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Miscellaneous Exam Material (Folder 1)
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/2016
From: J. J. Barton
Exelon Generation Co
To: David Silk
Operations Branch I
Shared Package
ML15308A607 List:
Download: ML16229A511 (3)




    • lo ti Revision 01 Page 1 of 1 Exam Comment Sheet Date: 6/30/2016 Submitted By: -=-J*:. :. . R=.B=-a=rt. .;.;o;:;_;_n.:.,. __ _ _ _ __ ~RO 0 SRO Sheet 1of1 _ _ __

ExamSection(s): ~Written ID Walk-Through ID Simulator Scenario Test Item (Question/JPM/Scenario, etc.) Concern or Problem Recommended Resolution Reference Remarks Question~ > 50% failure rate Ensure gap is covered in System knowledge gap 3't systems training for future classes Question 68 > 50% failure rate Ensure gap is covered in Knowledge gap with systems training for future steam tables classes Question 72 > 50% failure rate Re-write question stem for Question stem caused clarity prior to including into confusion exam bank Question 75 > 50% failure rate Ensure gap is covered in ERO Knowledge gap on training for future classes Emergency communications Additional comments:None.;....;;....;;;..;..;...;;,________________________________________

Exam Analyzer comments: ....N"""o-'-n"""e________________________________________

Final Resolution: TRR's submitted for gaps Reviewed by:\ / 01 O/Z,


/L 6(30/1/,

, Approved by: ~\__,IC?\, b/3D I1(p I Date SRRS: 30.100; Retain this document until all regulatory actions associated with the exam are complete, at which time it may be discarded.

NRC Written Exan1 Seating Chaii (for exam administered on 6/24/16)


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I Name I Test Question# *Candidate .Question I Proctor Response I Question is U-2 specific. Change 1C10 to 2C10 in stem.

SRoI-1 R0-22 Should this be 2C10 Informed entire class of change. Considered typo.

sK.o I-1 SR0-90 Can I get a reference for this question You have the information you need.

Statement that 2 answers are correct, A 5 f-.OI-5 R0-29 and C No question. No response provided.

.SR.ol-5 R0-30 There is no correct answer. Pick the best answer.

~o-~ R0-72 Have actions in AOP-2A been taken. You have the information you need.

Should Sl-646 be labeled as 12B Aux HPSI s f<-OL*-S.. R0-33 header isolation or should Sl-646 really be Change 646 to 656 in Answer B. Informed entire class another number to match MOV description of change. Considered typo.

1B DG load, do you mean MW load or SRW R.o-i R0-53 heat load You have the information you need.

Does this mean along with or because of S R.oT-'-f R0-65 the Fire Pump failure You have the information you need.

Do you mean meets the minimum

.5(<..uI-Lf R0-29 requirements You have the information you need.

When MOV is tagged shut, can I assume 5 (Z_o I- _ l.f the handle to disengage the operator from You have the information you need.

R0-69 the valve is in the disengaged position.

Statement that 13 SRW pump was available I would isolate the CACs and if 13 5fZoL-~ SRW pump was not available I wo-uld trip SR0-88 the DG. You have the information you need.