Press Release-I-17-031, NRC Names New Resident Inspector at Millstone Nuclear Power Plant

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Press Release-I-17-031: NRC Names New Resident Inspector at Millstone Nuclear Power Plant
Person / Time
Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 10/02/2017
Office of Public Affairs Region I
Category:Press Release
Press Release-I-17-031
Download: ML17292A123 (1)


No: I-17-031 October 2, 2017


Diane Screnci, 610-337-5330 Neil Sheehan, 610-337-5331 NRC Names New Resident Inspector at Millstone Nuclear Power Plant Nuclear Regulatory Commission officials in King of Prussia, Pa., have selected Justin Fuller as the agencys senior resident inspector at Millstone Station in Waterford, Conn. Millstone, the home of two operating nuclear power plants, is operated by Dominion Nuclear.

Fuller joined the NRCs Region II office in Atlanta in 2002. Following the completion of the inspector qualification program, he worked as a region-based reactor inspector for both operating plants and those under construction. Most recently, he was the senior resident inspector at Vogtle Units 3 and 4 in Augusta, Ga. In 2015, he received an NRC Meritorious Service Award for his work as an inspector at the Vogtle construction project. He holds a bachelors degree in metallurgical engineering from the University of Utah and a masters degree in business administration from Augusta University.

Justin Fullers depth of experience, dedication and strong commitment to safety will help ensure the Millstone units continue to meet the high safety standards set by this agency, said NRC Region I Administrator Dan Dorman.

At least two NRC resident inspectors are assigned to each U.S. commercial nuclear plant. They serve as the agencys eyes and ears at the facility, conducting inspections, monitoring major work projects and interacting with plant workers and the public. Resident inspectors can serve at one site for up to seven years. Fuller joins resident inspectors Chris Highley and Lou McKown at Millstone.