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| number = ML13284A026
| number = ML13284A026
| issue date = 09/04/2013
| issue date = 09/04/2013
| title = Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 2, Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3, Seismic Walkdown Report Revision 1, Appendix a, Resumes and Qualifications, Part 2 of 5
| title = Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3, Seismic Walkdown Report Revision 1, Appendix a, Resumes and Qualifications, Part 2 of 5
| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
| author affiliation = FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co

Latest revision as of 19:20, 17 March 2019

Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3, Seismic Walkdown Report Revision 1, Appendix a, Resumes and Qualifications, Part 2 of 5
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 09/04/2013
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML13284A026 (40)


{{#Wiki_filter:APPENDIX A RESUMES AND QUALIFICATIONS A-1 ffiGonsultingAH ABg SHOUP CO]ilfiAHY P (r13.A-2 fESGontultlng tt{ tsli uld}tfp dftt F#{r DANIEL A.*rcntg s c b_fr -1997, A-3 lESConnulting ,fl tUt Lrl't-:Ulr !tlUP.*i.' DANIET A, RE ryprq6ct$., L, P., Setior Cousttltnvt,Idnlrc EnIIs, ID il99l-1993t prortrt-ha E nlls, ID (I987-I99I t RocL'rtell lrrtenrnfiolral. SeuforErrgrrreer. rlrraleilrr, {I9S5-19SII A-4 fESGonsuHlng f,it trgs riFrr{JP cr*ttfifff DANIELA. ffiGsnsulting AN AIST TJHUUTJ ['{JhiFAruYFARZIN R. BEIGI" P.E, PROFE55IONAL HISTORY PROFESSIONAL PERIETfCE1'+ 1001I'lanager. 1Q83-149$ A-6 ffionsulting R. BEIGI F.E rssues-A-7 nEtGonsultlng lf{ n8$ Bttt,F tc},TilHTR.. BENGX, P"E" milizatio[r_ o A-8 nFf,Gonrultitq ^fr AE& Ul[rJF lcft*Hl{l"R- EEIGI, P.E.Gol fuclus facilities in Tokvo,Iapm.Francisco Fire Departmerrt, Francisco.EDUC ON REGISTRATION AFFILT IOI\$S SELECTED BLICATIOI$S A-9 m-#onsultingR" BEnCt P.E.H A-10 Years E stCIe 3 Idrlc 8"S., Ctuil E d?fil3 {PE?{f 53}Erglneer (AscEl- frr Eaffiquakr ild- Societf d Hisfanie- Earflqnake Br rtft hGlitLF {EEfit}{AHC}- 2il1$ fte{Tirnt sf fie tuiery- Tmr teta Pi SociEfy tist ttf CuftU pu{er $ftiHs STMD fu, SAS$I, PN C, Af{$YE, Eddie M. Guerra, P.E. ffi Project Engineer Skifl Areas: Seisnnic Engineering Seisrnic PRA Ductile Steel Desrgn$oil - Strnch.l re Intera ct lsn Rernforced Con crete Design Wind Aerodynamics Seisnric Walkcburns Fragilrty AnalysisFinite E lernent Anaf 'yrisA nced $tructural AnaSWis Pruject Managernent $ftructural $teel Des@n lrnpact Englneering Huc{ear Safety $ys s Mr Eddie M. Guerra, P.E. is a Project Engineer Paul C. Rizzo has deftned his G?reet interest in $trucfural ilrnics, Earthquake cturaf Mechanics. June 2013 - Present Seismic Fragility Analysis of Electrical and llilechanical Equipment for SPRA and 2.1 HTTF Fulrushirna ResolutioJl -First Energy Nuclear CIp*ratiffiS

    • mprrry, Various $ites: Mr" Guera senres as lhe Proiect Engineer tor the calculation of Seisrnic Fnagilitns br mechanical and electical equipmwr,t ln su rt af tte Seisrnic PRA for the Davis{esse, Perry and Beayer Va}ley Nuchar er rnechanical and efectrical eguiprnent as defined in the EPRI 21 C s, distributions systerns. Panameters nffiessary fsr tlrc dcve ent ofEPRI 103959, EPRI 6041. EPRI 1{}029&8 and the EPRI Update 1[t19200.Results the Seisrnh PRA urill cornply with the ASME AHS RA-$a-200$ ndard and the NTTF 2.1 Recomrnendation April 2gl3 - May 2013 Seismic Fragility Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls for SPRA and 2.1 HTTF Fulrushima Resolution - Ffrst Energy Nuclear OpErrti;rg fisffipfrny, Vfrr**us $it**: Mr" Guena is the Project Engineer engagrcd in p rming seisrnlr calculations in order to euafuate the shear walls sersmic catr?

and thelr A-11 PuHications SelF W- JL*y 2007.Langua$e$EryHr, Eddie filt" GuerFr,March 2913 - April 20I3 Fultushima Resolution - First En*rgy Huc$aar Sperating Cornpany, Perry HPF, Ferry, SH: rt.January 2013 - February 2gl3 Seismic Wallrdowns of Eeaver Valley tlPP for SPRA and 2.1l,l F Fulrushima Resolutiolt - FirEt Energy Huc$ear Operating Con'lpany, Eeav*r Valfey f{PF, SihipFingFart. P&: November 2012 - December 1012 Seismic Wallrdowns of travis*esse ldFF for SPRA and 2.fN F Fulrushima Resolutiott - First En*rgy Hu***arOperating Cornpfrny, Bavis*Efi*sse f-{FP" Oalt Harhotr, SH: A-T2 Eddie tlJI. GuenFr, P"E. ffi$eptember 2012 - October 2fi12Selsmic Wallrdowns of Beaver Valley HPP for 2.3 H F Fulrushima Resolution - First Energy F{ucfiear Speratimgtompany. Beaver Valley HPF, $hipFinspnrt-FA: A August 201 2 - September 2012Seismic LUallrdowns sf Ferry HPF fsr 2.3 HTTF Fultushima Resolution - First Energy !*uc*ear Sp*rating OompaftY, Ferryf{PP. Perry, OH: AJuly 201 2 - August 2412Seismic Wallttfowns sf Davis-8esse HPF for 2"3 il FFuhushima Resolution - First Entrgy Huclear Sperating AApril 2012 - July 20f 2 Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis for the Auxillury Buildingin Davis-Besse HPP - First EnerUY Huclear CIperatf;mgSolnpany, Davis-Besse HPP- Oalt Har tr, SH: A-13 Eddie llfi. Guerri, P.E. ffi Argilhry BuiltlirU. tfarch 201 2 - April 2Ol2Sticlr Model and FEIUI Validaffon St y - EFRlJ First Energy iluclear Operating Compfiilvn Savis*Be,Ese HPF, Oalr **a r, OH: s ls-January 2012 - Harch 80tz Duane Amold HPP - Seismlc & Wind Qual],fication of Louvered Panel tlodules - Duane Arnold - frBdar Ra,plds, lowa: v.ilovember - December 20II ilachlnery - Shenyang Tur tilachfrmery, ShenyaftS, P. R. fif fihina: cfure-A-14 Eddieiltrt. GuerFr, P.E, ffiO ber 20I l - Hovemb,er 201t Aircraft lmpact Assessment of Reinforced Goncrete Walls fior the Koeberg hlFP - ESKOI$f, f,ape Town, $outh Afrisa: September 201 1 - October 201, I Selsmic Fragility Analysis sf fttechanisal and StrucfiralComponents for the Koeberg HPP $elsmlc illargin Assessment- ESKOiil, Cape Tolr*rt, Snutfi Afriea: September 201 I - October 201t Seismic Wallrdowns for the Koeberg HPF Seisnric l$argin Assessment - ESKOilt, Cape Towfi* South Afrlca: O ber 2010 - September 201t$anta lsabel Wind Turbine r Analysis and Design Revision - $iemens. Santa lsabel, Fue Ricn: nds.A-15 Eddie ttil, Guer's, P"E, ffi June 2010 - September ZAfi Qualificatiorr - Generat Electric, Chllra, F*ru: June 2010 - August 201 1 Rivers Consulting. Province sf rf#endoua, Argenffna: ,fifay 201 I - June 2O1t$y tn - curtiss-wnght. clresrr*cr, P*r*nsyluamia: O, ber 20I0 - f,lay 20I I AFl000 l{vAc Duct sy m seismic euallficaffpn -ssm/westinghouse Electric Csffipi*ny - FittEbtlf$ilt, Fennsylvania: due b nonnd A-16 ffiGsnsulting AN .4I.I"5 H HTJUF' L.fl h*PAHY PROFESSIONAL HISTOlE 5G Co rrsrr I lirrs frrc. . Contractor, Presenth-Dec 100+, coo+rleted flre trro dar- rfirrse. Febru 2fi!2 - luly I0l2 olt.Rivrr. Florida;A-T7 frB$Gonsultlng til{ Ag6 EFXl{tf! flfiX;ilrfr' Ftb 20lO- Merchlll0 Floride: Prafous crroet A-18 nEtGonsultittg ftr figF Elil:uF 6513tHt'EDUC ONCOM R SKILLS R.EGIS ONs MEhTBERSHTPS A-19 st 2(xr4- Jaouary^ tz]trT: OH acingtln reactor head.Ha r.0H scheduling I toJenuaryt{xtr. A-20 r$s:i : r99{r ftftr rgFJr

  • lss:t t$Hfi
  • rsJr Itltl4 - I uhlmgn, ll" r$lhr - Igfi"l Hil Manalpr p up to r-tt nrillion dnllltrs.A-2r t9i5 - ru,ru l'urdue Universin' lt *nt l.a lN Cinsinnftti.

fiH fes.qional t ngineer. State of Ohiu, lqtts rgg#isn A-22 Resunre of Iloham d F". Alvi. II.II.SU*TIT,IARY:Completed the Boiling Watrr Rcstor {IIWR) Plant Certificalion Currse for Nire Mile tuinlUnil-lNucl StalionMan r skills r Pruficisnl in comFil*r skiilsEX RtrENCE: J tJurn 201I -ffinth{ h2ffi8-h{ay I0l3 Iirni*r Cons*lting Engirrcr5fl.5"{{t} trtter Seismic 3-I and 2.3 as well as techni nleta'h!tr of the SP prajecl Entrrg!' ISuchilr Opemt itns.In s A. [ifrpatrick ]tucltsr Por+tr PEnnil r*'tf,{r. Nrw YorliSwpervisnr. [f lechanicn U('lvil lhsign l-ngtneerimg included issuing plilnt moditications. et'aluatinns. enginffirfng SEs.Nuclear Regulatory Commission {NRCI Resi&nt questiuns" $u dtechnical/admi ni strstiue ski I ls. etc-hrhlit Siettiae Ehctricitr' & Gas t FSEGT Nucltsr Febru A-23 ft lgs8 -Yortsrtr etc-is$A-24 lqfi3 - r98s perlormrd walkdown-r ftrr dcfining s.Unil-l " l*tlil*: I was alsr lhr Nirn fr{iH Paint Nuckmr Station l-*ild fur tlp C-t r-ting }l*nngtr. Flngi ring tlnit t t{lne ltliSe Point l,luclecr tkrn issus"+ during this perid for safb opcratimn of thr ptunt"!*aperuhor, Cirill$tructural Flngi ring. tlnit II{irp ilIile Foint lr{urlear StntionChir*go, lllinois Iread Srnrcturul llngi r A-25 tq78 - t9ff3 calculdions, dc" Klein&H rn, lnc E TIONr Sm CITIZ HIP: A-26 Richard P. uellerSrreet r j Phone Nuuber 3J0-JS5{-5h}JSiork Exp ence C radon Hors* rod orer Education$JS.d lffi 5 to Tri5lr.'ml I DesPenn Stare ti rrin'Nuclear Poq'er Plnnr lated $killg and Experiences A-27 tr nl h.s ad Ffr 4E HE gT m&2 ,# o'bu erz o0 EW?r.3 d s!sf.q "=SE E,O*E'ds$.8&.*.lr{E-9tr'i- FI il-3Cr gtrr tr Cft 7.5 {*t tr trtrl 2'F r5l=b1-'-+$+t *irf -lt{ 6r lcr'= t+=o.Ii E.5;rf l*fit F A *{l 9tr EI UR trt F\J H oF trn. fr)A.H e ffi ts i+.F N t+ET tst rFl trt Fl-{lF Ffl tF{r lrt rFr S{G.H a+r lft. lrt ul rF-F E)u{tf P H 6+F F H g+{-l*6+fH{-, q t-o h E'E\cF=+fr+6+E+#ffi t++t*{pa rtd dr+$*6+s et\tf, ftt tr*(5 T\lri ttl F H fl Ff,T o TJ l-O ltt lI's rrtr g'6t Lr l-.-a0 rts q)E d H rl N L G Fr I+*fh (3;;ll q+,il TJ fr\rl$*ll al'-t-t L-D ft f\LI t--_-qh-Q'tl trr s t)f t\r.b'+il t-ttt a E II.II L.e---E rF trh F=HH HS Uf-nl III A tt-ltl-rl rrl r-t I I I I I;I E.s t-r s q T*t..s (h rtr+l FI t'h qJ H$sr II rf fi sl Fn*$c\t (g h fnl 5 T tl c, h H g;il+r[l tFf*fi 0$t;;g${.1 fif rt H rfr*r tf{l t)

o*J s bt fi E}fi F fl t1 (f fil Ef ,e.=*: o fl s H$irt TI q Ft t\H o rfi{.1$t*E o u tt.l o[l+l frl g rfi rt{J t{[l (J ts d s g E rt (rr q\\5 tu rsu (fi,*I\J LS+$$H$o^'J-3-3\s r*I s ql FI tr rsl TJ ql*r H.--I\I L.-l I U lr, Ll-;iE lFr:$i*t lqt i'a lil \n ca I.b E E EE=d cD\t(fq a f'.1 t*cq q)E=t-r o TJ t-ovr LT, g ttr l-]-d-AI U{J a0 d-o-'15 Ft Y c)rl I TI-H--c FI Fl I\Q' Frl I\t qJ t\rr$t\r h rQ LJ\EJ q)t\)s U f f\$F*q)U II'l-:}*tr etF B9 o:;a't{JtJ Fi gfi rra f e fil l=It rb ttl Etf . nrL EE*#, 8,fr tr el tf;Tfr AH E#dsF ilE i!g{F rH bF Eg E FI E*?#fi*fr H AF QE FE#L!,E8{ru e.U E$atn hl C}\o\q q Ltr*rI s\I LE+rl\r h*q)ts F*Fr F,q qI tI b r\a L-\t ,\$\hrl'\I\J tr\FP F.'Fl t11\I Lsl+.1\5 IS?:I a'ri I+if L S.t'J.o E!"l*f FI Trr ql Fi fr Tr q)tr ,s LH LJ q)-l .I H--ql LJ Va'q*[LH tr 4+rf F.r-hr H FJ s

  1. gt ID trE h .*3 il"u fiF#5E.F IE*fr'" E rr3 F*\tq*{F t-'{r--+t'tu F{h{F l+}r o L'l-ov'" Ltg fE L F rlrl-ls (,);t H H FI H H G fl E e E q*l F\a; hrl'+hl q)l\\r nL tt, fr I\()U\s't)-hl IT\)u f tr.l h*tpal)\hrl L qJ U U., l-:ll}l*5r t,'r c,G{;L 4.UL,=.q ltH-- lr,1l+{ tJg'{E lrl TII UE/t lEr trr!E oo ca I H x*trru , rr3 6ilt bfl EE nE#f, qlln;g$fu b$F;}fir S.m tt o*.g tt o UI u t!4, s5tl +r fif h,I$ElFl .-f=fiH*a f 1 fi{, XF SF 60 n{ LJ d.J E tu F d o E tr t{s t-! {H lfit EE E.h#$.q.)fr" fJ a.H tt +l 7* vI L o (t.{OE nil t{E n d d f-rt r Fr{r-{e FL*c)d F H A H l-{c d rr-{e t#(!i r-{+J h t+{rr{#F{o (J O-+J gl rt{ol rH"1.-a E-#d H AJ fl4 H H U ts{J rFc t4 rt{il q+{c qJ{J ff U rp{q+-.{r F={+J F{U U o\ca I}}