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ML20217N82625 October 1999Discusses Errata Re 991021 Filing of Northeast Nuclear Energy Co Answer to Request for Hearing & Petition to Intervene
B17901, Submits Statement of Personal Qualification (NRC Form 398) Along with Supporting Certification of Medical Exam by Facility Licensee (NRC from 396) in Support of License Renewal for PM Miner.Encls Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(a)(6)18 October 1999Submits Statement of Personal Qualification (NRC Form 398) Along with Supporting Certification of Medical Exam by Facility Licensee (NRC from 396) in Support of License Renewal for PM Miner.Encls Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(a)(6)
B17886, Requests Permission to Utilize Code Case N-623, Deferral of Insps of Shell-to-Flange & Head-to-Flange of Reactor Vessel,Section Xi,Div 1, for Millstone Unit 218 October 1999Requests Permission to Utilize Code Case N-623, Deferral of Insps of Shell-to-Flange & Head-to-Flange of Reactor Vessel,Section Xi,Div 1, for Millstone Unit 2
05000336/LER-1999-012, Forwards LER 99-012-00,re Unrecoverable CEA Misalignment Entry Into TS 3.0.3 on 990917.Commitments Made by Util Are Encl15 October 1999Forwards LER 99-012-00,re Unrecoverable CEA Misalignment Entry Into TS 3.0.3 on 990917.Commitments Made by Util Are Encl
B17900, Forwards Revised Assumptions Used in Fuel Handling Accident Analysis & Summary of Results.List of Regulatory Commitments Are Listed in Attachment 114 October 1999Forwards Revised Assumptions Used in Fuel Handling Accident Analysis & Summary of Results.List of Regulatory Commitments Are Listed in Attachment 1
ML20217P1206 October 1999Informs NRC of Proposed Acquisition of Parent Holding Company of Central Maine & Requests NRC Concurrence,Based on Threshold Review,That Proposed Acquisition Does Not,In Fact, Constitute Transfer Subject to 10CFR50.80Incorporated by reference
ML20217F0036 October 1999Forwards Original Petition to Intervene Being Filed on Behalf of Clients,Connecticut Coalition Against Millstone & Long Island Coalition Against Millstone,Iaw Provisions of 10CFR2.714
B17892, Requests Withdrawal of License Amend Application Re 24-month SG Tube Insp Surveillance Extensions,Submitted in Util 950726 & s to NRC5 October 1999Requests Withdrawal of License Amend Application Re 24-month SG Tube Insp Surveillance Extensions,Submitted in Util 950726 & s to NRC
B17887, Requests Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR140.11(a)(4) Which Requires Licensees to Maintain Secondary Financial Protection Beyond Primary Layer28 September 1999Requests Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR140.11(a)(4) Which Requires Licensees to Maintain Secondary Financial Protection Beyond Primary LayerExemption Request
Fuel cladding
B17890, Provides Response to GL 99-02, Laboratory Testing of Nuclear-Grade Activated Charcoal27 September 1999Provides Response to GL 99-02, Laboratory Testing of Nuclear-Grade Activated Charcoal
B17883, Forwards Mnps Unit 3 ISI Summary Rept,Cycle 6, IAW ASME Section XI,IWA-623027 September 1999Forwards Mnps Unit 3 ISI Summary Rept,Cycle 6, IAW ASME Section XI,IWA-6230
B17884, Forwards NRC Form 536, Operator Licensing Exam Data, for Mnps,Units 2 & 3,per Administrative Ltr 99-0324 September 1999Forwards NRC Form 536, Operator Licensing Exam Data, for Mnps,Units 2 & 3,per Administrative Ltr 99-03Generic Fundamentals Examination
B17888, Informs That There No Longer Exists Need to Maintain Millstone Unit 2 SRO License for CA Hines,License SOP-10741-01,effective 99091524 September 1999Informs That There No Longer Exists Need to Maintain Millstone Unit 2 SRO License for CA Hines,License SOP-10741-01,effective 990915
05000336/LER-1999-001, Forwards LER 99-001-00 Re Thermal Reactor Power Limit That Was Exceeded.Commitments Made by Util Encl20 September 1999Forwards LER 99-001-00 Re Thermal Reactor Power Limit That Was Exceeded.Commitments Made by Util Encl
ML20216H36420 September 1999Forwards NRC Form 536 in Response to AL 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing ExamsGeneric Fundamentals Examination
B17867, Requests Relief from Requirements of 10CFR50.55a(g),IAW ASME Section XI for Millstone,Unit 3.Util Requests Relief from Performing Visual Exam of Reactor Pressure Supports to Extent Required by Code for Class 1 Supports17 September 1999Requests Relief from Requirements of 10CFR50.55a(g),IAW ASME Section XI for Millstone,Unit 3.Util Requests Relief from Performing Visual Exam of Reactor Pressure Supports to Extent Required by Code for Class 1 Supports
B17876, Informs That Util Will Adopt Last Approved Northeast Util QA Program (Nuqap) Tr,Rev 21,dtd 990630,as Unit 1 Nuqap,Per Decision to Permanently Cease Operations at Subject Plant16 September 1999Informs That Util Will Adopt Last Approved Northeast Util QA Program (Nuqap) Tr,Rev 21,dtd 990630,as Unit 1 Nuqap,Per Decision to Permanently Cease Operations at Subject Plant
B17865, Provides NRC Staff with Updated Proposed Rev of FSAR Section 14.6.3, Radiological Consequences of SG Tube Failure. Updated Proposed Rev Will Replace Info Provided in Attachment 3 of Initial Submittal16 September 1999Provides NRC Staff with Updated Proposed Rev of FSAR Section 14.6.3, Radiological Consequences of SG Tube Failure. Updated Proposed Rev Will Replace Info Provided in Attachment 3 of Initial Submittal
HL-5839, Forwards Three New & One Revised Relief Requests for Third 10-year Interval ISI Program for Plant,Developed to Clarify Documentation Requirements,To Propose Alternate Exam Requirements IAW ASME Code Cases N-598 & N-57316 September 1999Forwards Three New & One Revised Relief Requests for Third 10-year Interval ISI Program for Plant,Developed to Clarify Documentation Requirements,To Propose Alternate Exam Requirements IAW ASME Code Cases N-598 & N-573Hydrostatic
B17882, Forwards NRC Forms 398 & 369 in Support of License Renewal for Bb Parrish,License SOP-10399-2.Encl Withheld Per 10CFR2.790(a)(6)15 September 1999Forwards NRC Forms 398 & 369 in Support of License Renewal for Bb Parrish,License SOP-10399-2.Encl Withheld Per 10CFR2.790(a)(6)
B17859, Forwards up-to-date Distribution Lists for NRC Correspondence to NNECO & NUSCO.Side-bars Indicate Changes from Previous Lists Provided to NRC on 98012815 September 1999Forwards up-to-date Distribution Lists for NRC Correspondence to NNECO & NUSCO.Side-bars Indicate Changes from Previous Lists Provided to NRC on 980128
B17881, Forwards NRC Form 398 & NRC Form 396 for Le Olsen,License SOP-10398-2.Encl Withheld Per 10CFR2.790(a)(6)15 September 1999Forwards NRC Form 398 & NRC Form 396 for Le Olsen,License SOP-10398-2.Encl Withheld Per 10CFR2.790(a)(6)
B17880, Forwards NRC Form 398 & NRC Form 396 for Rf Martin,License SOP-10397-0.Encls Withheld Per 10CFR2.790(a)(6)15 September 1999Forwards NRC Form 398 & NRC Form 396 for Rf Martin,License SOP-10397-0.Encls Withheld Per 10CFR2.790(a)(6)
B17872, Informs of Election to Consolidate Previous Commitments Re Work Observation Program with Two New Programmatic Commitments Listed in Attachment 114 September 1999Informs of Election to Consolidate Previous Commitments Re Work Observation Program with Two New Programmatic Commitments Listed in Attachment 1
HL-5837, Informs That Recent Evaluation of Inservice Testing Program Activities Has Resulted in Requirement for Snoc to Revise Two Existing Requests for Relief,Withdraw One Request for Relief & Revise One Existing Cold SD Justification13 September 1999Informs That Recent Evaluation of Inservice Testing Program Activities Has Resulted in Requirement for Snoc to Revise Two Existing Requests for Relief,Withdraw One Request for Relief & Revise One Existing Cold SD JustificationStroke time
Cold shutdown justification
B17838, Forwards Revs 34 & 35 to Physical Security Plan.Explanation of Changes Provided as Attachment 1.Without Encls10 September 1999Forwards Revs 34 & 35 to Physical Security Plan.Explanation of Changes Provided as Attachment 1.Without Encls
ML20211J9293 September 1999Forwards mark-ups & Retypes of Proposed Conforming License Changes Required in Connection with Transfers Being Sought in 990615 Application of Montaup Electric Co & New England Power Co for Transfer of Licenses & Ownership InterestsSafe Shutdown
Fire Protection Program
ML20216H0592 September 1999Responds to Re Issues Submitted by Cullen on Behalf of Several Petitioners Concerning Offsite Emergency Prepardeness for Millstone Nuclear Power Station
05000336/LER-1999-010, Forwards LER 99-010-00,documenting 990804 Event of Failure to Perform ASME Section XI IST on Pressurizer Relief Line Flow Control Sample Valve Following Maint Activities.List of Util Commitments Contained in Attachment 12 September 1999Forwards LER 99-010-00,documenting 990804 Event of Failure to Perform ASME Section XI IST on Pressurizer Relief Line Flow Control Sample Valve Following Maint Activities.List of Util Commitments Contained in Attachment 1
ML20211N9241 September 1999Forwards Document Classification Form for Insertion Into Emergency Planning Services Department Procedures
HL-5832, Submits Comments Concerning Reactor Vessel Integrity Database (Rvid),Version 2 for Plant Hatch,Per NRC1 September 1999Submits Comments Concerning Reactor Vessel Integrity Database (Rvid),Version 2 for Plant Hatch,Per NRC
B17851, Forwards Semiannual fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for 990101-990630 for Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Units 1,2 & 3,IAW 10CFR26.71(d)27 August 1999Forwards Semiannual fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for 990101-990630 for Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Units 1,2 & 3,IAW 10CFR26.71(d)Fitness for Duty
HL-5825, Forwards Response to Informal NRC RAI Re Proposed Emergency Actions Levels Associated with Independent Spent Fuel Storage Operations20 August 1999Forwards Response to Informal NRC RAI Re Proposed Emergency Actions Levels Associated with Independent Spent Fuel Storage Operations
HL-5827, Forwards Fitness for Duty Performance Data for six-month Reporting period,Jan-June 1999,as Required by 10CFR26.71(d)19 August 1999Forwards Fitness for Duty Performance Data for six-month Reporting period,Jan-June 1999,as Required by 10CFR26.71(d)Fitness for Duty
HL-5788, Forwards Owner Activity Repts,Form OAR-1 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant for First Period of Third 10-yr Interval ISI Program.Repts Are for Unit 2 Refueling Outages 13 & 1419 August 1999Forwards Owner Activity Repts,Form OAR-1 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant for First Period of Third 10-yr Interval ISI Program.Repts Are for Unit 2 Refueling Outages 13 & 14
HL-5824, Requests Exemption from Expedited Implementation Requirements of Paragraph 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(B) as Applicable to Containment General Visual Exams of Subsection Iwe,Table IWE-2500-1,Category E-A,Item E1.1118 August 1999Requests Exemption from Expedited Implementation Requirements of Paragraph 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(B) as Applicable to Containment General Visual Exams of Subsection Iwe,Table IWE-2500-1,Category E-A,Item E1.11Coatings
B17855, Forwards NRC Forms 398 & 396 in Support of License Renewal for SRO TE Grilley,SOP-4053-04.Encl Withheld,Per 10CFR2.79017 August 1999Forwards NRC Forms 398 & 396 in Support of License Renewal for SRO TE Grilley,SOP-4053-04.Encl Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790
B17849, Forwards Second Quarter Backlog Performance Rept for 1999, Which Represents Fourth Rept on Mnps Performance Since Restart of Unit 3 & First Status Update for Unit 2.No Regulatory Commitments Are Contained in Ltr16 August 1999Forwards Second Quarter Backlog Performance Rept for 1999, Which Represents Fourth Rept on Mnps Performance Since Restart of Unit 3 & First Status Update for Unit 2.No Regulatory Commitments Are Contained in LtrProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Temporary Modification
B17854, Forwards Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for Millstone Nuclear Power Station,Unit 2,per TS Repts for May & June Also Encl Which Reflect Correct Faulty Printometer Readings14 August 1999Forwards Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for Millstone Nuclear Power Station,Unit 2,per TS Repts for May & June Also Encl Which Reflect Correct Faulty Printometer Readings
B17850, Forwards First Lhc Quarterly Assessment Rept for Assessment Performed 990621 to 990701.NNECO Taking Appropriate Actions to Address Observations in Rept11 August 1999Forwards First Lhc Quarterly Assessment Rept for Assessment Performed 990621 to 990701.NNECO Taking Appropriate Actions to Address Observations in Rept
B17837, Forwards COLR for Cycle 7, for Millstone Unit 3,IAW TS of Changes to COLR Also Encl7 August 1999Forwards COLR for Cycle 7, for Millstone Unit 3,IAW TS of Changes to COLR Also Encl
B17657, Requests Schedular Exemption from Emergency Plan Exercise Requirements of 10CFR50,App E,Part Iv,Section F,Paragraph 2.c.Requests That Nrc/Fema Evaluated Exercise Be Conducted in Mar 2000 Rather than Sept 19993 August 1999Requests Schedular Exemption from Emergency Plan Exercise Requirements of 10CFR50,App E,Part Iv,Section F,Paragraph 2.c.Requests That Nrc/Fema Evaluated Exercise Be Conducted in Mar 2000 Rather than Sept 1999Exemption Request
B17845, Forwards Revised Commitment for Surveillance Scheduling & Tracking.Options for Surveillance Scheduling & Tracking Methodologies to Be Incorporated in Standardized Station Surveillance Program Are Currently Being Reconsidered2 August 1999Forwards Revised Commitment for Surveillance Scheduling & Tracking.Options for Surveillance Scheduling & Tracking Methodologies to Be Incorporated in Standardized Station Surveillance Program Are Currently Being Reconsidered
HL-5814, Forwards New Relief Requests for Third 10-year Interval Inservice Insp Program for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant.New Relief Requests Were Developed to Propose Alternate Insps & to Allow Use of ASME Code Cases N-605,N-508-1,N-323-1 & N-52830 July 1999Forwards New Relief Requests for Third 10-year Interval Inservice Insp Program for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant.New Relief Requests Were Developed to Propose Alternate Insps & to Allow Use of ASME Code Cases N-605,N-508-1,N-323-1 & N-528Coatings
Flow Accelerated Corrosion
05000366/LER-1999-007, Forwards LER 99-007-00 Re Personnel Error & Inadequate Corrective Action Causing Automatic Reactor Shutdown27 July 1999Forwards LER 99-007-00 Re Personnel Error & Inadequate Corrective Action Causing Automatic Reactor Shutdown
B17831, Informs NRC Staff That Change 3 to Rev 25 of Mnps Emergency Plan Was Implemented on 990715.Change Removes Facility Organizational Charts from Emergency Plan & Identifies Relocation to Nuqap26 July 1999Informs NRC Staff That Change 3 to Rev 25 of Mnps Emergency Plan Was Implemented on 990715.Change Removes Facility Organizational Charts from Emergency Plan & Identifies Relocation to NuqapHealth Physics Network
B17834, Forwards Proprietary Revised NRC Form 398,which Certifies That SL Doboe Has Completed Eligibility Requirements for Sro,Per 10CFR55.31.Proprietary Info Withheld20 July 1999Forwards Proprietary Revised NRC Form 398,which Certifies That SL Doboe Has Completed Eligibility Requirements for Sro,Per 10CFR55.31.Proprietary Info Withheld
B17811, Submits Response to NRC AL 99-02,requesting That Licensees Provide Numerical Estimates of Licensing Actions to Be Expected to Be Submitted in Fy 2000 & 200120 July 1999Submits Response to NRC AL 99-02,requesting That Licensees Provide Numerical Estimates of Licensing Actions to Be Expected to Be Submitted in Fy 2000 & 2001
B17836, Forwards Revised NRC Form 396 & Supporting Physician Rept for Licensed Operator Restricted from Licensed Duties, Effective 990628,due to Medical Condition.Without Encl20 July 1999Forwards Revised NRC Form 396 & Supporting Physician Rept for Licensed Operator Restricted from Licensed Duties, Effective 990628,due to Medical Condition.Without Encl
ML20210S99118 July 1999Requests NRC Intervene for All Shareholders of New England Electric System & to Help with Merger with National Grid Group & That NRC Petition Security & Exchange Commission to Investigate Matter Relative to No Shareholder Options