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ML20039B53616 December 1981Response to ASLB 811210 Order.Lists Preconst Activities Taken at Proposed Site.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20058M04816 November 1981Order Granting Partial Initial Decision Vacated on Ground of Mootness
ML20011A60923 October 1981Motion for ASLB Order Allowing Withdrawal of Application & Terminating Adjudicatory Proceeding Before Aslb. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20010H28514 September 1981Detailed Statement of Commonwealth of Ma TMI-related Contentions.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related CorrespondenceReactor Vessel Water Level
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20010H24014 September 1981Confirms That ASLB Need Not Rule on Motion for Protective Order Re Commonwealth of Ma 810814 Notice of Deposition. Applicant Production of Documents Obviates Need for Deposition.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20010H24314 September 1981Motion to Compel Answers to First Set of Interrogatories Directed to Util Re TMI Issues.Certificate of Svc Encl. Related Correspondence
ML20010H28314 September 1981Conditional Notice of Withdrawal of Listed Portions of 810821 Emergency Planning Contentions.Withdrawal Conditional on Incorporation of Revised Evaucation Study in Psar.W/ Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence
ML20005B8859 September 1981Errata Sheet to Commonwealth of Ma 810824 Request for Clarification/Motions for Extension of Time for Filing Direct Testimony on Emergency Planning & Ruling Re Rebuttal Testimony.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20010G5088 September 1981Response to Commonwealth of Ma First Set of Document Requests Re TMI Issues.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20005B9082 September 1981Suppl to Commonwealth of Ma 810824 Motion to Extend Time for Filing Direct Testimony on Emergency Planning.Addl Listed Events,Which Occurred Since Motion Filed,Lend Support to Motion.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20005B9251 September 1981Response to NRC First Set of Interrogatories Directed to Commonwealth of Ma.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20005B93328 August 1981Supplemental Response to First Set of Interrogatories Re Emergency Planning in Compliance W/Aslb 810820 Ruling on Discovery.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20005B93028 August 1981Response to First Set of Interrogatories Re TMI Issues, App B to NUREG-0718.Related CorrespondenceSafe Shutdown
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20010C90417 August 1981Responses to Applicants' Interrogatories Re Emergency Planning & TMI-2 Related Issues.Prof Qualifications & Certificate of Svc Encl.Related CorrespondenceReactor Vessel Water Level
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20010D16317 August 1981Request for Prehearing Conference to Be Held on 810901 & for Rescheduling of Argument on Exceptions to Partial Initial Decision.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20010D17214 August 1981Response to Commonwealth of Ma Second Set of Interrogatories Re Emergency Planning.Protective Order Re Production & Identification of Repts Prepared by Hmm Associates Should Be Granted.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related CorrespondenceEarthquake
ML20010C84014 August 1981Notice of 810904 Depositions of Rh Cunningham,Rj Merlino & Util Employee W/Described Knowledge.Existence,Methodology & Results of Studies Re 10 & 30-mile Evacuation Radius to Be Addressed.W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence
ML20010C84514 August 1981Notice of 810902 Deposition of Persons Designated by NRC to Have Knowledge of Methodology & Results of Analysis of Accident Consequences & Feasibility of Protective Actions. W/Certificate of Svc.Related CorrespondenceProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20010C85214 August 1981Motion for Order to Compel Production of Documents Per Commonwealth of Ma 810701 First Set of Requests.Util Response Inconsistent W/Proper Purpose & Scope of Discovery. Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20010C59514 August 1981Request for Production of Documents Directed to NRC Re TMI-2.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20010C58014 August 1981Interrogatories Directed to NRC Re Emergency Planning & TMI-2 Related Issues.Related Correspondence
ML20010C44112 August 1981Motion Requesting That Scheduled Aslab 810901 Oral Argument & ASLB 810901 Prehearing Conference Not Be Held on Same Day. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20010C29110 August 1981Answer in Opposition to Applicant 810804 Motion for Protective Order.Applicant Arguments Are Absurd & Indicative of Lack of Concern for Public Safety.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20010C29810 August 1981Motion to Reconsider ASLB 810803 Denial of State of Il 810715 Motion to Modify Prehearing Conference Order.Stated Grounds for Denial Are Inaccurate.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20010B2035 August 1981Second Set of Requests for Production of Documents Directed to NRC Re Emergency Planning.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20010B3075 August 1981Second Set of Interrogatories Directed to NRC Re Emergency Planning.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20010A8954 August 1981Motion for Protective Order & Answer to Commonwealth of Ma Motion to Compel.Motion Should Be Denied.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20010A8844 August 1981Motion to Amend ASLB 810702 Prehearing Conference Order, Changing Commencement Date of Hearing on Emergency Planning Issues from 811009 to 13.Applicant Counsel Has Prior Engagement.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20010A8864 August 1981Second Set of Interrogatories Directed to Util Re Emergency Planning.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related CorrespondenceEarthquake
ML20010A8884 August 1981Second Set of Requests for Production of Documents Directed to Util Re Emergency Planning.Certificate of Svc Encl. Related Correspondence
ML20010A8814 August 1981Response to Commonwealth of Ma Request for Production of Documents (First Set).Objects to Certain Requests as Overly Broad & Burdensome.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20009F83627 July 1981Interrogatories Directed to Commonwealth of Ma Re Emergency Planning & TMI-related Issues.Certificate of Svc Encl. Related Correspondence
ML20009F85124 July 1981Application for Subpoena Directed to Argonne National Computer Ctr to Produce Any Software or Document Containing or Describing Mod or Improvement to Crac Code Since Development.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20009F84824 July 1981Answer Opposing NRC 810710 & 15 Motions for Protective Order.Nrc Misperceived & Mischaracterized Nature of Questions.Commonwealth of Ma Is Requesting NRC Position on Issues,Not Info on Issues
ML20009F84524 July 1981Motion to Compel Answers to Commonwealth of Ma First Set of Interrogatories Directed to Util Re Emergency Planning. Interrogatories Are Relevant to Contentions.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20005B95420 July 1981Response to Commonwealth of Ma First Set of Interrogatories Re Emergency Planning.Prof Qualifications & Certificate of Svc Encl.Related CorrespondenceEarthquake
ML20009D07215 July 1981Motion to Modify Prehearing Conference Order.Order Should Reflect Commonwealth Objection to Proceed W/Conference W/O Court Reporter,Request for 2-month Discovery Period & Request to Change Date to 810831.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20005B4011 July 1981First Set of Requests for Documents Directed to NRC Re Emergency Planning.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20005B4001 July 1981First Set of Interrogatories Directed to Applicant Re Emergency Planning.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related CorrespondenceEarthquake
ML20005B3981 July 1981First Set of Interrogatories Directed to NRC Re Emergency Planning.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related CorrespondenceEarthquake
ML20005B3791 July 1981First Set of Requests for Production of Documents Re Emergency Planning Directed to Util.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20005A40717 June 1981Answer of a & M Cleeton Supporting Applicant Motion for Order Scheduling Further Proceedings Re Emergency Planning. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20005A43617 June 1981Brief in Opposition to Exceptions Taken by Intervenors Ma Wildlife Federation,Commonwealth of Ma & AR & MW Cleeton Re ASLB 810202 Partial Initial decision,LBP-81-3.Certificate of Svc EnclEarthquake
ML20126M3839 June 1981Answer Supporting Applicant Motion for Order Scheduling Proceedings on Emergency Planning,W/Suggested Revisions to Proposed Schedule.First Prehearing Conference & Opening of Discovery Would Be on 810622.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20004E7904 June 1981Motion for Order Scheduling Further Proceedings on Emergency Planning as Listed.First Prehearing Conference & Opening of Discovery Should Be on 810622,w/discovery Closing on 810722.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20004B60721 May 1981Brief Supporting Exceptions to ASLB Partial Initial Decision Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law on All Matters Except Emergency Planning & TMI-2 Related Issues.Constitutionality of Regulation Should Be Decided.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20004B60521 May 1981Motion for Leave to File Brief in Support of Exceptions Out of time.Two-day Delay Was Caused by Sudden Illness of Secretary.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20004B69419 May 1981Exceptions to ASLB Partial Initial Decision.Aslb Erred in Considering Benefits Vs Costs Before Evidentiary Hearings on Emergency Planning & TMI-2 Issues.Certificate of Svc EnclEarthquake
ML20004B64819 May 1981Brief in Support of Exceptions 1,2 & 6 to ASLB 810202 Partial Initial Decisions.Decision Should Be Reversed & Matter Remanded for Further Considerations of Class 9 Accidents.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20003D27312 March 1981Joint Motion for Consolidation of Date for Filing Briefs & Extension Until 810519 to File Briefs.Good Cause for Commonwealth of Ma Is Necessity for Thorough Review,Counsel Illness & Litigation Obligations.Certificate of Svc Encl