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| issue date = 12/31/2016
| issue date = 12/31/2016
| title = Submittal of Discharge Monitoring Report for December 2016
| title = Submittal of Discharge Monitoring Report for December 2016
| author name = McFeaters C V
| author name = Mcfeaters C
| author affiliation = PSEG Nuclear, LLC
| author affiliation = PSEG Nuclear, LLC
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  

Revision as of 19:13, 19 June 2019

Submittal of Discharge Monitoring Report for December 2016
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/2016
From: Mcfeaters C
Public Service Enterprise Group
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML17034A093 (28)



Dear Sir:

0PSEG Nuclear LLC Attached is a copy of the Discharge Monitoring Report for the Salem Generating Station for the month of December 2016. The original report has been submitted to the NJDEP via electronic DMR. This report is required by and prepared specifically for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). It presents only the observed results of measurements and analyses required to be performed by the above agencies.

The choice of the measurement devices and analytical methods are controlled by the EPA and the NJDEP, not by the company, and there are limitations on the accuracy of such measurement devices and analytical techniques even when used and maintained as required.

Accordingly, this report is not intended as an assertion that any instrument has measured, or that any reading or analytical result represents the true value with absolute accuracy, nor is it an endorsement of the suitability of any analytical or measurement procedure.

If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact Mark Pyle (856) 339-2331.

Sincerely, Charles V. Mcfeaters Site Vice .President

-Salem Attachment (12 DMR's) C Executive Director, DRBC EXPLANATION OF CONDITIONS December 2016 The following explanations are included to clarify possible deviation from permit conditions.

General -The columns labeled "No. Ex" on the enclosed DMR tabulate the number of daily discharge values outside the indicated limits. Data reporting and accuracy reflect the working environment, the design capabilities and reliability of the monitoring instruments and operating equipment.

Deviations from required sampling, analysis monitoring and reporting methods and periodicities are noted on the respective transmittal sheet. Results reported on the Discharge Monitoring Report forms are consistent with permit limits, data supplied from contract laboratories, the December 2007 revision of the NJDEP DMR Instruction Manual and specific guidance from DEP personnel.


None EXPLANATION OF EXCEEDANCES December 2016 The following exceedance(s) are included in the attached report and explained below. EXPLANATION None COUNTY OF SALEM STATE OF NEW JERSEY I, Charles V. Mcfeaters, of full age, being duly sworn according to law, upon my oath depose and say: 1. I am the Site Vice President

-Salem for PSEG Nuclear, and as such am authorized to sign Salem's Discharge Monitoring Reports submitted to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection pursuant to the Station's New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit. 2. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe the submitted information is true, accurate and complete.

I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.

3. The signature on the attached Discharge Monitoring Reports is my signature and I am submitting this affidavit in satisfaction of the requirement that my signature be notarized.

Charles V. Mcfeaters Site Vice President

-Salem State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection

! Surface Watkr Discharge Monitoring Report ! ' ' Pl: 46814 Shell Generation Date: 10/1 /2016 PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM G 1 ,ENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-FACA SW Outfall FACA-12/01/2016

-12/31/2016 Permittee:

PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 Location of Activity:


Monitored Location Group: Region I County: NJ0005622 12/01/2016 To 12/31/2016 FACA SW Outfall FACA '* Southern V Salem i I Check if Applicable:

l'J No Discharge:

This Monitoring Period Report Recipient:

PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 I Monitoring Report Comments:

! :

Pl: 468 1 4 e State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Sh e ll G e n e r a tion D a t e: 10/1/2 01 6 PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-FACA SW Outfall FACA-12/01/2016

-12/31/2016 Discharge Monitoring Data: No Frequency Sample P a rameter Quantity or Loading Units Quality or Concentration Units Ex. of Type Te m p e r at ur e, Sa m p l e *"'"** :. '*"'**"' 1l1d 1**1f 6.7 1 0.6 CO N T IN oC Meas ur e m e nt 0 Co nt i nu o u s 00010 G P e rmit **'*** ........ **** .. *"'**'!J R E PORT R E PORT D f:;G , C Raw Sew/i nfluent R e qu i r eme nt 01MOAV 01DAMX Continuous CONTIN QL '*"**'II .* ......... '"***" **'*"'** 1 1 .. .........

-Te mp e r ature , Sa m p l e *"'*11'" ' ***"* "'**"'" 1 5.0 1 8.4 C O NT IN oC Meas ur eme nt 0 Co nt i nu ous 00010 1 P e r m i t ***** *1*** ...... ***** R E PORT 43.3 DEG.C .I Effluent Gross Value R e quir e m e nt " 01MOAV 01DAMX Contin u o us CONT IN QL '***"'** *"*'ii'*

    • "'"'"** *"***"' ***'*** * ,, Te rn peratu r e , Sa mpl e **"'** '4:: '****'* *'**'II'* 8.3 9.6 1 CA L C TD oC Meas ur e m e nt !M\):Jtq:

0 D ay *"""'*'

00010 2 P er mit *'*in l-*.:-; ****"' "It**** *"'*** R E PORT 15.3 D E G.C E ffl ue nt N e t Value Requ i r e m e nt I I 0 1 MOAV 01DA M X 1/Day CALCTD "' QL '*"'***" **'**** 1 1 ""**"'*" **'*"*"" ****w* L a b Cert i f i cat ion # Sa m p l e PA010 06003 17327 N O T AP Meas ur e m ent 0 N o t App li c 99999 99 Per m it RE POR T R E PORT REP O R T R E PORT REPORT L ab R e quir e m e nt L a b# L a b# Lab# La b# Lab# Not Applic NOT AP QL ****"it

      • tf'/r* ****** ..........
    • "'*ilr* -

P l: 468 1 4 State of New Jersey S h e ll Ge n era ti on D a t e: 10/1 /2 01 6 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-FACB SW Outfall FACB -12/0 1/2016 -12/31/2016 Permitt e e: PS E&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 Location of Activity: PS E G N U C L EAR L LC S ALEM GE N ERA T I N G STAT I O N ALLOWAY CREEK NEC K RD HANCOCKS BR I DGE, N J 08038 NJPDES Perm i t Number: Monitoring P e riod: Monitored Location: Monitored Location Group: Region I County: NJ 0005622 1 2/01/2 016T o 1 2/3 1/2 01 6 FA C B S W Outf all F AC B Sout h e rn I Sale m Check if Appl i c a ble: r N o Disc h a r ge Th is Monitori n g Period Monitoring Report Comments:

Report Recipient:

P SEG NU C L EAR LLC P O BOX 236/N 2 1 H A N COCKS BRIDGE, N J 08038 Pl: 468 1 4 e State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report She ll G e n e r a tion D ate: 10/1 /201 6 PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-FACB SW Outfall FACB -12/01/2016

-12/31/2016 Di scharge Moni t oring Data: No Frequency Sample Parameter Quantity or Loading Units Quality or Concentration Units Ex. of Analysis Type T e mperature , Sa mpl e *'**** '****11 11ir*Jrfdl'* ,,. 6.7 1 0.6 CONT I N oC Measureme nt 0 Continuous 00010 G Permit **'*** I ..... * .. '*'*"*'* *'*.** REPORT REPORT DEG.C " Raw Sew/i nflu ent R eq uir e m e nt 01MOAV 01DAMX Continuou s CONT IN QL !'****'** ilrit'flr

.. ** .........

., *"*"** ...... **** Ii . ,. T e mp e r a tur e, Sa mpl e 11\0r* **1':*** "**'" ... :t;,, 1 4.8 1 8.6 '.1 CO NTIN oC Meas ur eme nt I 0 Continuou s 000 10 1 P e rmit '****,. ***"* ***** "**'** REPORT 43.3 DEG.C Effluent Gross Value Requirement

' 01MOAV 01DAMX Continuous CONT IN -QL **1<*** .........

            • '""**'*" ***1 d1** T e mper a ture, Samp l e **'*** '*"**"' *'*"'** 8.1 9.3 1 CA L CT D oC Measurement

!it 0 D ay 00010 2 Permit ***"'* ***'llf'* **"11'1" R E PORT 15.3 , DEG.C ;;. Eff lu e nt N et Value Requir e ment 01MOAV 01DAMX " 1/Day CALCTD

  • QL *1lrn\-*ll<'*A


  • td**** "'=**'** ......... -., Lab C e rtifi cat i on # Sa m p l e PA010 06003 17 3 27 NOT AP ' Meas ur e ment 0 Not Applic 99999 99 Permit REPORT REP.ORT REPORT .&% REPORT i REPORT .1 Lab Requirem e nt L ab# I La b# L ab# Lab# Lab# Not Appllc NOT AP " QL *'fl'.****

IA'"'*** .. ***** ... '* *"***" **'*'"** '*

Pl: 46814 State of New Jersey S h e ll Generation Date: 1 0/1 /20 16 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-FACC SW Outfall FACC -12/01/2016

-12/31/2016 Permitte e: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK , NJ 07101 Loc a tion of Activity:

PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SA LEM GENERA TING STATION ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD HANCOCKS BRIDGE , NJ 08038 NJPDES Permit Number: Monitoring P e riod: Mon it or ed Location: Monitor ed Lo cat ion Group: Region I County: NJ0005622 1 2/0 1/20 16T o12/3 1/20 1 6 FAC C SW Outfall FACC Southern I Salem Check if Applicable:

r No Discharge This Monitoring Period Monitoring Report Comments:

Report R ecipie nt: P SEG NU CLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 H ANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 Pl: 46814 State of New Jersey S h e ll Generation D ate: 10/1 /20 1 6 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-FACC SW Outfall FACC -12/01/2016

-12/31/2016 Discharge Monitoring Data: No Frequency Sample Parameter Quantity or Loading Units Quality or Concentration Units Ex. of Type F l ow. In Conduit or Sa mp l e 2 765 2856 ....... . ....... ....... 1 CALCT D Thru Tr ea tm e nt Plant M eas u r eme nt 0 Day 5 0050 G Permit 3024 REPORT MGD "'**"' """'"' ._. ..... ...... "'. x Raw Sew/influ en t R e quirement 0 1M OAV 01DAMX 1/Day CALCTD QL ..........

.. ........ ..............

.... ..,. .... . ........ Thermal Discharge Sa mple 14 500 147 65 .........

........ . .... , ... 1 CA LCTD Million BT U s pe r Hr Measu r eme nt 0 D ay 00015 2 Permit REPORT 30600 MBTU/HR ... ,. .. ..........

....... ... ...... E ffl ue nt N et Value Requ i rement 0 1M OAV 01DAMX 1/D av CALCTD QL ...........

J .........

............ . ........ ****** L a b Cert ifi catio n# Sample PA010 06003 1 7 3 27 NOT AP M eas ur e ment 0 N ot Appli c 99999 99 Permit REPOR T REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT Lab Requirement L a b# L a b# Lab# Lab# L ab# N ot Applic NOT AP QL ""'""'*" ....... ...........

............ . .........

P l: 468 1 4 State of New Jersey S h e ll Gene r at i on D ate: 10/1/20 1 6 Depar t ment of Environmental Protec t ion Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUC L EAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-048C SW Outfall 48C -12/01/2016

-12/31/2016 P e rmitt ee: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK , NJ 07101 Loc a tion of A c tivity: PSEG NU CLEA R LLC SALEM GENERATING STAT I ON ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD H ANCOCKS BRIDGE, N J 0 8038 N J PDES P e r m it Numb e r: Monitoring P e riod: Mon i tor e d Lo ca tion: Mon it or e d Lo ca tion Group: R eg ion I County: N J0005 622 1 2/01/20 1 6 T o 12/3 1/20 1 6 048C SW Outfall 48C So uth e rn I Sa l em Ch e ck if Ap pli c a bl e: r No Disc h arge Thi s Mon i toring Period Monitoring Report Comments:

Report Recipient: PSEG N UCLEAR LL C PO BOX 236/N21 H ANCOCKS BRIDGE , NJ 08038 Pl: 46814

  • State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection She ll Gen e r a tion Dat e: 10/1 /20 1 6 Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005 622 -048C SW Outfall 48C -1 2/01/2016 -12/31/2016 Discharge Monitoring Data: No Frequency S a mple Parameter Quantity or Loading Units Quality or Concentration Unit s Ex. of Analysis Type Fl ow, I n Conduit or Sa mple 0.1745 0.3748 11***'-" ***** ..... 1 CALCTD Thru Tr eatment Plant Me as ur e m e nt 0 Day 5005 0 1 Permit REPORT REPORT MGD .,. .... 'II:,. *** . ....... **""** Effluent Gross Value Requirement 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/Day CALCTD Q L lil*lllr'I!* **t11l<ifW 'II****"' ""*"*"'

.,. ........ So l ids, Total Sam ple ...... ...,. ..... 41t.<<ll* 11 1 6 2 COMPOS Sus pend e d Mea s ur eme nt 0 M o nth 00530 1 Perrn i t ....... .. ,. .... . .... ..... 30 1 00 MG/L Eff lu ent Gro ss Value Requiremen t 01MOAV 01DAMX 21 Month COMPOS QL **"*** *****II *"**** "***** k*>l.*** N itro g e n , Ammonia Samp l e ... ,_., .. !';**** "'l':iot1"**

<1 1 2 COMPOS T otal (as N) M eas urement 0 Month 00610 1 Permi t **111;** ***** "'****

35 70 MG/L Effluent G ro ss Value Requi r e m ent 0 1MOAV 01DAMX 2/Month COMPO S Ql **"*'" .; *II<**'* "'*"'**"" ****** *****" Petroleum Samp l e ........ ****"" 1'flk*W <2 <2 2 GR AB H yd r oca rb ons Mea s urement 0 Month 0055 1 1 Permit "'"'ll'"* "'"*'* *"'"'** '*""**"' 10 15 MG I L ' Effluent Gros s V alue Requirement 0 1MOAV 01DAMX 2/Month GRAB QL *"'"'""'"'

      • "'""""' li**ll** ....... * ****** Ca r bon, Tot Org a nic Samp l e ""*'*"" "'**** '1111*"11'
    • 1 0 10 2 COMPOS (TOC) M eas urement 0 Month 00680 1 Per mit !l;'ll'lr**
          • ***** *"'** REPORT 50 MG/L Effluent Gross Value Requirement 01MOA V 01DAMX 2/M on th COMPOS QL ****lit1t
        • 'II* ****** 'fl****"'
            • Lab Certification
  1. Sample 17 327 PA010 06003 N OT AP M eas ur e ment 0 N ot Appli c 99999 99 P e rmit REPORT REPORT REPORT REPOR T REPORT ' L a b Reqµlrement Lab# Lab# Lab# Lab# Lab# N o t Applic NOT AP QL *'"'**** "*"'*** "*"'""*"'

'if lltlfl'lll' t.l P l: 46814 State of New Jersey S h e ll Ge n erat i o n Da t e: 10/1/20 1 6 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-481A SW Outfall 481A-12/01/2016

-12/31/2016 Permitte e: PSE&G NUC L EAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 Location of Activity: PS E G NUCLEAR LLC S ALEM G ENE R A T IN G STA TI O N ALLOWAY CR E EK NECK R D H A N COCKS BR ID GE, NJ 08 0 38 NJPDES P e rmit Number: Monitoring Period: Monitored Location: Monitor e d Loc a tion Group: Region I Cou n ty: NJ 0005622 1 2/01/20 1 6 T o 1 2/3 1/20 1 6 48 1A S W Outf a ll 48 1A So ut hern I Sa l em Check i f Applic a ble: r No D i scha r ge Th is Mo n ito rin g Period Monitoring Report Comments:

Report Recipient: P S E G NU C L EAR L LC P O BOX 236/N21 HAN COC K S BR I DGE, NJ 08038 Pl: 4 68 14 State o f N ew J erse y Shell Gene r a tion D a te: 10/1/20 1 6 Dep artment of Environm e nt a l Protec t ion Surfa c e Wat e r Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG N UCL EAR LLC S A LE M GENERA T ING S T A T ION -NJ0005622

-481A S W O ut fa ll 4 81A-12/01/20 16 -12/31/2 01 6 Disc h arge Monitoring Data: No Frequency Sa m p l e P a r a m eter Quantity or L oading Units Qu a l i t y or Conc e ntration Uni ts Ex. of Ana ly si s Ty p e F l ow, In C ondu i t or Sa mpl e 4 72 50 1 ....... ........ Uo\.-"# 1 Thru Tr ea tm e nt Pl a nt Measurement 0 Day CALCTD 50050 1 Permit REPORT REPORT MGD ....... . ....... H**lr . .... E fflu en t G r oss Va lu e Requiremen t 0 1 MOAV 01DAMX 1/Dav CALCTD OL il'it*** .. .... ....... tlld,,, U**** pH Sample ..... _4 ...... 7.8 .. -"""' 8.0 1 Measurement 0 Wee k GRAB 00400 1 Permit ....... . ..... ........ 6.0 ... ....... 9.0 SU Efflu e nt G r oss V a l ue Require ment 01DAMN 01DAMX 11Week GRAB OL ...... .. ... tV.tti ***.tt* ... u.u .* pH Sample .........

... ...... 8.0 u ..... 8.1 1 Measurement 0 Week GRAB 00400 7 Permi t ....... ...... .......... REPORT .., .. REPORT SU Int ak e Fro m S tr ea m Requirement 01DAMN 01DAMX 11Week GRAB QL **.* u ... HHjrt OHt-t tUtt* ........ L C50 S t a tre 96hr Ac u S ample 11.*0* . ., ... u ..... w ... ,. 2 Cy prin odo n Measurement CODE=N Not Requi red 0 Yea r C OMPOS T AN6A 1 Permi t ***** ....... ...... + REPORT ,.u ... JIU , alt %E FFL E ffl ue nt G ro ss V alue Requireme nt 01DAMN 2/Year CO MPO S Al AOU* Un,4* 5 0 tAJI C hl o r i ne Produ c ed Sample ... u. ., .. ,. .. .. ...... 3 Ox i da nt s Measureme nt COOE=N Not Req E=N N o t Required 0 Week GRAB 'C PO X 1 Permit *-*** il*ttll ...........

  • l<tI-" 0.3 0,5 MG/l Effluent Gro ss V a l ue Require m ent I r 01MOAV 01DAMX 31Week GRAB 1 QL ...... , ......... ........ . .... , C hl or in e P rodu ce d Sample ..... ...... ....... <0.1 <0.1 3 Ox id a nt s Measurement 0 Wee k GRAB *c pox 1 Permlt .......

...... REPORT o.z MG/L Effl u en t G r oss Valu e Requiremen t 0 1 MOAV 01DAMX 3/Week GR AB 2 OL ....... . ..... ****-.......... . ..... Te mp era tur e, Sample **Ut, ...... .. .. .. 14.9 20.9 1 oC Measurement 0 Day CONTIN 000 1 0 1 Pennit ...... .... ,...,., ........ ... .... RE PORT REPORT DEG.C Effl u e nt G r oss Val u e Requirement 01MOAV 0 1DA MX 11Dav CONTIN OL .... , .. ....... .............

    • -*** L a b Certification
  1. Sample PA0 1 0 06003 1 7327 Measurement NotApplic NOT AP 99999 99 Pe rn1 lt REPORT REPOR T REPORT REPORT REPORT Lab Requirernenl L ab# Lab#

Lao# Lab# NoJADPliC NOT AP OL .... , ... . ..... ,... ..,,..,_ ... , .. ........ *"

P l: 46814 State of New Jersey S h e ll Generation Date: 10/1/2016 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-482A SW Outfall 482A-12/01/2016

-12/31/2016 P e rmittee: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK , NJ 07101 Location of Activity:


Monitored Location Group: Region I Coun ty: NJ0005 622 1 2/0 1/2016 T o 1 2/3 1/2 016 482A SW Outfall 482A South e rn I Sa l em Check if Applicable:

r N o Di sc h arge Th is Monitoring Period Monitoring Report Comments:

Report Recipient: P S E G NU C LEA R LL C P O BOX 236/N21 HAN COCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 Pl: 4 68 14 State of New Jer se y S h e ll G e n e r ation D a te: 10/1/2 016 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUCLEAR L LC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-482A SW Outfall 482A -12/01/2016

-12/31/2016 Disch a rg e Monitoring Data: N o Frequency Samp l e P a r ameter Quantity or Lo a din g Units Qu a lity or Concentration Unit s Ex. of Analysi! Typ e F l ow, I n Co nduit o r Sample 4 66 4 80 .. , .. I>**** 1 Th r u Treatme nt Plant Meas u re m e nt 0 Da y CA L C TD 50050 1 Permi ( REPORT REPORT MGD t**U u*v 't.h\* OH ,._ Efflue nt G r oss Val u e Requirement 01MOAV 01DllMX'* " 1/Dav OALCTD Q L *UU4 .lt*U* *1tH,\*

u uu. pH Sa mpl e 7.8 ***H 7.9 1 Meas ur e ment ;P ri :!< 0 Week G RAB 00400 1 P e rm i t Hll lr* *ou ....... o.o .. 9.0 SU Effluen t Gross Value R e Qulrem e nt 01DAMN 01DAMX 1/Week GRAB OL **lrn .. ' " <>*uto .'!,,:

.. pH Samp l e "".

8.0 8.1 1 Meas ur e m e nt 0 Wee k G R AB 00400 7 Permit H*1'JI Uut REPORT ...... R E PORT SU Int ake From S tr ea m Reaurrement

+: *ti li '01DAMN 01DAMX 1/Week GRAB O L ....... , ..... ......... H**** LC50 S t a t re 96 h r Ac u Sam pl e ..... .. .. , ... .... ..... ;>;; 2 Cypr i no d o n M eas ur e ment .,ff CODE=N Not Reqµi red ' 0 Ye a r COMP OS TAN6A 1 Permit .i; .. .... ...... REPORT .,. ... ...... %EFFL Effluent Gross Value R e Qu i r e ment 010AMN 2!Year COMPOS Al ... , .. ,. .u-u.H 60 ,,. i.Hh'°" ....... !Tu . ,, Chlori n e Produce d Sam pl e ........ . .... 3 Oxidan t s Meas ur e m e nt CQIDE=N N o t Re q E=N N ot R e quired 0 W eek GRAB 'C P OX 1 Pernil t ........ /l .,, .. ..... 0.3 0 ,5 ' "* Effluen t Gross Va l ue R e aulrement 01MOAV 01DAMx 3/Week GRAB 1 QL ..... .uuu 1 .. ".,. .. .. ,_.. thkU ., C hl o r i ne Pro du ce d Sa mpl e ....... J ... _. ....... '-b ***** <0.1 <0.1 3 Oxidan t s Meas ur e ment 0 W e ek G R A B 'CPOX 1 Permit ......

O'l! .. .. ..... REPORT 0.2 MG/L E fflu e nt G ro ss Va lu e

"' *:!,';' 01M0AV 01DAMX 3/Week GRAB 2 OL ....... U*l.'!f , ....... .... t ...... Tempe r a tu re, Sa mpl e ...... ....... 1 5.0 2 1.7 1 oC Meas urement I& .. , 0 Da v C ONT IN 00010 1 Pennit ....... ...... 111**** REPORT REPORT DEG.C ; E ffl uen t Gross Va l ue ReQuirement 01MOAV 01DAMX .. 1/Dav , QQNTIN OL

,,. . ..... .. .. Lab Certifica t ion # Samp l e PA 010 060 0 3 17 32 7 Measu r e m e nt w:tit 0 N o t Applic N OT AP 99999 99 Perrnit REPOR T REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT Lab Re q ui r emenl Lall# *'*, Lal/ fl. Lab ii Lab# Lab#. Na tAppll c NOT AP OL 'ol.(HH , ......

}:***" \.C, @! ,@

Pl: 468 1 4 State of New Jersey S h e ll Ge n e r a ti on D ate: 10/1/20 1 6 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-483A SW Outfall 483A -12/01/2016

-12/31/2016 Permitt ee: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK P L AZA N EWARK, NJ 07101 Loc a tion of A c t i vity: PS E G N UC L EAR LLC SA L E M GE N ER ATIN G STA TI O N A LL OWAY CREEK NECK R D HANCOCKS BRIDGE, N J 08038 NJPDES Permit Number: Monitor i ng P e riod: Monitored Lo cat ion: Monitor e d Lo c at i on Group: Region I Coun t y: NJ 0005622 12/0 1 /20 1 6 To 12/3 1 /20 1 6 483 A SW Outfa ll 483A So uth e rn I Sa l em Check i f Ap pli c ab l e: r; No D i scha r ge This Monitori n g Period Monitoring R e port Comments:

Report Recipi e nt: PSEG NU C L EAR L L C P O BOX 236/N21 H A N COCKS BR I DGE, NJ 08038 P l: 468 14 S t a t e of N e w Jersey S h e ll Ge n e r a ti o n Da t e: 10/1/2 01 6 Department of Environmental Protection S urface Water Discharge Monitoring Repo rt P SEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING S T ATION -NJ0005622

-48 3 A S W Outfall 483A-12/01/2016 -1 2/31/2016 Di scharg e Moni t ori ng Data: N o Fr e qu e ncy S a mpl e P a r ame t e r Qu a ntity or Lo a ding Units Qu a lity or Con ce ntr a tion Units E x. of Typ e F l ow, In Conduit o r Sample 447 48 1 " . .,, ... >l.H , llil . .,, ... *li 1 Thru Tr ea t ment P l ant Measuremen t 0 Day CA L CTD 50050 1 Pe r mit >& R E PO RT e RE P O RT M G b ..... ,,, .H.'1fr.i" ........ ""'""' Effluent G ro ss Value Req u i r e m e nt 01 M OAV 01DAMX 1/0ay CAL C TD Q L "'""*"" .. ;.,...,,.., ;; ....... ... h ..... , Uo\AO.-t pH Samp l e .......... ..... 7.8 . ... " .. 7.9 1 Meas u re m e n t I'm ' 0 Wee k GRAB 00400 1 Pe r mi t ....... * .........

  • 11'*"11'*

6.0 .. ...,,, .... 9.0 .S U Effluen t G r o ss Va l ue R eq u ire m e nt ;\,.. 01DAMN 0 1 DAM X 1/W ee k ,, G R AB O L


.. .......... '

WM " 6 1 pH Sa m p l e ...... ' .... ' 8.0 ..... "' 8.1 1 Meas ur e m e n t . I 0 Wee k GRAB 00400 7 Permit ...... ........... . ..... R EP ORT A'!Hlr RE P OR T SU In t ake From St r eam Req uir e m e nt \' 'I , 01DAMN 01D A MX' 1/W ee k GRA B O L ........ ,. ......... 'II***** ..... ,.,. .. ,. "it**** C hlorine Produced Sam p le .... .., . ., '"'""'"'"'

  • < "'-A*it* 3 Oxidants Mea s u r emen t COOE=N No t Req IE=N N o t Re q u ir e d 0 Wee k GRAB 'C POX1 Pe r m i t "*""'"' 'J;i;: *" ,l' *""'""' ****** ......... 0.3 0.5 M G/L E fflu e nt Gross Value Requireme nt ' O t M OAV 0 1 D A MX 3/W ee k G RAf:l 1 QL ' .... "." ' ,..,.lr*ii< * **li1'* ........ -.. C h l orine Produced Sample u 1-.rr* ..... ""'""""" <0.1 <0.1 3 Oxidan t s Measureme n t iii 0 Wee k G R AB 'CPOX 1 Pe nnlt 'f!*r.ii* ""i"'""' "'""""* 1'****ot REPOR T 0.2 ' MG/L ' ,, E ffluent Gross Va l ue Requi r eme n t I H "'" 01M QAV 0 1 DAMX. 3/W ee k GRAB 2 w *'"'"""'"' **<I'**** ......... ........ !!11: , ,: u Tempe r ature, S am pl e .. , .... ... ....... "' *"-"*It 15.5 1 9.2 1 oC Measu r e m e nt 0 D ay CO NT I N 00010 1 Per m it ...... 4\i "*'" 4' I A . .... ., ..,. .. ,,. REPOR T RE P ORT D E G.C E fflu e nt G ro ss V a lue Req ui re m en t 01M OA V 0 1 DAMX 1/D a y CONTIN Q L ****u ........ ......... ..,,. ..... *11<1 1>** " ,_ Lab Ce rti ficat i o n # Sa m pl e PA 01 0 06003 1 7327 Mea s ureme nt 0 N o t A ppl i c N O T A P 99999 99 Pe r mi t R E P ORT R E PO R T REPO R T R EPO RT Lab Reo uir e m e n t Lab# .,. L ab# I p Lab# L a b# L ab# No t Applic NOT AP OL ....... \ -OH 1'1H**tt *-.r.*-. ... **<1*** *\ . f'* NN "'*

Pl: 46814 State of New Jersey She ll Genera ti o n Date: 1 0/1 /20 1 6 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-484A SW Outfall 484A-12/01/2016

-12/31/2016 Permittee: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLA ZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 Location of Activity:

PSEG NU CLEAR LLC SA LE M GE N ERA TIN G STAT I ON ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 NJPDES P e rmit Number: Monitoring Period: Monitored Loc ation: Monitor ed L ocation Group: Region I Coun ty: NJ 0005622 1 2/01/2 01 6 To 12/31/2016 484A SW Outfa ll 484A Southern I Sa l e m Check if Appli cab le: r No Discharge This Monitoring Period Monitoring Report Comments:

Report R e cipi e n t: PSEG NUCLEAR LL C PO BO X 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE , NJ 08038 P l: 46814 S t ate of New Jers e y She ll Gene r a tion D a le: 1 0/1/2 016 D e partment of Environmental Protection Su rface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PS EG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ00056 2 2 -484A SW Ou tfa ll 4 84A-12/01/201 6 -1 2/3 1/201 6 D i scha r ge M o nit or i ng D a ta: N o Fr eq u e n c y Sa mpl e P ara m e t e r Qu a nt i t y or L oad in g U nits Qu a li t y or C on cent r ation Un i t s Ex. o f An a ly sis T ype Flow, In Conduit o r Sample 4 76 50 1 ........ . ...... A;U#,11 1 CALCTD Thru T r eatment Plant Measurement 0 Day 50050 1 Permit REPORT REPORT MGD * .-.1 .. ,, ...... . ... , .. ,,. .... Effluent Gross Value Requirement 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/Dav CALCTD QL ........ ...... .. ...... .1. .... H*\U ....... pH Sa mpl e ...........

..... 7.8 **-*** 8.0 1 GRAB Measuremen t 0 Week 00400 1 Permi t ...........

.. .... , .......... B.O ....... 9.0 SU Effluent G r oss Value Requ ire ment 01DAMN 01DAMX 1/We ek GRAB Ol. >HHJ.* ...... tJ;*lltt .....

'l.*4'** pH Sample .. # .... ....... 8.0 ....... 8.1 1 GRAB Measuremen t 0 Week 00400 7 Permit .., ...... ........ .. ..... R EPORT ........ REPORT SU Intake From S tream Require men\ 01DAMN 01DAMX 1/Week GRAB QL , ........ ..... . ..........

.. ... u. ,. ....... L C50 S t a tr e 96h r Acu Samp l e t.11.,1-**

"-l!U.I ....... ....... 2 COMPOS Cy prinodon Measure m e nt j CO!i>E=N N ot 0 Year TAN6A 1 Permit ....... .........

..... REPORT ..h .. ...... %EFFL Effluen t Gross Va lue Requirement 01DAMN 2/Year COMPOS AL ....... u *tt*** so ........ "' .... Chlorine Produced Sample ... _.. ........ . ..... 3 GRAB Oxidan t s Measureme nt CODE=N Not Req E=N Not Req uired 0 Week *cpox 1 Permi t *<t*** ....... .,. ....... .........

0.3 0.5 MG/l Effluen t G r oss Value Requirament

' tl1MOAV 01DAMX 3/Week GRAB 1 QL ........ ...... ........ ......... *tJllH' Ch l orine Produced Sample ...... ......... ...... <0.1 <0.1 3 GRAB Oxidants Measuremen t 0 Week *cpox 1 Permit kH.t.* ...... ........ ..... REPORT 0.2 MG/L Effluent Gross Value ReQuireme nt 01MOAV 01DAMX 3/Week GRAB 2 OL *-** *t-**** tt**tt ...... ...... Tempera t ure, Sa mple ....... .......... . ...... 1 5.0 2 1.9 1 CO NTIN oC Meas u reme nt 0 Day 00010 1 Permi t .........

...... .. .. ,. REPORT REPORT DEG.C Effluent G r oss Value Requirement 01MOAV (l1DAMX 1/Dav CONTIN OL .. ...... .... 0. .,.. ... .........

Lab Cer tific atio n# Samp l e PA 0 10 06003 1 732 7 NOT AP Measurement Not Applic 99999 99 Permit REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT flEPORT Lab Require ment Lab# Lab If Lab# Lab# L*b II No!Aoplic NOT AP QL ........... ;.,. ...... --*A.**


P l: 46814 State of New Jersey She ll Gene r a t ion D a t e: 10/1 /20 1 6 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUC LE AR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-485A SW Outfall 485A-12/01/2016

-12/31/2016 P e rmitt ee: PSE&G NU C LE AR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK , NJ 0710 1 Location of A cti vi t y: PSEG N U C L EAR L L C SA L E M GE N ERAT IN G STAT I O N AL L OWA Y CREEK NECK R D HANCOCKS BRIDG E , NJ 08038 NJPDES P e r mi t Number: Monitor i ng P eriod: Monitored Lo ca t i on: Monitored L ocati on Group: R eg ion I Co unty: NJ00056 22 1 2/01/2016 T o 12/3 1/2016 485A S W Outfa ll 485A So uth e rn I Salem Ch e ck if Appli ca bl e: r No D i sc h a r ge Thi s Monitoring Period Monitoring R e port Comments:

Report Reci p i e n t: PSEG N UC L EAR LL C PO BOX 236/N21 HAN COCKS BRIDGE , NJ 08038 P l: 4 68 14 State of New Jersey S h e ll G en e ration Date: 10/1/2 01 6 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-485A SW Outfall 485A-12/01/2016

-12/31/2016 Discharg e Monitoring D a t a: No Frequency Sampl e Paramet er Qu a ntity or Lo adi n g Unit s Quality or Con centration Un its Ex. of An a ly s i s Typ e Flow, In Co n d uit o r Sample 4 92 4 93 ... ... ***u.:. .O!t i# .. 1 CA L C TD Th r u Trea tm e nt Pla nt Measur ement 0 Day 50050 1 Permi t REPORT 'RE:PQRT MGO 1<*11,t .... .-: , ....... *U.ji* ;*'*'u . E ffl ue n t Gross Va l ue R e qu i r e rnent 01MOAV 01DAMX 0! 1/0ay CALCTD QL , ........ *, J: **UU* UU:tt. ......... ...... ""' pH Sample ., .. ...... n. 7.8 l>tl U.-7.9 1 G R A B M eas ur e ment ti w 0 W e e k 004001 Perm i t tu*"; ........ ... ,., . 6.0 . ........ 9.0 SU Efflue nt G r oss Value ReqL!iremen t ; " Q 1D AMN 01DAMX !!: 1/Week GRAB !k OL ,.. ........ 4U>Ht *U**t 0.40." pH Sa mple ., .... ., ........ 8.0 /'Ht'"" 8.1 1 GRAB M eas ur e ment It 0 W e ek 00400 7 Permit ............

"<-. ........ ., ......... REPORT <. ji t;i,11.# REPORT SU '!> I n t ake Fr o m Stream R e quk e ment Q1DAMN 01DAMX " 1/Week GRAB QL >ik-U.llli' r: ..........

    • l\tO " 1l<*H>l. 1'.*H-0 LC50 Sta tr e 96hr Acu Sampl e "" ...... .l.U't'4 >1 0 0 l>H;Hr Jl" U , At 2 C OM POS Cy pri no d o n Meas ur e m e nt w: 0 Ye a r TAN6A 1 Penn I t ........ .. .. ..... RI;: PORT .... * ** A. %E;FFL Effl u en t Gross Va l ue R e quirement i <* 0 10.A;M N h 2/Year COMPOS AL ..............

........ 50 #UUl< . ........ C h lorine Pr od u ced S amp le ....... .... "*> """'" .. 3 G R A B :/ Oxi d an t s Meas u rem ent OOIDE=N N o t R e q E=N N o t 0 W eek "CPOX 1 Permit

+*(' +* ,*"'ltfil.* ........ f' 'wio*** o ,: i 0.5 MG/L Effluent Gross Value Requ i rement 01MOAV 01DAMX gji 3/Week GRAB 1 OL ' ""'*k** .......... .. ..........

..... ...... 1' ........ C hlorine Produced Sa m p l e .......... ...... ....... <0.1 <0.1 3 GR AB .. Oxi d an t s Meas ur e ment "' 0 W eek "C P OX 1 Permit ..........

f ........ ..... "' . RE; PORT 0.2 MGIL w "' 7'Jt M Effluent Gross Va lu e Requirement 01MOAV 0 1DAMX 3/Week GRAB 2 OL ,, '4/l'Ull'.t

+ *--***** !# tit UU; ...........


n* Tempera t ure, Sa m p l e ....... "" .........

..... 14.8 1 9.1 1 CONTIN oC M eas ur e men t *1i p .:: b 9 ?': 0 D ay 000 1 01 Perm i t ............

........ ,,. ....... */l't:** Rf;P,9RT

  • " DSG.C" ;I
  • Effl u ent Gross Va lu e Requ i rement 0 1 MOAV 01DAMX CONTIN OL ...... T He: ihtt* **'@ ... .... ., ...... ;.: .... L a b Ce rti fica t io n# Sa m p l e PA 0 10 0 6 00 3 17 32 7 CT405 N O T A P Meas u re ment ' N o tAppli c 99999 9 9 Perm i t R i;PORT REPORT REPORT R li: POHT L a b Requ i rement L a b# Lab# lab# Lab# L a b# No!Applic NOT AP OL ......... ....... ,_ Uiql;O. '8 .......... " ";M ;:-;

Pl: 468 1 4 State of New Jersey S h e ll Generation Date: 10/1 /20 1 6 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUC LE AR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-486A SW Outfall 486A-1210112016

-1213112016 Permittee:

PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 Location of Activity:

PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERAT IN G STATION ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 NJPDES Permit Number: Monitoring P er iod: Monitor e d Lo cat ion: Monitored Lo cat ion Group: Region I Coun ty: NJ000562 2 1 2/0 1/20 1 6 T o 12/31/2016 486A SW O u tfa ll 486A Sout h e rn I Salem Check if Applicable:

r No Discharge This Monitoring Period Monitoring R e port Comments:

Report Recipient:

PSEG NUCLEAR LLC P O BOX 236/N 21 HANCO CKS BRIDGE , NJ 08038 P l: 46 8 1 4 State of New Jersey S h e ll G e n e r a t ion D a l e: 10/1/2 0 1 6 Department of Environmental Protection Surfac e Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUC LEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-486A SW Outfall 486A-1 2/01/2016

-12/31/2016 D i sc h arge Monitoring D ata: N o Frequency Samp l e P ara m e ter Quantity or L oad in g Units Quality or Conc entrat i on Units Ex. of Typ e Flow, In Co ndui t or Samp le 74.19 95.1 0 ,.u .... tu ** ... ..... 1 CALCTD Thru Treatmen t Plan t Measurement 0 Day 50050 G Permi t REPORT REPOR T MGD .. ..... ....... ....... ,. . ....... Raw Se w/i nfluent Requirement 0 1M OAV 01DAMX 1/Day C ALCTD OL ....... .lth.t* "-**--* ......... . ..... F l ow, In Co ndu i t or Samp l e 40 3 494 u ..... ...... 1 CA L C TD Thru Treatment Plant Measu r e m en t 0 Day 50050 1 Permit REPORT REPORT MGD ....... ..u .... .... .... Effluen t Gross Value Requiremen t 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/Dav CALCTD OL ........ '" h** th/>t11 ... .,. *Utt* pH Sa mple ....... .... ..-.. 7.8 *t*4* 7.9 1 GRA B Measureme nt 0 Week 00400 1 Permi t ****** ol,UU ....... n.O ...... 9.0 S U E fflu e nt Gross Value Requireme nt 01DAMN OlDAMX 11\'Veek GRAB QL .........

...... II.* ..., .... tt; **Uh "'"-"*** pH Sa mple .., ..... 11. 4 ........ 0.0 ......... 0.1 1 GRAB Measure m e nt 0 Week 00400 7 Permi t ***** ........ .........

REPORT **"** REPO f\r SU Intake Fr o m Stream R eq uirement 01D AM N 01DAMX 1/Week GRAB QL 1ht**** *tt*U* ***k.,,, .... \,. l>\li*** C hl orine Produced Sample ...... ....... ... ....... 3 GRAB Oxidan t s Measureme nt COOE=N No t Req E=N N o t Reqi ired 0 We ek *cpox 1 Permi t *"Ii** """ ... ... t"* "II'"'"' 0 , 3 0.5 M G/L Effl uent Gross Va lue Requireme nt 0 1 MOAV 01DAMX 3/We ek GRAB 1 QL ......... ""l<**-.r **U*lr .., ...... .. .,.., ... Chlo rine Produced Samp l e ........ **1. ... . ........ <0.1 <0.1 3 GRAB Oxidan ts Measuremen t 0 Week *cpox1 Permit .... ; ..... ..... ***** ..... REPORT (l.2 MG/l Effluen t Gross Value Requireme nt 01MOAV 01DAMX 3/Week GR AB 2 QL .. ,,. .. HU/>I ...... .,., ...... Temperature, Samp l e ....... ....... . ....... 1 4.8 1 9.0 1 CO NT I N oC Measuremen t 0 Day 00010 1 Permit "l*lrl'lt

..... ..,. 1**** ....... R E P ORT REPORT DEG , C Effluent Gross Value Requireme nt 0 1 MOAV 01DAMX 1/Dav CONTIN OL ........ .. , ... ... ....... ....... U**** Lab Cer tification

  1. Samp l e PA010 06003 17 327 NOT AP Measureme nt 0 NotApplic 99999 99 Permit REPORT REPORT REPORT R!"PORT REPOR T Lab Requiremen t Lab II Lab# Lab# Lah# Lat># NotADplic NOT AP QL ..... .,. .. ....... . ....... ...... *ll-"l*k Pl: 468 1 4 State of New Jersey S h e ll Ge n e r at i o n Date: 1 0/1/20 1 6 Department of Environmental Protec t ion Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-4878 SW Outfall 4878 -12/01/2016

-12/31/2016 P e rmitt ee: P SE&G NUCLEAR L L C 80 PARK P L AZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 Location of A c t iv ity: PSEG NUCLEAR L L C SA L EM GE N ERA TI NG STAT I ON ALLOWAY CREEK NECK R D HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 NJPDES Permit Numb e r: Monitoring P e riod: Monitored Lo cat ion: Monitor e d Loc ati on Group: Region I County: N J0005622 12/0 1/20 1 6To12/31/2016 487 B SW O u tfa ll 487B So uth e rn I Sa l em Ch e ck if Applic ab l e: P No Disc h arge This Mo ni tor i ng Pe ri od Monitoring R e port Comments:

Report Recipi e nt: PSEG NUC L EAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 H A N COCKS BR I DGE , NJ 08038 Pl: 46814 S tate of New Jersey S h e ll Ge n era t i o n Dat e: 10/1/2 0 1 6 Department of Environmental Protection S urface Water Discharge Monitoring Repor t P SEG NUCL EAR L L C SALEM GEN E.RATING STATION -NJ0005622

-487B S W Outfall 4878 -12/01/2016

-1 2/31/2016 D i s ch a r ge M o n itor i ng Data: No Fr e qu e n c y S a m p l e P ara m eter Qu a nti t y or Lo a d i ng Unit s Qu a lity or Co n ce nt ra tion Units Ex. of Analy s i! Typ e Flow, In Co ndu i t o r Sa mpl e ........ *u.u , .. ,u, .... 1 CALCTD Thru T r ea t ment P l a n t Mea s ur e m e nt E=N N o t Req E=N N o t Requ ir e d 0 Bal c h 50050 1 Permit REPORT REPORT M G D . , .... ... .... ........ .... ......... E fnu e nl Gross Va lu e Require m e nt 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/Ba t ch CALCTD OL .......... ... ***1'** .. ....... pH Sa mpl e ....... .......... ....... 1 GRAB Measur e ment COt;JE=N Not R e quired COOE=N N o l Required 0 Ba l c h 00 4 00 1 Pe rm it ........ *. u.,. .. ......... 6.0 ."'"'""" 9.0 SU E fflu e nt G r oss Value Requirement 01DAMN 01DAMX 1/Batch GRA B Q L .......... . .. ,. ... ...... u .. . ......... """"* So lid s, T o tal Sa mpl e ....... u.*** . ..... 1 GRAB S u s p e n d e d M eas ur e ment CODE=N N o t Req E=N N o t Reqyired 0 B a t c h 00530 1 Permi t ....... ........ .. ...... ........ REPORT 1 00 M G/L Effluent Gross Value Requiremen t 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/Batc h GRAB QL *a*u* . ,.,. .. ,,. ..... ... . *11-....... Tempe r a tur e, Sa mple ......... ...... .. ...... 1 GRAB oC M eas urem e nt COOE=N N o t Req E=N Not Required 0 Batch 000 101 Pe rm1 I ****"I ..... R EPORT 43.3 DEG.C E fflu e nt G ro ss Va l ue Requirement 01MOAV 01D AMX 1/Batch GRA B QL ........ .......... ....... .. ........ ****** Pet rol e um Sa mpl e ...... **11'** <l'.t*** 1 GRAB H ydroca rb ons M eas urem e nt COOE=N N ot R eq N o t Requ i red 0 Ba t c h 0055 11 Pennl t ....... ....... .. ....... ..... REPORT 1 5 M G/L E ffluent Gross V a lu e Req u i re111e n t 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/Batc h GRAB QL ........ ****** .........


.. ...... Car b o n, Tot Organic Sa mple ....... ....... """*1t* 1 GRAB (TOC) M eas ur e m e nt COIPE=N N o t Req P E=N N o t Require d 0 B a t c h 00680 1 Pemlit ........ 'llt*lt* ""-'*** ....... REP ORT 50 M G/L Efflue nt Gross Value Hequ ir ernent ' 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/Ba t c h GRAB QL' " "

            • .......... ...........

<t.*<t.*** Lab Ce rtifi catio n # Sa mpl e PA0 1 0 06003 17 327 NOT AP Measureme nt 0 Not App l i c 99999 99 Pemilt REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT Lab Requi r e m en t Lab# Lab# Lab# Lab# Lab# N o l Applic NOT AP QL ... ., ..... .......... .... ,. ..... ... ........

Pl: 46814 State of New Jersey She ll Gene rati on D a te: 10/1/2 016 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-489A SW Outfall 489A-12/01/2016

-12/31/2016 Permittee: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK , NJ 07101 Location of Activity: P SEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD HAN COC K S BRIDGE, NJ 080 3 8 NJPDES Permit Number: Monitoring Period: Monitored Location:

Monitored Loc ation Group: Region I County: NJ0 005622 1 2/01/2016 To 12/3 1/2016 489A SW Outfall 489A South e rn I Salem Check if Applicable:

r No Di sc h arge Thi s M o nit o ring Period Monitoring Report Comments:

Report Recipient:

PSE G NU CLEAR LL C PO BO X 236/N21 HANCO C KS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 Pl: 4 68 14 State of New Jersey Shell Gene r atio n Date: 10/1 /2016 Department of Environmental Protect ion Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-489A SW Outfall 489A-12/01/2016

-12/31/2016 Discharge Monitoring Data: No Frequency Sample Paramet e r Quantity or Loading Units Quality or Concentration Units Ex. of Analysis Type F l ow. In C o n d u i t or Sam pl e 0.0588 0.0588 ***"'"' ***** ,,.,.. .. 1 CALCTD Thru Tr e atm e nt Pl a n t Me as urem e nt 0 Month 50050 1 Perm it R EPORT REPORT MGD "'I"**"' """'"""'"' "'**** **"** E fflu e n t Gr oss V a lu e Requirement 01MOA V 0 1DAMX 1/Montll CALCTD QL ........... . ...... ..... ,u. ,. ........ "' ....... p H S a mple "**"'" "**""*' 7.3 "*** 7.3 1 GRAB M e a s urement 0 M o nth 0040 0 1 Permit **'**"" **"'"'"' "'**** 6.0 ..... 9.0 SU Effl u e nt Gr oss Va l ue Require m e nt 01DAMN w 01DAMX 1/Month GRAB QL *"'*"'*,.

.0: '""'"""*

  • ** ,,.. lr ... **J\* Soli d s, To t a l Sa mpl e 11r**** "*""* 4 4 *"'""*"' 1 GRAB Suspended M eas ur e m e nt 0 M o nth 00530 1 Perm it "**"* ***t;ll ****II' 100 3 0 ***'t it M G/l Eff l uent G r oss V al u e Requirement 01DAMX 01MO AV 1/Month GRAB Ql "'****' "'tt***" t""""** '*-**"** *1;'1f'il'** Pe t ro l e um S a mpl e *"*"'"' ***"'* ****-* <2 <2 1 GRAB H y dr oca rb o n s M eas urement 0 M o nth 005511 Permit "**"" "JC**** '***** ***** 10 15 M G/L Effl u e nt G ross V alue Require m ent 01MO AV 01D AM X 1/Month GRAB QL ...... .......... ........ ....... . ..... Car b on, T o t Org a n ic Sa mple '"***" "t***' ..ii,.. ........ 2 2 1 G RAB (TOC) Me as ur e m ent 0 M o nth 00680 1 Permit ***** ..... ***** ****"' REPORT 50 M G/L E fflu e nt Gross V a lu e Require m e nt 01MO AV 01DAMX 1/Month GRAB QL ****** ****** ** .. *** ****** *****itt* L ab C e rt ificatio n # S am pl e PA 0 10 06003 1 7327 NOT AP Me as ur e ment 0 N o tApplic 99999 99 Perm it REPORT RE;PORT REPORT REPORT REPORT L a b Require m e nt Lab# Lab# L ab# Lab# L ab# I N ot Ap plic NOT AP Ql '*"'**** ***to** ........... """'"'*** ll"t"'""'*"