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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20082L42030 November 1983Motion to Terminate Appellant Jurisdiction Re Facility, Retained in ALAB-506 on Environ Effects of Radon Releases from Mining & Milling of U for Reactor Fuel.Proceeding Should Be Dismissed as Moot.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20082F78823 November 1983Withdrawal of OL Application.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20082F77723 November 1983Motion for Order Approving Encl Withdrawal of Application & Terminating Proceeding
ML20080L94328 September 1983Second Request for Addl Extension Until 840115 to Answer Intervenor Motion for Summary Disposition of Contention 1. Portland General Electric Co Expects to Decide on Plant Termination by End of 1983.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20080G07313 September 1983Request for Extension Until 831014 to Answer Intervenor Motion for Summary Disposition of Contention 1.Motion May Be Moot If Other Owners Concur W/Util Decision to Terminate Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20071Q7203 June 1983Response Opposing Applicant 830525 Request for Extension Until 830930 to Answer Motion for Summary Disposition of Contention 1.No Good Cause Demonstrated.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20071M07825 May 1983Request for Extension Until 830930 to Answer NRDC Motion for Summary Disposition of Contention 1.Time Needed to Consider Implications of Final Northwest Conservation Electric Power Plan & Licensing Alternatives.Certificates of Svc Encl
ML20023C45712 May 1983Memorandum of Points & Authorities Supporting Intervenor Motion for Summary Disposition Since Contention 1 No Longer Controversial Issue.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20023C69712 May 1983Affidavit of DB Goldstein Supporting NRDC Motion for Summary Disposition of Contention 1 Re Need for Power.Four Forecasts for Energy Needs Refute Need for Power Justification Developed by Util.Prof Qualifications Encl
ML20023C37412 May 1983Statement of Matl Facts as to Which There Is No Genuine Issue Re Contention 1
ML20023C36912 May 1983Motion for Summary Disposition of Contention 1 Re Calculation of Demand for Electrical Energy Negating Need for Plant.No Genuine Issue of Matl Fact Exists
ML20071A66710 February 1983Certifies Svc of Intervenor Motion to Suspend Safety & Health Schedule on 830210
ML20064N66810 February 1983Motion to Suspend Health & Safety Prehearing Schedule Pending Adoption of Final Regional Energy Plan or Until Conclusion of Evidentiary Hearings on Need for Power. Applicant Appears Ready to Absorb Facility Costs
ML20070T0664 February 1983Motion for Order Suspending Health & Safety Prehearing Schedule,Pending Adoption of Final Regional Power Plan & Further Order of Aslb.Suspension Would Be in Best Interest of All Concerned.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20083N81031 January 1983New Contentions Based on New Info in SER Suppl.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20083N19926 January 1983Notice of Appeal & Exceptions to ASLB 830118 Memorandum & Order.Memorandum & Order Fails to Recognize Yakima Indian Nation Sovereignty & Treaty Rights Which Are Supreme Law of Land.Affidavit of Svc Encl
ML20028F18325 January 1983Notification of Intent to File New Contentions Based on New Info in SER Suppl.Certificate of Svc EnclEarthquake
ML20028E97019 January 1983Reply to NRC & Applicant Response to Natl Wildlife Federation/Or Environ Council,Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission & Coalition for Safe Power 821213 Motion to Clarify & Amend Certain Contentions.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20072A67318 January 1983Motion for Extension of Time Until 830210 to File Answer to Natl Wildlife Federation/Or Environ Council 830105 Motion to Compel Discovery.Parties Attempting to Settle Matter by Informal Agreement.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20028C9505 January 1983Motion to Compel Applicants to Respond in Full to Natl Wildlife Federation/Or Environ Council 821201 Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents
ML20028C9585 January 1983Memorandum Supporting Natl Wildlife Federation/Or Environ Council 830105 Motion to Compel Discovery.Applicants Misinterpreted 10CFR2.740(b)(1) Relevancy Std.Discovery Requests Are Relevant.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20028C3223 January 1983Suppl to DOE 821126 Limited Appearance Statement.Doe Position Is That Hanford Site Is Not Open,Unclaimed Land as Defined in 1855 Treaty W/Yakima Indian Nation,Article Iii. ASLB Is Wrong Forum for Resolving Issue
ML20070L54127 December 1982Answer Opposing Yakima Indian Nation 821210 Motion for Reconsideration of ASLB 821029 Memorandum & Order Re Suppl to Petition to Intervene.Aslb Rejection of Contentions 7,8 & 9 Well Founded
ML20070L49027 December 1982Affidavit of Mv Stimac Supporting Applicant Answer to Yakima Indian Nation Motion for Reconsideration.Describes Plant Site & Location of Casements.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20079J60223 December 1982Response Supporting Intervenor 821213 Motion to Clarify & Amend Contentions 7 & 8.Quantification of Environ Impacts Not Practicable Due to Subjective Nature.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20023B30820 December 1982Response to 821201 Discovery Requests.Certificate of Svc EnclBackfit
ML20079H37113 December 1982Motion to Clarify & Amend Contentions 7 & 8.Contentions Should Be Reorganized to Facilitate Coordinated Evidentiary Presentations for Environ Matters ASLB Set Out as Contentions 4,7 & 8.Certificate of Svc EnclIncorporated by reference
ML20070D11810 December 1982Affidavit of R Jim Supporting Yakima Indian Nation Brief on Admissibility of Nation Reworded Proposed Contention 10 & Motion for Reconsideration.Nation Has Right to Pasture Horses & Gather Roots Even Though Us Holds Title to Land
ML20070C91210 December 1982Notice of Counsel New Law Firm Affiliation,As of 820901
ML20070C81810 December 1982Motion for Reconsideration of ASLB 821029 Memorandum & Order Re Yakima Indian Nation Contentions 7,8 & 9.Nation Right to Enjoy Reservation Peacefully Given by 1855 Treaty Should Be Protected by ASLB
ML20070C79810 December 1982Brief Supporting Admissibility of Yakima Indian Nation Reworded Proposed Contention 10.Attempt to Terminate Reserved Rights of Yakima Indian Nation Violates Fifth Amend.Land Cannot Be Taken by Inverse Condemnation
ML20070C76910 December 1982Certifies Svc of Brief on Admissibility of Reworded Proposed Contention 10,motion for Reconsideration of ASLB 821029 Memorandum & Order,R Jim Affidavit & Notice of Counsel Law Firm Change on 821210
ML20028B9251 December 1982Brief Re Admissibility of Yaking Indian Nation Proposed Contention 10.Clarification Needed on Procedural Rule of Commission & Scope of Contention.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20028B8971 December 1982Request for Production of Documents & Interrogatories,Per 10CFR2.740(b) & 10CFR2.741.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20028B26326 November 1982Limited Appearance Statement.Hanford Site Is Not Part of Yakima Indian Nation Reservation Established by 1855 Treaty. Indian Privilege of Hunting,Gathering Roots & Berries & Grazing Animals Does Not Extend to Hanford Site
ML20066L01022 November 1982Motion to Amend Accepted Contention 3.Proposed Amends Would Conform Contention 3 to Earlier Admitted NRDC Contention on Which Contention 3 Is Partially Based.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20066K97622 November 1982Motion to Alter Lead Party Designation Established for Contention 3 in ASLB 821102 Memorandum & Order.All Intervenors Concur That NRDC Should Be Designated Lead Party,Since NRDC Demonstrated Greatest Expertise on Issue
ML20023A83015 October 1982Response to 820910 First Set of Production Requests. Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20023A81414 October 1982Response to Yakima Indian Nation 820930 Suppl to Petition to Intervene,Containing List of Contentions.Objects to Contentions 4-10.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20063P4016 October 1982Response to Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission 820923 Notice of Appeal of ASLB 820903 Memorandum & Order Denying Intervention.Applicants Will Not Oppose Appeal in Order to Maintain Schedule for Proceeding
ML20027C1596 October 1982Response to 820917 First Set of Interrogatories
ML20071N3794 October 1982Response to First Set of Interrogatories.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20065H54529 September 1982Supplement to Petition to Intervene,Consisting of Contentions & Bases for Contentions
ML20065H54829 September 1982Applicant Response to Coalition for Safe Power 820910 First Set of Interrogatories.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20065J16028 September 1982Responds to Util 820917 First Set of Interrogatories. Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20069F94923 September 1982Notice of Appeal of ASLB 820908 Memorandum & Order Denying 820505 Petition to Intervene.Supporting Brief Encl
ML20069F95423 September 1982Memorandum Supporting Appeal of ASLB 820908 Memorandum & Order Denying 820505 Petition to Intervene or Alternatively, to Remand Petition to ASLB for Further Clarification on Question of Standing.Certificate of Svc & Exhibit Encl
ML20027B56317 September 1982First Set of Interrogatories
ML20027B56617 September 1982Response to First Set of Interrogatories.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20137F80017 September 1982Amended Subagreement 2 Between State of Wa Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council & NRC Re Protocol for Conduct of Joint Hearings on Facility Project