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Fire Protection in Operating Nuclear Power Stations:Point Beach Units 1 & 2 SER Review, Interim Rept
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/27/1979
From: Randy Hall, Macdougall E
To: Ferguson R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CON-FIN-A-3107 NUDOCS 7907300353
Download: ML19225C453 (4)


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Contract Prog ~ ram or Project


Fire Protection in Operating fluclear Power Stations Subject of this Document: Point Beach Units 1 and 2 Safety Evaluation Report Review Letter Report Type of Document:

R.E. Hall and E.A. MacDougall Date of Do.;ument:

Mr. R.L. Ferguson Responsible lac Individual Plant Systems Branch and I!RC Office or Division: ,,

U.S. fluclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 This c'acument was prepared primarily for preliminary or internal use. It has not received full review and approval. Since there may oe substantive changes, this document should not be considered final.

Brookhaven !!ational Laboratory Upton, fly 11973 Associated Universities, Inc.

for the U.S. Department of Energy Prepared for U.S. !!uclear P,cculatory Ccanission Washington, D. C. 20555 Under Interagency Agreement EY-76-C-02-0016

!!RC FIl! !!o. A 3107 433 008 It!TERIM REPORT


N RC Researcl anc echnica!

Assistance Report -

7907800 35_3 g


a ren. Nev. vc m N 73 Decarwent ci Nuc'ect Erergy (5 M; N5- 2144 April 27, 1979 Divisico of Operating Reactors U.S. Nuclear Regulatcry Ccamission Washingtcn, D.C. 20S35 Attention: Mr. Rcbert L. Ferguson Plant Systens Branch

Dear Scb:

Suoject: Fire Protection in 0;;erating Nuclear Pc'..e: Stations veint teacn anits 1 anc 2 bafety t. valuation necort rleview The Safety Evaluation Report, as developed jointly by the NRC staff and 3rockhaven National Laboratory, (0:n.), adequately refli *s the concerns and reccm.nencations of the consultants. Throughcut the reev luation of Point Seach 1 and 2, tnere has teen general agreenent between the NRC staff and the BNL consultants. Based on present data, the proposed fire prc'ection, as set fortn in the SER, will give reasonable as. ;rance that the heal n and safety of the public is not endangered. The following exception represents a differing engineering point of view that shculd me evaluated by the 7,RC staff.

lalve Sucervisior. - Section 4.3.1 Electrical valve supervision shoulc be provided nn all valves controlling fire water systems and sectionalizing valves. 7.e present proposal of incor-porating administrative controls ar.d locks should be unacceptable. See letter dated July 13, 1977 to Mr. R.L. Ferguson frcm Nr. R.E. Hall.

Flcurescent Lient Diffusers - Section 5.2

.se recconend that the control roem ficurescent light diffusers have e fle:e spread rating not to exceed 25. If the licensee can demonstrate that the existing cnes neet this criteria they are satisf actory; if not v.e reccm-cenc :nat the existing control roco licht diffusers be replaced by ones having a flate spread ratins of 25 or less.

433 009

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, R.~L. Ferguson April 27,1979 Fire Hydrant Inscection - Section 4.3.1(3) y We reccrend that the fire hydrants be inspected each fall for proper drainage and again in the spring after the freezing season is past, to assure that no freeze damage has occurred.

The preceding statements are based on a detailed reevaluation of the fire protection program as implemented by the Wisconsin Electric Power Coapany at the Point Beach Units 1 and 2 Nuclee; Power Station. The analysis covered a review of the fire prevention, detection and suppression capabilities of the plant as interfaced with the nuclear systems requirements. This was ac-corplishec by utilizing c review team concept with members frca SNL and the Nuclear Regulatory Ccmmission Division f Operating Reactor's staff.

The fire protection evaluation for the Point Beach Units 1 and 2 plant is based on an analysis of documents submitted by the Wisconsin Electric Pov,er Ccmpany to the Nuclear Regulatory Ccmmission and a site visit. The site visit was conducted by Mr. E. Sylvester and Mr. P. Atherton of the NRC, Mr. Ingemar Asp of Gage Batccck and Associates uncer contract to BNL, Mr. J. Riopelle, consultant to BNL, and myself. Mr. Riopelle was under contract to BNL to review the ranual fire fighting capabilities of the station along with acainistrative controls.

The Point Beach Units 1 and 2 review has been conducted under the di rec-tion of Mr. E. A. .,acDougall and myself of Reactor Engineering Analysis Grcup at SNL.

We have reviewed the analyses submitted by the licensee and have visited the f acility to e< amine the relationship cf safety-related components, systems and strrtures with both ccabustibles and the associateo fire detection and suppression systems. Our review has been limited to the aspects of fire pro-tection related to the protection of the public frco the standpoint cf radio-ic'jical health and safety, ' e have not consicered aspects of fire protection aSscCiated with life safety of onsite personnel and with prCperty protection, unless they impact the health and safety of the public cue to +.he releas~ of radi oactive ,nateri al . The proposed acdifications represent a significant increase in the level of protection against sericus fire asscciated hazards.

Sincerely yours, l' ,4 Y

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f Robert E. Hall, Group Leader Reactor Enijineering inalysis REh:EM:sd 433 0:0


4 DISTRIBUTION M. An:cnetti 1

1. Asp 1 V. Benaroya 1 E. Blackwooc 1 W. Butler 1 R. Cerbone 1 D. Eisenhut 1 R . . 'i t 1 R. Ferguson 5 R. Hal1 1 S. Hanauer 1 P. Hennan 1 E. Imbro 1 W. Kato 1 J. Klevan 1 G. Lainas 1 C. Long 1 E. MacDougall 1 J. Riopelle 1 V. Stello 1 T. Telford 1 H. Todoscw 2 J . Townl ey 1 NRC - Division of Technical 2 Infonnation and Control . , ,

433 0411