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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20117L4599 May 1986Responds to Re Response of micro-R Meter to Spectrum of Gamma Rays Monitored in Course of Final Survey & Initial Survey Measurements in Exposure Room,Resolution of Geometrical Impact on Observations
ML20141E8654 April 1986Forwards Decommissioning Insp Rept 50-187/85-02 on 851230-860124.No Violations Noted.Agreement on Proper Disposition of Matl Must Be Obtained from NRR
ML20140G70527 March 1986Lists Change in Telephone Number for H Bernard,Facility Project Manager,Due to NRR Reorganization.D Tondi New Nonpower Reactors & Safeguards Licensing Section Leader. Correspondence Should Be Sent to Listed Address
ML20154J21128 February 1986Requests Addl Info Re Reactor Decommissioning Program, Including Calibr Methods & Stds for Sodium Iodide Crystal Survey Instrument & Calculations & Survey Measurements of Exposure Room
ML20205J98017 February 1986Forwards Statistical Info Re Redistribution of Concrete Rubble Stored in fenced-off Area of Parking Lot,Per Request. Net Radiation Level Above Background Below NRC Criterion. Higher Readings Recorded When Ground Dry
ML20137T8467 February 1986Discusses Billing of Fee for 850114 Application for Decommissioning Facility Under License R-90.Data for Applications in Categories 3-5 Not Received
ML20214C7195 February 1986Discusses Amount of Induced Activity Remaining in Concrete Biological Shield for facility.Twenty-two Metric Tons of Activated Concrete,Containing 0.55 Mci Neutron Induced Activity,Remain on Site,Per Nov 1985 Rept
ML20138P43113 December 1985Forwards Decommissioning Program Final Rept Per 850114 Decommissioning Plan Submittal.Radwaste Taken to Hanford for Disposal
ML20154S09326 November 1985Forwards Proprietary Natural Radioactivity Survey, Sept 1984 - Aug 1985. Encl Withheld
ML20137M02920 November 1985Requests Approval to Dispose of Approx 1,000 Metric Tons of Concrete Biological Shielding from Facility.Proposed Disposal Will Be by Burial in Soil at Local Landfill
ML20137Q3174 September 1985Requests Permission to Proceed W/Plans to Demolish Facility Biological Shield,Bury Concrete Rubble at Local Landfill & Survey Floor/Ground Area Where Shielding Structure Stands, Pending State of CA Approval
ML20127N78924 June 1985Forwards Order Authorizing Dismantling & Disposition of Northrop Triga Reactor,Finding of No Significant Impact, Safety Evaluation & Environ Assessment
ML20128A11415 May 1985Forwards 850515 Fr Notice of Proposed Issuance of Orders Authorizing Disposition of Component Parts & Terminating Facility License,In Accordance w/850114 Application
ML20127G06510 May 1985Requests Payment of Fee for 850114 Application for Review of Decommissioning Plan & Environ Rept
ML20128C3953 May 1985Forwards Insp Rept 50-187/85-01 on 850408-09.No Noncompliance Noted
ML20117A76829 April 1985Requests Approval to Proceed W/Certain Maint Tasks Prior to Approval of Decommissioning Plan & Dismantling of Reactor Facility.Tasks Include:Removing Control Rod & Drive mechanism,in-core Instrumentation & Vacuum Sys
ML20115F7659 April 1985Responds to Request for Addl Info Re Decommissioning Plan. Surface Contamination Will Be Monitored W/Suitable Alpha, Beta & Gamma Sensitive Instruments
ML20104A59315 January 1985Forwards Amended Transportation Routes Per Univ of Illinois Request.Possible Combination of Manhattan,Ks & Urbana,Il Route Discussed W/B Hawkins.Early Approval Requested
ML20112H45514 January 1985Forwards Proprietary Northrop Triga Reactor Facility Environ Rept in Support of Decommissioning Plan & Proprietary Northrop Triga Reactor Facility Decommissioning Plan. Reactor Shut Down on 841221.Repts Withheld
ML20093A3893 July 1984Advises of Decision to Decommission Northrop Triga Reactor. Dismantling Plan Will Be Submitted in Sept 1984
ML20069E51414 March 1983Forwards Natural Environ Radioactivity Survey for Period Sept 1981 - Aug 1982
ML20028F99224 January 1983Responds to NRC 821124 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept.Corrective Actions:Procedures Written & Approved for Calibr of Area Radiation & Air Particulate Monitors
ML20066G77816 November 1982Forwards Physical Security Plan.Plan Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML20066C4941 November 1982Forwards Public Version of Emergency Plan
ML20069P60329 October 1982Forwards Natural Environ Radioactivity Survey for Period of Sept 1981-Aug 1982
ML20062H59227 July 1982Forwards IE Insp Rept 50-187/82-01 on 820628-30 & Notice of Violation
ML20054L38816 June 1982Ltr to All Research & Test Reactor Licensees Requesting That Reg Guide 2.6 (for Comment) & ANSI/ANS-15.16 (Draft II Dtd 811129) Be Used to Meet Requirement of Final Amend to 10CFR50.54(r) Re Emergency Planning.Fr Notice Encl
ML19347E6048 May 1981Requests Matls & Facility Licenses for Research Reactor
ML20003B96526 January 1981Responds to NRC 801230 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-187/80-02.Corrective Actions:Performed & Documented Systematic Performance Evaluations for Licensed Reactor Supervisor as Required
ML19340C73326 November 1980Forwards Natural Environ Radioactivity Survey,Sept 1979 - Aug 1980.
ML19353A1546 November 1980Responds to NRC 801016 Ltr Re Violations Noted During IE Insp on 800924.Corrective Actions:Annual Exposure Repts for 1978 & 1979 Submitted as Required & More Systematic Screening of Fr Implemented
ML19338G65323 October 1980Informs NRC That License R-90 Should Not Be on Us List of IAEA Eligible Facilities.Company Does Work Which Has Direct Natl Security Significance
ML20149K1917 May 1980Generic Ltr 80-38 to All Nonpower Reactor Licensees Re NPR Physical Protection Requirements.Summary of Certain NPR Physical Protection Requirements Encl & Should Aid in Determining Safeguards Requirements Applicable to Facility
ML19254F4982 November 1979Forwards Executed Amend 14 to Indemnity Agreement B-26
ML19260A18926 October 1979Forwards Natural Environ Radioactivity Survey Sept 1978- Aug 1979.
ML19207A81916 August 1979Forwards Endorsement 13 to Indemnity Agreement B-26
ML20132A95214 August 1979Forwards IE Info Notice 79-20, NRC Enforcement Policy - NRC Licensed Individuals. No Action Required
ML20062E9971 December 1978Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Deviations Noted in Inspec Rept 50-187/78-03
ML20062F00214 November 1978Responds to 781030 NRC Ltr Re Deviation Noted in Inspec Rept 50-187/78-03.Corrective Actions: Establishes Calendar of Periodic Maint,Reinstates Prog of Periodic & Systematic Performance Eval of Lic Individuals,Emerg Procedure Review
ML20062F00730 October 1978Forwards Inspec Rept 50-187/78-03 on 781012-1013 & Assoc Notice of Violation
ML20062B93017 October 1978Forwards Natural Environ Radioactivity Survey for Sept 1977-Aug 1978
ML20062C7835 October 1978Notifies NRC of Personnel Changes at Northrop Reactor Facil
ML20137G47223 June 1971Advises That Presence & Irradiation of Explosives in Reactor Must Be Evaluated Due to Potential for Damage to Reactor. Evaluation Requested Establishing Operating Restrictions,Max Quantity of Explosives Allowed in Facility & Form