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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20212D67831 March 1999Supplemental Technical Evaluation Report Based on Review of Additional Responses Concerning Individual Plant Examination of External Events at Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2. Final ReptHot Short
Safe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
ML20212D64131 March 1998Technical Evaluation Report on Submittal Only Review of Individual Plant Examination of External Events at Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2. Final ReptHot Short
Safe Shutdown
High winds
Ultimate heat sink
Mission time
Fire Barrier
Tornado Missile
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Operating Basis Earthquake
Turbine Missile
ML20078E0474 October 1994TER on Front End IPE Submittal, Task 22,dtd 941004Boric Acid
Mission time
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20078E12230 September 1994IPE Back-End TER Dtd Sept 1994Mission time
Internal Flooding
Severe Accident Management Guideline
ML20141D32731 August 1994Dispersion Estimates in Vicinity of Buildings
ML20078E15031 August 1994TER of IPE Submittal Human Reliability Analysis, Final Rept, Task 23.Draft Dtd 940131,final Aug 1994Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20097A8286 April 1992Technical Evaluation Rept Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant,Units 1 & 2 Wepc, Per 10CFR50.55a(g)Boric Acid
Stroke time
Anchor Darling
Incorporated by reference
Stress corrosion cracking
Cold shutdown justification
Power Operated Valves
ML20245E93731 December 1988Rev 1 to EGG-NTA-8030, TMI Action--NUREG-0737 (II.D.1) Point Beach,Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation ReptLoop seal
Stroke time
Anticipated operational occurrence
ML20155G75214 June 1988Review of Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Unit 1 & 2,Alternate Shutdown CapabilitySafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
ML20042D0537 June 1988Technical Evaluation Rept of Dcrdr for Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant,Units 1 & 2.
ML20154H58412 May 1988App D,Evaluation of Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Rev 1 (Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant,Units 1 & 2)Grab sample
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
ML20235Y65916 October 1987Technical Evaluation Rept for Wisconsin Electric Power Co Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2 SPDS Sar
ML20153D76711 May 1987Evaluation of Fire Protection Exemption Requests from 10CFR50.48 & App R to 10CFR50, Technical Evaluation ReptSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Fire Barrier
Emergency Lighting
Exemption Request
Fire Protection Program
ML20210A01331 December 1986BWR Environ Radioactivity Survey for 1986Grab sample
ML20210A00531 December 1986Environ Radioactivity Survey for 1986Grab sample
ML20206S74931 May 1986Evaluation of Structural Aspects Re Point Beach PlantSafe Shutdown
ML20198S97330 April 1986Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97,Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2
ML20133Q09622 October 1985Review of Licensee & Applicant Responses to NRC Generic Ltr 83-28 (Required Actions Based on Generic Implications of Salem ATWS Events),Item 1.2...for Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept
ML20127E75528 February 1985Shutdown DHR Analysis,Point Beach Case Study, Draft ReptSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
High winds
Ultimate heat sink
Fire Barrier
Tornado Missile
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20108E00731 December 1984Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97,Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2Safe Shutdown
Boric Acid
High Radiation Area
Grab sample
Fuel cladding
ML20108F3507 November 1984Evaluation of Detailed Control Room Design Review Program Plan
ML20086T8822 March 1984Control of Heavy Loads (C-10) Wisconsin Electric Power Co Point Beach Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2Control of Heavy Loads
ML20072K82017 June 1983Control of Heavy Loads (C-10),Point Beach Nuclear Plants Units 1 & 2, Draft Final Technical Evaluation ReptSafe Shutdown
Nondestructive Examination
Feedwater Heater
Control of Heavy Loads
ML20079Q68023 February 1983Selected Operating Reactor Issues Program II RCS Sys Vents (NUREG-0737,Item II.B.1), Final Technical Evaluation Rept
ML20077K6709 February 1983Adequacy of Electric Distribution Sys Voltages for Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept
ML20076C37810 December 1982ECCS Repts (F 47),TMI Action Plan Requirements,Point Beach Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation ReptBoric Acid
ML20126E9947 December 1982Containment Leak Rate Testing Investigations, Monthly Progress Rept for Nov 1982
ML20079G67428 September 1982Review of Licensee Resolution of Outstanding Issues from NRC Equipment Environ Qualification Safety Evaluation Repts (F-11 & B-60),Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Unit 1, Technical Evaluation ReptHigh Energy Line Break
ML20079G68328 September 1982Nonproprietary Review of Licensee Resolution of Outstanding Issues from NRC Equipment Environ Qualification SERs (F-11 & B-60),Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2, Final Technical Evaluation Rept
ML20028A73417 August 1982Improvements in Training & Requalification Programs as Required by TMI Action Items 1.A.2.1 & II.B.4 for Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation ReptFuel cladding
Power change
ML20027D21331 July 1982Tech Spec for Redundant DHR Capability,Point Beach,Units 1 & 2.
ML20052C93728 February 1982Tech Specs for Redundant Decay Heat Removal Capability, Point Beach,Units 1 & 2, Preliminary Technical Evaluation Rept
ML20009B59631 May 1981Technical Evaluation of Licensee Responses to IE Bulletin 80-06,re Engineered Safety Feature Reset Controls for Point Beach Nuclear Power Station,Units 1 & 2
ML19341B08631 December 1980Instrument Bus Mods,Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.
ML19323H48130 September 1979Technical Evaluation of Electrical Instrumentation & Control Design Aspects of Override Containment Purge Valve Isolation & Other Engineered Safety Feature Signals for Point Beach Nuclear Power Station,Units 1 & 2.
ML19225C45327 April 1979Fire Protection in Operating Nuclear Power Stations:Point Beach Units 1 & 2 SER Review, Interim ReptFire Protection Program