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NRC Region I Twitter Feeds
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/31/2022
NRC Region 1
Sheehan N
Download: ML22102A023 (8)


NRC Region I Twitter posts from Jan. 1 to March 31, 2022

Jan. 11, 2022 We have a new senior resident inspector at the Salem #nuclear power plant in New Jersey.

Jan. 24, 2022

  1. NRC Region I Senior Health Physicist Katherine Warner was recently on the road and
  1. OntheJob with Navy oversight personnel, using her civilian expertise for inspections of a Navy refueling support barge being dismantled in Mobile, Alabama.

2/15/22 Weve OKd changes to the renewed operating license of UMass Lowells research #reactor.

The facility can now use digital systems to track reactor power, and the reactor can safely use fuel from another now-closed reactor. Read our safety evaluation here:

2/15/22 NRC Region I #nuclear materials inspector Robin Elliott was #OntheJob, Geiger counter in hand, at Howard University Hospital observing a nuclear medicine technologist preparing to inject a dose of #technetium99 for a diagnostic nuclear medicine procedure.

Feb. 25, 2022 John Lubinski, director of our Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards, was

  1. OntheJob at Oyster Creek NPP getting a look at ongoing #decommissioning activities, including work in the plants turbine building where a turbine rotor had been removed from its housing.


  1. NRCNews: Weve proposed a fine for a Pennsylvania company for performing work in West Virginia without #NRC approval.

3/7/22 The NRC continues to closely track the evolving situation in #Ukraine. We remain in contact with related organizations, including the U.S. federal government and our international counterparts.


  1. NRCNews: Our annual assessments of safety performance at operating #nuclear power plants, including those in the Northeast, have been issued. 3/15/22 NRC Region I #reactor inspectors Nate Mentzer and Nik Floyd are #OntheJob performing a walkdown at the Susquehanna #nuclear power plant for an #agingmanagement inspection to assess how the licensee is managing the effects of aging on key structures, systems and components.


  1. NRCNews: Weve issued findings from our special inspection regarding the February 2021 event at the National Institute of Standards and Technologys non-power #reactor.


  1. NRCNews: Were having a virtual meeting with the Connecticut Nuclear Energy Advisory Council on March 24 to discuss 2021 safety performance at the Millstone #nuclear power plant.


NRC Chairman Christopher Hanson and his staff hit the road recently visit MITs research #reactor, and the Pilgrim (decommissioning) and Seabrook #nuclear power plants, offering new perspectives on our licensees and how we meet our regulatory mission.