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Reed College, Request for Action Item from Reply to Notice of Violation Dated 01/26/2017
Person / Time
Site: Reed College
Issue date: 05/08/2017
From: Krahenbuhl M
Reed College
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML17139D353 (5)


REACTOR FACILITY 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 telephone 503/777-7222 fax 5031777-7274 email web REED COLLEGE May8, 2017 ATTN: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Docket: 50-288 License No: R-112 We are requesting a change in Reed's technical specifications. The requested change is an action item from the Reply to the Notice of Violation dated January 26, 2017. This change is consistent with the American National Standard ANSI/ANS 15.1-2007 section 4.2. An original, marked-up version, proposed version and a table delineating the requested changes to Reed College's technical specifications are enclosed.

Please contact me if you have any further questions.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on Sf¥ "f Melinda Krahenbuhl, Ph.D. Director, Reed Research Reactor TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 4.2 Reactor Control and Safety Systems Applicability.

This specification applies to the surveillance requirements of reactor control and safety systems. Objective.

The objective is to verify performance and operability of those systems and components that are directly related to reactor safety. Specifications.

a. The control rod drives shall be visually inspected for damage or deterioration annually.
b. The poison sections of the control rods shall be visually inspected for damage or deterioration biennially.
c. The control rod scram time shall be measured annually.
d. The total reactivity worth and reactivity addition rate of each control rod shall be measured annually or following any significant change (>$0.25) from a reference core. e. A channel check of each of the reactor power measuring channels in TS 3.2.2, Table 2 shall be performed prior to each operation of the reactor.
f. A channel calibration of the Linear and Percent Power Channels in TS 3.2.2, Table 2, shall be performed annually.
g. A channel test of each item in TS 3.2.3, Tables 3 and 4, shall be performed annually.

Basis. Experience has shown that the identified frequencies, as set forth in NUREG-1537 and ANSI/ANS 15.1, will ensure performance and operability for each of these systems or components.

Reed Research Reactor 23 January 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 4.2 Reactor Control and Safety Systems Applicability.

This speeification applies to the surveillance requirements of reactor control and safety systems. . Objective.

The objeetive is to. verify performance and operability of those systems and components that are directly related to reactor safety. " Specifications.

a. The control rod drives shall be visualiy inspected for .damage or deterioration annually.
b. The poison sections of the controi rods shall be visually inspeeted for damage or deterioration bienhially.
c. The control rod scram time shallbe measured annually.

d .. The

  • t6tal reactivity worth and reactivity addition of each control rod shall be measured annually or.following any significant change (>$0.25) from a reference core. . . . . . : . . . e. A channel check of each of the reactor power measuring channels in TS 3 .2.2, Table 2 shaff be performed prior to each operation of the reactor. *. *. ... * . . . . . . . . . . Jr:A. I . . . * . f. A channel calibrcttion .of the m Percen;;'Power Chai1nels in TS 3 .2.2, Table 2, shall be performed annually, g. A channel test of each item in TS 3.2.3, Tables 3 and 4, shall be performed annually.

Basis. Experience has shown that the identified frequencies, as set forth in 153 7 and ANSI/ ANS 15 .1, will ensure performance and operability for each of systems or components.

Reed Research Reactor 23 . January 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 4.2

  • Reactor Control and Safety Systems Applicability.

This specification applies to* the surveillance requirements of reactor control and . safety systems. Objective:

The objective is to verify performance and operability of those systems and components that are directly related to reactor safety. Specifications.

a. The control rod drives shall be visually inspected for damage or deterioration annually .. b. The poison sections of the control rods be visually inspected for damage or deterioration biennially.
c. The control rod scram time shall be measured annually.
d. The total reactivity worth and reactivity addition rate of each control rod shall be measured annually or following any significant change (>$0.25) from a reference core. e. A channel check of each of the reactor power measuring channels in TS 3.2.2, Table 2 shall be performed each operation of the reactor. f. A channel calibration of tlie Linear, Percent; and Logarithmic Power Channels in TS 3.2.2, Table 2, shall be performed annually.

1 g. A channel test of each item in TS 3 .2.3, Tables 3 .and 4, shall be performed annually.

Basis. Experience:

has shown that the identified frequencies, as set forth in NUREG-1537 and ANSI/ANS 15.1, will ensure performance and operability for each of these systems or components.

Reed Research Reactor 23 . proposed Table 1. Proposed changes to RRR Technical Specifications Affected Proposed changed Basis Justification RRRTS . (Why the change is necessary) (Why the change is acceptable) 4.2f Deletion "and" Correct grammar for requested change Grammar in TS 4.2 f 4.2 f Addition of"," "," "and "Logarithmic" The annual calibration of the log The change is consistent with channel increases the monitoring ANSI/ANS 15.l section 4.2 capability to the full power range while still maintaining the required source interlock requirement.

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