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Zto8-3 0/IIV It-hA.t LtCeIlse.3/JO- t'512,(/241"8FINALSRO WRITTEN EXAMINATION
            (Blue Paper)
    !-l~W..s    Zto8-3 0 /
ES-401 Site-Specific
    IIV It-hA.t LtCeIlse.  ?X~
SRO Written Examination
    3/JO -  ~/13  t '512,( /241"8
Cover Sheet Form ES-401-8 u.s.Nuclear Regulatory
SRO Written Examination
Applicant Certification
ES-401                        Site-Specific SRO Written Examination                Form ES-401-8
                                            Cover Sheet
Signature All workdoneonthis
                          u.s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
                          Site-Specific SRO Written Examination
                                      Applicant Information                                      I
IUsethe answersheetsprovidedto
Name:                                                                                            I
document youranswers.Staplethis
Date:      3/21/08                              Facility/Unit:  HARRIS PLANT                  I
cover sheetontopofthe
Region:          I D  II [XJ III D IV D          Reactor Type: W[K] CE D        BWD GE D      I
examinationyoumust achieveafinalgradeofatleast80.00
Start Time:                                      Finish Time:                                  I
                                            Instructions                                        ,I
SRO-only itemsifgiveninconjunctionwiththeROexam;SRO-onlyexamsgivenalonerequireafinalgradeof80.00 percenttopass.Youhave8hoursto
Use the answer sheets provided to document your answers. Staple this cover sheet                I
complete the combined examination,and3hoursifyouareonly
on top of the answer sheets. To pass the examination you must achieve a final grade              I
of at least 80.00 percent overall, with 70.00 percent or better on the SRO-only items            I
I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
if given in conjunction with the RO exam; SRO-only exams given alone require a final grade      I
I I I/Points I/Points//Percent Reactor Type: W[K]CE D BWD GE DFinishTime:
of 80.00 percent to pass. You have 8 hours to complete the combined examination,                I
and 3 hours if you are only taking the SRO portion.                                              I
HARRIS PLANT Applicant Information
I D II[XJ III D IV D Name: Date: 3/21/08 Region:StartTime:
Results RO/SRO-OnlylTotal
                                      Applicant Certification                                    I
Values Applicant's
All work done on this examination is my own. I have neither given nor received aid.              I
Scores Applicant's
1.Initial conditions:
                                                            Applicant's Signature                I
Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINALForm:0Version:0*Theplantisat 80%Reactor powerand rampingUPat 1/2%per minute.*Tave and Tref are matched.*Rod Controlisin AUTOMATIC.
                                              Results                                            I
Current conditions:
RO/SRO-OnlylTotal Examination Values                                  I      /        Points  I
*ONE (1)Control Bank0Rodhas just droppedandis stuck at 170 steps.*All Other Control BankORodsare currently indicating
206 Steps.Assuming NO operator action is taken, which ONE of the following describes the DEMAND forrod motion,andthe effect on Axial Flux Difference (AFD)for the channel NEAREST the control rod problem?ROD MOTION AFDEFFECT A.Outward Less Negative B.Outward More Negative C.Inward Less Negative D.Inward More NegativeThursday,March
Applicant's Scores                                                    I      /        Points  I
Applicant's Grade                                                    /        /        Percent  I
                                      ES-401, Page 31 of 33
Current Plant Conditions:*A controller
Name:    -~--------------------
                                                          Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
justenteredAOP-019, Malfunction
                                                                                        Form: 0
of RCSPressure
                                                                                      Version: 0
Control.WhichONEofthe following describes the effectofthis malfunctiononRCS pressure and the actions required lAW AOP-019 to mitigatethisevent?A.RCS Pressurewillincrease;
        Initial conditions:
            *    Theplant is at 80% Reactor powerand ramping UP at 1/2% per minute.
            *  Tave and Tref are matched.
Secure the running CSIPC.RCS Pressure will decrease;EnsuretheRCPSeal
            *    Rod Control is in AUTOMATIC.
        Current conditions:
            *    ONE (1) Control Bank 0 Rod has just dropped and is stuck at 170 steps.
will decrease;IncreasechargingflowtoraiseRCS
            *  All Other Control BankO Rods are currently indicating 206 Steps.
pressureThe plant is operatingat100%powerwhenonecontrolroddropsfullyintothecore
        Assuming NO operator action is taken, which ONE of the following describes the
causing PowerRangeN-41toreadlowerthanthe
        DEMAND forrod motion, and the effect on Axial Flux Difference (AFD) for the channel
other powerrangechannels.
        NEAREST the control rod problem?
WhichONEof the followingistheexpectedQPTR
                    ROD MOTION            AFDEFFECT
response overthenexttwotosixhoursandwhy?
        A.          Outward                Less Negative
A.QPTR will increaseduetothebuildupofXenoninthe
        B.          Outward                More Negative
droppedrod'sfuel assembly.B.QPTR will decreaseduetothebuildupXenoninthe
        C.          Inward                Less Negative
droppedrod'sfuel assembly.c.QPTR will increaseduetothechangein
        D.          Inward                More Negative
temperatureinthe droppedrod'sfuel assembly.D.QPTR*wili decreaseduetothechange*intemperature.inthe
Thursday, March 20,2008 10:36:58 AM                                                            1
droppedrod'sfuel assembly.Thursday,March20,200810:36:58AM
                                    Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
Harris 2008SROExamRev
FINAL 4.Given the following:*A plant startupisin progress.*Reactor poweris20%.*"B"RCPtrips.
        Initial Plant Conditions:
Which ONE of the followinq describes the effectonthe reactorand"B"loop
            *  The plant is Solid.
Tave?A.Reactor remainsatpower;Loop"B" Tave lowersdueto Thot loweringtothe valueofTcold.B.Reactor remainsatpower;.Loop"B"Taverisesduetothe
        Current Plant Conditions:
decreased flowinthe"B"loop.
            *  A controller failure has caused 1CS-38, Letdown Pressure Control valve, to shut.
C.Reactor automatically
            *  The crew has just entered AOP-019, Malfunction of RCSPressure Control.
trips;Loop"B" Tave lowersdueto Thot loweringtothevalueof
        Which ONE of the following describes the effect of this malfunction on RCS pressure
Tcold.D.Reactor automatically
        and the actions required lAW AOP-019 to mitigate this event?
trips;Loop"B" Tave risesduetothe decreased flowinthe"B"loop.
        A. RCS Pressure will increase;
A.Lowering the setpoint of the Letdown Temperature
              Ensure the RCP Seal Water Return valves are open
Control Valve, TCV-144,by10 of.B.Raising the flow settingofthe boric acid flow controllerby2 turns during a blended makeuptotheVCT.C.Raising the setting of the blended makeup flow totalizerby100 gallonstotalduring
        B. RCS<Pressure will increase;
a blended makeup to theVCT.D.Lowering the setting of the boric acid batch totalizer by20 gallons total during a blended makeup to theVCT.Thursday,March
              Secure the running CSIP
        C. RCS Pressure will decrease;
              Ensure the RCP Seal Water Return valves are shut
        D. RCSPressure will decrease;
6.Which ONE of the followingsetsof parameters
            Increase charging flow to raise RCS pressure
and conditions
will satisfy the interlockstoopenthe ResidualHeatRemoval
        The plant is operating at 100% power when one control rod drops fully into the core
Hot Leg Suctionvalves(1RH-1, 2,39,and40)?A.RCS temperatureis345 of, RCS pressureis365psig, RHR dischargetoCSIPvalves,1RH-25and1RH-63,areshut, RHR suction from RWSTvalves,1RH-322and1RH-323,areshut.
        causing PowerRange N-41 to read lower than the other power range channels.
B.ReS temperature
        Which ONE of the following is the expected QPTR response over the next two to six
is 335 of,RCSpressure.355psig, RHRdischarge
        hours and why?
        A. QPTR will increase due to the buildup of Xenon in the dropped rod's fuel assembly.
from RWSTvalves,1RH-322and1RH-323,areshut.
        B. QPTR will decrease due to the buildup Xenon in the dropped rod's fuel assembly.
        c.  QPTR will increase due to the change in temperature in the dropped rod's fuel
345 of, RCS pressure 355psig, RHR suction fromRWSTvalves,1RH-322and1RH-323,areshut.
        D. QPTR*wili decreasedueto the change *in temperature. in the dropped rod's fuel
from Containment
sump valves181-300,301,310,and311areshut.D.RHR temperature
Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:36:58 AM                                                          2
is 335&deg;F, RCSpressureis
365psig, RHR discharge toCSIPvalves,1RH-25and1RH-63,areshut, RHR suction from Containment
                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
sump valves181-300,301,310,and311areshut.Thursday,March20, 200810:36:58
AM 4
        Given the following:
Harris 2008SROExamRev
            *  A plant startup is in progress.
FINAL 7.Given the following:
            *  Reactor power is 20%.
*The plantisin Mode 4.*RHR Train"A"is in service.*RHR Heat Exchanger Bypass Valve1RH-20isin
            *  "B" RCP trips.
automaticwiththe output at 40%to maintain3750GPM.*RHRHeat Exchanger outlet valve 1 RH-30demand
        Which ONE ofthe followinq describes the effect on the reactor and "B" loop Tave?
positionisset at30&deg;k>.*The Instrument
        A. Reactor remains at power;
Air supplylineto RHRHeat Exchanger Outlet Valve 1 RH-30<becomes severed.andis completely
            Loop "B" Tave lowers due to Thot lowering to the value of Tcold.
detached.*No other air operated valves are impactedbythe failure.Which ONE of the foUowingdescribes
        B. Reactor remains at power; .
the RHRsystemparameter
            Loop "B"Tave rises due to the decreased flow in the "B" loop.
changesfromthe initial steady state condition to final steady state condition?
        C. Reactor automatically trips;
A.B.c.D.RHRHX Outlet Temp Higher Higher Lower Lower Total RHR flow Lower Higher Higher LowerThursday,March20, 200810:36:58AM
            Loop "B" Tave lowers due to Thot lowering to the value of Tcold.
        D. Reactor automatically trips;
Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL 8.Given the following:*A reactor trip and safety injection have occurred.*RCS pressureis1OOOpsigand
            Loop "B" Tave rises due to the decreased flow in the "B" loop.
        A. Lowering the setpoint of the Letdown Temperature Control Valve, TCV-144, by 10
fails to operate.*All other equipment operates as designed.Which ONE of the following describes the expected MCB Charging Flow indication (FI-122.1), and the Safety Injection flow indication (FI-943)?A.MCBCharging
flow 0 gpm;Safety Injection flow is approximately
        B. Raising the flow setting of the boric acid flow controller by 2 turns during a blended
600 gpm B.MCBCharging
            makeup to the VCT.
flow0gpm;Safety Injection flow is approximately
        C. Raising the setting of the blended makeup flow totalizer by 100 gallons total during
450 gpm C.MCB Charging flow approximately150gpm;Safety Injection flow is approximately
            a blended makeup to theVCT.
150 gpm D.MCBChargingflow
        D. Lowering the setting of the boric acid batch totalizer by20 gallons total during a
            blended makeup to theVCT.
150 gpm;Safety Injection flow is approximately
Thursday, March 20,2008 10:36:58 AM                                                            3
450 gpmThursday,March20,200810:36:58AM
                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
9.Giventhe following:*"A"Train equipmentisinservice.*A ReactorTripoccurs.*All equipment is operatingasdesigned.*Thecrewis
        Which ONE of the following sets of parameters and conditions will satisfy the interlocks
        to open the Residual Heat Removal Hot Leg Suction valves (1RH-1, 2,39, and 40)?
        A.    RCS    temperature is 345 of,
1865psig2.9psigCHII1865psig3.1psig CHIli--1845psig3.1psig CH IV NA2.9psig WhichONEofthe following describesthestatusOftheCharging
              RCS    pressure is 365 psig,
Safety Injection Pumps?A.BothCSIPsarerunningduetoSIsignalonlowPZRpressure.B.BothCSIPsarefunningduetoSIsignalonhigh
              RHR    discharge to CSIP valves, 1RH-25 and 1RH-63, are shut,
              RHR    suction from RWST valves, 1RH-322 and 1RH-323, are shut.
pressure.C.Only"A" CSIPisrunning,but"B"CSIPwillbestarted
        B.    ReS temperature is 335 of,
automaticallyifthe additional
              RCS pressure. 355 psig,
              RHRdischarge toCSIP valves, 1RH-25 and 1RH-63, are shut,
actuation setpoint.D.Only"A"CSIPis
            -RHRsuction from RWST valves, 1RH-322 and 1RH-323, are shut.
running, but"B"CSIPwillbestarted
        C.    RCStemperatureis 345 of,
automaticallyififthe additional
              RCS pressure 355psig,
              RHR suction fromRWSTvalves,1 RH-322 and 1RH-323, are shut.
pressure transmitterreachestheSI
              RHRsuction from Containment sump valves 181-300, 301, 310, and 311 are shut.
actuation setpoint.Thursday,March20,200810:36:58AM
        D.    RHR temperature is 335&deg;F,
              RCSpressureis 365psig,
              RHR discharge toCSIP valves, 1RH-25 and 1RH-63, are shut,
SROExamRevFINAL 10.Initial Conditions:*
              RHR suction from Containment sump valves 181-300, 301, 310, and 311 are shut.
1000/0powerand all equipmentinitsnormal
Thursday, March 20, 200810:36:58 AM                                                            4
lineup, the ROtakestheReactorTripswitchtotheTRIPposition.Currentplant
                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
*Reactor Trip BreakerB"Greenindicationexists.
        Given the following:
            *  The plant is in Mode 4.
BankD rods.Their positionsareasfollows:*H-8-16steps*K-2-220steps*M-12-8steps*M-8-20steps
            *  RHR Train "A"is in service.
WhichONEofthefollowingdescribestheconditionofthereactor,andtheactionthatwillberequired?A.The reactoristripped;Performnormal
            *  RHR Heat Exchanger Bypass Valve 1RH-20 is in automatic with the output at
RCSborationforthestuckrodsasdirectedbyEPP-004referencingOP-107,ChargingandVolumeControlSystem.B.The reactoristripped;
                40% to maintain 3750 GPM.
Initiate emergencyborationforthestuckrodsasdirectedbyEPP-004referencing
            *  RHRHeat Exchanger outlet valve 1RH-30demand position is set at30&deg;k>.
AOP-002, Emergency Boration.C.The reactorisnottripped;
            *  The Instrument Air supply line to RHRHeat Exchanger Outlet Valve
Manually insertcontrolrodsinaccordancewithFRP-S.1untilallrodsareon
                1RH-30< becomes severed .and is completely detached.
bottom.D.The reactorisnottripped;
            *  No other air operated valves are impacted by the failure.
Initiate emergencyborationforthestuckrodsinaccordancewithFRP-S.1until
        Which ONE of the foUowingdescribes the RHRsystemparameter changes from the
adequate ShutdownMarginisverified.Thursday,March20,200810:36:58AM
        initial steady state condition to final steady state condition?
                      RHRHX Outlet Temp                        Total RHR flow
Harris 2008 SROExam Rev FINAL 11.Giventhe following:
        A.                  Higher                                  Lower
*The plantisat 1000/0 power.*A PressurizerPORVhasa slow leak through the seatordisk.*The respective
        B.                  Higher                                  Higher
PORV isolation valve cannotbeclosed.*ALB-009-8.-1, PRESSURIZER
        c.                  Lower                                  Higher
        D.                  Lower                                  Lower
Thursday, March 20, 200810:36:58AM                                                        5
                                    Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
        Given the following:
            *  A reactor trip and safety injection have occurred.
            *  RCS pressure is 1OOOpsig and lowering.
            *  "A"*.CSIP fails to operate.
            *  All other equipment operates as designed.
        Which ONE of the following describes the expected MCB Charging Flow indication
        (FI-122.1), and the Safety Injection flow indication (FI-943)?
        A. MCBCharging flow 0 gpm;
            Safety Injection flow is approximately 600 gpm
        B. MCBCharging flow 0 gpm;
            Safety Injection flow is approximately 450 gpm
        C. MCB Charging flow approximately 150 gpm;
            Safety Injection flow is approximately 150 gpm
        D. MCBChargingflow approximately 150 gpm;
            Safety Injection flow is approximately 450 gpm

Latest revision as of 18:32, 14 November 2019

March 05000400/2008301 Final SRO Written Examination & References
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/10/2008
Duke Energy Corp
Download: ML081140054 (89)

See also: IR 05000400/2008301


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    IIV It-hA.t LtCeIlse.   ?X~
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ES-401 Site-Specific SRO Written Examination Form ES-401-8

                                           Cover Sheet
                          u.s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
                         Site-Specific SRO Written Examination
                                      Applicant Information                                      I
Name:                                                                                            I
Date:       3/21/08                               Facility/Unit:   HARRIS PLANT                  I
Region:          I D   II [XJ III D IV D          Reactor Type: W[K] CE D         BWD GE D       I
Start Time:                                       Finish Time:                                   I
                                           Instructions                                         ,I
Use the answer sheets provided to document your answers. Staple this cover sheet                 I
on top of the answer sheets. To pass the examination you must achieve a final grade              I
of at least 80.00 percent overall, with 70.00 percent or better on the SRO-only items            I
if given in conjunction with the RO exam; SRO-only exams given alone require a final grade       I
of 80.00 percent to pass. You have 8 hours to complete the combined examination,                 I
and 3 hours if you are only taking the SRO portion.                                              I
                                     Applicant Certification                                     I
All work done on this examination is my own. I have neither given nor received aid.              I
                                                            Applicant's Signature                I
                                             Results                                             I
RO/SRO-OnlylTotal Examination Values                                  I       /         Points   I
Applicant's Scores                                                    I       /         Points   I
Applicant's Grade                                                    /        /         Percent  I
                                      ES-401, Page 31 of 33

Name: -~--------------------

                                                          Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
                                                                                       Form: 0
                                                                                     Version: 0
       Initial conditions:
           *    Theplant is at 80% Reactor powerand ramping UP at 1/2% per minute.
           *   Tave and Tref are matched.
           *    Rod Control is in AUTOMATIC.
       Current conditions:
           *    ONE (1) Control Bank 0 Rod has just dropped and is stuck at 170 steps.
           *   All Other Control BankO Rods are currently indicating 206 Steps.
       Assuming NO operator action is taken, which ONE of the following describes the
       DEMAND forrod motion, and the effect on Axial Flux Difference (AFD) for the channel
       NEAREST the control rod problem?
                   ROD MOTION             AFDEFFECT
       A.          Outward                Less Negative
       B.          Outward                More Negative
       C.          Inward                 Less Negative
       D.          Inward                 More Negative

Thursday, March 20,2008 10:36:58 AM 1

                                    Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
        Initial Plant Conditions:
            *   The plant is Solid.
        Current Plant Conditions:
            *   A controller failure has caused 1CS-38, Letdown Pressure Control valve, to shut.
            *   The crew has just entered AOP-019, Malfunction of RCSPressure Control.
        Which ONE of the following describes the effect of this malfunction on RCS pressure
        and the actions required lAW AOP-019 to mitigate this event?
       A. RCS Pressure will increase;
             Ensure the RCP Seal Water Return valves are open
        B. RCS<Pressure will increase;
             Secure the running CSIP
       C. RCS Pressure will decrease;
             Ensure the RCP Seal Water Return valves are shut
        D. RCSPressure will decrease;
            Increase charging flow to raise RCS pressure
        The plant is operating at 100% power when one control rod drops fully into the core
        causing PowerRange N-41 to read lower than the other power range channels.
        Which ONE of the following is the expected QPTR response over the next two to six
        hours and why?
       A. QPTR will increase due to the buildup of Xenon in the dropped rod's fuel assembly.
       B. QPTR will decrease due to the buildup Xenon in the dropped rod's fuel assembly.
       c.   QPTR will increase due to the change in temperature in the dropped rod's fuel
        D. QPTR*wili decreasedueto the change *in temperature. in the dropped rod's fuel

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:36:58 AM 2

                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
        Given the following:
           *   A plant startup is in progress.
           *   Reactor power is 20%.
           *   "B" RCP trips.
       Which ONE ofthe followinq describes the effect on the reactor and "B" loop Tave?
       A. Reactor remains at power;
           Loop "B" Tave lowers due to Thot lowering to the value of Tcold.
       B. Reactor remains at power; .
           Loop "B"Tave rises due to the decreased flow in the "B" loop.
       C. Reactor automatically trips;
           Loop "B" Tave lowers due to Thot lowering to the value of Tcold.
       D. Reactor automatically trips;
           Loop "B" Tave rises due to the decreased flow in the "B" loop.
       A. Lowering the setpoint of the Letdown Temperature Control Valve, TCV-144, by 10
       B. Raising the flow setting of the boric acid flow controller by 2 turns during a blended
           makeup to the VCT.
       C. Raising the setting of the blended makeup flow totalizer by 100 gallons total during
           a blended makeup to theVCT.
       D. Lowering the setting of the boric acid batch totalizer by20 gallons total during a
           blended makeup to theVCT.

Thursday, March 20,2008 10:36:58 AM 3

                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Which ONE of the following sets of parameters and conditions will satisfy the interlocks
       to open the Residual Heat Removal Hot Leg Suction valves (1RH-1, 2,39, and 40)?
       A.    RCS    temperature is 345 of,
             RCS    pressure is 365 psig,
             RHR    discharge to CSIP valves, 1RH-25 and 1RH-63, are shut,
             RHR    suction from RWST valves, 1RH-322 and 1RH-323, are shut.
       B.    ReS temperature is 335 of,
             RCS pressure. 355 psig,
             RHRdischarge toCSIP valves, 1RH-25 and 1RH-63, are shut,
            -RHRsuction from RWST valves, 1RH-322 and 1RH-323, are shut.
       C.    RCStemperatureis 345 of,
             RCS pressure 355psig,
             RHR suction fromRWSTvalves,1 RH-322 and 1RH-323, are shut.
             RHRsuction from Containment sump valves 181-300, 301, 310, and 311 are shut.
       D.    RHR temperature is 335°F,
             RCSpressureis 365psig,
             RHR discharge toCSIP valves, 1RH-25 and 1RH-63, are shut,
             RHR suction from Containment sump valves 181-300, 301, 310, and 311 are shut.

Thursday, March 20, 200810:36:58 AM 4

                                 Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
            *   The plant is in Mode 4.
            *   RHR Train "A"is in service.
            *   RHR Heat Exchanger Bypass Valve 1RH-20 is in automatic with the output at
                40% to maintain 3750 GPM.
            *   RHRHeat Exchanger outlet valve 1RH-30demand position is set at30°k>.
            *   The Instrument Air supply line to RHRHeat Exchanger Outlet Valve
                1RH-30< becomes severed .and is completely detached.
            *   No other air operated valves are impacted by the failure.
       Which ONE of the foUowingdescribes the RHRsystemparameter changes from the
       initial steady state condition to final steady state condition?
                     RHRHX Outlet Temp                        Total RHR flow
       A.                  Higher                                  Lower
       B.                  Higher                                  Higher
       c.                  Lower                                   Higher
       D.                  Lower                                   Lower

Thursday, March 20, 200810:36:58AM 5

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   A reactor trip and safety injection have occurred.
           *   RCS pressure is 1OOOpsig and lowering.
           *   "A"*.CSIP fails to operate.
           *   All other equipment operates as designed.
       Which ONE of the following describes the expected MCB Charging Flow indication
       (FI-122.1), and the Safety Injection flow indication (FI-943)?
       A. MCBCharging flow 0 gpm;
           Safety Injection flow is approximately 600 gpm
       B. MCBCharging flow 0 gpm;
           Safety Injection flow is approximately 450 gpm
       C. MCB Charging flow approximately 150 gpm;
           Safety Injection flow is approximately 150 gpm
       D. MCBChargingflow approximately 150 gpm;
           Safety Injection flow is approximately 450 gpm

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:36:58 AM 6

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
        Given the following:
           *   "A" Train equipment is in service.
           *   A Reactor Trip occurs.
           *   All equipment is operating as designed.
           *   The crew is performing actions of Path-1.
           *   Conditions are as follows:
                                           CH II      CHIli
                                                      -  -       CH IV
        PZR press.        1865psig       1865 psig  1845 psig      NA
       CNMTpress. 2.9 psig                3.1 psig   3.1 psig   2.9 psig
       Which ONE of the following describes the status Of the Charging Safety Injection
       A. Both CSIPs are running due to SI signal on low PZR pressure.
       B. Both CSIPs are funning due to SI signal on high Containment pressure.
       C. Only "A" CSIPis running, but "B" CSIP will be started automatically if the additional
           requiredPZR pressure transmitter reaches the SI actuation setpoint.
       D. Only "A" CSIP is running, but "B" CSIP will be started automatically if if the
           additional requiredCNMT pressure transmitter reaches the SI actuation setpoint.

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:36:58 AM 7

                                    Harris 2008 SROExam Rev FINAL
        Initial Conditions:
                  *  With the plant 1000/0 power and all equipment in its normal
                     lineup, the ROtakes the Reactor Trip switch to the TRIP position.
        Current plant conditions are:
                  *  Reactor Trip Breaker "A" Red indication exists.
                  *  Reactor Trip BreakerB" Green indication exists.
                 *   Reactor Power is 4% and lowering.
                  *  Rod bottom lights are lit with the exception of FOUR Control BankD rods.
                     Their positions are as follows:
                     *   H-8 - 16 steps
                     *   K-2 - 220 steps
                     *   M-12 - 8 steps
                     *   M-8 - 20 steps
       Which ONE of the following describes the condition of the reactor, and the action that
       will be required?
       A. The reactor is tripped;
             Perform normal RCSboration for the stuck rods as directed by EPP-004
             referencing OP-107, Charging and Volume Control System.
       B. The reactor is tripped;
             Initiate emergency boration for the stuck rods as directed by EPP-004 referencing
            AOP-002, Emergency Boration.
       C. The reactor is not tripped;
             Manually insert control rods in accordance with FRP-S.1 until all rods are on
       D. The reactor is not tripped;
             Initiate emergency boration for the stuck rods in accordance with FRP-S.1 until
             adequate Shutdown Margin is verified.

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:36:58 AM 8

                                  Harris 2008 SROExam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   The plant is at 1000/0 power.
           *   A PressurizerPORV has a slow leak through the seat or disk.
           *   The respective PORV isolation valve cannot be closed.
               TEMP, is actuated.
               *    PRT Level is 73%.
               *    PRT Temperature is 128 of.
               *    PRT Pressure is6.3 Psig.
       Which ONEiofthefollowing parameters is causing the alarm, and which ONE of the
       following is the action required to be performed from OP-100, Reactor Coolant System,
       Section 8, InfrequentOperations?
       A. Pressure;
           Vent thePRT as necessary to control pressure.
       B. Pressure;
           Drain the PRTas necessary to control pressure while maintaining level within the
       C. Temperature;
           Recirculate the PRT contents through the RCDT Heat Exchanger to lower
       D. Temperature;
           Drain PRT to the low end of the normal band and then refillwith demineralized
           water to lowertemperature.

Thursday, March 20, 200810:36:58 AM 9

                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
        Given the following:
           *    The plant is at 1000/0 power.
           *    The temperature input to Letdown Heat Exchanger CCW flow control valve
                TCV-144, fails low.
        Which ONE of the following describes the impact on the plant and the action that is
        required by the appropriate Annunciator Panel Procedure (APP)?
       A. High CCW flow to Letdown Heat Exchanger;
            Place TCV-144in manual and adjust flow to restore normal cooling.
       B. High CCWfiow to Letdown Heat Exchanger;
            Isolate letdown and place Excess Letdown in service.
       C. High temperature letdown diversion to VCT;
           Place TCV-144 in manual and adjust flow to restore normal cooling.
       D. High temperature letdown diversion to VCT;
           Isolate letdown and place Excess Letdown in service.
       Given the following:
           *   A reactortrip has occurred from 1000/0 power.
           *   Pressurizer pressure is 2050 psig and lowering.
           *   Pressurizer level is rising rapidly.
           *   Containment pressure is 1 psig and slowly rising.
       Assuming NO operator action, which ONE of the following could have caused the
       event in proqress?
       A. Master Pressure Controller PT-444 output failed LOW
       B. Both Pressurizer Spray Valves failed OPEN
       C. Master Pressure Controller PT-444 output failed HIGH
       D. Small break LOCAon an*RCS Hot Leg

Thursday, March 20, 200810:36:59AM 10

                                   Harris2008SRO Exam Rev FINAL
           *   A reactor trip has occurred.
           *   Safety Injection is actuated.
           *   All actions required in Path-1 have been taken.
           *   All RCPs are running.
           *    RCS pressure is 1450 psigand stable.
           *   Sifiow is 150 GPM.
           *   Containment pressure Is4.5 psig and slowly rising.
           *   SG pressures are 1050psig and stable.
       Which ONE of the following describes the plant condition upon transition from Path-1?
       A. RC.Ps should NOT be tripped.
           SGs are required for subsequent RCS heat removal.
       B. RCPsshould NOT be tripped.
           SGs are NOT required for subsequent RCS heat removal.
       C. RCPs should be.tripped.
           SGs are-required for subsequent RCS heat removal.
       D. RCPsshouldbe tripped.
           SGs are NOT required for subsequent RCS .heat removal.

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:36:59 AM 11

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
        Initial Plant Conditions:
            *   The plant was at 100% power.
       Currentplantcond itions are:
            *   A Loss of Off-site Power occurs.
            *   Bus 1A-SA is locked out.
            *   All other equipment has operated as designed.
            *   Diesel loading sequence is complete.
            *   RCS pressure is 2180 psig.
       Assuming NO operator action has been taken, which ONE of the following describes
       the status of the PZR Heaters?
       A. ALL PZR Backup Heaters are DE-ENERGIZED.
       B. Group B is the onlyPZRh.eater group ENERGIZED.
       C. Group C is.the only PZR heater group ENERGIZED.
       D. Groups Band C are the only PZR heater groups ENERGIZED.

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:36:59 AM 12

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Which ONE of the following describes the characteristics of a design basis Large Break
        LOCA twenty (20) minutes into the event?
       A. RCS temperature is at saturation temperature for intact SG pressure;
            RCSpressure is stable below normal SI accumulator pressure, but above RHR
           pump shutoff head.
       B. ReS temperature is at saturation temperature for intact SG pressure;
           RCSpressure is stable below RHR Pump shutoff head.
       C. RCS temperature is below saturation temperature for intactSG pressure;
           Res pressure is stable below normal SI accumulator pressure, but above RHR
           pump shutoff head.
       D. RCS temperature is below saturation temperature for intact SGpressure;
           RCS pressure is stable below RHRPump shutoff head.
           *   The unit is at 100 % power.
           *   Unit electrical .aliqnment is normal.
           *   Aux Bus 1D deenergizes and is locked out.
       Which ONE of the following loads will de-energize and automatically re-energize?
       A. "A" .NSW* Pump
       B. "B" NSW Pump
       C. "A" CSIP
       D. "B" CSIP

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:36:59 AM 13

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           eTheplantis operating at 30% reactor power, steady state.
           e I&Cotechniciansarepreparing to perform a calibration on Power Range Channel
               N-41.                          .
           e One I&C technician mistakenly pulls the control power fuses on N-42.
           e Realizing his mistake, he reinserts the fuses for N-42 and then pulls the control
               power fuses for the correct channel, N-41.
       Which ONE of the following describes the status of the reactor after the N-41 fuses
       were pulled and which bistable(s) in N-42 would be tripped?
       A. The reactor is tripped;
           PRPositive Rate Trip and PRNegative Rate Trip.
       B. The reactor is tripped;
           PRPostive Rate -Trip ONLY.
       C. The reactor is NOT tripped;
           PR Positive Rate Trip and PR Negative Rate Trip.
       D. The reactor is NOT tripped;
           PRPositiveRate Trip ONLY
       Given the following:
           e Pressurizer Pressure Protection Channel PT-455 has failed off-scale HIGH.
           e NO Operator action has been. taken.
       Which ONE of the following identifies the MINIMUM additional channels required to
       meet the ESF andRPS actuation logic to initiate a reactor trip and safety injection on
       Press urizerP ress ure?
       A. Reactor Trip-1; Safety Injection - 1
       B. ReactorTrip-1 ;Safetylnjection-2
       C. ReactorTrip- 2; Safety Injection -1
       D. Reactor Trip .. 2; Safety Injection - 2

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:36:59 AM 14

                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   A LOCA has occurred.
           *   RCS. pressure is 200 psig.
           *   "A" Containment Spray Pump is Out of Service.
           *   Containment pressure is 12 psigand slowly increasing.
           *   Train "B" Phase A has failed to actuate.
           *   Normal Containment Purge was in service atthetime of the LOCA.
           *   The Containment Ventilation Isolation Signal (CVIS) fails to actuate.
           *   All other ECCS equipment is running as required.
       Assuming no action by the crew, which ONE of the following describes the effect on
       the plant?
       A. Containment Normal.PurgeMakeup fans will trip and their associated dampers
       B. Offsite dose consequences. will exceed the guidelines of 10CFR100.
       C. Normal Containment Purge Makeup valves (1CP-6 and 9) will remain OPEN.
       D. Only half of the Containment penetrations required for containment isolation will be
       Given the following:
           *   The plantisat20% power.
           *   Rod Control is in AUTO.
           *   The operating crew is preparing to stop RCP 1C'due to rising vibration.
       Assuming that reactor power is maintained at200JO, which ONE of the following
       describes the expected indications on Loop 1 and Loop 3 flowrates when RCP 1C is
                    Loop 1 Flowrate                     Loop 3 Flowrate
       A.         increase to 11 0°/0              decreases to ooJO and stabilizes
       B.         increase to 110%              decreases to 0% then increases to 100/0
       C.          increase to 1200/0              decreases to 00/0 and stabilizes
       D.         increase to 1200/0            decreases to 0% then increases to 10%

Thursday, March 20,2008 10:36:59 AM 15

                                 Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
        Given the following:
           *   The plant is at 600/0 power during a plant startup.
           *   Steam Dumps are in the Tave mode of control.
           *    First Stage Pressure TransmitterPT-446 fails high.
       Assuming the reactor remains at power, which ONE of the following describes the
       effect on the steam dump system?
       A. Steam Dumps will receive an arming signal.
       B. Steam Dumps will receive a modulation (open) signal.
       C. Steam Dumps will NOT arm if required.
       D. Steam Dumps will NOT modulate if required.
       Given the following:
           * The crew is performing EPP-004, Reactor Trip Response.
           * .Natural circulation verification is in progress.
           * Core Exit Thermocouples G2 and K5havefailed due to open circuits.
       With these open circuit failures, the input from these thermocouples to the Inadequate
       Core Cooling.Monitor(ICCM)willbe                        and the subcoolng margin
       calculated bylCCM will be                _
       A. failed low;
       B. failed low;
       C. failed high;
       D. failed high;

Thursday, March 20, 200810:36:59AM 16

                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
           *   Containment Cooling isin the Normal Cooling Mode of operation with Train "A"
               in service.
           *   Containment temperature has been slowly rising.
       Current Conditions:
           *   The crew has placed the Containment Cooling system in Maximum Cooling
               Mode per OP-169, Containment Cooling System.
           *   Containment temperature is now lowering.
       Which ONE of the following identifies the MINIMUM temperature at which a Technical
       Specification action statement must be entered and the expected alignment for the
       Containment Cooling System?
       A. 118°F
            BOTH fans in AH-3 and AH-4 in high speed AND ONE (1) faninAH-1 and AH-2 in
            high speed.                  \
            BOTH fans in AH-3 andAH-4 in high speed AND BOTH fans in AH-1 and AH-2 in
            high speed.
       C. 120 OF
            BOTHfansinAH-3 and AH-4 in high speed AND ONE (1) fan in AH-1 and AH-2 in
            high speed.
       D. 120 OF
            BOTH fans inAH-3and AH-4 in high speed AND BOTH fans inAH-t and AH-2 in
            high speed.

Thursday, March 20,2008 10:37:00 AM 17

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
        Given the following:
           *   The plant is at 100% power. *
           *   VCT level Channel LT-112 fails high.
       Assuming NO operator action, which ONE of the following describes the function(s)
       A. ONlYDivertto RHT will be disabled
       B. ONLY AutoSwapover from RWST will be disabled.
       C. Auto Swapover from .RWSTAND Auto Makeup will be disabled.
       D. Divert toRHT AND Auto Makeup will be disabled.

Thursday, March 20, 20081 0:37:00 AM 18

                                   Harris 2008 SROExam Rev FINAL
        Initial conditions:
            *   The plant isat1 000/0 power.
            *   Train "B" Containment Fan Cooling is in service.
        Current conditions:
            *   A Safety Injection signal has occurred.
            *   All equipment is operating as designed.
       Which ONE of the following describes the operation of Containment Cooling?
       One fan in each Fan Cooler Unit is operating in...
       A. LOW speed;
             Normal Service Water aligned.
       B. HIGH speed;
             Normal Service Water aligned
       C. LOW speed;
             Emergency Service Water aligned
       D. HIGH speed;
             Emergency Service Water aligned

Thursday, March 20, 200810:37:00 AM 19

                                  Harris 2008 SROExam Rev FINAL
       Initial conditions:
           *    "A" Boric Acid pump is under clearance for motor replacement.
       Current conditions:
           *    1B-SBEmergency Safety Bus locks out due to an 86UV failure.
           *   The crew is performing an Emergency Boration in accordance with AOP-002,
                Emergency Boration, due to. a secondary load rejection.
           *   The ROperforms the required valve alignment to provideaboration source.
       Which ONE of the following describes the action and/or verification required to ensure
       that the requiredboration flow is achieved?
       A. Verifyaminimumof30GPMon FI-110,Emergency Boration flow.
       B. Verify a minimum of 30GPM on FI-113,Boric Acid flow.
       C. Adjust FCV-122 as necessary to achieve a minimum of 30 GPM onFI-122.1,
            Charging Header flow.
       D. Adjust FCV-122 as necessary to achieve a minimum of 90 GPM on FI-122.1,
            Charging Header flow.

Thursday, March 20, 200810:37:00 AM 20

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   The plant is in Mode 5.
           *   An RCSleak and lossofRHR occurs..
           *   The crew is performing actions of AOP-020, Loss of RCS Inventory or Residual
               Heat Removal While Shutdown.
           *   The crew is aligning to provideRCSMakeup using CSIP flow in accordance with
               section 3.6, EstabHshingSI Following a Major RCS Leak.
       Which ONE of the following describes the required actions to provide RCSmakeup in
       this condition?
       A. Start ONE (1)CSIP;
           initiate flow though the BIT
       B. Start ONE(1)CSIP;
           Initiate flowthoughthenormal charging line
       C. Start TWO (2) CSIPs;
           Initiate flow though the BIT
       D. Start TWO (2)CSIPs;
           Initiate flowthouqhthenormal charging line

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:37:00 AM 21

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Initial Cond itions:
            *   Surveillance testing is in progress on Containment Spray Train "A".
            *   "A" Containment Spray Pump is running.
            *   1CT-24-SAand.1CT-25-SB, Containment Spray Eductor Test Valves, are open
                for. testing.
            *   1CT.:.50-SA,ContainmentSpray Pump 1A-SA Discharge Valve, is closed.
       Current conditions:
           *   A LOCA occurs.
           *    RCS pressure is 600 psig.
           *    Containment Pressure is 10.5psig.
       Which ONE of the following correctly lists the position of the Containment Spray
       Eductor Test Valves and the 1A-SA Discharge Valve for the current plant conditions?
               1CT-24-SA and 1CT-25-SB                 1CT-50-SA
       A.                 OPEN                           OPEN
       B.                 CLOSED                         OPEN
       C.                 OPEN                           CLOSED
       D.                 CLOSED                         CLOSED

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:37:00 AM 22

                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           The plant is in Mode 1.
           12:00 Containment Spray Pump 1A-SA declared INOPERABLE due to a failed
           12:27 Containment Spray Pump 1B-SB also declared INOPERABLE due to the
                    results ofa common cause failure analysis.
           14:21 ContalnrnentSprayPump 1A-SA returned to OPERABLE status.
           14:40 Containment Spray Pump 1B-SB returned to OPERABLE status.
       Which ONE of the following describes the Technical Specification requirements for
       operation of the plant?
       Actions to initiate a plant shutdown must commence no later than ...
       A. 12:27;
           The shutdown maybe terminated no earlierthan 14:21.
       B. 12:27;.
           The shutdown may be terminated no earlier than 14:40.
       C. 13:27;
           The shutdown maybe terminated no earlier than 14:21.
       D. 13:27;.
           The shutdown maybe terminated no earlier than 14:40.

Thursday, March 20, 200810:37:00 AM 23

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   The plant is operating at 100 % power.
           *   A failure of thePT-444 input to PK-444A, Pressurizer Pressure Master
               Controller, caused actual pressurizer pressure to decrease to 2190 psig.
           *   PK-444Ahas been placed in MANUAL..
       Which ONE of the following describes the action required to return pressure to 2235
       A. Decrease the controller output.
       B. Increase the controller output.
       C. Lower the pressure setpoint adjustment.
       D. Raise the pressuresetpoint adjustment.

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:37:00 AM 24

                                   Harris 2.008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   The unit is in Mode 6.
           *   Refueling activities are in progress.
           *   A fuel assembly has been ruptured during removal from the core.
           *   Radiation levels are rising steadily and are currently as follows:
               *    REM-01 LT-3502A-SA, Cnmt RCS Leak Detection Monitor, is in HIGH
               *    REM-01 LT-3502B-SB, Cnmt Pre-Entry Purge Monitor, is in HIGH
       Which ONE of thefoHowing describes the system isolation signal(s), if any, that have
       been automatically initiated, and action required in' accordance with AOP-013, Fuel
       Handling Accident?
       A. ONLY a Containment Pre-Entry Purge isolation signal has been initiated.
           Perform an evacuation from Containment.
       B. BOTH Normal Containment Purge AND Containment Pre-Entry Purge isolation
           signals have been initiated.
           Perform an evacuation from Containment.
       C. ONLY a Containment Pre-Entry Purge isolation signal has been initiated.
           Dispatch Radiation Protection to determine if Containment Evacuation is required.
       D. BOTH Normal Containment Purge AND Containment Pre-Entry Purge isolation
           signals have been initiated.
           Dispatch Radiation Protection to determine if Containment Evacuation is required ..

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:37:00 AM 25

                                 Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   The plant is at 100% power.
           *   A transient on SGlevel required a reactor trip, but the reactor did not trip.
           *   The crew is performing FRP-S.1, Response To Nuclear Power Generation /
           *   The crew notes that the Pressurizer pressure is 2350 psig.
           *   Control rods are inserting in AUTO.
           *   All Pressurizer PORVvaive position indicating green lights are on and red
               lights are off.
       Which ONE ofthe following actions are required in relation to thePZR PORVs?
       A. Verify ONLY ONE Pressurizer PORVand Block valve OPEN;
           reduce pressure to less than 2135psig.
       B. Verify ALL Pressurizer .PORVs and Block valves OPEN;
           reduce pressure to less than 2135 psig.
       c.  Verify ONLY ONE Pressurizer PORV and Block valve OPEN;
           reduce pressure to less than 2235 psig.
       D. Verify ALL Pressurizer PORVsand Block valves OPEN;
           reduce pressure to less than 2235 psig.

Thursday, March 20,200810:37:00 AM 26

                                   Harris 2008SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   The plant is at40%power.
           *   Intermediate Range Channel N-35 loses compensating voltage.
           *   I&Ciscalied to investigate.
           *   Prior to any action by I&C, a reactor trip occurs.
       Which ONE of the following describes the expected Source Range response in this
       condition and why?
       A. Source Range Instruments wilJ automatically energize prematurely; they must be
           manually de-energized until approximately 5 minutes post-trip to prevent damage to
           the detectors.
       B. Source Range Instruments will automatically energize prematurely; they must be
           manually de-energized until approximately 15 minutes post-trip to prevent damage
           to the detectors.
       C. Source Range Instruments will not automatically energize when required; they must
           be manually energized approximately 5 minutes post-trip to prevent a loss of
           reactor power indication.                              .
       D. SourceRanqelnstruments wilJ not automatically energize when required; they must
           be manually energized approximately 15 minutes post-trip to prevent a loss of
           reactor power indication.

Thursday, March 20, 20081 0:37:00 AM 27

                                   Harris 20'08SRO Exam Rev FINAL
        Initial plant conditions:
            *   The plant isin Mode.6 with Refueling in progress.
       Current plant conditions are:
            *    Fuel movement has stopped due to a problem with the Manipulator.
            *   The Main Control Room has been informed that initial troubleshooting is in
                progress on the Manipulator.
            *   The troubleshooting team desires to operate TS-5, the TROLLEY INTERLOCK
                BYPASS switch to permit forward and reverse motion of the trolley without the
                gripper tube at its top limit.
       Which ONE of the following describes the permission and concurrence, if any, required
       for this action?
       A. The SRO~FueIHandlingmustapprove. No concurrenceis required.
       B. TheSRO-Fuel Handling must approve with the concurrence of the SSO.
       C. The SSO must approve with concurrence of the Manager -Mechanical
       D. The SSG must approve. No concurrence is required.

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:37:00 AM 28

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   Refueling isin progress.
           *   A spent fuel assembly is being moved inthe Fuel Handling Building (FHB) when
               it's damaged by contacting a wall of the pool.
           *   Spent Fuel Pool area radiation monitor RM-1 FR-3566A-SA is in HIGH alarm.
           *   Spent Fuel Pool area radiation monitor RM-1 FR-3567B-SB is in ALERT.
       Which ONE of the following describes the effect on the plant?
       A. ONLY "A" train of Fuel Handling Building Ventilation Emergency Exhaust has
           received an automatic start signal.
       B. BOTH "A"and "B"trains of Fuel Handling Building Ventilation Emergency Exhaust
           have received automatic start signals.
       c.  NEITHER train of Fuel Handling Building Ventilation Emergency Exhaust has
           received an automatic start signal, and manual start is NOT required.
       D. NEITHERtrainof Fuel Handling Building Ventilation Emergency Exhaust has
           received an automatic start signal, but manual start is required byAOP-013, Fuel
           Handling Accident.

Thursday, March 20, 20081 0:37:01 AM 29

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
        Given the following:
           *   A Steam Generator Tube Rupture has occurred.
           *   Off-Site power has been lost.
           *   BothDG's are operating as required.
           *   Pressurizer level indicates 10% and lowering slowly.
           *   All plant equipment hasrespondedas expected for the plant conditions.
       Which ONE of the following describes a plant concern during the performance of
        Path-2 for these conditions?
       A. Voiding in the inactive regions of the RCS during the rapid RCS cooldown to target
       B. Loss of RCSsubcoolingduring depressurization using main or auxiliary spray.
       C. Voiding in the inactive regions of the RCS during depressurization using a PZR
       D. Loss of the time required to cooldown to target temperature
           with condenser steam dumps unavailable.

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:37:01 AM 30

                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
           *   A reactor trip has occurred from 100°11> power.
           *   All systems functioned as designed.
       Which ONE of the following describes the position of valves associated with the Main
       Turbine?                                              .
       A. ThrottleValves-CLOSED
           ~ntercept Valves CLOSED
           Reheat Stop Valves - OPEN
       B. Governor Valves - OPEN
           Intercept Valves - OPEN
           Reheat Stop Valves - CLOSED
       C. Throttle Valves -CLOSED
           Intercept Valves- CLOSED
           Reheat Stop Valves - CLOSED
       D. Governor Valves -OPEN
           Intercept Valves - CLOSED
           Reheat Stop Valves - CLOSED

Thursday, March 20,2008 10:37:01 AM 31

                                   Harris 2008 SROExam Rev FINAL
        Given the following:
            *   A Steam Line break has occurred on "C" SG.
            *   The crew has performed actions contained in EPP-014, Faulted SG isolation.
            *   SG "C" pressure is 50psig.
           _.   SG "C" WR level is off-scale low.
            *   SG "A" and "B">NR levels are beinq controlled at 250/0.
            *   SG "A" and "B" pressures are approximately 900 psig and stable.
        Which ONE of the following describes the action required lAW EPP-014, and the
        reason for this action?
        A. IsolateAFWflow to SG"C";
            Minimize RCS cooldown and the mass and energy release from the steam line
        B. Isolate AFW flow toSG "C" ;
            Failure of components in "C" SG may occur due to thermal shock
        C. InitiateAFW flow to SG "C" at the MINIMUM verifiable rate;
            Feeding the "C" SG is required for cooldown, but high AFW flow rates may cause
            an excessive RCScooldown requiring an undesired transition out of EPP-014
      . D. Initiate AFW flow to SG "C"atthe MINIMUM verifiable rate;
            Feeding. the "C"SG isrequired for cooldown, but high AFW flow r(3tes may cause
            failure of SG"C" components due to thermal shock

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:37:01 AM 32

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL.
        Initial Plant Conditions:
            e The plant is at 1000/0 power.
       Current Plant Conditions:
            eAspuriousturbine trip occurs.
            e TheC-8 interJockfails to operate.
            e All other plant equipments responds as expected.
       Which ONE ofthe following describes the response of the Steam Dump Control
       System (SDCS) and the overall effect on the ReS temperature?
       A. SDCS will control temperature using the Turbine Trip Controller;
             RCS temperaturewillbe controlled at normal no-load temperature.
       B. SDCSwili control temperature using the Load Rejection Controller;
             Res temperature will be controlled at normal no-load temperature.
       C. SDCS will control .temperature usinq the Turbine Trip Controller;
             RCS temperature will be controlled at approximately 3 degrees above normal
             no-load temperature.
       D. SDCS will control temperature using the Load Rejection Controller;
             RCStemperature will be controlled at approximately 3 degrees above normal
             no-load temperature.

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:37:01 AM 33

                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   The Reactor is critical atthe *POAH.
           *   The crew is preparing to perform a turbine startup lAW GP-005, Power
       Which.>ONE of the following describes the expected rod height for Control Bank "0"
       rods lAW GP-005 and the basis for this band?
       A. Between 95.and 115 steps;
           Helps .ensurelR trip and rod stop bistable setpoints are not reached before they
           can be blocked
       B. Between 130 and 150 steps;
           Helps ensure IR trip and rod stop bistable setpoints are not reached before they
           can be blocked
       c.  Greater than 95 steps;
           Minimum height required to remain above Rod Insertion Limit
       o.  Greater than 130 steps;
           Minimum height required to remain above Rod Insertion Limit

Thursday, March 20,2008*10:37:01 AM 34

                                 Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Initial Conditions:
           *   The plant isat1 00% power.
           *   Testing isin progress on the AFW system,
           *   The"A"MDAFWpumpis running with the MDAFW FCVs 200/0 open.
       Current Conditions:
           *   Atripofboth MFW pumps occurs.
           *   ThelowestSGlevelsduring the transient were:
               * SG "A" = 18%
               *SG "B" = 24°Jb
               * SG "C"= 28%
       Assuming NO operator actions have occured, which ONE of the following describes the
       currentstatus of the MDAFW Flow Control Valves (FCVs) and TDAFW pump for this
                       MDAFW FCVs                      TDAFW Pump
       A.               20 0Jb Open                      Running
       B.               20% Open                         Secured
       C.               Fu*1I Open                       Running
       D.               Full Open                        Secured

Thursday, March 20,200810:37:01 AM 35

                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   The plant is at 100% power.
           *   An ExtrerneHl-HlIevel is received in Feedwater Heater 1A.
       Which ONE ofthe following describes the impact on the unit and the action, if any, that
       is required in accordance withOP-136, Feedwater Heaters?
       A. ONLY FeedwaterHeaters 1Aand2A are bypassed;
           Reduce Turbine Load to less than 70%.
       B. ONLY Feedwater Heater1A and2A are bypassed;
           Ensure reactor power less than 1000/0, NO additional power restrictions are required
       C. FeedwaterHeaters 1A,2A,1 B,and2B are bypassed;
           Reduce Turbine Load to less than 700/0.
       D. Feedwater Heaters lA,2A, 1B,and2B are bypassed;
           Ensure reactor power less than 100%, NO additional power restrictions are required

Thursday, March 20,2008 10:37:01 AM 36

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   The plantwas operating at 98% power when a loss of off-site power occurred.
           *   Twenty minutes later, the following plant conditions exist:
               *    RCSpressure is 2235 psig and stable.
               *    RCS Loop THOT is 596°F in all 3 loops and lowering.
               *    RCS Loop TCOLD is 552°F in all 3 loops and lowering.
               *    Core exit TCsindicate approximately 600°F and lowering slowly.
               *    Steam Generator pressures are approximately 1048 psig and stable.
       Which ONE of the following describes the current plant conditions?
       (Steam Tables are provided.)
       A. Natural Circulation does not exist.
           Heat removal must be established by opening the condenser steam dumps.
       B. Natural Circulation exists.
           Heat removal is being maintained by condenser steam dumps.
       C. Natural Circulation does not exist.
           Heat removal must be established by opening the SG PORVs.
       D. Natural Circulation exists.
           Heat removal isbelnqrnaintained by SG PORVs.

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:37:01 AM 37

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
        Given the following:
           *   Theplantisin Mode 3.
           *   A loss of DC Bus DP-1B-SB has occurred.
           *   The crew is performing actions of AOP-025, Loss of One Emergency AC Bus
               (6.9 kV) or ONE Emergency DC Bus (125V)
       Which ONE of the following describes the reason for ensuring that letdown orifice
       valves are shut in accordance with AOP-025?
       A. Prevent water hammer or flashing in the letdown line.
       B. Prevent RCS leakage in excess of Technical Specification limits.
       C. Minimize reduction in PZRlevel with loss of charging flow.
       D. Prevent damage to the Regenerative Heat Exchanger.
       For the Steam Generator Water Level Control System (SGWLCS), which ONE of the
       following describes this system's normal operation and program level input?
       A. SGWLCSisa leveld.ominant system that ultimately adjusts Feed Reg valve
           position by level error.
            Program level is variable based on input from Turbine First Stage pressure.
       B. SGWLCS is a level dominant system that ultimately adjusts Feed Reg valve
           position by level error.
            Program level is constant at 57% NR.
       c.  SGWLCS. isaflow dominant system that ultimately adjusts Feed Reg valve position
            by mismatch in steam flow vs. feed flow.
            Program level is variable based on input from Turbine First Stage pressure.
       D. SGWLCS isa flow dominant system that ultimately adjusts Feed Reg valve position
            by mismatch in steam flowvs.feed flow.
            Program level is constant at 57% NR.

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:37:01 AM 38

                                 Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   The plant is at 100% power.
           *   The following alarm has just been received:
               * All otherMCR alarms are clear
           *   The crew enters AOP-008, Accidental Release of Liquid Waste
       Which ONE of the following describes the setpointfor the alarm received, and the
       action required maccordance with AOP-008?
       A. 94.3%;
           Immediately begin refilling the RWST to above the alarm setpoint
       B. 94.3°;0;
           Stop all additions to the RWST
       C. 23.4%,;
           Ensure RHRandContainment Spray Pumps are de-energized
       D. 23.4%.
           EnsureCSIP suctions areisolatedfrorn the RWST
       Which ONE of thefollowinq instruments failures will cause actual feedwater flow to the
       affected SG to INITIALLY lower? (Assume selected)
       A. SG level fails low
       B. Feedwaterflow fails low
       C. Steam pressure fails high
       D. Steam flow fails low

Thursday, March 20,200810:37:02 AM 39

                                  Harris 2008 SRO' Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   A Gaseous Waste release of Gas Decay Tank C is in progress.
           *   An ALERT alarm is received on REM-3546, WPB Stack 5 PIG monitor.
           *   Activity level is stable just above the ALERT setpoint.
       Which ON.E of the following describes the action required in accordance with
       A. The release MUST be stopped; release may continue under the same release
           permit after REM-3546is determined to be operable and curie content of the
           release is determined to be within limits.
       B. The release MUST be stopped; a newrelease permit must be generated prior to
           resuming the decay tank release.
       C. The release may continue; if activity level approaches or exceeds the HIGH alarm
           setpoint, stop the release; release may continue under the same release permit
           afterREM-3546 is determined to be operable and curie content of the release is
           determined. to be within limits.
       D. The release may continue; if activity level approaches or exceeds the HIGH alarm
           setpoint, stop the release; a new release permit must be generated prior to
           resuming the decay tank release.

Thursday, March 20, 200810:37:02 AM 40

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   The plant is operating at 50% power.
           *   The Turbine Driven AFW pump was taken OOS 12 hours ago for bearing
           *   Both Motor Driven AFWpump motors have been determined to be
               INOPERABLE due to a common cause failure analysis.
       Which ONE of the following actions is required?
       A. Immediately initiate action to restore one AFW train to operable status; power
           operation is currently allowed with all three AFW Pumps Inoperable.
       B. Restore at least2 AFW Pumps to service within 1 hour, or be in Hot Standby within
           the following 6 hours.
       C. Restore at least 1 AFW Pump to service within 1 hour, or be in Hot Standby within
           the following 6 hours.
       D. Immediatelyentertheaction of TS 3.0.3 and be in at least HOT STANDBY within 7
           hours from the time itwas determined that no AFWpumps were operable.

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:37:02 AM 41

                                 Harris 2008 SROExam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           * The plant is in mode 3
           * RCS heatup is in progress
       As AFW flow to the steam generators is increased, what will happen to the initial heat
       transfer rate between RCS and the steam generators and why?
       The heat transfer rate will ...
       A. increase;
           because the cooler AFW water will increase the delta T between the RCS and the
           steam generators.
       B. decrease;
           because the cooler AFW water will decrease the delta T between the RCS and the
           steam generators.
       C. increase;
           because increasing SGlevel causes SG pressureand saturation temperature to
       D. decrease;
           because increasing SG level causes SG pressure and saturation temperature to

Thursday, March 20,200810:37:02 AM 42

                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   The, plant is at 100% power.
           *   Recovery from a Loss of Instrument Bus 1DP-1A-S1 is in progress.
           *   The crew has de-energized the associated Process Instrumentation Cabinet
               (PIC) in preparation for energizing Instrument Bus 1DP-1A-S1.
           *   The crew i,s evaluating bistable status prior to energizing the bus.
       Which ONE of the following describes the reason for checking bistable status?
       A. When the lnstrurnentbusis enerqized with the PICdeenergized, a reactor trip may
           occurdue to 'de-energize to actuate' bistables becoming actuated. Checking other
           bistables ensures a Reactor Trip will not occur.
       B. When the PIC is enerqized after the Instrument Bus is energized, 'energize to
           actuate' bistables may experience a momentary inadvertent trip. Checking other
           bistables ensures an ESF actuation will not occur.
       C. Bistables are checked to ensure that each parameter for Process or Protection
           goes to its required state when.the Instrument Bus and PIC are energized.
       D. Bistablesare checked to ensure that all lights are out, verifying that the PIC normal
           and alternate supply breakers are open prior to reenergizing the Instrument Bus.

Thursday, March 20,2008 10:37:02 AM 43

                                 Harris 2008 SROExamRev FINAL
       lnitial Plant Conditions:
           *   Yesterday, a loss ofESW Header "A" occurred due to a failure shaft shear of the
               "A"ESW Pump.
           *   The crew completed AOP-022, Attachment 1, Equipment Alignment Due to Loss
               of an ESWHeader.
           *   The crew implemented OWP-SW, Operations Work Procedure Service Water,
               due to the extended loss of the "A" ESWheader.
       Current Plant Conditions:
           *   A loss of off-site power occurs coincident with a safety injection
       Which ONE of the following describes the alignment of ESW loads forthe current plant
       A. "A" EDGwillNOT automaticaHystart because implementation of OWP-SW places
           the diesel in MAINTENANCE MODE.
       B. "A"EDG will automatically start, but must be manually tripped because it will have
           no ESW flow.
       C. "A"EDG will NOT automatically start because implementation of OWP-SW will
            have barred the diesel.
       D. "A"EDG will automatically start, but operators must realign NSW to the ESW

Thursday, March 20,200810:37:02 AM 44

                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   The plant is in Mode 3.
           *   AFW Pump 1.A-SA is operating to provide secondary inventory.
           *   DC BusDP-1A~SA becomes de-energized.
       Which ONE of the foHowing describes the effect on the operating AFW pump?
       A. MCR control switch indication is extinguished.
           Pump remains runninq.
           MCRbreaker control is lost
       B. MCR control switch indication is extinguished.
           Pump remains running.
           MCR breaker control is available
       C. MCRcontrol switch indication is available.
           Pump trips.
           MCRbreakercontrol is lost
       D. MCR control switch indication is available.
           Pump trips.
           MCRbreaker control is available
       A. 6500 KWata power factor of 0.8 leading
       B. 6500 KWat a power factor of 0.8 lagging
       C. 7150 KWatapowerfactor of 0.8 leading
       D. 7150 KWatapower factor of 0.8 lagging

Thursday, March 20,2008 10:37:02 AM 45

                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   The unit is in Mode 4.
           *   Maintenance reports that the inner door on the Containment Emergency Airlock
               will not seal properly after leaving Containment.
           *   The crew has declared the inner door .INOPERABLE.and closed the outer door.
       Which ONE of the foHowingdescribes the status of CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY, per
       Technical Specification Definitions, and the required Technical Specification action?
       A. Containment Integrity IS met;
           Immediately verify the outer door closed
       B. Containment Integrity IS NOT met;
           Immediately verify the outer door closed
       C. Containment Integrity IS met;
           Verify the outer door closed within 1 hour.
       D. Containment Integrity.IS.NOT met;
           Verify the outer door closed withint hour.
       Which ONE of the following would be used to change the alarm setpoints from the
       Main ControtRoom of a safety related radiation monitor?
       A. RM-11
       B. RM-23
       C. RM-23P
       D. RM-80

Thursday, March 20,2008 10:37:02 AM 46

                                 Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   The crew enteredFRP-C.1, Response to Inadequate Core Cooling, with the
               following cond itionspresent:
               *    Loss of Offsite has occurred
               *    Core Exit temperature is 737 degrees F
               *    RCSpressure is 1650psig
               *    RVLIS is 360/0
       Which ONE of the following describes the condition of the RCS and the actions
       required in response to this condition?
       A. Saturated, heat transfer is degraded;
           Establish an *RCS Vent path to lower pressure and temperature
       B. Saturated ,heat transfer is in jeopardy;
           Reinitiate High Pressure Safety Injection to restore core cooling
       C. Superheated, heattransferisdegraded;
           Establish an RCS Vent path to lower pressure and temperature
       D. Superheated, heat transfer isin jeopardy;
           ReinitiateHigh Pressure Safety Injection to restore core cooling

Thursday, March 20,200810:37:02 AM 47

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
        Given the following:
          *     The plant is operating at55% power.
          *     The following annunciator is received in the Control Room:
                *   APP-ALB-002-7-2, SERV WTRPUMPS DISCHARGE LOW PRESS
           *    TheROnotesthat Cooling Tower Basin Level is decreasing rapidly.
           *    Service Water header pressure is 45 psig and lowering.
           *    One minute later, Service Water header pressure is 25psig and continues to
           *    CTMU cannot maintain Cooling Tower Basin level.
           *   ThecrewehtersAOP-022, Loss of Service Water and completes the immediate
           *   APP-ALB-002-7-2is stiJlinand the Cooling Tower Basin Level continues to
               decrease rapidly.
           *    RABOperator reports that a large volume of water is gushing from overhead
                piping in the vicinity of1 SW-276, Headers A & B Return To Normal SW Header
               valve. The area is inaccessible.
           *   All automatic plant systems have functioned as designed.
       Which ONE of the following describes the location of the leak, and the action required?
       A. Unisolable leak located in the Normal Service Water System;
           Trip the reactor and go toPATH-1.
       B. UnisolableJeakIocated in the Emergency Service Water System;
           Trip the reactor and go toPATH-1.
       C. Isolableleak locatedinthe Normal Service Water System;
            EnsureNSW is properly aligned to equipment listed in AOP-022, Attachment 1.
       D. Isolable leak located in the Emergency Service Water System;
            EnsureESW is properly aligned to equipment listed in AOP-022,Attachment 1.

Thursday, March.20, 200810:37:02 AM 48

                                 Harris 2008 SROExam Rev FINAL
       Which ONE of the following describes the operation of Service Air Header Isolation
       Valve, 1SA-506?
       A. Closes automatically when Instrument Air. header pressure decreases below 75
           Automatically reopens when pressure increases above 79 psig.
       B. Closes automatically when InstrumentAir header pressure decreases below 75
           Must be manually reopened .whenpressure increases above 79 psig.
       C. Closes automatically when Instrument Air header pressure decreases below 90
           Automatically reopens when pressure increases above 94 psig.
       D. Closes automatically when Instrument Airheader pressure.decreases below 90
           Mustbe manually reopened when pressure increases above 94 psig.

Thursday, March 20,200810:37:03 AM 49

                                 Harris2008SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   The plant is at 1000/0. power.
           *   An inadvertent Containment Spray actuation has occurred on Train "A".
           *   Train "A" Containment Spray has been secured.
           *   Containmentpressureindicates (-)2.4 inches H20.
       Which ONE of the following describes how Containment pressure will be restored to
       within limits?
       A. Containment Vacuum Relief system will operate to restore containment pressure to
           -1.5 inches H20. No other actions are required.
       B. ContainmentVacuumRelief system will operate to restore containment pressure to
           -1.5 inches H20. Containment purge operation is then required to restore to -1.0
           inches H20.
       C. ContainmentVacuumReliefsystemwilloperate to restore containmentpressure to
           -1 ~OinchesH20.No other actions are required.
       D. ContainmenfVacuum Relief system will operate to restore containment pressure to
           -1.0 inches H20. Containment purge operation is then required to restore to -0.5
           inches H20.

Thursday, March 20,200810:37:03 AM 50

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       "{he plant is at 100% P~A<9 3/~((;)t' Th.-z pUtfl! .~ r;,., loo:5z, I? O"'e12- ~ i  1-{,.\
                                         V        ~ertJi ?iY'<U\} 0" +oq 'S ea-u l c.e. ..
       The operating crew has entered EPP-013, LOCAOutside Containment due to MCB
       Which ONE of the following describes the leak location that would be isolated first in
       accordance with EPP-013, LOCAOutside Containment, and the method for
       confirmation of leak isolation?
       A~  Excess Letdown Heat Exchanger;
           PZRlevel rising.
       B. Excess Letdown Heat Exchanger;
       C. RHRHeat Exchanger;
           PZR level rising.
       D. RHR Heat Exchanger;
           RCS pressure rising

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:37:03 AM 51

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   The reactor was tripped on simultaneous loss of the Main Feedwater Pumps.
           *   All AFW was subsequently lost.
           *   RCS Bleed and Feedisin progress in accordance with FRP-H.1, RESPONSE
           *   Core Exit Thermocouples have stabilized atan average of 595 OF.
           *   Main Feedwater Pump "A" hasbeen started.
           *   Containment pressure is 1.0 psig and stable.
       Which ONE of the following describes the method-and rate of establishing feedwater
       A. Feed one Steam Generator at the MINIMUM controllable rate untila SG WIDE
           range level is>15% using the respective Feedwater Control Bypass Valve.
       B. Feed one Steam Generator at the MAXIMUM rate until a SGNARROW range level
           is >25 % u s i n g the respective Feedwater Control Bypass Valve.
       c.  Feed all Steam Generators at the MINIMUM controllable rate until a SGWIDE
           range level is >15% using the Feedwater Control Valves.
       D. Feed all Steam Generators attheMAXIMUMrate until aSG NARROW range level
           is >25% using the FeedwaterControl Valves.
       Given the following:
           *   A reactor trip and loss of off-site power have occurred.
           *   The crew is performing acooldown using EPP-007 , Natural Circulation With
               Steam Void in Vessel (Without RVLIS).
           *   Off-Site powerhasbeen restored.
           *   Preparations are being made to start an RCP.
       Which ONE of the following describes the minimum PZR level required for RCP restart
       in accordance withEPP~007, and the reason for the level?
       A. 25%to ensure minimum inventory for adequate pressure control.
       B. 65% to ensure minimum inventory for adequate pressure control.
       C. 25% to ensure adequate volume for collapsing the void
       D. 650/0 to ensure adequate volume for collapsing the void

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:37:03 AM 52

                                 Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Which ONE of the following describes the reason and requirements for depressurizing
       theRCS in accordance with EPP-012, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation?
       A. To. minimize RCS leakage;
           Depressurize the RCS to achieve RCS subcooling between 10°F and 20°F [40°F
           and 50°F];
       B. To ensure SI Accumulator injection;
           Depressurize theRCS to.achieveRCS subcooling between 10°F and 20°F [40°F
           and 50°F];
       C. To minimize ReS leakage;
           Depressurize the RC,S to maintain RCS subcoolingjustabove lOaF [100°F];
       D. To ensureSIAccumulatorinjection;
           Depressurize the RCSto maintain RCS subcoolingjust above   zo-r [100°F];

Thursday, March.20,200810:37:03 AM 53

                                 Harris 2008SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   You are assigned as the RO on day shift.
           *   You have been called for Fitness for Duty screening.
           *   You must leave the Control Room for approximately 1.5 hours.
           *   TheSSOhasgivenperm.ission and directed no additional actions are required
               beyond those 'stated °in OMM-002, Shift Turnover Package.
       lAW OMM-002, which ONE of the following is the MINIMUM required for the shift
       (Attachment 14, Documentation of Short Term Assumption of Duties)
       (Attachment 5, Control Operator Shift Turnover Checklist)
       A. Oral turnover to the remaining Board Operator. Both watchstanders Initial
           Attachment 14. No log entry required.
       B. Oral turnover to the remaining Board Operator. Both watchstanders Initial
           Attachment 14 and document reliefforgreater than 1 hour in the Control Operator
       Co. Perform a turnover using Attachment 5. Both watchstanders Initial Attachment 5.
           No log entry. required.
       D. Perform a turnover using Attachment 5. Enter the information in the Control
           Operators log, and sign the log over.

Thursday, March 20,200810:37:03 AM 54

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   A power increase.isinproqress in accordance with GP-005, Power Operation.
           *   Average Power Range Nls indicate 40% power.
           *   Main Turbine load indicates 35% power.
           *   Average Loop Delta Tindicates 420/0 power.
       Which ONE of the following describes the actions required in accordance with
       A. Power must be reduced less than 30.% by all indications and a calorimetric
           performed to determine actual .power.
       B. Power increase should be stopped and a calorimetric must be performed to
           determine actual power.
       C. Power increase should be stopped and the PRNls adjusted to match turbine power.
       D. Power increase may continue using turbine power and no further action is required
           unless turbine power and average PRNlsdeviate by 50/0 or greater.
       A. Lubrication of a valve stem prior to each scheduled testing of the valve.
       B. Periodic or occasional venting of pumps priorto testing, not associated with the
           surveillance being performed.
       C. Adjusting the bolt torque on a valve collar prior to stroke time testing of the valve.
       D. Operation ofa pump shortly before a test, if a situation could be avoided to operate
           the pump while maintaining plant and personnel safety.

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:37:03 AM 55

                                 Harris 2008 SROExam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
            *   The unit is in Mode 6.
            *   Refueling operations are in progress.
            *   The 30th fuel assembly is being loaded into the core.
            *   Current Boron Concentration is 2450 ppm.
       According to GP-009, Refueling Cavity Fill, Refueling, and Drain of the Refueling
       Cavity, Modes 5-6-5, which ONE of the foHowingwould require fuel loading operations
       to be stopped immediately?
       A. Communications is lost between Containment and the Control Room.
       B. Water in the Spent FuelPool in not.clear enough to view the Fuel top Nozzles
           without supplementalJighting.
       C. Boron concentration drops by 10 ppm as determined by two successive samples of
           Reactor Coolant.
       D.Anunanticipatedrisein countrateby a factor of two occurs on 1 of2 operable
           Source Range channels during any single loading step.

Thursday, March 20,200810:37:03 AM 56

                                  Harris.2008,SRO ExamRev FINAL
       Given the following conditions at a work site:
           *   Airborne activity -5 DAC
           *   Radiation level- 40mrem/hr.
           *   Radiation level with shielding - 20 mrem/hr.
           *   Time to conduct task WITH respirator - 40 minutes.
           *   Time to conduct task WITHOUT respirator .. 30 minutes.
           *   The airborne dose with a respirator will be zero.
           *   A dose rate of40mrem/hr will be received while placing the shielding. Assume
               no benefit from shielding during placement.
           *   All tasks will performed by one worker.
           *   Shielding can be placed in 15 minutes with or without a respirator.
           *   The shielding will not be removed.
       Which O.NE of the following would result in the lowestwhole body dose?
       A. Conduct task WITHOUT respirator or shielding.
       B. Conduct task WITH respirator and WITHOUT shielding.
       C. Place shielding while wearing respirator and conduct task WITH respirator.
       D. Place shielding while wearing respirator and conduct-task WITHOUT respirator.

Thursday, March 20, 200810:37:03 AM 57

                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       A. 2000mrem;
           Superintendent- Radiation Protection
       B. 2000 mrem;
           Site Vice President
       c.  4000 mrem;
           Superintendent -Radiation Protection
       D. 4000 mrem;
           Site Vice President

Thursday, March 20,2008 to:37:03 AM 58

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Initial Conditions:
           *   The unitis att 00% power.
       Current Conditions:
           *   The following alarm is received:
               * ALB-001-7-1, ACCUMULATOR TANK AHI..LO PRESSURE
           *   The RO.reportsthe following indications:
               * Cold Leg AccumulatorA'tpressure is 650psig and slowly increasing
               * Cold Leg Accumulator "A"level is 75% and slowly increasing
       Which one of the following is the action required lAW the appropriate Annunciator
       Plant Procedure andlheOPERABILITY of the "A" Cold <Leg Accumulator (CLA)?
       A. Drain "A" CLA to lower pressure;
            CLA "A" is INOPERABLE
       B. Verify Nitrogen to the accumulators is isolated and vent excess accumulator
            CLA "A"is INOPERABLE
       C. Drain "A"CLAto lower pressure;
            CLA"A" is OPERABLE
       D. Verify Nitrogen to the accumulators is isolated and vent excess accumulator
            CLA "A" is OPERABLE

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:37:03 AM 59

                                 Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   At 1302, a steam generator tube leak is identified.
           *   At 1318,a,plantshutdownis commenced dueto exceeding TS leakage limits.
           *   At 1319, an Unusual Event is declared by the Site Emergency Coordinator.
           *   At 1321, a reactortripoccurs,
           *   At 1327, the crew identifies SG "A"as the ruptured SG.
           *   At 1330, an ALERT is declared by the SEC.
       Which ONE ofthe following describes the latest time that the initial notification to
       State/County officialsANDthe*NRC*is due?
                      State/County                       NRC
       A.             1334                              1334
       B.             1334                              1419
       C.             1345                              1419
       D.             1345                              1430

Thursday, March 20,200810:37:04 AM 60

                                   Harris2008SROExam Rev FINAL
        Given thefoHowing:
           *   One Shutdo.wnBank-A, Group 2 Rod has dropped into the core.
           *   The crew is recovering the dropped rod.
           *   ALB-13-7-1 ,RODCONT SYSTEM URGENT FAILURE is received.
       Which ONE of the following describes the reason for the alarm and the plant
       A. Withdrawing the rod while the remaining Group 2 Lift Coils are deenergized.
           Rod withdrawal is blocked until the alarm is reset.
       B. Initiation of an "out" siqnalto SO Bank "A" Rods, and its Group 1 rods do not move.
           Rod withdrawal is blocked until thealarm is reset.
       C. Withdrawing the rod while the remaining Group 2 Lift Coils are deenergized.
           Rod withdrawal is unaffected and recovery may continue.
       D. Initiation of an "out" signal to SO Bank "A" Rods and its Group 1 rods do not move.
           Rod withdrawal is unaffected and recovery may continue.

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:37:04 AM 61

                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   The Unit has experienced aSBLOCA.
           *    EPP-0'09, Post LOCACooldown and Depressurization is in progress.
           *   All RCPs are running.
           *    RCS pressure is 1690psig.
           *   An RCScooldown has-been initiated by dumping steam to the atmosphere.
       Which ONE.of the following describes the required RCP configuration lAW with
       EPP-009, and the basis for this configuration?
       A. All RCPs should be stopped;
           minimize RCS inventory loss when the break uncovers
       B. One RCP should be stopped;
           produces effective heat transfer, provides boron mixing for RHR operations, and
           providesRCSpressure control
       C. All RCPsshould be Jeft running:
           ensures symmetric heat transfer to the S/Gs, aids in ReS pressure control, and
           prevents steam voiding in the Reactor vessel head
       D. Two RCPs should be stopped;
           minimizes RCS heat input and still produces effective heat transfer and RCS
           pressure control

Thursday, March 20, 200810:37:04 AM 62

                                 Harris<2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Which ONE of the following describes the Technical Specification basis for the
        Pressurizer Code *safety valves?
       The basis is that the combined reHefcapacityof all the pressurizer Code safeties is
       greater than the maximum surge rate assuming                        AND                _
       A. a complete loss of load.directly resulting in a reactor trip from the turbine trip;
           no operation of the pressurizerPORVs or the steam dumps
       B. a complete loss of load with no reactor trip until the second trip setpoint is reached;
           no operation. of the pressurizer PORVs or the steam dumps
       C.a complete loss of load directly resulting in a reactor trip from the turbine trip;
           no operation of the pressurizer PORVs, steam dumps operate as designed
       D. a complete loss of load with no reactor trip until the second trip setpoint is reached;
           no operation of the pressurizer PORVs, steam dumps operate as designed

Thursday, March 20,200810:37:04 AM 63

                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
           *   Following a turbine runback, the crew has stabilized the plant.
           *   Control Bank "O"Group Counters are at 180 steps.
           *   On ORPI, one Control Bank "0" rod indicates 198 steps; all others indicate 180
           *   The crew has entered AOP-001 and determined the rod to be immovable and
       Which ONE of the following describes the expected alarm for the given plant conditions
       and the technical specification implications of this event?
       A.ALB~t3-6-1,       RPIURGENT .ALARM;
           Verify Shutdown Margin within 1 hour and be in Hot Standby within 6 hours.
           VerifyShutdownMarqin within 1 hour. Power operation may continue provided that
           accident analyses are revaluated to be satisfactory.
       c.  ALB-13-6-1, RPJURGENTALARM;
           Verify Shutdown Margin within 1 hour. Power operation may continue provided that
           accident analyses are revaluated to be satisfactory
           Verify Shutdown Margin within 1 hour and bein Hot Standby within 6 hours.

Thursday, March ~0,20081 0:37:04 AM 64

                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following plant conditions:
             *     A normalplant cooldown is in progress
             *     Both CSIPsare OPERABLE
       Which of the following is the plant temperature at which Technical Specifications
       require a MAXIMUM of ONE(1) CSIP to be OPERABLE and the basis for this
       A. 325   -r.
           Prevents an uncontrolled cooldown due to a mass addition of cold water from the
       B. 325°F;
           Provides assurance that a mass addition pressure transient can be relieved by the
       C. 350°F;
           Prevents an uncontrolled cooldown duetoa mass addition of cold water from the
       D. 350°F;
           Provides assurance thatamass addition pressure transient can be relieved by the

Thursday, March 20,20081 0:37:04 AM 65

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   The plant 100% power.
           *   A loss of Component Cooling. Water has occurred.
           *   The crew is performing actions of AOP-014, Loss of Component Cooling
           *   3 minutes into the event, thele.ak is determined to be onCCWloop "A".
           *   "A"SurgeTanklevel indicates 20/0.
           *   "B" Surge Tank leveLindicates 38% and stable.
           *   TheCCW Non-Essential Loop was isolated from "A" Train and is now aligned to
               the "B" Train.
       Which ONE of the following describes the minimum actions required by AOP-014?
       A. Trip the reactor,
           Immediately trip RCPs, and enter Path-t.
       B. TripaffectedCCWpump(s)
           Continue attempts to locate the leak in accordance. with AOP-014. Mode 1
           operations may.continue.
       C. Trip the reactor,
           Enter Path-1 and trip the RCPs within 10 minutes.
       D. Trip affectedCCW pumpis)..'
           Enter AOP-038 fora rapid shutdown while continuing attempts to locate the leak in
           accordance with AOP-014.

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:37:04 AM 66

                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   The plant is operating at 100% power
           *   All equipment is operating in normal lineups.
       Current conditions:
           *   A loss of DC Bus    DP-1A~SAoccurs .
      .Which. ONE of the following describes the impact of this failure on the Reactor
       Protection System and the actions required?
       A. RTB "A"shunt trip coilwillbe disabled by the loss of DC bus and directly cause a
           reactor trip;
           Perform actions of Path-1 in parallel with AOP-025,Loss of One Emergency AC
           Bus(6.9kV)OrOne Emergency DC Bus (125V)
       B. RTB "A" shunttrip coil will be disabled by the loss of DC Bus but this will NOT
           directly result in areactortrip:
           Initiate a.manual reactor trip due to the effect on the plant of the loss of DC Power
           supply and perform actions of Path-1 in parallel with AOP-025, Loss of One
           Emergency ACBus(6.9kV)Or One Emergency DC Bus (125V)
       C. RTB "A" undervoltage colt will lose power due to the loss of DC*Bus and directly
           cause a reactor trip;
           Perform actionsofPath-.t. Once Path-t is exited then enter AOP-025, Loss of One
           EmergencyACBus(6.9kV)Or One Emergency DC Bus (125V)
       D. RTB "A"undervoltagecoil will lose power due to the loss of DC Bus but this will
           NOT directly result in a reactor trip;
           Initiate a manual reactor trip due to the effect on the plant.of the loss of DC Power
           supply and perform actions ofPath-1 in parallel with AOP-025, Loss of One
           EmerqencyAt; Bus {6.9kV) Or One Emergency DC Bus (125V)

Thursday, March 20,2008 10:37:04 AM 67

                                  Harris 2008SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *    A reactor startup isinproqress in accordance with GP-004, Reactor Startup
                (Mode 3 to Mod.e2).
           *    ThefoHowingalarmis received:
           *    SRChannel N-31 indicates 7X10 3 cps.
           *    SRChannelN-32indicates7X10 3 cps.
           *    IRChannelN-35indicates 8.7X10- 11 amps.
           *    IR Channel N-36 indicates 7.0X10.-10 amps.
       Which ONE of the following describes the existing plant condition and the associated
       Technical Specification requirements for continued operation?
       A. N-35 is undercompensated;
           Raising power above P-6ispermittedonceOWP-RP, Reactor Protection, is
       B. N-35is undercompensated;
           Raising power above P-6is*NOTpermitted until the channel is restored to
       C. N-36 isundercompensated;
           Raisinq power above P-6 is permittedonceOWP-RP, Reactor Protection, is
       D. N-36 is undercompensated;
           Raising power above P-6is NOT permitted until the channel is restored to

Thursday, March 20, 200810:37:04 AM 68

                                  Harris 2008SROExam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *    Plant is operating at 1000/0 power.
           *    Pressurizer level transmitter LI-459Aoutput has failed.
       Which ONE of the following describes the Technical Specification actions required, if
       any, and the Technical Specification basis for the High Pressurizer Water Level reactor
       A. Enter T*.S.3.3.1, RPSlnstrumentation. The inoperable channel must be placed in a
           trip condition within 6* hours;
           Provides a backup trip to PZR High Pressure reactor trip and ensures that water
           relief through thePZR safety valves will not occur.
       B. EnterT.S.3.3.1 ,RPSlnstrumentation. The inoperable channel must be placed in a
           trip condition within 6 hours;
           Provides primary protection for loss of load events' and ensures that on a PZR level
           channel failure, the PZRsafety valves will not lift prior to the PZR High Pressure
           reactor trip.
       C. ActionperT.S.3.3.1, RPS Instrumentation, is NOT required since 2 channels are
           still available;
           Provides a backup trip to PZR High Pressure reactor trip and ensures that water
           relief through the PZRsafety valves will not occur.
       D. Action per T.S. 3.3.1, RPS Instrumentation, is NOT required since 2 channels are
           still available;
           Provides primary protection for loss of load events and ensures that on a PZR level
           channel failure, thePZRsafetyvalves will not lift prior to the PZR High Pressure
           reactor trip.

Thursday, March 20,2008 10:37:04 AM 69

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
        Given the following:
           *   The plant isin Mode 4.
           *    RHR Train"B" has been placed in service.
           *    ReS temperature is stable at 325°F.
           *    RCS pressure is 320 psig and lowering slowly.
           *   Containment sump level is 20 inches and rising slowly.
           *    REM-01LT-3502A-SA,Cnmt RCSLeak Detection Monitor, is in HIGH alarm.
           *    Pressurizer level is 24% and slowly lowering.
           *   Charging is in MANUAL with flow of 120 gpm.
       Which ONE of the following-describes the correct procedure to address the event in
       proqress and the mitigation actions this procedure will require?
       A. AOP-016, Excessive RCS Leakage
           Manually align high head Sifiow through the BIT
       B. AOP-020, Loss of RCSlnventory or Residual Heat Removal While Shutdown
           Manually align high head SI flow through the BIT
       C. AOP-016, Excessive RCS Leakage
           Stop all running RHR pumps andisolateRHR
       D. AOP-020, Loss of ReS Inventory or Residual Heat Removal While Shutdown
           Stop alLrunning RHRpumps and isolateRHR

Thursday, March 20, 200810:37:05 AM 70

                                  Harris 2008SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           * A LOCA occurred 45 minutes ago.
           * The crew is performing actions in accordance with EPP-010, Transfer to Cold
               Leg Recirculation ~
           * SwapovertoColdLegRecirculation is in progress.
           * The followinqalarrnsare received:
               *   ALB-001-2-2, SPRAY PUMPA DISCHARGE LOW PRESS
               *   ALB-001-2,-5,SPRAYPUMP A SUCTION LOW PRESS
           *   Both alarms are received and clear intermittently over the course of about 1
           *   "A" RHRpump amps and discharge pressure are beginning to oscillate.
           *   The USCOdetermines that Train "A" recirculation sump performance is
       WhichONE of-the folloWin~ describes the actions performed. based on the
       determination thatthe recirculation sump is degraded?
       A. Remainin,EPP-010;
           Stop "A" Containment Spray Pump.
       B. Remain in EPP-010;
           ThrottleCSIP flow to be slightly greater than the minimum flow requirements.
       C. Go to EPP-012,Lossof Emergency Coolant Recirculation;
           Stop "A"Containment Spray Pump.
       D. Go to EPP-012, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation;
           Throttle CSIP ftowto be slightly greater than the minimum flow requirements.

Thursday, March 20,2008 10:37:05 AM 71

                                 Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   A SGTR is in progress on "A" S/G.
           *. All MSIVs failed to close.
           *   All required actions of Path-2havebeen completed
           *   A transition has been made to EPP-020, SGTRWITH LOSS OF REACTOR
           *   Containment sump levels are normal for the current plant conditions.
       Which ONE ofthe following conditions would require consulting plant operations staff
       to determine if recovery should be completed*usingEPP-021, SGTR WITH LOSS OF
       A. RWST level of 70%
       B. "A" SG.levelat 98%
       C. RWST level of20%
       D. RCSPressure of 360psig

Thursday, March 20,200810:37:05 AM 72

                                    Harris 2008 SROExam Rev FINAL
        Initial conditions:
             *   Reactor power was at 100°A>.
             *   Main Steam flow indications were rising on all 3SGs.
            *    Reactor power roseto 103%.
            *   The reactor was manually tripped.
            *    SafetyJnjectionwClsmanuallyactuated.
            *    Main Steam Isolation. was manually actuated.
       Current conditions:
            *    ReS pressure is 1700psig and stable.
            *   "A" and"B" SG pressures are 800 psig and stable.
            *   "C" SGpressureis50 psigand slowly lowering.
            *    Core Exit temperatureis440degreesF and rising.
            *    Pressurizer level is 12% and rising.
            *    SG "A" and "B"NR levels are 35% and rising.
            *   Containment pressure is 0.3psigand stable
            *   The USCG has just completed the steps in EPP-014, Faulted Steam Generator
                 Isolation, for isolating the "C" Steam Generator.
       Which ONE of the following describes current status of SI Termination criteria and
       which' procedure will be used to address SI Termination?
       A. Conditions are met toterminateSI;
             SI willbe terminated in EPP-014
       B. Conditions aremetto terminate SI;
             SI will be terminatedonceatransition is made to EPP-008,SI Termination
       C. Conditio.nsareNOTmettoterminate SI;
             SI will be terminated in EPP-014 once conditions are met
       D. Conditions are NOT met to terminate SI;
             SI will be terminated in EPP-008,*SI Termination, once conditions are met

Thursday, March 20,2008 10:37:05 AM 73

                                 Harris 2008 SROExam Rev FINAL
       Given the following plant conditions:
           *   The plant-is in Mode 1.
           *   ALB-15-2-2,PIC 1-2-3-4~9-10-13-14POWER FAILURE, alarms
           *   ALB-15-1-4,60KVAUPSTROUBLE, remains clear
           *   ALB-15-1-5, 7.5 KVA UPS TROUBLE, remains clear
           *   ALB-15-1-3, PROTECTIONSYSAlBTROUBLEalarms
           *   Most lights in" the bottom row of Trip Status Light Boxes are energized
       Which ONE ofthe following correctly identifies the effect on the plant and the Technical
       Specification implications for this event?
       A. Power has been lost to all "B" Train SSPS Slave and Master relays
           Enter Technical Specification 3.0.3 immediately
       B. Ability to placeAFW Isolation bistables in a tripped condition is lost
           Enter Technical Specification 3.0.3 immediately
       C. Power has been losttoall "B"Train SS.PS Slave and Master relays
           Enter Technical Specification 3.0.3 after 6 hours
       D. Ability to place AFW Isolation bistables ina tripped condition is lost
           Enter Technical Specification .3.0.3 after 6 hours

Thursday, March 20, 200810:37:05AM *74

                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *   The MCR has been evacuated and the crew has entered AOP-004, Remote
           *   The ACP is manned. and operational.
       Which ONE of the following describes how power will be monitored by the Wide Range
       Neutron Flux Monitoring (WRFM) system after leaving the MCR, and what is the
       MINIMUM EmergencyClassificatio.n for this event?
       A. Neutron flux will be determined using two redundant WRFM(NI-60A2, N.I-60B2)
           that willbothindicateacross the Source and Intermediate Range.
       B. Neutron fluxwill be determinedinitially using.oneWRFM (NI-60B2). Once it is
           off-scalelowthenthe second WRFM(NI-60A2).is used to determine Source Range
           Site Area Emerqency.
       C. Neutron flux wilLbedetermined using two redundant WRFM (NI-60A2, NI-60B2)
           that will both indicate across the Source and Intermediate Range.
           Site Area Emergency.
       D. Neutron flux will be determined initially using oneWRFM (NI-60B2).Once it is
           off-scale low then the.secondWRFM(NI-60A2) is used to determine Source Range

Thursday, March 20,20081 0:37:05 ~M 75

                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following plant conditions:
           *   The plant is at 100% power
           *   A'Iossofpower to Safety Bus 1B-SBoccurs
           *   The "B"EDG fails to start
       Which one of the following describes the effect on the plant and the Technical
       Specification (T.S.) requirements that apply?
       A. Will generate aContainmentVentilationlsolation Signal;
           ONLY "B" Train containment vacuum breaker is INOPERABLE, enter T.S. 3.6.5,
           Containment Vacuum Relief, restore in 72 hours or be in at least HOT STANDBY
           within the next 6 hours.
       B. Will NOT generate a ContainmentVentilation Isolation Signal;
           ONLY "B"Traincontainmentvacuum breaker is INOPERABLE, enter T.S. 3~6.5,
           Containment Vacuum Relief, restore in 72 hoursorbe in at least HOT STANDBY
           within the next 6 hours.
       C. Will generate aContainmentVentiiation 'Isolation Signal;
           Enter T.,S.3.0.3duetoinoperabilityofboth containment vacuum breakers
       D. Will NOT generate a Containment Ventilation Isolation Signal;
           Enter 1.S.3.0.3' due to inoperabilityofboth containmentvacuum breakers

Thursday, March 20, 200810:37:05 AM 76

                                   Harris 2008 SROExam Rev FINAL
       Initial Conditions:
           *   The plant was at 100% power.
           *   Automatic Safety Injection occurs.
           *   The crew entersPath-1
       Current Plant Conditions:
           *   Pressuriz.erlevel15% andslowlylowerinq
           *   RCS pressure 1400.psig.and slowly lowering
           *   RAB radiation levels are slowly rising
           *   RAB Sump levels are slowly rising
       Which ONE (1) of the following describes the correct action to be taken?
       A. Transition out ofPath-1to EPP-013, LOCAOutside of Containment, and isolate the
            Low Head Safety Injection system.
       B. Transition outofPath-1toEPP-013,LOCA Outside of Containment, and isolate the
            High Head Safety Injection system.
       C. RemaininPath-1and thencooldown and depressurize lAW EPP-009, Post-LOCA
            Cooldownand Depressurization.
       D. RemaininPath-1 and then establish cold leg recirculation lAW EPP-010, Cold Leg

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:37:05 AM 77

                                   Harris 2008 SROExam Rev FINAL
           *   A LOCAhasoccurred on "B" Cold Leg.
           *   ECCS has NOT functioned as required.
          ,.   All RCP's are TRIPPED.
           *   CET'sindicate 756°F.
           *   RVLISFull Range is 49%.
           *   Containment pressure is6 psig and rising slowly.
           *   All SG pressures are at 1050 psig.
       Which ONE of the following procedures will the crew implement for these conditions,
       and what actions will be taken to mitigate this event?
       A. Enter FRP-C.1, Response To Inadequate Core Cooling;
           Depressurize allintactSGsto 80psig by dumping steam at maximum rate.
       B. Enter FRP-C.2, Response To Degraded Core Cooling;
           Depressurize all intact 'SGs to 80 psigbydumpingsteam at maximum rate.
       C. Enter FRP-C.1 ,Response To Inadequate Core Cooling;
           Depressurize all intact SGs to 80 psig by dumping steam not to exceed a 100°F/hr
           cooldown rate.
       D. Enter FRP-C.2, Response To Degraded 'Core Cooling;
           Depressurize all intact SGs to 80 psig by dumping steam notto exceed a 100°F/hr
           cooldown rate.

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:37:05 AM 78

                                   Harris2008SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given. the following:
           *   A reactor trip has occurred .due to a loss of offsitepower.
           *   The operating crew is performing actions of EPP-005, Natural Circulation
           *   "A" Train RVLIS is out of service.
           *   The crew has commenced RCScooldown and depressurization.
           *   RCSpressureis 1780 psig and trending DOWN.
           *   RCS Tave is 448 of and trending DOWN.
           *   All SGpressures are at 960 .psiq and trending DOWN slowly.
           *   Pressurizer level is 350/0 and trending UP slowly.
           *   Plant management determines that RCS cooldown rate MUST be performed at
               approximately 60 °F/hrdue to secondary inventory concerns.
       Which ONE of the following actions will be required in accordance with EPP-005?
       A. Remain in EPP-0.05and continue cooldownand depressurization.
       B. Actuate safety injection and go toPath-1, entry point A.
       C. Transition to EPP-006, Natural Circulation Cooldown With Steam Void In Vessel
           (With RVLIS).
       D. Remain in EPP-005, stop depressurization and re-establish required subcooling .

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:37:06 AM 79

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Initial Conditions:
            *  A LOCA has occurred.
            *  The crew is performing actions of EPP-012, Loss of Emergency Coolant
               Recirculation, based on plant conditions upon transition from Path-1.
           *   RWST level is 3% and lowering.
       Current Conditions:
           *   Integrity CSF Status Tree indicates Orange.
       Which ONE of the following describes the action and procedure usage required?
       A. StopaH pumps taking suctionfromthe RWST;
            Remain in EPP-012 because actions in EPP-012 are expected to cause an Orange
            condition on *Integrity.
       B. Reduce ECCSflow from the RWST toONE (1) train running;
            Remain in EPP-Ot2 because actions in EPP-012 are expected to cause an Orange
            condition on Integrity.
       C. Stop all pumps taking suction from the RWST;
            Go to FRP-P.1, Response to .Imminent Pressurized Thermal Shock.
       D. Reduce ECCS flow from the RWSTto ONE (1)train running;
            Go toFRP-P.1 ,Response to Imminent Pressurized Thermal Shock.

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:37:06 AM 80

                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following:
           *    The Unit experienced aStearn Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR)*on the "B"
                Steam Generator (SG).
           *    The. crew is currently performing actions ot Path-z.
           *    After completing the initial cooldown using "A"and "C" Steam Generators, the
                RO reports that"C"SG.pressurecontinues to lower.
       Which ONE of the following correctly describes the NEXT action the crew should take
       in accordance with Emergency Operating Procedures?
       A. Immediately transition to EP.P-014, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation, to isolate
           "C" SGand then go to EPP-020,SGTR With Loss Of Reactor Coolant: Subcooled
       B.' Immediately transition to EPP-014, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation, to isolate
           the "C"SG and then return toPath-2 Entry Point J
       C. CompletethedepressurizationinPath-2 to restore pressurizer .level, and then go to
           EPP-020,SGTRWith Loss Of Reactor Coolant: SubcooledRecovery.
       D. Complete the depressurization in Path-2 to restore pressurizer level, and then go to
           EPP-014, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation.

Thursday, March 20, 200810:37:06 AM 81

                                 Harris2008SRO Exam Rev FINAL'
       Initial Plant Conditions:
           *   The plant is at 100%.power.
           *   Chemistry, reports thefoHowing:
                * Primary specific activity is 0.76microcuries per gram dose equivalent 1-131.
                * Secondary specific activity is 0.03 microcuries per gram dose equivalent
                * Secondary conductivity isS micromhos.
       Current Plant Conditions are:
           * Chemistry reports the following:
               * Primary specific activity is 0.85 microcuries per gram dose equivalent 1-131.
               * Secondary specific. activity is 0.62 microcuriespergram dose equivalent
               * Secondary conductivity is 12 micromhos.
           * The crew enters AOP-033, Chemistry Out of Tolerance.
       Which ONE of the following actions is required in accordance with AOP-033?
       A~  Remain in AOP-033 and checkforCondenser tube leakage. Initiate Turbine load
           reductiontoless than 30%.
       B. Go to AOP-032, HighRCS Activity based upon direction of AOP-033.
       C. Remain in AOP-033 and isolate Auto-Chlorination of Service Water andCirc Water,
           initiate Turbine load reduction to less than 30°/0.
       D. Go to AOP-016, Excessive ReS Leakage, as directed by AOP-033.

Thursday, March 20,200810:37:06 AM 82

                                  Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       In Mode 1, which ONE of the following correctly states the basis for the Technical
       Specification Safety Limits on the Reactor Core and the parameters that are used to
       ensure that the Safety Limit is not violated?
       A. Ensures Departure from Nucleate boiling does not occur by restricting operation to
           within the nucleate b'oiling regime..
            Reactor Thermal Power,HighestOperating Loop RCS Average Temperature, and
            Pressurizer Pressure.
       B. EnsuresDeparture from Nucleate boiling does not occur by restricting operation to
           within the. nucleate boiling regime.
           ReactorThermal Power, Highest Core Exit Thermocouple, and Pressurizer
       C. Ensures Peak Centerline Temperature of the fuel is maintained less than 2200° F.
           Reactor Thermal. Power,HighestOperatingLoop RCS Average Temperature, and
           Pressurizer' Pressure.
       D. Ensures Peak Centerline Temperature of the fuel is maintained less than 2200° F.
           Reactor Thermal Power, Highest Core Exit Thermocouple, and Pressurizer
       Given the following plant conditions:
           *   Afuelshuffleisinpro,gressfollowinga refueling lAW FHP-014, Fuel and Insert
           *   You.are.thE3.SRO-FueIHandling forthefuelshuffle,
           *   A fuelassemblyhasjustbeen latched and raised for visual inspection.
           *   The Refueling Engineer reportsto you that the serial number on Attachment 1
               does NOT matchthevisuallyverified serialnumber on the fuel assembly.
       Which ONE(1) ofthefolJo.wingliststheactionsrequired by FHP-014, Fuel and Insert
       Shuffle Sequence with regard to the latched fuel assembly?
       A*. Lower the fuel assembly in the location it was removed from and unlatch
       B. Move the fuel assembly to a temporary storage location and unlatch
       C. Lower the fuel assembly in the location it was removed from but do NOT unlatch
       D. Move the fuelassembly toa temporary storage location but do NOT unlatch

Thursday, March 20,2008 10:37:06 AM 83

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
       Given the following plant conditions:
           *    The operating crew is lining discharge the contents of the Treated L&HS
                TankA to Cooling Tower Discharge IAWOP-120.1 0.04.
           *    It is also determined that a release is *required from the Secondary Waste
                Sample Tank (SWST).
       Which ONE (1}of the following provides the minimum approval requirements for this
       release and what release of the SWST can occur simultaneously with the discharge of
       the Treated L&HSTank IAW*OP-120.10.04?
       A. Manager -Operations permission required;
           ONLY a ContinuQusReleaseofSWSTmay occur simultaneously.
       B. S-SO permission required;
           ONLY a Continuous Release of SWSTmayoccur simultaneously.
       C. Manager- Operations permission required'
           BOTH a Continuous or a Batch Release of SWST may occur simultaneously.
       D. S-SOpermission required;
           BOTH a Continuous or a Batch Release of SWST may occur simultaneously.

Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:37:06 AM 84

                                  Harris 2008SROExam Rev FINAL
        Initial plant conditions:
            *   "A" Train Equipment in service
            *   "B" *ESWPumpis under clearance for motor replacement
            *   TDAFW Pump is under clearance fortappet nut replacement
                Time          Log Entry
                1230         SBLOCA inside containment (-200gpm)
                1231         Reactor Trip & Safety Injection initiated
                1236         Containment Pressure 3.3 psig and rising
                1238          Loss of Offsite Power occurs
                1240         Crew notes "A" CCW Pump has tripped and can not be restarted
                1242         CURRENT TIME
       All other plant equipment responds as expected for the event in progress.
       Which ONE(1) of the following is the HIGHEST Emergency Classification entered for
       this event asof CURRENT TIME?
       A. ALERT, EAL5-1-2
       B. ALERT, EAL8-2-2

Thursday, March 20, 200810:37:06 AM 85

                                   Harris 2008 SRO Exam Rev FINAL
        Given the following:
           *    The plant is in Mode 6, Core Alterations in progress.
           *    Battery 1B-SBisout of service.
           *    Maintenance reports that Battery tA-SAelectrolyte is overflowing in several
       Which ONE of thefollowinqis.theTechnical Specification action required and its
       A. Restore an Emergency Battery to Operable status within 1 Hour;
           A subsequent loss of off-site power would result in loss of all DC subsystems with
           attendant 10ssofESF functions.
       B.lmmediatelY suspendatloperations involvlnq Core Alterations, positive reactivity
           changes, or movement of irradiated fuel;
           A subsequent loss of off-site power would result in loss of all DC subsystems with
           attendant loss of ESF functions.
       C. Restore an Emergency Battery to Operable status within 1 Hour;
           Sufficient control and instrumentation capability is no longer available to monitor
           and maintain the unit status
       D. Immediptely.suspendalloperationsinvolving Core Alterations, positive reactivity
           changes,or movement of irradiated fuel;
           Sufficient control and instrumentation capability is no longer available to monitor
           and maintain theunitstatus
                                    You have completed the.test!

Thursday, March 2Q, 200810:37:06 AM 86

         Harris 2008-301 SRO Initial License Examination References

1. EAL Flowpath 06-1 Side One Only 2. Steam Tables }}