NRC-15-0028, Revision to Response to License Renewal Environmental RAI SSSH-1

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Revision to Response to License Renewal Environmental RAI SSSH-1
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/18/2015
From: Kaminskas V
DTE Electric Company, DTE Energy
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML15050A596 (2)


Vito A. Kaminskas Site Vice President DTE Energy Company 6400 N. Dixie Highway, Newport, MT 48166 Tel: 734.586.6515 Fax: 734.586.4172 Email: DYE Enaergy 10 CFR 54 February 18, 2015 NRC-15-0028 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington D C 20555-0001


1) Fermi 2 NRC Docket No. 50-341 NRC License No. NPF-43
2) DTE Electric Company Letter to NRC, "Fermi 2 License Renewal Application," NRC-14-0028, dated April 24, 2014 (ML14121A554)
3) NRC Letter, "Requests for Additional Information for the Environmental Review of the Fermi 2 License Renewal Application" dated November 10, 2014 (ML14275A004)
4) DTE Electric Company Letter to NRC, "Response to License Renewal Environmental Request for Additional Information,"

NRC-14-0073, dated December 9, 2014 (ML14344B000)


Revision to Response to License Renewal Environmental RAI SSSH-1 In Reference 2, DTE Electric Company (DTE) submitted the License Renewal Application (LRA) for Fermi 2. In Reference 3, NRC staff requested additional information regarding the environmental review of the Fermi 2 LRA. The DTE response to the request for additional information (RAI) was provided in Reference 4.

This letter provides a revision to one of the DTE responses in Reference 4.

RAI SSSH-1 requested information regarding species that were proposed for listing under the Endangered Species Act. One of the species was a migratory bird called the red knot. Reference 4 incorrectly stated that the red knot had not been observed on the Fermi property; however, according to a survey dated March of 1974, a single red knot was observed on the Fermi property on October 6, 1973. Therefore, the discussion of the red knot in the response to RAI SSSH-1 is revised to state:

USNRC NRC-15-0028 Page 2 Red knot: Per the enclosed report, the primary migration route for the red knot is along the Atlantic coastline with a few individuals using inland routes including rare stopovers in the Great Lakes region. The closest recent observation of the red knot in the vicinity of the Fermi Site occurred at the Pointe Mouillee State Game Area, located approximately six miles north, on August 23, 2014. A single red knot was observed one time on the Fermi property, on October 6, 1973. The Site does not provide optimal feeding or overwintering habitat, however, the red knot could potentially use the shoreline for temporary landing and resting during migration periods.

The rest of the response to RAI SSSH-1 is not changed from the response provided in Reference 4.

No new commitments are being made in this submittal.

Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Lynne Goodman at 734-586-1205.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on February 18, 2015 Vito A. Kaminskas Site Vice President Nuclear Generation cc: NRC Project Manager NRC License Renewal Project Manager NRC License Renewal Environmental Project Manager NRC Resident Office Reactor Projects Chief, Branch 5, Region III Regional Administrator, Region III Michigan Public Service Commission, Regulated Energy Division (