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Miscellaneous Exam Material (Folder 1)
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Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/2016
From: J. J. Barton
Exelon Generation Co
To: David Silk
Operations Branch I
Shared Package
ML15308A607 List:
Download: ML16229A511 (3)


    • lo ti Exam Comment Sheet Date: 6/30/2016 Submitted By: -=-J *:..:....R=.B=-a=rt...;.;o;:;_;_n.:.,.._

_____ _ ExamSection(s):

ID Walk-Through ID Simulator Scenario Test Item (Question/JPM/Scenario, etc.) Concern or Problem Recommended Resolution 3't > 50% failure rate Ensure gap is covered in systems training for future classes Question 68 > 50% failure rate Ensure gap is covered in systems training for future classes Question 72 > 50% failure rate Re-write question stem for clarity prior to including into exam bank Question 75 > 50% failure rate Ensure gap is covered in ERO training for future classes 0 SRO Reference TQ-AA-151-F11 Revision 01 Page 1 of 1 Sheet 1of1 ___ _ Remarks System knowledge gap Knowledge gap with steam tables Question stem caused confusion Knowledge gap on Emergency communications Additional comments:None

.;....;;....;;;..;..;...;;, _______________________________________

_ Exam Analyzer comments:

.... N"""o-'-n"""e


_ Final Resolution:

TRR's submitted for gaps Reviewed by:\ /01 O/Z, /L 6(30/1/, , Approved by:

b/3D I 1 (p I Date SRRS: 30.100; Retain this document until all regulatory actions associated with the exam are complete, at which time it may be discarded.

-I 1-: (SRO) R3 (RO) -:is (SRO) NRC Written Exan1 Seating Chaii (for exam administered on 6/24/16) Proctors '*f-.1-(RO) 7__ (RO) UI (SRO) RS (RO) J_ 2 (SRO) _J_ L( (SRO) (\ '-t (RO) u-z... (SRO) Food I Name I Test Question#

  • Candidate .Question I Proctor Response I SRoI-1 Question is U-2 specific.

Change 1C10 to 2C10 in stem. R0-22 Should this be 2C10 Informed entire class of change. Considered typo. sK.o I-1 SR0-90 Can I get a reference for this question You have the information you need. 5 f-.OI-5 Statement that 2 answers are correct, A R0-29 and C No question.

No response provided. .SR.ol-5 R0-30 There is no correct answer. Pick the best answer.

R0-72 Have actions in AOP-2A been taken. You have the information you need. Should Sl-646 be labeled as 12B Aux HPSI s f<-OL*-S header isolation or should Sl-646 really be Change 646 to 656 in Answer B. Informed entire class R0-33 another number to match MOV description of change. Considered typo. .. R.o-i 1B DG load, do you mean MW load or SRW R0-53 heat load You have the information you need. S R.oT-'-f Does this mean along with or because of R0-65 the Fire Pump failure You have the information you need. -Do you mean meets the minimum .5(<..uI-Lf R0-29 requirements You have the information you need. When MOV is tagged shut, can I assume 5 (Z_o I-_ l.f the handle to disengage the operator from R0-69 the valve is in the disengaged position.

You have the information you need. Statement that 13 SRW pump was available I would isolate the CACs and if 13 SRW pump was not available I wo-uld trip SR0-88 the DG. You have the information you need.