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ERS-MPD-93-007, Rev. 11, BVPS-U1 Gaseous Radioactivity Monitor Emergency Action Levels.
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 10/28/2015
From: Renz L
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ERS-MPD-93-007, Rev 11
Download: ML16277A114 (40)


{{#Wiki_filter:Enclosure B L-16-277 EAL Calculations for Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 1 (219 Pages Follow)

FORM 1/2-AOM-1611.F28, Rev. 2 RTL# A9.621A Beaver Valley Power Station Radiation Protection Technical Position/Evaluation/Calculation Subject No. PAGE 1 OF BVPS - U1 Gaseous .Radioactivity Monitor Emergency Action Levels ERS-MPD-93-007 39 Reference HPP _ _ __ EPP x TIS

                                                              ----                       CR - - - -           DCP _ _ __

Category Unit 1 Unit 2 D Technical Position ~Technical Evaluation D Calculation D Purpose To apply guidance contained in the NEl99~01 EAL document to the appropriate gaseous radiation monitors at BVPS Unit 1. Note: This Technical Evaluation is riot-an implementing document. Any*application of the information contained herein must be reviewed and approved using the established review/approval process for that application. D ORIGINAL ISSUE I IXI REVISION# 11 Revision description: Revised to include guidance from NEI 99-01 revision 6, which changed the methodology for Alert level Declarations. independent review (calculation only) I'fJ .... /!. 7,,. J.) date NIA date Attachments C8J Purpose 00 Results 00 Data Sheets 00 Methodology 00 References D Illustrations 00 Input Data 0 Printouts 0 CodeUstings (g] Transmittal to BVRC 0 *Supt, Rad Ops 0 Author: ~~~~~~-- (g] Original RP ERF FILE 0 Supv, RP Services (g] Hal Szklinski BV-SIM 0 MGR, Radiation Protection 0 Supv, Rad Waste/Effluents 0 0

Beaver Vall~y Power*Station

  • Healih*'PhysicsTechnica1;Posltfon/Evaluatioruea1culation ..*RE'tlSION':*1.1*..

.~µbje9t: . BVPS~01 Gas*eous* Rad'i()a¢tivity* Monitor Emerg&ncy Action Levels ERS-MPD-93-007 2 DISCUSSION This technical evaluation uses accident source terms, radiation monitor nuclide detection efficiencies, QDCM dispersion factors (X/Q).and nuclide d9se conver~ion factors (TEDE and child thyroid) to calculate radiation monitor readings that* offsite cfoses*of 10, 100 and 1000 mrem TEDE and *50, 500 and 5060. rrirem child thyroid. These are usecfas Emergency l:\ctioo. L:evel (EAL)

  !ndicators for the Alert. Site A(ea Emetg~ncy (SAE) and,'Genetal.Errier9E!,ncy*(GE)~c1assifications.

The values*shownJn 1he re~ultssectiottai'e b'a.sed*on the:niostHrnitjng c:)f all acgiqer:it type*source terms and the:ODCM annual av,erage:atmospheric dispersiol,l:Jactor (X'Qf These mon~or indicator values are used in Emergency Plan Emergency Acticm Leveis tEAt:s), *EPP-I-ta.* Additionally, indicators for the Unusual Evenfclassificatiori:are*listed. These are taken from ERS,;.HHM-87-014, and are simply multiples of the OOCM limit; Le., 2xODCM limit for the Unusual Event (UE). The calculated radiation monitor readings may be u'sed for Emergency Action Level (EAL} determination following an acCident with.consequent release of radioactivity, and when the results of more rigorous assessments are not available. Revision 11 calculates EA!:. vaJues.associateCI With the most current*NEI guidance from NEI 99-01 revision 6 .. V;;tlues-are.*qalculatE:?cf for.the Veritil~Uon*vent gat?~bus:efflu~ntpathway, the Supplementary Leak CollectionJ~elease S,ystem:(SLCRS).effiuent pathway and Proqess Ventilation effluent release pathway. The*Mirion monitors each' have .a low rarige:*and a high range noble gas chann~l. EAL;calcl,llated.for.eachrai;lge; howeverth~value(s) provided in the Results wi*ll include only .on-scale values. ** * * ** * * * * * .* The Mirion monitors can provide indication in units of uCi/s, uCi/cc or cps (low range) and amps (high range). While any of these couJd serve EAL v:alue, the final values will be in*units of *uCi/s because they are valid at any release flow rate. ODCM flow rates are _used in the calcu.lations to the point of calculating flow dependent uCi/cc, . but are*unimportant*when the EAL is expressed in units of uCi/s. Values: expressed' as u~.i/cc or qp5/amps will v~(y .Wi~h. release flow rate, and are accurate only attpe tlow rate.usedJo:pa!culate them. This limitation applies to:all'G~pable of indication in units of u.Ci/s: 1"his* is consistent with the* Unit2*mpnitors, *where Jnewide range gas monitor an9 th~ rrrain*:s~ea_m r'r)qhitor indicate(in>> units of u'Ci/s, and 'the EAL values are .expressed as uCi/s, METHODOLOGY The methodology des.cribed below re.mains unchanged from previous revisions. Previously, .the Unit 1 effluent radiation monitors only indicated. in cpm. The Mirion moni~ors indicate in cps (counts per second), uCi/cc *and uCi/s. se* similar to* Unit .2 monitors.(see.ERS"-MPD'-93:.008), conversion m*$thod9l6gy us~d for those h16riltors" is used *in,this technical evaluation. The bases for the EAL values forthe four emergency classific~tions are: UE ODCM limit multiplied by two (x2) forgreaterthan 60 minµtes. Alert Effluent pathway radiation monitor indication thatcorresponds to 1Omrem TEDE or 50 nirem child thyroid dose at the site boun<<:jary. The lower of t'1e two values is used.

FleaIth *Physics Technical 'Positioil/!l. REVISION: 11


No,: Page: BVPS-U1 Gaseous Radioactivity Monitor Emergency Action Levels E.RS~MPD-93~007 3 SAE Effluent *pathwaY, r?i!iation monilorJn~iC:atiqnJhaf cwre$ppnqs*J~r*1'0,Q mtem TEDE 9r 500 mrem cniia thyroid'.dose.~at:the site::boundar;y~. The;:1owefof:the::two'.value~ds used..

  'GE         Efflu~nt radicitibn moni~prindicatiqh'~hatcorresponcjs:to*t~oo mr¢m TEDE.or 5000 mrem::cnilathyroid dose.,ahthe<site 60,undary~ The t'ower of the:'.two values*. is used.

For the Alert, SAE?<tnd GE evali.J,~tions.a rele~se dut~tion is n~ces'sary to cal.ct.Jlate an integrated dose. Consistentwith*previous revisions, a release duration:ofone.hour is used. All of the UFSAR accidents that have a raciiok>gical :consequence analysis, and several variants of the Loss of CoolantAcciqent (LOCA~ 'are, each. having a unique source* term. "fhe radiation monitor'EAL for each Tadlation monitor* is; the:fawest monitor.fndlc~ation calculated among *ali accident types .assocJated with'*thatrelease pathway-,

  • When input :data more sp~cific to*a.¢cfde,:titan~ ~ct:d~llm~teqrolqgic~tc,onoitibns are usedto*pertorn'I' a dose pro,jection,. the.results,are expected lo differ*to..sorne degree. Efforts fa ot>taih.effluenf or .

ehvironrner1tal samples fellowed-up with isotopic ana,lysis should be*made. to produce.a more accurate ass~ssr:nent of offs.ite 9pse following* any ~eleas.e. of. radioactivity that may warrant a protective action recommendation. Tne,' a qescription,qf lhe .. math per:tormedby the EXC3EL spreadsheets used in this technical Evaluation. * * ** *

  • I An EXCEL spre~dsh'eetWas ma(;le,:for each. accidenuty:pe i:uid iradiation monitor combination thatis

. .*appropriate for the ac;ei~eriftyp~. *J:3c)ph s~re~d~h~~fcpnsists. off 15/~olumnswith a row tor each radionuclide. Atthe bottom.of eac~/$preads,heet, there,, u.sedto convert cps. (lqW ran§e}. or anw$;(high ra11g~)t9 TEDE a11d c~lltMhyroid' COE. Additionally,* each spreadsheet has cells ,used .for

 *inpuJ:ting ~e!ease~flov{rate Kcfrn}.~rid the atrno~phericdispersH:>ri factorlX/Q) (~/m 3). Details of.all spreacisheetmath is~provioed' below;                                        *
  • Colurn.n 1 - List of the individual .isotope_s that comprise the accident source term. Each isotope
 *occupies.~     row.

Column.2 ....Tofa.1* release . quantity(Ci)for each isofope.specific:to the.accide.nt*type. d.01u*~n '3-.ActiV,ify fractJqr(f()r each 'nqclide; This is_~***'Uhitle~§ fraction:of th~ tot~l tot e~ch nuclide calculated by: *..

                 .               col'2 I i:*'eot2.

Cot'3 fraction = 'Ci r Ci'nn .4 & 1'() - of the TEDE & child thyroid dose conversion factors (DCFs) for each radionuclid.e (rnrem-rn 3/UCi-yr). Column 5 &:*11.-,Effecti\ie DCF col.S

  • colA' Cc>fs . ot co'i'11 (mrem:-m3Ju¢i!"yt) = .uoi~less**:nir~m~m~fu¢i'-yr

Beaver Valley Power Station Health Physics Technical Position/Evaluation/Calculation REVISION: 11 Subject No.: Page: BVPS-U1 Gaseous Radioactivity Monitor Emergency Action Levels ERS-MPD-93-007 4 The sum of column 5 & 11 represents mrem in a year_ at a concentration of 1 uCi/m 3 of the total nuclide mix:

  • When calculations are complete to this point, a release rate conversion factor (uCi/s per mrem/hr) is calculated at the top of each spreadsheet. This is done separately for TEDE and for child thyroid dose as follows. Values in this example below are from the RM-1VS-109 Low worksheet for the LOCA with Gap activity accident TEDE.

The sum of column 3 (always 1 uCi/m3) is the specific accident mix total concentration that will result in the sum of column 5 dose, 7.24E2 mrem in a year. To calculate the associated release rate (uCi/s) from the point of release that will cause a concentration of 1 uCi/m3 at the EAB, 1 uCi/m 3 is divided by the ODCM site boundary XJQ for the release point (1.03E-4 s/m 3). 3 1 uCi *

          - -m- - = 9.71E3uCi , re Iease rate for 1 year will. d e11ver      .             e 7 .24 2 mrem ED T E m3       1.03E-4 s               s 7.24E2 mrem
  • yr 8.26E - 2 mrem Converting the dose to mrem/h, ------ =

yr 8760 h h Therefore, a release rate of 9.71E3 uCi/s will produce a dose rate of 8.26E-2 mrem/h. Dividing 9.71E3 uCi/s by 8.26E-2 mrem/h gives 1.17E5 uCi/s per mrem/hr. The simplified spreadsheet math for this is: 3 CF _ 1 uCi

  • yr
  • 8760 hr* m = 1.17E5 uCi-hr 3

reoe- m 7.24E2mrem yr 1.03E-4s s-mrem or 1.17E5 uCi/s per mrem/hr TEDE for the full 1 uCi/m 3 mix. The same is done for child thyroid dose using the sum of _column 11 instead of column 5. As this uCi/s/mrem/hr TEDE or child thyroid dose conversion factor (CF) value is the calculated release rate is for 1 uCi/m 3 of the total mix, it can be used as a release rate conversion factor for each nuclide by multiplying this conversion factor by each column 3 nuclide fraction. Column 6 & column 12 - Release rate (uCi/s/mrem/hr) that, for each nuclide in the specific accident mix, will result in a TEDE or child thyroid dose rate of 1 mrem per hour of exposure to the total mix. col 3 conversion factor (TEDE or child thyroid) uCi/s/mrem/hr = unitless fraction

  • CFTEDE or child thyroid (uCi/s/mrem/hr)

Column 7 & 13 - Release concentration (uCi/cc) that, for each nuclide in the specific accident mix, will result in a TEDE and child thyroid dose rate of 1 mrem per hour of exposure to the total mix. col 6 & 12 / flow rate uCi/cc/mrem/hr = uCi/s/mrem/hr I eels

  .Beaver v:alley'Pow~r Stalipn HeaIth. Phys ks Techn iea F:Positkiri/Evah.iationtCaJCu ratfon*                      REVISION::11 *
    • **sµbje~t-BVPS*U1 Gaseous .Radioacth1lity,.Monjtor Emerge*n-cy Actlo11 ERS-MPD-93-007 5 The release pathway flow rate *(cfm) listed in the ODCM for the radiation monitor is entered in a cell at the top*of each spreadsheet and converted tocc/s.

Column 8 & 14 ...;. List of the monitor specific isotope :qetection efficiencies. A set of' calculations is done for the low range .channel (isotope efficiencies in .units otcps/uCi/cc) and a set for the high range. channel (i_sotope, *effipi~r:i<:.i~s- in lJnRs,O,famps/l,i(3i/9c)'.

  • Columrl9 & 15 ...;. -The*radiation monitor countrate (cp~):or current(amps) that. if sustained for 1 hour, Will cause 1 mremTEDE and child-thyroid dose-to an individuallocated atthe EAB.

col 7 & 13 " col 8 & col 1~ cps/mrem/hr = uCi/Cc/mrem/hr

  • cps/.uCi/cc.

The sum of column 9 is :the monitor .count rate or .current that will cause 1 mrem TEDE in 1 hour at the EAB for the specific};1ccident mix. The: sum of column 1s*is the monitor count rate or current thatwill cause 1 mrem child thyroid dose in 1 *hour at the EAB for th.e specific accident mix. Monitor respohse,arthe EAL doses;of1 O; 100 and.10.00 mrem for TEDE, and: 50, 500-and 5000 mrem chHo thyr<:)id gose ate calpulatetj*aUf)e bott_orh ofeach .spreaasheet. This is* done. in three .sets of

1) EAL in c;ps for the. low-ran~e c.hannel. Substitute amps tor *cps for the high*range channeL c;;ps = cps/mremfhr
  • mrem/hr EALreoEAteit= :Icol 9
  • 1.o EALTEoE SAE:: Icot 9 *
  • 100 EALn!oe.Ge= ::I:co.19,
  • 1000 EAkh1tlfthyAtert'= ~CQI '15.
  • 50

E:,ALc;hno thy.s~ Icol .15

  • 50.0 EALchHd thy GE= :Icol 15
  • soo.o:
2) EAL in uCi/cc for both the low range and the high. range ch an.nets. Substitute amps for cps for the high.range channel.*rnohitor cfiannel has a.volumetric.effidency value(cps or amps/UOi/cc) entered*in the* datab(3se, Thes~ are ba~~d _on the QDCM nu~!i~e mbc fqr th¢* pathv.ic:1y and .are useq to convert cpsoramps*to liCi/cc. Thevolumetr;ic efficiencyvalu.e is.en_tered io each sprec:1dsheet and the'.followingmathis,performed for each EAL vah.Je; uCi/cc = cps l cpsiuCi/cc EAL = EAL I monitor conversfon factor

   -3) EALin uCi/s for both the low range arid the. high, range channels*

uCi/s uCi/cc

  • eels*


  • pathway,flow r:ate

Beaver Valley Power .Station Health PhysiCsTechriicaJ,Position/Evaluation/Calculation REVISION: 11


No.: Page: BVPS-U1 Gaseous Radioactivity Monitor Emergency Action Levels ERS-MPD-93-007 6 When expressed in units of uCi/s, the EAL value will be valid with variation in the pathway flow rate. INPUTDATA I ASSUMPTIONS Reference

1. Release source terms [7]

The release source terms used to determine the monitor EAL values are listed in the Attachment 1 spreadsheets.

2. Unit 1 release point data [4, 8, 9]


                                                                      'Range Release Point              Radl(ltion n:ionitor                                     .rate (cfm)   X/Q (s/m 3)

RM-VS-109 Low Range 0.18 to 4.93E4 cps Ventil~tion Vent --------------*-------------- -----------------------**-----* 62000 1.03E-04 RM-VS-109 High Range 1: 13E-13 to 9'36E-10 amps. Supplementary Collection RM-VS-110 low Range 0.18 to 4.93E4 cps and Release $ystem. 49300 9.24E-05 (SLCRS) RM-VS-110 High Range 1.13E-13 to Q.36E-1b.amps RM"GW-109Low Range 0.18 to 4.93E4 cps Process Vent 1450 2.31E-06 RM-GW-109 High RanfJe 1.13E-13 to 9.36E-10 amps 1 The listed monitpr ranges taken fromMirion 12-00038 Page 15 and 12-00023 Pag¢ 17 Xe-133 measured linearititesting. Actual rang~ may .be wider, however these data are sufficient to demonstrate .that the calculated EAL values. will be "pn-scale". See Attachment 3 for additional aisbussion of the monitor . measurement ranges.

3. Radiation monitor.riuclide*detection efficiencies [10]

Detection efficiencies for each monitor and for each nuclide are taken from ERS-SFL-8.5-031 aild are Hsted in the Atta'chment 1 spreadsheets.

4. Dose conversion factors [11]

The TEDE conve.rsion factors. (DCFs) are taken from ERS-MPD-91-046 (units of mrem-m 3 /uCi-yr). In this emergency .dose projection application, 4-day dose from ground deposition is included. These DCFs are equivalent to those in EPA Report 400 and ~re expressed with three significant digits. The child thyroid conversion factors (DCFs) are taken from ERS-MP0-91-046 (units of mrem-m 3 /uCi-yr). These were developed from child thyroid DCFs provided in USNRC Regulatory Guid.e 1.109 Tabl.e E'-9. All DCFs are listed in the Attachment 1 spreadsheets.

Beaver Valley Power Station Health* Physies *T~chnicaf Posiiion/E valuation/Caleulation REVISION: 11


No.: Page: .BVPS-U1 Ga$e9us: Radi0,activity Moni.tor Em~e,rgency Actio.n Le,Vel$ ERS'~MPD-93~oo.7 7

5. Volm:nettic Monitor Detection EffiCiency [6]

The individual monitor volumetric detec~ion efficiency is calculated associated With the ODCM and are taken from ERS-HHM-87-014. These values are used in the monitor database to convert detector signal (cps or amps) to uCi/cc. Note that these values are entered in the monitor database in units of cps or *amps/Bq/m 3 as provided in ERS-HHM-87-014. Re.tecise Poir'Jt Radiation monitor ODCMVolumetric Monitor Efficiency RM-VS~109 low range. 6. 92E4 .cps/uCi/cc Ventilation Vent RMN$-109 high range 3:~'4E-10  ;:imps/uGi/cc RM-VS-110 low rang*e 8. 54E4 cps/Li Ci/cc Supplementary Collection. and

  • Release System (SLCRS)

RM-VS-110 high range 3. 31E*10 amps/uCi/cc RM-VS-109 low range 6. 71 E4. cps/uCi/cc Process Vent RM-VS-10~.high range. 3.97E-10 amps/uCi/cc 6, Accident Types, [Previouslyestablished. basis] Gap LOCA. Loss of Coolant Accident with release of a:fraction of fuel rod gap activity DBALOCA Design Basis Loss of Coolant Accident RCS LOCA Lqs$of Cbola.nfAccident with: release ofT..S. Hmit.coneentration RCS activity TID LOCA TIO 14844:source term release assumptions (tailed.ESFs) SB LOCA small Break LOCAoutside of containment FHA Fuel, Handling Accident RCCA Rod Control Ch,JsterEjection Accident* LACP/LRA Loss ofNon..emergency AG Power/Locked (reactor coolant p~mp) Rotor Accident MSLB Main Steam Line Break SGTR Steam Generatdr Tube Ruptl.lre GWS GaseousWaste'system Failure

7. Accident Ty12es:andA12plic~ble Release Pathwa~s [Previou$!y established basis]

This technical .evaluation provides* coriV,ersions for .all accident source terms for each radiation monitor. .Because not all accident types necessarily have a release pathway applicable to each: monitor, the following tables are provided to identify the most likely combinations. Monitors RM-1VS-109 Ventilation Vent OBA LOCA, GAP LOCA, RCS Leakage via penetrations and/or in SI piping LOCA, TID LOCA. RCCA and equipment SB LbCA Piping ,in P.AB SGTR,. LACP/LRA, GWS, No reasonable path to this release point MSLB, FHA

                                                                               . *;            .REVISIQN:11 St1bjegt;      ... . .                 .*.

BVPS-U1 Gas*e*o,µ~ ~adip~u~tivity MorU't()r , Emerg*ency* Action Levels ERS-MPD*93~007 8 Monitors RM".'1VS-110SLCRS DBA LOCA, GAP LOCA, RCS Leakage*from penetrations .and/or"in SI piping LOGA,TID LOCA, RCCA and equipment FHA F1,.1e1 *h~ridling a¢c!derit:*irJ coritainmer'lt/171;3.

                   **GW,$.,,'9GTR~ MSl::S,.l:AQI?/~.~       Nota,sig~if!cant*sgurq~*fortnis!J!Jay Monitors RM;.fGW*109 Process Vent Two accident types are used for this calculation: SGTR and GWS. Because the*SGTR source term is.based oh a. release via the main steamvalves (unfiltered pathway), and the process vent is a normally filter~d pathway, iodines in the release source term are reduced by 0.01 to acc9unt for removal by filtration for this application. This adju$tment provides an appropri~te nucliqe mix for use i11:deterrp*iniryg monitor re~ponse. The low range monitor alarnt set pciints are ODCM limit based..             **                 *                              *
  • For the*.EAL:Unusoal.Event :clas:slflbationv~lues for gaseol:JsreieaseS.lmultiples:ofJhe :ooGM
     !ii:Dit),*a:n 9P:©~;:$qj.;tfF~*wrr::rli~j.J~e9. Detf1ils,*reg~tcifng t~e oocM 'lifliit.vaiue *.calcutatlons may be found inJhetechnicafi;ivali.iatio.n ERS:.:HH,M:.:a7;.;0:14,
  • 8: Application of:IVlonitdr Background Because the Mlrion monitors have a background subtract feature, the indicated values are the net val.ues; Therefore, monitor blackground need not be consideredJn the EAL calculation.

RESULTS Attachment j _9etalls:tl)e*cal~ulafions,thatdetertnined :the monitor EA~ value~.list(!:!d 'itfthe ~elow. See Attachment 2for*additional.*discussion regarding the*monltor measurement fanges and on-sea.le*

 ~~                                                          .                                         .

From ERS-HiiM"87-014 Based on Based: on PAG dose values ooclVl1imit l'IJUltjple R~lease Point L!~.(2x* Radiation*.monitor Alert SAE GE OOCM)

                                                              '5:28E3                                               Q[Jt.ofra,nge uCi/s Ventilation Ve11t 1.18E+5            1.18E+6        1.18E+7
                                . RM~WS-1.09'high range   Oat:offan'ge u.Ci/s              IJCi/s        uGi/s

Beaver Valley Power Stati.on Health Physics Te~hnical posjtion/Eya(uation/Galculation REVISION: 11


                                                                 .No.:                        Page:

BVPS-U1 Gaseous Radio~ctivity Monitor Emergency Action Levels ERS;.MPD~93-007 9 From ERS-HHM-87-014 Based on Based on PAGdose values

                                                       .ODCM limit multiple UE (2x Release Poirit         Radiation monitor                          Alert            SAE             GE ODCM)
  • 7.58E3 RM* 1VS-11 O low range Out of ra1J,ge Out of range Out of range Supplementary uCi/s Collection ahd Release System (SLCRS) 1.56E+5 1.56E+6 1.56E+7 RM-1VS-110 high range Oat of range uCi/s uCi/s uCi/s From ERS~

HHM-87-014 Based on Based on PAG dose values ODCM limit multiple UE {2x Release Point Radiation monitor Alert SAE GE -~_,,,.__..,,.._,____. ODCM)

                         *RM~1GW-109   low range      Outofranr;,e    Outofrange       Out.of range   Out of range Process Vent
  • RM-1GW~1b9 high range 2.18E6 7..8~E7 7.83E8 7.83E9 uCi/s uCi/s uCi/s uCi/s The values in the above tables have been compared to the monitor ranges to ensure that any used as an EAL value or Cilarm. set point will be within the monitor range. Values outside of these ranges will be considered as off scale. See Attachment 2 for the discussion of the monitor range values.


1. NEI 99"01.; *Methodology for-Development of Emergency Action Levels, November2012.

2: BVPS' Offsite Dose G~loulation,Manual (OD'CM), 1/2.~0DG-2.02.

3. ERS-MPD-~3~008, BVF>s.:2 Gaseous Radioactivity Monitor Emergency Actton Levels
4. 1/2-0DC-2.02, ODCM: Geiseous Effluents
5. BVPS Emergency Plari Procedure EPP-l-1a, Recognition and Classification of Emergency conditions.
'Beaver Valley:'Power Station
  • Health PhysiCs'TechniC'af'-Pos'ition{EvaltiaiiolllCalct.ilation REVISION: 11 *


No.: Page: BVPS-U1 Gaseous. Radioactivity Monit(>r Emergency Action Levels ERS-MPD-9'3;..007 10

6. ERS-HHM-81.:014, BVPS Technical Evaluation, Unit 1/Unit2 QDCM ~~seoµs.Effh:1entN}pnit~r
7. ~RS... MPD-O'l-002,:BVPS Technical Evaluation, Determination.of Release So1;1rce T~rms for BVPS Accidents.for.Eme~gen9y Planning Purposes.

8; .Mirioil*ddcument 12*-00038,,,Primar:y :calibration Report*for Noble Gas.Monitor NOM 204

9. Mirian document 12-00023, Primary CalibrationReport for Noble Gas Monitor NGM 203
10. ERS-SFL-85-031, BVPS Technical Evaluation, Gaseous EffhJent Monitor Efficiency Data..
11. ERS-MPD-91-046, BVPS Technical Evaluation, Determination of Dose Conversion Factors for Use in EPP Emergency Action Level (EAL) Indicators.
12. USEPA 40o~R'-92~001, "Manual of Protective Action Guides' and Proteetiol'.I Actions for Nuclear Incidents". ** * ** * * ** * * * *
13. USNRC Regulafory<Guide*:1.:t09, "Calct1latibn qfAnnual. bC>se~to Man FrQmRoutine Re.leases of
      'R~actor: Effluents* fOt* the. *Purpose,, of Evafuating<Compliance with *to CFR Pait SO, Appendix I".

Beaver Valley Power Stati.on Health Physics Technical Posi.tfon/Eval.uatibri!Ca!Culation. REVISION: 1.1


                                                                                        *No.:                                     Page:

BVPS-U1 Gaseous Radioactivity Monitor ERS-MPD-93-007 Emergency Action Levels Attachment .1 11 Below is a summary of the calculation resu.lts. These are evaluated in Attachment 2 with regard to the upper and lower monitor measurement capabilities. Alert, Site Area and General Emergency Calculation Summary - Release Point 1, Ventilation Vent: Alert Criteria (uCi/s) SAE Criteria (uCi/s) GE Criteria (uCils) 100 TEDE 500 Ch Thy 100 TEOE 500 Ch Thy 1000 TEDE 5000 Ch Thy PING VS-109 Low 9.14E ..05 2.01 E+05 9.14E+06 2.01 E+06 9.14E+07 2.01E+07 GAP LOCA 1.04E+06 2.95E+05 1.04E+07 2.95E+06 1.04E+OB 2.95E+07 OBA LOCA 7.75E+06 2.14E+06 7.75E+.07 2.14E+07 7-75E+06 2.14E+06 RCS LOCA 3.62E+05 3.60E+05

  • 3.62E+06 3.60E+06 3,62E+07 3:60E+07 TIO LOCA 6.34E+05 4.19E+05 8.34E+06 4.19E*Q8 8.34E+07 4, 19E+07 SB LOCA Minimum values =

_ .lJ~!2! _ .i,.32£,+,22. ~ ,...!,~E.:£7_ _ ~<l.S:ez.- 2.01 E+05 2.01 E+06 --------- 1.56E+08 2.01E+07 4.30E+08 RCCA Alert Criteria (uCils) SAE Cri)eria {UCl/s) GE Criteria (uCi/s) 100 :TEOE 500 Ch Thy 100 TEOE 500.Ch Thy 1000 TEOE somi Ch Thy Pl!llG VS-109 High 1.30E+06 2.86E+05 1.30E+07 2.86E+06 1.30E+06 2.86E+07 GAP LOCA 1.5.:iE+Otl, 4}0E,+05 1.52E'>07 4.30E+06 1i52E+08 4,30E+07 OBA LOCA s.01e+oa* 1.40E+oe 5.07E+0.7 1.40E+07 .5.07E+OB 1.40E+OB RCS LOCA UsE+os 1.iiie+os 1;:.1sE+06 1."18E+06. u'ee.+07 1.18~+07 TID LOCA 7.16E+o5* 3.60E+05 7.1ilE+06 3.60E+06' 7.16E+07 3;60E+07 SB LOCA _ 2J'15:~ _ .i,1~+~ * "' ...Hi.E:.2,7_ _ .2J wo1, ... ...H~E:.2,8_ ..,2;,!2.E,:28_ RCCA Minimum values= 1.18E+05 1.18E+06 1.18E+07 Alert, Site Area and General Emergency Calculation Summary - Release Point 2, SLCRS: Alert Criteria (uCi/s) SAE Criteria (uCi/s) GE Criteria (uCi/s) 100 TEDE 500 Ch Thy 100 TEOE 500 Ch Thy 1000 TEDE 50QO Ch Thy PING VS-110 Low 8.26E+05 1.61E+05 8.26E+0.6 1.81E+06 8.26E+07 1;81E+07 GAP LOCA 9.39E+05 2.66E+05 9.. 39E+06 2.66E+06 9.39E+o7 2.sse.+07 OBA LOCA 7.00E+06 1.93E+06 7.00Ei;07 1.93E+07 7.00E+06 1.93E+06 RCS LOCA 3.27E+05 3.25E+05 3.27E+06 3.25E+06 :3.i7E+07 3.2SE+07 TIO LOCA 7.S3E+05 '3.78E+05 7.\j3E+06 3,78E+08 *7.S3E+07 3'78E+07 SB LOCA 2:ase+os 6.83E+06 2 88E+07. 6.83Et07 2.88E+08 6;83E+OB FHA Minimum values =.-.---'------- 1.41E+06.. 1.81 E+OS 3.88E'+"06 - 1.41e+o7 3.eae+oi


1.81 E+06 1.41E+08* 1.81 E+07 . . --

                                                                                                                      *3.88E+OB     RCCA Alert Criteria (uCi/s)               SAE Criteria {uCi/s)             GE Criteria (uCils) 100 TEDE          500 Ch Thy      100 JEDE           500 Ch Thy     1000 TEDE 5000 Ch Thy PING VS-110 High          1.73E+06          3.79.E+OS      1.73E+07            3.79E+06        1.73E+08         3.t9E+07 GAP LOCA 2.01E+06          5.71E*05       2.01 E+07           5.71E+06        2.01 E+08        5.71E+07 OBA LOCA 6.73E+06           1.86E+06      6.73E+07            1.66E+07        6;73E+06         1.86E+08 RCS LOCA 1.57E+05           1.56E+05      1.57E+06            1.56E+06        1.57E+07         1.56E+07 TIO LOCA 9.50E+05          4.nE+05        9,50E+06            4.77E+06        9.50E+07        .4.7.7E+07 SB LOCA 7.54E+06          1.79E+07       7.54E+07            1.i9E+06        7.54E+o8         1.79E+09 FHA

_ ,U~+!2! _ .!,2~+,22.; ~9.Lf'.!21" - _8.lJ.S!.Ol.. ** l..9!S.i;~*-..J!i.2.;l.5~ _RCCA Minimum values= 1.56E+os 1.56E+06 1.56E+07

Beaver Valley Power Sta,tio!l 'Health Physics Technical Positiori/Evall.iatfori/C::alculation REVISION: 1.1


. No.: Page: BVPS-U1 Gaseous RacJi9activity Monitor ERS-MPD-93-007 .e*mer{J.ency A*ction**Leveh; .Attachment 1 12 Alen~ Site Area.and.General Emergency Calculation Summ~uy-Re.lea~e P'oint3; Pi'Qce.~s Vent: AlerfCriteria (ucvs) 100TEDE 500ChThy

                                                                ~       SAE Criteria tuci1sj 100.TEDE        5oocnThy
                                                                                              +*      :Ge.cnteria.(uCils>

1000TEOE SOOOCl!Thy PINGGW-.109. Low. 8.43E+0.7 1.i1E+OS 8:43E+08 . 1.11E+q9 8,43E;+09 1*. 11E+10 SGTR Minimum values "' ... --,.--.--- 1.B5E+08 8.43E+07 n/a 1.85E+09 8.43E+08 ola* -L85E+10 8:43E+09 rila WGSR Alert.Criteria (uCi/s) 100TEDE 500ChThy

                                                                ~       SAECriteria (uCl/s) 100TEDE         500ChThy
                                                                                              +        GE Criteria (uCits) 1000TEDE 5000ChThy Plfl!G GW-109 High. .      7.83E+07          1.03E+OB     7.~3E+08         1.03E+09   . 7.83E+,09         1.03.E+10 SGTR
                                 - .l.J~+!l!!. - - !J!I _        . ..J.;3~~- - _n1L -             J.3~5.+J.2-     -JJLa- - WGSR Minimum values=             .7.83E+07                      7,,83E+08             .        7.83E+09

m OJ g> :I: 0 trJ 3<t> <.2:  !:?.. (ii 5- ~ Monitor officioncic* from ERS-SF\...SS-031 XIO = (uCVs/il'.'romih) CF for TEDE = 1.03E-04 i17E*OS slm'

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         .,, ~

(/) 'I"':

r PING VS-109 L°"' Release Flow Rate ::: 6 20E*04 ctm ~ 2.93E+07 W. luCilslmrom"1l CF for Child Th"'1>id = 5.16E+-03 (Q I '< (ii U1 &U2 Acti..,ity Effective Count Ellec~ve Coum CD C V>

o* '""1 DCF  ::s LOCAGap Ratio DCF Release Re:ease Efficiency Rato DCF DCF Release Rcl"8$Q Efficiency Rate -Ji. V> Iwt ope (mrem*m 3

                                                       /    (mremrm /  3 (uCUsl         (uCilcd (cpsluCilcc)                    (mrem-~m /

3 (mrem*m 3/ (uCi/sl (uCilccJ (cpslmrem'11) 0 -;

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               '< G>

(Ci) {<ps/nlremni) (qisluCila:J mrem/h,, 0 uCi*y) uCi*y) mremlhrJ uei-'/) uCi-y) mremlhr) mrcmlhr) n *P' l<r..s:Jm 9.01E+01 2.02E.Q3 4.69!!.01 9.48E-04 2.37E*02 8.11E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE*OO* O.OOE*CO O.OOE<OO 1.04E+01 3.56E.07 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+-00  ::r l<r-SSm 2.21E*02 4.96~.03 B.17E*02 4,05E*OO 5.82E+ci2. 1.99E.QS 1.14E+OS 2"7E+OO O.OOE~OO .O.OOE<OO 2.S6E+01 S.74E.07 1.14E+05 9.96E-02 )> S>>  ::I Kr-85 1.27E+03 2.85E-02 1.12E*01 3.19E-01 3.34E*03 1,1olE.Q4 1.14E+05 1,30E+Oi O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO 1.47E+02 S.02E-06 1.14E+OS 5.72E.Q1 0 t/I r;* (ii l<r-.87 8.4SE+01 1~89E-03 4.47E*03 8.47E+OO 2.22E*02 7.flOE.QS 1.nE+OS 1.3SE*OO 0.00E+OO 0.05)Et00 9,78E+OO 3.34E.Q7 1,ne*os 5.91E-02 f'"t" <t>  !:?.. '-< Kr-ea 3,58E*02 8.03E.Q3 l.13E*04 9.07E*01 9.43E+02 3.22E-0S 1,0SE+OS 3.3SE+OO O,OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 4.14E*01 1.42E-06 1.0SE*OS 1.49E.01 -*O "1' 1.soi:-02 0 t: 0


Kr-69 Xo-131m Xe-133m )(e.133 1:26E+02 6.33E+02 3.72E*04 1.6SE*05 1.63E.Q2 1.42E-02 8.34E-01 1.02E*04 4.29E*Ol 1.49E+02 1.76E+02 1.72E-02 69SE.01 2.11E*OO 1.47E+02 1.97E.Q1 1.91E*03 1.'67E*03 9.79E*04 6,75E-09 6.53E-OS s.7oi:.os 3.35E-03 1.89E*05 7.22E+04 1.28E+OS 4.39E+04 1.2ee.c3 4.72E*OO 7.29E~OO 1A7E+02

                                                                                                                                        'o.OOE*OO O.OOE*CO O.OOE*;JO O.OOE+OO 0.00E*OO O.OOE*OO ciooe*oo O.OOE*OO B.68E.03 8.<0E+01 7.32E+01 4.30E+03 2.ooe:10 2.87E.Q6 2.50E-OO 1.47E-04 1.89E*05 7.22E+04 1.28E+OS 4.39E+04 s.ece.os 2.07E-01 3.20E*01 G."6E*OO
s r


o -~

In 5* 0

J x6-135m 1.24E<-03 2.78E-02 2.1SE+03 5.98E*01 3.26E*03 *i.12E-04 3.2BE+04 3.66E*OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE~od 1.43E*02 4.SCE.Qfl 3.28E*04 1.61E*01 <t> S>> JT! (ii Xo-135 2.71E*03 6,0SE*02 1.2SE*03 7.60E*01 7.14E+03* 2.44E.Q4 1.:i7E+OS 3.34E*01 *o.ooe*oo O.OOE*OO 3.14E*02 1.07E-05 137E*OS
  • 1,47E+OO < Q. < '"'1 Xe-137

)(e.138 2.SSE.01

             .7.00E+OO S.72E.Q6 1.7SE-04 9.55E*02 527E*03 5.46E.Q3 uoE*Oo 6,71E*01 2.0SE+01 2.29E-08 7.02E-07 1.B3E+05 1.43E*OS 4.20E*03 1.00E*Di O.OQE+OO o.oo.E-+oo OOOE+Oo O.OOE+OO 2.95E-02 9.02E-01 1.01E-09 3.0SE-OB 1.63E+05 1.43E+05 1.tl4E-04 4.41E.Q3             -o CD -*                c""

1*131 2.73E+01 6.12E-04 4.66E+05 2,85E*02 7;19E+<i1 2.45E,00 9.25E*02 2.21fi.03 2.44E*07 1.49E*O. 3.16E+OQ 1.0SE-07 9.2SE*02 9.SeE-05  :;ti t/I S>> s r:/J c:* "'"" 1~132 1*133 1*134 1.32E*01 1.00E*01 6.51E-01 2.00E'°4 2.38-04 1.46E-05 4.33E*04 12BE*OS 2.69E*04 i.2se*o1 3.04E*01 3.93E*01 3.48E-+01 2,796*01 1,71E*OO 1, 19t'0-06 9.54E-07 5.66E.OS 1.44E+03 1.38E+03 1.59E-t03 1,71E,03 1.32E.03' 9.31E-05 2.9oe*os 1.sbe*04 8.58E*01 1.37E+03 1.11E*OO. 1.53E*OO 1.ZIE+OO 7.53E-02 5.22E.QB 4.19E.Q8 2.57E-09

                                                                                                                                                                                                            *1.44E+03 1.38E*03 1.59E*03 7.51E.05 5.78E-OS 4,09E-06 3:

I .... 0


() a-* 1*135 3:38E+OO 7.SSE-05 7 10E*04 5.38E+OO 6.90E+Oll 3,04E.07 1.26E*03 3.B3E-O<I 1.19i;+06 9.02E*01 1.34E-08 1.26E*03 HISE-OS

0 ""
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ;:;      0 4.4!JE+04                                      7.24E+02     1.17E+OS.                                         2.16E*02                      1.65E+04         5.16E*03                                        9.50E<OO                       ;::;:        c       ::s 3:             '<           -~

Monitor dotodi<0n efficiency (q:>SJ'uCilcc} ~ 6.92E*04

                                                                         *t~~~gi - ::~i~~r*;~i: r*d~:ii**1 1.0E+03       9.14E+07          3.12E+OO         2.16E+05
                                                                                                                                                                        *c;,;,dr~"'dl 5.00E+OI 5.0E*02 5.0E*03

2.01 E+OO 2.01 E+07 1* UCifGC 6.86E-03 6.86E*02 a.sse-o; qlS 4.75E+02 4.75E*03 4.75E*04 CJ) 3: o. 5*

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ..:..            ::s 0
                                                                                                                                                                                   )(IQ:    1.03E-04      >1m' co               0 Monitor *fficicncics rrom ERS*SFL-85-03,                                                                                                               Release (c-Cils) CF for TEDE =      1.36E*OS PING VS-109 l.ow U1 &U2        Activity Release Ffow Rate r.

Ettecllve 6.,0E*04 elm = 2.93E+07 eels Court* Rc!oase luCi/sl CF *w Chi kl Thvmid = EflCGlive 7.70E*o3 Count r-0 OBALOCA Ratio DCF OCF* Rel ea so Relcaso Efficiency R*te DCF DCF Roi ease Retea!;e Efficiency Ra to l5"10pe (Ci~ (mrem-m f 1 (mrem,m3/ (uCU~ (uCilcd (qisJuC(rcc) (qislmremJh) (mrcm 4 m3/ '(rr.rcm-mJ/ (uCVSI (uCVct:/ (cpS/UC~cc) (c:pslmnlmlh) ~ vCi-y) uCi-y) mremlh~ mremlllt) uCi*y) uCi*)') mremlhr) mrem/hr) Al Kr..s:Jn\ Kt..s5m 1.8CE+03 2.05E.Q3

  • 5.02E-03 4.69E-01 B.17E*02 9.61E-04 4.1Ce*Oll 2.78E+02 6.62E+Oz 9,51E.OS 2.33E.OS 0.00E*OO 1.14E+05 O.OOE+-00 2.G!lE+-00 O,OOE*OO O.OOE+Oll O.OOE*QO O.OOE*OO 1.58E+01 3.87E*01 5.39E*07 1.32E.00.

0.00E*OO 1.14E*05 O.OOE*Oll 1,51E-01 fl)

s m 9 z Kt-87 1.27E+04 1.6ilE*03 1.45E.Q2 1.92E*03 1.12E.. 01 4.47E*03 1.62E-01

                                                            *8.60E+OO 1.96E*OJ 2.61E*02 6.7fE*OS B.93E-06 1.14E*OS 1.77E+OS 7,6S:E+oo 1.58E+-0o o.OOE*OO o.ooe+oo O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.11E+02 1 4eE*01 3.ooi:..oo 5.00E*07 l.14E.OS 1.77E*OS 4,34E.01 8.96E-02   (Q
0 Kr-88 7.16E.+03 8.15E-03 1.13E*04 9.21E*01 1.11E*03 3.713&05 1.oSE+OS 3.97E*OO o.ooe+c:xr O.OOE+QO 6.2BE+01 2.14E*OO 1.05E+OS 2.25E-01 CD >C/J a3: .,,

Kr-.89 1.50E+OO i.71E-OO 1 02E*04 1.74E-02 2.a2e:o1 i92E-09 1.89E+OS 1.50E*03 O.OOE+OO OOOE*OO 1.31E*02 4.49E-10 *1.69E+OS 8.49E-OS X<>-131m 1.45E+04 1.65E.Q2 429E+01 7,08E-01 2.NE+OJ 7.66E.Q5 7.22E+04 5.53E+OO O.OoE+OO O.<lllE+OO 127E*ll2 4.34E-OO 7.22E+04 3.14E*01  :::0 Xe-133m 1.27E+04 1.45E-02 1 49E*02 2.16800 1.96E+03 6.71E-OS 1.28E*OS 8.59E+OO O,OOE+OO 0,00E+OO 1.11E+02 3.00E-Oll qeE+OS 4.67E-Ol (') m x... 133 Xo-135m 7.43E+05 2.48E+04 8.48E.01 2.62E-02 1.7SE*02 215E*03 1.49E+02 607E*01 1.1SE+05 3.85E+ro 3.92E'03 1.31E-04 4.39E+04 3,28E+04 1.72E*02 4.:ioe*oo O.OOE*OO o.,ooe+oo 0.00E*OO O.OOE*OO 6.51E+03 2.17E*02 2.23E-04 7.43E*OO 4.39E*04 3.28E*04 2.4"E.Q1  ::r 0 < (i.j Xo-135 5.42E+04 6,17E.Q2 1.2SE*03 7.72E*01 8.3SE+-03 2.00E-04 1.37E*OS 3.s2e+o1 0.00E+OO a,OOE*OO 4;75E+02 1.62E-OS 1.37E*OS* *2.22E<OO 3 I Xe-137 5.09E+OO 5.SOE-00 9.55E*02 5.S4E.O:J 7.87E*01 2.69E*08 1.83E*OS 4.siE-03 o.ooe+oo OOOE*OO <.46E*02 1.52E-09 1.83E+05 2.79E*04 CD 0 Xo->>38 l-13i l-132 1,56E+02 3.41E*02 2.S4e*02 1.78E-04 3.00E-04 3.01E*04 627E*03 466E+05 4.33E+04 1.11E+OO i.e1e+02 1 30E+01 2.*1E+01 s.27£+01 4,08E+01 8.24E.07 1.00E-06 1.39E-oo 1.43E+05 9.25E*02 1 44E+03 UBE-01 1.67E-03. 2.01E-03 o.ode+oo 2.44E+07 2.00E-+05 O.OOE+OO 9.4SE+03 8.72E+01 1.37E+OO 2.99E<OO 2.31E+OO 4.87E-08 1.02E*07 7.91E*08 1.43E+OS 9.25E*02 1.44E*03*

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            *6:6SE-03 9.45E-05 1.14E-04 aw (I)

NQ z..


1*133 2.12E+02 2.41E-04 128e*OS 3.09E+o1 3.28E+01 1.12E-Oll 1.lSE+03 1.55E*03*oo 1.39E*03 1 BSE+OO 6.35E-08 1,38E*03 S.76E.Q5 ..i. 1-134 1.30E*01 . 1.48E.QS 2.89E*04 3.SSE-01 2.01E*OO e.a1£;.oa 1.S9E*03 1.09E*04 7.60E+04 1.13E*OO 1.14E.01 3.89E~09 1.S9E*03 6.19E-OO 0 1*135 6.75E+01 B.7BE+OS 7.69E.QS 7 10E*04 S.46E*Oo 6.27E+02 1.04E<01 1.36E*05 3.57E*07 126E+03 4.*9E-04 2.48E+02 1.19E*OO 9,15E+01 1.10E+04 S,92E.01 7.70E+03 2.02E-08 1.28E+03 2.sse:-OS 1.39E+01 MoMor oot&ction off!deney (qlS/uCucc)

  • 6.92E+04 I TEDE 1.<lOE+-01 1.0E*02 1.06+03 I 'uCils 1.04E+06 104E+07 1.04E*08 uC~cc 3.5SE-02 3.55E-01 3.55E+OO I Cj)S 2.4QE*03 2A6E+04
246E+OS IChild Thyrol11 5.00E*01 5.00E+02 S OOE,.03 uCVs 2.95E*OS 295E+06 2.95E:+07 uCYcc 1.01£:.02 1.01E*01 1.01E*OO l cps 697E*o2 6.97E+03 C.97F.*~ ~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -c I>>




m OJ~ :t: tJj MoM<< ellicleocl<!s lr<>'l'I ERS-SFl*SS-031 e.2oe.o4 am Relea*& {uCPsi CF lor.TEOE:


ReteasJ1*(u.Cil$l CF for CMd Thvt¢'id ~ 1.0:>E-04 6.41E+OS

3. <.g; gs: (1) ca*. '!' ~ '<' ~

PING VS-109 lcw U1&U2 AC11vrty Releaso Flow Rote:: Ettactivo 2J)3E*H37 cc/:5 Cou.lll Effcc!Nc 3.5'4E--04 Count CD "'O gj "1' lOCARCS Aatio* *OCf OCF Re~ase Release Effit:.i~~ R.ate OCF OCF Releaso R<!:kJriMI Efficiency Ram  ::r' tmre~'I (mrem*m't

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     "" ~

(mrefn..m'J (vf::Usi (uCY<;cJ (nlrem-ro-:\1- (uCl/si (UC~cor lsotopo (Q) uCi-yl uCi-)') mnimthr) niiemihr)

                                                                                                          . (qisJuCUec)        (cps!mrcmlh) uCi-y)            uc::{'y)    *mt.;m1h:)       Mt'O!'J'ltht}

{q>:i/uCilcxi) (q>_Slri>mnilll) CD C (';'. Kr-53m Kt-<JSm Kr-<lS t.3'1E-03 5.53E-03 3.27E*Of 2.27E-05

                              !1.JilE-05 S.55E-01 4;69fl:-ll1 ll.17E*02 1_J25,+,0) 1.07E-OS 7.67E-02 6.22E.+-OO 1ASE<01 e.02E+01 ue.E*OS 4.%e-0r*

2.00N16 1.22E-02 0.00E*OO 1,14E+OS 1, 14E:>05 O.OOE*QO 2.34-01 1.39E*03 o.ooe+oo 0.00E*OO

                                                                                                                                                 *o.OOE*OO o.ooe+ao o.OOE+OO O.OOE*OO e.ooe,o~

3,32fl*OO 1.97E+04 2.7SE..00 1.14E-07 6.72E-04 o:ooi.;.oo 1.14E";05 1.146.0S O.OOE->-00 1.30E-02



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             '< Gl
ig <

l\r-$7 1<r-ea rn4E-O<I 6:02E-03 i.tSE-05 1.02e-0< 4A7E+03

                                             *1:1:ii:*04 U4E-C:!

usE*oo 7.00E:+-00 6.SSE.01 2.tl2E-07 2.24,oo 1.77E+OS 1.0SE*OS* 4.835-02 2.3$E-0.1 o.oos-.oo O.OOE~OO o.boe+oo O.OOE*00-4.23E*01 3.62E.OO

                                                                                                                                                                                                   . 1ASE:OO° L24E-07 1.77E*OS 1,0SE-'-05

1.:ioe-02 .,,,,. m "lo.;;. en  :::r

I (1)

Kr-$9 2.aii:-0a 4.%e:10 1:02e*o.i 5.00E--06. l.l!lE-04 1.098-11 2.05E-06 o.ooe*oo 0.00E*OO. "76E-OS 6.00E*13 l.BllE..05 1, 13E-07 ('f C'O ,Xo-131m 1.1BE<-OO 2:ii6e.oi 4.29e*o1 e.sse-01 1.2ee+0* 4:39e,04 1,89E+Q5. 7.2W*04 3.17E*O, O.OOE+OO O.OOE*OO 7.0SE-i02 2A2E-05 7.22E*04 1.75E+OO  !:to e. '< X..-133m Xc-133' 1.81E*01 2.41l5+01 3.o.iE.-03 4.215'01 iA~E~02 L76_Et02 4.Sl!E-01 7.41E*01 1.97E*03 2.7oE-t-OS 6:73E-OS' 9.22E-03 1.2SE+OS* 4.39E*04 8.61E*OO 4.0SE+02 0.00E*OO o.ooe:.oo O.OOE*oo:, O.OOE*OO

                                                                                                                                                                                    .1.095*02 l_:~se+O.




                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ~jse~04 4.7GE.-01 2.24E~I                 0            c:        g~

o,ooe~oo  ::S- ~*  ;::+'. 0 'Xe-13Sm ui1E-02 2:os5,o.i 2JSE+03 *.*2e-01 ' Jie'..-02 :4.SOE-06 3.28E*04 1..48E-Ol O.OOE.*00 7;27E400 2.<;9E-07 3.28E*04 8;15E-03

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ~< ~(1) 1:2se*o3

!X&-135 1.UE,02 3'165-04 :1.!Jse-01 2.02E-i02 6.92E-06. 1.37E*05 9.48E-01 o:ooE+oo O.OOE+OO L12E*o1 3.82E-07 1.37e.os s.23s-02

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     *;g:      r.- :::0
1;~~; s:1ilE-06 o:ooe*on'
  • Xo-137 1.l9E-07 2.02E-'l9 1.93E--06 t.29E-03 4A2E"i.i .1.83E+OS O.OOE*OO 7.15E*OS 2A4E>>l i.83E~05 4;47E*0'1'.

!xo-138 1.32E-05 2.i4e-01 IAOE-03 1.44E-01 4,91E'()9. 1.43E*05. 7,02E-04 o:oOE*OO 0.0-0E*Olf 7.94E-03 2.7iE'10 1.4JE<-05 3.00E-05 CD m 1-131 1*132

               !IA1E*OJ 3.62E.-03 a:1ee-O~

G.!4E-OS 4:66e~os 4.33E*04 4.28E*01 2.wE*OO 5.69E-fC1 3.94E~CI 2.01E,!)6 1.35E*OG. 9.25E+02.

                                                                                                              .i.44E~Ol 1.BSE-03 1.94E*03 2.44e;o1 2.9CE+os 2'.24E*03 t.7ae+o1 3:25E*OO 2.'1ee*oo*
                                                                                                                                                                                                     *1.11e-01 7.44-08 9,25E+02 f.,<-4E+03 1.00E-04 1,076-04 I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ...:..   < Q.                  *co:      "'"'I.

(I) :-* 1-13:! 1.3SE-03* i:!,4E.-05 L28e.Os 3.0oE*OO 1.50E+OI uee+o3* 7.00E-04 S.77E+Oe l.'l5l!*02 a:3tle-01 2.8-llt-Oe 1.38E+03* 391E*OS  :::0 u;o ~ \/). 1-13< 3.61E-05 &;i3e-01 2.~.9e*Q,I 1.65e-02 3.9JE-01 1.34E-08 .1.59E'>03 2.13E*05 7.SDE+o4 4.ESe-62** i,11e:c\2 7.42E-10 1.59E*o3 1,1se4ll 3:..  !>> g

t. r+-
~135           3.76E-04 5.81JE+01 6.J8E-06       7.10E+04 Moni10¥ detOct~n efficiency '-~Jsf~Cilc.Cj_-=:

4.53E-01 1.33E*02 6.92E*O* I 4.00E+OO MIE+OS TEDE 1.40E.:-07 uCi/$ 1.2se*os I 1.76E*04 1.83E+!l3 I t.19Eioo 7,59£*00 2.4-0E*03 226E-01 3.545+04 Child *T'1yroid 7.72E-OS I f26E+03 uCUoe I 9.73E-06 1;01.E-i-02 Cl>* en

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           *r+       *--
c* -~* .....



7;75E*OO' ..cvec ~.OOE+C*I uCll* 2,14E<% 5.QSE:'{l3 I 1.00E<Hll 1.0E*02 7j5E_+o7 2.65E-O\ 2.GSE+OO 1,63E+04 q>S 1.63E~OS s.oe+o2 2.14E+07 7._32E.-02 7.JZE-01 s.ollE<04 ~ i:  ::::s

                                                                                                             ".2.:e~~~Ot iii".

1.0E+03. 775E+oo: 1.83£*00 5.0E*Q3 2.1~E*08 7.32E+OO s.ooe+tis 0  ;* CD S:*  ::I' r- 0

I 0

R""'ase (uCif*fCF lorTEDE =

                                                                                                                                                                                            ;<JO=    1.03E-04     sJm'
e :8..,

M<>ni1or otliclc(lci!JS trom i:R5'SFk55-031

                                                                                                        =                                               Releaie tuCilsl CF ror.CMd ThVmiil ;

2.03E+04-4.o4E+O:l Al PING vs-100 t ... U1& u2--*-Aclivity-R4)!~g __F~_ Rma Eltective

                                                                          =       6.20E*04 cfm                     i.936*07 C<I<

Count Effe<llvo *Court m LOCA no rfo:lo DCF OCF DCF Release Sffici~ :s (inrerri;,;,>1 Release Releas\I (uf;~ccl Effiei<incy Rate OCf 3 Relelno (uCU,.r (uCVcd Rato cc(I) Isotope (Ci) (millm-m'1 (uCifs/ (cpslmlEmlhl {mrom<ni 1 (mrein-m'I. (q>s/uCilCC) (qo:sJmoorM>> rnremrtu) (q>$1uC.ilcc) moom.'ht) uC>y1 uCi-y) mromihr) uCi-y) uCi*y) mreinJhtl 9.oie..oo l<r-&m Kr-llSm 9.46E<OO 1.ll5E*07 1.3\E-02



                                           -e:17E+o2 s.fae-03 220E+01 2.65e.02*

SA7E<-02 1.67E:05 o..ooe+oo t14E+OS O.OOE+OO 2.13E*OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO. o:o6e*oo 5.28E*01 1.09s*02 HICE-06 O.OOE+OO 1.1-ie*Os 1.1_4e<os


4.24E-01 0 m z 9*


Kr-85 t(27E*OS io1:iE+01 1.2ee-02 2.32E*.-01 1.sze:01 U4E*OS 9.03E*02 O.OOE+oo* O.OOE+OI) 461E<OO 1.5lle,01 1 eoe.02 0 Kt-$7 3.91E*07 5:40E-02 4.4ie<-03 2:~~e*o2 1.10E*03 375£,-05 1.77E*OS.* 6.63E+OO o.ooe*oo O.OOE*OO 2.iee+Oi 7.4SE*OO 1,ne+os i.32E<OO

s J<r-1)6 5.43E+Oi- 1:soe-02 i.13E1P4 8AiE*02 1.52E.03 5:2QE<OS 1.0SE*OS s..:ee+oo O.OOE<OO o.ooe; 3.03E*OZ 1.04E*05 1.0SE+OS 1.09E+OO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       !':t. )>...

s,41e:OS 1.iae.os l<r-ll9

!Xi>-mm X...133m 6.756*07 1.oeE+OO 5.0SE->OG 9s:ie.Oi 1.4~E-03.

G.97E;l,)3 1.02E*04 4;29£i+o1 1.49E+02

                                                              !l.51E*02 6:40E-02 1.04e+00 1.695*03 3.03E*01 1.*2E*02 1.03E'.OO 4.845-00
                                                                                                              *1.89E:>OS 1.22E*04 1.2SE*OS 1.22E*01 7..475-02 6.i9E-01 O.OOE<OO.

C.OOE+OO 0.00.E+Oo* 0.00E*OO O.OOE*OO o.OOE'."00 3.77E*02* 6.036'.-tlO* i.s2E*Ol 2.00E-07 9.63£-07 1.s!IE<-05 7.22E+o4 1.2SE-'05 2.4~E*OO 1AiiE-02 i.2:ie.61

I c if i:

(') "'O

u 3:sse*o1 i:53£i.o4 ~:39E*°'\ o.ooe*oo. ~
,X<>-133       l.60E+08        2.21E-01      1.76E+o2                         ~A9E+03                                             6.73E*OO        OJlOE+OO                          8.93E<-02*        3.0SE.05        4.39E+04          1.3-iE*OO Xe-l:;!im
 ,JW-135 Xi>-137 3.:lOO*Oi
              -4.s4E*07 1.-1ee*oa
                               <!.ll4E-62 6.eaE-02 2:02E-il1
                                          . i1se+0>

1~~.-03 9,97E*01 8.35E*01 9.42E*02 1.26E*03 3.22E-lis 4:t34E:os 1,405.04 3c2SE+04. 1.37E-i05 1.ll3e.Os 1.00E<OO 6.3SE*OO O.OOE*f)O O.OOE+OO O.OOE.00 O.OOE.*00 o:OOE*OO 1:il7E<02 2.70E*02 S.)SE*CJ;! 6A1E-06 9.23E-06 i78E-OS 3.28E+04 1,37E+OS 1:ll3E*OS 21oe-01 1.26E*OO s.ooi:~oo tl :r3 41

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     <n 0

1.\l3E+02 4,09E.03. 2.56E-<ll O.OOE+OO X.-138 1*131 1.31.lE*OS 3.SSE*OS 1.eae-01 s.37e-o. 4.66E+OS 1,16E*03' 2.50E.02 3.81E*C3 1.09E*01 t30i::64 3.73E*07

                                                                                                               .1A2E+05 9.25E<-02 1.S6E*01 3.45E-04 O.OOE+QO 2.44E+07 O.ooE~()O.

l.31E+04 7.59Et02 2.17E~OO 2.59E-05 7.425-06 1.4~E'.'OS 9:2.SE<-02

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .3.7iE+OO 6.68E-OS
i w I z

ll-132 1-133 5.7CE*OS 8.00E*D5 iaiE-04 i:iQ\:..oo 4.33E-1..28E+OS 3.41E*01 1:.:1E+02 1.60E+01 2.24E+01 5.ol6E*07 7.67E-07 1.44E*03. 1,JSE*03 7.87E-O<i 1.00£-03 2.WE*OS 5.77E*06 2.26E+1l2 6.37E+03 3.185*00 4.4eE*OO 1.09E-07 1.S3E*07 1:44E+03 l.36E+-03

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ,. SllE-04 2.10E:o4 No                       ...;;.

1-134 8.SSE*OS u:ie:o3 2.S9E.:o4 s.29E*01 2A6E":01 s.<1Se:o1 1.S9E+03 1.355-03 1.(IOE*OetiOn *fficicncy (qWuCllcc) : 6.92E+04

                                                                                *reoE 1 ooe;.01 1.ile.02 I   382E+OS uCils 3.62E+OO*

I uCi!ec* 1.24E;02 1.24e:Q1 e.SSE*02 8 56E-"03 c~_1:d_ tnpoid S.OOE*01 s.oe.02 I uCi/s

ieoe+os 3.SOEtOO OJCYec i.23E-02 1.23E.01 Cl>S S.~E*02 8.52E+03

U)E*ro 3.62£*07 . 12-'E+OO l!S6li+<:J4 5,0E+03 3,60E*07 1,23E+OO 8.52E:*04 --:\..

                                                                                                                                                                                       )(JQ:   1.03E-04                                            mm~                 ::c
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       <l>    to Monitor efficiencies from ERS.SFL-85-031 PING VS-109 Low                                         Release Flow Ra1e :     6.20E+04 dm            :        2.93E+07 c<:IS ReleaS<> (uCUs) CF lor TEOE :

Release lu{',i/$1 CF lot Child l'mKoid = 9.40E+04 9.45E+-03 slm' 3 CD

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            -0 ~

g. (tl

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   .., C/J r.-

U1 &U2  !',clMty E!fectiVe COUnl Effoctf\'a Count RU1i<i OCF OCF

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ~ (tl 58lOCA                                OCF                       Release       Release          Efficiency           Rate            DCf                            Releaso         Rolci!ise     Efficiency          Rate tsotope         (Ci)

(mrcm-m:J/ (mr1Jm*rit'1 (~CW mramshr) (uCVCGI mmmlhi) (epsluCl/cc) (i:p$1mremih) cmrem-m 1/ {mrom-m'I (uCi/$1 mrom/lY) (uCUccJ mro:mJhr) (epsluCllcc) (epslmroml!l) ~ C: "' o* uCi-y) uCi-y) uCi*y) uCi-y)

s Kr*83m 2:49E*OI 6.21E-04 4.69E-01 2.91E--04 5.s4E+01 2.00E*OO 0.00E*OO O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO O.OOE+OO S.87E+OO 2.01E-07 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ..J.       Vl Kr-esm        8.90E*01           2.22E-03       e.17E+02         1.81E*oo    2.09E*02      7.13E-06          1.14E*05         *8.13E-01        O.OoE*OO        O.OOE*OO         2.10E+01        7.17E-07       1. 14E+05       S.17E-02                                 -i Kr-135*       7.90E*01           1.97E-01       1.12E+01         2.2\E+OO    1.8SE*04      6.33E-04          1.14E+05         7.22E+01         O.OOE*OO        O.OOE+OO         1.llQE*OO       6.36E-OS       1.14E*05        7.26E+oo           '< G)                  ct>

0 ~ Kr-67 Kr*llS 5.64E-O\ 1.64E*OO 1.41E-03 4.09E-03 4.47E*03 1.\3C+04 6.lllE+OO 4.62E+01 1.32E+02 3.6SE+02

                                                                                          *.sze.00 1.3\E-05 1.77E+05 1.0SE+OS 8.00E-01 1;38E*OO O.OOE+OO 0.00E*OO O.OOE+OO o.OoE*OO l.33E.*01 3.87E+01 4.54E-07 1.32E-06 1.77E+OS 1.05E+05 8.04E-02 1.39E-01
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   )>       m           ~
J c;* (tl

(') (/) Kt-69 .3.SSE-05 1.02E+04 3.66E-01 3.JsE+OO l.15E-07 2.1ae,02 O.OOE+OO 3.40E*01 1.16E..OS 1.B9E+OS 2.19E-03 X<1-13tm Xe-133m 1'.**E*02 3.JOE*OO 3.01E+OO

                              . fl.:iaE-03 1.s1i::03 4.29E*01 1.49E+02 3.60E-01 1.12E+OO 7.S8E+02 7.00E!-02 269E-05 2.41E-05 1.89E+OS 7.22E+04 1.26805 1.94E*OO 3Q9E+oc O.OOE*Cio O.OOE+OO O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO O.OOS+OO 7.92E*01 7.10E+01 2.71E*08 2.42E-OO 7.22E'°4 1.2BE+05 1.9SE*O\


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     -*O 0- s:    CD          .,,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ~     ~

Xo-133 2.02E+02 5.04E-01 1.76E+02 8.87E*01 4.74E*04 1.62£-03 4.39E+04 7.11E*01 o.ooe:.oo 0.00E*OO 4.76E+03 1.63E-114 4.39E+04 7.14E*OO 0


Xe-\35m 8.91E+01 2ne-01 2.15E+03 4.7SE*02 2.09E+04 7.14E-04 3.28E*04 2.34e<o1 O.OOE"oo O.OOE*OO 2.10E*03 7.tBE-05 3.28E+04 2-35E*OO :J (/) "' o* 0 Xo-135 *. :99E-02 6.24E*01 o:ooe+oo :Al tn ~ 2.00E*01 '-25E+03 4.69E*03 1.60E-04 1.37E+05 2.205-iOl O.OOE*OO 4.72E+02 1:61E-OS 1.37E*05 2.21E*OO Xe-137 4.36E-02 t.OOE-04 9.55E+02 1.04E-Ot 1.02E+01 3.49E-07 1.83E*05 6.40E:02 O.OOE+OO 0.00-tOO 1.03E+OO 3.sie.:OS 1.83E+OS 6.43E-03 3: .- :Al :J Xe-136 3.03E-0\ 1:see-0.1 6.27E+03 *4.74E*OO 7.11E+01 2.43E-06 1.43E+05 3.47E..01 0.00E*OO 0.00E+OO 7, 14E+OO 2.44E-07 1.43E+05 3.49E..Q2 CD m (tl ~13\ 9.92E*02 2.46E-04 4.66E*05 1.15E*02 2.33E*01 7.S5E-07 9.25E+02 7.35E-04 2.44E*07 6.04E*03 2.34E+OO 7.99E*08 9.256*02 7.39E*OS I

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ..J.     < c.                <

1ll '""1 "132 1.02E-Ol 2.s.<E-04 4.33E+04 1.10E*01 2.39E+01 B 18E*07 I 44E+03 118E-o3 2.90E+C5 7.35E*01 2AOE+OO 8.2iE-08 1ME+03 1.IBE-04

a CD -* c C/1 l-133 1.72E*01 ~.29E-04 1.2SE+05 S,49E+01 4.035+01 1.31!E-06 1.38E+03 l.90E-03*oe 2.4SE*03 4.00E+OO :1.39E..07 1.38E+03 1.sie;:.04
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ,it m    0          s 3:

J.134 1.1se.01 2.S.:E-04 2.69E+04 7.92E+Oo 2.nE+01 9.MSE-07 1.59E*03 1.SOE-03 7.605+04 2.24E*01 2.76E*OO !i.S1E-OS 1.59E+03 1.51E-04 ~ J.135 1.31E.01 4.01E+02 3.27E.Q4 7. \OE+04 232E+01 9.05E*02 3.07E+01 9.40E+04 1.0SE-06 1.26E+03 1,32E-03 1.97E+02 1.19E+06 3.89E+02 9.00E+03 3.09E*OO 9A5E+03 1.00E-07 1:26E+03 1.33E-04 1.98E*Ol

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           <:                (')


J e

I ()

           ~nil or delactiori efficiency (c.pstuCl/cc) ..       6.92E*04       TEOE uCils -

B.34E+05 uCUcc I cps Child Thyroid uCi~ 4.19E*OS I uCi/cc I cps 9.91E+02 (fJ I*  ;::;:




0 I 1.00E+01 2.ME*02 1.ll7E*03 5.00E*01 1.43E-02  ::.::3 1.0E+02 6.34E+05 B.34E+07 2.65E*01 1.97E+04 5.0E+02 4.19E+06 4.l9E+07 1.43E-0.1 9.91E*03 0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          '<            e-5*

1.0E+03 2.65E*OO u*7E+os 5.0E+03 1.43E+OO 9.91~+04 CD s:  :::> r 0

s 0

Monft0< efficiencies from ERS-SFL-65-031 Rel""se (uCi/s) CF for TEOE: XIQ: 1.0JE*04 1.98E+OS s1m'

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ..,0 PING VS. 109 Low U1 &U2              AC!ivi!y Release Flow Rate =

Effective 620E+04 cfm = 2.93807 cd* Count Release fuCilsl CF for Child Thvreid

  • Effective 1.09E*OS Count m RCCA Ratio OCF OCF Roleaso Release Efficiency Ra ta DCF OCF Release Rolease Efficiency Rate.  ::J (Q

Isotope (Ct) (mrem-m"I tmrem-m3/ (uCiJSI (UCVc<:I (epstuCi/a:) (i:psll)1retnih) (mrom~m'l (mcem--m 3/ (uCVst (uCilc<:I (cpsiuCi/cc) (cpsfmrem/h) uCi-Y) Uci*Yl mmriuT") mremiht) uCi-y) uCi-y) mremJIV] mremiht) CD Kr-63m 3.ll2E+01 2.48E*03 4.69E-01 1.16E.Q3* 4.llilE*02 1.67£.05 O.OOE+OO o.OOE*OO

                                                                                                                             *4.sse+oo O.OOE*OO        O.OOE+OO         2.70E+02        9.23E-06       O.OOE+OO        O.OOE+OO

(') m z Kr*85m 9.12E+Oi s.91£.o* 8.17E+02 4.8".lE*OO 1.17E*03 3.99E*05 1.14E+05 0.00E*OO O.OOE+OO 6.45E+02 2.20E-05 1:14E+05 2.51E+OO Kr-SS Ki-!l7 222E*02 5.2<E*Ql 1.44E*02 3.38E:o:J 1.12E+01 i.61e-01 2.84803 9.71E-65 1.14E+OS 1:11E4-01 0.00E+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE*OO 1.57+03 S.37E-05 1.14E*05 6.12E+OO 2.23E+OO 0 ~ 9 1.63E*02 1.00£.02 4.47E*03 1-13E+04 1.S1E+01 1.1.9E+02 6.66E*02 2.09E+03 2.2SE*05 7.nE-05 1.77E+05 1.05E+OS 4,04e:.oo 7.49E*OO O.OOE+OO o:OOe+OO O.OOE+OO 3.69E+02 1.15E+03 1.26E-05 3.~E;05 1.nE*05 fose+OS 4.HE+ti:> :s

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                )> " '

Kr-!!9 1.89E<-05 O.OOE+OO 9.0SE..07 1.72E*OI X&131m 3.7eE*OO 1.86E*02 X&-133m *223E+02 2.44E-04 1211:!*02 t.45E*02 1.02E+04 4.29E*O\

                                                '\.49E+02 2.49E+OO 5.17E-01 2.15E*OO 4.B1E*O\

2.38E*03 288E*03 1.65E*06 6.14E-05 9.76E-05 7.22E*04 1.2eE*05 3.i1E*01 5.BBE+OO* 125E+01 0.00E+OO O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2.88E*01 1.32E*03 1.58E+03

                                                                                                                                                                                               *.soE-05 S.39E-05 1.89E+05 7.22E+04 120E+05 3.25E+OO 6.90E+OO
J s: iif'

(') "'tJ

0 m

Xo-133 1.32E+04 8,Sl!E:01 1.7BE+02 1.51E+02 l.69E*05' S.78E-03 4.39E+04 :2.54E*ci2 0.00E*OO ti.OOE+OO 9.34E+04 3.19E-03 4.39E+04 l.40E+02 CD ':::J'

a. 3~

Xe-13Sm 1.42E*02 9.21E-03 2.15E+03 1.98E*01 1.82E*03 6.21E*OS 3.28E+o4 2.04E*OO O.OOE*oO O.OOE+OO 1.00E<-O:l 3.43E-OS 3.28E+04 1.13E*OO x,..135 1.00E*OJ 6.87E-02 1.2SE*03 6.59E+01 1.36E*04 4.64E*04 1.37E*OS 6.35E+01 O.OOE+OO 0.0CE*OO 7.50E+03 2.56E-04 1 37E+05 3.51E*Ot ~ Xe-137 9.68E+OO 6.26E-04 9.55E+02 5.99E-01 1.24E+02 4.24E*OO 1.83E*05 7.75E-01 O.OOE*OO O,OOE+OO 6.65E+OI 2.34E*06 1.83E+05 426E*01 CD (t) 0 Xe-138 1-131 l-132 3.38E*0.1 453E*01 1.58E-02 2: 1se-03 2.!l:IE*OS 1.01E-06 6.27E+03 4.66E+OS 4.33E+04 1.37E*01 1.37E+01 4.3SE-02 4.33E+02 S.80E*OO 2.0QE-01 1..llSE-05' 1.9i!E-07 6.93E*09 1.43E+OS. 9.25E+02 1.44E*03 2,11E-.OO 1.fl3E-04 9.e3E-06 0.00E+OO 2.ME*07 2.00E*OS O.OOE*OO 7.17E+02 2.S:ie-01 2.39E*02 3.20E*OO 1.10E*01 B.17E-06 1.10E-07 3.77E-09 1.43E+05 9.25E+02 1.44E+03 1.17E+OO 1.Q1E-04 S.43E-06 aw

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ....,.                ..z

1*133 1 S!iE-01 1.00E.OS 1.28E+05 1,29E+OO 1.98E+CO 6.78E-06 1.38E+03 9.:isE-05 5.80E+01 1.10E*OO 3.75E-08 1.38E*03 5.17E-05 0 ..i.

 ~134          929E*03            e.02e-01      2.69E*04          1.62E-02    1.19E-01      4.00E-09         1 59E*03          6.48E-06        7.60E+64.        4.58E-02         8.S7E-02       22Se.Q9        1.59E+03        3.57E-06                  0 1-135         5.80E-02           3 76E.Q6      7.10E*04         2.67E-01    7.43E.01       2.S<IE-06        1.26E*03          320E*OS         1.19E+06        ~.47E+OO          4.10E-01       1.40E-06        1.26E*03        1.77E-OS                 .......

I 1.54E*04 4.31E+02 1.98E+05 3.68E+02* 7.79E+02 1.09E+OS 2.03E+02 Mon~"' d<!toC1ion off>Oeney (qisJuCllcc) = a.92E*04 TEOE 1.00E+01 1.0E+02 veu* 1.56E*06 1.sile+oi I uCi/c<: 5.32E*02 532E-01 I cps 3,68E*03 31!6E~04 Ctiild Tnyroid 5 OOE*01 S OE+02

                                                                                                                                                                                             !     UCils 4.30E*06 4.30E+07 uCilCC 1.47E.01 1.47E+OO cps t.02E+04 l.0'.2E*05

1.0E*03 \.56E*03 5.32E*OO 368E+05 5 OE*o:i 4.30E+OS ic47E+01 1.02E*OO ~ 01

XIQ; 1 .03E-04 sJm' Monitor efficiencies trorn ERS-SFL-85-031 ReleMe cuCVs! CF to< TEOE'. o 1.1Tc+OS PING VS-109 Hioh Reloasci F'loW Rate= 6.20E<-04 elm  :. 2 .93E*07 cc/s Re1ease*11i-.i/s\ CF fo' Ch:lld'Th\lfO:d ?:! 5.18E*03 Ul & U2 Ae1]vily Effed!ve Eflecllve LOCAGat> Ratio DCF DCf Reloase Relea$C Efficioncy Current DCF DCF Release Release Current ISO'.ope (Ci) (rnrem*m 3/ (mfem*m'1 (uCVS/ (uCitcc! {mrern*mJ/ (uCUS/ (uCUccl (ampst..CU<<:) (amwm<emlh) (ampsluCi/ccJ (emps/mrem/h) uCf.y) u<;l-y) mremlhr) mreinlhr} uC~y) mremll>f) rnrcmhl:r) Kr-83rn 9.01E*OI 2.02E-OJ <.69E-01 9:4SE*04 2.37E.,l2 B.11E-06 4.74E*10 3.84E-15 O.OOE*OO O.oqE'.*00 1.04E*01 3.SOE-07 4.74E*10 1.69E*16 Kt-e5m 2.21E*02 4.96E.03 8.17E*02* 4.05E+OO 5.62E*02 1.99E-05 1.69E*:O 3.36E-15 O.OOE+OO O.OOE*OO 2.56E+01 6.74E.07 1.69E*10 1.48E*16 Kr-85 1.27E*03 2.SSE-02 1:12E+01 3.19E.01 3.34E*03 1.14&04 \.79E-10 2.0SE-14 O.OOE+OO O.OCE*OO 1.47E*02 5.02E.Q6 1.79E-iO s.99e-16 Kt:s7 8.45E*01 1.SEE-03 4.47E+03 8.4iE+OO 2.22E*02 7.60E.Q6 1.oae.10 8.21E-16 o:ooe+oo O.OOE*OO 9.7sE+cio 3.34E*07 1.0aE*lO 3c61E-17 Kf-86 3.56E+02 6.03E-03. 1.13E+04 9.07E+01 9.<3E*02 3.2ie..os 2.3iE*10 7,ME;-15 o:OOE+OO O.OOE*OO 4. 1~E*01 1.*2E,OO 2.31E-10 .3.27E*16. Kr..eil 7.SOE-02 1.68E-06 1.02E>04 1.72E-02 1.97EAl1 6.75E-Oll 1.77E*10 1. 19E*18 O.OOE+OO O.Oce*OO *s' 2.96E-10 S.25E-20 X&-131m 7.26E+02 1.63E-02 4.29E:.01 6.9Se!-01 1.91E+03 6.53E-05 2.77E*10 .1.81E-14 0.00E+OO O.OOE*OO S.40E*01 2.67E-06 2.77E-\O 7°.SSE-16 X&-1J3m 6.33E+02 1.42E-02 M9E+02 2.11E+OO 1.67E->03 5.70E.05 2.27E*10 1.296-14 0.00!'.*00 0.0CE*OO 7.32E+01 2.SOE-06 2.27E-10 *S.68E-16 X&-1:!3 3.72E*04 s.:i4E-01 1.76E*02 1.47E+02 9.79E*04 3.35E-03 4.89E*10 1.64E*12 O.OOE*OO O.OOE*oO ~.30E+03 1.47E*04 4.89E-10 7.19E-.14 Xe-135m 1.24E*03 2.7BE-02 2.15E*03* S.98E+01 3.26E*03 1.1:iE-04 1.20E*11 1.34E-15 0.00E<OO O.OOE+OO 1.43E+02' 4.90E-06 1.20E-11 5.BBE-17 Xe-135 2.71E+D3 6.0SE-02 1.25E+03 7.6CE+01 7.14E+03 2.4"e-04* 1.95E*10 4.75E-14 O.IXJE*OO O.OOE*OO 3.i4E*02 1.07E-DS 1.95E-10 2.09E-15 X...137 2.55E-01 5.72E-OG S.55E+02 S.46E-03 6.71E-01 2.29E-08 1.17E-10 2.68E-1B 0.00E+OO o.oos.~oo 2.95E-02 1.01E-09 1.17E-10 1.18E-19 X&-138 7.SOE*OO 1.75E,o4 6.27E*03 1.10E+OO 2.0SE--01 7.026-07 1.69E-10 1.19E-16 D.OOE+OO O,OOE*OO 9.02E-01 3.00E-08 1.69E-*o 5.21E-16 ~131 2.73E*OI 6.12E-O<I 4.00E*05 2.65E+02 7. 19E+01 2.46E.oci 2.2llE-12 s.sse-18 2.44E+07 1.49E*Q4 3.16E+OO 1.08E-07 2.26-12 2.4.l!E-19

0 1-132 1-133 1-134 1.32E+01 1.06E+Q1 6.51E-01 2.00E-04 2.38e.-04 1.48E-05.

4.33E*04 1.28E+05 2.69E+04 1.we*o.1 3.04E+01

                                                            *s.S3E-01 3.4SE+li1 2.79E+01 1.71E+OO 1.19$06 9.545--07 5.00E*OS 1.72E*1;i 1.ese-12 1.5BE*12 2.!J4e:1a l.57E-18 925E*20 i.90E*05 7.60E*04 S.5ea*01 1.37E--03 1.11E*OO 1.53E*OO 1.23E+OO 7.53E-ll2 5.226-0a 4.19E-Oll 2.57E-09 1:ese.12 1.sse-12 a.ooe-20 6:91E-20 4,07E-21 s..

1-135 ~ 3.JSE*OO 7.58E-05 7.10E<-04 5.38E*OO 8.90E+OO 3.04E--Oi 1.86E*12 S.66E-19 1.19E+08 9.02E.+01 3.91E-01 1.34E--Oa UlSE-12 2.49E-20 4,4SE*04 7.24E+02 1.17E+05 l.75E-12 1.65£*04 5.16E+03 i.70£-14  ;;;o I ue~. I s 1 1.~::oo Monitor de1eciion efficiency (amp/uCU<<:I

  • 3.S-:E-10 TEDE uCUcc amps uCVcc amps 1.001:... 01 1.0E+02 1.oE+03 1 301:+07 1.30E.-.t06 4.4SE-02 4.45E-01
                                                                                                             *ASE+OO 1.75E*11 1.75E-10 1.75E-09 2.68E+OS 2.68E+06 2.S6E+07 9.nE-03 S.77E-02 3.85E-12 3.85E*11 3.SSE-10     <C/J XIQ:      L03E-04     !Jm~

0 MOrutor efficiencies trorn ERS-SFL~31 Re!e*se (uCUs) CF lot TEDE: 1.36E+05

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              <D PING VS-1 Hioh UI & U2         AdMty Rolaaso Flaw Rate e Effective
6. 20E+04 cfm
  • Rclooso luC~Sl CF for Child T"-id:

Effedlve 7.70E*03

c DSA LOCA RmiO DCF DCF Release Release Efficiency Current DCF *OcF Release Release Efficiency Current lscrtopo {mrem*m31 (Mrerrwn11 (uCUS/ (uCi/cd (mrem-m 3/ (mrenwn 3/ (uCUs/ (uCUw (Ci) (amp$/uCVc::) (ampS/mrom/h) (arnPsluCilcc) (amps/mrernih)
                                               ..Cl*y)           uCi-yl    mremJll!)         mrenilhr)                                         uCi-y)           ~Y)            mtemlht)         mremlh!)

Kr-83m 1.80E*03 2.0SE-03 4.69E:01 9.61E-04 2.76E*02 9.51E-06 4.74E-\0 4.51E*1S O.OOE*OO .O.OOE'-00 1.SSE+Ot 5.39E*07 4.7*e:10 2.56E-16 Kr-85m 4A1E+03 5,02E-03 8.17E*02 4.1oE+OO 6.B2E+02 2.33E-05 l.6SE*10 3.94E-1S 0.00E+OO *o.ooe+oo* 3.S7E+Ol 1.32E.OO 1.69E*10 2.23E-16 t<r.eS 1.27E*04 1.*SE-02 U2E+01 1,62E-01 1.96E~03 6.71E-OS '. 1.7BE-10 1.20E-l4 O.OOE+oo O.OOE+OO 1.11e+02 3.SOE*OO (79E-10 6.BIE*\6 Kr-87 1.69E+03 1.92E-03 4 47E+03 8.60E+oo 2.61E+02 Cl.93E-06 1.0SE-10 9.645-18 O.OOE+OO O.OOE*Oo 1.4se+o1 S.OOE.()7 1.oee-10 SA7E-l7 Kr.$3. 7.16E+03 il.15E*03 1.13E<04 li.21E+01 1.11E+03 3.78E-05. *2.31E-10. 6.745-15 O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO 6.28E*01 2.14E-06 2.31E*10 4.95E*16 Kr-89 1.SOE+OO 1.71E-OO 1.02E+04 1.7<E-02 2.32E*01 71l2E*09 1.nE-10 1.4CE-1S O.OOE*OO O.OOE+OO 1.31E*02 4.49E*10 1.nE-10 7,95E*20 X&-\31m 1.4SE+04 1.65E-02 4.i9E+01 7.00E-01 2.24E*03 7.61.iE-05 2.77E-10 2.12E*14 O.OOE+OO .O.OOE+OO \.27E+02 4.34E*06 2.77E-10 1.:rot:-15 Xe-133.:n 1.27E+04 1.45E-02 1.49E+02 2.1ae*oo 1.96£+03 6.71E-05 2.27E,10 1.52E-14 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.11E+<l2 3.SOE-06 2.27E-10 B.64E-16 Xe-13l 7A3E*05 8.46E..()1 1 76E*02 1.49E+02 1.15E*05 3.92E-03 4.89E*10 1.92E-12 0.00E+OO O.OOE*OO 6.51E*03 2.23E*04 4.89E*10 1.0SE*13 X&-135<!1 2.48E*04 2.62E-02 215E*03 6.07E+O\ 3.a.3E+03 1 31E-o4 1._20E-11 l57E-15 O.OOE+OO OOOEHJO 2.17E+02 7.43E-06 1.20E*11 8.92E-17 X&-13S SA2E+04 6176-02 \.25E*03 7.72E+01 8.JSE+<l3 2.00E-04 1.95E-10* S.SSE-14 O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO 4.75E*ii2 1.62E*OS 1.95E-10 3.17E-l5 Xe-137 5.09E+OO 5.BOE-00 9.sSE*02 5.~E.03 7.87E*OI 2.69E-00 1.17E-10 $.\SE*\8 O.ooE*OO o:ooe*oo 446E*02 1.52E*OS 1.17E*IO i1se:1s Xo,13S 1.56E+02 i.7SE-04 627E+03 1.1\E*OO 2.41E*01 8.24E*07 1.69Ei1o 1.39E*16 O.OOE*OO. o.ooe+-00 1.37E+OO 4.67E*OS 1.69E-\O 7.00E-18 1*131 3.41E+02 3.llilE-04 4eSE*05 1.B.iE+02 5.27E<01 1.eoe'-00 2.26E-12 4.07E-18 2.44E+07 9.4SE+03 2.ll9E*OO 1.02E.07 2.2sE-12 2.3\E*\9 1*132 i.64E+02 3.01E-04 43JE+04 \.30E+01 4.08E+01 dSE,!)6 1.72E*12 2.40E*18 2.90E*OS e.i2e+01 2.31E+OO 7,91E-08 172E*12 1.JOE-19 1-133 2.12E*Cl2 2.<1E-04 , 28E+-05 3.09E*01 328E*01 1.12E-06 165E-12 1.BSE-18 S.77E*06 (39E*03 1.S6E*OO 6.3SE-08 1.65E-12 1.0SE-19

~134          \.30E*01       1.48E-05        269E*04           3.00E.01    2.01E*OO          6.87E-OO           1.SOE*12          1.09E*19   7.60E*04        1.13E*OO           114E-01         3.SllE-09       1.SSE-12          6.15E*2i 1-135         6.7SE*01       7,69E-05        710E*04          s:45E+OO      \.04E+01         3S7E-07            1,85E-12          6.635*19   119E+OO         9.t5E+01           S.926'-01        2.02E-08       106E*l2           376E*20 8 78.E*OS                                       627E*02       1.36E+-05                                             2.04E*12                   1.10E*04          7.70E*03                                           1. \SE-13 3.94E-10  I     TEOE 1.00E*01 1.0E+ll2 uCi!s
                                                                                             -i.52E.+00 1.52E+c7 vCVcc 5.19E*Q2 5.19E-O\

I amps 2.04E-11 2.04E-10 Ch*d Th)foid 5.00E*01 5.00E*02 UCils

                                                                                                                                                                                                *.:JOE*OS 4.:lOE+OO I                        amp5 5.79E-12 5.79E-11 1.0E*03         1c52E*OS          5.19E*OO           2.04E-09                                     S.OOE+03         4,30E,,.07                        S.79E-10

XIO= 1.03E-04 s1m' m to g' :r: tt1 (!> Monlror ef!iclendes from ERS.SFL-ss-031 Re!ease (uCUs) CF tor TEDE Release t~Vsl CF for Child Thviolcl=

                                                                                                                                                                                                  =  6.4\E*OS                                                    3 <£: ;r- {l)          ~

Cl) "tJ ~ PING VS. 109 Hi<>h Rolc.aso Row Rate ::: 620E* = 2.93E-t-07 a:Js 3:54E+M pj U1&U2

             \.OCARCS Activity Ratio            OCF E.ffeetTv-G JSt.i:        Release.           Efficiom;y          Curmnt            OCF Effective DCF.         Reloaso         Release          Efficiency         Cu mini CQ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ""'I    en:"':         "t1
T. <

I '< {l) lso!Ol>e (Ci) (m,.,m-m'1 uCi-y) {mrom*m3'/ {UCl/$1 mrem/hi) (u(;VCcl mremlhr) (limp;1uc11tc1 {ampS/mtemlh) (m~m-m-'t (mrem-ri'\3/ (UC~SI mrernhll} (UCilCCI mremlhr) (ampsluCilccJ (ampslmrom/ll) (1) c "'(';. '"'1 uC~Yi uCi*Y> uCi*y)

s ~

Kt-33m Kt-85m p4E-03

              *S.53E-03 2.27E..OS        4.69E-01 9.39!!-os 8.17E*02 1.07E-OS 7.67E-02 1.46E+01 6.02E*01
                                                                                               *l.!i8E*07 2.06E-06 4.74E*10 1.69E-10 2.'.l6E'16 3.4eE-16 0.00E+OO c>.ooE*OO O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO a.oae-01 3.32E.00 2.7SE.OO 1.14E-07 4,74E-10 1.69E-10 1.JOE-17 1.92E*17


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                '< G')

(!> < Pl Kt-35 3.27E+01 5.55E-01 1.12E*01 6.z2E+OO 3.56E+OS .t.22E-O<? 1.79E-10 2.iee.12 0.00E+OO OOOE*OO 1.97E*04 6.72E-04 1.79E-10 1.20E*13 0 Kr-87. 7.~E,o4_- 1,19E..()5 4.47E+03 5.34E-02 7.66E*.OO *2.62E-07 1.oae-10 2.roe:11 0.00E*OO O.OOE+OO 4.23E:.01 1.45E-08 1.oee-10 1.S6e-1*a )> m :l"

s Kr.a&

Kl-89 6.02E-03 2.92E-0a t02E*o4 4.ooe-10 1.13E*04. 1.02E*04 i.1se+o0 S.06E-06 6.55E+01 3,18E-04 224E-06 1.00E-11 2.31E*10 5.17E-16 1.92E*21 0.00E+OO O.ciOE+OO O.OOE*OO O.OOE+OO s62E~oo. 1.76E-05 1.24E-07 6.00E*13 2.31E-10 uie-10 2.Bl!E-17 1.06E-22 (')

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,... (1)

(() o* {l)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ~      ~

J<l>.131m uee+OO 2.ooe-02 4.2!lE+01 a:s9e_,01 1.2ae*04 .4,~SE-Oo\ 2,ne-10 1.:w:-13 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO i.ose:+ti:! :i.42E-05 2.77E*10 s:11e-1s

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -*O tose+o2                                                                                           -0 Xo-133ni       *1.sie-01       s.01e.03        1,d9E+02         4.58E..Q1       1,97E<'03        6.73E-05           2.27E-10           1c53E-t4       0.00E*OO          O,OOE+OO                         2.27E*10         8,44E*16.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        "' ~

0 7.41E+-01 X.0-133 Xo-13Sm 2.46e+ot 1.21e;o2 4,21E*01

  • 1.761:*02 2.0SE-04 2.15E*03 4.421:.0i
                                                                             *2.70E+<l5 1.:i2E:+02
                                                                                              '9.22E-03 4.SOE..()6 4.89E*IO 1.20E*11 4.5iE'12 s4oec17 0.00E+<Xr 0.00E+OO 0.00E*OO O.OOE.+00 1.49E+<i4 7.27E*foO 5.0SE--04 2:~9E-07 4.89E°
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        *1.ioe-11 2.49E*13 2.SBE~16               ::s en                        0

Xo-135 1.00E-02 3.16E-04 1.25E*03 i.02e+o2 1.95E.'10 1.3SE-15 O.OOE+OO 1.12E+01 s:il:!e.01 r :;o ~ 3,95E'01 S.92E-06 o.ooe+oo 1.9SE*10 7.45E-17 X&-137 )(&..138 1.19E-07 1.32E-OS

Z.24E-07 9.55E+02 6.27E+03 1.93E-06 1.40E-03 t.:lsE-03 1.4.le.01 4.42E*11 4:91E-09 1.17E*10 1.69E*10 5.18E*21 8.30E-19 0.00E+OO o.ooe+oo 0.00E*OO O.OOE*OO 7.15E-05 7.94E-03 2.4-ie,12 2:11e-10 1.17E*.10 1.69E-10 2.BsE-22 4.SBE-20 s:


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 *~      [                     {l) 1-131            S.41E*03      9.18E..()5      4.66E+OS         4,28E+01        5.69E+01         2.01E-06           2.26E*12           4.sse;1a       2.44E*07          2<i4E*03       3.25E~           1.11E-07         2.26E-12          2.51E*19     ...l.                             <

Ill '"'1 1-132 3.62E,o3 6,14E--05 4.:13E+04 2.66E+OO s.s,;e.01 1.35E-06 1.72E*12 2.32E*18 2.90E+OS* 1.76E*01 2,18E+OO 7.44e.os 1.28E-19 1.72E*12

0 -o Cl) -* 2" 1-133 1,1'4 1-135
                \38E-03" 3.SIE-05
               *3.76E-04 2.34E-05 6.13E*ll7 1.28E+OS 2.S9E+04 7.10E+04
il\iJe*oo 1.GSE-02
                                                             ._4:s3e-01 i:s0e*o1 3.!i:ie.-01 4.osE:+oe 5.13E-07
                                                                                               *1,34E-08 1.40E-07 1.6SE*12 1.58E*12 1.eGE-12 M7E*19
                                                                                                                                      .i12e:20 2.eOE*19 7.60E+0.

1.19E+OO 1.3Se*02 4.66E-02 7.59E+OO 8.'JOE-01 2.17E.o2 2.26E:01 2.84E-OS 7.42E-10 7.72E.()9 1.sSE-12 1.SSE-12 4.flllE.:io 1,17E-21 1.ME-20 s:., . tJI Q) (') la o* 00



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        --n-6.38E-06                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ::L S.89E+01                                       1.33E+02       6:41E*05                                                e:83E*12                         2.40E*03       3.s4E+04                                            3.necis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       <                 r+
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         <'             (')    d.

Mooitoi d<i:ectiOn elf<ciency (amp/ueVcc)

  • 3.94E*10 TEOE 1.00E+01 1 .OE+02 I uCU*

5.07E*06 5.07E+07


uCiJec; 1.73E.01 1.73E+OO a~p~ 6.83E'11 6.83E-10 ChildThl'f'lld 5.COE+01 s:oe*02 uCUs 1:40E+oe 1.40E+07

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   \       uCvu 4.79E-02 4.79E-01 I       amps 1.ll9E*11 1.B!lE-10 en I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -lo Ill i:

i>i" 0

s 1.0E+03 . 5.07E+OS 1.7JE+01 6.63E-o9 \ 1.40E+08 4.79E+OO 1.09E-09 0 .g*

50E+03 (0 s:

c 0
I M<mitor efflciendes from ERS.SFL-es-031 Relea,se,{uCilsl C~ fOf XIO
  • TEOE i:

1,03E-04 2.03E+04

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  $Im' CQ
r -*0..,
J PING vS.100 Hioh U1 &U2 LOCATiO
                             .Activify Ratio            OCF Re!MSO Fliiw.R.ilo:

Effectivo OCF 6.20E+04 elm Ref case Release

                                                                                                          =          2.93E+07 a:ls Efticlem;y          Current Rel<>*so luC~sl CF ff)( Ch~d Thvmid c OCF t;11eciive OCF          Release 4<i'IE+Ol Release          Efficiency         Current li*:::s (mrrim:m 31                                                                                                                                                                              (.Q (m"'11'1*m'I                        (uCi!si         [uC~CCI                                            (mtem..m'i      (mrem-m'r          (~-c\1$/       (uCVccl.
  '""'°"'."        (CiJ uCi-y)            ue;:yJ      rnrOmlht)        mtern/ht)

(amps/uCilcc) (ampslmremlh) uCi*Yl uCi-yJ mrem/hr) mremlh~ (ampsluCi/cc) (ampslmtemlhJ a> Kr-83m Kr.JJSm 9'46E+06* t.9SE+07 1".31E-02 2.69E-02 4.69E-01 6.17E*02 6:*3E--03 2.20E*01* 2.GSE+02 5:47E*02 9.07E-06 1.87E--05 4.74E-10 1.69E-10 4.30E*15 3.16E*15 1A2E~16 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO o.OOE+oo O.OOE*OO 5.28E-+01 1.09E+-02 1c80E-06 3.72E-06 4.74E-10 1.69E*10 6.5SE*16 6.2BE*16 n m ,z.p Kr-67 i.t27E+OS 3.91E+07 1.IOIE-03 5.40E-02 1.12E+01 4:47E+03 128E--02 2,41Ec.*02 2.:l2e+01 110E+03 7.92E.07 3.751:-os 1.79E-10 1.oae.10 4.05E*15 0.00E*OO 0.00E+OO O.OOE4CQ O.OOE+CO 4.61E+Oo 2.18E+02 J.SSE-07 7.45E--06 i:t9E;10 1.0aE'10 2.62E-17 8.ose-ie 0  :::0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .!::!: -~en Kr-Sil         S.43E+07      7.SOE-oi        1.13E+O<l        8.~7.E'°2       1.s2e+li3       5.20E-OS            2.31E*10          1.20E-l4        o.ooe*oo        o.OOE*OO        3 03E*02        1.04e.Os          2.31E*10         2.39E*15        ::J Ul9E~03 Er~

Kr-ll9 6.7SE*07 9.32E-02 1.02E+o4 9.51E*02 tl.47E-OS 1,77E-10 i.14E*14 O.OOE+OO O.OOE*OO 3.77E*02 1.29E-05 1.77E*.10 2.28E*15 J<r>.i31m 1.oeE+06 1.49E-03 4.29E+01 6:40E-02 3,03E+01 1.We-06 2.77E-10 2.87E-16 1.ioe;1s o.ooE*OO O.OOE+OO 6.03E*OO 2.00E.07 9~63E*07 2.77E-10 5.70E-17  :::s :t X&133m 5.05E*06 6.97E--03. 1.49E+02 1.04E+OO 1.42E*02 -4~64E:.00 227E*11i O.cioE<<Xl O.OOE+OO 2 62E+01 2.:i?e:1a 2..19E-16 c (") "'tJ rn Xo-133 1.ooe+oa 2.2\E-01 06E+02 3.698:-01 4A9E+03 1.53£-04 *.89E-'10 7.SOE-14 0.00E*OO 0.00E*OO 6.93E*02. :i.OSE-05 4.89E*10 1A9E*14

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      - aw     ::r 0 Xe-13Sm        3.36E*07      4,64E-02        2.15E+03         s.il1e...a1    9.42E*02         322E-os             120E-11           3.86E-i6        O.OOE+OO        O.OOE*OO        \.87E+02        6.4lE-06          i,20e-11          7.69E*17        Cl)

Xe-135 4.64E+07 e.eee-02 1.25E+03 a3s.e*~1 1.36E*03 4.64.e-os 1.95E*10 9.1>4E*15 0.00E+OO O.OOE+OO 2 70E+!l;! 92:ie-o6 1.95E*10 1.BOE*15 c. 3 I (ii Xo-137

~138 1.46E+08 1.36E*oS 2.02E*01 1.ese-01 9.SSE+<i<

6.27E<!l3 1.93E*02 1.1ee+ro. 4.09E+03

i.81E*63 1.~0E.o4 1.30E-04 1,17E*10 1:69E*\O 1.64E-14 2.20ec14 0.00E*Oo o.ooe..00 O.OOE+OO o.oo'e+oo 8,15E+ci2 7.59E+02 2.78E-05 2.sae-os 1.17E*10 1.6SE.10 4.38E-15 Cl) CD 5z..
~131 1-132
~133 3.89E+05 S.70E*05 6.00E*05 5.37E-04 7.e7e-04 1.iOE-03 4.66E+05 4.33E+04 1,28E+Os 2.SOE+02 i41E+01 1.41E+02 1:o9e+-01 1 OOE*0.1 224E+01 3.73E-07 5.46E-07 7.67E-07 2.26E*12 1.72E*12 1.65E-12 8.42E*19 .

9.:l!IE-19 1.26E'1B 2.44E-+07 2.90E*OS 131E*o4 2.28E*02 6.'37E*03 2'17E+o6 3.1BE*OO 4.46E*OO 7.42E-0a 1.0se-ri7 1.53E-07 2.26E-12 i)<E*12 1.tlsE*12 1,68E-19 1.07E*19 2.52E*19 NO ....

~134           8.B5E+OS      1.22E-03        2.69E+04         3.2!JE*01      248S.01           B.48E-07           1.see-12          1*34E-18        7.60E+04        9.2'9E*01       4 SolE*oO        169E-07          1.53E-12          2.67E-19                      0 1*135           7.00E+OS 7.24E+08 1.05E*03        7.10E*04         1*"5e*o1 4.196*03
2. 13E*01
                                                                            *2.00E+04 7.2e'E-07           186-12           1.3SE*18 1.SSE-13 1.19E*08        125E*03 210E*04.

4 24E+OO 14SE-07 1.86E*12 2.69E*19 3,17e.1* I 4.o.:iE*03 Monltor ce1ealon efficiency (amp/UCi/c:GJ

  • 3.94E-10 TEOE 1.00E*01 I uCils 1.16E+0s ueu.,,

4.04E-03 amps 1.ssi:-.12 Child TltjToid 5 OOE+01 I 1.1SE+05 uCUs I uCVce 4.02E-03 amps 1,SSE-12

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 '"Cl Ill (JQ l.OE+02 10E*03 1.18E*OO 1.18E+07
                                                                                                                  *.04E*02 4.04E-01 1.59E-11 1 59E-10   I                                    S.OE+02 5.00:+()3 1.16E.+06 1.18E*07 4.02E-02 4.026-01 1.SeE*11 1.sae.10                   ~

stmi m OJ g' :r: o:i 3 <.2: XIO= 1.0JE-04 Cl> Monlter officiencie< Jti>m ERS-SFl-6>-031 Ro!easo (UCYs) CF for l'EDE = 9.40E*04  ::.. ("D PING 1o9 Hinh - - =  :;. Ra,,,,ue Flew Ra\& ot~ = Releas~ luCU>l CF forChHd TINrnid -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          "'O ~                 ~
       ,x:__                                                                       -6.ZOE+D.\                            2.93E-.07 eels                                                             9ASE*03 CD Ut & UZ
               *seLoeii A,(;jjvily Ra:io         DCF EffccU'/o OCF            RcJease       'Release            Efficlc-ncy          Cun-cm         OCF 3

Eff1.tc1Jve DCF RGJeaie Release Efficiency Corren! CC.... "'~ I '<


("D (mrem-m>1 (mrfJtr'Kl\.>/ (uCVsl (uCU<CI (rrirtm-m 1 (mrem*m'J (UCvst (tJCUCC/ 1$otoPo (Ci) uCl-y) uCi-y) mrem/hr) mretn!llt) (ampstuCYce) (ampslmiemlh) uCi-y) uC>-yJ mrv"'1hr) mremlhr) (amps.fuCUcc) (ampslmremlh) CD C "'

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ;:;*     -t
J -lo 1<r-83m 1<r-esm 2.49E-01 G.21E-04 *.69E-01 2.91E-04 S.64E+01 2.00E-06 *.74E*10 9.46E-16 O.OOE*OO 0.00E+oo 5.87E+OO 2.01E*07 4.74E-10 9.51E*17 n "'-l <

e.!ioe-01 2.22e-03 8.17E-<>2 1.e1E+ilo 2:09E+02 7.13E-06 1.69E-10 1.21E*15 0.00E*OO O.OOE.00 2.10E+01 7. t7E*07 1.69E-10 1.21E*16 l<t-85 7.90E+01 't.97E-01 1.1ZE+01 2.21E+OO 1.85E+O Cl> 0 ~ l<t-87 5.64E-01 1,41E-03 4.47E*03 e,2se+00 1:32E+02 4~52E-06  ::!'" Kr.CS 1.64E+OD 4.09E-03 1.13E+04 1.0BE*10 4,88E*16 0.00E+OO O.OOE~OO o.ooe+oo 1.33E+OI 4,S4E-07 1.086-10 4.91E-17

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   )> O.>              ~

4.62e+Q1 3.85E+02 1.3,1E-05 2.31E*10 3.04E*t5 O.OOE+OO 3.87E+01 1.32E-06 2.31E*10 3.0SE-16 o* (!) Kt-69 x&:131m 1.44E*02 3.:l&E+OO i.59E-05 8.38E-03 1.02E*04 4.29E+OI 3.GOE-01 3:soe-01. 3.3,iE+OO 7.flllE*02 1.15E-07 2.GllE-05 1.77E*10 2.77E*10

2.04E-17 7.461"15 o.ooe+oo o:ooe+oo O.OOE*OO O.OOE-00 3:<0E-01 7.92E*01 1:16E-08 2.71E-06 1.77&10 2.77E*10 2.0SE*1B 1.ooe:1e n r+ "'

CD E.. "-< x..-133ni 3.01E+OO 7.SlE-03 1.49E<<l2 1.12e<-00 1:tJGe+02 2.41E-05 2.27E-10 5.48E*15 o.ooe*oo O.OOE+OO 7.10E+01 2.27E,_10 5.5()E*16 -*O "'O 4;74E+04 2.42E-06 0 c 0


Xc-133 Jl.&..135m x.,..;35 2',02E.02 8.916+01 2.006+01 S.04E-01 2.22E-01

                               **.996-02 1.76E+02
2. 15E+03 1.25E+03 6.87E+<l1 4)SE+02 6.<*E+01 2.0\ie~o.
                                                                                 *4.69E'll3 f:62E-03 7.14E-04 1,GOE-04 4.89E*10 1.2oe.n l.9SE-10 7.92E*13*

8.5"iE*1S. 3.13E:14 o.ooe+oo 0.00E+OO O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO O.OOE+oo O.OOE*OO

                                                                                                                                                                                      <.76E+03 2~10E+03 4.7ZE+02 1.63E                                                                                                                                                                                                      7.ISc*OS 1.eie.os 4.89E-10 1.20E*11 1.95E*10 7.96E-1<

8.61E*16 3.l4E*15  :;tJ :i "' V> c;* 0 )(e..137 4.38E-02 *1.09E-04 9.55E+02 1.04E-01 1.02E*01 3.49E-07 1.17E-10 4.09E'fr 0.00E*OO O.OOE*OO 1.03E-00 3.SIE-08 1.11e:10 4,11E*18

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ~        r ::tJ               ...... ~

Xe-138 3.olE-Oi 7.56E-04 6.27E*OO 4._74E..OO 7.11E~01 ZA3E-06 1.69E*10 *.t0E'16 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 7.14E*OO 2.44E-07 1.69E-10 4.13E-17 CD O.> [l"J (D ~131 ~132 9.il2E;o2: 1.oie-01 2.48E-04 2.S4E-04

                                              *.66E..OS 4.33E*04 t.1se+02 1.10E+01 2.33E*01 Z.39E*01 7.95E-07 e;ISE-07 2.26E*12 1.72E*12 1.60E*18 l.41E*18 2.4.E.07 2.90E*OS 6.1>4E*03 7.38E.+01 2.34e*oo 2.40E+OO 7.99E-08 6.ZZE-08 2.26E-12 1.72E*12 1.81E*19 1*.-1E-15 I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   < c.                 <

i:>> -. ~133 ~134.. ~135 i,18E-01 1.:i1e.01 4.29E-04 2.94E-04 3:27E-04 1.28E*OS 2.69E+04 7:10E'°4 S.495..01 7.92E*.OO 2.:S2E*o1 4_:03E'\01 2.77E+01 3;ozi;.01 1.38E-06 9,<l(lE-07

                                                                                                 *1:ose-oo t.sse:12 1.SSE-12 l.SSE*12 221e;1e t.4si:-1e 1.95E;18 S.77E<06 1.soe+04
                                                                                                                                                      !:19E*06 2.<SE-t03 2.24E'lll 3.89E+02 4.06El-OQ 2.78E*OO*

3:o9e+<io 1.39E"li 9,SIE-08 1.0GE-07 t.6SE*12

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        \.58E-12 1.00E-12 2.29E*19 1.SOE*\9 1.00E-19        ~-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  *ur CD -*

oO.> E" [/J


c;* ..-+- 4.0\E+02 Monitor cfotet:Ucn effx.lenq (i3mJ)(UCilce] = 9.o'5e<o:i 3.94E*10 9AOE+04 TEDE 1.00E*01 I ~ii* 7.16E*OS I uCUcc 2.<SE-02 l s:&1e;i:i amps 9.64E-12 9.00E..03 9.45E+03 Child ThY:oid S.OOE+01 uCUs 3,60E+05 I uCitcc 1.2Je-02 9.69E*14 amps 4.84E-12 (j) I

s (j



0 1.oe.:02 7.t6E+OO 2.4SE-01 9.64E,11 5.0E*02 3.60E*06 1.23E-01 *1"1E*ll ~


r+ c:;  :::3 1.0E+03 7:1SE*07 2ASE+OO 964E*10 50E+03 3.&IE+07 i.Z3E+OO 4.84E*10 0 ~ co c;*

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ~            :::s
c 0 (Q
J g

Monitor efficiencies from ERS-SFL-85-031 PING VS-1.09 Hioh Roi**** Flow Rato" e.20E*04 dm  : 2.93E*07 ccJ> XJQ. Refcaso (uCils) CF fc:- TEOE ~ Release tuCilsl CF lor Child T~-'" : l.03!':-04 1.see+os 1 09E+05 stm'

tJ ...

U1&U2 A<!Mty Effe<:llve Effective CJ RCCA Rll'Jo OCF oci= Release Release Efficiency Curronl DCF OCF Release Release Effiolency Curren! :i loo!ope' (Cij (mrem-m / 3 (":'rom-m3/ (uclisl (uCiloo/ (amp$1uCVGG) (ampstmremlll) (mrom-m'1 (mrcm-m'I (uCVsl mremihr) tuCil<CI (amp.ruCUcc) (ompstmrem111) cc UC:i-y) uj:l-y) mreinJM mrem/ht) uCi*Yl uCi-y) mremntr) CD Kr-83ni Kt-8Sm Kf-85 l.e2E:*o1 9.12E*OI 2.48E-Q.3 591E-03 4.69E-01 B.17E*ci2 1Jee-03

                                                                 *4,83E*OO 4.69E*02 1.17E~03 1 67E-05 3.WE-05 4.74E-10 1.ese.10 7.92E*15 6.74E-15 O.OOfi+oo 0.00E+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2.705<,02 6.45E+02 s:23E.oa 2.20E-05 4.".4E->O
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           *1.69E-10 4.38E-15 3.73E*l5

(') m z 2.22E+02* 1.44E*02 1.12E+01 1.61E-01' 2.84E*03 1l.71E*OS 1.79E*10 1.74E*14 0 OOEtOO O.OOE*OO 1.57E+{)3 5.37E.Q5 1.79E-10 9.61E*15 0  :::0 ~ 22S,E*OS 0.COE~OO Kr-87 Kr-68 s.:i2E*o1 1:eae+o2 3.38E-03 1.00E-02 4:47E+03 1.13E+04 1.S1E-<01 1.1SE+02 6.68E*OZ 2.ooe+ro 713E*OS t08E 10 0 2.31E-10 2.4iE-15 1.65E-14 o.ocie+OO O.OOE*OO O.OOE*oo* 3.69E+02 1.1SE+03 1.i6E-OS 394E-05 1.0SE-10 2.31E-10 i.:iae-1s 9,\0E-15  ;:j )>en Ki-69 e.


3.76E+oti 2.44E-04 1.02E+04 2.49E*OO 4.e1e'+o1 i:ese,oo 1.n:e-10 2.s1e:1a O.OOE.;00 OOOE+OO 2.66E+01 9.09E-07 1.61E-16 x&.fa1m 1.66E*02' 1.i1E-02 4.29E*OI 5,176-01 2.38E+o3. e.i4E-05 2.77E*10 2.25E*14 0.00E+OO 0.00E*OO 1.32E*03 4,SOE-05 2.77E-10 1.25E-14

J  ;:o X<>-1:i3m 2.23E+o2 i.45E-02 1'.49E*02 2.1Se*OO 2.861:*03 9,76E*OS 2.27E*10 2.21E-14 o.cicE*oo O.OOE+°OO 1.58E*03 S.39E-05 2.27E-10 1.:uE-14 c (') ""O rn 4~89E-10 Xo-133 1.32E+o4 8.56e-01 1.76E*02 1.sie*02 1.691:*05 5,78E*03 4.89E*10 2.82E-12 O.OOE..l9 OOOE+OO 9.34E*.04 3.i9E-03 1,SSE-12
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         - aw    ::r CJ xo-135m          1.42E*02        9.21E-03      2.15E*03           1.9ae<o1          1.62E*03        6.21E*OS            1.ioe-11           7.46E*16      O.OOE*OO         0.00E+OO       1.00E*03       3.43E-05            1.20E*11          4.12E-16     CD Xo-135           1.06E*03        8.87E-02      1.25E+03           8.Sl!E<-01        1.36E*04        4.64E:04            1.95E*10           9.04E*14      o.ooe+Oo         O.OOE+OO       7.SOE*03       2.seE-04            1.95E-10          5.00E-14     Q.                         en X<>-137          9.6se~oir G.2SE-04            9.55E+02           S,996-01          1.24E+02        4:24E-06            117E-10            4.00E-16      0.00E+OO         O.OOE+OO       6.8SE+{)1      2.34E-OO            1.17E-10          2.74E*16           3 <D (I)    '             0z X&-138 1,131 l-132 1*133 1.134 l*135 3.38E*o'1 4.53&01 1.56E*02 1.sse.01 2.ISE-03 2.94E-OS 1.0IE-06 1.~05 9.29E*03* 6.02E-07 5.eoE*02 1.54E+04 3.76E-OO 6.27E+03 4.00E+OS 4.33E*04 1.28E+05 2.69E+04 7,10E+04 d7E+01 1.37E+01 4.386-02 1.29E+OO 1.eze-02 2:57e-01 4'31E*02
                                                                                   *4.33E+02 5.liOE*OO
  • 2.ooe-01 1.98E*OO 1.1SE-01 7.43E-01 1.98E+OS 148E*05 1.9aE-07 6.83E-09 6.76E*08
                                                                                                    .;:ooe-w 25-IE*OB 1.69E-10 2.26E-t2 1.72E*12 1.6SE-12 i.sse-1:i 1.00E-12 2.soe:1s 4.4\lE-19 1.11e.20 1.12E*l9 6.42E-21 4.72E-20 3.01E*12 O.OOE+OO 2.44E+07 2.eOE*OS 5.77E*.06 7.60E+04 1 19E+06 O.OOE*OO i,i7E+02 2.93-01 5.80E-<>1 4.58E*02 4.47E*OO 7.79E*02 2.39E*02 3.20E+OO 1.10E-01 1.10E+OO 6.57E-02 t.1oe-01 109E+05 8.17E-Oll 1.10E*07 3.77E-09 3.75E*08 2.25E-09 1,40E-08 1.69E*10 2.26e-12 1.72E-12 1.6SE-12 1.SSE-12 1.00E-12 1.38E*15 2.47E-19 6.49E*21 6.18E-20 3.55E*21 2.61E-20 1.67E*12 No    0 Monitor dOleclion e!f,ciencv (ampluCi/cc) "'         3:94E-10     I      TEOE            iJCils uCUcc     I        .amps                                   I Child T~oid         UC Ifs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ~""       I        omps (IQ I

1.00E*01 224E*06 7,65E-02 3.0_1E-11 5.00E+O\ 6. 19E+OO 2, 11E-01 6.33E-11 1.0E+02 i.24E*07 7,65E-01 3.01E*IO 5.0E+02 6.19E+07 2.11E*OO a.33E*10 ~ 1.rn:.03 2.24E+oe 7.6SE*OO 3.01E;og S.OE+03 6.19E+08 =>.ni=*oi a 33E-ll9 ~ OJ

m Olg' :r: t:O 3 < .Q'. "'g: (tl XIO= 9.24E*05 slm' (1) Moni'.o< etflcioocJes from ERS-SFL-llS-031 Relea~ (oCVs) CF for TEDE ~* 1.31E+05 Rele*** M~ilsl Cf forCMd T"'-1'0kl = CD "tJ ~


PING VS-110 low U1 & U2 AcUYil)' Release Flow R<ltc EffecliVtl 4.93E+04 elm

                                                                                                              "       2.33E*07 c.cfs C°"nt                        Effec~ve S 75E+03 Courn             .,       (fJ  :-!'   "1:)
r LOCAGap Rado DCF DCf Release Rc!ease Etfoclonct R;me DCF OCF Release Rotease Efficiern:y Rate cc I '< (tl lSC!Op<l (Ci)

(mmm-m't uCi-y) (mrem-rn.)t uCi-y) (uC~S/ rnrerr./hf) (uC~ccJ mn>m!l'lr) (cpstoCilCc) (cpslmremlh} (mfem-mJ/


(mremam't uCi-yl (uCUs/ mremmr1 (uCilod mram/hrJ (q>S/uCi!<X) (cpS/mrcmlh) CD

J c "'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ;:;*      ""1          9.01E*01      2.02E-03         4.69E-01        9.48E-04            2.64E*02        1.14E-05         O.OOE*OO          O.OOE*OO        O.OOE+OO        O.OOE+OO        1.1ee+01        4.99E-07       O.OOE+OO        O.OOE*OO 0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ~          VI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ~         <

2.ese;o1 1.22E-OO 1.14E+05 IAOE-01

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      '< G>

Kr-85"' 2.21E*02 4.00E-03 8.*17E*02 4.05E<OO 6A9E*02 2.79E-05 1.1<E*05 3.18E*OO O.OOE*OO O.OCE+OO <1> Kr.SS 1.27E*03 2.85E*02 1.12E+01 3.19E-Oi 3.73E+o3 1.00E-1:!4 1.14E*05 1.83E+01 O.OOE+OO O.OOE*OO 1.1!4E*02 7.0.\E-00 1.14E+Q5 B.02E*01 n ~

r Kt-87 8.45E*01 1.89E-03 4.47E+03 8.47E+OO 2.48E>02 107E-OS 1.nE*OS 1.89E+OO O.OOE*OO O.OOE,.00 1.09E+01 4.00E-07 1.77E+OS S.29E-02 )> CJ  :;,

o: Kr*fl8 Kt-89 Xe-131m x....133m 3.58E+02 7.SOE-02 7,26E+02 6.33E+02 8.03E*03 1.68E*OO i.63E*D2 1.42E*02 I. 13E><J4 1.02E*04 4.29E+Ot 1.49E+02 9.07E+01 1.72E-02 6.98E.01 2.'1E+OO 1.05E*03 2.20E-01 2;13E+03 1.86E*03 4.52E-05 9.465-09 9.16E.05 7.98E,.05 1.C5E*05 1.S9E*05 7,22E+04 1.2BE*os 1.79E*03 6.61E+OO 1.02E+01 O.OOE*OO 0.00E*OC O.OOE+OO O,OOE*OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO o.OOE+OO 0.00.E+OO 4 62E*01


9.36E+01 6.16E+01 1.98E*06 4,165-10 4.02E-OO 3.S1E-08 1.05E*05 1.89E+05 7.22E+04 1.28E+05 2.085-01 766E.05 2.SDE.01 4.49E-01 0 CD

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        !:!:. 0 0 c
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  "'         ~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             "ti (tl Xe-133         3.72E*04       B.34E*Ol                        1".<11E+02                          4.69E-03         4.39E+04                          O.OOE+OO                        4.80E+03        :>..OOE-04     4.39E+04        9.05E+OO.
s 0

1.76*02 t.09E*05 2.00E*02 O.OOE*OO tJ) Xe.135m 1.2*E*03 2.78E-02 2.1se+o3 5.98E*01 3.64E+03 t.56E.Q4 3.28E+04 S.13E+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.60E*02 6.SJE-08 3.28E+04 22SE.01 15* 0 r- :::0 rn ~ Xo-135 2.71E*03 6.081:-02 1.25E+03 7.60E*-01 7.95E-<03 3.42E..Q4 1.37E+OS 4.68E*01 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 3.49E*.02 1.SOE*CS 1.37E+OS 2.00E+OO Xe-137 2.S5E*01 5.72E*OO 9.55E+02 S.46E-03 7.48E.01 3.22E-08 1.83E*05 5.89E-ll3 O.OOE+Oll O.OOE+OO 3.29E-02 1.41E-09 1.83E+OS 2.59E-04 CD m ....... Xo-138 7.BOE*OO t.75E*O<! S.27E*03 1.IOE+OO 2.29E*01 9.84E-07 tA3E+05 1.41E-01 O.OOE+OO O.OOE*OO 1.01E+OO *.32E*CS 1.43E*OS 6.18E-03

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        <         Q.          <        .,

(tl T-131 ~132 1-133 2.73E*OI 1.32E*Oi 1.00E*01 6.12E*04 2.!lllE-04 2;3BE*04 4.66E*OS

                                             *.33E*04 1.28E*05 2.85E+02 128E+Ot 3.04E+01 B.01E+01 3.87E*01 3.11E*01 3.44E-06 t.OOE-08 1.34E-06 9.25E+02 1.44E+03 1.36E+03 3.19E-03
                                                                                                                                    *2AOE*03 1.SSE-03 2.ME*07 2.90E*OS s.nE*OO 1.49E+04 8.58E*01 1.37E+03 3.52E+OO 1.70E*bo 1.37E*OO 1.51E.07 7.32E-OB 5,87E.00 9.25E*02 1.44E+03 1.38E*03 140E-04 1.055*04 6.11E-OS
0 CD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -*m 0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ~        VJ 1*134           6.51E*01      1.46E-05        2.69E*04,        3.93E.-01           1.91E+OO       6.21E.Q8          1.59E+03           1.31E*04      7.60E+04        1.11E*OO         8.39E-o2        3:e1E-09       *.59E+03        S,74E*Os 3:      "' ....               c:;*     .-t-

1*135 3.38E*OO 7.58E*Os 7.10E*04 5.38E+OO 9.92E*OO 4.26E-07 1.:26E*03 5.J7E*04 1.19E*06 9.02E+Oi -11.:i6e:o1 1.87E-OB 1.26E*03 2.:leE-05 0  ::l 4.46804 7.24E+02 1.31E+OS 3.o;\E*02 i:6SE*04 5.75E+03 1.33E*01 I .-t-I <"

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ..:..                         ()

Monitor delOClicn efficiency {cps/uCitcc) = ~-cvs

0 0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              "'s::: ::s
                                                                                                     ,~~                                                                         !"Child Thyroid I                                                                            (';"

8.54E+O<! TEOE uCUcc cps uCila:


I I Cj)$ 1.00E*OI 8.25E+05 3.55E.Q2 3.03E+03 s.oae+o1 i 1.81E+05 7,7SE-03 6.66E<02


1 OE*02 1 OE+03 B.26E+06 B.2SE+07 3.55E.01 3.55E+OO I 303E+04

i 03E*05 S_OE*02 \ 1.61E*06 S.OE+03 i 1.S1E+07 7.7SE-02 7.79E*01 I 6.66E+03 6.66E*04

[ (fJ 0 Mooi!ot efficlencios from ERS.SFL-85-031 Release (uCVs) CF torTEOE = XlQ~ 9.24E-05 1.5.iE+OS sim'



1. :s

0 PING \fS.110 low U111 U2 ActiVJly Rc!case Flow Rate = EtfeetiVt'::I 4.93E*04 o:!m  ; 2.33E+07 ecJ* CoU'lt Release fuCf/s\ CF for Child Thwnld

                                                                                                                                                                                                 = 858E*03 Count r-OBA LOCA           Ralio            OCF             DCF              R:elease       Release          Efficiency            Rate          OCF              OCF          Re!eas.e       Release        Efficiency         Rate      0 lso:opo          (C.l (mrem.m31       (mrem..m      3
                                                                             /       (~CV!>/       (uCU<;cJ

{cpstuCU<7) (cpSlmremlh) (mrem-m3/ (mmm*m ! 3 (uCi/$/ (uCifecJ (cps/lJCVcc) (cpslmmmi!l) ~ uCi*yl uCJ,y) mrem/1\0 mt<,,nll'<) uCi*y) uCi-y) mmmlhr) mreayM

0 Kr.s3m Kr.SSm 1.801:<03 4,i11E+03 2.0SE-03 5.026-03 4.69E-01 6,17E*02 9.&1E-04 4.\0E+OO*

3.10E+02 7.00E+02 1.33E-05 3..27E-05 0.00E*OO 1.14E+OS O.OOE+OO 3.72E*OO O.OOE+OO 0.00E+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.76E+01 4.31E+01 7.56E*07 1.8SE*OO O.OOE+OO 1.14E*05 O.OOE+OO 2:111:-01 A1

s m z 9

Kr-85 Kr-87 1.27E*04 1.69E*03 1.4SE.-02 1,92E-03 1.12E*01 4.47E+03 1.62E-Of 8.00E+OO 2.19E*03 2.91E*02 9.40E-OS 1.2SE-OS 1.14E+OS 1.77E+05

                                                                                                                                     *1.07E-01 2.22E-+OO O.OOE+OO 0.00E+OO 0.00E+OO O.OOE*OO 1.24E+02 1,&;E*o1 5.33E*OO 7.10E-07 1.14E+OS 1.77E*05 6.0SE-01 1.26E-01     cc            :::0     ..

Kr,88 7.16E*03 S.15E-03 1.13E*04 9.21E+01 1.23E+03 530E*05 1.05E+05 5.57E<-00 O.OOE+OO O.oOE*OO 7.00E'-01 3.C1E*OO 1.05E+05 3.16E-01 (t) )> (/) Kt-89 1.SOE*OO 1.71E*OO 1.02E*04 i 74E-02 2.SSE-01 i.l1E-OS 1.s9E+05 2.10E*03 O,OOE-tOO O.OOE-<Xl 1.47E-02 6.30E-10 1 IJ9E+OS 1.19E-ri4 I XD-131m Xe-133m 1.455'04 1.27E*04 1.ese.02 1.45E-02 4.29E*01 1.49E+02 7.0BE-01 2.16E+i:Jo 2.SOE*03 2.19E*03 1.07E-04 9.40&05 1.22e+o.s 1.28E*OS 7.75E+OO UOE+ol O,OOE+OO O.OOE*OO O.oOE*OO O.OOE*OO 1.428-02 1.24E+ti2. 6.09E*06 5.33E-OO 7.22E+04 1.26E*OS 4.4oE.01 6.83E-Oi if 3l: (">

0 m
)C&.133         7.43E+05      a48e.01         1.76E*02        1.49E*02            128E*OS         5.5CE.p3         4.39E*04           2.42E+02      O.OOE*OO        OOOE+cio        7.26E+03        3.125-04       4.39E*04        1.37E+01
r -0 <

3 0I X&-t35m 2.4SE*04 2.S2E-02 2.-15E+03 6.07E+01 427E+03 t.84E*04 326E+04 6.02E<tli:l O.OOE+OO O.OOE*OO 2.42E*02 1.04E*OS 3.28E*04 3A2E.01 Xe-135 S.42E*04 6.17E-02 1.25E+03 7.72E+01 9.34E*03 4.01E-04 1.37E+05 5:SOE+01 O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO 5.30E*02 2.28E-05 1.37E+05 3.12E*OO CD 22 Xe-137 5.09E+OO 5.BOE-06 9.SSE+02 S.S4E-03 8.77E*01 1.63E'<lS 6.\JOE-03 O.OOE+OO O.OOE*OO 4.97E-02 1.83E+OS 3.91E-04 CD 0 x...138 1*131 i.S6E+02 3.41E+02 1.7SE-04 3.eBE-04 6.27E*03 4.66E*05 1.11E+OO 1.815*02 2.6SE+01 s.eaE*01* 1.ISE-06 2.53E.-Q5 1.43E*05 9.25E*02 1.65E.01 2.34E-03 O.OOE*OO 2.41E+07 O.OCE+OO 9-48E*03 152Et00 3.33E*OO 6.55E-08 l.43E-07 1.43E*05 9.25E*02

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  '9.37E.03 1.32E-04
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ..... w               z..
~132            2.84E+02       301E-04        4.33E*04        1.30Et01            4.SSE*01         1 roe.oo        1 *4E+03            2.82E-03     2.00E+OS        8.72E+01        2.58E*OO        1.11E*07       1.44E*03        t GOE-04           N       0 I            .....
~133           2.12E+02        2.41E-04       1.28E*OS        3.09E*01            3.65E*01         1.57E-06        138E*03             2.i7E-03     S.77E+OO         1.39E+03        2.07e+oo       8.SoE*OS       1.38E*03        1.23E-04 1*134           1.30E*01       1.48E-05       2.69E+04         3.9SE-01           2..24E*OO       9.83E.OS         1.59E*03            1.53E-04     7.SOE-t04        U3E+OO          1.27E-Oi       5.46E*09       i.59E*03        8.68E-06                   0 1*135           6.75E*01       7.69E-05       7.10E*04         S.46E*OO            1.16E*01       5.CXlE.07        1 26E*03            6.30E-04      1.19E+06       9.15E*01         6.6DE*01       2.83E*08       1.26E*03        3.57E-05                    ......

8.78E+05 6.27E+02 1.51E*05 3.45E*o2 1.10E+04 8.58E+03 1.96E1'01 Mot1itor coledion ef!iciet>cy (q>Sl~c<;)

  • 8.54E>04 TEOE l UC Us UCVee C!>S Child Thy;oid I _uCifs ~c<; cps.

I'> I I I I 1.00E+Oi 9.39E*05 4.04E*C2 '3.4SE<03 5.00E*01 2.fl!lE*OS 1. 14E-02 9.78E+02 t OE*02 1 OE+03 9.39E*OO 9,3SE<07 I 4.04E*Ol 4 04E+OO 3.'ISE*04 2 45E-+05 5.0E+02 SOE*03 2.66E+06 2.66E*07 1.14E-Oi 1 14J::+OO 9.7SE*03 9.7Si;+l'l.4 ....Jo.


m OJ g> :i:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             *(b'        .ttl X/Q*    9.24E-05   sim' 3 <-2: "'::s:

(I) "'1J (1)' Monitor efliciencies lrOm ERS-SFL-05-031 PING'vS.:110 law

                           .                          Rcleaso Rem Rate ;           4.93E*04 c1m              .       2.33 +07 eel*

Roleaso 1veusrcF for TEDE = Rrnea..l vCils CF for Child Th old = 7.1SE*05 3.95E*04 ""' (.Q (/)I

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ~ ~ ~*

Cl) (1)* LOCARCS A<:Uvity Raiio DCF Effective OCF Rete.aoo* R!Jlease Efficiency Count Rate OCF Eflecbve OCF Re!eaw Release Efficieiiey Coool flato C'I)

J c
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ~* >-t*

r;: (i£ilsl (mfem~m>1

                                            , (mrem--m'I       (mnim                       (uCilcd                                                          (mf-enHn?.'f,      (vCi.'51       (uCllco' lsotopo           (CQ

{C!>siuCt'c:c) (cps!mrem1'h) (c.>S!.,CUi;.c) (epslmrem!lll nm. g. l ..Ci,yj mremlh(). tntE!f't1'!f) uCi'y) mrcmlhr) mfem~ ~

                                                                                                                                                                     "°'Yl                                                                              '<

Kr~m 1.34E-03 2.27E-05 : 4.69E-Q1 1.07E-05 1.63601 li.99E-07 o:ooe+oo 0.00E+OO OOOE+OO

  • O.OOE+OO e.see-m 3.00E*OS O.OOE+oo* 0.00E+OO ~

Kr-eSm S.53E-03* 9.39E-05 ' s.i11:+02 1.61e:02 e.11e+oi* 2.6SE:00 1:14E*05 329E.01 ' O.OOE*OO O.OOE+OO 3.71E+OO 1.59E-07 1.14E~05 1.eie-0:2 A), Kr-85* Kr-Ill 3:21e*o1

               /'..04E.*Ool s:sse-01
  • 1.12E+01 1:\se..-OS 4.47E*03 622E*OO' 5.34&-02

s.s.iie.*oo 1.iOE:-02 3.61eoo1 1.14E<-05 1.7'71:+05 1.94E*o3 6.SOE-02 O.OOE+OO (l.OOE*OO ci.rioe+oo O.OOE+Oo 2.19E+04 4.7'2E.Ol 9,42E.iJ4 2.0JE-08 M4i:+o5 1,77E.*os t:07E*02 3:s!ie.-03

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         >en s.Ci'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ~ cp

Kr-88 !!**SS 6.02E-03 2,92E-OB 1:ir.?E-04

i.iltie-10, i.pE+04 1.o:?E*o-1 t1se:.oo
                                                                *5.00E-06 7.:!0e+Ol' 3.54E-04 3.l*E-06 1:siE-11 1.0SE+OS 1.89E*05 3.:JOE.01*

2.llllE-00 o:qgE+.(l()' o,ooi::*.oo 00011.*oo O.OOE+OO

                                                                                                                                                                                  ~.03E+W i.OOE-05 H3E.()7 8.41E*13
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -U9E+05 1.82E-02 1.sse-01             -*0                   "O X&'t3fm         1.16E+.oo       iooe-02 * *'.29E*01               a.sse.01      1A3E*-04        1i:1se-04         7:22E+M           4.<!AE*.01    O.OOE+O-O         o.OOE+OO       7.91E+02         3.<<lE-05       1:22E*04          2.4§E*OO             0 c                 *O
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ~-.       .~*

x.,;133in 1.s1E.-01 3:07E-03

  • 1.49E*02 4.SSE-01 2.20E.03 9A4e::Os 128E+05 121E*01. O.OOEtOO *o;oOE+OO 1.(1E*02 5.21E,o6- fase~ M7E:01  ::J 'fl) ..... 0 Xt>-13:i 2.4eE+01 121E-02 4:21e:o1
i,ose-04 1.16e+oi 1 .*111!+01 4.4:1E-01 3.01e:;as 1.*1e.*62 1.29E.02' 4.39E*04 3.28E*C4 S..61lE*02 2.01e.-0'1 O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO 0.00E+(JO ri.oae+oo 1.00E+o4 8.11E*OO 7,14E-04 3.48E--07 1-3-9E*04 314E.+01 1.14E*02
0 r- ::0 a* -~

Xr>-135m 3~1~E-04 2.15E'°3 *6.3\E-06

                                                                                                                                    ,;~e*oo 3:2eEt04
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                *3:      <D*m                  K Xe-135.

Xe-137 1.ooe--02* 1'.1ile..:o7 2'.021!.oo 1:25E*03 9.55E*02 3.951:--01 1.9JE*OO 2.26E+02 1.~e:os 9.70Ec00 1i20e:11 1:37E+05 1.83E*05 t.14E-llS O.OOE*OO 6.ooe+oo* o.rioe+oci ri.90E~ 1.25E*01 7.WE-05 5.365-07 3.43E*12 1:37E+05

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 *1.S:ie+o5 7:34e.'-02 Cf27E-07 I      <.

(D Q.. [T)


('D )(&-138 l.~~E.iJS 2.:2~E--07 9,1SE.o5 6.27E<o3


1AOE*03 4.2llE+01 MOE:.01 ese';. .~:~:: 1.43E+Cl5 9.84E;Q4 2.61E-03 O.OOE+oo 2.44E~7 O.OOE.*00

                                                                                                                                                                  ,2:24E~03 S.SSE-03 3.63E*OO 3.SOE-10 1:56E.07'      1~~~

S.ME--05 1.ME'04  ::0 c;; g' 2" ' """


1-131 S.41E,03 9.25E*02 ~132

~133 3.62E-03, 1.Jae-OJ*


                               'i'.J4E.(J5 4.33E*04 1.:iei!*05 2.00E*oO 3.oOE+OO
                                                                               .4.391;*91 1:e1e:.01
                                                                                              *1.89!'.:--06 1.1si:-01 1.4'E*03 1:3.aE--+:-03 2.72E-03 9,93E.:04 2'90E:.05*oo.

HllE*Ot 1.3SE+02 2.435+00' 9,255-01 1.D4E*07* 397E.OS'

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   '1'.44!E+03 1.:is'e<-03 l.SOE-D4 S.41!E-OS   s:                            la o'.

1:134 1*135 3;e1e-OS 3.76E..o4 5.69E*01 6.l3E.Q7 2.S9E*04 638E-0e

  • 7.10E*04 1.ose-02.

4.53E-O! 1.331:*02


4:sae+oo 1.15e+tis 1'.stie-0a 1,00E-07 1.59E+o:! 1.26E+03 2.99E-05 2.47E*04 2.57E*03 7.SOE+O. u9E*OO 4,00E-02 7.S9E+:OO 2.40E.*03 2.42E-02 2.526*01 3.9SE+04 1.li4e:OO 1.ooe.00 1"59e+oo 126803 1:tise.-0e 1.35E-05 1A2E+G2 Ch 0


("') Dl'. O'. --* 0


I  :::;:$ C:.: Motli101 ~ete<lion efficiency {CJ)sluC~cc}

  • 8.54E*041 TEOE tJlOE~oi
                                                                                                   .CVs 7.00E*06
                                                                                                                    ..CVoo 3.01E-01 cps 2.57E+04 Child Thyroid 5.COE*01 uCiJs 1934058.27 uCVo::


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      . .~


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ..Ji.                        ,a 1.oE*QZ 1.0Ei:03.

7.00E+07* 7"00E+08 101E*OO* 2.57E*OS

                                                                                                                 ~ 01E+OJ _ _2.S7E~OG 5,0E+02 S.OE+OO 1,93E+07 1.93E*01l 8.31E,01
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  '93lE:..00 7.-10&04 7.:1ciE+OS 0                s:*          o'*
i r- 0 0

XIO= 9.2~E~ s!ni'

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ~                g Monitor elficiencles from ERS-SFL-65-031 vs.

Release (uCilsJ CF for TEDE a 2.26Et04  ::.u ""II A= m PING 110 LON Rctens.e FlfA1,/Rat-0:: -49'3E+04 dm = 3 +07 ws *R leasa UcUs CF {Of Child Th 'd= .4.S(]E.+03 U1.ll92 EffoctNc CO!J11! Elfeetive* Count* LOCATID DCf OCF Release Rdcaw Effidency Rate DCF.: tlCF Release Release effi~ency Rate 0 (.Q (forerrMn'I (mrem-ni't (uCUS[ luCilw (mtem*m'I (rnrem-m't (uCilSJ (uCilCCJ lsotll()O (Ci) (cp:;iuCi/CC) (cpslmromlh) mrem!hf) (c;niuCUC.C) (q>$1mretnlh) (D uCJ.y) UCt.y) mreffiiltr) mrem/hl) uCi-y) uCi-y) mromllu) Kt-83m 9.46E+oo 1".31E-02 4:69E-01 6.13E..()3 2.ooe*<i? 127E"05 O.OOE+OO Q,OOE*OO o:ooe..oo O.OOE*OO 5!l!lE+01 2..53E-00 o.ooe.00 O.OOE+OO mz Ki-sSm J.955*07 2.ooe-02 6.1ie*02 2.20e*o1 6.10E+02* 2e2E-OS 1.14E.OS 2.99E+OO O:OOE+OO o,ooe*oo 1.21E*02 521E-06 1:14E-'05 s.94e.:01 0 Kr-SS Kr-87 S.27E*05

  • 3.9>>E<o7 1.i4e-o:i
                             . S40E.Q2 1.12E*Q1 4.47E*03 1.28E.o2 2.41E+02 2,s9e~o1 1225*03 1.11e.,cie S25E-05 l.14E+05 1.nE+OS q?E,-01 9.30E+OO oixli:+cio 0.00p*OQ 0.00E.00 o,ooe+oo 514E*OO 2.43E+02 2.21E.p7 1.045-05 1~14e.t<is 1.77E~l)5 Vi2E-02 (SSE*OO 0            ::u      0

s.~.:01 7291i*o5  ::J

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ..... ':J>   en 7.600+-00

Kt-ea .7.SOe*02 u:le..>04 S.47E*02 1:7CE~03. 1.0Se+OS *o.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO 3.31lE+02 1.45E-ll5 1:05E+OS .l.52E*OO Kt.-69 X0-131"1 Xo-133in 675E.+07 Hl8E*OO. S.05E*06 9:321:-02 1'..49E-03 6.97E*03 1.02E*0. 429E+01 1,49E*02 9:51E+02 a.<10e'62 1.046+00, 2,.11e.o~* 3.38E*01 1:5SE+02 {o7E-05

                                                                                              .1,i!SE-00 6.78E*Ol>

1.~E*05 7.22E*04 t20E*05 1.715+01 1.0SE.*01 a88E-0i

                                                                                                                                               *o.OOE*Oo o.ooe~oo o:ooe+oo o.ooe+oo O.OOE+OO 0.00E+OO*

O.OOE+OO 4.20E+02 6.72E*OO 3.14E*01 1.l!OE-05 2.69E-07 1.35E-Oii 1:il9E+oS 722E+-04 1.2ae<e5

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                                                                                                                                                .O.OOE*OO O.OOE+OO O,OOE*OO 0.00E*OO 3 01E+02 90SE*02 6.46E+02 1.29E-05 3,!iOE-05 3.53E-OS 1.37E+05 1.63E+o5 1.43E+05 i:77E*.OO
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a;z.. 1-131- 3.69E*05 5.J7E-04 4.66E+05 2.SOE+02 1 i2E*01 S~E.-07 9.25E+02 4.83E.-04 2.ME*o7 1.31E*04 2A2E.+OO l.04E.-ti7 !1.25E*02 9.62E*05 I 1-1~ s.1oe*os. a.ooe*os

                               ~,67E-04        4.33E+04         3.41E*01       t78E+01         1.ooe-07          1.44E*03           t.10E.03     2.ooe~            2.2ae:.ci2     354E*OO          l.52E-07       1.ME.*O:i 1.3SE~03 i.tSE-04 No                     ..ii.*

i,2ai:+OS i:~:: 1-133 1;.lOE-03 1.41E*0:2 2.5oe+01 1.07E--06 1.38E+03 1.46E'ol S.71E+OO 6.37E+03 4.98E+OO 2. ME-07 l-134 il.aSE.os 1.22E-03 2.69E*04 3.29E*o1 2.77E*01' 1:1SE-OO l.59E<-03 1.69E-03 7.fiOE*o.i 9.21!E+01 5.SOE.00 2.37E.-07 1.5~6~00- 0 2.:lSE*Oi 2.&!E-04 ...... 1*135* 7.00E*05 1,05£-03 7.10E+Qd 7A5E+'o1 Ul2£'-06 1,26E+03 l 29f-03 1.19E+OO 125E+03 4.l';lE+OO 2.03E..07 126E+03 7.24E+OS' 4,196+03 2.26E+04 , 20E*02 2.10E+04 4.SOE*OO 2,39B01

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                                                                                               .4sos-ii1 1.37E+05 1,BJE+Os 3 OBE*01 8.97E-02 O.OOE*OO 0.00E*OO O.OOE+oo o.OOE+OO
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~131 3.03E-01 9.92E-02 7.58E41 2.4llE-04 e:21e*oo*

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          < ""1 1-132 1-133 1.02E-01 1.72E-01 2.54E-04

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i.15E*OO S 70E+Oo i.~e*oo 2.4SE*01 7.935-08 1.0SE*OS M4E+03 1.381:*03
1. 14E-04 t.4SE-05 No 1-134 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2.e9e*o4 O.OOE+OO 0.DOE+OO OOOE+OO 1.59E+03 O.OOE+OO 7.60E+04 O.OOE*OO C.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO 1.59E*03 O,OOE.00 0
  ~135          2.:z3E-OS       6.S'iE-10        7,10E+04         4.67E--05     3.44E*04         1.4se.11       d6E*03             1.00E-06       1.19E+OO        7.82E-04          *1.63E*04       7.01E-12        126E+03         B,84E,-09              ......

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     "J 1.0E+02        2.88E+07        1.24E+OO          1 06E+OS                                           s.oe*o2        6.83E+07       2.93E+OO        2.51E+05 1 OE+03        2.8SE+08        124E+OI            1 OOE-+06                                         S.OE.*03       6.83E*OS       2.93E+01        2.51E*Q6              f\.)

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                                         .. m.01 1.49E+02 S.17E.01 2.1SE+OO        3.1BE+OJ 1.14E-O<l 1 37E-04 7,22E*04 128E+05         1.75E+01 O.OOE+OO o.ciOE+oo 0.00E+OO 0.00E+OO 1.47E+OJ 1.76E+03 6.30E-05 7.56E-05 7.22E*04 1.28E+OS 455E+OO 9.C7E+OO 0                 i:             ::i Xe-133 X&-135m 1,32E+04 i.4:iE+02 8.56E-01 9.2iE-03 1.76E+-02 2.15E+03 1.51E*02 1.9S80i 1.88E+05       8.lOE-03      4.39E+04        3.55E+02     ' O.OOE+OO          0.00E+OO        1.04E*05        4.47E-03      4.39E*04      1.96E.:02   r                 0
I 2.03E+03 8.71E*OS 328E*04 2.00E+oo .0.00.E+OO O.OOE+OO 1.12E+03 4.ll1E.05 *3,28E*04 1.58E*OO 0 Xe-135 i.ooE+o3 6.87E-02 1.25E+03 e.59E*01 1.51E+04 650E-.04 1.37E+05 B.91E+.01 c.ooe*oc OOOE+OO 6.361:+03 3.59E-04 1,_37E*OS 4.92E+01
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ...0 Xe-137        9.68E*OO     G.28E-04       9.SSE*02       5.99E-01        1,38E+Q2       5.94E*OO      1.83E-i05       1.09E*OO        C~OOE+OO         0.00E+OO       7.63E;-01        326E.OO        1.83E*05     8.00E-01 Xe-138        3.38E*OI     2.19E-03       6.27E*03       1.37E*01        4'.82E*02      2.07E-05      1.43E*05        2.96E+OO       .O.OCE+OO         0.00E+OO       2.67E*02          l,15E.OS     1.43E*05      1.6-dE+OO 1*131         4,53E-01     294e.6s        4.66E+OS       1.37E*01        6.47E+oo       2,78E-07      925E+02         2.57E-04        2.+IE+07         7.17E+O<?      3.57E+OO         1.54E-07      9.25E*02      1.42E-OI    :::0 l-132

~133 1.56E-02; 1.011:-06 i.OOE.:05 4.JJE+-04 1.26E+05

                                                        ~.38E-02 1.29E*OO 2:2Je-01 2.iii:;;'.oo 9.57E-09 9.51E-08 1.44E*03 1.38E+03 USE-05 1.31E:o4 2.20E+05.* 2.93E-01 1.23E*01 1.22E+OC

                                                                                                                                                                                     '529E-09       1.44E+03      7.61E*06    m 1*134         9.29E-03     8.02E.07       2.S9E*04        l.62E-02       133e.o1        5.7be.o9      1.59E+03        906E-08         7.60E+()4 5.SOE+01 4.SllE-02      1.SJe.02 S,25E-08
                                                                                                                                                                                     *J.1SE*09 1'.38E*03 1.59E+03 7.25E*05 5.01E-06
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             <C 1*135         s.soe.02     3.76E-06       7. IOE+04       2.67E-01       8.28E.Oi       3.56&08       1.26E*03        4.~E-05         1.19E+06         4.47E*OO        4.57E*01        1.97E-OS      12eE*03       2.~E.05 1.54E+04                                   4.31E+02        2.20E+05                                     5.16E*02                         7,79E+02                                                    2.6SE*02    <D I I 122E*OS Moni1or.detection efficlency (cp.ruC'~ccl =   8.54E+04      I   TEDE 1.ooe+01 1.ooe+02 I    uCVs M1E*06 1,41E+07 UCifct 6.04E,02 6.04E*01 cps S.16E*03 s.16E+04 I

Child T~llfllid S.OOE+01 5.00E+02 UCi/$ 3,00E+OO 3,eSE+07 I ~,~ i.67E-01 i.67E~OO I qlS 1.42E+04 1.42E*05 n 0

I m z lJ 9 1.00E+03 1.41E*08 6.04E*OO* s.iee+os S.OOE+03 . 3.BBE +oe 1.67E+01 1.42E+m >(/)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ;j c     ~~


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -c. 30 CD I
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        '"O l>l Cl8 N

XIO= 9.2<E-05 'S!rt? m OJ g'  ::i::; (ti Oj Monl1or efficiencies frorn ERS-SFL~SS-031


Reloosc (uCils) CF for TEOE = 1.31E+05 3 <.2: "'::;. (t> PING \/S-110 H;on ReJea'fl Flow Rate 4.9JE.-4-0<1 ctm ~ 2.33E*Q7 cclf. Re~ase tuCi/~I CF tor Chi'!d ih..,roid f! 5 75E1"03

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             <D '"C ~ ""C PJ U111U2 LOCA Gnp Activity Ratio            OCF Effedfy'e OCF         Releas.o         Relel!SO          Efl'.>ci~ncy       Curre.n!         OCF Effedi'11e DCF            Release         E!f>Ciency       Cum:in1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             .., (/) 1'T CC I                     '<
r ([) <

lso:o~ (CO (mre.:n..m 1/ uCi.y). (iTirem*m11 uCl-y) (uCil>I mremJhr) (uC~W mremlhr) (ampsluCilcz) (ampo/mrnmlh) (mrem*m"J uc>*y) (mrem-m'I uCP;) (uCilsl mfemlhr) (uCila:/ mr**nlnr) (ampsluCilc:c) C*mi>stmrem/11) <D

s -a.

c V>

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ;;* "'"1 Kr.S3m        9.01E*01      2.02E-03         4.69£-01         9.48E-04      2.64E*02           l.14E-05           4.74E-10        S.3SE*15       0.00E*OO        O.OOE*OO         1.16E+01          4.99E-07          4.74E-10        2.37E*16                                       "'-l       <

(') K.-.asm 2.21E*02 4.96E-03 B.17E*02 6.4SE+02 1.69E-10 4)1E-l5 0.00E*OO O.OOE+OO 1i2E.Q6 1.69E-10 2.01e-1s

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          '< Q 4.0SE*OO                         2.79E.Q5                                                                           2.8SE+01                                                                                            (ti Kr-85         1.27E*03      2.65E-02         1.12e+o1         3.19E-01      J.73E+03           t.60E-04           1.791:-10        2.67E-14      0.00E*OO        O.OOE*OO         1.64E+02          7.046--06          1.79E*10       1.26E-15                                       0          PJ Kr-87         8.456+01       1 69E.QJ        4.47E*03         6.A7E*OO       2.*8E*02          1.07E-OS           1.ooE-10         1.15E*15      OOOE*OO         O.OOE*OO         1.09E+01          4.G;lE-07          1.00E-10       S.06E*17

m (I)

r Kr-88 3.5BE+02 8.036-03 1.13E+04 9.07E+01 1.05E+03 4.52£-05 2.31!i*io* 1.04E-14 O.OOE+OO O.OOE*OO 4.62E+OI 1.98C-06 2.31E*10 4.58E*16  ;:;* ([)

Kt-89 7.SOE-02 1.68E-06 1.02E+C4 1.72E*02 2.20E-01 9.466-09 1.77E*10 1.67E-(8 0.00E*OO O.OOE*OO 9.67E-03' *.1GE-10 1.77E*10 7.JOE-20 (') <D ~ xe-131m 7.26E*02 1.63E*02 4.29E*01 *6.96E-01 2.13E*03 9.16E*05 2.77E'10 2.54E-14 0.00E+OO O.OOE*OO 9.UE*0.1 4.02E-06 2.77E-10 1.11E*15

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              =. 0                        ~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     "'C Xfi.*133m     6.336+02       1.42E.Q2        1.49E+02         2.11E*OO       1.86E*C3          7.9BE-05           2:21E-10         l.BIE-14      0.00E*OO        O.DDE+OO         SJ6E*0,1          3.51E*06           2.27E-10       7.00E-16 0 c                    o.
s (I) ...."'c;* 0~

Xo-133 3.72E+04 8.:l'E*01 1.76E*02 1.:0?e+o2 1.09E*DS 4.69E.Q3 4,695'10 2.29E,12 0.00E+OO O.OOE+OO 4.80E+03 2.06E-ll4 4.69E-10 1:01E-13 X&-13Sm 1.24E*03 2.78E.02 2.15E-'<p S~9BE*01 3.64E*03 1.5GE-04 1.20E-11 1.eae:1s 0.00E*OO O.OOE*OO 1.60E+02 6.87E-00 1,20E-11 8.25E*17 X0-1J5 2.71E+03 6.08E-02 *i.25E+03 7.95E+OJ 3.42E-<)4 1.9Se-io 6.67E-14 (l.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO 3.4SE+02 1.SOE--05 1.9SE*10 2.93E*15 r :;o

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ~ ~

UiOE*OI x<;.137 2.SSE-01 5.72E.Q6 9.SSE*D2 S.46E.o3 7.48E-01 3.22E--08 1.17E*10 J.16e-18 O.OOE+OO OOOE*OO J.29E*02 1.41E--09 1.17E*10 1.65E*19 X0-138 7.60E*OO 1.75E-04 6.27E*03 1,1oe*oo 2.29e*o1 9.645.()7 1.69E-10 1.6Ge-16 0.00E+OO O.OOE*OO 1.0lE+OO 4.32E--08 1.69E*10 731E*18 <D C>> ([) 1.,131 1-132* 2.73E*01 1.32E*01 6.12E-04 2.96E-04

                                            *.66E*05 4.:i3E*04 2,85E+02
                                                             ,-,28E"'0' 8.01E*01 3.8~*01 3.44E-06           22iie-12         1.1se-1s 2.86e;18 2.44E*07 2.SOE+05 1.49E+04         3.52E+liO          1.51E-07 7~32E-08 2.26E*12 L72E*12 3.42E*19 1.26E-19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              < c..                  <
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ~         "'"1 1.666-06           f.7iE-1i                                       8.58E4:01         1.7oE+tio
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              <D -*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -o                     c:

1-{33 t.06E*01 2.JSE-04 i.28E*05 3.G4E*Cl1 3.11E*01 1.:l'E-06 1.ese.12 s:na*oo 1.37E*03 D7E+OO 5.87E-08 1.65E-12 9.69E;20 VJ >-134 6.SIE--01 1.46E-ll5 *2.69E+04 3.936-01 1,91E*OO B.21E.()6 l.58E*12 2.21E'18 l.JOE*19 7.60E*04 1.11e+oo 8.J9E-02 3.6tE-09 L58E-12 5.?0E-21 .:::0 en a>> ~ ....,.... 5* 3=: a 1-135 3.3.aE+OO 7.58E--05 7.1oE+04 5.38E+OO 9.92E*OO 426E--07 1.66E'12. 7,93E*19 1.19'e*06 9.02E+tl1 4.36E-01 1.87E-08 1.86E*12 3.4SE-20 (') 4.~E*04 1.65E+04 1.08&13  ::?.. I I 7.24E+02 1.31E*OS 2;4GE-12 5.75E-03 I. Monitor detection efficiency (ampluCilce) .:s 3.3lE-10 TEOE 1.00E+01 I uCils

                                                                                              !.7JE+06      I ~00 I 1.*2e,02.

amps* 2.4BE:11 Chad }hyroid 5.00E+01 ueus 3.79E*OS

i.79E +06 uC~c:c 1.63E-02 I amp' 5AOE*12
0 3=:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     <";:::;:        (J to*

n-c: ~ 0 1.0E*02 1 OF+03 1.73E*07 1.73E+OO 7.42E*01 7 42E+nn 2.4Be:10

                                                                                                                                  ?.4r.!'.tl9 5,0E+02 5.0E*03         J.79E+'07 l.63E-01 1,G3E+OO S.40E*11 S.40E-10        I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   '<                ac;*

en  :!: 0



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    -a.              ;:::;:
                                                                                                                                                                                           )(JQ;      9.24E-05      >Jm'                            0                0 Monitor efficiencies ftQm ERS.SFL-85-031                                                                                                                      Release (uCils) CF tor TEOE.=           1.51E*05                                                       ""II PING VS. I 10 Hioh                                   Rotease A"* Rate:           4.93E.. 04 cfm             =         2.33E+07Ws                        Release luCllsl CF lot CMd ThVroid ~          8.SSE*03                                      :r.:~

Ul&U2 D~LOCA Attivily Ratio DCE Effe<tive oCF Rel.ease Release Efficiency Curr~nt DCF Effective DcF Reiease Release Efficiency Curtern -* cc l.sotopo (Cil (mrom'm'1 (mrom*m'1 (uCils/ (<JGU<;<:t (amps/uCUcc) (ampstmrcmlhJ (mr~m-m 3 t (mmm*m3/ (VC~sl (uCVc:cJ (ampsluCilce) (amps/nlremill) ':T uCl-y) uC~y) mromlhr) mrernlhr) <IC>~ uCi*y) rnrernlhr) mremlh~

c Kr*83m Kr*85m 1.80E*03 4.41E+C3 2.0SE-03 5.02E*03 4.69E-Q1 6.17E+02 9,61E.o4

3.10*02 7.60E*02 1.33E-05 3.27E-05

                                                                                                                   "'.74E*l0 1.69E-10 6.32E-15 5.52&15 O.OOE*OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE*OO 1.76E+01 4,31E+01, 7.56E-07 i.65E.Q6 4.74&10 1.69E-10 3.58E-16 3.1:iE-16    m             m           z J<r-65         1.27E+04       1.45E-02        1.12E+01          1.62E-O{      2.19E+03          9.40E.-0s          1.79E-10         i.eae:14       C.OOE*OO        O.OOE+OO         1.24E*02          5.33E.()6          1.79E:10      9.SSE-16
J ;o 0 Kr-87 Kr-as 1.69E+03 7.1GE+03 1.92E*03 8.15E-03 4.47E.03 1,13E+04 e:60E*OO 9.21E~(!1 2.91E*02 1.23E*03 1.25E-05 5JOE.o5 1.006-10 2:J1e.1*0 1.35E*15 1.i2e:1~

O.OOE*OO 0.00E*OO OJlOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.65E+OI 1ooe..:01 7.10E-Q7 3.01E-oo 1.06E-10 2.31E*1D 767E*17 6.95E-16 cc )> (I)

                                                                                                                   ;';nE~IO                                                                                                                         CD if(') 3:

Kr-89 1.50E*OO 1.71E-06 1.02E*G.I 1.74E-02 2.58E.-01 1.11e-o8 1.97E,18 O.OOE+OO D.OOE+OO t*1e-02 6.JOE-10 1.77E-10 *1.11E-19

~131m          1A5E+04        1.1>5E-02       4.29E+01          7.0SE-01      2.50E+03          1.07E-04           2.S7E-14       O.OOE+OO        O.OOE+OO         1.42E+02          6.09E-06           2.77E-10      1.69E*,-5                                    ;:u X&-13:lm       1,27E+04       1.45E-02        1.49E*02         z. i6E+OO      2.19E*03          9.40E-05           2.27E-10         2.13E-14       O.OOE*OO        O.OOE*OO         1.24E+02          s.J:le.os          2.21e.10       1.21E-IS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  "'O               m
r c Xe:133 7.43E+OS MSE-01 1°.76E*D2 Mse..OZ U!sE*OS 5.SOE-03 4.SllE-10 2.69E-12 0.00E+OO O.OOE+OO 7.26E+03 3.12E-04 4.8SE*1.0 1.53E-13 X&-135m X0-135 2.48E+04 5.42E*D4 2.82e-il2 6,17E-02 2.15E+o3 1.isE~o3 6.07E+01 7.72E*01 4.27E+03 9.34E*OJ 1.84E-04 4,01E-Oi 1.ioE-11 1.95E*10 2.iciE-15 7.53E*1<

0.00E*OO 0.00E+OO 0 OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2.42E*02 5.JOE+02 1;04E-05 2.28E-05 t.20E*11 1.95E*10 125E-t6 4.44E*15. 3 I en J<e.137 5.09E*OO 5.60E-06 9.SSE*02 S.!;o!E-03 1.17.E-10 4.41E-18 O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO 4.97E-02 2.14E-09 1.17£-10 2 505.;9 co c.o 0 aw x0-138 1*131 1*132 1*133 1-13" 1-135 1.S6E*02 3,4tE*02 2.64E*02 2.12E*02 1.JOE*Ol 6,75E+01 1.78E-04 3.SBE-04 3.0lE-04 2.41E-04 1.48E-OS 7.69E-OS 6.27E*03

                                              *.se6*os 4.33E*04 l.28E*05 269E+C4 7.10E*C4 1.11Et00 i.81E*02 1.JOE+01 3.09E+01 396E*01 S.46E+OO 2.00E*OI 5.8BE+01 4.55E+01 3.6SE*01 22*E*OO 1.16E*01 1,16E-06 2.53E-06 1.966-oil 1.57E-06 9.63E-08 5.00E-07 1.69E*10' 2.26&12 1.72E-12 1GsE*12 1.58E-12 i.ooe.12 1.95E-1S 5.71E-18 3.36E*18
                                                                                                                                    *2.5SE*18 1.52E*19 9.30E-19 O.OOE+OO 2.44E*07 2.00E*DS 5.77E*OO 7.60E*C4 1,19E*06 O.OOE--00 9.48E~03 8.72E+01 1.39E+03 1.13E+OO 9.15E+01 1.52E*OO 333E*OO 2.58E..00 2.07E*OO 1.27E-01 6.60E-01 6.SSE-08 1.43E-07 1.11E--07 8.00E-06 5.46E*09 2.63&06 1.69E-10 2.26E*12 1.72E-12 1.65E-12 1.58E-12 1.SBE-12 111E*17 3.24E*19 1.s1e-1a 1,47E*19 863E-21 527E-20.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .       Q 0

z.. I I 8.78E+05 2.00E-12 1.10E*04 6.5Ge..-03 1.62E-13 I S27E+02 1.51E-+05 Monilof d<llcction efficiency (amptuCilc:c) = 3.31E-10 I TEOE 1.00E+O\ 1.0E+02 uCil* 2.01E*06 2.01E+07 uCil<:c 8.6SE-02 6:656-01 amps 2.seE.11 2.86E*10 CnildTllytoidl 5.00E*OI 5.0E*02 ue1. S.71E*05 S.71E*06 uCUoc 2.4SE-02 2.4SE-01 amps 8.12E*12 612E-11 "t) {JO


1.0E*03 2.0IE*OS S.65E+OO 2.86E-<l9 S.OE+03 S.71E+07 2ASS:+OO B.12E*10 w

mm (J)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ~       to XIO*     9-24E-OS  s.tml                                  3 <.2: ""g.                      (D CD "l:J ~

Monit<< eff.Oencies from ERS.SFL-85-031 PINGV$-110Hlah U1&lf2 Activity

                                         .          Release Flow Ra1e =      4Jl3EHJ'4 .cfm            =       2.33E*07 eels Releese (uCVs) CF for TEDE
  • R<llcase hrCilsl CF for Ch:td Thvroid =

7.15E*05 3.~5E*()4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ~ Cf>~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ~(D LOCA RCS           R"1io            DCF Effective OCF        Release           Release       Ef6ciency          C<Jrrent     DCF Effective DCf         Re*ease        Rcteaso      Efficiency     *Current             (t)   c                 (/)

(')" '"'1 (tnrem*m)/ (rruem-m 3/ (uCi/s! (UCilccl {mrem-m,I. (mrem-m*/ (uCUs! (uCUccl  ::s ....Jo.


Isotope (Ci) (amp$1uC:iia:) (ampslmrem/hJ (amp$/uCU<<:) (amp_stmremlh)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ~Q ue;.y)         uCi-y)     m:remlhf)        mremlhr)                                       uCi.*Y)             uCl-yJ      mtem/Ju)       mremlhr)

Kr-83m Kr-85m Kr-85 Kr-87 K<-88 1.34E*03 553E-03 3.27E*01 7.04E-04

  • 6.02E-03 2:27E*OS :

9.39E-05 5.55E.()l

  • 1.19E-05 l.02E-04 4.69E-01 6.17E<02 1.12E+.01 4'47E<03
                                             .1.13E+04 1.07£-()5 7.67E-02 6.22E*OO S34E-02 1.15E+OO 1.B3E+01 6.71E*Ol 3.97E*05 8.54E+OO 7.30E*01 6.99E-07 2.~-06 UOE-02 3.67E-07 3,14E-06.

4.74E-10 ulie-10 1,79e.10 1.08E-10 2.31E-10 3.31E*16 4.87E-1e 3.05E*12 396E-17 7.25E*16 O,OOE+OO O.OOE*OO 0.00E*OO 0.00E+OO 0.00E+OO o.oo"e+citi o.aoE.~oti 0.00E*OO 0.00E*OO o:ooE+oo 8.98E-01 3.71E*OO 2.i9E*04 4.nE-01 4,03E-t-OO 3.86E-08 1.S9E-07 9.42E-04 2.03E-08 "73E-07 4.74E,10 l.69E-10 1.79E'10 1'.06E-10 2.31E-10 1.83E-17 2.G9E*17 1.09E*13 2.19E*.1B 4.00E-i7 1;"~

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          --*O   CD


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .C'D Kr-89         2..92E-08      4,00E-10          1.02E+-04      5.00E-06      3.S4E*.04        1.5<?e:11       1.77E*10         2.69E*21   O.OOE+OO          o.ooe:*oo       1,96E*Os       SAiE-13       1}7E-10        1.4se-22                                     -0 X&-131m       1.1SE+oo       2.00E-02         4.2gE+01         8.59E-01    1A3E*04          'e:1~E-Ool           1.70E-13   OJlOE+OO          O.OOE*OO       i.91E*02        3.40E*OS        9,41E*15             0 c                     0

Xo-133m X&-133 X&-13Sm 1.81E*01 2.41lE*01 1.21E-02 3.07E*03.' 1A9E*02 4.21E-Ot ' t.76E*02 2.0SE-04 ' 2.15E<03 4 S!)E-01 7.41E*01 4.42E-01 2.2bE*03 3.01E*05 1.47E*02 il.44e.,Os 1.29E-02 6.31E-06 2.27E-10 4.00E-10 t20E:-11 2.14E-14 8.32E-12 7.57E-17 OJxlE*oo 0.00E+OO O.OOE+OO 0.00E~OO o:oce*oo o:ooe*oo 1.21E+02 1.66E*04 8.11E*Oa 5.21E-06 7.14E*04 3.48E-07 2.27E*10

                                                                                                                                                                                                       *.89E*10 1.20E*11 i.11iE-15 3.49E*13 4.11lE;1B
0 s:
s "'

r :ti

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   "' 0 o*     -~

Xo-135 Xe-137 1BSE'°2 1.19E*07 3'16E-04 ' 2.02E*09 1.25E.00 9.5SE+o2 3.95E*01 1.93E-06 2.26E*02 1.44E,o3

                                                                                           .9.70E-06 6.:ZOE-11 l.9SE-10 1.17E-*O l.69E-15 7.WE-21 o.ooe+oo O.OOE+OO o.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO 1.25801 7.97E-05 536E*07 3.43E*12 1.95E'10 1.i1e-io 1.o4E*16 4.'0lE*22 I

CD a>

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           < c.

ai< (D

Xo-138 1.32E-05 2.24E-07 6.27E*03 1.40E.03 1.60E-01 6.88E-09 1.69E-10 1.16E-18 O.OOE+OO 8.85E-03 3.00E-10 1.69E-10 6.42E*20  !>> '"'1
0 <1>
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -o     -*

1*131 S.4"1E..03 9.1ee-Os 4.66E*05 4.28E*01 6.S6E*C1 2.82E:oo* 2.26E-12 6.37E-1S 2.44E+07 2.24E*03 3.63E+OO 1.56E-07 2.:iee:.12 3.52£-19 C* 6.14E:<J? 1 4.33E+04 tr; m ~ VJ 1.132 3.62E-03 2.66E-t00 4.39E*01 i.S\lE:oo, 1.nE-12 3.25E-18 2.!iOE+OS 1.7BE*O! 2.43E<<X> 1.04E*07 1.72E-12 f:7St$,19 3: 5- -.-+ 1*133 1-134 1.38E-03 361E-05 2.J.;!:-pS ' 1.26E+05 6J3E-07 2.ti9Et04 3.00E*OO 1.BSE-02 1.67E+01 4.381:-01 7.19E-07 1.ME-08 1.6SE*12 1.SSE-12 1.19E-18 2.97E-20*oo 7.60E+o4 t.35E*02


9.25E-Ol 2.42E.Q2 3.97E-08 1.04E-09 1.65E*12* 1.SSE-12 6.56E-20 t64i:-21

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <                 (')

K a-* J.135 J.76£-()4 S89E+01 6.38E-OG 7.10E*04 4.S3E-01 1.33E*02

7. lSE.OS 1.00E-07 Ul6E-12 3.65E-19 9.57E-12 1.1SE*oo 7.59E*OO 240E*03 2.52E-01 3.95E+04 1.06£-08 i:ese-12 2.0lE-20 5.29E*13 C/J <:;:::;:' ()
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    "'c0    0 Monitor detection effi.ciern;.Y (ampluCV~)   =     3.31E-10  I    TEOE 1.00E+01
                                                                                           .6.73E*oo uC~a:             amps 9.57E-11 Child Thyroid 5.00E*01 I     uCils 1.86E+06 I      uCUce 7.99E*02
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ,. amps 2.64E-11
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ....Jo.        '<                  §:

I 2.S9E-01 1.0E.*02 1 OE*03 e.73e+o1 6.7JE+C8 2.89E+OO 289E+01 9.57E-10 9.57E.-09 S.OE*02 5.0E.*03 1.86E*07 1.86E*.08 7.9SE-01 7.99E+<<l 2.~e-10 2.64E-09 0

c s:

0 o*


cc  ::s X/Q: 9.24E-05 $/m'  :::r ...,0 Monitor efficiencies frori1 ERS*Sfi.'85-031 Release (uCils) CF for TEDE = 2.26E*ci4 PING VS-i10 Hioh . Release Flow Rate ; 4.93E<04 ctm

  • 2.33 *07 CC/$ Reloase !uCilsl CF !Or*aiild Thvroid = 4_5QE+03  ::0 U 1 & U2 .(l<:tiV!ly Effective 'Effecti11e m LOCA TIO Ratio OCF DCF Re~se ReieaS.. Eff1cli>0cy Current DCF OCF Ro lease Release Efficiet\cy Currnot :J (mrem-m'1 (mrem-m1/ (uCilsl (uCUW (mre~*m 11 (m~:n--rii~t (uCilsl (uCVccl (ampslVCilcc) (*mpslmrcmlhj CQ Isotope (Cl) (ampsluCVccl (ampstmremln) uCl-y) <JC~yl mrem/h*l mremthr) uCi-y) 'l!Ci:Y) inremlhr) mremhlr) CD s:eae*o1 Kr-83m Kr.SSm 9.46E+06 1.sse+o1 1.31E-02 2:s9E-Oi 4.SSE-01 s.11e<02 6.13E-03 2.20E+01 2:9Ge*w 6.10E*02 127E,05 2.62E:os 4.HE-10 1.89E-10 6.02E*15 4.43E*15 OOOE*OO O.(l:)E+OO O.OOE+OO o6oE+oi> 1.21E+02 2.53E-06 S.21E-06 4.74E-10 1,69E*10 1.20E-1S 6.81E*16 ( ') m :2:

Kr.SS Kr-87 e.21e+os 3.91E+07' 1.14E-03 5:40E.0z' f.12E*01 4.47E+03 12SE-02 2.41E+Q2 2.59E*01 1.22E*03 1.11E-os s2se*-0s 1.79E-10 1.0SE-10 1.99E-16 5.67E-15 O.CJOE*OO O.OOE+OO ci.OoE+OO O.OOE.+00 5.14E+OO 2.43E+02 2.21E-07 1,04E-05 1.79E-iO 1.ose:10 3.96E*17 1.1:iE-15 0  ::tt ~ Kr-88 5.43£*07 7.SOE'°2 1:fae<D4 8.47E*02 1.70E*03 7.29E-OS 2.31E-1o 1.69E*14 O.OOE*OO O.OOE+OO 3.3BE*02 1.4SE.QS 2.3tE-10 3,35E-15  ::s "]> C/J

s Ef ~

Kr-89 6.75E*07 9.32E:02 1.02E*04 9.51E*02 2.11E+03 9.07E-05 1.77E-10 1.61E-14 O.OOE*OO 0.00E*OO. 4.20E*02 1.SOE-05 3:19E-15 X&-131m 1.08E!06 1.49E-03 4.29E*01 8.40E-02 3.3BE+01 l.45E-06 2.77E-10 4.02E*16 O.OOE*OO O.OOE+oo 6.72E*OO 2.89E-07 2.77E-10 8.oce;11*oz  ::0 !k-133m 5.05806 6.97E.03 1.49E<02 1.04E+OO 6.7BE;06 i.27E-io 1.54E-15 O.OOE*O.O O.OOE*OO $.14E+01 i.35E-OO 2.27E-10 3.0SE-16 c n "'tJ X.0-133 1.60E*oa 221E-01 3.89Et01 5.00E*03 2.15E-04 1.0SE-13 O.OOE*OO 9.95E*02 4.28E-05 4.BSE-10 2.09E-14


1.i6E*02 4.89E-10 O.OOE*OO X&-13Sm 3.36E*07 4.64E.02 2.ise*m 9.97E+-01 1.0SE*OJ *.s*ie.os 120E*11 5.42E*16 0.00E*OO O.OOE*OO 2.09E*02 8.9BE--06 1.20E*11 l.06E*16

c. ::r C1> 0 en X<>135 <.B4E*07 e.eeE-02 1.25£*03 8.3SE+01 1.S1E+03 e.soe:os 1.95E*10 1.27E-14 O.OOE*O!l (),OOE*OO 3.01E+02 1.29E-05 i.95E*10 2.52E*15 3 I I

Xo-137 1:4S80e 2.02E-01 9.SSE+02 1.93802 *.56E*03 t96E-04 1.17E*10 2.29E-14 O.OOE*OO OOOE*OO 9.0SE+02 3.90E-05 1.17E-10 4.57E*15 (!) U> 6 l-138

 ~131 1.36E*06 3.89E*OS 1.eae.01 5.37E-04 6.27E*03 4.66E*05 1.18E+03 2.SOE+02 4.25E+03 1.22E*01 1.e3e.04 5.2~E-07 1.69E.-10 2.26E*12 3.09E-14 1.18E-16 O.OOE+OO 2.44E*07 O.OOE+OO 1.31E*04 8.46E*02 2.42E*OO 3.63E-05 1.04E-07 1.6SE*10 2.26E*12 6.14E*15 2:3SE-19
) w  :'?'.

1*132 5.70E*05 7.e7E-04 4.33E+04 3.41E+01 i.78E*01 7.86E-07 1.72E-12 l.32E-10 2.SOE*-05 2.28E+ci 3.54E+OO 1.52E-07 i.72E-12 2.62E,19 No ...... 1*133 8.00E*05 UOE-03 1.286*05 1.416+02 2soe-oi 107E-Ol 1.65E-12 1,ne.10 5.77E*06

  • fi l7E+03 4.98E+OO 2.14E-07 1.GSE-12 3,53E*19 ......

1-134 8.SSE*OS 1 22E-03 2.69E*04 3.2SE+01 2.nE*01 1.ise-00 1.58E-12 UlSE-16 7.60E*04 9.29E*01 S.50E*OO 2.37E-07 1.58E-12 3.74,E-19 0 1*135 7.SOE*OS 1 05E.Q3 7.10E+04 7.45E*01 2.3BE*01 l.02E-06 i.66E*12 1.90E-1B 1.19E*06 1.25E*03 4.73E*OO 2 03£-07 1.66E*12 3.70E-19 4.4.iE-14 I l 7.24E+08 4.19E*03 2.26E*04 2.23E-13 210E+o4 4.50E+03 Mon;ICf det~;°" Cfficiem:y (ampluCila:) = 3.31E*10 TEDE uCils I amP* C"lld TllyrOid uCil* I uCilcc amps ug

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -0 I>'

l 1.00E*01 15i~5 uCilcc 6.75E-03 2.23Evi2 5.00E+OI 1.56E+05 e.71E-03 2i2E-12 1.0E*02 i.57E*OB 6 75E-02 2.23E-11 5.0E.OZ 15BE*OS 6,71E-02 2.22E*11 1.0E*b3 1.57E.07 6_75E.01 2 23E-10 s 0!;+03 1.56E*07 1'11E-01  ?.2?fE*10


XIO= 9.24E-05 m OJ~  ::c: ~ CD 3 <.£: ~

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         .im' Moni1or efffciencies- from ERS*SFL-85-031                                                                                                                      Aelease (uCirs} C~ for I.EOE ~                1.05E*05                                                                           (t)
                                                                                                          =                      w*                     R*l*ase iuevsl CF for Child Tllwoid =

(I) "'CJ ~ s- ~ PING VS. 1 10 Hi ch Reieaso FlOW" A.ate ; 4.93E-t-G4 cfm 2.33E+07 1.05E*04 U1 &U2 SBLOCA Activity Ratio OCF Effective OCF Release Rclenso Effieieney Curwll OCF Effective DCF Rele*se Release Efficiency Currunt (Q

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ""'( (/J I

rt '"O

r (t) lsoicpo (C1) (mrcm*m'I uCi*y)

(nirom*mll uCl*y) (uCU/ uCi*Y) Cmrem-m~I uCi*y) (uCVs! mremrh<) (uCUrxJ mrem/hr) (omp.iuCVoc) {amps/mremlh) (I) c V>


Kt.a:!m 2.49E.01 621E-04 *.69E.01 2.91E-04 6.51E*01 2.SOE.06 4.74E-10 1.33E-15 O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO 6.54E*CO t.81E-07 4.74E-10 1.33E-16 ("> ..,i < K!-llSm 8.90E.01 222E-03 e.17E+02, 1.81E->-OO 2.33E+02 1.00E-05 1,69E*IO l.69E*15 O.OOE*OO 0,00E+OO 2.3<E*01 1.0IE-06 l.69E-10 t.7DE-1s K!-65 7.90E+01 1,97E.01 U2E+OI 2.21E->-OO 2.07E*04 8.B8E-04 1.79E-l0 U9E-13 O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO 2.0SE+03 8.92E*05 1.79E-10 l,60E-14 '< G) R (")


K!-ll7 5.&IE-01 IA1E-03 4.47E*O:i tl.29E+OO 1.47E*02 6.34E-06 1.0BE-10 6.84E*16 O.OOE*OO 0.00E*OO 1.48E*01. 6.37E.07 1.oee.10 6.88E*17 )> 13>  ::i Kt.SS Kr-89 1.64E*OO l.ME-02 4.09E-03 3.59E*05 1.t3E+04 l.02E+04 4.62E+01 3.66E-01 4.29E+02 3.77E*OO 1.84E-05 1.62E-07 2.31E*10 1.77E*l0 4.2SE*15 2.00E*17 O.OOE+OO O,OOE+OO O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO 4.31E*OI 3)8E-01 1.85-06 1.63E--OS i.3.lE*IO 4.2BE*16 2.68E-16 n en (';: (t)


Xe-131m 3.36E*OO 8.38E-o3 4.29E*0,1 3.60[';.01 8.7SE*02 3.7BE.05 2,77S-,t0 i.ire:10 1.05E*1* O.OOE*OO O,OOE*OO. 6.83E*01 3,79E-OG 2.77E-10 1.056-15 -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -*0     (I)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      "O x ...133m      3.01E+OO          7.51E-03      1.49E*02         1.12E-<{)0     7.87E*02         3.:JSE-05                             7,GSE-15      O.OOE+OO       O.OOE+OO              7.91E+01 s:21e+~

3.40E*06 2.27E-10 7.72E*16 0 c 0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               '"O Xo-133 Xo-135m Xe-135 2.02E+02 8,9,E+01 2.00E+01 5J)4E-01 2.22E-01 4.99E.02 1.76E+02 2.1se<-03 1.25E*03 8.87E+C1 4.78E*02 6.24E+Ol 5.28E+04 2.33E*04 5.23E*03 2.27E-03 1.00E-ti3 2.25E.04 4.89E*l0 1,20E-11 1.95E-l0 1.11E*12 1.20E*14 4.36E-14 O.OOE*OO O.OOE+OO o.ooe*oo O.OOE+OO 0.00E*OO O.OOE+OO 2.3<E*o3*

S.2BE+02 2.28E-04 t.01E*04 2.26E.OS 4.89E*10 1.WE-11 1.95E-10 1.12E*1J 121E*15 4AOE*15 Al

I (IJ r ::o
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      "' 0 X&-137          *.36E--02        1.09E*04      9.55E+02          1.04E-01      1,14E+01         4.90E-07         1.17E*l0             S.73E-17      O.OOE*OO       O.OOE+OO              l,15E+OO            4.92E-08         1. l7E*10. S.76E*1B 3:                            ~ ~

Xo-138 3.03E.01 7.56E-04 6.27E>03 4.74E+OO 7.92E+01 3 40E-06 1.69E*10 5.ISE-16 O.OOE+oi: O,OOE+OO 1;we+00 3.42E.07 1.69E*10 5.76E-17 I CD m trJ (t) 1-1l1 9.92E.02 2.48E-04 4.66E+05 1.15E+02 2.5SE+Ol 1.11E-06 2.26E-12 2.52E-18 2.44E*07 6.04E*03 2.61E+OO 1, 12E-07 2.26E-12 2.53E*19 ...:. < a. < "'"t 1-13i 1.C2E*01 2.5-<E-04 4.33E+04 1.10E+01 2.67E+01 I 15E-06 1:97E-16 2.90E*o5 7;36E*il1 2.58E*OO U5E,07 1.72E*12 1.98E*19 Al u; o* "':.l VJ c (I) - *

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -e 1-133            1.72E.OI        4.29E*04      1,28E*OS         5.49E-<{)1     4.S<lE+01         L93E-otl         1.ase-12            3.19E*18      5.77E+06       2.48E*03              4.52E.00.            1.94E-07         1.65E-12      3.21E-19 1-134           1.18E-01         2.94E-04      2,69E.+04      . 7.92E-<{)O     3.09E+01          l.33E-06         1.58E*12            2.09E*18      7.60E*04       2.24E+01              3,1C.E-.~O           l.JJE*07         1.58E*12      2.l1E*19 3:              m            a*      ~

1-135 1.31E-01 3.27E-04 7.10E*04 2.32E*01 3.43E*01 1.<1e.ci6 i.esC.:12 2.745-18 l.19E+OO 3:69E*02 3.44E*OO l.46E-07 1.65E-12 2.75E*19 (">

              -4.01£*02 Monl1or ae1ection efficici'ley (amphJCilc.c) =.

9.05E*02 3.31E-10 I 1.05E+05 TEOE 1.00E+Ol uCils 9.SOE,.05 9.50E*06 I I I ucvce 4.DeE-02 I

                                                                                                                                      \.35E*12 amps i.356-11 9_00E*03 I

1.05E*04 Child Thyroid SOOE+01 UC.ifs 4.77E+05 uCifcc 2.05E-02 1.36E*13 amps 6.79E-12 (/J I n~ s:: n- 0::::1 Ill 1.0E*02 9.SOE>07 ; 4 4.086-01 1.35E*10 1 *SF<<l9 5.0E*02 4.77E406 ' 4.77E+07 2.0SE-01 G.79E*11

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ..2.          '<             i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            *.7'>E*10 s:

i OF ..03 nar:::*no 4:.!'U:!4{)'!1. >.osc~~ 0 a:

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I (Q
r  ::+

Monitor efficiencies from ERS-SFL-8&-031 Re!ea:;e (l.ICil*l CF !Gr TEOE;

                                                                                                                                                                                                    )l.JQ;    9.24E*05 5.24E*05 slm'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .,0 PING VS-110 Hiah                                       Release Flow Rn1e =        4.93*+04 dm              =         ., -l"llc+07 rrJs                   Rele~se l11<':i1~1 C:F fnr f':hl1d Thvm.kJ:.         '-""E*OS U1 &U2            Activity                       Effeolivo                                                                                           Effllctlvo Q)

FHA Ratio DCF OCF Release Re:easo Efficiency Curmnt DCF DCf Release Rel.ease Efficiency Current  ::I (mrem.m 3t. (mrem*m"I (uCU$1 (uCUa:I (rnrem-ml/ (mrem-m>/ (l.ICifsl (uCUw (Q Isotope (Ci) (amp~uCilee) (ampslmremlhl (amp$luCilo:) (amps/mremlh) uCl-y) uCi-y) mremlllr) mremJhr) uCi-y) uCi-y) mremlt!r) mremtllr) ('!) Kr-83m Kr*BSm O.OOE*OO 1.04E*03 O.OOE+OO 3.07&06 4.69i:-01 B.17E+02 O.OCE+oo 2.SoE-05 O.OOE+OO 1.61E-02 0.00E*OO 6.00E-10 4.74E-10 1,69E*1G o:ooe+oo 1.17E-19 0.00E+OO O,OOE+OO O.OCE+OO O.OOE*OO O.OoE+OO 7.61E-03 0.CJOE+OO 3.27E*10 4.74E-10 1.69E-10 0.00E+OO 5;53E-20 ("> m z Kr-85 Kr-ll7 4.76E*02 O.OOE+OO 1.41E-02 O.OOE+OO 1.12E*Ol 4.47E*03 1.SSE-01 O.OOE+OO 7.38E+03 O.OOE+OO 3.171:-04 o.ooe+ixl 1.79E.-10 1.08E*10 5.68E*14 O.OOE+OO O.OOE*OO OOOE+OO O.OOE*OO O.OOE+OO 3.50E+03 O.OOE+OO 1.SOE-04 O.OOE+OO 1.79E*10 1.08E*10 2.00E-14 O.OOE-<<lO 0  ::0 9 Kr-00 O.OOE+OO o:ooe+00 1.13E*04 O.OOE*OO O.OOE+OO o.ooe+oo 2.:i1e.10 O.OOE.00 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO o.ooe+oo O.OOE*OO 2.31E-10 O.OOE*OO  ::I )> C/J

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          !::t Kr*llll Xe-131m Xe-133m O.OOE*OO 4.66E*02
               !l.i8E*02 323E*04 O.OOE+OO 1,37E-02 1.e2e.02 9.52E-<n 1.02E.;Q.I 4.2llE+01 1,49E+02 1.76E*02 0.00800 5.89E'01 2.71E+OO 1.6SE+02 O.OOE+OO 7.19E*03 9.51E+OJ 4.99E+05 0.00E*OO 3.09E*04 4.D9E-04 1.77E-10 2.~E-1G 2.27E-'10 0.00E+OO 6.00E-14 9.281':*14 HlSE*11 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE*OO O,OOE+OO O.OOE*OO O.QOE;.oo O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO O.OOE+OO 3.41E+03 4.51E*03 2,36E+OS 0.00E+OO 1.47E-04 1.94E-OI 1.02E'-02 i.nE-10 2 27E*10 4.89E-10 OOOE*OO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              *.40E-14 4.97E-12
I c

Er (') ,, 3: :u m

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         - No Xa..133                                                                                          2.14E-02         4.89E-10 Xe-135m X<>-135 2.ese+00 6.10E+01 7.81E-05 1.SOE-03 2.15E+03 1.25E*03
                                                                *1.6SE-01 2.25E+OO 4.0SE*01 9.42E*02 1.76E*OO 4.05E*D5 1.20E-11 1.95E*10 2.11E-17 7.B9E*15 O.OOE+OO OOOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.94E*01 4.46E+02 8.33E..07 1.92E-05 1.20E*11 1.95S-10 1.00E-17 3.746-15 (I)
c. §c CD I.

c:n Xe-137 O.OOE*OO 0.00E+OO 9.SSE>+Ol O.OOE+OO O.OOE*OO 0.00E*OO *1.11e-10 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO OOOE+OO 0.00E+OO 0.00E+OO U7E*10 O.OOE*OO

i U) 0 Xe-136
~131 O.OOE*OO 5.2ot*OI O.OOE+OO 1.535--05 6.27E*03
                                               *.66E*.05 O.OOE+OO 7.14E*Oll O.OOE*OO 6.03E+OO 0.00E+OO 3.45E-07 1.S9E-i'O 2.26E-12 O.OOE+OO 780E-19 O.OOE+OO 2.44E+07 O.OOE*OO 3.7*E*02 O.OOE+OO 3.B1E+OO O.OOE*OO 1,64E.07 1.69E*10 2.26E*12 O.OOE+OO 3.70E-19          -w                     z 1*132           2.52E*01         7.43E.OO      4.33E+o4          3.22E-01      3.SSE+OO          1.67E.07          U2E*12              2.SSE*19     2.90E+C5        2.15E*.OO             1,64E+oo             7.93E-08         1.72E*12       1.:l6E*19                               ..a.

1-133 3.35E*02 s.a7E-07 i.2ee*os 1.26E-01 5.171:-01 2.:ziE*OB tese-12 3.67E-20 S.77E+06 5.70E+OO 2.45E*01 1.05E*08 1.65E-12 l.74E*20 ..a.

 ~134           O.OOE*OO         O.OOE+OO      2,69E+04         O.OOE*OO       0.00800           0.00E*OO          l.5BE*12            0.00E*OO     7.60E+04         OOOE*OO              O.OOE*OO             O,OOE+OO         1.58E*12      O.OOE+OO                 0 1*135           2.23E-05         6.57E-10      7.10E*04          4.671!.CiS     3.44E-O<          1.4SE-11        1.86E*12             275E*23       1.1SE<06        7.82E-04              1.63E-04            7.01E-12         1.88E-12       1.30E*23                .......

l 3.39E+04 1.81E+02 524805 1.07E-11 382E*02 2.48E*05 s.oae.12 f./.Q(l.i1or de!eetion eUiciancy (amp1uCikc) .:: 3.31E-10 I TEDE 1.00E+Ol 1.OE*02 I uClls 7.54E*Oll 7 ,54E*07 uCii<e 3.24E*01 3.24E+OO amps 1,07E-10 I 07E-09 i Child Thyroid

                                                                                                                                                                                    . 5.00E+01 5.0E*02 I      uCils i.19e<<o1 i.79E*OB uC~re 7.00E-01 7.68E+OO I      amps 2.S4E*IO 2.54E-09                          ~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 "O f>)

I .OE*03 7.5-<E+OO 3L4E+01 'oie.os , SOE'+03 1.79E"°9 76BE->-Ol 2 54E.08 [\.) 01

XIQ~ S.24E.Jl5 stm' m OJ g> :I: ttJ ~ Monltot-efflCiencios from ERS-SFL-SS.031


Release (uCils) CF fcJt TEOE

  • 2.20E*OS 3 <-£ s: -PJ I>> (0 PING VS.110 Hl~h Release F10'W' Rato = 4,93E+04 cfm 2,327E+07 ccJs Release CuClfsl CF for Ch1id Tli~id:::; 1 22E*OS C'D '1J ~

U1 &U2 AtlNUy Effective £ttecti\'C

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .., en ':'t ::r -<  '"O RCCA           Ratio             OCF            OCF         Release         Release      Current         DCF            DCF           R'elease        Releaso      Efficiency     Cu1rent ca           I       '<       (D lsotcpo        (Ci)

(mrcm-m't uCj.y). (mrcm.m~/ uCi*y) (uCi/s/ mrcmlhr) (uCVoct mrcmin<) (a*mps1uCilcc) (ampslmrernlh) (mrem-m"1 uc"i*y) (m~3' uCi*y) (uCils/ mremlhr) 1uCVoct mremlhr) (ampsruCVoo) (ampstmmmllil C'D

s ..

c V> ('i" ""1 Kr-e:lm 3.02E+Of 2.48E.-03 4.65E.01 1.16E-03 S.45E~02 2.34E.05 4.74E*10 1.11E*14 O.OOE*OO C.OOE+OO 3.01E+02 1.29E-05 4.74E-10 6.14E*15

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ~ G>

V> Kr.a5m Kr-85 Kr-87 Kr*88 Kr.a9 ille-131m 9.12E..01 2:22E+02 5.22E*01 1.63E+02 3.76E*OO 1.00E+OZ 5.9ie.-03 t.44e.Q2 3.:ieE.03 1.00E-02 2.44E-04 t.21E.02 ll.17E+IJ2 1.12E*01 4.47E+03 1.13E+04 1.02e"ci4 4.2SE+01 4.83E*CO 1.61E.01 1.51E+01 f.19E+-02 2:49E*CO 5.17E.01 1.30E+03 3.17E*03 7.45E*02 2.33E+03 S.37E+01 2.65E+03 S.59E.05 1.3SE*04 3.20E.OS 1.00E-04 2.31E-06 1.14E*04 1.69E-10 1.08E*10


                                                                                                         <.nE-10 9ASE*15 2.44E-14 3 ..:SE*15 2.31E*14 4.oaE-1s 3.16& 14 O.OOE*OO o:ooe+oo 0.00E*OO O.OOE+OO O.OoE+-00 o.ooe.00 O.OOE+{)()

O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO 7.19E+02 1.7SE+03 4*.12e+02 1.29E+03 2.97E+01 1.47E+03 3.09E.OS 7.52E*05 1.77E.Q5 s.:s2E.os 1.27E*OO 6.30E.OS 1.sse-10 1.79E*10 1.0llE-10 2.31E*10 1.77E-10 2.77E-10 S.22E*15 1.35E*14 i.91e.15 1.2BE-14 2.26E-16 1.75E-14


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ~0 51-

[~ PJ

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            '"O Xo-133m Xe-133 2.23E*02 1.32E*04 1.45E.-02 8.56E.01 2.15E+OO 1.51E+02 3.18E*03 UWE+05 1.37e'°4*


                                                                                                        *2.21e-10 4.89E-10 3.1m:-14.

3.ool:-12 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE.00 O.OOE+OO 1.76E*03 i.04E-o5 7.56E.05 4.47E-03 2.27E*1.0 4.69&10 1.72£:.14 2.19e:12 0 c 0 *i-c

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            "' 0 Xe-135m      1.42E+02      9.2fE.03         2.1se+ci3       f9Se*01       2.00E*03        e.11e.os       1.20e:11        1.0SE*IS      O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO o.ooE+OO        U2E+03 e.36E+03 4.81E.Jl5    1.20E*11      s.i7E-16
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ;;o       ::s "'              cs*

xe-1:\s Xl>-137 1.00E*03 9.6SE+OO e.e1e-02 6.28E-04 125Ej03 9.55E*02

  • 8.59E+01 5.99E.01 1.51E*04 1.38E+02 6.SOE-0.\

5.94E-06 1.sse-10 1.17E-10 1.27E-13 6.95E*16 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+Oo O.OOE+OO 7.63E*01 3.59E-04 3.28E-Oe 1.95E-10 1.17E*10 7.0iE*14 3.84E*16 s: r- :::0 ~ ~ lle-138 1*131 338E+01 4.53E-01 2.19E-03 2.94&o5 a:2ie*m 4,iiee~os 1.3iE+01 1.37801 4e2e*02 6.47E+OO 2.01e.os 2.76E.07 1.69&10 2.26E*12 3.SOE*15 6.28*19 O.OOE*OO 2.44E+07 o:ooe*oo 7.17E,02 2.67E*02 3.57E+-OO 1.15E.OS 1.SolE.07 1.69E*10 2.26E-12

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ~.94E:1S 3.47E-19 I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ~&                  ~

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ""1 1*132         1.56E--02     f.OlE-06         433E+O:I       4.38E-02       2.23E-01       9.57E-09         l.6SE-20      2.90E*Os       2.9JE-01         1'2JE-01        5.29E-09      1.72E-12     9.09E-21
0 C'D
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ;;;O    -*          c      (fJ 1-133         1.SSE.01     1.oOE-05          12SE*os*       1.29E*OO       2.21E+OO       9.51E*OO       1.65E*.12       1,57E*19      5. 77E+OO      5.80E*01        1.22E+OO         5.25E-08     1.SSE-12      B.67E*20
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             *!:        v*      m*          s 1-134         9.29E-03     6.021'-01         2.69E+04        1.62E-02       1.33E*01      s.70E-09       1.58E-12        9.00E-21      7.60E*04       4.56E-02         7.33E-02        3.15E-09      1.58E*12     4.97E-21 o*    ~

1*135 5.00E--02 1.54E*04 3.7ee-06 7.10E*Oo 2.67E--01 4.J1E*02 S.2SE-01 2.20E+OS I

                                                                                          '3.56E.OS. 1.8llec12       6.62E*20 4.23E-12 1.19E*OO       4.47E*OO 7.79E*<i2-4.57E*01 1.22E*C5 1.97E-08      1.66E-12 I

3.66E.20 2.33E-12

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              <                 (')
!: ?3 ~

Moro IOI' OO<oo;oo efficiency (""1phJCYcc)

  • 3.'31E*10 I

TEOE i.OOE+01 1.0E~02 1.0E*03 uCtls 2.97E*06 2.S7E..07 2.97E+08 uCilcc 1.26E-01 1.28E+OO 1 28E*D1 amps 4.23E-11 4.23E*10 4.23E-09 I I Cruld Th.yroid 5.00E+Ol 5.0E+02 5.0E*03 I ueus 821E+06 e.21E*OS I uCi/OO 3.53E.01 8.21E+07 _ 3.!>JE+OO

                                                                                                                                                                                                    ~S!E*01 amps 1.17E*10 U7E-09 1.17E-08 en I



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                                                                                                                                                                                               '!JO=    2.31E-06       $.I'm'                                         m mg>              :i:

11> tO Moniw cffrcianeics from ERS* PING RM..lGW-109 Channel Low Release flCNt' Rate = 1.45E+03 dm = 6.84E*OS eds Release {uCUs) CF for TEOE Releaso fuCils\ CF for Cni!d Th'lroid.::::

                                                                                                                                                                                                    =   B.71E+06 2.2SE+06 3


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              "'CJ ~

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U1 Activity Effoctive Count E.llective Coun1 .., CJ) ~ -u


SGTR Ratio DCF OCF Release Retnase Efficiency Rnte OCF !JCF Release Release Efficiency Rate (Q I (t> lsotope (Ci) (mrem-m3/ (mrcm*m3 t (uCifsl (uCVw (q>sluCllccl (cpslmremih) (mtCm-.m 3t (mtemrm 3t (uCUSI (uCU<d (cpsluCilcc) (cpslmromlh) (I> c o* '""! uCl-y) uCf.y) mremJhr) mromthr) uCi-y) uCi-y} mrerrJlu) mremlhr)

s ~

Kr-63rn Kr-8Sm 2.09E+-OO 7,35E*OO 7.56E:o4 2.6'lE-03 4.69E*oi B.17E+02 3.SSE-04 2.1?E+OO 6.59E+03 2.32E+04 9.62E.03 3.38E*02 0.00E*OO 1,14E.+05 O.OOE+OO 3,&iE+03 0.00E*OO U.OOE*OO o.orif.+oo 0.00E+OO 1.73E<-03 6.07E+03 2.52E-03 8.llSE-03 0.00E'>OO 1.14E+05 O,OOE*!)O 1.01E+03 (") en Vl

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         -l 11>       <

Kr-65 6.74E+02 2.*4E*01 1.12E*OI 2:73E+OO 2.12E+C6 .J.IOE+OQ 1.14E+OS 3.54E+OS O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO 5,57E+05 8.14E-01 1.14E*05 9.26E+04 0 Kr-$7 4.4SE-+OO 1.62E-Ol 4.47E*03 7,24E+OO 1.*1e+04 Ul6E-02 1.77E*05 3.651?j*03 O.OOE-+00 o.ooe .. oo o.ooe~oo 3.70E+03 5.41E*03 1,77E*05 9.58f..+02 )> m  ::r

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ;:l Kr-$6 Kr-69 1.34E+01 7.66E*C2
                          *4.ese-03 2.77E*05 1.13E+04 1.02E*04 5.48E+01 2.83E-<Jl 4.22E*04 2.41E+02 6.17E.02 3.53E-a'..:

1.05E+05 1.89E+05 6.48E*OJ G.67E.;01 il.OOE<OO O,OOE*OO O.OOE.,lO 1.11E+O Xe-131m 2.76E+Ot 9.9BE.()3 4.29E*01 .4.2BE-01 6.70E+04 127E-01 7.22E+04 9.17E<-03 .liJlOE-+00 2.26E+04 3.33E*02 7.22E+04 2.41E*03  !::. "<: o:ooe+oo O.OOE*OO

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -       (I>        -u Xo-133m Xo*133 2.34E*01 "69E.Q3 6.4SE-03.

6.11E-01 1.49E*D2 1.76E*02

                                                             !.26E+OO 1.08E*02 7,37E>04 5.33E+06 1.oee.01 7,7BE+CO 1.2SE*OS 4.l9E*O<

1.36E+04 3.42E+OS o.ooE*Oo O.OOE.*00 0.0oE+OO 1.93E+O* 1.40E+06 2.63E*02 2.04E+OO 1.2ee+os 4.39E+04 3.62E*03 8.00E+04 0 c 0

s UJ o* -o

Xo-135ni 2.27E+02 821E-<J2 2.15E*03 1.77E*02 7.15E+05 1.05E+OO 3.26E*O* 3.43E+04 o.ooe+oo O.OOE+OO 1.BBE*05 2.74E-01 3.2BE*04 8.99E+03 Xo-135 9.2SE~O' 3,36E*02 4.20*01 ~.21e.01 1.37E+05 Q.OOE-ioo 7.67E+04 1.12E-01 1.37E+05 X<>-137 2.33E-01 6.43E-OS 1.25E*03 9.55E+02 eose.02 2.92E*OS 7.34E*02 1.07E-03 t.62E*OS 5.65E+04 1.96E*02 O.oOE+OO O.OOE*OD O.OOE*OO 1.93E+02 2,81E*O< 1.83E*D5 l.5"E+04 S.15E*OI r ::o ;a:. ~* Xtt-138 1.99E+oo 7.20E*04 *6.27E+03 4.51E*OO 6.27E*03 9.16E-03 1.43E*05 D1E~3 O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO \.6"E*03 2.40E-03 1.43E*05 3.44E+02 (I> cu [Tl (t> 1*131 1.35E-01 4.BBE-05 4.00E+OS 2.28E*01 4.25E*02 622E*04 9.25E*D2 5.75E-01 2.<<E*07 1.19E+03 1.12E+02 1.63E-O' 9.25E+02 1.s1e-01 < c. < '""1 1*132 1-133 4,77E-02 i.sse.()1 1.73E-05 7.20E*D5 4.33E'-04

                                         .uee*os 7.47E-01 9.21E*DO 1.50E*02 6.27E+02 2.2DE*04 9.16E-04 1A4E*03 1.38E*03 3.16E-01 1.26E+OO i.90E*05 5.77E*OO 5.00E+OO 4,15E*02 3.94E+01 1.64E+02 5.7GE-05 2AOE-04*

1.ME4>3 1.3BE+i>3 8.29E*02 3.32E..01 c;;g (I> -* "" a-aa* CZl ~134 2.33E*02 a.43E-li6 2.69E+O< 2.27E-01 7.34E+01 1.07E-04 1.59E*03 1.71E-01 7.6oE*04 6.4CE-01 1.9.3E+01 2.81E-05 \.59E-+03 4.HE-02 .-t- ~135 1. IOE-01 3.9.8E.05 7.10E+04 2.82E*OO 3.47802 5.00E-04 1265+03 6.3aE-01 1.19E+OO 4.7:lE*01 9.0llE+01 1.33E-04 1,26f+03 i.67E-OI

0 (")

s: ~ l 2.76E*03 4.35E+02 8.7iE*oG 8.27E<05. 1.66E+03 22BE+05 2.17E+OS Monitor dclectlon efficiency (cpsli.1Cifot} = 6.71E*041 TEOE 1.f!OE+Di I uCUs 6.43E+97 uCilc.: 1.23E*02


B,276+06 chnd Thy~d 5.0DE+01 I uCils 1.11E*OO uC~cc 1.62E.02 cps 1.0BE+07 ~ I :c::* ti> 0 c: 0

s G') '< a-s: -*

1.0E*02 B.43E+oa 1,23E*03 6.27E+07 5.DE*02 1.11E*Oll 1:e2E+03 ' 1.0BE+OS 1.0E+03 B.43E+09 1 23E+04 e.*7"*oa 5.0E*03 1.11E+10 , 62E*04 1 OllE*09 c;*

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0  ::s CD X/Q= 2.31E.00 >Im' 0 Moni~ offlc:i-0ncies from ERS.SFL.SS.031 Release. CuCils) CF fe< TEOE e 1.5eE+07 r ""' PING RM*1GW*109ChaMel Low Rclc.a1ie Flow Rate  ::! 1.45E*03 cfm ~ 6.84E+OS CC/s Release iucus1 CF ror Child ThVroid = CDIViO! 0 U1 GWFail Activity Rmio OCF Effective OCF Rel03>e Release Efficiency 1.MJOI Raie OCF Effective DCF Re:le.ase Release E11icier<:y Count Rate ~ (mmm*m 3/ (mtem*m11 (!'flrern~n\3/ Isotope {Ci) tuCUs/ (uCVCC/ (cpsluCilcc) (cp&lmremlh) (mrom*m'J (uCilsl (uCilccl (cpsi~Cilcc) (q>slmremlhl  ::0 uCi-)') UCi-y) mromlht) mrem/h:) uC:i-Y) uCi-y) mro:mhlr) mt om/IV) m Kr-83m Kr-ll!lm ' Kr.SS 2,BOE+OO 1.17E-+O'I 1:16E*03 1.0SE-03 4.396-03

                             *.:iile..01 4 696-01 8.17E+02 112E*01 4.936-04 3.59E+OO 4.BBE+OO 1.64E+04 6.00E+04 6.S1E+06 2.40E-02 1.00E-01 9.94E-+00 O.OOE*OO l.14E*05 1.14E-05 O.OOE+OO 1.14E*04 1.13E+OO O.OOE*OO 0.00E*OO 0.00E*OO
                                                                                                                                                                          .O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO O.OOE+OO
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    'l> en Kr-$7         5.89E+OO       2.21E-03        4.47E*03           9.BBE*OO          3.46E+04        5.05E-02           1.77E+05         B.94E*C13                            O.OOE+OO          aOIWO!          #DIVIO!            1.77E+OS            RDIVllJ1 Kr-88         2.03E+01       1.e2e:o3        1.13E+04          8.61E*01           1,19E*05        1.74E*01           1.0SE*OS         1.83E*04         OOOE*oo.            O.OOE*OO          #OIV/O!         flOIVIO!           1.0SE*OS            #DIVIOl Kr-69
><e-1:31m 2.12E-01 1.77E+01 7.96E-05 6.65E-03 1.02E*04
                                             *.:i9E*01 8,12E.01 2.ase-01 1.24E+03 1.04E*OS 1.eiE-03 1.S2E.01 1.69E*OS 7.22E*D4 3.43E*02 1.10E*04 l     0.00E+OO 0.00E+OO 0.00E+OQ 0.00E<OO

1.69E*05 7.22~04

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    #DIVIO!         ~*     3!:           ::0 m

Xe-133m 2.45E*01 9.20&03 1.495+02 1.37E*OO 1.44E+05 2. IOE-01 1.2SE*OS 2.69E*04 l O.oOE+OO O.OOE*OO nOMOI l!DIV/01 i:we+os #OIV/O! (") "'tJ Xe-133 Xo-13Sm 1.33E+03 3.38e*oo 4.99E*01 1.27E-03 1.761:*02 2.1Se*03 8.79E*Ot 2.73E*OO 7.80E*OO. 1.SSE+04 1.14E*01 2.soe.02 4.39E*04 3.2SE*D4 S.OOE+OS 9.SOE+CR O,OOE+OO O.OOE+cio O,OOE*OO OOOE+OO nOIV/01

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C/J X&-135 X<>*137 Xe-t3S 8.41E*01 5.59E-01 2.32E*OO 3.18E*D2 2.10E'04 8.71E-04 l.25E*03 9.5SE+02 6.276+03 3.95E*01 2.00e*01 5.46E*OO 4.93E*OS 3.2ss+ro 1.3flE+04 7.21E-01 4.79E-03 i.ooi::-02 1.37E*05 1.83E*05 1.43E*05 9.86E*04 6.77E+C2* 2.84E*o3 O.OOE*OO 0.00E*OO O,OOE>*OO O.OOE*OO 0.00E*OO O.OOE+OO

                                                                                                                                                                                                             #DIVIOI dOIVIOI
                                                                                                                                                                                                             *DlVIOI 1:J7E*OS 1.83E*OS 1.43E+OS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    #DIV/Ol ODMlll          ~CD I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ..... (.I) a
!.131 1*132 1*133

0.00E+OO 4.eeE*OS

                                             ~.33E*04 1.28E+OS 2.69E*04 0.00E+OO O.OOE*OO 0.00E*OO O.OOE*OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE*OO o:ooe+oo 0.00E*OO 0.00E+OO 0.00E+OO 0.00E*Oo 9.2SE+02 1.ME+03 1.38E*03 1.59E*03 o:oce*oo o.iloe+oo O.OOE*OO O.OOE+OO 2.A4E*07 2.00E*OS*oo 7.60E*04 0.00E*OO O.OOE*OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO OOIVIO!
                                                                                                                                                                                                             *OIVIOI llOIVIO!
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ~OlVIOI 9.2Se*02 1.~E*OO 1.38E*03 1.59E*03 OOIV/01 oDIV/01
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    #OIV/lll ooiv.01 No0                  ........
!.135          O.OOE+OO      O.OOE*OO         7 10E+04          0.00E*OO          O.OOE+-00       0.00E*OO           i.28E+03         O.OOE*OO         1.19E+OO            O.OOE*OO          #0111/01         OOIVIOI           1'26E*03            oOIVIO!                .......

Ul8E*03 2.43E*02 1.S6E*-07 1.81E+OO 0.00E*OO .OOIV/tll oOIVltll Monrtor de1etticn efficiency (cpsluCilcc) = 6.71E*041 TEOE I ue** I uCilcc I cps rh~Th~d, uCil* uCilcc cp$


(]Cl I 1.00E+01 1.SSE*OS 2.7DE*02 1.61E*07 5.00E+01 #OIV/O! OOIVIO! #OIV/lll 1.0E*02 1:0E*03 l85E*09 1JJ.SE"'° 2.70E*03 2:.70E*04 1.61E*06 f_e1e+09 I S.OE*02 50E*03


PDIV/Of No iocfmo in this sourco term. IWIV/01 coor is e->;pcctcd in this spreadsheet. OOIVIOI Q01Vl0l oOIVIOI ROl\l'IOl l'V


XIO= 2.31E-06 m mg> :i:: 0 to 3 <.2: sJm' Mooltor etrJC:iencia~ from ERS..Sfl..S!>-Ol, Rolea$0 (uCils) CF fer TEDE::: 8.71E+06 t>> (1) PING RM*1GW*109 Channel H!nf; U1 SGTR AC1ivity Ratio OCF Rctea~o Flow Rate= E!klctivc OCF 1 45E+03 cfm Rele<tse

                                                                                                       =*       6.84E*OS Erficiency ws Current Rcleooo r..Cilo* CF for Child n....rold" DCf EffcctNe OCF          Release 2 ?8E+06 Rcleaoo         Efficiency      current              (Q
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ..,C'D     -0 ~

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1 I '< (1) lsotcpe (Ci) (mrem-m 1 uCi-y) (mrem-m:it uCi-y) (uCilol mrernlhr) (uCVcoi mrommr) (ampsJuC~cc) (amps:mrcmfh} (mrem*m'1 uCi*Y) (mtetn*nl 3/ uC~y) (uC~sl mrem/hr) (uCilocl mromlht) (ampstuCifcc) (amp!llmrorr.'11) C'D

2 c "'

(i' '"'1 Kt-83m 2.09E*OO 7.SOE--04 4.69E-01 3.55E-04 6.59E+03 9.62E-03 4.74E*10 4.56E*12 O.COE*OO O.OOE+OO 1.7JE+03 2.52E-03 4.74E-10 l.20E*12 n


Kt-85m 7.35E+OO 2.GGE.03 6.17E+02 2.17E+OO 2.32E<04 USE-02 1.69E*10. 5.72E*12 O.OOE*OO O.OOE+OO 6.07E+03 e.llllE-03 1.69E-IO 150E*12 Kt-85 6.74E+02 2.44E.-0! 1.12E+01 :2.faE*OO 2.12E+OO 3.10E*OO 1.79E*10 5.SSE*IO o:ooe*oo O.OOE*OO S.57E.+05 B.14E-01 1.79E*10 1.46E*10 '< G') ('ll ('") ~ m Kt-<l7 4.48!:+00 1.62E-03 4.47E*03 7.24E+OO 1.41E*04 2.0GE-02 1,0SE-10 2.2JE-12 O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO 3 70E+-03 5.41E-03 1.0aE*10 s.e,il:.13  ::r Kt.SB 1.34E+01 4.85E-03 1.13E*04 5A8E+01 4.22E+04 6. 11e-02 2.31E-10 i.*Je-11 o.ooe*oo O.OOE*OO 1.11E*C4 1.62E-02 2.31E-10 3.74E*12 )>  ::i Kt-59 7.66E-02 2.77E-OS 1.02E*C4 2.83E.Ot 2.41E*C2 3.SJE-04 1.77E;10 6.24E*14 O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO 6.33E*C1 92SE-OS 1.77E'10 1.6'1e;1* n C'D (i' . (l)


Xe*131m Xe-133m 2.76E+01 2.34E+01 9,9SE-03 6.46E-03 4.29E*OI u9e*o2 4.28E-01


8.70E*04 7.37E"'°4 1.27E-01 1.0SE-01 2.27E*10 3.52E*11 2.45E*l1 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0.00.E+OO 2.<6E+04 3.3JE-02 2.77E*10 9.23E*12 0 '"O Xe-133 1:69E+03 6.11E-01 1.76E*02 l.08E+02 5.33E*06 7.78E+OO 4.69E*10 3.SOE-09 O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO 1.9lE*04 1.40E+06 2.63E--02 2.04E+OO 2.27E*10 4.69E*10 6.4iE*12 9.96E-10 0 c 0 1-"0 Xe-135m 227E+02 8.21f.Q2. o.ooe*oo  ::s ~- 5* 0 2.15E+OJ 1.77E*02 7.15E*OS 1.0SE*OO 1.20!!*11 1.25E*11 O.OOE*OO  !.88E+05 2.74E*01 1.20E-11 3.29E-12 Xe-135 1.95E*1*0 Xe-137 9.26E*01 2.33E-01 3.36E-02 6.43E-OS 1.25E*03 9.55E+02 4.20E'!01 8.0SE-02 2.s2e.:os 7.J.dE+02

                                                                                           *.:Z"IE.01 1.07E-03         1,17E*10 6.33E*11 L26E*13 O.OOE*OO 0.00E*OO O.OOE..00 O.OOE*OO 7.67E*04 1:9JE+02 1.12E-01 2.81E-04 1.9SE*10 1.17E*10 2.1si:.:11 329E*i4                 r :::0                ::l
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ......  ~

x...138 1.99E+OO 7.20E--04 '6.27E*03 4.SIE*OO 6.27E*03 9.16E-03 1.69E*10 1.55E*12 O.OOE+OO ocioe+oo {64E+03 2.40E-OJ i.fi9E*10 4.06E*13 C'D m tTl (1) ~131 1.35E-01 4.8BE-05 4.66E+C5 2.28E*01 < c;. <

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -*m 425E*02        6.22E-04          2.26E*12          1.40E*15      2.44E+C7         \.19E+03        1.12E+02          1.GJE--04       2.2eE-12       J.6SE*16
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     >-t i-132         4.nE-02         1.735.05       4.33E+04         7,47E.01       1.50E+02       2.20E-04          1.72E-12          3,78E*16      2.SOE.+05        5.00E*OO        3.94E+-01        5.76E-05         1.72E*12      9.9.1E*17                C'D                   ::::

1*133 1-IJ.ol 1.99E-01 2.33E-02 7.20E-05 8.43E-06 1.ise+os 2.G9E*04 9.21e*oo 221e-01 6.27E*02 7.34E*01 9.16E-04 1.0iE-04 1.65E*l2 1.58E*12 1.Si"E.\S 1.69E-16 5.77E+Q6. 7.60E+04 4,15E+02 6.4DE*01 1.64E+-02 1.93E+01 2.AOE--04 2.81E.0.S 1.65E*12 1.58E*12 J.96E*16 4.4SE*17 i) 0 r:; VJ ~135 3.aae.os s.ooe:04  :::0 5* f'""t-1.10E--01 7.10E*04 2.B2E*OO 3.47E+02 1,66E*12 9.42E*16 l.19E*06 4.73E*01 9.00E+-01 1.33E-04 1 e6E*12 :i.<7E*16 (")


s: -*

i I

2.76E*OJ 4.35E+02 6.71E.+00 *.s.e-09 1.66E+03 i28E+O\l l.19E--09 Moni1.or detection efficiency {ampfuCiJCG) :a 3.97E'10 TEOE 1.00E*Ol 1.0E*02 l uCV* 7.83E*07 7.83E.+08 ue;1<:c 1,14E*02 1,14E,-f()J I I I amps 4.5-IE-08

                                                                                                                               *.s4e-01 Chlld Thyroid S.00E+01 S.0E+02 I      uCY*

1.03E*08 1,03E*OS I I uevcc i.50E*02 1.SOE+OJ amps S.96E.08 S.96E*OJ


I G') '<


(') t>> (") s=



                                                                             , 0**03       7.83E+C9          1.14"+n4     i    4 $4E.06                                        S.OC+Q3         1.03E+10         1.50E+04       *.96c.05

I 0 5*

l 0  ::s U)  ;:i:

XIO= 2.31E-06 sJm'

c .,0 Monhor cfflciem:;re;s from ERS*SFL..85..031 PING RM-1GW.. 109 Channel H"'h GWFaa U1 Activity Ralio DC!'

Retea~e Flow Rate ;;; Effective DCF 1.4SE*03 cfm Rel en~ Relcasu

                                                                                                        =        6.l>IE*05 Cclo Efficiency         Current         OCF Rele*se (uCils) CF for TE.DE =

Release luCV51 CF for Child r~.;

  • Effe.cti...a OCF Rerease 1.56E1'<07 ODIVIO!

Release Efficiency Curren1 (Q

r (mre~-m't tmi:ern*m)/ <~CVsl (uCVCCI (m:em-rn 3/ (mrem.:m1J (uCVsl (uCUccl

Iso lope (Ci) (umpsluCUa;) (ampsJmr~mlh) (ampsJuCilcxJ (ampslmremlll) uCJ.-i) uc;.y) mremlhr) mremriu) uCi-y} uCi,.I') mromlhr) mrem..rtu)

><r-8Jm       2.80E4-QO       1.05E.03        4.69E-01         4.93E-04      1.64E..,.G4     2.40E-02         *.74E*10          1.14E-11      O.OOE+OO         O.OOE*OO         #OIVIO!           #OIVIOI       4.74E*10        ao:vro1 Kt-85m        1.17E*01        4.39E-OJ       B.17E+<l2         3.59E*OO      6.8SE*04        1.00E-01         1.69E-10          L69E-11       o.ooe*oo         O.OOE*OO         #OIVIO!           #DIVIOI       1.69E*10        COMO!         =s (Q

m z Kt-85 l((.il7 1.16E*03 5.69E+OO 4.:leE-01 2.21E-03

                                             .t12E+Ot 4.47E*03 4.88E+OO 9.88E+QO 6.81E*06 3A6E*04 9,94E+OO S.OSE-02 1.79E*10 1.0SE-10 1.7BE-09 5.4SE*12 O.CDE*OO O,OOE+OO O.ooE+Oo O.OOE*OO
                                                                                                                                                                                ~OIVIOI tfOIV101 CDIVIO!

OOIVIO! 1.79E-t0 1.08E-10

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                #01vro1 tib1vt01
0 ..9 Kr:OO 2.03E+01 7.62£-03 1.13E.+04 6.61E*01 1.19E*OS 1.74E-01 2.3.1E*10 4,02E*11 O.OOE+OO o.ooe*oo OOIVIOI OOIVIOI 2,31E*IO #OIVIO! )> CJ)

Kt-89 2. 12E-01 7.96E-OS l.02E+04 8.12E-01 1.24E+03 1.62E-03 l.77E*\O :i.22E*13 O.OOE*OO o.ooe*oo ODIVIOI OOlVIOl OOIVIO! I Xe-131m Xe-133m 1.77E+01 2.4SE*01 6.65~--03 9.<0E-03 4:29E*01 1:*9E*02 2.855*01 1.JfE*OO 1.04E+n5 L4<E*05 1.52E*01 2.10E-01 2.77E*10 2.27E-10 4.20E*11

                                                                                                                                <.77E*11 O.OOE+OO 0.00E+OO O.OOE<!IO O.OOE*OO OOIVIO!

COIVIO! OOIVIOI SOIV/01 2.77E*10 2:27E*10

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                #OIV/Ol OOIVIOI             Er


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ~             :;o m

xe.133 1.33E+03 4.99E-01 1.76E~02 B.79E+01 7.SOE*06 1.14E*01 4.59E*10 5,57E-09 O.OOE+OO o.ooe*oo #OIVJOI ODIVJO! 4,89-10 ao1vt01

r ""O ~

Xr>-13Sm 3.36E+OO 1.27E-03 *i.lSE+-03 2.73E*OO 1.96E*04 2.90E-02 1.20E*11 3AeE-i3 O.OOE*OO O.OOE-+-00 GDtViO! OOIVIOI 1201'*11 .~OIVIO! 3 c rn Xe-135 8.4lE*01 3.16E-02 125E+-03 3.95E*01 4.93E*05 121e:o1 1.95E*10 1.41&10 O.OOE*OO 0.00E+OO IOIVIOI #OMO! 1.95E:10 ao1vi61 I X<>-137 5.59E-Ot 2 lOE--04

                              ~.71E-04 9.55E*02          2.00E-01      3.:18E+03       4.79E-OJ         1.17E-10          5.61E-13      O.OOE*OO         O.OOE+OO         ~OIVIOI           OOIVIO!        1.17E*10        OOIVIO!
, co Ct) 0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ...z X.*138        2.32E*OO                      -6.27E.*03         5.465*00       l.36E+04        l.99E-02.       1.69E-10          3.36E*12      O.OOE+OO         O.OOE*OO         OOIVIO!           bOIVIO!        1.69E*10       aOlV/01 l-131         o.ooe:.oo       0 OOE*OO       4.66E+OS          O.OOE*OO      O.OOE+OO       0.00E+OO          2.26E-12          O.OOE+OO      2.44E+07         OOOE*OO          ~OIV/Ol           #OIV/0!        2.26E*12        o01V/O!                      (.,,)

1-132 1-133 O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO O.OOE*OO 4 33E+04 1.2SE*05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO o.ooe*oo* O.OOE+OO i.72E*12 1.65E*12 O.OOE+OO O.OOE*OO 2.90E*C5

                                                                                                                                              ~,77E*06 o.ooe+oo



ODIVIO! 1.72E-12 1.65E*12 llOIV/O! 401V/Oi N 0 I

~134           O.OOE+OO       O.OOE+OO        2.69E+04         O.OOE*OO      O.OOE+OO       O.OOE+OO          1.SSE-12          O.OOE+OO      7.60E*04         0.00E+OO         #OlVIOI           #OIVIO!        1,sse-12        #OIVIO!                      0 l-135          O.OOE*OO       O.OOE~OO       7.IOE+04          O.OOE*Oo      O.OOE+OO       0.00E*OO           UlSE-12          OOOE+OO       l.19E+06         O.OOE+-00         COJV/O!          #OlVIO!        1,86E*\2        #OIVIOI I

2,66E*03 2.43E*02 1.S6E+07 7.66E*09 O.OOE*OO 00\VIOI 1:01\/JO! uC~s I '"C I Monitor de?edion efficiency (ampt-...Ci/ct) ::; 3.97E*10 TEDE uCtJce* omps. Child Thyroid uCll* uCVcc amps


I 1.00E*OI tOE*02 1.0E+03 1.l2E+-08 1.32E*09 L32E+10 1.93E+02

                                                                                                              !.93E+Ol 1_93E-f(l4    I 7.66E-OB 7.66E-07 7 66E-05   I S.OOE+01 S.OE'02 5.0E+OJ ODIV/O!

410tVIO! OOIVl!ll

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  #DIVtOI COIV/Ol 001Vt01 No iodine in this source tcITTI. C!OIVIO! em:ir ts ()~ed in t..'Us $preadshoet I



Q) i

Beaver Valley Power Station

  • Health Physics Technical Position/Evaluation/Calcula:tion REVISION: 11


                                                                   *No.:                              Page:

BVPS-U1 Gaseous Radioactivity Monitor ERS-MPD-93~007 Emergency Action Levels Attachment 2 29 Mirion PING Monitor Measurement Range The. Mirion PING mqnitors are configured such that only the low range or the high range will receive sample flow. During periods of routine operation when radioac~ivity concentrations are low, the low range monitor will be operating with sample flow. This will continue until the low range reaches a user entered value as the High-High alarm set point. This value is .also called the cross-over value. At this point, the flow to the low range monitor will be valved over to the high range monitor. Although the low range monitors are capable of producing a higher count rate, the monitors will cease to be in service when the cross-over (to the high range monitors) value is reached. Monitor range limitation-is provided by two references: 1) Values measured during primary calibration (using varying concentrations of Kr-:85 and Xe-133), and 2) Values provided by the manufacturer. Due to practical limitations for taking actual measurements, the primary calibration values are a narrower range. For this evaluation, the mor:e restrictive values from the primary calibration will be used. From primary calibration From Attachment 3 Low range noble gas monitor 0.18 to 4.93E4 cps -0.04 to ,.-5E4 cps High range noble gas monitor 1.13E~13 to 9.36E-10 amps -3E~14 to 1E-4 amps The cross-over value should be selected such that there is sufficient range overlap of the low and high range monitors. In discussions with the manufacturer, 1E~2 uCi/cc (Xe-'133) was stated as a reasonable value and evaluated as such in Revision 1O of this document. However, NEI 99-01 revision 6 changed the methodology for Alert declaration. At cross-over value 1E-2 uCi/cc, Alert level set points will vary between the low range monitor and the high range monitor, dependent upon f!ow. Reducing the cross-over to 1E-3 uCi/cc still allows for a sufficientrange overlap of the. low and high range monifors, while keeping the Alert level declaration set points on the high range. monitor. Minimum operating flows were selected based upon historic data. Crossover was evaluated at these minimum flow values to ensure a monitor would .be within range over various flow rates. Cross-over with this value will occurroughly three decades before the I.ow range monitor reaches its maximum measurement value. The listed cross-over values (cps) are the practical maximum range of the low range monitors. For these crossover values to be valid the High-High alarm set point of the low range monitors must be 1E-3 uCi/cc, or similar value evaluated to be a.dequate. LowODCM HighODCM Calculated Low range Amps at low High range Crossove_r volumetric monitor volumetric monitor Low Range Cross over maximum range cross minimum (!JCi/ec) efficiency efficiency (cps) (cps) over (amps)

                                 .(Cpl!IUCi/cc)                               .(amps/liCilcc;)

RM-WS-109 1E~3 6.92E4 6.92E1 4.93E4 3.94E~10 3.94E~13 1.13E-13 RM-1VS-110 1E-3 8.54E4 8.54E1 4.93E4 3.31E-10 3.31E-13 1.13E-13 RM-1GW-109 1E-3 6.71E4 6.71E1 4.93E4 3.97E-10 3:97E-13 1.13E-13

Beaver Valley Power Station Health Physics Technical Positio.n/Evaluation/Calculation REVISION: 11


No.: Page: BVPS-U1 Gaseous Radioactivity Monitor ERS-MPD-93-007 Emergency Action Levels Attachm~nt 2 30 Data in the tables above are based on the ODCM source terms. To verify that crossover will be adequate for the spectrum of postulated accidents, each accident mix applicable to each monitor was used to calculate a high._ range monitor value (amps) when cross-over occurs. Details are in Attachment 4. B.ecause the low range crossover count rate is unaffected by the accident mixes no similar calculations are necessary for the low range monitors. amps at crossover High range (1E-3 uCi/cc) RM-1VS-109 1.29E-13 to 5 ..75E-13 RM-1VS-110 1.59E-13 to 8.66E-13 RM-1GW-10.9 2.83E-13 to 3.69E-13 Therefore, the high range monitors will be "on-scale" for each of the accident mixes when crossover occurs. The low range monitor computer divides the detector output (cps) by the ODCM volumetric monitor efficiency (cps/Bq/m 3) and performs activity concentration unit conversion to calculate a release concentration (UCi/cc). Then it multiplies by the release flow rate (eels) to calculate the radioactivity release rate (uCi/s). Ttle calculated EAL value for each low range monitor is evaluated below. The cps value corresponding to the EAL when the releaseJlow rate is at the ODCM v.alue may be found in the Attachment 1 tables, RM-1VS-109 Low RM-1VS-110 Low RM-1GW-109 LoW EAL 62000 elm 25000 cfrn EAL 49300.cftn 24000cfm EAL 1450 elm 950 elm uCils cps cps uCils cps cps uCl/s cps cps General Emergency 2.01E+07 4.75E+04 1.18E+05 1.81E+07 6.64E+04 1.36E+05 8.43E+09 8.26E+OB 1.26E+09 Sile Area Emergency 2.01E+06 4.75E+03 1.18E+04 1:81E+06 6.64E+03 1.36E+04 8.43E+08 8.26E+07 1.26E+08 Alert 2.0'1E+05 4.75E+02 1.18E+03 1.81E+05 6.64E+02 1.36E+03 8.43E+07 8.26E+06 1.26E+07 Unusual E-.ent (2x ODCM) 5.28E+03 1.25E+01 3.10E+01 7.58E-t03 2.78E+01 5.71E+01 2.18E+06 2.14E+05 3.26E+05 6.92E1 cps cross-over to high ra"IJ* B.54E1 cps cross-ovat 1011lgh rango 6.71E1 cps cross-over to high range

  • Boldva!Ues are Wtthin Ille rmasurermnl*ranga ai the rron~ar 0*.18 cps IO crossever 10 high rang<> <roni!ar.

In Attachment 3, the low range monitors are stated as capable of measuring as* low as 0.044 cps. As noted above., a measured low value of 0.18 cps. wa*s tested in the primary calibration report, 12-00038.

Beaver Valley Power :Station Health. Ph'ysics Positio'n/Evaluatioti/~alctilatfon RE~ISION: 11 <Sul;>j~Ct:' ... *No:: Page: BVPS-01 Gaseous Radi9activity Monitor ERS-MPD*93~007 Emergency Action Levels Attachment 2 31 The high range monitor computer divides the detector output (amps) by the ODCM volumetric monitor efficiency (amps/Bqlm 3 ) and performs activity concentration unit conversion to calculate a release concentration (uCi/cc). Then it multiplies by the release flow rate {eels) to calculate the radioactivity release rate (uCils).. When using the more res~rtctive m(;lximµm range of the instrument from the primary caiibration, none .of the set points for RM-1GW-109Jail within the range of the monitor. HoweVe~,Jhe,Y. do.fe1ll the range otthe!rlonitohwh*en cornpating~to.thed11easurementrange listed i.n Aftachment3. The cal_cu(ated EAL val~e~for*each high rahge:mqnitor is*evaluate~ bel.ow. RM-1\is.109:High RM-1\is~110:High ru:;i:1*Gw-109 Hiilh EAL s2ooocfrri ,25000.cfm EAL 493~cfrri 24000cfm EAL 1450cfm 950cfm u¢i/s amps, amp$ uCi/s amps amps.

  • uQiis amps amps General Emergency 1.tBE:..07 1.59E-10 3.94E-10 1.~6E+07 2.22E-10 4.sse-1ir i.83E+09 4.54E-06 s:s3e-0s Sl\e Area Emergency 1.18E+06 1.59E-11 3.94E*11 1.5.6E+06 2.2~E-11 .4.56E*11 7.83E+08. 4.54E-:07 6.93E-:07 Alert 1.18E+05 1.59E-12 3.94E*12 1-.56E+05 2.22E*12 4.56E-12 7.83E+07 4.54E.08 6;93E-08 Unusual Ei.ent (2x ODCM) 5.28E+03 7; 11E*14 1.76E-13 7.58E+03 1.08E*13 2.21E-13 2.18E+06 1.26E-09 1.93E-09
                                     *3.94E-1~ arip$ cross-ovor.lromlow range             3,31E-13 S!TpS CfQSS'OVGf fromlaW range         3.97&13 arrps  cross.ov~r fromlO\N range BOid val(les aie w~hin 1119 rmasuterreril range of the rmnltcr crossover to IE*4 *Oll* fromAtta<:hrrent 3.

Using a crossover value of :1 e:3 uCi:cc, the high range .monitors are capable* of measuring the General J2inergen~y ,~Site*. Area* Eiiiergency ai:}d Alert EAL value.s:fp(RM-'I VS-109 and: RM-1VS-110. The Unusual 'Event vallJeS will :be mea~.lire(f by the loW. range mof'.tifors and before :cross-over to the* high range monitors. For RM"' tGW-'109, the high range 'monitor is capable ofmeasudng. all declaration criteria.

  • Conclusions for the low range monitors: The Unusual Event EAL Values tor Ventilation Ven't and SLCRS pathways can be measured by the low range monitors. Appropriate EAL values for the low range monitors are:

RM-1RM-VS-109 LowRange: 5.28E3 uCi/s Unusual Event.EAL RM-1 RM-VS-110 Low Range: 7.58E3 uCi/s Unusual Everit_EAL Unusual Event set p0ints forthe low range* monitors are ODCMbased.* *and*are calculated inERS-HHM-87-014. The High-High ala.rm:set point~ actuate cross.,over; andst1o\Jld only be used for the uCi/c.c* indication ~nd the value of fE-3 uCi/cc.

Beaver Valley Power Station Health Physics Technical Position/Evaluation/Calculation REVISION: 11


No.: Page: BVPS-U1 Gaseo*us Radioactivity ""on'itor ERS-MPD~93-007 Emergency Action Levels Attachment 2 32 Conclusions for the high range monitors: All EAL values can be measured by the high range monitors. However, the cross-over value determines the minimum range of the monitor and will control the usage of the high range monitors. Appropriate EAL values for the high range monitors are: RM-1RM-VS-109 High Range: 1.18E5 uCi/s Alert EAL and Alert alarm set point 1.18E6 uCi/s Site Area EAL and High alarm set point 1.18E7 uCi/s General Emergency EAL and High High alarm set point RM-1 RM-VS-11 O High .Range: 1.56E5 uCi/s Alert EAL and Alert alarm set point 1.56E6 uCl/s Sit~ Area EAL and High alarm set point 1.56E7 uCi/s General Emergency EAL and High High alarm set point RM-1GW-109 is not currently an EAL monitor. Set points*are recommendations and may be different as approved in site procedures. However, appropriate set points may be selected as follows: RM-1RM-GW-109 High Range: 30% of the ODCM limit (See ODCM) =Alert alarm set point


60% of the ODCM limit (See ODCM) High alarm set point 1.09E6 uCi/s ODCM limit =High High alarm set point OR 2.18E6 uCi/s UE EAL and Alert alarm set point 7.8367 uCi/s Alert EAL and High alarm set point 7.83E8 uCi/s,Site Area EAL and High High alarm set point

Beaver Valley Power Stat_ion Health Physics Technical Position/Evaluatiol)!CalculatiOn REVISION: 11


No.: Page: BVPS-U1 Gaseous Radioactivity Monitor ERS-MP0-93-007 Emergency Action Levels Attachment 3 33 Mirion Monitor Range Information Radiation Moni1oring Systems Division T_, 77C..G32.::!74 MIRION 5000 Highland~ Parl<w.ay fax 77C-"3.:!-~17

l '- 11 '
  • U L :J ,_, L *.,. Suite 150 - Smyrna ,,..,-~""A*1.m:rion en,,

Georgia 3001l2 USA June.25, 2014 Mr: John Lebda FENOC- Beaver Valley Power Station Shippingport, PA 15077


Noble gas measurement range for Mirion vent radiation monitors Mr. Lebda. The purpose of this Jetter is to provide clarifications and additional infomiation concerning the measurement range of the vent radiation monitors delivered to BVPS by Mirion. Specifically. this letter addresses the noble gas measurement ranges. For the noble gas monitors, dod1mehtation of the minimum and maximum ranges can b.e found in the monitor primary calibration reports previously provided to.FENOC:

  • NGM204 nonnal range noble gas monitor: *12-00038
  • NGM203 high ran~e noble gas monitor: 12-00023 NGM204 Low Range NG Monitor:

The minimum range of the monitor can also oo referred to as the Minimum Detectable ActiVity or MDA. The MDA is a calculated value which is a function of the detector sensitivity, detector background (intrinsic + externally induced), allowable response time, and allowable uncertainly. In the above listed documents, MDA calculations are provided for various combinations of the

  • above parameters. Not every possible con1bination is calculated, but the MDA formulation is provided such that users could determine the MDA for their own combination of parameter values.

er Referring to. document 12-00038, Table 15, it i;.; shoWll that the requirement of 1 µCi/cc of Xe-133 is acliievable for the NGM204. Using theXe-133 effiCiency of 4.39x1o+~ cps per µCi/cc, the corresponding raw detector output is 0.044 cps. This count rate is within the measurement range of the silicon diode det~or used on the NGM204. As described in section 4.4.1 of document 12-00038, the maximum activity level of the NGM204 in its standard configuration is approximately 1 µCi/cc for Xe-133. Using the Xe-l33 efficiency of 4.39x10*" cps per µCi/cc, the corresponding raw detector output is 4.39x10+.$ cps. The saturation point of the silicon diode detector is nominally 5x10u cps. NGM203 High Range NG Monitor: The precise MDA of the NGM203 is not critical when used in conjunction with the NGM204. since the NGM704 covers the lower measurement range. Referring to document 12-00023, the nominal MDA for Xe-133 is 10..i µCi/cc. Using the Xe-133 efficiency of 4.89x10- 10 A per µCi/cc, the corresponding raw detector output is 4.89x10* 1 ~ amps. This is within the measurement range of the LPDU/IC processing unit and is higher than the nominal current of *1x10* 14 to 3x10- ~ amps 1 produced by the embedded :source of the NGM203 detector ..

Health Physic's Iechrjieal Position/E_valu!ltion/Ca!cuhitfon_ REVISION: 11


                                                                      ~o.:                  .Page:

BVPS-U1 Gaseous Radipactivity Mon'itor ERS*MPD.;.93-007 Emergency Acti.on Levels Attachment 3 34 Pl l M_ ~ ~T0 1 ~ I June 25, 2014 Page2 It is also noted::thaMhe transition frolll NGM204 operation to NGM203 operation is typically 5et at 1x10*3 _µCi/cc (equates'to 4;89X:10~13 amps for Xe-133) or higher,

  • A,sdescri~_in secti()n9 of_document 12:-00023, l\igh:.tevel irrad~tjontestiilg was U$ the upper* range of the NGM203 detector and establish a correlation for nobl~ gas activity measurement. This correlation *was necessary beC3USe .radioactive noble gas could not be-obtained in activity levels that would reach the upper decades of the NGM203 measurement range.

An activity level of 10*5 µCi/cc of Xe-133 would result in a ct1CTent of approxi1113tely*4.89x10:~ Amps being generated by the detectors. This is within the measurement range of the LPOU3/IC, whieh is -3x10* 14 to 1x10~ amps (see appendix below). It is also considered to be within the functional operating' range ofth~.*NGM203ion chamber detector:..


It is -noteci that the** *aws_: 'techniear *"s~ffitation ,67,0tJ.;OES-0531 :requires *a minimum er measurement caJ)ability of 1 IJCi/cc- and *a ma:Ximum measurement capability 6f 1o+s µCifcc for n.oble gas. This-range is*commensur~te with the requirements of Regulatory Guide 1 .97. Mirion confimis th::it the* measurement* range of -~he combined nonnal and acc;ident f;31Jge noble gas monitors meets the BVPS specification (equirements with reSpecl tp Xe- 133: *10.e to m*~


Should you ha:ve any que~tions,. please do no~ h~ifute tQ oontact us, Sincerely,  ; ( .;'"*

..... .~/
~1!i"ls  ::;tark Mirion Technologies (MGP!); Inc.

Noble ga5. measuren)ei:\tr;Jnge.for Mirion vent r;,t~latiO,n moriitqrs

Beaver Valley Power Station Health Physics Technical Position/Eva)uation/Ca_lculatiOn REVISION: 11 SubjE?Ct: No.: Page:*-u1: Gaseoy_s Radi(;>_~ctivity Nlonitc>r - ERS~MP0~93 ..007 Emergency ActiQn Levels

        ;        <<                                                            Attachment 3 35 iM qqi,,      MIRION

Julie 25', 2014 t  :. I' *. Page3 Appendix: LPDU/IC current measurement data Data collected during primary calib.~ation (12-00023, Figure *t_): Ave( age Injected (25pts)

                 .value:(A)       indicated value (A)
               . 3.00E-05           3.00E-05 3.00E-0_6         3.01E:-06
                 \3.00E--07         3.01E:.07 3.00E--08         3.04E:.08 3.00E--0!;1       3.01E~09 3.00E-10        _3.01E-10
                  ~.OOE-11          3.00E~.11 3.00E-l2          2 ..~SE~12 3,0DE-P.          323E-'13 s;ooE-14          a;OOE-14

_ 5 ..00E-14 4:1QE-'14 3;00E~14 *1;06~~14 Data callected dl!~ng-onsite testing at BVPS, November 2013 (1VS-109 high rang~ monitor): LPDU!IC Injected Indicated value 0-1AJ V(llue(AI 1.08 1E~6 10:09 1E~5 50:09 5Ec5 90:11 ~E:.:5 100.2 9':93!=-5 Noble gas n1ea5urement range for Mirion vent radiation monitors

Beaver Valley* Power Station Health Physics Technical Position/Evaluation/Calculation REVISION: 11


No.: Page: BVPS-U1 Gaseous Radioactivity Monitor ERS-MPD-93-007 Emergency Action Levels Atta'chment 4 36 This attachment provides the cafculations performed to determine the high range monitor amps for each applicable accident type when crossover from the low range.monitor occurs. This is done to verify that the high range monitors will be "on-scale" when crossover occurs for all the applicable accident source terms. The math used in the spreadsheets is: The accident mix total nuclide activities used as uCi/cc concentration, are multiplied by the nuclide detection efficiencies to calculate a low range monitor response (cps). Col 4 = Col 2

  • unit conversion
  • Col 3 Low range response (cps) =Activity (Ci/cc)
  • 1E6 uCi/Ci
  • Efficiency (cps/uCi/cc)

The sum of Column 4 (cps) is multiplied by the low range monitor ODCM based efficiency conversion factor (uCi/cc-cps) to calculate the total mix uCi/cc that corresponds to the low range response (cps) Col 5 = 2:Col 4

  • CF Total mix uCi/cc = cps "uCi/cc-cps The Column 6 values are the individual nuclide concentrations that will be presen' when the monitor indicates tE-3 uCi/cc and cro.ssover to the high range monitor occurs. This* is the individual nuclide activities (Ci:A1 E6 uCi/Ci) multiplied by the ratio of 1E-3:Col 5.

Col6 = Col 2 *

  • unit -c.01:wersiqn * (1E-3 I Col 5) uCi/cc = Ci/cc
  • 1E6 uCi/Ci * (1E'~3 uCr/cc I Total uCi/cc)

Finally the individual nuclide concentrations are multiplied by the nuclide efficiencies, and summed to calculate the high range monitor response at crossover. L:Col 8 = 2; (Col 6

  • Col 7)

High range monitor response (amps) I: (uCi/cc

  • amps/uCi/cc)

The minimum and maximum values calculated for each of the three high range monitors are summarized in Attachment 2.

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Beaver Valley Power Station Health Physics Technipal' Position/Evaluation/Calctilation REVISION: 11


No.: Page; BVPS-U1 Gaseous Radioactivity Monitor ERS*MPD~93-007 Em~rgency' Action Levels .. .Attachment 4. 39 LRNO Q>OCM ,mlli'C'll~'O,rwE\fil<<~

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