 91

2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

92. Given the following plant conditions:

- The plant is operating at 100% power Middle-Of-Life conditions

- A divergent xenon oscillation is in progress

- Axial Flux Differential (AFD) is NOT stable Which ONE of the following identifies (1) the condition that will place the unit closest to the AFD limit AND (2) the Tech Spec basis for theAFD limit?

A. (1) allowing AFD to trend to positive 6%

(2) assures that the radial power distribution satisfies the design values B. (1) allowing AFD to trend to positive 6%

(2) assures that the FQ(Z) limit in the COLR is NOT exceeded C. (1) allowing AFD to trend to negative 6%

(2) assures that the radial power distribution satisfies the design values D. (1) allowing AFD to trend to negative 6%

(2) assures that.the FQ(Z) limit in the COLR is NOT exceeded 92

2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

93. Given the following initial plant conditions:

- Core offload activities are in progress

- Both Source Range Nuclear Instruments are OPERABLE

- N32 is selected for audible indication

- Source Range Nuclear Instrument N31 subsequently fails Which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

Core offload activities may continue...

(Reference provided)

A. when NFMS monitor N60 is used in place of N31.

B. when NFMS monitor N61 is used in place of N31.

C. with either NFMS monitor (N60 or N61) used in place of N31.

D. with continuous visual monitoring of the operable Source Range N32.


2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

94. Initial plant conditions:

- Refueling activites are in progress.

- Fuel movement has stopped due to a problem with the Manipulator crane.

The Manipulator crane operator desires to operate TS-5, TROLLEY INTERLOCK BYPASS switch. lAW FHP-020, which ONE of the following describes the permission AND concurrence required to bypass the trolley interlock?

A. The CRS must approve with the concurrence of the SM.

B. The SRO-Fuel Handling must approve with the concurrence of the CRS.

C. The SRO-Fuel Handling must approve with the concurrence of the SM.

D. The SM must approve with the concurrence of the Maintenance Outage Manager of Refueling.


2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

95. Given the following plant conditions:

- The plant is operating at 100% power.

- The low flow input from AH-1 A-SB to annunciator ALB-2913-2, CONTAINMENT FAN COOLERS AH-1 LOW FLOW O/L, is failed causing the annunciator to be lit when conditions are not valid.

- Repair of the failed low flow input is not expected to occur for at least one month.

- To enable this annunciator to function for AH-1 B-SB low flow and the overload condition on either fan, leads will be lifted to disable the annunciator input from the AH-1 A-SB low flow output.

lAW OPS-NGGC-1 000, Fleet Conduct of Operations, the annuciator should be flagged (1) lAW OPS-NGGC-1 308, Plant Status Control, (2) tags should be placed on the lifted leads.

A. (1) blue (2) Caution B. (1) blue (2) Off Normal C. (1) yellow (2) Caution D. (1) yellow (2) Off Normal 95

2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

96. Which ONE of the following contains the correct values to complete the statement below?

lAW AP-617, Reportability Determination and Notification, notification for exceeding an instantaneous thermal power level equivalent to (1) requires NRC notification within (2)

A. (1) 103%

(2) 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> B. (1) 103%

(2) 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> C. (1) 102%

(2) 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> D. (1) 102%

(2) 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 96

2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

97. A Source Check is being performed on the Plant Vent Stack Wide Range Gas Monitor, (RM-3509-1 -SA).

The activity measured by the channel is lower than required when the source is exposed.

Which ONE of the following describes the expected indication and the correct Tech Spec action for this condition?

A. (1) The Check Source (CIS) button on the RM-23 module flashes (2) Initiate the preplanned alternate method of monitoring the appropriate parameter(s) within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

B. (1) The Check Source (CIS) button on the RM-23 module flashes (2) Restore the PVS WRGM to operable status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or be in hot standby within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

C. (1) The symbol (**) is presented on the RM-11 screen indicating Channel Check Source Failed (2) Initiate the preplanned alternate method of monitoring the appropriate parameter(s) within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

D. (1) The symbol (**) is presented on the RM-1 1 screen indicating Channel Check Source Failed (2) Restore the PVS WRGM to operable status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or be in hot standby within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.


2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

98. Given the following plant conditions:

- A Site Area Emergency has been declared

- The Technical Support Center has NOT yet been staffed

- The Shift Manager is acting as the Site Emergency Coordinator Main Control Room (SEC-MCR) and has directed a team of two Maintenance personnel to work in a radiologically hazardous area of the RAB

- The Radiological Control Director (RCD) is standing by to assist

- Each person performing the work is expected to receive 5500 mrem TEDE for this entry Which ONE of the following correctly describes the limitation basis for the type of entry AND the position, that must approve each team member to receive the expected dose lAW PEP-330, Radiological Consequences?

Limitation Basis Position A. Protection of large populations ONLY SEC-MCR B. Protection of large populations ONLY RCD C. Protect valuable property or large populations SEC-MCR D. Protect valuable property or large populations RCD 98

2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam

99. Given the following plant conditions:

- The plant is operating at 100% power The following occur

- A fire is reported in the A Transfer panel

- The fire brigade is fighting the fire using water and the fire continues to burn

- The RO reports that the A Group of PZR Backup Heaters is cycling ON and OFF

- The crew enters FPP-002, Fire Emergency, and AOP-036, Safe Shutdown Following A Fire

- The CRS is evaluating if a normal plant shutdown can be achieved with at least one train of equipment using normal plant procedures Which ONE of the following describes the action that will be taken with regards to AOP-036 (and its subset procedures) and the action required for the A Group of PZR Backup Heaters lAW FPP-002?

A. Exit AOP-036 and go to procedure and step in effect OPEN the feeder breaker to Bus 1AI B. Exit AOP-036 and go to procedure and step in effect Rack out the breaker for the A Group of PZR Backup Heaters C. Remain in AOP-036 Rack out the breaker for the A Group of PZR Backup Heaters D. Remain in AOP-036 OPEN the feeder breaker to Bus 1AI 99

2011 HNP SRO NRC Written Exam 100. Given the following plant conditions:

- A Reactor trip has occurred due to a loss of MFW

- FRP-H.1, Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink, is being implemented

- The RCS is in a bleed and feed condition

- RCS Tavg is 570°F and stable

- The operators have restored a feedwater source and are preparing to feed the SGs which are dry

- The CRS directs the operator to establish feed water to only one SG Which ONE of the following describes the reason for feeding only one SG under these conditions?

A. To prevent a rapid cooldown of the RCS that could lead to a pressurized thermal shock condition.

B. To demonstrate the reliability of the FW source before filling all of the SGs.

C. To determine if one SG is capable of maintaining adequate heat sink so that RCS bleed and feed can be terminated.

D. To ensure that if a SG failure occurs due to excessive thermal stresses, the failure is isolated to one SG.

You have completed the test!

Thursday, July 07, 2011 12:27:43 PM 100

Harris 2011-301 List of References RO Exam:

Steam Tables SRO Exam:

Steam Tables Curve F-17-1, Revision 0. (Rod Insertion Limit Curve)

AOP-001 Revision 35, page 45, attachment 4


(100,198) 100 zz:zzI:zç (100,186) r/_

T 1140 Z 120 ____i_1A ,

4 J4t-7*


£0 ci 60 *___1_.___E r

4 _

40 20 EEZtZZZZLZ 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 90 100 PERCENT OF RATED THERMAL POWER CURVE NO. j RtVNO.




Attachment 4 Core and RCS Overview Sheet 1 of I REFUEL CANAL PLANT NORTH T Thermocouple A - Control Bank A Rod SA Shutdown Bank A Rod B - Control Bank B Rod SB Shutdown Bank B Rod

- C - Control Bank C Rod SC Shutdown Bank C Rod D - Control Bank D Rod T* thermocouples abandoned by EC 47997 (core locations A8, F3, , J1 2, Ki 1, L14)


ANSWER KEY REPORT for 2011 HNP S NRC Written Fxám Thst Iorm: 0 inswers

  1. ID Points Type 0 I 2O11NRCRO 1 1.00 MCS A 2 2O11NRCRO2 1.00 MCS D 3 2011NRCRO3 1.00 MCS A 4 2011NRCRO4 1.00 MCS D 5 2011NRCRO5 1.00 MCS A 6 2O11NRCRO6 1.00 MCS D 7 2O11NRCRO7 1.00 MCS A 8 2OI1NRCRO8 1.00 MCS B 9 2O11NRCRO9 1.00 MCS A 10 2OI1NRCRO1O 1.00 MCS A 11 2O11NRCRO11 1.00 MCS C 12 2OI1NRCRO12 1.00 MCS D 13 2011 NRC RO 13 1.00 MCS A 14 2O11NRCRO14 1.00 MCS C 15 2O11NRCRO15 1.00 MCS B 16 2O11NRCROI6 1.00 MCS B 17 2O11NRCRO17 1.00 MCS B 18 2OI1NRCRO18 1.00 MCS B 19 2O11NRCROI9 1.00 MCS D 20 2O11NRCRO2O 1.00 MCS B 21 2OIINRCRO2I 1.00 MCS C 22 2O11NRCRO22 1.00 MCS D 23 2O11NRCRO23 1.00 MCS D 24 2O11NRCRO24 1.00 MCS B 25 2OI1NRCRO25 1.00 MCS C 26 2O1INRCRO26 1.00 MCS A 27 2OI1NRCRO27 1.00 MCS C 28 2O11NRCRO28 1.00 MCS D 29 2O1INRCRO29 1.00 MCS A 30 2O11NRCRO3O 1.00 MCS D 31 2O11NRCRO31 1.00 MCS D 32 2O11NRCRO32 1.00 MCS B 33 2O11NRCRO33 1.00 MCS C 34 2O11NRCRO34 1.00 MCS C 35 2O11NRCRO35 1.00 MCS B 36 2O1INRCRO36 1.00 MCS A 37 2O1INRCRO37 1.00 MCS C 38 2O11NRCRO38 1.00 MCS A 39 2O1INRCRO39 1.00 MCS D 40 2O11NRCRO4O 1.00 MCS A 41 2OIINRCRO41 1.00 MCS D 42 2O11NRCRO42 1.00 MCS D 43 2OI1NRCRO43 1.00 MCS D 44 2OIINRCRO44 1.00 MCS A 45 2O11NRCRO45 1.00 MCS D 46 2O11NRCRO46 1.00 MCS C 47 2O1INRCRO47 1.00 MCS B Tuesday, July 19, 2011 5:04:26 PM

ANSWER KEY REPORT for 2011 HNP O N Written Exam Test Form: 0 Answers

  1. ID Points Type 0 -

48 2O11NRCRO48 1.00 MCS D 49 2O11NRCRO49 1.00 MCS A 50 2O11NRCRO5O 1.00 MCS A 51 2O1INRCRO51 1.00 MCS D 52 2O11NRCRO52 1.00 MCS D 53 2O11NRCRO53 1.00 MCS C 54 2O11NRCRO54 1.00 MCS D 55 2OI1NRCRO55 1.00 MCS C 56 2OI1NRCRO56 1.00 MCS A 57 2OIINRCRO57 1.00 MCS C 58 2O1INRCRO58 1.00 MCS A 59 2OI1NRCRO59 1.00 MCS D 60 2OI1NRCRO6O 1.00 MCS A.

61 2O11NRCRO61 1.00 MCS A 62 2O11NRCRO62 1.00 MCS B 63 2OI1NRCRO63 1.00 MCS A 64 2O11NRCRO64 1.00 MCS D 65 2O11NRCRO65 1.00 MCS C 66 2O1INRCRO66 1.00 MCS A 67 2O11NRCRO67 1.00 MCS C 68 2O1INRCRO68 1.00 MCS B 69 2O11NRCRO69 1.00 MCS B 70 2O11NRCRO7O 1.00 MCS D 71 2O11NRCRO71 1.00 MCS C 72 2O11NRCRO72 1.00 MCS B 73 2O11NRCRO73 1.00 MCS D 74 2OI1NRC RU 74 1.00 MCS C 75 2011 NRC RU 75 1.00 MCS A 76 2011 NRC SRO 1 1.00 MCS B 77 2O11NRCSRO2 1.00 MCS C 78 2OI1NRCSRO3 1.00 MCS C 79 2OIINRCSRO4 1.00 MCS A 80 2OI1NRCSRO5 1.00 MCS B 81 2O11NRCSRO6 1.00 MCS A 82 2O11NRCSRO7 1.00 MCS A 83 2011 NRC SRO 8 1.00 MCS B 84 2011 NRC SRO 9 1.00 MCS D 85 2OIINRCSRO 10 1.00 MCS A 86 2011 NRC SRO 11 1.00 MCS D 87 2O11NRCSROI2 1.00 MCS A 88 2O11NRCSRO13 1.00 MCS D 89 2O1INRCSRO14 1.00 MCS C 90 2OI1NRCSRO 15 1.00 MCS C 91 2O11NRCSRO 16 1.00 MCS A 92 2OI1NRCSRO 17 1.00 MCS B 93 2OIINRCSRO 18 .1.00 MCS A 94 2OI1NRCSRO 19 1.00 MCS C Tuesday, July 19, 2011 5:04:26 PM 2

ANSWER KEY REPORT foi 2011 HNP SR NRC WrItten xám test Forn,: 0 Answers

  1. ID Points Type 0 95 2011 NRC SRO 20 1.00 MCS D 96 2O11NRCSRO2I 1.00 MCS D 97 2011 NRC SRO 22 1.00 MCS C 98 2O11NRCSRO23 1.00 MCS C 99 2O11NRCSRO24 1.00 MCS D 100 2011 NRC SRO 25 1.00 MCS D SECTION 1 ( 100 items) 100.00 Tuesday, July 19, 2011 5:04:26 PM 3