ML13289A180 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Reed College |
Issue date: | 10/04/2013 |
From: | Krahenbuhl M Reed College |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
Download: ML13289A180 (9) | |
REED COLLEGE REACTOR FACILITY 3203 Sour*heast Woodstock Boulevard Pordrand, Oregon 97202-8199 October 4, 2013 telephonie 503/777-7222 503/777-7274 emalI reactor@reed.edLA ATTN: Document Control Desk web U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Docket: 50-288 License No: R-112 As per phone conversation on Oct 1, 2013 enclosed is the mark-up version and draft version of the requested Technical Specification changes for Reed College Please contact me if you have any questions.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on // /
Melinda Krahenbuhl, Ph.D.
Director, Reed Research Reactor ac)
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 6 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.1 Organization Individuals at the various management levels, in addition to being responsible for the policies and operation of the reactor facility, shall be responsible for safeguarding the public and facility personnel from undue radiation exposures and for adhering to all requirements of the operating license, TS, and federal regulations.
6.1.1 Structure The reactor administration shall be as shown in Figure 1. The Levels refer to ANS1/ANS-15.4-1988; R1999.
Figure 1: Administrative Structure 1 L'0_cj01 6?Vc-(A_+ovj ,AANA4e4Z.
Communication Opact~~c\ tA5E Authority Reed Research Reactor 35 oc*t;20 1!
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 6.1.2 Responsibility The following specific organizational levels and responsibilities shall exist.
- a. President (Level 1): The President of Reed College is responsible for the facility license and represents Reed College.
- b. Director and A.o, .t.. _,*,o 1 , (Level 2): The Director reports to the President of Reed College via the Dean of the Faculty, and is accountable for ensuring that all regulatory requirements, including implementation, are in accordance with all requirements of the NRC and the Code of Federal Regulations. The Abucid" Director reports LUlit.tDIi'h'e r 1 s Supi-isor (Level 3): The
- c. Operatin,i pe on4- Svp, ,ior reports to the -Aseeiae Die..aad Director and is responsible for directing the activities of the reactor staff and for the day-to-day operation and maintenance of the reactor.
- d. Rc, tter O---rater-s. an. Senior .R.a.t.. O,-,r, s (L,,o"l 4): The Rea.t-r* )p*,ato (R)-
and Seifior Reactor Operators (So,,)j" rcpc"t to .,,the. Oper~tiann Supervi~nr. Associ*ate
... ~Di-crtu,, and ihe DireLtul, and are primarily involved in the manipulation of reactor controls, monitoring of instrumentation, and operation and maintenance of reactor-related equipment.
- e. Radiation Safety Officer: The Radiation Safety Officer reports to the President of Reed College via the Vice President and Treasurer and is responsible for directing health physics activities including implementation of the radiation safety program. The Radiation Safety Officer shall communicate with the Reactor Director regarding health physics issues.
+0~v~L Cr~~et+
Reed Research Reactor 36 O* 1.
- a. The minimum staffing when the reactor is operating shall be:
- 1. A licensed reactor operator in the control room;
- 2. A second person present in the reactor facility able to scram the reactor and summon help;
- 3. If neither of these two individuals is an SRO, a designated SRO shall be readily available on call. "Readily available on call" means an individual who:
a) has been specifically designated and the designation known to the operator on duty, b) can be contacted quickly by the operator on duty, and c) is capable of getting to the reactor facility within 15 minutes.
- b. A list of reactor facility personnel by name and telephone number shall be readily available in the control room for use by the operator. The list shall include:
- 1. Reactor Director;
- 2. Reactor Asscciatc "ireetir;
. .k.+xocA A4&sx 3 Radiation Safety Officer; and 44 - At least one other person who is a licensed SRO.
- c. Events which require the presence of an SRO in the facility shall include:
- 1. Initial start-up and approach to power of the day or following significant changes
(> $0.25) to the core;
- 2. All fuel or control rod relocations in the reactor core;
- 3. Maintenance on any reactor safety system;
- 4. Recovery from unscheduled reactor scram or significant power reduction; and
- 5. Relocation of any in-core experiment or irradiation facility with a reactivity worth greater than one dollar.
6.1.4 Selection and Training of Personnel The selection, training, and requalification of personnel should be in accordance with ANSI/ANS 15.4-1988; R 1999, "Standard for the Selection and Training of Personnel for Research Reactors."
37 January 2012 Reed Reactor Reed Research Reactor 37 January 2012
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 6.5 Experiment Review and Approval
- a. Approved experiments shall be carried out in accordance with established and approved procedures.
- b. All new experiments or classes of experiments shall be reviewed and approved by the ROC.
- c. Substantive changes to previously approved experiments shall be made only after review by the ROC and approval in writing by the Director or Associate Director.
- d. Minor changes that do not .significantly alter the experiment may be approved by 44-e Qpgmtiois Supervisor, As...i.t. Dircctor, or Director.
1IL.- ÷*t 0 e~t,,..-h' n,-4~t.*.L~v 6.6 Required Actions 6.6.1 Actions to Be Taken in Case of Safety Limit Violation In the event the safety limit is exceeded:
- a. The reactor shall be shut down and reactor operation shall not be resumed until authorized by the NRC.
- b. An immediate notification of the occurrence shall be made to the Director, the Chair of the ROC, the NRC, and the President of Reed College.
- c. A report shall be prepared and reviewed by the ROC. The report shall describe the following:
- 1. Applicable circumstances leading to the violation including, when known, the cause and contributing factors;
- 2. Effects of the violation upon reactor facility components, systems, or structures and on the health and safety of personnel and the public; and
- 3. Corrective action to be taken to prevent recurrence.
6.6.2 Actions to Be Taken in the Event of an Occurrence of the Type Identified in Section 6.7.2 Other than a Safety Limit Violation For all events that are required by regulations or TS to be reported to the NRC within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> under Section 6.7.2, except a safety limit violation, the following actions shall be taken:
- a. The reactor shall be shut down and the Director or A4 criat. Dire.ctor and ROC chair notified;
- b. Operations shall not resume unless authorized by the Director cr Associatc DirccL;to
- c. The ROC shall review the occurrence at or before their next scheduled meeting; and
- d. A report shall be submitted to the NRC in accordance with TS 6.7.2.
40 Januaty 2012 Reed Reactor Reed Research Reactor 40 January2012
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 6 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.1 Organization Individuals at the various management levels, in addition to being responsible for the policies and operation of the reactor facility, shall be responsible for safeguarding the public and facility personnel from undue radiation exposures and for adhering to all requirements of the operating license, TS, and federal regulations.
6.1.1 Structure The reactor administration shall be as shown in Figure 1. The Levels refer to ANSI/ANS- 15.4-1988; R1999.
Figure 1: Administrative Structure
- - - Communication I----.Authority 3S October 2013 Research Reactor Reed Research Reactor 35 October 2013
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 6.1.2 Responsibility The following specific organizational levels and responsibilities shall exist.
- a. President (Level 1): The President of Reed College is responsible for the facility license and represents Reed College.
- b. Director (Level 2): The Director reports to the President of Reed College via the Dean of the Faculty, and is accountable for ensuring that all regulatory requirements, including implementation, are in accordance with all requirements of the NRC and the Code of Federal Regulations.
- c. Reactor Operations Manager (Level 3): The Reactor Operations Manager reports to the Director and is responsible for directing the activities of the reactor staff and for the day-to-day operation and maintenance of the reactor.
- d. Operating Staff (level 4): Trainees, Reactor Operators and Senior Reactor Operators. The Operating Staff report to the Reactor Operations Manager and the Director, and are primarily involved in the manipulation of reactor controls, monitoring of instrumentation, and operation and maintenance of reactor related equipment.
- e. Radiation Safety Officer: The Radiation Safety Officer reports to the President of Reed College via the Vice President and Treasurer and is responsible for directing health physics activities including implementation of the radiation safety program. The Radiation Safety Officer shall communicate with the Reactor Director regarding health physics issues.
Reed Research Reactor 36 October 2013
- a. The minimum staffing when the reactor is operating shall be:
- 1. A licensed reactor operator in the control room;
- 2. A second person present in the reactor facility able to scram the reactor and summon help;
- 3. If neither of these two individuals is an SRO, a designated SRO shall be readily available on call. "Readily available on call" means an individual who:
a) has been specifically designated and the designation known to the operator on duty, b) can be contacted quickly by the operator on duty, and c) is capable of getting to the reactor facility within 15 minutes.
- b. A list of reactor facility personnel by name and telephone number shall be readily available in the control room for use by the operator. The list shall include:
- 1. Reactor Director;
- 2. Reactor Operations Manager;
- 3. Radiation Safety Officer; and
- 4. At least one other person who is a licensed SRO.
- c. Events which require the presence of an SRO in the facility shall include:
- 1. Initial start-up and approach to power of the day or following significant changes
(> $0.25) to the core;
- 2. All fuel or control rod relocations in the reactor core;
- 3. Maintenance on any reactor safety system;
- 4. Recovery from unscheduled reactor scram or significant power reduction; and
- 5. Relocation of any in-core 'experiment or irradiation facility with a reactivity worth greater than one dollar.
6.1.4 Selection and Training of Personnel The selection, training, and requalification of personnel should be in accordance with ANSI/ANS 15.4-1988; R1999, "Standard for the Selection and Training of Personnel for Research Reactors."
37 October 2013 Reactor Reed Research Reactor 37 October 2013
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 6.5 Experiment Review and Approval
- a. Approved experiments shall be carried out in accordance with established and approved procedures.
- b. All new experiments or classes of experiments shall be reviewed and approved by the ROC.
- c. Substantive changes to previously approved experiments shall be made only after review by the ROC and approval in writing by the Director or Associate Director.
- d. Minor changes that do not significantly alter the experiment may be approved by a Supervisor, Reactor Operations Manager, or Director.
6.6 Required Actions 6.6.1 Actions to Be Taken in Case of Safety Limit Violation In the event the safety limit is exceeded:
- a. The reactor shall be shut down and reactor operation shall not be resumed until authorized by the NRC.
- b. An immediate notification of the occurrence shall be made to the Director, the Chair of the ROC, the NRC, and the President of Reed College.
- c. A report shall be prepared and reviewed by the ROC. The report shall describe the following:
- 1. Applicable circumstances leading to the violation including, when known, the cause and contributing factors;
- 2. Effects of the violation upon reactor facility components, systems, or structures and on the health and safety of personnel and the public; and
- 3. Corrective action to be taken to prevent recurrence.
6.6.2 Actions to Be Taken in the Event of an Occurrence of the Type Identified in Section 6.7.2 Other than a Safety Limit Violation For all events that are required by regulations or TS to be reported to the NRC within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> under Section 6.7.2, except a safety limit violation, the following actions shall be taken:
- a. The reactor shall be shut down and the Director and ROC chair notified;
- b. Operations shall not resume unless authorized by the Director;
- c. The ROC shall review the occurrence at or before their next scheduled meeting; and
- d. A report shall be submitted to the NRC in accordance with TS 6.7.2.
Reed Research Reactor 40 October 2013