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| issue date = 01/08/2016
| issue date = 01/08/2016
| title = Request for Additional Information Regarding the License Amendment Request to Modify the Technical Specifications to Produce Radiochemical Sodium Iodine at the University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor
| title = Request for Additional Information Regarding the License Amendment Request to Modify the Technical Specifications to Produce Radiochemical Sodium Iodine at the University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor
| author name = Butler R A, Fruits J L
| author name = Butler R, Fruits J
| author affiliation = Univ of Missouri - Columbia
| author affiliation = Univ of Missouri - Columbia
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  
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| page count = 13
| page count = 13
| project = TAC:MF6514
| project = TAC:MF6514
| stage = Request

{{#Wiki_filter:UNWVERSITY of MISSOURIRESEARCH REACTOR CENTERJanuary 8, 2016U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionAttention: Document Control DeskMail Station P 1-37Washington, DC 20555-000 1REFERENCE: Docket 50-186University of Missouri-Columbia Research ReactorAmended Facility License No. R-103
{{#Wiki_filter:UNWVERSITY of MISSOURI RESEARCH REACTOR CENTER January 8, 2016 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Mail Station P 1-37 Washington, DC 20555-000 1

SUBJECT: Written communication as specified by 10 CFR 50.4(b)(1) regarding responses to the"University of Missouri at Columbia -Request for Additional Information Regardingthe License Amendment Request to Modify the Technical Specifications to ProduceRadiochemical Sodium Iodine at the University of Missouri at Columbia ResearchReactor (TAC No. MF65 14)," dated November 19, 2015By letter dated July 20, 2015, the University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor (MURR) submitteda request to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissioni (NRC) to amend the Technical Specifications(TSs), which are appended to Amended Facility License No. R-103, in order to produce the radiochemicalsodium iodide (1-131).There are currently no competing modalities for its use as a therapy for thyroid dysfunctions and nocurrent supplier within the U.S. This license amendment would allow MURR to continue to perform akey role in the supply of critical medical radioisotopes, both domestically and internationally.On November 19, 2015, the NRC requested additional information and clarification regarding theproposed license amendment request in the form of fourteen (14) questions. On December 30, 2015,MIURR responded to those questions.On January 7, 2016, via a conference call between MUJRR and NRC staff, the NRC requested additionalinformation/clarification on three (3) of the responses, specifically Questions 5.a, 9 and 10. Below is theadditional information/clarification for those questions.If there are questions regarding this response, please contact me at (573) 882-5319. I declare underpenalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.8B/41513 Research Park Drive Columbia, MO 65211 *Phone: 573-882-4211 Fax: 573-882-6360 Web: www.murr.miissouri.eduFighting Cancer with Tomorrow's Technology
Docket 50-186 University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor Amended Facility License No. R-103

Sincerely,John L. FruitsReactor ManagerEND~ORSEMENT:Reviewed and ApprovedRalph A. Butler, P.E.Directorxc: Reactor Advisory CommitteeReactor Safety SubcommitteeDr. Garnett S. Stokes, ProvostDr. Mark McIntosh, Vice Chancellor for Research, Graduate Studies and Economic DevelopmentMr. Alexander Adams Jr., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionMr. Geoffrey A. Wertz, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionMr. Johnny Eads, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Written communication as specified by 10 CFR 50.4(b)(1) regarding responses to the "University of Missouri at Columbia    - Request for Additional Information Regarding the License Amendment Request to Modify the Technical Specifications to Produce Radiochemical Sodium Iodine at the University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor (TAC No. MF65 14)," dated November 19, 2015 By letter dated July 20, 2015, the University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor (MURR) submitted a request to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissioni (NRC) to amend the Technical Specifications (TSs), which are appended to Amended Facility License No. R-103, in order to produce the radiochemical sodium iodide (1-131).
There are currently no competing modalities for its use as a therapy for thyroid dysfunctions and no current supplier within the U.S. This license amendment would allow MURR to continue to perform a key role in the supply of critical medical radioisotopes, both domestically and internationally.
On November 19, 2015, the NRC requested additional information and clarification regarding the proposed license amendment request in the form of fourteen (14) questions. On December 30, 2015, MIURR responded to those questions.
On January 7, 2016, via a conference call between MUJRR and NRC staff, the NRC requested additional information/clarification on three (3) of the responses, specifically Questions 5.a, 9 and 10. Below is the additional information/clarification for those questions.
If there are questions regarding this response, please contact me at (573) 882-5319.         I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
8B/4 1513 Research Park Drive Columbia, MO 65211 *Phone: 573-882-4211 Fax: 573-882-6360 Web: Fighting Cancer with Tomorrow's Technology

1. Newly Proposed and Revised Technical Specification PagesJACQUELINE L.BOHM CtlyO ~ f", -STATE OF MISSOURI I e".Commnissioned for ,,oward County .My Commission Expires: Maich 26. 2019 ---'Commission # 15834308 , -,/- ,h, U^auIr. kMyl2 of 4 Additional information/clarification for Question S.a:5. NUREG-153 7, Chapter 14, "Technical Specifications," and American Nuclear StandardsInstitute/American Nuclear Society (ANSI/ANS)-15. 1-2007, "The Development of TechnicalSpecifications for Research Reactors," provides guidance that tests to establish carbon filterefficiency should be performed annually to biennially, and following major maintenance. Thelicensee 's proposed TS 5.7, Specification e states, in part, that carbon filter efficiencymeasurements shall be performed biennially.a. The proposed TSs do not appear to include a requirement that carbon filter efficiencies betested following major maintenance. Provide an explanation.Proposed Technical Specification 5.7.e will be revised as follows: "The efficiency of the Iodine 131processing hot cells charcoal filter banks shall be verified biennially or following majormaintenance. It shall be verified that the charcoal filter banks have a removal efficiency of 99% orgreater for iodine."The correct revised Technical Specification 5.7.e is included in Attachment 1.Additional information/clarification for Question 9:9. Accidental airborne releases of any radioactive materials other than 1-13 1 (such as other isotopesof iodine, or activation products of target impurities), or toxic materials, inside or outside the hotcells do not appear to be discussed in the amendment request. Discuss whether other failures existthat could cause these releases to occur at any point during the experiment.The following discussion is in addition to what was previously submitted to the NRC regarding thisquestion:Part 3: Tellurium ActivatiOn ProductsHypothetically, some trace amount of the activated target could be converted to the vapor stateduring the dry-distillation process which occurs at the melting point of the target material. If so, thevapor would be entrained in the air flow along with the molecular iodine product sweeping both thedesired 1-13 1 and undesirable radioactive tellurium isotopes into the aqueous product-collectiontraps contaminating the intended 1-131 radiopharmaceutical product. To avoid radio-impurities oftellurium, a quartz separator is installed just outside the furnace between the molten target materialand the product-collection traps. This separator operates in a temperature range sufficiently cool tocondense any tellurium vapor that might have been produced while sufficiently high to maintain themolecular* iodine in the gaseous state. From our experience, this quartz separator functions as-designed preventing the release* of any radioactive tellurium vapor beyond the separator inmeasurable amounts. Furthermore, as discussed below, we have analyzed the aqueous and solid-filter media in the 3-component trap installed on the processing-line downstream from the product-3 Of 4 collection traps detecting no tellurium radionuclides at sub-microcurie levels. Therefore, weconclude that there are no significant tellurium radionuclides released to the PHC or beyond thePHC.When naturally occurring tellurium is subjected to neutron activation, ten (10) telluriumradionuclides are produced having half-lives ranging from 25 minutes (Te- 131) to 154 days (Te-121m). All of these radionuclides can be quantitatively measured at different determination limitsusing high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy (HLRGRS). Of these ten (10) telluriumradionuclides, Te-123m (half-life = 119.7 days), based on its gamma-ray energy, branching ratioand detection efficiency, can be measured with the highest sensitivity (=5E-5 microcuries) byHIRGRS on a filter medium in service during the dry-distillation processing of a maximum-activitytarget. When this experiment was undertaken subsequent to the dry-distillation production andcapture of 24.3 Curies of 1-131, there was no Te-123m detected in the 3-component trap above adetection-limit of 1 E-4 microcuries under the measurement parameters used. Therefore, nomeasureable release of tellurium radioisotopes to the environment is anticipated under normaloperations or from any credible accident scenario. Consequently, the release limits imposed byTechnical Specifications 3.6.c or 3.7.a. are satisfied for the ten (10) tellurium radionuclidesproduced in the maximum-activity target subsequently processed by dry-distillation.Additional information/clarification for Question 10:10. The NRC staff noted that the proposed MURR TS 3.6, Specification p, limits the 1-13] inventory ofa non-fueled experiment to 150 curies. However, the current MURR TS 3.6, Specification c,appears to limit non-fueled experiments to "that amount of material such that the airborneconcentration of radioactivity averaged over a year will not exceed the limits of Appendix B, TableI ofl10 CFR Part 20. Exception: Fueled experiments (See Specification 3. 6a,)." Explain how thelimits of TS 3.6, Specification c, and proposed TS 3.6, Specification p, are satisfied for the proposedIodine production.Current MUIIRR Technical Specification 3.6.c will be revised to read, "Where the possibility existsthat the failure of an experiment could release radioactive gases or aerosols to the reactor bay oratmosphere, the experiment shall be limited to that amount of material such that the airborneconcentration of radioactivity averaged over a year will not exceed the limits of Appendix B, TableI of 10 CFR Part 20. Exception: Fueled experiments that produce iodine 131 through 135 and non-fueled experiments that produce iodine 131 (See Specifications 3.6.a and 3.6.p)."This revision to TS 3 .6.c will satisfyi the radioactive airborne concentration limits of the proposediodine processing facility.The revised Technical Specification 3.6.c is included in Attachment 1.Additionally, an error was noted in the bases of Technical Specification 3.6.c (Page 4 of 5 of TechnicalSpecification 3.6). The words ". ..specification 3.5.c..." were corrected to "... specification 3.6.c...".4 of 4 ATTACHMENT 1Table of Contents1. Definitions2. Safety Limits and Limiting Safety System Settings2.1 Reactor Core Safety Limit2.2 Limiting Safety System Settings3. Limiting Conditions of Operation3.1 Reactivity3.2 Control Blade Operation3.3 Reactor Safety System3.4 Reactor Instrumentation3.5 Reactor Containment3.6 Experiments3.7 Facility Gaseous and Particulate Radioactivity Release3.8 Reactor Fuel3.9 Coolant System3.10 Auxiliary Systems3.11 Iodine 131 Processing Hot Cells4. Design Features4.1 Reactor Fuel4.2 Reactor Containment4.3 Reactor Core4.4 Reactor Coolant System4.5 Emergency Electrical System5. Surveillance Requirements5.1 Containment System5.2 Cooling System ATTACHMENT 1Table of Contents (continued)5.3 Control Blade System5.4 Reactor Instrumentation5.5 Fuel Elements5.6 Auxiliary Systems5.7 Iodine 131 Processing Hot Cells6. Administrative Controls6.1 Administration ATTACHMENT 1TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONUNIVERSITY OF MISSOURIRESEARCH REACTOR FACILITYNumber 3.6Page 2 of 5Date _______Amendment No._____
Reviewed and Approved Sincerely, John L. Fruits                                          Ralph A. Butler, P.E.
Reactor Manager                                        Director xc:  Reactor Advisory Committee Reactor Safety Subcommittee Dr. Garnett S. Stokes, Provost Dr. Mark McIntosh, Vice Chancellor for Research, Graduate Studies and Economic Development Mr. Alexander Adams Jr., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. Geoffrey A. Wertz, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. Johnny Eads, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attachments:
: 1. Newly Proposed and Revised Technical Specification Pages JACQUELINE L.BOHM                     CtlyO           ~   f",
                                                                          *      ***$              I STATE OF MISSOURI Commnissioned for ,,oward County           *1/                                  .
My Commission Expires: Maich 26. 2019           -     --               '
Commission # 15834308                   ,   -     ,/- ,h, U^auIr.       k Myl 2 of 4

SUBJECT: Experiments (continued)airborne concentration of radioactivity averaged over a year will not exceed the limits ofAppendix B, Table I of 10 CFR Part 20. Exception: Fueled experiments that produce iodine131 through 135 and non-fueled experiments that produce iodine 131 (See Specifications 3.6.aand 3.6.p)."d. Explosive materials shall not be irradiated or allowed to generate in any experiment inquantities over 25 milligrams.e. Only movable experiments in the center test hole shall be removed or installedwith the reactor operating. All other experiments in the center test hole shall beremoved or installed only with the reactor shut down. Secured experiments shallbe rigidly held in place during reactor operation.f. Experiments shall be designed and operated so that identifiable accidents such as loss ofreactor coolant flow, loss of experiment cooling, etc., will not result in a release of fissionproducts or radioactive materials from the experiment.g. Experiments shall be designed such that a failure of an experiment will not lead to a directfailure of other experiments, a failure of reactor fuel elements, or to interference with theaction of the reactor control elements or other operating components.h. Cooling shall be provided to prevent the surface temperature of a submerged irradiatedexperiment from exceeding the saturation temperature of the cooling mediu ATTACHMENT 1TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONUNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI'PERC EATR ALTREEACHRECORFAILTNumber 3.6Page 4 of 5Date ________Amendment No._____
Additional information/clarification for Question S.a:
: 5. NUREG-153 7, Chapter 14, "Technical Specifications," and American Nuclear Standards Institute/American Nuclear Society (ANSI/ANS)-15. 1-2007, "The Development of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors," provides guidance that tests to establish carbon filter efficiency should be performed annually to biennially, and following major maintenance. The licensee 's proposed TS 5.7, Specification e states, in part, that carbon filter efficiency measurements shall be performed biennially.
: a. The proposed TSs do not appear to include a requirement that carbonfilter efficiencies be testedfollowing major maintenance. Provide an explanation.
Proposed Technical Specification 5.7.e will be revised as follows: "The efficiency of the Iodine 131 processing hot cells charcoal filter banks shall be verified biennially or following major maintenance. It shall be verified that the charcoal filter banks have a removal efficiency of 99% or greater for iodine."
The correct revised Technical Specification 5.7.e is included in Attachment 1.
Additional information/clarification for Question 9:
: 9. Accidental airborne releases of any radioactive materials other than 1-13 1 (such as other isotopes of iodine, or activation products of target impurities), or toxic materials, inside or outside the hot cells do not appear to be discussed in the amendment request. Discuss whether otherfailures exist that could cause these releases to occur at any point during the experiment.
The following discussion is in addition to what was previously submitted to the NRC regarding this question:
Part 3: Tellurium ActivatiOn Products Hypothetically, some trace amount of the activated target could be converted to the vapor state during the dry-distillation process which occurs at the melting point of the target material. If so, the vapor would be entrained in the air flow along with the molecular iodine product sweeping both the desired 1-13 1 and undesirable radioactive tellurium isotopes into the aqueous product-collection traps contaminating the intended 1-131 radiopharmaceutical product. To avoid radio-impurities of tellurium, a quartz separator is installed just outside the furnace between the molten target material and the product-collection traps. This separator operates in a temperature range sufficiently cool to condense any tellurium vapor that might have been produced while sufficiently high to maintain the molecular* iodine in the gaseous state. From our experience, this quartz separator functions as-designed preventing the release* of any radioactive tellurium vapor beyond the separator in measurable amounts. Furthermore, as discussed below, we have analyzed the aqueous and solid-filter media in the 3-component trap installed on the processing-line downstream from the product-3 Of 4

SUBJECT: Experiments (continued)o. Fueled experiments containing inventories of Iodine 131 through 135 greater than 1.5 Curies orStrontium 90 greater than 5 millicuries shall be in irradiation containers that satisfy therequirements of specification 3.6.i or be vented to the exhaust stack system through HEPA andcharcoal filters which are continuously monitored for an increase in radiation levels.p. Each non-fueled experiment shall be limited such that the inventory of Iodine 131 is not greaterthan 150 Curies.q. Non-fueled experiments that are intended to produce Iodine 131 shall be processed in hot cellsthat are vented to the exhaust stack system through charcoal filters which are continuouslymonitored for an increase in radiation levels.Basesa. Specification 3.6.a restricts the generation of hazardous materials to levels that can be handledsafely and easily. Analysis of fueled experiments containing a greater inventory of fissionproducts has not been completed, and therefore their use is not permitted.b. Specification 3 .6.b is intended to reduce the likelihood of accidental voiding in the core orwater annulus surrounding the center test hole by restricting materials which could generate oraccumulate gases or vapors.c. The limitation on experiment materials imposed by specification 3.6.c assures that the limits ofAppendix B of 10 CFR 20 are not exceeded in the event of an experiment failure.d. Specification 3.6.d is intended to reduce the likelihood of damage to reactor or poolcomponents resulting from detonation of explosive materials.e. Specification 3.6.e is intended to limit the experiments that can be moved in the centertest hole while the reactor is operating, to those that will not introduce reactivitytransients more severe than one that can be controlled without initiating safety systemaction (Ref. Add. 5 to HSR).
collection traps detecting no tellurium radionuclides at sub-microcurie levels. Therefore, we conclude that there are no significant tellurium radionuclides released to the PHC or beyond the PHC.
When naturally occurring tellurium is subjected to neutron activation, ten (10) tellurium radionuclides are produced having half-lives ranging from 25 minutes (Te- 131) to 154 days (Te-121m). All of these radionuclides can be quantitatively measured at different determination limits using high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy (HLRGRS).                Of these ten (10) tellurium radionuclides, Te-123m (half-life = 119.7 days), based on its gamma-ray energy, branching ratio and detection efficiency, can be measured with the highest sensitivity (=5E-5 microcuries) by HIRGRS on a filter medium in service during the dry-distillation processing of a maximum-activity target. When this experiment was undertaken subsequent to the dry-distillation production and capture of 24.3 Curies of 1-131, there was no Te-123m detected in the 3-component trap above a detection-limit of 1E-4 microcuries under the measurement parameters used. Therefore, no measureable release of tellurium radioisotopes to the environment is anticipated under normal operations or from any credible accident scenario. Consequently, the release limits imposed by Technical Specifications 3.6.c or 3.7.a. are satisfied for the ten (10) tellurium radionuclides produced in the maximum-activity target subsequently processed by dry-distillation.
Additional information/clarification for Question 10:
: 10. The NRC staff noted that the proposed MURR TS 3.6, Specificationp, limits the 1-13] inventory of a non-fueled experiment to 150 curies. However, the current MURR TS 3.6, Specification c, appears to limit non-fueled experiments to "that amount of material such that the airborne concentration of radioactivityaveraged over a year will not exceed the limits ofAppendix B, Table I ofl10 CFR Part 20. Exception: Fueled experiments (See Specification 3. 6a,)." Explain how the limits of TS 3.6, Specification c, andproposed TS 3.6, Specification p, are satisfiedfor the proposed Iodine production.
Current MUIIRR Technical Specification 3.6.c will be revised to read, "Where the possibility exists that the failure of an experiment could release radioactive gases or aerosols to the reactor bay or atmosphere, the experiment shall be limited to that amount of material such that the airborne concentration of radioactivity averaged over a year will not exceed the limits of Appendix B, Table I of 10 CFR Part 20. Exception: Fueled experiments that produce iodine 131 through 135 and non-fueled experiments that produce iodine 131 (See Specifications 3.6.a and 3.6.p)."
This revision to TS 3 .6.c will satisfyi the radioactive airborne concentration limits of the proposed iodine processing facility.
The revised Technical Specification 3.6.c is included in Attachment 1.
Additionally, an error was noted in the bases of Technical Specification 3.6.c (Page 4 of 5 of Technical Specification 3.6). The words ". . .specification 3.5.c..." were corrected to "... specification 3.6.c...".
4 of 4

ATTACHMENT 1 Table of Contents
: 1. Definitions
: 2. Safety Limits and Limiting Safety System Settings 2.1    Reactor Core Safety Limit 2.2    Limiting Safety System Settings
: 3. Limiting Conditions of Operation 3.1    Reactivity 3.2    Control Blade Operation 3.3    Reactor Safety System 3.4    Reactor Instrumentation 3.5     Reactor Containment 3.6    Experiments 3.7    Facility Gaseous and Particulate Radioactivity Release 3.8    Reactor Fuel 3.9    Coolant System 3.10    Auxiliary Systems 3.11    Iodine 131 Processing Hot Cells
: 4. Design Features 4.1    Reactor Fuel 4.2    Reactor Containment 4.3    Reactor Core 4.4    Reactor Coolant System 4.5    Emergency Electrical System
: 5. Surveillance Requirements 5.1    Containment System 5.2    Cooling System

SUBJECT: Experiments (continued)f. Specifications 3.6.f and 3.6.g provide guidance for experiment safety analysisto assure that anticipated transients will not result in radioactivity releaseand that experiments will not jeopardize the safe operation of the reactor.g. Specification 3.6.h is intended to reduce the likelihood of reactivitytransients due to accidental voiding in the reactor or the failure of anexperiment from internal or external heat generation.h. Specification 3.6.i is intended to reduce the likelihood of damage to thereactor and/or radioactivity releases from experiment failure.i. Specification 3.6.j provides assurance that no chemical reaction will takeplace to adversely affect the reactor or its components.j. Specification 3.6.k provides assurance that the integrity of the beamportswill be maintained for all loop-type experiments.k. Specification 3.6.1 assures that corrosive materials which are chemicallyincompatible with reactor components, highly flammable materials and toxicmaterials are adequately controlled and that this information is dissem-inated to all reactor users.1. The extremely low temperatures of the cryogenic liquids present structuralproblems which enhance the potential of an experiment failure. Specifica-tion 3.6.m provides for the proper review of proposed experiments con-taining or using cryogenic materials.m. Specifications 3.6.p and 3.6.q provide assurance that the processing ofIodine 131 can be performed safely and that equipment necessary foraccident mitigation has been installe ATTACHMENT 1TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONUNIVERSITY OF MISSOURIRESEARCH REACTOR FACILITYNumber 3.11Page 1 of 2Date ________Amendment No._____
ATTACHMENT 1 Table of Contents (continued) 5.3   Control Blade System 5.4  Reactor Instrumentation 5.5  Fuel Elements 5.6   Auxiliary Systems 5.7  Iodine 131 Processing Hot Cells
: 6. Administrative Controls 6.1   Administration

SUBJECT: Iodine 131 Processing Hot CellsApplicabilityThis specification shall apply to the limiting conditions of operation on the equipmentneeded to safely process Iodine 131.ObjectiveThe objective of this specification is to reasonably assure that the health and safety ofthe staff and public is not endangered as a result of processing Iodine 131.Specificationa. The facility ventilation exhaust system shall be operable when processing Iodine 131 inthe Iodine 131 processing hot cells.b. The facility ventilation exhaust system shall maintain the Iodine 131 processing hotcells at a negative pressure with respect to the surrounding areas when processingIodine 131.c. Processing of Iodine 131 shall not be performed in the Iodine 131 processing hot cellsunless the following minimum number of radiation monitoring channels are operable.... Radiation Monitoring Channel .Number1. Stack Radiation Monitor 12. Iodine-131 Processing Hot Cells Radiation Monitor 1Exception: When the required radiation monitoring channel becomes inoperable, thenportable instruments may be substituted for the normally installed monitor inspecification 3.1 1.c.2 within one (1) hour of discovery for a period not to exceed one(1) wee ATTACHMENT 1TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONUNIVERSITY OF MISSOURIRESEARCH REACTOR FACILITYNumber 3.11Page 2 of 2Date _______Amendment No._____
* TECHNICAL UNIVERSITYSPECIFICATION OF MISSOURI RESEARCH REACTOR FACILITY Number                3.6 Page            2     of 5 Date          _______
Amendment No._____

SUBJECT: Iodine 131 Processing Hot Cells (continued)d. At least three (3) charcoal filter banks each having an efficiency of 99% or greater shallbe operable when processing Iodine 131 in the Iodine 131 processing hot cells.Basesa. Operation of the facility ventilation exhaust system when processing Iodine 131 in theIodine 131 processing hot cells ensures proper dilution of effluents to preventexceeding the limits of 10 CFR 20 Appendix B.b. Maintaining the Iodine 131 processing hot cells at a negative pressure with respect tothe surrounding areas ensures safety for the facility staff.c. The radiation monitors provide information to operating personnel regarding routinerelease of radioactivity and any impending or existing danger from radiation. Theiroperation will provide sufficient time to take the necessary steps to prevent the spreadof radioactivity to the surroundings. The Stack Radiation Monitor continuouslymonitors the air exiting the facility through the exhaust stack for airborne radioactivity.The Iodine-13 1 Processing Hot Cells Radiation Monitor is a six (6) detector system;two (2) detectors serving each one of the three (3) hot cells. For each hot cell, one (1)detector is located at the processor's work area where the hot cell manipulators areinstalled and the other is located in the bay above the hot cell next to the exhaustcharcoal filters.d. The potential radiation dose to staff and individuals at the Emergency Planning Zoneboundary and beyond have been calculated following an accidental release of Iodine131 activity. These calculations are based on the facility ventilation exhaust systemdirecting all Iodine 131 processing hot cell effluents through charcoal filtration with anefficiency of 99% or greater prior to being released through the facility exhaust stac ATTACHMENT 1TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONUNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI.RESEARCH REACTOR FACILITYNumber 5.7Page 1 of 2Date _______Amendment No._____
Experiments (continued) airborne concentration of radioactivity averaged over a year will not exceed the limits of Appendix B, Table I of 10 CFR Part 20. Exception: Fueled experiments that produce iodine 131 through 135 and non-fueled experiments that produce iodine 131 (See Specifications 3.6.a and 3.6.p)."
: d. Explosive materials shall not be irradiated or allowed to generate in any experiment in quantities over 25 milligrams.
: e. Only movable experiments in the center test hole shall be removed or installed with the reactor operating. All other experiments in the center test hole shall be removed or installed only with the reactor shut down. Secured experiments shall be rigidly held in place during reactor operation.
: f. Experiments shall be designed and operated so that identifiable accidents such as loss of reactor coolant flow, loss of experiment cooling, etc., will not result in a release of fission products or radioactive materials from the experiment.
: g. Experiments shall be designed such that a failure of an experiment will not lead to a direct failure of other experiments, a failure of reactor fuel elements, or to interference with the action of the reactor control elements or other operating components.
: h. Cooling shall be provided to prevent the surface temperature of a submerged irradiated experiment from exceeding the saturation temperature of the cooling medium.

SUBJECT: Iodine 131 Processing Hot CellsApplicabilityThis specification shall apply to the surveillance of the equipment needed to safelyprocess Iodine 131.ObjectiveThe objective of this specification is to reasonably assure proper operation of theequipment needed to safely process Iodine 131.Specificationa. An operability test of the facility ventilation exhaust system shall be performedmonthly.b. The operability of the facility ventilation exhaust system to maintain the Iodine 131processing hot cells at a negative pressure with respect to the surrounding areas shall beverified daily prior to any process (channel check).c. The radiation monitors as required by specification 3.11 .c shall be calibrated on a semi-annual basis.d. The radiation monitors as required by specification 3.11 .c shall be checked foroperability with a radiation source at monthly intervals.e. The efficiency of the Iodine 131 processing hot cells charcoal filter banks shall beverified biennially or following major maintenance. It shall be verified that the charcoalfilter banks have a removal efficiency of 99% or greater for iodine.Basesa. Experience has shown that monthly tests of the facility ventilation exhaust system aresufficient to assure proper operatio ATTACHMENT 1O TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONUNIVERSITY OF MISSOURIEEERC lATR ALTRESARH EATO FCIITNumber 5.7Page 2 of 2Date _______Amendment No._____SUBJECT: Iodine 131 Processing Hot Cells (continued)b. Verifying that the Iodine 131 processing hot cells are at negative pressure with respectto the surrounding areas prior to use ensures personnel safety.c. Semiannual channel calibration of the radiation monitoring instrumentation will assurethat long-term drift of the channels will be corrected.d. Experience has shown that monthly verification of operability of the radiationmonitoring instrumentation is adequate assurance of proper operation over a long timeperiod.e. Biennial verification of filter banks ensures that the filters will perform as analyzed.}}
* EATR ALT UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION REEACHRECORFAILTNumber                                3.6 Page            4    of  5 Date          ________
Amendment No._____
Experiments (continued)
: o. Fueled experiments containing inventories of Iodine 131 through 135 greater than 1.5 Curies or Strontium 90 greater than 5 millicuries shall be in irradiation containers that satisfy the requirements of specification 3.6.i or be vented to the exhaust stack system through HEPA and charcoal filters which are continuously monitored for an increase in radiation levels.
: p. Each non-fueled experiment shall be limited such that the inventory of Iodine 131 is not greater than 150 Curies.
: q. Non-fueled experiments that are intended to produce Iodine 131 shall be processed in hot cells that are vented to the exhaust stack system through charcoal filters which are continuously monitored for an increase in radiation levels.
: a. Specification 3.6.a restricts the generation of hazardous materials to levels that can be handled safely and easily. Analysis of fueled experiments containing a greater inventory of fission products has not been completed, and therefore their use is not permitted.
: b. Specification 3 .6.b is intended to reduce the likelihood of accidental voiding in the core or water annulus surrounding the center test hole by restricting materials which could generate or accumulate gases or vapors.
: c. The limitation on experiment materials imposed by specification 3.6.c assures that the limits of Appendix B of 10 CFR 20 are not exceeded in the event of an experiment failure.
: d. Specification 3.6.d is intended to reduce the likelihood of damage to reactor or pool components resulting from detonation of explosive materials.
: e. Specification 3.6.e is intended to limit the experiments that can be moved in the center test hole while the reactor is operating, to those that will not introduce reactivity transients more severe than one that can be controlled without initiating safety system action (Ref. Add. 5 to HSR).
* UNIVERSITYSPECIFICATION TECHNICAL              OF MISSOURI RESEARCH REACTOR FACILITY Number              3.6 Page          5 of      5 Date        _______
Amendment No._____
Experiments (continued)
: f. Specifications 3.6.f and 3.6.g provide guidance for experiment safety analysis to assure that anticipated transients will not result in radioactivity release and that experiments will not jeopardize the safe operation of the reactor.
: g. Specification 3.6.h is intended to reduce the likelihood of reactivity transients due to accidental voiding in the reactor or the failure of an experiment from internal or external heat generation.
: h. Specification 3.6.i is intended to reduce the likelihood of damage to the reactor and/or radioactivity releases from experiment failure.
: i. Specification 3.6.j provides assurance that no chemical reaction will take place to adversely affect the reactor or its components.
: j.      Specification 3.6.k provides assurance that the integrity of the beamports will be maintained for all loop-type experiments.
: k.      Specification 3.6.1 assures that corrosive materials which are chemically incompatible with reactor components, highly flammable materials and toxic materials are adequately controlled and that this information is dissem-inated to all reactor users.
: 1. The extremely low temperatures of the cryogenic liquids present structural problems which enhance the potential of an experiment failure. Specifica-tion 3.6.m provides for the proper review of proposed experiments con-taining or using cryogenic materials.
: m. Specifications 3.6.p and 3.6.q provide assurance that the processing of Iodine 131 can be performed safely and that equipment necessary for accident mitigation has been installed.
* UNIVERSITYSPECIFICATION TECHNICAL          OF MISSOURI RESEARCH REACTOR FACILITY Number              3.11 Page            1 of      2 Date        ________
Amendment No._____
Iodine 131 Processing Hot Cells Applicability This specification shall apply to the limiting conditions of operation on the equipment needed to safely process Iodine 131.
Objective The objective of this specification is to reasonably assure that the health and safety of the staff and public is not endangered as a result of processing Iodine 131.
: a. The facility ventilation exhaust system shall be operable when processing Iodine 131 in the Iodine 131 processing hot cells.
: b. The facility ventilation exhaust system shall maintain the Iodine 131 processing hot cells at a negative pressure with respect to the surrounding areas when processing Iodine 131.
: c. Processing of Iodine 131 shall not be performed in the Iodine 131 processing hot cells unless the following minimum number of radiation monitoring channels are operable.
                ... Radiation Monitoring Channel              .Number
: 1. Stack Radiation Monitor                                    1
: 2. Iodine-131 Processing Hot Cells Radiation Monitor          1 Exception: When the required radiation monitoring channel becomes inoperable, then portable instruments may be substituted for the normally installed monitor in specification 3.1 1.c.2 within one (1) hour of discovery for a period not to exceed one (1) week.
* UNIVERSITYSPECIFICATION TECHNICAL            OF MISSOURI RESEARCH REACTOR FACILITY Number              3.11 Page          2 of      2 Date        _______
Amendment No._____
Iodine 131 Processing Hot Cells (continued)
: d. At least three (3) charcoal filter banks each having an efficiency of 99% or greater shall be operable when processing Iodine 131 in the Iodine 131 processing hot cells.
: a. Operation of the facility ventilation exhaust system when processing Iodine 131 in the Iodine 131 processing hot cells ensures proper dilution of effluents to prevent exceeding the limits of 10 CFR 20 Appendix B.
: b. Maintaining the Iodine 131 processing hot cells at a negative pressure with respect to the surrounding areas ensures safety for the facility staff.
: c. The radiation monitors provide information to operating personnel regarding routine release of radioactivity and any impending or existing danger from radiation. Their operation will provide sufficient time to take the necessary steps to prevent the spread of radioactivity to the surroundings. The Stack Radiation Monitor continuously monitors the air exiting the facility through the exhaust stack for airborne radioactivity.
The Iodine-13 1 Processing Hot Cells Radiation Monitor is a six (6) detector system; two (2) detectors serving each one of the three (3) hot cells. For each hot cell, one (1) detector is located at the processor's work area where the hot cell manipulators are installed and the other is located in the bay above the hot cell next to the exhaust charcoal filters.
: d. The potential radiation dose to staff and individuals at the Emergency Planning Zone boundary and beyond have been calculated following an accidental release of Iodine 131 activity. These calculations are based on the facility ventilation exhaust system directing all Iodine 131 processing hot cell effluents through charcoal filtration with an efficiency of 99% or greater prior to being released through the facility exhaust stack.
      .                  RESEARCH REACTOR FACILITY Number            5.7 Page            1 of  2 Date        _______
Amendment No._____
Iodine 131 Processing Hot Cells Applicability This specification shall apply to the surveillance of the equipment needed to safely process Iodine 131.
Objective The objective of this specification is to reasonably assure proper operation of the equipment needed to safely process Iodine 131.
: a. An operability test of the facility ventilation exhaust system shall be performed monthly.
: b. The operability of the facility ventilation exhaust system to maintain the Iodine 131 processing hot cells at a negative pressure with respect to the surrounding areas shall be verified daily prior to any process (channel check).
: c. The radiation monitors as required by specification 3.11 .c shall be calibrated on a semi-annual basis.
: d. The radiation monitors as required by specification 3.11 .c shall be checked for operability with a radiation source at monthly intervals.
: e. The efficiency of the Iodine 131 processing hot cells charcoal filter banks shall be verified biennially or following major maintenance. It shall be verified that the charcoal filter banks have a removal efficiency of 99% or greater for iodine.
: a. Experience has shown that monthly tests of the facility ventilation exhaust system are sufficient to assure proper operation.
ATTACHMENT 1 O                  TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION EEERC  lATR ALT        UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI RESARH EATO FCIITNumber                         5.7 Page          2     of 2 Date        _______
Amendment No._____
Iodine 131 Processing Hot Cells (continued)
: b. Verifying that the Iodine 131 processing hot cells are at negative pressure with respect to the surrounding areas prior to use ensures personnel safety.
: c. Semiannual channel calibration of the radiation monitoring instrumentation will assure that long-term drift of the channels will be corrected.
: d. Experience has shown that monthly verification of operability of the radiation monitoring instrumentation is adequate assurance of proper operation over a long time period.
: e. Biennial verification of filter banks ensures that the filters will perform as analyzed.}}

Latest revision as of 07:15, 5 February 2020

Request for Additional Information Regarding the License Amendment Request to Modify the Technical Specifications to Produce Radiochemical Sodium Iodine at the University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor
Person / Time
Site: University of Missouri-Columbia
Issue date: 01/08/2016
From: Rhonda Butler, Fruits J
Univ of Missouri - Columbia
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TAC MF6514
Download: ML16011A388 (13)


UNWVERSITY of MISSOURI RESEARCH REACTOR CENTER January 8, 2016 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Mail Station P 1-37 Washington, DC 20555-000 1


Docket 50-186 University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor Amended Facility License No. R-103


Written communication as specified by 10 CFR 50.4(b)(1) regarding responses to the "University of Missouri at Columbia - Request for Additional Information Regarding the License Amendment Request to Modify the Technical Specifications to Produce Radiochemical Sodium Iodine at the University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor (TAC No. MF65 14)," dated November 19, 2015 By letter dated July 20, 2015, the University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor (MURR) submitted a request to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissioni (NRC) to amend the Technical Specifications (TSs), which are appended to Amended Facility License No. R-103, in order to produce the radiochemical sodium iodide (1-131).

There are currently no competing modalities for its use as a therapy for thyroid dysfunctions and no current supplier within the U.S. This license amendment would allow MURR to continue to perform a key role in the supply of critical medical radioisotopes, both domestically and internationally.

On November 19, 2015, the NRC requested additional information and clarification regarding the proposed license amendment request in the form of fourteen (14) questions. On December 30, 2015, MIURR responded to those questions.

On January 7, 2016, via a conference call between MUJRR and NRC staff, the NRC requested additional information/clarification on three (3) of the responses, specifically Questions 5.a, 9 and 10. Below is the additional information/clarification for those questions.

If there are questions regarding this response, please contact me at (573) 882-5319. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

8B/4 1513 Research Park Drive Columbia, MO 65211 *Phone: 573-882-4211 Fax: 573-882-6360 Web: Fighting Cancer with Tomorrow's Technology


Reviewed and Approved Sincerely, John L. Fruits Ralph A. Butler, P.E.

Reactor Manager Director xc: Reactor Advisory Committee Reactor Safety Subcommittee Dr. Garnett S. Stokes, Provost Dr. Mark McIntosh, Vice Chancellor for Research, Graduate Studies and Economic Development Mr. Alexander Adams Jr., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. Geoffrey A. Wertz, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. Johnny Eads, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attachments:

1. Newly Proposed and Revised Technical Specification Pages JACQUELINE L.BOHM CtlyO ~ f",


  • ***$ I STATE OF MISSOURI Commnissioned for ,,oward County *1/ .

My Commission Expires: Maich 26. 2019 - -- '

Commission # 15834308 , - ,/- ,h, U^auIr. k Myl 2 of 4

Additional information/clarification for Question S.a:

5. NUREG-153 7, Chapter 14, "Technical Specifications," and American Nuclear Standards Institute/American Nuclear Society (ANSI/ANS)-15. 1-2007, "The Development of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors," provides guidance that tests to establish carbon filter efficiency should be performed annually to biennially, and following major maintenance. The licensee 's proposed TS 5.7, Specification e states, in part, that carbon filter efficiency measurements shall be performed biennially.
a. The proposed TSs do not appear to include a requirement that carbonfilter efficiencies be testedfollowing major maintenance. Provide an explanation.

Proposed Technical Specification 5.7.e will be revised as follows: "The efficiency of the Iodine 131 processing hot cells charcoal filter banks shall be verified biennially or following major maintenance. It shall be verified that the charcoal filter banks have a removal efficiency of 99% or greater for iodine."

The correct revised Technical Specification 5.7.e is included in Attachment 1.

Additional information/clarification for Question 9:

9. Accidental airborne releases of any radioactive materials other than 1-13 1 (such as other isotopes of iodine, or activation products of target impurities), or toxic materials, inside or outside the hot cells do not appear to be discussed in the amendment request. Discuss whether otherfailures exist that could cause these releases to occur at any point during the experiment.

The following discussion is in addition to what was previously submitted to the NRC regarding this question:

Part 3: Tellurium ActivatiOn Products Hypothetically, some trace amount of the activated target could be converted to the vapor state during the dry-distillation process which occurs at the melting point of the target material. If so, the vapor would be entrained in the air flow along with the molecular iodine product sweeping both the desired 1-13 1 and undesirable radioactive tellurium isotopes into the aqueous product-collection traps contaminating the intended 1-131 radiopharmaceutical product. To avoid radio-impurities of tellurium, a quartz separator is installed just outside the furnace between the molten target material and the product-collection traps. This separator operates in a temperature range sufficiently cool to condense any tellurium vapor that might have been produced while sufficiently high to maintain the molecular* iodine in the gaseous state. From our experience, this quartz separator functions as-designed preventing the release* of any radioactive tellurium vapor beyond the separator in measurable amounts. Furthermore, as discussed below, we have analyzed the aqueous and solid-filter media in the 3-component trap installed on the processing-line downstream from the product-3 Of 4

collection traps detecting no tellurium radionuclides at sub-microcurie levels. Therefore, we conclude that there are no significant tellurium radionuclides released to the PHC or beyond the PHC.

When naturally occurring tellurium is subjected to neutron activation, ten (10) tellurium radionuclides are produced having half-lives ranging from 25 minutes (Te- 131) to 154 days (Te-121m). All of these radionuclides can be quantitatively measured at different determination limits using high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy (HLRGRS). Of these ten (10) tellurium radionuclides, Te-123m (half-life = 119.7 days), based on its gamma-ray energy, branching ratio and detection efficiency, can be measured with the highest sensitivity (=5E-5 microcuries) by HIRGRS on a filter medium in service during the dry-distillation processing of a maximum-activity target. When this experiment was undertaken subsequent to the dry-distillation production and capture of 24.3 Curies of 1-131, there was no Te-123m detected in the 3-component trap above a detection-limit of 1E-4 microcuries under the measurement parameters used. Therefore, no measureable release of tellurium radioisotopes to the environment is anticipated under normal operations or from any credible accident scenario. Consequently, the release limits imposed by Technical Specifications 3.6.c or 3.7.a. are satisfied for the ten (10) tellurium radionuclides produced in the maximum-activity target subsequently processed by dry-distillation.

Additional information/clarification for Question 10:

10. The NRC staff noted that the proposed MURR TS 3.6, Specificationp, limits the 1-13] inventory of a non-fueled experiment to 150 curies. However, the current MURR TS 3.6, Specification c, appears to limit non-fueled experiments to "that amount of material such that the airborne concentration of radioactivityaveraged over a year will not exceed the limits ofAppendix B, Table I ofl10 CFR Part 20. Exception: Fueled experiments (See Specification 3. 6a,)." Explain how the limits of TS 3.6, Specification c, andproposed TS 3.6, Specification p, are satisfiedfor the proposed Iodine production.

Current MUIIRR Technical Specification 3.6.c will be revised to read, "Where the possibility exists that the failure of an experiment could release radioactive gases or aerosols to the reactor bay or atmosphere, the experiment shall be limited to that amount of material such that the airborne concentration of radioactivity averaged over a year will not exceed the limits of Appendix B, Table I of 10 CFR Part 20. Exception: Fueled experiments that produce iodine 131 through 135 and non-fueled experiments that produce iodine 131 (See Specifications 3.6.a and 3.6.p)."

This revision to TS 3 .6.c will satisfyi the radioactive airborne concentration limits of the proposed iodine processing facility.

The revised Technical Specification 3.6.c is included in Attachment 1.

Additionally, an error was noted in the bases of Technical Specification 3.6.c (Page 4 of 5 of Technical Specification 3.6). The words ". . .specification 3.5.c..." were corrected to "... specification 3.6.c...".

4 of 4

ATTACHMENT 1 Table of Contents

1. Definitions
2. Safety Limits and Limiting Safety System Settings 2.1 Reactor Core Safety Limit 2.2 Limiting Safety System Settings
3. Limiting Conditions of Operation 3.1 Reactivity 3.2 Control Blade Operation 3.3 Reactor Safety System 3.4 Reactor Instrumentation 3.5 Reactor Containment 3.6 Experiments 3.7 Facility Gaseous and Particulate Radioactivity Release 3.8 Reactor Fuel 3.9 Coolant System 3.10 Auxiliary Systems 3.11 Iodine 131 Processing Hot Cells
4. Design Features 4.1 Reactor Fuel 4.2 Reactor Containment 4.3 Reactor Core 4.4 Reactor Coolant System 4.5 Emergency Electrical System
5. Surveillance Requirements 5.1 Containment System 5.2 Cooling System

ATTACHMENT 1 Table of Contents (continued) 5.3 Control Blade System 5.4 Reactor Instrumentation 5.5 Fuel Elements 5.6 Auxiliary Systems 5.7 Iodine 131 Processing Hot Cells

6. Administrative Controls 6.1 Administration



Amendment No._____


Experiments (continued) airborne concentration of radioactivity averaged over a year will not exceed the limits of Appendix B, Table I of 10 CFR Part 20. Exception: Fueled experiments that produce iodine 131 through 135 and non-fueled experiments that produce iodine 131 (See Specifications 3.6.a and 3.6.p)."

d. Explosive materials shall not be irradiated or allowed to generate in any experiment in quantities over 25 milligrams.
e. Only movable experiments in the center test hole shall be removed or installed with the reactor operating. All other experiments in the center test hole shall be removed or installed only with the reactor shut down. Secured experiments shall be rigidly held in place during reactor operation.
f. Experiments shall be designed and operated so that identifiable accidents such as loss of reactor coolant flow, loss of experiment cooling, etc., will not result in a release of fission products or radioactive materials from the experiment.
g. Experiments shall be designed such that a failure of an experiment will not lead to a direct failure of other experiments, a failure of reactor fuel elements, or to interference with the action of the reactor control elements or other operating components.
h. Cooling shall be provided to prevent the surface temperature of a submerged irradiated experiment from exceeding the saturation temperature of the cooling medium.




Amendment No._____


Experiments (continued)

o. Fueled experiments containing inventories of Iodine 131 through 135 greater than 1.5 Curies or Strontium 90 greater than 5 millicuries shall be in irradiation containers that satisfy the requirements of specification 3.6.i or be vented to the exhaust stack system through HEPA and charcoal filters which are continuously monitored for an increase in radiation levels.
p. Each non-fueled experiment shall be limited such that the inventory of Iodine 131 is not greater than 150 Curies.
q. Non-fueled experiments that are intended to produce Iodine 131 shall be processed in hot cells that are vented to the exhaust stack system through charcoal filters which are continuously monitored for an increase in radiation levels.


a. Specification 3.6.a restricts the generation of hazardous materials to levels that can be handled safely and easily. Analysis of fueled experiments containing a greater inventory of fission products has not been completed, and therefore their use is not permitted.
b. Specification 3 .6.b is intended to reduce the likelihood of accidental voiding in the core or water annulus surrounding the center test hole by restricting materials which could generate or accumulate gases or vapors.
c. The limitation on experiment materials imposed by specification 3.6.c assures that the limits of Appendix B of 10 CFR 20 are not exceeded in the event of an experiment failure.
d. Specification 3.6.d is intended to reduce the likelihood of damage to reactor or pool components resulting from detonation of explosive materials.
e. Specification 3.6.e is intended to limit the experiments that can be moved in the center test hole while the reactor is operating, to those that will not introduce reactivity transients more severe than one that can be controlled without initiating safety system action (Ref. Add. 5 to HSR).



Amendment No._____


Experiments (continued)

f. Specifications 3.6.f and 3.6.g provide guidance for experiment safety analysis to assure that anticipated transients will not result in radioactivity release and that experiments will not jeopardize the safe operation of the reactor.
g. Specification 3.6.h is intended to reduce the likelihood of reactivity transients due to accidental voiding in the reactor or the failure of an experiment from internal or external heat generation.
h. Specification 3.6.i is intended to reduce the likelihood of damage to the reactor and/or radioactivity releases from experiment failure.
i. Specification 3.6.j provides assurance that no chemical reaction will take place to adversely affect the reactor or its components.
j. Specification 3.6.k provides assurance that the integrity of the beamports will be maintained for all loop-type experiments.
k. Specification 3.6.1 assures that corrosive materials which are chemically incompatible with reactor components, highly flammable materials and toxic materials are adequately controlled and that this information is dissem-inated to all reactor users.
1. The extremely low temperatures of the cryogenic liquids present structural problems which enhance the potential of an experiment failure. Specifica-tion 3.6.m provides for the proper review of proposed experiments con-taining or using cryogenic materials.
m. Specifications 3.6.p and 3.6.q provide assurance that the processing of Iodine 131 can be performed safely and that equipment necessary for accident mitigation has been installed.



Amendment No._____


Iodine 131 Processing Hot Cells Applicability This specification shall apply to the limiting conditions of operation on the equipment needed to safely process Iodine 131.

Objective The objective of this specification is to reasonably assure that the health and safety of the staff and public is not endangered as a result of processing Iodine 131.


a. The facility ventilation exhaust system shall be operable when processing Iodine 131 in the Iodine 131 processing hot cells.
b. The facility ventilation exhaust system shall maintain the Iodine 131 processing hot cells at a negative pressure with respect to the surrounding areas when processing Iodine 131.
c. Processing of Iodine 131 shall not be performed in the Iodine 131 processing hot cells unless the following minimum number of radiation monitoring channels are operable.

... Radiation Monitoring Channel .Number

1. Stack Radiation Monitor 1
2. Iodine-131 Processing Hot Cells Radiation Monitor 1 Exception: When the required radiation monitoring channel becomes inoperable, then portable instruments may be substituted for the normally installed monitor in specification 3.1 1.c.2 within one (1) hour of discovery for a period not to exceed one (1) week.



Amendment No._____


Iodine 131 Processing Hot Cells (continued)

d. At least three (3) charcoal filter banks each having an efficiency of 99% or greater shall be operable when processing Iodine 131 in the Iodine 131 processing hot cells.


a. Operation of the facility ventilation exhaust system when processing Iodine 131 in the Iodine 131 processing hot cells ensures proper dilution of effluents to prevent exceeding the limits of 10 CFR 20 Appendix B.
b. Maintaining the Iodine 131 processing hot cells at a negative pressure with respect to the surrounding areas ensures safety for the facility staff.
c. The radiation monitors provide information to operating personnel regarding routine release of radioactivity and any impending or existing danger from radiation. Their operation will provide sufficient time to take the necessary steps to prevent the spread of radioactivity to the surroundings. The Stack Radiation Monitor continuously monitors the air exiting the facility through the exhaust stack for airborne radioactivity.

The Iodine-13 1 Processing Hot Cells Radiation Monitor is a six (6) detector system; two (2) detectors serving each one of the three (3) hot cells. For each hot cell, one (1) detector is located at the processor's work area where the hot cell manipulators are installed and the other is located in the bay above the hot cell next to the exhaust charcoal filters.

d. The potential radiation dose to staff and individuals at the Emergency Planning Zone boundary and beyond have been calculated following an accidental release of Iodine 131 activity. These calculations are based on the facility ventilation exhaust system directing all Iodine 131 processing hot cell effluents through charcoal filtration with an efficiency of 99% or greater prior to being released through the facility exhaust stack.



. RESEARCH REACTOR FACILITY Number 5.7 Page 1 of 2 Date _______

Amendment No._____


Iodine 131 Processing Hot Cells Applicability This specification shall apply to the surveillance of the equipment needed to safely process Iodine 131.

Objective The objective of this specification is to reasonably assure proper operation of the equipment needed to safely process Iodine 131.


a. An operability test of the facility ventilation exhaust system shall be performed monthly.
b. The operability of the facility ventilation exhaust system to maintain the Iodine 131 processing hot cells at a negative pressure with respect to the surrounding areas shall be verified daily prior to any process (channel check).
c. The radiation monitors as required by specification 3.11 .c shall be calibrated on a semi-annual basis.
d. The radiation monitors as required by specification 3.11 .c shall be checked for operability with a radiation source at monthly intervals.
e. The efficiency of the Iodine 131 processing hot cells charcoal filter banks shall be verified biennially or following major maintenance. It shall be verified that the charcoal filter banks have a removal efficiency of 99% or greater for iodine.


a. Experience has shown that monthly tests of the facility ventilation exhaust system are sufficient to assure proper operation.


Amendment No._____


Iodine 131 Processing Hot Cells (continued)

b. Verifying that the Iodine 131 processing hot cells are at negative pressure with respect to the surrounding areas prior to use ensures personnel safety.
c. Semiannual channel calibration of the radiation monitoring instrumentation will assure that long-term drift of the channels will be corrected.
d. Experience has shown that monthly verification of operability of the radiation monitoring instrumentation is adequate assurance of proper operation over a long time period.
e. Biennial verification of filter banks ensures that the filters will perform as analyzed.