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{{#Wiki_filter:-. . , UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NPCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Saf et and In the Matter of ) ) PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY, et al. ) Docket No. 50-272 ) (Proposed Issuance of ). Amendment to Facility ) Operating License (Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1) ) No. DPR-*70) LICENSEE'S PROPOSED TRANSCRIPT CORRECTIONS FOR THE EVIDENTIARY HEARING OF APRIL 30, 1980 The Licensee hereby proposes corrections to the trans-cript of the evidentiary hearing held in Salem, New Jersey, on. April 30, 1980, as follows: PAGE 1630 1631 1631 1632 1632 1636 1640 1644 1646 1649 1651 1651 1652 LINE 8 4 7 17 22 23 4 19 24 5 25 26 2 CORRECTION Add "over" following "little" Change 11 over 11 to "to the" Change "over" to "to the" Change "incidence" to "incident" Delete "rack" Change "for" to "from" Change "1430" to "1530" Change "you have ask" to 11 you ask" Change "I" to "If" Change "happended" to "happened" Change "Ryder" to "Reiter" Change "Bandera" to "Bandeira" Change "Panel and in" to "Panel. In" I. PAGE 1653 1658 1659 1660 1662 1663 1663 1663 1664 1664 1664 1664 1665 1665 1665 1669 1674 1681 1682 1685 1685 1686 1689 1689 LINE 5 21 4 5 18 5 15 19 5 9 14 20 9 10 11 16 5 25 25 15 23 11 1 20 CORRECTION Change "swaren. to "swear" Change "Zeroxing" to "Xeroxing" Change "VALORE''
... *to-, "WEBB" Change "on" to "of" Change "ground" to "grounds" Change "the the" to "to the" Add "for" following "the" Change "there" to "they are" Change "stated" to "dated" Change "CHAIRMAN MILHOLLIN" to "MR. WETTERHAHN" Change "proceedings" to "reactors" Change "pertains" to "pertaining" Change "racks, my 'guess' certainly"*
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NPCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Saf et     and In the Matter of                   )
to "racks is my 'guess.' Certainly" Change "and" to "are" Change "Evaulation" to "Evacuation" Change "responsible" to "responsive" Add "and" following "information" Change "it-princip" to "it go principally" Change "would advise" to "have advised" Delete "further" Add "to" following "safety" Change "shipping port" to "Shippingport" Change "outside" to "inside" Change "at in the" to "at the" PAGE 1695 1696 1699 1700 1700-1700 1702 1703 1703 1703 1704 1705 1705 1707 1711 1712 1713 1713 1719 i719 1719 1720 1720 LINE 10 1 10 l 7 18 21 5 6 1.7 20 16 17 3 12 22 20 23 9 16 17 18 22 CORRECTION Change "length, 11 to 11 lengthy, " Change "WETTERHAHN" to "VALORE" Change "lad" to "land" Change "microms" to "microns" Add "are" after "particles" Change "landers" to "land areas" Change "Suttons diffussions" to "Sutton diffusion" Change "expidential" to "exponential" Change "expiaential" to "exponential." Change "mill.ion REMs" to "millirem" Change "ESFAS" to "SFAST" Change "react" to "reactor" Delete "to" Change "s" to "strike" Change "accident" to "incident" Change "Fram" to "Frame" Change "board" to "Board" Change "Efficient" to "Fission" Change. "final. safety analysis report" to "Final Safety Analysis Report" Change "final" to "Final" Change "safety analysis report" to "Safety Analysis Report" Change * "final safety analysis report" to "Final Safety Analysis Report" Change "final safety analysis report" to "Final Safety Analysis Report" ;: *1 . ; ! *.. * , . .. 
* .. J PAGE 1720 1720 1720 1720' 1721 1723 1723 1723 1723 1725 i:725 1727 1729 1729 1730 1730 1731 1731 1734 1734 .1740, . 1740 1743 LINE. 2 3 17 18 20 11 21 21 22 21 23 5 21. 24 11 25 3 12 1 22 2 4 1 CORRECTION
PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND         )   Docket No. 50-272 GAS COMPANY, et al.              )   (Proposed Issuance of
.. Change "final safety analysis" to "Final Safety Analysis" Change "reports in" to "Reports and" Change "final safety analysis report" to "Final Safety Analysis Report" Change 11 plan 11 to "plant" _Change "look" to "took" Change 11 canculation 11 to "calculation" Add. 11 the 11 following 11 and" Change "may be conceivable." to ""may be conceivable."" Delete "in this preliminary" Change *t far. 11 to "faster. " Change "contingents." to "contentions." Change "CHAIRMAN MILHOLLIN" to "MR. TAUSNER" Change "your complaint" to "my calculation" Add "in" following "your" Change "l-0%.11 to "100%." Change "Oakridge" to "Oak Ridge" Change 11 centegrade." to "Centigrade." Add. "and" following "strontium" Change "about square." to "about a square inch." Change "centegrade." to "Centigrade." Change "EDDY" to "eddy" Change "EDDY" to "eddy" Change 11 Wetterhawn" to "Wetterhahn" _I I. __ PAGE 1752 1758 1758 1758 1758 1759 1765 1766 1766 1770 1772 1775 1777 1778 1778 1778 1782 1784 1785 1785 1787 LINE 9 6 20 22 24 15* 17 13 17 15 T 21 20 18 19 21 18 6 2 . 22 7 CORRECTION Change 11 Q 11 to "A 11 Change 11 and" to 11 in 11 Change "WETTERHAHN" to "WEBB" Change "show to 11 show that MR. WETTERHAHN:
                                    ). Amendment to Facility (Salem Nuclear Generating           )    Operating License Station, Unit 1)                 )   No. DPR-*70)
I" Change "DR." to "MR." Change "di versions" to "di visions" Change "I'sm" to "I'm" Change "depressurized" to "the pressurize" Change "PSIP." to "PSIG." Change "would" to "wood'' Change "PSIP" to "PSIG" Change "mechanism impossibility" to "mechanistic possibility" Change "Bandara*l to "Bandeira" Change "It being" to "I will" Change "rienforced" to "reinforced" Change "rienforced" to "reinforced" Change 11 wistriken 11 to "unstricken" Change "fussed" to "fused" Change *11 porus" to "porous 11 Change 11 fnr" to "for" Change "s* fuel." to "SFUEL.11 ;* [. r***. ,. I r:-f*. 
LICENSEE'S PROPOSED TRANSCRIPT CORRECTIONS FOR THE EVIDENTIARY HEARING OF APRIL 30, 1980 The Licensee hereby proposes corrections to the trans-cript of the evidentiary hearing held in Salem, New Jersey, on. April 30, 1980, as follows:
*-* PAGE 1787-1790 1790 1790 1.790 1790 1793 1793 1794 1796 1:797 1.797 1799 1800. 1801 1803 1803 1803 1803 1803 1803 1804 1804 *J.804 LINE 13 3 3 4 ll 13 l 23 9 25 2. 23 3 20 4 6 17 1.7 20 23 23 11 12 19 CORRECTION Change "not" to "no" Change "evidentry" to "evidentiary" Change "this" to "those" Change "rebuttle" to "rebuttal" Change "rebuttle" to "rebuttal" Change "rebuttJ.e 11* to "rebuttal" Change "conotes" to ... connotes" Change "Business." to "business." Change "avoide" to "avoid" Change "ist" to "is" "certianly" to "certainly" Change "baker" to "Baker" Change "Paraforic" to "pryrophoric" Change "advance" to "advanced" Change "clear" to "yie:Ld" Change "tha te" to "there" Change "on" to "as" Change "that" to "the" Change "events"*to "event's" Change "black box" to "Black Fox" Chcmge "A'.'"'Lab".
PAGE       LINE        CORRECTION 1630           8      Add "over" following "little" 11 1631          4      Change   over 11 to "to the" 1631          7      Change "over" to "to the" 1632          17      Change "incidence" to "incident" 1632          22      Delete "rack" 1636          23      Change "for" to "from" 1640          4      Change "1430" to "1530" 11 1644          19      Change "you have ask" to         you ask" 1646          24      Change "I" to "If" 1649          5      Change "happended" to "happened" 1651          25      Change "Ryder" to "Reiter" 1651          26      Change "Bandera" to "Bandeira" 1652          2      Change "Panel and in" to "Panel.           In"
to "ALAB" Add "of." following "series"
* Change "ins ta taneous" to "*instantaneous" Add. "is" following "which" r;--:* r .. j.
._ . -* PAGE LINE. 1804 1805 1805 1805 . 1805 May 23, 1980 24 6 9 13 23 CORRECTION Change "A-Lab" to If ALAB II . '< ' Change "Licensee" to "Licensing" Delete "brought" Change "Mile" to-"Mile" Change "th4" to "the" Respectfully submitted, CONNER & MOORE Mark J. Wetterhahn Counsel for Licensee 
PAGE LINE CORRECTION 1653   5 Change "swaren. to "swear" 1658  21 Change "Zeroxing" to "Xeroxing" 1659    4 Change "VALORE''. . *to-, "WEBB" 1660    5 Change "on" to "of" 1662  18 Change "ground" to "grounds" 1663    5 Change "the the" to "to the" 1663  15 Add "for" following "the" 1663  19 Change "there" to "they are" 1664    5 Change "stated" to "dated" 1664    9 Change "CHAIRMAN MILHOLLIN" to "MR. WETTERHAHN" 1664  14 Change "proceedings" to "reactors" 1664  20 Change "pertains" to "pertaining" 1665    9 Change "racks, my 'guess' certainly"*
*-e. . ' UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of
to "racks is my 'guess.' Certainly" 1665  10 Change "and" to "are" 1665  11 Change "Evaulation" to "Evacuation" 1669  16 Change "responsible" to "responsive" 1674    5 Add "and" following "information" 1681  25 Change "it-   princip" to "it go principally" 1682  25 Change "would advise" to "have advised" 1685  15 Delete "further" 1685  23 Add "to" following "safety" 1686  11 Change "shipping port" to "Shippingport" 1689    1 Change "outside" to "inside" 1689  20 Change "at in the" to "at the"
* PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS COMP.ANY, et al .* {Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit l)' * ) ) ) Docket::No.
* 50-272 1 {Proposed Issuance of ) Amendment to Facility ) Operating License ) No. DPR-70) I CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of "Licensee's Proposed Transcript Corrections for* the Evidentia:ry*
PAGE LINE  CORRECTION 1695   10  Change "length, 11 to 11 lengthy, "
Hearing of April 30 ,. 1980,"
1696      1 Change "WETTERHAHN" to "VALORE" 1699    10  Change "lad" to "land" 1700     l Change "microms" to "microns" 1700-    7 Add "are" after "particles" 1700    18  Change "landers" to "land areas" 1702   21  Change "Suttons diffussions" to "Sutton diffusion" 1703     5 Change "expidential" to "exponential" 1703      6 Change "expiaential" to "exponential."
May 23, 1980, in the captioned matter, have been served upon the following as indicated below this 23rd day of* May, 1980: **-Richard S .. Salzman,*
1703    1.7 Change "mill.ion REMs" to "millirem" 1704    20  Change "ESFAS" to "SFAST" 1705    16  Change "react" to "reactor" 1705    17  Delete "to" 1707      3 Change "s" to "strike" 1711    12  Change "accident" to "incident"
Chairman Atomie Safety and Licensing Appeal Board
* U.S. Nuclear RegulatorY Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Dr. w. Reed Johnson Member, Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board U. s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Mr. Thomas s. Moore Member,
* 1712    22  Change "Fram" to "Frame"                -~
* Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board u.s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
* Washington, 20555 Ga:ry L. Milhollin, Esq'. Chairman, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board 1815 Jefferson Street Madison, Wisconsin 53711 ...... &#xa5;U>* **--**-""-*' ---""-, Mr. Frederick J. Shon' Member, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.c*. 20555 James C. Lamb, III Member, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel 313 Woodhaven Road Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 Chairman, Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Chairman, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board :;>anel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, o.c. 20555 Janice Moore, Esq. Office of the Executive Legal Director U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, o.c. 20555
                                                    !* .
-_,_ ', Richard Hluchan, Esq. Deputy Attorney General Department of Law and Public Safety Environmental Protection Section 36 West State Street Trenton, N.J. 08625 Richard Fryling, Jr., Esq. Assistant General Solicitor Public Service Electric and Gas Company 80 Park Place Newark, N.J. 07101 Raymond E. Makul, Esq. Assistant Deputy Public Advocate Division of Rate Counsel 10 Conunerce Court Newark, N.J. 07102 Sandra T. Ayres, Esq. Department of the Public Advocate 520 East State Street Trenton, N.J. 08625 Mr. Alfred C. Coleman, Jr. Mrs. Eleanor G. Coleman 35 "K" Drive Pennsville, New Jersey 08070 Carl Valore, Jr., Esq. Valore, McAllister, Aron :& Westmoreland Mainland Professional Plaza P. o. Box 175 Northfield, N.J. 08225 Office of the Secretary Docketing and Service Section U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 June D. MacArtor, Deputy Attorney General Tatnall Building P. o. Box 1401 Dover, Delaware 19901 Ma1':m[f2
1713    20  Change "board" to "Board" 1713    23  Change "Efficient" to "Fission" 1719      9 Change. "final. safety analysis report" to "Final Safety Analysis Report" i719    16  Change "final" to "Final" 1719    17  Change "safety analysis report" to "Safety Analysis Report" 1720    18  Change * "final safety analysis report" to "Final Safety Analysis Report" 1720    22  Change "final safety analysis report" to "Final Safety Analysis Report"
                                *.. J PAGE  LINE. CORRECTION 1720    2  .. Change "final safety analysis" to "Final Safety Analysis" 1720    3    Change "reports in" to "Reports and" 1720    17    Change "final safety analysis report" to "Final Safety Analysis Report" 1720'  18    Change   11 plan 11 to "plant" 1721    20    _Change "look" to "took" 1723    11    Change   11 canculation 11 to "calculation" 1723    21    Add. 11 the 11 following  11 and" 1723    21    Change "may be conceivable." to ""may be conceivable.""
1723    22    Delete "in this preliminary" 1725    21    Change    *t far. 11 to "faster. "
i:725  23    Change "contingents." to "contentions."
1727    5    Change "CHAIRMAN MILHOLLIN" to "MR.
TAUSNER" 1729    21. Change "your complaint" to "my calculation" 1729    24    Add "in" following "your" 1730    11    Change "l-0%. 11 to "100%."
1730    25    Change "Oakridge" to "Oak Ridge" 1731    3    Change   11 centegrade." to "Centigrade."
1731    12    Add. "and" following "strontium" 1734    1    Change "about square." to "about a square inch."
1734    22    Change "centegrade." to "Centigrade."
      .1740,    2    Change "EDDY" to "eddy"
      . 1740    4    Change "EDDY" to "eddy" 1743    1    Change   11 Wetterhawn" to "Wetterhahn"
PAGE LINE      CORRECTION 1752        9  Change     11 Q11 to "A 11 1758        6  Change      11 and" to  11 in 11 1758      20  Change "WETTERHAHN" to "WEBB" 1758      22    Change       "show that--I~ 1 to 11 show that -~
MR. WETTERHAHN: I" 1758      24    Change "DR." to "MR."
1759      15*  Change "di versions" to "di visions" 1765      17    Change "I'sm" to "I'm" 1766      13    Change "depressurized" to "the pressurize" 1766      17    Change "PSIP." to "PSIG."
1770      15    Change "would" to "wood''
1772        T  Change "PSIP" to "PSIG" 1775      21    Change "mechanism impossibility" to "mechanistic possibility" 1777     20    Change "Bandara*l to "Bandeira" 1778     18    Change "It being" to "I will" 1778     19    Change "rienforced" to "reinforced" 1778      21   Change "rienforced" to "reinforced" 1782      18   Change     11 wistriken 11 to "unstricken" 1784        6  Change "fussed" to "fused" 1785        2  Change *11 porus" to "porous 11 1785    . 22    Change   11 fnr" to "for" 1787        7  Change "s* fuel." to "SFUEL. 11              ;* *~
I r:-
PAGE  LINE          CORRECTION 1787-    13        Change "not" to "no" 1790        3    Change "evidentry" to "evidentiary" 1790        3    Change "this" to "those" 1790          4    Change "rebuttle" to "rebuttal" 1.790    ll        Change "rebuttle" to "rebuttal" 1790      13        Change "rebuttJ.e 11* to "rebuttal" 1793        l      Change "conotes" to ... connotes" 1793    23        Change "Business." to "business."
1794      9      Change "avoide" to "avoid" 1796      25        Change "ist" to "is" 1:797      2.
Ch~ge "certianly" to "certainly" 1.797    23        Change "baker" to "Baker" 1799      3        Change "Paraforic" to "pryrophoric" 1800. 20        Change "advance" to "advanced" 1801      4        Change "clear" to "yie:Ld" 1803        6        Change "tha te" to "there" 1803      17        Change "on" to "as" 1803      1.7      Change "that" to "the" 1803     20        Change "events"*to "event's" 1803     23        Change "black box" to "Black Fox" 1803     23         Chcmge "A'.'"'Lab". to "ALAB" 1804      11        Add "of." following "series" 1804      12
* Change "ins ta taneous" to "*instantaneous"
    *J.804    19        Add. "is" following "which" r;--:*
  . -*
PAGE      LINE. CORRECTION 1804        24 Change "A-Lab" to If ALAB II . '< '
1805          6 Change "Licensee" to "Licensing" 1805          9 Delete "brought" 1805        13 Change "Mile" to- "Mile"
1805        23 Change "th4" to "the" Respectfully submitted, CONNER & MOORE Mark J. Wetterhahn Counsel for Licensee May 23, 1980
*- . '
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of                       )
* 50-272 COMP.ANY, et al .*                 1 {Proposed Issuance of
                                              ) Amendment to Facility
{Salem Nuclear Generating            ) Operating License Station, Unit l)'      *          ) No. DPR-70)
I                      CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of "Licensee's Proposed Transcript Corrections for* the Evidentia:ry* Hearing of April 30 ,. 1980," ~ted May 23, 1980, in the captioned matter, have been served upon the following as indicated below this 23rd day of* May, 1980:
                                    **-                ...... &#xa5;U>* **- -
                                                                          **-""-*' --- ""-,
Richard S .. Salzman,* Chairman      Mr. Frederick J. Shon' Atomie Safety and Licensing           Member, Atomic Safety and Appeal Board
* Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear RegulatorY              U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission                          Commission Washington, D.C. 20555                Washington, D.c*. 20555 Dr. w. Reed Johnson                  Dr~ James C. Lamb, III Member, Atomic Safety and              Member, Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board              Licensing Board Panel U. s. Nuclear Regulatory              313 Woodhaven Road Commission                        Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 Washington, D.C. 20555 Chairman, Atomic Safety and Mr. Thomas  s. Moore                  Licensing Appeal Board Panel Member,
* Atomic Safety and          U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Licensing Appeal Board              Commission u.s. Nuclear Regulatory              Washington, D.C. 20555 Commission
* Washington, D.C~ 20555                Chairman, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board :;>anel Ga:ry L. Milhollin, Esq'.            U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Chairman, Atomic Safety                Commission and Licensing Board                Washington, o.c. 20555 1815 Jefferson Street Madison, Wisconsin 53711              Janice Moore, Esq.
Office of the Executive Legal Director U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, o.c. 20555
Richard Hluchan, Esq.           Mr. Alfred C. Coleman, Jr.
Deputy Attorney General          Mrs. Eleanor G. Coleman Department of Law and          35 "K" Drive Public Safety                Pennsville, New Jersey 08070 Environmental Protection Section                      Carl Valore, Jr., Esq.
36 West State Street            Valore, McAllister, Aron Trenton, N.J. 08625              :& Westmoreland Mainland Professional Plaza Richard Fryling, Jr., Esq.     P. o. Box 175 Assistant General Solicitor    Northfield, N.J. 08225 Public Service Electric and Gas Company              Office of the Secretary 80 Park Place                  Docketing and Service Section Newark, N.J. 07101              U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Raymond E. Makul, Esq.          Washington, D.C. 20555 Assistant Deputy Public Advocate                      June D. MacArtor, E~q.
Division of Rate Counsel        Deputy Attorney General 10 Conunerce Court              Tatnall Building Newark, N.J. 07102              P. o. Box 1401 Dover, Delaware 19901 Sandra T. Ayres, Esq.
Department of the Public Advocate 520 East State Street Trenton, N.J. 08625 Ma1':m[f2 -

Revision as of 15:21, 21 October 2019

Proposed Corrections for 800430 Evidentiary Hearing Transcript.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Salem PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 05/23/1980
From: Wetterhahn M
CONNER, MOORE & CORBER, Public Service Enterprise Group
NUDOCS 8006130024
Download: ML18082A548 (9)





PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND ) Docket No. 50-272 GAS COMPANY, et al. ) (Proposed Issuance of

). Amendment to Facility (Salem Nuclear Generating ) Operating License Station, Unit 1) ) No. DPR-*70)

LICENSEE'S PROPOSED TRANSCRIPT CORRECTIONS FOR THE EVIDENTIARY HEARING OF APRIL 30, 1980 The Licensee hereby proposes corrections to the trans-cript of the evidentiary hearing held in Salem, New Jersey, on. April 30, 1980, as follows:

PAGE LINE CORRECTION 1630 8 Add "over" following "little" 11 1631 4 Change over 11 to "to the" 1631 7 Change "over" to "to the" 1632 17 Change "incidence" to "incident" 1632 22 Delete "rack" 1636 23 Change "for" to "from" 1640 4 Change "1430" to "1530" 11 1644 19 Change "you have ask" to you ask" 1646 24 Change "I" to "If" 1649 5 Change "happended" to "happened" 1651 25 Change "Ryder" to "Reiter" 1651 26 Change "Bandera" to "Bandeira" 1652 2 Change "Panel and in" to "Panel. In"


PAGE LINE CORRECTION 1653 5 Change "swaren. to "swear" 1658 21 Change "Zeroxing" to "Xeroxing" 1659 4 Change "VALORE. . *to-, "WEBB" 1660 5 Change "on" to "of" 1662 18 Change "ground" to "grounds" 1663 5 Change "the the" to "to the" 1663 15 Add "for" following "the" 1663 19 Change "there" to "they are" 1664 5 Change "stated" to "dated" 1664 9 Change "CHAIRMAN MILHOLLIN" to "MR. WETTERHAHN" 1664 14 Change "proceedings" to "reactors" 1664 20 Change "pertains" to "pertaining" 1665 9 Change "racks, my 'guess' certainly"*

to "racks is my 'guess.' Certainly" 1665 10 Change "and" to "are" 1665 11 Change "Evaulation" to "Evacuation" 1669 16 Change "responsible" to "responsive" 1674 5 Add "and" following "information" 1681 25 Change "it- princip" to "it go principally" 1682 25 Change "would advise" to "have advised" 1685 15 Delete "further" 1685 23 Add "to" following "safety" 1686 11 Change "shipping port" to "Shippingport" 1689 1 Change "outside" to "inside" 1689 20 Change "at in the" to "at the"

PAGE LINE CORRECTION 1695 10 Change "length, 11 to 11 lengthy, "

1696 1 Change "WETTERHAHN" to "VALORE" 1699 10 Change "lad" to "land" 1700 l Change "microms" to "microns" 1700- 7 Add "are" after "particles" 1700 18 Change "landers" to "land areas" 1702 21 Change "Suttons diffussions" to "Sutton diffusion" 1703 5 Change "expidential" to "exponential" 1703 6 Change "expiaential" to "exponential."

1703 1.7 Change "mill.ion REMs" to "millirem" 1704 20 Change "ESFAS" to "SFAST" 1705 16 Change "react" to "reactor" 1705 17 Delete "to" 1707 3 Change "s" to "strike" 1711 12 Change "accident" to "incident"

  • 1712 22 Change "Fram" to "Frame" -~

!* .

1713 20 Change "board" to "Board" 1713 23 Change "Efficient" to "Fission" 1719 9 Change. "final. safety analysis report" to "Final Safety Analysis Report" i719 16 Change "final" to "Final" 1719 17 Change "safety analysis report" to "Safety Analysis Report" 1720 18 Change * "final safety analysis report" to "Final Safety Analysis Report" 1720 22 Change "final safety analysis report" to "Final Safety Analysis Report"


  • .. J PAGE LINE. CORRECTION 1720 2 .. Change "final safety analysis" to "Final Safety Analysis" 1720 3 Change "reports in" to "Reports and" 1720 17 Change "final safety analysis report" to "Final Safety Analysis Report" 1720' 18 Change 11 plan 11 to "plant" 1721 20 _Change "look" to "took" 1723 11 Change 11 canculation 11 to "calculation" 1723 21 Add. 11 the 11 following 11 and" 1723 21 Change "may be conceivable." to ""may be conceivable.""

1723 22 Delete "in this preliminary" 1725 21 Change *t far. 11 to "faster. "

i:725 23 Change "contingents." to "contentions."

1727 5 Change "CHAIRMAN MILHOLLIN" to "MR.

TAUSNER" 1729 21. Change "your complaint" to "my calculation" 1729 24 Add "in" following "your" 1730 11 Change "l-0%. 11 to "100%."

1730 25 Change "Oakridge" to "Oak Ridge" 1731 3 Change 11 centegrade." to "Centigrade."

1731 12 Add. "and" following "strontium" 1734 1 Change "about square." to "about a square inch."

1734 22 Change "centegrade." to "Centigrade."

.1740, 2 Change "EDDY" to "eddy"

. 1740 4 Change "EDDY" to "eddy" 1743 1 Change 11 Wetterhawn" to "Wetterhahn"


PAGE LINE CORRECTION 1752 9 Change 11 Q11 to "A 11 1758 6 Change 11 and" to 11 in 11 1758 20 Change "WETTERHAHN" to "WEBB" 1758 22 Change "show that--I~ 1 to 11 show that -~

MR. WETTERHAHN: I" 1758 24 Change "DR." to "MR."

1759 15* Change "di versions" to "di visions" 1765 17 Change "I'sm" to "I'm" 1766 13 Change "depressurized" to "the pressurize" 1766 17 Change "PSIP." to "PSIG."

1770 15 Change "would" to "wood

1772 T Change "PSIP" to "PSIG" 1775 21 Change "mechanism impossibility" to "mechanistic possibility" 1777 20 Change "Bandara*l to "Bandeira" 1778 18 Change "It being" to "I will" 1778 19 Change "rienforced" to "reinforced" 1778 21 Change "rienforced" to "reinforced" 1782 18 Change 11 wistriken 11 to "unstricken" 1784 6 Change "fussed" to "fused" 1785 2 Change *11 porus" to "porous 11 1785 . 22 Change 11 fnr" to "for" 1787 7 Change "s* fuel." to "SFUEL. 11  ;* *~



I r:-



  • -*

PAGE LINE CORRECTION 1787- 13 Change "not" to "no" 1790 3 Change "evidentry" to "evidentiary" 1790 3 Change "this" to "those" 1790 4 Change "rebuttle" to "rebuttal" 1.790 ll Change "rebuttle" to "rebuttal" 1790 13 Change "rebuttJ.e 11* to "rebuttal" 1793 l Change "conotes" to ... connotes" 1793 23 Change "Business." to "business."

1794 9 Change "avoide" to "avoid" 1796 25 Change "ist" to "is" 1:797 2.

Ch~ge "certianly" to "certainly" 1.797 23 Change "baker" to "Baker" 1799 3 Change "Paraforic" to "pryrophoric" 1800. 20 Change "advance" to "advanced" 1801 4 Change "clear" to "yie:Ld" 1803 6 Change "tha te" to "there" 1803 17 Change "on" to "as" 1803 1.7 Change "that" to "the" 1803 20 Change "events"*to "event's" 1803 23 Change "black box" to "Black Fox" 1803 23 Chcmge "A'.'"'Lab". to "ALAB" 1804 11 Add "of." following "series" 1804 12

  • Change "ins ta taneous" to "*instantaneous"
  • J.804 19 Add. "is" following "which" r;--:*




. -*

PAGE LINE. CORRECTION 1804 24 Change "A-Lab" to If ALAB II . '< '

1805 6 Change "Licensee" to "Licensing" 1805 9 Delete "brought" 1805 13 Change "Mile" to- "Mile"


1805 23 Change "th4" to "the" Respectfully submitted, CONNER & MOORE Mark J. Wetterhahn Counsel for Licensee May 23, 1980

  • - . '


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of )


  • 50-272 COMP.ANY, et al .* 1 {Proposed Issuance of

) Amendment to Facility

{Salem Nuclear Generating ) Operating License Station, Unit l)' * ) No. DPR-70)

I CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of "Licensee's Proposed Transcript Corrections for* the Evidentia:ry* Hearing of April 30 ,. 1980," ~ted May 23, 1980, in the captioned matter, have been served upon the following as indicated below this 23rd day of* May, 1980:

    • - ...... ¥U>* **- -
    • -""-*' --- ""-,

Richard S .. Salzman,* Chairman Mr. Frederick J. Shon' Atomie Safety and Licensing Member, Atomic Safety and Appeal Board

  • Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear RegulatorY U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.c*. 20555 Dr. w. Reed Johnson Dr~ James C. Lamb, III Member, Atomic Safety and Member, Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Licensing Board Panel U. s. Nuclear Regulatory 313 Woodhaven Road Commission Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 Washington, D.C. 20555 Chairman, Atomic Safety and Mr. Thomas s. Moore Licensing Appeal Board Panel Member,
  • Atomic Safety and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Licensing Appeal Board Commission u.s. Nuclear Regulatory Washington, D.C. 20555 Commission
  • Washington, D.C~ 20555 Chairman, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board :;>anel Ga:ry L. Milhollin, Esq'. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Chairman, Atomic Safety Commission and Licensing Board Washington, o.c. 20555 1815 Jefferson Street Madison, Wisconsin 53711 Janice Moore, Esq.

Office of the Executive Legal Director U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, o.c. 20555


Richard Hluchan, Esq. Mr. Alfred C. Coleman, Jr.

Deputy Attorney General Mrs. Eleanor G. Coleman Department of Law and 35 "K" Drive Public Safety Pennsville, New Jersey 08070 Environmental Protection Section Carl Valore, Jr., Esq.

36 West State Street Valore, McAllister, Aron Trenton, N.J. 08625  :& Westmoreland Mainland Professional Plaza Richard Fryling, Jr., Esq. P. o. Box 175 Assistant General Solicitor Northfield, N.J. 08225 Public Service Electric and Gas Company Office of the Secretary 80 Park Place Docketing and Service Section Newark, N.J. 07101 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Raymond E. Makul, Esq. Washington, D.C. 20555 Assistant Deputy Public Advocate June D. MacArtor, E~q.

Division of Rate Counsel Deputy Attorney General 10 Conunerce Court Tatnall Building Newark, N.J. 07102 P. o. Box 1401 Dover, Delaware 19901 Sandra T. Ayres, Esq.

Department of the Public Advocate 520 East State Street Trenton, N.J. 08625 Ma1':m[f2 -
