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 Issue dateFromTitleProject stage
ML20209A37227 July 2020Bernie White
Storage and Transportation Licensing Branch
Notice of Partially Closed Third Pre-Application Meeting with Tn Ammericas LLC for Model No. TN-EAGLE Transportation PackageMeeting
ML22005A35014 December 2021US Dept of Energy
National Nuclear Security Admin
Ortega D
Email from D. Ortega (NNSA) to N. Garcia (U.S. NRC) Renewal of Certificate of Compliance (CoC) No. 9329 for the Model No. S300 PackageOther
ML22005A34614 December 2021US Dept of Energy
National Nuclear Security Admin
Al-Daouk A
Transmittal Letter from A. M. Al-Daouk to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Renewal Request of the Certificate of Compliance No. 9329 for the Model No. S300 PackageRequest
ML22006A35227 December 2021Stephen Burns
Nuclear Waste Partnership
Enclosure 3: Email Dated 12/27/21 from S. Burns (Nwp) to N. Garcia Santos (Nrc), Comments on Telephone Call Summary Dated 12/1/21, Model Nos. TRUPACT-II and Halfpact PackagesOther
ML22006A35327 December 2021William Allen
Stephen Burns
Nuclear Waste Partnership
Sellmer T
Enclosure 2: Attachment to Email Dated 11-29-21, Responses to Follow Up Questions, Acceptance Tests for the Lead Ssield of the Shielded Canisters (Model Nos. TRUPACT-II and Halfpact PackagesOther
ML22006A35627 December 2021Stephen Burns
Nuclear Waste Partnership
Enclosure 5: Clarification Regarding Testing Performed During the Shielded Container Prototype Testing (Drop Tests, Gamma Scans, Destructive Disassembly), Model Nos. TRUPACT-II and Halfpact PackagesOther
ML22006A3556 January 2022William Allen
Stephen Burns
Garcia-Santos N
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
12/1/21-Conference Call Summary: Follow Up Questions Related to Shielding RAIs RAI-Sh-5 and -8 (Acceptance Tests, Shielded Canisters), Model Nos. TRUPACT-II and Halfpact PackagesRAI
ML22020A18525 January 2022Yoira Diaz-Sanabria
Storage and Transportation Licensing Branch
Enclosure 1 - Certificate of Compliance, Revision 6, Model No. S300 Package (Renewal)Other
ML22020A18625 January 2022Yoira Diaz-Sanabria
Storage and Transportation Licensing Branch
Transmittal Letter (Markings) - Certificate of Compliance, Revision 6, and Renewal for the Model No. S300Other
ML22020A18725 January 2022Garcia-Santos N
Storage and Transportation Licensing Branch
Enclosure 2 - Safety Evaluation Report: Renewal for Certificate of Compliance, Revision 6, the Model No. S300 PackageApproval
ML22278A0078 September 2022US Dept of Energy (DOE)
Nuclear Waste Partnership
Sellmer T
Email from T.E. Sellmer (Nwp) to N. Garcia Santos (NRC) Acknowledgement of Application for CoC, Revision 27, Model No. TRUPACT-II and CoC, Revision 11, Model No. Halfpact PackagesRequest
ML22278A0014 October 2022Nuclear Waste Partnership
Sellmer T
Email from T. Sellmer (Nwp) to N. Garcia Santos (NRC) Et Al., Delay of RAI Response-CoC, Revision 27, Model No. TRUPACT-II and CoC, Revision 11, Model No. Halfpact CoCsOther
ML23046A45415 February 2023US Dept of Energy
Carlsbad Field Office
Sellmer T
Salado Isolation Mining Contractors (SIMCO) LLC
Request for Authorization of One-Time Shipment of Model No. Halfpact Crediting the Outer Confinement Vessel as the Containment BoundaryRequest
ML23067A43616 March 2023Garcia-Santos N
Storage and Transportation Licensing Branch
Application for a Letter Authorization Related to Coc No. 9279, Model No. Halfpact - Accepted for Review - CAC No. 001029, EPID No. L-2023-LLA-0030Other
ML23003A04629 March 2023Shana Helton
Division of Fuel Management
Response to Request for Reviewing a Position Paper from Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. Related to Applicability of 10 CFR 71.15(C) to Shipment(S)Other
ML23089A25829 March 2023Garcia-Santos N
Storage and Transportation Licensing Branch
Email Attachment, Staggered Request for Additional Information (Structural Evaluation and Operating Procedures), Model No. Halfpact - One-time Letter AuthorizationRAI
ML23333A10528 April 2023Nuclear Fuel Services
Holly T
Enclosure 3-2 (Redacted), Email from Tholly (NFS) to Ngarcia Santos (Nrc), NFS Follow Up Questions on Nrc'S Response to Nfs' Position Paper on the Applicability of 10 CFR 71.15 to Shipments, Conference Call Summary on 5/22/23 (Docket No. 70Other
ML23333A03522 May 2023Garcia-Santos N
Division of Fuel Management
Enclosure 2, Meeting Agenda, Conference Call Summary, NRC and NFS Closed Meeting on 5/22/23 to Discuss Questions Related to Nrc'S Response to Nfs' Position Paper on Applicability of 10 CFR 71.15 to Shipments (Docket No. 70-143)Meeting
ML23333A03330 May 2023Nuclear Fuel Services
Holly T
Email Dated 5-30-23 from T Holly (NFS) to Ngarcia Santos (Nrc), Transmittal of Affidavit Related to Fissile Material Exemption (10 CFR 71.15 (C), Follow Up Questions and Additional Comments (Docket No. 70-143)Request
ML23137A4412 June 2023Yoira Diaz-Sanabria
Garcia-Santos N
Storage and Transportation Licensing Branch
Authorization for Shipment of the Model No. Halfpact Package - Inner Containment Vessel No. 506Other
ML23220A15521 July 2023US Dept of Energy
National Nuclear Security Admin
Mumma J
Office of Packaging and Transportation
Email Dated 7-21-23 from J Mumma (NNSA) to Ngarcia Santos (NRC) Transmittal Letter and Changes Roadmap CoC No. 71-9355, Revision 4, Model No. 435-BOther
ML23220A15621 July 2023US Dept of Energy
National Nuclear Security Admin
Mumma J
Road Map for Changes to the Safety Analysis Report Related for Certificate of Compliance No. 9355, Revision 4, Model No 435-BOther
ML23220A15721 July 2023US Dept of Energy
National Nuclear Security Admin
Mumma J
Transmittal Letter from Ahmad M. Al-Daouk (NNSA) to Ngarcia Santos (NRC) Related to the Application for Certificate of Compliance No. 9355, Revision 4, Model No. 435-BRequest
ML23229A20717 August 2023Nishka Devaser
Storage and Transportation Licensing Branch
Notice for a Partially Closed Pre-application Meeting with NAC International to Discuss the NAC Lwt Pre-applicationMeeting
ML23249A15331 August 2023NAC InternationalPre-Application Meeting on NAC Lwt: Iron Clad Fuel Rod Revision Request, August 31, 2023Meeting
ML23263A10220 September 2023Garcia-Santos N
Storage and Transportation Licensing Branch
Email Dated 9-20-23 from N. Garcia Santos (NRC) to J. Mumma (Nnsa), Subject: Package Model No. 453-B--Need Clarification on SubmittalsApproval
ML23258A2142 October 2023Nishka Devaser
Storage and Transportation Licensing Branch
Meeting Summary: Pre-application Meeting on NAC Lwt to Discuss Iron Clad Fuel Rod Revision Request, August 31, 2023Meeting
ML24204A2338 August 2024Garcia-Santos N
Division of Fuel Management
Acceptance Determination Letter with Observation, Certificate of Compliance No. 9355, Model No. 435-BOther