ML13284A025 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Beaver Valley |
Issue date: | 09/04/2013 |
From: | Beigi F, Guerra E, Lucarelli B A, Reny D FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
L-13-312 | |
Download: ML13284A025 (253) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:Beaver Valley Power $tatisn Unit 2 illear-Temn Task Force Recoinrnendation 2.3$e isrn ic Walkdown Repart Revlelon {$eptembar 4, 2013 Preprcd hy: fievferred&g: Approvud @: ffdes:1 . $ectrsns 1, 3. 4, S. B, afid 10 harc bscn fepned Uy ABS Contuilirg, $estitrrs E, 7. B, md I lHvB hsn prepred by FENOC.2. TtB reyitsw *nd eppunvelof firh doqrment by FEl*OC parmnnal sffrsiltubs the ovrner acse@ilc* of nrork performcd by ABS Conedthg. FiretEnergy Nilclear Operating Company {FfrllOC}A.r fuF _R- nudcr fFEN0Cemtracted Retiree) Revision Change Summary The purpose of the revision (Revision
- 1) to this report is to resolve and address the issues that were identified during a snapshot self assessment performed on Seismic 2.3 effort, asdocumented in Condition Report CR-2013-10819 and also to address the comments received from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission personnel who performed an audit ofSeismic 2.3 walkdowns during July 23-25,20L3 at Beaver Valley Power Station, as documented in the condition report CR-2013-11484.
Revision ChangePaqe Affected Provided list of codes and standards for cateoorv 1 SSCs in Section 2.0 4 Clarified the role of peer reviewer (John Reddinoton) in Section 3.0 5 ldentified the walkdown team members and clarify the role of a senior enqineer (Farzin Beiqi) as the mentor. in Section 3.0 5Updated reference numbers in Sections 4.1 and 4.2 5,6,8, 10 Provided additional information on SWEL review in Section 4.1 9 Clarified the process used on decisions taken as to when a CR was written or not written, in Section 5.3 207,208Updated Tables 6-4 and 6-5 to include date CRs were initiated, in Sections 6.2.1 and
6.2.2. resoectivelv
217,218,223 Provided additional information on licensing basis evaluations in Section 7.1 226Added reference to Appendix E (Unit 2 IPEEE Summary and Conclusions) in Section 8.0. Provide clarification about IPEEEenhancements into SWEL.231 Provided additional information on the Role of Peer Reviewer in Section 9.1 231.232 4dded date CRs were initiated in Section 9.0, part C 241 -245 Updated Resumes (Dan Reny, Eddie Guerra)Aopendix A Updated SWCs Appendix B, pg 1 15 &124 oI 513Added new appendix to reference the Unit 2 IPEEE Summary and Conclusions. Appendix E Table of Contents List of Tables Table 4-1 Base List 1 The Equipment Coming Out of Screen #3 and Entering Screen #4, for 5 Safety Functions............ ......-----... 12Tabke 4-2 SWEL 1 Selected Equipment for 5 Safety Functions ........... ....... 182 Table 4-3 Base List2 - List of SSCs for Spent Fuel Pool ...-..201 Table 4-4 SWEL 2 (Selected Equipment for Spent Fuel Pool) .......205Table 6-1: Beaver Valley 2 NTTF 2.3 Walkdown Items (SWEL I+2) ....----.2I0TabIe 6-2: Beaver Valley 2 NTTF 2.3 Walk-By Areas.......,.. ....----.2I4Table 6-3: Beaver Valley 2 NTTF 2.3 Components Categorizedby EPRI Classes ---.216Table 6-4: Potentially Adverse Seismic Conditions Identified from Seismic Walkdowns.......2l7Table 6-5: Potentially Adverse Seismic Conditions Identified from Area Walk-Bys.........-.- --.223List of Figures UFSAR Figure 3.78-l : Response Spectra SSE -.----.....2 UFSAR Figure 3.7P.2: Response Spectra 7z SSE ..-..-.....2Figure Z-l:Beaver Valley Unit 2 Design SSE Spectra --......-..-.....4Figure 6-1: Maintenance equipment located inside Reactor Containment Building --.2I9Figure 6-2: Corrosive condition found for Yard components ...... --.224Figure 6-3: View of piping system between Heat Exchangers and Pumps in the SFP area......22I Figure 6-4: Lighting fixtures near Panel PNL-SEQ-}44 .....222Figure 6-5: Emergency Diesel Generator Ground Resistor 2EGS-GR2-1 ........... ..----.224 List of AppendicesAPPENDIX A: RESUMES AND QUALIFICATIONSAPPENDIX B: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS (SWCS)APPENDIX C: AREA WALK.BY CHECKLISTS (AWCS)APPENDIX D: COMPONENT LIST FOR ANCHORAGB CONFIGURATION CHECKAPPENDIX E: UNIT 2IPEEB
AND CONCLUSIONS 111 List of Acronyms AWC BV2 EPRI FENOC IPEEE LERF LOCA MCC NPP NSSS PRA PWR RAW SEL SQUG SSC SWC SWE SWT SWEL USI Area Walk-by Checklist Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 2Electric Power Research InstituteFirst Energy Nuclear Operating Company Individual Plant Examination of External EventsLarge Early Release Frequency
Loss of Coolant Accident Motor Control Center Nuclear Power Plant Nuclear Steam Supply SystemProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Pressurized Water Reactor Risk Achievement WorthSeismic Equipment List Seismic Qualification Utility Group Structures, Systems, and ComponentsSeismic Walkdown ChecklistSeismic Walkdown EngineerSeismic Walkdown Team Seismic Walkdown Equipment ListUnresolved Safety Issue lv I..O INTRODUCTION This Report presents the results of the Seismic Walkdown conducted for the Beaver ValleyPower Station Unit 2 (BVZ) in support of FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company's (FENOC)response to NTTF Recommendation 2.3 in NRC 50.54(0 Letter, dated March t2, 2012.Consistent with the guidelines in Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Report 1025286," seismic Walkdown Guidance fo, Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task ForceRecommendation 2.3: Seismic," the walkdown implements the procedure described in Section5.0 of this report.2.0 SEISMIC LICENSING BASISThe seismic licensing basis is contained in the Unit 2 Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR).Geologic and seismologic surveys of the site were conducted to establish two design earthquakeswith different intensities of ground motion. These are the operating basis earthquake (OBE) andthe design basis earthquake (DBE). The OBE and DBE are considered equivalent to Vz Safe Shutdown Earthquake and the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE), respectively.The OBE is the earthquake which is of sufficient probability of occuffence to require its resulting ground accelerations at the site to be considered for operational loadings. The OBE produces the vibratory ground motion for which the Seismic Category I structures, systems and componentsare designed to remain operational without undue risk to the health and safety of the public. The OBE is considered to be a modified Mercalli Intensity VI as measured at the site.The DBE/SSE is that earthquake giving rise to the maximum vibratory ground acceleration at asite which can be reasonably predicted from geologic and seismic evidence.Seismic Category I instrumentation and electrical equipment are designed to maintain the capability to:1. Initiate a protective action during the safe shutdown earthquake (SSE),2. Withstand seismic disturbances during post-accident operation without loss of safety function. Instrumentation and electrical equipment are seismically qualified in accordance with generalinstructions for earthquake requirements (UFSAR Section These requirementsconform with, and exceed, those outlined in IEEE Standard 344-197l, and are in agreement with the acceptance criteria in SRP 3.10, Rev. 1, 11-75 (NUREG-75-087). Although notrequired (due to Beaver Valley's docket date being before October 27, 1972), IEEE 344-1975 was employedfor seismic qualification of Seismic Category I electrical equipment when feasible.Instrumentation and electrical equipment may be tested as individual components, as part of asimulated structural section, or as part of a completely assembled module or unit. F1GURE 3 78. IOESIGX RESPOI.ISE SP*CT RA SAFE SHI.JTDOTH EARTHOUA(E 8*AVf,R VALLEY rc*ER STA'fi.Vh'T 2 FI}IAL SAFETT AXALYSiS B*PCRT Fl0utE 3.?t-lDE'IGil R*SPOIIS* SPECliIA I/2 SAFE SHOTOOWII EANTHCUAKEtEAvgi v LtEY For*.R Srlroa{-uilrr afIi*AL SAFI'Y AIALYgIS RSFo'T UFSAR Figure 3.lB-1: Response Spectra SSE UFSAR Figure 3.78-2: Response Spectra /z SSEThe response of racks, panels, cabinets, and consoles is considered in assessing the seismiccapability of instrumentation and electrical equipment. As a minimum, mounted equipment is qualified to acceleration levels consistent with those transmitted by supporting structures. Adesign objective is to minimize amplification of floor acceleration by supporting members to mounted equipment. Determination of amplification and seismic adequacy of instrumentation and electrical equipment are implemented by the analysis and testing methods outlined in UFSAR Section Supports for Seismic Category I electrical equipment, instrumentation, and control systems are seismically qualified by the analysis and testing procedures outlined in Section 3.78.3.t.Supports are designed to withstand the combined effects of normal operating loads acting simultaneously with horizontal and vertical components of earthquake loading and must retain their functional capability and structural integrity as applicable. When qualified by analysis, stress levels permitted under applicable codes. If there are no applicable codes, the stress levelunderthe combined loading for an operating basis earthquake (OBE) does not exceedTl percentof the minimum yield strength of the material in accordance with the ASTM specification.The design earthquakes, OBE and DBE, for the plant are specified by OBE and DBE design response spectra. These criteria are based on the plant site geologic investigations andseismologic recommendations as discussed in Sections 2.5 and 3.7 through 3.10 of the Unit 2 UFSAR. These spectra represent earthquake ground motions which are potentially damaging to structures. While these spectra could be exceeded by ground motion "spikes" above l0 Hz, extensive investigations concerning the effects of these high-frequency motions, both from structure/equipment evaluations as well as seismological considerations, demonstrate theadequacy of the spectra used for design.The hori zontal design response spectra used for seismic analysis are shown on UFSAR Figures 3.78-1 and 3.78-2. The spectra for the safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) coffespond to a maximum ground surface acceleration of 0.1259, and the spectra for the 1,12 safe shutdown earthquake (112 SSE) coffespond to a maximum ground acceleration of 0.069. (The operatingbasis earthquake, which is referenced in Section3.2, and Regulatory Guide 1.143, is equivalentto Il2 of the SSE.) These spectra differ from the spectra in Regulatory Guide 1.60. The Beaver Valley Power Station - Unit 2 (BVPS-2) spectraare based in Appendices 2C and 2D of theBVPS-2 PSAR, and as revised in the response to USAEC Regulatory Position 3 of May 25,1973 (Question 3.15, BVPS-2 PSAR, Amendment7, July 9, I9l3). The vertical design responsespectra are taken to be two-thirds of the horizontal design response spectra.For the Beaver Valley Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 design SSC spectra refer to Figure 2-l Beaver Valley Unit 2 SSE Spectra 1.0 0.0 Frequency [HzlFigure 2-1: The SSE response spectrum for Beaver Valley Unit2 was digitized from BV2 FSAR Figure 3.78-2 List of Codes and Standards for Category I Structures, Systems, and Components (SSCs)3.0 ACI 318-71 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete AISC 7'h Edition, Manual of Steel Construction ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section [ll.l97l Edition and all applicable Addenda up to and including Winter 1972 Addendum (Class 1,2, and 3 Piping)ANSI 831.1, "Power Piping". 1967 Edition up through and including Summer 1972 Addenda (Class 4 Piping)PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONSThe following personnel worked together to formulate the list of selected equipment for the Beaver Valley Nuclear Power Station NTTF Recommendation 2.3 Seismic Walkdown: o ft. Mueller o D. Reny o p. BeigiThe ABS Consulting Walkdown Team consisted of the following individuals: o p. Beigi o P. Guerra o p. Lucarelli E 0.8 U g.9 0.6+.lU It g 0.4 o (J.z 0.2-o o o Mr. E Guerra and Mr. B Lucarelli served as the qualified SWEs and performed all the duties as specified in the EPRI guidance, EPRI 1025286. In addition to the two qualified engineers, Mr.Beigi served as a structural mentor and provided overall support to the walkdown team as well as advice and a third party oversight of field conditions and walkdown operations. Mr Beigi documented his observations in a separate checklist to be incorporated into the final signed checklists. Mr. Beigi has over 30 years of seismic structural experience including preparationand review of A-46 and IPEEE submittals. Additionally, J. Reddington served as the peer reviewer of the Licensing Basis and of the Individual Plant Examination External Events (IPEEE). Mr. M. Alvi served as the lead peer reviewer for this effort.The seismic walkdown personnel, peer reviewer and lead peer reviewer possess technical degrees from accredited universities and have been trained in the application of seismic experience data for seismic verification of nuclear power plant (NPP) structures, systems, and components (SSC). In addition to completion of the NTTF 2.3 training provided by EPRI these individuals (J. Reddington, M. Alvi, F. Beigi, E. Guerra, and B. Lucarelli) have also completedthe EPRI Seismic Qualification Utility Group (SQUG) training. Resumes and certificates of the walkdown team members are presented in Appendix A of this report. The above mentioned individuals have experience in earthquake engineering and seismic analysis. Additionally, the team collectively represents previous Nuclear Power Plant walkdowns experience associated with the ^4-46 program, IPEEE, and recent Fukushima related stress tests for plants outside the United States.Based on their knowledge of plant documentation, associated SSCs, equipment classes, and the previous IPEEE evaluation, these individuals also supported equipment selection, walkdown planning, equipment location determination, and selection of walk-by areas for the 2.3 Seismic walkdown.4.0 SBLECTION OF SSCS Consistent with the guidance in EPRI 1025286, "seismic Walkdown Guidance," (Reference 2)dated May, 2012, the process of selecting the SSCs for inclusion of the Seismic Walkdown Equipment List (SWEL) I and SWEL 2 in support of the walkdown began with the creation of larger lists. The development of the list for SWEL 1 is presented first in Section 4.1 and it is followed by that for SWEL 2 in Secrion 4.2. 4.1 Drvnr,opMBNT oF THE SWEL I Lrsr (RnlnrnD To Knv Snrnrv Funcuons)The process described in the EPRI Guidance document (Reference 2) was followed for selectingthe SSCs. The EPRI guidance document under the sub-title "Previous equipment List" (Referen ce 2) says that using the previously developed IPEEE seismic equipment list as a starting point for category 1 SSCs is acceptable provided it covers all of the five safety functionsrequested, including the containment function. The IPEEE list for Beaver Valley unit 2 doesinclude SSCs for the five required safety functions so use of the IPEEE list as a starting point satisfies the intent of the EPRI guidance. However, for completeness, it was decided to alsoinclude SSCs from the current PRA model which also lists SSCs for these five safety functions. ABS Consulting has assisted FENOC in developing a seismic equipment list (SEL) for use in a seismic probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) for Beaver Valley Unit 2. An existing internal PRA model is often a prerequisite to developing such a seismic PRA. For example, the PRAmodeling logic for non-seismic events was used as a starting point for the seismic PRA plantresponse model. It was therefore decided, to combine the lists of SSCs from both the currently available Beaver Valley Unit 2 intemal events PRA (i.e., working model BV2REV5F based onReference 3) and the Beaver Valley Unit 2 IPEEE SEL list of 1443 SSCs (Reference 4).Duplicate SSCs, caused by (1) overlap between the two lists and (2) because the PRA containsduplicate basic events for multiple failure modes of an SSC, were removed. Information aboutthe original source of the remaining SSCs was retained. In short, the requirements in the EPRI walkdown guidance document in preparing the SSC SEL list were adequately satisfied. However, during SSC sampling in preparation for the walkdown, selections were generally made preferentially from the IPEEE lists of SSCs. This is because the design packages were morelikely to be available for these SSCs, so that advantage could be taken of the earlier design review work.SSCs from other sources were also chosen so that they were useful for seismic PRA purposes,but did not appear on either source list. For example, panels to be represented in the stillevolving internal fire PRA and tanks represented in the PRA for internal floods were alsoreviewed for possible inclusion. Again, duplicate SSCs were eliminated.The list of systems and major components in Tables B-l and B-3 of Appendix E of EPRI 1025286 (Reference2) were also reviewed for completion. Some SSCs were added as a result of this review. Nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) related SSCs were not required for this application and so were not added to the list. Also excluded were the supports for this equipment along with all the components mounted in or on this NSSS equipment. Category 1 structures were also added in preparation for the seismic PRA, though they also are not required for the current walkdowns. Careful attention was paid to the SSCs in the internal events PRA that are included in themodeling of the containment isolation function and for the evaluation of interfacing loss ofcoolant accident (LOCA) frequencies. These SSCs were flagged as important to the containmentsafety function; i.e., they are involved in the computation of large early release frequency (LERF).Additionally, major new and replaced equipment, added to the plant since the perforrnance of theIPEEE and the last Beaver Valley Unit 2 internal events PRA update are noted in a separatecolumn of the developed lists titled "screen 4d - Major New & Replacement Equip." Theseevents were identified by consulting with long term plant operations staff that identified specific equipment items that had been replaced or overhauled, and by computerized searches of the word "replace" in titles of existing engineering change packages (ECPs). Both lists were then evaluated to match equipment IDs appearing on Base List I with specific ECP numbers, that were judged to be of a major change. There were several IPEEE vulnerabilities requiring plant changes identified for the BeaverValley Unit 2 IPEEE. These vulnerabilities were associated with RCP Seal LOCA, Station Blackout, containment bypass/isolation failure, loss of switchgear HVAC and transients without scram. Modifications performed in response to these vulnerabilities included new operator action procedures for mitigation of loss of emergency switchgear ventilation, failure of 4,160 Vfast bus transfer, and battery load shedding. In addition some hardware modifications wereimplemented such as capability to crosstie Unit 1 and 2 diesel generators.Once the initial list of SSCs was developed, it was first screened to retain only seismtc category 1 quality, equipment. Whether the SSC is regularly inspected, was also noted as this is justification for a second screen; e.g., for piping systems and containment penetrations. Attributes of the retained SSCs were collected for the following information:Equipment ID Brief SSC DescriptionSSC location - by building, elevation, and area description a o o The room environment where the SSC is located; including radiation level, moisturelevel, room temperature, and whether the location is inside or outside of plant buildingsSystem ID; including both frontline and support systems Key associated safety function from among the list of five safe shutdown and containment functions (i.e., Reactor Reactivity Control, Reactor Coolant PressureControl, Reactor Coolant Inventory Control, Decay Heat Removal, and Containment Function) and several support system functions mentioned in the EPRI walkdown guidance. Panels not previously evaluated for their associated safety functions (i.e., fromthe ongoing PRA for internal fires) were retained for the selection process.Internal event PRA risk achievement worth (RAW) and Fussell-Vesely importancemeasures, if available.The equipment ID and description fields were used to assign each retained SSC to one of theEPRI equipment categories (from Appendix B of Reference 2) used for fragility analysis. For some EPRI Categories (i.e.,0, 1, 2,3 and20), a sub-category was defined and tracked separatelyfrom the original category. For example, Category la was assigned for 480V breakers that arefound within the motor control center (MCC) cabinet (i.e., Category 1). None of the breaker SSCs (i.e., assigned to Category 1a) were separately selected for the walkdown because they are accounted for already in the selection of MCCs. The check valves and manual valves wereassigned to Sub-Category 0d, to avoid linking these numerous SSCs with SSCs also assigned tothe EPRI other category. A total of 10 SSCs were selected from the 0 and 0d EPRI categories. All of the EPRI categories were later employed as part of the SSC selection process. Except forEPRI Categories 11 (chillers), 12 (air compressors), and 13 (motor generators) at least one SSCwas selected from the other EPRI categories. Equipment in categories 11,12, and 13 do appearon the combined list, however, at Beaver Valley Unit 2, none of these equipment are seismicCategory I and therefore are screened from Base list 1.Base List 1, as defined in the EPRI walkdown guidance is attached as Table 4-I fot Beaver Valley lJnit 2. The equipment coming out of Screen #3 and entering Screen #4, make up the"Base List 1". All SSCs in this table are seismic Category 1 SSCs, are not regularly inspected, and are associated with one of the safety functions and supporting systems defined in the EPRI guidance. They are therefore candidates for the SSC selection process. The column labeled SSC source identifies the original list of SSCs from which the SSC made its way onto the list. Insome cases, SSCs appeared on both the original internal PRA and the IPEEE lists for BeaverValley Unit2. This is so indicated in the SSC source column.o o SWEL 1, as defined in the EPRI walkdown guidance (Reference
- 2) is attached asTable4-2.The format is the same as that in the Base List 1, and the table is the same except that only theselected SSCs are shown.
The equipment coming out of Screen #4 and entering the SWEL 1 bucket make up the SWEL I list. The selected SSCs have been chosen to account for a varietyof systems, equipment types, room environments, and considering whether the SSCs involvenew or replaced equipment since the completion of the IPEEE, or are subject to enhancements as a result of findings from the IPEEE.SWEL 1 includes representative items from some of the variations within each of the above attributes. A total of 109 SSCs were selected. Beaver Valley Unit 2 plant operations staff was consulted in the SSC selection process. Operations reviewed the SWEL for completeness toensure all appropriate systems were considered. They also reviewed the list to ensure any modifications or vulnerabilities were adequately reflected in the database. They also reviewedenvironmental conditions for the various pieces of equipment and whether or not there were anyanomalies associated with the selected equipment. During the walkdown phase, operation personnel were available to open various cabinets and panels to help with the anchorage verification and cabinet inspections.The selected list of SSCs is from most all of the major buildings including the containment. Twocomponents are from the valve pit and one (Refueling Water Storage Tank) is from the yard.Many of the selected SSCs are from support systems, but there are also SSCs selected from eachfrontline system. A total of 94 SSCs came from the original IPEEE or cuffent internal eventsPRA model. Another 10 SSCs came from the list of panels reviewed for the Fire PRA (FirePanels). SSCs are selected from each of the safety functions, including 7 related to the containment function. There were 13 SSCs selected that are located in relatively high radiationareas and 11 that are often in damp or humid areas and 2 that are in wet areas. Most SSCsselected are in cool and dry areas. However, T'7 are chosen from normally weilm areas and 10from relatively hot areasThe column in Table 4-2 labeled "Reason for Selection into SWEL 1" summarizes the basis forselecting the chosen SSCs. The screens referred to for each SSC are associated with the screennumbers listed across the top of the table. SSCs which are new or subject to a major replacementare assigned a screen of 4d. Also, SSCs subject to IPEEE vulnerability are labeled as Screen 4e.For a number of SSCs, the internal events PRA importance rankings (i.e., Screen 4f) indicatedthat the SSC is risk significant (i.e., RAW>2 or FV>.005). A representative set, but not all, of such risk significant SSCs were, therefore, included in the selected list. A number of selected SSCs are located inside the containment. These SSCs were not accessible and therefore were notexamined during the September walkdowns. Those SSC's located in containment were walkeddown on October 5th 2012 during refueling outage 2R16.4.2DnvBr,opMBNT oF SWEL 2 ron SpnNr Funr, Poor, Rnr-a,rnD IrEMs For spent fuel pool repeated items, there was no starting list of SSCs with which to begin.Instead, the functions of the spent fuel pool systems were reviewed and equipment related to pool cooling and make up were included on a new list. Reference 5 details the operator actions to respond to a loss of spent fuel pool cooling or a loss of inventory. The functions considered were normal spent fuel pool cooling, spent fuel pool makeup from demineralized water, spent fuel pool makeup using gravity feed from the refueling water storage tank (RWST), and spent fuel pool makeup from the fire protection system or from river water. The equipment identifiedfor these functions in Reference 5 were included in the list along with the SSCs which make up the boundaries of the alternative makeup flow paths. The RWST and CVCS (i.e., from theblender) system were not included in the spent fuel pool list of SSCs as those systems areincluded in Base List 1; i.e., see Section 4.1.Base List 2 is attached as Table 4-3. The equipment coming out of Screen #2 and entering Screen #3 in Figure L-2 of the EPRI walkdown guidance report (Reference?) make up "BaseList 2." All SSCs on this list are seismic category 1 and involve equipment and systems relatedto the spent fuel pool. At Beaver Valley Unit 2, the spent fuel pool cooling pumps and heat exchangers are Seismic Category 1 and therefore are included on Base List?Attributes of the retained SSCs were collected for the following information: o Equipment ID o Brief SSC Description o SSC location - by building, elevation, and plant room number o The room environment in where the SSC is located; including radiation level, moisturelevel, room temperature, and whether the location is inside or outside of plant buildings. The equipment ID and description fields were used to assign each retained SSC to one ofthe EPRI equipment Categories used for fragility analysis. These EPRI categories were later employed as part of the SSC selection process.10 At Beaver Valley Unit 2,it is not possible to siphon the spent fuel pool level down to less than10' above the top of the spent fuel rack; i.e., failures resulting in a rapid drain-down cannot occur (Reference 6). Therefore, the rapid drain-down list of SSCs is empty for Beaver Valley Unit2.SWEL 2, as defined in the EPRI walkdown guidance is attached as Table 4-4. A total of 10equipment items are included in SWEL 2.There are no entries from rapid drain-down considerations; i.e., from Screen #4. The equipmentcoming out of Screen #3 and entering the SWEL 2 bucket in Figure 1-2 from the EPRI walkdown guidance report make up this second Seismic Walkdown Equipment List. The formatis the same as that in the Base L\st 2, and the table entries are the same except that only the selected SSCs are shown. The selected SSCs have been chosen to account for a variety ofequipment types and room environments. Since Base List 2 is much shorter than that of BaseList 1, and the number of applied screens smaller, the column labeled "Reason for Selection"simply contains the associated EPRI category and a text description of why each SSC waschosen. Since the types of Seismic Category 1 equipment related to the spent fuel pool arelimited, so too is the variety of equipment types among the SSCs selected. (t (J 5 fY.h.g)a\n s+F C)(.)l-r (J (t)oo l-r O r!E ca+F C)C)l-r o C,)oo U C)4., lr'l 0)F u).'l C)U)fln I$(.).o F*)34 s&is ts.=r!r5 F!EE g()cr. Fr;E?Fr FE&v>r t3 srrE$E$,ddE EggF a)E (l)-o li rd IT, o 3{).E 6t I I\l q)o)L t)0+.o)E Ctll H a a U)o 0)U)o U)o d..!)F tr F tr>lr F lr F F B q)L t 5 u, tr a*.L t-lr FE z z z z z z z*b e E:Htsg g? a (u 3 ra>a (t)v)F (n Cn V)a rh V)V)}ge$a rr{ O ctE HO f;s 148 O c.),ei.'?(*v-c V tE=E ,i F li a)9A:tr\v trE(tr LXn-9 qJSo)F6 A F-O tr oR HE EEA 4VH 9$o Fb: a t.-O tr.e8=F EEA-9H 9So Fd j r'- O lr (.) g=F ERA 4VH qSo F62*r'- O ti..lg ttr EEA*qSo f6irr- O k oR EE EeA Ft c., qSq)Fb: dr'- O;re.; E ra F-g l!ELL.i,-i -E;F I clr6v'F (A I-3.I EE 6ttr (A F'l.Ei F U U*.+ Ct)?;L,, O&EE.oo-'\Fp?s vv&EE.oo niitV?;L./ O&EE ,oo/1tr^/IH n;L,,O/.EE.o0)/.\F^/E A?;L.,l O&EE.oo/.\F^/d?\JO&EE ,o{)ArFtV}HEi E&,8+.E (l)I Q)q)a a-tsl z z z z z z zE:E F Eu) I h.o q0 ()3 U frH Ca*rYl l+t EE l EE*H g a '= >-a li I U)a)tl qt P I U U (\f-z fYl c.l t-I z rrl c.i F I z rYl?N)f-J!i p*ZJ zo f-c!t-J?N'z r-Fro o 3 6 q)hl\n t-oo f-oo r-oo t-co f-r\(\l r\I oo f-@f-00 E n V)F.z U u)U V)U a X U X U X U E.E EA.5b fr'g=V, u d, JZF i E F a=fitg 3RH8 3z c!F Z O rq rYlnn HH elaF- FJ -)-u, Fa O=7 r3, R H 4 F e > a L E35a-acaOU Hg r a 8 H z;AHElJA urcqOU il"z U j, E 2I*s7, R o l+i rY'l 9FE{i,;2 8 trE F 2v 4 u X l+i r'f l<(,H\=r rrl eza 9 tr q)Ft! F\AE.=' Fl=d H c.)oo\o g" F H'N U RY F C\X R R (t C)fa h ,9)U)\ff s<s+h (.)C)t-l ()U)bo t-r C)E]ca+0.)9l ()u)bo U c)El 0)F U).t a)0-I$c)-o , L g#$'&es ri .=r!!SE EE E5cr. Fi EE EFr EE E \,/t9+HE$E$,ddE Eggs N CA ia E q)tr e gt Fl'ct c-(9 L.61 I I t tr q)o)L I (n C!.o tt 4'I v) O cn 0)a U)a)U)(.)g tr t c)Ei F B F U O (l)L 3 ul.o E Lr ti tr tr frE ii&z z z Z z*b ?$'Htsg g? I-(llt a h (A rh V)&V)V)o iFFF r-( I cl'E tsO g,s rdE l-.v va:tr ERA-vH 9tro i6 SO*<OR 2tr tsRA-vH 9tr0);iEz A r'* O!v VA r TF Lfl\V LX lVH 9Sqi 6:)r-r O E P=trP{r=?.:3 Evo)-.:Y=Xho.E o CA tt (J Suii d.i:J=Xko.:Era&E HE;,EE i, =E F E lJ tt t) -3 6'/h t.t ,EE 6ttr (au fr.: 3;\JO&EEcifi &,'=?\JO&EE/i#,9 h'nv 9: ,u6>t 9li 9E:\=EAE EEE F.E q)-CJ*)g a r z z z z z g,H g h, al q)fl a U f-(9 Z\ ()Vl-a5 ao ra&q)g?g a 9?g Er -EE*H#s'=e e a'i e)u)6)Ft-*g J?(\l'Z F-=rv J U I s ZS FIJ J U v N Zr-FO 3 6 q)rd@r-00 r-oo f-\n c.l f-TN ea r-o0 tt F rq X U&X U X (J F z U F z U EE EE.gE EE rda.t-=gA R O UEE{;;2 a: az oEB{e;24 r\ tr:g7 R o r- rY!(t i,;2I J enHA&'!v z F 4 u F t=3ast l!-jvvs ,c0^z Ynrir-q*rv: i-; tV iiiz = z il;vvtl'l J o trA.3H FI N N U N (\l Q e6 \J N U z (\l U z ol a o frr h ,9)V)\n l-{\f:fr c,)C)l-(O a bo (.)l'rl*ca+(.)c)l-{O V)bo U C)rrl C)F a.'l (.)a f1t]I$c.).o F gE$E gg H.=r!SE-L f;E"H6!r tr;E?&=F&v>r t3*r{E gEE ,dE IggF (\cn-o o li T rc*I o b (9l.6 I c')t I*)*)L I u)F (t)E al E U)c.)U)0)v)a q)U)e T I (l)Fr U (J U U U E a'$.2 o E k H L<k FE z z z z z+F e FtEg ,E? h I (u-a>r u)CN oo v 00 s@v oo s jFEF t-{ I ot'E-O&9p fi5 E I-==.Y4'ii\JE AY=i(Fo.EZ*=?.:3 E\JO FR Fff I E9 ao EUiJ-.9R FA gE z5 EUiJ.gR Fff gE z5 EUti F r9R Ffi:ErataE EE;,Fq 7 c 'F E g)ivr=rh vr fr 9*!EE cttr (A .F lt>r'nY 9: LV:0)O UO-A l, q)rp1\J o)#A\JO-O-:f;!gEE.(Jeta u) & E c! (l]iJ el q)a EA H z z z z z 3Eg r.htl o)rl ft U oo q)r\ g VL (A=(AO (h.u oP (t s)g U)eg U)eg U)eH^a-vE-EHOE E *H LE .5&E 6 o 5 g ti I a q)-6 g G'(l)rd\n c.)r-[n ea r\\n c.i f-\n ca f-e.l r-b0 G'tr F z U U U)U a U v)&U)1=tr 8.9 EA.3 'F 3B rI1n.r u 9,^,-7*v---l\tz=UEHE r'r n t{z? Y )451'=ur*'.=,-zfib UzH2X r'r n==z7 F v lt:\F-r!=.A/r^v 9Fr!uzo-zo.r?t ^Fl.l I>Fo.z;i ^/ \) U rl=(Jr*r 0 F-- ft I &, O z:\F-!!l< ivr Y Ar-F'Fqv U2HZX, I{9 trA.3H r4 U U z (\3 R&t,n I RV,\o I RV, f-I r) \J or& \n U)O IL h ,!)C,)\n t-r++F C)(.)l-r O a bo.F C)rI]ca+o c)t-r C)(t)cFr bo U ()Or 14 c)F (t)l C)a I s c),o F (l)ET$E ts tr{ .=rl!SE EE gd tH tr;E\n rYl v\n I rr'l$tsr iF*\r+rYt c-l oq+rtl c-l oq>: l5 sHE EEE 6S.dEE Eg$-(A (u:-e Tg tt o-(9 , cl I I s-ll)(l)L I (n e.()tt a H E U)o U>U)O U) o ca q)U)g n*)Fr U F tr F lr F lr F tr F ti F I I s a c lr t li k li gE z z zzzz z E#Eg i e-u)>r ra oo+U U U U U U U U U U U U EFs*FrI cl 'E rO f;&'H,8 E g=rrE E 5 #..i== X Hd k oa), bE 5-)a -\Jo=E F!O!),9i-.d bE E\rE--.o=t tr A U d)rY--G 6E'c^&5 v(JF.o=ari F L O a.),gt *laX o(tr--c V lrE=rO:i ,i F li oc)tl.,58 bG-c (rE=:C)=!k oc)al-'58 6G-q^s-v(Ji.o=v!1 vv:EraF.EH 3h*E H F*.f; E url=6v/fr ho EE dtr ui=h\J()-O.F U U*$v)U U*.F$ (r)F U U.8.F$ (r)U U*.F$u)F U U*.F$v)F U U*.F$u)rfrt gEg.(J(1).A tnXE+.E (l)3 t)q)a gr,-z z zzzzz gEg r a0 g)I 6l (J c)r\ I Ytr cA5 ao o v)9?g d rr'l I-rr dd rr'l H H&*rYl H H&d rYl ft H&s rYl rt H&*rYl H btrFi EEEH c I g lr t)0 e)-l 6l (l)L z rr'l-G q)F{ca t-(n ca r-C-l c-l r-N N F oo f-f-c-a0 tt A I Ch J X (J a U V)'t X.t X I X 9tr 8.9 EA'ib 38 rI1n rrr ^sFa\ZFO.Y z:\F--fi H;-\Va-!-IJJ}F 6FiAd9 U 2 d z E F A VZF EF=UU"tu&tit\/ \J t-HFl=i ,J r\2r<v z H O UMF iio.H 2t tVV L H g r\z-vz H O U&F U a i-r 4 r1 F.orX UX}If \ r'\ v)VH&rr'l z kog t!XN FF rYl ftf HHH rrl z r - z\tr]XN FF rYl rYf HHfl E{)I/A gH E frl oo I 4A-i r \xv, I (J U (\l\n I U U c{\o I U U ol\n I U U 6l I U U c\t rr I U U c..l a ()fT.h ,91 a\n$1t C)a)fr (J U)bo.F c)H ea+0)c)Li ()a ao U C)a d lrl C)F a ,l C)U)fn I$(.)f-L c)Hf;#fr is--ir .g rl!TE-L gE Ed til;E FI (J EFi FE*\r t3 sHE$EE ,dAE}g$F (a t Ei*)o h ri H 9r o h-(I)li ct I q)t (1)E I U)F.o)G'ta E U)4)(t)0)CA q)q)q)v)a r*)Er tr tr B fi Ti L (l}L--o o: tr k L k f.E iie z z z z z z+r. p E.HEg ,E? A c)5 ch Fr t)U U U U U U U U e, U U U U IFE*r{8 ot'E EO HS rd (s L u0),9:--d O(q--tr Y-\Jo=:0)=E vvL Oo)al r!=bG5-c 5t =56 H tr oa)9:.-d 6E-c^Jj V(JF.o=,i F l<Oo'\riH h=;-E;=5t =;9ts*F!Oor a)_, 5G 6E-c V L.]E=rO=,i F Ir oo)al_,58 6E E UE=!UR F:E."F.ef; Br*E E 5*,H A grraa 6 v/ t-r>:o!9 .F!,gE61 tr aa fE{F U U*.F su)F U U*F sf ct F U U*.F$a U U
- .F$u)F U U d.F s.r')U U*.F'+a rf,t geH.CJ(I)u2 (t)EE F.E (l)$O (u a u,-z z z z z z E$$h o o0 q)I d (J (l)7\ I Vli (At (AO a*frl H H&O."HE r EE*H$g'=>-c L 9 gA q)A I GT g=v)=&Zi\v 5a z\./a Z9r:i tt-(t') = &?Je 5a z\Ja z ! #rt-a ! &7A JrV ll 5a z rr a z I #rt-u):&?JO 5a z u a zc!#tl F E4 d R 6 o)frl r.l c.t f-oo r-oo f-oo f-00 f-(\o\\o a0 E R FE J X X U X U X U X U X U EE vEl EE.3 'f;6,8 frl O F 4m FZF EH=v\Jt)UUi\.l fY!-E X h H i^t*tHv EiF#2& E A O rEi? KA F-t r"1-e x k n rs l{ t+r vEi F P2& E F N 3- J (\tF4 rr'l ;+l \ A r*i Fli t7t rAnAZ.==Y- v) Z .l fHtlXrd g&&Ev)(\IF4 T']H\A f*il^ A A A Yt=ts 5nfr*#6rZfll ,v l'Ffi4&- Fl rrt+ 4 H H F&, s x H k sea u - >E*)trrA.3H ct fr]N I U ()(\o\s ol I U U C\\n c.t (J U (\ln c.l U U 6l ol\n ol I U U ct c.)
\n (\l I Q U e-l (t)(J tli h ,9)(n\n$-{-f,+h C)()C)o bo Li o 14 ca+o c)t-r o (t)bo U C)l'l d frl o F a.'l c)o I$C)F q)ET sE A*E.=rt!s5 aL gE#d trlr TE?Fr FE tu t3 sHEFH E g'iF ,*E Eggs (A 5 (u tr e tr rv't-E (9 L G'I I t{l)g 9 (a F.q)E tth E a!.)(h O U'rt)(.)CA d tr t-e F L F*r Flr L F t L F F)t V, o E L li L ti lr sl F.a0 tt Ef;z z z z z E$ts9-q)ut>r (a U U U U U U U U&U U}FEg F{8 clE rO f;g rd(5 oo)t)r!=bE;-tr oi =:0)=8* E lr Oo.,9*bE s^x-(JF li A U n)r!=bE*of =.o=a.i F t<A v ,9:-.ctl bE E t/E=;9F xntr k Oo , dE E 5r =.o=8* E: E ra sE; F& # ;fl.r AE dq v)=fr F U U*F$ cr)U U d.F.+a F U U*.F$a F U U*.F$u)F U U*'+a ra!gaE CJ(l)r,l afrE+.E*)I I (l)v)-l z z z z z gEg h o q0 O I Gl Q q)r\ Q)VL cnt ao U)"EE l HEEF&o(a 5 e L iJ.A q)-d E fr at E{oo4 d R fr (h t: E{o\4 d R ch i:!E{o\ 1t R FL f;4 d R I=FJr -\ OO4 d R o!cE (l)Fl N o\\o (\l\o c!o\N o\\o ot Or\o o0 Ei E FI X U&X U X U X U X U EE gE A A H F]J D A rr\Jrt6 n-H=xN P,EB,NUil c'lil ,v g ?, r tr 3 A U)'JJ FA S X X tr S'A U U }ail ,v g ?, F tr 3 A cnrll FM+4tlq./-5H 8 8 F otB f:{*94 f;ilaN T'.Hinfi-). I!r-JI i/-/\ir&,
- x x k S'A U U a c\f),vgn Fffi1E--irYt vJlrJrJ Fl- t-E S H X K s)AUUF r9 c)EA crH.=E H t<r\n (\.l I U U N\rlrrl (\I I U U N\o
\n c{I U U ol t-\n (\t U U t\i oo\n (\t U U c{ a o tlr h ,9)V)\n l-r$+F a)c.)Lr O U)bo C)rI]ea+o ()()U)ao U C)t'rl ()r'L U).t (.)ct)-I$q.).o , L'gE SE a8 Etr H.=rf;SF ali$E Ed tr&;E Ea?F& \., It+HE gEc 6S ,*ETE E +g$Ffi th t c)h H (r T (9 L G'I I tf, o qllr (J (A$'(9 tt'v, H U).q)6 O U) o a ()a I{l)Fi l-B lr F L F L F I I fl ut a E L tr L t-r gE z z z z z 3lts9 I c)-TA (n U U U U U U U U U U EFFs i8 GI .E lO x,s H8l<vc)o bE t-c J\Jo=.ut E l<oa)a\-,58 bE-c.)+^1=xc:VR v!-,i bc)al.'FE 6G.c 5r =:O=3* E oq)., 9*6E E A,:<5 v!?c;Yctr x*tr bo a\.,58 6?.c 5r =rG)=E* E iE.',F.'El
- ! El. r- ,li -.!, =E F Z q6't)-u U) fE 3 .a, AE ctr (n E.T B U U*.B.+v)U U*.F$v)U U du.F$v)F U U*.F.f,4 F U U*.F$v)rfrt gEE 9(l).A tt)frE g\.t 0)3 I q)e u, H z z z z z E$g r b0 tt)3 CE L)q)eg (na ao ta"EE i EEEF ,g 'fr '")j n..h Cd!'l c.i 5"'io U)-+3 e L I (A (t)A T 6l g F J v) ElrYi / fa--v i$z>)F-?x TV6 ca r-I zf r'l I ca$f-ca
$r-\o 6l f-I z rt'!I T cg q)rd*t-N ol f-\.l ca f-rn ca r-c\l (\i f-a0 tt tr X U U U)J X I X U V)EE Eg.3 'E 38 frl A riV-FAFI;i'T I+iFUft A X k u)\JVV\-&UU6O MS^z-=z;i=x 4F Ftr - '?r 5? 2 '+r 2-r-r-7u n F U 2 d z U)i r\ 2\J \J \'s lY.Xc{F]9\JP.vF AA.FZ EEAA xtxx vHv U)i r\ 2\-/ v \z9 F r, g\,,p.VF AAFZ i\ v)x*iix vHvrh r+t tv? Z E F g,J11 F hR:F zu=aH z U E-q)E.3 Et rd o\\n ol I U U (\\o C-l I U U 6l t-ol I U U C.l r-(\I I U U c!\o oo (\l I U U c.t a ()lt h ,c)V)\n t-r.++F C)C)l-{O a oo l.r C)l&t ca+(.)I C)u)bo U C)d r!o F a J (.)U)r'Y"t I$0.)p l-L q)EE$E 5o Frr H.=ril$E tL gE E{*.lr rH Enr?F&\J lrJ$FrE gEE.*E EFgF ra 5 (l)I E-E TI o i!q)li Gt a t.)+a (u (l)li I a+..t)C' I (t)a O a (h 0)o q)o I E ,q F L F tr F lr F*i F L gr B I-5 IA o E L li l<L f.E EE z z zzzz E#ts9 I a e (A cn&U U U U U&U U U U U U igEs FrI ct 'E tsO&Fp erj5i!'l 6 L o c.)6)ilE s 6t: F.:9F.x*F vg o o'),9:.-(g 6E ,c 5t =:0)=E* E o o,).'g*00)Gl-t 5r =;94 i<*tr vgH tr A v n\.'58 ocl?t-)<5 Ptr JY(*x*a vvHlr Oo tl.'58 6E-c 5t =.ud5* E Oo n).'FE 6E-c tE=v&,i:E."g.E FF.;.Otr dEE=Y E = c= # t.r tt) -5 ah 3.I ,gE dst (na h U U*.F$a F U U*F$(h B U U{sa U U d.F.+u)F U U*$ (t)U U d.F$ ct)rf,E gBF aEE+.G'(l){d t)(}a u1 Izz z z z z 3Eg b EO o)I 6l L/Hg rno a&*rYl H]H&*r?l tt*rY'l H H&*fYl rt"8 r7'l'+i.EE : EEEFgE Tn-g!i I (A q)lr T d g\o (\r-I z fYl I F U.A&t F t)J!!FqU F U;/=UU&FU ,rn tV=o 6l*)rd N 6l f-@ c.l r-@ca f-a ca r-*ca f-l.n ca f-h0 tr E E U (t X U&X U X U&X U 3 X EE Eg.3 'E 38 rI1O.Hz LJVAx 2 F zxas--t.:;H r2=dK cj 8 3 E J rZ-6fd,&A rrl H UE&FFA J'ts 4u\J*rI]z 4HHE fr ft dr\ +r 1 ^v*v&FCAU J'h sfr2 AFtsH fr fr d UE&FCAU 3rr3 fr nzH nd,&v, H %srtr o Fz 7\rr'l \J rh Zvc.lP 4?=d=AAH\JV-l UUA.I*)E/^.gH E FEI r-oo (\l I U U 6l o\ oo N U U (\l ol I O U C\.l o\ol I U U ot cf)c\l U U c\I ca I U Q (\l a ()fY h.91 a\n Lr$+h C)(.)t-(O v)bo l-{()rYl*ca+O C)l-.()a o bo U a)g d H c)F a ,t (.)(h l+{I t c)F Q)E4$E iE-.=rts TE-L gE ,g{trr tr;E Er FE frU>1 t-stqEfiF I E=E cis ,*E EFgs u)5 (9 F I li Fl 9r f (l)h G I I+(l)o), e)(a+.(}*cA FI v)c)a 0)(t)0)U)U)o (t)C)g T-a)F tr F fr B fi B L L F L O k J ta o E Lr L frt ii&z z z z z z*F p E:f;Eg E ? A I (u-ah>'r tt)U U&U U U U U U O U U U jFE*a rr{ (U ot'q-O rs td ,61 Lr OO'g*bEt-c 5r H 5* H oa)6l.'58 dE-c 5t =:Q)=8* E lr OO a\r!=bE;-c^&5 OF:Ot vvHlr o a.)tl.' ;E bE E^95 vC)i:0)=!9V*li oo),l r!=bE;s ot =a F*r o{)()r>=bE 5 t tv&-v(J=.UA E vvt;?2.; E ur E^' "Ce =k*E H 5* 8 E sra=tnvJh AE Gltr vt .F lEl F U U*.F su)B U U*.B$ (r.)F U U*$ (r)U U*$u)F U r\*.F+u)U U d.F t$ u)E EE cJ9?A u) X E+!E*)3 q)(l)e u, FI z z z z z z 3Eg h o EO (l)I 6l U*, L)g CA=(no a*rr'l t+i H&*fYl ft H&*rrl Hi H/,*frl rt H&*rrl F+i sf Y'l H H&bEF{EHEH tr o-g li I IA (l),a-6l E xg F V)rYl U^n N=pU /r.r rr-cau YCA UUU ,t^&E-d.)ri (\l\o C.l\o co f-oo F-oo f-oo F-a0 rE=n X U X U X U X U X U X U E.E Erg.+ 'E 38 ria frl rn v L./ M Ztv t.- i= jT.NdFU rix vv\&uao frl rh v UU4 x S v'lH*Y--U;i-X VV\*T, U 5 O U J str2 4FEf, #fr d U!E&FCAU J'h 4g \J*r!z ZHfl frfr d UE X,FCAU J'hs ffi2 a).r-H#Hd U:E&FPAU J 4&\J*rI]Z zf Hft d UE&FAU t (9 IA4.. H.=t H trF trl+ca U 6l\n cfi I U U c\l\o ca I U U ot r-ca I U U (\oo ca t U U c{co U U N U)(-)fY.h ,!t a\n$+F a)(,)(J U)bo.F (,)r!ca+C)C)t-(C)a bo O C)rI]C)F C,)'t ()(t)m I$C)F (l)H4 s&Es lrt .=r!TE fiE YO g()cr Fr TE tsFr?F&\r>>l3 sFrE gEE ,dlE EggF a I E q)g tr r-'t-fa.a o>b I c)t-G I (J d 6)E I o trr (l)*rth I a v)C)a ch 0)th o)U)0)v)e)T t (l)F.L B h F L F L Lr F tr F I i-vt o E frlr lr lr*r h 9r f"t E&z z z z zzz*b g$Ftsg{, 5 a>'l tt), U U U U U U U U U U/, U U U U}FEF F{8 FIE rC fts r48 tr Oo)at r!=06)65'-c (JE=F h 9C),9i--d 6it'c-}z-vo=;9F x*tr k A v a\-,FE 6E.c^x-v(J-F O o.).,9*6E s 5r =-i9F)<*tr li Oo a),'FE bE E of =:Q)=v&lr Oo.,9*o(s-s 9LV oi =8* E Ir OO ,l_' 5E 6G-c 5r =-.:9F v&-,i F:E."FE 6aL,.Fa*6-5=r.r E -C=F E-cr6viF 0 Frt E5'Gt tr aFlrI{F U U*.F.+u)F U U*.F$(h U U*.F$v)F U U d.F sv)O U*$a U U*.F\f, v)F U U*F$v)ra!gag.cJ(l)ul (A fr E+.*t)5 lJ (9 e u, ts z z z z z z z sEg h H8 6)5 c!l (9 Ug 0a ao a*rY'l!+i il&dd rrl'+i&EE i EEEF ,gE 6 o I Lr I a (u F{a3 Q)h ca f-(\l$f-ea$f-o\ca t-F-c.)f-E o 5 6*);\rt ca F\n ca f-o\cn F-I[n ca F-c\l s r-I\n ca f-ca.$r-I rn c.)r-o\ca r-I r.)ea f-F ca t-\n c.l F q0 tt=E']X J X 3 X J X\X 3 X J X EE Eg.3 'E 38 rdaf r'l&q=, v):'UvV, UFJ rt1 E,H a = r!ltt*l Ov=UFJ^rvl !/tl{ ri rfa V \\J t\/ l-l& H O.A=(A=r:, U v Z;UFJil.FrAx iit41 r,A Htr o iiz P*97 JV U);EUU-6 #,A Htr a rtz p
- 97d E U UrY'r Y.?\t+{ ra rl.t V l Y & ti FF-rv fA=U)-r vr rYt ol^gA H>UVeo-UFJilrlt A vFv l-Hl-Fi&=;\ v '!vx\JNv c{ .J. a\vU t*)tr/A.gE t rd F ca I U U ot C.l (\l co U U C*t ct (\t c.l I U U c-l s 6l c.t I U O c!\n (\e.l I U U 6l\o (\cal U U C.l t-N ca U U N a (J trr ,9 U)\n t-(++ts ()C)()a ho L{o E]E ca+F o a)t-r O a bo U o F=c'rYl 0.)F o J (.)U)FA I$C)6 F.g#$E es ir .g rtl TE EE EIJ tr Fr rE tsa IF&\r h t-sHE$Eg ,*E EF$C a T (l)E E Frl fH>r'9 6)lr G I t]!l t*)c)li t u)o.(u E th t U)cn ()U)!)a c)u)
C)(n 0.)U)c.)a-E (u F B d L f{F I F tr B lr B o fr 3 q!tr k FE zzzzzzz EEtsg-s*)9 a h (A U U U U U U U U U U U U Q EFe*(A trl {l)orE-O f;s rrl .j oo).,9*6E*6t =;Y(s x*E vu!bo ,9:..d 6E E 5t =.o=55 E Oo.'g*U=E 5r i5* E oo.,9* eTa!9d 5 Li oq)d\'5=bG-c of =;9F ,Xn-E vvH tr Oa).,9*bE E^'v=v(Ji'o=v!-F k Oo a).'58 6E-c^J-vC)i:0)=!F iE,abE FF.;,E'*i, =E F E.l (r't -3 th Er EI 3E ,EE tctr cnt l-.F U U*F$(n F U U*$u)U U d$cn U U*.F.+v)U U*.F.+ V)F U U*$v)F U U*.F+u)*FtE f,E er(u?a raEE q)-(J q)a a E zzzzz z z EEg t, o a0 q)3 cl U q)Hg Y/lo (t)q rYl it H&&*f r'l Hi*rYl lli d rr'l Hi dd r7l H L-v-E EEEd&8 6 t o-L cJ a O-G 6) , r-co f-f-cal r-o-G o-{l'ar ca r-f-c.)f-I rn c.l r-r-c.l f-I\n ca r-ca c-f-ca t--r-ca f-f*ca r-f-BO E r 3 X'I X J X J X J X U a U c/)!itr 8.9 Eg.3 'f;5.8 rge*F-U F.l ii r-O-^x C\A t\X rrr ll FJF o-Z i\ "l v=L,I 6I \J 6l .'t v)v9 r\V i.r l,/HH!i.]F o.Z 5i:t\Jrv N .1. ct)v9.l z iYiA--rYI F ii&x 62 UA ii&x'-r/) 2 J^-Xv)XnZ v!r'tr A-H^F-r U rrl zz H5 zt<-Or!&, U&rJ" E o trrA.3 Et=E frt oo ol ca I U U N ca ca I U U C-l N co ca I U U N s co U U N s ca U U ol\n ca I U U c{\n ca I U U 6l a O r?l+r h ,9)a\n+1*o O li ()(t)bo l-'.C)E]ca+0)()t<()o oo U C)a d F]o F a ,l c)a E I s o-o F gE s&is-.=r!SE-ll f,E"H6tr. nr;E\n rr'1 s-\n If r'l s En.3E+Irl ol oq+rrl ol oo l-stqEfiF $ilrd=6S ,*E}ggF t, f q)H I trl tr o>.t 3{u h fil I I t{)(l)I e, CN+.*)C'o H a a o U) 0)U)()ra c)(h d I (!)E{l.B F*r F*rlr F L*)tr 3 u L tr L frE Ef;z zzzzz*b g f;ttsg ,H? A t-(u,{.4 a, h u,&U U U U U U U U U O U U iF$Fr-r I t\rE rO f;s H8 tr vc)6)r;=bE;f oi =5* H bc)_,9*U?E 6t:.o=8* E L<oo ,9:.'.(\l 6E=q 5t =.ot!F li A U.l.lZ bG.c tE=.o=!L oc)al.'5E 6E s I ot =v&F:E,aF.E g =btE{=c=#Er Ytt)F 6 vr l-r>rO 5.5 EE 6tr u)=FEr U U*.F su)U U{.F$ch F U U*.F$u)F U U d sa F U U d.F$a U U"ts.F.+a:AE sEt lJq)Q (t)lE+.'lt o rI CJ q)-lA FI z zzz z z EEF E v) g h o b0 (9 6t U (u Og tn=r,:o a q rYl H&&*rr'l H*rY'l trl*rt H&bE-EHEH s (h gs trs I 'r 6c{c)V)i$$a li I o o Ft T cg!)L oli c{c\ t-\i'00 r-J X'd C.l f-F ()p!-lUU F 9F MU 3 6 6)rd c.l F-f-ol r-I oo r-(\l t-oo f-\n ca f-oo c.t t-*c.)t-c0 rE tr U U)J X-X-i X X U&X O E.E EE-+ 'E a8 rdof Y'l zZr<&HSit;PA'-V E &,5 F&ILUZ xA o:z/,U trH'rFv)=t:uu)o-uo=r!&,'\ r\ n rF r\V\JH*\J xfi o:"2&u=;Ea ,r=-lJU)o-UOEII)&t\ /\ F 7\\J \J lJ 'l L/F 4 rh ZvNP 4 *=d=AAH vvtJ OUO" J\JdxA r?l lW.UT&FE J= t+{ca fra AfrltV Hfl UE&t-Fa-t*)trA.*H F trt frl c\t\n ca I U U N s\n cfl I U U c-l\n\n ca U U N$I U U (\l rn s I U U c{\n s I U U (\ (t)O 5 fr.h ,9]U)\n$1ts C)(,)S-r O (t)oo (.)rI1 ea+o 0.)Lr c)0 bo U c)g rI]C)F U)J q)a m I$c,)p F g4 sa is ri .E r!TE AL gE gd er. &EE E*3F&(J h t3+FrE$EE ,*E Egg-ra 3 g{l)E e H tH F i)L G I t)t*)E t)a+'c)tt a.4 EI U)o (t o)a 0.)U)q)4)u) q)th ,q F trBB tr F F lr F P t 5 ra o$r L L t<9r frE EE z z z z z z z*b g EtEg E ? A t q)-o>i v)U U U U&U U U U U U U U U U Ege*F{8 cf 'E tsO xs'Fr(5 bo a),,tE bE ,tr 5r =:0)=3* E Oo).,9*o*-E 5t =R v9!l-oc),9:-.Gl bE t eE=IUA E F 9 OO a\.,XE 6E-q^x!3 V(JF:C)=!U9H oo)d)_'5E 6E'q ot =.o=v!d 9r Oa)d)bE-c LJE=v!,i vv L o{)a\., 5E 5t =;9F;<*tr:EraF.E:!ElrL.!15 E =E F E.r (tt -=6'1 h fl.t EE trt a rn5 x F U U{.F r+ U)U U dE.F$u)F U U*F s(h F U U*.F.+u)U U d.F.+u)F U U
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Fr?l/pr=!r\ Y lvr H*F-X: P v\J>)FAFU)z trv frJH<!H a\J*HMU (tiYO. lilw4 A*U; H FF i.' IFl-i -t -UzU caB NYP. liV AH U z H U=U U c{Y P. llV AH U ) H rF irj rTr H-UzU.9 o)EA.3E!I ct Fl (\I v F U U (\I (\X F I Q U (\l I U)&F I (-) c\ol O.\o ca I a U (\l s I V)C)(\(\l\r}I U)U N c.l \n I u)U c{$\n I (n U ol U)o fr h ,!)U)\n l-r s:F o C)l-r ()a ao L(O H ca+o 0)o a b0 U ()d H (.)F (h a)a tr a$c)p F gE$E As H.=rll SE EE g5.HE rE?*3E lfl sr'tE fiF $--a ntdS 6S ,*E}FgF\cf)I Q)E o L tr E rl.o 5 (9 L G T t)$-q)g)li tl'lt u)F{U)q)(a (.)a a ct)C)(t)U)o (t)o a ,q Flr F L B L B L B L F L!F 6)L I*ra IA c'!tr tr l-i 6E E&z z q)o z U)o U)o a C)ca o*R g E'HEg g? a (l)3 ah>r (A (t')U U V)U U Ch U U U)U U IA O U ct)U U (r)U U a U U fgFF rrt I e-t 'E EO tg'rd .5 Li vG)n)'t=bG;*oi =5* H Oo a\r!=bG;.c-)', -vo=tud&F k oq),9:--d 6E.c L,/E=rud F lr oc)a\riH bE-c qrE=rgd F!oq)d)r!i=bEi;*J+v(-)=E F o!),g*bG-c^&=V(JF R!vv o{)6).' 5E bG ,q 5r =-;9F*-!oo)a)-,58 6E rrE=:O=!F: E .. 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FJi&qU J/r^ 3=oV oIJU*L,, t! i'Ji&qU dY 6 v olJU*iH\J lfJ r-r&oU J'j(h olJ'r q UrI]Y, Mrn=3 6)-A.3H T oo r,-I U)U c\t f-o U e{a I (h U N oo v)U (\l oo (t U (\l ot oo v)U 6l ea oo I v)U N s oo I U)U (\l o C)fr.h ,9)(t)\n l-r t+F o o l-r ()U)b0 o E]c.)+()0.)t-r O a b0 U o frl ()-L U).t o a fn I s (,)F (u HE$E AsEI EI lrl .=r!SE AL gE E(jrr Fr fE Et?F/v>-: t-sHEFH E#'{E ,*E IggF ut I e F e rd aH o-(l)L GI t I rtr v 0+.(l)rE 0 -FI U)o A)c)(t U).o q)a\a Q.()e g)F tr F F B F B k B*r F L B-I F I--u2 o E L l.r H tr li L li 6E Eg CA U)U)0.)U)ut q)o U)o (t)CJ EFtsg F{)J th>')(A (t)U U U)U U U)U U V)U U V)U U V)U U (t)U (h U U EFF*r-{ I (\l'fi io tE'rrl I oa).,9*dE E 5r i-i9E F v0)al rJ-d bE;E.:4 i vo=f, x*tr e(),g*bE;E of =.o=8* E Oo nl r!=bE;-c oi =!ua5* E L Oo 6)bE I qJTd R v!e F h uc)o bE;.c-}z-\JO=a!Oo)a)_'58 6E-c^J-vC)i:O=!F lr Oo o r>=bE;-c ot =:0)=v&-F ru,:ErabE FE;,EE fr =E F E'l tt1 -=(n ,81 9.E EE 6ttr (t) 3 fEi>t u)o7 Y,.g:.A UJlU>l u)o=!v vch&9E.A r\ H r \\J \J v)v!v&, F E.A U5O h lr (t)a=\J C !-r&EE.Ar\ H r\vv h/AA-t\
- V vtr.5 xg.rtr.AZ \ L '\v-v h A v)Y, E E-^r\ H r\\J \J>.(no=vctsg gc-^r\ H r\vv h u)o=9V\JCH&eE.A U,jiU rfr!gaE (J(l)u1 (ngE+.T 6)3 rJ g).g Q I zzz zzz z z 3Eg r.EO E GI U c)Ug (45 v)o U)*rYl rt H&*rrl H*rrl'*i H&*rr)H*fYl tt H&*r"l t*i H&"lE rr'l't F&*fYl i-tl H&EE -EEEF gE Tn g L CJ u)(l)A I 6l o)L&F A Url.r TE&FU /r.r&t UU F UFA tv=F U^^tV. =FAU U ol F 9F UU U (\U U o.l o s ct (t)rd oo ca t-oo cq r-oo ca r-oo e.l F-\n c.l t-oo ra f-\n cq f\r.l e?)t-a8 E-X U&X U&X U X U..i X X U&J X-X EE ET.3E 5.9 Etn J m>)JV)Cll tl R LIHy'fA vl v/J ea Nr tf*\Jt!=&(hyJ J 4D iu)14 olJu r\49.1:l\J tIJ iJr&qU J=u)V 6lJU A4glrr ,-i ts V IIJ lqU VU)f--Fl rj19 J9 e M NJU PSH H&qU 9-,r t!l rYt () \./Oh9d t F r\ =u:!t I o IA.3E H ln oo (t)U (\r-00 I U)U c\oo oo c/)U c.l oo I (n U e.l Cn U c.I o\I U)U C.l N I U)U (\l c.t I v)U N a o F-', h.sf U)\n$+F c.)a)t-r ()(t)bo t-r 0.)rrl'o ca+c)()(J a ao U C)H o F a'l C)a E I+(.)p F H#$E As EE H.=r!!tF=st=EE#5 rrrtr eE Ea FE& \r, l-$HE$Eg ,daE EFgF a 3 (l)T tr E>r{aH-(l)L cl I I r+tr*)6)h cJ ra F o)*gA H a o o O U)a (t ct)!)a-a ,o)E{t-lr l-!I F L F L F g u)o E tr!ti ti P l-r f.t Ef;tA cn 0)v)o a O a o U)U) o (t C)*b s Ettsg ,H? A s I (l)J u)a u)U U ct)U U U)U U V)U U V)U U V)U U V)U U (n Q U EFFF Fl q)N'E EO ES tr] $Oo ,9:..d bE t^J-(,) F v&vv*l-e0J di bE;-c-:4 -v(J=F oq),9i.-d 6E E 5r =JY(!x*tr l<oo),9i bE E 5t =.o=t vvH li oc),9*:-. H-q^x5 v(Jd.ot v&F vvt tr A U i)l: '?d bG-d*iv-1 g-vC)F v+vvH fr Oo ,g*bEt E 5t =;9G ,x*tr vvL tr Oo 6)bG t 5t =.UR!vv. 4r,?EraF.E gF":fiE-9.!,gE 6tr rh .F tr h L u)o=9V Y, F E.Ar\ L Z\
\J-\J l-(t)O=Y, E E.A ri q 'X\/\J H u)o=!v&,.9 E.A UJiU h H v)oE r\ v vtrEE 9tr.A OJiU lr rAA V/YAY, F E.A U':U>l H u)o=t\vtrE 89tr.A OJiU h lAA Y, F E.A UJiU>l!lAA vtvA vtrE&9s.Ar\ L r\v \r,.$ FE EflE (J(I)ttt agE a.,!5 6)3 t.}6)a?4,-zzzzz z z zE:E F E.-g h a0 (9 GI U (l)Ug u)a (no (a 0.0."d r"l t+i*rrl It*rr'l H d8 fYl rt*frl rt H&dd fYl H h c5a EE*H H*.=F& (t) u)o I lr c)a (9 x GI c) L r@\caxca p Uc\U X=rX+rmFr fi<+rOO r-J FqXO p Uc\U X$X tF m rfa Yi{t U ol U FA c{U U c.t U 6l U C-l U U c.I E o 5 st (9 E oo t-oo r-\n cf]f-l.n ca r\rn ca F\n ca rr\n ca f-\n ccl r-a8 G'I A E J X-.]X J X t X-1 X J X-X J X E.E Eg*'5,F .q Fhi&l JZ#il J&a-_7\'rnX F*tsv* r\r'rUX XV)F t+r t+rr\ A r\V\J e.lO. Vr AF* *r r'l O9El+f V ) l+l'+r i.rr \ /\\JIJV I ol FtsV HilU H A H rl l*rr\ n r\vv c-.1 a HA Fqi FA e2 ut FV H?, I (IJ trA.3E T oo c\I V)U c\c\I V)U c!c-l c.l U)U c\t ca c.l I u)U N v ol I U)U c!\n o.l I (A U (\l c{I a U c\t-ot I a U C\ (t)O IL,r V)\n l-r$1+c,)(,)l-r ()U)b0 L c)f4*ca+F C)C)l-l ()V)bo U c,)a H c.)F (n I O a Fq I+0,)!F HE$8, As-l ir .g r!l r5 EE 8rrtr. Fr;E t-rr'l\6 r-I rrl\oo\o rYl s Er?H fr\r+f Y'l\o+rYt\o\o\Cj+r r'l\o.O>r t-+FlE$E$,*E}Fgs ut fl*)I I t trl CI o (t)h 6 I g)t E{, g t)0+.i)E at x n U)c/)0)(h a O U)O a ct)O tt)4)i tr o)E.9r F B F L B F li g=U)o E!*r lr li tr$E rh o th a 0)(t q)U) c)z*F s F'Htsg E ? A I t)-IA>r Ca V)U U V) U U (t)U U V)U U u)U U (t)U U U)U U U)U U jFEF (n F{(l)clE HO HS H$!UC)o)r>=bG;-q-5.-vo=5nE lr oo)a\.'5E bE E 5t =.UAE* E*r OO ,9i-.ft1 dE t 5t =-i9F x*tr v9H lr Oo al ri=bE:;.c oi =.ud8* E L Oo nl r!H h=;-Et=AJ5 v(J/v!F oq)a\.'iE bG 5 ^xl v(J-.!vd 5 vvx k Oo n)r!*bE;-g oi =ruR F Flr Oc)a)_, 5E bE-c V trE=.oE v!d vv:E..g"EH *I*E g 5* # EEJ ft\ =ch v/ fr 3.1 EE 6tr 0, t-i h v)v*g&, F:.Ar\ H r\\J \J h ao=-v&, F:.Ar\ H r\ \J \J L u)o=&,6 E.A UJIU h rAA vl v Y, F E.Ari E '1 V\J>l lr ao=t\ 9 V vE.=XSJtr.Ar\ k r\\JV h ao=V, F E.A r\ : r'l vv h v)o=.9VL J6li&0E.Ar\ H / \\/\J h A v)v v vtr.=xsrc.Ar\ k r\\J \ FEE f,g 9qrut (A E E+.E O 3 c,)o,?a H z z zzzz z z sEg h b0 (l)-6 6)z'l 9 vL ct) i tao u)&s r"'l f+i H&*f Y'l f+l*rYl Hi*r71 t+l H&*rr'l FIi H&E'ri EEEx o I L q, a o A E CB g cl'lJ F z s Z N f.=so q\B d,JJ H=#
- (\E iso q\B I X'U I C\ ,'A v lYl ,7,4 fi^oi Av-?UF z frl z rr-t z rYl z fYl&rtl&O HZ AJ 0 3 g{)frl r-f-@r-oo f-oo f-oo r-co t-00 r-a0 C'rn-i X't X X U X U X U X U X U 3 X EE.3 'E'SA (\J! fYl V)J
!EZ u-cra (\l ti YCh iF !r (t) l-U\J cr6 rhX vL,= d Hrn ;-\ l-l v tll r\tlnv 5HZ rl&o ,,n3 r>iiq-=sEz (t)&U J-; ct)c\ll*L' E]MA J 0.0.ea c-l 't R (JtI]EU)J CO -'J(n f{ 'r R\J E]&a ooJ av)V)J;EZ c{a 3 q)-.3E g rd 00 C-l I (t)U c.i c.l U)U (\l ca I cn (J (\l ca f-$I U)U c.l*+rr$I V)U (\\n f-s I V)U 6l\o f-s V'U ot 6 v I a U (\t v)()t&h.9 u)\n tr (.)C)l-.(J a oo L(c,)H ca:+F C)!)C)(n bo U (,)a 5 fY\c.)F a ,l o a E I$C)I F (l)ET s&Es H.g r!!TE tL gE E6th. Fr;E FIU?Fr 3F frL,, t-sE{E$EE ,*E EF$F 0-{t}-I , rd ari>b-o b cl t I t (l)g e a e.$E Q-T a cn 0 C)U)C)q) ()U)C)4)a)a g I 6)E{B t<B fr ti Flr F tr F lr F g 3 3 (r)o E!fr l<tr H!f.E Eg z z z z zzzz*b E gFtsg I (u 3 ra a U)U U CN U U a U U a U U u)U U V)U U (t)U U C,)U U SFFB EA F{(l)ct 'E HC H.g'trr(5 fr oo),9:..CB 5t =;9F x*tr oc),9;bE;5 w UE=E v9!oo), bE-c O+<=Htr d 5 vvH*r oo)6)rt:i bE;E of =d E vvL L oq),9:-.ctt bE E 5t =iud v&F vvx OO ,9:.'.d 6E 5 5r i:O=5* E lr A q t\.'58 bE.<ot =:O=vv!o!)6).'5E 6G^c v qrE=:O=!F:E,a.aE; FE E E>rO ,9E dtr u)a Ft h fAA 9V Y,.8 EU E E h v)o=-v Y, F E.A UJ=U tr v)o7-v Y,-E:.A UJiU h u)o=v Y, F E.A OJiU.FE.-v 9E:\=rvv h.nv 9:
- Y=i9v.iv H HE:OO*f,!gag.9qrta u) fr E F E o)I I o)u).I I z zzzzzzz s;E $r o BO O f GI Hg*f Y'!t+i H&{f Yl't H&*fYl itf r"l rr'l rYl*rr'l I-tr*f Y'!
f-tr"U frl t{.1'i&dd rrl rt H&"EE rE E E F g8 6 3 e L t)ta q)Fr-6 (l)tr&rYl d,o r!z F\U s (\F J U$N t p U C!v F U (\v F Ff N v F U 6t (\U N c.t o 3 6t (l)rg oo r-oo r-oo f-\n rn f-rn\n r-\n\n r-!n\n f-\n\n t\q0 tr tt F-i X rl X J X J X J X FA'l X-X J X E.E EE.3 'f;3E rio ooi\ -(nI F')l uo5 NAr./)vv.-J9 SH a=N F4 F'J!?SH a=N J a^ trl!-.v ,>a 0 9s&zF 8fB upa 9v&zF 8fB nF U R N i Efr/nF H\J v3 UFAt\t \xNx-^L/v lfr lA mAv)H-U-e EA EH rd*v I U)U ol rn co$V)U ol\o 00$I (h U 6t f-I V)U ol t-I U)U c.l c\l t-I a U (\ca f-I rt)(\t t f-ct)U ol v)O flr h.!2 (t)\n$1t ()O l-r ()a bo t-r ()f Y'l co+c.)c)l-r o (t)bo U C)lv'l q)F (h I q)U)I$c),o F.l)g#$a 6e a H.=r!l TE-h gE E5 s. Fr;EFt r\tst IF fr L,t9 sFlE gEE.*E 3FgF ta s E (u tr o L x tr.F'l-(l).L 6 I q)lf tr (u g g)a+.(l)tt ul E U)U)q)a v)a CA a)4)a)c)F{L F H H B L F L L 6)L T u1 o El<k k*r*r$E z z zzzzz+b g E:Htsg E ? A E (1)-v, (n U)U U a U U U)U U u)U U a U U U)U U V)U U* EE d.$!$F-.8 NE HO&90 H5*r oa).,9*6E t-:z -vo=i:ld.x*q vgL!oo),9: b* I-c 5r =;9F l<*tr l-oc),9:--d 6E-c rv^x-voi:Ot&L Oo)'\-'5E bG-c 5t =.c)=!F t<Oo t\-. XE 6E E!UE=:C)Hri F!oq)d).,;E 6E-c 5t =;9F x*tr Oq) 6l-,58 UE 5 5r =:0)=8* E:EutF.tF E;.O tr EE6=u.E = C.F E.l (t1 -=Qh tr EE cltr a5 FE{>l.E 9Ir 9: ,u6 h fAA v)v t\ ! v V, F E U E E>l ao=-v v, _g:-n UEU>l 9L 9E:\=:vv>r 9L 9::\=?vv>l'F=9Lr 9E:\^!vv h Pt<9F:\=tvv rfr!i gaE 9(l)ut aEE F.rE,*)-c)c)(t)E H z z z z zzz EE$h o BO o-a3 U Hg ao"d rY'l f+i H&&&,*fYl H*rYl H H&*trl t*i xr&*t l FEEF&art)o I a L I aA i)^\-6 g U c{(\.l roo F X c0o 5UD U 4 U FOIFx n *T6'T rOO q X lqN f,v3 U 4 U FOIF&rn&+g+I ts-l U c\N U ot (\l U (\l Fl fT.U (\.l Fl rY o-6l*);\n\n t-00 f-6 t-tat\n r-\n\n f-f-f-a0/tt t IA-J X X U&X U&i X'I X J X ri X EE='5l Eg.5b a8 rdnA tlt-'l a U ES\J O, XS t+^aU Y;s5 E 8;X D I F'4trU 2d,?HU A 5 U NA FI UOU U ts,\lHF ,l vltvii/,ta n /n rt ao UIOU AI&N&oo.o'Y\ A IY\UZr\ &t1 -tl li rJ Ero-fnftY1 Hr\ x Fi i - F,'l (J VH it vJ-H f (t)tr r-,.3E=ct fd[n f-I v)U 6l$oo f-u)U (\.l\n*t-I a U C\o\F-I V)U c{oo I (t)U (\l@a U ol N a I a U c! (h ()IL ,9 U)\n l-r s+h c.)O t<C)u)oo oI v'l l+'l ca+C)C)l-r C)U)bo U (,)a d r!o F U)'t o a m I$()-o F E4$E As H.=r!5E EE ,Hd rHA;E\o If Y'l n\o I r?l n Efr 3F+fYl\o\o\Cj+f r'l\o\o>'r t3 sFrE gEE 6S.AlEE EggF tt-q)r 1r Fl fri o*)L 6 I g)!+c)o)L g)(A+.o rE q ts a th a q)U)o 4)0.)U)q)4)o g F t.9 F l-l F H B B!F F lr F (9 h E 3 IA o E L k!k tr frE ii&z z z a U)C)z z*b g gFEg (u 5 ta u)V)U U V)U U (t)U U (t)U U V)U U V) U U U)U U iFE*.A t-'l (u GI 'E tsO&9p t3 rd ,6E lr Oo ,9:..d UE 5 5r i8* H vc)C)bE;E ii-vX vo=:O=E* H oa).,9*6E-q 5t =;9F x*tr Li Oo al.,;E H-(.) (! -s 5r i?.i98 x*E vv**r oc).,9*6E 5r i;9F x*tr tr A U 6)rt=bG;E (JE=!.i F!oc)d)., ;?6E E v 9E=;9F x*fr vvL:EraF.E;i E! t- .gl -g i =E E 4 s6v)F (A fr fl{EE*tr v)u l*rtV PL 9F ,vv>\*L 9E h (no=V, F E.Ari tr rX vv h-v)v z\ 9 V Y, F EU E E>..iv a\ g=F iuv4 t\/ fI v>l*L 9::\=!vv rf,E gaE'9er., o-s a qt E z z z zzz z 3E$h o b0 Q)G Q Hg ao (t)*rr'l f+l'i&q rYl is ii&*f r'l HF=chf Y'l rr-l rY'l"df r'lfrtr o.i=a EE 1E E E F gE 6 q L I TA ()-cl E&fYl z rY'l J&rY'l z rr'l J rr'l z fYl m;1 v it4o.\Jrin Antr? t =q?F z Otv fr g?u lrF&r z H lu&rYl zf Y'l r?1 z rr'l J I 6 q)frl F-f-r-oo r-(\o\\o f-r-g0 tr-l J X J X J X X U X U-]X-X EE (9 .f, EE.+E a8 ria=(u trA.3H=ct ri ni=ii A v==oJ 5o9 mFxi FX 29 si F1 m d,Z H;Hz 3.tlJlla Jr!m ^'/ r\H-V rrl riH v tv -'\Z F -IZ Yrr1 A \J x H\J z - E ()z H 0 9 v El z&truX S " H ) r\\J iL I& i! <{- tvr ZUDU^M AH z, FZ tVt;i Y H?nl-zal 5F9 m&3 ca oo I V)U c.t v oo I a U N r-oo I u)U C\l r-oo I a U C-l f-oo I u)U GI 6 oo I rh U t\o\a I a U c\ lu)lo IO Itr t=lE lh IE l(s la l\n I t-{t,9 la ts l+F lc lo tc)I t-r lo lu)lbo lsl $-r tc)I rrl Il'o t(.'!IF ld lea l+lF. l t-l tol tol ll-rl lol u)l cHl AI vl HI I JI I\JI b0 l I Ftl.Fl FI I ol UI EI 6l EI 9rl.Fl 5t qt Hl OIF-', I U)J o v)m I s c)p F (u E4$E Is H.=r!!5E-L gE E5crr nr;E?1?E E\J tfl sHE gEE ds ,*E E E H *$gEn.A 3-c)tr I frl ri h 3 (u L 6l I CJ!f, (l)g g)a F.(l)E u)tr-l U)()a q)a 0)(A U)U)0).t)(.)e E o)h L B F B!F trl-iBB F{)h F-U)o E!r<k t<k H frE ii&z a a U'(t)U)z z Egtsg I-(u-ta>'l (n V)U U u)U U)U U (t)U U V)U U v)U U rt)U U (n U U EFeF U'r-l (9 er'E Hg d, a0 EE H .6!L ec)a\r!=bE;E of ?;98 xitr!v6 td A hErv H:<?g 9trq)F;i giX=r-- O*r 0.)va=tr LESV LXn H 9So)Fd AA F-O li t-lR=tr 4 ERA t 9tr!)i6 Ad F-O tr oP:tr-LF19 HXn VH 9$o A;r'.- O*?(t). 0)Jhr d-(g(t F:.F-: UXc-i IE I!*s, v1 c)JhI d qh.G(q F:*-: UXe{ Iq El d?U)O.jZb{-.s (B F:*-iuX 6rElrJ:E,.bE EE;.FE 685:r'Y J * # E E6)E tr EE ctr (a -2 til 9fr 9E.oo h ao=-g Y, F E.Ari c 'X V\J>\k?9E U, F E.Ar\ ! r\\JV h v)v-v v,.g E-a (JJ=U>t-v)vV, F E-A U,JiU t<A-vlvA EFE.A UJiU h ao=-v EFE.A U,jiO h H rAA vJvU, F E.A U:U:f,!geE 9(9ra (A E E+.E*)3 q')(9 a a tr FI z z z z zzz z EE$h b0 g)*!E L)HE (A rYl rrl rrl{rYl i+i f,&dE fYl't H&*rY l f+l*fYl i+i H&&&EE 1 fEEF&u)ra o I L I a (l)Fl-G c)Lr r'l z fYl F FAF DX F<Z ivF iix&Tf-0.F caF tx-Z 4NX, F FAF PXr\ r7l F-Z^,r F FX&TFA Oll-f, oo (\IF r-F fr2,?,+t ,X I oo m+JXco n$5 tNU\n ca f-lli X I ol n-rYl=c{-lg:'Aii F,AY D4ca A'.->-\Y\J-,i Ot l-/tr o 3 6t{)r-l E F-00 r-00 f-oo r\oo r\oo t\\n co r-\n ca r\BO-trt T J X X O X U&X U U U)-X J X-X E"E lia.3 '5-E8 rI1a F fx ii t4'l&J;E A m f \Ht*{v JZ oyB tv\A-1 Y l-i X#HI VHI J7 I F X-\\J=50 L^i^-l-i Uil5 deg r 8il3 ol ot rrl FB'ZAU kv F?rLl?r?ko BHil F t-IXM A\JH2 H c
- HX\JF<yN Fl lL,,-t.rXM F. \J I!2 H c:I: H-lHn\J1y NFJ\J E o EA.3E F rd c\
o\Ch U C-l?9!i ^Hi?s:.l;-H U?sFl ^R 3 ns-N U)U N l'n (\r"l V)U N\n ol fYl Cn U N a o=fY> a\n t-(s+F (.)C)O a bo' t'"1 O E]ea+c)C)C)a bo U (.)a trl (.)F a 1 o cl)I$()F gt$&es l-tl .: r!!TE-lr qE"86.rE EE 3 I rYl (fl t: cx A.?E du+rrl\o.F sFrE$EE ,*E IAgF a*E 19 I I I o , a-crf Db 3 o L 6t I I rtr (9 g I (n+'o tt a I ct)0)0 C)a CN a)(t)q)q)O U)g I p F tr tr F B tr B l-i F*i F{), U'o E!Lr H L L k FE z z a a)z z v) c)U)*b s Ettsg ,i? a-I (D ta ta V)U U a r\U (t)U U (t)U U U)U U U)U U (t)U U EFEF F{8 t\l'E-O trs Fl (5{?4O-v bJ 4 L-6 63 F:t-'uxc{ ;E El fr a)va!F dF ERA-vH 9So)i6: AAr'- O'5 Cn ox 3 H 9 A*19 560 k k lr:!]{Fa}4h d d;o:a{Fo 4h.A d oEO:Era.aEE *E*E tr=ci-Ftr CJfrvJ=e'/h f.i EE 6tr (n=fr h U)OE*vv c t-,1&gE-ar\ H 7\\/\J 9L 9eF!vv l-v)o=z\ I V\ZFE xs/tr.Ar\ k r\ \J \J 9*r 9:!vv vJv z\ 9 V vE5 M9F oEO h v)v Y, E:-^U,jiU>t*i u)o=r\ I y\lFE xtrtr.A rI L T\vv* FtE a-g (J(l),.a ra&E F.rl q)I g)a u, T z zzz z z zE:E F a,"g h, BO (l)-ct o ag (no&du r"lHi o.=(t*rY l f-tr*rrl H*fTl!t H&*rr'l t+l:ir &bEtrr EEEH+" (t (!c!+!l c.i 5.i ., U)r!+3 L I ah q)-c)L\.}ca F X C.l I&x trFrV 97i q:>-11 T\6 il,JJ H 7 f#c!E iro qTF z rY-t rl m-(VaV .?\ r7l FAz 2N F?+8 rrItv. J H z r fi-"-ic'l'-fr C0f-=rr\./o 3 c*o frl rn ca f-r-f-\n c.)f-oo r-trr b0 E 3 IA I J X J X-i X J X T X J X J X EE EE.3E-qB tr] A ul d 6r!i&o<ull]i H i*HX\J ,J. XOl F] L,l& r'r tv= l-'l -24FE 6 *rY l VO-.1 24,=4\J (?u)l:&s.o_+= = v,6 V-=FF vrU YNr\ &X lr E KN'iHH r!;=rY v)H F Erq^i:Y-Ov)t_V)&,* k !E ArVA-(,F z 65 X E il E--E U0iu)ll.fl o trr^.3E frl U (n C-l frl I V)U c-l s u)-E UIJ6l LTr C-'l (n*E HH C-l F-l I V)U c.l 2N Rd\n a:-:E;i r\NFI U\n V) l<:E UA (\ Fl lrh I()t=lE I lhl ,91 ld;t\n I I f-r l*t^ls IO lc)l $-(IO la lao IF lli la)lEr IE l(!I lca t{+I lc)tc)It<lo la l^lo0 F U o Irl o F U)J ()U)E I$C)s F gt$E es-.x rt!SE EE Ed tH Fi rE Er TF&v lf$HE$EF ,*E Eg$F ra-(u-e tr Fl (lr o 5 Q)!E 6 I tJ lf 6)g g)(t)+.'o-.A I U)()(t)O (h 0)Q o U)a)H.g)Fl.i l-B Lr F fr F c)L I.a a rr lr l<*E z C,)!)v)0)U) o CA 0)(t*F e gFEB--*)a h ra U)U U (t)U U U)U O a U U (t)U U U)U U EFEF F{8 rc'E EO f;s rd8:a{Fc)*,x otO:a{Fq)a:r I d d;o L v v6=tr tsEA-vH 9tro r-O H v VA-iF L:<n-!9So iE: Ad r-- O li:a gFo)a:r v rA A d;o gi o!:!l:Fo)all.Ad s 5;:EraF.Ei! EL t- .9i -*i =E F A*rcr,-=6v/h al 3.Fl AE 6ttr (n)h h (t') O =-9 V, F E.A UJiU (t)O=&, F E.Ar\ H r\\J \J>l!v)UV vc!c4gc a^r\ k r\\J\/>l rAh V/YA Y, F EU E E h A VJ*vY, F E.Ar\ L f \\J>l k rAA VJ 9VY, F E.A UJiU taE gaE cJ(l)rl cn fr E+.!(D*I o a ta I H zzzz z z rH F{.9h fi E A H'O.g cJ (a 6t u)u r.b0*)9 a U q)7\ I vh (45 (no (A*rYl Hi H&*rr'l fl H&q rrl l+l i&* rrl!t!-c5: FEEF&chcA o 5 a h I IA q)A T 6t*)tr=j;*&il ht' &iiFH-4P2-i#gJ 4qd rrl&A&J H z r2 r S q..)f lr+r5 z,A8 o ii T HTUF F] U u)XJ 3 t+l o-il r- Z xrr'l lJ -A]t-H z7A8 A A \ir!F FJU V)XJ nr4o.i-r-Z xrrl hJ -A-l IH\o ca r-3: SF\o ca t-\JU srK o ,3 G*)E oo f-t-ol (\o\\ol.rl e.)t-rn ca t-at tt t*i X J X X U X U&-l X J X EE EA-3E a,g frl A t-trl?=AaA&!l' *r V,5oY, AILFIL 7A vt<zii 2i\J !a&0.-s FPD&\JAAIL J&Elx 2 =5o IL(J Jd, r!x 2 =5oLr. U ri zlEFY tr\./ ! 3 = =2 d ot Z E - oOF: E&,* = zZ Ei od.3 (t)E/A.3 ll a td\n (ar id UA (\.l Fl rYl\n v)-:E UA (ll rJ as:EOt F]r\9 av t UA (\ F1l..t f--)^ N YI ota\n f-r c-'l 2 (\ta ca$a ()IJr h ,!l 6 a\n t-r s+h C)O t-t ()a b0 6)Ir'l*ca:+F C)0)l-{()U)bo U c)a E]C)F (h I C)a/L I'$C)I F*)g4$8, 6o ts.=r!l TE FE EO 8()C:l TE rn rri c{\n I fr'l\o cJ ts*EE u\J+f Y-l\o\o+rrl\o t-+FlEFH E a=tF ,*E: E r *E **.8 VJ EA g-e ll o tr rd Ci-(u L 6l a O r+EI{)c)tr I a F.o tt IA I E U)0)a C)v)(.)v)o U) C)ct)g c)Er B l-L B*r F L F li B g tlJ a o!tr k lr f"E E&,.h U)0)o 0)U) c.)U) 0.)U)*F e E:f;ts9 E ? A I*)-Q a a U U (t)U U U)U U V)U U a U U CN U U EF$*FrI (\E HO xs rd8 l<:q{Fo)4it v drv odO:o*Fo)AX IA oEO tr:a{Fo 4!l d#o!EA*Fo ax#O l<:a*Fc)zH tAA s 5t:p2{Fo ah d*rv ci5 O:E,aF.E tiElrt-,9-* I =E E E UEv)-=ra fr 9.-EE61 tr rt) ;Ert h u)o=Y,.8 EU E 6>t vlv 9V Y. E E.A U,:U lr?9E&,.8 E.Ar\ L r\\J\/>r L A VJVA/\ vY, F E?A UJiU h rAA vt-AY, F E.At\ L r\\l,\J h A v)z\
- V vtrts x9tr.Ar\ L r\vv rf,E gaE 9(l).a (n&* i)s (J q)e IA E z zzz z z'i.9h E F8 Ert)g h o q0 q)-cl U*)7\ I Vl-(na (no a&q lrl f-tr*ft'l'+l*fr'l Hi H&*rrI i+l H&b tr t-,1 FEEB&a(a j$" u)<s trs o^it+i!., rl s Setct 7)i$o-L I ta{)A-6 E\o ca t-SF c\, Ooo (\f*r- r-frAa+t c\, O*N:F- t-7,V2+H 6ll ooo C\IHf* r-Az5?4Ht c\, Ooo (\l*f- F-ftze+t 2\z=&U z?qF ich o I 6t c)frl\n cf)r\ao f-oo r-oo r\oo f-C-l o\\o a!C'le..]X U a U V)U u)U V)X U EE EE gE ,38 2 u P o6F: tr d, E =2 d od, oz't4 9=e tg x vlJilJ-ZUiEz rrl?6 3. r\ f{F] = +F nz/u,*m rY'l H^l ,7F rF3 rst&nzz'gAu SH: r9il 4t{V)EJ=UrA -. tV VJ zii <i^O#YilF i:, Y^H- \J C')I*)EA.3H Er H U\n r-r(\2 NA oo is (\a oo Ai NA@2i c{a U oo 2i ola 2i X U)(J tlr h ,!)(t)\n$+r C)o o o bo.rr ()14 ca+()C)l-r O o oo ()o 4..r ?'l Fr{C)F (h ,l o a fn I$C)-o F i)Hf s&es H;r!!sE at HE E6 tr&;E FIU Ea 3F E\J l5 sr{E gEE'is ,ddE: E a *g$F'$a-(u tr 9i e f.l b.h (u , 6l I e t (9 g I (a et (u tt u, E CA U)q)U)C).J)o c)U)C)g E (9 E{F F tr F tr F*r F q)h u)o E!H l-ll-r l-r frE Ef;z z (h 0)(t)O (t) 0)z EfEg I e u)(a a U U (t)U U U)U U)
U U (t)U U (t)U U}Fsg Fi8 GI .E EO&Fp H5 L:a*Fo4 l't#o L*F o 4 i'i tA d ci5 O tr:a*Fo 1X.A s 5t:a*Fc)Alr d ,$O:e{Fq)all rAds 5t Lr OE:a{Fo 4li d c$O: E,a bE FE;-OE i -E E E g6)E* .rl AEcl li (nu E>r Ft rA^VlYA u,.6 E.Ar\ H r\vv>t L.(ho=*v E, F E.A QJiU>r lr u)o=-vY, F E.Ar\ l.r r\vv>l tr (t)o=t\ y vcE Xgs-^U'!U>l tr u)a;V, E E-nr\ H r\vv h A v)v&, F E.A r\ k r\vv*fr!get t)(l)ut (atr, c)fl (J*)Ur.ll I z z z z z z sEg*a0 q)3 6!U*)Hg rno a*fYl Hi H&*fYl tt H&*rYl I+i H&* frl tt H&EE i FEEF&cA(A o 5*L I 9r, o)H 6l g rYl z: zx&U z?qF i ct)&JJ r!z oz =: rYl l*l 5:o T\F=t!Hi&TL aCIu zJv 3 V i+KB o\c\f-o\t!^z+s zi rrl &H&t?\&&HH H Zz AAH'i??ES o I G i)H C-l o\\o t\f-oo r-00 t-00 f-q0 tt 3 c X U J X-X X U U U),l X E.E EE.+ 'E fr,g DJ nA v oI S2 zE8 2tll r!&st&F rF f \LJV z = 2.,, (,* Q e E rrl (/)Mtv yElm rFl<o2 B E&rY't F&r lrl?t U) IL 1^HV ooF (r) z F-r vi-i ).>tv\J-i 5 H r?=3ZE f q)trA.+H=H 2i 6la\n 2i6.t a ca r-2i (-la oo f-A9 oIA oo Ai c!a ca roo 2 (\ta U)o (r.h ,9 U)\n t-r ,y$+ts C)o ()V)bo.F 0)rq ea{ts 0)I o U)ao U o af Y'!O lr L U),t q)a I$G)-o F-'r gE sx es trli H.=rt!TE EE Ed qi Fr eE\o I r"'l 9 (\l tst iF x\r+frl f-c.i t3 iHE I h' E ,dfE Eg$F ta I Qi F c e rdllr o, 5{)L 6 I o t (l)q)k g)(t)F.*)rs u)H th 4)().a th C)U).a)u)0)g (I)E{L F F!F!F F I T 5 m k fr lr k t$E z z z a z z E$ts9 T-*)t gn tn (t)U U (h U U V)U U a U U (A U U a U U}FFg F{8 t.tE tsO f;s Erl .j Lr:o*Fa)4X odO:!){Fq)ax v rv c5O L: !.){Fq)1:t#o=!t*Fq)ax d*oEO Lr:a*Fq)ah.A c5O:q{Fq)ax d ci5 O.ul:EraRE; FE fi E 9.E AE aiE U)=h>t tr fAA 9V e,.g E.A UJiU>l 7A !v Y, F E.Ar\ L r\\J \Jlr u)o=*v Y, F E.Ar\ H r\vv h v)v t\ I YV, F E-^UJiU k A_vlvA v vtr.E X9tr.A U;iU>r VJVA Z\ V vcE E.SJtr.A UJiU rf,!gaE 9(l)u)(n X *+.E (I)I lJ (u a.a_rl-z z z z z z 3H$h, a0 q)3*!U a3{ral Hi H&*rYl'+i*f Y'l !-rr H&s r7'l'I]il&*rr'l H.U rrl H H&EE i EE*H H*.=F EV2(A E j\(h aq!? e.i 5.\., U)i$tr-g L I FA c)e 6 q)L z>tD tv H}, rYl*tv=H H Zz AAH??HS z Itl &;;&ir\&tH H H Z sl nnE i-F-\ F\ i Al aamii z rtl &rYllV lV ^'H H Z El AAg'iF\ Fa Fl Al aaFoi.I z r.i &;;&rr'ltw tv. ^';-\ ;-\H H 4Z AAH\??ES z q&Itl Htv. ty. t4 H H Zz AAH'i??HS z Ei &H&rYl#. tl. F HHZ AAE'i Fr F.] a\I'1-imr-E o 3 6l q)rd oo r-oo F-oo r-*t-oo f-oo l-q0 trt-3 X J X i X T X J X J X EE EE.3E-c, g rlln tA v vvl (nZFqUii >, z&HF<D=it=9v,ft, 1A v Afil-V (t') z Fi L, i-r z&HF=ezB, rA HV OOF 2= H Y>,V\J-i 5 B U tozp, F ZA rv\ vlll l-n ,v, u &r rJ rtl i'-'i HOHU YHZTL]Y1 tV. F. tV F Z^r?l v l{ l-A ,f,U&. rJ ftl i-'i HA=U!lrqzElY1 tW F- tV. F Z^.'l V Fl ta n>7 l-'(Ud r rz fYl ii xo=u>l E1 z rrlY4 tVFtV v E{)EA.3H E H cf)r0O 2 oIA ca roo 2 c!a c.l roo 2 (.lA (\l co roo 2 c{a (\l ca roo 2 c\a ca ca roo 2 NA (n ()fr h ,9)(r)\n$:tF C)o l-{o a b0'-o rrl ea+F C)I C)U)oo U o lv\()F-'t (h't a)a fn I$o ,o F q)EE SE 5o E!tr H.=r!TE sL gE#(j crL;E\o I fYl q c\l Er EE& r,,+f r'l C-c.i P'.l3*REFE E ei-iF ,ddE}ggs EA I (u E EI e rg fra{, k GI I CJ t c)E ()a+.(l)rEI a a t U)0)a 0)U)0)U)C)U) o)v)U)O a tr E (:)E-f tr E B l-BBB tr F t Lr B 6)I TA o E g-r lr L L+<H li 6E Ef;z 0 0.)z z z z z*.e s$F?g--o-ta U)a U U CN U U u)U U V)U U a U U U)U U U) U U EFEF r-i I t\l'E EC g,g rd8 L:q{Fo AF v.A s 5>N'tra.v=\NA N'tra.w=rn F.N'F*.v=rr) fu t N'F3.w=lNA N'Ea.v=\NA.a*; E ra F.E nOl.-.(l)g EEE?9 tr 5c # tr fao6t)t a'/h h0! .t!EE61 tr (aE tr>ln E E Y, F E.A IJEU h v)v 9V&, F:-^UJiU hlr']o=*vY, F E.A (-) ,.li U h (AozV, F E.Ar\ k r \\./ \.,/h'F=v ats:\=rvv>r*I-r 9::\=.vv>ll<rAA v)v Y6: UJiU rf,!gHg.cJ(9Ul v) g q)I t)qf a q H z z z zzzz 3Eg b h0 O I GI U*)r\ l)vt-cAa (t) o (t)qf Y'l!t H&*fYl iIi H&*rrl!*i H&* f r'l it*f r'!rt H&*rY'l t+i H&,.HE -HEEF&aca q u)<*!l e"i 5"lo v)$tr o a L t)0 q)H 6 g z>rrl &H&rYl&&FH H Z F AAE iF??ES\n c.)I oq ca (\t\n ea I oq c.t fr ca\n ea oq ca rt@(\l ca oq ca fY*N crl oq cat fY'r (\l v ol f- co l-*i l{ f-I r\v r\ H vt V NXX +!d o J cl q)r-l-oo f-\n c.l r-\n ca r-\n co r-\n\n r\\n TN t-oo f-at E.A T 1 X'.]X T X J X 3 X t X 3 X EE trc-g 'E Eg frl tr F Z^r?l v l{ fi/\L'(Ud,r tl rtl ii rJ ;ie il 2 EY) t\/ P v^\.,&o 1l t\t E a 3 g&,Eii5 hrFv'^--vk ta\J&o 4^/= a 3 g e, E ii 5 A.FV;^HH\vH/h v rY't ;;xv Ft&1a * =FF *Ta E 9i, fi zr\ F il H g H v7>),r/\ A xz LJ= !{ H l!E{z\J7)MA HHtv tJ.#;AE 3 tr (D E FA.3H H ca ce, rQO 2 6lz'N C'U ol C.l I a U N U N I U)U (\I c.l c!V, U (\t FA c.l c{V'U C-l r (:lv) oo l'L. ca-N& f-$la lc)Itr t=ItL lhl ,a)lcd lv)t: lqY t^l+Itr l4)tc)I l-r lc)lv)lb0tH lt'tr I tC)l l+)lItr ltH Ilc IItr lld Its I l,-lt6 lt9 lto Itr Ilo It5 lls I EI ol ut PI trl a)I EI al'El ol Hl OI FI-l Fl t-r I+)l ol.FI rt OI KI ml al$l c)t-ol cdl FI (9 Hil Til Eo e?-.x$E fiE to 8u cr tr fE?a?F fr\r t9 sHE$EE ,*E}g$F a 3 ti (9 FI L rd ri o-c)lr.6 I I t.q)E I ra+.*)rE ll)r U)0)Ch O U)q.)a 0 c)(t)o v)o tt: ,9 F L F F l-r L F l-i F!F (l)L t-u)o E*r H lr k h k ti 6E EE z a o U)o a ()U) 0)rt)z+b A$F?$I-o)Cl)CA (t)U U Ch U U V)U U U)U U U)U U V)U U cr)U U iF$*r{I ct 'E E$'5 FE JA 3 F s.iac*550lr 0)lr 0.)k c)C)c).U?q0)xbl F H-.s d F=-F JUX 6rtH:E."RE F6,;,Otr UEE?C')tr = * # E U;-tJ=6v)ri IJA AEGl li (t) =fr h n9E Y, F EU E E tr cno=-v&, F E.Ar\ L r\\/\J>' !rAA v/Y, F E.Ar\ L r\\JV>l L ao=-v&,.9 E-nr\ H r\\J \J h 7AA v)vA Y,.6 E.Ar\ L r\vv h fAA vlv v Y,.6E.A.tU :i (J*t<9F.oo rfrt gEE.CJ(gr/t tngE+.E (t)I I a).a q E z z z z zzz gEg h EO (l)fl 6t U (l)UE (Au mo (r)p.&rY l rrl rY'l trl rrl rr'l rYl rY'l fr'l*rYl't H/,*E 1E E E F&E 6=1: u) 66 tr-+:< cn b"{c)(t#+$.a<q FR X c.)5.i v)r e L I rh o)A E 6l E UU 6t C\l b4Vo\F- F< \n-r 'r f\ll i I C-l C.l I I I' Cl Olr I\n\n t-I J X I N I 3 s e)rd\n\n f-\n ca c-\n c.l f-rn ca F-\n\n f-u0 E=le-i X N c.l-X J X'.] X-X EE ET.+E E.8 Fla rrl<z 2 ft i!tv. \J - El E fr fr =)*,h ZU s),t=61 F\J6I V) tJi A ffin 10 clxFF \J c-l (t) tL* z z o I/ x ] PF \J (\,l -)(r) fL 0. (nfrQ z 4R Er6 R 3 ct) fJ. or v)ffi? z z o I f!x:9 F \J C-l -)(hlr-Aat\/ ri ;i? 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I 8l u)l o0 I trl r<l
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co\o lu)lo I()It!I lh ta ldl (t)I l\n I lk l*t^ls lol (.)I t-'t lo l(n I la0l 'l-l()lEl I l'lJ lcg I leo l+F l-lo tc)lk lc)la l+r t*l \./lbo lv o ct'r!C)F a J C)a/n I$a)F gt sa e* ll-.=r!TE EE E5 r: Fr SE F_Vtt 7\Yt c\t rrl@q EFr 3F 4\J+fYl ol R (\t9 sHE gEE 6S ,*E Eg$s aa I tr 6)T E rd lH h I (D L 6t a I lf q)g c)rt)+.g tt u, I!l (n a.)a U)C)a a U)0)U)c)e E (9 Er L F!B l-H B Lr F*r B F F*)!l a lr!tr tr l<lr tr$ii z z z z zzz+b s$FEg!-(u 5 a cr)F B lr F F fr F fr fa.jFEs r-{ I N'E tsO HS'r48:a{Fc)1X c5O t<:q)*Fq)ax v.A s 5t N'tr q)#E ln O.N'F r'#F\NA N'tr o)v=\NA N'tr6 v=\NA N'F*.v=\n 0i iEraF.EH th*E E 5*,F i orF'vr-=(,) FE.AE61 tr (Al fr{?E t,o&EEcifi e,?;L,/ O N*-'4Gtr.o a)f'\ il tV NE\JO&EEcifi &,?s\JO&EEci# &,?;va&EE.oo T-IIT1^r'?E L/O&EEdfi &,=n to J*- FiGg.C)0)nFFtv rfrt gaE CJ(gut rt)E*c\.!t c)J (}ql U, H z z z z z z z gEg h o an q)-6t U q)Ug u)6 (t) o ra*fYl H H&*fYl'+l H&*rrl I-rr f,&&*rrl HI*rr'l l+l*E i HEEF&(AU)vlnc9 o.'iqr I 'i *;-i (\t .:.9 (ns q ocu gt c.i 5.t., A*$o 3 a L q)a ()II c g C')ca I oq ce fa (t)ca I oe ca (n ca I oq ca fr V)c.l I oq c.)z c.)oq ca o 3 6l e)fr]s f-$f-oo r-t-oo r-o\r-oo f-bT G'tr ar U)cn rr a fr a a V)lr V)E.E ET.=b frA xtI]t{Z k Fl ,'ilE 6 o b-H c\T!F x tI] ,,\t+t e
- h v)oL, FHH (\ILFH 2z rt
- rYl H O, ;^.\ -X?RPA (\l 6l !-r AE T10'-r rYllf,t l- - n=t!f 5ar=R X?g*7,R Hta o E t+l Rr Ab jrrSo FTEHg 58X=R 5^.*7,R Hta bal+i fl c)tsA EH=FI rYl Ft IL\l (\i irirYl *ILY N iJi c\C.l I frl F lr 6l I N C\l I fY'!ot co c!I fYl c-t ca C..l I rr'l F fa N c.l c\l I rr1 lY c-l 0 C)lr..91 U)\n t-r$+c.)C)l-r O ct)bo' l-l o 14 ca+0)o t-(O U)bo U c)a rI]o F a.'l c)o m I$()-o F (D ET sa 5o ts.=r!SE aL f;E LO g(J hr Fr EE E&3E t-*HE$Eg ,*E: E H *g.3t's VJ CA g E*)I g ti rd*t o J c)L 6 I (J r$o)fl o a+.(l)E ul E U)
C)'J>U)()(h c)a 0)a ,q F tr F U U U U U{) Ll-IA ts alr r<L k l-H frE EE z z z z z z*b E gFtsg q)ut P: (n B fY B B lr B fY B ft F rr EFeF Ft8 GTE E$.N'tr0#E\n O" E P;:.ii=,xcn rli \J 6.i:l=X Hd E 9=tr9 z5 EU.iJ ,i:=XHo.P=tr9 4.qu),.!i \J E t ,.iY=Xho.E P= tr9 jr=?.:9 E\JO F ,..{Y=XHo.E I a6 EUiJ iY=Xkn:ErnbE HEi.o.5 E 3E F E ErzviE AE Gttr V)F liEr?E\JO&EEcifi &,?E t/o&EEci # &?; \-,/ o/,EE.o0)/.\lli^/=n>L./ O&EEci# &, F n;L,/ O d E E.o0)nlftv?,E v9/,EEci# &, rf,t gag.9(l)ul cA & E+.rE (l}-I*)g u tr-z z z z z z EEg r o an 6)I 6l U, q)Hg (ao (n a q"lP U)-.o lutr a eB U)!rgtli A v)eg EE r fEEF&(au)I h I (a (l)A-6l (9 L.z ca I oq e.l lr 6*)trl o\r\c.t f-f\ca r-ca t--a0 E Ir V)Ch U)V)&V)(h EE IA*'E trA/n rY.\ =cq-At 2 =t!tsrqD lJ.'i^r'H sra E 5'Xa xh/u\JHFF* r ffrl rYl64 E ca UtrrNO dP e p4J,5lr fYl lYl -71F i UfrKE tv.=a xvu\J l+r tstV r lli-rtl- rYl rrl 64 A o UANO&dP H c'J,5l- rrl rYl
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(.) !)nirtv n\JO&EE ,o0)n fl rv.?g vv& E E ,c.)()/.\i1 tw*f,!gag.9qr(A og*F.E a)I c.)(9 a u2-z z z z z z gEg?o q0*)5 6l U, (97\ I a3 ao (t)&*rrl I+i H&hd c6: EE*H Es'=H-d s ad trs9? ,-i !y;rvnol ,{.V V)*$v o<t X.n 5'{o (n*=.f a L q)o q)-6 q)L FFl tJ' /Y'1 Ft-caF<V) r-4 z/,pqu t.F 3;ZH FEZ u)co-..3 F e fr.F Jcaz;ZH FILZ v) co t'l t-= S E F'F z:J L,,l Z g z H FTLZ qca-= S E fr, rYl rr'l tqHLl. Z oov 900 00 oo t-.I o I 6l (9 frl cal t-r-c.)t-r-ca f-t-c.)f-f-oo oo t-r I oo f-.oo oo f-oo f-a0'lt-U a U (h U u)U V)&(t)(A E.E EA.+E a8[I1a l! o\t\l 6l-J(=v)z2A 8;3 c{&9 r!vx'n?H3 EH55 ,.Y.1 K&9 r!v;'r.rOu?.ffi EH55 U F c.l&,9 r!M;'n?H3 EH55 z&?H g, x t- l+1c-l lL M g, E I a il Z I UOO E c)EA.3H a (t td\o r-C-l I U)lY ol oo ot I (h B tt ol ol V)r?c\t ca I V)N oo I r\-cn+Br- r\N fr.I l\\q+ILUc.l E la Itr IP t5 I rr-.{lh le lcgl (t)t: l*t^l+lli tc)IO l$<lc)lu)lbo Itr l'tr lc)It)Itr lH lc Itrlc!3 llca Il+ IItr ltol tol ll-{l tollq Itk Il; It5 llo Itoo It.= lItr lt6 ltu Il; Ilo ItE I lArl l.-ll5 ldt sll olt4 l-l Fl!-{l vl.2 1 rt ol al dl ml TI$l ol-l-ol csl FI gt sa es H.=r!TE FE ,95cr tr rE Et 3E t3*EtE$E$,*E Egg-a I (9 h rd TH o-(l)L 6 I 9$q)*)k e, (A+.(u G'tlA-th (t)0)a U'a U)0)(t)g a t{)Fr L B lr F t<F B ti L F (l)L I$ah 13 a L tr l-!tr!Ll fiE Eg z z z zzz z*b a EtEg E ? A-6)5 ta (a B rt B rY fr B rY B fr ts la.iFEF r-{ I t\l'E rO g,s HE tr o VA F-ERA=g 9tr0)li:di A r-r O l-v VA-LErv hx=gr-r 9Fo id AArr- Olr U va-AF ERA-vH 9Fq i6 A r-O tr og AF LEtV lrX ivH qSc)a: F-O tr OR AF tsRA-vH 9sa i62 Adr-- Olr OR=tr rV EEA-UH 9So FUi 6d F-O lr 0)v^)LA hxn-vH 9trc)t6 AA SO:EraB.E EE;.FE I3E F E gr5'n-=u)h tr 5.I ,EE 6tr u)=Fr?s\JO&EEcifi &,=?;t/o&EE 6.;0)/1 F ,\/=n;\JO&EE o0)a\.ril?y L/o&EE.o0)nFtv NE vo/,EE.0Jo/.\irtv NE\JO&EE ,c)0)nFtV?s Iti O&EEci# &, ret saH, CJ(I)IA qfrE+.E (:)I I q)a th-z z z zzzz gEg h q0*)3 GI, U (l)rr l)\1L (a=(AO (a&*fYl I+i*r r'l!t*rrl fs.df r'l f+i d8 rr'l H H&*E l fiEEF&cA(A\(hcd Xeo 5.'io r'/)-$o*L I aa q)I 6 g rrlf Y'l tI]H rLz@\J e90*@r-oo oo r-I J F a Zoo J F U)Zoo Ar-J F V)Zoo tr o-6l q)H oo f-*co t-O oo r-oo 00 f-I oo f-00 co F-I oo r-ca F f-ca F-t--ca t\F-a0 E E U)U)U)(t U V)U (t)U (t)EE Eg.+5 frA z&?, E *ca It h1# l+l<rl IL Y" g, E t m aY,a fl z e UFAU z&?, E i u t-rr H_Hc.l lI. M?, E i o3il a il Z i UCAUr) Z V^\-v ot f-1 KF\J IJ. F]fr22.\^ z A*v Nts 3Fi vt*r=/'Y.\ rh \-.,E A2r\ z v ;-i T\J C-l f<K\J tL F.l/n ri \../E Z2 rllI c)E/^.3H F EI oo ds Eb Ntl ,)T Fi c.t E co ,.i, S Fi NE ,.h S NIL f-t\n 9t t76t it f-'h't?o.l i.Li U tr-,\h t76l iJr la lo It&I lb le l(s la I l\nl $-r lq: t^ls l(.'!IOl 0.)I t-{l (-)la I lbo lL{l0)IrI]I IE lcd I I e.l l+la)tc)ll-lc)l (t)I l+i I l5 t^lao lu l+)lo lJ.lq0 I la)I F-', U)J c)o m I$o.o 3 q)E4$'&A*-.=rl!SE EE ,Ha i..i 3r fE E&3E t-sHE gEs 6S ,*E EggF o TJ (l)t e r-'l-ta.a 5 l)L 6 I e)tl (l)g e)(n+.q)'tE a H (h a 0)U)v)a d-I ,$F k B tr F U U U g 5 tt)E Lr rr t<k L<frE Eg z z z z z+b e$Ftsg I s (l)(A h tn B fv B tr V)U U)U U EFF*tA F{(l}Gt 'Elrt O&, a0 EE Fl .q o aC)odtr aC)P=tr9 Z.q 0 E\JO F A:=XbA O tr9 jjF U) lJ rA ii\JE..iY=XFo.v)!trO Ad:EraF,e iiAr-.(l)5' i -E.E E 96,v)=tE{x t.I ,gE 6ttr (nF liE{ns\JO&EEcifi &,?E\JO g.HEci# &, 0)d.XP\.i tr ()U\Ci*fr!HAl (J(l)U'(A g E G\.E e I TJ o)ln tr-l z z z z z 3Eg h q0 (l)I 6t U o r\ g)\1 L u)=(ao CN&a oP U)!rg L-!btri FEEF E(A(h-d s cnd tr*+Xca 5"{., (t)-$i!T ad:< c.)5"'io (t)i$o 3 tr I a q)FI G g o 3 G (9 rd oo f-00 f-ct)f-ca F-rn ca t,-EO Ei E 3 I X U X U a a F z U EE Eg.38 ,$E-c.rF rFl -s (t) Z ie rr'1 l4l \ (t)n 6 e E Z YFz n c.r ,) -i vq_rF Fa !q l-6lF rFl vR-(hzh B E d 2--1=u:)rF rYr \J HZ an'7 M '-l a' :.r ^-t \./ YI c.. = f,l;i z;EVzz aF-va UZ ra rY'l \/=z 2-?/r^-L.rv- N = f,l;l l--1: AZz aFgo UZ tV.fY'l J\1(h 9, Fz o tr z 17 vvv U&DU t q)E,A.-E-, rc ,IL PF (\l FJ fr PD 5s C.l FJ v)-UJ EZol Or (nd UJ EZ6l F la l..t lo ItL I lhl ,9)lc!lu)I l\n I tk l*t^l$l+F lt-lc)IO lLr I()l(n I lbo Itrl 'r"'1 loI rY'l I r-r IE lcg I lca l+F IO tc)I t-r la l+r loo v c)F!Fl C)F U)J c)U)m I$()-o F ol E4 SE Es E.=r!TE t, gE g5c.. A;E EFr?F&\J>a tfl si{E sEg ,dEE}g$s t)taj{t e F]Cr>')3{)l 6l I CJ tii o)E I ra'+.*)G'ul H U)a).a a a U)U)C)a d.I.9 F U U U U U U 6!R F o), I u, o t<I-rlr tr L{*r t<frE E&z z z z zzz*F s$FtsB q)rtl u2 U U U U U U U lFe*F.8.tE tsO xs H8 E E7 a5 suti d A==i(Fo.O-ii=,xu)iivE AY=X Fd E P=trPch t, EU.i'-A==Xbo.P=tr9 Y,.q y Evo)-A==XHo.9=g9V.q e E\JO d ,:==XHo.9=tr9V,q 3 E\JO A:l=XHn:lr eg=tr ERA-qtro FD: A FE;.EE i =E F E gAvi=YJh>iO EE cfg a3 Fs U\ci U rcj U U.;U\Cj U\c;U',j r*!HE,E.C)qrut (A E E e.E (l)I I e)ra I z z z z z z z EEg h.g0 (u-6t U (l)UT (An ao o v)oP 4)eg a!?E U'v)e3 a!29*E -HEEF&(A(a\q)cB Xcr)5.'io V)#$3 e L I.A o)-6l E C\-cl q)-l.n N f-\a1 e.l F-\n f-\n c.l t*.TN f-o\IN t--o\\n f-.a!tt FE F z U F z U F z U F z U X X X E.E Ere.=h 3E FBA2 H c\RYi 4 d H q 3. = tr s2 Fi e\A\JO X z d H +d V
- s v 6*idd$UZ 3f;Fil Z /.y.r ON idd$UZ 3f,Fd&t dflP#I p x xA E n x&R ,IN OF4tl. - F-Yn a E i UCNClI z r\vi-7 IJ,]x3g tf;a ill(u I,A.* ll=rd*U}4:Epz crt Fq fu ,&9xs:Epz NnA.c{tt. \n\JN:EZ c.l n.ol\n v(\!iz No.ol c\A2 E?6l t!,, C\l ol^ e.l ftz;E?NLJ NN irz 6tu l-l (r)lc)ItL I lh t,9 ld la l,n lr t,v l-t+t+I lc)IO lLr lo lu)laoI t-{lc)lrq I IE lcs len t+I lc)tFl l6l (t)lcH Il \./loo a)l-l t{C)F U)J ()v)m I-f, c)F HE SE es ts.=rl!TE-, f;E EE c... fr fE EFr BE gt L., t-sHE$Eg o-v*H (nCQ ,ddE EggF.A 3 EI (u tr o lr rg CH 3 (l)L 6t I I*i (l)9)c)0 c\.(l}tt ut:t a c)U)q)(t)a cn U)c.)U) 0)a I t.!, F F L B 9 lr B-L d 9-B*-B o)L-U)o=k!r<t<k H L<6E Eg z zzzzzz z*F e gFEg E (l)fl a o U U U U Q U U U EFF*r8 or'E tsO&9p fr5 h v va!F dF ERA-vH 9tr0)Iii t*x=r'- O Lr 0)VA F!Eiv LX-H 9FoJ- :'i A r-- O L v VA:tr!a.v LXA-H 9So iUr'- O tr og=tr ts34 9So i6 Ad r-O tr og:tr F qfiLv lrXA+vH 9Sc)i6 F-O tr OR A-LE rqXn-vH 9Sc)FE: AA t-O h U v6!E l-x-vH 9se i6zr-- O U)lr:EraRE EE;.6E EEE?q tr = E -F E (Jrr'=a'rh EE Gltr (a-E U\c;U.;U\o U U ,i U\o U.;U
\Ci rfr!gBg.C)(l)vt aE,E+.E (l)-I (D*ra.E-z zzzzzz z$Es h a0 (l)3 G U q)Hg rno C')&fYl rrl rrlf T'l rr'l rr'l*f r'l l+i H&-Otrti rh. CE E E EgE TA-d$^(n (*!i c.i 5.i ., V)--f,-d q 6d E -i$t-i c\l , a.U (t)#$o-L e)tt, (u H G (l)lr I (\.l I 6l N c.l I c.l I (\l I C-l 6l c{6l C\n a ca rf, I oq cat fa o 3 cl (9 x o\\n t-\n f-\n f-(\I ca r-6l c.r f-l.n tr-\n f-[n r-a0 G'n X X X X r r'l X X X X E.E EA.3 '5 fiA zr\ tv v7 trl B 2.\JZ: fr'mn HH z UE x3s tsa z r\x3g;s3 z U47 lr,]B^rJ4 ilff4 z 9fr x3g t$a EP&*9 2 EP&tr I YA?z trs fF1 +i v r )'t rrl LJN E fr Eda J o6- l-l.- Fl 3 r rd nGl a FA NO (\l n(\t FZ, FA c-l NN ri2 KO catn c.l+2 (\I IJ ca n(\l fFz6I IJr C-l Ac.l!tz ROr O.l nc{FA FO O iiz NIL f-o C)5 lr.,9)ct)\n l-r$+F c.)O f-r O a oo'-c)fvI*ca+o C)l-{O (t)bo (J c)t'rl c)F a I 0)a fn I-t C)F gE EE E8 trtr-.=r!l SE-L HE"86 trfr TE ca I rrl r-oi ca I fYl ca I rrl r-cJ EFr FE*u+rrl n C-l+rrl t--@6i+rr'l=q C\l5*r{E gEE ,*E Eggs o 9-(l)E frl tH o c)lr cl I e)IF (u E c)(A+.(l)tt a H q)()at ()U)0)th a U)q)E{H B fr B-tr B-L B l-F lr E IA l<L fr tr Llr$E z zzzz z*b E gFtsg q)I ah h U)U U U U U U iFe*0 r{(l)cilE tsO f;s trl I (A ft cn o fT 9i c)v6:tr LE lixn I 9trq i6 adr-- O li 0)va=li LE Lixn 9sq i6 tr-O r<oR=tr LT liX-vH 9so)ad SO:ErDe-EE E; F .5 dEe=cr tr=iCi,XE 8 f,(')E AE clE (t). I h U.;U.;U.: U\o U\o U ,i.$.FEE f,g CJ(l)rr aEE F.'.ct o)t c)(l)a UI tr FI z z zzz z s;E$h a0 (9 3 U ag (no (A*frl r*i&*rYl'+l*fYl'+i*frl'+l*rrl t+l H&*rY-t t+l bEt HEEF&cAca o I e L I 0.l)A-qt g z r+I oq cat c\l C-l C\c-l tr 3 ql q)E\n r-o\\n f-o\IN I-r o\\n r-an tr rt t==tr X X X X X X E.E EA-3E fr8 a7 ra l!v: r)<rrl 'h LJn x B Eda AN il v J E R O d rJ]-s=?=E E Ad vi ii v J a P 0 d s.l -vH6 E Ad z F Fi V) Hd s A v\J F.I A z t-ii rYl Hrt)H-^l!a IJii-v\J t-t -Ja^tv vv=t c)EA.3H tt AO FT\!EZ 6l tr.:EZ (\ tJ.F\EZ c{ fL AFc.l A AK (\iz ,N/a c.lerl Z o.+5 o=fr.h ,9 ct)\n$-l$1*C)C)t-{(.)U)bo t-{o E]cal+l I C)I!tl ol v)l q-r I\JI b0 l trl'El 6l (Jl EI ola-! lst'5 1 c'l r!l I q)I sl Lrl rl!-, I!)l u) I ol al (!l ml I TI.f,1 ot sl (tl FI*)E#SE Fs ts.=,!!TE F!UF L-Y ELJcrr Fi;E HU er)f"l q Efr 3E+frl c-oq N l3 sFrE$E$,*E}ggs ra I*)ti o li tr n tx-*)L F I g, q*){)lr g)U)F.(t}E a H a ()a O q)(n 0)U)a e T (u Er Ulr F U U U q)t.l t ta'E!L trlr r<gi frt IEE z z z z z z E#ts9 I I o-u,>: (t)U U U U U U}Fe*F{8 ct 'E tsC r,g H(jlr 0.)v6 id 9F F CE<*=Ea 9Sol- ;'i FrX=*r'- O g=z6 sui d A:=XFo.(n lr r.{ 0)A(*E 9E c9-aOd r\ -=Ev()d ,:Y=XHF: E o Ep 6U EU6 F A==XHo.E E9 Lr (.Z S !i=vo),{:i=Xbo.:Era.aE xn;.oE EE5't=rt tr EiCi # tr E6V)E tr o 5 t,-h 3 e 6 tn U\c;U U';U';U\ci U\Cj raE geH.9(l)u1 (r:frE+o rg (9 3 g)g)a a I z z z z z z gE$b a a0*)rlGI (J c)r\ I vlr v)a cDo a*fr'l t+i a li 0)U)0)cn eH U)-,():utr btrd EEEH t's" 6(s:< co 5"'i o U)*.f, J g h I u)o)A E ct E N c\l o-6t (u H\n f-*\o f-\n\n r-\n ca f-\n ca F g0 A-X J fr J X F-.z O J X I X EE EE.fb frA zt< rYl\r<bl Cn ArV\JV&^-il c{i; +\J==Fl&rrJca 7-;- t- ll r.]A S e g YIT,JTJ 9 u) c{ tJ.ct v-ri qrqY SU4(');. \s?eots tl=)\J\.J zUOU.) tr.- z =EO;a F)U)z r\\JV Uin zI z srtI r\MlJtav-=\J&rF Z k H Fa U O'S/DE UCA z't{Hznlr.I r\&\rii\r EF\JUZ = Ii E U OagDrir Ua t 6)trA.3=, F trl' C-l^ctc.l a c{, C-l E?C\ L,,\n d.F*r t'lc.l \-/co U)Fr AU E?NU\n\or C'l F.Z E3c.l \J\n r G.l AZ;EN NIJ o C)=lr.,9 a\n t-r$:h 0)c)o a oo l-{C)r!ca+0.)0)l-r O (t)q-i bo U C)a rY'l o E-r a c)a I$O I F gE$E es H.=r!l TF th gE g5 i.r &;E E&3E'b}HE ,*E EF$S a I o)tr e 14 IT o&{9 L 6t I I lf tr i)(l)li I (A F.(l)ll ul tr FI cn U)E/)o U)U)o*t.9 F U U U U U g-u, o E t<fi tr frE EE z z z z z*b s$Ftsg!I c)j ta Ca U U U U U}FE*F{8 trt 'E EO E&'H$4)trl<(jlA(*E7 z6 EU;de ,^==XFo.I-=2-Y(h J:\JE e i==Xho.E P=tr?!-E,? 9 E\Jo)4.d2H XFo.(.)lr ku)9: 1a F O\-oO*F(n:E."E"E HE;.OE-r iE F d Yu1 -=AE*.gEcl E!ag fr U\ci U \Cj U.: U ': U\Cir$ FEE f,E (Jeca CA E (l)I I (l)-ol-z z z z z EEg h o a0 o)5 ct O o7\ I!{L 8E Cn tr C)a oP (h 9?g a siH L h-cid-fiEEF&aa+a(t:< co 5"'io (r)#$-d q aCs!.1 d 5"{c)cn-$o-L c)aA (t)H 6 E o f ct Q)frl s r-\n ca r-\n ca r\\n c.t t-.\n cfil'-EO tt A.A T fT (t)U U)U ct)O (n F z U EE tra.* '5 frA/1 tV.&9trl{fr,V ryl rYl H H&=z?v)v)pU NJ 7OF+llX-J&ilFtrr!cEp c-fAUU)A 5 C\J TOrr TnX.J N---r7l* rYt t -=F-'rr * -'i 6r(nUu)A U olJ 7O+i infi.J l.zHI-Yiri g-EdQ C!(AUU)A A l-l ,zF FJ4/1-^)\ZHl1 F=z'qlA F4u,o-Z zo OOJtrI!U&I*)EA.38 5 rI1 r-M c.l RY)c.r FZ.lI.IE v)(!a 5 e,E tv)NV)U&E;Eq (\f u)oo C-l ol F I c\.l lu)lo ItL lhl ,!)ld lu)IroI t-r Lo t^t$t+F I tc)lc)lL I()lu)lao I t-{loI rr'l lr{I td I lca t+Il (.)l9)IO la l+i lbo U (.)t{o F a J ()a tr I s 0.)F gE SE es-.=rl!TE f,L EE E(J*H Fr TE ts&3E l3*i{E gEE 6S ,ddE EggF.A i q*)e frl tara>r q)L cl I e)s tri*)E e)o F.o),15 a E (t)0.)a o q)C)U)0)U)0)a g (9 F U U U U U U U q)t-tA.o E t-!E ts L$E zzzzz z z E+tsg: (t)-a tn U U U U U U U EFEF r-r I ct 't HC Eg trr(5 c)!trA th*v-a F O\ -() 0)*FCt)E gZ-qo EU6 ,.iz=XHo.9=tr9 t=?."3 Eva)e.-i:E-Fo.tr9 2.Ya i=\JE 4 ,{Y=XHd E P=try?r:9 E\ro)d ,..iY=XHo.o trP?.:3 EVO FR Ffi E 9-trP ir=cnv EU-i'--;:=XFo.:EraE"E FE;.8'*6o,,e=e tr = * # tr)96v)F (a '1 fr g s.I EE 0=fr U U\o U\Cj U U.;U\o (-)\Cj raE gBg.(J(l)ul (nfrE c\.E 6)I e (l)r a-z z zzzz z ,r Fl r-{.9hfi E A EE*(nu h a0 (l)6l U (l)Ug (nJ (no (a.t oY U)oP a oP U)s)g v)-. 0):UE (n$.9..EE i TE*H$s'=z j R" a.g qs Kco 5.i c)(r) < \f a llI u)q)H 6l E 3 G'o rd\n ca t-\n c.)r-\n f-t,n f-rn I'r rn r*.a0 E FI F z U a u)F z cn F z U)F. z V)F z F z U EE ER-+E 6.9 rin Zr HFtr, JF'l F o3OZO s3000tr U z9 lv4O.=rr-61 Jl{17=Z P cI,es; =aFU)c{.l 67& \../7i lJ (n.'l;.\7 vx x\J z?Yt-(JA dv MU v<Ua dv M9 Vi U -v)og-F-Ol!{ I5A 3 -U A H I tr*)tra.3H=E H oo N N F I&N+6ltr7e.r tL s ,\n E?c.l L,, F-,\n F2 E?.N l-/U f*.,rl')vz TE?c.l \J c{U F-,\r}E?C\ \J o\F2 E?c{ L./ la Itr lo IH I tri t>le IC*lq t: l*t^l+Itrl 0.)lc)lli l#loo Itr l.-lLrto i l:JlItr llr'r It* lItr lld Ilca Il+ IlE Its It8 llb ItE Ilo I tEl ul:l HI E,I.F{ l5l 5l r!1 (.) lFI-l Fl r-i I EI JI ol KI ml TI sl OI-ol (*l FI g#s&As EE H;rl!TE EE Edcr tr;E c.t I rYl c.l U?I rYl\r tst?F&rJ+rrl c"i+rrl 00 c.i!3 slqE$EE ,ddE Eg$F ra 3 ()tr e qi frl a-a r.J q)L I t)+(D*)h'g)(a F.o E u FI (h O.t)O U)a U)0)a I ,q F U U tr F L U U*) li t u)o E 9i F Itr L H-6t ii&z z z z z z*b e$Ftsg t ql U qA tA U U U U U U iFF*0 F{ q)t\E-O HS rdt5 E I;F=,:a ii\Jb-,.i==Xbo: U)a rr a fr E O try jJ=a(J EU6 6 ,d==XHo.I7,q 3 Evc)_F"RE EEI.E'*E-E=9 tr=ci#E a6'rE 9.4.EE ctr ctl' )h U 6 U U\Ci U\Ci U.: U \c,*fr!gHg.(J(l)ta (n & E+.E e)t c).a)a a-z z z z z z sE$F g0 q)!GI U q)Ug u)t (nO a a eE U'9,' tr a oP a-c5: EEEF g# 6-d v u)d E d5:-i c-l ,.^g V)i$s Q L c)u)o)T 6l c)L-cl o)rd rn r-\n F\n r-rn r-\n t-a0 tr E AI-t F z U (h F z (t)F z V)F z u)F z CN F z E.E EE.+E 6.9 rqn o\lJ \o rFS F73&,6 F'HF=A I?F!E UU)NM t!z 3f;t! !--V\J*J f, 7 q E=A 5 "-r!z&fr-)rll !--\4\JmJt ? F ft F= (t L/ (h rqz&fr>)El !--!4VJ* ? F ft i=aua&tv tr)/4<i,J UtrBX Ffi= \J i-i \JA = K& ,\/l-)/d\U=BA F:i l= V i+r \J3 = H 3 q)tra.3H=E H ,\o?z 7l!:EN c{ L./.l rh!izc{ lL ICa rR TEZ6f lJ-rfi EZ oi t!F F8 rE e{=F F8=N= a ()g.', h ,!l U)rn l-(\r 1*C)c)O U)oo.F c)rq ca+C)(.)k O a bo U c)g=14 C)F (h C)U)6T m I$0)F gE s&E*ts.=r!TE ab gE#L., ar. A;E\n If Y'l f-\l,n I rrl s Er 3H+rY'l oo oo oi+frl oo ci IEF ,daE SbHd.$F$F?a{d (l)E E frl (r.c o h.Gl I c)Q o g I (t)+.6).A H U)0)a U)C)a o U)o o c)B-0)Fr U L F L F U F 9r F*r B (l)L 5 u)o E l-L lr tr tr frE Ef;z z zzzzz*F s F:Hts"f;E ? A q)-IA ct)U U U U U U U EFEF t{8 (\E Hg&90 0- i5 fd 'c tr 0)VA=tr Er\e LXA qvH 9Sc)td adr'- O L v v6 F TF LE LXA--9Fo: i'i rrx=F-O fr v VA=tr tsRA-vH 9tre i6: ad so 9=tr9?X3 Evo)F ,,v v6:F!ElrX-vH oso F!r AU Ad r-- O L c-lX=F tsRA 4VH oSq)FX AU r-r O*r 0)v^:F!r LrX 4VH 9sE)A*F-O: E .. 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U)C)IL ,9)ct)\n$+t C)C)C)a ao':-c.)14 ca+C)$l ()U)=oo U 0)rY'l C)F (2 (,)v)ntl I$C)F Ht$E gs ts.=r!l$F fiE$6 cr&fH E&3E x\J ttS rrl 'i fiFE-I-OFtE u)5*? E !i$FgB u)3 t, (u E I E rd aarr>r 3 (u L 6 I e rtr c)(l)L CJ (n+.(9 rE, art , H U)q)c.)a a a U)!)U)O U) c)a s o)Er tr F*r B l-r F d h F t-F l-r F-.$r F fl$ta o E r<tr t<L tr frE E&zzzz z z z z*F g E.Htsg E ? A ()-IA u)a V)aa U)a a a EFFF FrI N, 'l-O ES rd8 tr Oo a\rY;r bE;-c-:z 4\Jo=;y(*F v6) a)l:.-.d H 0()s-E oi =-i9A xitr L oo)al.'xE 6E.g-lz-\Jo=8* E h-,v va:F E!A NUH 9So)i6: r'- O tr I VA-AF tsRA-sH 9Fq idz FO h oX=F EEA-vH 9So)Fti AU r-O L.eB=F E3A-vH 9So)ad so h u va=F!F l-XA-vH qSo)FH nv r-- Ot E ." RE 6at-.iJ-H FE H ',Z (t) E>rO AE au Fl?E\JO&HEcifi &, d?;\JO&HE OO nFFtv=?;\JO&EE.oc)^ rT'1 p?s vv&EE.oo nii*=?\JO&.:itr.ooT.\ T! tV n;vv&EE.o0)/.\Ftv v{\JO&EE.()o/.\fFtV a?;\JO&EE ,()c)ntltv rf,E gat 0()o.A (h&E e.E o t I q)ut EI z zzz z z z z gE$h AD*)3 6t U (l)Hg u)o a*frl t+i s fYl f+t dd rYl f-tl i&*rrl H H&d rrl t+i* rrl t{i*fYl FT H&*rYl t-tr"EE r EE*H frt'=F iltA(A R a*trs:< c.i U)*$-a L I lA (u H 6l I J F U)z J F U)z z&o\oo f-I J F V)ZH;a J FA a;a 1=oo t-.I oo F-.I tr 3 cl (l)rd ca f-f-ca f-r-co t-.r-oo f-I c.)f-F-ca F-r\oo r-.I co r-f*.oo f-ca t--.f-o\oo f-I tt A-U a U V)U (n U a U U)U a U a U (t)EE EA B'F 3E rin Air r\Fli, A x 7 s'-u A:l.(-r H T,H h d x F St,U c.l F$F*D\./Hu)n 7 oau z?7 U)v ._i FAH9 trt -ta v)z?A F{V ZFs i I;HO m)av)HV)z?A K?vrti=cqtryft1 7a !/. z?s = 37)oat>caame z 3 = 3a lqHrYr )a rY\ a4 3 q)trA.3E=ct rd o\I a a c.l c!I u)(a ol N\n c.l V)(n c.t 2t N=at Fd U tv 2t F c\l2t N N 3t R? U)()fJr h ,s)U)\n++F a)(.)(J (t)b0 f-i C)rq ca+(.)o t-r O V)o0 U (.)Pr d H C)F.(a.'t 6)a ,'n I$C)F (l)ET$E 6e a-trEi-.x ,!l$E-tr gE#u.iFr;E ts&?F&\r tt st{E sEg ,*E EggF a E*)lr H Ci{J*)L 6 I I t{t (l)L ()(A e.(l)E ra F'U)O a a (t)0)a a a* -6l Fr tr F U U U U t I-J o)L ta ll)er a tr rr tr tr t{tr tr f.E E&, z z z z Z z z*E"g E.HEg ,H? A E: ()t UJ>a a V)a a a a a (n iFsF il8 NE rO ts iri I ,<..v VA-dF EFA-9H 9So i6 Ar'- O E I a5 5\J6-A==;(Ho.8=q)9 EUiJ FR Fd c)E9 9=?.Yz Evq)#F A==XHo.E 9=EP?.!3 Evc.)F-,, gc)3 F e A 660 tlv 3 ff I A-rv 660:E..FE EE;,gtr i -E F E E6 '. E tr AEG' Ei (at'-1=?;vo&EEcifi &,?E vo&EEci #&?;vo&EE..()o/1T1 tl=?l/o&EE.OC)niltV=ny vv&HE.()o AFt\/3E& E Ecifi &, Y<\JO&EE.o()n Flr Al rfrE gEg.(J(l)Vlm&E C!r T'q)s I o)u, E z z z z z z z EEg b a0 q, s GI U o)UI (t) u u)o a*rrl F+l ii&.h oP (h!)P (/)(.) P a s)g q r7l i+i*rYl Hi H&btrtr.EEEH=1: ch(g tr .ir Xc.)Uctc)U)-$o-a h (.)a (u I 6l c)L oo f-f-oo f*.I*t--I J 6*)rd o\oo c-I c.t r-r--ca tr-ca t,-ca t.-ca r-l.-tr-oo c-I cal'-F-co r-ca r-f-OD E tr U U)a U)U)U CN U (t U V)EE E:A.3 'f;,$E z s = 3fr co-;..r )^ '$ I v)Hv dP lV\-Fl rrllv 64za UO-6rO-t9 m\JH ilr+FI lrrttlv rHrA-64zb Uoic!Ai I r\\Jkv tV\-t#,o 7Z9X UiKH r!F FrY cn l,Z H E A=EEE z nr\/iF n K A r.n l/ (n H cquz z nn\JF a K n rn {t/ V)ouz E q)-/Aa- ti.5ts F rd U c{8t F (t) =u)l c{A ,)=ChJ c\ O.U a=(t) J (\ O-ng U)-NM!n (h-(n a \-/(\I CN rn v)-U)C\ V) a O g.', h.91 U)rn$+F C)O l-r ()(t)bo.F C)E]ca+C)!l C.)(t)bo U a)a rI]o F a.t C)U)m I$C)F q)H4 s&A.B-.=rt!SE EE E5 c-. tr fE tss?F& \,/>-)t-sHEfiF fr FHE dg ,*E EFgs!l)I{)I o!tr F]*r o h-(l)L.6t I q)rf, (u*)L (J a g\.q)ut FI v)c)tn O a)U)a a U)U)0)I q)F*r B tr Flr F t-Flr B gr (l) h 5 u1 o E L rr Lr!FE z z zzz z z z*g- e$ttsg ,H? A-e-ah Q a a Ch V)a a 6 V)EFe*r-{ I N.E H$'5 6U 3 F e v a*!v&o:iv-Ytror tt) X AA.(q 560'5 5E 3 F s v^4.$-cpO 8H a fr 9 v aLv 60 t<lr L 0)A H A:Ero&E EEJ.OE i =E E E o>Evr5 rnv)E tr EE Gtr a=fE{=n\JO&HEcifi &, NE\JO JPF r*(!tr.6.; q)-\ ll t\/?i v9&EE'oq)rair^/?s\JO c(EEci# &,?;vv&EE.o0)nlftv 3E&HEci# &, n vv&EE.c.)c)nFFtv=n;\./ o&EEcifi &,.$ FtE EE 9(l)(A rt) (l)3 I (l)a a FI z z z z z z z z EE$h ga (l)3 6 U Q)<lg (a=ao v)*rrl H*fYl xrd*frl!+i il&*rr'l f+l H&.U rrl F+l*fYl H H&* rr1 I+i*frl Hi H&..HE -S*EH n" o(s tr$O;I 'r:-t N V.9 A*t tr o 3 a L q)a q)E 6l 6)L\o oo f-co 00 t--I 00 oo r-oo oo r-tr o-G c)rd oo t-I ca F-r,-oo oo r-I C.t tt-c.-*oo r-I c.)r-r'-oo co t-ca t,-tr-c+1 F-F-ca t--F-ca f-tr-ca tr-f-h0 trt.A-U V)U Ch U (r)U (n U (A U cn U V)U (t)EE EE.3E 38 rin z Fi\JF rYl ir a K a ,.Y'1 \J (n H cauz 6 F]Y*IJ a K 8/r^ \J (A EU z t:\J -)tJJrACo (h = ct)/'n \J (n EU z H+v--J rYl l\a K a^n \, Cr)EU c{O?F ,n (n !:u z fl*vv)K O?H T^chF U z f-tr*ua U F (,?'F T^OF v/ rrl uzll*UA F rFl a=7t, q F: u z ti x\)a: o)EA.3H d rd U\n v)i U)NV)!n Ch CN (\l u)rrl\at V)a c.f V)IN U)H (hc-l A AA c.l V)(t) A v)=6lr/J U (nA a=NV)<AA c.l u) a ()fJ-'r h ,9 a\n l-r++t o C)t-{o V)bo'-c)c l'rl E cal+tsi I ol$al ()I al t+r I AI vl o0 l trl 6l UIl,I 8l trl E,.I'=l ol Ell a)I FI I!-i I ct) lJI I OI OI 6Jl trl.l TI$l ot-ol cgl FI (u H,4 gE OQ gr ts.=rl!$E EE#d.xl;E Itr A tsE-<e&\r t-*HE$Eg ,*E*Egd.gFgF a 9 EI (9 tr, h FI Ca.a 3 (u L c I I\t q)E I (t)+.(9 n gh-a a (h U)O (a a U)o q)6)H tr Flr F l-F t<F H F 6 tr B F L F L<q)L 3 ut ts a-t 6E E&z z z z z z z z Ef,Eg (l)5 a 0 V)U)U)V)(n V)a a Ege*Fr8 ({ 'E rO E-$'H$l-r L C)A l-i O A tr L L lr-A:ErabE FE;F'*E 3E E A g6't)-a U) l-l!3 .il EE dE c,lu tr{n9\JO N,EEcifi &,=n;\JO&titrAfl E?s\JO&EE.o0J nFtV 2E \JO&EE ni#,9 E n;\JO&EE.o0)/1Ftrr'=3;v9 J*dl*i0Jtr.(.)()AT(F/ns\ro&EE.()O nTltV ns\JO/,EE.()0)n i'1 tv raE geE c)(l)Ul aXE+.,15 ()5 (.t ()CA I z z z z z 2 z z gE$h EO (u 6t U (ur\ I vlr (na ao (a q rrl H H&*frl rt d rYl It H&*rrl l+l iiM ddf r'l't H&"B frl F+i*f r'l Hi H&*f r'l t+i H&EE -EEEF&E 6 c I ti I?h*)I 6 e)t-5 6 o rd ca F-r-ca r-f-c.)r-tr-co f-F-ca tr-f-ca f-F-c.ll'-l.-ca F-t*-a0 tt F ra U (n U cr)U a U a U a U a U a U (t)EE Eg.3 '5 a8 ria F 8=in cn !: u z fl H\i rt)U F O?F lnQF U z fl*IJ V)E 9,E t,?ah uzii x\)a-O Ar-it, a F: uzii x\i. a U F U?F hv)t: u z li*,\-) (A F 2E TnqFU z i+r x L>A F (, v)-:'^ (A F v) rYf uzif*\)a 9 C-l H=fAaH u z fl*\) u)E q, trrt.3H 6 rg aA u)=6t u)U (/, A (h=c.l (A AX cn=c-l cn ,t) n u)=(\l (h U nn (t) =N(A<(hA u)=NV)(hA (n=(\a.U aX (h=of u) o C)fr.,91 a!n t-r++C)c)l-.(J a bo (.)t'vl ca+F o O O a b0 (J C)a rI]()F U)\o (t I s C)3 F gE s'&e*H.=rt!TE FE g5 cl tr f;E Efu iF fr\J ,t-tHESH E ,tsriF ,*E}ggs TA g tr (u e tr td Cr o-o)li cl I I t o E q}a+.q)tt ta E (A a 0.)(t q)V)U)C)g (D F{!F$r F F l-U f, t<F o)L 3 ra rg a t<Lr fr gE z z z z z z*b e F-HtsE E ? A c)-ra (A a cn 6 a U)&a EFFF F{8 6t 'E rtC f;s rc(5 tr C)A L rr P=tr?Y,q 2 E\ro)d iY=Xko.E 9E trv aql EUiJ d..iY=KHri E P=g9'! l'/ E F A:ti XFo.aa2 E ra R E FA;.F'tr i =E E i g6r')E H'>. O u'i EE dtr o=11 eE\JO&EEci# &,?vo&EE.o 0)1-'\ f.l. tV d?;V\J&,:;tr;S E-?;vv& E E.0)c)nlFtV.qv 9E.vv>t 9L 9E:\^!vv*e!f,Et (AHE+.*o)I I (l)a-z z z z z z gEg h s0 ()5 d L)(l)H!(t) o (a*rrl t+i*frl H*rrl f+l ii&a!iH a OP ta t.,g h-c5-EE*H Hf;.=F&, rn ra a L I v, (l)6*)L 6 (l)f.l c.)F-tr-cn c-r-ca f-r-ca t---an c.l q0 tr F-t U V)O (t)U V)(t)X U X U EE tra.3 'F 35 rda F o?tr itrat u z fl*li v)F FE (t) (n !:u z if x\) (n U F ()?F T^qF atl uzilr x J(h tV A F 2 r!Y t)s6+8,?z r,r=^I{\JYtV ^/ l-ar xi-,v\J>)t-7x xsttDFio EZO=.o zz rrr;^-\JY x* tr xf-.L/\J>J-'7X v rYl rYl ?4fi Z E = E J-*)trA.gE , ct r-\E v, Yl (h=.{a (/, !c-l A O ,hn a=(\lr/)a*u)=Rg c.l\n I rYl z ol 6l\o rYl z c{ a O fr.h ,9)U)\n t-r$+(,)o ti C)a bo t-{c.)rq ca+o a)l-r O a b0 U (.)rrl C)F a I C)a aL I$(.)-o F gf$E is H.=r!l SE aL EE EU r-E f5?&3E&\r t-siQE$EF.AiEE}g$F ch I c)EI e gi E lI o-{tr li GI a c)t o g g)a+.q)F?a r a a c)(h a U)0)a I-.{)F U U U U U E 3 (a fr L l-.+<frE Eg z z z z z*b e$Ftsg (l)ta (rt Ch (h V)v)V)iFE*F,l I ol 'l ts9&?p H$q a6 EUi'i:l=XFri E 9=tr9*=?.Y3 Ev()d;Y=Xha E gr-t(=,:a Ji\Jb F A:=XFo.E^L;-?.:9 E\Jo)d:Y=XHA P=trv?.:3 Evo)I iR VU Ndtr;TH'; E ra *"C E F"H F E-96v)-=(n fEr 9.1 EE dti 0.F tjEr>t 9L 9:?vv>l'FE'-v I 9E:\F!vv h 9L 9?:\='vv>, rlV 9L 9::O)O rat gaE cJ(I)ra (n fr E+.E (9-I c)a ,h E z z z z z EEg h g0*)3 c U q, r\ g)v, cn=(Ao (n 6 9?B a oP U)pg (h eg a oP..HE r FEEF& rt) cn o 3lr c)IA q)ra T 6 (l)L o rs 6t*), E\n c.)t-ca f-\n ca c.-l.n ca t,-IN cal'-EO tt n F z U F z U F z U F z U F z U EE EA FE F& ZF rtl n H rr'!r?l tV-)H\J 5F U=x=&h Et=oz F z[I]v, H E
- E&)i3FJ oxuE li4frBA.'13<nzAlIgLq F z rrl A!E]4J!44 7iNR&\J i- -. i.-,f \ 4 l lrlV e d g F-rYrFin>72 gHL-F z rrl n t!tV)H Zi&B&v .vf r\ 4 l lJ.lX 9 d g Fr?r .1 >7 Z H!L tV rYr&S rYl-)n ii*U H 4, 1O XV&$Z rria-.n7tv I q)trA EH g rd tiE K2 o\s z rrl z c.l\n c.)z=z c.l\o ca z fi z N s z F.z c.l U)()tI{h ,9 (n\n:f,:fF c)(.)t-r O U)bo C)t'r'l ca+c)c)l.i ()U)bo U C)F]c.)F (n I C)o ca I\F C)p tr I ()gE$'&is-.=r!l SE-I gE gdtr. 3r TE EF{BE&\J t-+HE gEE'hs+? E d gF$B tA I (9 E L frl CH-(l)L*E I u\i q)g (J (A+'e)?a-a a U)o (n o 0 tr (9 h U U U U U c)!?h L}r tr lr frE E&, z z z z z*b s F:f;Eg g? a c)ta (a ct)U)&(n a (t)EFEF r-{ B t.t 'tr tsO rs rd8 E EE ar=2,Yo ii\JE...i:z=X Hd 9 6UF r\ ,::;\Jo)4-iY=Xko.I E9 tr d.aod r\ =2 E \J o.)I AY=XHA OJ Ep!rC7 'q 't)Evo),iY=Xbo.E 9=tr?v.? 2 5vo)d AY=Xbo.:EioRE F Fe f E g6v,E EEcl ti v)F h>l 9L 9::OO 9t-q=f;x!vv>l Ptr 9E rft sBi 9(I)ut (n & E+.!{)I e, (l)q U2-t z z z z z gE$r, EO 0l d U q)r\ I vli tha ao a a 0)U)eH q)eE a-_ 0)ch ()leE EE i EEEFga Tn a L I (A q)-6 g-6 q)14\n ca t-\n ca f-ln cn F-l'n ca f-\r)ca t--q0 E FE F z U F z U F z U F z U F z U EE ry.=h 3E frl n.1.r'r&S;; Strl?5/U'Xry4$Z r!eOZ&tVryr &rtl -tVJtsh 6*94fr+2 r!=AZ&, tv r!X 6l E I U=xYj&+z rtt a= n '7 tV.rYt H F? g {, H=a\/;^.fav xg&+z ivr a- n '7 lw tVrr'r M t 4? g i, X=iorF,X e 04 + Z rrj=oz&t (D E/A.3H f.]s z z c\N v z z c-l c-l$z I z C-l ca s z z N co+z I z 6l a ()=fr, ,!)a\n$+ts a)C)l-r O a b0$-r C)H EO+tr o C)l-r ()U)bo U c)H C)F a I o U)m I$a)p F (l)H4$&6o EEI-.=r!l TE-L gE Eci trtr TE E&?F il\r.R sHEFE E iiliE 6S.dEE*EHd" gFflF (a r-{)e H TI o q)2 6 I I$c)E I v)+.q)C'u)E ,t)O.t U)c)v)O a*)F{U U U U U{)li A{J rt c L L<fr Llr frE Eg z z z z z*b g Httsg ,H? A (u 3 a Fb U)U)U)V)V)V)i$F*?a r{ O)(*l 'E rOfr F,0 lr5trl 'q E EE-ti=.:a JiL/6R Ffi P=tr9=E (5 4-..iY=x hd O=v?.:9 Evc)-,{:=XHa.E 9=try? .: 2 Evo)F6.d:F-Eo.o?.:e Eva)-iY=XHo.:Erae-E FA;.FEI =E = =OrF.v)=Ehvrh 9q EE Gltr 0=r=>l 9L 9: v 9L 9::'i E:v!L 9:.vv'Fv H 9::\^rvv>'*l<9: 'vv reE gHt CJ(l).A cn X E+r;o)rD I q)q o ts z z z z z 3E$r.o a0 (9-G (J q)7\ (}vl-(aa ao u)a a'lP U)eg (A eg a lvE a oP.Et -E E E F gE 6 o!r I U)*)I 6 o L U 6 (l)rd[n ea f-\n ca c-\n ca t--\n ca I-r\n ca t--b0 E x F z U F z U F z U F z (J F z U EE (U .-IA frb F8 rdo lV.ryt &R3 g i, vt--4 U=Xry4+Z r!=AZ&rYr&g; Dtrt?5 t F: U=Xry&+Z r!=OZd, F- rY1 ZU Et&rrl r"-l&)ti\J OFFCN U=XYi&ca r!=OZ&- rYl ZU t4J rY,=&5 rYl&>):r\J OFF(N HDfrs r.a=OZ&fTl f\/FL rr'!&aH--\1*a-tr/ \3\J ii 56sn-E q)trr^.3H F'v s z I z c.l s
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- ft g tl.(u trA.gE frt Af;ZX KV c\I o-v c{&ca ir zft N&l'-Fl Fa. t1 o-v N&oo Iri t:i zfl o-v NM (\i iF zfl o.v (\rM a O h ,!l (t)\n$+o C)r<C)(t)bo o E]ca+(.)$l O a oo U O a 5 I'r'l o F a J C)U)E I$o F q)H4 s'a!x5-.=r!!sF-sL EE EO_qQ tr nr;E H(J N rrl N q*rrl n s I rr'l o\l s I rrl o\n*rYl n1r A.ts=?e& \,, ca+rrl ca 6i+rrl oo oi+rrl o\oo 6i+f r'l oq a-l+rrl@6i t5 sFtE$Eg.daE*Egd.$FBF a{J (9 L rd fa.i-*)L 6 I (}ri.(9 6)L I (n C!.(l)-iA E z a.t u)Ch c)U)U)c)g.e)F Lr L<F t<Lr 9r F 9r B g a E tr*r L fr fr l-<l-{gE zzz z z z z*F g 3Ftsg I (u 3 o h (n (h']rt)CN U)5 U)J u)v)J sF$F F{8 N'I tsO&9p H5 t{oa),9:-)(g bE 5 5r =rud5* E h oo)o t\bE;-c oi =rg VUL Oo a).'lE bE*oi =E F rDO trq ootr#O I V): OY 88 a:^a 88 aE be 88:Erae,,E E EIEE!, iE E E gA1')F vJh>rO t.i ,gE dtr (aF FI c)F\JC-X*E>,lr u)o=&, -6 E.Ar\ H r\\J \J>t+<u)o=v vtrE Mgq-nr\ k r\vv>tlr ao=\Jtr!X9tr-^r\ H r\vv*f!HET O(l)72 (a&E+.-(l){J g)
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a C)Ir..h ,9)a\n$1F o C)li ()V)b0 o rq*ca+C)(,)t-r ()a:J bo U (.)rrl o F ch I o a E I$o-o F c)B4$E 6e H.=r!!TE f,li gE hx Y!'l-r &TE ca+rrl c'i tt= A.t-<e& \r, ca I rYl>-: l3 strE fiF IFEI E 6S ,*E EB9 v(l)Ea FZgE gggtr (A q)E L 14 li>-l (u!r c I TJ rt o (l)L t)(n F c)UA ,E a O rh a cl)a at z a e (u Er H B tr F l-F frFF H U tr F g t ii IA L rre EE 6ttr (n -J tlL./ tr o vc-qP\Jtr C),qe\JC\Jq>r L<u)o=vs!E.gc--r\ H r\l/ \J 3E&EE.o0)nirtv.s Ft Ef,B CJ(l).h (AEE+.-o)I I q)a IA a FI zzz z z z z z$E$h o o0 (l)J 6t U c)U?, an ao o*rrl Hi H&*fYl'+i ii&dd rrl Hi*rrl Ltr H&*rrl i+i.B 17)H H&q rrl!+l EE IE E E F& I ',t)s^qcg!i e.i 5 .'i c)ly')-rf s a*I 'r,-1 6l.g V)#$o 3 L e)a (9 T cl q)L A. a.\E FJ oe u)^N'Jr r- V)F x2xs/ \J Z<rE K 6 ?TUd F Fr /\a J\J-tU)L/(t O\9 c!-c-::lrnoo!:r N-r f-U V)rr)V)ca oq c.)fr z ca I oq ca z rrl tr o ID 6l*)td oo t--oo f-oo Ir-@t--oo t--oo I.'-co t-r o0 tt le (n lr a lr (t')(h fa (A v)X U&EE v,.5-3 'E 38 rda I z I (r)4F r\ \Jal -) l+l A iA ,^,t\I z v FXt+t r) v-c.t ) rr O. (h Ca rrllTr (h\-V)Afg h'n.^rrl FU)\a f \ r\HVV (h TEH 9 A H&'-c'kF Ff 9^14&3Fr*r cyaF zFl f.: rr't#&H!4iv-H*<91 E, M FZrr' tfl=o&tr4 N E q)trr^.3H frl (h (nh c\z a V) /-c.r A (t)(t) Ac.l Z 5 q c.l A C\l I a U)c-.1 c{I (t)(t)6l F M F I U)(h o c.l oo U'U C\ a o 5f'r .h.g)o\n t-r s+ts C)o t-r ()U)bo l-r 0)rI]*ea+(.) o C)(t)J oo U O 5 H C)F o J o v)m I$(.)F-.(9 H4 sa ig-.=rf;TE aL gE"Hd t-r tr;E ca rrl c-q f-rt= A.BE&v+frl cr}R\n l-strE sEg.*E Eggs C'){t)F L frl CT>-r-(l), GI I (J!tr tr*)g I (A+.o)rg a a-U)CJ.h o U)()a U)0 (t)0)-.c)F tr F H B L F l.r F L F lr F.qt-aa L li tr L lr*r FE (n a q)q)a a z*F e E-Htsg E ? A tr (l)3 (4, C,)V)U N N N N N N U)iFF*a ri(9 e{ 'E EO&, b0 EEi-- Gt tr 0.)va=tr LE LX-vH 9s!)i62 ad so L:!l iFq)4:r IA d odO tr:c)*Fc.)1:.d*odO k:a)*Fo ax c5O L< c)9n=F EFA H qSo t6: Ad r-- O h oX=tr-EEA-sH otro f63 rv FO d:<-?Fc)u)x v A\ooL/-Ii 0): E .' F.E g Eb*E E 5i= # E u=dvrrr EE Gttr a=trl ns\JO g,EE.0)C)AFt^/?;\./ o&EE.o0)^F*?E l/o d,:itr ,o0)nirtv n vv& E E.o0)f-\fl^/=n;UO& H E.oc)n l.1'1 tw (r') g EiI 5 v v?.)Etv. a v.LV Fqp.U as vv NEE.OO nFtV:fr8 gHE.9(l)?A (A & E+.o 3 t)o)a-z zzz z z z z EE$Lt b0 q)J qt U (l)r\ I az (no a*f r'l Ftt iifr d fYl ft"ld rYl i+i F&*rrl t+i*fYl'+l'i&"d rr'l ft H&d rrl t+i"HE r EEgH$B'=z v a(g:< ct-r 5.i., (t)*$-a L 9 th (u-6 (l)t t+r) r\vv (t) tz UEft z6r+tq O\ oo nlt-T+r-*oo r-DK v@tt-N] -)N v oo t-SK@H eQ rvl P\q r\ -\JXU/Y.\N NU[i M&:)nr-?6rA.oo 14 c-l ft1 N r\\JXUtV /n pN'l r\ FrD Y N HNn. l -T c..t 0l U N s co f-NK FY.o cB o Td oo f-c-\o r-r-r-c-\o c-oo ca f-@cn f-Ir.t--t-r-a0 tt ,t E U V)X U X U X U X U X U X U X U EE EA.3 'E frA A v Z=A i,r VH.z FKH]aX4 z !t i (-) Yl o rrl J^ASF x r l-\Jv AEO.fYl J A+^-l H9 X t I- \J \J rA tL O.rrl J 1*t5fr A+AH}P x r-\J\J A IJ. O.U)NN;^o.f Y'l N 4 j v) t\/ A.A 9AH EV AtV'l rrlB rr'r R?*t\,1 lV !{ NII]Jx 5 p z FrrtsAr\ +tsu4i- 7.BtrO:g1caFa I c)EA.3H rd=rY nt F\n co r tf)n (\a\o ca r rfr n<i c\4 t-r ca r\n n&E ona\r)r\o a$U?MIJ N0.\n l\o v)$O&U6I O.U\n rlf)u)$U M9ci O.TN r ltl v)v UP&L'6l O. a O F-'.h ,9 a\n Lr s+h o C)Lr ()U)bo (,)Ivl ca+C)C)l-i o U)bo U 0)=t'r'I C)F U).'l ()a tr I t C)F g#$E es Etr H.=r!!5E-L HE gE ti Fr SE ZOFt r\ca rrl\n cJ f-b&iE X L,/+rrl C-l n\n t3+FlE gEE rng ,*;*EHd.$Ef,F ttt 13 (9 tr rd tr c h I Q)L 6t I (J+c)(l)h c)(n c\.*)rE TA H a c.)a U) o U)o (h U)0.)a a*)Er tr tr F!B tr B l<t!F*l L t I (A c: H rr tr L Ii lr f.E EE Z z z z z z*b e F'HEg g? a tr (l).3 UJ h (n U)a U)a (n (n iges ttB GI .E Hg&?p H5 k 0)tC)a(J trs ootrlr A fi l-<:EraF.E nat-.91*i = E F 7 86)E.gE dli o=E?s vv&'iitr dS P'I 7<=p YaE H3E.Lvtr'r ^ f ) v nHE v6!lY. a) itri &E NE vv& E E.0)a)nF*?E\JO&EE ,o0)r1i:il=?.;vv& E E.oa)n Fr'1 ^/rfr!gag.CJ(l)IA a H E+.E c)iJ I t?a-z z z z z z EEB Etng h a0 (I, rt GI U c)7\ I VL (n=v)o a s rr'l f+i q rrl lt*frl t+i*rYl!+i.HE l TE*H$E'=e j t" a<B!'l c.i x6l v.9 V)r$o I L t)ra e)-6l'o)h v co f-t5t'iN I I s t-I O c/)6l;$r-U V)I c{I I p U N U N Oi U N 9 c o frl r-f-$r--*r-l.-\o t-f- \o F.F.\o f-a0 E At E X U U (n U (h X U X U X U&E.E EA.3 'f;3E fEl O z o*r+rHnr\ +Y ii tl HV F A 3 k (htrFa Jtv \ r-!lrAP P d ieY 2 !: n rnEi9&,/.d, F/,9N!l l:1D!-- lr] i{ f! u)VU)rJtFU)l! 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'J'^t-i^HIH (r) c{ (n+ c..l ts r-r#H Mr-M ttl ot A\O t!x I x H HLt?;in*H&r--M ttl 5 ct (u FI oo c\*t'-f-Irr c-I.t N\o c-l o\[n c.l f-u0 rtr tr X U X U X U X U X U X U U U)!itr 8.9 EA.Tb a8 frt A?'j (\t y c.t v ITA\J vrV \ v)H (nn&X-vm&Ui-i&(\zt\/ ^ rY r-F;JI!H (no.J FF rYl'JlV. iA lV. z^/-fr F:JTq g (t) o. J Tr rYl JH&v)&tVm r,r t*{lr lt= tlr ,. F e p c (,h i- Z- Fi l-t v yu NZFU)Fi-(9 EAa, h'l.--E c-l 2i61 2 c.l 2F&Y r\2 c.i (h c\lol I a c\l rr'lol!'rl l-p NM r/jc.l fl: tr-=c.l M 3ca rF\2 c{a a O fa h ,9)(t)\n$1t ()c.)L.l C)(t)ao l-r o rI]E ca+ts C)C)C)V)b0 U C)a rI]O F a.'t C)a E I$c)t-l L 6)HT$E gs ir .g rf, SE f,L f;E 8Qtr Fr EE rx A.FE gv ll.-sHE EHFSE E ,ts I'r F ,*E EF9 voEa$F$F ta t q)c , H fH-q)li cl I I tc (9 E e)(n+.(l}rE o H a U)o a a v)q)I (l)Er U U U-L tr F fi F ti B q)L-a=t<t<l-r H tr tr Lr gE q ()z z zzz z E gts E ,H? A I q)an (a (t')ct)U)(h o V)V)EFE*F{8 ct 'E rO dE0 Egi-J GI E g=9E 7X!Evc),iY=XFA I a6 EUiJ F A== Xho.E=trP!=?.\9 Evo)4-i :=XhA Sr Oo 6),?d^x5 v!{c<v*F 9V*tr oo ,\riE bE E/1l<5 v!?tr'ud v!-vv t<^g nl_'58 UE'q:--j4-v(Ji.0)t!vvlr Oo a\.'lE dE E^x5 v(Jd.vd:EraF.E E *,
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rrl rrl btrFr EHEH o 3 e L I u, q)^r-6 q), tr o J 6 (t)H\n ca r-r-r,-t--f-oo ca f-oo ca Irr 00 ca t-oo ca tr-o0 E A-U U)F z U F z U X U X U X U X U ET E.5.s '$-J8 rda&9 l! $rtJ- fl1 N g o ,R ,F-2 il Fr,6rz'Z N-;\ s XHRiir i !! li \J i< Ir l*i t!&MO.(hO.z 9Q:, F ut =\JFFr14 r!&MA(hA At utt&o.iE ilEH p, d E frl,l/.t rts\J tV AI UA&o-Iq!i r)!l=6 iifF rrlrl ;H v \./*tW UT?tV ^ 111l+r -:l ilE:'4,"tu8^tl\J=&UAt\/ ^ fn 4 ilE?, H*F 3 q)tr /i,.38 u rd?fi r[\2&Y c\a I X p I a t\X ,4 ol C\I V)v)C-l ca I (/)U)ol co I U)a c\c.t ca U, (t)ol (n C)fr h ,!l (t)\n k$:tr o I IO I ct)loo lk loI rr'l I lca l+lc)to I t-{l()la l+r I t=t^loo lu IP lo lar lct lEr lc)l ,.q lF I l-lu)l;il 0.)la ld lm I ll l$la) IE ld IF o ET$E 6c H.=r!l SE-L gE h-Y EL'tr. lr TE?nr FE fiu r3 sFlE sEg ,*;T E a9 figgrs (A I tr n)-L q frl ti o-c)L 6 tlJ t o)g ()a*.q)E a t FI 4)().'C)a o a o ta a.t a-(9 F tr F tr F L Blr F tr B+i F Ir lr (l)L-ta E k L rr!I H L L FE z z z z z z z z*F g E*ts8 E ? 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FEE *b*E EE.=6E ho.9E dtr (nF tt C),qe\JE a)\Jq 0)t.$ FE EflE 9(9ea tt) c)I I*)Q H z z z z z z gE$lr EO$5 d U*)UH (al ao a*rYl FT H&dd fY'l'+i*rYl Hi.U rrl t+l d rrl!+l*rYl rt.Er -tr*lQHA E.E F&8 6 c 3 a L rJ a o)A-G*)L f-@F rr1 rrl r-*\of r'l rrl f\n=r\\J IN D 'r L./ H U I rn\J=I\.l tf-nP 3*{)H oo Ir oo r-oo tr-s tr-*f-@ tr-EO E!a fr V)ft (h (n U)lr a fr.a EE tia*'E 38 Fla gz ao-in. l-r\\Jf,\/x?,a\i X : -.p,a g Y g3 7F LI Y ? A Y & : -.P,A F Y FF 1=44 l'jx\J F r-r N fAk-9 z =lll A t) r\ tvv^Y Fr 1-\J=4v)lnx\J F r-t tV HU)H 9 z i rr] J T\/\/\lhY FF 1-\J=44 t';x\J F I-t t\/ lll Ha=H z =l.rt A -) r) t\/\lnY Fts\-v=4cn t;x L,/ F r-r N Fi.,'=U7Zl{ n t) r\t\/ V A. Y 3 EI q)tr /rl TE rd U (n[n U)(n /1&V (\a\n\n a (t) -&x r\Z (n at u)^&Fc-l A\o\n a (h^&V 6lz'U\o\.}a v)^&Ec'f A\o rn U)u)^&=c{a a C)F-'.h ,9 CN\n$+F 0.)a)l-r O a oo l-r C)f!ca+()9a C)a oo U of ?l O l-/L (t\c)(h I$c)p F q)E4 s&Ag=tr H.=r!!SE ah gE g5cri A fE ts&?F&!, rt.-St{E e,llcgSH E di-i4 (45 ,*E*hHd.$FgB u2{J o o lr Ei Td tr c q)lr 6 I TJ+(u{l)L I (a F.q)rE O)I a U)a a ()v)0)a-(l)Fr lr F tr F t-F t-H H q)L-ut E L l-tr L lr B frE E&z z z z z z*b s Ettsg#? a (l)5 v)>: rt)v)U)o Cn V)o V)a J;EE gggs F(8 FI 'E HO f;.g'H8 N'tr lh ,\z=\NA N.F ?, v=\NA N'trq.v=\n A.N.FA tn O" L<lr lra 9: 1U)FO\ -O 0)F(A:ErnF.E l!ll.L,gii) Eo.E?'1 E = ci # e er^U?^ vr tta ,EE 6tr (na x ()F\Jtr\J'l,/ tr o H n;UO&EE.oc)/.\irrv*aE sat E &{l.9 g o IA E z z z z z z gEg L a0*)-6t U e)r\ t v'.(a=ao (A*frl f-rr"d rrl fil*rrl l+l ii&.d rrl tl q fr'l F+i lr bEF{EEEH$ad tr$Xcn 5.ic)U)#\t o I t I CA Q)-6 q)L V)ca I oq ca fr z I oq c.l fr U)c.t I oq ca fr z c.l I oq ca fr c I 6t q)I s f-s r-.t tr-v F.C-l\o h0 tr rtr la (h (r a la o rr U)X U F z U rltr 8.9 Eq.=h 6,8 trl A I a-lA rYf H\Jf,f)*A = s H X,4 3&V)6lOi Fn rYl H\J.ri tv/-F 9/.=1 r{o.)g,u)6rA Q NA rtl H z !: eH *A l+rt-MU)61O.KA rYl Ht{vL(, tV. -FH *6 gt-Mrz z-i H Y=!:4tr44il E R 8 2 rYl F-r-=F-&2 o. S g?FDa-U z(n OFtrH UZFd,=s c)trA.3=5 ct frl 6l I U)U)c.l c\Cn V)(\U c.i I a U)N c.l I (h CN C!U (t U)V)a c.l ro F U)(r)ol a ()tJ.i ,!?a\n s+F C)c)()a bo l-r ()rI]ea+a.)C)f.r C)(t)=ao U a)=rrl C)F o J 0)(t)fn I s C)-o F gE$E is Etr-.=r!TE F!L dE#.3 crcr TE EFr IE fr \,, at*FtE A FI F gEE (45*; E d$gFF.A*)(9 olr trl rati (l}!r 6 I c)t{)(9 li (J a F.(l)E NA I a.a a 0)U)a.)a 0 a-6)Er*r H B!F B k!t Lr E o E L t<r<L*i tr*E z z z z z z z*b s-(9tr EEEg g? h (l)-(A (A CN J (h J U)J a 5 a V)J U)iFF*-8 (\ 'E EC ES trl (5 lr Oo),rl :!. ii.)d o(g--q!Lg-J5 v(Jd d v!vv*l<OO ,9:.-d 6E-c 9!U-J=V(JF d vs-9V-L<oo),;E bE E!^-v5 v(Ji v!vvlr \,o)6\'t!E bE-q!iv^.v=v!?tr d*F vv!Oo).aZ h=-c 9,lv^J5 v!?tr fi v!F ,i gv i-r Oo ,l riE:r=-c^x=v!{c d v!-9V ti Oo a\.'xE 6G 5r =.ud5* E:E,aR.EF *r*E E f,E..F E rl(n-=ch vr fr ho T.F AE 6!tr aa fr{>l H v)v Y, E E-^U,liU>l fAA 9c!Xgs a^U':U>l L ao7 vtr!X9tr-^r \ L r\\JV>t L<v)A vs!g'9tr.Ar\ L r\\J \J>l L v)o=-v vtrE Mgs-^r\ li f \vv l-{v)o7 vy wtr.=M9tr 2A U;iU>t H?9E vtr!c4gc-^r\ L r\vv.{ FE E *--g cJota ch & *F.E*)I I q)a (a tr Hzz z z z z zl.: r E EE cJ (t) d cr:U r, bt)(9-!c U (l)Ug (a=cno (n dE frl t+l ii&*rrl I+i*rYl F+i d rYl tl d rr'l f+t*rrl rt"HE : S;EH$la (g Xco 6c\o V)#t g li I u)(u-6l Q)L rt)J P-l z z v)']F-)z z U)J F\z z U)J z z a J z z o\1.z\J z9 tl J 6 (l)r-'t-oo t-.oa l--ool.-oo t-oo ca t--oo co F-oo r-a0 rtr rq fr (n X Q X U X U X U X U X U EE EA.3 'E 3,8 Fla-tuilF!*rtl q ;t "'1 F-taZ H\g (n rYl:cxA BE6 FA\J \J JUJ U)rrlr\ A F v!.^rYFl \./ Fl U)frl (rt A H\/353o. r+il<irlVZ r) Fr HV) (n \,/nH-r\r-r Y AaH tsl+F'&H JorU 0.Fn=rt{v 4UF) cn \,,r AH-=og V)4Ei H'F'Jr--JC\U otr SLcaF: 14 r) Fl!E x 6l '-rrFF.O OUXXE a: U rl.(l)tr tl BEI rd I CN U)C-l t--I a V)ol 00 I (4 a c-l I a u)c.l c.i ca I V)a C\ca e-l I a (n N.if e.i I V)(r)c.l U)O tr.{h , (.)U)\n!r$+ts o ()o a ao L.'i C)14 ca+o o c)U)5 bo U ()U rY'l c)Q L C,)'l o a m I s 0.)F q)E#$&e*-.=rts..r =tf :=aL gE E(j.rFr s'"- VT Z}?*?F frt/TI sFeE gEE rns ,dUE Eg$F a j ()L r-'l-CH o 3 (u li 6l I I t g)(l)L t)(r)+.{)rE a FI a a a U)0)a U)v)C)g I.9 F L tr I-t Flr Fl-F tr F tr F I A I a o E t<L*r 9r 9r tr tr FE zzz z z z z*F g E*?g#? a: (l)0 (a (h V)U)(h V)a (h iFes r-8 ot'E-O&?p H5 lr OO t\'. ir..d dE ,c^x-v(J6.vfi v!F L Oo sr---(!*-rJ=(Jd:v<)<*tr fr Oo)a)rJ..s::=U E^.v5 vC)F d vI-9V*lr OO ,9: '.d h=U-c^.v-v!{c d v&F 9VH Lr A U 6)ri-,-(g bG t-95 v()-!vd v!F.i F l-r Oo.O 6E-c^J-v(-)t d!t F: E ." F.E l!4L,9*E-E='J tr=c=-Ftrr..l t't v/ =6v)ri I .F!AE dE rhU k>, t<(no7 vs!&9tr-^U,liU (to=Y,.6:-^UJiU!rA A 9V\JqE x9q.Ar\ L r\\/\J>t li A v)*Y\Jtrjj M9tr.At\ H r\\JV>t$r u)o=vtr!M9tr.Ar\ k r\\J \Jlr ao=v vcE&9tr aar\ F f \vv>.li v)v vtrl: M9c.Ar\ l- r\V\J rfr!gBH.CJO.A cnXE+.E q)5 I (u a.a T z z z z z z z gEg!i o b0*)6 U*)r\ Q)vh v)=ao (a*lYl'+i ii&s rYl!t*rrl f+l{rYl rt*rrl H-OtrFl rrO EE*E E E = z e L I a o E 6t 6)L c\(n+l F.\*r\Jl=UX a4 .^1+ H c-.1 v)!'- oo H6\=oPq T+3 V)J Fr z z a J z z (a'.]z z F aco UU rD 6 q)rd oo t--oo r-@f*.@r-a r-oo ca tr-c{o\b0 E FO X U X U X U X U X U X U X U E.E lra.3 'E 6,9 14a ng Svu:i l&l f \
- Fl:E ;( c! F'l iFAA OUX=l.',1-lr\./
EcaJU*v l{ f \ Fl:E X c'r il r'.trp.O OUXX=vY A(hFlLJV r\xc{3Ea aiJ F- L,,/ \JF r 7\rrr F \J V /Y.'FiF 3na v) '-l J lfi ^Hvxrri t- v X xor\J--IJ u)FlJ IT! A Hvxii i- \J=Fv iivu r,FL,/F (A !-rr\ P M r=4 Hr:r) ia XXtu/:Y6: t{)trr .3==e\n co U)a c\l ca CN (h c{Irr cn V)(t)c\oo ca I (h U)N (t)V)e{v I U)a (\C\l$(r)a c! a C)fr, h.!l a\n Lr$+h a)c)CJ U)bo t-r C)rI]ca+(.)(.)()V)bo U o fr\t+{C)F a't C)rh t/n I s C)fd L c E4 s&6e ts.=r!l TE aL NE L-Y E(J*-i A EE ca I rrl v c.;!iA FF&v+rrl q col 'lt sFlE EF E EHE (t) t ,*E rlF9 E(l)ECL HZE.3 figgtr a tr Q)E T Ct-(9 L cll a I s o)c)Ll g, (t)+.(u t 1n FI U)0)a't)0.)a 4)U){)C, c)a 6 (9 E tr F!F L F tr F L ts L t-B q)L)ra o*!lr I-r Hlr$E z z z z z z z z+b e E Htsg ,H? A o-(h>1 a U)(t)(4 (4 U)J V)a J (r)J iFe*0 t-l (9 N'E-O Elh0 EE H.q Oo al r!=bE;-tr^J-v(J-a ,i F tr vc)a, l:.?d 6E s-:z-\Jo=n v9L L.A U ,t't!E bG-c^J5 vq)F 4 v!-F lr Oc),9-.-(g 6G d^J5 v(JF v!gv L<oo)a)': '.6 h'=U-c 9rv^i45 v!?tr'ud v!F vv l<oo a\rlG ht t4 I Ai45 v!?tr R v&-ri F H Oo)n).'5G v-c^J=v(J-v!9U*Lr Oa)rl riE:rE'q*^J3 v!?q.v<v&F vv:ErnF.eil *!*E{ = d.I tr (n'JE EH EE rh5 r-, E>l k ao=vc!Mgc-^UEU h (t)OE*v Y, F E?A U'=U>'H v)d7 vtr!X.q)c?-, UJ:U>llr A v)\Jtr.=&9tr.A UJiU>, tr A v)PV vc5 MSJtr-^r\ L r\V\J>l tr A V)YA v vtr.=c49tr.A UJiUlr?9E\Jtr!x9q--r\ L r\v\J h ao=v veE M9tr?A r\ F r\vv gHE: E &,.8*\.ql I g)a-z z z z z z z z r-{ .9 h E EB 9(/)6t (t) U t a0 c)U O Og (45 (ao (r)*rrl t+l*frl f+i*fYl l+l*rrl!t*rrl l+i*fYl!t*rYl I+t*rrl I+i Er -E E E F&E 6 g L I (h q)6 (u ti F Um p!t F U^^t*=o c (D I oo co F-c.l c.l oo ea f-@t'-l,-oo c-oo trr E!-X U X U X U X U fr a.1 X fr a U)EE(9 .rq.+ 'E 38 EH PKV Yl.,,,-z2H j raFU ct)EV R>H rtr+r l*tJH r\ti\Jv 3?R F (h Fl lrDV nE4rr i-f \ tV::6=Fv Y j aFU Ao.F ah3 tqZ H\v U)A-E V;'tR UZ;t! Fl U)+4F*r\U RilE t.v)(h=fr)-v)-vv PF (na iu)!tr q)tr /t,.3H i FI\n*I (r)V)(\l tr-$(n U)N oo S Ch CN c\\n (h a N c-l U)(t)c{tr-c{(n U)c-'l ca a V)C-l v I v)V)c\ oo (h (J fY.h.g)(t)\n$lt C)C)l-r o U)bo'r'1 C)I v'l ca{ts (.)o o a bo U C)rrl C)F U)o a tr I\f, o F (l)EE s'&ge H.=rti SE ali gE Ed h&fE$I fYl oo t-3 rit oo t-s If r'l@t--EFi IE& L,'+frl oq+rrl oq+fYl oq t3*HE f,Es 6S ,*E EB9 v(l)Ea Fz'SEE 3fln v)E&IA I c)a E rd ci 3 c)L G I I tf tr q)q)lr I (a F.(t)E th E U)0).JD a a 6 0)a T q)E-i L H F!B L F$r F I F li o)li 3 IA Elr t-tr L Lr tr tr frE E&zzz z z z (h*b g EtEg E ? 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V vcE c4Pc-^U:U L rAA!v vtr.3 g 9tr.AU '.!: U L u)o=r\ Y vcE M9tr.A UJ=U h (t)o=r\
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$a ()trr ,9 v)\n$+h C)C)o (t)b0.F 0.)rT'l co+(.)c)f-r o U)bo Q C)E]o-L a ,l (.)(t m I$c)F gE SE as Etr ts.=r!SE d, gE g5 rrtr;E EF{FE fr \,,..9 SFrEEF 8 FHE rns ,*E'E'9\F(uEO.f;ZE'E.$ eflFs v)E&a IJ*)o t H TH b{)Ii d I I t (l)(l)lr I v)Cr.o)E Q-U)O a A)0)a 0 q)a tt a c)E-L F!l-<F l-l.r F Lr F{t)L u ll a k H k lr tlr gii z z z z z z z+F p f;ttsg g? a tr c){a UJ (a o J a J U)(t')a V)V)EFeF.A r-{ g)Gt 'tr tsO&q0 EEi;i d N'tra.v=\NA.N'tra.v=\No.I-r 0)*?q 0.)5bI a-(g (*HF-E r39c.t E lI]An0-Li qo&oI----E Ao-cJX 6rEI!i E ." g'.E E +e f; E ,qriv)F v) l-{EE 6tr a5 5r>l tr v)o7 vqb Xgc-^r\ F r'\vv A v)!v\Jct&sJE.A UFU rr v)o=vc!X.q)q--r\ r r\vv>l tr A v)A vtr!X9tr-^r\ L r\\JV tr ao=*y wtrE c4gs.Ar\ L r\\JV h ao=vc!H9tr a^r\ ! r\VfiV t<(aaE\Jtr5&9c-^OJ:U a HEi E&,8 t){J I ()U)!tzz z z z z z EEF (t) U L o0 (9-6 U*)z\ C)VL v)u (t) o (n d8 rrl t+i H&d frl Ltr*rrl Hi"d rrl tt EE -EESH F*.EE J(aV)E n" a(n!'l e.i 5.{o (n-t a L e)(A o)-6l E a ca o9 co z ca I oq ca rr I (\UlU c.l:X c.l Ul U c.l 40\X N Ur U c.t u*i&v oq ca r f'1 s I oq ca rr o 3 6t*)frl oo t-oo t-f-I (r'l\o ea t-.I c-l ca r-'I c.l\o C-l\o c.l o\\o b0 a E FI la a CN X U X U X U&X U X U E*EA.3E 38 frt A o>*=K H'o.*rFA FH=^1>\v\-Jlr')A? z cq H l*iFA o Jv)o.-l-=c.l-) \./s rYl i1 u)-\J '-J U&qEl F Ir=c'l>) v/I la rYl 7(hn VJ U&u)rrl 11 iF>) \lE FHi-v)Fl Y63E z lirr D 0.truo a z r=N L r7l l]r IL \J \J<uo CN J q)EA.gE H c.l I U)(h N C-l I U)a c.l 00 tn 00 I (n U)N oo\n 00 I U)U)c.l U oo \n oo I a V)(\.l F v F u)a o.l ol v F I U)a 6l \n a O fT, h.g)a\n$+ts a)o o (n bo C)fYl CO+O C)l-r ()U)bo U c)rI]o F a l 0)a I$o p t-,t q)E4 s'&ES-.=rts rE=E:=gE L-Y ELJcr Fr TE EFr FE Hrl ,b sr'iE gEE rns ,*E EFE v(JEa Hzg'=gggrs (A ta O I F L r-'t I CH h 6).L cl I I r+(l)c)k I U)c\.o)a I v)c)a o a a U)o a I q)E-il-{l-F tr F L ts ti F tr F g)I 3 ta ,<hlr l.ilr li gEzz z z z z z*b g g f;Eg g? a (l)t IA>'r (t)a a a a a 6 a EFeH rdB er'E rO HS 14S*?q. 0.)&bt d F = i-'ux Ntlrl L oa)nr':-.d U-q^v=L)d d v!t 9V!e 0.)6t ,v.-d h=E^j45 v(JF R vg L A v ,9:--(g bE-q*-J5 V(JF v!vv L<oo n).'5G!r=v-q 9iv^g=v(J-v!9VF H Oo).ai x=U-c!s9^J45 v(Ji d 9!F vv!Oo.o")UE-tr 9rv^x5 v(JF'o_d;: 9V*i E ." FE 5+t-g-Eae?e E = i=.X trt, tt1 F 6eJb EE dtr ct) -=tl>l H?9E v, F:-^(J':U I Y<=e YU)5 Xntr v rLvm ^ r\H_V I Y<=e YaE VA.L^ f \HHV I Y<=p Ya5 ly(5-0)=tri &a I Y<E9 v'hif tY 't) t VA tLa ^ r\HHv I Y<E9 vaif lVadtri frE I Y<=9 V,a!(Vat crifrE}HE E&E F.C'{)al I ()r Q Ezz z z z z z EHH E'dE qjw6t r'lu h o 00 ()3 G Q q)r\ I vtr (t) t ao (a*rYl I+l EE -TEEE$B'=e L I 9){)-cl q)li v I oq ca fr J F\v)3e J FT a 3Z=F\U)3e=F\a 3A=Fc)a=e=FT a ge tr 5 GI ()rd c\o\ca r'- f-co t'-r-co t--l--ca tr-f-co t.' F-t-ES A I X U Q (r)U U)U U)U v)U V)U a EE Eq.3 'f;3E ,ll-H t Ul v)a xi t Ur cna ol F Ul (h v)q^olv ta 9JV H { 9 rra6l 947.d<FA'*H v+ rr'l dr-l2 = 3 F ft'u' E i 9ea*R AH H v U l'Tl ntt-i HESF yL av)n-944*\g,^J (l)-trA.+E rg U c\V F U)(t)6l co C-l rh Ch c\!f, c\.l I a U)6l\n c.l I a V)Nl..c.t a U)c{oo 6l t V)CN (\C\I a a (\l \o a ()rr h ,s]a\n l-r$+t (.)C)t-r O ct)bo.F c)l'rl ca+(.)C)ti ()a oo U c)H C)F a I C)U)m I$C)s F (l)E4 s*E x .i5 H.=.:i SE Fts UE g(j ir{ il fE tsFr BE HL" rt sFrE EE fl frg.E 6S rdEE rrt9 ll(l,E9i se*F cA = &t)q)tr rv't E fr o q)L*l I I t (t)O L.I a c\.{, rn-a a U)O aa)U)!)q c)E-L F H F l-F t-F I H-ra=!*r tr L F.gE z z z z z z*b ?$:HtsE E ? A q)-u, (n a rt)a (n U)a iFes tr{ I et 'E EO&9p fi5 9<v c.)n)., 5E!^- =g-q*LV^J=vOt d!9V*v0.)CJ l>=bEt E ulv-Y-vo=fr.i F Oo al!E:i=E^95 V(JF v!-9V L Oo)d\'!r?,c^&a v!?c d v&-F vv lr oR=F ERA VH o$c.i Fdi dr-- O t<.a: E ro FEE Fr*E E 5* # tr-q cZ v) -=v) tr:t5 TH (n=f2 I Y'!no v6t: x?tr VA.L A ^ f \H-V u)g=r\ = Y Yrag x?q.LVa ^ r\ll t*r V ngE 97-! &8F'Lm ^ f l HHV;()Y<E9 v (h .=lVaF gA;F-HV u)g=r\ 5 Y Vu).=M*tr U^;.tn Hgv ag=(J e E lY.a-()=.!tr\ A r)v rfrE geg.tJ(l)9 (t)lE e.rE o)il I a)q a-z z z z z zE:E F E(AE h o b0 o 3*U o)Ug (AE (ao U)*rrl't*rrl'+l EgEH s acB 6c\c.l U)H$j q r,agX c.)5"lo U)#rf I L I?a (D-6 c)li Fca i-tr-t (t-(A (h z J F*r/lF-z z&J=4\o FOO (t) \z J FoO AF 7=a=e I G (9 r-l E c.l t--r-ca t--I-*co t-r t--ca t--F-ca f-F-b0 rtr tr U (t)U Cn U a U V)U U)U Cn EE v'Ei EA-3 '5 a8r-'l A H t U ao a sr+- rYl Al\r-: ii v) - '-r lV hcnOF-?8ap,H rrl a{t-i o v)t-nh'q E I uzlk SNEH U rrl ArlF!U U) - .--) n f^in 6 I 944*N AP H v J 4El-i a .vr 6 ? *;aEl trl t!& E &2\J-/=F=Dk a h I{)trA.3E r-l-v a a c-l oo I ra U)(\l oo I V)(h N c{00 I v)U)c{$9i u)V KE f-a O E, h ,!l (t)\n Lr.++F a)C)(-)a bo'-C)H co+c)C)c.)a bo U c)E]()F a J ()(a m I=+()-o F (l)ET s&es-.=r!l SE-L gE Ed*Fi fE HL)tsFi FE Ev h t5 sFtE f,EE ,ig.AiEE EB9 V(l)EEL FZE.=i 3fln YJ 0 I (l)tr e rc lH o>i 3*)L 6l I I!f, ()E g)u)+.(u G v, T tu a a 0)U)0)a 0)(h C)()F L L F U U U U (t)li =I 0 o=d H lr H$E z z z z z z*F s Fttsg E ? A a*)-ta ra a o V)6 U)6 sE,? d.s5$E r8 N'E tsO ES H(5 l-L I HP arJ1 r\ -=Evo rt-iYFc.t F O.E trY liC7'.q e EVa.)d d XhA E P=trP!=?.:a;i \r o)--;:A-Eo.E 0)E9 l-d aVu)- (l EVOJ 6R Fff:EraE"EH *iEE i-cE-EE q6v)-=(t) - l*.>-r O l.t ,gE a=H u)g=r\ 5 Y YU)5 M.A v rLVm A r\HHV ag=r\ = Y v.q)g tYad 9A'Lm A r\HHV t<?9E vtrb&9tr a^r\ L r\\JV>r t<v)o=9V\JCts&9tr.Ar\ ! r\\-/ \J>l r<v)vclJ c(9tr.Ar\ L /\V\J>'tr aa=vc!c49tr-^UJiU!*!geE E &.*c\.E I cJ{)a ta-z z z z z z gEg b a0{, 6 U (l)r\ I vlr (n5 (ao (a"d rrl t+i il/,.d frl tii C,)9B U)!?g a eE a e8 ba-ErO EE*E frfi'=F&, v) (A a L 9 9A (9 H G*)L J F U)z z&J F rt)3A o-6l*)r-l-ca r-r-ca r*. t-F-a0 tt-Q Ch U (h z U F z U F z U (h E.E E:g.3 '5 38 frl O 2=*=iF FH5 A Y 2rrt4'^F--3 X*i9t\JHV* J FH ryl (HTA 71 UiK Xi JOIr f \I/H\J tVrO.!- rYf 74 UtKca&=lolr r \\JHV* J F- rr](HlA 74 v<,u)Uo.c.i'J s IY J5fr f \\JH\J ry'r'F!l- i.i I 6i,7, UF.c.I (9 trA.3E=rd=v)-(t) \J c.r0.U (n=a\J (\ O.(h -: 7,2c{ O.,5 (t) -i (nAc.l Or U a..i z26l a-'(t Zc{ O. @a O t!h ,9)(a\n$+h c,)0)t<O V)bo C)El co+C)a)C)U)bo U a)5 rI]C)F (t).t 6)o E I$C)-o , L gE s&Es/tr ji.9 rl KE-L gE E5*-i il s roFt r\s Ir r'l c{\s I rrl tr--@\n rrl t.-ca\Ci\n I rrl co od Er iF&\r+rrl\r-+Irl\a vl F-+frl ca oi+rr'l\OI It sE{E trFF gEE (nt.*E rTFE![-OEcL FZE'3 E 3fltr v)E&CA*a q)E ti E lr o (u L cl I I t c)(9 L q)a+.*)r5 a)H U)()a (t ()a ()U)o (t)()g 6)3lr B lr F L F tr F-H t<F*)L 3 v, o E tr Llr tr tr gE zzzz z z*.a e E'Htsg g? a c)IA>r a U)(n a a a (n a F v)CN a (t)C,);ts.,r}FEg ri q)cl 'E tsO Eg 148 L= !.1 5Fo)zx A cEO tr:!2{Fo)ai.A otO L Oc)al r5.-s h=-c-&=v()-tvd&F vvt I u (.)al rr.-6 h?.E;=-x-L)F a S vg-lr Oc)al.' 5E x=-c 9av^J5 v!itr.cJEF Lr O o.)-'xE:r=U-a*rw^145 v!?q v!-:EraF.E q *h*E g 5*.; E (J r^ -=rn v) fr tr tJ .F ,EE Gttr a5 tr U U*.F.+a U U d F$v)U U d.F<f, u)F U U*F\r (n F U U*F$a U U{.F su)T FEE f,-g c)(9ca v) / E c\.s (u I (J (l)a u)FI zzz z z z 3Eg k EI q)3 G U (l)r\ I vli (t) , ao (t)*rrl f+i H&*frl I+i*rYl'+i q fYl H EE -TE*H gg'=z tr o s L I a q)I cl 6)L frl ,)-1 D;V\JAH Li rrl')J uOt'FAZA U Ff U o I GI*)rd oo f-.00 r-oo t--00 t--C\ca t-c.l ca t-g0 rt t tr J J J J X X EE tr1.3 '5 a8 rgo rrl H\VU<l:l a Z-El HZn X:?f- l! rr"l -H\VU tt!-Z:rI]'z- n X:?PHrI]Jlt ti rr Fi f \U) tva ;Ji JY Fii (t) *.C/) FJi*.-F a'l rl Vr,Al nu)ilHREir XNrril/^Fr v v v) U rV/Y1 A rF a{ }*tP v*^l+ n Fa E;llN+X F Ei ) r\IJv!Jv)\J I e)trA.3=5 r-'l E I FX qF 6la\orr.r =}A v)EC\ Z, rh F Cn (\F-rn a ol I a V) c'l ci=a a c{ a ()tr h.!i (n\n$+h c)C)o (t)oo.F c)rrl ea+o 0)l-r ()a=bo U C)rI]o , L a.t C)Ch I$O F*)EE s&i*-.=r!TE tL gE E(j trg ZOH T\f-rrl\n ol c\\o I fYl ol\o I t'rl t-*I fr'l f-oq c-n Es FE&\J+rYl\o n N+rrl@00 oi+frl oo 6i+fr'l r-.oo 6i l-+FrE$Eg ,*E*EHd.FZE'7 figgrs ra ti (u o L tr F]qr>.,{)t*!I (J t q)E g)(t)+.(l)E u)tr FI a (h a a U)a F (9 F{lr F lr B L B F lr l.r ts (l)lr-AA ll a tr k l.<li k r<frE E&z z z z z z*b g-otr E'Ftsg g? a I o.A ra (n U)(t B Ch (h V)(n (t)(4 F a (n F (n jgF*r-{ I (tl 'E EC&!p oij5 ri (5 tr oo).,9*6G t (rE=rud v!F ec)i).' 5E bE.c-x=v()d'ud!F vg t<A VU a).'FE bG E*^45 vOF d*-UVH l-Oo)nt_,58:t=U-c 5r =.o=v&F li OO.(-)f bE-tr*/1&=v!?tr"jy$,:<
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F z a F z X J X EE tY '-EA.= lr=rE rdo zo rI]7i\J rJ frl frl r.rl * -. J 4 v)(')\F tI] \,, ii'r c{ii ri r-! F{ -)n F c-l ;-i H*!H\/Foo rA-Fl 3H 8 E IJOOF ZZZ rAEF!3H 8 E o Fou FZZ;a=i=F?6t3H 8 F Z ,'i'r irl oilX lf;irr H:qr-I u)11 Fal t!v;ic-liXXRri R H*vvv a.r'lJ=5<((AYl A-lZF () ft, ? r'l EJ&q r\\J\/--q)EA.3E td: I (h F (h 6l r-=I U)a c\l 00 v U)a ol$I V)u)c.l\n a U)6l N F I (4 a C\ a O l4r>t ,C)V)\n fi$+r o a)Lr ()U)bo.F (.)f Y'l ca+(.)I ()U)bo U (,)rJ1 a)F U)I C)a tr I t C)l-L gE$&as-.=sF_Alr gE E().rl;3 tsn IE&\r>a l9 sHEFH E aFtF.*E EBE E(l)EA.Hgf,F E')I I (l)F tr rd crr o h{)L 6g I IJ t+(9 (9 h t)(a+r (D a H a a U)a a e q)Er l-tr F tr L F tr ()L t u1 o E l<tr lr tr tr$E z z z z z*b g E'Htsg.H? a*)(A t'r ct)U)F rt)V)F Cn V)F U)a v)a V)IFeF u)- (l)ct 'E HO ES rd (5 t<OO.,9*bG-c-1 x5 v!{tr R!,i F-, v At't=bEt-c-,.Y=OF;9G!vv t<Oo t)r!=h=;v-!iu-J5 v(Jd d!r'F 5r Oo)nl': '-d bG s--x=v(Ji.o=!L oo)6l ,Y.-Cg x=U.c^J-v(J?1.ud*9VH:Eu,bEE *iEE E 5,E.8 E clrhYiF (Avrh>rC-.t ,EE 6tr aF h F U U*+u)F U U*.F su)F (-)U*F$a U U*.F$(h F U U d8 sf cn rf,t gEE 9o?A (t)&E F.G'(l)rD I*)a FI z z z z z 3Eg L u8 ()6l (l)Z\ 9 dE (Ao (a EE lE E E F s8 6 o-g ti I IA o)-6 i)L 3?E XIIrR lKU (\l l'-oo ^.i^ t-l$=a X fr rYl c.l c\l l--I tI]X rclE So.a!l r!EU c{&O s6a H O c.t rl[r U)-i oI U es (r) T f-r A>) !..i qH o cl (u f.t@N r*.I ool'-c!C\r--00 r-(\C\.l f-I oo t--\n ca t--\rt ca f-.a0 E=E'1 X'1 X J X J X J X EE ru .-Eq.3 'f;38 r4a au)J=,Y.'za 3 eA qH ii /2\J\J-J a(/)9E 4>^rl^\r7 l{:q?i.r E5f;E J^v A s5 5,Y\V)h;^->7tl:(h=Fl 9&Frtll\./ \J F \J rh f/ln)zN1 figr&. o- h rr IE5?5Or\ ; (\ ;^ rF v*!v)rhU ZK Hgr&,p.A=r:E5H5N Ui\g(h;E E q) E,^.3=C'l-'l E ca c{(t)V)c..l v c.l V)Ch N ra)F U, a C\I V)F U)c{N\o (A a o{ a C)=IL h ,9i a\n$1ts C)(,)()U)bo l-r c)rrl ca+C)O O V)oo U ()14 a)l-L (a c)o E I$0.)F (l)HT s*is H.X r!SE-L 8E g5cri Fr;E E&FE* \./>-r l!F*t{EFE E a 'i F ,*E Et9 voEa HZE'3,E *f,n u)=&u, (t)L rv\TH o>a-c)lr 6l I q, t (9 g L l)(a F.c)E Q FI a a a v)0)U) C)a g)E{fr B F t-B trlr B (),{t a o L ti tr t<FE z z z z z*F ?E.FtsC ,H? A c)a P>(A (n F a (n F U)a a a F a V)cr)IFe*(A r-t O)t*l 'tr-O ss ri(5 k OO ,g*h=;.E^J=v(J-.vd*e vvL l-A U I.)s bE ,.c I^J=v!?tr<!gv li O o.)6)., 5E x=U E^J5 V(JF v!-9V ti-r!E h=v-c 9 n.v5 v!?c d VTF F.aa n: E ra F.EE *hEE l=rEEtr 96v)E (t) il!D .E A-e (t) -r-, I U U d8 F$(h U U d8.F$(n U U*F$u)F U U*sa U U.U F+ (/) (9 t I (9 a IA-z z z z z!-? h EE$E'6.E 9(')6l ,-L)h o a!q)3 GI U 6)Qg u)5 (nc (a EE I SgEH+a Et L I 0 q)F\x d.)L U/n A c.l 6T Fi Cn?H u r\A c-l aT F- (h)-?H o 6t d)rd\.)aa F-\n co f-.l.n ca t--\n ca trr\n co r-g8: J X J X 3 X J X J X EE 95 EA.3 'H 6.8 HE m riH Y\N ZC\lr+rii Hr VF\ &AU)I r=5Ex+r)=Jf \ l^ (\ ,a F vJv)rtC Y\n z c-t r{rrl raF^vEl dACr)l!E5950 UEg-:':.E i, 39a f;\L\Jx[!d,orCNJ- E 56 f r\oxP ZoiF ii rrl L-OFLJ dACr)J- E 5 5 f 9 H9 z. c{- rr'l t-LJ*t!d,AU)J TI-r\JJ if*c{^Fa vEvv fl*)trA.3tr s rd$\o T V)F (h c-l[n CN a 6l (\.l F-I U)a C-l s t-.a F a C\c\oo T U)a c\ c\c\a C)=fr.h ,9f ct)\n$-r-+{+O o l-r o a b0 l-r C)E]co+O c)l-<()U)bo U C)9i rT\0.)F a J c)a/n I s ()F ()Hil$a 1s ji.9 r '!!SE AL gE Ed cr tr;E!=A FE E \,'>.:.J sRE trHF f,E!rhs.dEE*eHd.#g$F (a I tr e tr L t-\FI e..h J$li ql I I tir q)q)L t)(n+.q)trt u)F'a a a U)U)Ch C)g F 6)E(t-F H B L li H F li*)li 5 3 (A tr!li lr tr gE z z z z z z*E. s E.HtsE E ? A F q)ia u2 tn rh Ch (4 F U)U)a a CN a a V)F U)$ EE d.gF$F.A F{O t*l'tr rO x,s ri8!oc),!.): '?d h=-tr-19 11l<-V(JF tu4 S vv Ir A U j bE 5*r9^y-v!?q fr'o_c=vvH Ir OO t\'tlE:-. =.c*rv^J-v(J?v+-vv li A v r!E ts=.c n5-v!{q d v+F vv lr A 6)-'tE 6E-q 9,rv^J5 vs?E'"jYCE*-,i:EurFE:!At-,9r E = E F =*r tt\ -=ch'rL EE dtr tt) ,E-U U*.F$cn F U U*F ta F U U d8 F$cn F U U*.F+ (t)U U d8 F s(n U U*$u)*f;!gag" oe7l aEE Cr.*q)I I ()a 0-z z z z z z gEs r, g0 c)CB L)c)7\ I!V tr 0=ao a/..Et : E'ElQHA.E.E F gE 6 o 3 t 9 q q)H c)L z rrl=fr.I X F X z rrl F X z rr'l v N t-.I o 3 6t*)rd trr t-r tr-F-tr-tr-f-s C-l f-a tr--b0 E J X J X-X J X J X't X EE Eq*'E a8 HA*&r/)N'Jr kF r Fa{!f+r l*i < A o- I5 t o U\]DT, U\)U(hU*&rY\l.](t) a{ 'Jr kF I E*Bd o<Y:r'1A UYD UgUu)U ar+^l;1 6 XF!'tFAlt Hfiirr o.YT 8 5Z ar il?, Xil: rF A l-i E tl ivr Ay-() \J =r-r C-.l A vv UJ*A NY. rYl v)XilI' 'FAIi rr tl irr FrY-r) v =r-r (rI A vv J e9 v) \AI xflEg H !.rf ! ^/O-Yl-As sB z E o)tr ,ar.3n ct rd ca@T V)a c\l s=h U)N\n= V, a 6l oo I a F a C-l f-oo a U)(\1 oo oo T V)v)ol ca c\a O 5 fY ,9 a\n++F C)a)t-r O ct)oo tr o t+l E ca+C)C)()U)bo U C)f Y'\o F a J o a/n I$a),o F{)gt$a E*-.=rtl qi=!f :=fiE OU cri tr;E tsn FE&\r'>-l It*t{EFH E E -i F ,*E EF9 E(9EA FZE'3.E *fltr vr:&0 I ()e F rdlr.o>r-(u L 6 I I t*)g g)a c\.q)E ltl FI U)0).h 0.)a v){)ah a g c)l'i tr F t<F L F H B L B tr H F (l)L ra o: l<t L 9r fi tr$E z z z z z z*b g fl'Htsg E ? A (u-u2 (a a F a a B V)c/)(h a a Ch (t)Cn (t)jFFF t-{ I ct 'E-O g, &'trr(5 L OO.O UE 5 r1.v-v(Jt v&F vv rr Oo),9:..s UE E^Jj v()F (v&-F L<O o,),\riE bE t!,rv-&5 v(JF.o=v!vv lr OO a\-,5E 6E-c 9LV^-v-vOF R v!-F k Oo),\rlE bE-q^J4=v(Jd.o=v!vv tr Oo ,l.' 5E h=U s 9rv 1.\\J=v(Jt d!vvl (r)n; E .., R-EE *r*E E 5*.F E grrA=(t) tl tr{J .-AE ctr (a -=tl F U U.U.B wv)U U d8 F scn F U U*$u)F U U*$u)U U*$v)U U*F$cn rat flEt lJ(l)atl cAg*c\.E o)-E a a H z z z z z z EEF (t) O L a0 c)CB U*)Z\ (]vL (45 (t) o (a&bEFr EEEH li I o q)6 c)L lr zf r'l rrl v orX t-- F z rYlf r'l v c.l X F ar r'l[n ot t*r I F a rYl TN oi t---oo t.'-I X fr z rrlf r'l I o O GI q)rc s c\l t,-I oo t.'-$c\trr oo t-rn o.l r-t-\n c{f-tr-oo t-r I f-F-EO ct A-J X J X J X J X J X 3 X EE lta.+ 'E 4,8 Flo J pq :l I Al l-1),i -HFi'ii F-r t-l tV o.!?Fx8 3E Z J U=v)^t ,-l x:tllF nA q-Flil o-9FX8 33 Z r\ rF\J \J FrH a{r'l l- f)xili,iz tsA--Ht:t'rn o-vF 8E3V^F\./ \./ rr f{'+rivr f- r\xili,i=FA-iiJ t'ii^o.vF U EB r FX 4E 22il x-a'J tfi NEAH 91HHX*\J\Jrtll FX 4 E Pq z9sli^z-tf XFlIEJ l+-=aFi*HHXTYI rV\Jvs t c).+==Frl 00 U)F (t)C\u)(h N U)a 6l c-l ct)F V)6l s N a a c\\n c.i I a F (h N (a (J ,91 a\n$-r t++C)o C)a bo (.)l'rl ca+o o o (n 5 bo U (.)r T'l o l-/L a I (.)a I$o*F gt s&is trltr t- .=r!TE tlr gE g,j'fr Fr;E E(J EFr?F fr \./ll.t$FtE f,Ee ds ,{E*EHd.$Ef,F tn{J (u E o , trl tr-(9 L qt I I d{l)E g, (n+.o)an!l a 0.)/D ()a U)a.)U)c)e)E{lr B L L L F tr{)L th Er a lr H l<fr r<FE z z z z z+b e-(l)tr!E'FEg g? a q)u2 a U)F (t)(n V)U)a a F a (t)u)iFes o ri e)N'E:o g,s ri8 I-<Oo n),v.-s bE-c^J=v()-av<v&-F L o o')il ,'5E b?E*^x-vL)F a v!-F Ir Oo)a\,Y ,.(*h=U.c--v=vC)-d v&F v9 L Oo al r!E H=d^y5 v!?tr!ud v*?vv L<Oo i\riE bG d-.1<=v(Ji F 5 vv rEa n: E .', F.E il *r*E E=*!1-Etr EAv)-3 6v/h!.E TH at h F U U"d F sv)U U*.+v)U U d8..ifa F U U*sr/)U U d F$cn EEE E &.H g!.c)q)(u g a-z z z z z EE$ t) u h o a0*)-6l U c)Qg u)5 u)o (A*rll rt btr-EHEH tr 3 a t I tA o)-6t g X z rYl rYl I X z rrl rrl I CN c^l frl R?4(\l c!a)E tr-F-t-\n aa tr-t--q0 E E J X J X 3 X J X= X EE EA.+ 'B a8 tr1 A 2 il c vvt VEX=in- A:{ Xtr, U U d'o (\ \J rYl /rh*v 0-M*utI]ud, U c\t;i^F vH-^m VH niE rh*\JH F-&rf!i e vxX A X H\, tf,i t-l *i ', H93 t;l-\Jxt!il,AChJ-=u-r F z rrl rh 79J t5zE = a= c Z,U'-?, a 9 x o ?EUUIEZO.r)(D tr ,^,.3 El E r-'l E N ch F U)ol t-C\I (t)(t)6l oo N I (n F U)N c-l ca a (A c{t I U)F u)c.l a C)rL h ,9 a\n s+h o C)O (t)oo$-.(.)ra eo+C)C)L.{o a oo U C)f Y'l 0.)F a I 0)a fn I s C)p t-(u ET$E Ag EE-.=rl!TE AL gE E5.r&fE=A FE fru tl sFlE Eljrld OfElk frH!ds ,*E*EHd.$F$F rA r-{)tr rd TT h (9 lr I lJ t (9 (u lr I a F.c)E a.H-a 6 o a o a a v)()&(9 F l-H lr F tr F tr!B (I)t s a o E lr L t<k l<L{f.E ii&z z z z z z*F ?E.Ftsg E ? A q)-ut h (A (t)F a a (n a F a a F a (t)F a a (h 3FEF O)Fl(9 t-r'E-O t&'rr1 I!oo)al ,Yi--d bE--^J=v()-*a vv L O!)6l_'lE UE a^J5 v(.)e v5-l.i Oq).o UE!rv/.\-v-v (J .,!d v!F vv L oo.O tst='q-^g-vc)F d v&F gv*tr Oo).ai bE-q AJJ v(Jd fr v!F 9V tr Oo)a\r!*bE;-q*^J5 vOd.v!-F tE,aF.EE *h*E E = C # E srl=6vrfr ,gE clE a, h U U*F s(n U U dd.F ta U U*.F$a F U U*.F$v)U U*.F$ (r)U U*F$ (t)AFE Ef,E 9(l).A (A&E+.c)9 CJ (l)a F!H z z z z z z r-'r .9 h fHe E'6-g cJ(,)6t (nu h.a0 e U (9r\ I Vh ch)(no a&EE -TE*H$E'=z 3 a L iJ v,{)-6 E (t)c.l frl:e<f c{(r rrl UoolJ t'-lrH TYI u=n rrl u=caF fYl I frA rYl u=L' F-c GI (l)r4 r-[n t\rn r-.\n tr*\n f-\r)f-b0 E n J X a F z V)F z a F z (r)F z CN F z E.E EA.3 'E a8 frl A F z rrl 7UJ-z* =-4= l E 5 5 x - -^ r\ r\ F 7 A s \J \J s 4 V tt+n9!F.F;6 H ? *= x IP. H 8 F A H nA Fva HA!L-9 6 H q 4 s p H =c\'HOX HAV iHl- r) n OE+F p H = 7, t4-ZH Al rfr-) lil FPU r'+i U &B (/)v ca !r t?*Zl4 c'r5F FDU l*(u&B Q o trA.3H EI$U)F a (\l a s I V)>U)ol C-l co$I U)(r)6l ca oo s a a ol\o oo v C,)F a (\tr-oo t I (n Cn N \o c{a ()tr>t ,9)a\n$th c)q)O a bo t-{of r'l co+C)C)O U)bo U (,)rI]C), L (t C)U)I s C)-o F..gE s'&es El tr ts.=rf;SE EE ,85 rr.*fE rrl o\c.!s\of r'l F.+E&FE&\r+rrl@oq c\+rrl oo ei.r !sFtE f,EE 6S ,*E!89 E-c)EA FZgE.E *fltr u)Ee u)E q, E L Fl lr o 3 (u L d I CJ t o g I (n e!'(u*v1!l a U)0)a a.t)a O 0 U) C)o)E.l.r F U U U U U U U ()li tD u)o t<#H E frE E&zzz z z z z z E gts H E ? 8: 6)$eh o (4 a a V)(n F U)(h F a V)F a (A B a (n a a a EFEF 0 i9 (.t 'E rO xs 148 L oq), H=-c^x5 vC)-.o=,i vv tr Oa)rt.'iE bE 5^J5 v!4tr fi v5F vv Oo)al.'iE F=v s*!v^x=vOe;YS x*tr Oo)i\.'iE v 5^x5 v(Jd.0)=!F Lr oa),9: '.d il'=U E-J5 v(J-R vl-vvH t<Oo)ll rlG bE i-J=v!?tr'vd v!F tr OO n)rlE h'=t^&5 v!?c tvd v!,i C t<Oo)al ri=h=;-c 9!V^J=v!{c.vd E.i F.uD: E ra RE iAL.9*6 E.6 = =tr==t7-e6v)-=v)h AE dtr 0=E F U O*$v)U U dE$(n U U*su)U U d.F.+a U U*F.rta F U U*.F$u)F U U d.F$a U U.B.F$a"$ FEE A-g 9Ou2 rt)&E+.c)I I o)-u1 tszz z z z z z z 3Eg h o a0 (l)-G U (I)z\ C)!/L u), u)o 0 q rrl f+i*rrl'+i*tY l ft"d rYl H.d rrl Ltr{frl I.IT*fYl!t"EE i EHSHz -g.E F gE 6 j v (hd o;(k I ': sf,:-'l a-l .:.V (ht k I?a o)H 6 (D lr rl E rr)ux EF U U U D U Ff U U U Ff U U U 3 6l q)rd\n f-\n t-.\n t--[n tr-rn r=\a-)f-l'n t-\o f-a0 FE V)F z V) F z Ch F z (h F z (n F z a F z (t)F z a F z EE EE.3 'E a8 rda!1 9 NDF AHII F)v TUM B C')F*A.AFF rnE ZrJE N ArArF HV/H: ZV 7 ti x v)v U (\l AlAtl 1 Ba37^ c.l ^',t (t) D Av)A&J6 B 2', 1 u)pn. U)A&'l 6 J f7l rY l u)z Ali Etw. t- tv.>Ft-a J fYl rrl az il,v ?FtW a> -r z rD q, tr/A gtr H ao oo-t I v)F cn c\.t f.-\.t I U)a c.l 00\n I V)U)c\\n I a F a 6l oo r-a F a c.l o\ t-.I U)F (t)c\oo I a F U)(\I oo a F a c.l f-c\a C)fY.>t ,9)(t)\n$+t o C)Lr O U)bo S-r c)Irl ca+o (.)S-r o U)bo U c)lr'l C)2 L (t)'t C)a m I$c)-o F (l)E#$iq i*H.=r!r#SI HE E()v)cr&fE I rrl\o ol\o I frl\o a rrr A.BF*\J+rrl*oq 6l+frl oq N t-sFiE f,EE;, ,*E EB9 voEa f, ?.9 B ,i s &, a rl Q)tr e rd c-r Q)ti ct I I!tr q)q I 0 e.*),-a-t a a c)'t U)(t (h U)q)a q)Er U U U U-tr B U U L a)L tn o E lr tr FE zzz z z z z z E *E E E ? A (l)a (a a U)CN U)a a a F a cn U)a F (n a F u)(n a iFgF v)-*)(tl 'E rO tl60 Egi-i Gl H oo).!)bE 5 v IJE=v&F tr oa),9: '.d:'r :;E UE=.ud a 9V!l-A U ar ,y'aatl bE E^J5 v()d d v&F F H Oo ,g*bE-c-J=v(JF d I-vv ti Oo),9i..(g bE.c^J5 v!?tr d v*-gv L<og EEA vt!o(do E i^r AUir Ad SO Lr.eB L rv ERA H qSo Fb: r-- O 9i og=-L GK EEA VH!qSo)d*F-Ot E ." F.Eil *r*E E 'C # E A'z (t) E t.t.gE 6tr V)=Fr F U U*.F.+u)U U dd$u)U U.d.F sa (-)U{$(h F U U
- F$v)F U U d F$v)F U U*.F sf U)U U** (t')*fr!sEg 9Ou)(a g E+.E q)I q)(l, a TA tszzz z z z z z EEF (nU h 00 (l)I cl U q)7\ I VL (4, u)o 0*fY'l rt*fYl I+l*rrl l+i i&*rYl rt H&{rrl t!j iYi -\{rrl I+l EE 1 E:5CHA -E.E E&E 6 I Q L I 1A q)I 6l q)lr U Fr U U U U U&i.-\ rYl U\cqF U U U ,F J J s u&5 27, u\srIJ r- \, cl (9 rv'l E\n t-.\n F-\n r-\n F-\n c-rn f-rn t-\n r-a0 tt-(h F z a F z (t')F z a F z V)F z Cn F z V)F z a F z EE E5 EA.= tr*5 F{ lri J frl irl H az NH Etv E!-&5L--v, I 'a I rY-! i,\t{(nz nfi Etv F*\-H'aUinrY l FY'-I'!FF q fi3t (t) u) u)F-ri-F r I!Df (h U) r/)fr e g*tp iEi9 t!DFc-r(t) (n U) F.A tv.rYI t-E9 N.'r UFA L1 w rY! -E9 u,r U rYl az F t4rtVrl Dtrv)+(n v, zg3;, I o)trA.3E H.f, 00 (t)B a C-l*@ch Ch C.l 6l t a a c!ca a v)c.l s I (t)B o N 00 2X KY oo>K gx KY
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- g =E F i c-l;^=d)E>rC ,gE dtr (n=h F U U*F$v)F U U d.F$u)U U*.F.f, U)U U*.B.<f (r)U U d F sa F U U*.F$u)U U*$ (r)rfrt gEE.
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- 3 0.iE; g-E ii.uD n; E ." F.-F F,
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- 3 u;EEg.EF ci Ea 6 GYo ivA.-!9 oo Boqphu:^00-qs, s s'E
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- 3 6 n;zE:z Uh F-Lv-c)19Ar-!9 a\ -Be.9PhU 1^00ss., xdo+?tE rJ!a.iEFg-E 6l Ea 6-lUFO LL i9A.FiV H'-o^10:lu s s'E
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.:g.9fit)6iEt9;ci I (hE x0)oo O()uo vG BT NE C\ CN 1A*J E ra F.EE Eb*E E = E # E_c? 6 v' -=cA Fl EE Gtt (43 Fq LJ O)oB NA\J o.)o=c.r0.L.J C)ABc.l 0<L ABc.i O.\J o)OFc{ 0.lJ 0)OB6l Or*FEE f,E cJ(l)gr tt)EE F.o I (J (I)u, FI z z z z z z t-r .9 h E E8 (Jcn6t (aU>: I a0 q, 5 6l q)(l}t\ I Vti ct) =rho (A*rrl t+i*frl i+l-OtrF{rIo EEEFg8 6 Il.t c)ta (D E cl q)li frlt\/ U iii F t! u)frltv !J HF LilA I rrl NlJ l;F Ela frl illJ=iF El (n rrl*!J t=F tq u)3 ct (l)fd c.) f-c.)f-c.)r-ca f-ca f-qt E tq CN a u)o/)a U)EE Eq.+ 'E a8 HA rrlP X U F r-.r-=\J K k a F:-jcoc0ag, T C\_g!:9f&lll F l- r>1 kE*x (ncneu)z^car F f-t*P?t-rr ti F{kb9 v)t+{ v rYlr, a ffi PX iii \./. f-r lJfH=\J KKE,:cacaa&+6l_g=gf&l+,1 i : rn frfv?B*B aagv)z ,sl+Ft: e\P?x-il- ti r-l fidt e)EA.gH H I 6l v&dC0 ..1 c-l&l v&*MNV)ca I (\l V F c{!4&irF CA c.l c\g F;z+mcoV)s I c\lM I F cn O IJ.,r h ,Fl (t)\n l-r$+F C)0.)l-r ()a ao$-r a)f r'l ca+0.)(.)()o bo U a)r T'l c)lr L a I C)(a I$C)F q)E4 F&es E.=rf;5E atr HE E_e I rrJ trtr EE s I rrl ,^tsFr iF il\r+rrl n ca h t-+FlEFE E a i{ F ,*E EFE voEa sg$F=9.Y9r.l=ri YE\J n8-I Ha-\J0)(qrYr tw an cq:< !).\J An;.: d YEL.l rAO-oa vd v Ha-TJO(qr7't tv Fn a t (l)b rc lra o c)L.6t I I rf,{t)g I U)c\.o)9A-A)0)a 0.)U)U) 0.)U)o a a (9 E-lr F l-B H F L F L!tr B H F (l)L-a o E t-tr ti lr tr l<s<FE zzz z zzz*b s Ettsg ,E? a*)CI'a\n C!!n 6l\n c.l IN N\n ol\n c{t,n (\I ig$H a Fl C)e.t'q rO ts rrl .5 a)bo v*3t it c{A I a: lr 0)t8 ad O??:OO;;90tr-.F v-ic-\J!-t (g 0().t)A PH!:Oo);x90E (E!'('fi e-\J hF 92??=oo ix90ts g\dfi =-v a(g a??=o0.);xpotr\cifi=#\J hF ou)a 9LL:oa.)hn*rri.\ i:" Li
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>AJ q cq ^ H\J PFAv)gl tv- r"l fYl lJ
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u)o o rrl rrl rY'l g rrl Hi d rrl Hd btri 5EEH a L TJ.A o-G c)L frl J U F lr a=E a rYl (\l I oq ca fr o d (9 H TN ca t--\n ca r-\n cal.-\n ca r-.\n ca F\n ca tr-a0 E E U V)U V)U a U a U a U (h EE E5 trq.+ 'F a8 rin (\t\/ V)^-)Y/nlri:N d, F1 .^ V)tr iit-=tr ai->)ir X l\J tJ.V)F-l v t-r (\o?H&&p&FElCa q t-FainC ,dV i. ?zd,T. E U Fic4rl tr f,?5??z.cQtsPq tV.F?TrYr P, cq I2 3 X H 5 A E O ,J? N?fr 8gaft*a!/lJ tl (l)EA.+=I\n fY1 c.,l I r-)=61 a-I\l')fr'l I c-l 9n VF ar I Ir)rrl c{I U U z\n rY'l I c-l I O U r'l I\n t'rl I c.l I U g zGl\o rYl c\I I O U ca\n a (.)tJ.,i ,91 al.n$+F O C)O a bo l-r c)Ir'l ca+o o o a bo Q q)E]c)F (t)'t C)a n I$q)fi L O E4$&9.9 etr ii .g r '!!ct=rf !=dtr BE ,qa c-r tr;H[n If r'l i 00\n I l'rl s c.;E&BE&\r+rrl c.;+rrl\ca F-l r3*rrE IFF f,EE 69.dEE EB9 V(1}EA f;ZE'E gggF ah (l)l;t{trl ri h (u L 6 t I t q)(9 L I a e.6)*ra=U)o a (h q a a c)(t)0)A tr*).Fr L F l-tr B$r B H L F lr*)L 5 TA!.a H k h L{H t<*<gE z z z z z z z*b 2 (l)tr!H'FEg.H? a (l)3 0 ct)oo s oo$oo v co s oo
+oo s@s EFeF ri8 t-r'E HO f;s rd(5 l-i O ()rrU v=x?zF'xlr r-U x9' r-t lr c.)rrU O==v zF-U H 0)*u.=A' r-i h E rrU ie zF-: U l_{(.)0)rrU xv o JU!rrU=v o-j u sFEgE EE c6tr 0=h L,/ 0)tsA\J c)rQ1 l/ 0)-p1 L lJ a.)*ol\JO rp1 (.q)* LJO*O-r*!gEE CJ (l) ta (n&E F.-c)I*)x u1 Ei E z z zzz z z F(.9h E E8 or/ld C'jU>: L a0 q)6t U{)Z\ ()Vlr (Al (t) o (h*rtl't H&f r'lf Y'l fT'!*rrl't EE 1E H SHv -g.E F E8 6 E q.t) <g tr$o;(ts<I 'r s,-t 6t,i V.V ry')-S a L I.A o)ti gf rl J?uFrri lr 2D*+V)ea v I oq ca o I GI ct-\n ca r-.\n ca r-\n ca tr-\n ca t-\n ca r*.at c.I Ir.c-l cc) r\a0 G'.A-U (h U a U a U a U V)X X EE EA.3 'E 38 rdn qlFtc'.1 L./a&& tr Dfrl l< A i!rYr E2 3 X t= a E ?2&s. E g ffi&f-.=r?5!iamNFA F qt Fq F ,7V tV-t!kY rrrEFal2 t x H5 A E O c.i c.l a= ,'nlr \: X J&9x t{\r-r-tzL, la rrl Z\J\J Y\id 7 irl rNH rFh r.r rYl
\J Ei==&v)-?F Erd&lcaEUN: o EA.3E rd\o rrl I (\l I 8j<rv a-\o rYl I c-l U U r\I rrl (\l U z I rrl ot I U g z6l lr)I (\i I U U zo\l,'-rrl I N I U O r*.f r'l I 6l I U U arn a (J fr,>r ,9)(t)\n$1ts o (.)O a b0 C)Irl ca+C)C)l-'t ()(A bo U C)E]o , a.'t 6)a m I-+C)F*)E4 s&is trli ts.: rfi r.F =q:=dlr ilE EUc-. Ci TE TN rY'l o\od\n I rrl ca E&?E&rr+rrl++rrl R co It sHEfiF E EHE (n, ,*E EF9 voEa HZgE.E *fl'$v)=il a o u H f-a>.(l, L 6l I q)lr g)g I (n C!.c)v)-'a a tt)U)()a U)()F q)E{lr F Lr B tr'r F!L B{), t.A o E l-r L t<tr ti tr$Ezz z z z z+b s E Htsg ,H? A c)ah u)00 s oo v oo
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- F gE 6 t.9 v, q)6t (l)l-I G'q)I tn\n F-\n ca t-\n cr)c-rn\n r-\n\n F-b0 E U a F z U F z U U U)U V)EE taa .r.rb 6,9 ria CNFE]I zf?6iv2 il o H 1g o ?EA/Y't siSE J393 rYl Ntv*i=^4=FH)qDo--l U)A rri :-- =
El rrjl=UL)Z d.E&cqOA frl Nrr tv=^ff\lrt lfr Pq5o--.1 (n (t rrl t-- =ESHUOZ d. ri-Mft\rin 3 q)trA o.H.-' -5 re V)c!I I z o-u V)ch C-l I J z o-a V)c.l J z U c\lj zol U C-l I zc{
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u)o (A (t eH a eg a oP U)eE a eE A vtE tro 5E*E Hi.=F il,au): a tr 9 ta (l)H 6 q)L I o rc c-)r--co r-l-.f.-t-f-IN t-u0-V)Cn F z U F z U (r)F z EE (y .t Eg.i lr 3E Fta= \./6l li.:t -ft c\ co\J i-i iri&-, X rr -*t A E t E z=\,\ts (\l F{Elr\;t\ g vi t\/a. X r, -xt6 E t E z 39 C-l Fr J CX E tV li i-rM\vi: 74?;il Ucatdz R8 J oi( a tV. i-r-tWr- L/ r: ve96 UE^rYl&rr,=te ir ii M!{+&4JNi-F
- b h Z!:c-rF v)I o)Fl A.3 Et ol U I J-z;j ol rrl I c.l U J z ca fYI c-l U I J z$rY'l I c-l U J z ln r7l c.l U I J z ca\o a O fr h ,91 U)\n l-r$+h C)C)t-l o U)bo Lr C)Iv'l ca+C)C)O V)ao U o d n C)F a.t c)a rn I-+(.)F o H4$E igE! li ji.9 TE f,L gE L-Y 3et-r Fr;E tlr A.ts=?e& L,/,R srrEFH E 6lrl*tn5 ,*E E'9 V(l)EO.Fzg'7 sggtr IA f q)!.E CH h I c)k 6t'I c.)t Q)c)tr tJ (,n F.ql E u1 E U)c)6 a c/)q)a C)v)o*)F U U U{.i U (t)fr-IA o E L*-r t<L<L<6E E&z z zzz z*b e E.Htsg E ? A (t, I th (n N c!C\\n C\\n N (4 EFeF ti8 Fl 'E rO HS rrl I 9=trP*=?'!3 EVo)i==Xbo.C)tr9 e=?r"2 i:vo)-,iY=XhA E I H?L-V.q e Evo)-t ,.iY=XHo.t ,! u)! il.i;$xs FH 3atr ar ,--i$A,s H 0)trv7,q 2 Evo-R Fff rgD:EroF.EH *,
- E E i c=.X tr u-=dv)rr EE dtr taF 1l\J C)-F.L<L, o)A\JO FFr\J o,)a3 C.rAlr\J 0)o3 NA>t:EE!k 9F:\=A FEE flE (J(l).A u1 & E+.O fl I (l)a T z z zzz z-.9h E EB cJ(n6t v) c)r 00 q)L)ag (t)SJtr v)-. c)!utr a eg ct)9H a i) o U)eg EE 1 SgEH+cAd I 'r 6 c'l c)(t)*$i=l^u) cd tl c.i 5"{c)(h-$-I L 9 Q o)I 6 fl 5 G o r-'t T cal F-ca t--ca F-t--tr-F.a0 G'I a F z&(n U)a U)F z U E.E EA.Tb frAID r) 9 E.?l =Uije=F/-'cn Z5 g E=v\-c\ F-.ytv-f-Nc0 v-F t\/-. X rr -* t yi, o_A E t E z=\J\-C.l tr-lll (\ ;$r\ H\J i-i F'htVa x r) =X t y ia o.A E t 6 z>,E v XfiE t s*;i sESE n=rn7';olxs FT fiit2g f d g3E3 E I trA EH frlr r'l ol U I J z r-.f Y-t c.l U J z 00 rrl I c.t U J z t-I c-l U I J z c.l U J z J V)I 2s O.N U)C)fr, h ,91 a rn*+F C)o O (n b0 tr or Y'l t{ca+(,)C)o a bo U C)rI,1 o C-L (t J (.)a l$C)f-L*)E4$'a is trEi t- .=rp trr=vEr tr BE L-Y ELJcr Fr;E Etr 3F& \,/h t9 sHE gEE (45.*E r5F9 rc.(l)EEl.
$F$F a (l)L E far o>r 3 (9 , G'I I t a q)E I (n c!.(I)E U1!l a q)t a O 6 a'q F U U U U U q)li!9 ra o=k tr H k lr*E z Z z z z*F e E:f;EE E ? A q)5 IA h ra V)V)U U\n C\l$E.E d.g$sF (A:(l)Gt 'E tsC xs trr8 E P=z6F r\ =Ev(.)-!v R Ffi E=?'Y2 Evc)t AY=Xho.E trP a,Vc)ji \r o)FR Ffi E trv ij=?r:2 iivo*-'dXE NFA (.)trP a-Yu)rl Evo-R Ffi SFEFg EE cgtr a3 tr.=.nv 9: ,u6'-Y 9?'vv U': U\o q/ o)o=oln EEE E &.8+.q)I (l)(A FI z z z z z tFl r-{ .9 h gE=AAFo E'69 g) (n Gt u)u r, a0 e L)(I)r\ 9 Vli (t) , (AO 0 a!?g ,h eE v)eg v)eg a eE btr!i EHEH a L I o q)E G'(l)L I 6 q)rvl-ca t--l,-[n\n (--\n cn F-\n co t--ca F\o0 tt U (h F z U F z U F z U a EE 9'-EA.3 'F a8 E-rrl A FAF cnElF.l z=-l =Z a z F z rYl D&t,&r!Fi;o. = = d Z?z R ?, s Fi tv M a J r)!! 10 Y\JF!-l p uFt!tr zzz tr z o o&OUUA trtv tyfAl F 2 d e (rFyr p eFt!trzzZ tr z o o czOUUA U3 z6J rYf rtl U E P' r XF&t!g?H4 E]AXA*)trA.*=ri j a I JM z6 oiot I I J z iri o.6l$(\l rr rrl I J z s c.lf r'l I z I'.]rrl I J zsO. C'l a ()fa ,C)U)\n l-t$1t o C)()(t)bo.lrr (.)r Y!ca+o C)O o bo U o t'vl C)l-L a 1 C)cn I=f, ()F (l)E4$a es ii .g TE ali gE E()ciA 3/oFt r\tsr FE&L/l9 srrEFH E E -r F ,*E 5EHd.$FBF a tr e tr e trl g.h (9 L 6 I I$o)E o (n+.(l)a-l a a (t)0)a v)!)a d.g c)E{U U U U U U o)!r v, l-<lr l.$<t.u)\n N rn N\n ot\n (\l\n c'i\n C-l iFeF IA Fi *)FI .E rO rs rrl ,5 g=!=?,1 3;i \r o)AY=Nho.g7Z.q !Evc)d i:l=
Xho.E 9=trv?'"!;ivc)R Efr trvY.? 2 Evo-R Fd Ep?.:2 E \r c,)F dYE FFFi Ld a-Ya ilvo FR Fd:EraF.eil 3r*E z g E # tr 86q)E>'r C 9.I EE 6tr tn .F tl\J C)OF c.l Fl\JO o3c-l A\J C)OB 6rAr\ h AB c{A tr l,i 0)o-orA\J c)o=6l Or rfrt geE (Jq)ta (t)lE e.,13 q)t)*)e a T z z z z z z d(J E E8 cju)cl chu li o EO (I)t 6 U{)UT (45 ao (t)la eB rt eg a eB (t eg a-_ 0)v)eg E'l-(Ho EE*H Hfi.=F&,au)I a ti I ta (9 H cl E 6*)trl ca t-ca f-co (--cn f--ca f-ca trr g0 5 FE a (t (n (n U)(t)!atr 8.9 EA.5b a8 Fln>&z r^tx 5 z F TH NF riOJZx xp f;tr z r!&IIJ -J rrlrr ;-i E p,4;^ra-H>&z 5O 5gd1 n7 J xiiz? z p f,.z^/lr F z:iiZ O:lElf \ v) tV n.v*)trA ELH'3-E J rrl I 2$O. c!I J rYl JF-ZV o. c-l I Jr r'l I 2sO. 6l I J rrl J ZY F.ol j rYl 2$o- c.l I Jr r'l I J z+Ac\
(h O fr h ,!)V)\n li-f,:f,F c)(.)t-r o cn bo.rt C)f ?'t ca+c)(.)l-r ()a bo U (.)rI]C)F a l (,)o E I+O F o)E4+5&es trtr-.=TEa tr qEti r1 tt)c: Fr;E E&FE& \,/IJ*t{EFE E fih'F ,*E Eg$s a tr (l)o L H t: o h o)L 6t I I t+(u (9!r tl (a+.(l).ca-t a a 0)a (A a)a 6)F.t U U U U U U q)!-3 CA o E}r l-g.r Ii k tr frt E&z z z z z z*b E E:HtsE ,E? A{)s a a\n C-l\n ol\n c.l (n c{\n ol\n ol}FE*CA t-i C)(\ 'E tsC xs rd(5 E 9=try 60 EUI t:Y=xbd E gT!=?r"!EVO F i:l=x hd E P=trP P=?.:3 Evo)e-iYH XHo.E 9-g9?;3 Evo)IR Fd CA H-?.:2 Fvo).UR Ffr o E9!d?.!3 E ur F.E:!Atr.9rEEE Tg trFcE.Ftr 86
- E tr fl.4 ,EEGl li (n=fE{r) h A c.l F<\J()oB c.l A\J()OFc{ O.L Li 0)nB NO.\J C)n e.r0<o NOr*f,!sai C)(l)ta (AfrE+.I I o)v,!l z z z z z z gEs, L o a0 c)6l L)6)r\ t, vh (Aa (ao (a a-. (.)'t eH U)eg a oP U)eg 0$)g EE I TE*Hfr 6 '= F& ctl (n o g L I 0 c)E 6l*)tr tr o 6*)tr1 ea tr-\n\n r-ca t*.ca F.ra f-ca F-a0 E x&(t F z O U)U)CA a EE (9 .F!g'F 3E rin 2ts URP X tr & tr=EH4 i!(,X0.z 6H A(a FZ Ff,'l :E &, t!5 z ?z5JfYl ; rYl0 x p, r XF&trl=EH4 HqX0.z F$H otF riOlZx xp s F z rI]d Hl=1tr Ep,4 r A'-J (l)tr.3 Et E rd I Jf r'l I JA z+O. ol I J rYl I ZEO. 6l J rrl I J z;O- 6l Jf Y'l I J.tI 14 lnO. Crl I J rYl J Z ,r;FrN I J rrl I i,3 O-N f-\o a (J fr.91 a\n$+h c)0)o o oo c)r!ca+C)a)()a ao O (.)I v'l Fl (.)F a.'I C)a m I$(.)F{)E4 sa 5e 4tr H.=r!l SE ali EE L-Y 3rJ lHlr EE E&BE&\r>l r9*Fl E c,iflc*$H b NFiE ,ig ,daE EFE voEa EE$F v)(A e (l)tr rd Cx (l)li G'I C.)$c)g I (A+.*)(a-(h 0)'t a a U)a C)g{u t'{U U U U U U c)r.t v, o E lr l-L!lr 6t E&z z z z z z E*tsfi g? B (9 (A h (t)\n c.l\n c\l\n C\\n N\n c.l t,n c{;EH EEeF.A F((l)r{ 'E-C&Fp ir!(rcf;C)tr9-l=?':3 ii v o.)F..iY=XFA o FA?.!9 Evc)-,i:=XkA E O C^ir=o-?v)Evo)FR Ffi o trv u)-Va-r1 Evo)!9R Efi BE Lc1?X3 iivo)*F d:a NAA.o EP 2,Yg ji \r c)--.-iYt Xho.Iln n: E ra R.E i!ELr-.FlE E = E F E uz;=6vJfr>aC EE 6ttr rhA El<L' 0.)o=c{ Or l-,/ C)OF6l Or tr't/ O oB ctrA L\JO OB 6l Or t<Uq)o=(\ O.t<lJ 0)OFc{ 0.rf,t geE E &,.H ee tt o-O (u a 9t1.-z z z z z z 3Eg h EO q)3 s t)*)7\ I VL u))u)o (h v).4)src a eg (/)oP a srt 6 eg q)eg Er 1 TE*H E#'=>-o a L 9 o (u E d 6)Lr o d (l)I ca tr-aa F-ca I-r ca f-eal f-ca f\a0 t tr rn a U)V)a (A!rtr E.e EA.ih AB rde>&z-O Fffi19 5 nA i=34? zp s z-t E2 i f, 2 O = sr f) v) t\/ A v 2s3 E 8 P J EHHZ g]qXA>&zi (, F&'4r!5gd4&z iU=x 5gd4 t (9 E-r.3tr cti-J rYl I J ZHO- Gl t J rrl I 2F O.N I J rrl i,fr AN I J rr"l JA zii o.(\I J rrl I JA z6O. O.l j rrl JA zt 0.N o ()=IL ,9)(t)l.n$+F ()o Lr ()(t)bo l.r o frl ca+F C)o C)a bo (J o rr't C), L ct),l o 0 tr I-+o F, o)H4#x 6e ii .g r!tr=E!=alr EE tr'\;E/trr fu;E-ru ttr A.ts?9&\r>r rt sF{E gEE a5 ,*E EB9 EOEElr HZE'=ggEn CA t9 q)tr tr o L trl C..(u Lr 6 I I t (9 c)k lJ a F.g}, a U)U)q)a 0){)Er U U U U U U (l)L 3 ta tr t<L l-{L tr frE Eg z zzz z z*R g EttsE E ? A 0)-?a (n rn ol[n C-l\n c.l a v)&\n c.l;EE EFeF t-{ I eiE FiO&9p H5 EE H .'-ar=?.:3 EVO d ,iY=Xho.E7?.!2 Evo d ,iY=Xho.E ()tr9 jJ=?.!9 Evo)d A:=XEo.E 9E trP jJ=? i 2 Evo)#tR FA E E^!-trC V.q y Evo)rtR Ffi E o Es,.j=u)_?a- al Evo)FR Ffi:EraF.E i'!OL,9i5 i =E F =-9 rh 'r -=ah>to EE dtr (a=\Ja)OB 61 0.L,, O oBo'l O.\J 6)OB (.l O<h 9L a2*=!vv>l*lr 9F:\^!v lJq)a=N0."$.tsE Eflg cJ(l)(a (t)gE o)T I q)a.A tr H z z z z z zE:E F EU)8 h a0 e 6t U o Qg (45 (ao (t)o!)g a eg (r)(r)eg a oP (h!Uq EE lE E E F gE 6 g e li q)0 (9 I 6 E tr o 3 6t q)rd t--t--co r-\n c.l t.'-ca t\ca F-F-t-q0 trt FI F z U (h U (h U)(n F z U raE 8.9 Etg.=h 3E frl O 2A II-r-XZ 334f, rl rYl r\f1 L,,l *r A S l^J fut!&Jc4FA z F)6H--- o u)Y 5112 EU)F&A O z^;!/\J F-llk#--\F i-ti-=Z zzy DD=o.{J c)EA.*E rd']fY'l J z;6A c.t J rrl I 2sO. 6l I J frl I J Zcd A6l I J rrl I 2s AC\I J rrl J\A z#O. (rl I J fYl J zd A c-l o\\o a O fr h.F2 t/)\n$+F c.)c)t-r O a bo C)Irl c.)+AJ I Q V)oo O C)Irl c.)fr L'o't C)a m I.f, C)F c)HE$&5e-.=r!TE-,$E tr'X av!H&fE c.i I rYl v?*co rril.n\\n$I rrl+("1 tstu?F H t-i+rrl n (\.l+fYl t-a c.i+rrl cn c.i h rf*FlEd, lt cl oFlh 90.=![lri5 rF.=o.y eY gi: (t) co ,*E EBE lfOECL f;zE'A g$gn t)o)I t E FI l-a>r-6)L (l I I+c)q)L gl v)+.(I), ql F'.a (t U)O a U)a)U)0)d.(l)Er U U 9r f.i F!F L (l)lr, ta ri l-r<H l.t-i FEzz z z z z*F g Ettsg g? B (9 th Ca\n N\n c-l (t')v N (\i;ts';r sFss (a-C)FtE EC&40 Eg 14 ,q EE a -? 'Ja TI Evo d ,.i==Xbo.EZ?.:3 Evo)F-lY=
XFo.o CA?'!3:vc)d.i:=Xko.E Ez?.Y3;ivc)d IUFR Ffi-OaL ,\.aE s'A.s H-OaL n);7$'A,F-l*.4t 2EraF.E E g.E f E-e cZ 't) -=v)h t.-AE dtr a=r-.E OB c.l 0-oB NA H\J 0)-p1 9<LJO*A&z=9=x P U z frl\J x=d4rYl lV n z v)^z Y,irY'l - I H ctf)rrt^/ l-.1 7.
YEZ Aq z\J )^z Y,i6f l.! 11 i rFlrfYl 6l ,-,^) O V.E E Z ?Oq^*v u)F rJJr\ m a\JHI+l 1.r-llJtv OFrr')ItEz v aF Flr\ /Y.\ /n\J j-r--J tY OFV)ol-\Jii-r-rz 3 (9 E,I.3H F-jf Y-l=\nI' O\p< c{I J rrl j 4-O\Flr C-l I O rYl U)I J 7+q. (\t o rrl U)I 2il 0.C.l c\t V)z-ii U I c.l (n z ;-t 0.
f-o o=IJ.', h ,C)(n\n f-r$+F ()(.)o a bo C)H ca+C)o O CN b0 U c)l'v'l C)F U)J c.)o m I.+C)2 L*)ET$E es ti .=rE TE AL gE E5tH Fr fE ca I I!ca U?v I rr'l\o n\o ca rrl (\oq EFr?E HL/+rY)6l c-+r r'l c.)tf-)+rr'l ca ,.r?rn It st{E gEE ds*? E d Fz8'7 ggFfr th f (9 e tr tr]q-o I q)L fit t e)ri (l)6)L I a q!'c)E.a-a a U)()(t c)a (h I{)F.l->l-t-tr H tr B ()!r (h*a k l-r L!t<$E z z z z z z*b g Ettsg"E? A (l)ra>-l t)c.l C-l C-l c.l N c.'l;Erl gFss F{8 N'E tsO&90 H5-O u)!.aE.f, 'A .s HH 3't L.zE+d\nA-HH-o u)ti ,l ,a;\f,'AS H-O v).i L ,\.aE sii,s H**JAli .\.-a;d\.Ai-H-O q)! nl.EE rxs* t-l tl:E."bE H +T # E 86v,E ,gE 6tr v)=t!,/ O#O-r\ h O.l/ c)-A\J 0)-Fr L,/ UO ts0.rft HAE.lJ*)eA a E E+.E o)-I c)e?a-z z z z z z!.i ?E E8 CJ rt) ci tnu lr o a0 (u 3 6t Q tl)Ug (na (Ao a fYl frlr r'l*rrl it rrl rrl rrl rr'l r7'l r"'l*rr1 l+i*frl H HA c5-E E E F&3 6$acg!i c.i 6o{o U)iS a L.c)(q)-G fl rrl$e cn fT c's I q ca fr rrl z s I oq ca rT, o-ct c)rI1 ca t-r-c-\n ca tr-ca F-r-.t-f-f-.FO ttle U)F z U F z U (t)F z O F z U E.E EA.+ 'E-g, I frl n n v (htrr \ r'n ,Y\v LFt\!tY oF(h or=ux (hF DDr\ ,Yt m VH OF.r')SFEz HA-Y (r) tr PDr\ m VH OF(h^l:^v u)F ppr \ F/\ /Y\\J 1-f-}i r oFv)c-l-,JX: E^Y, v)Fr \ /.t..l f\
v OF(A SFE aF ppr\ m m!,/ H t-r oF'v)3 E q)EA.3H r rd I ol Ch ZF-O.c.l I N o Zii o-U N I c.l a Zii 0.c\t I c{U)Z i-r o.c.)I N U)ii*(\U)zt O.
f-(h ()tlr ,!l (n\r)l.r-++F (.)C)C)a bo C)r!ca+C)C)${O U)bo ('J c.)rY'l (.)Ei L a.l (.)a I$C)F{)E4 str eg H.=r!!SE ali EE k-Y 8\r.ra EE Ecr BE&\r r3*r{E gEs 6S ,*E*BE voEa Fzg'7.E 3fln V)EE a a a{J EI (u o lr tr 14 ar h*)L 6l I 9 rtr (l)(9 1..CJ a Cr.g tt u)!t U)C)a U)c,)U) 0)6 U)o a (t)Ei!F U l-F li-L B lr B I rl 5 TA a lr t<lrlr L tr 6E Eg z z z z z z z+b g Ettsg E ? A I*)-ta h o (t)a V)N c.l c\c.l;EH$FgH Fi8 clE EO ES rds E Er a6 EUiJ d A:=FHo.E P=trP?,!3 i:va.)F::=XHo.E EP Lr C,?r:3 ii \r o)F.'iY=XHo.r\$OQa*LL=oo hn rfi :':{ L 9EE a'*Oq0 9LL:OC);xPotr=O-.=\lrntr v bF Oqa)*LL=oc);XFOE to:F\lJ-C_v hF Oqct)-!L=oorv\ :'{ L;=q:-UE:E."F.e:!4L.9-E E.6 h t F==d YU1 -=(n 9t I .t!(l):t HE CAF ll>t Pl-q=R=tvv h 9L q: agh>t.nv a2:YA ruv LJ() (.o:O.L/A-F<!\JO#A rfrE gaE (JOCN (t)&E+.E (l)J (J (D u FI z zzz zzz EEg h bt)6)3 U*)Ug v)t (no (h a PE o eH a oY frl frl rYl frl rrl rr"lf Y'l rYl rYl rrl rr'l fr'l.Et -E E E F g8 ln tD a L 9 rt7 (9-cl E I rYl tvlJ?tr = 'rt, sft 6 F o 6 c)FIl,'-r-l.-f-'\n\n r-ca f-ca f-.a8 E I X U X U&U a U)I/, a!l El E.e Eg frb a8 rdo frl rrr J i E x ?&,x H r- r\ ;-iA F = il v \J rrJ lJJ Jf) tV t\/ il A rrl rYl J J'^'VtVLrt-XFFo-l- f ) irlA =
- H 1:veBJ U&&&F.rltW rn v 9ts Nfi.,:;:l S-V^l+l i<zr!il D&FO.Fr&ir irl 3Du aA=L,l!I,.\--t< t*{F-&h ir'l naBlrl n.r[r?2r'lE Z E Fr&A rvr HH 3?F;^/r i]! (Jl{ n.rF<?ztti r-l l.I;^ (t)JJ p&!q)E.3E F Er H J I U rrl 6l I frl&z J I U (\I I rrl&(h F c{HU MU)I c{.f. u)&c.t I (\T ,t u)/, s N ,tArYl t&I c{(A&
a (J frr h ,9?(t)rn$:fr ()O o a bo C)fTl ca+C)C)L O V)ao C)C)=r!c)f)L (t)I 0.)(A fn I-t C),o F*)ts4 s.F.g-.=.*t Ea=tti gE t,Y ,7, \r'citr;E tsFr FE&v h!9*rqE f,EE 6S ,*E rIBE v(uEa FZE'E gg$n ah fl E (l).tr t: o L tr Frl li o L 6 j c)t (9 (9 lr I (a+.(9 E o-l (t a v)c)C)c)a 0)(n 0)ct)o (u E{!F (J U!F U U U*)I IAl<a t<l-<t<!l-r li L$E z zzz z z z+F s Fttsg ,H? A I 6)fl ct h tn C\a a 0.ra a (h v)tgEs rrt I GI .E ts .O E.g', rc8 h,F oqa*L!:oa)FA m!r;E X*Lrii E 9=try!=AU EU6-R Fd c.)
C^a-Vq F al Evq)R Ffr E E9?.Y9 ii \r o)-d:a-FA E o E9!d?.:3 ii\Jo dR Fd E 9-tr??.:3 E\ro)F ,iY=XHA E 0.)E9 hC Z.q3 E\ro)dR *r*E t 5* #.-u=6v)E*E 6ttr (a=k L,/ O-0.>l.FV a::\=.vv>t::E 9Lr 9:;'i F-9L=-,u6 h+JL a=fr=*Lr ae-flx.v>l.-v 9::\='VV rfr!gHE.u9rr ca&E F.E Q){d I q)IA F'z z z zzz z 3Eg h a0 (u U o Z\ ()Vl-rh=tho (a rrl rrl rrl a eE v)eg a eg U)eg U'e)E ta 9Jtr.EE -E E E F gE 'v)=1: t,1*trt p 'r,-i C-l.g V)rrf 3+u)d o ..1 0)bct., 7)-$a L c, vt{)-d (l)L o cE c)rd t--r-t-r F-f-r-ea t-t.'r f-\n ca r-a0 G're F z U F z U F z U F z U F z U z U!rl E.P E*.=b Eg rio F<&zA i\ Fr XllA,ir ;- ll li
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\n co a (J Fr ,91 U)\n ()g t'r'l c)o C)c)(t)Ir v't l+t a c\I-+(.)li L&th.-&; gs tHtr airo!PX5 PX=-# Efi FijJ-o Utr nr;E t-I fYl\.,\(\I rrl t EA FE&t/+rrl n c.i+frl cr']C-l b l.-THE EEi ES o-v EE (t) Cq oJ4*H acq EF,= ,.ft ,*E!t9 v(9Ea Hz.g'3 g.E8fr t,.lO*!AA)9F.!l-d ft-1x\EAH= E'v, 3 o)I L rd tr>: t*)I GI!I*{t)E I (a+.(l)(a FI U)()'t a a v)q)C')()a a)*)I-6 L q)a.c)F tr F l-L F-Lr tr F L F L q)L 3 o lti a fr L L tr L r<k frE E&z a zzz z z*b s E'Htsg E ? A ()5 lrt>'l u)(, U U)U U)U)a a F SggF i8 ct 'E HC rs 14t5 EE^ E [*656 0 I C)'-v v-*n ES(.)=hi) v 30.s f-dO Py tra J*- ty 9 od?c-9 (.)F.a.oH 0 tr a.o.v hI trHC-dfld EU-(F=-: :X c!*Ir]()F oi3.9F o6 r-- E 9rz tra 5q tr (V.!od?c I.u4 2ErnF-E E +E f; E 96,v)-=vr fr t.F!EE 6ttr (n5 fr c.)\JE\J c)-O.l/ 0)#0.q/o o-q, 0)do<ns LJO&EE.oo n lri F/te!gBE.c)o.a 0 tr E (l)I I (l}o ts z Z z z z z z EE$h 0 a0*).ts 6 U (9 g u)U (a U)*rrl rt*rYl'+i{fYl rt H&*rYl f+i i&*rrl H H&-Otrt{rrO EE*H g a '= z$ad trt o ^-l I 'l:-t (\t.9 (h-$q aS o-i$) 'i nc{.9 as$ad o ..i c)$J ': $t-t Gt ,r V-V (n-*-d rf, ad ct O;O I 'r t 6c*ct U)-$q 0c*O .-i tri I '1 sX c-l .:.V V)#S j(k+a ,ud.9+\u qs bct.t V)-$v tr:(B I '1 nc\l v.u ry')F+-o 63: 9.=-!lr-u)*)U a c\=ir-t 6l\o\771 fiffi=AAV H H T)ttv I oo c.;rh+v-oo cd v;\n F-.I o if 6t (D rd a f\oo t--6l co f-C.l aa t-r C-l CO F-c.l ca f-.[n r'r r-ca f.-b0 G'FE Q U)X U X X X X V)EE (9 .F EA.=h 6.8 rca Zt4^ ivr VH EZ Fkxl\<{rH AX4 6Zdn ZF-- irl v trz F<F]A=j SZds U z\iE v/1 wu\.r't!zz;-\ ratll \./ F IF D/,fr ivr rY c\X riJ Av?Hi l=vFr Ht-*, E I EEA 2e!!v=M ffifr2= l+l rYI z t+ti,i A rF1 HV F UXH oY-l 3dil E o)EA a=r{I rVl (h li N(h 2l RY ,co flx Yv)Ill F{C-l '-'1 c\.1 I rrl c{c{c.t M F I fY'l N C-l r7'l af r'l c.t ,d rYl ia. rrlc.l tl
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- E (l)c)6)u1 H z z z z z z EEg>r tr EO o 6t U c)t o (A U (A CA*rrl!+i H/,*rr'l Hi;i&"d fY'l't dd rrl f+i*rrl Hi EE I ESEH a-g.EF ,gfi 7A j q v)(g!'l c.i 5 .'i c)7)d$-d t ad tr${);!i$) 'l si N ,3.9 v)$n.oS o ..i I 'r,1 c.l V^U A*$$u)cs vv I 'r t 6c{ct ry')-rt a C,6: o;I 1:-l C.l V6V 7)d$q a$trv 8d,-t N.V a+GI:.qt .5 ali (l)bi (t)ce oq ca fa (t)c.l oo c.i fr ii&oo\J99 tq oo@r\=$;i=t t 3 ql i)r='l E v r-oo t-co Ir co oo t-I@t--a 00 r-o oo f-cf)t-tr-EO e tt c a fr v)u)a (a U u){.f El EO E'E.3 'F E8 A Ft X r'l H>)l ThML v n F i?fr't trJ 4 f-
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- $ 5Ef = 'El IE=^3 E E a I v CJ cri fr;E ts&TF&u/:tr iHE Eg o-v'*Hu) Ca ,*;EB9 E.OEA FZE'3.E *fltr v)E&ah I 6)tr c L tr 14 ii>-)s o L G I t)t Q)fl I U)+.o)16 ut E E a o a v)U)q)a)fl ra cg t*)e tr (u F L B U tr tr F L li g gh E L I-<Sr tr lr FE z z z z z z*b s Httsg ,E? A F o)u)ct)F U U U U U Ig$*ri8 6t 'E rO&9p H5 9&=$r- .v.I oo?c v'a rr C)Ad.-l?v;i .Y a)trSa)=x i\ U-*'--dO I.-v i:83 U=h 6\ U*t9 r-dO a o\a Lr Ad iErabEfi *i*E fl 3* # =E(N E ,EE ctr (n E.-d n;L'O/,EE.o0)ntltv U.;U.: O\o U\o U.i rfr!gBE (J(l)r.l (t)frE;().aJ I q)a Q I z z z z z z EEg h o b0 q)!GI t)(l)g)L v)U (A (a tr a)rrl rrl rrl*rY l Hi L<"HE l FHSHz.g.= F&E 6 t u)*I 'r nc{.v a+$.h*o;I '1 ii (\l.V (t) <f, s a.v bc\o (n-$s u)d tr$I 'l,'l c-l v^v U)-$q o(tr c$o.i0)9J ': $:1 C! ,.V.U u);\f,$a clg o.i 5c\c)(A#+-9,=.! tr-aA (9-I I ol I ol V)ca sf, I oq ca fY o 6l q)rd 00 r\(n c.l t--o\\.)f-o\\n t.'-\n c*\n ln t--b0 tt m-X U F z U X rh X r l-l X-X EE Y.Ei Fq.3 'F 3Ef-'! A-Fi-rh='v)1.f( tlt l+ J v)? E l, tr z v=z=, g^d,JFrI]tVf r'l J\1th o x FA.LJ2 o tr z\J \J a \../U&;]U zr\ tv v=_zhHz i ='iii /.fi /1 fYl&*24x iiAV H fii-ra l+r v r)<rYl il a x Frrl l-{ l+r lh EEd qqg$U= a!rE5l 9888 t (u EA,.+=d frl.lL,A l-NJ 3 us RY A c.ll'T'1 a NTJ r C-l nc{FA c!u nO:EZN tJ.IN d.R (\l L,/
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- F HHF5 = 3s 9 (l)trA.gH u EI t-d c-l RY oo N N F I ol oo (\i c.l F I (\ ,i.l 7R R7, FA (\lz (t)O tJ..r ,91 al.n c)l'rl c)O C)O U)I rI](t)c{I$C)-I u.2 fr ,.lgg tEtr E! .ri o stxEi PX=EgE-F o Utr nr;E c.i I rrl N\o E&3F x\J c.)+rrl c"l c{\,b l.-gHE EEg E9 U)O\J a A&a O\J v)2 ,ddE 5Egd.,gFgF ,tt 3 q)-I o L H fH o F'r (9 L 6!I tc 6)E t)(A+.*)TA-a a 0)a U)a o)a z E J 6 k (l)tr (l)Er lr F lr B tr 6)tr T th E l-r!Li*r L ti$E zzz z z z z*b s E:Hts.E"H? A (u-ut ct)O U U (a a a a'-;ts=gFFg r-{ I r{ 'E HC r,s rc (5 I ()'nr v tr:?!vv=ha) u=o.$r-dO (t)(r a lr o\I O v tr:?-:vv=tr,\ v-*tv r-dO*R A!-!vu;ih.JH=^*rv Ario H C)Ld;i d-q-54 (tr 6)\JOtr;:c, OC)O CA 2EraF.E i!A'-,9-EE =E = E EEVJS{) rr>rO EE cttr v) -=LEi U\Cj U';U.O n\JO&EE.oo)/1irtv U);r\vv tl.=E tvH.oo nFtV H nx vv&HE.oo/'\r+tV C)ra!sEi 9O'A rh & E q)fl C)(I)Q-z z z z z z z EEg h a0 (l)*a 6 U (u I L o u)a a rrl frl rrl frl rrl rY'l rrl frlrY l{rrl Ell r?l*rrl H*frl t+i dd rr'l rt Er -IE*H E s '= a t a(*:< c.)5.i c)ry')r.f, q ad trt B d$:1 6l .r.v (t) $-ci q 0d o;o)I ': .f,t-l C.l . I V.V (h+!f, a*I 'r Sclo V)*$s:r',cg qsr!.r d XC\9-g AF<f,-d$^u)<*!'i c.i 5 .'i c)(t') d $v o$O^i(k I 'r sx c\ .a v69 (n+$9.=-t ti*)a q! bI uo .E=0)0)?=EZ ool.r I tr-oo f-I rra 6 (l)!ca f--r-F-tr-F-\o f-oo f-r-t-F oo f*.I c.)f-l,-ca f-r-car F-q0 E*U U)U a U V)U U)U (n U U)F ct)F E.E EA.3E 6,E FCA rrl Mtul 4!: 2Zx AAV z ri-ol&x:i;-\ ri Fr t+{vn t!(ha z fr H ri v&xrir?r fn HVn tgv)a z^v z ? !?Fr6 UF z-a xa h r!u)-F o u) t-*' ia l-V) i,r uzii*\) u)V.r o L/ Y. +i rH-Eqdx JV&aYJ I c)trA.3H 3 rd\n t\F ira NA!il H7, NG:EZ c{ rJ-2t R?\n v)*V)c-l (n (t) A a=6tr/J tr-o\c.l I a (n C\.l a (J fr.91 (n\n (.)rI]c)()C)c.)a l E](n c\I\F C)F u Eh.s&,.198:sE!9xslH EE_r?tr;(t)Eg J-A Y U tr Fr fH I I rrl o\n cx A.BE x \r,+frl oq c\\. !!l.-THE EEE#g ,*E SEHd.FZE'3.E 3fln V)Efr u)3 g)L-fra{J (l)li 6 t I s q)g IJ u)F.(9 th-a a a.a a U)()*)L*GI lr c)e-(u Er ti B H B lr tr B!F L E o o H l-<lr H L!$E z z z a z U)c.)E gE E I t){J ctt a (t)J a a a U a laH 60=gFEF IA F{(l, FT 'E rO& 9.0!ij5rc ,q 9.v trO)r< tv.*od?tr I l-:0)tsFo)a :'i.Ad (Eo li Ai: a6z!Ad c$O I o?v i:H?!vv=h a) v-F-dO 9v'JcgL tV.9 oo?tr I U)L a. c)&br CHC (*qs F#-fi.t+iv X 6r*gl rtA n; E .., R.E il +.b $ E_q6v)-=tt) f->-: o f.I!EH (nE H tr A v)vtr!X9tr.A OJiU o Utr I 7<Ee YU)I X*c U^i:r\HHV Y<?v9&EE.OO nFFtV rfrt gaE E &.8 E o)o q)ut H z z z z z z gEg h c a0 o 3 6 U (u c.l L 0 a L)a a dd frl I+i*rY l l+l qf Y'l'+i dd rrl t+l q fYl si EE -TE*H$s'=e-ct sf, ad tr$sd5 n c{ ,:.9 (n**x$adX c.)5"{c)U)-<?r<r',cd tr o ..i ()bc{o r,-\f,-ct q chcE o;I '1 nc{V.9 A-.f, q a(s gv o-i I 'r:-1 N V.V (n-$s" u)CE!? ..i XN v.V V)#$o 9.=-tL-ca 6)H I FX FN vHt-t u)an K0.i{pJ F)a oq (n & .rn A:!Fi t-- = L.l=r-. +F uc\td A$2a++U a*3 itrr s oq ca ar t 6l a)E ca r-00 tr-oo t-r oo t--$r-t-f-a0'E A-F (t)F&(r CN ft a U a U Ch X U!itr Eio E.5l trs.=k 3E EI J r ra rr'l\J zEr=F: r>r l{# &Y JHF; M-;\A-fists7.&6qF zc{ ;)O. U)rrl?V)tix ZFi;-\\J 'LI=z FKFT 1=4 SVus J p f* ll tA tV 9r>5 5:l!(ha YAhA i!Elrydd.d.tV.f r'l?i 2trl a ii^,4+iYFt4r v)r! El trl Xt\/ tV ff rYl o)trA.3E Erl ,)E (h-C! F]a u) ;^c{a q NZ rY?F s s F a U c\c.rf Y'l I a 6l o\a (.)11 .h ,C)V)\n C)frl C)O q)o (h I rv\t+l U)c\I$C)I t-',&IA.T&.o t-9i3:$ E ex'ElE ET E.E E-E v U tr tr;H Et FE tu:.9 THEEFI b EHE 8S.*E EB9 SOE!cL FZE'3.E af,n\')E&ca 5 (l)-L rd CH>-)(9 L GI t I t (l)*)t{I v)+.o)E ,t)x o't (t c.)(t)()U)q)(l)L-6 l-(9 e (l)F 9<ts!l-{-r 9r F e}L 5 v)o lr h tr H*-r FE a.a v)()U)o a*B"g f; Htsg g? a (l)0>>rA&jFEF IA Fi(I)ct 'tr-O*. EO E.E?-'i 6 o.n v i:x*-!vv=trt) v-*lw r-dO li A;*So)a6: iAci5 O tr:c):Fo)alr U rAd#o o FA o=!.aacrE>.;'.0tn9.9 g.T"EHE rhvrh t.t EE (au T?E VU&EE.oo nF*4?;v9&EE.o0)nFF&?;VV&HE.!)o nFtlYt, i vv tt=tr LVH.o0)/.\F/V ns vv/,EE.oa.)n 'ti tv.reE gEg.cJOqt (n & E tt (){J g a th I z z z z z F{.9h E F8 etr,]6 u)u h a0 (D d U q)I L u)o o q rr'l rt dd rYl!l*rrl t+i*rrl'+l*rrl I+i bEF{E**d$s'ia q ac$trs Xco 5"lo V)F*j$ct) d o*l 9r 'tit c\V.V u)s$',,d o-i I 'r-61 V.g (r) *\aCg O;I XN V^V 7)-$s ttt s tr.f, bcto A#t o 6: P.5:b_cA q)ts fr F u)4+F] -&o.z.A , (_)^Xd,
&, = 9 i =1j-j iA.c!r-o.$e c.l fr I c{ogl Ec\xE#d6rcAv)*r i - r\ fl XFF-Y=c G ()-c-l 00 t-oo t-t\tr-(\EO G'A E X U X U X U X U X U E5 E5 ET.= lr 3E rccZ ir't&L, F A B A r^l EX=tVTtr t-Y(h nj\J c.l F'.v F L./VrA t\/ I Y,a z tul-fr F:it!H ao.J F rYl Ht)&a&3 (l)trA.38 Td oo ,\n*Fc\ Jr 6l rf\2&Y 6lz Ctt rf\2&=NA c.l a (.-lu) 6l l'l: f*.=c.l X c\o\(u o fT..9i a\n a)rI]O c)0)C)V)Ir Yl U)c!I$0)F ,L.A.t E;. g*tHtr tr .ii oE 6E trllil 8EE a A C)!rtr rE tsFr FE& \-,\r, Ell.-THE gE!8g ,4E q>9 V.(l)EA Fz.E'E.E 3flrs IJJ?a-*)T o li rd (lr o ( d I?t q)I I (n+.(9 E q E (t c)ra ()U)U)a a c.)c)lr a I 6c L o g I (u F{tr B!F L F l<L B li d (l)L I U]o=6 B t-li L lr H gE z z a o z z z*b p E.Htsg g? a (l)ah u)V)J (n J V)U)J a (h a J jFEF u)Fl q)FI .E FrC E,g rd8 li E?liA Y'i+c F(')oi ,6 v)*F0).0)Ld ii d U.c!AJCEnr\J(.)tr;.OJF3 Erd*ooo l-U E-:a (g .r\./Otr;.0):!OoO tr:!2*Fq)ax d ci5 O 9r:!l.v =.Ad d;o Lr xd*Fo)A:i!A oEO. alD:Eraa.E iiAr,9-i =E E Z-96'/-a thh ti ho 3.t ,gE 6tr (nF tr.?E\JO& E Ecis &,>'tr u)07 vtrb&C.)c-^UJ=U h n9E 9tr.b E'gq a^z\ ! t\\J>l tr v)o=r\ y wtrE c49tr a^r\ L r\
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.7 Ff\H*i-Fl a&u)U&I*)EA.EE-\n F ct)U)c!(t)U)ol f-\o I V)cn Crl co\o oo ,).(/) E (\tZ f-\o oo ,A aac\l a 3 6 oo at ri ca o\a C)fY.h ,!2 a\n C)14 C)()C)C)(r)J 14 F a e!I$C), L E CA.-H ,r:gS:5 EH E.E E E E--o U triA 3/oH T\f r'l o\t\s f-rYl v?rn Ea FE&r/+rrl oo oo ci+rYl\t-\.b l.r qHEEFl b gHE as.*E EF9 rlrOE!clr HZE'3 sggff (a (t)li Fl*H 3 o L 6l I I t (l)g g (h+r (9 6 H U)a (h (h a.)U)g 3 6 li.(l)a T ,q F lr U U F g)L u1 o r<H r<i!lr il li FE Z z z z z z*b g (Dtr EEtsg g? a q)o>..ra a 5 Cn (4 V)F CN U)F a a F a IFe*F{ q)FI .E tsC ilPp H5 x5 ri4 ',r; ifr ,j'-.:= Y EH 3 fib:=0-(6 r'-dO H.0)bE **qH E: Ooo fr H=!l*Fo at v drv d50 rga (t)E>,=;0 ln *.9e *r*Et 5* # -erl=6v)Er-.t EE dtr (aE E h lr v)o=Y, F E.A UJ=U v)9=p v E v.LVm A f \_HV ngF Ya5 ty6A u.!vF/\ A r)v U U*.lfa U U*.F$v)U U*<tu)EHE E&E E q)I g (l)e IA H z z z z z z sEg b EO$Gl (J q)g)L (n a o*f r'1 F+i*rrl!g dE rrl t+l H&*frl I+i*rrl H dd rrl gi..Ht i E E *H E s '= z-d$u)d c$ll c.i 5"{c)V)*\t q aS tr$Rdi 5"'ie (h$d n ad (.) ;I 'r 5c\c)U)-S$(Ad tr$O-i+i I ': $,i ot .(v.v r./l-$j q o(s cs C);+<9) 'r stl c{ ,r V.V V)-S$a$o;9') 'lX c-l^V U)-S 9.5.L-e)(9 H Cn ca oq c.t fr 2i 2i p U ZM- rrl cnb Z^=&q f; e 8 o 3 6l*)rg oo t-c.l t-*F-t-.t-[n t-\n t--c.l ol t*-oo tr-o0'tg n U)U V)O a (t F z a F z fa a EE E5.3 'F e4 HA n*=F Hdll H'-*rFA^1Fr v-Ju)o.J R 2 F= ? 3 3 r!HEl&TE&?,=s=3=FE5 6l+F F Fl v) r{A EU)2 7^c\A vfv cn III Z g ? e P*2* E *3p, F F IJ]JI!V2A P H 3 Ei q)trA,.3=rd N a v)c.l x 9i U)Y6l ir KE f-\n a U)C-l AN KE$rl 2=rh c\a v)O fJ.'.>l ,!i a\n C)t'r'l c)O o (.)(t)J E]a c!I$O F x (A.t&,,:gg:s E H E.E E E E'x o U cr Fr;E ca Ir r'l\n oo c.i c.)I rYl ca v?ca ca I q ts&FE& \'/c{+f Y'l\o n ol+f r'l\o R c.l+rYl ca;\.r.E qHE EEE Eg ,*E!89 EOEq FZE.=sggtr E$ s 8ga il8Es.i. ()!\nd C\.1 L =-k r\OF ollsY HsE: 1A-li c)L frl*-r g)l.6 I e).!i tr Q)q)lr e, (n+'{)ut ts a a a a U)0)U)q)q)L if 6t tr (u a.q)E{!B lr F U U tr CJ o)tr$tA o=l<lr 9r*r L tr ra$E z z z z z z*F e E'HEg E7 a I q)5 lt)>r (n U)F U)Ch F U)(r)V)a U)(h F (t)O F (n EgFF t-,t I 6tE-O&9p H5 Lr:!1*Fcl th IAA d d50 L:!2*Fo.)1:1!A so ().F-a OH I (.).-v i:.H*!vu=H nl v-*rv sdo 914 HV=qL tV.!od?tr v 9-:4 EO J HlY 9 od?c-9?EraF.EA *r*E l-c=5tr OrF.gj5 6h>>o f.-AE cle (A-E U U d8.F$a U U*$rt F U U d F$cn U U d.F$(n U d.F\f, u)U U*.F ra!Heg.3 &,E (t){J I ()g 7A-z z z z z z EEg h o EO (l)!6 ()I ti o (A O (A (t)d fY'l l+i df Y'l l+l qf r'l!t"U r7l f+l d rrl rt btrF{SEEH v u)6f=4+\il.'i+ti c-l ,a^V cn*<t q acs q$O;(h I 'l t n c{ ,i^v (n$_d!tr j(F-+F,"i+6c'ld 7lFS s ad trs Kca 5"'io V)F$ cs o-.j o 'l bc\c)V)#$v ac*Xco 5o{o r,r$tr.9 ox-'E-ga o)H U I I (\l U@Fil i V:-U 6 (l)rd oo I-*C-l ca t-tn r-\n c-oo f-\n t--o0 E m J X a F z U)F z U)F z.!i tr 8.9 EE.=b 38 Hn 9k l-FFrrO E&f \ r7l-)v aUE Sz ni9 i Xh Httl8 ZZ rYl u&61 FrrlA*<6 F E ( rYl rYl l#t-F=-aA F rylr<4=u)tA4tJ tW lYi\ C- rrl Fr?\ t1 1=69 fre,\/ lV lV.
AFTI]t*)AH.--rd a=c{a: a\c.l A C-l a (n c.l oo 6=KH A C.t F;Kil u) r-FF KE
\n o\rl)O trr>l ,9?V)\n C)rrl o O c)()U)'t rvl t{(t)c\I$C)-o l-L v (A.F fr ,,:gs:5 EH E.E 8.EE tr o U.Hfu 3E/oT T\c.l rYl (\I\N rr'l oq c{I rrl ol\ot I rrl oq ts&IF& \i/c.l+rYl oo c'i c{+rrl o\T co c-l+rrl oo c";ol+fT't n ca\.b l.[qHE EE!Eg-a lL tr.,9 Cl;\J (C$F z tLl.\a 7^ q)tsF*{r$F le IL F6S X9 ,*E EF9 IVOEclr HZE'E fl.b,*.fr d S &, th-(9 L f tH o c)L d I I rtr O (9 L cJ (A+.(l)rE u)ts a q)0)a (h a g I fil Li (9 a cl F{L F H Blr F li (l)fr CA E lr H k lr*r gEzz z z z*F g-(l)E E'FEg g? a g)3 IA h Ch oo$oo tf,-v s&
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CA O F.'.>t ,!l U)\n 0)a r!(.)C)c,)o (n'.,lt'rl U)c\I s C)p-L 5 (a.I&.o!". I i3:F E$ EE-# Efi tii jJ/v (J ch. Fr;E FIU tsFi FE&LJ\,F EEE 8S.*E EB9 EOEA FZE'7 H .E, *. rS ,i g &aa-o l: e fr1+{I (9 L ct a I t{t)(l)l.t a F.c)tt (n x (t q)U)C)a U)C)ct)q)C)q)L=-cl L'*)o Fr L F U U U U U q)L t I ta o E*i tr k L t<FE z z z z z z*E ?E'Htsg g? a i)fl 0 h rr)cr.l V)a a V)V)EFeF FrI r\ 'tr-O4, 9p H5 Ea-U H-I FA=,Ya=\JO!--i2Y=oriiFo..=v H-vd ts!_Y(h ee6 9t-;2=A-iiatu U*L UF!A=uii 9-RE Fd FL v---Yc/)?U;i!F vl XEkF.v-L vd!-YU)7U;1 9.:U'Y=KE Fd.ud n; E,a F.E fiaL.ti-5 U 8.6 E 3 t'tC--X-5_!a a (A Frr-.f, EE antr tn=T L, o)*p1 ri 9L YF:\E>,:EE*lr 9::\=!v>l*tr 9:::^'VV I Y<5e rl.A.=AF U.Lv CAAU rf,E sBi E &,8 tt c)t (J c)th: z z z z z z 3Eg>r L EO (u{l GI O I L rn U a a frl rYl fYl (a 0)I a H ft a t fr U)C)tl<fr U)a)t<fY btr-.EEEH v u)$:< c.l 5.'i., ry')r$j s 6d ct!l c.i 5 "'i c)Cn-$\t AG9i di x6l.V A*$-ct=J: (,1c3 tr .<r O;I 'l,-t 6l v^V A+S\6sJ c=f,!'l c.i 5"'i., rt)tst$u) ci X ce)()O U)*$GIE 9.=:b-ca o)c I 6l q)r-1-\n ca f-ca r-\n ca t-r t'-f-f-r-r*.
tr-a0 G'IA F F z U ct)F z O F z U F z U F z U.!a tr EO 9tl EA.=h a8-H^!z (t) F>)r\ ,rt\ a VH oFA At:l 0):.Y X(J h O(A 5 ,74 L (h ,, z7 t-A ha'r=FKH tx9 FV-!k-Y O.O-U c.l o-d n.hq==qv P9'{E F9-rrvA Ltr-Y AAII HHV 6ts P n.-u)R>l E(nh$E i-iJA v-Y fiE I 9 (D trAi.3E E U C-l N (t)zi<0.X (\ ,.Mt!&&I U p z c-.1'ia BZ 6rX M&I&qt c.tx M&HA ,.', C\X v&
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-rrO xv o ,,-i u h q)-CO\J=o reE gaE 9(9', cnlE*)!I o IA Izzz z z z z z z z z g:E F-(JU) G (n,(J L ot c)c Q q)r\ I vb u)=rAo (A gf r'lf+l o-=v)fY rri cr)H tulr .a cn O.(h"d frl rYl i=a V)Or fY.U)fr (t)rr r'i a l:i fr V).E.E*5*H O ca rt.h CnX cr)5"{u)r ()ca acO Xco 5ct a*(J c'i q) ca f'l d;5 .'i (A*O c.i QCA!i od 5.i ch-O ca j aca gJ 't 5(.1 u)-ca ca acn I '1,t 6l U)#()(rl.,ca:< ca 5 "'i a*(-)ca d (,co Xco b c'l a*c)ca.i c,ca Xco ats cn 0ca b.{AF o I tr I 0h (9 E c!(9 L&*rrl ll-.t 7 z7v I!F=J J-+FB S&I frl z rrl d&n AX*1N U)(\l c.)I oq c.)o I 6t (D ti f-oo t.'-\n cal,-o\c.t f-tn ca f*I I\n (n c-\n co f-OJ tt J X J X J Ff rr 5 J 5 fr J J I 3 X J*Li IJ a q)T (I)rd F fr'lrrr Z fin/,<r AlV E5 J li JJ aF o.Z&U F U z fT c-.1f r'lD rrr ov, Z x(h&rrl z U X rrl F rYl J'I rrl rYl rrl z F U rn=Z'7 t+i trx Nr!p z ri U J J rrl c.)+i[r ()tr L F lr
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I (t)g\.6)rA H 4t{)(h 0)a c)(t'a U)q)a a o a a U)c)a cA ()o H*Fb k F lq B L F l-r L B L B Lr F!F Lr B tr B!F Li F F*(9 L th L l. E 3 CAFr C)ct'E-O AIA FO)I-i-i 6t L<!)5q)\JE i-=a L c)\JE o lr c.)Eo)vE o li x L'/ E o q?qo JAI?-cg s F:-*JU;c-l ;E gl , C)G*gH os Fb a ()d*trH O(*/io F-O a od*trH 0)(c sb I L<(6 o Lr\JE o.v!?U lr 9?.\., E d t<\JE o tr\JE o 4 l<(*d rfrt gE.E 9(uA rttEE E I I 6)0 an-z zzzzz z z z z z z z z E:H $-(Ju) 6 U)'(J li a o I d c)rr (J VL (AA ao U)fr V)*Av)*rrli+l o.= (r)q fYlF+i o.=(n cn d FLA (r a a fr a fY a fr a fr o fY.U)a E.E ^E*E&3-o o li I ra*)E 6t c)L.U rr'l z rrl J rrl z fr'l J I I I J X N I I X fa Z^/fYl FZ Z -\o irr I H Jc{4FF S t-r I rq&ZJ 3z ca a\N c-I zo r?l FA \n crE g)r.)ca F-co F.c-F-c\l c-c-f-\n t.'*l,n ca f-.l'n ca r,-\n ca F-\n ca f-ln c.)tr-0l t le J rr J.t X J X J X J X 3 X 3 X J fr I F-l rt--J fl J ft!r I CA o, Fr-tl (9 t frl J V)r?l fYl HJ VN r+{ tT FU H(\l']F-)Cn N0i=r KD f'l 2 F-7uA Fi^qF z.'l rr'l F-)rt rrl F x>, 7i<6 j z F J (A F Cn F&F rYl z rYl frl z rrl J U U U U F U&xz 6s z&9 zii FqF Xu)EE U rrl F J nF Fz r\ t<&H N U z la C\a=P3 (,Z zo XY Uv)C.l U z rr q,=l*6 L,' Z ZO XH Ua c.i U z N v rr'!ZUD rr'l (r&z Xu)xH J V)\.J =ZZ Vc.r FOr-i fr .H c\.l frl?U U)U)Ez EZ 7.v r-a FlA UU J 2 F tr rt l;ii 10<.iq VN FU tri tL F c-'l H;c)I U z c\!6l c.l T V)F cn N t-.oo (n U c..l o\oo I a U c.l a!J a U c.t c.)U Cn U C\l ca U I (h U c.l$U fa a U 6l\o I U z rY 6ll.-z rt N I U z 6l z OI 6l I U z fr c.l ca I U z N tu C)fr c)O.,i (n l-r (n U o a (h I c!a't C)a m ca I$a)l-I HF=o Qs!'F Str*a Sp;6t"E j - sE $E E (A (9 o L 14 t: c)L 6l I I f.)tr q)c), I rt)c.(l)ah-a U)a a a a.t a t, a a a a U)a Ff;lr>F L;L F L Blr H tr L F trlr L t lr!F r-!P IA FT a FE 0 z a a 0)zzzz zzz z U)o U)C)a 3;F=#o IA (n a U rr a U rY a U (4 U fY V)U lr rt)U lr a U lr a U fa a r\fr a U fr a U fa a U a U It V)U a U d; t'E fi )'.IrI fi.F t EFNo\ v h CA FIO GT .E*tsr-l c!o-qo X (ti o A t<-q o)r./ E o tr!)..q o vE ()4 I.i 0)to)\JE o 2 SO\JE o a tr ()E o.)\J?o L tc)\JE i L 0)-qo vE o tr c.)so vE o H C)*o (6 o!-q c)x v(i i L 0)-Co o tr 0)-qo\./ E o!o.Eo)
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r-\n c.l f-o\ea r-\n ca r*.rn co}f-I\n ca r,\al E']J fY'.](r J Fr fr J J fT J F-l ri F-l fT 3 fr J D rY--fY.I Ff fT J ft c L I IA o)-(l)I tr E r-'!-J cr)F tv Ill VD znV c-l FU r! t!+ c-l&rrl F F rrl=\J LJ (N t F U z lr c.l=-1 ?t)7F\JZ 7;=\l XH Uu)ol O z fr ol=F 7ll\JZ 7;^=v XX Uu)F*U z fY C-l n o-z t,2 ZF JFr XY t,a F.t(U z fa oln nZ Aa fJr Ct)ri IIJ zr lF-XY UA c\l Uv 7 a'!A 47 4A F Uv 7 a 0. V)4p 42 c{trz N U)AV)=p 4A C\U ZLJ ILZ 6l vv)Aa EN au)I U z c{rYt -rF1 A e7 X+, s9 l+ c.l U z c\l t=F riA 2 bz?3 El c.t*F fHz 1t VN FUr-i fYl-r C'l!!z\./ t!Zr\ -Xl;r FUrr"i E EsJ ilZ FA zn Xr;l FU s7H C-l tl-(9 F g ri s I U z c..l oo U z 6l oo r-(\l z C..l t-(\l U z c.t c-l 00 c\t U z rY (\ca co c.l I U z fr t\s oo C\z rr c!l.n oo N U z fr c-il*c.l U z C-l t-@N U z N oo oo N U z ft 6l oo 6l I U z fr (\l c..l I U z ar c.l c\I U z rY 6l C-l o\6l z rT N C)IJr 6)V)(n Q a a a.t I N a l C)U)m ea I$C).o F gF=o Qs ,'fi$L EN HE#E 3-$E$EE ln 9 o)E a E rir (u l-d I I (a c)c)L e)a 6.()tt at)I a rt c)U)a a U)C)v) o o a O v)q)cl)c)v)()v)0)FE Frb 9r F!B trFF tr F L F 6!Ll F tr B L F tr t t<-l-r B k F (u L?h o E tr t<9r l-FE (t)U)C)q)z z a U)o U)0)z z z z z z s-F=f*)3 IA u)a U fr (t)U fr Cn U ar V)U fr (n U O.ft a U fr U)U lr V)U U)U O.U)U fT (n U (t)F (t)ct)U)oo$d j 3,9 Q.9E.HS F F EA Fl e)et'E-O trg rrt (5 Lr ()\J-o l-i!)-c o)\JE o=L 0)\JE o H x vE o L ()x vE o*?? 0.)l4bI E: ig l-*-C ,iEH..r E t!v)X frl N.FA.9=\rrA l-r A H tr c)FA 6F l- u)O\ !)*A I tr 0)FA t-a O\O tsu)fr E0)x i lr.c!)\JE o tr g c)r<u O==v o JU EHE c)(l,)(': nclE qJ I cJ q)tr CA l-(z zzz zzzzz zzz z z:9h E:E 8-.e(a 6 (n,(J L C r'c)rr (J!, l-u)a ao V)It V)fr V)fr V)fr (t)CN lv v)rr a d rrll+l o.=u)fl V)li V)(h dd AU)fY (t)fr.-i a t+l <EE*E*F&E-3 c LlJ.A (t)-6 o L U Ff U F V)c{
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U V)U fa q)U li (t)U lr Ch U@s I lcrr!6lOE (-) ,btC f;E,r=x.F v VAut,q# B YJ F.(*8 e.t'I rO rg rds a q).:J s H EE c)S A 0.)U)0)oE*l-'! E=()o(!Csr A()t-O v C)C)U t<E3 x\JE o{?q0)sbr e F:=i rUX6r IE t!0()a;ix v;A rrt N'F ?,.v=rnA L t<c)FA 0)=-ch O\o-A o L*-0)Fr0 ()E t-a (}\ o)+A lr LU=P zE rfr!gEE 8&.8 6J!CJ o ra T z z z z z z z z z z E:H F-CJCA GI a,(J L 5 6 rl (D Qg (t) =ao CA d frll+i o-Fa i*F+t Nlr A-HA rA a rY a (, lv U)ft a U)a i*'t EN?T n t+r t+l A7^-HV).H.E.5EH O cr)ch ca S"t 5c*a#O c.i q) ca!'i .;:-l 6l cnr ()co j (t) c.)o,x!) '1 xc!u)-()cfl ja c.)X (fi 6cl (t)L)(")(a cA o^X I '1 NN ar O cal,c.)Xco:1 C!a*O ctl (t) Cat 0) '1 bc{v)-o crj 0ea 5cl a*o q aca o '1l-- ^l v)-o cau) c.}tl 6l u)*o , I o*)I G'g&*fY-t t IJ z-v E]F-J J*qFF S&I rrl z?tri Q&n[I]=l 0.X R aci Ch N c.)09 ca fY d 6 q)trl r-oo r-\n cft F-Nl,-\n c.l F-\r}rn f-bl tt I J X J X-.]Fr lr J fY J fr Ff fr J fr-i-fr T X o g L I.A q)H q)e-F fr'l Bdrr"t Z't i;n\./ -a?2rl a5 J F-z U F']fr J rrl (n U (\l U z c{rYlD rYI (?&z Xa vx fYl z U X rrl F rrl-]J rrl fr fYl fYl z F U p a KZ U: C,Hc't t!Ff z J U J J rYl F.)fr frl z rYl Jf r'l I U z ft (\U XA r!rF<xzl;l 5cIit fYt U a jz c\l XN ri ok.'r 0r=t{4 Fr rYlfr. hf r'l F z rYl U J'-z U F@v--*)a-$U I u)U N\o oo U I a U C-l a O z F.C-l F rYl U z lr C.l ca N rrl U z fr 6l ol I U z c\l U z c\F I (J z tr C-l c\F I U z fr 6l c.i rtl I (\I U U
WALKDOWN AND AREA WALK.BYSThis section summarizes the activities prior to, during, and after performing the NTTF 2.3 seismic walkdown and area walk-bys. It also presents the results and findings of the walkdown and documents the checklists utilized to record the walkdown data.It is concluded that the approach implemented to conduct the seismic walkdowns and area walk-bys satisfies the characteristics and recommendations outlined in EPRI Report 1025286. Therefore, by following these guidelines, the walkdown approach and format of the resultsdocumented herein fulfills the requests established in the NRC 50.54(f) letter, Enclosure3, Recommendation 2.3 : Seismic.5.L War.xnowN Pnnp^q,nATIoN The overall procedure directly implements the EPRI guidelines. However, due to their unique nature, the following description gives special attention to the selection and execution of the configuration checks of selected anchorage. EPRI guidelines recommend that a minimum of 50 percent of the equipment considered in the walkdown be examined to document the existing anchorage configurations, and assess this configuration relative to the design basis. It also recommends that the block wall maps be retrieved to document previous evaluations in supportof NTTF 2.3. However, with the exception of one block wall, Beaver Valley Power Station Unit2 does not have any safety related masonry block walls associated with Seismic Category 1 components, thus the process to verify block wall adequacy per IE 80- 1 t has been omitted forthis walkdown. It is noted that the seismic adequacy of one block wall mentioned above was confirmed from existing design calculations.Prior to the walkdowns, the Seismic Walkdown Engineers (SWE) examined available plant documentation associated with anchorage design and correlated this to relevant SWEL components and the respective Seismic Walkdown Checklists (SWC) and Area Walk-By Checklists (AWC). This pre-walkdown activity contributed to gaining familiarity and critical insights regarding the components and areas to be walked down. The relevant design documentation, drawings and calculations were uploaded to each of the SWEs electronic tabletsused during the walkdown with the intention of verifying, if required, any anchorage configuration. 206 5.2NTTF 2.3 Wnr,KDowNSThe NTTF 2.3 walkdowns at Beaver Valley Unit 2 were performed over a duration of five daysfrom September 17 to September 21,, 2012 and a one day walkdown on October 5, 2OI2 forequipment that were inside the Containment building. During the walkdowns, the SWEscompleted the walkdown checklists as SWEL components were inspected. The SWEs discussedtheir observations and judgments with each other, and collectively came to agreement on theresults of their Seismic Walkdowns and Area Walk-Bys before documenting the results onSWCs or AWCs. Any issues that could not readily be resolved or agreed upon by consensus ofthe SWEs were further evaluated at the end of each day through further assessments (e.g., calculations) or identification of existing plant documents. If any identified condition could notbe easily determined to be acceptable, a Condition Report (CR) was issued on the same day to be further evaluated for compliance with the Seismic Licensing Basis and additionally to be evaluated under the plant's Corrective Action Program.Selected anchorage configurations were verified for 507o of the floor or wall mounted components on the SWEL with respect to design documentation, including anchorage design drawings and IPEEE calculations. 5.3 Posr WnlroowN Acrrvrrrns The primary activity after the walkdown involved compiling the SWCs and the AWCs.Additional documentation, such as design calculations and/or IPEEE submittals, were also reviewed to support configuration checks. Photographs taken during the walkdown were linkedto the respective checklists. Some of the findings of the walkdown that could not readily be dispositioned during the walkdowns were evaluated further through additional calculation/modification package reviews for proper disposition. Any potentially adverse seismiccondition identified in either the equipment Seismic Walkdowns or the Area Walk-Bys were evaluated with respect to their seismic licensing basis at the end of each day. In some cases theadverse condition was resolved through additional assessment in the form of quick calculationsor identification of plant documents that substantiated the as-built condition. If the potentially adverse seismic condition could not be readily shown to meet its seismic licensing basis, then the condition was immediately documented in a Condition Report (CR) to be further evaluated under the plant's Corrective Action Program (CAP). The results of these assessments were then documented in their respective SWCs or AWCs. For this reason, the checklists were not formally signed until all the documentation including reviewer comments were incorporated. This report serves as the official documentation of the walkdown although the date of the report approval is different than the dates of the walkdowns. No "timeline" can be reconstructed to document theinternal comment cycle and this report serves as a "snapshot" assessment of plant conditions. The post walkdown activity also developed this walkdown report.5.4 PornlluAr,r,y Anvnnsn CoNurroN RnponrmcProcess used in determining whether an identified potentially adverse condition required entry inthe site's corrective action program or not:The Seismic Walkdown Enginerers (SWEs) documented their findings in the field directly inIPads that were used in completing the walkdown checklists. Once they identified any potentiallyadverse condition during their walkdowns, they immediately consulted among themselves first todetermine if the identified anomaly had any significant impact on the SSC's capability to perform its intended design function. The basis for this assessment was based on design basisacceleration level at the base of the SSC, load carrying capability of the component, significanceof the issue, significance of the component, allowable stresses per AISC and ACI codes, and anyother attribute that would help in making a sound engineering judgment. If additional information was needed, they immediately contacted site engineers to gather additional datalinformation to make a decision. If any immediate action was required, it was takenaccordingly. Additionally, technical expertise and the knowledge of the site structural engineering personnel were utilized in evaluating the identified anomaly and making a decisionwhether it required entry to corrective action program. This was done as they were more knowledgeable in the design and licensing basis of the plant.At the completion of walkdown activities each day, a collegial meeting was held between the walkdown team, the team's mentor,FarzinBeigi, the Peer Reviewers, and the site design engineering personnel to debrief the findings of the day and any potential conditions adverse to quality. Any condition that was clearly a violation of the design or licensing basis was written asa condition report on the day of discovery. Some conditions were not clearly violations, but itmay have been unclear whether there was any cause for concern. These conditions appeared to meet their design requirements, but required some verification. These items are noted in Table6-5 and Table 6-6. The tables document "potential" issues that would be adverse to quality. In general, they are a documentation of varying degrees of experience and use of engineering judgments. The basis for excluding an issue from being a condition report is documented in the walkdown checklist to ensure retrievabilitv. 208 6.0
OF THE WALKDOWN RESULTS Wnr.r Dowll lrnrvrs AND Wlt x-Bv AnBa,s 6.1The SWEL 1 included a total of 109 components, and SWEL2 included a total of 10components. From this total of 119 components, 105 components were successfully walkeddown during the week of September l7 to September 2I,20L2. The SWT returned to the site onFriday, October 5 and walked down the remaining 14 components located inside the ReactorBuilding. Table 6-1 and Table 6-2 identify the walkdown items and walk-by areas, respectively. The areas walk-by and the walkdown items are cross correlated on the respective SWCs andAWCs. Table 6-3 provides the list of equipment that was walked down broken down by EPRIequipment class. 209 Table 6-1: Beaver Valley 2 NTTF 2.3 Walkdown Items (SWEL I+2)Equipment ID No Equipment Class Bldg EIArea Description 2CCP-27 A0d. Other-Check or Manual Valve AXLB 735N-EAST 2 AXLB 735}CCP-40d. Other-Check or Manual Valve AXLB 735N-EAST 2 AXLB 735 2CCP-AOVlO7A
- 7. Pneumatic-Operated Valves RCBX 718RCBX 721-A RCP Pump Cub 2CCP-821lt21. Tanks and Heat Exchangers AXLB 710AXLB 710 HX 2CCP-FT1O7A18. Instrument (on) Racks RCBX 718RCBX 718 2CCP-MOVl12A 8A. Motor-Operated Valves RCBX 7r8RCBX 718-Annulus 2CCP-MOV119 8A. Motor-Operated Valves MSCV 773IAC Room 2CCP-MOV150-1 8A. Motor-Operated Valves MSCV 722MSCV 718 2CCP-P211'
- 5. Horizontal Pumps AXLB 735 N/EAST 2 AXLB 735 2CCP-PT1O7A18. Instrument (on) Racks RCBX 718RCBX 718 2CCP-TK21A21. Tanks and Heat Exchangers AXLB 773AXLB 773 Cool Surge Tank 2CHS-FCV1I4A
- 7. Pneumatic-Operated Valves AXLB 7r0AXLB 710 2CHS-HCV186
- 7. Pneumatic-Operated Valves AXLB 718 AXLB 7I82CHS-LCVI I588A. Motor-Operated Valves AXLB 718AXLB 718 2CHS-MOV31O 8A. Motor-Operated Valves RCBX 692RCBX 692-Near Inner Stairs 2CHS-MOV8132A 8A. Motor-Operated Valves AXLB 718AXLB 718 2CHS-P21A5. Horizontal Pumps AXLB 735 AXLB-CP-735 2CHS-SOV20688. Solenoid Valves AXLB 755AXLB 755 Boric Acid TK Rm 2CHS-TK21A21. Tanks and Heat Exchangers AXLB 755AXLB 755 Boric Acid TK Rm 2CVS-SOVrO288. Solenoid Valves MSCV 718MSCV 718 zCVS-SOV151A88. Solenoid Valves MSCV 718 MSCV 7I8 2DAS-AOVIOOA7. Pneumatic-Operated Valves RCBX 718 RCBX 718-PEN-724 COL 9 2EGF-LIS2O3A18. Instrument (on) Racks DGBX 132 EDG 2-1 2EGF-P21A 6. Vertical Pumps DGBX 732 EDG 2-1 2EGF-TK22A21. Tanks and Heat Exchangers DGBX 732 EDG 2-1 2EGS-EG2-117. Engine Generators DGBX 732EDG 2-1 2FNC-1080d. Other-Check or Manual Valve FULB 729FULB 729 PIly4.P Room 2FNC-821A2I. Tanks and Heat Exchangers FULB 740FULB 741HX Room 2FNC-EJM23OA0d. Other-Check or Manual Valve FULB 729FULB 729 Plly4P Room 2FNC-P21A 5. Horizontal Pumps FULB 729 FULB 729 PMP Room 2FNC-RV1010d. Other-Check or Manual Valve FULB 740FULB 141HX Room 2FNC-TI1O1A I 9. Temperature Sensors FULB 740FULB 741}lX Room 2FNC-TIIO2A19. Temperature Sensors FULB 140 FULB 741 HX Room 2FWE-FE101A18. Instrument (on) Racks SFGB 741 SFGB 147 Cubicle A 210 Table 6-1: Beaver Valley 2 NTTF 2.3 Walkdown Items (SWEL l+2)Equipment ID NoEquipment Class BldgEIArea Description 2FWE-HCV1OOD7. Pneumatic-Operated Valves SFGB 741SFGB 741 Cubicle C 2FWE-P22 5. Horizontal Pumps SFGB718SFGD 7I8 2FWE-P23A5. Horizontal Pumps SFGB 718SFGD 718 2FWS-FCY4187. Pneumatic-Operated Valves SRVB 780SRVB 780 2FWS-FCV4797. Pneumatic-Operated Valves SRVB 780SRVB 780 2FWS-HYV157A
- 7. Pneumatic-Operated Valves MSCV 773Main Steam Room E,1778 2FWS-LT477F18. Instrument (on) Racks RCBX 718RCBX 7l8-Annulus 2HVC-ACU2OlA10. Air Handlers CNTB 735 CNTB 735-AC Room 2HVD-DMP2OIA
- 7. Pneumatic-Operated Valves DGBX 759 EDG 2-1 Upstairs 2HVD-DMP22A7. Pneumatic-Operated Valves DGBX 759EDG 2-1 Upstairs 2HVD-FN27OA
- 9. Fans DGBX 759 EDG 2-1 Upstairs 2HVP-CLC265A10. Air Handlers AXLB 755AXLB 755-MCC Room 2HVR-ACU}O7 A10. Air Handlers SFGB 741SFGD 741.PLAT 2HVR-T122819. Temperature Sensors CNTB 735 Control Room 2HVR-T1228-119. Temperature Sensors CNTB 735 Control Room2HVW-FN257 A9. Fans INTS 705Intake Cubicle C 2HVW-MOD2lA7. Pneumatic-Operated Valves INTS 705Intake Cubicle D ZHVZ-DMP215A7. Pneumatic-Operated Valves MSCV 773 SWGR Vent Room 773 2HVZ-FN26IA
- 9. Fans MSCV 773 SWGR Vent Room 773 2HVZ-FN261B, 9. Fans MSCV 773 SWGR Vent Room 773 2MSS-AOVlO1A
- 7. Pneumatic-Operated Valves MSCV 773 Main Steam Room El 789 2MSS-SOVlO5A 8B. Solenoid Valves MSCV 773Main Steam Room F,1789 2MSS-SV1O1A0d. Other-Check or Manual Valve MSCV 773Main Steam Rm Upper Plat.2QSS-2970d. Other-Check or Manual Valve YARD 730 Yard 2QSS-MOV100A8A. Motor-Operated Valves SFGB 718 SFGD 718 UP 2QSS-MOV101A 8A. Motor-Operated Valves SFGB 7t8 RSS Cubicle 2RCS-AOV1O1
- 7. Pneumatic-Operated Valves MSCV 718 MSCV 718 zRCS-PT44O18. Instrument (on) Racks MSCV 740 MSCV East 735 2RHS-E21B21. Tanks and Heat Exchangers RCBX 707 RCBX 707 zRHS-HCV758A
- 7. Pneumatic-Operated Valves RCBX 692RCBX 707 2RHS-MOV7O2A 8A. Motor-Operated Valves RCBX 718RCBX 718-A RCP Pump 2RHS-MOV72OA8A. Motor-Operated Valves RCBX 718 RCBX 718-8 RCP Pump 2RHS-P21A 6. Vertical Pumps RCBX 707RCBX 707 2RHS-RV721A0d. Other-Check Manual Valve RCBX 692RCBX 707 2RSS-TI15OA19. Temperature Sensors CNTB 735 Control Room Table 6-1: Beaver Valley 2 NTTF 2.3 Walkdown Items (SWEL L+2)Equipment ID NoEquipment Class Bldg EIArea Description 2SIS-10d. Other-Check or Manual Valve SFGB 718 SFGD 718 25IS-670d. Other-Check or Manual Valve RCBX 718 RCBX 7l8-Annulus Col 4 25IS-MOV863A 8A. Motor-Operated Valves SFGB 718 SFGD 718 West 25IS-MOV867A 8A. Motor-Operated Valves AXLB 710 AXLB 710 Boron Tank 2SIS-MOV88I1A 8A. Motor-Operated Valves SFGB 718SFGD 718 West 2SIS-P2IA 5. Horizontal Pumps SFGB 718 SFGD 718 2SVS-HCV104
- 7. Pneumatic-Operated Valves MSCV 773Main Steam Room E1778 2SVS-PCV I Ol A0d. Other-Check or Manual Valve MSCV 773 Main Steam Room Upper Plat.2SWS-570d. Other-Check or Manual Valve INTS 705 Intake Cubicle D 2SWS-EJM221A0. Other INTS 705lntake Cubicle C 2SWS-MOVlO4A 8A. Motor-Operated Valves SFGB 7t8 SFGD 718 West 2SWS-MOV1064 8A. Motor-Operated Valves VLVP 718 Valve Pit A 2SWS-MOV113,\
8A. Motor-Operated Valves DGBX 732 EDG 2-1 2SWS-P21A 6. Vertical Pumps INTS 705Intake Cubicle D 2SWS-PCVI187. Pneumatic-Operated Valves INTS 705 Intake Cubicle C 2SWS-PT-l13418. Instrument (on) Racks VLVP 7r8 Valve Pit A 2SWS-PT-117 A 18. Instrument (on) Racks INTS 105 Intake Cubicle D 480VUS-2-82. Low Voltage Switchgear SRVB 730Emerg SWGR AE 480VUS-2-92. Low Voltage Switchgear SRVB 730 Emerg SWGR DF 4KVS-2AE 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear SRVB 730 Emerg SWGR AE 4KVS-2DF3. Medium Voltage Switchgear SRVB 130 Emerg SWGR DF 52-BYA2. Low Voltage Switchgear MSCV 755 CV&RC Area-Reac-2T-SWGR 52-RTA2. Low Voltage Switchgear MSCV 755 CV&RC Area-Reac-2T-SWGR BAT-2-115. Battery Racks SRVB 130 Battery Room 2-1 BAT-CHGz-I16. Battery Chargers and Inverters SRVB 730 Emerg SWGR AE BAT-CHGz-316. Battery Chargers and Inverters SRVB 730 Emerg SWGR AE DC-SWBD2-12. Low Voltage Switchgear SRVB 730 Emerg SWGR AE MCC-2-EO11. Motor Control Centers INTS 705 Intake Cubicle D MCC-2-EO3 1. Motor Control Centers AXLB 755 AXLB 755-MCC Room MCC-2-EO51. Motor Control Centers MSCV 735 MSCV West MCC-2-EO7 1. Motor Control Centers DGBX 732 EDG 2-1 MCC-2-EO91. Motor Control Centers CNTB 747 Control BLDG MCC MCC-2-El11. Motor Control Centers SFGB 737 SFGD 737PNL zDIGEN-l20. Instrument and Control Panels DGBX 732 EDG 2-1PNL DC2-07I 4. Distribution Panels SRVB 730 Emerg SWGR AE Table 6-1: Beaver Valley 2 NTTF 2.3 Walkdown Items (SWEL I+2)Equipment ID NoEquipment Class Bldg EIArea Description PNL DC2-1914. Distribution Panels SRVB 730Emerg SWGR AE PNL-2BLG-SER20. Instrument and Control Panels CNTB 735 Control Room PNL-2RPU-A20. Instrument and Control Panels CNTB 707 CNTB 707 PNL-SEQ-24420. Instrument and Control Panels SRVB 730Emerg SWGR AE PNL-VITBS2-1A
- 14. Distribution Panels CNTB 707 CNTB 707 SW Corner PNL-VITBS2-2C14. Distribution Panels CNTB 735 Control Room 2QSS-LT 104A18. Instrument (on) Racks YARD 730 Yard RK-2AUX-REL-C
- 20. Instrument and Control Panels CNTB 707 CNTB 707 RK-2PRI-PROC-1
- 20. Instrument and Control Panels CNTB 707 CNTB 707 RK-2PRI-PROC-220. Instrument and Control Panels CNTB 707 CNTB 707 RK-2SEC-PROC-A20. Instrument and Control Panels CNTB 707 CNTB 707 RK-2NUC-INS
- 20. Instrument and Control Panels CNTB 735 Control Room TRF-2-8N4. Transformers SRVB 730Emerg SWGR AE UPS-VITB52-116. Battery Chargers and Inverters SRVB 730 Emerg SWGR AE UPS-VITBS2-1-REG
- 4. Transformers SRVB 730Emerg SWGR AE Table 6-2: Beaver Valley 2 NTTF 2.3 Walk-By Areas Area BldgFloor ElAXLB 710 AXLB 710AXLB 710 Boron Tank AXLB 710AXLB 710 HX AXLB 710AXLB 718 AXLB 718AXLB 755 Boric Acid TK Room AXLB 75sAXLB 755-MCC Room AXLB 755AXLB 773 Cool Surge Tank AXLB 773 AXLB-CP-735 AXLB 735Batterv Room 2-1 SRVB 730CNTB 707 CNTB 707 CNTB 707 SW Corner CNTB 707CNTB 735-AC Room CNTB 735 Control BLDG MCC CNTB 707 Control Room CNTB 735 CV&RC Area-Reac-2T-SWGR MSCV 755EDG 2-1 DGBX 732EDG 2- I Upstairs DGBX 759 Emerg SWGR AE SRVB 730 Emerg SWGR DF SRVB 730 FULB 729 PIV-IIP Room FULB 729FULB 741 HX Room FULB 741IAC Room MSCV 773Intake Cubicle C INTS 705 Intake Cubicle D INTS 705Main Steam Room El7'18 MSCV 778 Main Steam Room El 789 MSCV 789Main Steam Room Upper Plat.MSCV 713MSCV 718 MSCV 7r8 MSCV East 735 MSCV 735 MSCV West MSCV 735 N-EAST 2 AXLB 735 AXLB 735RCBX 692-Near Inner Stairs RCBX 692RCBX 707 RCBX 707RCBX 718 RCBX t18 RCBX 718-A RCP Pump RCBX 718RCBX 718-Annulus RCBX 718 Table 6-2: Beaver Valley 2 NTTF 2.3 Walk-By Areas Area Btdg Floor El RCBX 718-Annulus Col 4 RCBX 718RCBX 718-B RCP Pump RCBX 718RCBX 71 8-PEN
-724 COL 9 RCBX 118RCBX 721-A RCP Pump Cubicle RCBX 721RSS Cubicle SFGB 718 SFGB 7 4l Cubicle A SFGB l4lSFGB 741 Cubicle C SFGB 741 SFGD 7I8 SFGB 718SFGD 718 UP SFGB 718SFGD 718 West SFGB 71.8 SFGD 737 SFGB 737 SFGD 741-PLAT SFGB 741 SRVB 780 SRVB 780 SWGR Vent Room 773 MSCV 773 Valve Pit A VLVP 7t8 Yard YARD 730 215 Table 6-3: Beaver Valley 2 NTTF 2.3 Components Categorizedby EPRI Classes EPRICat No.Equipment Description ComponentsWalked Down 0 Other 13 I Motor Control Centers and Wall-Mounted Contactors 6 2 Low Voltage Switchgear and Breaker Panels 5 3 Medium Voltage, Metal-Clad Switchgear 2 4 Transformers 2 5 Horizontal Pumps 6 6 Vertical Pumps-J 7 Pneumatic-Operated Valves T7 8 Motor-Operated and Solenoid-Operated Valves 20 9 Fans 4 10Air Handlers a J 11 Chillers 0 t2 Air Compressors 0 l3Motor Generators 0 t4 Distribution Panels and Automatic Transfer Switches 4 15 Battery Racks 1 16Battery Chargers and Inverters 3 t7Engine Generators I 18 Instrument (on) Racks 9 19Temperature Sensors 5 20 Instrumentation and Control Panels 9 21Tanks and Heat Exchangers 6 Total 6.2War,r Down AND Annn Wnlx-Bv Frrqnmcs The examination of walkdown items and observations in area walk-bys confirms the general seismic robustness of the design and installation. The plant is well maintained and no majorissues related to potentially adverse conditions were uncovered. In general, based on the numberof minor potentially adverse seismic conditions identified during the walkdown, it can be concluded that most components and areas were found to be in good condition and that no majordegraded or design non-conformances were identified. Generally, the nature of the potentially adverse conditions is related to mild corrosive conditions, responsiveness for old deficiency tagsand minor discrepancies between existing and as-designed conditions.Several relatively minor findings are reported here. Observations in this respect are organized on the basis of potentially adverse seismic conditions identified during both Seismic walkdowns andarea walk-bys.
6.2.1 Seismic
Walkdown FindingsThe following section presents potentially adverse seismic conditions and findings identifiedduring the Seismic walkdowns. A total of 7 potentially adverse seismic conditions were identified during the Seismic walkdowns. Table 6-4 provides a summary of allT adverse findingconditions identified. As shown in Table 6-4, six condition reports were issued, which requiredLicensing Basis Evaluation. Justifications for findings for which a Licensing Evaluation is not required are provided in the Component's respective SWC provided in Appendix B.Table 6-4: Potentiallv Adverse Seismic Conditions Identified from Seismic'Walkdowns Equipment ID No Equipment ClassDescription of AdverseSeismic Condition Licensing Basis Evaluation Required Reference for Justification 2SWS-P21A6. Vertical PumpsCorroded bolts for VerticalPump 2SWS-P21A. Yes cR-2012-14408 (Initiated on 9lr9l12)2SWS-MOV113A 8A. Motor-Operated Valves Deficiency tag for leakage in packing of MOV 1 13A Yes cR-2012 -14409 (Initiated on 9lr9lr2)MCC-z-ElI l. Motor Control CentersUnrestrained 55 gallon drumlocated near MCC Yes cR-2012-14420 (Intiated on 9t19t12) Table 6-4: Potentiallv Adverse Seismic Conditions Identified from Seismic Walkdowns Equipment ID No Equipment ClassDescription of AdverseSeismic Condition Licensing Basis Evaluation RequiredReference for Justification PNL-SEQ-24420. Instrument andControl Panels Interaction potential betweenlighting fixture and PNL-SEQ-244 Yes cR-2012-14463 (Initiated on 9120t12)2QSS-LT1O4A18. Instrument (on)RacksCorrosion identified onenclosure and anchorage ofcomponent 2QSS-LT104A Yes cR-2012 -147 44 (Initiated on 9l24lr2)2QSS-2970. Other - Check orManual Valve Corrosion identified on yoke ofmanual valve 2QSS-297 Yes cR-2012-14749 (Initiated on 9t24t12)2FNC-P21A 2FNC-E21A5. Horizontal Pumps21. Tanks and Heat ExchangersSubstantial unsupported spanbetween discharge nozzle forPump 2FNC-P2IA and inletnozzle for Heat Exchanger 2FNC-E21A. NoSWC for2FNC-P21A & 2FNC-E21A 2r8 The following section provides additional insight into generally found scenarios and subsequently resolved conditions. o Outage maintenance equipment located inside Reactor BuildingSeveral carts, storage boxes and general housekeeping equipment were identified in areas walked by inside the containment building. It was noted that most of the carts and storage boxes in the area were properly restrained while others, such as ladders and maintenance tools, were not. Itwas confirmed by plant personnel that the nature of any unrestrained equipment identified indifferent areas was due to the works being performed as part of the ongoing plant outage in conformance with the plant house keeping requirements. Figure 6-l: Maintenance equipment located inside Reactor Containment Building 2r9 o Corrosion identift.ed on inspected Yard ComponentsA corrosive state was identified for components inspected in the Yard area. A corrosioncondition was identified for the anchorage of the level transmitter 2QSS-LT1O4A. A corrosivestate was also identified on the yoke of the manual valve 2QSS-297. Both of these componentsare located outside in the yard area near the RWST 2QSS-TK21 at elevation 734' . Notification No. 600788283 was initiated in order to restore the condition of these components (see alsocondition reports CR-20 I 2- 1 47 44 and CR-2012-1 47 49). Figure 6-2: Corrosive condition found for Yard components 220 o Substantial ansupported pipe length between pamp 2FNC-P21A and HX 2FNC-8214 While performing the walkdowns in the Spent Fuel Building, the SWT identified a long span of piping between the Fump 2FNC-P21A discharge nozzle and the Heat Exchanger 2FNC-E21Ainlet nozzle that did not have any lateral restraints. After further discussion regarding thisfinding, the SWT was informed that this portion of the Spent Fuel piping system is not seismic category 1. Nevenheless, pipe stress calculations for this piping were identified, which showedseismic adequacy of the piping and nozzles. Figure 6-3: View of piping system between Heat Exchangers and Pumps in the SFP area.22r o Interaction potentinl between Hghtingfi,xnre and Panel PNLSEQ-244The SWT identified a potential for interaction between a chain hung lighting fixture and control panel PNL-SEQ-Z44 \ocated in the Emergency Switchgear AE at elevation 730'. Lightingfixtures are located near the top of the panel which, during a seismic event, could potentially swing and hit the top section of the panel. Condition repolt CR-2012-14463 was issued to correct this impact concern.Figure 6-4: Lighting fixtures near Panel PNL-SEQ-}44 222 6.2.2 Area Walk-By FindingsThe following section presents potentially adverse seismic conditions and findings identifiedduring the area walk-bys. A total of I potentially adverse seismic conditions were identified during the area walk-bys. Table 6-5 provides a summary of aIl 7 potentially adverse seismic conditions identified. As shown in Table 6-5, six condition reports were issued, which requiredLicensing Basis Evaluation. Justifications for findings for which a Licensing Evaluation is not required are provided in the Area's respective AWCs provided in Appendix C.Table 6-5: Potentially Adverse Seismic Conditions Identified from Area Walk-Bys Area Bldg Floor EIDescription of AdverseSeismic Condition Licensing Basis Evaluation Required Reference for JustificationValve Pit A VLVP 7r8 Deficiency tag for component 2SWM-MOY562. Yes cR-2012 -14412 (Initiated on 9lr9l12).MSCV 718 MSCV 718Deficiency tag for component 2SWS-MOVl60. Yes cR-2012 -14449 (Initiated on 9t20t12)MSCV 718 MSCV 718Deficiency tag for component 2SWS-MOVt62. Yes cR-2012 -14450 (Initiated on 9t20112)MSCV 718 MSCV 718Deficiency tag for component 2SWS-MOV152-1. Yes cR-2012-14452 (Initiated on 9t20t12)MSCV 718 MSCV 718 Corroded bolts on valve 2SWS-MOVl61. Yes cR-20r2-r4455 (Initiated on 9t20l12)AXLB 710 HX AXLB 110 Corroded flange nuts fornozzle outlet of component aCCP-EZIC. Yes cR-2012 -14459 (Initiated on 9t20t12)EDG 2-1 Upstairs DGBX 759EDG Resistor Bank supported on 4 porcelain feet.No AWC for EDG 2-1 Upstairs . Ernergency Diesel Generator Ground Resistor 2EGS-GR2-1 While performing the area walk-by for the Diesel Generator Building 2-1, SWEs identified Resistor 2EGS-GR2-1 to be mounted on 4 porcelain feet and not top braced. The SWT discussed the possibility of an electrical safety concern if there were current running through the resistorbank at the time of an earthquake. Since this equipment is only used for periodic testing and isnot Category 1 equipment, SWE's judged the configuration to be adequate and not to present aseismic concern. Figure 6-5: Emergency Diesel Generator Ground Resistor 2EGS-GR2-1 224 ConnrcuRATroN CHBcxs The SWELL l+2 included 70 items, which were not in-line components such as valves. The process of verifying the anchorage configuration focused on 35 SWEL components arbitrarily selected prior to walkdown proceedings (this is 5O7o of the SWEL items with anchorage configurations). Appendix D provides a list of the 35 components comprising the anchorageconfiguration list linked with the specific references used for verification purposes; i.e., IPEEECalculations, design drawings, etc.The anchorage configuration for each of the 35 SWEL components listed in Appendix D wasverified based on IPEEE Calculations and Plant Design documentation. SWEs referred to designdrawings as the main reference for anchorage verification whenever it was possible to have acomplete field inspection of the anchorage. The design drawings were uploaded onto electronic tablets for quick accessibility during the walkdowns and verification of the as-installedconfiguration against the design drawings. In cases where design basis drawings were not readily identifiable, SWEs referred to previous IPEEE Calculations to ensure that the configuration wasassessed during the IPEEE program and no design concerns were identified. These configurationchecks verified consistency of as-installed conditions to that of the design drawings/calculations in all 35 instances. 7.L 7.0 LICENSING BASIS EVALUATIONLICENSING BASIS EVALUATION PERSONNEL The licensing basis evaluations for the condition reports generated during the Seismic 2.3walkdowns were exclusively performed by the structural personnel from Beaver Valley SiteDesign Engineering organization as they were the most knowledgeable on the plant's design andlicensing basis requirements. 7.2
OF LICENSING BASIS EVALUATION PERFORMEDThirteen condition reports (CR) were generated as a result of these walkdowns. The following is a list of the condition reports written as a result of the walkdowns: CR-2012-14408, CR-2012't4409 , cR-2012 -14412, CR-2012 -14420, CR-201 2-14449, CR-201 2-14450, CR-201 2-14452,CR-2012-14455, CR-2012-14459, CR-2012-14463, CR-2012-14744, CR-2012-14749, and CR-2012-L4158. The following summarizes the condition and resolution to the condition reportswritten as a result of the walkdowns. cR-20r2-r4408 While performing seismic walkdowns per NRC Letter 50.54f Section 2.3, it was observed thattwo out of twelve nuts for the bolts anchoring the Service Water Pump 2SWS*P?IA base to the anchor plate are coffoded. This pump is located inside the Intake Structure at elevation J05'Cubicle D.Observation concluded that there is only surface rust on the bolts and the nuts. Even though theyare corroded, they are capable to perform their intended design function based on engineering judgment. The two nuts are located near each other are readily visible as mildly corroded. Nocalculations or drawings are affected since the nuts are able to perform the intended function.To avoid further degradation of the nuts due to presence of moist environment, the nuts should be replaced in the next system window and painted to mitigate corrosion. Initiated NotificationNo. 60078669I to perform the work to be done under Work Order 200530157 . cR-2012-14409 While performing seismic walkdowns per NRC Letter 50.54f Section 2.3,itwas observed that aDeficient Tag (Tag ID 1 17472) for Component 2SWS-MOVl13A has been in place with no date on it and no physical work performed to correct the deficiency. This motor operated valve is located inside the Diesel Building (DGBX) at elevation 732'. The deficient tag says "Leakage in Packing." This leakage has also resulted in the corrosion of packing nuts.Observation concluded that there is only surface rust on the bolts and the nuts even though theyare coffoded are capable to perform their intended design function based on engineering judgment. No calculations or drawings are affected since the nuts are able to perform the intended function.To avoid futher degradation of the nuts, the nuts should be replaced in the next system window and painted to mitigate corrosion. Initiated Notification No. 600786692 to perform the work under Work Order 200481347 . cR-2012-14412 While performing seismic walkdowns per NRC Letter 50.54f Section 2.3,it was observed that aDeficient Tag (Tag ID 63005) for Component 2SWM-MOV562 has been in place since 2007,and no physical work performed to correct the deficiency. This motor operated valve is locatedinside the Valve Pit Room at elevation7 lS'. The deficient tag says "Valve has rust and needs tobe cleaned/painted." Observation concluded that there is only surface rust and the valve is capable to perform its intended design function based on engineering judgment. No calculations or drawings areaffected since the valve is able to perform the intended function. To avoid further degradation of the valve due to corrosion, the corrosion should be cleaned/painted during the next system window. Initiated Notification 600186690 to perform the work under Work Order 200416834. cR-2012-14420 While performing seismic walkdowns per NRC Letter 50.54f Section 2.3,it was observed that a 55 gallon drum was located too close to MCC -z-Ell and was unrestrained. The component islocated at El 737'in U-2 Safeguard Building. This posed a seismic interaction concern thatduring a seismic event it had the potential to hit the MCC and potentially impact the design function of inside components. This condition has been corrected and this CR was generated to document an existing condition that was identified during the seismic walkdowns. Currently no anomaly exists as such there are no operability concerns, and thus no violations of the design basis requirements. cR-2012 -14449 It was observed that Component 2SWS-MOVI60 had a Deficient Tag (Tag lD 47AA) and no physical work performed to correct the deficiency. This motor operated valve is located inside the MSCV Room at elevationT lS'. The deficienttag says "surface rust to be cleaned and preserved." Observation concluded that there is only surface rust and the valve is capable to perform its intended design function based on engineering judgment. No calculations or drawings are affected since surface rust doesn't affect the function or the valve. Implement field work per Initiated Notification No. 600786157 to avoid further degradation of valve. Work to be done under Work Order 200531116. cR-2012-14450It was observed that Component 2SWS-MOY162 has corrosion on the valve from yoke to thebonnet. This motor operated valve is located inside the MSCV Room at elevation 718'.Observation concluded that there is only surface rust and the valve is capable to perform its intended design function based on engineering judgment. No calculations or drawings are affected since the valve is able to perform the intended function.Clean the rust/corrosion per Initiated Notification No. 600786758 to perform the work. Work to be done under Work Order 20053llll . cR-2012 -14452 It was observed that Component 2SWS-MOV152-1 had a Deficient Tag (Tag ID 47016) and no physical work performed to correct the deficiency. Corrosion extends from yoke to bonnet. This motor operated valve is located inside the MSCV Room at elevation 718'. The deficient tag says"Corrosion (Surface Rust) on the valve body at packing gland." Observation concluded that there is only surface rust and the valve is capable to perform its intended design function based on engineering judgment. No calculations or drawings areaffected since the valve is able to perform the intended function.Implement field work per Initiated Notification No. 600786761to perform the work. Work to bedone under Work Order 200531158. cR-2012-r4455It was observed that the four bolts and nuts connecting the yoke to the bonnet for Component 2SWS-MOVl61 are mildly corroded. This motor operated valve is located inside the MSCV Room at elevation 718'. Observation concluded that there is only surface rust on the bolts as well as the nuts and the valve is capable to perform its intended design function based on engineering judgment. Nocalculations or drawings are affected since they are able to perform the intended function. Recommend during the next available Maintenance Window, to replace the four nuts/bolts connecting the yoke to bonnet per Notification No. 600786162to perform the work. Work to bedone under Work Order 200531159. cR-2012-14459It was observed that the flange nuts at outlet nozzle for Component 2CCP-E?lC are mildlycorroded. This heat exchanger is located at elevation 710' in Aux Building.Observation concluded that there is only surface rust on the nuts and the component is capable to perform its intended design function based on engineering judgment. No calculations or drawings are affected since they are able to perform the intended function.Recommend during the next available Maintenance Window, to replace the flange nuts at outlet nozzle of heat exchanger per Notification No. 600786196 to perform the work. Work to be doneunder Work Order 200531161. cR-2012 -14463 There is a potential seismic interaction concern associated with Panel PNL-SEQ-}44located at F,1.730' in Service Building, Emergency Switchgear AE. Specifically, right near the top of this panel, there are lighting fixtures supported from unistruts hung from chains above. During a seismic event, there is a potential for these lighting fixtures to rattle and hit the top of safetyrelated panel. Observation concluded that the impact force from these lighting fixtures on the panel, considering the weight of lighting fixtures and unistrut, will have insignificant impact on the components inside the panel and they will perform their intended design function, by engineering judgment. However, this CR is being generated as an enhancement to consider upgrading the condition and restraining the unistrut supporting the lighting fixture such that it would not hit the panel.No calculations or drawings are affected since the components are able to perform the intended function safely.cR-2012-14744 The enclosure and the anchorage for Component 2QSS-LT104A is corroded. This component is located outside in the yard near RWST 2QSS-TKZL at elevation 734'. The corrosion does not affect the structural integrity of the component. The design basis requirements are still being met.Replace the enclosure and the anchorage per Notification No. 600788282 to replace theenclosure. Work to be done under Work Order 200532069. cR-2012-14149 The yoke for the manual valve 2QSS-297 is corroded. This component is located outside in the yard near RWST 2QSS-TKZI at elevation 734'. The component is still capable to perform its intended design function. Replace the yoke per Notification No. 600788283 to replace the yoke, under Work Order 200532070. cR-2012-t4t 58 This CR has been generated to capture all the issues in one condition report (roll-up CR) that have been identified during NRC 50.54f Letter Section 2.3 Seismic walkdowns performed at Beaver Valley Unit-2 Plant during the week of September 17 ,2012. There are no new anomalies identified in this CR as individual CRs have already been generated as required and as identified in the attached matrix, as such there are no operability concerns associated with this CR.8.0 IPEEE VULNEARBILITIES There were no seismic vulnerabilities identified in the IPEEE submittal for Beaver Valley units 1 or 2. This was recognizedby the NRC in NUREG-1437 Supplement 36 "Generic EnvironmentalImpact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants, Supplement 36, Regarding BeaverValley Power Station Units I and 2." Page G20 and 2l states "The NRC staff also notes that the use of the integrated PSA to facilitate identification of SAMAs for external events, the priorimplementation of plant modifications for seismic and fire events, and the absence of externalevent vulnerabilities ensure that the search for external event SAMAs was reasonably comprehensive."Several submittals to the NRC covered IPEEE enhancements, but none would be classified asvulnerabilities that required a plant modification. Beaver Valley Unit 2 was not an A-46 plant sothere was not a SQUG walkdown to review. However, based on review of enhancements otherthan structural failures, as listed on page l-l of appendix E, the enhancements encompassed lossof AC power and station blackout sequences. Components selected for the walkdown included the EDGs, 4160 busses, tanks, and ventilation associated with these components. All werewalked down and documented on AWCs and SWCs. These components also are incorporated into the NTFF task 2.1 Seismic PRA.9.0 PEER REVIEW ROLE OF PEER REVIEWER The peer reviewers consisted of Mohammed Alvi (Lead) and John Reddington. Both of theseengineers have a structural background with more than 25 yearc of experience in the nuclearindustry. Both have a degree in structural engineering , are SQUG qualified and completed theEPRI Seismic 2.3 training. The peer review was performed in accordance with the EPRI Document 1025286 and the peer reviewers remained independent and were not involved in any preparation or performing any 9.L activities outside of what is required by EPRI 1025286 for peer reviewers. The peer review first started with the review of SWEL I and 2 to ensure that the guidance of the EPRI document wasfollowed, e.g., Screens 1,2,3 and4, etc. This was confirmed by reviewing the Excel spreadsheet prepared for the development of SWEL 1 and SWEL 2. Confirmation was made whether the components selected represented various types of systems, major new or replacement equipment,a variety of types of equipment in a variety of environments, whether they represent the five safety functions, and if any equipment was enhanced due to vulnerabilities identified during the IPEEE program. Both the peer reviewers concluded that the SWEL lists were completed inaccordance with the EPRI document. Next in the process, the peer reviewers accompanied the walkdown engineers in samplewalkdowns. During sample walkdowns, the peer reviewers observed how the walkdownengineers conducted their work, interviewed them about their knowledge of walkdown guidance, and noted any issues that were not identified by the walkdown team.Once the walkdowns were completed on any given day, the peer reviewers participated in thedaily end of the day debrief meetings. At these meetings, the peer reviewers observed thediscussions among the walkdown team members where decisions were made for any issue thatrequired the initiation of a condition report or for the basis to not initiate a condition report.Basically the peer reviewers reviewed the decisions for entering or not entering the potentiallyadverse conditions in the corrective action process.After the walkdown checklists were signed off by the two walkdown engineers, the peerreviewers review ed l00vo of the checklists and commented on the contents of the checklists,even though the the EPRI guidance calls for review of only sample of the checklists. The peer reviewers verified that their comments were successfully resolved/implemented. The peer review activities were performed during implementation of the walkdown program in parallel rather than at the end of the process until the work was completed. Finally the peer reviewers summarrzed the results of their review, reviewed the contents of thesubmittal report and signed the report.9.2
oF PEER REvIEw PRocESS A peer review of the Submittal Report for the Near Term Task Force NTTF Recommendation 2.3 "seismic Walkdowns" was performed using the guidance provided in Section 6 of EPRI 232 Document 1025286, "seismic Walkdown Guidance." Following are the peer reviewers for theBeaver Valley Power Station Unit-2: o Mohammed Alvi (Team Leader)o John Reddington The peer review process included the following activities: Review the selection of the SSCs included on the SWEL Review a sample of the checklists prepared for the seismic walkdowns and area walk-bys Review the Licensing Basis Evaluations Review the decisions for entering the potentially adverse conditions into the Corrective Action Program (CAP).Review the submittal report Summarrze the results of the peer review process in the submittal reportA. Review the Selection of the SSCs Included on the SWEL: The peer review concluded that the selection of Seismic Walkdown Equipment List (SWEL) was performed in accordance with guidance provided in Section 3 of EPRI Document 1025286"seismic Walkdown Guidance." The peer reviewers used the checklist provided in Appendix Fof this document which is enclosed. Also, an ex-Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) from the BeaverValley Power Station, IJnrt-Z acted as Operations representative during the selection of the SWEL.Appropriate figures 1-1,I-2 and 1-3 of the EPRI Document1025286 were used and the finalSWEL 1 and SWEL 2 were developed. The peer review confirmed that the following EPRI screens were used in the selection ofSWEL I:Screen 1: Seismic Category I Screen 2: Equipment or System Screen 3: Support for the five safety functions Screen 4: Sample Considerations a o o a o o The station did use the existing documentation that resulted from IPEEE program in identifying the components. A matrix/spreadsheet was prepared that identifies all the selected componentson SWEL 1 and SWEL 2. It was confirmed that these two lists did include a variety of type of systems, major new and replacement equipment, a variety of equipment types, a variety ofenvironments in which the components are located, and the equipment enhanced due tovulnerabilities identified during the IPEEE program.It was confirmed that the size of the sample was sufficiently large to include a variety of itemsthat collectively included variations within all the attributes stated in the paragraph above.SWEL 1 for the Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit-2 included 109 components. The peer review also confirmed that the station used the following EPRI screens in the development of SWEL 2: Screen 1: Seismic Category IScreen 2: Equipment or System Screen 3: Sample ConsiderationsScreen 4: Rapid Drain-Down Similar process was used in the development of SWEL 2 as for SWEL 1. SWEL 2 for the BeaverValley Power Station, Unit-Z included 10 components.
== Conclusion:== No major concerns were identified by the peer review team in the selection processfor SWEL 1 or SWEL 2.234 Peer Review Ghecklist for SWEL Instructions for Completing Checklist This peer review checklist may be used to document the review of the Seismic Walkdown Equipment List (SWEL)in accordance with Section 6: Peer Review. The space below each question in this checklist should be used todescribe any findings identified during the peer review process and how the SWEL may have changed to addressthose findings. Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.
- l. Were the five safety functions adequately represented in the SWEL 1 selection?
v XNN See Attached Comments2. Does SWEL 1 include an appropriate representation of items having the
- a. Various types of systems?See Attached Commentsb. Major new and replacement equipment?See Attached Commentsc. Various types of equipment?See Attached Comments d. Various environments?See Attached Commentsfollowing sample selection attributes:
v XNT v XNN Y XNf]v XNNe. Equipment enhanced based on the findings of the IPEEE (or equivalent) program? V XNnSee Attached Comments f. Were risk insights considered in the development of SWEL 1?v XnnSee Attached Comments Peer Review Checklist for SWEL 3. For SWEL 2:a. Were spent fuel pool related items considered, and if applicable included inSWEL 2?See Attached Commentsb. Was an appropriate justification documented for spent fuel pool related items notincluded in SWEL 2?See Attached Comments v Xw[]v XNrn4. Provide any other comments related to the peer review of the SWELs.See Attached Comments
- 5. Have all peer review conments been adequately addressed in the fmal SWEL?YXNN t,rf I Peer Date: to-\S-l?-PeerReviewer#2: - Date://tofutfiz 236 Peer Review Checklist for SWEL Comments on Question 1: A peer review of the SWEL selected for the Beaver Valley Power Station, Unrt-Z was performedto confirm that the selected components met the criteria set forth in Section 3 of EPRI Guidance Document 1025286. Specifically, Screen 3 calls out for assuring that the selected components represent are well associated with the five safety functions that are as follows: A. Reactor Reactivity ControlB. Reactor Coolant Pressure ControlC. Reactor Coolant Inventory ControlD. Decay Heat Removal E. ContainmentFunctionThe selected components represent the five safety functions stated above. A spreadsheet (Table 4-l) was prepared that documents this information.
Comments on Ouestion 2a: The selected components represent various types of systems in the plant as indicated below:A. Primary Plant Component Cooling Water B. Chemical and Volume Control SystemC. l25V DC Power D. Containment Vacuum and Leakage Monitoring System E. Reactor Plant Vents and Drains F. 4 KV Station Service SystemG. Steam Generator Feedwater System H. Air Ventilation System Misc I. l20V AC PowerJ. Main Steam System K. Plant Process Control SystemL. 480V AC Power M. Containment Depressurization SystemN. Reactor Coolant System O. Safety Injection System P. Service Water System
- a. Residual Heat RemovalR. Reactor Control and Protection System 231 S. In Core Instrumentation Svstem Comments on Ouestion 2b: The selected components represent many new and replacement equipment based on thefollowing modifications
- A. ECP 12-0242-001: Replace Heat ExchangerB. ECP 11-0165-001: Air Tube ReplacementC. ECP 08-0504-025: Replace Stem/Spline Key D. ECP 0l -0259-003: Motor Adapter Plate ModificationE. ECP 05-009-001: Replace Battery ChargerF. ECP 05-009-003: Replace Battery ChargerG. ECP 02-0902: Replace Feedwater Control Valve Comments on Ouestion 2c: The peer review concluded that the selected components represent various type of equipment installed in the plant. The various equipment types are indicated as follows:A. Tanks and Heat Exchangers B. Low Voltage SwitchgearC. Medium Voltage SwitchgearD. Battery Racks E. Battery Chargers and Inverters F. Horizontal PumpsG. Distribution Panels H. Engine Generators I. Pneumatic Operated Valves J. Check and Manual Valves K. Instrument on Racks L. Motor Control CentersM. Motor Operated ValvesN. Solenoid Valves O. Vertical PumpsP. Instrument and Control Panels a. TransformersR. FansS. Temperature Sensors T. Air Handlers 238 Comments on Question 2d:The selected components are located in various types of environments found in the plant. The various plant environment types are as follows:A. WarmB. Damp C. HotD. Cool E. Dry F. Humid/Dry G. High RadiationComments on Ouestion 2e:Based on the review, the selected components represent equipment enhanced based on findingsof the IPEEE.Comments on Question 2f:The risk insights were considered in the development of SWEL 1. Specifically, Risk Achievement Worth (RAW) and Fussel-Vessley (FV) were considered.
Comments on Ouestion 3a:Spent Fuel Pool related items were considered and are adequately represented in SWEL 2Comments on Question 3b:Spent Fuel Pool components were considered. Comments on Ouestion 4:The peer review concluded that the selection of Seismic Walkdown Equipment List (SWEL) was performed in accordance with guidance provided in Section 3 of EPRI Document 1025286,, "Seismic Walkdown Guidance." Also, an ex-SRO from the Beaver Valley Power Station, Unrt-2acted as Operations representative during the selection of the SWEL.B. Review of a sample of the checklists prepared for the Seismic Walkdowns and Area Walk-BvsEPRI Document 1025286 on Seismic Walkdown Guidance required a review of the sample of the checklists prepared for the seismic walkdowns and area walk-bys by the peer reviewers. Thesample review should be between l0 percent and 25 percent.The following comments were identified during the early stages of peer review and weresucces sfully resolved :A. In some cases, statements regarding minor anomalies (not resulting in a condition report)identified during the walkdowns did not have adequate justification for acceptability in meetingthe design basis requirements.B. In some cases, missing documentation/references/checkmarks. C. In some cases, minor anomaly stated but no justification provided.D. Editorial and typographical errors The above comments were discussed with the Seismic Walkdown Engineers (SWEs) and were successfully resolved in the final signed version of the checklists. In addition, the peer reviewers also participated in a sample of walkdowns and observed the work performed by the SWEs during the inspections. It was noted that the walkdown/inspectionwas intrusive, walkdown team members discussed, issues amongst themselves, and used engineering judgment in making decisions about whether there is any concern that should be noted. In some cases, the lead peer reviewer requested additional photographs. The lead peer reviewer interviewed the SWEs to verify they followed the guidance in Section 4of the EPRI Document "seismic Walkdowns and Area Walk-Bys." The interview concluded that they did follow the said guidance and were knowledgeable about the walkdown requirements. Questions asked were successfully answered during the interview as well as during the walkdowns. Four SWEs participated in the walkdowns. See their resumes for experience and background training.Conclusion: The seismic walkdown and area walk-by checklists were completed in accordancewith the guidance of EPRI Document 1025286 and no major issues were identified. All comments were successfully resolved. Adequate documentation has been provided in thechecklists for the components that were walked down. C. Review of the Licensing Basis EvaluationsThe walkdowns identified several minor anomalies, however 12 of them resulted in generatingcondition reports as follows: cR-2012-14408, CR-2012-14409, CR-2012-t4412, CR-2012-14420, CR-2012-14449, CR-20t2-14450, CR-2012-14452, CR-2012-14455, CR-2012-14459, CR-2012-14463, CR-2012-I4l 44. and CR-2012-147 49. Additionally, a thirteenth condition report was written to capture all the issues identified above in one condition report (CR-201 2-147 58).1. CR-2012-14408 (Initiated on 9/I9l12)While performing seismic walkdowns per NRC Letter 50.54f Section 2.3, it was observed thattwo out of twelve nuts for the bolts anchoring the Service Water Pump 2SWS*P?IA base to the anchor plate are corroded. This pump is located inside the Intake Structure at elevation 705'Cubicle D. Observation concluded that there is only surface rust on the bolts and the nuts. Even though theyare coffoded, they are capable to perform their intended design function based on engineering judgment. The two nuts are located near each other are readily visible as mildly corroded. No calculations or drawings are affected since the nuts are able to perform the intended function. To avoid further degradation of the nuts due to presence of moist environment, the nuts will be replaced in the next system window and painted to mitigate corrosion. Initiated Notification No.600786691 to perform the work to be done under Work Order 200530751 .
- 2. CR-2012-14409 (Initiated on 9ll9ll2)
While performing seismic walkdowns per NRC Letter 50.54f Section 2.3, it was observed that aDeficient Tag (Tag ID I 17 47 2) for Component 2SWS -MOV 1 1 3A has been in place with no date on it and no physical work performed to correct the deficiency. This motor operated valve islocated inside the Diesel Building (DGBX) at elevation 132'. The deficient tag says "Leakage inPacking." This leakage has also resulted in the corrosion of packing nuts.Observation concluded that there is only surface rust on the bolts and the nuts. Even though theyare coffoded, they are capable to perform their intended design function based on engineering judgment. No calculations or drawings are affected since the nuts are able to perform theintended function.To avoid further degradation of the nuts, the nuts will be replaced in the next system window and painted to mitigate corrosion. Initiated Notification No. 600786692 to perform the work to bedone under Work Order 200481347 .3. CR-20 12-14412 (Initiated on 9 I 19 l 12)While performing seismic walkdowns per NRC Letter 50.54f Section 2.3, it was observed that a Deficient Tag (Tag ID 63005) for Component 2SWM-MOV562 has been in place since 2007 and no physical work performed to correct the deficiency. This motor operated valve is locatedinside the Valve Pit Room at elevatronT lS'. The deficienttag says "Valve has rust and needs to be cleaned/painted." Observation concluded that there is only surface rust and the valve is capable to perform its intended design function based on engineering judgment. No calculations or drawings are affected since the valve is able to perform the intended function.To avoid further degradation of the valve due to corrosion, the corrosion will be cleaned/paintedduring the next system window. Initiated Notification 600786690 to perform the work to bedone under Work Order 200416834.
- 4. CR-2012-14420 (Initiated on 9ll9ll2)While performing seismic walkdowns per NRC Letter 50.54f Section 2.3, it was observed that a 55 gallon drum was located too close to MCC El I and was unrestrained. The component is located atEl 737'inU-2 Safeguard Building.
This posed a seismic interaction concern that during a seismic event it had the potential to hit the MCC and potentially impact the design function of inside components. This condition has been corrected and this CR was generated to document an existing conditionthat was identified during the seismic walkdowns. Currently no anomaly exists as such there are no operability concerns, and thus no violations of the design basis requirements.5. CR-2012-14449 (Initiated on 9l20ll2)It was observed that Component 2SWS-MOVl60 had a Deficient Tag (Tag ID 47014) and no physical work performed to correct the deficiency. This motor operated valve is located insidethe MSCV Room at elevationT lS'. The deficient tag says "Surface rust to be cleaned and preserved." Observation concluded that there is only surface rust and the valve is capable to perform its intended design function based on engineering judgment. No calculations or drawings are affected since surface rust doesn't affect the function of the valve. Initiated field work per Notification No. 600786757 to avoid further degradation of valve. Work will be done under Work Order 200531116.
- 6. CR-20t2-14450 (Initiated on 9l20ll2)
It was observed that Component 2SWS-MOVl62 has corrosion on the valve from yoke to the bonnet. This motor operated valve is located inside the MSCV Room at elevation 718'.Observation concluded that there is only surface rust and the valve is capable to perform its intended design function based on engineering judgment. No calculations or drawings are affected since the valve is able to perform the intended function. Initiated Notification No. 600786758. Work will be done underWork Order 200531117.
- 7. CR-2012-14452 (Initrated on 9l20ll2)It was observed that Component 2SWS-MOVI 52-l had a Deficient Tag (Tag ID 47016) and no physical work performed to correct the deficiency. Corrosion extends from yoke to bonnet.
This motor operated valve is located inside the MSCV Room at elevationJ 18'. The deficient tag says"Corrosion (Surface Rust) on the valve body at packing gland." Observation concluded that there is only surface rust and the valve is capable to perform its intended design function based on engineering judgment. No calculations or drawings areaffected since the valve is able to perform the intended function.Initiated Notification No. 600786161 to perform the work. Work will be done under Work Order 200531158.8. CR-2012-14455 (Initiated on 9l20ll2)It was observed that the four bolts and nuts connecting the yoke to the bonnet for Component 2SWS-MOV161 are mildly corroded. This motor operated valve is located inside the MSCV Room at elevation 718'.Observation concluded that there is only surface rust on the bolts as well as the nuts and thevalve is capable to perform its intended design function based on engineering judgment. No calculations or drawings are affected since they are able to perform the intended function.Initiated Notification No. 6007 867 62 to perform the work. Work will be done under Work Order 200531159.
- 9. CR-2012-14459 (Initiated on 9120112)It was observed that the flange nuts at outlet nozzle for Component 2CCP-E?IC are mildly corroded.
This heat exchanger is located at elevation 710' in Aux Building.Observation concluded that there is only surface rust on the nuts and the component is capable to perform its intended design function based on engineering judgment. No calculations or drawings are affected since they are able to perform the intended function.Initiated Notification No. 600786796 to perform the work. Work will be done under WorkOrder 200531 161.10. CR-2012-14463 (Initiated on 9 l20l 12)There is a potential seismic interaction concern associated with Panel PNL-SEQ-244located at EI.730' in Service Building, Emergency Switchgear AE. Specifically, right near the top of this panel, there are lighting fixtures supported from unistruts hung from chains above. During a seismic event, there is a potential for these lighting fixtures to rattle and hit the top of safety related panel.244 Observation concluded that the impact force from these lighting fixtures on the panel,considering the weight of lighting fixtures and unistrut, will have insignificant impact on thecomponents inside the panel and they will perform their intended design function, by engineering judgment. However, this CR is being generated as an enhancement to consider upgrading the condition and restraining the unistrut supporting the lighting fixture such that it would not hit the panel.No calculations or drawings are affected since the components are able to perform the intended function safely.1 1. CR-2012-14744 (Initiated on 9l24ll2)The enclosure and the anchorage for Component 2QSS-LT104A is corroded. This component is located outside in the yard near RWST 2QSS-TK2L at elevation 734'. The corrosion does notaffect the structural integrity so drawings and calculations still apply. The design basisdocuments have not been violated.Initiated Notification No. 600788282 to perform the work. Work will be done under WorkOrder 200532069.
- 12. CR-2012-14749 (Initiated on 9l24ll2)The yoke for the manual valve 2QSS-297 is corroded. This component is located outside in the yard near RWST 2QSS-TK2I at elevation J34' .
Initiated Notification No. 600788283 to perform the work, under Work Order 200532070.
== Conclusion:== The licensing basis evaluations as documented in Section I of this report were reviewed. In summary, they have been adequately evaluated against the design basis requirements, the corrective actions taken are adequate, and no further action is required. D. Review of the decisions for entering the potentiallv adverse conditions into the CAP Process Section 6 of this report discusses the summary of walkdown results. Specifically, Section 6.2.1 discusses seismic walkdown findings associated with SWEL 1, and Section 6.2.2 discussesseismic walkdown findings associated with area walk-bys. The potentially adverse conditionswere documented in Tables 6-4 and 6-5 in accordance with EPRI Document1025286 and titled as "Potentially Adverse Seismic Conditions Identified from Component and Area Walk-Bys." Table 6-4 identified seven potentially adverse seismic conditions, which resulted in generatingsix condition reports. Adequate justification is documented in the checklist that provides the basis as why the remaining issue had insignificant impact on the design of the components andthat the component is still capable of performing its intended design function while still meetingthe design basis requirements. Table 6-5 identified seven potentially adverse seismic conditions. Six of these conditions wereentered in the corrective action program (CAP). Again, adequate justification is documented in the checklists that provide the basis as why the remaining issue had insignificant impact on the design of the surrounding components and that the component is still capable of performing its intended design function while still meeting the design basis requirements.A review of the basis documented in the checklists for not entering these issues in the CAP concluded the decisions taken were appropriate.
== Conclusion:==
The peer reviewers agree with the decisions taken for entering or not entering theidentified potentially seismic walkdown findings in the corrective action program.E. Review of the Submittal Report
== Conclusion:==
A team of reviewers performed a review of this submittal report. Comments were successfully resolved. Refer to the signature page for a listing of reviewers. F. Summarv of results of peer review process 246
== Conclusion:== The selected samples (SWEL 1 and SWEL
- 2) adequately represent and meet thecriteria set forth in the selection process outlined in EPRI Document 1025286. An Operations person also participated in the sample selection process and the walkdowns.
The peer reviewers participated in sample walkdowns, observed the conduct of walkdown team members, anddiscussed issues while remaining independent. The Seismic Walkdown Checklists (SWCs) andArea Walk-by Checklists (AWCs) were adequately prepared and the basis for justificationsappropriatly documented. The decisions taken to enter the findings or not to enter the findingsinto the CAP were appropriate. Also, the resolution of the issues (License Basis Evaluations)identified in the condition reports was adequate. 1O.O REFERENCES1. NRC letter 50.54(0, March tl ,,2012.2. EPRI 1025286, "seismic Walkdown Guidance for Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic." Final. June 2012.3. "Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 2: Probabilistic Risk Assessment Update Report", Issue 5,A., August 3I,2012, First Energy Nuclear Operating Company.4. "Beaver Valley Unit 2 Probabilistic Risk Assessment, Individual Plants Examination of External Events", Submitted September, l99J in response to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Generic Letter 88-20 Supplement 4, Duquesne Light Company.
- 5. "Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 2, Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Trouble", AbnormalOperating procedure 2OM -53C., Revision 1, November 16, 2011.6. "Beaver Valley Power Station Unit Z,Updated Final Safety Analysis Repott", Revision 19, Section 9.t.3.2.1 . RG 1.29, Rev. 3, "Seismic Design Classification."8. RG 1.60, Rev.
1, "Design Response Spectra for Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plants." 9. RG 1.61, "Damping Values for Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plants."10. RG 1.100, "seismic Qualification of Electrical Equipment for Nuclear Power Plants."11. IEEE 344-t975, Rev. 1, "IEEE Guide for Seismic Qualification of Class lE Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations."ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III 1974 including Winter Addenda 1975.248}}