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g5yd SHOREHAM NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 1                                                                                                                      0 a
Of R. A. Borgen T. G. Humphrey M. W. Yost U.S. Department of Energy Idaho Operations Office
* Idaho National Engineering Laboratory i                .
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1.-y This is an informal report intended for use as a preliminary or working document t
Prepared for the l              U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l              Under DOE Contract No. DE-AC07-76ID01570 y E G n G ,o n.
FIN No. A6415 8211010490 820731 p
1 PDR RES 8211010490                                                                          PDR
h EGsG . .. ,n FORM EG4G-398
  - (Rev 0342)
Report No. EGG-EA-5936
+ Contract Program or Project
Equipment Qualification Case Reviews Subject of this Document:
Audit of the Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment at the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 Type of Document:
Informal Report Author (s):
R. A. Borgen T. G. Humphrey M. W. Yost Dit] of Document:
July 1982
. Responsible NRC Individual and NRC Office or Division:
Z. R. Rosztoczy, Division of Engineering This document was prepared primarily for preliminary or internal use. it has not received full review and approval. Since there may be substantive changes, this document should not be considered final.
EG&G ldaho, Inc.
Ida.% Falls. Idaho 83415
* Prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.                                        ,
,                                        Under DOE Contract No. DE AC07 76lD01570                                  l NRC FIN No. A6415 INTERIM REPORT
                                                                                                                                                          'l AUDIT OF THE~ ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIFICATION OF SAFETY-RELATED ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AT THE SHOREHAM NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 1 Docket No. 50-322 i
Richard A. Borgen Thomas G.. Humphrey Max W. Yost Reliability and Statistics Branch Engineering Analysis Division EG&G Idaho, Inc.
4 i
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r ABSTRACT The Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1, (Docket No. 50-322) was audited to determine the environmental qualification of safety-related electrical equipment. Results of the audit are summarized in this report.
Results of a second, confinnatory audit are also included as an appendix to this report.
FOREWORD This report is supplied as part of the " Equipment Qualification Case Reviews" being conducted for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Division of Engineering, Equipment Qualification Branch, by EG&G Idaho, Inc., Reliability and Statistics Branch.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission funded the work under the authorization, B&R 20-19-02-15.
NRC FIN No. A6415, Equipment Qualification Case Reviews 11
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CONTENTS ABSTRACT .............................................................                    11
    . FOREWORD . ............................................................                  11
....................................................                      1 2.0 EVALUATION ......................................................                      1
S .....................................................                      2
......................................................                      2 APPENDIX A--EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATION STATUS ...........................                      3
    . APPENDIX B--SUMMARIES OF CENTRAL FILE REVIEWS ........................                  13 APPENDIX C--CONFIRMATORY AUDIT RESULTS ...............................                    25 e
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                                      ~AT THE SH0REHAM NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 1 1.0~ INTRODUCTION On April 25-30, .1982, .a team composed of representatives of the Reli-ability and Statistics Branch of EG&G Idaho, Inc., and the Nuclear Regula-tory Commission Staff. conducted an audit of the environmental _ qualification                                                  ;
                'of safety related electrical equipment at the Shoreham Nuclear Power                                                            l
.                Station, Unit 1._ The work effort consisted of: (a) a pre-audit review of.                                                      .
                .the. licensee's' environmental qualification submittal, (b) an audit of the                                                      !
          '.. licensee's central files for selected equipment items, and (c) a visual inspection-of the equipment items for which the central files were audited.
Qualification deficiencies for individual equipment items are provided in Appendix A. Summaries of the central file reviews 1are provided in Appendix 8. Results of a confirmatory audit,-conducted June 2-3, 1982, are                                                      l
-                provided in Appendix C.                                                                                                        l l
2.0 EVALUATION General areas of concern which remain as a result of both the audit i                and the pre-audit review are as follows:                                                                                        I a
: 1. The IJI (Interim Justification Inadequate) comment in Appendix A of this report.usually inoicates a lack of failure effects analysis.
: 2. In the Equipment Qualification Summary Sheets (EQSS) there are sometimes differing summaries of the same test report (see Magnetrol).
: 3. The EQSS sometimes lists the tested model and other times lists the model-being qualified.
4    The cycle aging section of the EQSS seems to be arbitrarily 7
filled out. Cycling of transmitters is usually not required.
: 5. In the revised Environmental Qualification Status Report (EQSR) some items have been' changed to qualified with no Environmental
.                              -Qualification (EQ) sheet referenced.
: 6. . Some items which were changed from qualified to not qualified in the revised EQSR were not then included in the Qualification I
Action Plan.
: 7. The revised EQSR lists the-120 VAC distribution panels (systems
* control) as qualified; however, EQ sheet 124-01 states that qualification is unacceptable.
k L 3-                    8. The NSSS environmental qualification action plan does not show j-                              completion dates for tne Commonwealth Edison test schedule.-
t 1
                      . _ . _ .          ~        , _ _ _ - - . _ _              _,- , _ _ _ _ - _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ , _ . . - - , , _ _ . . . - _
: 9. A review of the central files for 20 equipment items indicated that all of the files should be reviewed with emphasis placed in the following areas:
(a) similarity of models tested to models installed, (b) operability time,                                                                                                                        '
                -(c) post LOCA operability, and (d) post LOCA accuracy.
S As a result of the audit it was concluded that the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station environmental qualification program was not complete. The licensee will review and revise the central files for environmental quali-fication. This review / revision was completed on June 1, 1982, and a con-firmatory audit was conducted to determine the licensee's qualification status. Results of this confirmatory aucit are provided in Appendix C.
: 1. . Interim Staff Position on Environmental Qualification of Safety Related Electrical Equipment, NUREG-0588.
: 2. IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class lE Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations,~IEEE Std. 323-1974.
: 3. Environmental Qualification Report for Class lE Equipment,                                                                                  .
Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1, Long Island Lighting Company.
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APPENDIX-A' EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATION ~ STATUS Tables A-1 and A-2 list Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) and Balance of Plant (B0P) equipment and qualification status, respectively.      The fol-lowing codes are used for status designation.
  . LILC0 Evaluation--(Ref. 3 Appendix F)
Q--Equipment is qualified.
QG--Equipment is qualified except for aging.
DR--Documentation is in review.
FT--Documentation has been reviewed, further test / analysis recommended IJ--Qualification documentation not expected to be completed prior to fuel load, [ refer to Appendix G (Ref. 3) for status].
MR--Modification of equipment is recommended for qualification.
RR--Replacement is recommended, test report for qualified replacement will be evaluated; i
TA--Testing / Analysis program has been initiated.
Reviewer Evaluation--
A--Aging deficiency                          Q--Qualified.
AA--Aging by analysis only                  R--Radiation deficiency H--Humidity deficiency                      RA--Radiation by analysis only IJA--Interim justification adequate          RP--No resolution program IJI--Interim justification inadequate        T--Temperature deficiency ND--No data                                  T--Ramp deficiency (for Rosemount)
NQ--Not qualified                            TRA--Test Report Applicability NT--No Test                                        questioned.
0--Operability not demonstrated OT--Operating Time deficiency
    . P--Pressure deficiency
  .e 5
TABLE A-1. Sil0REllAM NUCLEAR POWER SI A110N NUCLEAR STEAM SUPPLY SYSTEM EQUIPMENT QUALIFICAll0N STA10S LILCO    Reviewer Eaulpment                    Ma nu factitEgr            Model    [yal    Eva l ua t io[L QM
: 1. Solenoid operated            Asco                  HT-X-8320A20      'lJ    AA,RA,lJA,RP      24 Valve                                                                            .
: 2. Solenoid operated            Asco                  NP8316C37          QG    Q                  2 Valve
: 3. Solenoid operated            Ta rge t              1/2 SMS-A-1        RR    R,0I,AA            22 Valve
: 4. Explosive Valvo              Conax                  1832-159-01        IT    R,A,0T              2
: 5. Motor operated Valve          L imi to rque          SMa-2,-3 (003-01)  IJ    A,T,01,RP,lJI      4
: 6. Pump                          GE                    CD259A7              TA        ---            1
: 7. Pump                          CE                    1.5HP,120VDC        1A    ND                  1
: 8. Pump                          GE                    36tP,1900 RPM        --
ND                  2
: 9. Pump                          CE                    3tlP,3500 RPM        TA        ---
1 cn
: 10. Pump                          CE                    SK324AM2084        FT    ND                  2
: 11. Pump                          CE                    SK6339XC91A/94A    Q      OT,R,AA            6
: 12. E/P Convorter                fisher Covernor      546                DR    NO                  2
: 13. f low Transmitter            Amotek                078-5004            DR    NO                  4
: 14. Pressure Transmi tter        Bailey                KG556              RR          --
: 15. Lovel T ra nsmi t te r        Barton                368                RR          ---
2    l
: 16. Level Indicating              Barton                760                RR          ---            4 T ransmi tte r
: 17. Level T ra nsm i t te r      Posemount            1152                Q      A                  2
: 18. T ransmi t ters              Rosemount            1151                Q      A                  27
: 19. T ransmi t te rs              Rosemount            1151                FT    R.A,RP            28
: 20. Pressure Switch              Barksdale            BIT                  IJ    AA, RA, RP, lJ A  14
: 21. Pressure Switch              Barksdale            D2H                  IJ    AA, RA, R P, lJ A  16
TABLE A-1.      (continued)
LILCO      Reviewer Eguj gd!ignt
__fqufac tu re r                                    Model  Ey &    _f.ysjyltion        9th
: 22. Pressure Sw!tch        Bas tdale                    P1H                          IJ      AA, RA, R P, lJ A    4
: 23. DP Switch                Barton                      288A/289A                    IJ      A, R,0T , R P, lJ 1  33
: 24. Level Switch            Magnotrol              ~3.5-151-1X-MPG-M14HY              IJ      NT,R,lJI              2
: 25. Position Switch        Namco                        D1200                        TA      ND                    2
: 26. Position Switch        Namco                        EA140                      RR      ND                    8
: 27. Level Switch            Not Determined                                  ---      DR      ND -                  1
: 28. Position Switch          Not Dotormined                                  ---
DR      ND                    3
: 29. Pressure Switch          Squa re D                  9012,ACW-12                  TA      ND                    1
: 30. Level Switch            Squa ro D                    9038-AG154                    TA      hD                    I
: 31. Level Switch            Squa ro D                  9038-AG154                    DR      ND                    1
: 32. Level Switch            Square D                    9038-A6154                    DR      ND                    1
  'd                                                                                                  A,R,0T                d
: 33. Pressure Swi tch        Static-O-Ring              SN,6N                          DR                                        i l                                                                                                                                      l
: 34. Temperaturo Element    Calif. Alloy                  145C3228a P2                  IJ      H, R P, lJ I          6          j
: 35. Temperature Element    Calif. Alloy                145C3224P001                  DR      NQ                    4          )
: 36. Temperature Elemont    Fenwal                      145C3224P002                  DR      TRA,1JI,RP            4
: 37. Temperature Element    NECl                        145C3224PD01                  DR      O,AA                  4          i l
: 38. Temperaturo Element    Pyco                        102-3171                      Q        Q                    2
: 39. Radiation Element      GE                        237X731G001                      DR      ND                    4
: 40. Flow Element            Schutte & Koerting                              ---
DR      ND                    4
: 41. Blower                  GE                        2CH6 041-1U                      IJ      RA,AA,RP              3
: 42. Hand Control            CE                        470518673                        IJ      RA,AA,lJI RP 4
: 43. Tucbine                Terry                    GS-1                              TA      ND                    1
: 44. Pa ne l                CE                                              ---
DR      ND                  21
: 45. Panel                  CC                      M26                              DR      ND                    3
_            Mode 1    [ya1    FvaiuaLion_ 9LL, 1  Motor Control Centers                Ceneral Electric  DC MCC              IJ  HP,lJA          4
: 2. Motor control Conter                  Squa re D          Model 4            IJ  RP, lJ I      22
: 3. B rea ke r                            CE                M26                DR    ND              4
: 4. Solenoid Operated                    Asco              HV2DO-926-IF-EP    RR          --
12 Valve
: 5. Solenoid Operated                    Asco              WJHKX-8320-A89E    Q    TRA            37 Valve
: 6. Solenoid Operated                    Asco              WJK206-380-6F      Q    TRA            6 Valvo
: 7. Solenoid Operated                    Valcor            V526-5295,-5683    Q    Q              19 Valve
: 8. Temperature Control                  Beck              14-101-023645(ES)  IJ  AA,0,R,lJi    18 Valve
: 9. Motor Opera ted Va lve                L im i to rque    SMB (197-01)"      Q    A              18 0)
: 10. Motor Operatud Valve                  L imi to rque    SMB, Si? (8 CAD-02) Q    A              24
: 11. Motor Operated Va lve                Li m i to rque    SMS (88V-02)        Q    A              5
: 12. Motor Operated Va lvo                Lim i to rque    SMB (88V-03)        Q    A              65
: 13. Motor Operated Valve                  Limi to rque      SMB (88V-04)        Q    ND              3
: 14. Motor Operated Va lvo                L imi to rque    SMB (88V-01)        Q    P,A,OT        23
: 15. Mo to r Ope ra ted Va l ve            Limi torque      SMB (253-01)        Q    P,A,OT          8
: 16. Moto r Ope ra ted Va l ve            Li mi to rque    SMB,SMC (253-03)    Q    A,OT          26
: 17. Motor Operated Valvo                  Limitorque        SMB (289-02)        Q    A,OT            2
: 18. Mo to r Ope ra ted Va l vo            Limi to rque      SMB (214-02)        Q    A,OT          10
: 19. Motor Operated Va lve                Li mi to rque    SMB (253-02)        Q    A              2
: 20. Motor Operated Va lve                Limi to rque      SMB (214-01)        Q    P, A            2
: 21. Mo to r Ope ra ted Va l ve            Limi to rque      SMB (88AD-01)      Q    A,P,OT          1
                .            a                              .        .                                  e ,
                                      .        s                                                                                              .                      -                              e      .
TABLE A-2.                (continued)
LILCO    Reviewer EatllRe_e!!1                                        Manurardu re r                                                                  Model [yLL, _LyaluatloIL gm
: 22.      Mo to r ope ra ted Va l ve                          Limitorque                                                          SMB                        DR    ND            43
: 23.      Motor Operated Va lve                              Li m i to rque                                                      SMB                        RR    No,            3
: 24.                                                                                                                                32046-6
Ai r Operated Damper                                Centerlino                                                                                      Q    Q              2
: 25.      Ai r Operated Damper                                Powers                                                              331-2792                  Q    T              2-
: 26.      Motor Operated Damper                                ITT                                                                NH91                      IJ    IJi            2
: 27.      Motor Operated Damper                              Raymond                                                              MASR-49                    IJ    IJt,NQ        $
: 28.      Motor Operated Damper                              Raymond                                                              MASR-9                    IJ    IJ1,NQ        4
: 29.        Pump                                              Relanco                                                              100-HP-405TS              DR    ND            3
: 30.        Pump                                              Reliance                                                            20-IIP-286T                DR    ND            2
: 31.        Inst. Cable                                        Brand Rex                                                            Low Capacitance            Q    Q              1
: 32.        Powe r Ca b l e                                    Kerite                                                              SKV                        Q    Q              1 "3
: 33.        Powe r Ca b le                                    Okonite                                                            600V                        Q    Q              1
: 34.        Inst. Cable                                        Raycliem                                                                            ---        Q    Q              1
: 35.        Inst. Cable                                        Rockbestos                                                          Coax & Triax                Q    TRA            1
: 36.        TC Wire                                            Rockhestos                                                                      ---
Q    TRA            1
: 37.      Control and inst. Cable Rockbestos                                                                                      300/600V                    Q    Q              1
: 38.      Swbd Wire                                          CE                                                                  Vulkene Supreme            Q    NQ,lJ1        1
: 39.      Swbd Wire                                          Rockbestos                                                            Firewall ill              Q    Q              1
: 40.      Flow Transmitter                                  Ai r Moni tor Corp.                                                  Veltron 800                IJ    IJA            2
: 41.      T ransmi tte rs                                    Rosemount                                                            1152(406-02)              Q    T,OT,A        14
: 42.      T ransmi t te rs                                  Rosemount                                                            1152                      MR    ND            13
: 43.      T ransm i t te rs                                  Rosemount                                                            1153(406-01)              Q    A,OT          $
: 44.      T ransmi t te rs                                  Rosemount                                                            1153(406-02)              Q    TRA            4 1
a 1
TABLE A-2.    (continued)
LILCO    Reviewer f_ quips!!e!Dt      Manuranure r            Mode 1 [y &    EvaluatioIL gm
: 45. Pressure Swi tch      Abco            SB11AkR/TF10A32B TA    ND              9
: 46. Pressure Switch        Asco            SB11AKR/TC10A328 TA    ND.            4
: 47. DP Switch              Dwyer            1627            IJ    NQi1Ji          6
: 48. Level Switch          Magentrol        291-MPC-X-M14DC  IJ    NT,R,1J1        6
: 49. Level Element          CFMS            XM-54854        IJ    IJ1            3
: 50. Radiation Element      Kamen                  ---        TA        ---        2 Rosemount        88-149-1        Q    Q              4
: 51. Temperature Elemont
: 52. Temperature Element    Rosumount        88-149-2        Q    Q              8
: 53. Temperature Element    Rosemount        89-138-2/88-14-3 Q    Q              1
: 54. Temperature Element    Rosemount        89-86-4/88-14-1  Q    Q              9 55, lemperature Element    Rosemount        89-86-4/88-14-3  Q    Q              6 E$ 56. Position Switch        Namco            FA180            DR    ND            17
: 57. Position Switch        Namco            EA740            RR    ND            $5
: 58. Position Switch        Namco            EA750            RR    ND              8
: 59. Fan                    Westinghouse      143TCZ          Q    Q              1
: 60. Fan                    Westinghouse      143T            DR    ND              2
: 61. Fan                    Westinghouse    213T            DR    ND              8
: 62. Fan                    Westinghouse    286T            DR    ND              1
: 63. Fa n                  Westinghouse    326T            DR    ND              4
: 64. Fa n                  Westinghouse    364T            DR    ND              4
: 65. Fan                    Westinghouse    405TCZ          DR    ND              3
: 66. Fan                    Westinghouse    7.$llP 2451      DR    ND              2
: 67. Blower                Reliance        324T            Q    Q              2
                -          a                  .
_m                                                  . .
                  .            s                                        .        .                                                                    e  e-
,      TABLE A-2.    (continued)
LILCO            Reviewer fou_[gment              Manulamure r                                Model              fysl.          Evaluation _    9ty,,
: 68. Transfer Swi tch          Asco                                  307A66C                      TA          NO                    2
: 69. Selector Swi tch          GE                                    CR2940                        IJ          IJ ,1                1
: 70. Hand Selector Switch      GE                                    294 OUS 203E                  IJ          ND.                  2
: 71. Panel                    Atomics int.                              ---
TA          ND                    2
: 72. Pane l                    Consip                                K-IV                          Q            T.A                  4
: 73. Panel                    Gould                                  5600 Series                  FI          0,R,AA                4
: 74. Panel                    Kamen                                    ---                        TA          ND                    2
: 75. Panel                    NMC                                      ---                          --
ND                    1
: 76. Panel                    Squa re D                              Bkr Dist                      IJ          IJ1 RP                6
: 77. Pa ne l                  Squaro D                              480V                          IJ          IJ1,RP                3
: 78. Panel                    Systems Control                        120VAC Dist                  Q            R,0                  2
  $    79. Flex Conduit              Electro riox                          CEA Sealtito                  IJ          IJ1                    1
: 80. Conduit Coupilng          Servico-Air                            Amer. BOA SS                  DR          ND                    1
: 31. Penet ra t ion            Conax                                  Low Volt Pwr, Cont            Q            Q                      1
: 82. Pene t ra t ion          Conax                                  Low Volt Pwr, Cont            Q            TRA                  2
: 83. Penet ra t ion            CE                                    Series 100 Med Volt          IJ          R,A                  3
: 84. Penet ra t ion            GE                                    Series 200 Med Volt          IJ          R,A                  20
: 85. Lugs & Splices            Amp                                    52900-53900                  Q            T,0T,TRA,lJA          1
: 86. Lugs & Splices            Amp                                  52900-53900                    IJ          T,0T,TRA,lJA          --
: 87. Tape                      Merite                                S-SMT-NUC                    DR          ND                    1
: 88. Tapo                      Okonito                                135,T95                      IJ          TRA,1J1                1
: 89. Insulating Material      Raychem                              WCSF-N                        Q            NQ,lJ1                1
: 90. Chico Compounds          C rouso-lli nd s                      Chico (X), (A)                IJ          IJ1                  1 i
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                                  -SUMMARIES OF CENTRAL FILE REVIEWS
;          RHR Pump Motor: General Electric, Model 5K6339XC91A, Plant ID No.-lEll*P014A The General Electric motor is located-in the secondary reactor building and is used to drive RHR pump lEll*P014A.
,w The.specified accident parameters are as follows: temperature 149'F
          - decreasing to gmbient at 16 hours, pressure 0.9 psig, humidity 100%, radia-tion 4.14 x 10" Rads total integrated dose (TIO), and operating time
            .180 days.
I                  General Electric tested on a similar motor and documented the test in GE Report No. NEDM-10672 and analysis reported in EDS calculation
No. 0630-001-011. General Electric.also performed radiation and thermal an'alysis testing on a motor formette and documented the test in GE report 419HA988 and analysis reported in EDS calculation No. 0630-001-012.
The environmental parameters that the motor was subjected to were: temper-ature 212*F, pressure 7 inches water column, and humidity 100%. The test duration was 12 hours (extended to 58.2 hours by analysis) with 86 hours
,          post-0BE operation. The steam environment test was performed on a motor I
which had been used for two years on pump tests. The motor was considered to be near "end-of-life" at the time of the steam test. Radiation and thermalagingdatawereobtainedfromqualificatgontestingonanECCS motor    formette. Radiation exposure was 5.5 x 10 Rads TID with thermal j
aging for 1362 hours at 200*C. - A qualified life of >40 years was cal-culated provided that a recommended maintenance schedule is followed.
It is concluded that the General Electric RHR pump motor is environ-mentally qualified and that evidence of qualification is contained in the applicant's files.
600 V Power Cable: Okonite, Plant ID No. 1R31*NFM02g This cable is used to supply power to various Class lE loads through-out the plant.
The specified accident environmental parameters are: temperature
          -340*F, pressurg 48 psig, humidity 100%, demineralized water spray, radia-tion 1.76 x 10o Rads TID, and operating time 180 days.
I Environmental testing of this type of cable is recorded in three test reports (Okonite report No. NQRN-1, Wyle Laboratories report No. 17464-1802, and Franklin Laboratories report No. F-C3694). The maximum environmental s      parameters that the cable was subjected to are: temperature 345*F, pres-sure 112 psig, humidity 100%, borated water spray pH 10.5, radiation 12.0 x 108 Rads TID, test duration 130 days (extended to 180 days by
      ,      analysis). The test margins are considered adequate except for temperature; however, the fact that the temperature margin was only 5*F is considered insignificant. The cable was pre-aged for 21 days at 150*C. A qualified life of >40-years was calculated using the Arrhenius method.
It is concluded that the Okonite power cable is environmentally qualified and that evidence of qualification is contained in the applicant's files.
Air Cylinder Actuator: Centerline, Model 32046-6, Plant ID No. 1T46*A000408 This component is part of an automatic temperature control system for the HVAC and is used in the reactor ouilding refueling level exhaust damper.
The damper closes on RBSVS initiation signal.
temperature 138'F, pressure The  specified            accident 1 psig, humidity 100%, radiation 8.5 x 103    parameters  arq: Rads TIO and operating time 70 min.
Environmental testing was performed on this model actuator by Wyle Laboratories and reported in Wyle test report No. 44540-1.
The maximum environmental parameters that the unit was subjected to areasfollgws: temperature 170*F, pressure 1 psig, humidity 100%, radia-tion 1 x 10 Rads TID; the test duration was 722 hours. The test margins are adequate to envelop the accident environment. The unit was thermally aged for 54 days at 180*F. The only nonmetalic material in the unit, how-ever, is the Buna-N 0-Ring seal. Wyle supplemental report No. 17464-1002 recommends that this seal be changed every eight years.
It is concluded that the Centerline air cylinder actuator is environ-mentally qualified and that evidence of the qualification is contained in the applicant's files.
Drywell Hydrogen Analyzer: Comsio Inc., Model K-IV, Plant ID No. 1T48*H2Z115B                '
This equipment is located in the secondary reactor building ano is used to measure post accident hydrogen concentration in the drywell.
This equipment is required for loss of coolant accidents (LOCA) only;
* therefore, the only harsh environmental parameter is Radiation:
2.47 x 10 Rads TID. The sample gas itself reaches a temperature of 340*F at 48 psig; however, it has cooled to <104 F before reaching the gas analyzer. Operating time is 180 days.
Environmental testing was performed on a prototype gas analyzer by Engineering Analysis and Test Company Inc., and reported in Project 1035-1 Rev. 1 report supplemented by Reliance Electric Co. Report HUC-9. The maximum environmental parameters that the prototype was subjected to are as follows: temperature 150*F, pressure 0 psig, humidity 90%, radiation 1 x 100 Rads TID; the test duration was 100 days extended to 180 days by analysis. The test margins and analysis are adequate to envelop the accident environment. No thermal aging was performed. The applicant indicated a qualified life of 40 years; however, the qualification docu-mentation indicated that some components had a design life of only five years.
The environmental testing resulted in two anomalies; after 42 days the sample pump failed due to frozen bearings and after 100 days the sample 16
pump diaphragm began to leak. A new test plan for retesting the sample pump is included in the qualification data package. The retest was com-pleted, however in June 1982, but data are not yet available.
It is concluded that the hydrogen gas analyzer is not qualified, this agrees with the applicant's conclusion.
Electrical Penetration:          Conax, Low Voltage Power, Plant ID No. 1T23-Z-WC1 The penetration covered by the qualification file will be used for inservice inspection only and will not be energized.                                                                    ,
The specified accident parameters are: temperature 340 F, pressure                                              !
48 psig,8 humidity 100%, demineralized water spray, radiation 1.2 x 10 Rads TID, and operating time 180 days.
Four Conax test reports are included in the qualification data package (1P5-583, IPS-631, IPS-585.3, and IPS-325) .
Test report IPS-585.3 is used for qualification of the adapter module l
feedthrough assemblies. This test report is incomplete until the following items have been addressed:
: 1. Similarity between the tested item and the items installed at Shoreham has not been established.
: 2. The DBE test profile was not shown to be equivalant to the Shoreham DBE profile.
: 3. Radiation total integrated doses should be in equivalent air instead of equivalent water.
: 4. The thermal aging time and temperature used during the test were not analyzed specific to Shoreham's normal service temperature.
It is concluded that the Conax electrical penetration is not environ-mentally qualified, which agrees with the applicant's conclusion. Conax Corp. has agreed, by letter, to respond to the concerns by June 1982.
Fan Motor for MCC Unit Cooler:              Westinghouse, Model 143TCZ, Plant ID tio. 1T46*FN023 f                      This motor is located in the secondary reactor building ano is used in conjunction with IT46*UC023 MCC unit cooler.
The specified accident environmental parameters are:
153*F, pressure 0.9psig, humidity 100%, radiation 2.9x10gemperature                                  Rads TID, and operating time 180 days.
Environmental testing for this type of unit was performeo by the a      Buffalo Forge Company and documented in their qualification document No. 00-146F, Rev. T ( %cludes Westinghouse report MM 9112). The maximum environmental parameters that the motor was subjected to are as follows:
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tempergture227*F, pressure 3.3psig, humidity.100%, radiation 2 x 10 Rads-TID, test duration 30 days. The test margins are adequate
  -except for operating time which was established by analysis. The. motor was pre-aged for 1369 hours at 210*C. A qualified life of >40 years was calculated using the Arrhenius method. The applicant has requested a main-tenance schedule for the motor bearings from Westinghouse.                                  ,
It is concluded that the Westinghouse f an motor is environmentally qualified. Evidence of qualification is contained in the applicant's files.                ,
_ Hydrogen Recombiner Blower Motor: Reliance Electric Company, Model 324T, Plant ID No. II46*SLUGIA The motor is located in the secondary reactor building and used to drive the blower used in hydrogen recombiner operation.
The motor is for post-LOCA use only. Tne specified accident environ-mentalparametersageasfollows: temperature 104*F, pressure atmospheric, radiation 2.47 x 10 Rads TID, and operating time 180 days. Environmental testing of this type of motor is recorded in Limitorque report No. 600456 and Reliance report No. NUC-9. The maximum environmental test parameters temperature 310*F, pressure 70 psig, humidity 100%, radiation 2.04 x arg:
10  Rads TID, and test duration 30 days. All margins are adequate except for operating time; however, there is considerable margin demonstrated by the thermal aging of 180*C for 100 hours. By analysis, a portion of the thermal aging period was used to establish the accident duration require-ment. The qualified life was calculated as much greater than 40 years by the Arrhenius method.
It is concluded that the Reliance blower motor is environmentally                      .
qualified. Evidence of qualification is contained in the applicant's files.
Barton Pressure Switch, Model No. 288A, Plant ID No. lE41P5023C                              ,
This pressure switch is used to trip the HPCI turbine on low steam pressure, and is located in the secondary reactor building.
The specified accident parameters are;    temperature 176 F, pressure 1 psig, humidity 100%, radiation 5.75 x 100 Rads TID and operability time 180 days.
Environmental testing was performed on identical models of this pres-sure switch. The file contains a hand copied portion of ITT Barton test report No. 9999.1217.2 Rev. 1, and complete Barton test report No. R3-288A-1.
The maximum environmental parameters that the tested pressure switches were subjected to are: temperature 212*        pressure 7 inches water column,                '
relativehumidity100%, radiation 3x10g,RadsTID,andatestduration of 6 hours. A qualified life of 40 years is claimed based on material search and industrial data.                                                                    '
                                                                                  . .              )
It is concluded that the documentation presented in the applicants file is inaaequate to establish qualification. Areas of concern include lack of any functional testing during the steam test, radiation testing that dio not envelop the specified accident parameters, and use of separate effects testing.
Valcor Solenoid Valve, Model No. V526-5683-27, Plant ID No. 1E 1150V 167 A This valve is used to sample water from the primary side of the RHR heat exchanger and is located in the secondary reactor building.
The specified accident parameters are:  tempergture194*F, pressure l psig, relative humidity 100%, radiation 5.75 x 10 Rads TID, and oper-ability time 180 days.
Environmental testing was performed on a similar valve as reported in Valcor test report No. QR52600-5940-2 with supplemental analysis reported in Wyle Laboratories report No. 17464-4802.
The maximum environmental parameters that the tested valve was sub-jected to are:
temperature 346*F, pressure 113pgig,relativehumidity 100%, chemical spray at pH 10.5, radiation 2 x 10 Rads TID, and a test duration of 31 days. The margins are adequate to envelop the accident environment. Thermal aging was performed at 318*F for 172 hours.
Arrhenius methodology was used to calculate a qualified life of >40 years.
It is concluded that the Valcor solenoid valve (plant ID No. 1E llSOV 167 A) is environmentally qualified. Evidence of qualifica-tion is maintained in the applicant's files.
Kerite 5 KV Power Cable with HTK(N-98) Insulation and FR(HC-711) Jacket.
Plant ID No. IR31NFN03 This power cable is used to supply power to Class lE equipment in all areas of the plant.
The specified accident parameters are: temperature 340 F, pressura 48 psig,8 relative humidity 100%, demineralized water spray, radiation 1.7 x 10 Rads TID, and operating time of 180 days.
Environmental testing was performed on an identical cable by Isomedix Co. and Kerite Co. as stated in an unnumbered comoineo report issued May 14, 1981. Additional analysis was provided by Wyle Laboratory report No. 17464-3502.
The maximum environmental parameters the tested cable was subjected to are:  temperature 340 F, pressure 95.5 sig, relative humidity 100%, chemi-cal spray at pH 10.0, radiation 2 x 108 Rads TID, and a test duration of 100 days. Margins are adequate to envelope the accident environment.
While no temperature margin exists, duration at test temeratures exceed the
, required test duration by a wide margin, and this is considered adequate.
Thermal aging was performed at 150 C for 100 hours. Using Arrhenius 19
methodology, a 40 year qualified life was developed using conductor temper-atures of 90*C and insulation surface temperatures of 83 C. Surveillance provisions include monitoring these temperatures during plant operation.
It is concluded that the Kerite 5 kV power cable specified is environ-mentally qualified. Evidence of qualification is maintained in the
* applicant's files.
Instrument Cable: Brand Rex Low Capacitence Instrument Cable with XLPE Insulation, Plant 10 No.1R32NPF-63 This cable is used for instrument signals on various systems through-out the plant    The specified accident parameters are: temperature 340 F, pressure 48 psjg, relative humidity 100%, demineralized water spray, radia-tion 1.76 x 10o Rads TIO, and operating time 180 days.
Environmental testing was performed on similar cable by Franklin Research Center and reported in Brand Rex / Franklin Research Center reports Nos. F-C5120-2 and FC4113.
The maximum environmental parameters that the cable was subjected to are:    temperature 38S'F, pressur 113 psig, relative humidity 100%, chemical spray at pH 10, radiation 2 x 10g Rads TID, and test duration of 30 days.
The margins are adequate to envelop the accident environment. Thermal aging was performed at 277'F for 168 hours. The Arrhenius method was used to calculate a qualified life of 40 years.
It is concluded that the Brand Rex instrument cable (plant 10 No. 1R32NPF-63) is environmentally qualified. Evidence of qualification is contained in the applicant's files.                                          ,
Limitorque Motor Operated Valve Actuator, Model No. H2BC-SMB-00-05, Plant ID No.1P41MOV034A                                                            .
This motor operated valve actuator operates the discharge valve of RHR heat exchanger No. lEll-HXE-34A, and is located in the secondary reactor building.
The specified accident parameters are:    temperat 0.9psig,relativehumidity100%, radiation 5.75x10gre154*F,  Rads TIDpressure anc operating time of 180 days.
Environmental testing performed on a similar valve is reported in l Limitorque test reports B00058 and B0003. Additional analysis is furnished in EQREF-88V-03 Attachment 1.
The maximum environmental parameters that the tested valve was sub-jected to are:
radiation 2x10pemperature250F,      pressure Rads TID, and a test        25psig,relativehumidity100%,
duration of 16 days. Thermal aging at 165*C for 200 hours accounted for part of the claimed 40 year qualified
' life. Analysis methods to extend qualified life to 40 years included          .
material investigation yielding activation energies and standard industrial data on motor insulation.
It is concluded that the Limitorque motor operated valve actuator specified is environmentally qualified and evidence of qualification is maintained in the applicant's files.
ASCO Solenoid Valve, Model No. NP8:16C37, Plant 10 No.1 Ell *S0V042A/B
The ASCO solenoid valve is used in the backup scram system and is located in the reactor building secondary Zone G-05.
The bounding environment qualification parameters are: temperature 173*F, pressure 1 psig, relative humidity 100%, radiation 1.7 x 103 Rads TID, and operability time 70 min.
The environmental qualification documents include the Isomedix (for ASCO) test report No. AQS21678/TR Revision A, dated July 1979 and the analyses by EDS calculation No. 0630-001-021, Rev. O.
The qualification file reviewed showed a similar unit had been tested to the following parameters: temperature 346*F, pressure 110 psig, relative humidity 100%, chemical spray solution of 3000 ppm baron, 0.064 molar sodium thiosulfate buffered with sodium hydroxide to a pH of 10, radiation 2 x 108 Rads TID, test duration 30 days, and thermal aging 268*F for 12 days. The above test parameters envelop equipment environmental para-meters by significant margin. Qualification methods include sequential tests and analysis by the Arrhenius method, which extends a simulated life of 4 years to 22.93 years. The manufacturer recommends that the elasto-meric materials be replaced at 4 year intervals.
The staff found this file to be adequate.
PYC0 102-3171 Temperature Elements:      Plant ID No. 1 Ell-TE012A/B
The PYC0 temperature elements are used in the RHR main flow system.
The unit reviewad is located in the reactor building secondary Zone G-02.
Bounding environmental qualification parameters are: temperatyre 153*F, pressure 1 Mig, relative humidity 100%, radiation 5.75 x 10 Rads TID, and operability time 180 days.
The environmental qualification documentation includes the Isomedix qualification tests for thermocouples and RTD Assemblies (for PYCO), PYC0 test report No. 770831, and Arrhenius model for PYC0 temperature elements (EDS calculation No. 0630-001-017). The test parameters found in the above documentation are as follows: temperature 346*F, pressure 113 psig, rela-tive humidity 100%, chemical spray solution of 3000 ppm boron .064 molar sodium thiosulfate buffered with sodium hydroxide to a pH of 10, test duration 720 hours, and thermal aging 1210C for 7 days.
Methods of qualification are sequential testing and analysis.
Qualified life is 28.9 years by analysis. Areas of concern are as follows:
o      Appendix 2 of the test report was not included in the data package 21
o    Equivalency and/or similarity between the tested and installed thermocouples was not established in the files.
4 The applicant was able to resolve the above concerns by the end of the audit.
Rosemount RTD, Model No. 88-149-1, 88-149-2, 89-86-4/88-14-1                          l 89-86-4/88-14-3, 8-132-2/88-14-3.
The Plant 10 Nos. are lZ93*TE110W: x, y, and z lZ93*TE134A, B-1Z93*TE132A; 8-lZ93*TE135A; and B-lI93*TE133A The Rosemount RTDs are used to monitor area temperatures and modulate temperature control valves and are located in the reactor building drywell and secondary buildings.
The bounding environmental qualification parameters are:      temperature 225'F,pressureg8psig,relativehumidity100%,demineralizedwaterspray, radiation 1 x 10v Rads TID, and operability time 180 Days.                            1 The environmental qualification documentation includes the Rosemount test report for RTD Assemblies (report No. 2767, Rev. B) and Wyle Labs.
Arrhenius analysis report No. 17464-1502.                                            ,
The test parameters are: temperature 340*F, pressure 125 psig, rela-tive humidity 10Q%, chemical spray of Na0H and 15000 ppm boric acid (pH 11),
radiation 2 x 103 Rads TID, and test ouration 50 hours (extended to                '
180 days by Wyle Laboratories analysis).
Methods of qualification are test and analysis. Thermal aging was not done (Category II Plant). The qualified life was calculated to be 271 days.      .
The staff had three areas of concern. First, the RTDs installed in the reactor building drywell are located at the 25-ft level which is below        ,
the stated 47-ft flood level. The RTDs were not tested for operability while submerged. The second concern is that equivalency and/or similarity between the. installed and tested RTDs was not established. The third con-      '
cern is how the applicant plans to contend with the stated qualified life of less than one year.
The applicant was able to resolve the above concerns by the end cf the audit.
, Raychem Cable, Flametrol, Plant ID 1R32*HFP044 The Raychem instrument cables are used to transmit instrument signals and are located inside containment and in all reactor buildings.
The bounding environmental qualification parameters are: temperature        -
340*F, pressure 48 p,sig, relative humidity 100%, demineralized water spray, radiation 1.76 x 10o Rads TID, and operating time 180 days.
I l      The qualification test report for the cable is Franklin Institute Research Laboratory report F-C4033-1 with supporting aging analysis from Wyle report No. 17464-1102.
l I                                        22
Test parameters envelop the required environmental parameters by sub-stantial margins and are as follows:      temperature 357*F, pressure 70 psig, relatigityhumidity100%,chemicalsprayboricacidandNaOH, radiation 2 x 10 Rads TID, test duration 336 days, and aging at 302*F for 32 cays.
The methods of qualification are sequential testing and analysis.
Thermal pre-aging and analysis are adequate to demonstrate a 40-year qualified life.
The staff found this file to be adequate.
Rockbestos 300/600 V Control and Instrument Cable, Model No. Firewell III, Plant 10 No. 1R32*NFP020 and 1R32*hFP010.
The Rockbestos cable is used for transmitting control and instrument signals in containment as well as outside containment.
The bounding environmental qualification parameters are: temperature 340*F, pressure 48 psig, relative humidity 100%, demineralized water spray, radiation 1.76 x 100 Rads TID, and operating time 180 days.
The environmental qualification documentation includes the Rockbestos Firewall III (chemical and irradiation crosslinked insulation) Revision December 8, 1980 (SNPS test report No. 129-01).
The test parameters found in the above documentation are: temperature 346*F, pressure 113 psig, relative humidity 100%, chemical spray 0.28 molar H3 803 and, NaOH with a pH between 9 and 11, radiation 2 x 10o Rads TIO, test duration 365 days, and thermal aging 302*F for 1300 hours.
Qualification methods are sequential testing and analysis with a qualified life of 40 years.
The SNPS environmental qualification report evaluation form recommends that this test report be accepted to the Category II position of NUREG 0588 provided that the vendor provides the following:
: 1. Description of the test facility including type, location, accuracy, and calibration data for the test instruments
: 2. Test data indicating the results of all readings during testing.
The reviewer agrees that the test report meets IEEE Standard 383-1974 for cable and is adequate; however, the applicant should follow up on the above recommendations and ' clude the documentation in the test report.
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          -On June 2 and 3, 1982, the same audit team returned to the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1, to conduct a confirmatory audit based on the findings of the April 25-30, 1982, audit. The licensee had issued a revised environmental qualification submittal dated May 17, 1982.
Based on the review of the revised submittal as well as a limited reaudit of the licensee's central files for selected equipment items it was concluded that all general areas of concern had been addressed and that spacific concerns had either been resolved or were in the process of being resolved. It was further concluded that the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station environmental qualification program was complete.
Summaries of central files reviewed during the confirmatory audit are as follows:
Terminals and Splices: AMP Models 52979, 53409-1, 53425-1, 53426-1, and 53946-1 These terminals and splices are used in electrical connections throughout the plant.
The specified accident environmental parameters are: temperature 340 F, pressurg 48 psig, humidity 100%, demineralized water spray, radia-tion 1.76 x 10o Rads TID, and operating time 180 days.
Environmental testing of this type of equipment is recorded in AMP qualification test report No. 110.11004 dated February 2,1982. The maxi-
mum environmental parameters that the terminals and splices were subjected to are as follows: temperature 470*F,pressuref4.5psig, humidity 100%,
borated water spray pH 12.5, radiation 2.59 x 10 Rads TID, and the test duration was 30 days (extended to 180 days by analysis). The test margins are considered adequate. The PVC splices were aged at 329 F for 21 days yielding a qualified life of >40 years using Arrhenius methodology.
It is concluded that the AMP terminals and splices are environmentally qualified. Evidence of qualification is contained in the applicant's files.
Level Switch: Magnetrol, Model 3.5-751-IX-MPG, Plant ID No. 1E41*L5092A These level switches are located in the reactor building and are used to transfer suction from the condensate tank to the suppression pool on high pool level.
The specified accident environmental parameters are:5 temperature 150*F, pressure 1 psig, humidity 100%, radiation 6.5 x 10 Rads TID, and
.  -operating time 12 hours.
Environmental--testing of a similar level switch is recorded'in Wyle Laboratories-report No. 43235-1, Revision A. The maximum environmental parameters that the level switch was subjected to are: temgerature300*F, pressure atmospheric, h                                          Rads TID for
    -thedeviceand3.3x10gmidity100%,andradiation4.4x-10 Rads TID for the separate components in the d_evice. The' test duration was 160 hours. The test margins are considered
* adequate except for pressure which' is considered insignificant. The qualified-life is six years based on a " weak link" analysis.
It is concluded' that this Magnetrol level switch is environmentally
* qualified. -Evidence of qualification is contained in the applicant's files.-
    ' Fan Motor: Westinghouse, Model No. 405TCZ, Plant ID No. lT46*FN003B This fan motor is located in the secondary reactor _ building and is used to power the reactor building standby ventilation exhaust fan.
temperature 150*F, pressure 0.9    The specified psig,            accident humidity 100%,    parameters radition 1.8 x 10are$
R    ads T10, and operating time 180 days.
Environmental testing for this type of unit was performed by the Buff alo Forge Company and documented in their qualification document No. 00-146, Rev. T (including Westinghouse report MM 9112). The maximum environmental parameters that the motor was subjected to Are: temperature 227'F,- pressure 3.3 psig, humidity 100%, radiation 2 x 100 Rads TIO, test duration 30 days. The test margins are adequate except for operating time which was established by analysis. The motor was preaged for 1369 hours at 210*C. A qualified life of >40 years was calculated using the Arrhenius          ,
method. The applicant has requested a maintenance schedule and grease for the motor bearings and grease from Westinghouse.
It is concluded that the Westinghouse fan motor is environmentally qualified. Evidence of qualification is contained in the applicant's files.
    ' Hydrogen Analyzer Electronics and Indicator: Model No. 7045-NS-4702-0000, Plant ID No.1T48*H2Til5BX (Part of Comsip Inc. Model K-IV Hydrogen An alyzer)
This equipment is located in the reactor building and is used to indicate the post-accident hydrogen concentration in the drywell.
This equipment is required for LOCA only; th environmentalparameterisradiationof2.47x10grefore,theonlyharsh Rads TID. The sample i
gas itself reaches a temperature of 340*F at 48 psig; however, it has l    cooled to <104*F before reaching the gas analyzer. Operating time is
.    ~180 days.                                                                        -
Environmental testing was performed on a prototype analyzer by i    Engineering Analysis and Test Company, Inc., and reported in Project 1035-1      -
Revision 1 report supplemented by Reliance Electric Co. report NUC-9. The i
(-                                          28 L
maximum environmental parameters that the prototype was subjected to are:
temperature 150*, pressure 0, humidity 90%, radiation 1 x 100 Rads TID; the test duration was 100 days extended to 180 days by analysis. The test margins and analysis are adequate to envelop the accident environment.
Although the sample pump in the prototype f ailed, the analyzer electronics and indicator performed satisfactorily.
It is concluded that the hydrogen analyzer electronics and indicator are environmentally qualified. Evidence of qualification is contained
* in the applicant's files.
Namco Limit Switch, Mocel EA-180-11302, S/N 138-90, Plant ID No., lEll*PNS031C This device is used to indicate the RHR pump suction valve position and is located in the reactor building secondary.
The specified accident environmental parameters are: temperature 178'F, pressure 1 psig, humidity 100%, radiation 5.75 x 10 6 Rads TID, operating time 180 days.
The test reports supporting environment qualification are: Quali-fication of Namco Controls Limit Switch Model EA-180, to IEEE Standards 344-1975, 323-1974, and 382-1972 Revision 1, September 5, 1978.
Qualification of EA 180 Series Limit Switches for use in nuclear power plants, QRT 105 August 30,1981, Rev. 3, and Wyle Laboratories assessment report No. 17464-6002 February 26, 1982.
atureThe    environments 340*F,            parameters pressure 100          this device psig, humidity      was 100%,  subjected radiation    to xare:8 3.04    10 temper-Rads TID, test duration 30 days. Thermal aging was performed at 248'F for 400 hrs. Using Arrhenius methodology and periodic maintenance and parts replacement, a qualified life of 40 years was developed. The test method was sequential testing and analysis.
It is concluded that the Namco limit switch, plant 10 No. lEll*PNS031C, is environmentally qualified. Evidence of qualification is maintained in the applicant's files.
Barksdale Pressure Switch, Model BlT, Plant ID No. lEll*PS134A This pressure switch is used in the RHR pump discharge ano is located in the reactor building secondary.
The specified accident environmental parameters arg: temperature 150*F, pressure 1 psig, humidity 100%, radiation 2 x 100 Rads TID, operating time 7 days.
.          Environmental testing of this component is recorded in the Barksdale Procedure 9993 and test report Number 3018A and EDS calculation Numbers 0630-001-013 and 0630-001-014.        The maximum environmental parameters
,    this component was subjected to are:        temperature 212*F, pressure 0.25 psig, humidity 100%, radiation 3 x 106 Rads TID, test duration 6 nrs. The test margins are considered adequate.      Extrapolation of the test data indicates 29
                        -p . .        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ ,                  . _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _
the: device'is expected to remain operational for the required time of 7 days and not' fail ~in a manner detrimental to plant safety for 180 days. The qualification methods are separate. test and analysis. All components are qualified for-40 years except the Neoprene face gasket, which limits the' qualified 6 years; however, this data will be put into the plant Preventive Maintenance Program for parts replacement to ensure that this                                                              .,
device is'not used beyond its qualified life.
It is concluded that the Barksdale pressure switch', plant 10                                                                  ,
Number lEll*PS134A, is environmentally qualified. Evidence of qualifica-
  ' tion is contained'in the applicant's files.
-  Transformer: Magnetics Dry Type Single Phase, 480V/120-240V, Model No. L12514, Plant ID No. 1R35*T-52 This transformer. supplies electrical power to several Class lE loads, including gas analyzers and ra'diation monitoring panels, and is located in the secondary reactor building, Zone 21, at the 112-foot elevation.
The specified accident environmental parameter is radiation at 3.06 x 103 Rads TID.
While no testing of the transformer was performed, Wyle Laboratories report No. 17464-1302 approaches radiation qualification by material search and analysis. It is shown that the mpst susceptible materials will exhibit little or no degradation at 3.06 x 103 Rads TID with adequate margin.
The same report calculates a qualified life by material analysis using Arrhenius methodology, and concludes that, at loads less than 90% of rated load,- a lifetime of greater than 40 years is shown. A load study is sup-                                                                ,
plied showing loading at 33%.
It is concluded that the Magnetics transformer, model No. L12514, is                                                            ,
environmentally qualified. Evidence of qualification is contained in the applicant's file.
Barton Pressure Switch, Model No. 288A, Plant 10 No. lE41PS023C This' pressure switch is used to trip the HPCI turbine on low steam pressure and is located in the secondary reactor building.
The specified accident parameters                                                      temperature 150'F, prgssure 1psig, humidity 100%, radiation 7x10gre: Rads TID (LOCA), 2.5 x 10' RaJs TID ~(PSOC)~and operating time 12 hrs.
Environmental testing was performed on identical models of this pres-sure switch. The file contains a hand copied portion of ITT Barton test report No. 9999.1217.2, Rev. 1, and complete report No. R3-288A-1. Also
* included are EDS calculations for operability time and qualified life.
          -The maximum environmental parameters that the tested pressure switches                                                            '
were subjecteo to are: ' temperature 212*F, pressure 7 inches water coluan, 30
v relative humidity 100%, radiation 3 x 106Rads TID and a test duration of          k 6 hours. Analysis provided extends operating time to 56 hours and aging          -
calculations provided a qualified life of 40 years based on material evalu-      y ation and Arrhenius methodology.                                                  Il Concerns developed during the previous audit have been corrected by:
: 1. Additional information presented in the file verifying energized    D switches during the steam test and calibration data taken immediately after the steam test.                                  -
: 2. Additional analysis justifying the separate testing employed.      ;
: 3. Separation of the pressure switches into three groups, depending            ;
on location and function, with qualification being claimed for              -
only one group. The other groups require further testing or                =
analysis before qualification will be claimed by the applicant.                ;
y It is concluoed that the documentation presented in the applicant's        '
file is inadequate to establish qualification for two groups of switches.
The Barton pressure switch, Model No. 288A, Plant ID No. lE41P5023C is in k        -
one of these groups and is not qualified. This agrees with the applicant's        5 conclusion.                                                                        =
It is also concluded that the applicant is correct in claiming              ]
environmental qualification for one group of switches.
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Revision as of 11:47, 30 March 2020

Audit of Environ Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment at Shoreham Nuclear Power Station,Unit 1.
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 07/31/1982
From: Borgen R, Humphrey T, Yost M
To: Rosztoczy Z
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CON-FIN-A-6415 EGG-EA-5936, NUDOCS 8211010490
Download: ML20065S659 (36)
