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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20217D67413 October 1999Responds to Tia, Re Requirements of 10CFR70.51 for Physical Inventories of Special Nuclear Matl in Spent Fuel Pool at Plant
ML20211P77510 September 1999Notification of 990923 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss License Termination Plan Being Prepared for Haddam Neck Plant by Cy & Contractors & Releasing Portion of Property for Unrestricted Use Before License Termination
ML20210C16319 July 1999Forwards Monthly Rept Which Gives Status of 10CFR2.206 Petitions as of 990630.Six Open NRR,1 OE & 2 NMSS Petitions Available.Attachment 2 Withheld
ML20210E02919 July 1999Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 99-42 with Util on 990811 to Discuss Licensee Turnover of Decommissioning Activities to Bechtel,Decommissioning Operations Contractor & Plans for SG Removal & Support Bldg Demolition
ML20196F07124 June 1999Notification of 990714 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Results of Evaluation of Natural Gas Blast Hazards at Facility
ML20196F05821 June 1999Discusses Update of Status of Petition,Dtd 961125,as Amended by Ltr,Dtd 961223,by Petitioners Re Millstone,Units 1,2 & 3 & Haddam Neck Nuclear Facilities
ML20206Q60017 May 1999Notification of 990602 Meeting with Util & Bechtel in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensing Requirements for Installation of Natural Gas Powered Electric Generating Facility at Plant Site
ML20205R10521 April 1999Discusses Closeout of TAC MA3456,which Was Taken Out to Follow Developments Re Reactor Vessel Shipment from Haddam Neck Plant
ML20207M76416 March 1999Forwards Monthly Rept of Status of 10CFR2.206 Petitions as of 990228.During Feb Director'S Decision DD-99-01,DD-99-02, DD-99-03 & DD-99-04,became Final Agency Actions & Closed. Attachment 3 Filed in Central FilesFuel cladding
ML20206U3622 February 1999Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 99-07 with Util on 990308 to Discuss Apparent Violation of 10CFR50.5 as Noted in NRC Correspondence to Individual , Which Referenced Office of Investigation Rept 1-97-008
ML20199K46412 January 1999Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 98-04 with Util on 990201 to Discuss Apparent Violation of 10CFR50.5 as Noted in NRC Correspondence to Individual ,which Referenced OI Rept 1-97-031
ML20196J3652 December 1998Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 98-91 with Util on 981216 to Discuss Events During Reactor Coolant Sys Decontamination Which Resulted in Four Apparent Violations of NRC Requirements
ML20155G35030 October 1998Forwards Licensee Ltrs to Nrc,Dtd 981030,re Applications 193 & 194 for Amend to License DPR-61,incorporating Deletion of Seismic Monitors & Correcting Typos,Respectively
ML20236Y6308 August 1998Forwards Monthly Rept Reflecting Status of 10CFR2.206 Petitions as of 980731.Petitions on Plant GT97494 & GT97339 for Which DD Became Final Actions During Month Were Closed. Portion of Encl Withheld
ML20237A0017 August 1998Informs That Extension Granted on Envirocare Decision of 980904.Two Week Extension on Philadelphia VA Decision of 980828 Requested.Submits Concurrence of Changes.Rept on 2.206 July Status for Plants Encl
ML20236X89530 July 1998Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 98-71 W/Util on 980803 in Hampton,Ct to Discuss Licensee Assessment of Recent Events Occurring During RCS Decontamination
ML20248L8629 June 1998Forwards May 1998 Rept on Status of Public Petitioners Under 10CFR2.206.Petition on Seabrook (GT970873) for Which DD 98- 03 Became Final Agency Decision on 980413 Closed.Attachment 3 Withheld
ML20203H20225 February 1998Revised Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 98-14 W/Util on 980311 in East Hampton,Ct to Discuss Licensee Approach to Upcoming Decontamination of Reactor Sys,Design for Sf Island Concept & Use 10CFR50.59 for Sys Safety
ML20203A91818 February 1998Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 98-14 W/Util on 980311 in East Hampton,Ct to Discuss Licensee Approach to Upcoming Decontamination of Reactor Sys,Design for Sf Island Concept & Use of 10CFR50.59
ML20199G13528 January 1998Discusses Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co post-shutdown Decommissioning Activities Rept
ML20198L90521 October 1997Revised Notification of 971023 Meeting W/Cyapco at Upper Merion Township Building Re Radiological Program Implementation & Performance Improvements.Meeting Changed to Region I Public Meeting Room on 971031
ML20212B73121 October 1997Rev 2 to Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 97-107 W/Util on 971031 in King of Prussia,Pa Re Radiological Program Implementation & Performance Improvements.Location of Meeting Changed to Cy Info & Science Ctr,Haddam Neck,Ct
ML20217J27015 October 1997Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 97-107 W/Util on 971023 in King of Prussia,Pa to Describe Radiological Program Implementation & Performance Improvements,Achieved or Planned,As Required by CAL 1-97-007,dtd 970304
ML20211N8657 October 1997Responds to 970829 Memo Requesting write-ups for Events Which May Be Reportable as Abnormal Occurrences or Other Events of Interest for Fy 1997 Rept to Congress.Specifically Assessments for Two Oconee Events,One at Zion & Haddam Neck
ML20217D60723 September 1997Notification of Meeting W/Util on 971001 in Rockville,Md for Briefing on Permanently Shutdown & Defueled Emergency Plan
ML20154E24515 September 1997Discusses Visit by M Morris,B Kenyon,N Carns & P Loftas to Be Held on 980918.Informs That Northeast Utils Licensee of Listed Plants
ML20217B06612 September 1997Notification of 971027 Meeting in Higganum,Ct to Solicit Public Comments on Plant post-shutdown Decommissioning Activities Rept
ML20138G92330 April 1997Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 97-50 W/Util on 970528 to Discuss Performance & Corrective Action Issues for Improved Plant & Radiation Protection Controls
ML20137A44717 March 1997Notification of 970410 Meeting W/Cyap in Rockville,Maryland to Discuss Defueled Safeguards Plan for Hnp.Corrected Version of Memo
ML20136C1036 March 1997Forwards Correspondence Transmitted Via Internet to J Zwolinski from P Blanch During 970102-31.Requests Correspondence Be Placed in PDR
ML20133Q30615 January 1997Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 96-07 W/Util on 970115 to Discuss Licensee Actions Taken in Response to NRC Insp Findings & self-assessments Relative to Programmatic Breakdown in Radiation Protection Program
ML20133D4687 January 1997Notification of 970115 Meeting W/Util in Haddam,Ct to Have Licensee to Describe Plans to Decommission Plant
ML20133G2527 January 1997Forwards Transcript of Videotape Containing Recording of Citizens Regulatory Commission, Nuclear Safety Issues, Discussion W/Former Employee of Plant
ML20133A54224 December 1996Informs That Attached Response to Sp Luxton Re Activities at Plants Approved W/O Edit by Commissioners & No Further Need for Commission Review
ML20134B45712 December 1996Discusses 961125 Petition from Citizens Awareness Network & Nirs Requesting Certain Actions Associated W/Connecticut Yankee & Millstone Facilities of Nu.Petition Forwarded for Preparation of ResponseProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20149M04710 December 1996Forwards Internet Mail Received from PM Blanch
ML20135A90414 November 1996Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 96-100 W/Util on 961204 to Discuss Violations Documented Under NRC Insp Repts 50-213/95-27,96-201,96-06 & 96-08 Relating to Licensing Design Basis & Corrective Action Program
ML20134H7936 November 1996Partially Deleted Memo Re 950502 Meeting W/Northeast Utilities Re Listed TopicsFitness for Duty
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
Eddy Current Testing
ML20129K2565 November 1996Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 96-109 W/Listed Attendees on 961202-03 in Philadelphia,Pa to Provide Training,Resolve Interagency Exercise Scheduling Conflicts & Discuss Current Issues in Emergency Preparedness
ML20134E00129 October 1996Staff Comments on DSI-12 Re Risk Based Regulation for Operating Reactors.Nrc Need to Recognize That It Is Too Late When Meltdown Occurs
ML20134D99929 October 1996Staff Comments on DSI-11 Re risk-based Regulation for Operating Reactors.Agency Needs to Realize It Is to Late When Meltdown Occurrs
ML20134D71624 October 1996Requests That Encl Internet Mail Received from PM Blanch,Dtd Through 960930,be Placed in Pdr.No Distribution Outside of PDR Necessary
ML20129F43316 October 1996Rev 1 to Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting Mn 96-100 W/Util on 961018 in Berlin,Ct to Discuss Violations Documented in Listed Insp Repts Re Licensing Design Basis & Corrective Action Program
ML20128F7611 October 1996Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 96-100 W/Util on 961018 to Discuss Violations Documented Under Insp Repts 50-213/95-27,96-201,96-06 & 96-08 Re Licensing Design Basis & Corrective Action Program
ML20129D58517 September 1996Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 961002 to Discuss Results of AIT That Concluded Onsite Review of Four Events Re Reactor Coolant Inventory Control, Nitrogen Inclusion Event & Plans for Reactor Cooling
ML20129E93817 September 1996Notification of 961002 Meeting W/Util in CT Yankee Energy Info Ctr to Discuss Results of AIT Onsite Review on 960917 Re Reactor Coolant Inventory Control,Nitrogen Inclusion & Reliable Reactor Cooling Post RHR Pump Failure
ML20138E41819 August 1996Requests Response to Encl Questions Re Millstone Meeting within Two Week PeriodSafe Shutdown
ML20134H78916 July 1996Partially Deleted Memo Informing That J Gutierrez Requested Meeting,On Behalf of Northeast Utilities Board,For 960718
ML20129D18310 July 1996Informs of 960716 Visit W/B Patricelli,Cm Cleveland & Gw Davis of Northeast Utilities,Inc Re Introductions & Discussions of Millstone Point & Haddam Neck Issues
ML20129D31010 June 1996Informs of 960611 Visit by Listed Individuals Re Introductions & Discussion of Millstone Point & Haddam Neck Issues