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{{#Wiki_filter:EGG-NTA-7614 CONFORMANCE TOITEN2.1(PART2)OFGENERICLETTER83-28REACTORTRIPSYSTEMVENDORINTERFACE COOK-1AND-2HADOAHNECKF.G.FarmerPublished arch)987IdahoNationalEng1neer)ng Laboratory EG&GIdaho,Inc.IdahoFalls,Idaho83415PreParedrorthe.NuclearRegulatory Conm1ss1on Washington, O.C.20555UnderDOEContractNo.DE-AC07-76ID01570 FINNos.D6001and06002 ASSTRACTTh1sEG56Idaho,Inc.reportprov1desarev1ewofthesubm1ttals forthreeoftheWestinghouse (W)nuclearplantsforconformance toGenericLetter83-28,Item2.l(Part2).Thereportincludesthefollow1ng Westinghouse plants,andisinpart1alfulf1llment ofthefollowing TACNos.:PlantDocketNumberETACNumberCook-1Cook-2HaddamHeck50-31550-31650-21352827528285284311 FOREWORDThisreport1sprov1dedaspartoftheprogramforevaluat1ng licensee/applicant conformance toGenericLetter83-28,"Required Act1onsBasedonGenericImpl1cations ofSalemATMSEvents."Thiswork1sconducted fortheU.S.NuclearRegulatory Comnission, Off1ceofNuclearReactorRegulation, D1vis1onofPWRL1censing-A byEG5GIdaho,Inc.TheU.S.NuclearRegulatory Comm1ssion fundedtheworkundertheauthorization, BLR20-19-19-ll-3, FINNos.D600landD6002.111 CONTENTSABSTRACT.............................
{{#Wiki_filter:EGG-NTA-7614 CONFORMANCE TO ITEN 2.1 (PART 2)OF GENERIC LETTER 83-28 REACTOR TRIP SYSTEM VENDOR INTERFACE COOK-1 AND-2 HADOAH NECK F.G.Farmer Published arch)987 Idaho National Eng1neer)ng Laboratory EG&G Idaho, Inc.Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415 PrePared ror the.Nuclear Regulatory Conm1ss1on Washington, O.C.20555 Under DOE Contract No.DE-AC07-76ID01570 FIN Nos.D6001 and 06002 ASSTRACT Th1s EG56 Idaho, prov1des a rev1ew of the subm1ttals for three of the Westinghouse (W)nuclear plants for conformance to Generic Letter 83-28, Item 2.l (Part 2).The report includes the follow1ng Westinghouse plants, and is in part1al fulf1llment of the following TAC Nos.: Plant Docket Number E TAC Number Cook-1 Cook-2 Haddam Heck 50-315 50-316 50-213 52827 52828 52843 11 FOREWORD This report 1s prov1ded as part of the program for evaluat1ng licensee/applicant conformance to Generic Letter 83-28,"Required Act1ons Based on Generic Impl1cations of Salem ATMS Events." This work 1s conducted for the U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Comnission, Off1ce of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, D1vis1on of PWR L1censing-A by EG5G Idaho, Inc.The U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Comm1ssion funded the work under the authorization, BLR 20-19-19-ll-3, FIN Nos.D600l and D6002.111 CONTENTS ABSTRACT.............................
3.GROUP REVIEW RESULTS.....................
4.REVIEW RESULTS FOR COOK-l AND-2 4.l Evaluat1on
4~2 Conclus1on
5~2 Conc lus1on 6.GROUP CONCLUSION
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6 EFERENCES.............................................
R CONFORMANCE TO ITEM 2.l PART 2 OF GENERIC LETTER 83-28 REACTOR TRIP SySTEM VENDOR INTERFACE COOK-1 AND-2 HADDAM NECK l.INTRODUCTION On Duly 8, 1983, Gener1c Letter 83-28 was 1ssued by D.G.Eisenhut, l Director of the Divis1on of L1cens1ng, Off1ce of Nuclear Reactor Regulat1on, to all licensees of operat1ng reactors, applicants for operat1ng 11censes, and holders of construct1on permits.This letter 1ncluded required act1ons based on gener1c implications of the Salem ATMS events.These requirements have been publ1shed 1n Volume 2 of NUREG-1000,.2"Gener1c Impl1cat1ons of ATWS Events at the Salem Nuclear Power Plant.'his report documents the EG&G Idaho, of the subm1ttals of three of the blestinghouse plants, Cook-l and-2 and Haddam Neck, for conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2)of Generic Letter 83-28.The subm1ttals from the licensees utilized in these evaluat1ons are referenced 1n Section 7 of this report.
R CONFORMANCE TOITEM2.lPART2OFGENERICLETTER83-28REACTORTRIPSySTEMVENDORINTERFACE COOK-1AND-2HADDAMNECKl.INTRODUCTION OnDuly8,1983,Gener1cLetter83-28was1ssuedbyD.G.Eisenhut, lDirectoroftheDivis1onofL1cens1ng, Off1ceofNuclearReactorRegulat1on, toalllicensees ofoperat1ng
2.REVIEW REgUIREHENTS Item 2.1 (Part 2)(Reactor Trip System-Vendor Interface) requires licensees and applicants to establ1sh, 1mplement and ma1nta1n a continu1ng program to ensure that vendor 1nformat1on on Reactor Tr1p System (RTS)components 1s complete, current and controlled throughout the 11fe of the plant, and appropriately referenced or 1ncorporated in plant instructions and procedures.
: reactors, applicants foroperat1ng
The vendor 1nterface program 1s to 1nclude perlod1c cemunications w1th vendors to assure that all applicable information has been received, as well as a system of posit1ve feedback with vendors for mailings conta1ning techn1cal 1nformation, e.g., licensee/applicant acknowledgement for receipt of technical information.
: 11censes, andholdersofconstruct1on permits.Thisletter1ncludedrequiredact1onsbasedongener1cimplications oftheSalemATMSevents.Theserequirements havebeenpubl1shed 1nVolume2ofNUREG-1000,
That part of the vendor interface program which ensures that vendor information on RTS components, once acqu1red, is appropriately controlled, referenced and 1ncorporated in plant 1nstruct1ons and procedures, w111 be evaluated as part of the rev1ew of Item 2.2 of the Generic Letter.Because the Nuclear Steam System Supplier (NSSS)1s ord1narily also the suppl1er of the ent1re RTS, the NSSS 1s also the principal source of 1nformation on the components of the RTS.Th1s rev1ew of the 11censee and appl1cant submittals w1ll: I l.Confirm that the licensee/appl1cant has 1dentified an 1nterface with e1ther the NSSS or w1th the vendors of each of the components of the Reactor Tr1p System.2.Conf1rm that the 1nterface 1dentified by 11censees/applicants 1ncludes per1od1c co@munication with the NSSS or with the vendors of each of the components of the Reactor Tr1p System.3.Conf1rm that the interface 1dent1fied by l1censees/appl1cants 1ncludes'system of positive feedback to conf1rm receipt of transm1ttals of technical 1nformation.
.2"Gener1cImpl1cat1ons ofATWSEventsattheSalemNuclearPowerPlant.'his reportdocuments theEG&GIdaho,Inc.reviewofthesubm1ttals ofthreeoftheblestinghouse plants,Cook-land-2andHaddamNeck,forconformance toItem2.1(Part2)ofGenericLetter83-28.Thesubm1ttals fromthelicensees utilizedintheseevaluat1ons arereferenced 1nSection7ofthisreport.
3.GROUP REVIEW RESULTS The relevant subm1ttals from each of the 1ncluded reactor plants were rev1ewed to determ1ne compl1ance w1th Item 2.1 (Part 2).F1rst, the subm1ttals from each plant were rev1ewed to establ1sh that Item 2.1 (Part 2)was spec1f1cally addressed.
2.REVIEWREgUIREHENTS Item2.1(Part2)(ReactorTripSystem-VendorInterface) requireslicensees andapplicants toestabl1sh, 1mplement andma1nta1nacontinu1ng programtoensurethatvendor1nformat1on onReactorTr1pSystem(RTS)components 1scomplete, currentandcontrolled throughout the11feoftheplant,andappropriately referenced or1ncorporated inplantinstructions andprocedures.
Second, the subm1ttals were evaluated to determ1ne the extent to wh1ch each of the plants compl1es w1th the staff gu1del1nes for Item 2.1 (Part 2).
Thevendor1nterface program1sto1ncludeperlod1ccemunications w1thvendorstoassurethatallapplicable information hasbeenreceived, aswellasasystemofposit1vefeedbackwithvendorsformailingsconta1ning techn1cal 1nformation, e.g.,licensee/applicant acknowledgement forreceiptoftechnical information.
4.REVIEW RESULTS FOR D.C.COOK-l AND-2 4.1 Eva lua t1on Indiana and Michigan Electric Company, the 11censee for D.C.Cook, provided their responses to Item 2.l (Part 2)of the Gener1c Letter on arch 30, 1984, Apr1l 10, 1985, and December 31, 1986.In those responses, the 11censee describes the D.C.Cook interface program establ1shed for the RTS.The 1nterface program for the RTS descr1bed 1ncludes annual contact with each RTS.component vendor and a system of pos1t1ve feedback w1th the component vendors.4.2 Conclusion We f1nd the program described 1n the l1censee's submittal for the 1nterface program for the RTS meets the staff pos1tion on Item 2.1 (Part 2)of the Generic Letter and 1s, therefore, acceptable.
Thatpartofthevendorinterface programwhichensuresthatvendorinformation onRTScomponents, onceacqu1red, isappropriately controlled, referenced and1ncorporated inplant1nstruct1ons andprocedures, w111beevaluated aspartoftherev1ewofItem2.2oftheGenericLetter.BecausetheNuclearSteamSystemSupplier(NSSS)1sord1narily alsothesuppl1eroftheent1reRTS,theNSSS1salsotheprincipal sourceof1nformation onthecomponents oftheRTS.Th1srev1ewofthe11censeeandappl1cant submittals w1ll:Il.Confirmthatthelicensee/appl1cant has1dentified an1nterface withe1thertheNSSSorw1ththevendorsofeachofthecomponents oftheReactorTr1pSystem.2.Conf1rmthatthe1nterface 1dentified by11censees/applicants 1ncludesper1od1cco@munication withtheNSSSorwiththevendorsofeachofthecomponents oftheReactorTr1pSystem.3.Conf1rmthattheinterface 1dent1fied byl1censees/appl1cants 1ncludes'systemofpositivefeedbacktoconf1rmreceiptoftransm1ttals oftechnical 1nformation.
5.RE VI EI4 RESULTS FOR HADOAH HECK 5.l E va lua t1on Connect1cut Yankee Atom1c Power Company, the 11censee for Haddam Neck, provided the1r responses to Item 2.l (Part 2)of the Gener1c Letter on November 8, 1983, and Harch 5, 1987.In those responses, the licensee conf1rms that the NSSS for Haddam Neck 1s Westinghouse and that the Reactor Trip System (RTS)for Haddam Neck 1s included as a part of the westinghouse interface program establ1shed for the Haddam Neck NSSS.The Westinghouse 1nterface program for the NSSS includes both per 1odic comnunication between Westinghouse and licensees/appl1cants and posit1ve feedback from licensees/appl1cants 1n the form of signed rece1pts for technical informat1on transm1 tted by Westinghouse.
3.GROUPREVIEWRESULTSTherelevantsubm1ttals fromeachofthe1ncludedreactorplantswererev1ewedtodeterm1ne compl1ance w1thItem2.1(Part2).F1rst,thesubm1ttals fromeachplantwererev1ewedtoestabl1sh thatItem2.1(Part2)wasspec1f1cally addressed.
5.2 Conc lus ion Me find the 11censee's conf1rming statement that Haddam Neck is a part1cipant in the Westinghouse 1nterface program for the RPS meets the staff pos1tion on Item 2.1 (Part 2)of the Gener1c Letter and is, therefore, acceptable.
Second,thesubm1ttals wereevaluated todeterm1ne theextenttowh1cheachoftheplantscompl1esw1ththestaffgu1del1nes forItem2.1(Part2).
v V 6.GROUP CONCLUSiON Me conclude that the 11censee/appl1cant responses for the 11sted West1nghouse plants for Item 4.5.2 of Gener1c Letter 83-28 are acceptable.
4.REVIEWRESULTSFORD.C.COOK-lAND-24.1Evaluat1onIndianaandMichiganElectricCompany,the11censeeforD.C.Cook,providedtheirresponses toItem2.l(Part2)oftheGener1cLetteronarch30,1984,Apr1l10,1985,andDecember31,1986.Inthoseresponses, the11censeedescribes theD.C.Cookinterface programestabl1shed fortheRTS.The1nterface programfortheRTSdescr1bed 1ncludesannualcontactwitheachRTS.component vendorandasystemofpos1t1vefeedbackw1ththecomponent vendors.4.2Conclusion Wef1ndtheprogramdescribed 1nthel1censee's submittal forthe1nterface programfortheRTSmeetsthestaffpos1tiononItem2.1(Part2)oftheGenericLetterand1s,therefore, acceptable.
7.REFERENCES 1.NRC Letter, D.G.E1senhut to all 11censees of Operating Reactors, Applicants for Operating License, and Holders of Construct1on Perm1ts,"Requ1red Act1ons Based on Generic Impl1cat1ons of Salem ATMS Events (Generic Letter 83-28)," July 8, 1983.2.Generic Im 11cat1ons of ATblS Events at the Salem Nuclear Power Plant NUREG-l000, Volume l, Apr11 1983';Volume 2, July 1983.3.Indiana and michigan Electr1c Company letter to NRC, H.P.Alex1ch to D.G.E1senhut, D1rector, Divis1on of Licensing,"Required Actions Based on Gener1c Implications of Salem ATLAS Events{Generic Letter 83-28)," Narch 30, 1984.4.Indiana and Michigan Electric Company letter to NRC, H.P.Alex1ch to H.R.Denton, Director, Division of Licens1ng,"Additional Information Requested in Response to Generic Letter 83-28," Apr11 10, 1985.5.Ind1ana and michigan letter to NRC, H.P.Alex1ch to Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation,'Generic Letter 83-28, Items 2.l and 2.2, Pertain1ng to Vendor Informat1on Control System (VICS)," December 31, 1986.6.Northeast Ut111ties letter to NRC, N.G.Couns11 to Darrel G.Eisenhut, D1rector, D1v1s1on of L1censing, November 8, 1983.7.Northeast Ut1l1ties'letter to NRC, E.J.Nroczka to Document Control Desk,"Generic Letter 83-28, Item 2.1.2," arch 5, 1987.}}
5.REVIEI4RESULTSFORHADOAHHECK5.lEvaluat1onConnect1cut YankeeAtom1cPowerCompany,the11censeeforHaddamNeck,providedthe1rresponses toItem2.l(Part2)oftheGener1cLetteronNovember8,1983,andHarch5,1987.Inthoseresponses, thelicenseeconf1rmsthattheNSSSforHaddamNeck1sWestinghouse andthattheReactorTripSystem(RTS)forHaddamNeck1sincludedasapartofthewestinghouse interface programestabl1shed fortheHaddamNeckNSSS.TheWestinghouse 1nterface programfortheNSSSincludesbothper1odiccomnunication betweenWestinghouse andlicensees/appl1cants andposit1vefeedbackfromlicensees/appl1cants 1ntheformofsignedrece1ptsfortechnical informat1on transm1ttedbyWestinghouse.
5.2ConclusionMefindthe11censee's conf1rming statement thatHaddamNeckisapart1cipant intheWestinghouse 1nterface programfortheRPSmeetsthestaffpos1tiononItem2.1(Part2)oftheGener1cLetterandis,therefore, acceptable.
vV 6.GROUPCONCLUSiON Meconcludethatthe11censee/appl1cant responses forthe11stedWest1nghouse plantsforItem4.5.2ofGener1cLetter83-28areacceptable.
7.REFERENCES 1.NRCLetter,D.G.E1senhuttoall11censees ofOperating
: Reactors, Applicants forOperating License,andHoldersofConstruct1on Perm1ts,"Requ1red Act1onsBasedonGenericImpl1cat1ons ofSalemATMSEvents(GenericLetter83-28),"July8,1983.2.GenericIm11cat1ons ofATblSEventsattheSalemNuclearPowerPlantNUREG-l000, Volumel,Apr111983';Volume2,July1983.3.IndianaandmichiganElectr1cCompanylettertoNRC,H.P.Alex1chtoD.G.E1senhut,
: D1rector, Divis1onofLicensing, "Required ActionsBasedonGener1cImplications ofSalemATLASEvents{GenericLetter83-28),"Narch30,1984.4.IndianaandMichiganElectricCompanylettertoNRC,H.P.Alex1chtoH.R.Denton,Director, DivisionofLicens1ng, "Additional Information Requested inResponsetoGenericLetter83-28,"Apr1110,1985.5.Ind1anaandmichiganlettertoNRC,H.P.Alex1chtoOfficeofNuclearReactorRegulation,
'GenericLetter83-28,Items2.land2.2,Pertain1ng toVendorInformat1on ControlSystem(VICS),"December31,1986.6.Northeast Ut111ties lettertoNRC,N.G.Couns11toDarrelG.Eisenhut,
: D1rector, D1v1s1onofL1censing, November8,1983.7.Northeast Ut1l1ties'letter toNRC,E.J.NroczkatoDocumentControlDesk,"GenericLetter83-28,Item2.1.2,"arch5,1987.}}

Revision as of 06:30, 6 July 2018

Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28 Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface,Cook Units 1 & 2 & Haddam Neck.
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck, Cook, 05000000
Issue date: 03/31/1987
Shared Package
ML17334B073 List:
CON-FIN-D-6001, CON-FIN-D-6002 EGG-NTA-7614, GL-83-28, TAC-52827, TAC-52828, TAC-52843, NUDOCS 8704060174
Download: ML17334B072 (12)


EGG-NTA-7614 CONFORMANCE TO ITEN 2.1 (PART 2)OF GENERIC LETTER 83-28 REACTOR TRIP SYSTEM VENDOR INTERFACE COOK-1 AND-2 HADOAH NECK F.G.Farmer Published arch)987 Idaho National Eng1neer)ng Laboratory EG&G Idaho, Inc.Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415 PrePared ror the.Nuclear Regulatory Conm1ss1on Washington, O.C.20555 Under DOE Contract No.DE-AC07-76ID01570 FIN Nos.D6001 and 06002 ASSTRACT Th1s EG56 Idaho, prov1des a rev1ew of the subm1ttals for three of the Westinghouse (W)nuclear plants for conformance to Generic Letter 83-28, Item 2.l (Part 2).The report includes the follow1ng Westinghouse plants, and is in part1al fulf1llment of the following TAC Nos.: Plant Docket Number E TAC Number Cook-1 Cook-2 Haddam Heck 50-315 50-316 50-213 52827 52828 52843 11 FOREWORD This report 1s prov1ded as part of the program for evaluat1ng licensee/applicant conformance to Generic Letter 83-28,"Required Act1ons Based on Generic Impl1cations of Salem ATMS Events." This work 1s conducted for the U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Comnission, Off1ce of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, D1vis1on of PWR L1censing-A by EG5G Idaho, Inc.The U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Comm1ssion funded the work under the authorization, BLR 20-19-19-ll-3, FIN Nos.D600l and D6002.111 CONTENTS ABSTRACT.............................




3.GROUP REVIEW RESULTS.....................

4.REVIEW RESULTS FOR COOK-l AND-2 4.l Evaluat1on



4~2 Conclus1on




5~2 Conc lus1on 6.GROUP CONCLUSION


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6 EFERENCES.............................................

R CONFORMANCE TO ITEM 2.l PART 2 OF GENERIC LETTER 83-28 REACTOR TRIP SySTEM VENDOR INTERFACE COOK-1 AND-2 HADDAM NECK l.INTRODUCTION On Duly 8, 1983, Gener1c Letter 83-28 was 1ssued by D.G.Eisenhut, l Director of the Divis1on of L1cens1ng, Off1ce of Nuclear Reactor Regulat1on, to all licensees of operat1ng reactors, applicants for operat1ng 11censes, and holders of construct1on permits.This letter 1ncluded required act1ons based on gener1c implications of the Salem ATMS events.These requirements have been publ1shed 1n Volume 2 of NUREG-1000,.2"Gener1c Impl1cat1ons of ATWS Events at the Salem Nuclear Power Plant.'his report documents the EG&G Idaho, of the subm1ttals of three of the blestinghouse plants, Cook-l and-2 and Haddam Neck, for conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2)of Generic Letter 83-28.The subm1ttals from the licensees utilized in these evaluat1ons are referenced 1n Section 7 of this report.

2.REVIEW REgUIREHENTS Item 2.1 (Part 2)(Reactor Trip System-Vendor Interface) requires licensees and applicants to establ1sh, 1mplement and ma1nta1n a continu1ng program to ensure that vendor 1nformat1on on Reactor Tr1p System (RTS)components 1s complete, current and controlled throughout the 11fe of the plant, and appropriately referenced or 1ncorporated in plant instructions and procedures.

The vendor 1nterface program 1s to 1nclude perlod1c cemunications w1th vendors to assure that all applicable information has been received, as well as a system of posit1ve feedback with vendors for mailings conta1ning techn1cal 1nformation, e.g., licensee/applicant acknowledgement for receipt of technical information.

That part of the vendor interface program which ensures that vendor information on RTS components, once acqu1red, is appropriately controlled, referenced and 1ncorporated in plant 1nstruct1ons and procedures, w111 be evaluated as part of the rev1ew of Item 2.2 of the Generic Letter.Because the Nuclear Steam System Supplier (NSSS)1s ord1narily also the suppl1er of the ent1re RTS, the NSSS 1s also the principal source of 1nformation on the components of the RTS.Th1s rev1ew of the 11censee and appl1cant submittals w1ll: I l.Confirm that the licensee/appl1cant has 1dentified an 1nterface with e1ther the NSSS or w1th the vendors of each of the components of the Reactor Tr1p System.2.Conf1rm that the 1nterface 1dentified by 11censees/applicants 1ncludes per1od1c co@munication with the NSSS or with the vendors of each of the components of the Reactor Tr1p System.3.Conf1rm that the interface 1dent1fied by l1censees/appl1cants 1ncludes'system of positive feedback to conf1rm receipt of transm1ttals of technical 1nformation.

3.GROUP REVIEW RESULTS The relevant subm1ttals from each of the 1ncluded reactor plants were rev1ewed to determ1ne compl1ance w1th Item 2.1 (Part 2).F1rst, the subm1ttals from each plant were rev1ewed to establ1sh that Item 2.1 (Part 2)was spec1f1cally addressed.

Second, the subm1ttals were evaluated to determ1ne the extent to wh1ch each of the plants compl1es w1th the staff gu1del1nes for Item 2.1 (Part 2).

4.REVIEW RESULTS FOR D.C.COOK-l AND-2 4.1 Eva lua t1on Indiana and Michigan Electric Company, the 11censee for D.C.Cook, provided their responses to Item 2.l (Part 2)of the Gener1c Letter on arch 30, 1984, Apr1l 10, 1985, and December 31, 1986.In those responses, the 11censee describes the D.C.Cook interface program establ1shed for the RTS.The 1nterface program for the RTS descr1bed 1ncludes annual contact with each RTS.component vendor and a system of pos1t1ve feedback w1th the component vendors.4.2 Conclusion We f1nd the program described 1n the l1censee's submittal for the 1nterface program for the RTS meets the staff pos1tion on Item 2.1 (Part 2)of the Generic Letter and 1s, therefore, acceptable.

5.RE VI EI4 RESULTS FOR HADOAH HECK 5.l E va lua t1on Connect1cut Yankee Atom1c Power Company, the 11censee for Haddam Neck, provided the1r responses to Item 2.l (Part 2)of the Gener1c Letter on November 8, 1983, and Harch 5, 1987.In those responses, the licensee conf1rms that the NSSS for Haddam Neck 1s Westinghouse and that the Reactor Trip System (RTS)for Haddam Neck 1s included as a part of the westinghouse interface program establ1shed for the Haddam Neck NSSS.The Westinghouse 1nterface program for the NSSS includes both per 1odic comnunication between Westinghouse and licensees/appl1cants and posit1ve feedback from licensees/appl1cants 1n the form of signed rece1pts for technical informat1on transm1 tted by Westinghouse.

5.2 Conc lus ion Me find the 11censee's conf1rming statement that Haddam Neck is a part1cipant in the Westinghouse 1nterface program for the RPS meets the staff pos1tion on Item 2.1 (Part 2)of the Gener1c Letter and is, therefore, acceptable.

v V 6.GROUP CONCLUSiON Me conclude that the 11censee/appl1cant responses for the 11sted West1nghouse plants for Item 4.5.2 of Gener1c Letter 83-28 are acceptable.

7.REFERENCES 1.NRC Letter, D.G.E1senhut to all 11censees of Operating Reactors, Applicants for Operating License, and Holders of Construct1on Perm1ts,"Requ1red Act1ons Based on Generic Impl1cat1ons of Salem ATMS Events (Generic Letter 83-28)," July 8, 1983.2.Generic Im 11cat1ons of ATblS Events at the Salem Nuclear Power Plant NUREG-l000, Volume l, Apr11 1983';Volume 2, July 1983.3.Indiana and michigan Electr1c Company letter to NRC, H.P.Alex1ch to D.G.E1senhut, D1rector, Divis1on of Licensing,"Required Actions Based on Gener1c Implications of Salem ATLAS Events{Generic Letter 83-28)," Narch 30, 1984.4.Indiana and Michigan Electric Company letter to NRC, H.P.Alex1ch to H.R.Denton, Director, Division of Licens1ng,"Additional Information Requested in Response to Generic Letter 83-28," Apr11 10, 1985.5.Ind1ana and michigan letter to NRC, H.P.Alex1ch to Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation,'Generic Letter 83-28, Items 2.l and 2.2, Pertain1ng to Vendor Informat1on Control System (VICS)," December 31, 1986.6.Northeast Ut111ties letter to NRC, N.G.Couns11 to Darrel G.Eisenhut, D1rector, D1v1s1on of L1censing, November 8, 1983.7.Northeast Ut1l1ties'letter to NRC, E.J.Nroczka to Document Control Desk,"Generic Letter 83-28, Item 2.1.2," arch 5, 1987.