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Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3 Seismic Walkdown Report, Revision 1, Appendix a, Resumes and Qualifications, Part 2 of 5
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 09/04/2013
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML13284A023 (40)


{{#Wiki_filter:APPENDIX A RESUMES AND QUALIFICATIONS A-1 frBtGonsultlng fi{ Ags gtffitfF fl0ft"hHY tr. ftIA A-2 lEf,Gonrultlm Af{ tEG BroUF {Gfi'HHf !-3-A-3 nBSGonsultlng ,+q fig& grot P {rBftfYrl^fY I. T}fA EDUC ON v+{ilr TICENSES HONORS d a N A-4 nESGonrultlrtE frili AES gFfrtlF GiEtffitff I" ltrfA Contribu Aadwrtot A-5 lESConsultlng A1 iEF OroUF [trt#hHf tr. IYA 1987.Tai'ooaa, 1987-I A-6 ffiGonsulting tr! ABS gfiOtJP SOMHAHY t-A-7 lFSGonsultlrrg ,+t frIlG gt[rJr [EirlFnHYR. BEreL P.E" A-8 fHSGonrultlrrg tfr rg6 gffiJP [gt#rtHT A-9 AFSGmsultirtg It{ ftt!*. Ufffur Lriftf rrtl{f R- BEECL F-E" Gol facilities in Tolc'o, Iapan.Francisco. EDUCATION REGISTR ON SELECTED BLICATIOI$S A-10 nESGonsultlng 611 ABE BHa',F d{}*;.UHt' A-11 Eddie M. Guerra, P.E. ffi Project Engineer ,Sldll Areas Years E cre 3 td8"S., CiuilE d frIr3 {F l53l S lrtr IAscEl- Stri*ffnfHi kn.nilShd cl- 2il18 necpierrt dfte F Socidy LiBt pder $ftiHsSeisrnic Engineeilng Seisnric PRA Ductile Steel Desrgn Soil - Strucfu re I nterastrsn Rernforced Concrete DesignWind Aerodynamics Seisnric Walkcfowns Fragrility turalysisFinite Element Analysis A ncd Structunal AnaPysisPrpject h{anagernent Shuctural Sleel Desgn lrnpact Eng&neeringhas defined his career ]nterest in $trucfural arnics, Earth$aheEngireering, Seismic Probabilistic Risft srnent and Advmcedctural Mechanics. June 2013 - Present Seismic Fragility Analysis of Elecffical and Mechanical Equipment for SPRA and 2.'l HTTF Fulrushirna Resolution -First Energy Nuclear Operatlng f,srnpeny, VarisuE Sltes: Mr Guena serves as the Proiect Engirner for lhe cahulation d SeisrnicSeisrnic PRA for the Davis{esse, Perry and Beaver Va}ley Huc}ear ers. In his role as a strudunal ana[ml, MF- Guena has ]distributions systerns. Panam+ters ner*ssary for tle deve ent af EPRl 103959, EPRI 6041. EPftl 10tl2g8$ ard the EPRI Uptlate 1019200.2009 n&rd and the NTTF 2.1 Recomrnendatim-April 2013 - May 2013Seismic Fragility Analysis of Reinfsrced Goncrete ShearWalls for SPRA and 2.'l HTTF Fulrushima Resolution - First Energy Nuclear Operatins **ffipefiy, Varlous $it*s: for the Davis-Besse. Perry and Beauer \talley Nuchar Fouuer s. lrir-calculations in order to evaluate the sFmar walls senmiu caFh? ard thelr nrere d d based on medisr, HCLPF and uariability paramelersrnodel for quantificatm of CDF contribution. A-12 PuHications SelF lh- Jdy 2SSI.Langua[F$Elrghdr-Eddie ilUl. Guer'a, P,E, ffi March 2013 - April 2013 Fultushima Resolution - First Energy f'luct*er Gp*rating Company, Perry HPP. Perry, ilH: and 2.1 NTTF F sft*ma Resofutisrl" hlr. Grerua was psrt of the tearn d rt.January 2013 - February 20f 3Seismic llYalfrdowns of Beaver Valley tlPP for SPRA and 2.I N F Fulrushima ResofutiorFl - First En*rgy Hucfe*r Operating Cornpany, Beaver Valf*lr F*FP, Shippingpoilo PA: November 2012 - December g0{2 Seismic Wallrdowns of travis-BeEse HPP fior SPRA and 2.1 N Fulrushima Resofutiolt - First Enrrgy Hu#ess Operating Company, Davis-Er$s* HFP, Salr Harbor, GH: A-13 Eddie il',I. GuerFf,, P.E, ffiSeptember 201 2 - October 2012Seismic Wallrdowns of Beaver Valley HPP for 9.3 FFulrushima Resolution - First Energ,y Hucfear BperatingCompany, Beaver Valley HFF, $ftippingport, PA: A August 201 2 - September 2812Seismic Wallrdowns of Peny HFP for 2.3 H F FuhushimaHPP, Perry, OH: AJuly 201 2 - August 2012Seismic UUallttlowns of Dauis*esse HPP for 2"3 il{ FFulrushima Resolution - First Ensrsiy f*ucle*r $perati,mgtompany, Davis-Besse HPP, Oak Harb'sr, *H: AApril 2012 - July 2Al2 Soil-Structure lnteraction Analysis for th+ Auxlliary Builtfingin Davis-Besse HPP - First Energy Huclear OperatingColnpany, Davis-Besse HPP, Oak Harb,gr, *H: A-14 Eddie ll/X, GuerFf,, P.E. ffiililarch 201 2 - April 2012 Sticlr ltlodel and FEtl Validatian Study - EFRII First EnergyHuclear Operating Company, Savis-Besss HPF, Oak Har r, SH:s ls-January 201 2 - lUlarch 2gt2 Duane Arnold HPP - Seismic & Wind Qualification ofLo red Panel lUlodules - Duane Arnold - Eedar Rapids, lowa: f,lovember - December 2011 iltachinery - $henyang Tur tJla*hinery" ShenyfiilS, P. R. of Shina: fire-A-15 Eddiel*l" GuerFr, P,E. ffi O ber 2011 - Noyember Z0l I Aircr lmpact Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Walls fur the Koeberg tlPP - EsHoM, cape Turryn, south Africa: Se mber 201 I - October Z0I t ismlc Fragility Analysis of filechanical and Structural compo nts for ilre Koeberg HpF $eismic Hergin Se mber 201 I - October fOl I Seismic Wallttlowns fior the ltoeberg tfPP $eisnric Hargin O ber 2010 - September 20I I$anta lsabel wind rurbine r Anafysis and Design Revision - siemens. santa lsabel, Fuerta Rics: nds. i A-16 Eddie ilIfi. GuerFo, P.E. ffiJune 2010 - Septem r 2011 Qualificafion - General Electric, Chllctn F :June 2010 - August 201 Iiltay 201l - Ju 2O1l s.O r 2010 - f,lay 201l Pe sylvania: A-T7 Adarn Hel ich, E,l.T. ffi P roject En gi neeri ng AsstlciefeSldll as: Years Experienc* 3 Edu Pifr* , fl}1ilCivil ErBineerhgSeismic Walk s Fhile El Anatysis Computer Prog mhgMr- Adan HeJfrrich, E.l-T., is an Proiect En$i I C.tlay 2Ol2 - PresentFENOC Seismic Fragility Ev*[uation r F*rst Energy, Variaus Sites:August 201 2- PresentFERtl2 Seismic Fragility Evaluation - DTE, Hftmrfic lilichigan:llarch 2010 - PresentCSRF SSI Analysis - Department of tht Havy. United States:December 201 I - February 2012 DNFSB - United States. Var*ous $ites: T2 A-18 AdarnHel chrE,l,T, ffi5e mber 2010 - Harch 2gl2KKL Leibstadt l.lPP Fragility Analysie - l{ltLJAXPCI, Switzerland:August 2010 - Fe ary 2012June 2010 - Octo 20f 0 tes:*lay 2009 - August 2009Arab Emirates:iltay 2009 - August 200S Haryland:PREV]OUS EXPERIEilCE:ililay 2008 - August 2008Penn DOT - Glearfield, Fennsyfvania: A-19 ltlltg fr OHHa r.0H ling i*A-20 rw:t

  • lrtrlfr Iildft [f anager ruf* atrrl *t'1fit'ii'nt pLrnt upr"ittilrt].

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  • lttrJli tirm str,fim and frt r r hr_'atrffi, tlte fuel harulling trpripnu.nt aln-! ;rll surtron r,riln{b$.


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  • I l Satgt.trt & l.unrh'

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Nlanager Rt'rp:tnsjhh f ir spnnklrr s\"st('In rltsrgn thnrugh appr,:ltrt

14. a rpniatr pnrirr:ts u;r to r-H rnlllrnn dnllan.A.2I Itt?5 - lll?9 TH a T rsrfr- r d t ns A-22 Richard P. treller Street rrSork Exp ence C radou Honre rod 6 E cation grt$r'l,gTs n Tl$I,Iilll I Ile 5 A-23 sunrc (lf tloharn d F-. ,tlvi- P.E.

fi[1*tnfARY: Unil-lNucl Station Man r skills f,,X RIENCE: C]tJurn ?01? -sfntM h2008-May 301?$enior Consulting Engimer{ft t*tte r Se isrnic ?.l and J-3 as urcll as techn* n'hn'of the SP projecl Jn s A. [tfrpatric* l{uchar Pawm Ftumt r+rgo. New Yorkincluded issuing plant mcdificationsr Et'aluatimns, enf;:inmrtng gefi,Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1NRCI Resident quesEiens, ffir d tEchni administrative skills. etc. Fuhlk Srn'ice Electricifv & Gns ( PSEGI lt*uclssr A-24 lg8e -b Yorl s$ s, *tc.ty fr lf;l A-25 tq63 - 1988 Unit-1.Nole: l r+as also tln Nirn Mib lbinl Nuclear Station Lead fortbe NRC liuclcor thn Supen'isor. Civil/Structurel E ring. Unil I ]{im Mile Foiil Nuclcsr Stetion Chiraga lllinob A-26 tgts - lE, TTON: m CITIU [IIP!A-27 @c\I I f-*'.e-#,'F-.r#*q+*- {F,-.#tu!r"'-l:*ffiFf.]' H Hb-tr arf TE SE gf, S;H+r o*hu*F oo 04v7 n.g 4 sg NT{ .i: EE&o Ed ii "H&,H+lr*E-?o-:- -DiJ bcl F0r H E dil E T fi d a;l c B1 E p.E T'n d{.r a G{'F EI I E E o (J A*J{-E w, o: t cd{, z trgt 3 .5 rrT q trgr A r{F T}J ETb= r{G'E-l+t n#l -l t. '= F trtr E.E;of l*#\F?tr},cl 9tr EI ul trt F\J H e?tn eFl Ar H e F$ts ar+a?N t*trI h if{E fL{+{Err+{el-tFa t{q.s tr+a ul IF s E}u{rf F dr+B+F F H gf+r 4 t+rH{-/H t-o A-l B!tF-+E A+r+ffi0 E!t-o+F tF+1 {rA++$+g+w \t((\l ilfl*rl ait T Fr fi t, Irr o C'L.Oqn lIg TE tr rts a0 rH (u H a FI rl N L GI FEr R ()e Fhl ftr AJ T\r$*-ll ll L'-t\\l-b qJ trr s u**F 3;E lrF;{}5s-g HH H$: f I I I I*\s q FT Tr ts (h cq T{ei q\t\rt Y H Faf q)F*tr\t kt\tu H;s fi ,s ,s H t-I Tr ,s+rl ri\t F}-l s IT.H s (tI s.s R s hL-- \t\[r l-J\-_F l- -.!- t_s (h$\$)*r\$B\q rtr+l FT t'\q)H$s)*I rt$ UI$(, H o h J 6 c t{f hI I AI e t{h il$n H e fr o;il*r o t fr fi 0$ttsf 0$*r fif{J H r;{*r h{J$ ): t t'51 I*5 H a FT Ir-Eg$E (ltr E*I I s-s q ri\H q5-\d Y Fh'{q q)H ts\k.BL H ht F*$,s s hl TI tr\l H qJ',s U-l H.S+r qt-$s F.].s.$q\Tir Tr rt' Frl rl tr\l H fi r{\is.S R F'L L..t G-f\b--l-b (5, q)s\s)+.f\s e\tr?rts.sJ{+r FI tr qJ T'R$)+r\S.I.- -a .-FI IT tI G'.-- sf t-l c sl d"e, 5}.r J o tl k H q H 0 rt*r It H sh E g tl q{g{r+l frf tl H rH*l h$(J H (rt qI\iP\*il qt*r\3 rs+\R H s o'l J-3-3 H{rI H ql$rsl tJ ql*I H$i;H il-;trf il}!Er i'n rS g e 6\q(t\lFT e f-;l{\t\f\la F tr}0, C'L Ota Ltc ftr l-F d-c{J a0 d tsl rd 15 15 ().t)-IYt-a H A-o F" Fr\e oFl\t\$q)t\rr$h t\l\\l-iai.7\L)tZ b q).l\r s q.)a rar.h'hr t-\Lrl l Y tlL- ,r--..-tl F=ctr lsF*9 c}i;+tlJtJ Ei Efi gE:^a lrt b l-lI'.r.l't. EF tr f;s 5E E.$t.g{F nH EH fr H s?#G rJ li a A)ut aI au EE dQ H*c\s\s\q q.rH*r q I\q*rf\F t*qI\s tr*Si frr ql b tR t-h$\iI\t Eh SP Fr'Fl t.l1\I LS:\3\c r a'ira I H s..Q r-l.I rr Fr q)FT F\?'\qJ-.P q)'r$Lq.ft tJ q)'lA H fl H*E\t{(\I-e (\lF t*-f.l{t tr.f, t-r q, TJ b OUT lI,g TE L F olr{15 q)a H-d FI T G d E e-e h$r;$\r$q)l\\r s" FII fr T\a U\-s'q)t{rhl s q.)fFt.b ht L L Fl tt\-h.7\\T L.t trt*H talI 8Zll .r.vLt SE UH HIH--l1r E=fi l3r lrl lll!tl oo ea I 3&ft&rs!q&6qt EE ft,'*,f;8*;H{,L b$8p oct E,N*l o m rr*rt LT r*.+E$>d a E E o$q EE 5.5 Hfi vl ;f{.{J*,,*sr t'ct Avr F{o tT-{G)E wb LE n ctd d r-{rt{,-{e F.'rc 0)-1 H H A H)'{c d F\-{e t{.}CU A r*{{-)h c+{rH{J F{o t)o{J ol efl ul rl{?r r-E*+")d h-{AJ d H H{J ts{J rr{fr t'rL-{('J e+-{c q.){J d C,)rp{q+-'{r FI{+)F-{U U n v{i It.d u D n u{E?u.:t sl!F dfiff{ Lf\$ o\ca I -f, I}}