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NRC-2022-000220 - Resp 1 - Final, Agency Records Subject to the Request Are Enclosed
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/18/2022
Shared Package
ML22347A169 List:
NRC-2022-000220, FOIA
Download: ML22347A171 (1)


J~TROXLER January 30, 2019 Deputy Director Office of International Programs U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Re: Annual Americium Export Report

Dear Director:

Troxler Electronic Laboratories, Inc.

3008 Cornwallis Rd.

  • PO Box 12057
  • Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Phone: +1.919.549.8661
  • Fax: +1.919.485.2250
  • The enclosed report is provided in accordance with the requirements of 1 O CFR 110. 54(b).

Troxler Electronic Laboratories manufactures and distributes nuclear gauges that contain americium-241 in the form of sealed sources. The intended use of these gauges is for the measurement of material properties (e.g. moisture content). All export shipments of gauges containing americium-241 during the previous calendar year are listed below.

This year, the report has two sections as Troxler Electronic Laboratories updated their Resource Planning software, so the reports were generated using two software platforms.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (919) 485-2228.

Sincerely, Henry E. Barnes Corporate Radiation Safety Officer Troxler Electronic Laboratories, Inc. (919) 485-2228 January 30, 2019 Note: The 13 pages enclosed are withheld in their entirety under FOIA exemption 4.

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,~_TROXLER Deputy Director Office of International Programs U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Re: Annual Americium Export Report

Dear Director:

Troxler Electronic Laboratories, Inc.

3008 Cornwallis Rd.

  • PO Box 12057
  • Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Tel; (877) 876-9537 Fax; (919) 549-8661 January 27, 2020 The enclosed report is provided in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 110.54(b).

Troxler manufactures and distributes nuclear gauges that contain americium-241 in the form of sealed sources. The intended use of these gauges is for the measurement of material properties (e.g., moisture content). All export shipments of gauges containing americium -241 during the previous calendar year are listed below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me 919-486-2228.



Henry E. Barnes Corporate Radiation Safety Officer Troxler Electronic Laboratories, Inc. (919) 485-2228 Attachments:

Note: The 16 pages enclosed are withheld in their entirety under FOIA exemption 4.

Americium 241 exports for 2019 for Troxler Electronic Laboratories, Inc.


The Leader in Construction Testing Equipment January 28, 2021 Deputy Director Office of International Programs U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Re: Annual Americium Export Report

Dear Director:

Troxler Electronic Laboratories, Inc.

3008 East Cornwallis Rd., P.O.Box 12057 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Tel : (877) 876-9537 Fax: (919) 549-0761 The enclosed report is provided in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 110.54(b}. Troxler manufactures and distributes nuclear gauges that contain americium-241 in the form of sealed sources.

The intended use of these gauges is for the measurement of material properties (e.g., moisture content). All export shipments of gauges containing americium -241 during the previous calendar year are listed below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me 919-485-2227.

Sincerely, William F. Troxler Jr.

President & CEO Corporate RSO Note: The 10 pages enclosed are withheld in their entirety under FOIA exemption 4.

The Leader in Construction Testing Equipment Janua'ry 27, 2022 Deputy Director Office of International Programs U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Re: Annual Americium Export Report

Dear Director:

Troxler Electronic Laboratories, Inc.

3008 East Cornwallis Rd., P.O.Box 12057 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Tel : (877) 876-9537 Fax: (919) 549-0761 The enclosed report is provided in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 110.54(b). Troxler manufactures and distributes nuclear gauges that contain americium-241 in the form of sealed sources.

The intended use of these gauges is for the measurement of material properties (e.g., moisture content). All export shipments of gauges containing americium -241 during the previous calendar year are listed below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me 919-485-2227.

Sincerely, William F. Troxler Jr.

President & CEO Corporate RSO Note: The 8 pages enclosed are withheld in their entirety under FOIA exemption 4.