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{{#Wiki_filter:NRC ILE Outline and Operating Test Submittal Comments 2016 Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station 1 of 7    Outline Submittal Comments   Chief Examiner Comment Facility Action/Response Admin JPMs Outline No Comments Lic: NRC: Sim/Inplant JPMs Outline No Comments Lic: NRC: JPMs-Admin No Comments Lic: NRC: JPMs-System No Comments Lic: NRC: JPMs-In-Plant No Comments Lic: NRC: Scenario ES-D-1s No Comments Lic: NRC:
{{#Wiki_filter:NRC ILE Outline and Operating Test Submittal Comments 2016 Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Outline Submittal Comments Chief Examiner Comment                                 Facility Action/Response Admin JPMs         No Comments                                           Lic:
2 of 7    Operating Test Submittal Comments  RO/SRO Admin JPMs Comments  Chief Examiner Comment Facility Action/Response RO Admin A 1.1 Applicant must earn the DB
Outline                                                                    NRC:
-PF-06703 procedure, then evaluator may provide a copy to the applicant. Reword the initiation cue to state "Shift M anager directs you to calculate..
Sim/Inplant JPMs   No Comments                                           Lic:
." Lic: This JPM administered in classroom setting with the curve book.
Outline                                                                    NRC:
RO Admin A1.2 What determines the "acceptable limits" placed on the Step s 3, 8 , 9, 13, & 14 answers?  (i.e. Step 14 should be 860-880 MWe min and 920
JPMs-Admin         No Comments                                           Lic:
-940 MWe max.)
Lic: Steps 3, 9 and 13 are based on +/
JPMs-System         No Comments                                           Lic:
- half increment of graph grid reading. Step 8 calculation based on max/min readings. Revised Step 14 to say "Acceptable is calculation of +/- 30 applied to value determined in previous performance step.
" RO Admin A2 What determines the "acceptable limits" placed on portions of the Step 2 pressure readings? (Isn't that why the allowable tolerance is 100 psi?)
JPMs-In-Plant       No Comments                                           Lic:
Why doesn't the cover sheet need to be signed-wouldn't that be expected for this activity?
Lic: Tightened Step 2 limits to half of increment that can be read. Values are not exact, will have to revise based on where simulator is frozen for the JPM. Cover sheet is signed.
Scenario ES-D-1s   No Comments                                           Lic:
RO Admin A3 If the applicant is expected to initial off Step 4.2.13 (per initiating cue), then the evaluator needs to sign as the IV once the applicant states that an IV is required to complete the step.
Lic: Correct. NRC: The evaluator will sign as the IV on the Attachment 24 referenced by Step 4.2.13.
1 of 7
SRO Admin A 1.1 Does determining correct notification requirements normally include specifying the required notification time limit?  Consider including.
Lic: No time limit required. SRO Admin A1.2 Add cue for evaluators to have applicant continue with review if TS entry identified and reported during review process. (Do the applicants need to correct the identified errors?)
Lic: Discussed with examiners, practice is to cue applicants to continue with review to identify all errors. Applicants are only expected to identify the errors and return to responsible party to correct them.
SRO Admin A2 No Comments Lic:
3 of 7   Chief Examiner Comment Facility Action/Response SRO Admin A3 No Comments Lic:    SRO Admin A4 The JPM Task begins 5 minutes after the EAL threshold has been met. This is unrealistic since the initial conditions state that the applicant is the ED. The 10 minute Time Critical Task is not justified based upon ICs.
The wallboard charts should be staged and marked up for the initial SU1 declaration, again because the initial conditions state that the applicant is the ED.

The 2 nd Time Critical Task is 15 minutes after declaration of the new emergency classification, but the clock should be stopped when a party answers the 4-way ring-down phone, not when the applicant picks it up.
Operating Test Submittal Comments RO/SRO Admin JPMs Comments Chief Examiner Comment                                  Facility Action/Response RO Admin A1.1  Applicant must earn the DB-PF-06703 procedure, then    Lic: This JPM administered in classroom setting evaluator may provide a copy to the applicant.          with the curve book.
Is this considered alternate path since Lucas County isn't initially on the 4
Reword the initiation cue to state Shift Manager directs you to calculate...
-way ring-down line?
RO Admin A1.2 What determines the acceptable limits placed on the  Lic: Steps 3, 9 and 13 are based on +/- half Steps 3, 8, 9, 13, & 14 answers? (i.e. Step 14 should  increment of graph grid reading. Step 8 calculation be 860-880 MWe min and 920-940 MWe max.)                based on max/min readings. Revised Step 14 to say Acceptable is calculation of +/- 30 applied to value determined in previous performance step.
Lic: Revised JPM. Task will begin at t=0, no 5 minute credit. Wallboard will be staged and marked. TC for the phone call ends when the applicant makes the call, not when someone answers.
RO Admin A2    What determines the acceptable limits placed on      Lic: Tightened Step 2 limits to half of increment that portions of the Step 2 pressure readings? (Isnt that  can be read. Values are not exact, will have to why the allowable tolerance is 100 psi?)                revise based on where simulator is frozen for the JPM.
It should be  alternate path.
Why doesnt the cover sheet need to be signed-wouldnt that be expected for this activity?            Cover sheet is signed.
RO Admin A3    If the applicant is expected to initial off Step 4.2.13 Lic: Correct.
(per initiating cue), then the evaluator needs to sign as the IV once the applicant states that an IV is      NRC: The evaluator will sign as the IV on the required to complete the step.                          Attachment 24 referenced by Step 4.2.13.
SRO Admin A1.1 Does determining correct notification requirements      Lic: No time limit required.
normally include specifying the required notification time limit? Consider including.
SRO Admin A1.2 Add cue for evaluators to have applicant continue      Lic: Discussed with examiners, practice is to cue with review if TS entry identified and reported during  applicants to continue with review to identify all errors.
review process. (Do the applicants need to correct      Applicants are only expected to identify the errors and the identified errors?)                                return to responsible party to correct them.
SRO Admin A2  No Comments                                            Lic:
2 of 7

4 of 7      RO/SRO CR/IP System JPMs Comments  Chief Examiner Comment Facility Action/Response SIM JPM S1 What indications are available for CC 1328 failing closed?  Need to check copy of DB
Chief Examiner Comment                                 Facility Action/Response SRO Admin A3 No Comments                                            Lic:
-OP-02523 for actions on CCW System Malfunctions
SRO Admin A4 The JPM Task begins 5 minutes after the EAL            Lic: Revised JPM. Task will begin at t=0, no 5 minute threshold has been met. This is unrealistic since the credit. Wallboard will be staged and marked. TC for initial conditions state that the applicant is the ED. the phone call ends when the applicant makes the The 10 minute Time Critical Task is not justified      call, not when someone answers. It should be based upon ICs.                                       alternate path.
- what allows the attempt to start CRD Booster pump 1 under these plant conditions?
The wallboard charts should be staged and marked up for the initial SU1 declaration, again because the initial conditions state that the applicant is the ED.
Check Alarm Response Procedure.
The 2nd Time Critical Task is 15 minutes after declaration of the new emergency classification, but the clock should be stopped when a party answers the 4-way ring-down phone, not when the applicant picks it up.
(Is BE2206 open? Is this a centrifugal pump?)
Is this considered alternate path since Lucas County isnt initially on the 4-way ring-down line?
Who actually opens CC 1328?  (If valve is opened by an EO, then Performance Step 13 may not be a critical step.) Must CRD Booster pump be running to successfully complete the JPM?
3 of 7
Lic: There are panel indications for CC 1328.
The applicant will pull copy of the ARP which allows starting the pump under the stated conditions.
MCR operator opens CC 1328.
The CRD Booster Pump 1 must be running to complete the JPM.
SIM JPM S2 Would the Command SRO normally direct the step
-by-step performance of Attachment 7?
Limit time to review to simulate actual plant conditions response.  (Don't impose artificialities on the applicants.)
Lic: The Command SRO would normally direct the step-by-step performance of Att 7. However, the ROs are required to know how to perform the LPI suction transfer to the Emergency Sump task. For the purpose of JPM evaluation of the task the ROs are evaluated based on their actions to perform the task without the SRO Command function. Will also do the Initial Conditions/Initiating Cue before stepping into simulator.
SIM JPM S3 Same comment on step
-by-step performance as noted in previous JPM.
If MU 3971 is not critical because MU 2 pump is not running, then why is in this section (Only MU1 pump running-Step 4) of the procedure?

Performance Step 16 STANDARD should state, "- and verify RC 11 closes.
RO/SRO CR/IP System JPMs Comments Chief Examiner Comment                                  Facility Action/Response SIM JPM S1 What indications are available for CC 1328 failing      Lic: There are panel indications for CC 1328.
"          Lic: The Command SRO would normally direct the step-by-step performance. However, the ROs are required to know how to perform actions for recovery from MU/HPI/PORV Cooling task. For the purpose of JPM RO evaluation, they are expected to perform the task without the SRO Command function.
Part of the procedural transition to the remaining steps and the alternate path.
The applicant will pull copy of the ARP which allows Need to check copy of DB-OP-02523 for actions on        starting the pump under the stated conditions.
CCW System Malfunctions - what allows the attempt to start CRD Booster pump 1 under these plant            MCR operator opens CC 1328.
conditions? Check Alarm Response Procedure. (Is BE2206 open? Is this a centrifugal pump?)                The CRD Booster Pump 1 must be running to complete the JPM.
Who actually opens CC 1328? (If valve is opened by an EO, then Performance Step 13 may not be a critical step.)
Must CRD Booster pump be running to successfully complete the JPM?
SIM JPM S2 Would the Command SRO normally direct the step-          Lic: The Command SRO would normally direct the by-step performance of Attachment 7?                    step-by-step performance of Att 7. However, the ROs are required to know how to perform the LPI suction Limit time to review to simulate actual plant conditions transfer to the Emergency Sump task. For the response. (Dont impose artificialities on the          purpose of JPM evaluation of the task the ROs are applicants.)                                            evaluated based on their actions to perform the task without the SRO Command function. Will also do the Initial Conditions/Initiating Cue before stepping into simulator.
SIM JPM S3 Same comment on step-by-step performance as noted        Lic: The Command SRO would normally direct the in previous JPM.                                        step-by-step performance. However, the ROs are required to know how to perform actions for recovery If MU 3971 is not critical because MU2 pump is not      from MU/HPI/PORV Cooling task. For the purpose of running, then why is in this section (Only MU1 pump      JPM RO evaluation, they are expected to perform the running-Step 4) of the procedure?                        task without the SRO Command function.
Performance Step 16 STANDARD should state,  and Part of the procedural transition to the remaining steps verify RC 11 closes.                                    and the alternate path.
4 of 7

5 of 7    Chief Examiner Comment Facility Action/Response SIM JPM S3 (continued)
Chief Examiner Comment                                   Facility Action/Response SIM JPM S3                                                           Insert comment.
Insert comment.
SIM JPM S4 Need to review marked
SIM JPM S4 Need to review marked-up copy of DB-OP-06224, thru       Lic: Incorporated.
-up copy of DB
step 3.16.43 to validate JPM.
-OP-06224, thru step 3.16.43 to validate JPM.
Lic: Incorporated.
Step 14 not critical (pump starts then trips).
Step 14 not critical (pump starts then trips).
Initiating Cue: add "-local operator in field for local transfer." (Step 11)
Initiating Cue: add local operator in field for local transfer. (Step 11)
SIM JPM S5 What determines which containment isolations are required?  Which ones are they?
SIM JPM S5 What determines which containment isolations are         Lic: Procedure guides provided by the SM. JPM required? Which ones are they?                          Step 4-bases-Level 1 and 2. Lists valves that can be closed from the MCR.
Lic: Procedure guides provided by the SM. JPM Step 4-bases-Level 1 and 2. Lists valves that can be closed from the MCR.
SIM JPM S6 Since the JPM actions must be started no longer         Lic: The licensee JPM time critical task is for 15 than 15 minutes from the initiation of the event,       minutes, therefore, we wouldnt normally do recommend changing the initial conditions to state       anything less even though the validation time is 8 that something less than 15 minutes have elapsed         minutes.
SIM JPM S6 Since the JPM actions must be started no longer than 15 minutes from the initiation of the event, recommend changing the initial conditions to state that something less than 15 minutes have elapsed and adjust the time critical task accordingly. (Validation time is actually 8 minutes; is this really time critical?)
and adjust the time critical task accordingly.
Also recommend not informing the applicant that another operator has been dispatched to perform Attachment 14 until they either ask or get to Step 2 of Attachment 5. Lic: The licensee JPM time critical task is for 15 minutes, therefore, we wouldn
(Validation time is actually 8 minutes; is this really   Can adjust Initiating Cue accordingly to wait for time critical?)                                          applicant to ask if operator dispatched to perform Att 14, or get to JPM Step 2 of Attachment 5.
't normally do anything less even though the validation time is 8 minutes. Can adjust Initiating Cue accordingly to wait for applicant to ask if operator dispatched to perform Att 14, or get to JPM Step 2 of Attachment 5.
Also recommend not informing the applicant that another operator has been dispatched to perform          Add cue to only do 1 AFP.
Add cue to only do 1 AFP.
Attachment 14 until they either ask or get to Step 2 of Attachment 5.
SIM JPM S7 Where does the applicant obtain keys for opening the cabinet doors?
SIM JPM S7 Where does the applicant obtain keys for opening the     Lic: Keys are located in MCR cabinet.
Recommend adding an evaluator cue that states that enough time has elapsed to repair and test the failed NI channel, and now the Unit Supervisor directs the applicant to complete subsection 4.4 of DB
cabinet doors?
-OP-06403. Lic: Keys are located in MCR cabinet.
Examiners will use time compression to cue the Recommend adding an evaluator cue that states that       applicant that the NI has been repaired and enough time has elapsed to repair and test the failed NI tested, and is ready to be re-energized per channel, and now the Unit Supervisor directs the         Section 4.4 of DB-OP-06403.
Examiners will use time compression to cue the applicant that the NI has been repaired and tested, and is ready to be re
applicant to complete subsection 4.4 of DB-OP-06403.
-energized per Section 4.4 of DB
SIM JPM S8 Do expected alarms need to addressed as part of a     Lic: Expect applicants to reference ARP, mark it and pre-evolution brief item to be announced as expected? identify expected alarms.
-OP-06403. SIM JPM S8 Do 'expected alarms' need to addressed as part of a pre-evolution brief item to be announced as 'expected'?
5 of 7
Lic: Expect applicants to reference ARP, mark it and identify "expected alarms."
6 of 7    Chief Examiner Comment Facility Action/Response IP JPM P1 Is there more than one Low Voltage Switchgear Room?  The JPM title and the initiating cue should match.
If this procedure step is an "Immediate Action," why is the applicant initially handed a copy of the procedure?
What is the purpose of Performance Step 1?
How does the applicant 'earn' the information that the reactor has (or has not) tripped?  Is a cue required to be provided by the evaluator?
How are E2 & F2 normally deenergized? Is this Alt Path?
Lic: There are two low voltage switchgear rooms and the applicant will access both.
The cue to hand copy to applicant will be deleted.
Step 1 is N/A if applicant not handed a copy of procedure.
Applicant must earn information based on the trip flag color. Add cue for examiner.
Not alternate path because JPM started in the RNO step. IP JPM P2 Once Instrument Air has been restored, and the applicant is directed to restore IA to ICS11A, either have the applicant verify steps C 5.c & d, or add an evaluator cue to state that the actions will be completed by another operator, and then the JPM is complete.
Lic: Operator will verify Steps C 5 c. and d.
IP JPM P3 No Comments Lic:
7 of 7     Scenario D-1 Comments  Chief Examiner Comment Facility Action/Response Scenario 1  (DB NRC 2016
) No comments on scenario events.
This scenario has the same Critical Task (CT
-1) as Scenario 3. Since Crew A will see both scenarios, recommend changing the Spare to Scenario 3 and use Scenario 4 in place of Scenario
: 3. NOTE: This is the only low power scenario submitted.
Lic:  Will make this the spare scenario and eliminate the CT conflict with Scenario 3.
Scenario 2  (DB NRC 2016) No comments on scenario events. Why is Event 2 Description Bolded? Lic: Remove "bold". Was errata.
Scenario 3  (DB NRC 2016) See comment for Scenario 1 above. Make this one the Spare.
Lic: Will use this scenario, make Scenario 1 the spare. Scenario 4  (DB NRC 2016) No comments on scenario events.

Use in place of either Scenario 1 (or 3).
Chief Examiner Comment                                    Facility Action/Response IP JPM P1 Is there more than one Low Voltage Switchgear Room?        Lic: There are two low voltage switchgear rooms and The JPM title and the initiating cue should match.        the applicant will access both.
If this procedure step is an Immediate Action, why is    The cue to hand copy to applicant will be deleted.
the applicant initially handed a copy of the procedure?
Step 1 is N/A if applicant not handed a copy of What is the purpose of Performance Step 1?                procedure.
How does the applicant earn the information that the    Applicant must earn information based on the trip flag reactor has (or has not) tripped? Is a cue required to be color. Add cue for examiner.
provided by the evaluator?
Not alternate path because JPM started in the RNO How are E2 & F2 normally deenergized? Is this Alt Path? step.
IP JPM P2 Once Instrument Air has been restored, and the            Lic: Operator will verify Steps C 5 c. and d.
applicant is directed to restore IA to ICS11A, either have the applicant verify steps C 5.c & d, or add an evaluator cue to state that the actions will be completed by another operator, and then the JPM is complete.
IP JPM P3 No Comments                                                Lic:
6 of 7

Why is Event 6 Description Bolded? Lic: Will use Scenario 4 in place of Scenario 1.
Scenario D-1 Comments Chief Examiner Comment                                Facility Action/Response Scenario 1    No comments on scenario events.                      Lic: Will make this the spare scenario and eliminate (DB NRC 2016)                                                      the CT conflict with Scenario 3.
Remove "bold". Was errata.}}
This scenario has the same Critical Task (CT-1) as Scenario 3. Since Crew A will see both scenarios, recommend changing the Spare to Scenario 3 and use Scenario 4 in place of Scenario 3.
NOTE: This is the only low power scenario submitted.
Scenario 2    No comments on scenario events.                      Lic: Remove bold. Was errata.
(DB NRC 2016)
Why is Event 2 Description Bolded?
Scenario 3    See comment for Scenario 1 above.                    Lic: Will use this scenario, make Scenario 1 the (DB NRC 2016)                                                      spare.
Make this one the Spare.
Scenario 4    No comments on scenario events.                      Lic: Will use Scenario 4 in place of Scenario 1.
(DB NRC 2016)
Use in place of either Scenario 1 (or 3).            Remove bold. Was errata.
Why is Event 6 Description Bolded?
7 of 7}}

Latest revision as of 16:31, 30 October 2019

Outline and Operating Test Comments Final
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 08/02/2016
From: Kweiser J
Operations Branch III
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Shared Package
ML15274A364 List:
Download: ML16217A286 (7)


NRC ILE Outline and Operating Test Submittal Comments 2016 Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Outline Submittal Comments Chief Examiner Comment Facility Action/Response Admin JPMs No Comments Lic:

Outline NRC:

Sim/Inplant JPMs No Comments Lic:

Outline NRC:

JPMs-Admin No Comments Lic:


JPMs-System No Comments Lic:


JPMs-In-Plant No Comments Lic:


Scenario ES-D-1s No Comments Lic:


1 of 7

Operating Test Submittal Comments RO/SRO Admin JPMs Comments Chief Examiner Comment Facility Action/Response RO Admin A1.1 Applicant must earn the DB-PF-06703 procedure, then Lic: This JPM administered in classroom setting evaluator may provide a copy to the applicant. with the curve book.

Reword the initiation cue to state Shift Manager directs you to calculate...

RO Admin A1.2 What determines the acceptable limits placed on the Lic: Steps 3, 9 and 13 are based on +/- half Steps 3, 8, 9, 13, & 14 answers? (i.e. Step 14 should increment of graph grid reading. Step 8 calculation be 860-880 MWe min and 920-940 MWe max.) based on max/min readings. Revised Step 14 to say Acceptable is calculation of +/- 30 applied to value determined in previous performance step.

RO Admin A2 What determines the acceptable limits placed on Lic: Tightened Step 2 limits to half of increment that portions of the Step 2 pressure readings? (Isnt that can be read. Values are not exact, will have to why the allowable tolerance is 100 psi?) revise based on where simulator is frozen for the JPM.

Why doesnt the cover sheet need to be signed-wouldnt that be expected for this activity? Cover sheet is signed.

RO Admin A3 If the applicant is expected to initial off Step 4.2.13 Lic: Correct.

(per initiating cue), then the evaluator needs to sign as the IV once the applicant states that an IV is NRC: The evaluator will sign as the IV on the required to complete the step. Attachment 24 referenced by Step 4.2.13.

SRO Admin A1.1 Does determining correct notification requirements Lic: No time limit required.

normally include specifying the required notification time limit? Consider including.

SRO Admin A1.2 Add cue for evaluators to have applicant continue Lic: Discussed with examiners, practice is to cue with review if TS entry identified and reported during applicants to continue with review to identify all errors.

review process. (Do the applicants need to correct Applicants are only expected to identify the errors and the identified errors?) return to responsible party to correct them.

SRO Admin A2 No Comments Lic:

2 of 7

Chief Examiner Comment Facility Action/Response SRO Admin A3 No Comments Lic:

SRO Admin A4 The JPM Task begins 5 minutes after the EAL Lic: Revised JPM. Task will begin at t=0, no 5 minute threshold has been met. This is unrealistic since the credit. Wallboard will be staged and marked. TC for initial conditions state that the applicant is the ED. the phone call ends when the applicant makes the The 10 minute Time Critical Task is not justified call, not when someone answers. It should be based upon ICs. alternate path.

The wallboard charts should be staged and marked up for the initial SU1 declaration, again because the initial conditions state that the applicant is the ED.

The 2nd Time Critical Task is 15 minutes after declaration of the new emergency classification, but the clock should be stopped when a party answers the 4-way ring-down phone, not when the applicant picks it up.

Is this considered alternate path since Lucas County isnt initially on the 4-way ring-down line?

3 of 7

RO/SRO CR/IP System JPMs Comments Chief Examiner Comment Facility Action/Response SIM JPM S1 What indications are available for CC 1328 failing Lic: There are panel indications for CC 1328.


The applicant will pull copy of the ARP which allows Need to check copy of DB-OP-02523 for actions on starting the pump under the stated conditions.

CCW System Malfunctions - what allows the attempt to start CRD Booster pump 1 under these plant MCR operator opens CC 1328.

conditions? Check Alarm Response Procedure. (Is BE2206 open? Is this a centrifugal pump?) The CRD Booster Pump 1 must be running to complete the JPM.

Who actually opens CC 1328? (If valve is opened by an EO, then Performance Step 13 may not be a critical step.)

Must CRD Booster pump be running to successfully complete the JPM?

SIM JPM S2 Would the Command SRO normally direct the step- Lic: The Command SRO would normally direct the by-step performance of Attachment 7? step-by-step performance of Att 7. However, the ROs are required to know how to perform the LPI suction Limit time to review to simulate actual plant conditions transfer to the Emergency Sump task. For the response. (Dont impose artificialities on the purpose of JPM evaluation of the task the ROs are applicants.) evaluated based on their actions to perform the task without the SRO Command function. Will also do the Initial Conditions/Initiating Cue before stepping into simulator.

SIM JPM S3 Same comment on step-by-step performance as noted Lic: The Command SRO would normally direct the in previous JPM. step-by-step performance. However, the ROs are required to know how to perform actions for recovery If MU 3971 is not critical because MU2 pump is not from MU/HPI/PORV Cooling task. For the purpose of running, then why is in this section (Only MU1 pump JPM RO evaluation, they are expected to perform the running-Step 4) of the procedure? task without the SRO Command function.

Performance Step 16 STANDARD should state, and Part of the procedural transition to the remaining steps verify RC 11 closes. and the alternate path.

4 of 7

Chief Examiner Comment Facility Action/Response SIM JPM S3 Insert comment.


SIM JPM S4 Need to review marked-up copy of DB-OP-06224, thru Lic: Incorporated.

step 3.16.43 to validate JPM.

Step 14 not critical (pump starts then trips).

Initiating Cue: add local operator in field for local transfer. (Step 11)

SIM JPM S5 What determines which containment isolations are Lic: Procedure guides provided by the SM. JPM required? Which ones are they? Step 4-bases-Level 1 and 2. Lists valves that can be closed from the MCR.

SIM JPM S6 Since the JPM actions must be started no longer Lic: The licensee JPM time critical task is for 15 than 15 minutes from the initiation of the event, minutes, therefore, we wouldnt normally do recommend changing the initial conditions to state anything less even though the validation time is 8 that something less than 15 minutes have elapsed minutes.

and adjust the time critical task accordingly.

(Validation time is actually 8 minutes; is this really Can adjust Initiating Cue accordingly to wait for time critical?) applicant to ask if operator dispatched to perform Att 14, or get to JPM Step 2 of Attachment 5.

Also recommend not informing the applicant that another operator has been dispatched to perform Add cue to only do 1 AFP.

Attachment 14 until they either ask or get to Step 2 of Attachment 5.

SIM JPM S7 Where does the applicant obtain keys for opening the Lic: Keys are located in MCR cabinet.

cabinet doors?

Examiners will use time compression to cue the Recommend adding an evaluator cue that states that applicant that the NI has been repaired and enough time has elapsed to repair and test the failed NI tested, and is ready to be re-energized per channel, and now the Unit Supervisor directs the Section 4.4 of DB-OP-06403.

applicant to complete subsection 4.4 of DB-OP-06403.

SIM JPM S8 Do expected alarms need to addressed as part of a Lic: Expect applicants to reference ARP, mark it and pre-evolution brief item to be announced as expected? identify expected alarms.

5 of 7

Chief Examiner Comment Facility Action/Response IP JPM P1 Is there more than one Low Voltage Switchgear Room? Lic: There are two low voltage switchgear rooms and The JPM title and the initiating cue should match. the applicant will access both.

If this procedure step is an Immediate Action, why is The cue to hand copy to applicant will be deleted.

the applicant initially handed a copy of the procedure?

Step 1 is N/A if applicant not handed a copy of What is the purpose of Performance Step 1? procedure.

How does the applicant earn the information that the Applicant must earn information based on the trip flag reactor has (or has not) tripped? Is a cue required to be color. Add cue for examiner.

provided by the evaluator?

Not alternate path because JPM started in the RNO How are E2 & F2 normally deenergized? Is this Alt Path? step.

IP JPM P2 Once Instrument Air has been restored, and the Lic: Operator will verify Steps C 5 c. and d.

applicant is directed to restore IA to ICS11A, either have the applicant verify steps C 5.c & d, or add an evaluator cue to state that the actions will be completed by another operator, and then the JPM is complete.

IP JPM P3 No Comments Lic:

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Scenario D-1 Comments Chief Examiner Comment Facility Action/Response Scenario 1 No comments on scenario events. Lic: Will make this the spare scenario and eliminate (DB NRC 2016) the CT conflict with Scenario 3.

This scenario has the same Critical Task (CT-1) as Scenario 3. Since Crew A will see both scenarios, recommend changing the Spare to Scenario 3 and use Scenario 4 in place of Scenario 3.

NOTE: This is the only low power scenario submitted.

Scenario 2 No comments on scenario events. Lic: Remove bold. Was errata.

(DB NRC 2016)

Why is Event 2 Description Bolded?

Scenario 3 See comment for Scenario 1 above. Lic: Will use this scenario, make Scenario 1 the (DB NRC 2016) spare.

Make this one the Spare.

Scenario 4 No comments on scenario events. Lic: Will use Scenario 4 in place of Scenario 1.

(DB NRC 2016)

Use in place of either Scenario 1 (or 3). Remove bold. Was errata.

Why is Event 6 Description Bolded?

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