RA-19-0215, Exemption Request for NAC Magnastor Cask Loaded to Incorrect Helium Backfill Density

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Exemption Request for NAC Magnastor Cask Loaded to Incorrect Helium Backfill Density
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire, McGuire, 07201031  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/12/2019
From: Teresa Ray
Duke Energy Carolinas
Document Control Desk, Division of Spent Fuel Management, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML19270E738 List:
ED20190094, RA-19-0215
Download: ML19270E395 (8)


Thomas D. Ray, P.E.

ef,DUKE Site Vice President McGuire Nuclear Station

~;ENERGY Duke Energy MG01VP 112700 Hagers Ferry Road Huntersville, NC 28078 o: 980.875.4805 f: 980.875.4809 Tom. Ray@duke-energy.com PROPRIETARY INFORMATION-WITHHOLD UNDER 10 CFR 2.390 UPON REMOVAL OF PAGES 2 THROUGH 8 OF ENCLOSURE 1 THIS LETTER IS UNCONTROLLED RA-19-0215 10 CFR Part 72 September 12, 2019 ATTN: Document Control Desk Director, Division of Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001


Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke Energy)

McGuire Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-369, 50-370 Renewed License Nos. NPF-9 and NPF-17 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Docket No. 72-1031 Exemption Request for NAC MAGNASTOR Cask Loaded to Incorrect Helium Backfill Density Pursuant to 10 CFR 72.7, "Specific Exemptions," Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke Energy) requests a one-time exemption from the requirements of 10 CFR 72.212(b )(3), 10 CFR 72.212(b)(5)(i), and 10 CFR 72.212(b)(11) for NAC MAGNASTOR Cask OFCTKN045 due to a non-compliance with the terms and conditions of the NAC MAGNASTOR Certificate of Compliance (CoC) No. 1031, Amendment 7, at the time of cask loading. 10 CFR 72.212(b)(3),

10 CFR 72.212(b)(5)(i), and 10 CFR 72.212(b)(11) require, in part, conformance to the terms, conditions, and specifications of Coe No. 1031.


On June 4, 2018, recently loaded MAGNASTOR Cask OFCTKN045 was transported to the McGuire Nuclear Station (MNS) Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) storage pad area. Subsequently, Duke Energy was reviewing various technical details of the completed loading procedure and noticed that during the helium backfill process, the two helium mass flow meters measured significantly different volumes. While small deviations are normal, significant deviations had not been previously observed.

Further review of the helium backfill data revealed the cask helium density within MAGNASTOR Cask OFCTKN045 exceeded the helium density range presented in MAGNASTOR Technical ;J4 .'l>l'.d, Suit~ 2ll0 NAC INTER.NA 'fIONAL AFFJ.DA \rIT PURSUANT TO 10 CFR 2.390 George C:nrver {Affiant}, Vite President, Engineering and Licensing, bereinafrer re;ferr"ed to as N AC, at 393-0 East Jones Brkl:,gc Road,, Non::lin:ss, Gei,irgia 100~2, being d!lily swor11, de-poses and s:ays that:

L Af'fifint bllS reviewed the informru:ion diescribed in Hem 2 and is persorutHy familiar with the trade si;crets u:nd privileged inforrnaaim11,Xi1Uflllited therein, and ls iliUithorizeid m requesr. its withholding.

2. lh~ lnformmi<m to be w,chhek:l iticludes the following NAC Proprfetary Infom1atio11 that is betn;g pt.:rvided in support of .the NRC review of Duke Ern~.rgy C:;ir1:>Hnss, LLC, Lett~* l~A-19-02)5, lndependeJnt Spent Fuel S1orage InstaUation (lSFSl) !Docket Nc1, 72-103! Bxemption Request for NAC MAGNASTOR Cask Loa{led to Incorrect Heii\llll BackfiH @)::.nsit;i NAC is the owner of tfnts i~fo:rmu.th:>n tfui:t hi considered to be NAC ProprietfU)' lnfomti!!liM 1
3. NAC makes this appticatfon tor wi1hh,01di:ng of proprletary Sr1fonoot2on based upon ~1ie exemptlon from disclmmre ,set forth in; th¢ Fr~oru ~1f hlfor11mtion Ad (FOL.\"}; 5 USC Sec. 552{1b)(4) and the

'frndc Sccn:¢S Act; J8 t,sc Sec. B9D5, ilnd NRC Regulations lo CFR P.a.rt 9. I 7(a)(4), 2,39{l(a)(4), and!

  • 2,390(bJ{O f.or trade .scc:reits and c.ommerci!iil fir1ar1cfal lnform:ati:Ojl obt.ifa1ed frorn a person, :and privilc,gcd or .;:onfi<lenfial" (Exemptfon 4). The informatkirrn for whiclt exemptior1 from disclosure is he;n1in $£!Ugh~ is !di "confidential com1merciat lnfonnation,'" and some portions tn.'ty also qualify under the n4irrow.er definifo::nn of "tracbe seer.et," wii.hin the meanings ~-signed to those terms ror purposes of FOJA Eiernptfon 4.
a. fofortlliati.on th2:t discloses a process, fflt)tnOO, or ~ppa.ratus, ir1<;:Jijui;fiing ;i;upportin.g d,i11:n, ~nd analyses, where prevemion of its use by competitOT$ NA(~ wi~b,;nJt lke1JSC frgm NAC, constitmes a competitbre economic advantage over othcroomplllrti~s,
b. Infunrmtion fMf, if used b:,r 111 cornpotitor, w(!Uld rcibllc:e their e:tP'.!l'.lditure of resources. or impro,*e their cornpemiwi p,osition i.n the design, m~nufactur~, sMpmi::,nt, im;tuHuthm, <1.~EJTmliCte of qua1it)'

or licensing or_a si.milar product c, lnfurnmtiori that n,,w~ls cosf or price infom;atioa1, producHrm cap.:idties, hudge4 levds or

.;01.nmercial stnitegic~ of'NAC, it:s t"Uivtomers; ()r lit$ ,suppliers.

d. lnformi,iti,gn thAl r~1.*~ls a,;pec~ or piliS:t, present or fwrure NAC customet~fumlled de,veftopmeiTht plm1s and programs of potent1Hl <,:i:;mnnerdal ,*alue. to NAC.

e, Informa!iion thut discloses patentable subject tnatt!l}r for wl1lch ir. mlliy be oos~rable to obtai u patent protection.

l::1)20191)(1,94 Pnsc I of3

RA-19-0215, Enclosure 2, Page 3 of 4 NAC International Affidavit Pursuant to 2.390 ANAC fifrl INTERNATIONAL NAC INTER.i~ATIONAL A:F}'U)AVlT PURSUANT TO 10 CFR 2.390 (continued)

The info!Tnation that i:s sQught to be withheld is consideied to be. proprietary for tlte reilSons set forth in Items 4 ..i, 4.b, ~nd 4.d.

5. The if1fornwtion to be withheld is being Lr.a.nunilled to the NRC in confidene.e..
6. 1be htformilltion Mmghi li1 be wi!hbeid, including that compiled from many s01m:es, is of n sort cus.tomiirily hckl in confidem;e. b}; NAC, andi is, en faet. so held. 111is inform.atton hllls, ao the best of my knowledge arid bdief, consiskntly bee.n held in confidence. by NAC. No puhlic disclosure has been made, end it i.s nal avnilable. in public &ource:s.. All disc-lo~lBn?S cc third pnrties, incla1ding ~n)'

required tmnsmittals to the NRC, llave been made, ov must be made, pi1rsuam no regul.atowy pmvisim1s or p.roprle1M;i r1g1eemen1s, which 11nwide for maintenance of the information in confidc:m;,;,, It~ initi~.l de:;,i13nat1()n a-;; proprietary h)formmion and the subsequent !-;(cps taken to prevent its 1.1n1lu(hmiz.cd dis.da:sure. are as set fo1th tn Items 7 and 8 following.

7. Initial approval of prnp,riett1.ry crr.~atmcnt of a documeilltlinformation is made b)' the Vice Pre.sld~nt.

Eng1ne,~ri1ig, che Project Manager, the Licensing Spt!cialiJ:;t, or the Direc{(),, Lk:i::n~ing - fue pea:sons mos£ likely iO know tne ,*aluc and scnsiti,vity pf the inforrriru.1o:n in relation to industry knowled.ge.

Ac::.;:e~.:.s to p1'0prie.1asy documents wicMn NAC fr; limitoo via "controlled tlislribufam" t,i !ntllvltluals on a "r1e~d to k11ow" b..'lsk The procedure- foi; external re.lease of NAC proprierni)' document!l typictilly requires tile lllfl1)roval of tM Project Manager bas<ld on a re\'iew of the document.<; fat tedmi,caf con.t,ent, c,ompg;titive: etfcc1 and ac:curac;y of lite pro()Jietary designa;tii)ll. Disclosures of p.roprieta.1)'

doc:t1ments outskw of NAC are Jimite4 to regulatory agencies, customet*s and potential c:ustomers and their agents, supplicr.s, licensees l!i!id cr1inilril:t.tors with a legitimate :need for the informruion, and then only in :;ccordancc. with appropriate re~ulatory pmvisiMs or proprietnry agreements.

-8. NAC tms inve:;i;ed a l:-ignffkiml amou1it of time and money il1 the rn,sclt:n~h. d¢*,*cJopmcnt, c.ngin-::cring imd im~!ytical .;;6s1s i.o develop the information thai is. sought to be wiihhckl 11es prlJprictary. This inform?11fon L~ >?O!l~idi::rtid to be p1'0prietat)' oocimro it coDtaiios dctaikd dcscrip~ions of arullytictd approaches, methc.~dologie.s. teehnical data and/or cvf.llmttion rccsi.dcs not l!IV:nilablc dscwh.er~. Th¢ pre,dse ~*ah.1e of the expertise. required ~o develop du: proprietary i1I11f{umati0n ii- difficult ~o guamify, but it is clcBrly s.ubstantiaL Public disclosure of the inforniaticm to be withheld is likeh* t41 cause substanti~I h.ann w tiu:;

  • * * * * ,.. * ** * * - 0 **

cclrnpetith*e. positfon of NAC, as lhe. owner of the informatitm, and rt">du-ce N e-lirninate the ~vailability of profit-making opportunities. l"bc provric-tary information is part ti' NAC's comprehen.~iv,e spent fuel storclb->e and transport aechoology* base, and its commerc.ia.t value extends beyond die orig;hml de\'dopme11t co5.t to include tflc <l1wclopmcnt of the expe.rtisc t(:, determine and apply the apprc,priale e.vflllulltion process. The value of this proprie~ary infl)nliatioa and the. c,ompe.titive .uh*antage that it provides to NAC would be lost if the Snfomuation v,rere disclosed to the public. :f,..faking such information a,*ailable to other panic;,, lnclurling competitors, without their having w m0ke, similar in,1e.stme111s of time, labor and money would pro,*idc ~ompe.tilorf. with an unfair advantage a.1~

ckpg1ve NAC of the- op;portmllty to seek an adequate return on ir.:s large in,*estment.

ED20190094 Page 2 of 3

RA-19-0215, Enclosure 2, Page 4 of 4 NAC International Affidavit Pursuant to 2.390 ANAC HINTERNATiONAl NAC UffERNATIONAL AFFIDAVI'f PURSUANT TO 10 CFR 2,390 (contim.1.ed)

STATE OF GEORGlA, COUNTY 01' GWlNNE"fl' t\*Ir. Grorg.e Cat\!er, belng d~!y sworn, deposes and says:

That he has read th~ lforegonlllg affidavit and the matters stated herein are true and corre.ct. 10 th,11 best of bis knowledge, :infom1ilition a~d !belief. .

"1 Exe.cured at Norcross, Georgia, this .9!':.,0

.µ_. .1

. :. -* day of .

1-A,.. _. ..L .,2019.


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Q~'Org¢ C4trver Vice President, E.ngi.neerlillg and Llcerndng NAC Internntional


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ED:20 l9009'4 P~,e3of3