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| issue date = 08/29/1979
| issue date = 08/29/1979
| title = Request by Intervenors Coleman That Aslb Accept Addl Argument on Aslb Question 4 Re Consideration of Class 9 Accidents.Nrc Admits That TMI Accident Was Class 9. Certificate of Svc Encl
| title = Request by Intervenors Coleman That Aslb Accept Addl Argument on Aslb Question 4 Re Consideration of Class 9 Accidents.Nrc Admits That TMI Accident Was Class 9. Certificate of Svc Encl
| author name = ONSDORFF K A
| author name = Onsdorff K
| author affiliation = NEW JERSEY, STATE OF
| author affiliation = NEW JERSEY, STATE OF
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  

Revision as of 17:54, 17 June 2019

Request by Intervenors Coleman That Aslb Accept Addl Argument on Aslb Question 4 Re Consideration of Class 9 Accidents.Nrc Admits That TMI Accident Was Class 9. Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Salem PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 08/29/1979
From: Onsdorff K
NUDOCS 7910150349
Download: ML18079B116 (6)


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_. ---' ' ' " .... '" -. -. <;\) .. -Iri the :Matter of PUBLIC SERVICE: ELECTRIC & GAS (Salem. :Nuclear Generating Station, Unit No. 1) ) ---*---*----------. _____ ,_ __ . ) Docket No. 50-272 *) }---. Proposed.

Issuance of A.11end:ment to J Facility Operating License No. DPR-70 ) --*



-* ------. -!: -__ ' Despite the fact that the time' foi-a.rgument on the. issue' of the s

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  • ----*------. --------.. --_spent-fuel long passed, .. P.S .E *. &G--CC?_** . to_9k:

ty presented

  • by Boar,d Question 1\'t.rrnber Four to submit still .additional arg-tlillents on this matter. Accordingly,*

Intervenors Coleman respectfully request that the Board accept this ad,ditional argument abo, particularly in light of the * -NRC Staff conclusion (which is inconsistent with its prior objection to ... Board* examination-*of--a Class Nine:*eventy-:*that Tiff-2 *,./as in-fact a Class Nine . ------------. --. -----------... *---* *---* ________ ,_ -------* ... ---------****------

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1,-1979, *the Staff asserted that ASLB ___ _: ----*--------



the possibility of occurrence of

-.,_ -** ---**----**---*-------.* _,. ----* ----. . * *

  • Class 9
  • ac"c:iderits
    • 1-ias-so* highly unlikely_

Nonetheless, we are now told

__ ._:_.::*,:_.;*_-:


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--* *. -------.------.. -* -

-1}1is sc:imewhat belated* recognition by the. l\'uc-lear

-Regulatory Commission staff that a core-melt and/or explosion is a credible --event at a nuclear generating station vitiates the rational previously adv<inced that such catastrophic ocCUTTences need not be considered in ASLB "/9 /IJ I s-o 3i-f9 L !. ' "

  • e e ___ .adjudications inasmuch as they are not credible events. Therefore, it is respectfully submi ttcd that the Staff Response ------*. -**** ---,_ .. --.. ----*--... --to Board Question Four itself warrants clen.ial of the Staffis.-obfection to . Board Question:

Tirree. Respectfully submitted,

1. -:'/_*
  • August 29, 1979 KEIIB A. ONSDORFF / , './ .



__ -;;; . ----.... -----' --*-* . -

In the Matter of PUBLIC SERVICE ELEC1RIC .Al'ID GAS CO. (Salem Generating Station Unit !H) ------nocket:

No:-50-272 CERTIFIG\TE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that the Colemans' Reply to Staff Response and Licensee Response to Question No.

captioned matter have been served upon the service list in the United States mail at the post office-in Tr.:enton 7 New Jersey,._

with proper postage thereon, this 29th day of AugUst,-1979.


K.EI TI-! A. ONSIXJRFF / / *, Assistant Deputy Publ.i'.c

  • 7dvocate
  • ---August 29' 1979

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ARl 0.C.J.AA R. C. WE3TI-t(1P f LA.'-; D THOMA.l I. V UPt R MEMJEA N. I. o 0 C !AA PASQ!:Ai..f.

/. CARDONE MARX C . .5CHW ...... ".TZ .' i P.\ II.All Frederick J. Shon or r ICE MAINL/\ND PLAL.A 535 TILTON RO . .._D P. 0. BOX 115 N0RTHFlhLD, N. 1 08225 (60\:l) 645*lllln 1 #* * ..v August 28, 1979 Atomic Safety & Licer.sing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C., 20555 '\1 ! AS r: .. CfTY 0.Ffll.E ci; . ...,.R:\STE E T.'R.US T au:

ATL,>.S ! IC CITY. J. r"l.3.J01 1609) 344-6539 COUNTY OFFICE 319 C/\PE MAY AVENUE MAY5 LANDING. N. J. ftio<Jl o:!S*91oa tN REPtY Rj;.F:OR 1;0 OFFICE . -*-FILE In*the Matter of Public Service Electric & Gas Co. (Salem Generating Station, Unit #1) Docket #50-272

Dear Mr. Shon:

Enclosed please find copy of "Figure l" referred to in Dr. Chauncey Kepford's technical report in response to the Board Question #4 which was submit\:ed l?Y the Township of Lower l\lloways Creek on August 20, 1979. This Figure 1 should be inserted in Dr. Kepford's report after Table 5 -page 17 and before Dr. Kepford's qualifications.

By copy of this letter we are forwarding copies of "Figure l" to the individuals indicated on the attached mailing list. We are sorry for this omission in our original mailing. Very yours, * *-I (/ 1/ /_, .' . I' I . , '* // , j .* J ! _,.,, ! '.J L/ '\. / . I i . ' \ . ARL VALORE, '-JR. CC:

aftached mailing list CV/sgp i ' ' I ..

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  • . ; _ _l_.:..! ... : ..*..* ; . *-* .. ' -
      • ...... * (::1ry L. Milhollin, Esq. : ..

Atomi.c Safety & Licensing Board 1 8 l 5 J e f f" 1* s on S t re e t i s on , in s c on s in 5 3 7 11 Cl.en O. Bright Atumic Safety & Licensing Board L. S.

Regulatory Commission


D. C. 20555 Dr. James C. Lamb, III \!ember, Att):nic Safety & Li.c:ensing Board Panel 11 Road '. h ;1 p e l H i l 1 , N

  • C
  • 2 7 5 14 :.'h:1irmun, At.omic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Panel i.'. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

\.J; 1 shin gt on , D

  • C
  • 2 0 5 5 5 *_:r1airman, Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Panel U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Barry Smi.lh, Esquire l!f fice of rhe Executive Legal Director U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C.
  • 20555 Mark L. First, Esquire Deputy Attlir*ney General Department of Law & Public Safety F!1vironment:'!.!

Protection Section ! '; c s r L . 1 t. L! S t r L' i1*,:nt.on, J. 08625 J. l*kltcrhahn, Esquire for Troy B. Conner, Jr., Esq. 1747 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W. I I l t e 1 Q 5 () ;1 shin gt on , D . C .


  • Rlch;1nl Ft-yl ing, Ji-., Esqui.rc Assist:.1nt Solicitor Public Service Electric & Gas Crnn pany 80 Park Place Newark, N. J. 07101 Keith Ansdorff, Esquire Assistnnt Deputy Public Advocate*

Department of the Public Advocate Division of f'uhl ic Interest Advocacy P. 0. Box 14 I Trenton, New J0rscy 08601 Sanll

  • ,: DeoarL:::t.:nt
  • ut i)ul.1i.*1c

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... i..! 5 2 b l s t s t <1 t *:* s t 1-L' c t Trenton, N. J. 08625 Mr. Alfred C. Coleman, Jr. Mrs. Eleanor G. Coleman 35 "K" Drive Pennsville, N. J. 08070 Office of the Docketing and Service Section U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission W.:ishingt()n, D. C. 20555 J0nc D. MacArtor, Esquire Deputy Attorney General Tatnall Building, P. O. Box 1401 Dover, Delaware 19901 Mr. Frederick J. Shon r\tornic S;ifety .:ind Licensing Board U. S. i'\uclcar l-\cgulatory Commission ifa s 11 i ! l t l c ll1 ' [) . c:

  • 2 u 5 5 ') Mary Cl. Henderson, Clerk Township of Lower Alloways Creek Municipnl Building
  • Hancock's Bridge, N. J. 08038