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Requests Proceeding Status Rept.Also Requests Assurance Re Decision Schedule for Lwa.Forwards Mid-America Coalition for Energy Alternatives 780317 Ltr & Newspaper Articles
Person / Time
Site: Black Fox
Issue date: 04/11/1978
From: Risenhoover T
To: Hendrie J
Shared Package
ML19210B722 List:
FOIA-79-414 NUDOCS 7911120254
Download: ML19210B755 (5)



MEfBEMP2 rco nmCNHOOVER , .u ,,.",l [. ,, c e

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< ">" * " Chshinpen. D.C. 20515 ','-'".~."..'.'".,t, su w 5,n u..n s.r .

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if r . Joseph ti. liendr le llq.- . g,pj,I kIegB'7  :', ,,,,

Chairr an g ,. , qfw,,, 4,, ,,,,,, e u y U. S. Nuclear l'egulatory Coranissit a g .,,c. g Machington, D. C. 20555 V g o.. co,,/c.,,,n p.4.o o,,,,,,,,,c.2cv e ren.c.uc

Dear Chairman !!cndrie:

4 N \e Pursuant to your procedure which allous an officit.1 on-the-record request, through proper channels, to an At' .nic Sa fe ty

. and t.isencin1 Board for a status report on a proceeding, this is to request such a report on the Black Fox nuclear station proposed for location near Inola, Oklahoma, e I understaad that the normal tinc cubsequent to the cloco of record is - N cubstantially past and there is no indication ho.i nuch L , it uilt take for a I.imited 'Ork Authorization decision to be reached. In the meantina, a f ter ancur. ting a very protracted decision process, it was necccca,y as a prudent businces matter for Public .ervice Company of Okl? thor:'a to make arrangements for cor.struction equipn:nt that ic in donand in our arca lest it be unavailable uhen a decision is reached. This equipment is no:r on standby at cost to the company and come reasonitble assurance is needed about the s.chedule for a deciulen z. o t.h a t ,tdditional bu inenc judge.' ants c.t n not be nnde Since, I an concerncc' about tha u.I titu te coc tc s;hich uill b3 V' bo cnc by my consti tuan t s t:ho t re l ate-pay;. rc o f t.he co miny, i t ould siigr"ci.tte in early of ficial forecant by the P.orted of the timing of t he decit. t on i

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d, Business Wm.s ses ere."

Continued From Page 1 AT&T. the natmn's targest corpnration. had 1-i i 1vU h7'th Compames hke to hase espe ienced rnWer 31 direct and 625 ind: rect interlocks that buunessreen as their "outside" directors 4 m reached 93 of the 130 cornpanies irt the study.

4those who sre r!ot members of a compny's which contons page after page of com-i rnancement' tecause these bus:cessraen putenzed pnntouts of companies. d: rectors g know how to run large companies and can set and the reiaScnsinps between them.

i pokcy intethaently for the compames on The country s bitted energy comparty Ex-g whose boards they serve non. " indirectly mterlocked with its coret.

The study changed that "tre interinckir'g petitors as fol:ews: Atlantic flichfield tiaur diretto ate can be both gcod business for cor-t:mest StoSil siis timesi. Shell tuneet. Stan-porations and bad business for the pubhe."

The study. based on 1978 data, found that dard cf Cahldma isia emess. Standard of in.

diani etwnei and Texaco etwicet 17.3 of the 1331argest comparues " connected Each of the 13 biggest enropanies, which on merage ws!!i half of the other rgsr com- control ahnui IPn bilhun m aswts. rearhed an pames m tbc stinly " ne committee reprt au rige of ill perrent of tlie l'to eut

. int not rs.mune mterli e brtwecri thesc [mnilinni " is of 219 dir 'rt amt 5

e. and a scuMer rempny 4 *J lmlirert interbarks ' This figure si ne eum;* mm m the study mtluded the 30 prnNbly law berause the suhwhanes of the 1.irkest er letrial compames. the 23 biggest hvWs the tu t.ergest hie msurance compmes.

11 firms were not mcluded The tutzest uww i pames were ATR llank Amenca. Cosmrp.

the in bwt dnergified Imannal comprues. (hee Stanhattan. Prudenttal. Metrcpoht.m tha 29 large=t utshties. the:J largast transpor- ,

taten compinies and the 10 largest retailers. Life Esxon. 5:anufacturers llanover J P. }

Morgan. General Motors. Mohde. Te. taco and i ne three rr3jnr breide:rsh:'g cor-p1mes and Ford

s. wen investmect adviscry compan:es were "Indeed." the stddy said. "the hoardrooms aM meluded.

of four of the largest bank compames Are to the Senate staff study. the ma. iCitworp. Chve Manhat'an Manufacturers

' mr erweretitors in the fields of automnbi e ll.moser and J P Mottam. two of the largest


manof et turing. o:1 and o'her energv. te:acom-insurance companies i Prud entis t and mumanons nd retaihng " met ettensae: yon Siefrupuhtan L; fen and three of the largest beh of Amenca s largest imancial in- cor'imancial cwrpames i AT&T. Dmn and statutions, corporate customers and General Motorts loolted hke tritual summes j

wp;hers'  ;

for Amencan husmess.

F..t instance. m 1976. Jirectors of General g The senate Cosernmental A!! airs com-Motors iriterlocked with directors of nuttee s'udy was the fust major tootn at m-t Chrpler en the boards of a Amencan tertuckmg d.rectorates m more than a decade }

Trkp'iene & TMe;raph'. Chaw Manhstan The cudy coeduced that "Amencan busine:ss f

Na:ini..I fvroit Corp . . and the New Yor't C .- '

is togMy concen: rated actuss mdustry hees -

% Sim k 1.w h.e perhaps more cancentrated today than it was r- ,

l >%il 11tPors e igmeCted witti ford Ce 'i t '. h-the tmrd . of Ci:wp. J P 'dorpn and enu.,: u se-m 1913 phen (Auls Uram!eis wrote of the enmen cham and m im when C. Wnght f ^~i M,us # e of tue ,um, ehte [


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bw d Mid-America Coalition Foi Energy Alternatives Q

Q March 17, 1978 Q Cear Carrie, Diane asked me to look into the water nituation as described by

% Ilene in a phone call tc. our of fice last weck.

Q After rcading ovpr the Arkansas River Basin Compact between KS and

%d,yl (E (1975), I went to Topekn to discuss it with our Chief Engineer of the.iator Resources Division (Cept of Ag. ), Guy Gibson, who is charced with the aIministration of our water Appropriation Law and a corber of the Ccmpact Co:.mittee. Briefly, his interpretation is that the Compact allows only for storage of water and in no way pre-scribet. the amount of flow across the state line. Here are son:o figures he gave rea 1,9@3 1977 K3 storage, Verdigris subbasin ca. 51,000 a-f 65,0,37 acre-ft CK storage, 137,000 a-f 434,420 a-f i If you read Article V, Sec. D of the Compact, you see that we are j allowed to store an amount equal to 300,00 a-f plus however much you N have ac'ded since 1963. So...

LK's added storage since 1963 = ca. 300,000 a-f plus MS's alloted potential of 300,000 a-f (cf which we have use up only ca. 33,000 )

Orand Total TO DATF of what we coule: store in.KS ca. 600.000 af minus " navigation capacity"of Cologah Res.  ??

Cibson says he is en record innumerable times at Compact meetings regarding his interpretation of KS's responsibility to scnd water in . .

to CE , ie. he doesn't think we have any such responsibility. I would suc;. cat checking the minutes of recent Compact reetiaqs f or evicience of his position--or rather jle sugcested it when I asked if he would ver i t e.

CG a Ictter on the subject: He did give re the following quote:

" "The Compact doesn't require me to regulate usage in Kansas in order to insure that a certain amount of water be cielivered to the Oklahoma line.."

My interpretation then was that you can not count on KS f or the regular i

supM , of water necc'od and that you should instead look to your own state for a back-up scurce...He did not disagree...

' Cilmon sayr he sees a fight loomince over 1:hether or not you wil)

,1 count your cooling lake against OK 's s torage allota:ent . He thinks

\lt it W:>uld be (as we counted our ecoling lake f or '..'olf Creek again-

\ ") car a'Jotment); but sayn OK is coing to try to get around it...

' .recrrinaly, if you c'on ' t do it; then, either will we! (Hou big is ye Cu cooling lake?) lie al so inentioned that any major revision of the wou le; requiro arproval of both Lc=';islaturen and c <_ : . re . He kn.c of no nocting of the Ccachisr.icn b.>f ore . '00* FI'cvdad Jul. Do you? - Y

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the Verdmris Itner. Th at m turn rould generate prestv 5

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  • ar.d a 'er..lator are keepine a e ary c>e on lie h watching desclopment of the proposed Black Fos I truy water from Juhn Roltriord fer the %
  • Creek faulity NutIcar Plant to insure that Kansas uater rights remamL  :.hiler auerted. "It j'nt 14s to me ' w 2 tot of Kansas on the trenlahire to apprese n edefn at;ons of ac part aV h
. r.s re . 6 not sif, hon off ma t of the

. .t .*r . i . 2 4-t E a ;sas to e n.,4 a r.uclear protected. Under the esist6uc compact. be need not curtail'a" mater is gomg for the peer :: .d3 cf C . .orna and Nr. rr6 mdic the drhair cu r nu(Irar ta.wcr !%t I:r.1 the N.- j Kansas users of Verdigris Rntr water tu make supphed braska.-- 1.renlat ure m knols thr ou::herut its 11M arw..n. [

  • O ~h

' + - ;: .s t - e aater Reaurces Dn nmn also as atlable lo Oklah mi.$.

    • Gilnon dechncd comment on Nu th( me s oppo=itmn rit son said a methne at the Kansas.Oklahon:a Arke j sas thwr liasin fonipa(10cmmissioc is ter.t 4t /.cl> v h-

. .cr - -; .tiatir.g n r Nebra ka to .*ua. Any than;'e in LN Kansas-Oklahoma Arkansas River t to changes in the Kanut Ok!aS cu tor ;, ; to guarar. tee &y r.p. a, r its fu!) t .titlemer.t of mater Dasm Compact would require approval by the legislatures mater for Oolagsh Hescriair a aul.! af.' the proposed utro for July M and Ic u;d the sub;ett of nd:fa aw '

a m both states and also by the federal rovernment. Gibson nuclear plant in that state :n.n surface at the sess.o1.  !

    • - :, .* v 4-  : 3 ae rntr* 60sw ahn said Tue>da> his a'; ency avl NrNr.nka uf. ,

ar.d Gu) risi,an. the syd A grot.p ol interscr. ors in Wahi r.a ts filed motion

)s" v n /Ah C.n;. are toncer.terned reser the poten- Stiller indicated he mould oppose approval of any such with atorme saf. i. and hcens.r.g boar Wn;; that :he riah are etn ois ed m br;;aanmc .ner u t-c:1.r- hansa-lt reten134 !!s guarantred stare of matre from tt a Nepis'. d

.a*' -* * .:rdi;r.s ta 'telp ca.ol t he propov minhficatmns by tbc Kansa. Legniature in the same may . record on Blaci au be reopened to ..e of pvsbic withholdmg of mater by Kwas can itn er, m hit h senhrs 11:lford ten rs air r; tar Juni t.-

F s N 2 .- ar P..+r PtJit in northeast Oklahoma he spearheaded orposition t$ use of uater from John Ited-The group noted in its mo' ion. "arp . s. utel) 81 per. O t .v . at.d the Blue itner. whKh %pplies YJlt.c (tr* * '

?.aSa a .- a *erh r. mond Itcservo.r to cool the Wolf Creek Nuclear Poact Plar' now under constructmn near Durtir.gton. cent of the Vrrdigrn Basin atmc Golo;. + .r. Ka :us." It Hest rsur north of Atanhattan.

  • r:3 m .n . .'o :he O<. loph !!cwrs air u hu h

'* *.L,e ' er a ater to > cts sce l':e pronup Kansas City Power and Light reportedly has offered the aho said if Kansas ows its por n,n of c , we m the reser itc unter resourc. . donion tant ene.ns e aculd '

2 r N ,- + <" r.eJrh) ' M EMU Power Dntric' 17 percent of its interest soir. "then Kansas uilt be all'acd to d..e and corsume wy Nehrda has S erted nn waitr lrrm the ' y

+ s.1 ' Da 4 :~.4;h g<ri< cts. h. anus may need in Wolf Creek.and that ofrermg has generated controsersy allIl e Verdigris Rner flow that <.rie:na:9 nKansas* rncrt a f 2e \ t M .r.1 Rn

  • in the tecislature.

The mot on said all the parus to er .tr federal hear. "All I cari say is we're nc ;otiatmg." G.* nan s.rd. "E

  • ' +e.strev ;f S.e M,tr.a:er flesources Onnion m
  • Ings on the Black Fos facil:a had f 4N to take into '

' J L:ri: . . e a'so said Kansas w ill ..pfee .my A special coraniittee was created this seulon lo probe acco2nt the reurictions in the K arnas-O . raa compact. t nhkr the Kaasav0ktalmma compatt on (? e Veriti:

  • a th" . 1 Gla':a';.a \rkan3.e- Itn er lla. the prhrowd ha!c of part interrst inWulf CTcck. A segmrnt gh[jer 3,gg4 carher hp (carfd @c rCm O.e9 pment cene- lh'.i r thi u ith Llara..:M the Itrpal* lean a h of the insestgation will evamir.c whether KLP&L ofhcials ratet by the intervenor's m9ti"3 ata.i! .;+-+ ratc pronure lkic !!ncrs K aaus n vnt.tled to a :marJW L

, er - -

  • rewre inis statr
  • f arnnh un thn state to g saraatcc Oklahe.a add.: o .r j

'..m'--'- *n'.rn misrepresented future power needs m scckmg authorit) to 41 w ater f rom aw..u *. fron ght two . . . c,.

y T 3 I) l me W e. e

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~~u ! sus s!.. mt hase to pay Drolien Arrue teses andseversi v:ce tithes flowtheImen bes.ul-pre 3 cat ah!v to hanfae seras. 3o any edvne Tu6ns cuy gne to Croken Arrow tit. hrre. ht the real question is, what wi; lit tot in the fw:ure if suas tanarnry their water p:uurns W1 ha.e to be pre- Iliuken Arrow des r.othog now e gfg gy * [

ieded L/ the that it 15 ITu!sa Tribunet gppgguq,7 s- gg liroken A' rods tusmas. $*

There are a our!e of other 2

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a. One in that un!ess its yF deselt,; ment i. ab..ied by an Q S

esf4,.,3 inadequate. saapwtous wa'er m7 g>m 8-sv;pl) Broken Arrow in gomg

. i be a big town ilo*ever 3 g4 g g,[* "k s a[5 T c-

,g E j ( ,4_2 r3S

,.fiuch some Tulsans may Q , d = r jii d 2 5 rnoura s'aaut t![ep:1ht of "bal-anted vow:h. the dynamics  : Q Q: {4 g r Te 3


  • g [ g j ? g[.' { 4
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and weite'n Wagoner County g[3sFT*

,5 6 g - A ,p _1 taJ g are strong y , rr g 3 2 s!jE p : t' E h 3 8 Q. "--g T

  • 2 a' ,F 1 gg*1.=' E 4y 4 . g a 3 _1 :p .$4 SetoNiy. t! e verJigns Ra-er is a setand rate w;ter sup- 3y ply. Den af TAJ gves t) es-rens:ve terh.,ry trcatt: ent of Q 8ETf~h5

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  • the sewage eft:.:ent that l'ows  % -

into the river ifrom Bird iO P Eeg f, *2,.jf 5g [,,E.. {a { =[ ! Q Creeki the Yt.Jgrs nsa .i 7 -*3g ga g.'/gg a2 3 N rec.r:crtral waterway sh;ect  : E Eg f -o1 to .pil's % tat taused tais i fEE [ O R' o; oy 3 v -l ta, a week s fia'i ks;! th ! forced the 1 of the Prcken Arrow 4 [' QJE

  1. *E k { '$ '#*$ 4 }--'

s!Je'tLke water for a coup:e of

dm is not known Bat there ***-

wd! te refes'A

Wh.ther ut Aes Arrow tat- 3 pners shou 1J shoulder the /

b r;f b nJ othgstion that l wuaL1 pe-mit them to ;;o to lem !'eu # w2:er out of Lne Gun is t.*eir own busi-r ss bery%f) G sak of tat- 4 eJ 4.. ,

  • -t ym! t2n f tat a couple of > .-/

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