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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20202B38915 September 1997Rev 1 to, Technical Evaluation of Duane Arnold Energy Ctr Analysis of Ampacity Loads for Fire Barriers Clad Power CablesFire Barrier
ML20149L65431 August 1995Plant TER on IPE Back-End SubmittalMission time
Hardened vent
ML20149L64931 August 1995Plant TER on IPE Front End AnalysisMission time
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Hardened vent
Failure to Scram
Overspeed trip
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML20094P18831 May 1995TER, Duane Arnold Energy Ctr Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program,Rev 13,Third 10-Yr IntervalReactor Vessel Water Level
Stroke time
Excess Flow Check Valve
Water hammer
ML20063E90630 December 1993Parametric Study of Potential for BWR ECCS Blockage Due to LOCA Generated Debris, Vol 2,Parts 1 & 2
ML11238051612 November 1993TER to Request for TS Change,Ielp,Cipc & Cbpc,Daec.
ML20118C0951 August 1992Technical Evaluation of Duane Arnold Energy Ctr Emergency Svc Water
ML20101Q34330 June 1992Metallurgical Evaluation of Weld Overlaid Pipe Sections from Brunswick Unit 2 Nuclear Power Station
ML20065C96124 August 1990Rev 2 to Technical Evaluation Rept Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Units 1 & 2 Station Blackout Evaluation, Final ReptSafe Shutdown
Reactor Vessel Water Level
ML20011D91530 November 1989Review of the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Probabilistic Risk AssessmentHigh winds
Ultimate heat sink
Mission time
Fire Barrier
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Feedwater Heater
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML20071P71530 November 1989Rev 1 to Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Unit 2 Risk-Based Insp Guide, Final VersionReactor Vessel Water Level
Mission time
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
High Energy Line Break
Fuel cladding
Water hammer
ML20005E99730 November 1989Technical Evaluation Rept Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program,Brunswick Steam Electric Plant,Units 1 & 2.Safe Shutdown
Stroke time
Scram Discharge Volume
Excess Flow Check Valve
Integrated leak rate test
Cold shutdown justification
Power Operated Valves
ML19332B61431 October 1989Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.1--Equipment Classification for All Other Safety-Related Components:Quad Cities 1 & 2, Final Technical Evaluation ReptSafe Shutdown
ML19325C14510 July 1989Technical Evaluation Rept for Dcrdr at CP&L Brunswick Steam Electric Plant,Units 1 & 2.
ML19325C1477 July 1989Post-Implementation Audit Rept for CP&L Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Units 1 & 2 SPDS 890515-18.
ML20246B81530 April 1989Rev 1 to Conformance to Item 4.5.2 of Generic Ltr 83-28, Duane Arnold,Enrico Fermi-2,Hope Creek,Lasalle County 1 & 2, Limerick 1 & 2,Millstone 1,Monticello,Nine Mile Point 1 & 2 & Oyster Creek, Technical Evaluation Rept
ML20246B97331 March 1989Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97:Byron 1/2 & Braidwood 1/2, Technical Evaluation ReptBoric Acid
ML20236B80513 March 1989Monthly Progress Rept for Contract NRC-02-87-004 for Period 890204-890303.Financial Data Available in Central Files
ML20070Q52531 January 1989Nuclear Power Plant Sys Sourcebook,Brunswick 1 & 2Safe Shutdown
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Ultimate heat sink
Scram Discharge Volume
Failure to Scram
Overspeed trip
ML20205N94331 October 1988Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.1 - Equipment Classification for All Other Safety-Related Components: Millstone-1
ML20196D87818 February 1988Technical Evaluation Rept of Dcrdr for Iowa Electric Light & Power Co Duane Arnold Energy Ctr
ML20196C1644 February 1988Independent Assessment & Analysis, Monthly Progress Rept for Period Ending 880131
ML20205N94831 January 1988Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.1 - Equipment Classification for All Other Safety-Related Components - Millstone-2Safe Shutdown
ML20205N95331 January 1988Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.1 - Equipment Classification for All Other Safety-Related Components: Millstone-3Safe Shutdown
ML20246B72231 January 1988Technical Evaluation Rept on First 10-Yr Interval Inservice Insp Relief Requests:Cp&L,Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Units 1 & 2
ML20246P96731 January 1988Technical Evaluation Rept on Second 10-yr Interval Inservice Insp Program Plan,Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Unit 1Hydrostatic
Incorporated by reference
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
ML20235V15231 August 1987Technical Evaluation Rept,Reactor Trip Sys Reliability Conformance to Item 4.5.2 of Generic Ltr 83-28,Peach Bottom 2 & 3,Perry 1 & 2,Pilgrim 1,Quad Cities 1 & 2,River Bend 1, Shoreham,Susquehanna 1 & 2,Vermont Yankee & WNP-2
ML20235M35931 August 1987Preliminary Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97:Byron Units 1 & 2 & Braidwood Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation ReptBoric Acid
ML18040B18931 August 1987Selected Operating Reactors Issues:Stability Calculations for Grand Gulf 1 & Susquehanna 2 Bwrs.
ML20237J06219 August 1987Technical Evaluation Rept on Duke Power Co McGuire & Catawba Nuclear Stations SpdsBackfit
ML20237J14117 August 1987Facility Sys Analysis Support, Progress Rept 23 for 870713 -0807
ML20236P64031 July 1987Review of Recirculation Pump Trip Design for Brunswick Steam Electric Plants, Informal Rept
ML20236D91831 July 1987Methodology and Application of Surrogate Plant PRA Analysis to the Rancho Seco Power Plant.Task 1 - Analysis of ANO-1 and Oconee PRAsProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML17347A59331 July 1987Retran Code:Transient Analysis Model Qualification, Technical Evaluation Rept
ML18052B19330 June 1987Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28, Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface,Calvert Cliffs-1 & -2, Millstone-2 & Palisades, Final Informal Rept
ML20215M08831 May 1987Final Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.2 - Vendor Interface Programs for All Other Safety-Related Components, Duane Arnold, Informal Rept
ML20215L88231 May 1987Final Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.2 - Vendor Interface Programs for All Other Safety-Related Components: Brunswick 1 & 2, Informal Rept
ML18150A18830 April 1987Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.2 - Vendor Interface Programs for All Other Safety-Related Components, North Anna Units 1 & 2 & Surry Units 1 & 2, Informal Rept
ML18150A11930 April 1987Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28, Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface,North Anna 1 & 2 & Surry 1 & 2, Final Informal Rept
ML18152A58330 April 1987Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28, Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface,North Anna 1 & 2 & Surry 1 & 2.
ML20214Q89830 April 1987Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28, Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface,Hatch-1 & 2,Millstone-1, Final Rept
ML20214R06830 April 1987Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28, Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface,Arnold,Brunswick-1 & 2, Informal Rept
ML20215L86330 April 1987Final Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.1 - Equipment Classification for All Other Safety-Related Components,Brunswick 1 & 2, Informal Rept
ML20206F0718 April 1987Flow-Pattern Results for Tmlb' Accident Sequence in Surry Plant Using Melprog
ML20214R86531 March 1987Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28, Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface,Cook-1 & -2,Haddam Neck, Final Informal Rept
ML20214R21631 March 1987Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.2 - Vendor Interface Programs for All Other Safety-Related Components, Haddam Neck & Millstone 1,2 &3, Informal Rept
ML20215G27431 March 1987Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28, Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface Maine Yankee,St Lucie Units 1 & 2 & Waterford 3
ML20214R74331 March 1987Rev 1 to Conformance to Item 4.5.2 of Generic Ltr 83-28, Arkansas Nuclear One-2,Calvert Cliffs 1 & 2,Fort Calhoun, Main Yankee,Millstone 2,Palisades,Palo Verde 1,2 & 3,San Onofre 2 & 3,St Lucie 1 & 2,Waterford 3 & WNP 3
ML17334B07231 March 1987Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28 Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface,Cook Units 1 & 2 & Haddam Neck.
ML20214R15331 March 1987Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28, Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface,Maine Yankee,St Lucie 1 & 2 & Waterford 3, Informal Rept