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WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 August 21, 1996 NRC INFORMATION



All holders of operating
All holders of operating licenses or construction permits for nuclear power
licenses or construction

permits for nuclear power reactors.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this information
Commission (NRC) is issuing this information
notice to alert addressees
to (1) lessons learned from the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Motor-Operated
Valve (MOV) Performance
Program, (2) performance
problems with MOV key failures described
in a recent NRC Office for Analysis and Evaluation
of Operational
Data (AEOD) study, and (3) the potential
for torque output from MOV actuators
to be less than predicted
by Limitorque
It is expected that recipients
will review the information
for applicability
to their facilities
and consider actions, as appropriate, to avoid similar problems.
===However, suggestions===
in this information

notice are not NRC requirements;
notice to alert addressees to (1) lessons learned from the Electric Power
therefore, no specific action or written response is required.Background

In the 1980s. continuing
Research Institute (EPRI) Motor-Operated Valve (MOV) Performance Prediction

problems with the performance
Program, (2)performance problems with MOV key failures described in a recent

of MOVs at nuclear power plants raised concerns regarding
NRC Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data (AEOD) study, and

MOV design, testing, and maintenance.
(3)the potential for torque output from MOV actuators to be less than

In response to these problems, both the nuclear industry and NRC initiated efforts to improve the performance
predicted by Limitorque Corporation. It is expected that recipients will

of MOVs at nuclear plants. In 1989, the NRC staff issued Generic Letter (GL) 89-10, "Safety-Related
review the information for applicability to their facilities and consider

actions, as appropriate, to avoid similar problems. However, suggestions

Valve Testing and Surveillance," requesting
contained in this information notice are not NRC requirements; therefore, no

that nuclear power plant licensees and construction
specific action or written response is required.

permit holders verify the design-basis

In the 1980s. continuing problems with the performance of MOVs at nuclear

of their safety-related
power plants raised concerns regarding MOV design, testing, and maintenance.

MOVs. In response to GL 89-10, the nuclear industry has studied the performance
In response to these problems, both the nuclear industry and NRC initiated

of MOVs through testing and analyses.
efforts to improve the performance of MOVs at nuclear plants. In 1989, the

As a result of these activities, some weaknesses
NRC staff issued Generic Letter (GL) 89-10, "Safety-Related Motor-Operated

in the design and manufacture
Valve Testing and Surveillance," requesting that nuclear power plant licensees

of MOVs were discovered
and construction permit holders verify the design-basis capability of their

through evaluation
safety-related MOVs. In response to GL 89-10, the nuclear industry has

of the performance
studied the performance of MOVs through testing and analyses. As a result of

history of MOVs. In this information
these activities, some weaknesses in the design and manufacture of MOVs were

notice, the staff discusses
discovered through evaluation of the performance history of MOVs. In this

three issues involving
information notice, the staff discusses three issues involving MOV performance

===MOV performance===
that have been identified.
that have been identified.

==Description of Circumstances==
1. Lessons Learned from EPRI MOV Performance Prediction Program
of Circumstances
1. Lessons Learned from EPRI MOV Performance
Program As part of the industry effort regarding
the MOV issue. EPRI initiated
an MOV Performance
Program to develop a methodology
to be used by licensees
in demonstrating
the design-basis
of MOVs when valve-specific design-basis
test data are not available.
The program included 9608150028 I PX 4\\\s 1-Dv-11C/if
IN 96-48 August 21, 1996 development
of improved methods for prediction
or evaluation
of system flow parameters;
gate, globe, and butterfly
valve performance:
and motor actuator rate-of-loading
effects (load-sensitive
Further, EPRI performed testing to provide information
for refining the gate valve model and rate-of-loading methods and conducted
numerous MOV tests to provide data for model and method development
and validation, including
flow loop testing, parametric
flow loop testing of butterfly
valve disk designs, and in situ MOV testing.In November 1994, the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) submitted
the proprietary
EPRI Topical Report TR-103237, "EPRI MOV Performance
Program -Topical Report," for review by the NRC staff. EPRI prepared 25 additional
reports to support the topical report. On March 15, 1996, the NRC staff issued a Safety Evaluation (SE) documenting
the staff review of the topical report. With the conditions
and limitations
in the SE, the staff stated that the EPRI program provides an acceptable
to predict the thrust or torque required to operate gate, globe, and butterfly
valves within the scope of the EPRI program and to bound the effects of load-sensitive
behavior on motor actuator thrust output.In a letter dated September
27, 1995, NEI forwarded
a summary of important contributions
and findings resulting
from the EPRI MOV Performance
Program. As described
in an enclosure
to the NEI letter, important
findings (or confirmatory
from the EPRI MOV program include the following:
a. The traditional
methods for predicting
gate valve performance

might be nonconservative
As part of the industry effort regarding the MOV issue. EPRI initiated an MOV

for many applications
Performance Prediction Program to develop a methodology to be used by

because of incomplete
licensees in demonstrating the design-basis capability of MOVs when valve- specific design-basis test data are not available. The program included

9608150028                                                        I

design features, manufacturing
PX      4\\\s        1-Dv-11C/if

controls, and wide-ranging
IN 96-48 August 21, 1996 development of improved methods for prediction or evaluation of system flow

friction coefficients.
parameters; gate, globe, and butterfly valve performance: and motor actuator

b. The edge radii on disk seats and guide slots are critical to gate valve performance
rate-of-loading effects (load-sensitive behavior). Further, EPRI performed

and predictability.
testing to provide information for refining the gate valve model and rate-of- loading methods and conducted numerous MOV tests to provide data for model and

c. Stellite friction coefficients
method development and validation, including flow loop testing, parametric

increase with differential-pressure
flow loop testing of butterfly valve disk designs, and in situ MOV testing.

valve strokes in cold water to a plateau level, stabilize
In November 1994, the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) submitted the proprietary

quickly in hot water, and decrease as differential
EPRI Topical Report TR-103237, "EPRI MOV Performance Prediction Program -
Topical Report," for review by the NRC staff. EPRI prepared 25 additional

pressure increases.
reports to support the topical report. On March 15, 1996, the NRC staff

d. Gate valves with carbon steel guides and disk guide slots with tight clearances
issued a Safety Evaluation (SE) documenting the staff review of the topical

might fail to close under blowdown conditions.
report. With the conditions and limitations described in the SE, the staff

e. Many existing gate valve manufacturing
stated that the EPRI program provides an acceptable methodology to predict the

and design processes
thrust or torque required to operate gate, globe, and butterfly valves within

and controls, and plant maintenance
the scope of the EPRI program and to bound the effects of load-sensitive

practices, might contribute
behavior on motor actuator thrust output.

to poor valve performance.
In a letter dated September 27, 1995, NEI forwarded a summary of important

f. Traditional
contributions and findings resulting from the EPRI MOV Performance Prediction

methods for predicting
Program. As described in an enclosure to the NEI letter, important findings

globe valve performance
(or confirmatory information) from the EPRI MOV program include the following:
a.    The traditional methods for predicting gate valve performance might be

for incompressible
nonconservative for many applications because of incomplete equations.

flow conditions
design features, manufacturing controls, and wide-ranging friction

are nonconservative

for globe valves in which differential
b.    The edge radii on disk seats and guide slots are critical to gate valve

pressure acts across the plug guide.
performance and predictability.

' IN 96-48 August 21. 1996 g. Globe valve thrust requirements
c.    Stellite friction coefficients increase with differential-pressure valve

for some designs can be excessive
strokes in cold water to a plateau level, stabilize quickly in hot

under compressible
water, and decrease as differential pressure increases.

flow and blowdown conditions
d.    Gate valves with carbon steel guides and disk guide slots with tight

because of the potential
clearances might fail to close under blowdown conditions.

for plug-side
e.    Many existing gate valve manufacturing and design processes and

loading.h. Rate-of-loading
controls, and plant maintenance practices, might contribute to poor

effects (load-sensitive
valve performance.

f.   Traditional methods for predicting globe valve performance for
can reduce the static thrust output by up to 30 percent under dynamic conditions.

i. Hydrodynamic
incompressible flow conditions are nonconservative for globe valves in

torque coefficients
which differential pressure acts across the plug guide.

used by some butterfly
'      IN 96-48 August 21. 1996 g.    Globe valve thrust requirements for some designs can be excessive under

valve manufacturers
compressible flow and blowdown conditions because of the potential for

might be nonconservative
plug-side loading.

for certain applications, with valves located near piping elbows especially
h.    Rate-of-loading effects (load-sensitive behavior) can reduce the static

thrust output by up to 30 percent under dynamic conditions.

j. Butterfly
i.   Hydrodynamic torque coefficients used by some butterfly valve

valve seats should be periodically
manufacturers might be nonconservative for certain applications, with

replaced to avoid hardening or degradation.
valves located near piping elbows especially vulnerable.

In addition to these reported important
j.    Butterfly valve seats should be periodically replaced to avoid hardening

findings, EPRI confirmed
or degradation.

that thrust requirements
In addition to these reported important findings, EPRI confirmed that thrust

to unwedge a gate valve can be higher under dynamic conditions
requirements to unwedge a gate valve can be higher under dynamic conditions

than under static conditions.
than under static conditions.

2. MOV Key Failures On March 29. 1996. AEOD issued report AEOD/E96-01.
2. MOV Key Failures
entitled, "Engineering
Valve Key Failures," on the continuing
of problems with keys in MOVs at nuclear power plants. A significant
number of MOV key failures have been identified
that involved (a) anti-rotation
keys.(b) valve operator-to-valve
stem keys. and (c) motor pinion gear keys. A total of 73 reports were written involving
MOV key failures between January 1990 through September
1995. Many of these key failures were not detected during surveillance
tests but were detected on demand, during valve operations.
or during maintenance
and had existed for some time before they were discovered.
A number of key failures were discovered
during maintenance
even though the valves had been operated satisfactorily
and passed all previous surveillance
tests.3. Limitorque
===Motor Actuator Performance===
In 1977. Limitorque
guidelines (referred
to as the SEL documents)
for sizing ac-powered

motor actuators
On March 29. 1996. AEOD issued report AEOD/E96-01. entitled, "Engineering

used in MOVs. Those guidelines
Evaluation - Motor-Operated Valve Key Failures," on the continuing occurrence

of problems with keys in MOVs at nuclear power plants. A significant number

the motor actuator output torque as a product of the nominal motor-rated
of MOV key failures have been identified that involved (a)anti-rotation keys.

start torque. pullout efficiency, application
(b)valve operator-to-valve stem keys. and (c)motor pinion gear keys. A

factor (typically
total of 73 reports were written involving MOV key failures between January

0.9), overall actuator gear ratio, and a degraded voltage factor.Over the past few years, Limitorque
1990 through September 1995. Many of these key failures were not detected

has accepted the use of run efficiency
during surveillance tests but were detected on demand, during valve

for closing valves powered by ac-powered
operations. or during maintenance activities and had existed for some time

motor actuators.
before they were discovered. A number of key failures were discovered during

maintenance activities even though the valves had been operated satisfactorily

has also stated that licensees
and passed all previous surveillance tests.

may eliminate
3. Limitorque Motor Actuator Performance

the application
In 1977. Limitorque Corporation established guidelines (referred to as the SEL

factor when voltage supplied to the motor is less than 90 percent of its rated voltage. (See Limitorque
documents) for sizing ac-powered motor actuators used in MOVs. Those

guidelines predicted the motor actuator output torque as a product of the

Update 93-03 [Accession
nominal motor-rated start torque. pullout efficiency, application factor

(typically 0.9), overall actuator gear ratio, and a degraded voltage factor.
Recent industry

IN 96-48 August 21. 1996 and NRC-sponsored
Over the past few years, Limitorque has accepted the use of run efficiency for

test information
closing valves powered by ac-powered motor actuators.    Limitorque has also

has raised questions
stated that licensees may eliminate the application factor when voltage

supplied to the motor is less than 90 percent of its rated voltage. (See

the accuracy of the Limitorque
Limitorque Technical Update 93-03 [Accession 9608120083].) Recent industry

IN 96-48 August 21. 1996 and NRC-sponsored test information has raised questions regarding the accuracy

for actuator efficiency.
of the Limitorque assumptions for actuator efficiency.


1. Lessons Learned from the EPRI MOV Performance
1. Lessons Learned from the EPRI MOV Performance Prediction Program
Program As discussed
in the staff SE on the EPRI topical report, the EPRI program provided important
on the design, testing. and maintenance
of MOVs in nuclear power plants. Some of the EPRI information
is applicable
to gate.globe, and butterfly
valves regardless
of the type of actuator operating
the valve. Examples of such information
are given below: Gate Valves Almost all flow testing by licensees
in response to GL 89-10 was conducted under pumped-flow
Several gate valves tested by EPRI under blowdown conditions
and internal damage. Extrapolation
of test data from pumped-flow
to blowdown conditions
may not be sufficient
to ensure that a gate valve can operate under its design-basis
Valve aging conditions
can influence
gate valve performance.
The thrust requirements
to operate gate valves under normal flow conditions
can increase with time and valve stroking.Thrust requirements
to unwedge gate valves under dynamic conditions
may be greater than under static conditions.
Globe Valves Limited testing by EPRI of globe valves under blowdown or high-temperature
flow conditions
that higher thrust than typically
may be required to operate these valves.Thrust requirements
for globe valves are influenced
by the area of the valve seat or guide. depending
on the valve design.The EPRI test database is not sufficient

to justify modifying
As discussed in the staff SE on the EPRI topical report, the EPRI program

the Limitorque
provided important information on the design, testing. and maintenance of MOVs

in nuclear power plants. Some of the EPRI information is applicable to gate.

for sizing and setting globe valves to lower the typical valve factor of 1.1 as-umed in the guidelines.
globe, and butterfly valves regardless of the type of actuator operating the

k\ -#IN 96-48 August 21, 1996 Butterfly
valve. Examples of such information are given below:
Gate Valves

Valves Several areas of the EPRI Butterfly
Almost all flow testing by licensees in response to GL 89-10 was conducted

Valve Application
under pumped-flow conditions. Several gate valves tested by EPRI under

===Guide need improvement===
blowdown conditions demonstrated unpredictable performance and internal
or correction.

EPRI is currently
damage. Extrapolation of test data from pumped-flow conditions to blowdown

revising the application
conditions may not be sufficient to ensure that a gate valve can operate under

guide and plans to include new information
its design-basis conditions.

on flow and torque coefficients;
Valve aging conditions can influence gate valve performance. The thrust
system analysis techniques;

of bearing, packing, and hub-seal torque: upstream elbow modeling:
requirements to operate gate valves under normal flow conditions can increase
and rated and survivable

torque calculations.
with time and valve stroking.

2. MOV Key Failures The MOV key failures may involve a common-cause
Thrust requirements to unwedge gate valves under dynamic conditions may be

failure that could render redundant
greater than under static conditions.

trains of certain safety-related
===Globe Valves===
Limited testing by EPRI of globe valves under blowdown or high-temperature

systems inoperable
flow conditions suggested that higher thrust than typically predicted may be

if they had remained undetected.
required to operate these valves.

The MOV key failures can be attributed
Thrust requirements for globe valves are influenced by the area of the valve

to (a) instal-lation and design deficiencies
seat or guide. depending on the valve design.

for anti-rotation
The EPRI test database is not sufficient to justify modifying the Limitorque

keys, (b) loosening
guidelines for sizing and setting globe valves to lower the typical valve

or slipping, wear or normal aging, excessive
factor of 1.1 as-umed in the guidelines.

force or overtorque, and discre-pancies in material or size for valve operator-to-valve
k                                \- #
                                                            IN 96-48 August 21, 1996 Butterfly Valves

stem keys, and (c)high-impact
Several areas of the EPRI Butterfly Valve Application Guide need improvement

loads, improper materials, installation
or correction. EPRI is currently revising the application guide and plans to

deficiency, wear or normal aging, and vibration
include new information on flow and torque coefficients; system analysis

for motor pinion gear keys.The anti-rotation
techniques; treatment of bearing, packing, and hub-seal torque: upstream elbow

key failures involving
modeling: and rated and survivable torque calculations.

2. MOV Key Failures

The MOV key failures may involve a common-cause failure that could render

were generally
redundant trains of certain safety-related systems inoperable if they had

remained undetected. The MOV key failures can be attributed to (a)instal- lation and design deficiencies for anti-rotation keys, (b)loosening or

with inadequate
slipping, wear or normal aging, excessive force or overtorque, and discre- pancies in material or size for valve operator-to-valve stem keys, and (c)
high-impact loads, improper materials, installation deficiency, wear or normal

staking and securing of setscrews
aging, and vibration for motor pinion gear keys.

during installation
The anti-rotation key failures involving installation deficiencies were

of the keys. It appeared that the installation
generally associated with inadequate staking and securing of setscrews during

installation of the keys. It appeared that the installation instructions

provided by the vendors were not always included in licensee maintenance
provided by the vendors were not always included in licensee maintenance
Line 634: Line 333:

Many motor pinion gear key failures involving
Many motor pinion gear key failures involving an installation deficiency were
an installation
were due to failure to stake the keys following
of the motors or the pinion gears. Although licensees
revised their MOV maintenance
to include restaking
the pinion key or motor shaft as recommended
by Limitorque
Update 89-1 (Accession
9608120068), many licensees
did not investigate
the potential
problems of maintenance
that were conducted
before their procedure
changes.The motor pinion gear key failures attributable
to high-impact
loads or improper material appear to involve AISI (American
Iron and Steel Institute)
type 1018 keys in high-speed
and high-inertia
===The replacement===
of 1018 keys with harder 4140 keys in some cases may lead to keyway deforma-tion or damage, depending
on impact loads and the shaft material.
The situa-tion may present a complex stress problem that is not completely
in design and could produce a severe and complex stress concentration
on the key, as well as the keyway. This situation
could lead to cracking and failure of the shaft.The potential
for these key problems to render safety systems inoperable
empa-sizes (a) the importance
of plant maintenance
programs in assuring that MOV keys are staked and secured as required, (b) the importance
of plant MOV surveillance
and maintenance
in the early detection
of key
IN 96-48 August 21, 1996 degradation, and (c) the possibility
of shaft cracking as a result of replacement
of 1018 keys with harder material when the replacement
will involve a relatively
soft shaft and high impact loads.3. Limitorque
===Motor Actuator Performance===
The NRC staff conducted
an inspection
at Limitorque
in May 1993 and reviewed the basis for its motor actuator sizing guidelines.
As discussed
in NRC Inspection
Report 99900100/93-01.
the staff found that the values for individual
assumed in the Limitorque
sizing equation were not determined
by testing but were founded primarily
on engineering
The lack of significant
failure history of motor actuators
when using the Limitorque
sizing equation has been the primary basis for confidence
in the equation.
Licensee modifications
of the parameters
in the Limitorque
sizing guidelines
has the potential
to influence
Tests of MOVs under differential
pressure and flow conditions
by licensees
in response to GL 89-10 have revealed that significantly
more torque and thrust are required to open and close many gate valves than predicted
by the valve vendors. This need for more torque than originally
believed has led licensees
to evaluate the Limitorque
motor actuator sizing guidelines
to determine
whether more torque output is available
from the motor actuators than was predicted
by the guidelines.

The Limitorque
due to failure to stake the keys following replacement of the motors or the

sizing guidelines
pinion gears. Although licensees revised their MOV maintenance procedures to

have typically
include restaking the pinion key or motor shaft as recommended by Limitorque

been assumed to underestimate
Maintenance Update 89-1 (Accession 9608120068), many licensees did not

the output torque capability
investigate the potential problems of maintenance activities that were

of motor actuators.
conducted before their procedure changes.

Therefore, some licensees
The motor pinion gear key failures attributable to high-impact loads or

improper material appear to involve AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute)
type 1018 keys in high-speed and high-inertia configurations. The replacement

the application
of 1018 keys with harder 4140 keys in some cases may lead to keyway deforma- tion or damage, depending on impact loads and the shaft material. The situa- tion may present a complex stress problem that is not completely considered in

factor from the output torque equation and use run efficiency
design and could produce a severe and complex stress concentration on the key, as well as the keyway. This situation could lead to cracking and failure of

for ac-powered
the shaft.

MOVs in the closing direction.
The potential for these key problems to render safety systems inoperable empa- sizes (a)the importance of plant maintenance programs in assuring that MOV

Further, some licensees
keys are staked and secured as required, (b)the importance of plant MOV

have asserted that motor torque greater than the nominal start rating may be assumed in the sizing guidelines
surveillance and maintenance activities in the early detection of key

because motors typically
IN 96-48 August 21, 1996 degradation, and (c)the possibility of shaft cracking as a result of

deliver more torque than their rating before they stall.In response to the questions
replacement of 1018 keys with harder material when the replacement will

involve a relatively soft shaft and high impact loads.

the Limitorque
3.  Limitorque Motor Actuator Performance

sizing equation, the NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
The NRC staff conducted an inspection at Limitorque in May 1993 and reviewed

Research evaluated
the basis for its motor actuator sizing guidelines. As discussed in NRC

the performance
Inspection Report 99900100/93-01. the staff found that the values for

of Limitorque
individual parameters assumed in the Limitorque sizing equation were not

motor actuators
determined by testing but were founded primarily on engineering judgment. The

through testing at the Idaho ational Engineering
lack of significant failure history of motor actuators when using the

Laboratory (INEL). Preliminary
Limitorque sizing equation has been the primary basis for confidence in the

results of the INEL tests suggest that (1)motor output is greater than the nominal rating for many motors. (2) the actual output efficiency
equation. Licensee modifications of the parameters in the Limitorque sizing

may not reach "run" efficiency
guidelines has the potential to influence performance.

for some Limitorque
Tests of MOVs under differential pressure and flow conditions performed by

licensees in response to GL 89-10 have revealed that significantly more torque

and may drop below "pullout" efficiency
and thrust are required to open and close many gate valves than predicted by

under high loads, (3) the torque loss under degraded voltage conditions
the valve vendors. This need for more torque than originally believed has led

can be more severe for some ac motors than the typically
licensees to evaluate the Limitorque motor actuator sizing guidelines to

assumed square of the ratio of actual voltage to rated voltage, and (4) the torque loss under degraded voltage conditions
determine whether more torque output is available from the motor actuators

can be more severe for some dc motors than the typically
than was predicted by the guidelines. The Limitorque sizing guidelines have

assumed linear ratio.Preliminary
typically been assumed to underestimate the output torque capability of motor

results of this testing are documented
actuators. Therefore, some licensees eliminate the application factor from

in NUREG/CR-6100. "Gate Valve and Motor-Operator
the output torque equation and use run efficiency for ac-powered MOVs in the

Research Findings" (September
closing direction. Further, some licensees have asserted that motor torque

1995). INEL is preparing
greater than the nominal start rating may be assumed in the sizing guidelines

a report. NUREG/CR-6478, to document its recent findings in this area. This report is scheduled
because motors typically deliver more torque than their rating before they

to be issued by the end of 1996.

IN 96-48 August 21, 1996 At meetings of the Motor-Operated
In response to the questions surrounding the Limitorque sizing equation, the

Valve Users' Group of nuclear power plant licensees
NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research evaluated the performance of

in February and July 1995, Commonwealth
Limitorque motor actuators through testing at the Idaho ational Engineering

Edison (ComEd) presented
Laboratory (INEL). Preliminary results of the INEL tests suggest that (1)
motor output is greater than the nominal rating for many motors. (2)the

the results of its motor and actuator output testing program. The testing conducted
actual output efficiency may not reach "run" efficiency for some Limitorque

by ComEd was more extensive
actuators and may drop below "pullout" efficiency under high loads, (3) the

than the NRC-sponsored
torque loss under degraded voltage conditions can be more severe for some ac

testing and revealed similar results. Previously, in NUREG/CP-0137, "Proceedings
motors than the typically assumed square of the ratio of actual voltage to

of the Third NRC/ASME Symposium
rated voltage, and (4)the torque loss under degraded voltage conditions can

on Valve and Pump Testing" (July 1994), motor actuator testing by Texas Utilities
be more severe for some dc motors than the typically assumed linear ratio.

raised questions
Preliminary results of this testing are documented in NUREG/CR-6100. "Gate

Valve and Motor-Operator Research Findings" (September 1995). INEL is

preparing a report. NUREG/CR-6478, to document its recent findings in this

motor actuator output. Texas Utilities
area. This report is scheduled to be issued by the end of 1996.

also found lower output during in situ motor actuator testing compared to torque stand testing.This information
IN 96-48 August 21, 1996 At meetings of the Motor-Operated Valve Users' Group of nuclear power plant

raises concerns regarding
licensees in February and July 1995, Commonwealth Edison (ComEd) presented the

the basis for Limitorque
results of its motor and actuator output testing program. The testing

conducted by ComEd was more extensive than the NRC-sponsored testing and

of licensee assumptions
revealed similar results. Previously, in NUREG/CP-0137, "Proceedings of the

that the torque output of its actuators
Third NRC/ASME Symposium on Valve and Pump Testing" (July 1994), motor

is greater than predicted
actuator testing by Texas Utilities raised questions regarding Limitorque

by the original Limitorque
motor actuator output. Texas Utilities also found lower output during in situ

SEL guidelines.
motor actuator testing compared to torque stand testing.

The NRC staff has been discussing
This information raises concerns regarding the basis for Limitorque acceptance

with Limitorque
of licensee assumptions that the torque output of its actuators is greater

the discrepancy
than predicted by the original Limitorque SEL guidelines. The NRC staff has

between guidance relaxing the original motor actuator sizing criteria and the recent motor actuator test results. The manufacturer
been discussing with Limitorque the discrepancy between guidance relaxing the

has stated that updated information
original motor actuator sizing criteria and the recent motor actuator test

for the industry on the sizing of its motor actuators
results. The manufacturer has stated that updated information for the

is being developed.
industry on the sizing of its motor actuators is being developed.

===Related Generic Communications===
===Related Generic Communications===
* NRC IN 81-08. "Repetitive
*     NRC IN 81-08. "Repetitive Failures of Limitorque Operator SMB-4 Motor-to-Shaft Key," March 20, 1981 (Accession 8011040272).
Failures of Limitorque
Operator SMB-4 Motor-to-Shaft
Key," March 20, 1981 (Accession
* NRC IN 88-84. "Defective
Motor Shaft Keys in Limitorque
Motor Actuators." October 20, 1988 (Accession
* NRC GL 89-10, "Safety-Related
Valve Testing and Surveillance," June 28, 1989 (Accession
* NRC IN 90-37. "Sheared Pinion Gear-to-Shaft
Keys in Limitorque
Motor Actuators," May 24, 1990 (Accession
* NRC IN 90-40, "Results of NRC-Sponsored
Testing of Motor-Operated
Valves," June 5, 1990 (Accession
* NRC IN 93-42, "Failure of Anti-Rotation
Keys in Motor-Operated
Valves Manufactured
by Velan," June 9. 1993 (Accession

*    NRC IN 88-84. "Defective Motor Shaft Keys in Limitorque Motor

* NRC IN 93-88. "Status of Motor-Operated
Actuators." October 20, 1988 (Accession 8810140018).

Valve Performance
*    NRC GL 89-10, "Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valve Testing and

Surveillance," June 28, 1989 (Accession 8906290082).

Program by the Electric Power Research Institute," November 30, 1993 (Accession
*    NRC IN 90-37. "Sheared Pinion Gear-to-Shaft Keys in Limitorque Motor

Actuators," May 24, 1990 (Accession 9005180095).

* NRC IN 94-10, "Failures
*     NRC IN 90-40, "Results of NRC-Sponsored Testing of Motor-Operated

of Motor-Operated
Valves," June 5, 1990 (Accession 9005290270).

Valve Electric Power Train Due to Sheared or Dislodged
*      NRC IN 93-42, "Failure of Anti-Rotation Keys in Motor-Operated Valves

Motor Pinion Gear Key," February 4. 1994 (Accession
Manufactured by Velan," June 9. 1993 (Accession 9306030147).

*      NRC IN 93-88. "Status of Motor-Operated Valve Performance Prediction

IN 96-48 August 21, 1996
Program by the Electric Power Research Institute," November 30, 1993 (Accession 93111904527!.
* NRC IN 94-69. "Potential

*      NRC IN 94-10, "Failures of Motor-Operated Valve Electric Power Train Due

in the Prediction
to Sheared or Dislodged Motor Pinion Gear Key," February 4. 1994 (Accession 9402010052).

of Torque Requirements
IN 96-48 August 21, 1996 *    NRC IN 94-69. "Potential Inadequacies in the Prediction of Torque

for and Torque Output of Motor-Operated
Requirements for and Torque Output of Motor-Operated Butterfly Valves,"
      September 28. 1994 (Accession 9409210211).

This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If

Valves," September
you have any questions about the information in this notice, please contact

28. 1994 (Accession
one of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate Office of

Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.

This information
'.  Thomas T. Martin, Director

notice requires no specific action or written response.
Division of Reactor Program Management

If you have any questions
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

about the information
Technical contacts:  Thomas G. Scarbrough. NRR            Chuck Hsu. AEOD

in this notice, please contact one of the technical
(301) 415-2794                      (301) 415-6356 Email:                  Email:

contacts listed below or the appropriate
Michael T. Bugg, RIII

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.'. Thomas T. Martin, Director Division of Reactor Program Management
(630) 829-9500

===Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation===
Attachment:  List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

contacts: Thomas G. Scarbrough.
A/;            >'/c>

NRR (301) 415-2794 Email:

Chuck Hsu. AEOD (301) 415-6356 Email:
IN 96-48 August 21. 1996 LIST OF RECENTLY ISSUED

Michael T. Bugg, RIII (630) 829-9500 Email:

Information                                    Date of
List of Recently Issued NRC Information

Notices A/; >'/c>
Notice No.              Subject                Issuance  Issued to
K>,0 Attachment

96-47          Recordkeeping, Decommis-      08/19/96  All U.S. Nuclear Regulatory

NOTICES Information
sioning Notifications for                Commission licensees

Date of Notice No. Subject Issuance Issued to 96-47 96-46 96-45 96-44 96-43 Recordkeeping, Decommis-sioning Notifications
Disposals of Radioactive

for Disposals
Waste by Land Burial

of Radioactive
Authorized Under Former

Waste by Land Burial Authorized
10 CFR 20.304. 20.302.

Under Former 10 CFR 20.304. 20.302.and Current 20.2002 Zinc Plating of Hardened Metal Parts and Removal of Protective
and Current 20.2002
96-46          Zinc Plating of Hardened       08/12/96  All holders of OLs or CPs

Coatings in Refurbished
Metal Parts and Removal                  for nuclear power reactors

Circuit Breakers Potential
of Protective Coatings

in Refurbished Circuit


Failure of Containment
96-45          Potential Common-Mode          8/12/96    All holders of OLs or CPs

Coolers Failure of Reactor Trip Breaker from Cracking of Phenolic Material in secondary
Post-Accident Failure of                 for nuclear power reactors

contact assembly Failures of General Electric Magne-Blast
Containment Coolers

Circuit Breakers Unexpected
96-44          Failure of Reactor            8/05/96    All holders of OLs or CPs

Opening of Multiple Safety Relief Valves Effects of a Decrease in Feedwater
Trip Breaker from Cracking                for nuclear power reactors

of Phenolic Material in

on Nuclear Instrumentation
secondary contact assembly

96-43          Failures of General            08/02/96  All holders of OLs or CPs

in Material Dedication
Electric Magne-Blast                      for nuclear power reactors

and Procurement
Circuit Breakers

96-42          Unexpected Opening of          08/05/96  All holders of OLs or CPs

and in Audits of Vendors 08/19/96 08/12/96 8/12/96 8/05/96 08/02/96 08/05/96 07/26/96 07/25/96 All U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Multiple Safety Relief                    for nuclear power reactors


licensees All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors All holders of OLs or CPs for pressurized
96-41            Effects of a Decrease in      07/26/96  All holders of OLs or CPs

water reactors All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors 96-42 96-41 96-40 OL = Operating
Feedwater Temperature on                  for pressurized water

License CP = Construction
Nuclear Instrumentation                  reactors

96-40            Deficiencies in Material      07/25/96  All holders of OLs or CPs

IN 96-48 August 21, 1996
Dedication and Procurement                for nuclear power reactors
* NRC IN 94-69. "Potential

Practices and in Audits of

in the Prediction

of Torque Requirements
OL = Operating License

for and Torque Output of Motor-Operated
CP = Construction Permit

IN 96-48 August 21, 1996 *      NRC IN 94-69. "Potential Inadequacies in the Prediction of Torque

Valves," September
Requirements for and Torque Output of Motor-Operated Butterfly Valves,"
                  September 28, 1994 (Accession 9409210211).

28, 1994 (Accession
This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If

you have any questions about the information in this notice, please contact

This information
one of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate Office of

notice requires no specific action or written response.
Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.

If you have any questions
'Itiinal signed byBrian K Gimes

about the information
41116A-Thomas        T. Martin. Director

in this notice, please contact one of the technical
I        Division of Reactor Program Management

contacts listed below or the appropriate
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.'I tiinal signed by Brian K Gimes 41116A-Thomas
Technical contacts:            Thomas G. Scarbrough. NRR                           Chuck Hsu, AEOD

T. Martin. Director I Division of Reactor Program Management
(301) 415-2794                                      (301) 415-6356 Email:                                  Email:

===Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation===
Michael T. Bugg. RIII

contacts: Thomas G. Scarbrough.
(630) 829-9500

NRR (301) 415-2794 Email:
Attachment:       List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

Chuck Hsu, AEOD (301) 415-6356 Email:

Michael T. Bugg. RIII (630) 829-9500 Email:
DOCUMENT NAME:        96-48.IN

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IN 96-XX

I ID INAME BCalure* BSheron* AChaffee*
August XX. 1996 This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If
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IN 96-XX August XX. 1996 This information
you have any questions about the information in this notice, please contact

notice requires no specific action or written response.
one of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate Office of

If you have any questions
Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.

about the information
Brian K. Grimes. Acting Director

in this notice, please contact one of the technical
Division of Reactor Program Management

contacts listed below or the appropriate
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.Brian K. Grimes. Acting Director Division of Reactor Program Management
Technical contacts:            Thomas G. Scarbrough. NRR                            Chuck Hsu, AEOD

===Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation===
(301) 415-2794                                        (301) 415-6356                        

contacts: Thomas G. Scarbrough.
Michael T. Bugg. NRR

NRR (301) 415-2794
(630) 829-9500

Chuck Hsu, AEOD (301) 415-6356
Attachment:         List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

Michael T. Bugg. NRR (630) 829-9500

Attachment: List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices
List of Recently Issued NRC Information

DOCUMENT NAME:        G:\TAG\MOV96.IN5 Ta rgeAve a coov of this document. Indicate In the box: "C"a Copy without enclosures r  - Copy with enclosures "N"z No copy

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Notices DOCUMENT NAME: G:\TAG\MOV96.IN5 Ta rgeAve a coov of this document.
NAME         BCalure*                  BSheronI ACha ffee VI                              BGrimes

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DATE          06/21/96                  08/ /96                08/1';/96          -        08/ /96 OFFICIAL                                            v    r

r -Copy with enclosures "N" z No copy OFFICE PUB:ADM -I D/DE I IC/PECB:DRPM;
PA f)
l D/DRPM NAME BCalure* BSheronI ACha ffee VI BGrimes DATE 06/21/96 08/ /96 08/1';/96
                                                                                                                  -,r ' '.-
-08/ /96 OFFICIAL PA f)v r -,r ' '.-  
IN 96-XX July XX, 1996
* NRC IN 94-69, Potential

IN 96-XX

in the Prediction
July XX, 1996 *      NRC IN 94-69, Potential Inadequacies in the Prediction of Torque

of Torque Requirements
Requirements for and Torque Output of Motor-Operated Butterfly Valves,w

for and Torque Output of Motor-Operated
September 28, 1994.

This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If

Valves,w September
you have any questions about the information in this notice, please contact

28, 1994.This information
one of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate Office of

notice requires no specific action or written response.
Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.

If you have any questions
Brian K. Grimes, Acting Director

about the information
Division of Reactor Program Management

in this notice, please contact one of the technical
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

contacts listed below or the appropriate
Technical contacts:      Thomas G. Scarbrough, NRR

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.Brian K. Grimes, Acting Director Division of Reactor Program Management
(301) 415-2794

===Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation===
Michael T. Bugg, NRR

contacts: Thomas G. Scarbrough, NRR (301) 415-2794
(301) 415-3303

Michael T. Bugg, NRR (301) 415-3303
Chuck Hsu, AEOD

Chuck Hsu, AEOD (301) 415-6356
(301) 415-6356

Attachment:     List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices
List of Recently Issued NRC Information


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Chuck Hsu, AEOD

Chuck Hsu, AEOD (301) 415-6356
(301) 415-6356

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List of Recently Issued NRC Information

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DATE     C   /LV//96         no   /96       / /96         1 /96


I 9/}}

{{Information notice-Nav}}
{{Information notice-Nav}}

Latest revision as of 04:37, 24 November 2019

Motor-Operated Valve Performance Issues
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley, Millstone, Hatch, Monticello, Calvert Cliffs, Dresden, Davis Besse, Peach Bottom, Browns Ferry, Salem, Oconee, Mcguire, Nine Mile Point, Palisades, Palo Verde, Perry, Indian Point, Fermi, Kewaunee, Catawba, Harris, Wolf Creek, Saint Lucie, Point Beach, Oyster Creek, Watts Bar, Hope Creek, Grand Gulf, Cooper, Sequoyah, Byron, Pilgrim, Arkansas Nuclear, Three Mile Island, Braidwood, Susquehanna, Summer, Prairie Island, Columbia, Seabrook, Brunswick, Surry, Limerick, North Anna, Turkey Point, River Bend, Vermont Yankee, Crystal River, Haddam Neck, Ginna, Diablo Canyon, Callaway, Vogtle, Waterford, Duane Arnold, Farley, Robinson, Clinton, South Texas, San Onofre, Cook, Comanche Peak, Yankee Rowe, Maine Yankee, Quad Cities, Humboldt Bay, La Crosse, Big Rock Point, Rancho Seco, Zion, Midland, Bellefonte, Fort Calhoun, FitzPatrick, McGuire, LaSalle, Fort Saint Vrain, Shoreham, Satsop, Trojan, Atlantic Nuclear Power Plant  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/21/1996
From: Martin T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
IN-96-048, NUDOCS 9608150028
Download: ML031060093 (13)







All holders of operating licenses or construction permits for nuclear power



The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this information

notice to alert addressees to (1) lessons learned from the Electric Power

Research Institute (EPRI) Motor-Operated Valve (MOV) Performance Prediction

Program, (2)performance problems with MOV key failures described in a recent

NRC Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data (AEOD) study, and

(3)the potential for torque output from MOV actuators to be less than

predicted by Limitorque Corporation. It is expected that recipients will

review the information for applicability to their facilities and consider

actions, as appropriate, to avoid similar problems. However, suggestions

contained in this information notice are not NRC requirements; therefore, no

specific action or written response is required.


In the 1980s. continuing problems with the performance of MOVs at nuclear

power plants raised concerns regarding MOV design, testing, and maintenance.

In response to these problems, both the nuclear industry and NRC initiated

efforts to improve the performance of MOVs at nuclear plants. In 1989, the

NRC staff issued Generic Letter (GL) 89-10, "Safety-Related Motor-Operated

Valve Testing and Surveillance," requesting that nuclear power plant licensees

and construction permit holders verify the design-basis capability of their

safety-related MOVs. In response to GL 89-10, the nuclear industry has

studied the performance of MOVs through testing and analyses. As a result of

these activities, some weaknesses in the design and manufacture of MOVs were

discovered through evaluation of the performance history of MOVs. In this

information notice, the staff discusses three issues involving MOV performance

that have been identified.

Description of Circumstances

1. Lessons Learned from EPRI MOV Performance Prediction Program

As part of the industry effort regarding the MOV issue. EPRI initiated an MOV

Performance Prediction Program to develop a methodology to be used by

licensees in demonstrating the design-basis capability of MOVs when valve- specific design-basis test data are not available. The program included

9608150028 I

PX 4\\\s 1-Dv-11C/if

IN 96-48 August 21, 1996 development of improved methods for prediction or evaluation of system flow

parameters; gate, globe, and butterfly valve performance: and motor actuator

rate-of-loading effects (load-sensitive behavior). Further, EPRI performed

testing to provide information for refining the gate valve model and rate-of- loading methods and conducted numerous MOV tests to provide data for model and

method development and validation, including flow loop testing, parametric

flow loop testing of butterfly valve disk designs, and in situ MOV testing.

In November 1994, the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) submitted the proprietary

EPRI Topical Report TR-103237, "EPRI MOV Performance Prediction Program -

Topical Report," for review by the NRC staff. EPRI prepared 25 additional

reports to support the topical report. On March 15, 1996, the NRC staff

issued a Safety Evaluation (SE) documenting the staff review of the topical

report. With the conditions and limitations described in the SE, the staff

stated that the EPRI program provides an acceptable methodology to predict the

thrust or torque required to operate gate, globe, and butterfly valves within

the scope of the EPRI program and to bound the effects of load-sensitive

behavior on motor actuator thrust output.

In a letter dated September 27, 1995, NEI forwarded a summary of important

contributions and findings resulting from the EPRI MOV Performance Prediction

Program. As described in an enclosure to the NEI letter, important findings

(or confirmatory information) from the EPRI MOV program include the following:

a. The traditional methods for predicting gate valve performance might be

nonconservative for many applications because of incomplete equations.

design features, manufacturing controls, and wide-ranging friction


b. The edge radii on disk seats and guide slots are critical to gate valve

performance and predictability.

c. Stellite friction coefficients increase with differential-pressure valve

strokes in cold water to a plateau level, stabilize quickly in hot

water, and decrease as differential pressure increases.

d. Gate valves with carbon steel guides and disk guide slots with tight

clearances might fail to close under blowdown conditions.

e. Many existing gate valve manufacturing and design processes and

controls, and plant maintenance practices, might contribute to poor

valve performance.

f. Traditional methods for predicting globe valve performance for

incompressible flow conditions are nonconservative for globe valves in

which differential pressure acts across the plug guide.

' IN 96-48 August 21. 1996 g. Globe valve thrust requirements for some designs can be excessive under

compressible flow and blowdown conditions because of the potential for

plug-side loading.

h. Rate-of-loading effects (load-sensitive behavior) can reduce the static

thrust output by up to 30 percent under dynamic conditions.

i. Hydrodynamic torque coefficients used by some butterfly valve

manufacturers might be nonconservative for certain applications, with

valves located near piping elbows especially vulnerable.

j. Butterfly valve seats should be periodically replaced to avoid hardening

or degradation.

In addition to these reported important findings, EPRI confirmed that thrust

requirements to unwedge a gate valve can be higher under dynamic conditions

than under static conditions.

2. MOV Key Failures

On March 29. 1996. AEOD issued report AEOD/E96-01. entitled, "Engineering

Evaluation - Motor-Operated Valve Key Failures," on the continuing occurrence

of problems with keys in MOVs at nuclear power plants. A significant number

of MOV key failures have been identified that involved (a)anti-rotation keys.

(b)valve operator-to-valve stem keys. and (c)motor pinion gear keys. A

total of 73 reports were written involving MOV key failures between January

1990 through September 1995. Many of these key failures were not detected

during surveillance tests but were detected on demand, during valve

operations. or during maintenance activities and had existed for some time

before they were discovered. A number of key failures were discovered during

maintenance activities even though the valves had been operated satisfactorily

and passed all previous surveillance tests.

3. Limitorque Motor Actuator Performance

In 1977. Limitorque Corporation established guidelines (referred to as the SEL

documents) for sizing ac-powered motor actuators used in MOVs. Those

guidelines predicted the motor actuator output torque as a product of the

nominal motor-rated start torque. pullout efficiency, application factor

(typically 0.9), overall actuator gear ratio, and a degraded voltage factor.

Over the past few years, Limitorque has accepted the use of run efficiency for

closing valves powered by ac-powered motor actuators. Limitorque has also

stated that licensees may eliminate the application factor when voltage

supplied to the motor is less than 90 percent of its rated voltage. (See

Limitorque Technical Update 93-03 [Accession 9608120083].) Recent industry

IN 96-48 August 21. 1996 and NRC-sponsored test information has raised questions regarding the accuracy

of the Limitorque assumptions for actuator efficiency.


1. Lessons Learned from the EPRI MOV Performance Prediction Program

As discussed in the staff SE on the EPRI topical report, the EPRI program

provided important information on the design, testing. and maintenance of MOVs

in nuclear power plants. Some of the EPRI information is applicable to gate.

globe, and butterfly valves regardless of the type of actuator operating the

valve. Examples of such information are given below:

Gate Valves

Almost all flow testing by licensees in response to GL 89-10 was conducted

under pumped-flow conditions. Several gate valves tested by EPRI under

blowdown conditions demonstrated unpredictable performance and internal

damage. Extrapolation of test data from pumped-flow conditions to blowdown

conditions may not be sufficient to ensure that a gate valve can operate under

its design-basis conditions.

Valve aging conditions can influence gate valve performance. The thrust

requirements to operate gate valves under normal flow conditions can increase

with time and valve stroking.

Thrust requirements to unwedge gate valves under dynamic conditions may be

greater than under static conditions.

Globe Valves

Limited testing by EPRI of globe valves under blowdown or high-temperature

flow conditions suggested that higher thrust than typically predicted may be

required to operate these valves.

Thrust requirements for globe valves are influenced by the area of the valve

seat or guide. depending on the valve design.

The EPRI test database is not sufficient to justify modifying the Limitorque

guidelines for sizing and setting globe valves to lower the typical valve

factor of 1.1 as-umed in the guidelines.

k \- #

IN 96-48 August 21, 1996 Butterfly Valves

Several areas of the EPRI Butterfly Valve Application Guide need improvement

or correction. EPRI is currently revising the application guide and plans to

include new information on flow and torque coefficients; system analysis

techniques; treatment of bearing, packing, and hub-seal torque: upstream elbow

modeling: and rated and survivable torque calculations.

2. MOV Key Failures

The MOV key failures may involve a common-cause failure that could render

redundant trains of certain safety-related systems inoperable if they had

remained undetected. The MOV key failures can be attributed to (a)instal- lation and design deficiencies for anti-rotation keys, (b)loosening or

slipping, wear or normal aging, excessive force or overtorque, and discre- pancies in material or size for valve operator-to-valve stem keys, and (c)

high-impact loads, improper materials, installation deficiency, wear or normal

aging, and vibration for motor pinion gear keys.

The anti-rotation key failures involving installation deficiencies were

generally associated with inadequate staking and securing of setscrews during

installation of the keys. It appeared that the installation instructions

provided by the vendors were not always included in licensee maintenance


Many motor pinion gear key failures involving an installation deficiency were

due to failure to stake the keys following replacement of the motors or the

pinion gears. Although licensees revised their MOV maintenance procedures to

include restaking the pinion key or motor shaft as recommended by Limitorque

Maintenance Update 89-1 (Accession 9608120068), many licensees did not

investigate the potential problems of maintenance activities that were

conducted before their procedure changes.

The motor pinion gear key failures attributable to high-impact loads or

improper material appear to involve AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute)

type 1018 keys in high-speed and high-inertia configurations. The replacement

of 1018 keys with harder 4140 keys in some cases may lead to keyway deforma- tion or damage, depending on impact loads and the shaft material. The situa- tion may present a complex stress problem that is not completely considered in

design and could produce a severe and complex stress concentration on the key, as well as the keyway. This situation could lead to cracking and failure of

the shaft.

The potential for these key problems to render safety systems inoperable empa- sizes (a)the importance of plant maintenance programs in assuring that MOV

keys are staked and secured as required, (b)the importance of plant MOV

surveillance and maintenance activities in the early detection of key

IN 96-48 August 21, 1996 degradation, and (c)the possibility of shaft cracking as a result of

replacement of 1018 keys with harder material when the replacement will

involve a relatively soft shaft and high impact loads.

3. Limitorque Motor Actuator Performance

The NRC staff conducted an inspection at Limitorque in May 1993 and reviewed

the basis for its motor actuator sizing guidelines. As discussed in NRC

Inspection Report 99900100/93-01. the staff found that the values for

individual parameters assumed in the Limitorque sizing equation were not

determined by testing but were founded primarily on engineering judgment. The

lack of significant failure history of motor actuators when using the

Limitorque sizing equation has been the primary basis for confidence in the

equation. Licensee modifications of the parameters in the Limitorque sizing

guidelines has the potential to influence performance.

Tests of MOVs under differential pressure and flow conditions performed by

licensees in response to GL 89-10 have revealed that significantly more torque

and thrust are required to open and close many gate valves than predicted by

the valve vendors. This need for more torque than originally believed has led

licensees to evaluate the Limitorque motor actuator sizing guidelines to

determine whether more torque output is available from the motor actuators

than was predicted by the guidelines. The Limitorque sizing guidelines have

typically been assumed to underestimate the output torque capability of motor

actuators. Therefore, some licensees eliminate the application factor from

the output torque equation and use run efficiency for ac-powered MOVs in the

closing direction. Further, some licensees have asserted that motor torque

greater than the nominal start rating may be assumed in the sizing guidelines

because motors typically deliver more torque than their rating before they


In response to the questions surrounding the Limitorque sizing equation, the

NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research evaluated the performance of

Limitorque motor actuators through testing at the Idaho ational Engineering

Laboratory (INEL). Preliminary results of the INEL tests suggest that (1)

motor output is greater than the nominal rating for many motors. (2)the

actual output efficiency may not reach "run" efficiency for some Limitorque

actuators and may drop below "pullout" efficiency under high loads, (3) the

torque loss under degraded voltage conditions can be more severe for some ac

motors than the typically assumed square of the ratio of actual voltage to

rated voltage, and (4)the torque loss under degraded voltage conditions can

be more severe for some dc motors than the typically assumed linear ratio.

Preliminary results of this testing are documented in NUREG/CR-6100. "Gate

Valve and Motor-Operator Research Findings" (September 1995). INEL is

preparing a report. NUREG/CR-6478, to document its recent findings in this

area. This report is scheduled to be issued by the end of 1996.

IN 96-48 August 21, 1996 At meetings of the Motor-Operated Valve Users' Group of nuclear power plant

licensees in February and July 1995, Commonwealth Edison (ComEd) presented the

results of its motor and actuator output testing program. The testing

conducted by ComEd was more extensive than the NRC-sponsored testing and

revealed similar results. Previously, in NUREG/CP-0137, "Proceedings of the

Third NRC/ASME Symposium on Valve and Pump Testing" (July 1994), motor

actuator testing by Texas Utilities raised questions regarding Limitorque

motor actuator output. Texas Utilities also found lower output during in situ

motor actuator testing compared to torque stand testing.

This information raises concerns regarding the basis for Limitorque acceptance

of licensee assumptions that the torque output of its actuators is greater

than predicted by the original Limitorque SEL guidelines. The NRC staff has

been discussing with Limitorque the discrepancy between guidance relaxing the

original motor actuator sizing criteria and the recent motor actuator test

results. The manufacturer has stated that updated information for the

industry on the sizing of its motor actuators is being developed.

Related Generic Communications

  • NRC IN 81-08. "Repetitive Failures of Limitorque Operator SMB-4 Motor-to-Shaft Key," March 20, 1981 (Accession 8011040272).
  • NRC IN 88-84. "Defective Motor Shaft Keys in Limitorque Motor

Actuators." October 20, 1988 (Accession 8810140018).

  • NRC GL 89-10, "Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valve Testing and

Surveillance," June 28, 1989 (Accession 8906290082).

  • NRC IN 90-37. "Sheared Pinion Gear-to-Shaft Keys in Limitorque Motor

Actuators," May 24, 1990 (Accession 9005180095).

  • NRC IN 90-40, "Results of NRC-Sponsored Testing of Motor-Operated

Valves," June 5, 1990 (Accession 9005290270).

  • NRC IN 93-42, "Failure of Anti-Rotation Keys in Motor-Operated Valves

Manufactured by Velan," June 9. 1993 (Accession 9306030147).

  • NRC IN 93-88. "Status of Motor-Operated Valve Performance Prediction

Program by the Electric Power Research Institute," November 30, 1993 (Accession 93111904527!.

  • NRC IN 94-10, "Failures of Motor-Operated Valve Electric Power Train Due

to Sheared or Dislodged Motor Pinion Gear Key," February 4. 1994 (Accession 9402010052).

IN 96-48 August 21, 1996 * NRC IN 94-69. "Potential Inadequacies in the Prediction of Torque

Requirements for and Torque Output of Motor-Operated Butterfly Valves,"

September 28. 1994 (Accession 9409210211).

This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If

you have any questions about the information in this notice, please contact

one of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate Office of

Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.

'. Thomas T. Martin, Director

Division of Reactor Program Management

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical contacts: Thomas G. Scarbrough. NRR Chuck Hsu. AEOD

(301) 415-2794 (301) 415-6356 Email: Email:

Michael T. Bugg, RIII

(630) 829-9500


Attachment: List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

A/; >'/c>



IN 96-48 August 21. 1996 LIST OF RECENTLY ISSUED


Information Date of

Notice No. Subject Issuance Issued to

96-47 Recordkeeping, Decommis- 08/19/96 All U.S. Nuclear Regulatory

sioning Notifications for Commission licensees

Disposals of Radioactive

Waste by Land Burial

Authorized Under Former

10 CFR 20.304. 20.302.

and Current 20.2002

96-46 Zinc Plating of Hardened 08/12/96 All holders of OLs or CPs

Metal Parts and Removal for nuclear power reactors

of Protective Coatings

in Refurbished Circuit


96-45 Potential Common-Mode 8/12/96 All holders of OLs or CPs

Post-Accident Failure of for nuclear power reactors

Containment Coolers

96-44 Failure of Reactor 8/05/96 All holders of OLs or CPs

Trip Breaker from Cracking for nuclear power reactors

of Phenolic Material in

secondary contact assembly

96-43 Failures of General 08/02/96 All holders of OLs or CPs

Electric Magne-Blast for nuclear power reactors

Circuit Breakers

96-42 Unexpected Opening of 08/05/96 All holders of OLs or CPs

Multiple Safety Relief for nuclear power reactors


96-41 Effects of a Decrease in 07/26/96 All holders of OLs or CPs

Feedwater Temperature on for pressurized water

Nuclear Instrumentation reactors

96-40 Deficiencies in Material 07/25/96 All holders of OLs or CPs

Dedication and Procurement for nuclear power reactors

Practices and in Audits of


OL = Operating License

CP = Construction Permit

IN 96-48 August 21, 1996 * NRC IN 94-69. "Potential Inadequacies in the Prediction of Torque

Requirements for and Torque Output of Motor-Operated Butterfly Valves,"

September 28, 1994 (Accession 9409210211).

This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If

you have any questions about the information in this notice, please contact

one of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate Office of

Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.

'Itiinal signed byBrian K Gimes

41116A-Thomas T. Martin. Director

I Division of Reactor Program Management

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical contacts: Thomas G. Scarbrough. NRR Chuck Hsu, AEOD

(301) 415-2794 (301) 415-6356 Email: Email:

Michael T. Bugg. RIII

(630) 829-9500


Attachment: List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices



To rpecefe a rrw of this document. Indicate In the box: "C" = Copy without enclosures "" WCopy Ores No copy



INAME BCalure* BSheron* AChaffee* J11M0rtin

DATE 06/21/96 07/16/96 08/13/96 1 08//5n6 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

IN 96-XX

August XX. 1996 This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If

you have any questions about the information in this notice, please contact

one of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate Office of

Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.

Brian K. Grimes. Acting Director

Division of Reactor Program Management

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical contacts: Thomas G. Scarbrough. NRR Chuck Hsu, AEOD

(301) 415-2794 (301) 415-6356

Michael T. Bugg. NRR

(630) 829-9500

Attachment: List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices


Attachment: List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

DOCUMENT NAME: G:\TAG\MOV96.IN5 Ta rgeAve a coov of this document. Indicate In the box: "C"a Copy without enclosures r - Copy with enclosures "N"z No copy


NAME BCalure* BSheronI ACha ffee VI BGrimes

DATE 06/21/96 08/ /96 08/1';/96 - 08/ /96 OFFICIAL v r

PA f)

-,r ' '.-

IN 96-XX

July XX, 1996 * NRC IN 94-69, Potential Inadequacies in the Prediction of Torque

Requirements for and Torque Output of Motor-Operated Butterfly Valves,w

September 28, 1994.

This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If

you have any questions about the information in this notice, please contact

one of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate Office of

Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.

Brian K. Grimes, Acting Director

Division of Reactor Program Management

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical contacts: Thomas G. Scarbrough, NRR

(301) 415-2794

Michael T. Bugg, NRR

(301) 415-3303

Chuck Hsu, AEOD

(301) 415-6356

Attachment: List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices


Afttthmontn lit nf Pargnt1v TtvIs d NRC Informatinn Notices


NAME BCalure* BS AChaffee BGrimes

DATE 06/21/96 j /&/96 / /96 [/ /96 (OFFICIAL RECORD COPY] $1 DOCUMENT NAME: G:\TAG\MOV96.INt

Chuck Hsu, AEOD

(301) 415-6356

Attachment: List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices


NAME Tech RWessman AChaffee BGrimes

DATE C /LV//96 no /96 / /96 1 /96



