NRC-23-0053, Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Cask Registration

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Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Cask Registration
Person / Time
Site: Fermi, 07200071, Holtec  DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/23/2023
From: Frank E
DTE Electric Company
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Document Control Desk
Download: ML23235A306 (1)


August 23, 2023 NRC-23-0053 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Fermi 2 Power Plant NRC Docket No. 50-341 NRC License No. NPF-43


Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Cask Registration DTE Electric Company 6400 N. Dixie Highway Newport, MI 48166 DTE 10 CFR 72.212 Pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 72.212(b)(2), DTE Electric Company (DTE) is hereby submitting the enclosed cask registration information for the Fermi 2 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI). Jo new commitments are being made in this submittal.

Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at (734) 586-4772.

Sincerely, Eric Frank Manager - Nuclear Licensing


ISFSI Cask Registration Information cc: NRC Project Manager NRC Resident Office Regional Administrator, Region III 1~rv[?

Enclosure to NRC-23-0053 Fermi 2 NRC Docket No. 50-341 Operating License No. NPF-43 ISFSI Cask Registration Information

Enclosure to NRC-23-0053 Page 1 Fermi 2 ISFSI Cask Registration Information 1

Licensee Name DTE Electric Company 2

Licensee Address 6400 North Dixie Highway Newport, MI 48166 3

Licensee Reactor License No.

NPF-43 4

Licensee Docket Nos.

50-341 and 72-71 Name and Title of Person Garrett Keel 5

Responsible for Providing ISFSI Program Manager Additional Information 6

Cask Certificate No.

1014 Certificate of Compliance 7

Amendment No. to which the 10 Cask Conforms 8

Multi-Purpose Canister (MPC)

MPC-68M Model No.

9 MPC Identification No.

732 724 10 Cask Model No.

HI-STORM lO0S Version B 11 Cask Identification No.

1389 1390 12 Date Cask Placed on Storage 7/27/2023 8/03/2023 Pad 729 1391 8/10/2023