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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML12090A82030 September 2010Entergy Pre-Filed Evidentiary Hearing Exhibit ENT000503, Growing Wind - Final Report of the NYISO 2010 Wind Generation Study
ML11348A09330 September 2010State of New York (NYS) Pre-Filed Evidentiary Hearing Exhibit NYSR00011, IEEE Standard Terminology for Power and Distribution Transformers, IEEE Std C57.12.80TM-2010 (Sept. 30, 2010), Excerpted: Pp. 39-41 (IEEE Standard Terminology)
ML11348A12730 September 2010New York State (NYS) Pre-Filed Hearing Exhibit NYS000058, NYISO, 2010 Reliability Needs Assessment Final Report (September 2010) Excerpted: Pp. ES-I 4, 9, 12, 17, C-3, C-4 (2010 NYISO Rna Report)
ML11348A14130 September 2010New York State (NYS) Pre-Filed Hearing Exhibit NYS000070, NYISO, Growing Wind: Final Report of the NYISO 2010 Wind Generation Study (September 2010) Excerpted: Pp. i-v (2010 NYISO Growing Wind Report)
ML10287107330 September 2010Indian Point Hearing File Supplement 20
ML12334A52630 September 2010Official Exhibit - NYS000070-00-BD01 - NYISO, Growing Wind: Final Report of the NYISO 2010 Wind Generation Study (September 2010) Excerpted: Pp. i-v (2010 NYISO Growing Wind Report)
ML12334A51330 September 2010Official Exhibit - NYS000058-00-BD01 - NYISO, 2010 Reliability Needs Assessment Final Report (September 2010) Excerpted: Pp. ES-I 4, 9, 12, 17, C-3, C-4 (2010 NYISO Rna Report)
ML12334A51030 September 2010Official Exhibit - NYSR00011-00-BD01 - IEEE Standard Terminology for Power and Distribution Transformers, IEEE Std C57.12.80TM-2010 (Sept. 30, 2010), Excerpted: Pp. 39-41 (IEEE Standard Terminology)
ML12339A58830 September 2010Official Exhibit - ENT000503-00-BD01 - Growing Wind - Final Report of the NYISO 2010 Wind Generation Study
NL-10-101, Response to August 11, 2010 Request for Additional Information Regarding Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Paragraph III.G.2 for Use of Operator Manual29 September 2010Response to August 11, 2010 Request for Additional Information Regarding Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Paragraph III.G.2 for Use of Operator ManualHot Short
Safe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Operator Manual Action
Multiple Spurious Operation
Exemption Request
Fire Watch
Weak link
ML10272057229 September 2010Initial Operator Licensing Examination Written Examination Approval Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 3
NL-10-100, Response to August 11, 2010 Request for Additional Information Regarding Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Paragraph III.G.229 September 2010Response to August 11, 2010 Request for Additional Information Regarding Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Paragraph III.G.2Hot Short
Safe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Operator Manual Action
Multiple Spurious Operation
Exemption Request
Fire Watch
ML10273063328 September 2010Lr Hearing - IPEC SPDES and Wqc: Thermal Status - Email 3 of 3
ML10273062428 September 2010Lr Hearing - IPEC SPDES and Wqc: Thermal Status - Email 2 of 2Grab sample
Incorporated by reference
ML10273063028 September 2010Lr Hearing - IPEC SPDES and Wqc: Thermal Status - Email 1 of 3
IR 05000247/201030127 September 2010Er 05000247-10-301, on July 12 - 22, 2010, Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 2, Initial Operator Licensing Examination ReportJob Performance Measure
ML09286022827 September 2010License Renewal Application Review (Shpo No. 06PR06720)
ML12339A52927 September 2010Official Exhibit - ENT000407-00-BD01 - NEI, Underground Piping and Tanks Integrity Initiative (Sept. 2010)
ML12090A75027 September 2010Entergy Pre-Filed Hearing Exhibit ENT000407 - NEI, Underground Piping and Tanks Integrity Initiative (Sept. 2010)
ML10267037924 September 2010Initial Operator Licensing Examination Operating Test Approval Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 3
NL-10-096, Notification Letter Designating Balance of Plant Systems within the Cyber Security Rule Scope23 September 2010Notification Letter Designating Balance of Plant Systems within the Cyber Security Rule ScopeCyber Security
TAC:ME421223 September 2010
ML11258A13421 September 2010Email from R. Walpole, Entergy, Subj: Ntl Source Tracking System Contact Information Update
ML09286025321 September 2010Essential Fish Habitat Consultation for License Renewal of Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3 (TAC MD5411 and MD5412)License Renewal
ML10309002017 September 2010Final Written Examination with Answer Key (401-5 Format)Safe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Stroke time
Temporary Modification
Overspeed trip
ML10309003617 September 2010Handouts to Applicants (Folder 3)
ML10309005417 September 2010Final Operating Exam (Sections a, B, and C) (Folder 3)
NL-10-097, Registration of Spent Fuel Cask Use17 September 2010Registration of Spent Fuel Cask Use
ML10309001717 September 2010Final Outlines (Folder 3)Shutdown Margin
Locked High Radiation Area
ML10305040215 September 2010State of New York'S Motion for Leave to File Additional Bases for Previously-Admitted Contention NYS-25 in Response to Entergy'S July 14, 2010 Proposed Aging Management Program for Reactor Pressure Vessels & Internal ComponentsBoric Acid
Finite Element Analysis
Aging Management
ML12339A73815 September 2010Official Exhibit - NYS000388-00-BD01 - M. Evans and R. Taylor, Bilateral Exchange: Steam Generator Divider Plate Cracking, USNRC Presentation, (Sept. 15, 2010)Aging Management
ML12171A53015 September 2010Pre-Filed Hearing Exhibit NYS000388, M. Evans and R. Taylor, Bilateral Exchange: Steam Generator Divider Plate Cracking, USNRC Presentation, (Sept. 15, 2010)Aging Management
ML11348A27815 September 2010New York State (NYS) Pre-Filed Hearing Exhibit NYS000111, NYS PSC, Order, Granting Certificate of Environmental Capability and Public Need, Case No. 08-T-0034 (September 15, 2010) Excerpted: Pp. 44-47 (Sept. 15, 2010 NYS PSC Order)Environmental Justice
ML12334A57815 September 2010Official Exhibit - NYS000111-00-BD01 - NYS PSC, Order, Granting Certificate of Environmental Capability and Public Need, Case No. 08-T-0034 (September 15, 2010) Excerpted: Pp. 44-47 (Sept. 15, 2010 NYS PSC Order)Environmental Justice
ML11258A13314 September 2010Email from P. Polasek, Entergy, Subj: Activate Spare NRC Drop in Ncr Conf Rm for Computer Installation
ML10257191914 September 2010NRC Staff'S Answer to Applicant'S Motion for Summary Disposition of New York Contention 26/26A and Riverkeeper Contention TC-1/1A -- Metal FatigueIncorporated by reference
Aging Management
License Renewal
ML10301051814 September 2010State of Ny & Riverkeeper, Inc Submittal of Counter Statement of Material Fact, Combined Response to Entergy'S Motion for Summary Disposition of Combined Contentions NYS 26/26A & Rk TC-1/TC-1A, Declaration of Janice A. Dean..Incorporated by reference
Finite Element Analysis
Aging Management
License Renewal
Power Uprate
Water hammer
ML11258A13210 September 2010Email from M. Dries, Entergy, Subj: FW: RCP Motors W/Truncated Flow Chamber Modification
ML11258A13910 September 2010Email from P. Polasek, Subj: Ptrg Report for IP3-2010-02682Grab sample
Met Tower
Offsite Circuit
Fire Watch
Hourly Fire Watch
ML12335A4509 September 2010Official Exhibit - NYS000300-PUB-00-BD01 - the State of New York Provisionally Designates the Attached Declaration of Dr. Richard T. Lahey Dated September 8, 2010 as Containing Confidential Proprietary Information.Incorporated by reference
Aging Management
ML11356A2809 September 2010New York State (NYS) Pre-Filed Evidentiary Hearing Exhibit NYS000300, the State of New York Provisionally Designates the Attached Declaration of Dr. Richard T. Lahey Dated September 8, 2010 as Containing Confidential Proprietary InformationIncorporated by reference
Aging Management
ML1026706659 September 20102010/09/09-License Renewal Proceeding, Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 & 3Incorporated by reference
Finite Element Analysis
Condition Adverse to Quality
Aging Management
License Renewal
Power Uprate
Water hammer
ML11348A1398 September 2010New York State (NYS) Pre-Filed Hearing Exhibit NYS000072, NYS PSC, Commission Approves Transmission Line to NYS: Power Line Would Improve Reliability, Increase Supply, Press Release (Sept. 8, 2010) (2010 NYS PSC Press Release)
ML12334A5248 September 2010Official Exhibit - NYS000072-00-BD01 - NYS PSC, Commission Approves Transmission Line to NYS: Power Line Would Improve Reliability, Increase Supply, Press Release (Sept. 8, 2010) (2010 NYS PSC Press Release)
ML1024600493 September 2010Lr Hearing - Wqc
ML1024603913 September 2010Lr Hearing - Wqc
ML12335A4212 September 2010Official Exhibit - RIV000032-00-BD01 - Generic Issue 199 (GI-199), Implications of Updated Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Estimates in Central and Eastern United States on Existing Plants Safety/Risk Assessment, August 2010, at Appendix DSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Design basis earthquake
Large early release frequency
Generic Issues Program
ML1024501412 September 2010Lr Hearing - Permit Updates
ML1024501372 September 2010Lr Hearing - Permit Updates
ML1025102382 September 2010NRC Operator Licensing Initial Exam Results, Indian Point Station, Unit 2 (Cover Letter Publicly Available, Enclosures Withheld from Public)