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{{#Wiki_filter:FLORIDAPOWER6LIGHTCOMPANYST.LUCIEUNXT41E-PLANIMPLEMENTXNG PROCEDURE NO3100023EREVXSION201.022hle:ON-SITEEMERGF2fCT ORGANIZATION ANDROSTER2.0~Aroool:ReviewedbyFacilityReviewApprovedbyK.N.HarrisRev..'20ReviewbyFRG''ApprovedbyGroupPlantAlnagerJul251975Jul29,'975Resourcel9/VicePres-PwrMarch20'and2519813.0~3coe:3~1PurposeThis'procedure describes themembersanddutiesoftheOn-SiteEmergency Organization (seeFigure1).3.2.Discussion Duringtheperiodimmediately following thedeclaration ofanemergency, theshiftoperating staffconstitutes theimmediate responseorganization, i.e.,theInterimEmergency Teams.,Emergency requirements.
{{#Wiki_filter:FLORIDA POWER 6 LIGHT COMPANY ST.LUCIE UNXT 41 E-PLAN IMPLEMENTXNG PROCEDURE NO 3100023E REVXSION 20 1.0 22hle: ON-SITE EMERGF2fCT ORGANIZATION AND ROSTER 2.0~Aroool: Reviewed by Facility Review Approved by K.N.Harris Rev..'20 Review by FRG''Approved by Group Plant Alnager Jul 25 1975 Jul 29,'975 Resource l9/Vice Pres-Pwr March 20'and 25 19 81 3.0~3co e: 3~1 Purpose This'procedure describes the members and duties of the On-Site Emergency Organization (see Figure 1).3.2.Discussion During the period immediately following the declaration of an emergency, the shift operating staff constitutes the immediate response organization, i.e., the Interim Emergency Teams., Emergency requirements.
take:immediate precedence overnormaloperating responsibilities (asdetermined byEmergency Procedures oratthedirection oftheEmergency Coordinator).
take: immediate precedence over normal operating responsibilities (as determined by Emergency Procedures or at the direction of the Emergency Coordinator).
Subsequent totheimmediate responseactionsandnotifications, off-dutyplantstaffwillbeginarrivingtoformthePrimaryEmergency TeamsandtostafftheTechnical SupportCenter.TheOn-SiteEmergency Organization reportstoandsupports.
Subsequent to the immediate response actions and notifications, off-duty plant staff will begin arriving to form the Primary Emergency Teams and to staff the Technical Support Center.The On-Site Emergency Organization reports to and supports.the Emergency Coordinator.
theEmergency Coordinator.
3.3 Aurho~tc This-procedure implements the St.Lucia Plant RadiologicaL Emergency Plan 3.4.Definitions 3'L Emer en Coordinator Responsible for notifying off-site authorities, both inside and outside the Company and has full authority and responsibility fox on>>site emergency response-actions.This function is performed by the Nuclear Plant Supervisor.
3.3Aurho~tcThis-procedure implements theSt.LuciaPlantRadiologicaL Emergency Plan3.4.Definitions 3'LEmerenCoordinator Responsible fornotifying off-siteauthorities, bothinsideandoutsidetheCompanyandhasfullauthority andresponsibility foxon>>siteemergency response-actions.Thisfunctionisperformed bytheNuclearPlantSupervisor.
His normal alternate is the Watch Engineer.The Operations j'228880200 8ii8~15 PDR ADOCK OSaaOSSS'*F PDR I
Hisnormalalternate istheWatchEngineer.
E-PLAN LEHENTING PROCEDURE NO~310002,-REVo 20 EMERGENCY ROSTER Page 2 of 11 3.0~Sco e: (continued) 3.4 Definitions: (continued) 3.4.1 Emer enc Coordinator: (continued)
TheOperations j'228880200 8ii8~15PDRADOCKOSaaOSSS'*FPDR I
Superintendent, the Operations Supervisor or Operations Duty Call Supervisox'an assume this function at their discretion following the proper turnover procedure.
E-PLANLEHENTING PROCEDURE NO~310002,-REVo20EMERGENCY ROSTERPage2of113.0~Scoe:(continued) 3.4Definitions:
3.4.2 Interim Emer enc Teams The Interim Emergency Teams are composed of members chosen from plant shift personnel.
(continued) 3.4.1EmerencCoordinator:
All are qualified in procedures and practices required for the performances of their duties as team leaders or members.3.4.3 Prima Emer enc Teams The Primary Emergency Teams are composed of first line management personnel and others who normally work a regular Monday through Friday day shift schedule 3.4.4 Technical Su port Center Su ervisor The person who supervises the personnel and manages the technical support activities in the Technical Support Center.This function is performed by one of the following:
Primary: Alternate 1: Alternate 2: Alternate 3: Operations Superintendent Operations Supervisor Operations Duty Call Supervisors Off-duty Plant Supervisors
Superintendent, theOperations Supervisor orOperations DutyCallSupervisox'an assumethisfunctionattheirdiscretion following theproperturnoverprocedure.
-Nuclear 3.4.5 0 erations Dut Call Su ervisor An on-call supervisor assigned on a rotating basis from the plant management staff with responsibility for assisting the Emergency Coordinator in notifying off-duty plant staff and the company's off-site emergency organization in the event of an emergency.
3.4.2InterimEmerencTeamsTheInterimEmergency Teamsarecomposedofmemberschosenfromplantshiftpersonnel.
4 0 Precautions:
Allarequalified inprocedures andpractices requiredfortheperformances oftheirdutiesasteamleadersormembers.3.4.3PrimaEmerencTeamsThePrimaryEmergency Teamsarecomposedoffirstlinemanagement personnel andotherswhonormallyworkaregularMondaythroughFridaydayshiftschedule3.4.4Technical SuportCenterSuervisorThepersonwhosupervises thepersonnel andmanagesthetechnical supportactivities intheTechnical SupportCenter.Thisfunctionisperformed byoneofthefollowing:
4.1 The Interim Teams should take'action regardless of the fact that the Primary Emergency Team members may be pxesent.Members of an Interim Emergency Team may consider themselves relieved~onl upon the specific instructions of a recognized superior or the Primary Emergency Team Leader.Merely knowing that a superior or a Primary Emergency Team Leader is present does not constitute a release from emergency duties and responsibilities.  
Primary:Alternate 1:Alternate 2:Alternate 3:Operations Superintendent Operations Supervisor Operations DutyCallSupervisors Off-dutyPlantSupervisors
..0 E-PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE NO.3100023E, REV.20 EMERGENCY ROSTER'I Page 3.of ll 4.0 Precautions: (continued) 4.2 At their own option, and with the concurrence of the Emergency Coordinator, Primary Emergency Team Leader of that team may relieve their counterpart on the Interim Emergency'Teams.
-Nuclear3.4.50erationsDutCallSuervisorAnon-callsupervisor assignedonarotatingbasisfromtheplantmanagement staffwithresponsibility forassisting theEmergency Coordinator innotifying off-dutyplantstaffandthecompany's off-siteemergency organization intheeventofanemergency.
5.0 Res onsibilities:
5.1 Emer enc Direction and Control The Emergency Coordinator shall be responsible for direction and control, as described in E-Plan Implementing Procedure 3100021E, Duties of Emergency Coordinator.
4.1TheInterimTeamsshouldtake'action regardless ofthefactthatthePrimaryEmergency Teammembersmaybepxesent.MembersofanInterimEmergency Teammayconsiderthemselves relieved~onluponthespecificinstructions ofarecognized superiororthePrimaryEmergency TeamLeader.MerelyknowingthatasuperiororaPrimaryEmergency TeamLeaderispresentdoesnotconstitute areleasefromemergency dutiesandresponsibilities.  
(continued) 4.2Attheirownoption,andwiththeconcurrence oftheEmergency Coordinator, PrimaryEmergency TeamLeaderofthatteammayrelievetheircounterpart ontheInterimEmergency'Teams.

==5.0 Resonsibilities==
===5.2 Notification===
5.1EmerencDirection andControlTheEmergency Coordinator shallberesponsible fordirection andcontrol,asdescribed inE-PlanImplementing Procedure
and Communication The Emergency Coordinator shall be responsible for notification and communications as described in E-Plan Implementing Procedure 3100021E, Duties of Emergency Coordinator..
: 3100021E, DutiesofEmergency Coordinator.
The Duty Call Supervisor shall be responsible for initial notification assistance.
5.2Notification andCommunication TheEmergency Coordinator shallberesponsible fornotification andcommunications asdescribed inE-PlanImplementing Procedure
5.3 Radiation Team The Health Physics Supervisor shall be the Primary Radiation Team Leader.He shall direct the actions of the Health Physics technicians under the orders of the Emergency Coordinator.
: 3100021E, DutiesofEmergency Coordinator..
The Senior Health Physics repxesentative on site is designated as the Interim Radiation Team'Leader with suppoxt from Nuclear Operators.
TheDutyCallSupervisor shallberesponsible forinitialnotification assistance.
5.4 Plant S stem En ineerin The Shift Technical Advisor shall provide the initial technical support necessary for repair or corrective action and shall be primarily responsible for accident assessment.
5.3Radiation TeamTheHealthPhysicsSupervisor shallbethePrimaryRadiation TeamLeader.HeshalldirecttheactionsoftheHealthPhysicstechnicians undertheordersoftheEmergency Coordinator.
5.5 Fire Team The Nuclear Watch Engineer is the Fire Team Leader.This position is manned continuously, but, if he is not available, the Turbine Operator acts as his alternate.
TheSeniorHealthPhysicsrepxesentative onsiteisdesignated astheInterimRadiation Team'Leader withsuppoxtfromNuclearOperators.
The St.Lucie County-Ft.Pierce Fire District may respond to fires on-site, if requested.
5.4PlantSstemEnineerinTheShiftTechnical Advisorshallprovidetheinitialtechnical supportnecessary forrepairorcorrective actionandshallbeprimarily responsible foraccidentassessment.
5.6 First Aid/Decontamination Team The Chemistry Supervisor shall be the Primary Team Leader a Chemistry Technician as his alternate.
5.5FireTeamTheNuclearWatchEngineeristheFireTeamLeader.Thispositionismannedcontinuously, but,ifheisnotavailable, theTurbineOperatoractsashisalternate.
A Nuclear Operator, trained in first aid and personnel decontamination, shall be the Intexim Team Leader.If no Chemistry Department personnel are on-site, any trained employee could act as a First Aid/Decontamination Team member until primary team members can be called in.
eE-PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE NO.3100023E, REV.20 EMERGENCY ROSTER Page 4 of 11 5 0 Res onsibilities: (continued)
5.6FirstAid/Decontamination TeamTheChemistry Supervisor shallbethePrimaryTeamLeaderwi.thaChemistry Technician ashisalternate.
The Plant.Security Supervisor shall be the Px'imary Secuxity Team Leader with the Security Force Shift Supervisor as his alternate., The Security Force Shift Supervisor shall act as the Interim-Security Team Leader.Personnel control and accountability are the'responsibility of the Security Team.The Security Team Leader shall be responsible for notifying the Emergency'oordinator of unaccounted for personnel Notification of occupants in the Owner Controlled Area Shall take place during the security search.5.8 Rescue 0 erations Rescue Operations shall involve the First Aid/Decontamination Team and the Radiation Team as necessary.
ANuclearOperator, trainedinfirstaidandpersonnel decontamination, shallbetheInteximTeamLeader.IfnoChemistry Department personnel areon-site,anytrainedemployeecouldactasaFirstAid/Decontamination Teammemberuntilprimaryteammemberscanbecalledin.
Under the control of the Radiation Team Leader, entry to potentially hazardous areas shall be'ade by the Fixst Aid/Decontamination Team with assistance from the Radiation Team..Upon notification of the in)ury, both teams shall respond per the Emergency Coordinator's instructions.
Re-entry teams.shall be formed as necessary in accordance with E-.Plan Implementing Procedure 3100027E, Re-Entry.5.10 Recove and Restoration Team Recovery and Restoration Operations shall involve all emergency teams as necessary.
Team membexs shall be assigned from available plant staff..5.11 Technical Su port Center Staff The TSC shall be used to provide plant management and technical support to plant operations personnel during emergency conditions.
ThePlant.SecuritySupervisor shallbethePx'imarySecuxityTeamLeaderwiththeSecurityForceShiftSupervisor ashisalternate.,
A primary task shall be to relieve the Emergency Coordinator of off-site communications to the.state and local agencies, NRC and the FPL Off-Site Emergency Organization.
TheSecurityForceShiftSupervisor shallactastheInterim-SecurityTeamLeader.Personnel controlandaccountability arethe'responsibility oftheSecurityTeam.TheSecurityTeamLeadershallberesponsible fornotifying theEmergency'oordinator ofunaccounted forpersonnel Notification ofoccupants intheOwnerControlled AreaShalltakeplaceduringthesecuritysearch.5.8Rescue0erationsRescueOperations shallinvolvetheFirstAid/Decontamination TeamandtheRadiation Teamasnecessary.
The TSC staff shall provide technical support as requested by the Emergency Coordinator and shall direct itself toward determining current and pro)ected plant status and providing in-depth diagnostic and engineering assistance, as required.,5'2 Emer enc Roster The QC Supervisor shall be responsible for periodic verification and updating of the Emergency Roster.Personnel on the Roster shall'otify the QC Supervisor when a change pertinent to information appearing on the roster occurs.
UnderthecontroloftheRadiation TeamLeader,entrytopotentially hazardous areasshallbe'adebytheFixstAid/Decontamination Teamwithassistance fromtheRadiation Team..Uponnotification ofthein)ury,bothteamsshallrespondpertheEmergency Coordinator's instructions.
I~E~E-P~IMPLEHENTING PROCEDURE NO.3100023E, REV.20~~EMERGENCY ROSTER Page 5 of 11 6"0 Re f erences: I 6.1 St.Lucie Plant Radiological Emergency Plan 6.2 E.Plan Implementing Procedure 3100021E, Duties of the Emergency Coordinator.
Re-entryteams.shall beformedasnecessary inaccordance withE-.PlanImplementing Procedure
6.3 E Plan Implementing Procedure 3100027E, Re-Entry.7.0 Records: The Emergency Coordinator shall maintain records as described in E-Plan=Implementing Procedure 3100021E, Duties of the Emergency Coordinator.
: 3100027E, Re-Entry.
5.10RecoveandRestoration TeamRecoveryandRestoration Operations shallinvolveallemergency teamsasnecessary.
'PROCEDURE NO~31QQ E~, REV~20 EMERGENCY ROSTER Page'of 11 8.0 Instructions:
Teammembexsshallbeassignedfromavailable plantstaff..5.11Technical SuportCenterStaffTheTSCshallbeusedtoprovideplantmanagement andtechnical supporttoplantoperations personnel duringemergency conditions.
8'~Upon declaration of an emergency, the Interim Team Leaders shall contact the Emergency Coordinator to determine the immediate response teams needed.8~2 The Emergency Coordinator shall notify the Duty Call Supervisor to inform necessary plant management and Primary Team Leadexs to report to t e Technical Support Center for assignment if necessary.
AprimarytaskshallbetorelievetheEmergency Coordinator ofoff-sitecommunications tothe.stateandlocalagencies, NRCandtheFPLOff-SiteEmergency Organization.
8.3 The Technical Suppoxt Center Supervisor shall assist the Emergency~Coordinatox in assigning personnel to the Technical Support Center or the Operations Support Center.8.4 Department heads or their designated alternates shall report to the Technical Support Center where they shall, if necessary, relieve the'nterim Team Leaders, and assume their xesponsibilities as Primary Team Leadexs;or staff the Technical Support:.Center as directed by the Emergency'oordinator.
TheTSCstaffshallprovidetechnical supportasrequested bytheEmergency Coordinator andshalldirectitselftowarddetermining currentandpro)ected plantstatusandproviding in-depthdiagnostic andengineering assistance, asrequired.
8.5 Appendix A is the Call List to assist the Emexgency Coordinator in initial notification of the Duty Call Supervisor.
,5'2EmerencRosterTheQCSupervisor shallberesponsible forperiodicverification andupdatingoftheEmergency Roster.Personnel ontheRostershall'otifytheQCSupervisor whenachangepertinent toinformation appearing ontherosteroccurs.
8.6 Appendix 8 is the List of Local Outside Agencies.8.Z Appendix C is the Duty Call Supervisor's Call List.The Duty Ca11 Supervisor shall contact these people when directed by the Emergency ,Coordinator to do so.
f~~I E-IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE NO.3100023E, REV.20 EMERGENCY ROSTER Page 7 of Il Emergency Coordinator Nuclear Plant Supervisor (Vetch Engineer)Xnterim (Shift Emergency Team EMERGENCY TEAMS Primary Emergency Team Health Physics Representative (Nuclear Operator)Nuclear Match Engineer (Nuclear Turbine Operator)RADIATION Health Physics Supervisor (Health Physics Technician)
Nuclear Match Engineer (Nuclear Turbine Operator)Nuclear Operator (Aux1liary Equip.Operator)FXRST AID&PERSONNEL DECONTAMXNATION Chemistry Supervisor (Chemistry Technician)
Security Force Shift Supervisor (Response from leader)SECURITY Plant Security Supervisor (Assistant Plant Security Supervisor)
I6.1St.LuciePlantRadiological Emergency Plan6.2E.PlanImplementing Procedure
: 3100021E, DutiesoftheEmergency Coordinator.
Reactor Supervisor (Engineer, Reactor Eng.Dept.)All Teams and FPL Resources FIGURE 1 E-P LPLEMENTING PROCEDURE NO.31 23E, REV 20 EMERGENCY ROSTER Page 8 of 11 EMERGENCY ROSTER APPENDIX A DUTY CALL SUPERVISORS Plant Manage MAINTENANCE DUTY CALL SUPERVISOR OPERATIONS DUTY CALL SUPERVISOR H~P~DUTY CALL SUPERVISOR T.A.Dillard C.P.Leppla J.E.Bowers M.B Vincent D.A.Sager J A.Spodick B.W.Mikell C.A.Pell J.H.Barrow G.M.Green H.P.Buchanan H-M.Mercer P.L.Pincher Beeper No.534 N.Gi Roos R S Glaze M.D.Sheppard Beeper No.Beeper No.
6.3EPlanImplementing Procedure
4~~E-PLAN LEMENTXNG PROCEDURE NO 31000, REV~20 EMERGENCY ROSTER Page 9 of ll/KZ Plant Manag r/Dat~LOCAL OUTSXDE AGENCIES: SERVICE APPENDIX B NAME OFPXCE PHONE EMERGENCY PIRE Por additional assistance St.Lucie County-if required on fires with Pt.Pierce Pire dist.radioactive material involved Same NON-RADIOLOGICAL IN JURIES Treatment-all hours Hospital admission Ambulance-all hours RADIOLOGICAL INJURIES Transportation
: 3100027E, Re-Entry.
-all hrs.Lawnwood Medical Center Dr J.N.Sims St.Lucie County-Pt.Pierce Fire dist.I St.Lucie County-Pt.Pierce Fire dist.Same Same Same Interim treatment facility-all hours Primary treatment facility-all hours SERVXCE Lawnwood Medical Center REEF Mount Sinai Hospital NAHE Same Same PHONE OFFICE EMERGENCY Local Law Enforcement St.Lucie County Sheriff Federal Bureau of Investigation Florida Highway Patrol Explosive Ordnance Disposa1 66th Ordnance Det.USA Patrick Air Force Base USNRC Resident Inspectors S.Elrod H.Bibb SITE EXT OPFXCE~HOME  
7.0Records:TheEmergency Coordinator shallmaintainrecordsasdescribed inE-Plan=Implementing Procedure
~~~')i'~E PLAN XMPLEMENTXNG PROCEDURE'NO~3 1~3E~REV 20 EMERGENCY ROSTER Page 10 of 11 APPENDIX C Plant Manage Dat TITLE DUTY CALT SUPERVXSOR'S CALL LXST NAME HOME PHONE QPPXCE Emer.Recovexy&Restoration team leader-Plant Manager Alternate:
: 3100021E, DutiesoftheEmergency Coordinator.
Ops.Superintendent Emergency Contxol Officer C.M.Wethy J.H.Barrow A.D.Schmidt Beeper ALTERNATES Manager Power Res.-Nuclear C 0.Woody 4 Beeper Asst.Vice Pres.Power Res Asst.Mgr.Pwr.Res.-Nuclear J.R.Benson K.N.Harris Beeper, (Pt.Pierce-Weekends (Bismi-.Weekday@
'Beeper Mgr.of Pwr.Res.Nuclear Services Pwr.Res.Specialist H N.Paduano D.K.James Beeper Beeper Pwr.Res.Sec.Supv.Plant R.J.Acosta Beeper Systems Operations Power Coordinator TEAM LEADERS&ALTERNATES Emergency radiation team leader Alternate emergency radiaion team leader Alternate emergency radiation team leader H.F.Buchanan H.M.Mercer G.M.Green or R.M.McCullers.Plant Pire Protection Coordinator W.J.Barrow  
'PROCEDURE NO~31QQE~,REV~20EMERGENCY ROSTERPage'of118.0Instructions:
'I~I 4 w 4~I~~4 0 E-PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE NO.3100023E, REV.20 EMERGENCY ROSTER Page 11 of 11 APPENDIX C Team Leaders 6 Alternates (continued)
8'~Upondeclaration ofanemergency, theInterimTeamLeadersshallcontacttheEmergency Coordinator todetermine theimmediate responseteamsneeded.8~2TheEmergency Coordinator shallnotifytheDutyCallSupervisor toinformnecessary plantmanagement andPrimaryTeamLeadexstoreporttoteTechnical SupportCenterforassignment ifnecessary.
Plant Manager Date TITLE NAME HOME PHONE EMERGENCY Emergency First Aid&personnel leader Alternate Emergency First Aid 6 personnel member R.J.Frechette B.W.Kelsey Ex.!Ex.Emergency'ecurity team leader Alternate Emergency security team leader J.G.West G.A.Longhouser Interim security team leader Alternate interim security team leader Capt.of the Guard Sr.CRT Operator Ex.Ex.Assembly area supervisor Alternate assembly area supervisor Technical Support Center Supervisor Alternate TSC Supv.(Ops.Supv.)C.A.Pell M.S.Dryden J.H.Barrow D.A.Sager Ex.Ex.i Exi Ex+Additional personnel who may be requested by the Duty Call Supervisor or Emergency Coordinator are as follows: Additional Contacts Nuclear Plant Supervisor Nuclear Plant Supervisor Nuclear Plant Supervisor Nuclear Plant Supervisor Nuclear Plant Supervisor I 6 C Supervisor Quality Control Supervisor Maintenance Superintendent Training Supervisor Technical Supervisor Ebasco Corp.PSL tl Control Room 0.D.Hayes L.W.Pearce N.D.West C.L.Burton G F;Davis C.F.Leppla N.G.Roos J E.Bowers P.L.Fincher R.R.Jennings PSL 82 I Exi I Ex.
8.3TheTechnical SuppoxtCenterSupervisor shallassisttheEmergency
0'g e~}}
~Coordinatox inassigning personnel totheTechnical SupportCenterortheOperations SupportCenter.8.4Department headsortheirdesignated alternates shallreporttotheTechnical SupportCenterwheretheyshall,ifnecessary, relievethe'nterimTeamLeaders,andassumetheirxesponsibilities asPrimaryTeamLeadexs;orstafftheTechnical Support:.Center asdirectedbytheEmergency'oordinator.
8.5AppendixAistheCallListtoassisttheEmexgency Coordinator ininitialnotification oftheDutyCallSupervisor.
8.ZAppendixCistheDutyCallSupervisor's CallList.TheDutyCa11Supervisor shallcontactthesepeoplewhendirectedbytheEmergency
,Coordinator todoso.
f~~IE-IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE NO.3100023E, REV.20EMERGENCY ROSTERPage7ofIlEmergency Coordinator NuclearPlantSupervisor (VetchEngineer)
Xnterim(ShiftEmergency TeamEMERGENCY TEAMSPrimaryEmergency TeamHealthPhysicsRepresentative (NuclearOperator)
RADIATION HealthPhysicsSupervisor (HealthPhysicsTechnician)
NuclearOperator(Aux1liary Equip.Operator)
FXRSTAID&PERSONNEL DECONTAMXNATION Chemistry Supervisor (Chemistry Technician)
SecurityForceShiftSupervisor (Response fromleader)SECURITYPlantSecuritySupervisor (Assistant PlantSecuritySupervisor)
SERVICEAPPENDIXBNAMEOFPXCEPHONEEMERGENCY PIREPoradditional assistance St.LucieCounty-ifrequiredonfireswithPt.PiercePiredist.radioactive materialinvolvedSameNON-RADIOLOGICAL INJURIESTreatment
-allhoursHospitaladmission Ambulance
-allhoursRADIOLOGICAL INJURIESTransportation
-allhrs.LawnwoodMedicalCenterDrJ.N.SimsSt.LucieCounty-Pt.PierceFiredist.ISt.LucieCounty-Pt.PierceFiredist.SameSameSameInterimtreatment facility-allhoursPrimarytreatment facility-allhoursSERVXCELawnwoodMedicalCenterREEFMountSinaiHospitalNAHESameSamePHONEOFFICEEMERGENCY LocalLawEnforcement St.LucieCountySheriffFederalBureauofInvestigation FloridaHighwayPatrolExplosive OrdnanceDisposa166thOrdnanceDet.USAPatrickAirForceBaseUSNRCResidentInspectors S.ElrodH.BibbSITEEXTOPFXCE~HOME  
Ops.Superintendent Emergency ContxolOfficerC.M.WethyJ.H.BarrowA.D.SchmidtBeeperALTERNATES ManagerPowerRes.-Nuclear C0.Woody4BeeperAsst.VicePres.PowerResAsst.Mgr.Pwr.Res.-Nuclear J.R.BensonK.N.HarrisBeeper,(Pt.Pierce-Weekends (Bismi-.Weekday@
'BeeperMgr.ofPwr.Res.NuclearServicesPwr.Res.Specialist HN.PaduanoD.K.JamesBeeperBeeperPwr.Res.Sec.Supv.PlantR.J.AcostaBeeperSystemsOperations PowerCoordinator TEAMLEADERS&ALTERNATES Emergency radiation teamleaderAlternate emergency radiaionteamleaderAlternate emergency radiation teamleaderH.F.BuchananH.M.MercerG.M.GreenorR.M.McCullers
.PlantPireProtection Coordinator W.J.Barrow  
'I~I4w4~I~~40E-PLANIMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE NO.3100023E, REV.20EMERGENCY ROSTERPage11of11APPENDIXCTeamLeaders6Alternates (continued)
PlantManagerDateTITLENAMEHOMEPHONEEMERGENCY Emergency FirstAid&personnel decon.teamleaderAlternate Emergency FirstAid6personnel decon.teammemberR.J.Frechette B.W.KelseyEx.!Ex.Emergency'ecurity teamleaderAlternate Emergency securityteamleaderJ.G.WestG.A.Longhouser InterimsecurityteamleaderAlternate interimsecurityteamleaderCapt.oftheGuardSr.CRTOperatorEx.Ex.Assemblyareasupervisor Alternate assemblyareasupervisor Technical SupportCenterSupervisor Alternate TSCSupv.(Ops.Supv.)C.A.PellM.S.DrydenJ.H.BarrowD.A.SagerEx.Ex.iExiEx+Additional personnel whomayberequested bytheDutyCallSupervisor orEmergency Coordinator areasfollows:Additional ContactsNuclearPlantSupervisor NuclearPlantSupervisor NuclearPlantSupervisor NuclearPlantSupervisor NuclearPlantSupervisor I6CSupervisor QualityControlSupervisor Maintenance Superintendent TrainingSupervisor Technical Supervisor EbascoCorp.PSLtlControlRoom0.D.HayesL.W.PearceN.D.WestC.L.BurtonGF;DavisC.F.LepplaN.G.RoosJE.BowersP.L.FincherR.R.JenningsPSL82IExiIEx.

Revision as of 19:01, 7 July 2018

Public Version of Revision 20 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure 3100023E, Onsite Emergency Organization & Roster.
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/26/1981
Shared Package
ML17212B229 List:
3100023E-02, 3100023E-2, NUDOCS 8112220140
Download: ML17212B231 (13)


FLORIDA POWER 6 LIGHT COMPANY ST.LUCIE UNXT 41 E-PLAN IMPLEMENTXNG PROCEDURE NO 3100023E REVXSION 20 1.0 22hle: ON-SITE EMERGF2fCT ORGANIZATION AND ROSTER 2.0~Aroool: Reviewed by Facility Review Approved by K.N.Harris Rev..'20 Review by FRGApproved by Group Plant Alnager Jul 25 1975 Jul 29,'975 Resource l9/Vice Pres-Pwr March 20'and 25 19 81 3.0~3co e: 3~1 Purpose This'procedure describes the members and duties of the On-Site Emergency Organization (see Figure 1).3.2.Discussion During the period immediately following the declaration of an emergency, the shift operating staff constitutes the immediate response organization, i.e., the Interim Emergency Teams., Emergency requirements.

take: immediate precedence over normal operating responsibilities (as determined by Emergency Procedures or at the direction of the Emergency Coordinator).

Subsequent to the immediate response actions and notifications, off-duty plant staff will begin arriving to form the Primary Emergency Teams and to staff the Technical Support Center.The On-Site Emergency Organization reports to and supports.the Emergency Coordinator.

3.3 Aurho~tc This-procedure implements the St.Lucia Plant RadiologicaL Emergency Plan 3.4.Definitions 3'L Emer en Coordinator Responsible for notifying off-site authorities, both inside and outside the Company and has full authority and responsibility fox on>>site emergency response-actions.This function is performed by the Nuclear Plant Supervisor.

His normal alternate is the Watch Engineer.The Operations j'228880200 8ii8~15 PDR ADOCK OSaaOSSS'*F PDR I

E-PLAN LEHENTING PROCEDURE NO~310002,-REVo 20 EMERGENCY ROSTER Page 2 of 11 3.0~Sco e: (continued) 3.4 Definitions: (continued) 3.4.1 Emer enc Coordinator: (continued)

Superintendent, the Operations Supervisor or Operations Duty Call Supervisox'an assume this function at their discretion following the proper turnover procedure.

3.4.2 Interim Emer enc Teams The Interim Emergency Teams are composed of members chosen from plant shift personnel.

All are qualified in procedures and practices required for the performances of their duties as team leaders or members.3.4.3 Prima Emer enc Teams The Primary Emergency Teams are composed of first line management personnel and others who normally work a regular Monday through Friday day shift schedule 3.4.4 Technical Su port Center Su ervisor The person who supervises the personnel and manages the technical support activities in the Technical Support Center.This function is performed by one of the following:

Primary: Alternate 1: Alternate 2: Alternate 3: Operations Superintendent Operations Supervisor Operations Duty Call Supervisors Off-duty Plant Supervisors

-Nuclear 3.4.5 0 erations Dut Call Su ervisor An on-call supervisor assigned on a rotating basis from the plant management staff with responsibility for assisting the Emergency Coordinator in notifying off-duty plant staff and the company's off-site emergency organization in the event of an emergency.

4 0 Precautions:

4.1 The Interim Teams should take'action regardless of the fact that the Primary Emergency Team members may be pxesent.Members of an Interim Emergency Team may consider themselves relieved~onl upon the specific instructions of a recognized superior or the Primary Emergency Team Leader.Merely knowing that a superior or a Primary Emergency Team Leader is present does not constitute a release from emergency duties and responsibilities.

..0 E-PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE NO.3100023E, REV.20 EMERGENCY ROSTER'I Page 3.of ll 4.0 Precautions: (continued) 4.2 At their own option, and with the concurrence of the Emergency Coordinator, Primary Emergency Team Leader of that team may relieve their counterpart on the Interim Emergency'Teams.

5.0 Res onsibilities:

5.1 Emer enc Direction and Control The Emergency Coordinator shall be responsible for direction and control, as described in E-Plan Implementing Procedure 3100021E, Duties of Emergency Coordinator.

5.2 Notification

and Communication The Emergency Coordinator shall be responsible for notification and communications as described in E-Plan Implementing Procedure 3100021E, Duties of Emergency Coordinator..

The Duty Call Supervisor shall be responsible for initial notification assistance.

5.3 Radiation Team The Health Physics Supervisor shall be the Primary Radiation Team Leader.He shall direct the actions of the Health Physics technicians under the orders of the Emergency Coordinator.

The Senior Health Physics repxesentative on site is designated as the Interim Radiation Team'Leader with suppoxt from Nuclear Operators.

5.4 Plant S stem En ineerin The Shift Technical Advisor shall provide the initial technical support necessary for repair or corrective action and shall be primarily responsible for accident assessment.

5.5 Fire Team The Nuclear Watch Engineer is the Fire Team Leader.This position is manned continuously, but, if he is not available, the Turbine Operator acts as his alternate.

The St.Lucie County-Ft.Pierce Fire District may respond to fires on-site, if requested.

5.6 First Aid/Decontamination Team The Chemistry Supervisor shall be the Primary Team Leader a Chemistry Technician as his alternate.

A Nuclear Operator, trained in first aid and personnel decontamination, shall be the Intexim Team Leader.If no Chemistry Department personnel are on-site, any trained employee could act as a First Aid/Decontamination Team member until primary team members can be called in.

eE-PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE NO.3100023E, REV.20 EMERGENCY ROSTER Page 4 of 11 5 0 Res onsibilities: (continued)

The Plant.Security Supervisor shall be the Px'imary Secuxity Team Leader with the Security Force Shift Supervisor as his alternate., The Security Force Shift Supervisor shall act as the Interim-Security Team Leader.Personnel control and accountability are the'responsibility of the Security Team.The Security Team Leader shall be responsible for notifying the Emergency'oordinator of unaccounted for personnel Notification of occupants in the Owner Controlled Area Shall take place during the security search.5.8 Rescue 0 erations Rescue Operations shall involve the First Aid/Decontamination Team and the Radiation Team as necessary.

Under the control of the Radiation Team Leader, entry to potentially hazardous areas shall be'ade by the Fixst Aid/Decontamination Team with assistance from the Radiation Team..Upon notification of the in)ury, both teams shall respond per the Emergency Coordinator's instructions.

Re-entry teams.shall be formed as necessary in accordance with E-.Plan Implementing Procedure 3100027E, Re-Entry.5.10 Recove and Restoration Team Recovery and Restoration Operations shall involve all emergency teams as necessary.

Team membexs shall be assigned from available plant staff..5.11 Technical Su port Center Staff The TSC shall be used to provide plant management and technical support to plant operations personnel during emergency conditions.

A primary task shall be to relieve the Emergency Coordinator of off-site communications to the.state and local agencies, NRC and the FPL Off-Site Emergency Organization.

The TSC staff shall provide technical support as requested by the Emergency Coordinator and shall direct itself toward determining current and pro)ected plant status and providing in-depth diagnostic and engineering assistance, as required.,5'2 Emer enc Roster The QC Supervisor shall be responsible for periodic verification and updating of the Emergency Roster.Personnel on the Roster shall'otify the QC Supervisor when a change pertinent to information appearing on the roster occurs.

I~E~E-P~IMPLEHENTING PROCEDURE NO.3100023E, REV.20~~EMERGENCY ROSTER Page 5 of 11 6"0 Re f erences: I 6.1 St.Lucie Plant Radiological Emergency Plan 6.2 E.Plan Implementing Procedure 3100021E, Duties of the Emergency Coordinator.

6.3 E Plan Implementing Procedure 3100027E, Re-Entry.7.0 Records: The Emergency Coordinator shall maintain records as described in E-Plan=Implementing Procedure 3100021E, Duties of the Emergency Coordinator.


'PROCEDURE NO~31QQ E~, REV~20 EMERGENCY ROSTER Page'of 11 8.0 Instructions:

8'~Upon declaration of an emergency, the Interim Team Leaders shall contact the Emergency Coordinator to determine the immediate response teams needed.8~2 The Emergency Coordinator shall notify the Duty Call Supervisor to inform necessary plant management and Primary Team Leadexs to report to t e Technical Support Center for assignment if necessary.

8.3 The Technical Suppoxt Center Supervisor shall assist the Emergency~Coordinatox in assigning personnel to the Technical Support Center or the Operations Support Center.8.4 Department heads or their designated alternates shall report to the Technical Support Center where they shall, if necessary, relieve the'nterim Team Leaders, and assume their xesponsibilities as Primary Team Leadexs;or staff the Technical Support:.Center as directed by the Emergency'oordinator.

8.5 Appendix A is the Call List to assist the Emexgency Coordinator in initial notification of the Duty Call Supervisor.

8.6 Appendix 8 is the List of Local Outside Agencies.8.Z Appendix C is the Duty Call Supervisor's Call List.The Duty Ca11 Supervisor shall contact these people when directed by the Emergency ,Coordinator to do so.

f~~I E-IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE NO.3100023E, REV.20 EMERGENCY ROSTER Page 7 of Il Emergency Coordinator Nuclear Plant Supervisor (Vetch Engineer)Xnterim (Shift Emergency Team EMERGENCY TEAMS Primary Emergency Team Health Physics Representative (Nuclear Operator)Nuclear Match Engineer (Nuclear Turbine Operator)RADIATION Health Physics Supervisor (Health Physics Technician)

Nuclear Match Engineer (Nuclear Turbine Operator)Nuclear Operator (Aux1liary Equip.Operator)FXRST AID&PERSONNEL DECONTAMXNATION Chemistry Supervisor (Chemistry Technician)

Security Force Shift Supervisor (Response from leader)SECURITY Plant Security Supervisor (Assistant Plant Security Supervisor)


Reactor Supervisor (Engineer, Reactor Eng.Dept.)All Teams and FPL Resources FIGURE 1 E-P LPLEMENTING PROCEDURE NO.31 23E, REV 20 EMERGENCY ROSTER Page 8 of 11 EMERGENCY ROSTER APPENDIX A DUTY CALL SUPERVISORS Plant Manage MAINTENANCE DUTY CALL SUPERVISOR OPERATIONS DUTY CALL SUPERVISOR H~P~DUTY CALL SUPERVISOR T.A.Dillard C.P.Leppla J.E.Bowers M.B Vincent D.A.Sager J A.Spodick B.W.Mikell C.A.Pell J.H.Barrow G.M.Green H.P.Buchanan H-M.Mercer P.L.Pincher Beeper No.534 N.Gi Roos R S Glaze M.D.Sheppard Beeper No.Beeper No.

4~~E-PLAN LEMENTXNG PROCEDURE NO 31000, REV~20 EMERGENCY ROSTER Page 9 of ll/KZ Plant Manag r/Dat~LOCAL OUTSXDE AGENCIES: SERVICE APPENDIX B NAME OFPXCE PHONE EMERGENCY PIRE Por additional assistance St.Lucie County-if required on fires with Pt.Pierce Pire dist.radioactive material involved Same NON-RADIOLOGICAL IN JURIES Treatment-all hours Hospital admission Ambulance-all hours RADIOLOGICAL INJURIES Transportation

-all hrs.Lawnwood Medical Center Dr J.N.Sims St.Lucie County-Pt.Pierce Fire dist.I St.Lucie County-Pt.Pierce Fire dist.Same Same Same Interim treatment facility-all hours Primary treatment facility-all hours SERVXCE Lawnwood Medical Center REEF Mount Sinai Hospital NAHE Same Same PHONE OFFICE EMERGENCY Local Law Enforcement St.Lucie County Sheriff Federal Bureau of Investigation Florida Highway Patrol Explosive Ordnance Disposa1 66th Ordnance Det.USA Patrick Air Force Base USNRC Resident Inspectors S.Elrod H.Bibb SITE EXT OPFXCE~HOME

~~~')i'~E PLAN XMPLEMENTXNG PROCEDURE'NO~3 1~3E~REV 20 EMERGENCY ROSTER Page 10 of 11 APPENDIX C Plant Manage Dat TITLE DUTY CALT SUPERVXSOR'S CALL LXST NAME HOME PHONE QPPXCE Emer.Recovexy&Restoration team leader-Plant Manager Alternate:

Ops.Superintendent Emergency Contxol Officer C.M.Wethy J.H.Barrow A.D.Schmidt Beeper ALTERNATES Manager Power Res.-Nuclear C 0.Woody 4 Beeper Asst.Vice Pres.Power Res Asst.Mgr.Pwr.Res.-Nuclear J.R.Benson K.N.Harris Beeper, (Pt.Pierce-Weekends (Bismi-.Weekday@

'Beeper Mgr.of Pwr.Res.Nuclear Services Pwr.Res.Specialist H N.Paduano D.K.James Beeper Beeper Pwr.Res.Sec.Supv.Plant R.J.Acosta Beeper Systems Operations Power Coordinator TEAM LEADERS&ALTERNATES Emergency radiation team leader Alternate emergency radiaion team leader Alternate emergency radiation team leader H.F.Buchanan H.M.Mercer G.M.Green or R.M.McCullers.Plant Pire Protection Coordinator W.J.Barrow

'I~I 4 w 4~I~~4 0 E-PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE NO.3100023E, REV.20 EMERGENCY ROSTER Page 11 of 11 APPENDIX C Team Leaders 6 Alternates (continued)

Plant Manager Date TITLE NAME HOME PHONE EMERGENCY Emergency First Aid&personnel leader Alternate Emergency First Aid 6 personnel member R.J.Frechette B.W.Kelsey Ex.!Ex.Emergency'ecurity team leader Alternate Emergency security team leader J.G.West G.A.Longhouser Interim security team leader Alternate interim security team leader Capt.of the Guard Sr.CRT Operator Ex.Ex.Assembly area supervisor Alternate assembly area supervisor Technical Support Center Supervisor Alternate TSC Supv.(Ops.Supv.)C.A.Pell M.S.Dryden J.H.Barrow D.A.Sager Ex.Ex.i Exi Ex+Additional personnel who may be requested by the Duty Call Supervisor or Emergency Coordinator are as follows: Additional Contacts Nuclear Plant Supervisor Nuclear Plant Supervisor Nuclear Plant Supervisor Nuclear Plant Supervisor Nuclear Plant Supervisor I 6 C Supervisor Quality Control Supervisor Maintenance Superintendent Training Supervisor Technical Supervisor Ebasco Corp.PSL tl Control Room 0.D.Hayes L.W.Pearce N.D.West C.L.Burton G F;Davis C.F.Leppla N.G.Roos J E.Bowers P.L.Fincher R.R.Jennings PSL 82 I Exi I Ex.

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